A  Government  Within  A  Government

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Researcher & Investigative Reporter
Document posted: 30 June 2021
Additions posted: 10 July 2021
Copyright © 2021 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8



It is time to look at something which, unfortunately, most citizens of the United States would rather not look at, plus it is something that "they," virtually guaranteed, did not teach the young or anyone else about in the average school. It is time to take a serious look at something which the vast majority of U.S. citizens would rather not see, but would rather be entertained, as they live in total denial about what has been happening to the United States for a very long time.

It is time to consider something, or a harmful situation which some earlier U.S. presidents, plus a number of other people, could see existed within the United States and they spoke about and against it. It is time to look at something which has brazenly been happening behind the scenes in the United States, while the average U.S. citizen has been distracted by "more important things" than the health and well-being of their country and their future, as they look the other way.

Now, let us get back to those U.S. presidents who saw that something very unsavory and harmful was happening to the United States and its people in their day. Unfortunately, these presidents did not fully understand the true nature of this unsavory "something," for had they understood it, with the "political climate" and the general beliefs of the people of this country in their day, they could have done something about it. They possibly could have put a stop to the unsavory "something."

In our day, with careful research, there is enough information available that the history of various unsavory things from the past, especially when it comes to a foreign power which has worked to destroy the authentic United States and enslave its citizens, can be properly pieced together and better understood by those who really care. So, with these words of introduction, let us now get on with this presentation.

Let us look at a sly foreign-controlled government, whose agents and pawns are operating within, plus treasonously changing the framework of the government which is legitimately supposed to be in the United States. The agents of this treacherous foreign-controlled government have been operating within, plus harming, altering and damaging the framework of the United States for more than 150 years. And because of them, our system of "government" is now seriously disfunctional.

So, let us begin to look at that treacherous foreign-controlled government which is slyly operating within the United States. It has, like a rapidly growing cancer, steadily grown in size and power over the years. Using its agents and their militia, plus their numerous manipulated pawns, they have taken over the United States, its military and many of its agencies. In this presentation, it is time to expose some of those treasonous people which are in government positions.


The 26th President of the United States was Theodore Roosevelt. He was president from 1901 to 1909. In his day, Theodore Roosevelt openly declared: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today."(1)(2)(3)

By the above words of Roosevelt and by what he saw in the early 1900s, we can understand that there is that government which the general public sees and commonly believes that they really have. It is a government which actually is supposed to be following the U.S. Constitution. But, unfortunately, the government that we commonly see is the one which Roosevelt had to label as being "the ostensible government." Now, it is time to look at things more deeply.

When President Roosevelt spoke of the "ostensible government," which already existed in the early 1900s, what was he really talking about? Well, to come to a better understanding of what Roosevelt was speaking about, we need to first come to a true understanding of what that word "ostensible" really means. We need to understand the earlier meaning of this word, not the changed meaning which now seems to be commonly used.

Looking at one dictionary, it defines the word "ostensible" this way: "Stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so."(1) Another dictionary defines the word "ostensible" this way: "outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended."(1) Ah, yes: "pretended." Yet another dictionary defines the word "ostensible" this way: "appearing or claiming to be one thing when it is really something else."(1) Now, that is getting right to the original meaning of the word "ostensible," as used by Roosevelt.

Judging by what President Theodore Roosevelt stated in the early 1900s, as quoted in the first paragraph in this section, once again, it is rather clear that the government of the United States was already something other than what it was commonly stated to be, or was supposed to be. Already in the early 1900s, the "government" in control of the United States was truly not the government which is defined and mandated in the Constitution of the United States.

Looking at things further, it appears that the government of the United States, already in the very early 1900s, had become somewhat of a pretend government, or a facade. It had become the facade or "face" which was still on display to be seen by the unsuspecting public. Those of the invisible government meant the facade to be seen, while the invisible government and its agents were the actual puppet-masters which were fully controlling things from behind the scenes.

The agents of the invisible government, which was in full operation behind the scenes, had to keep the facade in place for a very big reason. They had to keep the facade in place, so the citizens of the United States would not awaken from their stupor and realize that something was seriously wrong in their country. Those of the invisible government did not want the citizens to rise up and take their country back, before the treasonous agents of the invisible government had enough power and control in place, which could allow them to readily crush any and all resistance.


The 28th President of the United States was that man named Woodrow Wilson. He was in office from 1913 to 1921. During his career in government, Wilson declared the following:

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." (1)(2)(3)

So, here was another U.S. president in the first quarter of the 1900s, who clearly saw that there was something very unsavory and nefarious which was in operation behind the scenes in the United States. They saw that there was something which, by that time, had become very powerful and very organized. It appeared to be something which was of a more sinister nature.

From the writer's research, they have reason to believe that this highly organized, sinister and very disturbing and scary power which President Wilson spoke about was the very same thing as that "invisible government" which President Roosevelt had earlier spoken about. But in the time span of these two presidents, things appear to have changed a bit.

What President Roosevelt saw in his day was simply a corrupt invisible government which was working from behind the scenes and manipulating those corrupt people who had gotten themselves into the genuine government of the United States. But, not that long after, in the days of President Woodrow Wilson, it appears that the invisible government had quickly grown, like a fast-growing cancer, and was rapidly gaining in power and control, from behind the scenes.

By the time of President Woodrow Wilson, in the earlier 1900s, the invisible government had grown in power and its control over things, to the point where "some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture" were becoming very afraid of it. They were afraid of this growing, sinister power which was operating behind the scenes, which power they did not truly understand in their day. Had they understood it, they possibly could have moved together against it in a concerted effort and destroyed it.

Now, before we leave this section, there is one more thing to note about President Woodrow Wilson. As clearly noted in his words above, he understood that there was this sinister and very controlling power which was operating behind the scenes. Unfortunately, it appears that he did not realize that he, himself was apparently being greatly manipulated by those associated with this sinister power. And, when it comes to being manipulated by those associated with the sinister power, that appears to have been the purpose of that mysterious Colonel Edward Mandel House.

This Colonel Edward House (called "Colonel House," even though he bore no military rank in this country) had so much control over President Woodrow Wilson and, even though not an elected official nor chosen by Congress for any special purpose, seemed to have his hands in a lot of the major decisions for this country. These decisions were for things which ended up having a seriously negative effect on this country and its true citizens, plus worked to strip the average citizen of some of their important liberties. These things can be understood by the information found within the following linked page-sections: (1)(2)(3)(4).

Well, there is more to write here about the story of this strange "Colonel" House, who seemed to have so much control over President Woodrow Wilson. This Colonel House, as noted in one of the page-sections linked above, even had his own living quarters directly in the White House. Really, go figure! But, a study of the information accessed by the links at the end of the preceding paragraph should give enough of the story, so that many U.S. citizens may possibly be able to figure out what was going on here.


