All-States Liberty Network

Any  Other  Child  Rapists  Would  Be  In  Jail !!!
-- or --
Why  the  Catholic  Church  is  Getting  Away  with  Brazen  Criminal  Activity

---   And, So Much More   ---

Copyright © 2019-2020   By  CE13RS95EE29SD41BL

The document below may start out very similar to another document titled The Vatican's Army of Child Rapers, but
this document is actually much different and covers a much broader spectrum of information. It should also
be noted that the pope wants to act all religious and "holy" to the world, so this presentation will use
passages of Scripture from the uncorrupted Holy Bible which tend to apply to the situation being discussed.

A convenient "Links To Sections" index, which is linked here, is located at bottom of this document.

Copies of this document, in its complete and original form, including all copyright notices, may be made for your own use
and for distribution to others, but only if the copies are given away for free. Complete copies of this document may also be
posted on other websites. Possibly the best way for distributing copies of this document may be via USB flash drives.

Seeing how the Internet seems to be censored so quickly any more, especially when it comes
to certain types of information, it may be wise to grab a copy of this document as quickly as
possible for future reference. Because of rapid censoring of certain types of information on
the Internet, it is likely that, by the time you read this document, a number of the links will
no longer be working. An Internet search for the missing documentation may be advised.

N O T E     C L E A R L Y

This presentation is said to be HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL. It may not be "Politically Correct" in any way. It
may be HIGHLY DISTURBING, at least to certain be forewarned. This presentation is meant to
tell as much of the real truth as possible, no matter what that real truth may be. If you are one of those
who has a problem with genuine truth and harsh reality, then TURN AWAY from this page IMMEDIATELY.


This page merely presents some of the findings of the writer's extensive research. It presents facts, along with the writer's opinions or beliefs, which result from their extensive research. This overall presentation "fills in" many of the gaps in commonly taught history and may contain at least something of interest to virtually everyone.

On the first actual read-through, it may be best to not be clicking on the numerous links contained herein. That way, the reader will have less chance of getting sidetracked and should obtain a more accurate picture of what the writer is intending to present. Hopefully, the reader will be able to obtain a clear picture of what is really happening to the United States and to our world, plus who it appears is really behind the creation of "the mess."

It is the reader's duty to investigate further the truth and accuracy of what the writer is presenting herein. The many links in this page are there mainly for one purpose --- so the reader can see that there is actually some type of documentation for what the writer is stating. But, the linked documentation, in itself, is not necessarily the important part. What the writer is stating about important points in the linked information is actually what helps to connect "the dots" and build a more accurate picture of what is happening in our country and our world.

This presentation begins with things which many or most citizens have already been hearing about via the mainstream news media. From there, the presentation works into things that have a connection to that foreign-based, international organization to which the numerous rapers and abusers of children and others are associated. There are certain pieces of information which may be repeated at various points in this presentation. This helps to show how the various pieces are "cross-linked" in the "big picture."

This presentation may "jump around" a bit. But, in the end, this process should help to give the reader a much better understanding of the overall picture of what is being dealt with in the United States and around the world. Certain things may be spoken about, and then there may be a "jump back" in history to show examples and foundational information. Hopefully, many will come out of this experience with a much better understanding of our world and what they may be dealing with and have to prepare for in the days ahead.

As the reader progresses through this page, they may learn some important history which they were not taught in school. This lack in teaching may result from the "Dumbing Down of America."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) The provided history should help toward obtaining a more complete picture as to why those many priests and others are raping children and brazenly performing other criminal or treasonous acts and generally getting away with it. It should also help to explain why the U.S. government appears to be seriously "broken" and really not doing much about the problem.

This presentation "jumps around" a bit so the reader has a chance of seeing "the picture" from the perspective which the writer is intending. When the reader is seeing things from the intended perspective, all "the windows" line up and the intended picture becomes very clear. Once the reader clearly sees the intended picture, then virtually everything which is happening in our day, plus that which has happened in history, will begin to make a lot more sense.

Just so you know, there are additional notes which are located near the bottom of this page. These notes are found just above the "Links To Sections" index. The added section is titled Special Notes, and can be accessed via this link. Part of the purpose of the additional notes is to help explain any non-working links which may be found in this presentation. The notes are also used to more fully explain the term "uncorrupted Holy Bible," which is used in this presentation.



The writer would like to begin this presentation with some important words which are found in the work of an earlier writer named Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). In Book One of his three-volume, seven Part work titled The Gulag Archipelago, on PDF page 3 of 375 in a copy linked here, is found the following words:

"By an unexpected turn of our history, a bit of the truth, an insignificant part of the whole, was allowed out in the open. But those same hands which once screwed tight our handcuffs now hold out their palms in reconciliation: 'No, don't! Don't dig up the past! Dwell on the past and you'll lose an eye.' But the proverb goes on to say: 'Forget the past and you'll lose both eyes.'"

The research and writing involved with the presentation which now follows has not been easy or pleasant for the writer, but, all of this work is something which has needed to be done for a very long time. In all of this, the writer has one thing to say. History is not just some boring or worthless words relating to some ignored or forgotten events from the past. History can be a guide which helps to better understand what is now happening upon our earth. History can also be a guide which can help to reveal some very serious events which may soon be happening upon our earth, even directly within the United States.


Today in the United States and around the world, it has become clear that there is a very serious problem with child abuse and rape associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. The writer began researching for this presentation with one purpose in mind --- to write strictly about the abuse and rape problem. But, as the writer was doing their research, it became apparent that there is a lot more associated with this problem than people commonly realize. As the writer researched the many parts associated with this problem, which seems to be commonly associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, the story kept building and steadily grew larger and "blossomed" into many areas, until it became the rather large page which you are now reading.

As new information was discovered by the writer, their perspective on things associated with the serious rape problem began to steadily change, as their knowledge increased. After months of researching and writing, the perspective had changed to a point where many of the major, supposedly independent and random things which have occurred in our country and world, suddenly begin to make sense, as they were found to be interrelated. A picture was forming and the independent pieces, once the proper perspective was applied, all began to fit --- they began to fit a particular picture perfectly and make logical sense.

At times during the research for this presentation, certain pieces of information did not seem important at first, so they were "passed by" and not recorded. But later down the road, as research continued and in the light of other information, the writer suddenly found those "passed by" pieces of information were highly important. So, back to searching the writer went, to find those now "golden nuggets" of information. Sometimes, one small piece of information seen at an earlier time, can later change the whole direction a presentation was originally heading. This presentation is now much more than what the writer originally intended.

The writer believes that all the many parts to this rather large presentation are necessary, in order to obtain a realistic understanding of the problem which is being dealt with in the United States and around the world today, when it comes to all those abused and raped kids. Truly, it is a worldwide problem which we are having to deal with, and this worldwide problem appears to have a common "root." Furthermore, it is not just a problem of numerous children which are being abused, raped and enslaved, or even murdered, that is being dealt with in our day. The actual problem is much larger than that, and its roots go back hundreds of years.

To many people, this presentation may appear to "wander all over the place." But, it really needs to be this way in order to get a better and more complete understanding about what citizens are actually dealing with. It is necessary to view all the pieces and see how things are actually intertwined in the United States, plus around the world. This page needs to present enough information that citizens can understand the true perdicament we are in right now, plus where it appears things are quickly heading. This page is a call to all true American citizens to wake up and understand our true perdicament, while there is still time to potentially do something about it and hopefully be able to at least slow the "runaway train" down just a bit.



There are some things which really need to be considered and discussed openly, because something is absolutely not right in our day. In earlier times in the United States, in those days when the government and the court systems of the United States were operating properly, if there was some child rapist operating in any of our cities or states, that child rapist would have been hunted down and swiftly arrested. A child rapist would have been tried quickly in court (if they actually made it that far,) and most likely would have been sent to prison for an extended period of time. For more heinous crimes, they may have simply been executed.

So what gives in "the heinous Catholic situation," with its numerous rapist priests and other criminals which we are having to deal with in our present day, right here in the United States? How come there are not literally thousands of Catholic priests and their criminal enablers which are swifty being rounded up and arrested? How come they are not being quickly tried in court (if they are allowed to make it that far) and going to prison for hard labor for extended periods of time? How come the more heinous rapists and torturists and murderers are not being executed for all their brazen crimes against humanity which they have been commonly committing?

How come it appears that there is "favorites" being played here in the United States, especially when it comes to brazen and heinous criminals in long "priestly" robes? Is proper justice really being done in the United States, or, if not, why not? Our government and justice system appears to be very broken. It is not functioning like it was originally meant to. Why is this? Since there are numerous Catholic priests getting away with brazen and heinous crimes against humanity, a question really needs to be asked. Have the agents of the Vatican taken over this country to such a degree, that Catholic priests can now get away with virtually anything they want?

It's time to get very real. From a study of history, it is rather clear that in earlier times, when the United States was operating in accordance with its intended principles, if some random, foreign-based or foreign-controlled organization would have come into the United States and brazenly done heinous crimes, especially against children and young people, that organization would have been dealt with very swiftly and very severely. Very likely it would have then been ejected from this country and permanently banned. Its criminal members would have been swiftly jailed, and for heinous crimes, likely executed. So, again, what gives in our day? Can the proper history help us to understand better what is really going on here?

It is now time to begin taking a serious look at just some of the heinous crimes, at least the ones which have made it into the news, which members of the hierarchy of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization have freely been perpetrating in the United States, plus across the face of virtually the whole earth, for quite some time. This presentation also considers exactly why it appears the brazen criminals of this organization have been getting away with their crimes. It also considers why the government of the United States, plus the judicial systems, appear to be broken and not functioning as originally intended. This presentation also looks at who is behind the destruction of the authentic, properly functioning United States.


For those who have not been keeping up with the news in recent years, there have been numerous reports about Catholic priests and bishops, plus others associated with the hierarchy of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, who have been raping untold numbers of little boys and girls, plus numerous others of various ages.

The writer's research indicates that what is being exposed via the news media is just a small part of the actual abuse and rape which is ongoing. It simply appears that every now and then, a few "sacrificial lambs" have to be given to "the dogs," to be shredded to a degree in the controlled public media. That way the public will be pacified and thinking that something is really being done to slow down this criminal abuse and rape activity, when it's really not. It appears that the use of this rather deceptive method allows the rest of this "elite" crowd to continue in their criminal acts, virtually unhindered.

For those who have not been keeping up with recent events --- or for those who are possibly sidetracked by things like sports and entertainment and x-rated movies or pornography, or possibly by drugs or drunkenness --- and do not have enough time to see the great amount of criminal activity which is happening in "high places" in our country and world, especially in regards to the international pedophile ring and the brazen rapists and their criminal enablers, the information linked below should help bring you up to speed on the serious, criminal acts which are freely going on around us by agents of a foreign-controlled organization. And, the information linked below is just a relatively small sampling of information about what is actually happening in our midst.

Again, the pages accessed by the links below show just a little of the available information about the widespread sexual abuse which is criminally being done to children on a very large scale, even right here in the United States. There is also some included information about that which is being done to women and other adults, and even to men. But, in all of this, there is something very important to note. The jails in the United States and around the world are not being filled with the rapist and criminal members of the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which really should, at the least, be taking up long-term residence in those types of places.

Why are not these priests and their enablers being rounded up and packed into jails? Why is their punishment (if they actually do get any punishment) truly not fitting their crimes? These issues will be discussed later in this presentation. But for now, scroll down through the pages linked below and get some idea of the very serious problem associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, which exists within the United States, plus virtually throughout the whole world.

After scrolling through the information linked above, it should be rather obvious that there is an extremely serious problem associated with various facilities associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, at least in the United States. Now, the sampling of information linked above just addresses the problem in the United States. But, this problem is actually huge. It is a major, worldwide problem, which seems to be related especially to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and many of those who are associated with them.

Yes, there has been some of this same type of criminal sexual activity happening in some of those which claim to be Protestant churches (1)(2)(3)(4), especially those which are part of the Ecumenical Movement. But, the reason why this type of criminal activity is likely happening in these which are claiming to be Protestant churches will be explained in a more logical and complete fashion, later in this presentation in the section titled A Review and Further Information (link).

From the writer's research, it appears that the problem of sexual abuse and other serious crimes which are being freely committed by those associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit world organization is being vastly under-reported. It appears that, via the popular and highly controlled and manipulated mainstream media, we are only being exposed to the proverbial "tip of the iceberg," as the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the "church" which they control, hides and covers up as much as possible, as best they can.

What is there to say about all this? Well, the uncorrupted Holy Bible states that "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."(2 Timothy 3:13) We are most certainly seeing this in our day, virtually everywhere we look. And, it is not just men. It is women, also. To begin with, it is a clear sign of the decay of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. But, it is also a sign of the decay of civilization itself. It is a sign of the decay of civilization, as we are approaching the end of the world (link).

So, is it just the priests and their sexual slaves who are doing these satanically-inspired things? Well, hang on tight, as we examine the rest of the story. It does appear that those in the Vatican/Jesuit organization want to make sure that everything is kept "on the same page."


The priests and bishops of the Catholic Church are not the only ones in on "the sexual abuse and slavery action." It is now time to look at something else which happens within this supposedly, or claimed to be "holy" organization. Yes, the linked information indicates that a number of nuns are also getting their jollies by sexually abusing and raping boys who are in their care. But, it appears that having sex once or twice with these boys is not enough for at least some of these "ladies of the cloth."

From what is being reported, it appears that at least some of these nuns have really turned into extremely bold and nasty "cougars," as it appears they have been working hard to turn at least certain of the boys into utterly "down and dirty" sex slaves. So, scroll down through the linked pages to get a much clearer picture of what a number of those "ladies of the cloth," associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, appear to really be all about, when "the crowd" isn't watching.

In all of these depraved acts of sexual abuse and rape, there is something to consider. Since they claim to be "Christians," where do we see an authentic, un-faked connection to the true God of heaven or to his Christ? Bottom line: we don't. It appears to be totally missing. And, there is still more to this "blossoming" story.


Considering all the information which is linked in the section further above, it seems that in recent times, people want to blame everything mainly on the men. But, it appears that in the Vatican/Jesuit organization, they do not believe in discrimination, especially when it comes to their wild and heady sexual abuse and who they are going "to nail" next, during their ongoing sex-capades. And, it appears that some of these nuns are not happy having just little boys. Take for instance the case of the five year old girl, noted in a page linked below.

The five year old girl allegedly had a nun sexually abuse her with a crucifix. Who knows, possibly that is what some associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization may call "holy sex." When considering all things, there is a very good chance that this sexual abuse by nuns, as noted in the pages linked below, is also just the very tiny tip of the proverbial iceberg. In the times ahead, possibly we may hear about much more activity in this area, especially as time goes by and their "true colors" and animalistic nature comes more out in the open.

From what is indicated in the pages linked above, it appears that nuns can be very subtle in their grooming of their next sexual victim. It appears that the nuns may use various things, including alcohol and drugs if need be, as they work to prepare for that big day when possibly they can have another "down and dirty" sex slave. And, these are called "women of God?" Well, something just does not seem to be adding up here, especially when considering what is so clearly written in the uncorrupted Holy Bible. So, there is a very important question to ask at this point. Which god do these people really serve?

Within the pages linked above, it speaks about a nun who told her female victim that "God is Love, she repeatedly raped her in classrooms at Mater Christi High School in Queens in the late 1960s." Well, it does appear that this nun had a horrible way of twisting or perverting the true meaning of the words found in the uncorrupted Holy Bible. And, this nun "was obsessed with [her female victim] 24 hours a day." So, seeing that this nun was consumed with her lusts, what god is being worshiped by this crowd? What spirit are they indulging? What spirit are they serving? It does not appear to be the particular Most High God of heaven that is clearly shown throughout the uncorrupted Holy Bible.

At this point, possibly we should consider some important things from the Holy Bible. In the book of Revelation, that last book of the uncorrupted Holy Bible, Christ declares: "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie..." (Revelation 3:9) And, the Lord Jesus Christ is called the king of the Jews (1)(2)(3) --- he is the king of those who are authentic Jews (1). Only the true followers of Christ are authentic Jews. And, authentic Christians, the true followers of Christ, are the true spiritual Jews. And, those who are calling themselves "Christians," and are not, shall be made into the synagogue of Satan. It appears we now may be speaking even of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

Looking further into the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it speaks about that which is spiritually called Babylon. Possibly the following words may be applied at this point: "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." (Revelation 18:2) Possibly all that rape and abuse of children and others which has been happening within the Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus all that murder and bloodshed committed by that organization during things like the Crusades and Inquisitions, plus other similar events, would fit within the preceding words from the uncorrupted Holy Bible.


The pages linked below should help to give a much better idea of how some of those associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization can operate. It is beginning to appear that some of the sly priests almost have things down to "a science," as they use that which appears to be the infamous confessional as a means for getting their victims traveling down the winding and wild road to sin. Then, over time, in the confessional, they can steadily work on their victim and groom them for the big day of the "surprise attack." Yes, it appears that a number of these priests can be as sly as a snake, and then "wham!" Got'cha!

It appears that some of these questionable priests are not just sexually abusing and raping boys. Some of the linked pages show that they are abusing grown women, too. And, a search of various records indicates that a number of these priests have been taking even married women to bed. Yes, a number of the priests from this organization appear to have quite a history of even some extreme adultery.

From what is indicated in the pages linked below, it appears that even grown women must be very careful when going to the confessional. If they are not watching carefully, it appears that one of those slick priests could get very carried away and possibly grope them right then and there. It does appear that at least some of these priests have absolutely no respect for the true Word of God, or even for their so-called house of God. Again, it must be asked: "Which god are they really worshipping?"

As indicated by one source linked below, it appears that priests can even kill their parishioners, or potentially even others. So, possibly it's something like "buyer beware," when a person is getting involved with this organization. But, there appears to be much more to this story, as we shall soon see in this presentation. Once again, it appears that nuns are abusing people, and, as shown below, they can even be sexually abusing grown women. Once those lusts "get boiling," it appears things can really get out of control quickly. So again, it appears that you just have to watch out with this group, virtually worldwide, as can be seen by some of the pages linked below.

Note clearly in the page linked above that it was a priest of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization which lured boys into the homosexual lifestyle. Now, it is becoming more clear all the time that there is a very serious, widespread problem of Catholic priests and nuns and others associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization which are sexually abusing children. And then, it is becoming rather obvious that there is a lot of homosexual type of sex going on amongst this crowd. In all of this, there is a page linked here which should be considered. It is titled The Jesuits are Now Actively Promoting Homosexuality. So, it is time to lead into some very important and possibly very revealing questions.

Let us further consider all the homosexual activity which has been going on in the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization for decades, or centuries, or (as the evidence will ultimately show) for well over a thousand years. So, now for those questions. Is there a chance that the raising up of the homosexual lifestyle and movement in the United States and around the world, which has become much more noticeable and more "out in the open" in more recent times, could actually be "a Catholic thing?" Is there a chance that this is part of the "hidden" form of their "religious worship," which they are now brazenly forcing on the peoples of this world? These are possibly things which should be researched further.

While considering the information and questions which are presented above, relating to all of this widespread homosexual activity which is being perpetrated by those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, and which activity appears to be like an out of control wildfire in operation within that organization, there is the information linked below to consider. Yes, it appears that there is a serious problem with Catholic priests being AIDS carriers. This is something to think about, especially when thinking about the possibility of some priest having some type of homosexual activity with your boy, or the boy of someone you know.

The information linked above, about priests with AIDS, makes the writer wonder if the following words may apply here: "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." (Romans 1:27)

Possibly AIDS is part of their punishment in this life, and then, very likely, the lake of fire for all eternity. With these things in mind, let us look at some further information which is linked below, which tends to show the signs of a greatly fallen organization --- fallen away from the true way of God (see: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4).


It is time to get to know the caliber of some of those "fine, upstanding priests" just a little better, especially these ones associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. It is time to check out those "shining lights of common sense and morality." It is time to see what at least some of those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization can really be like, especially when their horrific lusts "get boiling" and they utterly lose all control and their animalistic, doggy-style nature takes over, even in full public view.

Judging from the looks of things, as presented in the information linked below, it appears that at least some of these priests associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization can totally lose their upper head and throw all caution to the wind, as they begin using their lower head and really get carried away in their depravity. Once they get going, it appears they have absolutely no care if the world can see their lewd and reprobate (1) behavior. Possibly they are just living for the moment, because possibly they have no hope for eternity.

Considering all things, especially that which is written in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it strongly appears that these people do not know the true God of heaven, nor the Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, it appears that they are not anything close to being authentic Christians. So, check out the pages linked below and get a better idea of the caliber of people being dealt with here. And, just because somebody wears a robe does not make them a true priest of God. So, check out the information linked below and see the type of people who may be shoving that next "host" into your mouth. You might ask yourself, "Do I really know where their hands have been?"

Then, there is the next case in the "over the top" list. Information about this rather bizarre case is shown in the pages linked below. The writer first saw this case via the source accessed by the first link. This case appeared to be so unbelievable, that this particular "case" had to be checked out via a number of other sources. And, after further research, the final conclusion is that this actually did happen.

After considering all of the information about the next case linked via the buttons below, all the writer can say is, it may be a bit "chancy" meeting one of these priests in a "one-on-one," even if it is done in a more public place. From the looks of it, you just never know when one of these mind-controlled, "loose cannons" may suddenly "short a few wires" and unpredictably "go off" like a Roman Candle. Possibly it may be somewhat like when members of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA were having a "jolly good time," while they were secretly and unpredictably dosing each other with LSD. All of a sudden, one of their agents would do something really strange or bizarre, like attempted robbery or possibly even suicide. More about these things later.

Now, when is comes to the various Catholic priests in the "Over The Top" crowd (which could be many more than we realize), is it their type of "special wine" which is causing them to do these rather strange and bizarre things, or is it possibly some type of special drugs which is causing them to do these types of crazy things, or is there a chance that someone has possibly done a bit of "mental tampering" with them, using their special brand of hypnosis and post-hypnotic suggestion, and turned them into something like a mind-controlled, ticking time bomb?

Could at least some of the strange and bizarre things which are happening with at least some of these "over the top" Catholic priests be something like an "in-the-Catholic-house" continuation of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA's MK-Ultra mind-control project? In that questionable project, there was a lot of hypnosis which was used on the victims. It appears that there is a lot more to this story of the strange and bizarre, from the past and from the present, than the public commonly realizes.

Well, wouldn't you know it. First, in the case linked below, the priest attempts to rape the woman in public. Then, the priest was wanting to rape the cop and actually punched him in the head. And then, look at how the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sioux City handled this one. They nonchalantly "issued a statement about the incident involving Wind, saying that it had never intended on issuing a statement 'because there is nothing newsworthy to report.'" this for real? Who in the world are these people, anyway? What planet are they really from? And, where is all this type of activity headed, right here in the United States? Are you awake yet? Well, if you are actually awake, let us begin to consider this whole scenario.

One of their supposedly "holy" or "holey" priests is running around in a mall with most of his clothes off. He is running around "without his pants, underwear, shoes or socks." In other words, his sexual organs and shortcomings are swinging around in the breeze, for everyone in the mall area to see. This pervert is hollering about his desire to rape some woman. And, when a male police officer shows up, the naked and indecently exposed priest says he wants to rape this male cop. This priest even tries to rip the cop's name tag off his uniform and then punches or assaults the officer on the side of the head. And, this is supposedly "nothing newsworthy to report?"

Now, if anyone else who was not a Catholic priest would have done this type of thing, they would possibly have been shot to death by the cop, or if that didn't happen, they would have ultimately been locked up in prison for quite a number of years. But look at what happened in this case. It is obvious that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has way too much control over the judicial system in the United States, or possibly may have its people under some type of blackmail. The Diocese simply makes up an excuse that this "crazy one" had a "mental health episode, has recovered and has since provided exemplary spiritual and priestly care to his parishioners." Can you believe it?

Let us look a bit further into this very revealing story about the activities of one of these "favored ones." One of the source states: "The criminal complaint did not mention any details regarding the female parishioner Wind met with or his threats of rape toward her or the officer. According to a plea agreement, Wind was required to pay a civil penalty of $200, plus court costs, and he received a deferred judgment. He also was given one year of 'informal probation' and no jail sentence." So, what was really going on here, that this Catholic priest could do these things, especially in public, and then virtually "get away with it?"

Once again, was there some type of "mind control" activity going on here? Since the Catholic church has a history of hypnosis, as will clearly be shown in this presentation, is there a chance that the priest was "triggered" and acting on a post-hypnotic suggestion? Then, after all the strange and bizarre activity took place, is there a chance that behind the scenes, the Catholic organization simply told the police and the court that it was just "the boys having a bit of fun and things just got a little out of hand?"

Is our "justice system" utterly broken or what? Does it appear that it is using a false or tweaked "balance?" If so, then why has this happened? Is there a chance that members of law enforcement and our "legal system" are possibly agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, and are actually working for their bosses in Rome and their agenda for the United States, rather than truly working for the safety and security of the general citizenry of the United States? Or, are members of the judiciary possibly blackmailed in one way or another, potentially by some of those who are associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization?

This case, especially, should clearly show that something is just not quite right in the United States, when this type of so-called "justice" is freely allowed to go on. The evidence indicates that our system has been utterly broken by the agents of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. The evidence is given in this presentation. And now, it has become very clear that "the government" or "the judicial system" is not going to clean up the mess. So, check out the information linked below and then decide what truly needs to be done.

