1.6+  Billion  Rounds

of  Deadly  Ammo,

including a lot of Sniper and Hollow-point Ammo, with
enough to put about five (5) bullets into each U.S. citizen,

plus  MANY  Guns,

for  the

DHS  and  Others...

...while  they  work  HARD  to

Disarm  Genuine  U.S.  Citizens.

What  is  going  on  HERE ?!

Now, it is rather obvious that they HAVE NOT been protecting the
border with these guns, lots of ammo and other military "hardware".

So, what does it appear "they" are planning for in the days ahead,
with this INCREDIBLE amount of guns, ammo and other equipment
which they have quietly stockpiled at various government agencies?
Well, it shouldn't take a "Rocket Scientist" to figure this one out.

As a note, "they" started Stockpiling Ammo and Weapons during
the Extremely Treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Obama/Biden Administration,
and it appears that it continued after that, to one degree or another.
Well, there's enough ammo for a 20-plus-year hot war...on U.S. soil.

And, the stockpilers haven't given REALLY GOOD answers to why
they are doing it. So, this is something which needs to be looked at.

On top of everything else, it appears to be true that ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

That said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
And yes, they brutally Assassinated (1) and Permanently Silenced Kennedy on Friday, November 22, 1963.
Well, as a Roman Catholic who was part of the militia of the pope, Kennedy knew what he was talking about.

Yes, there is one sure way to enslave the citizens of the United States,
and the page linked below gives a hint on how it is done, even today.

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8-JAU
Posted On This Site:   Friday, 13 Dec 2024
Copyright © 2013-2024 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8-JAU

The core thought behind this page came from a page from 2013, which was posted on a very
informative site. That site was then censored off the Internet in more recent times...under the
questionable and extremely treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Biden/Harris administration. Well, the
information and thought from the 2013 page, with this presentation, has evolved much further
and has been expanded greatly over what the 2013 page ever was. And, it can still grow more.



Things have changed drastically in the United States in more recent times. This country is not what it was set up to be. We do not even have that specific form of government which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, in Article 4, Section 4 (1). The government appears to have been hijacked (1)(2)(3)(4) and is now a rouge (1) government which is run by treasonous (1)(2), possibly foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4) criminals and their manipulated (1)(2) pawns. And, it seems to be "ruled" by un-Constitutional, dictator-type Executive Orders, rather than operating in the particular manner which is required by the U.S. Constitution.

In the midst of this whole mess, there is Congress...whose members appear to NOT be doing their required job in accordance with the U.S. Constitution (1). Yes, these lying (1) bastards (*) took an Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, but it appears that they were brazenly lying when they did it. It appears that virtually the whole group of these bastards (*) in Congress are utterly --- plus possibly traitorously or treasonously, and likely wilfully --- neglecting (1) their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution. They are especially at war against that one and only guarantee found in the Constitution, in Article 4, Section 4 (1)(2).

Now, about that Oath... These all-too-often criminal bastards (*) in government take an oath "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegaince to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."(1)(2) And, for the most part, they are lying (1) when they take their Oath, for THEY are the enemies...especially of that form of government guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution (1).

Since the numerous bastards (*) in government positions are blatantly violating their Oath of Office (1) to the U.S. Constitution, they are effectively and treasonously (1) aiding and abetting the diabolical agenda of the enemies of the authentic United States. Their negligence causes them to undermine and help overthrow the ONLY legitimate form of government for the whole United States, which again, is mandated and guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4 (1), of the U.S. Constitution. And, the citizens of the United States are enslaved (1), as they are being despotically "lorded over" by the utter enemies of the authentic United States.

With all of the apparent "treason" which is going on "in high places", there are people who are beginning to wonder if something big will soon be happening in the United States. They are wondering if something ugly and "rather dark" is soon coming upon this country, which is absolutely not in the best interests of the genuine citizens of the authentic United States. And, with the huge invasion over the southern border by Catholic-bred illegal aliens, we better really be asking what is going on...especially seeing the things which started to be prepared for, since the time of the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Obama/Biden administration.

*** NOTE: "Bastards", as used in this page, means that the noted people are not genuine "children" of the authentic United States. ***
Now, for there to be an AUTHENTIC United States, that guarantee found in Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution (1) has to
be fully honored and enforced throughout the whole United States. Without that, the "United States" is just a rogue "country".
And, for those who may be bothered by the word "bastard" or "bastards" being used in this presentation, it should
be noted that the word "bastard" or "bastards" is actually used in three (3) different places in the Holy Bible (1)(2)(3).


Again, in the section above, it notes that the United States does not have that specific form of government which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. And, it should be further noted that the specific form of government mandated by the Constitution is legally supposed to exist throughout EVERY State (1) of this Union. There is supposed to exist NO OTHER form of government within any of the States of this Union. Therefore, since the United States does not have the government it is legally supposed to have, we had better start looking --- rather closely --- at the situation which has been created.

Now, for some important history. When the United States began to "be born" in 1776, with the Declaration of Independence, the papacy had its demonic, tortuous and murderous Inquisition going on down south in Mexico (1)(2)(3). When the thirteen original States of America, in a united effort, declared their independence, it appears that the papacy was hoping to gain control of the newly forming country. But, when the Articles of Confederation (which document is called this country's first constitution) went out to the thirteen States for ratification, it appears that the papacy was not happy with it. So, why was the papacy upset?