By the days of President John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960s, it appears that the intent of this sinister power which was in control of the invisible government had made itself more obvious...at least obvious to those in certain positions of government. That is possibly the reason why President Kennedy declared something along this line: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)(3)(4) And then, shortly thereafter, "they" blew Kennedy away. Yes, "they" brutally assassinated him on November 22, of 1963 (1).

The writer has reason to believe that John F. Kennedy, because of his position in life, knew exactly who was behind this plot to enslave the citizens of the United States. Through research, the writer has reason to believe that President Kennedy also knew who was behind the "invisible government" which had earlier been spoken about by President Theodore Roosevelt. There is also reason to believe that Kennedy understood who was involved in that highly organized, rather sinister power, of which many "in the field of commerce and manufacture" were utterly afraid, which power was spoken about earlier by President Woodrow Wilson.

Because of his family's unique position in life, plus because of what he personally knew and understood, there is reason to suspect that those associated with the subtle, yet very powerful invisible government, wanted President Kennedy to work for them on their side and help them further their diabolical agenda for the United States, which included the enslaving of its authentic citizens. It appears that they wanted Kennedy to fully cooperate with them and work for their foreign bosses. But, it appears that, in all of this, there was a major problem.

President John F. Kennedy appears to have been very well connected to this treacherous crowd which made up the invisible government, especially through his family connections. Even his father, Joseph Kennedy, was directly connected to this crowd. Yet, once John F. Kennedy got to be the President of the United States, it appears that he "broke rank" with this crowd and would not go along with their agenda to enslave the authentic citizens of the United States. That appears to be one of the major reasons why Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, of 1963, as shown within a page linked here, which page is titled Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated?.

There is now something which it seems that most U.S. citizens do not know, or have never heard about President John F. Kennedy. He was a high-level, Fourth Degree member of that secret society called the Knights of Columbus (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). That means that he was part of the militia of the pope and was expected, even while being President of the United States, to be in complete obedience and submission to those above him in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And, it appears that this Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope is ultimately under the control of that man called the Jesuit General --- also called the "Black Pope" --- who is based in Rome, Italy.


Looking further at the things being spoken about in the sections above, plus looking further at the issue of a government which is illegally and treasonously operating within the U.S. government, there is something to now add to this discussion.

In a page-paragraph linked here, it contains information from a book written by a former Catholic priest and church historian. This former priest noted that the pope (or the papal hierarchy) has made known to his people --- to Roman Catholics --- "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."

Look again at the words quoted above. There is something which needs to be made very clear. Roman Catholics, even those in the government of the United States and in its military (etc.), are first and foremost, Roman subjects. Their allegiance is to the hierarchy of the papal organization and to its foreign laws, over and above any allegiance to U.S. laws or to the U.S. Constitution. This is the situation which exists with Joe Biden and virtually all his other Catholic cronies and their pawns which exist in government and military (etc.) positions "for" the United States.

At this point, there is something to note. Joe Biden may appear as being in conflict with various Catholic teachings, but it appears that this is just "part of the game," which helps to keep a large share of the general U.S. population deceived. From the evidence, it appears that Joe Biden and a number of his cronies are actually working for the Jesuits and their agenda for the United States and its citizens. So, even if Biden appears to be in conflict with Catholic Church teachings, it appears that he is in obedience to the Jesuits and ultimately the Jesuit General in Rome.



Let us look at why the powerful invisible government --- or that illegal, behind-the-scenes government which exists within the outward facade of the U.S. government --- came into being in this country in the first place. It is time to get a better understanding of the sly and treacherous, foreign-controlled organization which has manipulated things in this country, as it operates from behind the scenes, using their many agents and manipulated pawns to do their dirty work.

It is time to get a better understanding of this foreign-controlled organization, whose agents and pawns have caused so much harm and damage to the United States and its authentic citizens over the years. And, to better understand what has been going on and why our government now appears to be so disfunctional or broken, plus why the authentic U.S. citizens are virtually being more and more "crushed under" or enslaved, it is time for an important history lesson.

In his First Inaugural Address as U.S. President in 1801, Thomas Jefferson spoke about "having banished from our land that religious intolerance under which mankind so long bled and suffered..."(1) What was President Jefferson speaking about, in these words which he proclaimed? From all the historic evidence, it is clear that he was speaking about the mass-murdering Crusades and the diabolical Inquisition through which many people were tortured and lost their lives. Well, we thought we were safe, but when all things are considered, are we really?

At the very time when President Thomas Jefferson, who was the third U.S. President, spoke those words which are quoted above, the satanic Inquisition was happening virtually "next door" in Mexico (1). Those associated with the papal hierarchy were stealing the goods and property of, plus diabolically torturing and murdering, those who were in disagreement with the teachings or control of the papal organization. And again, this was happening in Mexico, during the time of the third U.S. President.

As just a small aside, those controlled by the papal hierarchy who were stealing the goods and property of, plus diabolically torturing and murdering, those in Mexico who were not aligned with the philosophy of the papal hierarchy or who were not their tools, reminds the writer of something else from later history. The infamous Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler (1)(2)(3)(4) and the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis (1)(2) in hijacked and Nazified Germany (1), during the World War Two era, were doing virtually the same thing to those who were not of their ilk or of their liking.

The Jesuit-controlled Nazis, whose rally is shown in the picture surrounding this page, were doing virtually the same thing to those who were not the tools of the papal crowd. These papal "tools" were stealing the goods and property, plus even the gold teeth of their victims. The bloodthirsty, Jesuit-controlled Nazis were also torturing and murdering their victims in cold blood. Furthermore, the papal agents were also doing this very same thing in Croatia during the World War Two era, as can be seen in the information provided in the following linked pages: (1)(2)(3)(4).

Let us now get back on track with the intended subject of this section. Let us get back to examining that sly, illegal and treacherous, foreign-controlled government which has existed within the government which we are really supposed to have in the United States. And yes, the United States is being hijacked, just as Germany was hijacked in the earlier 1900s by the agents and pawns of a foreign power. Now, in order to obtain a better understanding about what has really been going on, plus what has been happening to the United States, let us look even further back in time for another important history lesson.

In a page-section which is linked here, there is found the following quote: "Two years after the American colonists posted the Declaration of Independence, the Vatican [in 1778] produced an Edict that condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible." Now for an important question. In 1778, which was only two years after the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed by the United States to the world, why did the papal organization already hate the forming United States so much?

In answer to the question above, the papacy hated the United States because it provided religious freedom for its citizens under Section 3 in its "First Constitution (1), which was that document called the Articles of Confederation (1). This document was sent out to the States for ratification in 1777, which was the year before the Edict. Under the authentic Constitutional government, the citizens were not "under the thumb" of the papal organization. The government actually protected its citizens from any harmful papal agents...like those many child-raping and enslaving priests and nuns (1)(2), plus from that crowd which has a habit of causing mass graves (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7).