After scanning through all the pages linked in the sections above, there are some questions which really need to be asked. What kind of a worldwide organization is being dealt with here, really? Is it following the true way of the God which is shown throughout the uncorrupted Holy Bible, or is it beginning to appear that this organization is truly following something else altogether? Is it a completely fallen organization? And again, which god are they actually worshiping? Could the words below, from the uncorrupted Holy Bible, be applicable to this situation?

Once again, it is clearly written: "And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies." (Revelation 18:1-3)

Well, it appears that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are having all kinds of fun and games on this earth, at this point in history. There is possibly a segment of the populace in the United States which is snickering at all this kind of deranged activity. But, what is happening to the United States? What is "on the horizon" for our country? It is possibly time to put all the laughing and jokes aside, and start to get serious and look at the reality of the perdicament in which the citizens of the United States are now in?

In the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy tried to warn the public about what was happening. But, before he was able to actually wake Americans up to the true situation, "they" blew him away. Yes, "they" (those who were involved in the diabolic plot) brutally assassinated him. Earlier, President Kennedy spoke about a plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States (link), but he was never given the needed time to clearly explain to the public what it was all about. So now, let us begin to look at the story that never was able to be publicly told, at least not fully by the physically living President John F. Kennedy.


There is another thing to consider about that case which is noted in the latter part of the section above. There is more to consider about the virtually naked priest who was hell-bent on raping a woman parishioner, and then planned on raping a male cop. In the page linked below, scroll down to the bottom of the article and you will see something which is getting rather concerning, regarding what is now happening to the United States. The Associated Press wanted to get more information about the case of this very brazen, wannabe or closet rapist priest. Now, for the part which should raise at least some eyebrows.

The attorney for Sioux County in Iowa, Tom Kunstle (1)(2), refused to give the Associated Press any further details about the case. This Sioux County Attorney "said the AP would have to seek a court order to get him to answer any questions about the case. He summarily rejected an open records request for his correspondence related to the matter." What is happening here? Have the agents, whose allegiance is to the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, rather than to the authentic United States, its Constitution and its citizens, gotten way too much power and control in the United States? Where is all this leading? What do "the signs" indicate is soon coming to the United States?

Oh, by the way, that Tom Kunstle, noted in the page linked above, was featured in a page from the publication, Catholic Health World. The page, dated February 1, 2018, is linked here. It appears that Tom Kunstle will stand up and prosecute people, as long as they are not Catholic priests with church backing. It makes a person wonder what the Catholic Church potentially "has" on Kunstle. Possibly the remainder of this presentation may give some rather logical ideas.

Once again, it is becoming more obvious all the time that the international Vatican/Jesuit organization and its questionable agents have way too much control over the United States. Research indicates that they virtually have full control of our legal system, plus many other key segments associated with the U.S. government. It does appear that "the handwriting is on the wall" for the United States.

The pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), show what has historically happened, over and over again throughout history, whenever the international Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents get too much control in any country. And, it is becoming rather clear that history is about to horrendously repeat itself --- this time, right in the United States. So, check out the pages linked below and learn that history which they intentionally did not teach the public in school.

It is now time for some serious questions. Is the writer just letting their mind run "way too wild?" Are they getting overly carried away with all of this stuff and wildly "looping out into space somewhere?" Are they just getting extremely too farfetched in what they have been indicating or saying, plus with some of the information which they have been linking to and presenting? Is the writer just jumping to completely erroneous conclusions?

Well, before you judge the writer too quickly and "slam the door" on this one, just stick along for "the ride," at least a bit further. Check out all the verified facts presented, then possibly even do some further research on your own, and then decide if the writer is "way off base." It is time to truly understand what is happening in our country, at least for those who truly care about this country.



As they should be, various people are getting very tired of this blatant and brazen criminal activity which is being displayed by quite a number of those associated with the hierarchy of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, whose government is based within Rome, Italy. So, there is a question which needs to be asked. This questionable Vatican/Jesuit organization claims that it is representing the true God of heaven. But, is it? Well, it truly is time to begin looking at things just a bit closer.

There is a book titled Eaters of Children: The Pedocracy Exposed, which should be accessible via this link, unless the link has been tampered with. The book was written by Johnny Cirucci. This is an informative book, but possibly a number of people may consider it as being somewhat perverse. The writer tends to believe that the linked book SHOULD NOT be read by children, or possibly even by immature adults, or possibly even by those who are not "grounded" in the principles and precepts taught in the uncorrupted Holy Bible. For those who are mature and stable in the principles and precepts of the uncorrupted Holy Bible, while scrolling through the material presented in the linked book, and judging things by the Word and Spirit of the God, this linked book can potentially help to explain at least some of what is going on in our world, especially in regards to that international Vatican/Jesuit organization.

Now for some further information about the book Eaters of Children: The Pedocracy Exposed and its author Johnny Cirucci. A video linked here it titled The Mythology Behind "Eaters of Children" by Johnny Cirucci. This video is informative. An alternate copy of that video is linked here. Looking further, a one-hour and 42-minute program titled Eaters of Children with Author Johnny Cirucci is linked here. There is worthwhile information found in this program. Now, for those who may wonder about that picture of the child eater which is found on the cover of the Cirucci book, it is not just some sick picture which was drawn up especially for the book cover. The source for that picture is a statue on top of a fountain in Bern, Switzerland --- as seen in the pages linked below.

The Eaters of Children book, when viewed with the proper mindset, may help to explain what has been happening for a long time. It may also help to explain why nothing is really being done about all the criminal activity against children and others by those associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. Scroll down through the Eaters book, linked here, to see what the priests and many in the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been up to for quite a period of time. Then decide which god is really being worshipped by this highly questionable organization, which unfortunately has so much control over so many people in our world. And yes, the authentic God is watching and true judgment is on its way, and when it is done, the Vatican and Rome shall never be found or inhabited again (link). So, what have at least the "elite" in the papal crowd been doing?

As just one example of their activity, a page with information about the Eaters of Children book is linked here. The page asks the following question: "Did you know the 'North American Man-Boy Love Association' was co-founded by a pedophile Roman Catholic priest?" Further information about this group and this Catholic priest can be accessed via the buttons below. Considering all the information in this presentation, the Most High God of heaven certainly has just reason to destroy the Vatican/Jesuit organization (link) and relegate the pope and the papal/Jesuit hierarchy to the lake of fire to be tormented day and night forever, without a moment's respite. This punishment is indicated in verses access via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). A page linked here presents information which indicates that this utter destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome could take place about the year 2048, if not before.

In the meantime, because of all the criminal activity and sexual abuse of children and others, plus all the apparent deception by the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, a number of people are now trying to get lawmakers motivated. These people are hoping that the lawmakers will do at least something about the widespread, criminal sexual abuse problem which is associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. This is indicated by the pages linked below. But, possibly this issue is like the proverbial "hot potato" which no one really wants to handle or do what really needs to be done, especially if they are blackmailed in one way or another.

What good the lawmakers will be in this whole situation is yet to be seen. But, don't hold your breath, as you wait for the lawmakers to do what really needs to be done. Why? Well, in quite a number of cases, it appears that there could be a serious conflict of interest going on. The pope, the bishops and the priests are basically like the influencers or bosses of a number of these lawmakers and the officers of the law. And, there is something else to consider in this situation. Are these priests and bishops, or is the pope and his cohorts going to tell any lawmakers who are under their control, "Hey, just do your job and slam the legal hammer down on us?"

Because of the foreign-based organization and foreign government which a number of these lawmakers are associated with, serving and actually operating under (yes, the Vatican State represents an independent country), and because of their conflict of interest, these lawmakers and others in U.S. government positions may be compromised and may not always, or possibly may never really do that which they are supposed to be doing, in order to protect the best interests of the authentic citizens of the United States. And, in various cases, they may not truly work to rid this nation of crime, even horrendous crimes against children, if they are committed by members of the organization and foreign government which they serve. More on this issue later.

At this point, there are some other things which need to be considered. A question will first be asked. Is there a chance that, when it comes to getting the criminal mess cleaned up regarding these agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, the following words from the uncorrupted Holy Bible may have some application? One passage from the Bible declares: "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help." (Psalms 146:3) Considering the situation, this passage appears to be very fitting.

Looking further into the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it asks this question: "Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?" (Psalms 94:20) And that they do. They frame or protect iniquity with a law. They put laws in place which are intended to advance their war against the God of heaven. Looking further into the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it is written: "Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment." (Job 32:9) "Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth." (Habakkuk 1:4) And, that is what we are dealing with today.


There is another rather major problem which we are dealing with in the United States. The information linked below appears to indicate that the international Vatican/Jesuit organization has absolutely no care about decency and what is morally right. It appears they strongly desire to have their criminal sex and perform their other abuse, no matter what. Yes, possibly there is a chance that they are even working to "buy" or blackmail politicians (link) or members of the judicial system or law enforcement, or possibly even all of them together, so they can get them to go along with criminal sexual abuse. And, this presentation will show how they are doing it.

Yes, you priests and bishops, it appears that lust and criminal sex can be highly addictive. And, it appears that diabolic, perverted sex can really possess you, once you really get into it and turn your animalistic nature completely loose. But, don't you think you are going a bit too far with this one? And, aren't you supposed to be representing the true God of heaven? Well, possibly we have been wrong to believe this of you. Anyway, for those with an interest, check out the pages linked below and see what this abusive crowd and their questionable cohorts have been up to.

Considering the teachings and principles presented throughout the uncorrupted Holy Bible, there is something that must be said. If these people associated with the hierarchy of this questionable "church" truly were connected in any way to the Most High God of heaven, they would not be fighting to make it easier for them and their buddies to have their criminal sex.

If they were truly of the authentic God of heaven, or if they were in any way converted and following in the true way of Christ, they would all be immediately repenting of their wickedness and, of their own accord, would be fleeing from any leadership position in any church. They would be fleeing from any leadership position in utter shame. But, when ego or money, or an unconverted heart or the uncontrolled desire for power over people, appears to rule a person's life, what else can you expect?

If these people from this alleged church were truly of the authentic God of heaven or following the true way of Christ, this type of large-scale display of raping boys and girls and perpetrating crimes against humanity would never have been happening in the first place. But, because of their brazen display of utter wickedness, it appears they are of those who are utterly against Christ, or are genuine antichrists, whose consciences have been virtually "seared, as with a hot iron," so their conscience is dead. From what they are doing, it does appear that they have no functioning conscience remaining any longer.

And, once again, the following words from the uncorrupted Holy Bible possibly need to be considered more closely, for what they really mean. Again, it is written: "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." (Revelation 18:2) In all of this, since true justice is not being done upon this earth, it is good to know that the true God of heaven shall judge this spiritual Babylon and its agents in the rapidly approaching days ahead, as noted in the page linked here. It appears that this judgment and utter destruction of spiritual Babylon will happen in the lifetime of many people who are living today. And, it will possibly happen much sooner than most people realize.


What is there to say about all this rape and abuse by those associated with the hierarchy of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization? What is there to say about those who are brazenly working to "gut" the child protection laws, so possibly they can make it easier to rape and abuse even more children, on a much larger scale? It appears that they are locked into a brazen war against humanity, plus in a brazen war against the Most High God of heaven! It appears they callously have no problem committing blatant crimes against humanity! Yes, that appears to be the nature of "the beast" (link) which we are now dealing with.

The pages linked below show that rape is commonly used as a weapon of war. As the first linked page notes, "belligerent parties have been using rape as a tool to...terrorize and destroy populations." It appears that the rapists associated with the hierarchy of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization are the terrorists of our land, plus are proving to be the destroyers of our country. Because these priests and bishops are representatives of a foreign government, that being the Vatican State, it appears that they are operating as enemy agents working against the authentic United States and its citizens, plus they are doing the same in other countries around the world.

The first page linked below declares: "Rape is used to demoralize and destabilize entire communities. It destroys the cohesion of families and societies." That appears to be what the rapers and abusers who are associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization are doing to the peoples of this world, as they continue with their "holy war" against any that follow the true teachings and principles of the uncorrupted Holy Bible. All of this appears to be part of their continuing war of the Counter Reformation, as they work to corrupt, weaken and take down any organization or nation on this earth which does not fully bow to the pope and the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order.

There is something which truly needs to be considered. The pope has often been speaking against various kinds of wicked things which are being done on this earth. But there is a question which really needs to be asked. Who is the pope to even begin to talk about any type of crime which is being done by any other group or organization, anywhere on this earth? Who is the pope to talk about anyone else, when it appears that his organization is one of the biggest brazen perpetrators of global crime, and has been throughout virtually its whole existence, as proven by documented history?

In a large share of what the pope is doing, it appears that he is simply working hard to appear as being a nice guy in the eyes of those who have not truly studied and taken to heart the important information from history. It appears that the pope is possibly just working very hard to deflect the public view elsewhere, so the people of this world do not see the horrendous blackness and darkness of the pope's ungodly and un-Christ-like organization. Really, all this raping, sexual abuse and enslavement is ungodly and un-Christ-like. But, the time is rapidly approaching for the judgment of the pope and his questionable organization, as indicated in the page linked here.

When the righteous God of heaven utterly destroys the Vatican and surrounding Rome, because of the utter wickedness which is contained and protected therein, what is the command from heaven that is given to the true people of God which are still living at that time? Are they to be feeling bad about what happens to the Vatican and Rome, or are they to be doing something else altogether?

Because of the utter vileness of that organization in the eyes of the authentic God of heaven, regarding the horrendous and complete destruction which comes upon the Vatican and Rome, it is written: "Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her." (Revelation 18:20) And, from the looks of the "signs" upon this earth and that which is declared in the prophecies, it appears that this destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome will possibly happen somewhere around the year 2048, if not much sooner.

Since fallen and erring humanity will not do the job that morally needs to be done in relation to the criminally acting Vatican/Jesuit organization that is protected by Rome, the righteous God of heaven shall have to properly do the job in the rapidly approaching days ahead. From the looks of things, many people who are living today will get to see the final and utter destruction of the Vatican and Rome, when they are, in a shear act of righteousness, permanently destroyed by the Most High God of heaven, never to be found or inhabited again (link). Once again, this judgment from the Most High God of heaven may happen much sooner than most people think.


In this sexual abuse and rape of boys and girls and others, it appears that many associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization are basically "thumbing their noses" at the law (1). By their acts, it appears they are telling citizens to "stick it." And, why do you suppose they brazenly do this? Well, it appears the answer is relatively clear. The international Vatican/Jesuit organization operates in this way because they know they can get away with it. Why can they get away with it? Because their many "agents" are in positions of power in the government and these agents are not about to displease their real bosses, who are base in the middle of Rome.

With all of this child abuse and rape going on at institutions associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, there is a question which really needs to be asked. Why do not the Child Protective Services agencies in every State seriously get in there and do the proper job? Why are they not removing all of the kids from all of these Catholic institutions which are proving themselves to be criminal in nature and dangerous to children? A complete removal of all the kids from these foreign-controlled criminal organizations is the only way to properly protect these kids from that which appears to inevitably happen at these highly questionable places.

Because of the utter failure of the so-called "Child Protective Services" agencies in every State to properly do the job of truly protecting kids from extremely blatant abuse and criminal activity, it appears that a question really needs to be asked. Does the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Catholic Church hold too much sway over our various governmental agencies? Is that the reason why these agencies do not truly work to protect authentic U.S. citizens from that which is beginning to appear as being a foreign monster? Are the various government agencies compromised? Are a number of their key people possibly corrupt or blackmailed?

There is still more which needs to be considered. It is becoming rather clear that the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization holds far too much sway over our government and its officials. Now, there is an important question which really should be asked. By what means does the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization hold this sway and control over our government and its officials? This question is one which should be clearly answered in a page linked here, which is titled A Problem with Blackmailed Government Officials, plus within the information found in this presentation.

Now, there is another issue which needs to be brought to the attention of U.S. citizens. Because of the undue influence and control which the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its treacherous agents appear to have over our government and its officials, there is another problem which exists. As exposed in more detail later in this presentation, it appears that the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, via its agents in all those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies, is now using that which is supposed to be "our" government, its agencies and its officials, as harmful tools which are actually being used against U.S. citizens, to enslave them.

It appears that our government is no longer functioning in the specific manner in which the Founding Fathers of this great nation meant it to function. Why is this so? Well, it appears to be this way because the treacherous agents of a foreign power and government, which foregin power and foreign government is also known as the Vatican/Jesuit organization, have virtually hijacked our government. And, this process has not happened just "overnight." It has subtly been in the works for about two centuries.

In the meantime, as you ponder on these things, plus any questions which may have come to mind, just check out the information which is presented in the pages linked below. Look closely at how it appears that various agencies of "the government" are protecting the child abusing and raping agents associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. Look at how the public image of that criminal-acting organization is being "whitewashed" and protected, rather than the children of this country being protected.

Once again, could there be a serious "conflict of interest" occurring in this situation? Could members or agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, or those who are associated with them or who are members of its various secret societies (link), be connected with the government agencies which should be doing true justice, but are obviously not? Why is this continuing to happen? Why was it even allowed to happen in the first place? Are the people in these government agencies compromised in some way, or possibly even blackmailed (link)?

There is something else to now consider in this situation of widespread sexual abuse and the horrendous rape of minors and others which is associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and many other organizations which with links to it. When it comes to almost anyone else (other than the Catholic Church and its rapist priests or bishops, plus others who are associates of the Catholic hierarchy), check out the pages linked below to see the normal methods by which the Child Protective Services agencies operate. So, what gives in "the Catholic situation?"

Is it part of the religious rights of those associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization to abuse and rape children? Is the abuse and rape of children and others part of their form of worship? Is that why government agencies are virtually letting them get away with all this highly criminal activity? Or, once again, could it just be blackmailed government officials (link)? Or, could it be that those-in-the-know do not want to get in the way of the rising, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order and its highly questionable agenda and associated activities?

Are the so-called "Child Protective Services" agencies controlled by agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, or what? What is really going on here and who is really behind it? Whose "fingerprint" appears to be on all this questionable activity, especially when we are beginning to see the privatization of certain so-called "Child Protective Services" agencies? Who is actually behind all of this "privatization" effort and where will it all lead? And, when things are privatized, will it actually end up being the abusive and raping Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents who will then be in full control? Possibly the very important answers to these questions is something which most citizens, unfortunately, would rather not know or deal with now.

At this point, scroll down through the pages linked below and at least get some idea of what is happening in and to our country. But, there is actually a whole lot more to this story which is yet to come. That is part of the purpose of this broad-spectrum presentation --- to give the general public a better idea of what appears to now be "on the horizon" and rapidly moving towards us. Someone, in about 2008, promised change in the United States, and extreme change we are going to ultimately get. Unfortunately, when it is much too late, we will find that this change they have "popped" on us is not necessarily for our good.

In the earlier 1900s, President Theodore Roosevelt spoke about "an invisible government," one which needs to be destroyed (1)(2). A criminal acting Child Protective Services which appears to be abusing its authority, and a Child Protective Services organization which is not fully protecting children from the abusing and raping agents of the foreign-controlled Vatican/Jesuit organization, appears to be one of the open manifestations of that illegal and unconstitutional invisible government. It appears that those who are part of that invisible government have successfully hijacked the authentic U.S. government and are working to crush it and enslave its legitimate citizens, while it appears they are against virtually everything which the United States is supposed to be about.


There is actually quite a bit more to the story about some of the highly questionable things which have been happening in and to the United States. There is more to the story of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization than simply a longstanding, subtle and deceptive war which is commonly called the Counter Reformation. There is more to the story of this war which is against true Biblical values, morals and teachings. It appears there is actually much more to the story of why all this sexual abuse and rape of children and others is happening with those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, than the general public commonly realizes.

As just one example of the nature and some of the history of the highly questionable, foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization (which is based within Rome, Italy), a page linked here and within the cluster of buttons below, speaks of the lucrative baby black market which appears to be associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. This particular part of the black market which will now be addressed involved babies from Ireland. These babies on the black market in Ireland were being "adopted by wealthy American Catholics." Research indicates that there has been quite a money-making racket going on here, over quite a period of time.

In other areas of the world, it appears that babies are being stolen from the poor people and given to rich Catholics, so those children will be raised to be Catholics with power, esteem and control in their region of the world. This appears to all be part of the historic Vatican/Jesuit plan to take-over, dominate, control and subdue all countries, and then put these countries and their citizens under the Vatican/Jesuit-organization's despotic, rising New World Order, which rising New World Order appears to be nothing else but the reviving Holy Roman Empire on steroids, with its legislative body now residing as the United Nations Organization in New York City.

So, will this baby stealing by agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization end anytime soon? Most likely not! There is reason to believe that it will just get more subtle and continue for a long time, especially once it is fully realized who all and what all is actually behind and supporting this ongoing, criminal activity. It will finally end only when the true God of heaven (link), because of the history of its utter wickedness upon this earth, completely destroys the Vatican and surrounding Rome (link), plus ultimately puts an end to this world (link) in the rapidly approaching days ahead. In the meantime, check out the pages linked below to see another segment of this highly deceptive and wicked "beast" organization.

The highly questionable and possibly criminal activity noted in the pages linked above may appear to be bad enough, but the story associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization is not finished yet --- not by a long shot. It appears that the story just continues to get worse, as will be seen in the sections which follow. Let it be noted that some people may have a hard time coming face to face with the information which now follows. But, this information is the harsh reality of our world.

The information which now follows is the harsh reality of a world in which the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization has been able to freely operate for many centuries. The information which follows relates to an organization which has infiltrated and gained so much control over the governments and peoples of this world, that it can now get away with almost anything which it wants to, including the large-scale abuse and rape of children and others.

With the few short words above, it is now time to get ready to fully "dive" into a look at Reality 202 --- the story of what a certain organization and its associates have been doing in and to this world. It appears that this is a story which they want to keep as confusing as possibly, so the general public has a hard time figuring things out and making sense of it or fully understanding what has really been going on.

Well, the writer has taken a lot of time to deeply study the matter and, using the record of history and certain things from the uncorrupted Holy Bible, will now do their best to present the pieces of this story in a manner which is more easily understood. This story is actually very large and there are many pieces to it, but they are all interrelated in one way or another.



Well, unfortunately, this story keeps getting bigger and bigger. There truly is quite a history to this rather questionable organization. If criminal sexual abuse and slavery is not enough, it appears that the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its rising world government have quite a history of really going over the top. To those who have completely read the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it appears that the true Spirit of God is not that which is motivating the people in control of this foreign-based organization. Since that appears to be the case, all kinds of diabolic things can happen.

The pages linked in this section speak of the abuse and killing or murder of children in Catholic institutions, both in the United States and in other countries. The pages indicate that this killing or murdering of children is not just something that has randomly happened by accident to one or two children. From what is indicated below, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization is guilty of wilful mass murder, and it appears that there is a specific reason why this murder is happening. Most about this particular issue later in this presentation.

About this point, there are some questions which really should be asked. Is this killing or murder of children, which is happening within the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, simply blatant crimes against humanity, or what? And, even more importantly, what god is really being worshiped here? Whose spirit is possessing these people, that they are doing such things? Is this some type of human sacrifice, which has been happening within this organization? Check out the pages linked below and get educated on that which appears to be the real nature and spirit of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, when the public is not watching.

There is actually a lot more to the story about what has been done over the years to children and to humanity in general, by agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and by those who are associated with it or by those who are under the control of it or its agents. It is time to begin looking much closer at what has really been going on behind the scenes, while the general populace has intentionally been distracted by "more important things" in life, like entertainment and drugs, or other relatively frivolous things along those general lines. Yes, as some have said, "With bread and circuses we shall keep them distracted and looking the other way, while we enslave them."


In the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it is written: "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb..." (Revelation 17:12-14) Keep these words in mind, as we continue into this revealing presentation.

In the pages accessed via the large cluster of buttons, near the bottom of this section, various writers present information about some very evil events which are tied to governments, intelligence agencies, and the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its money-making "church." Some of these writers express themselves in a different manner than many members of the public may be accustomed to. But, that is okay. Whatever it takes to get the true story out about these atrocities, so be it. Each individual may have their own way of dealing with the knowledge of horrendous events which are simply unadulterated evil.

The information accessed via the cluster of buttons near the bottom of this section is mainly about diabolic and satanic things which happened in Canada. Much of what is spoken about occurred at Catholic institutions, one major Catholic institution being near Montreal. The evidence indicates that segments of both the Canadian and U.S. governments were connected with this diabolic activity which was perpetrated upon children, which included brazen acts of unethical human "experimentation" and murder.

Associated with a certain amount of this criminal activity in Canada appears to have also been the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). How the CIA appears to be controlled by, and how it appears to be a tool of, the Vatican/Jesuit organization will be explained more completely, later in this presentation. But, be forewarned: the documentation which appears to verify the things just stated is available for all to see. Now, when it comes to the diabolic crimes against especially children, research appears to indicate that all of this is associated with the spirit and nature of the rising, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order, which now appears to be something like a rising, diabolic Nazi Third Reich, but on steroids. There is a reason for all this.