Well, the Articles of Confederation gave religious freedom and liberty of conscience to all citizens of the forming United States. Citizens could be Catholics, or Protestants of any variety, or simply Bible-believing and following people, or they could be adherents to any religion which honored the Creator...which Creator in noted in the Declaration of Independence (1). Now, the papacy utterly despises (1) liberty of conscience. The pope in Rome, plus those in his hierarchy, want all people (1) of the earth to be under the papacy's historically despotic "thumb"...and dominated by those abusing, child-raping (1)(2)(3) priests and nuns.

Now, let us look into a book titled The Universal Church of Man (1), by Karen Frazier Romero...who is a former Roman Catholic. She writes: "What most people do not realize is that the Vatican absolutely detests the United States of America! In 1778, after American [sic] gained her independence, the Vatican issued the Vatican Edict which condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means necessary. They condemned the Declaration of Independence as 'wickedness' and called the Constitution of the United States a 'satanic document!"

Looking further into the situation, Karen Frazier Romero --- that former Roman Catholic --- declared why the Vatican and papal crowd hates the authentic, Constitutional Republic of the United States, plus has condemned it and wants it destroyed. It is "[b]ecause the Constitution of the United States affords every human being with freedom and liberty of conscience that is declared by all the popes and councils of Rome as, 'a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost.'" So, how are Catholics supposed to go about destroying THE AUTHENTIC United States?

Well, the Catholics and their controlled "pawns" are to work to change the United States from what it is supposed to be. Now, looking back to what was already going on in the mid 1800s, U.S. president Abraham Lincoln spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."(1) Well, that sure looks like what has been happening in more recent times!


Now, let us look again at why it appears things are going the way they are in this country, since the papacy hates the authentic United States. It should be noted that the pope (and those in his hierarchy and militia) "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic."(1)(2)(3) And, there is more to this story.

According to a former Catholic priest (1) and notable church historian, the pope and those in his hierarchy have instructed his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America." So, people in our government take an Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, but their allegiance is to the pope's constitution and his laws.

It appears that papal-people in our government may actually be very treacherous foreign agents. They may possibly be operating as treasonous traitors to the authentic United States and its genuine citizens, as the allegiance of these foreign-controlled agents and papal-people is to the bishops of their church and to the papacy and the Vatican State...and for those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, their allegiance is ultimately to the Jesuit General in Rome, Italy. And, these foreign agents are in many key and controlling positions of the government, intelligence community and military (etc.) of the United States.


Note that we are dealing with the papal crowd, which in earlier times did those many, mass-murdering Crusades. We are dealing with that treacherous Jesuit/Catholic-controlled crowd which was behind the raising up of Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis in hijacked and Nazified Germany. And, the nasty Jesuit/Catholic-controlled crowd pulled off the mass-murdering Holocaust...or that industrial-scale human sacrifice operation. We are also dealing with members of that crowd which pulled of the mass-murdering Holocaust in Catholic-controlled Croatia, which is spoken about in the pages linked below.

At this point, let us consider some words spoken by former U.S. president Abraham Lincoln. He spoke the words quoted below in the mid 1800s, during the time of the Vatican/Jesuit-instigated, very bloody and devastating, first American Civil War. Now, consider that in our day, it appears that those aligned with the Jesuit/Catholic/militia-of-the-pope crowd are arming up with a whole lot of guns, along with 1.6-plus billion rounds of ammunition and other military-type equipment...while those linked to this crowd have been working to disarm the genuine citizens of the authentic United States.

Now, former president Abraham Lincoln spoke about the papists --- most likely those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope --- who have "sworn to cut our throats the very day they have their opportunity..."(1) He also declared: "I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity!"(1)


Yes, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit crowd is preparing for some nasty, possibly very murderous stuff in the United States. And, the Jesuit/Catholic-aligned crowd and other treasonous bastards (1) in government keep the southern border open to aid the papacy's invading army of Catholic-bred illegal aliens and other criminals. And, to help aid the papacy's invasion of the United States, the extremely treasonous (1)(2)(3), foreign-controlled (1)(2) Joe Biden (Adolf Hitler II ? (1)) is auctioning off sections of the border wall, as noted in the pages linked below. He is doing this, in order to make it harder to secure the United States.

It appears that treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Joe Biden, along with his just as treasonous allies (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18) and their controlled "pawns"(1)(2)(3), have been preparing the way so those Catholic-bred, well-armed forces of the southern drug cartels --- who have become "seasoned" fighters as they battle with the Mexican police and military --- can swarm across the southern border and invade the United States. These Catholic-bred fighters will swarm across the border, to help armed (1) "U.S. agencies" conquer the United States for the Vatican/Jesuit crowd.

At this point, there is something else to note. The Jesuit/Catholic-linked Joe Biden earlier pulled off that which appears to have been an intentional "withdrawal fiasco" (1) in Afghanistan. In this huge "fiasco", an incredible amount of U.S. military arms and ammunition, plus other military equipment, was left behind in Afghanistan. A lot of this war material was then sold by the Taliban and their allies virtually worldwide, which likely also helped to arm the southern drug cartels, which may sweep across the southern U.S. border. And then, there was the Obama/Biden "Fast and Furious"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)... Need we say more?


Now, there is something to clearly state, for our education. If the Founding Fathers of this great nation were able to come alive today and take full control of the United States, there is reason to suspect that they would hang Joe Biden and his whole family for extreme treason against the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. There is reason to suspect that the Founding Fathers would also hang all of Biden's treasonous (1)(2)(3) cronies and allies, plus their controlled "pawns", for high treason. Plus, they possibly would hang any Secret Service agent or lawyer who would try to protect this treasonous crowd.