So, it appears that, starting with the papal Edict of 1778, the papal crowd began plotting ways in which to destroy the authentic United States, which forming country generally followed its Constitution and provided responsible liberty and religious freedom for its citizens. Eventually, the papal crowd came up with a "tool" which could slyly be used in a more effective manner to destroy the authentic United States from directly within the country and from behind the scenes.

Not long after the diabolical papal Edict of 1778 was proclaimed to the world, the invisible government, or the government within the government, began to be secretly created within the United States. By the use of the invisible government, plus by the use of the other "special tool" of the papal organization, the papal crowd which was following the dictates of the papal Edict of 1778 could then seriously "rot" and destroy the authentic United States from inside.


Well, what did the papal crowd decide would be their avenue for destroying the authentic, Constitutional Republic of the United States, which gave religious freedom to its citizens? What would be a major or "special tool" which they would use to further the agenda of destruction? In answer to the preceding questions, a paragraph linked here contains the following quote:

"[American Secretary of the Navy R.W.] Thompson pinpointed exactly who would be the agents used by the [Catholic] monarchs of Europe to destroy the republic of America, namely, the Jesuits of Rome! Since 1815 there has been a continual assault on America by the Jesuits to try to destroy the constitutional rights [of the citizens] of this great nation."

Looking at these things further, within a page-section linked here, it speaks about the Catholic-controlled Congress of Verona which happened in 1822. Then is found the following quote: "During this Congress [of Verona, Italy in 1822], it was decided that America would be the target of Jesuit emissaries and that America was to be destroyed at all costs. Every principle of the [U.S.] Constitution was to be dissolved and new Jesuitical principles were to be put into place in order to exalt the Papacy to dominion in America."

So, from 1815, the Jesuits were the special tool which the papal crowd chose to use, in order to bring about the destruction of the authentic United States. It appears that this plan was basically reaffirmed at the Congress of Verona in 1822. But, as it is shown in the next couple sections of this presentation, the invisible government of the papal organization within the United States had already started being formed in the latter 1700s, before the Jesuits even entered the picture. Now, back on track, with the agenda of the "special tool" of the papal crowd.

In the paragraph linked here is also found the following quote: "One of the major purposes of the Jesuits was to destroy every trace of Protestantism and its principles, including religious freedom, republicanism, representative government, and an economy built around a strong middle class. Another purpose of the Jesuits was to greatly expand the power and control of the papacy throughout the entire world." Well, these things are exactly what we are seeing happening in the United States and our world!

Now, when it comes to this crowd working "to greatly expand the power and control of the papacy throughout the entire world," there is another piece of history --- a piece of U.S. history --- which needs to be noted. Around the year 1940, the papal crowd came up with a plan which was "published under the auspices of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, and signed by 131 Catholic prelates and noted laymen...[which] advocated a change in the United States' Constitution to permit the enactment of the recommendations of Pope Pius XI into American law."(1) Whoa! Hold on a minute!

Let us look again at what this treacherous or treasonous crowd was trying to do to the United States and its possibly unsuspecting or rather naive citizens! It appears that around the year 1940, the very sly and treacherous agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization were trying to get an illegal change made to the Constitution of the United States. This change would have caused the mere recommendations of the pope in the Vatican to be enacted into U.S. law! Let us stop and think about this very serious issue for a moment.

If this illegal or criminal change would have been made to the U.S. Constitution, it would have fundamentally gutted and changed the whole nature of the government of the United States. It would have placed the United States under the direct control of a foreign government, which is the Vatican State, and virtually enslaved the citizens of the United States under this historically despotic foreign power. Yes, there truly is a reason why President John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960s, declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." (1)


At this point, there are some very important things which authentic U.S. citizens need to realize, plus need to seriously take to heart. First of all, the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. That is possibly why government officials and military personnel and law enforcement agents and many others in public service take an Oath of Office which goes something like the words which now follow:

"I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." (1)

Okay, so the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and all these people in government, military and law enforcement positions (etc.) are supposed to support and defend the Constitution and what it declares and guarantees with virtually everything which they have at their disposal, which may even include giving their very life in defense of it. Yes, this is some really serious stuff which is being considered here.

Now, there is something very important about the U.S. Constitution to note, for it mandates and guarantees to the whole United States what the only legitimate form of government is, which is to exist within this country. With a clear understanding of the government which is guaranteed for the United States, a person can then discern the counterfeit government, which exists within our government, which the utter enemies of the authentic United States have created.

The Constitution of the United States, in Article 4, Section 4, in plain English, using very clear and unmistakable words, declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." (1) Yes, once again: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." And, this is a guarantee --- no "ifs, ands, or buts" about it! It is not a mere suggestion! And, for more information about the Republican Form of Government which is legitimately supposed to exist throughout the complete United States and all the States thereof, check out the page-sections which are accessed using the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

Now, there are some serious things to think about. Any other type of government which is found anywhere within the boundaries of the United States, which is other than an authentic Republican Form of Government, is illegal and is a treasonous form of government. And, those who are supporting any other type of government anywhere within the United States, are effectively at war against and working to undermine and overthrow the only legitimate form of government which is to exist in the United States. And, it does appear that these people are truly guilty of treason. Looking at things further, the historic penalty for treason is commonly death.

Let us now get back to those various agents and "tools" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, whose job was (and still is) to utterly overthrow and destroy the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States, in any way they possibly can.

In 1789, about eleven years after the Vatican proclaimed its diabolical Edict of 1778 which called for the destruction of the authentic United States, which 1789 was also the very same year in which the Constitution of the United States that we now have became effective (1), the extremely corrupt and utterly treasonous Tammany Hall organization was formed in New York City. The purpose of this highly corrupt, Catholic-controlled organization was to undermine and oppose the Federalist Party in the United States in virtually every way that they could (1).

There is something extremely important which must be noted about this highly corrupt Tammany Hall organization. It was basically known as "the Roman Catholic Church in politics."(1) It was Rome's "tool," or their very sly "Trojan Horse," which was set up directly within the United States. Now, there is something to again consider. There was that infamous Vatican Edict of 1778 "that condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible." The Edict also declared that the United States is "a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost."(1) Why?

Once again, the papal organization wanted to utterly destroy the authentic United States because it, along with a large share of its people, wouldn't willingly bow to the pope and his hierarchy, which hierarchy has included all those child-raping priests (1)(2), and has for many centuries (1). At this point, it should be noted that during the early years of the United States, the despotic and satanic Inquisition was happening next door in Mexico (1). Yes, the savage beast of the enslaving papal organization was flashing its bloodthirsty "teeth," even at the United States. It wanted more enslaved people and apparently more blood. It wanted utter control of the United States, apparently so it could enslave and horribly abuse its non-Catholic citizens.

The highly corrupt Tammany Hall organization, which again, was established in 1789, appears to have been the beginning of the papal organization's treacherous or treasonous "government" which they were working to build-up within the United States, within the bounds controlled by the authentic U.S. government. And again, the purpose of this highly corrupt, Catholic, Tammany Hall crowd was to undermine and overthrow the authentic, Constitutional Republic of the United States, in accordance to the infamous and diabolical Vatican Edict of 1778.