When it comes to criminal acts against children and human experimentation, there is something to note about that which was happening in the 1900s to orphans and others in at least Canada. First of all, research indicates that German Nazi war criminals had illegally become a major part of the backbone of the CIA. This is shown in the pages linked below. In what was happening in at least Canada, it appears that the CIA was simply using tactics which were originally used in German extermination camps by the Nazis, during the World War Two era.

Regarding Nazis in the CIA, there appears to be a whole lot more to the story than just using the Nazis for spying overseas. Research indicates that the Nazis and their allies were used for "domestic activities," directly within the United States. These "domestic activities," in many cases, amounted to some very serious crimes against U.S. citizens, plus crimes against humanity. This will clearly be shown later in this presentation. But now, let us return to what was happening in Canada and those questionable activities in which Nazis and the CIA were involved.

Research indicates that the diabolic and criminal human experimentation on small children and others, in at least Canada, was just an extension of the Nazi attrocities which occurred in Germany in earlier years. It appears that this German-Nazi-type of human experimentation, which occurred in Canada, was being performed under the umbrella of things like the CIA's MK-Ultra program and other similar classified "projects." In all of this, there is something else to consider. There is a reason why the CIA supposedly destroyed the authentic records in 1973, of virtually all of these earlier, criminal activities.

To this day, it appears that the governments of Canada and the United States are working to keep the truth literally buried, regarding some very sinister activities which occurred during the 1900s. They have not let private organizations which are representing the injured parties (injured parties like the Duplessis Orphans and the Indigenous children, plus others) properly "dig around" in Canada and investigate much deeper into that which occurred during the World War Two era and after, at these ill-natured facilities associated with the Catholic Church. All that is really known is that survivors stated that there was a lot of abuse of and criminal human experimentation done on children in various ways. But there truly is more to this horrendous story.

It is known that there was an incredible amount of children which died at these Catholic-controlled facilities in at least Canada, as a result of this diabolic human experimentation and abuse --- abuse and "experimentation" which shall be considered in more detail in this presentation, so be forewarned. It appears that what happened at these facilities in Canada may be "the true Catholic Church" --- the true Catholic Church which perpetrated brutal and murderous things like the Crusades and Inquisitions in earlier times. What took place in at least Canada in earlier years may also tend to expose the true nature of the Vatican/Jesuit organization's rising New World Order. More about this issue later.

As a note, some of the pages linked below show that it was not just children which were criminally experimented on in those highly questionable programs which were associated with Catholic-controlled institutions, plus with the Nazified CIA organization. (More information about the Nazified CIA organization will also be given later.) It appears that an untold number of adults were even illegally or criminally experimented on, and in many cases, their lives were ruined. It does appear that a lot of crimes against humanity were being perpetrated here, for a very tweaked reason.

Once again, this appears to be the true nature and spirit of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, especially when its treacherous agents are able to work behind a wall of secrecy. Again, welcome to the rising New World Order and that which appears to lie ahead for us all. Welcome to another look at that organization which blatantly perpetrated those diabolic, bloody and murderous Crusades and Inquisitions upon humanity. And, the evidence indicates that they are nowhere near being done yet. Furthermore, all of what is being exposed in this presentation appears to be just the very tiny tip of the proverbial iceberg.

It appears that what we are now seeing in our world, plus have been seeing for quite a long period of time, is simply the "lead-in" to that situation which ultimately evolves into that horrendous event which is Biblically known as the great tribulation (link) --- a time of tyranny, brutality and mass murder beyond all imagination, which occurs virtually worldwide. It is a time when humanity comes close to exterminating itself. And yes, the evidence indicates that organizations associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its CIA will be involved in perpetrating this gruesome event.

According to the things shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, immediately after the diabolic and murderous tribulation will begin the process which ultimately results in the end of the world (link). In the mean time, check out the pages linked below and see what has been brazenly happening in our world. The pages also reveal the mentality of many of those in positions of power and control. In the pages, see what type of criminal activity has been happening, while the general public has been intentionally kept "in the dark" and distracted with "more important things" like drugs or sports or entertainment. Yes, once again, just "bread and circuses," to keep the people distracted while many are being enslaved and horrendously used.

It is now time to see, in the pages linked below, what has been happening, when the general public has not been doing their job and closely watching those who have taken control of, or those who have hijacked our world and are operating behind a wall of secrecy. They operate behind this wall of secrecy, which, they claim and want us to believe, is for "national security" purposes. And, this wall of secrecy was fully set in place when the Nazi war criminals were illegally brought into the United States and placed in key positions, as shall be discussed later in this presentation. But for now, scroll through the pages linked below and learn some things which they possibly did not teach you in school, for a reason.

Yes, there truly is a major reason why, in 1973, the CIA supposedly destroyed all the records which they could find which related to their earlier activities under their secret projects associated with MKULTRA, and other like activities. It appears they have much to hide, as do those associated with them. For those with the time or further interest, there are other pages, with different forms of presentation, which relate to the situation presented above. Some of these pages are found at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12).

Yes, there is a very good reason why the former CIA boss, James Jesus Angleton, as he was dying, allegedly stated in an interview that he would see all his former cohorts in hell. James Angleton was "in the know" in the CIA and fully knew what he was talking about. This statement, along with associated information from James Angleton is considered to a much larger degree, later in this presentation.


In the fourth page linked in the button-cluster in the section above (link), when it comes to the large-scale abuse and illegal and criminal experimentation on children in Canada, it states: "The alleged incidents took place during the 1930's, '40s and '50s, under the regime of Premier Maurice Duplessis."

Now, it is time to establish some type of a timeline to use as a point of reference. This reference will be used to place all of this illegal and blatantly criminal activity which was happening in at least one Canadian Catholic facility, in relation to other major world events. Knowing the history of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization which is now in question, there is a chance that this type of criminal activity, to one degree or another, was also happening at various other Catholic-associated facilities in Canada, plus possibly even at various associated facilities elsewhere in the world.

Now for the establishment of a few points of reference on the timeline which will be used. World War Two "began with Nazi Germany's attack on Poland in September 1939."(link) And, "the United States did not enter the war until after the Japanese bombed the American fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941." And, "The war ended with the Axis powers' unconditional surrender in 1945." These are three good reference points in history to use as part of a timeline which can then be used for judging what or who was behind the horrendous atrocities which were being done to numerous children at the Catholic-controlled facilities in Canada.

The evidence indicates that the illegal and criminal abuse and atrocities, using at least things like "chemical billy clubs" and "chemical lobotomies" in the Catholic-controlled facilities in Canada during the regime of Premier Maurice Duplessis, began prior to World War Two. The fact that this criminal abuse and these horrendous atrocities against children in Catholic-controlled facilities in Canada began occurring PRIOR TO WORLD WAR TWO, is an important piece of information to remember.

About one-quarter of the way down the page linked below, is found the following words: "The need for further inquiry into the case of the Orphans is apparent, as an investigation supported by the Fund for Investigative Journalism in Washington, D.C., has revealed something even more sinister on the part of psychiatrists than signing away the lives of normal, healthy children as mental misfits -- invoking the specter of psychiatric programs under the Nazi regime in Germany." But, it appears there is more to this story. About two-thirds of the way down the linked page, one investigator declared: "This was an organized crime against humanity."

Because it is so very important to this discussion, note again what is stated above. This diabolic and sinister activity appeared to all be part of "an organized crime against humanity." This statement about "organized crime" should help in the identification of those who appear to have been instigating, or actually were behind, these diabolic activities which were being done to these orphans in at least Canada. Once again, the activity in Canada was an organized crime. This was not just some random thing that happened by chance. This criminal activity was tied to some organization. And again, this bit of knowledge helps to identify the actual instigators of these crimes.

About two-thirds of the way down the page linked above, it is noted that there "are parallels between occurrences in Canada and Germany, where orphans were warehoused in psychiatric facilities and victimized as experimental subjects. The parallel is drawn not to Nazi atrocities, but rather to the crimes of German psychiatrists in their institutions. As it is now widely known, the eugenics theories in vogue in Nazi-run Germany were not limited to that country."

Hold on a moment! Was the word "eugenics" used in the paragraph above? Yes it was! It declares that eugenics theories were in vogue in Nazi-run Germany. Eugenics was the thing to do in Nazi Germany. Why? It appears that eugenics was associated with the Nazi philosophy. Once again, why? How did this eugenics ideology get integrated into Nazi philosophy?


In the book titled Mein Kampf, which is commonly attributed to Adolf Hitler, American eugenics is referred to. About half way down in the first page linked in the button-cluster below, it is noted that the book Mein Kampf "declares non-Aryan races such as Jews and gypsies as inferior. He believed Germans should do everything possible, including genocide, to make sure their gene pool stayed pure." The other pages linked below also speak of the eugenics philosophy which appears to have been widespread in Nazi Germany, plus also in the United States.

At this point, there is something important to take a closer look at. A number of the pages linked below tend to blame the eugenics extermination programs in Nazi Germany on the United States and its widespread eugenics programs. Yes, the Eugenics Movement was strongly in action in the United States during the first half of the 1900s. Yes, there were medical facilities in the United States which were intentionally experiencing an abnormally high death rate, which is noted in the linked pages. So, it appears the eugenicists were going strong in the United States, well before Hitler and the Nazis really got going with their extermination programs in Germany.

The third page linked below speaks clearly of the eugenics movement in the United States in the early 1900s. It notes the methods which the U.S. eugenicists proposed for getting rid of undesirables, with these words: "The most commonly suggested method of eugenicide in America was a 'lethal chamber' or public locally operated gas chambers." The page speaks more about what the U.S. eugenicists were doing, with these words: "One institution in Lincoln, Illinois fed its incoming patients milk from tubercular cows believing a eugenically strong individual would be immune. Thirty to forty percent annual death rates resulted at Lincoln." Yes, once again, this was happening right here in the United States.

So, again, it is very clear that the eugenicists in the United States were subtly killing a large number of people, in virtually every inventive manner which they could possibly dream up, long before Adolf Hitler and his Nazis got going with their extermination programs in Nazi Germany. This subtle, widespread and organized killing of people, which was occurring in the United States, had to have originated from someplace or from someone. This criminal activity in the United States, in at least the early 1900s, brings to mind some of the words from a certain group's alleged, historic Oath. These particular words which come to mind from the alleged historic Oath, are as follows:

"I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth... That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet..."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) And now, there is yet more to consider.

The page linked immediately above declares: "The Nazis were eugenicists and Malthusians (see Mein Kampf, chapter 4). They wanted to murder 'the inferior' because they were convinced there wasn't enough food to go around. The Malthusianism told them that millions had to die; the eugenics told them who the victims ought to be."

Wow! This information presented above, about the Nazis and their beliefs, sounds very similar to some of the ideas or beliefs which people are now talking about. This sounds similar to some of the ideas sponsored by the "elite," which are being foisted on the general public today. The quote above, about the Nazis, appears to parallel the talk which is happening today about the need to eliminate about a whopping 90-percent or more of the world's population. These things are noted in the introductory information linked below.

So, getting back to the Nazi philosophy which came from the book Mein Kampf --- it was a mixture of eugenic and Malthusian thought. Now, it is time for a very important question. Did this type of Malthusian eugenic thought come strictly from the mind of Adolf Hitler, or did it come from somewhere else or from some other organization?


Who actually wrote the book titled Mein Kampf? Who wrote that book which included eugenics and Malthusian thought? Who wrote that book which spoke of the Jew and Gypsies as being inferior? Who wrote that book which declared that Germans may need to resort to genocide in order to keep their gene pool pure? Was it Adolf Hitler who actually wrote this book, or, was it someone else altogether? Where did this type of diabolic and satanic thinking really come from? The answer to this question is important to our discussion.

The first source to consider is a Wikipedia entry titled Bernhard Stempfle, which is linked here. The page makes known that Bernhard Stempfle "was a Catholic priest." This Catholic priest "helped Adolf Hitler in the writing of Mein Kampf." This priest appears to have had a lot of influence on Hitler. The page also states: "Stempfle frequently visited Munich and was a member of Hitler's inner circle, joining Hitler 'at his corner table at the Cafe Heck', and advising him on religious issues." Other sources (1)(2) go so far as to say that the Jesuit priest, Bernhard Stemfle actually was the writer of Mein Kampf, and Adolf Hitler simply signed it.

A book titled The Secret History of the Jesuits is linked here. At the bottom of PDF page 137 of 197 (actual book page 138) is found these words: "The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum, only five years before, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in 'Mein Kampf were already realised; this book, an insolent challenge to the western democracies, was written by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and signed by Hitler. For -- as so many ignore the fact -- it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it." Reread the preceding words as many times as needed, so that which they are actually stating may fully "sink in."

From what is stated above, it appears that the Malthusian eugenics thought that is found in Mein Kampf may actually be Jesuit thought. So, is there any other indication that the eugenics thought in Mein Kampf could have been from the Jesuit organization? Pages at the following links --- (1)(2) --- speak of a Jesuit priest named Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a man who lived from 1881 to 1955. The pages indicate that this Jesuit priest named Teilhard was committed to forced eugenics and racial superiority. From the evidence, once again, it does appear that eugenics-thought may have been Jesuit-thought in the book Mien Kampf, and Hitler simply endorsed it.

Further information on the Jesuit thought expressed in Mien Kampf is found in a book from 1942, linked here, which is titled Behind the Dictators. It was written by L.H. Lehmann, who was a former Catholic priest. On PDF page 24 of 108, the book states: "The Jesuit Father Muckermann, in his many works on race hygiene, fully explains this ideology which is at the basis of all the aims and acts of Nazi-Fascism." On PDF page 25 of 108, regarding the Jesuit Constitution, it is written: "The Jesuit Order has its 'Aryan paragraph' corresponding exactly to that of Hitlerism." That paragraph in the Jesuit Constitution condemns people of Jewish descent. So, are we now looking at the true instigators of holocausts?

The evidence appears to indicate that Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, in the mass extermination of millions of Jews and others, were simply being used as "tools" or "pawns," which were fulfilling the desires of Jesuit Catholicism. The evidence indicates that the Malthusian eugenic thought found in Mein Kampf came from the Jesuit writer of that book, who was commonly called Father Bernhard Stempfle. And then there is that racial hygiene ideology of that Jesuit called Father Muckermann.

Because that Malthusian eugenic thought, along with the racial hygiene thought, appears to have come from the Jesuit organization, it appears that the "organized crime against humanity" which occurred in Nazi Germany and in Canada, very likely was instigated by the Jesuit branch of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization.


So, once again for clarity's sake, it strongly appears that it was that same Jesuit thought on eugenics, even on Malthusian eugenics and racial hygiene, as found in Mein Kampf, that was working in the Catholic-controlled institutions in Canada, even prior to World War Two. It appears that it was Jesuit thought or instigation, which led to these instances where they were abusing, performing diabolic human experimentation upon, and murdering virtually helpless orphans.

For the same things to be happening with orphans in Germany and Canada at virtually the same time, in the years prior to World War Two, does tend to indicate that the Jesuit organization may have been a major factor which allowed for the spreading of the philosophy of Malthusian eugenics (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) to the various countries of this world, thereby instigating the horrendous atrocities and crimes against humanity which then followed. The writer, from their research, also has reason to believe that it was the Jesuit organization which likely instigated the diabolic Eugenics Movement in the United States, around the beginning of the 1900s, which was in the process of exterminating U.S. citizens, prior to World War Two.

As these things are considered, there is one more thing to add. When it comes to widespread brutality, diabolic torture, along with mass murder, let us not forget about the things which the Jesuits were involved with during the Inquisitions. For those needing information about the torture methods used during these Inquistions, just check out the pages at the following links: (1)(2)(3). Possibly some of the activity shown in the linked pages could go hand in hand with what was happening in Nazi Germany and in those Catholic-controlled facilities in Canada. And, it is time to consider another potential identifying sign, as to who was potentially behind the crimes in Canada.

Near the bottom of the page linked below are found these words: "In both Quebec and Germany, the truth behind what happened to the children was covered up with phony paperwork and bogus reports to parents by psychiatrists." So, once again, it appears that the diabolic and criminal things which were being done to children, were being done virtually in unison in both Quebec and Nazi Germany. In both places, it appears that deception was used as a cover for what was actually being done. And, once again, one of the major common denominators between the two countries and their atrocities and crimes against humanity appears to be the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, which had great control in both places.

The complete page linked above is a "must read." Once again, it speaks about the fabrication and falsification of records in these Catholic facilities. Why was this done? This blatantly illegal fraud was done so a lot more government funding (or people's tax money) would steadily flow into these criminal Catholic organizations. One investigator noted that according to the falsified and fabricated records, "Some of these kids died and were reborn 10 times." What can you say? It appears that this is just the true nature who is being dealt with here. It appears that this is their true nature and history, which has been proven over quite a period of time.


It appears that there is a very long history of questionable activity which is associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. This questionable activity includes things like the bloody and murderous Crusades and Inquistions. It also includes much serious deception and other nefarious activities. Just as some documented examples, the long history of deception includes fabricated and falsified documents like the Donation of Constantine (link) and the Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals (link).

Information about other deceptions and forgeries of the Vatican/Jesuit organization is found at the following links: (1)(2). From the track record of history, it does appear that the Vatican/Jesuit organization, along with its agents and the members of its various secret societies (link), just cannot really be trusted. As sorry as this may sound, it just appears to be the truth.

This deception at Catholic facilities, which has been noted so far, brings to mind a rather old word. That old word is "Jesuitism." To find the original and true definition of this word, a person has to look back in history --- at least back to the early 1800s. The 1828 Webster's dictionary defines the word "Jesuitism" as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." (link) Well, the words "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy" are generally well understood, along with the words "deceptive practices to effect a purpose." But, for at least some people, what does the word "prevarication" mean?

For the answer to the above question about the meaning of the word "prevarication," let us look to another dictionary, which is linked here. According to what the linked dictionary shows, "prevarication" would mean "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie." And, that is what was happening at these Catholic-controlled facilities in Canada, plus in Nazi Germany, where the records were fabricated and falsified so that diabolic human experimentation could continue and they could "milk" more and more money out of the taxpayers in both places. It was a worldclass scam.

This clearly fraudulent and criminal activity --- or felonious racket or scam --- which was being perpetrated in Canada, allowed these highly questionable Catholic organizations to obtain a lot more money from the government (or from taxpayers). They were also allowed a steady supply of plenty of children, upon which they could then illegally and diabolically experiment, to their vile hearts' content. By the way, these sinister acts performed by the Catholic organization do tend to prove that it is not in any way a Christian organization. That is why, in the days ahead, the true God of heaven shall utterly destroy the Vatican and surrounding Rome, as indicated in the page linked here.

So again, possibly there was more than just a bit of Jesuitism being displayed by the Catholic facilities, which were using fraud to suck more money out of the citizens of Canada. And again, possibly there was more than just a bit of Jesuitism being shown in all that fabrication and falsification of records at these Catholic facilities. Well, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it must be a duck. And, all of this type of criminal activity, along with the Malthusian eugenics agenda and the associated diabolic activity, appears to potentially have the "fingerprint" of the Jesuits or Jesuitism all over it.

So, what does the evidence tend to indicate? What are your thoughts on this matter? Is there a chance that the Jesuits were the instigators of the eugenicist atrocities and murder which occurred in both Nazi Germany and Canada, which activity began prior to World War Two? And, there is that other fact to "add to the mix." It is well documented that the eugenics movement and its questionable practices were well established and in operation in the United States, prior to World War Two (1)(2). So, about this time there is something which needs to be asked. If the eugenics thought in the United States in the earlier 1900s actually originated from the Jesuit organization, by what avenue would it have come from them, to its widespread use virtually across the United States?

Now, it appears that the Jesuits do not go boldly and openly out in public and tell the people what the hidden agenda actually is which they are pursuing. Instead, it appears they often work from behind a "cover," or by using one of the organizations or secret societies which are under their control, like the Knights of Malta, etc. That way, the principle of plausible deniability can be firmly in place, so people have a hard time pinning the blame on the Jesuits. So, is it possible that those who were influenced by the Jesuits or those who were associated with them, were the ones who got the diabolic eugenics movement "rolling" in the United States. So, again, what avenue did the Jesuit's use in this matter? Actually, this question will be answered later in this presentation.

At this point, let us return to the issue of those actrocities and crimes against humanity which were perpetrated against children and others in Canada. Since it strongly appears that there is a connection between the Canadian and U.S. governments in the criminal activity which occurred in Canada, there is another question. Is there a chance that U.S. orphans (etc.) could have been shipped to these Canadian facilities, which were run by the Catholic Church, where diabolic human "experimentation" could be performed upon them? On the other hand, is there a chance that there could have been similar types of Vatican/Jesuit-controlled, human experimentation facilities which were operating in secret within the United States, which possibly need to be investigated?



At this point, there is some information which fits very well into the growing story about what has happened to orphans and others in Canada, especially when it comes to the nature of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its church, plus the ultimate use of German or Nazi doctors. Looking at an earlier event, so we can see "the true nature of the beast," on PDF page 12 of 393, in the document linked via the button below, the entry for 1859 speaks about "Oblate Bishop Paul Durieu, who with Jesuit helps craft a plan to exterminate non-Christian Indian chiefs and replace them with Catholic-controlled leaders."

In that which is spoken about above, there is a Catholic bishop who wants to get rid of, or secretly murder in cold blood, the native Indian chiefs in his area of Canada, who are not Catholics. This satanically motivated Catholic bishop has murder in his heart and on his mind, so he turns to the Jesuits to help come up with a plan for exterminating these Indian chiefs. It appears that the Catholic bishop turned to the Jesuits for their help, because history indicates that they are the pros when it comes to murder and assassination. This appears to go along with that historic Jesuit Oath, in which the advancing Jesuit allegedly declares the following words:

"I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

So again, the Catholic bishop, with murder on his heart and in his mind, goes to the Jesuits for help with a plan to exterminate these Indian chiefs in Canada. Since they were crafting this plan on how they were going to go about murdering these Indian chiefs, it is more than obvious that they wanted to do things in a somewhat subtle and secret way in which these Catholics would not be blamed for the deaths of these Indian chiefs. And, the record of history tends to indicate that this is the way that they commonly do their dirty work. It appears that they operate similar to the Mafia, and in some people's minds, it appears that they may possibly be one and the same --- just "different arms" or divisions of the same organization.

Now, the type of situation noted above, which occurred in Canada, is actually part of the history of the incredible deception which is often used by those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. This is the true "nature of the beast" which we are dealing with on our earth. Research also tends to indicate that this is how that organization is operating within the United States, even today. And, research indicates that the assassinated U.S. presidents, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy, are a testimony to this truth.

Getting back to the Canadian situation, on PDF page 15 of 393, in the document linked via the button below, the entry for January 1939 states: "Cowichan native children are used in medical experiments conducted by German speaking doctors at the Catholic Kuper Island residential school on Vancouver Island. Several children die as a result." So, these diabolic and murderous medical experiments and other questionable activities in Canada, using German speaking doctors, were performed in at least one Catholic facility prior to the start of World War Two. And, what happened after World War Two?

The entry for 1946-52, on PDF page 15 of 393 declares: "Hundreds of Nazi and SS doctors are granted citizenship and immigration to Canada under Project Paperclip, and work at Indian hospitals and other facilities under CIA and military sponsorship, including the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal. Their research includes trauma-based mind control programs, sterilization techniques and pharmacological drug testing on native children, orphans, and many others."

It appears that the MK-Ultra (etc.) records which the CIA supposedly destroyed in 1973 (1)(2) would have documented their numerous, Nazi-type criminal "experiments" in Canada and possibly other places around the world, which may have included places directly within the United States. But, there is something to now consider. The CIA may claim to have destroyed its copies of the documents, but there is a possibility that the Vatican/Jesuit organization, who appears to be their real boss, has a copy of all the documents. By the time you have finished reading this complete presentation, you may better understand why this could potentially be the case.

Looking again on PDF page 15 of 393, in the document linked below, the entry for 1956-8 speaks of the medical experimentation with these words: "Survivors of one such program at the Lincoln Park Royal Canadian Air Force base in Calgary, Alberta describe a doctor with an SS tattoo number on his arm torturing children to death, including aboriginal children brought by RCMP officers from local reserves and residential schools. Similar crimes are described by survivors of programs at military bases at Suffield, Alberta, Nanaimo, BC, and at the Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital at Thunder Bay, Ontario."

That Nazi SS tatoo, especially in those days, is something to really consider. It speaks volumes. And then there are those members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in at least the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario, who are shown as helping the Nazi doctors in their atrocities. Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were collecting the children and supplying them to the medical facilities, where the diablic human experimentation and crimes against humanity were being done. This story is actually huge. And today, things are just done more subtly.

From the excerpts presented in the paragraphs above, it appears that the linked page establishes that the Catholic Church and the Jesuits were into Nazi-type human experimentation, extermination and control in Canada. The page also appears to establish the use of hundreds of Nazi and SS doctors in various "medical" facilities in Canada, including places where the questionable medical "experimentation" and murder or sacrifice of humans was performed. And, research tends to indicate that similar types of things were possibly happening in the United States, as will be shown in this presentation.