There are those who believe that Biden should hang for treason for being a Jesuit/Catholic-controlled foreign agent and dictator who is treacherously keeping the southern border wide open, plus he is auctioning off sections of the border wall in an effort to facilitate the papacy's invasion of the United States using Catholic-bred illegal aliens and other criminals. It appears to be the intent of the Vatican/Jesuit crowd to use the Catholic-bred illegal invaders as their "tools" to help the papacy bring about the destruction of the authentic United States and the total enslavement --- plus mass-murder --- of its genuine citizens.

As a further note, it appears that the treasonous, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled crowd is facilitating the invasion of the United States by those hordes of Catholic-bred illegal aliens so they can increase the Catholic "power-base" in the United States, which will allow the Jesuit/Catholics to take full control, with the help of the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. Now, for those who need to be educated on what the Catholics have historically done, once they get enough power and the opportunity, just check out the pages linked below. The writer hopes things go well for genuine U.S. citizens, in the days ahead.

And again, note that the United States now appears to have an illegal and rogue government, which --- as a Jesuit/Illuminati-based (1) democracy --- is not that government which is mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution. Truly, U.S. citizens should be looking closely at things, because it appears that history is about to repeat itself in a very nasty and deadly way, as the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) bastards (*) in government agencies are arming themselves with lots and lots of guns, plus billions of rounds of ammunition...while they work to illegally disarm genuine U.S. citizens.



Now, the pages linked by the buttons below contain information which should be very important today, which was made very clear in 1803 by a declaration of the U.S. Supreme Court. And, at this point, there is something else which also needs to be made clear. There are many today who want to mislead the citizens of the United States by stating that the outcome of the 1803 U.S. Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison simply "established the principle of judicial review," as can even be seen in some of the pages linked below. But, there is much more which was actually established by the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison.

The first page linked below notes that the Supreme Court can declare "unconstitutional a law passed by Congress and signed by the President." So, just because Congress and the President puts in place a particular law, does not mean that the law is a legal law. It is not a legal law if it is repugnant --- or is against or contrary to --- the Constitution of the United States. If a law is contrary to the thought and intent of the U.S. Constitution, that law is void. And, there is still more to this story...in order to get the true story. A law does not need to go through the courts to be viewed as an illegal and un-Constitutional law...or a non-law.

Looking further into the first page linked below, it notes the following from U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Marshall, in the 1803 case: "The Constitution of the United States confirms and strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all written constitutions, that a law repugnant to the constitution is void, and that courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument." Yes, indeed! The courts and other government departments are all legally bound by the U.S. Constitution and what it states, rather than being bound by that which some illegal or un-Constitutional, actually non-laws may declare.

Within the second page linked below, it contains the following quote from the 1803 Supreme Court case of Marbury vs. Madison: "All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Null and void, when? After a court has declared it as such? Or, is there further truth to be considered here? Well, there is one thing in the third linked page to note. Based on what Justice Marshall declared, it states: "[A]ny law which is contrary to the Constitution is by its very nature without authority. Such a law is void, lacking both legal form and legal substance. With or without a ruling by a court, such is the nature of law."

The third page also notes that if a legislature should pass laws or statutes "which are at odds with the governing constitution, such statutes are from their moment of creation simply words without form, without meaning, and without force of law. No ruling of the Supreme Court, or any court, is needed to void such statutes; conflict with the governing constitution alone is sufficient." So, yes, there is that thing of judicial review. But, if a law or statute is repugnant to --- or contrary to --- the governing constitution, no court ruling is needed in order for the general public to consider the law or statute as being void or invalid.

Now, the third linked page makes known something else which is extremely important. The Constitution of the United States, in Article 6, Clause 2, clearly states that it is the supreme Law of the Land, and all Judges and their courts are bound by it (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). The page then states: "There is no statute nor charter within the United States which is superior to the Constitution. As the Preamble states most eloquently, it is by the Constitution--and by the Constitution alone--that the United States is given legal form, substance, and reality. Any legislative act not in accordance with the Constitution lacks both substance and reality."


Now, what are citizens supposed to do if those in Congress, or the Judges in their Courts, do not truly follow the U.S. Constitution in their rulings or laws? Well, former U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, from the mid 1800s, had something very important to say about this. He declared: "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."(1)(2)(3)(4) And now, since women are in both Congress and the Courts, the same would apply to them. But again, clearly note: The U.S. Constitution is not to ever be overthrown. Why?

Well, looking again to the mid 1800s, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln --- whom it appears that those associated with the Jesuits and the papal crowd assassinated --- answered the above question very well. He declared: "Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Yes, the Constitution of the United States must be maintained as the Founding Fathers established it, for it is the only legal document which is meant to safeguard our liberties...especially our individual liberties and those God-given, unalienable rights.

And again, what are citizens to do if those in Congress or the Courts do not follow the parameters set forth by the Constitution? What happens when citizens cannot get the treasonous criminals out of government positions, possibly because they may be protected through election tampering or manipulation? Well, could the following words from former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story apply? He declared: "The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic, since it offers a strong moral check against usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)

And then, there are important words from U.S. President John F. Kennedy, whom "they" (1) (apparently those with links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope...which militia and its activities are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome) brutally assassinated on Friday, November 22, of 1963. Now, Kennedy proclaimed: "Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom."(1)(2)(3)(4)

Now, back to the Constitution and laws. The page linked below notes that thousands of laws are passed each year, "and the question of constitutionality has not been considered in any respect," when it comes to these laws and their legality. The all-too-often stupid general public simply bows to these laws and goes along with them. Well, the page boldly states that, "No one is bound to obey any Unconstitutional Law!" Now, this makes sense when considering that treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4), criminal "government officials" brazenly pass laws that they know are un-Constitutional (1)(2).