And, yes, it does appear that the agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, plus that of their obedient pawns, was also to enslave authentic U.S. citizens under despotic Catholic/Jesuit laws and Catholic/Jesuit domination. And, it appears that this diabolical agenda was totally in operation in the early 1960s, at that time when President John F. Kennedy declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Then, looking at our situation today in the United States, it appears that the dictates of the Vatican Edict of 1778 and the intent to enslave U.S. citizens is still in effect, even using Joe Biden and his cronies and their many manipulated pawns.


Well, it appears that the Tammany Hall organization was not enough of a treasonous inroad into the United States, as agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization worked to undermine and overthrow the legitimate Republican Form of Government in the United States. It appears that their next step was the creation of the treacherous Democratic Party in the United States. Now, there is something important to note. After the Democratic Party was created, the leadership of the highly corrupt Tammany Hall organization "often mirrored that of the local Democratic Party's executive committee."(1)

A page-section titled The Democratic Party, which is linked here, declares: "To facilitate moving the United States away from an authentic 'Republican Form of Government,' the Jesuits and the Vatican needed to subtly form an innocent looking, yet effective and subversive organization in the United States. They needed an organization which could then be used as their vehicle for change --- change which could steadily undermine and ultimately destroy what the United States was actually supposed to be about."

That organization which the agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization used in their next subversive step against the authentic United States was the Democratic Party. But, they needed more people to swell the ranks of this subversive party, in order to illegitimately gain the power and the votes which they needed in order to subtly undermine, overthrow and take over the United States, plus in order to enslave authentic U.S. citizens under Catholic/Jesuit domination. So, what did they do in order to swell the ranks of the treacherous Democratic Party? What did they do, in order to expand their illegal government which they had set up and "were growing" within the bounds of the United States?

About one-third of the way down a page linked here, it notes that "from the 1840s, when Democratic ward-heelers greeted the first great waves of Catholic immigrants on the wharves of New York City, Boston, Philadelphia and other East Coast cities, Catholics found a congenial home in the Democratic Party..."

So, in order to build their illegitimate "government" much larger, which they had set up within the bounds of the United States, the Democratic ward-heelers, who appeared to be working for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, would snare the great waves of Catholic immigrants coming into the United States and get them to join the growing party of treason, which is the Democratic Party. And, it appears that this party of treason was working to overthrow the authentic Republican Form of Government in the United States and enslave its citizens under Catholic/Jesuit domination, just as is still treasonously happening today, using Biden and his cronies and their manipulated pawns.



As the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization worked to destroy the authentic United States and enslave its citizens, the evidence indicates that their next big move was the instigation of the first American Civil War in the United States. Now, there are some important things in U.S. history which should be noted. A page-section linked here is titled "First Blood" of the American Civil War. So, what brought about the "First Blood" of the American Civil War?

Once again, the Jesuits and the papal agents appear to have set up the Democratic Party in the United States, apparently as one of their major "tools" which they could deftly use to change and destroy the authentic United States, as they worked to ultimately enslave its citizens. As noted earlier in this presentation, the Catholics were swelling the ranks of the Democratic Party with those numerous, often illiterate and unskilled Catholic immigrants from Europe. It appears that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization had a special purpose in mind for these pliable "pawns."

Within the "First Blood" page-section linked above, it is noted that the American Civil War was started not that long after the numerous Catholic immigrants came into the United States and swelled the ranks of the Democratic Party. Now, there is something else which is important to note. Within the linked page-section it states that "in 1789 the Archdiocese of Baltimore was the first diocese established in the newly formed United States." Well, 1789 is the same year that the U.S. Constitution went into effect. The year 1789 is also the same year that the agents of the Roman Catholic Church founded the highly corrupt Tammany Hall organization in New York City.

So, once again, the papal hierarchy had sworn to destroy the authentic United State. Their stronghold of an Achdiocese was set up in Baltimore. Their corrupt and treacherous Tammany Hall organization was set up in New York City. The Democratic Party was created and its ranks were swelled with Catholic immigrants who really had no loyalty to the authentic United States, but rather, their loyal was mainly toward their own people and the hierarchy of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. So, again, the world-class, high-stakes "chess masters" had sworn to destroy the authentic United States and, from the looks of things, they were skilfully setting their many "pawns" and important pieces in place for the assault on the authentic United States.

Since the Vatican had produced that Edict of 1778 which called for the destruction of the authentic United States, it appears that in 1789, the papal crowd began seriously "making their move" on the United States, as they began to set things up so they could more easily mess with the political arena, plus undermine and overthrow the authentic Republican Form of Government in the United States and then enslave its citizens.

Looking again at the "First Blood" page-section linked here and above, it notes that the American Civil War began in 1861. The linked page-section also notes that the first blood of this war was spilled in the Catholic stronghold of Baltimore, Maryland, where the first Catholic Archiocese had been set up. So, how did this spilling of the "first blood" happen?

Well, the page-section linked above speaks of the Copperhead Democrats and contains the following quote: "American Catholics were prominent in the ranks of the 'Copperheads,' a term applied to the Democratic critics of the Lincoln administration during the American Civil War." Why were the Catholics so critical of the Lincoln administration? Well, some of it appears to be related to Abraham Lincoln earlier, before he was president, defending a Father Chiniquy in court against what appears to have been a highly corrupt and deceiving and lying Catholic hierarchy. Lincoln won the case for Chiniquy and it appears that the Catholic hierarchy then had "an axe to grind" with Lincoln.

Looking again at the linked "First Blood" page-section, it speaks about the "members of the primarily Massachusetts and some Pennsylvania state militia regiments" which were headed to Washington DC, to protect the Capital. Well, the Roman Catholic Copperheads were waiting to ambush the troops, as the troops marched through Baltimore. The Copperheads and their allies attacked the troops in Baltimore and "then was shed the first blood in a conflict between North and South," which was the "first blood" of the American Civil War.

This "first blood" of the American Civil War appears to have been shed because the "pawns" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization were in resistance to the authentic "Republican Form of Government" in the United States, possibly because of that Vatican edict of 1778 which called for the destruction of the authentic United States. These Catholics were also loyal to their foreign-based masters which were utterly against this country which provided responsible liberty and religious freedom to all its citizens. Therefore, these Catholic pawns were treasonously working for a foreign-power whose intent was to undermine and tear this country apart and bring it under the domination of those aligned with the enslaving Vatican/Jesuit organization.


In regards to the Vatican/Jesuit organization working to undermine and rip the United States apart, using their instigated American Civil War, the "First Blood" page-section linked here and in the section above, contains the following words from President Abraham Lincoln:

"This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us."