It appears that this questionable or unethical medical "experimentation" in Canada was done under CIA and U.S. military sponsorship. And, that should be no surprise, since the CIA and the U.S. military was illegally, greatly infested with Vatican/Jesuit-associated Nazis "holy warriors" and war criminals by this time. Research tends to indicate this Nazi-type --- or Jesuit/Catholic-type --- of medical "experimentation" was part of the diabolic MK-Ultra program. No wonder the Nazified and Catholicized CIA destroyed most of the incriminating MK-Ultra records in 1973. So, let us now continue to verify a few things.

The document linked via the button above, on PDF page 174 of 393, has a section titled Massive Trauma and Experimental Mind Control. That section notes that "one of the purposes behind the residential school tortures was to create a large pool of pre-conditioned experimental test subjects for the heavily-funded military studies into mind control that dominated scientific research during the Cold War, and beyond."

The page linked above continues: "Following World War Two, the U.S. military was deeply concerned that only a small percentage of its troops had shown a willingness to engage in combat. Could the personality and aggressiveness of 'average citizens' be molded, and their thoughts controlled, to make them better killing machines?" Well, that is one supposed "excuse" or cover-story for all the diabolic human "experimentation" done upon children and others. But, as this presentation continues, it should become more obvious as to what was really going on, plus what appears to be the real purpose for all this criminal experimentation, especially all that murder or sacrifice of children.

Regarding the "cover story" about the concern for better killing machines, the page linked above states: "This question prompted the massive covert research program code named MKULTRA, commenced by the CIA in 1952. Since Nazi Germany had pioneered this research in its death camps, the CIA secretly imported hundreds of SS doctors into America under Project Paperclip, and put them to work at facilities all over the USA and Canada. Their chief research subjects were children from military families, or those stolen from orphanages, hospitals, and Indian residential schools." Note closely that the Nazi doctors where doing this criminal experimentation "all over the USA and Canada," with the blessing and sponsorship of the CIA. And, all this stands to reason, because it appears that the CIA is simply those "Catholics In Action."(1)(2)

Note again that the diabolic and criminal activity which the CIA was pursuing was initially started in the death camps of Nazi Germany. But again, what can you expect from an organization which was illegally created, using hundreds of Nazis and diabolic human experimenters and war criminals. Again, what can you expect from an organization which was created using those who were "the sword of the Catholic Church," that being the Nazis, plus those who are the militia of the pope, those being the members of organizations like the Knights of Malta and all those other militant-based, Catholic secret societies (link). These things shall be discussed more fully, later in this presentation. And now, it is time to look at another side or specialty of the CIA.


Now, it appears that there is actually a lot more to this evolving story about the Vatican/Jesuit organization and their "weaponized" CIA, which they control through their Knights of Malta and other avenues. As usual, there always seems to be the somewhat plausible-sounding "cover story" which is provided by these questionable organizations or secret societies. And then there is the real truth about what has actually been happening behind the scenes, plus the true purpose for these highly questionable things which they have been doing.

Yes, there is the true purpose and intent for all that criminal activity which has been going on for decades, which does need to be seriously considered. That is part of the purpose of this presentation. This presentation will consider why the CIA was even created in the first place, plus who was actually behind the creation of the CIA, along with the "tools" and "pawns" they used to get the CIA created and "rolling" along its nefarious path.

As the writer's research continues, once again, it is becoming more obvious all the time, why the CIA supposedly destroyed all those incriminating records back in 1973, which were the documentation for those criminal programs like MK-ULTRA and other like programs. Is there a chance that the following things may have possibly been going around in their minds, about the time it was decided to destroy all those records? Is there a chance that if the public could have gotten their hands on those records, a number of "officials" might have been jailed for a long time, or literally been hung for treason and crimes against humanity?

Again, there is a very good reason why the former CIA boss, James Jesus Angleton, as he was dying in the latter 1980s, allegedly stated in an interview that he would see all his former cohorts in hell. James Angleton was one of those who was "in the know" in the CIA and fully knew what he was talking about. This statement, along with associated information from James Angleton, is considered to a much larger degree, and documented, later in this presentation.

On PDF page 319 of 393, in the page linked here and in the section above, is found the following words: "A top US intelligence source told WMR (Wayne Madsen Reports) that the CIA's involvement in procuring children in Thailand for the purpose of engaging in sexual trysts with visiting VIPs from the United States, including members of Congress and high administration officials, began in earnest in 1978." So, it appears that already in the 1970s, the CIA --- which was made up largely of Nazi "holy warriors" and members of those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies like the Knights of Malta --- had become an international pedophile operation and somewhat like a pimp organization, possibly which was involved with doing these types of things in more places than just Thailand. And, as usual, there is much more to this story.

The above linked page continues: "In fact, WMR has been told, the operations at one point in time were run out of the CIA station in Bangkok and were directed by the deputy chief of station. The CIA station cooperated with American 'procurers' who were working in Thailand to arrange for the encounters between children and the VIPs. The CIA's motivation was simple: the VIPs were later subject to blackmail if they failed to support the incumbent administration's policies." And, as documented and shown later in this presentation, this type of thing was also happening directly within the United States.

So, according to the above information, the CIA was working very hard to acquire children to use in an international pedophile operation. They were using these children in their pedophile operation to get "visiting VIPs from the United States, including members of Congress and high administration officials" involved in pedophile sex, so that these people could then be blackmailed and forced to support whatever the CIA's true boss wanted. And, it appears that blackmail is a big reason why the government of the United States, plus the governments of the States, are not functioning as they should, which is supposed to be in the best interests of all U.S. citizens (link).

Now, it is time for an extremely important question. Who is the CIA's real boss? Well, once again, the CIA has commonly been called "Catholic Intelligence Agency" or "Catholics In Action"(1)(2) for quite some time. This is clearly indicated by the pages linked below. And, at least one of the linked pages should help give a hint as to who is the real boss of the CIA. And, the real boss of the CIA is possibly the same one which actually has control over the tax system in the United States. To see what the initials of the Holy Roman Empire are, in Latin, check out pages at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4). So, now that the illegitimate boss appears to be revealed, let us continue.

There are a few words from the uncorrupted Holy Bible which may be applicable in this situation. These words are as follows: "...and be sure your sin will find you out." (Numbers 32:23) It is also written: "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do." (Hebrews 4:12-13)

The page linked by the last button above declares: "So how could the Jesuits cover-up pedophile crimes for decades? Well, Jesuits are not only the largest male religious order in the Catholic Church, with 16,000 members worldwide, but they also operate in close collaboration with the CIA and are acknowledged as the biggest intelligence agency worldwide serving the Vatican lead [sic] New World Order." Note again that the Jesuits "operate in close collaboration with the CIA." And, do you think that there could potentially be a chance that the Jesuits and their agents could have some influence over the CIA and others in government, even when it comes to things like questionable and diabolic, Nazi-type "medical experiments" and the use of child sex slaves in the process of blackmailing and controlling government officials?

A page linked here is titled Dinesh D'Souza: Case Study in the Roman Domination of "Protestant" Christianity and "Christian" America. The page contains some information about a man named William Francis Buckley Jr., who "was a devout Roman Catholic, Yale Skull and Bones CIA operative whose specialty was being the Vatican's pied piper to the Right." So, here we have a devout Roman Catholic CIA operative, who is also a member of Yale Skull and Bones, who is an influencer for the Vatican of people on the Right in government. But, don't be fooled here. Vatican agents also influence people on the Left and those in the Middle. It appears that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization cover the full spectrum and have all the bases covered.

There is one additional, important piece of information to present. That page linked in the paragraph above, about that study by Dinesh D'Souza, speaks of the Roman Domination of "Protestant" Christianity and "Christian" America. This is exactly what happened to Protestant Germany in the earlier 1900s. The Vatican/Jesuit-affiliated Nazis virtually hijacked and took over that country which had formerly been Protestant Germany. The diabolic Vatican/Jesuit "tools" ultimately ran Germany into the ground. As a note, the same type of thing is set in place and in the works for the United States, using members of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies like the Knights of Malta and others, plus those whom they control through blackmail, etc.

The agents of the Vatican/Jesuit, foreign-based government are in key positions of control in the U.S. government, its judiciary, its intelligence agencies, its military, its law enforcement agencies, plus in many other positions of power, influence and control. So, it appears that the proverbial "handwriting is on the wall" for the United States. All that has to happen is for the bosses of the Vatican/Jesuit organization to give the command, and U.S. citizens will be in for a world of hurt. More about this issue later. So, let us now look further at the methods which the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization use for gaining control, besides using a CIA which they control via their Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus, plus through a number of other avenues.


The page linked via the button below --- which is rather lengthy but worth reading --- indicates that there is a relationship between the unethical human experimentation, plus crimes against humanity, which occurred at the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled institutions in Canada, and "the Catholic Church's use of psychiatry as a religious political weapon posing as a science." The page also notes that the Catholic religious orders in Canada "participated in creating this paedophile/psychiatric experimentation heaven," which pedophile/psychiatric system turned out to be a living hell for many citizens. And, there is more yet to come.

Look closely, once again, at what is being said above. From what is quoted in the paragraph above --- from that clear indication of Catholic-based pedophalia --- it appears that already in the early 1900s, if not even much earlier, the priests and others associated with the hierarchy of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, may have been getting their sexual jollies in that "paedophile heaven" which they created with their weaponized psychiatry, using the children which were illegally or criminally imprisoned and used as slaves and "guinea pigs" at the various Catholic-controlled "medical" facilities.

Looking further, the page linked below shows that Prime Minister Duplessis, who was a Catholic, believed that the education in his province "must remain in the hands of the [Catholic] Church." Because of this strong Catholic belief that Duplessis had, he, as noted in the linked page, "refused subsidies from the Canadian federal government for Quebec universities." This is actually something very important to keep in mind, for this Catholic-controlled education system would have had control over facilities like McGill University and Bishop's University in Quebec. Both McGill and Bishop's are very important to this discussion, for they had ties to eugenics, as will be noted later.

The page linked below mentions eugenics. Research indicates that this eugenics movement was actually rather strong in Catholic Quebec and possibly there may have been some association with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, even if openly that organization may have been claiming otherwise. So, with further consideration, it may be getting more clear all the time as to what was driving the crimes against humanity in Canada at various institutions controlled by the Catholic Church, and, as the records of history tend to indicate, in Nazi Germany, also. It appears that the real driving force all along, virtually worldwide, may have been the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which may have been using its "Catholic Church" as a cover --- like a "wolf" in "sheep's clothing."

It appears that agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are good at weaponizing many things, while playing mind games with the general public. Further information which may indicate the use of certain forms of weaponized psychiatric techniques and weaponization of "faith" can be deciphered from the pages linked below. From the information presented in the linked pages, it does appear that the hierarchy and the agents associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization can be rather cruel, brutal or ruthless. It appears they can be this way, as they work to deflect the blame for wrongful things which it appears that they have done, in order to protect their organization's image, no matter what. Possibly this is done so the money will keep flowing in from those they have duped.

It is evident that weaponized psychiatry was used in Catholic Quebec against the Duplessis Orphans and others. In the use of this weaponized psychiatry, especially when it comes to the orphans in Catholic Quebec which are noted in the page linked below, the unethical psychiatrists "falsely declared them mentally ill or severely retarded and warehoused them in psychiatric hospitals, enabling the Quebec government under former Premier Maurice Duplessis to receive a bounty of federal funding for their care."

So, not only were the Catholic-controlled institutions in Quebec doing harm to the orphans, they were also running a large-scale scam in which they were ripping off all the citizens in Canada by using a scheme to wrongfully suck up all the federal funding (taxpayers' money)" which they could get their hands on. And, it appears the same nature of thing may be happening right within the United States, even today.

In the page linked above, there is something else which is very important to note. The page states: "To date, investigations into the Duplessis Orphans have focused primarily on actions of Catholic Church officials who managed the orphanages and psychiatric hospitals. But in an apparent move to stymie any further probing into past crimes or misconduct and those responsible, on September 26, 2001, the Quebec government passed legislation to bar Orphans from taking legal action against the Quebec government or Catholic Church officials, in exchange for a paltry settlement of $10,000 per person. If an Orphan refuses to sign the agreement, he forfeits his right to even that compensation."

So, it appears to be rather clear that the government of Quebec is simply operating as a vassal state of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Rome-based beast government. Furthermore, it what it has done to these orphans, it appears to be rather clear that the government of Quebec is tyrannical in nature.

Observe the apparent criminality of the Quebecan government, found in the words quoted a couple of paragraphs above. Not only does the Quebecan government work to protect itself from facing justice for its diabolic crimes against humanity, it also passed legislation to protect an apparently criminal Catholic Church. It was basically telling these horrendously abused and injured orphans to stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Talk about utter despotism, this appears to be a perfect example. Talk about conspiracy and organized crime, this appears to be it. It appears that the officials of both that Quebecan government and of that Catholic organization truly deserve to be in jail, or worse. But, unfortunately, it appears that criminals have gained control of or hijacked our world.

In all of this, there is a truth to consider. There is one thing which the writer has noted over the years. If the pope or the Catholic Church is publically speaking against a certain type of negative activity, it often appears to be the case that the Vatican/Jesuit organization, behind the scenes at one level or another, is doing that very activity. Quite a slick organization, if the writer must say so themself. It appears the Vatican/Jesuit organization gets the people of this world looking all over the place, rather than at the real culprit. This appears to be the case with things like eugenics and what was really being done behind the scenes to the orphans in the Catholic-controlled facilities in at least Quebec, plus possibly at facilities in the United States and elsewhere.



The first paragraph in the section above speaks about the Catholic Church's "use of psychiatry as a religious political weapon posing as a science." Let us consider this issue further by looking at some of the things associated with the field of phychiatry. Hypnosis is one of those things which can often be used in the medical field by at least psychiatrists. This is clearly noted in the pages linked below.

There is something which is very important to consider in this discussion, especially when it comes to the abuse of, plus criminal experimentation on, those children in Catholic-controlled facilities. About half way down in the pages linked below, it speaks about a man named Albert Moll, who was "a specialist in neurology and hypnosis." Moll wrote about a particular victim of criminally-used hypnosis who "was in fact 'completely devoid of a will of his own.'" It appears that the person who had hypnotized this victim had completely taken them over and stripped the victim of their own will. With this information in mind, it is time to momentarily consider another potentially similar situation. This one involves a former President of the United States, while he was in office.

The 28th President of the United States, from 1913 to 1921, was Woodrow Wilson. There was a very unusual situation surrounding this particular president. There was a questionable man who was very closely associated with President Wilson, which man also, for some strange reason, had his own room in the White House. This man was called Colonel House, but his actual name was Edward Mandell House. This so-called Colonel House seemed to have a lot of control over President Wilson, which some may say was almost a diabolic control. So, let us begin to investigate what it appears was happening with President Wilson.

Considering the information presented a couple of paragraphs above, about a person stripped of their own will, the pages linked below present information which can be rather thought provoking. According to President Woodrow Wilson, Edward House was his "alter ego." President Wilson also declared: "Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one." To the writer, after years of research, plus after considering the case noted above where the victim "was in fact 'completely devoid of a will of his own,'" it almost sounds like President Wilson may have been placed into some type of hypnotic state by someone --- and that "someone" may possibly have been that mysterious Colonel House. So, it may be of value to explore who this Colonel House really was.

The pages linked below claim that the mysterious Edward Mandell House was actually a Jesuit. Is there a chance that there could be some truth to this claim? Now, it truly does appear that a number of Jesuits are skilled in the use of hypnosis and controlling people. That is something which will need to be explored next.


Within the pages linked below, there is reference to the use of hypnosis in the Catholic Church. The writer's research over the years has tended to indicate that what is shown in the linked pages is just the very tiny tip of the proverbial iceberg. Research indicates that Catholic priests skilled in hypnosis can rapidly take people over. It appears that these skill practitioners in hypnosis can even get people to do things which they normally would not do. More about these types of things later. So, possibly people may need to be very careful around these priests. What makes things harder is, you just don't know, until it is too late, which priests are doing these types of things.

There is something to note in the page linked immediately above. It speaks of that Roman Catholic priest called Father Gassner, who could put a person into a deep somnambulistic hypnotic trance in about seven seconds. This Catholic priest was alive at the birth of the United States in 1776. But, there is more to the story of Gassner. A page linked here declares: "He amazed medical science, clergy and others by suddenly appearing before his congregation at Mass bearing an illuminated crucifix, and saying in Latin, the equivalent of 'go to sleep.' It was recorded that his congregation immediately slumped in their pews and into a deep somnambulistic trance."

Well, at least to the writer after years of research on the subject, it appears that Father Gassner would have had to have had a lot of experience in hypnotizing people, possibly over a period of many years, in order to obtain the skill to hypnotize virtually his whole congregation and place them "into a deep somnambulistic trance" in about seven seconds. Furthermore, knowing what the priests have been doing in recent times to little boys and girls, as noted earlier in this presentation, plus the history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization over quite a period of time, it kind of makes a person wonder what the real history was for this Father Gassner, plus for many of the priests today.


There appears to be a bit more to consider in the situation of President Woodrow Wilson and that infamous and mysterious Jesuit priest called "Colonel" Edward Mandell House, which situation was initially presented a couple of sections above (link). It is said that Woodrow Wilson, a few years before his death, began to have remorse over some of what he had done as president. The quote below is attributed to him and said to have been written in his diary. The quote can be found in the pages linked below.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." And, there is even much more to this story, as shall be shown later in this presentation.

So, why would Woodrow Wilson have worked to bring certain things into being, that later he regretted? In the words presented above, it appears that Wilson clearly understood the reasons why the things which he had allowed into this country would ruin it. So, again, why would he have done it in the first place? Could it have been that a Jesuit named Edward House had implanted things in Wilson's mind, using hypnosis, and made him bring a number of destructive things into this country which would help to bring it and its citizens under the domination of the pope and his Rome-based one-world government? Was hynosis the reason why Wilson would say of House that "Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one?"

In the latter part of his presidency, Woodrow Wilson separated himself from under the grip of the infamous "Colonel" House. It appears that he was then able to think with a clearer mind and began to operate completely of his own free will, without any type of hypnotic control or undue influence from Mr. House. At that time, it appears that Wilson began to regret some of the things which he had done as president, while under the "influence" or control of Edward House. But, by then, the damage had already been done and the hijacking agents and enslaving programs instigated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization were in place. These things were set in place to take down the authentic United States and enslave its citizens.


At this point, there is something else to consider. This thing which needs to be considered appears to potentially be important and it relates to that "Colonel" Edward House, the alleged Jesuit who appears to have been the controller of President Woodrow Wilson. A page linked here speaks about John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles.

John Foster Dulles became the United States Secretary of State and was in control of the U.S. State Department, while Allen Dulles had been part of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War Two and later became the first civilian head of the CIA. Of the Dulles brothers, the linked page states: "Perhaps most important to their rise to power was that at the end of World War I, Allen and John Foster Dulles were recruited by the infamous one worlder "Colonel" Edward House (who in fact bore no military rank)." Yes, the Dulles brothers were recruited by the infamous Jesuit, Edward House.

So, it appears that the Dulles brothers were set in key positions of power and control by a Jesuit who appears to have chosen and groomed them. A Wikipedia entry titled John Foster Dulles is linked here. The page notes that John Foster Dulles supported the entry of the United States into the League of Nations. The League of Nations was something the Jesuit "Colonel" House was pushing for. The linked page notes that Dulles "also helped draft the preamble to the United Nations Charter and served as a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly." In other words, it appears that John Foster Dulles was working hard against the Constitution of the United States, in order to treasonously get the United States under submission to the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled one world government, which is ultimately controlled out of their headquarters within Rome.

The other brother, Allen Dulles, was, once again, the first civilian director of the CIA (link). Though appearing to be a Protestant, it has often been noted that he was a Knight of Malta. If this is the case, it appears that he would most likely have been a part of the Protestant arm of that secret society which is ultimately controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. The page linked above also states: "Dulles was uncle to Avery Dulles, a Jesuit priest and cardinal of the Catholic Church." Avery Dulles was a son of John Foster Dulles, Allen's brother. So, it appears that the head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, was very well connected with, and possibly heavily influenced by or under the control of, the Jesuits. And being a Knight of Malta, he would have been part of the militia of the pope.

The page linked here and a few paragraphs above notes something else which could be important to this discussion. It states: "Allen Dulles, the first director of the CIA, was in many ways the penultimate political insider. His family was an influential early supporter of international eugenics movements and had strong financial connections with the Nazis." Allen Dulles also had close connections to the Rockefeller clan, which clan is also strongly connected to the Eugenics Movement, as noted within pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). And, why they were all part of the Eugenics Movement may be understood by information presented later in discussion.

All of the things noted above are possibly part of the reason why all that diabolic and even murderous human experimentation from Nazi Germany, which was along the lines of Malthusian eugenicist thought, was transferred to the North American continent under those CIA secret programs. Once all the facts are known, it definitely appears that there was a very big reason why there has been all that secrecy surrounding CIA activities, all along. In all of this, there in that one thing which, once again, must be noted.

There is a very good reason why the former CIA boss, James Jesus Angleton, as he was dying in the latter 1980s, allegedly stated in an interview that he would see all his former cohorts in hell. These cohorts would have likely included many of the Nazi war criminals which were integrated into the CIA. James Angleton was in a position to be "in the know" on what was happening in the CIA, which likely even included what has happening with the diabolic human experimentation. He fully knew what he was talking about, when he made his statements. Regarding the CIA and its highly questionable activities, Angleton bluntly declared: "There was no accountability. And without real accountability everything turned to shit." (1)(2)(3)

Now, let us return to those criminal things which were happening at those Catholic facilities in Canada. It appears that Nazi-type, Malthusian eugenic principles were being used to a large degree, in relation to at least the "unwanted" children which were sacrificed in certain Catholic facilities in Canada. There is also the possibility, since the Nazified CIA was involved, that the same type of diabolic and criminal things were potentially happening at certain facilities within the United States. This appears to be especially true when it comes to that criminal type of human experimentation on all those vulnerable children, which resulted in the death or sacrifice of many, in at least Canada. And, there is something important, which once again must be noted.

Further above in the section titled The Catholic Church, the Nazis & the C.I.A. (link), it is noted that "Hundreds of Nazi and SS doctors are granted citizenship and immigration to Canada under Project Paperclip, and work at Indian hospitals and other facilities under CIA and military sponsorship, including the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal. Their research includes trauma-based mind control programs, sterilization techniques and pharmacological drug testing on native children, orphans, and many others." So, under the CIA projects, there where Nazi and SS doctors used in Canada. Now, there is something to consider. The Nazis in the CIA, along with their fellow Knights of Malta, plus the Nazi doctors in Canada, were all just fellow members of "the sword of the Catholic Church."

Considering all the information presented so far in this discussion, there is one thing which can be said. Most certainly, the Nazi Malthusian eugenicist practices of brutal human experimentation and blatant crimes against humanity were simply transferred from Nazi Germany to North America, with the help of those associated with the CIA. And, the records indicate that Allen Dulles was a great facilitator in all of this illegal activity, plus was a great facilitator of Project Paperclip and all the illegal and treasonous activity which was associated with it.

The earlier section linked here and a couple of paragraphs above, also notes that the CIA claimed to have destroyed all of its records on the MK-Ultra program, plus possibly also the records relating to similar associated programs. Why? Why would they do such a thing? Possibly because they were blatantly performing horrendous crimes against humanity, plus horrendous hypnotic experiments, using all those Nazi war criminals who were associated with or were now part of the CIA and its affiliated organizations. In other words, similar things to that which had been going on in Nazi Germany were now happening directly in Canada and most likely, also in the United States at secretive facilities. And, there is no reason to believe that it has ever stopped.

At this point, there are some further things to consider. The CIA may claim to have "destroyed" all those records in 1973 which were associated with the diabolic program called MK-ULTRA. This destruction of records in 1973 was after the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, in November of 1963, and his brother Robert Kennedy, in June of 1968. These CIA records, which were supposedly "destroyed," may have shown that agency's blatant criminal and treasonous activity which was being done under their "secret" and "classified" programs, as they treasonously worked to hijack the United States for the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

Some believe that the CIA and its associates were involved in the assassination of the Kennedys. The writer believes that there is a chance that the Jesuit controllers of the various secret societies (link) and the other organizations which they control, may have a copy of all those records. These record are possibly now hidden away in some of the Vatican/Jesuit archives or vaults.

With the preceding information and thoughts clearly in mind, let us return to the matter of that horrendous abuse of, plus criminal experimentation on, and blatant murder or sacrifice of children, at least at that one infamous Catholic-controlled facility in Quebec, Canada.



There is something to note in the information found within some of the pages linked in the section further above, which is titled Governments, Intelligence Agencies, and the Catholic Church (link). It is stated that numerous dead children were buried in unmarked graves in an area (that mass grave) called "the pigsty." This secret burial ground was next to a pig farm. But it was not just any pig farm.

On PDF page 8 of 8, in a page linked here, plus in pages at the following links --- (1)(2)(3) --- it is indicated that the hog farm was owned by the Archdiocese of Montreal and possibly operated by the nuns who had control over the orphanage where all the illegal human experimentation and brazen crimes against humanity were taking place, plus where so many children were dying or being sacrificed. Research indicates that potentially at times, the nuns may have kept pigs or hogs in this pigsty at the unmarked burial ground.