The page states: "The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed." And, this is true regarding gun laws they pass, which violate the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution...as the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) criminals and bastards (*) work to disarm (1) and enslave (1)(2)(3)(4) U.S. citizens.

The page linked below contains the following declaration which comes from 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256 (1)(2): "The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it... No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law, and no courts are bound to enforce it." Courts are NOT bound to enforce unconstitutional laws, because they are bound (1) to rule in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.

The linked page also contains the following from Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616 1886: "It is the duty of courts to be watchful for the constitutional rights of the citizen, and against any stealthy encroachments thereon." And, this is something which is especially necessary today, since we have so many of those treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4), foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4) bastards (*) and traitors who have finagled their way into government positions, so they can work to undermine and overthrow that form of government which is clearly mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution (1) in Article 4, Section 4.

The page linked below also refers to that U.S. Supreme Court case in 1803, in which Chief Justice John Marshall presented the final ruling. When it comes to all of those un-Constitutional and illegal "laws" which the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) criminals and foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4) bastards (*) in government work to force on citizens, the page states: "This definitive legal ruling [by Chief Justice Marshall] empowers Americans acting upon or enforcing such non-laws to reject them in full confidence of their Oaths to support and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic."


Now, the page linked below provides a lot of excerpts from quite a number of court cases which relate to Constitutional law. On PDF page 1 of 9, the page has this quote from one court case: "Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." Yet, the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) bastards (*) who have finagled their way into government positions seem to constantly work to override those individual rights which are secured by the U.S. Constitution. This seems to really be the case when it comes to the Second Amendment and gun rights of citizens.

On PDF page 1 of 9, in the linked page, there is this quote from a Constitutional case: "There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of his exercise of constitutional rights." Along this line, it would be un-Constitutional for treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) bastards (*) in government to require gun owners to get insurance, just because they exercise their Second Amendment right. And, on PDF page 2 of 9, it notes that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution declares: "NO State (Jurisdiction) shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the rights, privileges, or immunities of citizens of the United States..."

When it comes to things which are repugnant to the U.S. Constitution being void or totally illegal, there is something very important which needs to be considered. In Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution, it clearly mandates: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..." This is clearly shown within the pages linked below. Legally, according to the U.S. Constitution, which the bastards (*) in government take an Oath of allegiance to, a Republican Form of Government is to exist throughout every State of this Union.

Now, a massive conspiracy and often covert war against the legal Republican Form of Government which is to exist throughout every State of the whole, authentic United States has been going on since virtually the beginning of the United States. This often covert war is being perpetrated mainly by those associated with, or manipulated by, the Catholic and Jesuit crowd. And, it was this crowd which instigated (1)(2)(3) the first American Civil War, plus drew "the first blood" (1) of that devastating war. Then later, those associated with that crowd pulled off a massacre of Black people (1)(2) and a coup d'etat within the United States in 1898.


And now, it appears that those associated with the Jesuit/Catholic crowd have been wrongly using the tax dollars of multiple millions of U.S. citizens to stockpile billions of rounds of ammunition --- with lots of it being sniper and hollow-point ammo --- as they prepare for their next big "caper" within the United States. This stockpiling of billions or rounds of ammo, plus lots of guns and other military equipment, is spoken about within this presentation. And, for quite some time, they have been steadily brainwashing and dumbing-down (1) those in the schools of this country, for a particular reason.

In the early 1930s, the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) democratic president named Franklin D. Roosevelt --- under the cover of the Great Depression which followed the apparently intentionally caused (1)(2)(3)(4) Stock Market Crash of 1929 --- the schools of the United States were basically forced to teach that the United States is a democracy. From that point onward, they continued to brainwash "the kids" in "the schools of treason and disinformation" so that "the kids" would believe that the United States is supposed to be a democracy...so they can be enslaved. And now, check out the pages linked below and be educated by the truth.

Now, once again, all those treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) criminals and foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4) agents, plus other traitors and bastards (*) in government, take an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. In their Oath, these people --- or these domestic enemies --- swear (or affirm) their full allegiance to the Constitution. Well, that Constitution mandates: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..." Now, clearly note that a democracy is repugnant to the Constitution, therefore a democracy is illegal and treasonous.

A democracy is illegal and treasonous because it is a "tool" --- it is a different form of government from that mandated by the U.S. Constitution --- which foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4) criminals and extremely traitorous bastards (*) in government positions have been using for more than 200 years to undermine and overthrow the Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution. And, they have criminally and treasonously converted the government over to a democracy so they can use that illegal form of government as a "tool" to enslave (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) the citizens of the United States.


The video linked by the buttons below came from a political commentary program which was broadcast in the mid 1960s by a man named Dan Smoot. As just some mere introductory background information on who Dan Smoot was...prior to broadcasting, he had been an FBI agent from 1941 to 1951. This appears to have given him skills which helped him to "dig deep" when searching for the truth. Then, Smoot decided to leave the FBI and go out on his own. That is when he became a political commentator. And, in 1956, he began publishing The Dan Smoot Report, for which it appears he also had a radio program.