President Abraham Lincoln had more to say about the Vatican/Jesuit involvement in the instigation of the American Civil War. A page-section linked here is titled The Instigating and Motive Power. The linked section contains the following quote from Abraham Lincoln: "It is with the Southern leaders of this civil war as with the big and small wheels of our railroad cars. Those who ignore the laws of mechanics are apt to think that the large, strong, and noisy wheels they see are the motive power, but they are mistaken. The real motive power is not seen; it is noiseless and well concealed in the dark, behind its iron walls. The motive power are the few well-concealed pails of water heated into steam, which is itself directed by the noiseless, small but unerring engineer's finger." But, there was more to the Lincoln statement.

Lincoln declared further: "The common people see and hear the big, noisy wheels of the Southern Confederacy's cars; they call they Jeff Davis, Lee, Toombs, Beauregard, Semmes, ect., and they honestly think that they are the motive power, the first cause of our troubles. But this is a mistake. The true motive power is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome." Lincoln had a reasonably clear understanding of what was the root cause of the American Civil War. The agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization worked to create division in the United States, and then they exploited that division, as they worked to destroy the authentic United States, apparently with hopes of ultimately enslaving its citizens.

President Lincoln also had the following to say: "Unfortunately, I feel more and more every day that it is not against the Americans of the South, alone, I am fighting. It is more against the Pope of Rome, his perfidious Jesuits and their blind and blood-thirsty slaves... There are only very few of the Southern leaders who are not more or less under the influence of the Jesuits, through their wives, family relations, and their friends. Several members of the family of Jeff Davis belong to the Church of Rome. Even the Protestant ministers are under the influence of the Jesuits, without suspecting it... Rome is doing here what she has done in Mexico, and all the South American Republics; she is paralysing, by civil war, the arms of the soldiers of liberty. She divides our nation in order to weaken, subdue and rule it." And, that appears to be what they are doing, even today.

As President Lincoln looked around, he saw another example of the devastation and bloodshed which the Vatican/Jesuit crowd had created. Lincoln considered the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror, and then he declared: "I understand, now, why the patriots of France, who determined to see the colors of Liberty floating over their great and beautiful country, were forced to hang or shoot almost all the priests and the monks as the irreconcilable enemies of Liberty. For it is a fact, which is now evident to me, that, with very few exceptions, every priest and every true Roman Catholic is a determined enemy of Liberty. Their extermination, in France, was one of those terrible necessities which no human wisdom could avoid; it looks to me now as an order from heaven to save France."

Looking at things further, during the time of the American Civil War, President Lincoln also stated: "Till lately, I was in favour of the unlimited liberty of conscience as our constitution gives it to the Roman Catholics. But now, it seems to me that, sooner or later, the people will be forced to put a restriction to that clause towards the Papists. Is it not an act of folly to give absolute liberty of conscience to a set of men who are publicly sworn to cut our throats the very day they have their opportunity for doing it? Is it right to give the privilege of citizenship to men who are the sworn and public enemies of our constitution, our laws, our liberties, and our lives?"(1) Really, shouldn't logic prevail, especially in our day, so that the authentic United States can be revived again and protected from its true enemies? And, there is more to consider.

President Lincoln even had this to say: "Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he has sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse, and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to every one that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion."(1)

President Lincoln also declared: "The very moment that Popery assumed the right of life and death on a citizen of France, Spain, Germany, England, or the United States, it assumed to be the power, the government of France, Spain, England, Germany, and the United States. Those States then committed a suicidal act by allowing Popery to put a foot on their territory with the privilege of citizenship. The power of life and death is the supreme power, and two supreme powers cannot exist on the same territory without anarchy, riots, bloodshed, and civil wars without end. When Popery will give up the power of life and death which it proclaims on its own divine power, in all its theological books and canon laws, then, and then alone, it can be tolerated and can receive the privileges of citizenship in a free country."(1)

And in our day, the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization who have gotten themselves into governmental positions of power are working hard to disarm U.S. citizens (1)(2), as it appears that the associates of these people in "security" or law enforcement positions are preparing for their next deadly caper in this country (1)(2). And, the writer would not be surpised at all if it were found out that those associated with the Jesuits or with certain members of the militia of the pope, even those members which are in agencies like the CIA or the FBI, have been instrumental in instigating some of the shootings, or even mass shootings (1)(2), so their cohorts in government could manipulate the gullible public into giving up their right to bear arms (1).

If the citizens of the United States, especially those who are non-Catholics, were to be disarmed and their more powerful weapons taken away, they would then be totally at the mercy of the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its treacherous and not so nice militia (1). They would be at the mercy of those who have criminally hijacked the United States, just as surely as the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia criminally hijacked Protestant Germany in the earlier 1900s and converted it into the mass-murdering, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled, Nazified Germany, which was "the sword of the Catholic Church." And, the rest of that Jesuit/Catholic caper is some very nasty and horrid history.


Now, the first American Civil War ended in 1865 (1). Then, after the war, it appears that there was a period of time in which the hierarchy and agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization were allowing things to "cool down" a bit, while they were secretly planning their next diabolical move against the authentic United States and its unsuspecting citizens. About 17 years after the end of the Civil War, the militia of the pope began to be built-up in the United States.

Yes, it appears that the controllers of the Vatican/Jesuit organization found that they had made a big mess of the United States with their instigated American Civil War, but, at the end of the war, they found that they had not utterly destroyed the United States with their efforts. So, it appears that the Jesuits felt that they needed more help in their efforts to undermine and overthrow the authentic United States, plus in their efforts to take control of things and enslave its citizens.

The building-up of the militia of the pope would give the Jesuits more usable "pawns" or more "boots in the field," which would be under Jesuit command. Furthermore, the members of the militia of the pope would ultimately be under the command of the foreign-based Jesuit General, whose headquarters is in Rome, Italy. So, to begin the build-up of a specialized unit, the Knights of Columbus organization was founded in the United States in 1882 (1).

Well, it should be noted that the namesake for the Knights of Columbus, which namesake was the infamous Christopher Columbus, along with his cohorts, were a band of enslaving and child-raping and thieving rogues. This is indicated in the pages linked by the buttons below. It is of interest to note that this segment of the militia of the pope apparently was created to slyly help the Jesuits rape and pillage in the United States, as they worked to destroy the authentic United States and enslave its unsuspecting or naive citizens.

Now, back on track. A page-section linked here declares: "This establishment of the Knights of Columbus occurred just two years after the start of the large-scale immigration of Italians, which large-scale Italian immigration mainly took place between 1880 and 1924." With this large-scale immigration of Catholic Italians, plus the forming of the Knights of Columbus segment of the militia of the pope, it appears that the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization was now preparing for their next, more subtle form of an assault on the authentic United States and its citizens. They were looking to gain control using a clever ploy.

Looking through the pages accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), it appears that quite a number of the members of the Knights of Columbus segment of the militia of the pope established themselves in the insurance and money-management industries in the United States. From these positions in the insurance and money-management industries, it appears that the members of the Knights of Columbus, plus the Knights of Columbus organization as a whole, has gained a lot of influence or control over commerce and manufacturing and people's lives in the United States.