At this point, there is another thing to note. There are people who have been pushing to have the bodies of these hundreds or thousands of murdered children exhumed, so it can be established what actually happened to them. But, as a page linked here notes, these people are being met "with strong resistance from governments on both side of the border, both denying any involvement in the face of compelling evidence to the contrary." And of course, this corruption is noted in the page as "extending all the way to Rome and beyond." So, this makes sense, especially considering that it appears that the CIA is controlled via the Knights of Malta and the Jesuit General in Rome, plus the Catholic facility was ultimately controlled by the Vatican and its agents.

Now, there is something very important to consider. It is known that criminals have often fed the bodies of their victims to pigs (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), in order to hide the evidence of their heinous crimes. In the case now under consideration, the nuns and the CIA and others were said to have been brutalizing, torturing, sexually abusing and criminally experimenting on children, and even drilling holes in their heads. It appears that numerous children were dying from what was being done to them by a Nazified CIA and others. Now, is there a chance that the nuns at this Catholic operation were feeding dead children or parts thereof to the pigs, in order to hide the hideous crimes against humanity which were occurring at this facility?


There is now an important question to ask. What are pigs and hogs normally raised for? Yes, they are commonly raised for meat and to eat all the "trash" that you can feed to them. Now, there is even more to consider about the pigs and hogs that the Catholic organization kept by the orphanage where so many children were being criminally experimented on and murdered or sacrificed. Was the meat from those pigs or hogs entering the food chain, in one form or another, for use in Canada and/or even beyond in the United States and possibly in other countries, also?

Now for the real "kicker." Is there a chance that the nuns and their "masters" in the Vatican/Jesuit organization were intentionally feeding the people of this world a form of "hybridized" pig meat? Is there a chance that the Vatican crowd was feeding the people of this world the meat of pigs which had feasted on the bodies of dead children, so the people of this world would, unknowingly, be partaking in some type of a satanic, cannibalistic feast? Hey, considering the history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its CIA, it is time to get very real.

When dealing with diabolic criminals and those which appear to be totally missing a functioning conscience, a person has to think along the lines of what a criminal is capable of doing. In relation to these things, the following quoted from Edmund Burke is possibly very applicable: "There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) And, with the rather diabolic history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization...

By the time the reader has read through this whole presentation and seriously considered all the information which is presented, plus that which is linked, the reader should possibly have a much better understanding as to why the writer would feel this way. It should also be noted that we are dealing with an organization with a history of torture and mass murder during things like the Crusades and Inquisitions. We are also dealing with an organization which tells its people that the "host" which they are eating is actually part of the physical body of Christ, therefore, it appears we are dealing with people who are "closet cannibals." And now, the writer rests their case on the potential issue of Catholic-raised, "hybridized" pig meat for the ultimate cannibal feast.


From the information available in the sections further above, it is becoming rather obvious why the U.S. and Canadian governments have not wanted the bodies of those numerous children which were killed and buried in the mass grave at the pigsty, at that Catholic facility in Quebec, to be exhumed and examined. It is becoming apparent from available information that the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled U.S. and Canadian governments (1)(2), plus certain agencies thereof, were complicit in all of this diabolic and criminal activity, which appears to be associated with blatant crimes against humanity.

After considering the available information, at least to the writer, it seems rather obvious that the Vatican/Jesuit organization, along with the church behind which they masquerade, have been "up to their ears" in all of this criminal activity, and potentially may even have been instigating it all along, more likely via the Jesuit arm. This tends to become more obvious, especially when considering that the diabolic and criminal activity which was happening in Quebec, was very similar to the diabolic and criminal activity which had been happening to children in Nazi Germany. And now, there is even more to consider in this story.

As Nazi Germany "fell" in the latter part of World War Two, available information notes that the Vatican/Jesuit organization (1)(2) and also their agents (Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Skull and Bones, etc.) (link) located in at least the United States (link) helped numerous Nazi war criminals and diabolic human experimenters to escape justice at the Nuremberg Trials (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). These agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization then helped these Nazi war criminals to settle in various places in the Americas (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). These places in the Americas included both the United States and Canada.

There is something important to note about the numerous Nazis war criminals and diabolic human experimenters who were helped in escaping justice at the Nuremberg Trials. A well researched book linked here is titled The Nazi Hydra In America. On page 194, the book states: "An abnormal number of Nazis and their supporters were members of the Knights of Malta." So, it appears that this Nazi thing was a Catholic thing, and members of the Knights of Malta from the United States treasonously helped their criminal brother Knights of Malta from Nazi Germany, to escape justice at the Nuremberg Trials. All of these criminal U.S. Knights of Malta then illegally embedded their criminal Nazi brethren into the United States, often in positions of influence or control. The U.S. was basically hijacked.

Available information indicates that numerous Nazi, including obvious war criminals, were protected by and used in a number of questionable CIA programs (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). And, available information indicates that Nazi doctors were used in criminal experimentation on children in at least Canada (1)(2)(3). The use of "hundreds of Nazi and SS doctors" in Canada was also noted further above in the section titled The Catholic Church, the Nazis & the C.I.A.(link) The evidence tends to indicate that all of this criminal activity, human experimentation and mass murder or human sacrifice in Canada was simply an extension of the Catholic/Jesuit-supported Nazi atrocities in hijacked Germany, which were performed during the World War Two era.


In relation to the diabolic experimentation on children in Quebec, the link below accesses a page which is alleged to be an interview with one of the Duplessis Orphans which survived, for apparently a number of years, the ordeal in the diabolic Catholic institution. The name of this Duplessis Orphan is Silvio Day. For one year and four months of his time at this Catholic institution, this man worked in the Vestiaire de Morts, which, translated into English, would be called the Locker Room of the Dead. This man named Silvio Day is dead now, but his story lives on.

If the things declared in the interview are accurate (and the writer, from years of research, has reason to believe that the declarations may be reasonably accurate), it appears that there was some extremely diabolic, Nazi-type of brutality and human experimentation which was being done on children in at least one of the major Catholic-controlled facilities in Quebec. And, it appears that there was at least one Nazi doctor involved in this diabolic human experimentation. But, from the information already presented in the sections further above, we know that "hundreds of Nazi and SS doctors [were] granted citizenship and immigration to Canada under Project Paperclip..."

In the interview presented in the page linked above, the ex-Duplessis orphan speaks about things which clearly indicate that horrific human experimentation, on children of virtually all ages, was happening at this Catholic facility in Canada which was called St. Jean de Dieu. The ex-orphan stated that at this facility, "they did experiments, but instead of on animals, they used humans..." The ex-orphan spoke of a child corpse with the top of the head opened up and the brain exposed. In another case, there were holes drilled in the head of a victim.

The pages linked below also speak of that Catholic facility in Quebec, which was spoken about above. The facility of St. Jean de Dieu was actually classed as a mental hospital. It is noted in the pages that the detention of these orphans at the facility was illegal. Basically, they were falsely declared as being mentally deficient so they could be imprisoned and abused in this Catholic facility. Children and teens at this facility were "used as slave labor." From what is stated in the pages, it appears that this Catholic facility was used for illegal, industrial-type, human experimentation on children.

It appears that at this Catholic facility, numerous children were simply used for diabolic and criminal human experimentation, and then killed or sacrificed and then disposed of, like pieces of trash. In certain of the pages, there is also the mention of brains which were missing in some of the bodies of these abused and murdered children. In the pages linked below, people of different persuasions, using various presentation methods, are freely allowed to provide their information in whatever way it comes out. Some appear to be dealing with the issue harder than others. But again, whatever it takes to get the information out, so be it. The Vatican/Jesuit organization and its various agencies really need to be fully exposed for what they are.

There is something to note in some of the linked pages. It appears there is a lot of censoring happening on the Internet, especially when it comes to videos. Apparently some of this censoring is meant to help cover up a lot of the criminal activity associated with various government activities and the controlling Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears that YouTube may be a bad offender in this area, when it comes to ongoing censorship, so you know whose side they are on. And, it appears that the NSA may also be involved in some of this serious censorship. Possibly part of their job is to protect the image of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its diabolic, rising New World Order. But, that's a whole story in itself. Now for another look at those linked pages.

The linked information speaks of an imprisoned victim at the illegal facility, who hanged themselves in order "to escape further torture from the hospital experimentation." It appears that at least the St. Jean de Dieu facility was also used as a "cadaver factory." After illegal human experimentation was performed on the children, and after they were killed or sacrificed, a number of the bodies were washed and prepared "for sale to the Montreal universities," like "the University of Montreal and McGill University for their parts." So, it appears that this industrial-type human slaughter house may have been quite a money-maker for the Catholic Church.

In a way, all of this is beginning to sound way too much like how those extermination camps were used in Nazi Germany, during the World War Two era. As noted in at least one of the pages linked below, what happened here in at least this one Catholic facility in Canada has been called "The Canadian Holocaust." There are others who believe it should be called just another part of the Vatican's general history of Holocaust. So, check out the information linked below and find out what this foreign-based organization is really all about.

Yes, it truly was a full-fledged holocaust which was illegally and criminally happening at this Catholic facility in Quebec, plus at other facilities elsewhere. In a way, once again, it appears to have been a "modern" and more subtle form of the old Catholic Inquisitions --- just more kill, kill, kill and blood and guts. It appears to have simply been a continuation of the Vatican/Jesuit organization's longstanding, historic practice of diabolically torturing and "experimenting" on victims, before they are murdered or sacrificed. Yes, it could actually be said that this was large scale human sacrifice which was being done at these types of Catholic facilities.


In a way, what was happening at the Catholic facility in Canada appears to be somewhat similar to the human sacrifice which was done in the "Mystery Religion" of ancient Babylon and the surrounding region of the Middle East. This human sacrifice in Babylon and the surrounding region, to Bel or Moloch or Baal, is mentioned within the following linked pages: (1)(2). This human sacrifice to Baal, Bel or Moloch is spoken about more plainly in a book from the 1800s, which is linked here. The name of the book is The Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop.

On PDF page 252 of 513 of the linked copy of The Two Babylons, (actual book page 219), which is linked in the paragraph above, it speaks about Moloch and the blood of human sacrifice. The worship of Moloch is associated "with the practice of child sacrifice."(link) Another name for Moloch is Baal. In Babylon, Baal was commonly known as Bel (link). And, knowing these things, there are some further things which are rather interesting to note, which are found within the uncorrupted Holy Bible.

It appears that those in the Middle East who were part of royalty, who were into the worship of Bel or Baal, and which mere humans appear to have been portrayed to the general populace as being gods or goddesses, tended to have Bel or Baal as part of their name. One example from the Holy Bible is the following words: "And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were before him. And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, and went and served Baal, and worshipped him." (see: 1 Kings 16:30-31)

So, in the words above, it is found that the wife and father in law of Ahab, who were royalty in Zidon and were worshipers of Bel or Baal, had the names of their pagan god in the latter part of their names. There was Ahab's wife, Jeze-bel and his father in law, Eth-baal. But, there is even more to this story of the name of the pagan god Baal or Bel being in the name of those who were held in high esteem, as if they were a god, in these very pagan countries. The next example, which truly leaves no room for doubt on this issue, comes from Babylon.

Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, while the children of Israel were in Babylonian captivity, "spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes; children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans." (see: Daniel 1:3-4) And amongst those that were chosen of the children of Israel, was Daniel. Now, this is where things begin to get interesting.

In Babylonian captivity, Daniel was given a new name. The king began to call Daniel by the name of Belteshazzar. Notice the "Bel" at the beginning of his new, given name. Why was he given this name? It was because of the spirit and great wisdom which was found in Daniel, that he appeared as being like a god unto these Babylonians. When Daniel proclaimed the king's forgotten dream, along with the interpretation of it, "king Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face, and worshipped Daniel." (see: Daniel 2:46) The king also made Daniel the "ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon." (see: Daniel 2:48) But, there is even more to this story.

The name of Belteshazzar was given to Daniel, because, as the king so plainly declared, the name Belteshazzar was "according to the name of my god, and in [Daniel] is the spirit of the holy gods." (see: Daniel 4:8) And because Daniel was as a god to the Babylonians, he was placed as the "master of the magicians." (see: Daniel 4:9) As such, by an act of the king, Daniel was effectively placed as the head of the Babylonian Mystery Religion, even though he, himself, was not a Baal worshiper. And again, there is more to this relatively short story.

The next king of the Babylonians, who was the son of Nebuchadnezzar, appears to have taken back from Daniel the position of being the head of the Babylonian Mystery Religion. This new king also appears to have been set up as the one who was now in the position of a god. The son of Nebuchadnezzar was ultimately given the name Belshazzar, with the "Bel" at the beginning of his name (see: Daniel 5:1). From what is written, it is clear that Daniel was not a part of the new king's court. Then the event of the "handwriting on the wall" took place. In his state of intense fear because of this event, the new king called for "the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers," but did not call for Daniel (see: Daniel 5:7).

Well, all of these supposed wise men of the Babylonian kingdom could not interpret the meaning of the handwriting on the wall. Finally, the queen entered the picture and declared to the king: "There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him; whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thy father, made master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers; forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, and shewing of hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and he will shew the interpretation." (see: Daniel 5:11-12)

Notice in the words above that, under the new king of Babylon who had been placed in the position of a god, Daniel was no longer called Belteshazzar, but simply Daniel. So, after the "wise" men of Babylon had failed to read the handwriting on the wall, Daniel was brought into the presence of the king and the king declared to Daniel: "I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the gods is in thee, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee." (see: Daniel 5:14) The king then had to admit to Daniel that all the wise men of Babylon had failed at interpreting the handwriting on the wall, after which the king desired of Daniel the true meaning of that which had been written on the wall.

Daniel began by letting the king know that the king had "lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven." (see: Daniel 5:23) And, when all things are considered, as Belshazzar did, so have the pope and the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization done. And, as Belshazzar was destroyed and his kingdom cast down, so shall the Most High God of heaven do, when he brings about the utter destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome, and casts the pope and his hierarchy into the everlasting lake of fire, which shall occur in the rapidly approaching days ahead. These things are indicated in a page linked here.

Returning to Daniel, he interpreted the meaning of the handwriting on the wall. Then, that which Daniel declared in the interpretation is what then took place. That night, Belshazzar the king was slain and Darius the Mede took over the kingdom, and the rest is history. After a period of time, the Mystery Religion of Babylon was transferred to Rome, and the pope ultimately became the Pontifex Maximus, which is the head of this Babylonian Mystery Religion. This is shown in a section, linked here, which is part of a much larger page.

The pope, now being the head of the Mystery Religion which is associated with Baal or Bel or Moloch worship, appears to have brought virtually all of the parts of that mystery religion into his religious system (link). The practices from the Mystery Religion which were brought into the pope's religion appears to included virtually all of its pagan rituals. There are some who go so far as to indicate that human or child sacrifice was also brought into their system, in one form or another (1)(2). And, that appears to be a major part of the reason why there is so much child sexual abuse throughout the international Vatican/Jesuit organization and in the "church" it uses as its cover.

Once all of this history about the Mystery Religion from Babylon is clearly understood, plus the transfer of the Babylonian religion into the Vatican system, it appears that it helps in explaining many things. It helps to obtain a much better explanation for the reasons behind all that industrial-type human "experimentation" and child sacrifice which was taking place in at least that one Catholic facility in Quebec, Canada, where all those Duplessis Orphans were imprisoned and murdered. It also helps to explain all that human sacrifice which took place in hijacked and Nazified Germany, under the Vatican/Jesuit "tools" known as Adolf Hitler and his Nazis.


Now, let's consider more closely a specific piece of information, which was introduced a couple of sections above. Within pages accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4) --- it speaks about these holes which were bored into or through the heads of a number of the abused and murdered Duplessis orphan victims. The second linked page states: "Many of the bodies had holes drilled into the skulls." That page also speaks of a case of a dead orphan in which the brain had been removed. Now, it is time to start comparing some of what was seen at the Catholic facilities to some of the things which occurred during the human sacrifices in the region of Babylon, in ancient times.

When is comes to some of the religious practices associated with the region surrounding Babylon, a page linked here is titled At Ur, Ritual Deaths That Were Anything but Serene. In these human sacrifices at Ur of the Chaldees, in which region Babylon is located, the page speaks of round holes in the cranium, or in the skull, which were about an inch in diameter. An investigating doctor believed that these holes in the skulls were "made by a sharp instrument" and that death had been caused "by blunt-force trauma." Is this what the holes in the heads of those Duplessis orphan victims at those Catholic facilities in Quebec were all about?

If the remains of the Duplessis orphans in at least that mass grave at the pigsty could be exhumed and examined, it should immediately be obvious whether of not there were any type of sacrificial holes augered into the skulls of the remains, or if there were tops missing from a number of the skulls. And, if it were proven that there were holes augered into the skull of these child victims, or if tops of skulls were missing, it would provide irrefutable evidence that diabolic human experimentation and blatant crimes against humanity, plus possibly outright human sacrifice, had been happening at these Catholic facilities in Canada.

Irrefutable proof in this matter could definitely be something which would be incriminating to both the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the Nazified or catholicized segments of the governments of Canada and the United States. And, these Nazified or catholicized segments of these governments are commonly controlled by the members of those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones from Yale, plus others. And then there is the CIA, which has acquired the nickname of "Catholics In Action,"(1)(2) for a very good reason. Yes, they have quite a history.

A page linked here and further below states: "The Vatican, under Pope Francis, continues to ignore pleas for reparation from the surviving Duplessis orphans. Despite the fact that the Quebec government has settled a claim action suit from the survivors, the Holy See has never expressed sorrow or regret over its part in a tale that involves mass murder, physical abuse, forced labor, and the wholesale dumping of hundreds of bodies near a pig sty." It appears, at least to the writer, that this is the history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization --- use them, abuse them, and then dump or murder them when they are no longer of value, or possibly when they are no longer making that organization a lot of money.

In what has been stated above, it appears that the international Vatican/Jesuit organization is simply showing its true, highly un-Christian colors. It appears to be one of the most calloused organizations that at least the writer has ever seen. But, what else should a person expect from an organization which has a history of perpetrating incredible crimes against humanity during events like those many brutal, bloody and murderous Crusades and Inquisitions. In this case of the orphans, that highly questionable organization, at least at the point of this writing in 2019, has never expressed any sorrow or any regret over perpetrating the mass murder and holocaust in Canada. But, at this late date, any apology from that organization may be just empty words.

A history of the lack of authentic remorse by the Vatican/Jesuit organization for the various mass murders and holocausts which they have been involved in appears to be the standard operating procedure of this deceptive and highly un-Christian organization. Another place where the Vatican/Jesuit organization was involved in a large-scale mass murder and holocaust was in Croatia/Yugoslavia. There, the Catholic policy was "kill a third, deport a third, convert a third." The results of the genocide associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization is shown in the pages linked below. So again, with this un-Christ-like organization, what happened during the Canadian holocaust simply appears to be the true nature of "The Beast." (Daniel 7:23)(Revelation 17:3)(Revelation 17:8)(Revelation 18:1-2)

Looking once again to all the brazen criminal activity which occurred in Catholic facilities in Canada, note in the page linked below how slavery was used by the Catholic organization, in order to help fill their coffers. A study of history shows that this organization has a long train of abuses in the area of slavery, in one form or another, which extends over hundreds of years. The following linked pages --- (1)(2)(3) --- are simply an introduction to some of this history. And, looking at the United States, there are those words attributed to President John F. Kennedy, when he spoke about a plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States (link). When Kennedy also spoke about and against secret societies, it should be rather obvious who he was talking about.

In the page linked via the button below, it is noted that there was sexual abuse of the orphans at the highly questionable Catholic imprisonment and human experimentation facilities in Canada. This sexual abuse of the vulnerable seems to be the standard operating procedures shown by those of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, throughout quite a long period of their history (1)(2). This long history of sexual abuse tends to indicate that these people are not truly converted (in the manner proclaimed by the Lord Jesus Christ), and in such a state, they are not saved. And then, when it comes to the Catholic facilities in Canada, there was the forced drug use.

From the writer's research, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has quite a history of drugging people and ruining lives. There are also claims that it has a history of being involved with drug trafficking (1)(2)(3). These claims make a lot more sense, when it is realized that organizations like the drug trafficking CIA is controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization via its secret societies (link) like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.

Returning fully to what happened to all those Duplessis orphans at the Catholic facilities in Canada, unless it can be proven otherwise, it appears to be rather obvious that there was large-scale, Nazi-type, diabolic and criminal human experimentation and mass murder, or possibly even mass human sacrifice of children, which was being performed within the Catholic-run facilities in at least Quebec. The governments of Canada and the United States were possibly fighting hard to prevent the bodies of the murdered children from being examined, because they know, beyond any doubt, that the remains of these bodies would reveal atrocities even beyond those revealed in the interview of the Duplessis orphan, which is noted in the page linked here and a couple of sections above.

There is another thing to consider in this situation. It has been many years since the Duplessis Orphans began demanding that the dead orphans be exhumed and examined. It has also been many years that the governments of the U.S. and Canada have been refusing to let the remains of these murdered children be properly examined. Is there any chance that, in the meantime, one or the other government, or possibly even the Vatican/Jesuit organization, could have tampered with the evidence in order to cover for any horrendous crimes against humanity? Again, just something to think about when knowing the history of these organizations, especially when dealing with people who criminally protected obvious Nazi war criminals.

At this point, there is something to add to the discussion in this section. The CIA was known to be involved in questionable human experimentation in Canada (1)(2)(3)(4). And then, it is said that, to protect themselves from prosecution, they destroyed all the records of their earlier human experimentation which they could find. This destruction of records occurred sometime in 1973, after the Watergate scandal broke wide open. At least to the writer, having seen enough of the information available, that destruction of evidence tends to indicate an intentional coverup for possibly some extremely heinous and criminal wrong-doing on their part, especially when it comes to the highly questionable human experimentation in which they were involved. And, there is more to come.



When it comes to World War Two and what led up to it or who actually instigated it, there is something to consider. The pope and the Vatican crowd, in the early 1900s, had been looking for someone to be "the sword of the Catholic Church." They were looking for someone and some country to go out conquering other countries, in order to bring them under the domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. In other words, the Vatican/Jesuit organization was looking to start wars on this earth, with the hopes of gaining more control over the nations of this earth.

In 1903, the pope, Leo XIII, went so far in the Vatican crowd's efforts toward world conquest that he even asked a Protestant, the Kaiser Wilhelm II of Protestant Germany, for Germany to be "the sword of the Catholic Church." This is documented later in this presentation in the section titled The Sword of the Catholic Church (link). Needless to say, the proposal to the Protestant Kaiser to be "the sword of the Catholic Church" did not work out as hoped for the pope and the Jesuits. Therefore, it appears that things were manipulated in Germany to the point where Kaiser Wilhelm II was soon ousted from the German government.

Then, along came a willing "pawn" in Germany, that being the Catholic named Adolf Hitler --- who was raised up to power by the Jesuits. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, once in control, then obtained a Concordat with the Vatican. This Concordat gave the Nazis legitimacy in the eyes of the governments of this world. Then there was the Nazi SS, which was modeled after the Jesuit organization. Piece by piece, various agencies were put in place which would then assure the Catholic and Vatican/Jesuit control, over that which had formerly been Protestant Germany. As a note, the same step-by-step procedure for gaining control has steadily been in operation in the United States for many decades, as the Vatican/Jesuit organization subtly works to dominate this country.

The Vatican/Jesuit domination of the United States, and the enslavement of its citizens, appears to be the reason for the creation of un-Constitutional organizations like the CIA, the NSA, the DHS and a number of other like agencies. It appears that these agencies are ultimately controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, using the members of their secret societies like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, and a variety of other organizations, whose members, by an Oath, are in allegiance to the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome, over and above any allegiance to the United States or its legitimate citizens. Yes, the "handwriting is on the wall," for the United States and its citizens. Just remember what happened in formerly Protestant Germany!

Now, let us return to Nazi Germany. The evidence indicates that Hilter, after he and his crowd had hijacked Germany, were then meant to be that "conquering sword" for the Catholic Church. This "conquering sword" would be used to overcome, enslave and exterminate those who would not bow to the domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Research indicates that the Nazis and their allies were basically the "holy warriors" and modern "Conquistadors" for the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It would almost be like the Crusades and Inquisitions, all over again. These things can be understood, to some degree, by the information presented in the pages linked below.

At this point, there is something important to note. People in key positions from other places in the world, especially those who were aligned with the Catholic/Jesuit organization, or who were members of, or influenced by the members of, the various secret societies controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, were in support of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis. This was true, even in the United States. Many important and powerful people, even heads of large companies and organizations in the United States, were fully in support of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. This is clearly shown in the pages linked below.

When it comes to those who were supporters of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, there was also Allen Dulles, the eugenicist who later became head of the CIA. A page linked here is titled Pivotal Role of Allen Dulles in Shielding Nazi War criminals. It states: "Dulles and the other high ranking intelligence officials and in the State Department, had the highest regard for the Nazi elite -- the Reich's generals, chemists, medical doctors, and engineers -- whose research and achievements were mostly in wartime technology, racial hygiene, torture, and genocide." In all of this, there is more to know about Allan Dulles and his CIA, plus the Nazi dealings of his cohorts. There is also the Vatican/Jesuit connection to many of the elite controllers, which will soon be shown in this presentation.