In the video linked below, regarding a democracy, Smoot states: "The ideal of a democracy is universal equality." And, when it comes to a constitutional Republic, he states: "The ideal of a constitutional Republic is individual liberty." Smoot then goes on to state: "A democracy always degenerates into dictatorship, which promises government guaranteed equality and security, but it delivers nothing but poverty and serfdom for the people it robs and rules." Well, since the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Democrats have hijacked this country, a mess has been created. And, there is also a drug, crime and homeless problem.

Smoot goes on to state: "America was founded as a constitutional Republic, to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of democracy or of one-man dictatorship." He notes that, in the 1900s, "great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our Republic into a democracy." Truly, in the 1900s, the enemies of the authentic United States, especially under the treasonous (1)(2)(3) Franklin D. Roosevelt, made incredible headway in their war to undermine and overthrow the legitimate government of the United States, which is that type of government declared in Article 4, Section 4 (1), of the U.S. Constitution.

Smoot shows a number of dangers associated with democracy...or should we say, enslaving democracy, in which there is no security for individual liberty. He mentions the pledge of allegiance to the American flag, which in the earlier 1900s was common in the schools of the United States. Yes, people pledged allegiance to the Republic, for which the flag stood. Well, the criminals and domestic enemies of the Constitution sure had to get the pledge of allegiance to the Republic out of the schools, so they could more readily brainwash and program the young into believing that the United States is supposed to be an enslaving democracy.

Regarding the U.S. Constitution, Smoot declares that "the Constitution is a binding contract, enumerating limited powers which the Federal government can legally exercise, prohibiting it from exercising any powers not granted in the contract." Regarding the Constitution, he declares: "It denies Federal officials the power to do whatever they claim to be necessary for the general welfare. Federal action not clearly authorized by the Constitution is illegal, even if approved by an overwhelming majority of the people." And now, the treasonous (1)(2)(3) criminals are illegally working to disarm and enslave (1) U.S. citizens.

For those who would like a hard copy with a lot of the information presented in the video linked above, the Smoot page linked below provides a text version, with some changes or additions. This information, by Dan Smoot, shows un-Constitutional, plus truly treasonous and conspiratorial things where were going strong in the United States in the mid 1960s. But the truth is, the nefarious things by the enemies of the authentic United States were going strong in this country already in the earlier 1800s (1)(2)(3), and, it appears that those associated with the papal crowd got ugly things started in the latter 1700s, plus even earlier (1).

So, what is happening to the United States? What are non-military government agencies doing, while they are doing practically nothing useful when it comes to securing the borders against the papacy's invasion using all of those Catholic-bred illegal aliens which flood into the United States? And, why does the United States not have that particular government which is mandated and guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution...to which Constitution even the treasonous (1)(2)(3) criminals in government take an Oath of Office to support and defend? Yes, something "very dark" is coming upon this country!

Now, in an ancient Book of Wisdom it states: "When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?"(1) Well, we better start discerning the signs which help to define the time we now live in, plus what appears to soon be coming. Let us not be stupid, dumbed-down (1) idiots which live our lives in La La Land, or totally in the entertainment industry. And now, let us begin to consider some of the very major and serious "signs".



The links below access 2012/2013 articles and a video which were published during the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Obama/Biden administration. The info speaks about a very large order for ammunition, placed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). And, to make things more questionable or suspicious, the linked info indicates that a certain amount of this order was for expensive, deadly and destructive hollow-point ammo. Now, the article states that hollow-point ammunition is "forbidden by international law for use in war." So, about this time, a GIANT RED FLAG should be going up! What is this ammo actually for?

Yes, WHAT ARE THEY PLANNING ON USING ALL OF THIS DEADLY AMMUNITION FOR...ESPECIALLY THAT HOLLOW-POINT AMMUNITION? Are they going to use it to stop the invasion of the United States over the southern border by those swarms of Catholic-bred illegal aliens. ABSOLUTELY NOT! It should be rather clear by now that those bastards (*) who have brazenly hijacked (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) control of the U.S. government want swarms and swarms of Catholic-bred illegal aliens here. They want the papacy's Catholic-bred invaders here to help them finish the job of taking over (1) and enslaving (1) genuine U.S. citizens.

Looking further into the very large ammunition order which was placed by the DHS, the article linked by the buttons above also mentions "a frightening amount [of ammo which is] specialized for snipers." So, where do they plan on using all of this nasty, deadly ammunition? Well, it appears that it is meant for use within the United States. So, we better be asking another important question. Who are they planning on using all of this ammunition on? Then, note the following. The page states that the amount of ammo ordered "would be enough to sustain [an Iraqi-style] hot war for 20+ years," right here on U.S. soil.

Some of the pages linked above (published during the treasonous (1)(2)(3) Obama/Biden administration) also note that the "DHS now is showing off its acquisition of heavily armored personnel carriers, repatriated from the Iraqi and Afghani theaters of operation." Now, with the southern border left virtually wide open by the Obama and Biden administrations, it is rather clear that this military hardware is not for use in securing the border. So, who are they planning on using it on? And, considering all the information presented in this website, we really should be asking who is really behind this strange stuff that has been happening.

This stockpiling of ammunition and weaponry, without a really good explanation, reminds the writer of the historic Oaths of those who are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. The agents of the pope's militia allegedly swear "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope."(1) And, with those priests and nuns sexually abusing and raping kids (1)(2)(3), and then, with many U.S. citizens getting displeased with this nasty activity, who knows what the Catholics are planning.