Well, there truly is more to the Knights of Columbus story, than just some honest business people trying to make an honest living. From what is said in the pages linked below, it appears that some questionable practices may have been used by this crowd. But then, they possibly may be a product of some questionable or bad examples from the past.

Looking back in history, the Knights of Columbus had that highly corrupt Tammany Hall crowd and its history of deception which could be an influence on "the way things are done." Then, there is the history of fraud and deception by the papal hierarchy using things like the Donation of Constantine (1) and the Isidorian Decretals (1) (etc., etc. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)) which they vilely used for their own selfish gain.

These histories and examples of Catholic fraud and deception may have affected the way some of these people in the Knights of Columbus will do business. This may especially be true when it is considered that they are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And, what was the job given to the Jesuits way back in the early 1800s? Yes, it was to destroy the authentic United States in any way possibly, in accordance with the dictates of the Vatican Edict of 1778.

Now, when it comes to influencing or controlling things in the United States, like commerce and manufacturing and people, is there a chance that the Knights of Columbus could possibly give better "service" and cheaper rates to those who will do for them those things which their bosses in Rome want done? Would this potentially be one way that they could manipulate things and gain power and control within the United States?

At this point, let us look at the timing of certain things. Again, the Knights of Columbus organization was founded in 1882. Then, about 20 years later, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt made the following statement: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people."(1)

Then, a few years later, there was President Woodrow Wilson. He declared: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."(1)

Were the two U.S. Presidents which are noted above, plus those concerned people whom they had spoken with, observing the questionable or unsavory effects of the Jesuits and the Knights of Columbus in operation. Were these people observing the militia of the pope in operation, as it members worked behind the scenes to gain control and take over the United States, so its citizens could be enslaved and dominated by the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization?

Was this Jesuits and militia-of-the-pope crowd, which is ultimately controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome, Italy, that highly interlocked, organized power which seemed to be everywhere watching and influencing or controlling a lot of what was going on in the United States, from behind the scenes? Was it actually the Jesuit and militia-of-the-pope crowd in operation which, in the very early 1900s, was causing fear to those which were "in the field of commerce and manufacture," who were not part of the Catholic or Jesuit or militia-of-the-pope organization?



It appears that the Jesuits were able to gain a lot of power and control in the United States, just using the various members of the Knights of Columbus which they had at their disposal. But, it appears that the Jesuits had even grander plans. To get a better idea of what it appears that the Jesuits are after, even with the United States, let us look back in history to some important words which where declared by that famous Napoleon Bonaparte, who was "a French military and political leader"(1) in the latter 1700s and early 1800s. Napoleon declared the following:

"The General of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may... Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general."(1) Well, when considering all the available evidence, possibly even something along the lines of an instigated 9-11 Twin Towers (1)(2)(3)(4) caper would be classed as a meritorious work, if it helped the Vatican/Jesuit crowd and their militia and pawns to gain even more power and control over the United States and its citizens.

Now, back to that knowledgeable man named Napoleon. When speaking of the Jesuits, he also declared: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."

Then, in a page-section linked here is found the following quote: "The Jesuits...are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for emperor...that's their ideal...It is simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination -- something like a universal serfdom with them as masters -- that's all they stand for. They don't even believe in God perhaps." What is declared in the preceding quote appears to go along with the following words from President John F. Kennedy, which he declared in the early 1960s: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." There is reason to suspect that President Kennedy was speaking about what the Jesuits and the militia of the pope were doing within the United States.

At this point, there is something which needs to be said from the religious side of things. The Jesuits and the Catholics want the world to think that they are "Christians," so, if they are really Christians, they should seriously take to heart the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. When it comes to the Jesuits desire to rule the whole world, with the Pontiff of Rome being the emperor, or the one who will be in control of the one-world government called the New World Order, there are some words of Christ to consider. He asked this important question: "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"(1)

There is something to say about the one-world government (the New World Order) which those of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been working so long and so hard to bring into being, with the pope at the head. From the things said in the Holy Bible, this one-world "beast" government will apparently only last for about 3-1/2 years, before it comes to its end. At that point, it appears that every Jesuit and the members of the militia of the pope, plus even the head of this one-world government and all those child-raping priests (1)(2), shall be relegated to the everlasting lake of fire and utter torment and anguish. So, a question should be asked. Is 3-1/2 years of despotically ruling the whole world actually worth eternity in the everlasting lake of fire and torment?

By the way, some may wonder why this very powerful, one-world "beast" government which is being set up by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization will only last for about 3-1/2 years. Well, the writer can give one train of thought on this matter. From what is said in the Holy Bible, there is reason to suspect that the Vatican and surrounding Rome shall be utterly destroyed by a mighty act of God, in the rapidly approaching days ahead. This is spoken about in a page linked here, which page is titled The Final Destruction of Rome.

Judging by things stated in the Holy Bible, which things are presented in the page linked above, there is reason to suspect that something along the lines of an asteroid may powerfully slam into Rome and the area where the Vatican are now situated. From the looks of things, the powerful blow to the Earth and the shattering of the landmass in this area will cause a massive eruption of the magma which now resides below. Ultimately, it appears that something like a supervolcano will occur in this historically volcanic area. But, there is more to consider in this story.

Looking at things further, according to what is said in the Holy Bible, it appears that from the destroyed area where Rome and the Vatican formerly existed, the smoke shall go up forever and ever. But, it appears there is even more to this story. From what is said in the Holy Bible, once this mighty act of God occurs and the utter destruction is complete, Rome, along with the Vatican, will never be found or inhabited again. And, there is reason to suspect that many alive today will get to see this happen with their own eyes, in the rapidly approaching days ahead. Once again, these things are spoken about in a page linked here, which page is titled The Final Destruction of Rome.

Now, let's get back on track with the main subject of this section. When it comes to what the Jesuits have been doing over time, for quite a period of time, a page-section linked here contains the following quote: "Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] were expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection." Now, there is something to seriously consider.

There is reason to suspect that the Jesuits, especially since their job is to undermine and destroy the authentic United States (1), have been doing similar types of things within the United States as that which is noted in the paragraph above, even in our day. Possibly they have been doing this while hiding behind and using the many members of the militia of the pope as their "tools" to do their dirty work. This dirty work may even be done using those many members of the militia of the pope which appear to be in agencies like the CIA (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), which CIA, there is reason to suspect, may ultimately be under the control of the Jesuits and their Jesuit General in Rome (1).


It appears that the Jesuits and their associates figured they needed even more help in their treacherous efforts to undermine, take control of and destroy the authentic United States, so they could then enslave its citizens under the domination of those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. In the year 1927, they did something a bit different, as another segment of the militia of the pope was established within the United States. This segment of the foreign-controlled militia of the pope is called the Knights of Malta (also know as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, or the SMOM).