A page linked here is titled The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government. At the bottom of the page is found the References. Regarding Allen Dulles and the CIA, in Reference #1, is found the following words:

"Just before his death, James Jesus Angleton, the legendary chief of counterintelligence at the Central Intelligence Agency, was a bitter man. He felt betrayed by the people he had worked for all his life. In the end, he had come to realize that they were never really interested in American ideals of 'freedom' and 'democracy.' They really only wanted 'absolute power.'
        "Angleton told author Joseph Trento that the reason he had gotten the counterintelligence job in the first place was by agreeing not to submit 'sixty of Allen Dulles' closest friends' to a polygraph test concerning their business deals with the Nazis. In his end-of-life despair, Angleton assumed that he would see all his old companions again 'in hell.'"

There are other sources which include the above words from James Jesus Angleton to Joseph Trento, about Angleton and his old companions all going to hell. These same words, or words very similar to them, can be found within pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

From what is stated above, it appears that Allen Dulles, who had been the Director of the CIA, was a willing supporter and protector of blatantly criminal and treasonous activity against the authentic United States. Again, it is of interest to note that James Angleton stated that "he would see all his old companions again 'in hell.'" It appears that James Angleton, because of what they had been secretly doing, clearly understood where he and all these people were going for all eternity.

Once the true dealings of the CIA are known, it becomes rather clear that their diabolic and satanic deeds have worked to undermine the authentic United States. It appears that they have been working to further the agenda of the New World Order "beast" government (1)(2) and the great spiritual whore (1) which is controlled by the Vatican. It appears that James Jesus Angleton understood that in the end, all of this diabolic activity would most likely ensure them a special spot in the lake of fire. And, this is the place where they shall be tormented for their wickedness, for all eternity. It appears that possibly Angleton knew, deep down in his heart, how God would judge him and his companions from the CIA, along with their Nazi comrades who were embedded in the CIA.

Let us look a bit further at what James Jesus Angleton stated as he was dying, to better know the truth of the destiny of all of these people. At some point within or at the end of pages (scroll through them) accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), James Angleton is said to have declared something along this line: "Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted." So, if these people were basically liars, does that mean they are going to hell? In answer, within the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it states that "all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone..." (Revelation 21:8) So, it appears that James Angleton was very accurate in what he stated.

In the paragraph of quoted words from James Angleton which is found near the beginning of this section, he indicated that the people in the CIA "were never really interested in American ideals of 'freedom' and 'democracy.' They really only wanted 'absolute power.'" The preceding words appear to go hand-in-hand with some much earlier words which came from Napoleon Bonaparte. These words are in the following paragraph, and are found within pages which are accessed via the links at the end of the quote.

Napoleon declared: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) It appears that there possibly is a "match" here.

Once again, there are some things to consider. The CIA is composed of numerous people who are members of those Catholic secret societies like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc. These secret societies are simply "fronts" or "puppets" for the Jesuit organization. The allegiance of the members of these various secret societies is to the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome. These are the real people for whom the members of these secret societies really work. Therefore, when it comes to not having a true interest in the principles upon which the United States was actually founded, it appears that it could be said: "Like father, like offspring."

It appears there clearly is a reason why those who have been in control of the CIA "were never really interested in American ideals of 'freedom' and 'democracy.' They really only wanted 'absolute power.'" It is because they ultimately are working for the agenda of the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome. These people are working for the continuing Counter Reformation and the ushering in of the destroying and enslaving, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. It appears that this same thing may be said for virtually all of the other members of the various Vatican/Jesuit-controlled agencies, which are blatantly doing all those un-Constitutional and criminal things against U.S. citizens.

Once again, that patriotic President John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960s, tried to warn people about this plot to enslave citizens! (link) And then, bang, bang --- they blew him away. Those who were behind the plot did not want Kennedy awakening the citizens of the United States to their true perdicament.


There is another thing which is very important to consider. It can be seen in the pages linked via the clustered buttons at the bottom of the section further above, which is titled The Nazis and Their Supporters (link). The "elite" people in the United States were the ones who were supporting Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. It was the "elite" in the United States who were also supporting the Eugenics Movement in this country (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). These "elite" people wanted "killing centers" in the United States (1), just like what hijacked and Nazified Germany ultimately ended up with. And, these "elite" ones who were supporting Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, plotted to overthrow the government of the United States. This is noted in the pages linked in the section of clustered buttons below.

In place of the legitimate, Constitutional Republic of the United States, which was set up in such a way that it was supposed to protect the God-given unalienable rights of each individual, these treasonous people, who appeared to be aligned with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, wanted to forcefully, by a brazen overthrow, set up a fascist type of government. They wanted a fascist government in the United States which was like that which had been set up in hijacked and subdued Germany, under Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. This is clearly shown in the pages linked via the large section of clustered buttons below. And now, it is time for that very important and revealing piece of history which they absolutely did not teach you in school.

And again, what is about to be shown is some of that extremely important history, which for some "unexplainable" reason, it seems they just neglected to teach about in school. They also did not teach about the implications of this important piece of U.S. history. In the paragraph above, the writer states that the treasonous people who wanted to overthrow the U.S. government and install a Fascist, Nazi-type of government in its place, appeared to be aligned with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It is now time to actually see the connecting and controlling "link" between the rich, "elite," controlling crowd in the United States and the Vatican/Jesuit organization's hierarchy in Rome.

The two pages linked below contain information from a Catholic writer. The pages give some history about the Knights of Malta. About one-quarter of the way down in these pages, is speaks about the Knights of Malta "refusing to accept members...who were not of the nobility or heads of state." The pages go on to declare: "An exception was made for the United States because of its rising political, economic and military power, and in 1927 a branch of SMOM was established on the East Coast. Most of the founding members were tycoons of industry and finance who would strongly oppose Roosevelt's New Deal [one, John J. Raskob, the chairman of the board of General Motors, even became involved in a plot to seize the White House]."

From the information quoted above, there are some things which stand out. Note that in the earlier 1900s, the United States was a "rising political, economic and military power." It appears that the Jesuits, via their Knights of Malta (who are in submission, allegiance and obedience to the Jesuits), wanted some serious control over this "rising political, economic and military power." Therefore, the Knights of Malta made an exception in the United States to their normal "nobility or heads of state" rule for members. This allowed them to get American "tycoons of industry and finance" into their ranks and under their control. This laid the groundwork for the Vatican/Jesuit organization to gain some serious control over the United States.

For a moment, let us consider something from earlier in this presentation about eugenics thought and the eugenics movement in the United States. The Jesuit instigation of Malthusian eugenic thought at various places around the world was considered, and it was noted that eugenic thought appeared to be in operation in the United States, before the exterminating eugenics programs really "got rolling" in Nazified Germany. Since it appears that key members of the elite in the United States were members of the Knights of Malta, this would have placed these key elite under the influence or control of the Jesuits. So, there is the possibility that the Knights of Malta was the avenue by which the Jesuits introduced the eugenics program into the United States.

Now, back to the planned overthrow of the U.S. government. Once again, the founding members of the East Coast branch of the Knights of Malta (SMOM), which was established in 1927, were the "tycoons of industry and finance." This all took place, years before Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rose to power in Germany. The pages then go on to state that the founding members of the East Coast branch of the Knights of Malta "were soon joined by such titans as John Farrell, president of U.S. Steel; Joseph P. Grace, of W.R. Grace & Co.; Joseph Kennedy, a Boston entrepreneur and father of a future president of the United States; and George MacDonald of Pennsylvania, who made a fortune in oil and utilities."

Once again, looking at the information presented and linked above, we have the American Knights of Malta, which had a lot of control over the United States. These rich, "elite," who were now Vatican/Jesuit-controlled American Knights of Malta, would then support Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Knights of Malta in Germany, which were then hijacking that which had been Protestant Germany. And, all of the Knights of Malta "players" (which were part of those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies) were ultimately controlled by the Jesuits. Once these things and who was behind it all is clearly understood, then all of the questionable things which have happened in the United States begin to make a lot more sense.

So, it was these rich, "elite," American Knights of Malta, who were supporters of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. These American Knights of Malta, which were ultimately under the control of the Jesuits, were then the ones who wanted to overthrow the authentic U.S. government and install a Jesuit-inspired, Nazi-type Fascist government in the United States. This highly important piece of information --- that the rich industrialists and financiers in the United States, are ultimately under the control of, or manipulated by, the Jesuits, or by agents of a foreign government --- helps to explain a lot of things which have happened in the United States, since the early 1900s.

Now, let us begin to look at the information about the planned overthrow of the legitimate U.S. government, which was planned by the rich "elite," whom we now can know were basically under the control of the Jesuits. In the pages linked below, there are two different years noted, these being 1933 and 1934. No, there were not two different coup attempts which occurred in these two years. The actual planned overthrow of the government by the conspiratorial rich boys and their pawns was to occur in 1933. Smedley Butler, who they attempted to use, but who ultimately exposed the whole plot, testified about the plot in 1934. So, different writers have chosen one year or the other for their particular article, for their own reasons. But, their information is still good.

The information pool accessible below looks at the 1933 coup attempt from different points of view, plus various writers have used different presentation methods. From all the available information, the reader should be able to obtain a rather clear picture about what happened at this critical point in U.S. history. There is one thing to note in all of this. Those who were actually behind the planned overthrow in 1933, and those aligned with them, have never given up on the planned destruction of the authentic United States and the destruction of the true rights and freedoms of individual U.S. citizens. The plot (link) to enslave every man, woman and child is still in operation.

The highly questionable and illegal things which happened in the 1900s in the United States is what happens when people, especially the rich and powerful, but also the common people, forget or wilfully ignore the principles of the Constitution of the United States and what this country was actually founded upon and is supposed to be about. These detrimental things, like the overthrow of the legitimate United States and the rights of individual, are what happens when the principles of the Declaration of Independence, and what this country is supposed to really be about, are forgotten or cast aside or allowed to be trampled under foot.

The first page linked via the buttons below speaks of "the summer of 1933...[when]...America's richest businessmen...[planned]...a military coup, along the lines of the recently successful coups of their friends, Adolf Hitler in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy. It was to be secretly financed and organized by leading officers of the Morgan and Du Pont empires." Well, Hitler and Mussolini did not actually get into power by the use of true coups, but they both attempted coups. Yes, they were getting close to coups, especially when considering the known information and scenarios surrounding both cases. A page, linked here, from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, states that "Mussolini's Fascist takeover of Italy was an inspiration and example for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany."

Within pages accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) --- it is indicated that Benito Mussolini was connected with the Knights of Malta. So, the Knights-of-Malta-connected Mussolini, with his bold takeover of Italy (1)(2)(3)(4), inspired the Jesuit-backed Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, a large share of which were Knights of Malta, to be bold and hijack that which was Protestant Germany. So basically, all of this overthrowing of, and boldly taking over of countries appears to have been done by those who had connections to the Vatican/Jesuit organization, its Knights of Malta or simply to its Jesuits.

Bottom line: it appears to have been the Catholic or Jesuit instigated takeover of governments, plus the Jesuit control and manipulation of certain heads of State and other key people, even in the United States, which ultimately brought about World War Two. And then, there was that planned overthrow of the legitimate U.S. government by the rich "elite," who also appear to have ultimately been under the control or manipulation of the Jesuits. And, they wanted to install a Fascist, Nazi-type government in the United States --- one which most likely would have been approved by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, especially since it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has a habit of supporting dictators wherever they can (1)(2)(3). Now for those linked pages.

The last video linked above, plus pages above it, speak about Major General Smedley Butler. He was a popular military veteran whom the treasonous rich boys --- who were associated with or under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization --- tried to sucker into being their stooge and puppet to overthrow the legitimate U.S. government. But, Smedley Butler had his views on how he saw these people and what they were up to --- especially after they lied about their involvement in the plot to overthrow the government. Now, there is something which, once again, needs to be stated, because of its importance.

The "elite" who are aligned with, or controlled by, the Vatican/Jesuit organization, did not give up on their 1930s plot to overthrow the authentic government of the United States, and then, in its place, set up a despotic and enslaving government. Research shows that it has always been the plan of those who are aligned with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, to overthrow the authentic U.S. government. And, once again, it appears that this is why President Kennedy, in the early 1960s, declared something along these lines: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. I intend to expose this plot." (link) It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its allies did not appreciate anyone frustrating their treasonous plans, so they just BLEW KENNEDY AWAY!


The pages linked below provide additional information about the famous war hero, Smedley Butler and his thoughts. He came to some strong conclusions, once he realized that all the wars in which he had fought were actually for the interests of these rich, treasonous boys, rather than for the good of the nation and the common citizens as a whole. At that point in history, in 1933/1934, Smedley Butler only understood that the questionable activity which was happening was something associated with just the rich, treasonous boys.

If only Smedley Butler knew then, in the 1930s, what research can allow us to understand to a much larger degree today, about who has really been behind all this treason, virtually all along. If only he had known who was actually instigating most of the wars around the world, so their rich allies could make even more money. If Smedley Butler had known in the 1930s, the things that are known today, the treasonous activities could potentially have been "nipped in the bud," when it was much easier to do such a thing. Had that been done in earlier times, and had the Vatican/Jesuit organization and it treasonous agents been stopped back then, things would possibly be in much better shape today, especially for the common citizens of the United States.

If only Smedley Butler had understood how the diabolic instigators of war in various places throughout the world, actually used these wars to weaken the nations and enrich and "buy" their powerful allies. If he had understood how these enriched allies of the foreign-based organization, which was working to undermine the authentic United States, once their riches were increased, would then support "the blatantly treasonous cause" and diabolic warmongering even more, possibly he would have worked much harder to change things and possibly more safeguards would have been put in place for the protection of the common citizens of the United States. Now, it is time to consider Smedley Butler's view on what has been happening over the years, in the information linked below.

A sampling of other information which speaks about war as being a definite racket is accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). Despite the exposure of all the questionable activity regarding the planned overthrow of the legitimate government of the United States in the 1930s, the treasonous rich and powerful were never brought to trial for their criminal plot. Once things were exposed about this plot, there was just a massive cover-up by those in positions of power and authority. It appears to have been covered up by those who were under the control of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization.


Let us now return to what was happening in Canada, with all those Duplessis orphans who had been locked up in those Catholic-controlled facilities. Research indicates that the Catholic-controlled facilities in Quebec were not doing the brutal and cruel human experimentation (or possibly even diabolic human sacrifice) on these orphans all on their own. It appears that there was "help" from other sources or agencies. The nuns and the priest by themselves many not have possessed the "skills" to do the type of diabolic "experimentation" and sacrifice of children which was being done. And, there had to have been someone organizing all of this diabolic activity.

The use of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA and its MK-Ultra program at the Catholic-controlled children's facilities in Quebec (1)(2) leaves something to consider. Now, the CIA was, especially in its early stages right after its "Protestant" beginning, made up of many Nazis and Catholics. The evidence, which was already presented earlier, indicates that a number of Nazi doctors were used in this large-scale human experimentation and crimes against humanity which was performed at various Catholic-controlled facilities in Canada.

It appears that this whole thing with Canadian human-experimentation and "child sacrifice" was just an extension of what happened in Nazi Germany. And, the evidence indicates that all of this type of activity was perpetrated by those who were part of "the sword of the Catholic Church." These atrocities in Canada appear to have been a continuation of the very diabolic Vatican/Jesuit "holy war" against humanity, which, in the last "go around," started in hijacked and Nazified Germany --- and, the next "go around" is slated for the United States.

In all reality, these diabolic activities appear to be a war against all who do not bow to the pope and his questionable organization. It is a war against those who are not considered as being "useful" to them. These things which they have been doing appear to be just another form of the Crusades and Inquisitions. It is part of the continuing Counter Reformation --- which is that war to exterminate all authentic, Bible-believing Christians.

This diabolic human experimentation and killing or murdering of children at Catholic-controlled facilities doesn't sound very Christian at all. But, what can you expect from an organization that does not appear to be authentically Christian at all, especially when it is compared to the true doctrine of Christ. This true doctrine of Christ is clearly shown within the uncorrupted Holy Bible, and it does not match up with what the Vatican/Jesuit organization has been doing for a very long time.



It is time to look a bit further at the early 1900s, during that period when, from the available information, it is obvious that very unsavory things were happening in Catholic Quebec. Let us see, once again, what the pervading belief system was in Quebec, especially during the time when all these children were being abused and criminally experimented upon, even using Nazi doctors. Truly, what was the pervading belief system and popular sentiments in Catholic Quebec, when all these children were "experimented on" and killed or sacrificed at especially those facilities operated by the international Vatican/Jesuit organization and its questionable church?

Maurice Duplessis, after whom the Duplessis Orphans are named, was the premier of Quebec from 1936 to 1939, and then again from 1944 to 1959. The page linked below notes that Duplessis' time as premier has been called the time of "the great darkness." That sounds a bit like "the Dark Ages" from earlier history. Regarding the Dark Ages from earlier times, a page linked here declares: "We come now to a period when persecution, under the guise of Christianity, committed more enormities than ever disgraced the annals of paganism. Disregarding the maxims and the spirit of the Gospel, the papal Church, arming herself with the power of the sword, vexed the Church of God and wasted it for several centuries, a period most appropriately termed in history, the 'dark ages.'"

The words quoted above, which come from Foxes Book of Martyrs, can also be found quoted within books or pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4). From what is stated above and looking through history from those much earlier times, all the way to what has happened more recently in the 1900s, like in Quebec, Canada and in Nazified Germany and especially in Catholic Croatia (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), it appears that the papal crowd has quite a history of brutality, bloodshed and mass murder. Some may even say that the Catholic Church, at various times in history, has been perpetrating a considerable amount of a certain type of mass human sacrifice.

Regarding what was happening in Catholic Quebec in the 1900s, the page linked below also declares: "By the 1950s, Duplessis had become associated with some of the worst instances of state abuse of civil liberties in Canadian history." Well, with the Nazis who were "the sword of the Catholic Church," that makes sense. The linked page notes that Duplessis "had a powerful ally in the Catholic Church, which was responsible for social services throughout the province, including orphanages." So, keep this bit of information in mind, that the Catholic Church was an ally of Duplessis' in what what happening throughout Quebec, and especially at the orphanages or highly questionable mental facilities. And, this was because Duplessis had turned over the responsiblity of the orphanages and various other facilities to the Catholic Church.

From what is stated in the linked page, it appears that the Catholic Church was very abusive, despotic and operating somewhat along the lines of Malthusian eugenics philosophy in Quebec. They were doing things which were very similar to certain Nazi programs in Germany. The page states: "An estimated two to four thousand children were physically, mentally, and sexually abused." Again, note that under the control of the Catholic Church, children in their facilities in Quebec were, yes, sexually abused. Surprises never cease to happen with this questionable organization. It appears that the Catholic organization never really changes and there is quite a solid history of sexual abuse and other vices tied to this crowd.

Once again, let it be noted that Duplessis was premier of Quebec during the period of 1936 to 1939. So, once again, what was the general mindset in Catholic Quebec during this period? A page linked here declares: "During the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939, the support with Fascism increased in Quebec." The excuse for this support for Fascism was supposedly the result of a "solidarity among Catholics in the war against Communism." With this heavy support for fascism, it appears that there was then the support for Nazi-type eugenics programs being used against orphans in Catholic facilities --- which included diabolic human "experimentation," brutality and murder.

A page linked here notes the following about Quebec and fascism: "A number of intellectuals had been impressed with this ideology ever since Benito Mussolini took power in Italy in 1922. Journalists lauded the Italian dictator in the pages of Action Nationale, le Progres du Nord, le Province and Le Devoir, to give only a few examples."

A Wikipedia page, linked here, is titled Fred Rose (politician). The page notes that the Canadian politician, Fred Rose, "won the hatred of Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis for writing about the close connections between the Duplessis government and the fascist governments of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini."

A page linked here is simply titled Fred Rose. It declares: "In 1942, Rose published a pamphlet entitled Hitler's Fifth Column in Quebec, which exposed the ties between Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Quebec Premiere Maurice Duplessis, turning public opinion largely against Duplessis."

A booklet linked here is titled Inside Quebec, by Helen C. Howes. This booklet was published in December of 1942. At the bottom of PDF page 14 of 28, it notes the government of Maurice Duplessis. It then states: "It was during his regime that corporatist and fascist groups flourished." It goes on to state: "These groups maintained close relations with the Nazi and Fascist diplomatic representatives and thus, in classic fashion, Hitler's 5th Column was organized in Quebec." And, as a result, the anti-Semitism and eugenics philosophy of the Nazis and Fascists appears to have been present throughout much of Catholic Quebec.

The booklet Inside Quebec, linked above, at the bottom of PDF page 23 of 28, notes that during the Duplessis regime, "the corporatist and fascist groups had close connections with Rome and Berlin through the Italian and German consuls." So, Rome is a big "player" in all of this, plus in what was happening throughout Quebec and possibly even in what was happening to the orphans. Well, by this time, there should be no doubt about the fascist type of attitude, along with its eugenics thought, which pervaded in Catholic Quebec.


All of the information presented in the sections above helps to lay the groundwork for getting a better understanding of the Quebec which existed at the time when the "unwanted" children were being enslaved, abused, tortured and killed or sacrificed at those Catholic-controlled facilities. And, in all of this, it appears that the Catholic Church was answerable to no one, for Duplessis had turned over the control of social services in Quebec, including the control over orphans, to the Catholic Church. And, that church was then one of his powerful allies in virtually all that was being done. So, all of this appears to have been a "very cozy" Catholic thing.

As a quick side note, it appears that in the United States, the Catholic Church is steadily working to gain a lot of control over social services and other things. It appears that the Catholic Church is already sucking a lot of money out of the federal funds. This is indicated in pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). Now, there is something to consider. Since the Catholic Church is sucking all of this money out of the federal government, it appears that U.S. taxpayers are being forced, by proxy, to help finance and support all that abuse and rape of children at Catholic facilities. So, is the "handwriting on the wall" for the United States? Now, back to Canada.

Once again, in Catholic Quebec, there were those fascist leanings. There was strong support for Hitler and the Nazis, plus for Mussolini. There appears to have also been strong support for the things which those dictators stood for. And, there is something else to note. Clearly, the uncorrupted and non-rewritten record of history shows that both Hitler and Mussolini had the support of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. The record of history clearly indicates that all of them (some being more "public" than others) were into eugenics and even mass murder.

When it comes to eugenics, it is just that some during this era were more open and honest about their true beliefs than were others. Now, the international Vatican/Jesuit organization and the church which it controls wants to look innocent in all this. But, what was clearly happening to the orphans in Quebec, like the abuse and brutality which resulted in the deaths of numerous "unwanted" children in Catholic-controlled institutions? This abuse and brutality, plus the resulting deaths of children, reveals the true nature and spirit behind this which appears to be a very questionable and possibly very deceptive international organization (link). Furthermore, it appears that the Malthusian eugenics thought of the Jesuits may have been having a lot of influence in this situation (1)(2)(3).

Now, let us once again consider the government of Maurice Duplessis. Why would Duplessis have been a supporter, plus possibly an admirer of dictators like Hitler and Mussolini? Well, all of them were Catholics and the Catholic Church was an ally of Duplessis. It appears that Duplessis, possibly under the direction of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization and its local agents, was simply supporting those who were "his own." So, it appears there is a logical reason why there was the eugenics type of abuse, brutality, diabolic human experimentation and death or possible human sacrifice which took place at the Catholic-controlled facilities for orphans and others in at least Quebec. More will now be presented about this matter.


In the section further above titled Catholic Use of Weaponized Psychiatry and Eugenics (link), it notes "the Catholic Church's use of psychiatry as a religious political weapon posing as a science." That section also notes that the Prime Minister of Quebec, Maurice Duplessis, believed that the education in his province "must remain in the hands of the [Catholic] Church." As a result, Duplessis "refused subsidies from the Canadian federal government for Quebec universities." Therefore, it appears that whatever was taught or lectured about in universities in Quebec, like at McGill and Bishop's, was under the control of the Catholic Church.

The page linked below declares: "Many may not know, however, that during the early 20th century, McGill was a communication hub between eugenicists in Britain and Canada." It states further: "Within a Quebec context, eugenics theories were largely disseminated among the anglophone community in Montreal -- particularly within McGill's academic circles."

The linked page notes the use of eugenics by the Nazis during the World War Two era. In relation to this, it states: "In the Third Reich, inhumane experiments and euthanasia were conducted on individuals considered to be inferior or sub-human."

Considering the information linked in a section further above, which section is titled Governments, the C.I.A., & the Catholic Church (link), it appears that Nazi-type inhumane experiments and a form of euthanasia was conducted on those who were considered as being inferior or sub-human in Quebec. These ones considered as being inferior or sub-human were generally the orphans who resided in the Catholic institutions (link), plus the Indigenous children of the region, whom it appears the Catholic Church considered as being inferior or heathen (link). Unfortunately, there appears to be quite a history of this type of thing with the Catholic organization --- the persecution and killing of those they consider as being inferior or sub-human, as will now be shown.

The page linked below, once again, quotes the following words from Fox's Book of Martyrs: "Under the guise of Christianity, the Papal Church committed more enormities than ever disgraced the annals of paganism. Disregarding the maxims and the spirit of the Gospel, the papal Church, arming herself with the power of the sword, vexed the Church of God and wasted it for several centuries, a period most appropriately termed in history, the 'dark ages'." In all of this, let us remember the bloody, tortuous, inhumane and murderous Crusades and Inquisitions which were done against the masses of humanity by this highly questionable organization, whose priests are now abusing and raping children and others.