Well, there are a lot of questions which people should be asking, especially when it comes to all of that ammo, plus all of those guns, which were purchased. Now, the page from 2020, linked below, questions where all of the guns and ammo ordered under the Obama/Biden administration have gone. And, the page notes some possibilities where at least some of the guns and ammo may have disappeared to. Then, there is the video from 2022, linked below, which states that a whole lot of this ammo ordered by the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] is missing. So, where has it gone?

Now, is there a chance that some of the DHS's huge ammunition order has made its way into the private stockpiles of those who may actually have links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope? And, regarding the historically treacherous militia of the pope and its activities, they are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. Now, those in the pope's militia also swear: "I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics...as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth."(1)(2)

Then, these words from U.S. president Abraham Lincoln: "Till lately, I was in favour of the unlimited liberty of conscience as our constitution gives it to the Roman Catholics. But now, it seems to me that, sooner or later, the people will be forced to put a restriction to that clause towards the Papists. Is it not an act of folly to give absolute liberty of conscience to a set of men who are publicly sworn to cut our throats the very day they have their opportunity for doing it? It is right to give the privilege of citizenship to men who are the sworn and public enemies of our constitution, our laws, our liberties, and our lives?"(1) And, Lincoln said:

"Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse, and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity!" Now, we have those guns and billions of rounds of ammo to consider.

Since the huge ammunition order by the DHS is going to their stockpile and the stockpiles of their allies, there is something important to note. In that initial founding document of the United States, namely the Declaration of Independence (1)(2), the Founding Fathers of this great nation spoke against rulers keeping among the citizenry Standing Armies and large bodies of armed troops, plus they spoke against this domestic military crowd being superior to the civil power. But, what do we have today? Yes, large bodies of extremely armed troops that are a force which is far superior to the armed citizenry.

Well, do we have Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazi Germany all over again, just in a different form? Do we have ugly despotism in the making, where U.S. citizens will soon be despotically ruled over by brute force? And in the meantime, as treasonous traitors who are in complete violation of their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, the "bastards"(*) have been working hard --- by hook or by crook --- to disarm the genuine citizens of the authentic United States. And, when it comes to the school shootings and mass shootings which they use to "justify" disarming citizens, consider the information linked below.


Again, the ordering of 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition by the so-called Department of Homeland Security (DHS) --- which has not been used to secure the southern border and stop the invasion --- began in earnest in 2013...during the extremely treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Obama/Biden administration. Then, the DHS showed off "its acquisition of heavily armored personnel carriers," for use on the streets of the United States (1)(2) ...potentially against U.S. citizens who will not bow to a Jesuit/Catholic-controlled tyranny which may be coming in the days ahead. Well, does the preceding statement seem rather farfetched and off-the-wall?

At this point, we should consider what happened to Protestant Germany in the earlier 1900s. The Catholic named Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis were raised up by the Jesuits and Catholics, plus by members of the militia of the pope, to hijack (1) Germany and turn it into the "Crusading" sword of the Catholic Church. Then, Hitler and the Nazis used pre-existing gun registration records "to disarm political enemies and thus end any chance to resist [Hitler's] complete takeover."(1) In the midst of all of this, the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis JUST SHOT (1) anyone they suspected of hiding any firearms.

Well, when it comes to that which it appears is being preparing for in the United States, the DHS having a whole pile of hollow-point bullets could be effectively used in "dispatching" any resisters to a takeover by the treasonous (1)(2)(3), Jesuit/Catholic/Illuminati-based (1) Democrats and their just as treasonous allies, as they work to set up their desired, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled tyranny and ultimately, the one-world, New World Order dictatorship. Now, when it comes to the treasonous Democrats and their desire to disarm U.S. citizens so they can enforce their despotic control, just check out the pages linked below.

Now, the page linked above speaks about that treasonous (1)(2)(3) Democrat, Beto O'Rourke, who would like to un-Constitutionally confiscate guns from U.S. citizens. Then, the page linked below speaks about another treasonous (1)(2)(3) Democrat, Eric Swalwell, who also wants to disarm U.S. citizens. Well, it should be noted that O'Rourke is a Catholic (1)...which means that he may be a traitorous, foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4) "tool" of the Jesuits and papacy. And, when it comes to Eric Swalwell, well, he is one of those treasonous (1)(2)(3), Jesuit/Illuminati-based (1) Democrats...who has threatened (1)(2)(3)(4) U.S. citizens.

Yes, the treasonous (1)(2)(3) Democrat named Eric Swalwell, who has threatened gun owners with nuclear weapons, appears to be of the same diabolical mindset and mentality as those Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis of the World War Two era, who went around just shooting and killing those who would not willingly surrender their guns. So, what should we call Eric? Should we call him, "Nazi Swalwell"? And now, check out the pages linked below to see what the treacherous, lying (1)(2) bastards (*) and very treasonous (1)(2), possibly foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4) Democrat gun-grabbers have been up to.

Now, when it comes to the events which those treasonous Democrats and their just as treasonous allies are using to "justify" their gun-grab from U.S. citizens, consider what is said in the partial pages linked below. Yes, there is reason to suspect that those with links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope have been pulling off quite the criminal and treasonous acts within the United States, so their treasonous buddies in government positions can make un-Constitutional and therefore illegal laws, by which they plan to disarm U.S. citizens. And, their goal is to take over and fully enslave (1) the citizens of the United States.