When it comes to the Knights of Malta (SMOM), it is a very elite group. Regarding the Knights of Malta (SMOM), a page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a source: "It maintained its exclusivity by refusing to accept members from Europe and Latin America who were not of the nobility or heads of state." Well, in the United States, as it was in the earlier 1900s, there was no nobility in this country. Furthermore, "heads" of the United States would not be allowed, for legal and Constitutional reasons, to become a member of a foreign-controlled militia which was working to undermine, overthrow and destroy the authentic United States and enslave its citizens.

Well, what did "they" do, since there were no powerful heads of state in the United States which could legally join their foreign-controlled band of treacherous people who were working to undermine and overthrow the authentic United States and its Constitution, plus there was no nobility which could get involved in their caper? Well, the page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a source: "An exception was made for the United States because of its rising political, economic and military power, and in 1927 a branch of SMOM was established on the East Coast. Most of the founding members were tycoons of industry and finance..." Again, this all happened in 1927.

So, when it came to working for the agenda of the Jesuits, it appears that it was a group of the powerful, rich elite which basically became traitors to their country. It appears that they did this for their own selfish gain, as they began working for a foreign power and its militia. They began to work for the agents of a foreign power and its militia, whose goal was to undermine and overthrow the authentic United States and its Constitution. They began traitorously working for the agents of a foreign power and its militia who were working to change the laws and the nature of this country, so they could enslave its citizens under a foreign-controlled power.

Now, let us look further at the situation with these rich, elite traitors. Because they were tycoons of industry and finance, they had a lot of power and control in this country. Because of their large amount of money and their position in life, plus because many people in this country were employed by the companies owned by these elite traitors, they were almost above the law and were virtually untouchable. They could do whatever they wanted and almost get away with anything. All of this figures into what came next --- which was the first major caper of the elite traitors to the United States and its true citizens, as members of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta began treacherously working together as a unit.

At this point, let it once again be noted that at the beginning of the 1900s, President Theodore Roosevelt had declared: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people."(1) Then, not that long after, President Woodrow Wilson stated: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."(1)

The evidence indicates that these two earlier presidents were just observing the results of the treacherous Jesuits and the members of the early Knights of Columbus organization which were now working together in a coordinated effort. They were treasonously working together in an effort to gain control, undermine, take over and utterly destroy the authentic United States. And, it appears that the Jesuits, plus the members of the militia of the pope which they controlled, were doing this in order to fulfill the demands of the Vatican Edict of 1778, which called for the utter destruction of the authentic United States by any means possible (1)(2).

And then, once again, it appears that the Jesuits built that other, more powerful segment of the militia of the pope within the United State, which was the Knights of Malta. It appears that the sly Jesuits possibly got these rich and powerful elite to work for them by using the elite's desire and lust for money and control. Possibly the Jesuits assured them of even more money and power, if these rich elite would help them in their efforts to take over the United States and enslave its citizens. This appears to be what President John F. Kennedy was speaking about in the early 1960s, when he declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

So, let us now begin to look at that first major caper of the traitorous rich elite, as they began to work together as members and associates of the now-expanded, Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. Let us begin to look at what it appears that this whole group did, as they all appeared to now be working together in a concerted effort to destroy what the authentic United States is really supposed to be about. Let us begin to look at that first major caper of the traitorous and very treasonous rich elite, as they worked with the rest of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which caper gained them even a lot more money, plus much more power, over the government and the citizens of the United States.


There were two major things which happened in 1929. On February 11, 1929, the Vatican City State was created as an independent government and country (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). The other major, earth-shaking thing which happened in 1929 was the horrid Stock Market Crash which commonly is associated with Black Thursday and the following Black Tuesday, which days were on October 24 and 29 of that year (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). This Stock Market Crash then led to the rather lengthy Great Depression (1)(2), which depression negatively affected a large share of the world.

As a result of the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression which followed, many people, rather quickly, went from being reasonably well off, to being in hardship or virtually destitute. The Great Depression was extremely hard on a large share of the populace, as can be seen within pages accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). Then there were others which it appears were part of, or were associated with a certain select group of people which made out like "fat cats" over this whole thing. And now, it is time to ask some important questions.

What really caused this horrendous Stock Market Crash in October of 1929? Was it something which was possible rather natural, which just "seemed to happen on its own." Or, on the other hand, is there a chance that there some intentional tampering going on here, which was part of an organized effort which may have had a certain expected outcome? What does the available evidence appear to indicate? And, what appears to be the nature of those people which seemed to be least affected badly by the Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression which followed?

Now, it would seem to the writer that all that money which so many people lost is the Stock Market Crash of 1929 had to go somewhere. That vast amount of money did not simply "vaporized" and disappear into thin air. So, where did that vast amount of money go? Well, the writer may have at least part of the answer. Once again, there is the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, with those many members of their Knights of Columbus who are into the money management industry. Then there were all those members of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta who were tycoons of industry and finance.

So, let us begin to consider a possible story about where a large share of that money which was supposedly invested in the Stock Market potentially went. Around the period in which the Stock Market crashed, there were those Nazis coming to power in hijacked Germany, as spoken about in a page-paragraph linked here. The preceding linked page-paragraph contains the following quote: "An abnormal number of Nazis and their supporters were members of the Knights of Malta." Therefore, this abnormal number of Nazis and their supports were members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope which is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome.

From the information presented and linked so far in this presentation, it is obvious that the Nazis which hijacked Germany, and then those members of the Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta in the United States, were ultimately under the influence and control of the same group of people, which was the Jesuits and the Jesuit General who is based in Rome, Italy. Well, it appears that the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope in the United States were financially helping out in a very big way, possible with a lot of money pilfered out of the U.S. Stock Market, their buddy, Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope brethren in hijacked and Nazified Germany.

That which is spoken about in the latter part of the paragraph above is spoken about in a bit more detail in a page-paragraph which is linked here. It definitely does appear that the Wall Street bankers and those money management people and others, which appear to have included a lot of those members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, were helping to finance Adolf Hitler and his Nazis with money ripped off from the "suckers" in the United States who had invested their money in the U.S. Stock Market. Now, the elite "money boys" and even the tycoons of industry helping and financing Adolf Hitler and his Nazis is spoken about in the pages linked below.

Well, there is reason to suspect that a whole lot of money was siphoned out of the U.S. Stock Market by various members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope and given to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. It appears that this was done so Adolf Hitler and the Nazis would have enough funds which would allow them to hijack Protestant Germany and turn it into Nazified Germany and "the sword of the Catholic Church."(1)(2)(3)(4) Then, this "sword" could eventually be used to go after Russia for the papal organization (1), in an attempt to conquer Russia and bring it under the domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

So, how are those treacherous members and associates of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope in the United States going to hide all this possible pilphering of money out of the U.S. Stock Market? At least to the writer, it appears that the Stock Market was manipulated and then a false story went out in the New York Daily Investment News on Friday, October 25th, under the headline Stock Market Crisis Over (1)(2), that basically said that everything was okay. It appears that things like this erroneous article may have helped to prop things up just a few days longer.