The quote in the paragraph above in very important and should never be forgotten. The Vatican/Jesuit organization has proven over time that it really never changes. It may simply change its tactics, but it always seems to end up killing people, one way or another. That is its history. Another quote in the page linked below declares: "Roman Catholicism was born in blood, has wallowed in blood, and has quenched its thirst in blood, and it is in letters of blood that its true history is written." The page then goes on to list a history of very serious, very un-Christ-like, Catholic crimes against children and others.

A page linked here also lists a number of the crimes against humanity which were perpetrated by this very questionable organization. It does appear that the international Vatican/Jesuit organization has often used eugenics against the masses, for it appears they considered themselves as being "well born," and the masses of humanity which do not believe as they do as being inferior to them. Therefore, it appears that they have often exterminated others, even believing that it was their religious duty to do so. And, when all things are considered, it appears that Malthusian eugenics thought, with its included acts of mass murder, has generally been associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

This apparent belief in exterminating others who are not Catholic appears to be revealed in the alleged historic Jesuit Extreme Oath (1)(2)(3)(4), where the following words are given: "You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for 'without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.'" Rather than being saved through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, as shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it appears that the Jesuits convince their people that they must slaughter other people in order to be saved. In other words, it appears that they must do a form of human sacrifice in order to be saved. And, this appears to be what was happening in Quebec and in Nazi Germany.

Before we leave this section, let us return to the matter of universities in Catholic Quebec, to see what was really believed and popular amongst the student bodies of these facilities. And, let us once again note that these facilities were under the control of the Catholic Church. Linked here is a copy of The Mitre, Vol. 42, No. 4, April 1935, which is from Bishop's University in Quebec. On PDF page 16 of 25, on the right-hand page (book page 29), in the right-hand column, is a section titled PROFESSOR HUXLEY LECTURES. The following must now be noted.

In the section titled PROFESSOR HUXLEY LECTURES, it speaks about a "series of lectures sponsored by the National Council of Education." The document notes that Professor Julian Huxley spoke at Bishop's University and that "the lecture was attended by an unusually large audience." In his speech, the document notes that Huxley "traced the social implications of modern scientific developments in the field of eugenics..." It is noted that this lecture "was well received by the audience."

From the information immediately above, plus from information further above in this section, it appears that eugenics had been popular at various universities in Catholic Quebec, even from the time immediately before Maurice Duplessis came to power as the Premier of Quebec. So, it is not surprising that diabolic, Nazi-type of eugenicist human experimentation, which included the murder or sacrifice of children which were considered as being inferior, took place in Quebec, even at Catholic-controlled institutions like St. Jean de Dieu.



History shows that there is a certain thing which those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization have done over and over again. They have quite a history of murdering people, one way or another. So, at this point, let us consider further the brutality, diabolic torture and human experimentation, plus the death or sacrifice of numerous children, which appears to have been going on at Catholic-controlled institutions in at least Quebec, Canada in the 1900s. That type of brazen, diabolic activity which was occurring at these Catholic-controlled institutions, was basically as if the Catholic Church was saying to the orphans and others, the following words:

"If you are not like us, if you are not of the 'well born,' if you are not of the fittest, if you are not approved by us, then you are not something that is worth keeping alive. And, if you do not die naturally from your physical problems, then, as something of value to those that we consider as being the 'well born,' we are going to torture you and do cruel and brutal experiments on you until our depraved joy is fulfilled. And in the end, once we have used you up, we are going to kill or sacrifice you in cold blood." That appears to be the general attitude displayed in Nazified Germany, plus in the Catholic facilities in Quebec.

The attitude displayed by the Nazis in hijacked Germany and also at those Catholic-controlled facilities in at least Quebec, brings to mind the brutal and bloody Catholic Crusades and Inquisitions --- yes, possibly most of all, the heinous Inquisitions. And, for those needing further information on the Inquisitions, check out the pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3). Once again, as noted in that page linked here and in the section above, "Roman Catholicism was born in blood, has wallowed in blood, and has quenched its thirst in blood, and it is in letters of blood that its true history is written." That appears to be the true history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. And, as has often been said, the Catholic Church never really changes, it just shifts its tactics.

The Vatican/Jesuit organization has quite a record of the shedding of blood, of torture, of brutality, and of mass murder using various means. It is of note that they always seem to have some "righteous sounding" label tagged on its demonic activity. During the Inquisitions, as they were torturing people to death, they would claim that they were trying to save the soul of these people. What deceivers! What liars! They were just doing the lusts of their carnal flesh and following the demon which they worship, which is not the God or Christ shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible. It does appear that the Vatican/Jesuit organization does have a history of human sacrifice.

The page linked in the section above, once again, because of the great truth which it proclaims, quotes the following from Fox's Book of Martyrs: "Under the guise of Christianity, the Papal Church committed more enormities than ever disgraced the annals of paganism. Disregarding the maxims and the spirit of the Gospel, the papal Church, arming herself with the power of the sword, vexed the Church of God and wasted it for several centuries, a period most appropriately termed in history, the 'dark ages'." But, there is much more than just a history of using the "sword," as they perpetrate the works which clearly emanate from their base, savage and animalistic nature.

The page linked below speaks about the detailed recordkeeping which was done during the Inquisitions. The page states "Vast archival collections at the Vatican, in France and in Spain contain accounts of torture victims' cries, descriptions of funeral pyres and even meticulous financial records about the price of torture equipment." It's almost like these early Catholics wanted later generations of their breed to have a detailed record from which they could almost have an orgiastic experience, while reading the rather vivid descriptions of brazen and luciferic brutality, torture, bloodshed and mass murder. To even document the "torture victims' cries" for posterity is quite tweaked.

It seems that the Vatican/Jesuit crowd, when they get the chance, has displayed that they like, or are enthralled with, the torment and torture of others. That is possibly why all those Catholic priests have been molesting and sexually abusing boys and girls and others, even in more recent times. It appears they get "their jollies" by abusing and torturing people. Because this is the way that they have proven themselve to be, whenever they get the chance, that is why the righteous God of heaven shall send them to the lake of fire (1)(2)(3), to be tormented day and night for all eternity, with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (1)(2)(3), without any respite (1)(2)(3).

The pages linked below provide addition information about the Catholic Inquisitions. It is noted in the first linked page that Catholic apologists like to put the blame for all this brutality and murder onto the State or government. But, as pointed out, the laws under which people were tortured and murdered were inspired by the pope and the Vatican/Jesuit crowd, and were put in place by the lawmakers which were under the control of this historically diabolic organization.

It should clearly be noted that the exact same type of groundwork is being laid today, even right here in the United States. The agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are in positions of authority in the government, in the judiciary, in the military, and in law enforcement and spy agencies. And, it is becoming clear that a number of the Catholic-controlled government agencies are stockpiling arms and ammunition in preparation for what it appears they have planned in the coming days (link). The true nature and spirit of this crowd is revealed to a large degree in the pages linked below, plus in a book which is accessed at the following links: (1)(2)(3).

At the top of a page linked here is a quote from Lord Acton, who lived from 1834 to 1902. Regarding the Inquisitions of the Catholic Church, Acton proclaimed: "The principle of the Inquisition was murderous... The popes were not only murderers in the great style, but they also made murder a legal basis of the Christian Church and a condition for salvation." That which Lord Acton so clearly declared goes along with that which is noted in the section further above which speaks about the Jesuit Extreme Oath, where the advancing Jesuit is told by their Superior that they must consecrate their labors "with the blood of the heretic; for 'without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.'" The preceding words can also be found within pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13).


The pages linked below speak of the brutal and murderous Catholic Inquisition, but more specifically, the part which was happening in Mexico. This part of the Catholic Inquisition which was happening in Mexico was actually happening virtually right next door to the young and forming United States. This is something which is not commonly taught alongside of U.S. history, possibly for a reason. It might be part of that "Dumbing Down of America,"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) as U.S. citizens are being prepared, like dumb cattle, to be taken completely by surprise by that which is soon coming.

Once again, the following words are attributed to President John F. Kennedy: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. I intend to expose this plot."(link) But, from the information available, it appears that there was a very large and rather complex organization which was involved with this plot and it wasn't about to have its plans exposed. Therefore, it appears that the people associated with that organization and its plot, simply blew President Kennedy away. Yes, he was brutally assassinated, directly in public as the whole world watched, so he could not expose this plot. But, it appears that virtually all the signs are in place and "the door is about to rapidly spring wide open" for the citizens of the United States.

Since it appears that U.S. citizens may potentially be facing the new Crusades and Inquisitions, where it appears that they will be virtually enslaved, it may be time to start learning some history of the last round of that brutal and bloody Catholic Crusade --- the part which was happening directly in Mexico. Now, the first page linked below speaks about the acquisition of some records from this Mexican part of the Catholic Inquisition. The acquired records show at least part of what happened between the years 1593 and 1817. Then there is the second linked page, which indicates that the initial part of the Mexican Inquisition began in the year 1522. The Mexican Inquisition then lasted until 1820. So, there is now something to think about.

Looking at the history of that time, the United States was born in 1776, while right "next door," the brutal and murderous Catholic Inquisition was happening in Mexico. Looking further, this diabolic and murderous Catholic Inquisition in Mexico was happening during the U.S. presidency of George Washington (1789-1797) (1). This Mexican Inquisition perpetrated by the enslaving Vatican crowd was still happening during the presidency of John Adams (1797-1801). It was still happening during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809). The enslaving Inquisition was still happening during the presidency of James Madison (1809-1817). This Mexican Inquisition then continued into the U.S. presidency of James Monroe (1817-1825), the fifth President of the United States.

When considering the the Mexican Inquisition, which was perpetrated by the historically enslaving Vatican crowd, there are some things to think about further. Because of this Catholic Inquisition in Mexico which lasted into the presidency of James Monroe, who was the fifth President of the United States, it is now more than obvious why President Monroe came out with the Monroe Doctrine (1)(2)(3). This Monroe Doctrine worked to prevent European countries, including the country of the Vatican State, from interfering in the Americas. It also appears that the Monroe Doctrine, if used properly, would help to prevent another Catholic Inquisition in the Americas.

In relation to what is stated above, it should be noted that the Vatican is not just part of a religious organization, but rather, there is the associated Vatican State. The Vatican State is an actual government, and this Vatican State government basically holds the position of a sovereign country. This rather complex Vatican organization and Vatican State conglomeration then has a history of subtly, behind the scenes, making its own version of often hard-to-recognize war against countries.

On the other hand, when it appears to the uninitiated that the Vatican State conglomerate is making "peace" with countries, it likes to do that very openly, for the whole world to see. This "open celebration" helps to disarm the citizens of the countries of the world, because they do not commonly see or understand the other side of the picture, which can be rather dark. This sovereign country, located in the midst of Rome, Italy and protected by it (yes, they are all basically be used as human shields), is known as the Vatican State, or the Vatican City State, or the State of the Vatican City (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). And, once again, the Vatican State is extremely subtle, like a snake, in how it goes about warring against other countries.

Now, getting back to the United States during the presidency of James Monroe, while the Catholic Inquisition was raging right next door in Mexico, it appears that President Monroe finally had enough of the Vatican crowd and their continuous, very diabolic enslaving and murderous activity. Therefore, the Monroe Doctrine was set in place. The document linked below, on PDF page 7 of 15, notes that the Monroe Doctrine has been credited "with setting 'the stamp of perpetual freedom upon the institutions of this hemisphere.' If not for the North American influence, the 'fires of the Inquisition' would have been rekindled, and 'medieval despotism' would have 'crush[ed]...every vestige of constitutional liberty.'"

Considering the words above, once again, the Monroe Doctrine is credited for working to help prevent another diabolic Catholic Inquisition in the Americas, like that in which the Vatican and its agents have commonly been involved with over and over again in through the centuries. But, unfortunately, it appears that the "Dumbing Down of America" has seriously taken its toll and the people have not been diligently watching and protecting the freedoms which were initially set up in this country. In the mean time, by all the signs, it appears that the agents of the enslaving Vatican/Jesuit organization have been taking complete control of the United States.

The agents of the Vatican/Jesuit conglomerate have virtually taken control of the U.S. government and the governments of the States thereof. They have virtually taken control of the U.S. military. They have virtually taken control of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies, plus the intelligence and spy agencies. And now, it does appear that things are being prepared for the next murderous and enslaving Crusade and Inquisition. It appears that the next brutal, murderous and enslaving Crusade and Inquisition will happen directly within the United States. It will happen directly to U.S. citizens. More about this issue later in the presentation.

Let us now return to consider the apparent attitude displayed by the agents of the international Vatican/Jesuit conglomerate, which appears to have especially been brazenly displayed at Catholic-controlled institutions in Quebec, Canada. The diabolic experimentation and torture, plus the murder of numerous children and others, does not sound very Christian of Catholic Quebec. Looking to the words of the true Christ, he proclaimed: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44)

It is possibly a good time to begin looking a bit further at the true teachings of the authentic Lord Jesus Christ, that we may begin to discern the difference between truth and error in the religions of our day, especially amongst those which are claiming to be "Christian." There was a time when some of the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ came to him. These fledgling disciples were wanting to destroy the people of the area who would not follow Christ or the true doctrine which he was presenting. Of this event, the uncorrupted Holy Bible declares:

"And it came to pass, when the time was come that he [Jesus] should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, and sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem.
        "And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village."
(Luke 9:51-56)

It is very clear that the organization or conglomerate which produced the murderous Crusades and Inquisitions, that being the Vatican/Jesuit conglomerate, has not been following the true way of Christ. Since they are not following in the true way of Christ or abiding in his genuine doctrine, they are not authentic Christians, but rather, they are deceivers and imposters. And, when it comes to the brutality and widespread rape of children and others, plus even murder which is happening in Catholic-controlled institutions, again, they are clearly proving by their actions that they are not authentic Christians in any way, shape or form.


It is time for just a mere introduction to the mentality which is being displayed by a number of people within the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit politico-religious conglomerate. This conglomerate, in the prophecies of the uncorrupted Holy Bible, is signified as being "The Beast." This "Beast" world government and controlling organization is shown more clearly later in this presentation, starting with the following linked sections: (1)(2)(3)(4). Research appears to indicate that part of this Beast world government system is those unconstitutional and therefore highly illegal Vatican/Jesuit-controlled spy agencies which have been allowed to exist in the United States. These include such agencies as the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, plus a number of other agencies.

Because of what has been told to them, it appears that a large share of the general public believes that the various agencies noted above are diligently working to protect U.S. citizens and our Constitutional way of life. Yes, there are possibly many people at the lower levels of these agencies which are honestly trying to do their best, believing it is all being done in the best interests of the public at large and to defend the Constitution of the United States and what this country is supposed to be about. But, it appears that beneath the "surface," there are many Vatican/Jesuit-controlled agents who are ultimately in control of these agencies and are using them to collect data in preparation for the coming Inquisitions in the United States and around the world.

All this un-Constitutional spying on people, in preparation for the coming Inquisitions, will ulimately lead into the great tribulation. This great tribulation is spoken about in the uncorrupted Holy Bible. It will be a horrendous time of abuse, torture, utter tyranny and mass murder or genocide upon this earth, such as has never been seen before. It appears that it will be the Vatican/Jesuit conglomerate's dream come true.

The pages accessed via the buttons below present introductory information from, or about, those who are speaking about the revival of the Catholic Inquisitions. There is something of special interest to note in the fourth page linked below, though it appears to be written as a form of satire. That page begins with these words: "American society is in such corrupted, chaotic shape that the only way out is to transform into a theocracy and reinstitute the Inquisition." And, there are those who actually want to do this type of thing. But, there is actually a lot more which seriously needs to be considered in this story.

Now, the Inquisition was a brutal and murderous Vatican/Jesuit operation. And, when it comes to the corrupt American society, research indicates that it is the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization which have been working diligently over time to intentionally corrupted the United States. This appears to all be part of the continuing Counter Reformation, plus the Vatican/Jesuit plan for world takeover and the raising up of their highly despotic New World Order. Further information about these things is found in various locations in this presentation.

Those Jesuit/Catholic priests and their allies in the CIA (etc.) which are abusing and raping boys and girls and others have also helped to further corrupt things and create chaos in the United States. It appears that in many cases, they are raping boys and girls in order to prepare these victims for use as child sex slaves. Research indicates that these child sex slaves are then used for compromising, blackmailing and controlling government officials and others in positions of power. The agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization appear to be the ones who have instigated most of the chaos, as they have been working to destroy the authentic United States and enslave its legitmate citizens.

So, it appears that the American people are being horribly "played" on this one, by those who are agents of, or who are connected with, or who are under the control of the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. So, check out the introductory pages linked below and see what has been happening in and to the United States, while it appears that the general public has been "asleep" or distracted with more important things like entertainment or drugs or other like things. Yes, there is talk about bringing back the Inquisition, right within the United States.

So, what further evidence is there for the existance of an Inquisition-mentality amongst those who are under the control of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit conglomerate? Well, a page linked here is titled Church building fundraiser. It is a page by a person who is "Raising funds for my FSSP church to build a new church building and rectory." Now, what does FSSP mean? It is the Latin initials for the words Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri (link).

The person who has the page noted above is working to raise money for their Catholic Church by selling T-shirts which have the following words emblazoned across at least the front: BRING BACK THE INQUISITION. To some, this T-shirt may appear as simply being a joke or a bit of fun. But, there is reason to believe that ultimately, it will be found that this type of thing is simply no joke, at least not to those working behind the scenes. This is simply the beginnings of a repeat of history for that organization.

It is becoming more clear all the time, and the signs are appearing more and more all the time, that this is the rising mentality which is "alive and well" within the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled crowd. The reinstated Inquisition is truly coming to our world once again, and it is coming fast! It appears that it will return and escalate into something akin to a worldwide genocide, which in the uncorrupted Holy Bible is called "the great tribulation." The writer believes that time shall prove that these words are very true. And, looking further, it appears that they have been preparing for the Inquisition and great tribulation for many years, even using a lot of your tax dollars.

Now, is there other evidence for the Inquisition-mentality existing within the crowd which is controlled and manipulated by the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization? In a page linked here, there are polyester tote bags for sale. These polyester tote bags also have the words BRING BACK THE INQUISITION emblazoned across them. And another Catholic page, linked here has baby hats with the words BRING BACK THE INQUISITION boldly emblazoned on them. Further research could possibly turn up more examples of these types of things, but the evidence already presented should suffice for now.

From all the signs, it appears that someone is working diligently to program people, especially the younger generations, to accept the coming Vatican/Jesuit-instigated Inquisition which is coming. It appears that they are programming people to accept the violence, brutality and bloodshed of the coming Inquisition using things like video games and even the entertainment industry. An introduction to information and signs about just some of those things which appear are being used as "programming tools" is accessible via the links below.

So, again, we possibly should be asking ourselves what this type of "entertainment" is really all about? To those who have diligently done their research, it appears that the purpose of this type of entertainment is to corrupt and program people, especially the young and impressionable. When it comes to this type of programming, it is somewhat like the following old saying: "You are what your eat." And again, when it comes to this type of programming, some may say: "Garbage in, garbage out."

It does appear that the purpose of this type of "entertainment" is to thoroughly corrupt people in their thinking and morals, thereby preparing them to accept the coming Inquisition perpetrated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which Inquistion (possibly partly in the form of the Reconquista movement) appears shall destroy the United States and ultimately spread destruction around the world. It appears that this is the ultimate plan of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit conglomerate. And then, it appears they hope to despotically rule over the smoldering ruins of civilization.

When all things are considered, it appears that this type of entertainment which is spoken about above may be used for preparing people with the diabolic spirit which the Vatican/Jesuit "tool," named Adolf Hitler, worshiped during the World War Two era. Hitler's adoration of this violent and brutal spirit is indicated by the following words which he spoke: "In my castles of the Teutonic Order a youth will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth... There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes... That is how I will create the New Order."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) In our day, the rising "Beast government" is commonly called the New World Order, which is very close to the New Order spoken about by Adolf Hitler.

As indicated above, the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled and manipulated crowd has been calling for the Inquisition to return. At this time, various Catholics are saying that a revived Inquisition is needed to deal with their homosexual and raping priests. This can be seen especially in the pages linked below. But, the truth of the matter is, the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization appears to simply be manipulating the people it controls, so they will do anything just to get the Inquisition raised up again. But, give them even one inch, and they will boldly take a mile, or, if given even the least chance, they will take the whole world under their despotic and brutal control. That is their track record and documented history, which appears to be written in blood.

Unfortunately, the evidence indicates that the Catholics will ultimately get their Inquisition "rolling" again. But, instead of using the Inquisition on their diabolic raping priests, they will ultimately use it just as they did during the Dark Ages, on all authentic Bible-believing Christians and others who will not bow to their pope and his organization (1). The bottom line is this: Over the centuries, the Vatican/Jesuit organization has proven itself to be one which is not worthy of trust. It has a documented history of lying and deceit, as is clearly shown further below. And, it would be no different this time around, if their Office of the Inquisition were ever allowed to be raised up again and operate freely.


What is the Hegelian Dialectic which in noted in the title of this section? As this presentation turns toward answering this question, it will note the words of the writer of the page which is linked below. The writer of that page declares: "A term that kept coming up in my research on modern governments was 'Hegelian Dialectic.' I spent some time studying it to understand not only what it was, but how it is being used by the ruling class to manipulate the public into fulfilling a pre-determined agenda."

So, the Hegelian Dialectic is used by those who have hijacked our world and now control it, and they use the Hegelian Dialectic to manipulate the public. It appears that the raping priests are part of this process of manipulating the public, so certain laws which enslave the public can be set in place. It appears that the organized mass shootings and other chaos which we have seen in more recent times is being used to place other enslaving laws upon the public.

Looking at yet another very important event, especially on which happened in more recent times, There is the 911, Twin Towers caper. There are a number of people who believe that the 911, Twin Towers caper was a staged event, as noted in the introductory information linked below. Check out the linked information, for it appears that there are things found in the pages and video which are rather thought provoking, to say the least.

To a number of people, it appears that the 911 Twin Towers caper was staged in order to get enslaving laws in place within the United States, using the so-called "Patriot Act." It appears that the name of that Act was chosen in order to be very deceptive, for that illegal Act did the unpatriotic and un-Constitutional thing of illegally working to strip U.S. citizens of their God-given, unalienable rights. It was treasonous and criminal in nature, and not in any way patriotic.

It appears that quite a number of the major, highly questionable and destructive things which have happened over time have been preplanned and orchestrated, as part of an organized effort. Some may simply call it another form of organized crime --- worldclass organized crime which is under the control of a foreign-based organization and its domestic agents which are freely operating in the United States, plus in other countries around the world.

Now, returning to the page linked here --- which is also linked via the first button in this section --- it speaks about how the ruling class manipulates the general public using the Hegelian Dialectic. Then, there is another page which is linked here. It is titled Hegelian Dialectics and Conspiracy. It gives a number of examples of how the Hegelian Dialectic has been used to manipulate the public, over time. But, there is something to add about the page linked in this paragraph. The page seems to note the Globalist Elite, as if they are the ultimate controllers and manipulators. But, there is more to this story.

The Globalist Elite are not the ones who are at the top of the "pyramid" of control, though many believe that they are. Research indicates that the Globalist Elite are simply the useful puppets which are under the full control of the ultimate controllers. These useful puppets are just the "frontmen," or the ones which at least a segment of the public may see as the cause of many things which are harming our people, our nation and our world. But, again, there is more to this story.

The Vatican/Jesuit organization is where the puppet-masters reside. They are the ones in control of the useful puppets called the Globalist Elite. It appears that the Globalist Elite are readily controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization via at least the "secret society" link. The evidence indicates that many of the Globalist Elite may be members of, or associated with, secret society organizations like the Knights of Malta, etc.

By an Oath, the members of the Knights of Malta and a number of other secret societies, whether they are Catholics or posing as Protestants, are in submission to the pope in the Vatican and the Jesuit General in Rome. They are all working for the destruction of the authentic United States and the enslavement of its citizens, plus the raising up of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. About this point, there is another important thing to note.

Before "they" brutally and publically assassinated him in November of 1963, President John F. Kennedy --- who was knowledgeable in "Catholic" things and was also a higher-up member of one of the Catholic-controlled secret societies, as is clearly documented later in this presentation --- is said to have spoken about that plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States (link). But, "they" could not let the public wake up to what "they" were doing to them, so...

Let us now return to the Hegelian Dialectic and how it operates. The pages accessed via the buttons below, work together to give a basic understanding of how the Hegelian Dialectic works. The first linked page states: "Both Hegelian dialectic thinking and the Jesuit motto Order Ab Chao are diabolical attitudes that aim at world domination." The said Jesuit motto is actually supposed to be "Ordo Ab Chao," which is Latin for the words, "Order out of Chaos." This motto is said by some to actually be associated with the Jesuit-controlled Masonic Order. (1)(2)(3)(4) But, there is something which we need to realize.

It does not really matter which group was the actual originator of the motto. What matters is that we are clearly seeing it in operation today, right within the United States and around virtually the whole world, and it appears that it is being used against us. And, because of the way things are rapidly and continually happening in our world, it appears that the chaos which is happening is an organized effort.