The third button below accesses an article, from 2015, which also speaks about the large ammunition orders by various government agencies. And again, it should be noted that a large amount of these orders are for hollow-point ammunition. The page begins with these words: "The Department of Justice is seeking to purchase 95,000 rounds of 9mm hollow-point bullets..." When it comes to this, plus all the other ammo buying by the government, the page states: "Eyebrows go even higher when the federal government seeks to purchase hollow points." So, why should people be concerned about hollow-point ammunition?

Now, for those new to the subject, hollow-point ammunition is designed to create a much larger (1) wound channel (1)(2)(3) in the victim, as noted in the pages linked below. This creates a lot of tissue damage and blood loss, plus shock in the victim. This type of ammunition is used to mutilate and "take out" the targeted individual really fast. Hollow-point ammunition works to create wounds which are also much harder to repair, plus generally take much longer to repair...in which time the victim may die. And, this devastating hollow-point ammunition is commonly used to help guarantee kills, rather than just mere wounds.

Looking further at hollow-point ammo, the page linked below declares: "Yes, hollow points can go through a person. Although these types of bullets are designed to expand on impact and cause maximum damage to a target, they can still pass through a person if fired from a close enough distance. Generally, hollow points are most effective when fired at close range as they are more likely to expand inside the target and cause devastating trauma." And, the page also states that a hollow-point can "cause more internal damage, as the energy is spread out and affects a larger area."

The page continues with these words: "For example, a hollow point bullet may cause more severe tissue disruption, organ damage, and blood loss. Additionally, the hollow point may cause more serious tissue damage, including a larger exit wound, than the non-expanding bullet. Therefore, the use of a hollow point bullet is more likely to cause serious injury or death to its target." What was just quoted it true enough. But, it should be noted that certain other things said in the linked page may be questionable. Nevertheless, the bottom line is this: You just don't want to get hit with a nasty hollow-point bullet.

Now, the page linked below states: "Compared to regular bullets, or full metal jacket ammunition, expanding bullets are intended to cause maximum tissue damage." Regarding expanding bullets, it states: "It opens up once it is inside the body and cuts the tissue. It causes severe damage... It's quite dangerous." Yes, it's dangerous...especially to the person on the receiving end. Now, regarding the woman spoken about in the page, it indicates she likely would not have survived the shots to the elbow and hip, "because of blood loss and infection. " And, this is the bullet type which the DHS and other agencies are buying up.


Again, the 1.6-billion round ammo purchase by the DHS, noted further above, was from 2012/2013. Now, the pages linked below are from 2015. They speak about the DHS looking to purchase another 62 million rounds of AR-15 ammo...apparently on top of that massive ammo purchase they had already done. The pages indicate that, in 2015, the DHS was "looking to contract with a company to provide 12.6 million rounds of .223 Remington ammunition per year for a period of five years -- totaling 62.5 million bullets." So, what was the DHS's questionable excuse for making yet this further purchase of a whole lot of deadly ammo?

About this search for a supplier for this big ammo order, in the linked pages it states: "The solicitation explains that the purchase is intended, 'to achieve price savings over the current .223 Rem duty ammunition.' The bullets will be used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection [CBP] agents nationwide for 'training' purposes." And, why would CBP need all this ammo for "training" purposes, especially since the southern border has been left virtually wide open so the pope's invading army of Catholic-bred illegal aliens can swarm in...in order to help turn America Roman Catholic, as indicated in the pages linked below?

On top of all the ammo orders by the so-called Department of Homeland Security (DHS) --- which DHS has failed to do its job of securing the border --- which ammo orders have been noted so far in this presentation, then there is the Department of Justice (DOJ) with its large order of 9mm hollow-point bullets, as shown in the page linked below. In 2015, the DOJ was looking to acquire 95,000 rounds of these hollow-point bullets. The page notes that these hollow-point bullets are "designed for maximizing tissue damage and blood loss or shock." Well, the Feds stockpiling of more and more ammo does not stop here.

Regarding the DOJ ammo order, the page from 2015 states: "In addition to the specified 95,000 rounds of '9 mm Lugar Jacketed Hollow Point 115 Grain' bullets, it also seeks 46,000 rounds of .223 caliber 55 grain full metal jacket bullets and 4,750 rounds of 12 gauge shotgun shells." Then, the page speaks further about those hollow-point bullets, by stating: "The hollow tip allows the bullet to expand on impact, causing the most collateral damage possible. The kinetic energy is applied directly to the target, as the bullets often stay inside the target and maximize 'stopping power.'"

Now, there is more to note in the page linked above. It exposes other things which the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) bastards (*) and lying (1) domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution which are in government positions are doing. These bastards (*) who have finagled their way into government positions are --- in criminal violation of their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution --- trying to "choke" gun and ammo availability to genuine citizens of the authentic United States. These bastards (*) in government positions are actually treasonously working to aid and abet the covert war against the authentic United States by its enemies.


Linked below is a 316-page PDF file of a book from 1908. In the PDF file, scroll down to PDF page 136 of 316. There, on the right side is actual book page 133. On that page begins Chapter XV (Chapter 15) which is titled Papal Conquest of the United States. Book page 133 states that "the pope [Pius IX, from 1846 to 1878 (1)] and his hierarchy conceived the scheme of conquest by colonizing the United States with Romanists." Then, they flooded the United States with European Catholics, until the U.S. Immigration Act of 1924 slowed down (1)(2) the Catholic invasion and takeover. Now, they are doing it using illegal immigration.