From what the evidence shows, just before the pilfered and gutted U.S. Stock Market when on that major "slide" which led to the total crash, those associated with the militia of the pope pulled their money out from those highly inflated stocks. And, it appears that this group of people made out like "fat cats," while the rest of the invested citizens in the United States, for the most part, virtually "lost their shirts." And then, in the confused aftermath, especially with the agonies of the Great Depression upon them, no one really figured out what happened here.


The writer looks at the members of the Knights of Columbus as being just the average "tools" of the Jesuits, in their work against the authentic United States and its true citizens. Then, looking further at the militia of the pope, there are those Knights of Malta which the writer considers as being more like the powerful "heavy hitters" for the "chess-master" Jesuits in their war against the authentic United States and its true citizens.

Now, when it comes to the militia of the pope, there is something to look at. Many people appear to believe that these Jesuit-controlled militia members are all Catholics, but, as we shall soon see, that is not necessarily true, especially when it comes to the Knights of Malta. Looking at things more closely, a page linked here speaks about membership in the American branch of the Knights of Malta. When it comes to becoming a member of the Knights of Malta, the page states the following:

"A good candidate is an exemplary Catholic lay person in good standing, residing in the United States, who has achieved or is achieving distinction in his/her field, who faithfully provides outstanding service to church and community and is willing and able to commit to the Order..." Looking at things further, the page states: "Membership in the Order of Malta is by invitation only and each prospective member must be sponsored by a member." After going through the sponsorship phase, but before becoming a full member, a person must be approved "by the Sovereign Council in Rome." But, it appears that there is more to the story.

Looking a little over three-quarters of the way down in a page linked here, it states: "Ironically, in recent years a belief in the Catholic faith has not been an essential prerequisite for potential members who have the right connections. Non-aristocratic parties can now be initiated by the 'Magistral Grace' of the Grand Master, although not in Britain, Germany and other European countries with a strong tradition of nobility. However, this has allowed many Americans to join, and an 'Order of Merit' is bestowed upon those who have outstandingly served the Knights or their works." The preceding words are also found on PDF page 139 of 624, in a page linked here, about two-thirds of the way down in a page linked here, and less than one-eighth of the way down in a page linked here. So, let us look a bit further at this "Order of Merit."

A page linked here is titled Order pro Merito Melitensi. The page states: "The Order pro Merito Melitensi is the order of merit of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, established in 1920. It is awarded to recipients who have brought honour to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, promoted Christian values and for charity as defined by the Roman Catholic Church." The page states further: "Unlike Knights or Dames of the Order of Malta (which is a military order of chivalry), those decorated with the Order pro Merito Melitensi are not invested in a religious ceremony, do not swear any oath or make any religious commitment. It may therefore be bestowed upon non-Catholics. Conferees include prominent statesmen, such as Presidents Ronald Reagan, who received it while still in office, and George H.W. Bush."

Looking at what is stated in the paragraph above, it is obvious that even those who are so-called Protestants, if they are useful to the agenda of the militia of the pope, even in their agenda for the United States and its unsuspecting citizens, can become members of the Order of Merit segment of the Knights of Malta. Now, there is something to note. This Order of Merit was created in 1920. Then, in 1927, a branch of the Knights of Malta (SMOM) was established on the East Coast of the United States. Looking at what is quoted earlier in this presentation, the founding members of this East Coast branch of the Knights of Malta "were tycoons of industry and finance..."

In this group of "tycoons of industry and finance" which were founding members of the East Coast branch of the Knights of Malta, there was possibly even found a number of those "useful," rich and prosperous, rather powerful, so-called "Protestants" who were brought or seduced into this organization to become part of the Order of Merit. So, from the looks of things, it appears that Catholics and even Protestants can be under the influence or control of this Jesuit-controlled organization which it appears, as part of the militia of the pope, is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome.

So, from the looks of things, there may even be a number of powerful, so-called "Protestants" who are ultimately working for the Jesuits and the Jesuit General in Rome, plus their diabolical agenda for the United States and its rather naive citizens. Possibly some words from that "elitist" named David Rockefeller may apply here. He openly declared: "Some even believe [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as 'internationalists' conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I'm proud of it." These words are quoted in a page-paragraph which is linked here.

Well, the powerful David Rockefeller was supposedly a Protestant, but, there are some things to consider. Pages accessed by the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) --- mention the "Club of Rome," which was created in 1968. The pages claim that the Club of Rome was founded during a meeting at David Rockefeller's private estate in Bellagio, Italy. Well, the location for the very initial meeting where this "Club" was being discussed may be a bit different, but Rockefeller was definitely one of the original founders (1)(2). A few of the club members noted within the earlier linked pages are: "Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros, Bill Gates, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and Mikhail Gorbachev..." Now, knowing the information presented in the linked pages, are some of the things which are happening in our world beginning to make a bit more sense?

If the Jesuits or the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope can get some of those rich and powerful, so-called "Protestants" to do their dirty work for them, especially against the United States and its citizens, so much the better, at least possibly from their point of view. That way, the blame for nefarious things being done in our world will go to rich "Protestants," rather than to the instigating Jesuits or to the Catholic members of the militia of the pope. That seems to be the way at least the Jesuits operate. That way, with someone else or some other faction doing the dirty work for them, they can deny involvement. They seem to like to have "plausible deniability" on their side.


Once again, it should be noted that two years before the devastating Stock Market Crash of 1929 created so much havoc and hardship for people within the United States, there was that branch of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, called the Knights of Malta, which was established on the East Coast of the United States. And again, the founding members of this branch of the Knights of Malta were those "tycoons of industry and finance." Now, at this point, let us begin to examine at least a few of those powerful "fat cats" which appear to have had a connection to the Knights of Malta and to the Stock Market Crash of 1929.

There was that man named Joseph Kennedy, who was the father of the earlier President John F. Kennedy. Joseph was big in the Hollywood film industry in the earlier to mid 1900s, but, there is more to the story about this man. Joseph Kennedy was a Catholic and a Knight of Malta, which means that he was part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. From the available information, it appears that he was rather crooked in some of his business practices. It appears that he also aggressively worked to take control of as much of the movie industry as possible, which industry appears to have a lot of influence over a large segment of the population in the United States.

Regarding Joseph Kennedy being a Knight of Malta, there is something interesting to know here. Joseph Kennedy was not just any old member of the Knights of Malta. This guy was specially named by the pope to be a Knight of Malta (1). For this to have occurred, it appears that the papal or Jesuit hierarchy had a special purpose for this particular man, very likely in their diabolical agenda for taking over the United States and enslaving its unsuspecting or naive citizens. As a member of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta, Joseph Kennedy would effectively have been a type of foreign agent which was operating within the United States.

To Be Continued ...   A Lot More To Come ...

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