Looking again at Chapter 15 in the book, it shows that the Catholics wanted to flood their people into the cities of the United States. And in our day, we have those sanctuary cities for Catholic-bred illegal aliens. The book notes that after the Catholics have conquered and taken control of the cities, from there they will take control of the country. Moving onto book page 134, it states: "In his eagerness to hasten the conquest of the United States, Pius IX became the most aggressive and despotic of popes." And, he approved of the American Civil War, using that war as a tool to gain papal control over the Southern States (1)(2)(3)(4).

Now, when it comes to the papacy's desire to once again --- yes, in our day --- work to completely take over the United States and put it under despotic Jesuit/Catholic domination, let us once again consider that which is in the Oaths of those who are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope...which militia is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome. These members of the pope's militia allegedly swear, "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope"(1)(2)(3)(4)

Considering what is quoted above, about those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, once again, is there a chance that some of the DHS's huge ammo orders are making their way into the private stockpiles of those who have links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope...which militia and its activities are controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome? Now, the 2015 DHS planned ammo purchase, which is spoken about in the pages once again linked below, was for use in AR-15 type semi-automatic rifles. The amount of ammo ordered could supply quite a Jesuit/Catholic war against the citizens of the United States.

The pages linked below note the total amount of ammo ordered [as of 2015] and declare: "That's enough ammo to kill around 30% of the world's population." So yes, it appears that "they" are planning for quite a war. Then, based on the average amount of ammo the military used per month during the earlier, Iraqi hot war, the pages indicate that the amount of ammo ordered by the feds in the past two years [as of 2015] is enough "to fight a 32-year war." And, this massive war would be directly on U.S. soil. This war would possibly be against non-Catholic, genuine citizens of the authentic United States.

Now, there is more to consider. These 62.5 million bullets which the DHS was ordering would be shot, by government or Catholic-linked agents, out of AR-15 type rifles. Well, AR-15 type rifles are those guns which various government officials and members of the media are calling extremely dangerous "assault" rifles...which they are working to get out of the hands of regular U.S. citizens. Now, looking at the evidence, it appears that those linked to the Jesuit/Catholics are taking over more and more of the government and its agencies...so, what are they planning here? The new Crusades...and Roman Catholic takeover?

Looking into that ancient Book of Wisdom, the Holy Bible, it speaks about a coming time of trouble. It states: "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."(1) Except this tribulation be shortened, the human race would exterminate itself. Now, will this tribulation be the new, mass-murdering Crusades perpetrated on humanity by the Jesuit/Catholic crowd using modern weapons and technology, as they work to take full control?

When it comes to a desire by those linked to the Jesuit/Catholic crowd to exterminate a large portion of humanity --- which would make it much easier for them to gain control of the whole world --- consider those things which are spoken about in the pages linked below. Yes, it's time to look at another piece of the puzzle, so we can see the picture more clearly. It appears that those with links to the Jesuit/Catholic crowd would like to exterminate about 90 percent of the people on this earth. Well, all the guns and ammunition being stockpiled by potentially Catholic-controlled agencies would help accomplish this.


As seen in the pages linked below, even the Jesuit pope-guy is in on the gun-grabber scheme and agitating for gun confiscation. Yes, this head of all those many hell-bound, sexually abusive and child-raping (1)(2)(3) priests and nuns wants to disarm U.S. citizens. The Jesuit pope-guy possibly wants U.S. citizens disarmed so they will be much more vulnerable and pliable to the advances of the pope's army of those sexually abusive or habitually, wildly butt-jamming papal agents. Note how the Jesuit pope-guy wants everyone disarmed, except for those in the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) United Nations' armed forces.

Well, there is even more to consider in this whole scenario. Those historically (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) treacherous and too often diabolical Jesuits are trying to get the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution repealed, as seen in the pages linked below. The Jesuits are pushing for the repeal of the Second Amendment because of high levels of violent crime in the United States. Well, what the Jesuits are saying may sound "all warm and fuzzy" to those who do not understand why things --- like gun violence --- may be happening the way it is in the United States.

When it comes to high-profiles shootings or assassinations in the United States, plus those mass-shootings and even those school-shootings, there are things to seriously consider. Now, when it comes to those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, they are embedded in key and controlling positions in government and its agencies...which includes the CIA and FBI. And, those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope appear to be domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States...especially enemies of that specific form of government which is mandated and guaranteed in Article 4, Section 4.

Now, when it comes to the Jesuits and those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, there is something to note. Napoleon Bonaparte, in the earlier 1800s, stated the following about the Jesuits: "he Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."(1)

And, when it comes to the Jesuits (which would include those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope), Napoleon also declared: "The General of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may... Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general."(1) Those atrocious crimes which would be considered "meritorious works" to the Jesuits may include things like grooming assassins, mass-shooters, and other criminals.

Now, those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope appear to be embedded in many key and controlling position of the FBI and the CIA, so, knowing what is quoted in the paragraph above, it then makes complete sense why those in the FBI and CIA would groom assassins and mass-shooters. If the shootings and assassinations can be used as a diabolical "tool" to get laws changed and the citizens of the United States disarmed, so they can be more easily enslaved under Jesuit/Catholic domination, so be it...at least apparently in the eyes of the Jesuits and the militia-of-the-pope crowd.

To be continued ...

This is the beginning for that which shall be included in this presentation.  There is
more which needs to be said and exposed.  Check back later for additional information.
In the meantime, check out all the pages in this site to piece together the important info.

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