So, check out the introductory pages linked below and learn what we are dealing with in our hijacked world and how they are manipulating and rapidly enslaving the populace. It does appear that this is now happening, in order that the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order can be raised up, as the authentic United States and the freedom of its citizens is being destroyed.

When considering the use of the Hegelian Dielectic scenarios in manipulating and controlling the populace of the United States and the world, it must be noted that we are dealing with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and "the end justifies the means" crowd (1)(2)(3). In other words, anything goes, in order for them to obtain what they want. And their goal is the highly despotic New World Order, which they control.


After much research, the writer has come to the conclusion that the sexual abusing and raping priests and others associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus those who are perpetrating mass shootings, are simply pawns which are being used in the Hegelian Dialectic process. It appears that these people are part of an organized effort to intentionally create all kinds of chaos. These people will keep doing these things until the duped and uniformed citizens of the United States cry out for some solution. At that time, the Vatican/Jesuit organization, via its puppets and agents in the U.S. government, will bring the United States and its citizens under the enslaving U.N. government, which is actually the legislative body of the New World Order.

It is beginning to appear that part of the process for bringing the citizens of the United States under the New World Order will potentially be the reinstatement of the murderous, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Inquisition, in one form or another. In part, it appears that all that sexual abuse and rape being perpetrated by those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization is being done so that an unwary general public will gullibly allow the Inquisition to be raised up again. Since the public generally does not take the time to do the proper research, they do not realize that they are being manipulated, via the Hegelian Dialectic process, into making a bad and devastating choice.

And then, seducing the general public on "the other side of the equation," there is the Vatican crowd lying to the world and stating that the Inquisition wasn't that bad. These things are noted in the pages linked below. We must remember that when dealing with the Vatican/Jesuit crowd, we are dealing with those with a documented history of lying, deception, forged history and forged documents. In other words, the documented history shows that the Vatican/Jesuit organization is rather untrustworthy and potentially even diabolic.

Some of the history about the lies and deceptions perpetrated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization is shown further below in this presentation. So, what other type, but skewed information, can a person really expect to see coming out of some of the "slick devils" associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, especially when it comes to the Inquisition? Just check out the pages linked below, to obtain an introduction to what they are now doing and how they are twisting things.

So, when it comes to the history of the Inquisition, who are you going to believe? Does it seem more reasonable to believe the record left by authentic Bible-believing Christian survivors who lived through the period of the Catholic Inquisitions and the record which they left for their descendents, or does it make more sense to believe a more recently concocted record which is now being presented by those associated with the suspect and highly questionable Vatican/Jesuit organization --- an organization with a documented history of horrendous deception and yes, lest we forget, a history of incredible brutality and bloodshed?

Let us not forget about the Vatican/Jesuit organization's proven record of deception and forgery of things like the Donation of Constantine, or the deception and forgeries of the Pseudo-Isodorian Decretals, just for starters. Just some of the documented deception, forgeries and questionable activities of the Vatican/Jesuit organization is discussed in the pages linked below. This is their documented history of deception and it appears that the agenda of this organization never really changes. They only change their tactics. And, unfortunately, it appears that the populace of this world gets duped by them, over and over again. And, many are murdered because of it.


As the saying goes, "The Catholic Church never really changes. It just changes its tactics." It appears that the "trail of deception" with the Vatican/Jesuit crowd and those associated with them just continues. The pages linked below present information on just some of the Vatican's latest endeavors at deception. It appears they will attempt to deceive, whenever they think they can get away with it.

Well, it appears that some of the less gullible humans among us are watching the Vatican/Jesuit crowd more closely and catching at least some of their deceptions. In all of this, it just appears that the Vatican/Jesuit crowd is not worthy of trust. Some of this is indicated in a page linked here. These things are indicated further by the pages linked below. This is just part of the continuing history of the Vatican/Jesuit crowd.

Now it is time for a look at another apparent attempt at deception and false impression made by a member of the Vatican/Jesuit crowd. The page linked below talks about how the Catholic Church dealt with priests who were sexual offenders in earlier times. And, right from the start, it appears that the false impression and deception begins.

The illustration used for the title background is not of a Catholic priest being tortured, but it is a picture from the period of the infamous Catholic Inquisition. It is a picture of one that church considered as being a heretic, which was most likely a Bible-believing, authentic Christian. So, right from the start, the "red flags" go up with this Catholic page and its "honesty."

Scrolling a little down the page, there is found a picture of the bare-chested and infamous Cardinal Theodore "Uncle Ted" McCarrick, smiling big "like a Chessy Cat." Yes, he has that big "I won" or "I scored" smile on his face, as he has his arm around one of his apparent bare-chested, male sexual abuse victims. Well, that apparent male sexual abuse victim does not seem to share that same big smile which the infamous McCarrick has, but rather, that apparent male sexual abuse victim appears to have that "Oh crap, not again!" look on his face.

One bit of truth which the Catholic page above does reveal is that as far back as "the 11-century", there was "widespread clerical sexual abuse and sexual misconduct" in which the priests, bishops and abbots were involved. So, this sexual abuse and homosexual activity which we are seeing today is nothing new. It just seems to be part of the historic form of "worship" in the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

The page linked above does reveal another important piece of truth. When it comes to sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, they have dealt with the priests, etc., using "psychological assessments, 3rd party investigations, canonical punishments, removal from public ministry, laicization, and handing over the case to secular authorities." Well, these are all very mundane and carnally-minded ways of dealing with a very serious, rampant sexual abuse and homosexuality problem within the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

To begin with, there is something which is becoming rather obvious to those who have seriously read the uncorrupted Holy Bible. It does appear that the genuine Spirit of the Most High God of heaven does not rule within the very fallen (link) and rather carnally-minded (link) Vatican/Jesuit organization. And, because it is just a fallen, carnally-minded organization in which the authentic Spirit of God does not rule, the sexual abuse and raping and homosexual activity in this organization will only get worse and worse, even if they try to hide it more and more.

What is happening with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, with all that criminal sexual abuse, rape and sodomy, is just the nature of "The Beast," that Beast whose members, as the uncorrupted Holy Bible indicates, shall spend eternity in the lake of fire. And, looking to that linked page which we have been examining, it appears to be very clear that widespread homosexuality and sexual abuse and sodomy has been rampant in that Vatican crowd since at least the 11th-century, and apparently even much earlier, clear back to at least the 4th-century, or basically, back to the beginning of the Vatican organization.

Now, there is something which needs to be said. All along, for hundreds of years, the Catholic Church has been claiming that it is against such things as sexual abuse, rape, homosexuality and promiscuity. Yet is appears that this whole time, behind the scenes, its priests and nuns and others in the hierarchy of this criminal organization have been doing those things which the church claims that it is against. It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has been somewhat of a sham all along. Its purpose appears to have been solely to deceive people and get them ensnared and on the way to the lake of fire. But, it appears there is more to this story.

It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit hierarchy has to keep the common people totally deceived as to what the hierarchy of the organization really is all about. They have to do this so that the money and labor keeps rolling into the church organization from the common people. And, because they are simply leading people to eternal perdition in the lake of fire, that is why, in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, the true controller of that organization is called the man of sin, plus the son of perdition. From what is shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization truly leads people to only one place, and that is to eternal destruction.

The Vatican/Jesuit organization appears to have been playing a worldclass "chess game," especially in the United States, where they are working to utterly destroy what this country is supposed to be about, as they continue with their subtle war of the Counter Reformation. They have gotten their agents and pawns --- those who are treasonously working for their foreign master in the midst of Rome --- into positions of influence, power and control throughout the structure of the United States. Because of this, because they are working for their boss in Rome, the structure of the United States is no longer wholesome and strong. It has become a shambles and a mess.

With their agents and pawns in positions of influence, power and control, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit "chess game" is played in a very subtle way. Behind the scenes, the priests and nuns and others working for the Vatican/Jesuit agenda, do things which are against good Biblical moral conduct. Then, after a period of time, when they have enough people doing the evil things which the Vatican/Jesuit agents have instigated, the agents and pawns in government get the laws changed in order to make the evil acceptable. They "frame iniquity with a law," in order to protect the perpetration and spread of that form of iniquity. Then, after a "safe" period of time, the Vatican organization appears to "grudgingly" go along with the things they have instigated in the first place.

Over time, as the Vatican/Jesuit organization has continued in their war to corrupt and overthrow the authentic United States and what it is really supposed to be all about, their agents and pawns in government have brought in "hate speech" laws. Those that are working for the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization in their war against the United States, are now the ones who are in positions of power, which decide what is acceptable and what is not in the United States. In other words, they have treasonously worked to hijack the government of the United States, along with its legal system, in order to turn it into a vehicle for evil, which can now be used against the moral standards upon which this country was initially founded and upon which it stood strong in earlier times, when it was a nation which was a true "light" to the world and which was generally respected around the world.

Because of what it appears that the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have treasonously done, we are now living in that time of deception, when evil is called "good," and authentic good is called "evil." The corrupters of our nation, the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, are now using their treasonous "hate speech" laws in the United States to force under and overcome all authentic Bible-believing Christians. The agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization are working to prevent anyone from speaking against what they are treasonously doing against the authentic Bible-believing Christians in the United States.

There is now something to consider. What the Vatican/Jesuit organization is doing via its agents and pawns is not just a war against the authentic Bible-believing Christians in the United States and around the world. It is actually part of the continuing war of the Vatican/Jesuit organization against the Most High God of heaven. In all of this, the evidence indicates that the controllers of the Vatican/Jesuit organization actually worship Satan, who is the Devil Lucifer, which is that old serpent or that very sly snake, which from the beginning deceived humanity and caused them to rebel against the true way of God.

Satan so deceived humanity at the initial fall from the true way of God, which occurred in the garden of Eden, that it appears that the man Adam hardened his heart against the true way of God to an extreme extent. To show how hard that Adam hardened his heart against God and his true way, which is the true way of Christ, it appears that the adamant stone was named after Adam. It is said to be one of the hardest materials known to humanity. Some say that it is the diamond.

Possibly, when all things are considered, that may be part of the reason why diamonds were chosen to be used in wedding rings. In a way, it could indicate that as Adam, men commonly love their wives more than they love God. It is all symbolism, but it appears to be the way it often is. And the deceptive man of sin, that true son of perdition, appears to encourage this rebellion and hatred against the true way of the Most High God of heaven. But, the end of the man of sin --- the end of that son of perdition --- is rapidly approaching.

Virtually the whole world will get to watch, as the utter destruction of the man of sin and the base for his diabolic organization all takes place. This utter destruction of the man of sin and the base for his satanic operation shall possibly take place somewhere around the year 2048, if not sooner, as shown in a page linked here. The people of this fallen world will mourn as they watch the utter destruction, but the true people of the Most High God of heaven are instructed to rejoice. And then will soon come the end of the world. Those whose names are not written in the Lamb's book of life --- those who have "wondered after" or followed after or supported the beast organization of the man of sin --- shall then receive their eternal "reward."

It is clearly shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible that those whose names are not written in the Lamb's book of life shall, along with death and hell, be cast into the lake of eternal fire, where the beast and the false prophet are, along with their master, which is Satan. There, in that lake of fire, they shall be tormented forever and ever. Their worm shall not die and the fire shall not be quenched. In that lake of fire, there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, forevermore, without a moment of respite.

In what is coming for those who are supporting the man of sin and his fallen organization, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus should be considered (see: Luke 16:19-31), in order to gain a better understanding of what the lake of fire is like. The rich man, who was ultimately in utter torment in hell fire, wished for someone to even dip their finger in cold water and touch it to his tongue, to give him at least a little respite. But, note clearly that even this little bit of respite was totally denied him.

The parable of the rich man and Lazarus shows the righteous judgment of God. That is how it will be for all who follow after the organization of the man of sin --- that foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization which is truly at war against the Most High God of heaven and against his true way, which is the authentic way of Christ. Now, the authentic way of Christ includes the doctrine of the cross of Christ. That doctrine of the cross of Christ means the spiritual crucification of the lusts of our flesh. The crucification of the lusts of the flesh and turning to the true way of God is something which the priests and agents of the organization of the man of sin are not doing, as they are abusing, raping and sodomizing boys and girls and others.

Looking once again at that page linked here and via the button further above, there is another thing which requires comment. The page attempts to "paint a picture" of how the Catholic Church supposedly dealt with sexual abusing and raping and homosexual priests and certain others back in the 4th-century. So, from what is written, it appears that the Catholic Church has had a problem with sexually abusing, raping and homosexual priests from virtually its beginning. And, as the old saying goes, "The Catholic Church never really changes." It widespread traits just help identify it as a fallen, carnally-minded organization. And, as further "food for thought," consider what is stated in the paragraph below.

In the linked page here and above, it reveals some true history and the obvious trend of the Catholic Church. It is clear, as already noted above, that in the 4th-century, there was sexual abuse, rape and homosexual activity among the clergy in the Catholic Church. But, by the 11th-century, it appears that this sexual abuse, rape and homosexual activity had spread and greatly escalated, for there was now "widespread clerical sexual abuse and sexual misconduct."

Now, with that which appears to be a trend in the Vatican/Jesuit organization, there is something important to consider. What the public knows today about the criminal sexual abuse, rape and homosexual activity which is commonly occurring in the Vatican/Jesuit organization is possibly just the very teeny, tiny tip of the proverbial iceberg. But, then again, what else can you really expect from an organization which is not following the true way of the Lord Jesus Christ, which true way is clearly shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible? Now, it is time for some personal opinions from the writer.

It appears that at least a certain segment of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, in their war against the true God of heaven, have commonly used sexual abuse, rape and homosexuality as some of their tools for snaring people and bringing them under the control of Satan. Possibly that is why the controller of that organization is know as "that man of sin" and "the son of perdition", in the uncorrupted Holy Bible (see: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4).

Looking again at the page linked here and further above, it tries to "paint the picture" that the Catholic Church dealt extremely severely with sexual abusing priests in earlier times. But, there is something which needs to be considered. Knowing the documented history of major lies and deception and forgery associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, there is the real possibility that the writer of the page linked above is simply referencing a forged or spurious page which was created at some later date. The use of altered and forged documents among the Vatican/Jesuit crowd appears to be just a way of historically deceiving the gullible.

Once again, the evidence indicates that a large share of those in control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are simply part of a conglomeration of deceivers. It appears that they are common imposters, especially when it comes to the fact that they are calling themselves "Christians," when they are not authentic Christians. And, looking back to the previous section when considering the gullible, it appears that some associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit conglomerate want to deceive the general public so they will allow the Vatican/Jesuit organization to bring back the Inquistion, which can then be used as it was in earlier times --- against authentic Bible-believing Christians.

And now, before we fully leave this thought about the Vatican/Jesuit crowd and their perpetration of things like Crusades and Inquisitions, which appears to be part of their reign of terror, in one form or another upon this earth, let us consider what these type of events are potentially, really all about. Let us begin to consider and search out the true god which it appears that they are actually worshiping.

Now, the writer fully understands that a lot of people have a hard time dealing with the real truth and are easily offended, but, ready or not, here it comes. And, it is better that you hear the truth and have an opportunity to turn to the true way of God and Christ, than to never hear and never convert to the truth, so that, in such a state, you will follow the beast and the false prophet into eternal perdition in the lake of fire. There, you will get to meet the true god of the beast and the false prophet. So, let us now learn the truth about the Crusades and the Inquisitions.



As this section begins, before we look more closely at the Crusades and Inquisitions, let us once again consider some very important and revealing words which are shown in the latter part of that section further above, which section is titled Happening Right Next to the United States (link). These important and revealing words show a certain type of scenario, plus the words in relation to this scenario, which were declared by the Lord Jesus Christ. The scenario and the words of the Lord Jesus Christ are now repeated.

"And it came to pass, when the time was come that he [Jesus] should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, and sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem.
        "And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village."
(Luke 9:51-56)

There is something which clearly needs to be seen in the words above. Jesus Christ made it extremely clear that he was not come to destroy people's lives. In the passage above from the uncorrupted Holy Bible, Jesus had to rebuke his disciples. And why did he rebuke them? First, Jesus had to make it clear to his disciples that this wanting to kill people who would not be like them is not something which is of the proper Spirit. It is not of the authentic Spirit of God.

In the passage in the section above, which comes from the Holy Bible, Jesus told his disciples that they did not know what spirit they were of, when they were thinking along the lines of killing people who would not turn to believe the same way they did. In that other passage from the uncorrupted Holy Bible, which is above the first just noted, in the section above, Jesus spoke about those who were of their father the devil. These are the ones who want to kill people who will not believe the way they do. This is the true spirit that has always been behind those Crusades and Inquisitions. The perpetrators of these things are of their father the devil, and with their father the devil they shall be, forever tormented, day and night, in the lake of fire, with not a moment of respite (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6).

True followers of the genuine Christ, those who are his authentic disciples and true Christians, do not go about killing people, just because these other people do not believe as they do. Regarding the true God and the true Lord, during this time of grace which now exists upon this earth, he "is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) Yes, this is the real way it is with the true God of heaven and with all authentic Christians. God is giving the whole world this time of grace, in order to allow all humanity the time of grace in which to come to repentance, and then turn to the true way of God. But, things will not always be this way for humanity upon this earth. The day of incredible judgment is swiftly approaching.

When God finally sees that no more people will genuinely repent of their evil ways and turn to him and to his true way, then shall come the end of the world. Then shall come to pass that which is written: "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." (2 Peter 3:10) Of that coming day, when the time of grace for humanity is forever over, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the true Lamb of God, shall return "in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power..." (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9)

As humanity nears the end of the world, there shall be a sign given for all to see. Before the actual end comes, humanity will get to see the mighty power of God at work, as he destroys the area of the Vatican and surrounding Rome. It appears that this sign shall occur somewhere around the year 2048, if not before, as shown in a page linked here. The page is titled The Final Destruction of Rome. Somewhere around the year 2048, Rome and its Vatican shall be so utterly destroyed by the mighty power of God, that it will never be found or inhabited again. And why will God do this to the Vatican and surrounding Rome? He will do it because of their utter hatred for God and his true way. Part of this hatred is shown by the widespread abuse and rape of children and others.

There is now something to consider. According to what is stated at the beginning of this section, it is clear that the Crusades and Inquisitions, which were perpetrated upon humanity by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, were not at all something which was in accordance with the true ways of the God of heaven, nor were these diabolic events inspired by his genuine Spirit. Because these acts were not of the true God of heaven, then what have these things actually been about? As we begin to explore the answer to the preceding question, possibly the title of an old book from 1851 may help to give us a better perspective. That book, found at the following links: (1)(2), is titled The Papal Moloch; or, the Human Sacrifices of the Inquisition.

At this point, another important question needs to be asked. What is Moloch about? According to a page linked here, "Moloch also goes by the name of Baal and is best known for his inordinate fondness for child sacrifice." Could this "inordinate fondness for child sacrifice" be something like that which has happened or is happening in those institutions which are associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization? Could this be what was actually happening in places like Quebec, Canada, where all those innocent children were being imprisoned, "experimented" on, then sexually abused and brutally murdered, and then tossed out into the pigsty burial ground, like a piece of garbage? (1)(2)(3)(4)


By the way, in order to put things into a much better perspective, didn't the pope claim in recent times that child rape now equates to human sacrifice? Check out the pages linked below and see the pope's proclamation. Some may say that, as the head honcho, it is his new rules of "the game." So, is there possibly a chance that all this widespread child rape is the way that the hierarchy of this questionable organization can continue with some form of that diabolic worship of Moloch or Baal? Would this allow them to do something like worship Moloch or Baal, without the general parishioners (who are the moneybags for the organization) really realizing what is going on?

In the pages linked below, the pope talks about a war on child sex abuse. Well, knowing how the so-called "war on drugs" turned out, with just a much greater amount of drugs being used, we will see how the pope's so-called war on child sexual abuse turns out. Possibly after the pope's pronouncement, that child sexual abuse now takes the place of human sacrifice, we may now see even more child abuse and rape. Would that allow the players in that apparent "game" to worship Moloch or Baal to an even much greater extent? As a note, this organization has quite a history of seriously deceiving the public in what they are really doing. Since they have been doing this for so long, it appears that they are worldclass "pros" at this kind of activity.

Now, check out what the pope declared in the pages linked below. Then, it may be good to "read between the lines," to see if there is any doublespeak, and then see if there is actually another meaning attached to those words. Knowing the deceptive and diabolic history associated with this organization, possibly the pope's declared "all-out battle" may also mean that everybody better make doubly sure that things are done in even deeper secrecy. And, once again, it now appears that the accepted form of "human sacrifice," in this apparent game or potential worship of Moloch or Baal, is now possibly child sexual abuse.

So, possibly if there is any doublespeak in the pope's words, it could mean that, if what is being done in secret, like major child sex abuse and enslavement, in any way leaks out to the public and to the parishioners who are the "moneybags" and suppliers of children, the one who messes up and allows things to be leaked to the public shall receive "the wrath of God" from the head honcho in the game --- that being the pope. Now, no one is to mess up the game for the rest of us. Is there a chance that this could be what is really meant by the pope's words? And, doesn't it make you feel great when they are smiling to you when you go to church, and then later you find out that they have been raping your kid? Yes, what were they really smiling about, all along?

Now, if things are thought about in a different way, it could be said that the Vatican/Jesuit crowd has quite a slick racket going. It is said that there are "approximately 1.3 billion baptised Catholics worldwide as of 2017."(1) Now, it does appear that these more than one billion parishioners are supplying a whole lot of money, plus a whole lot of kids, so that which appears to be the "rape game" can be continually played by those priests, bishops and others who appear to be part of this "game." Or, is what appears to be a "game" actually the secret worship of Moloch or Baal? So, is there a chance that the pope is possibly very serious about the "rape game?"

Maybe it is something like this: "No one better screw the super fun game up, or our secret 'worship,' or the pope (who many think, takes the place of God) will hammer the daylights out of you. No one better screw up the game and cause us to lose our steady supply of money, or especially cause us to lose our steady supply of kids. Come on guys, start acting more holy in public and be more subtle about things. We've got to keep the public duped and totally unsuspecting, until we can get the morals dropped enough, so our game becomes accepted and honorable in their eyes. Then, full, orgiastic Moloch or Baal worship can become open and public, just like in the days of old."

The pope talks about an "all-out battle," when it comes to the child sexual abuse issue. Are his words simply doublespeak? Does the "all-out battle" actually mean the battle which they are now fighting in court --- in that battle which is meant to weaken child protection laws, so they potentially can have even a much easier time having access to and raping kids? Their court battle is noted in the section further above, which is titled Addicted & Fighting for Their Criminal Sex ? (link).

There is something important to note in the pages linked above. Some of the pages indicate that the pope "blames the devil for paedophilia." Well, there may be more to this statement, than commonly meets the eye. There may actually be more to consider in the pope's words or in his potential doublespeak. The pope is equating child sexual abuse to human sacrifice. Now, once again, the devil that appears is actually being worshiped, which most likely is the one called Moloch or Baal, requires human or child sacrifice. So, boomity-boom, the beat goes on --- and so does all that child rape or child sacrifice! Yes, they are sacrificing the souls of these children, to a demon.

The first page linked below brings up a very good point. At the so-called sex abuse summit, the Jesuit pope put on a good show for the whole world. It was made to look like he was actually condemning child sexual abuse. But, the pope would not issue "any universal zero-tolerance rule to ensure rapist priests and the bishops who cover up for them are automatically ousted from the church." Now, why would not the pope issue a zero-tolerance rule? Could it be because of the god which he and his hierarchy are actually worshiping?

When all of the available information is considered, then yes, it does appear that these people could actually be worshiping a devil. And, it does appear that the devil that is being worshiped, causes them to be pedophiles. In other words, maybe that is how they do worship to some type of devil-god --- by being pedophiles. When all things are considered, possibly there is some truth in what the pages linked below are stating. So, check out the pages linked below and see if potentially they may explain at least part of what is really being worshiped by the Vatican/Jesuit crowd.

Before we leave this section, there is one more issue to address. From the pages linked further above, it is clear that the pope did a lot of talk, talk, talk about the child sexual abuse situation which is occurring in his highly questionable organization. But, those who have been the victims of this sexual abuse were highly disappointed in the final outcome and what the pope did or did not do.

Yes, the pope gave fair sounding words, but he did not do anything of real value to help the abused victims or even to put a stop to all of the sexual abuse and enslavement. In all of this, when it comes to doublespeak, we must not forget that pope Francis is a Jesuit. Because of this, once again, we must be reminded of that old word "Jesuitism," because that appears to be what is going on here.

For those who may have forgotten or missed it, the meaning of that old word "Jesuitism" was explained earlier in this presentation, in that section titled A History, Plus an Identifying Word (link). For the most accurate meaning of that old word "Jesuitism," we must look back to information from at least the earlier 1800s, which was before they started changing the meaning of a lot of words, apparently in order to help protect the guilty.

The 1828 Webster's dictionary (link) appears to be a good source. It defines the word "Jesuitism" as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." And, that word "prevarication" means: "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie." (link) So, knowing who we are dealing with, we must not at all be surprised with the pope and his virtually worthless words. But, you must admit, he is an incredibly good showman and he can keep a straight face, while he "feeds his line" to the whole world.


Taking the information presented in the preceding section to its logical conclusion, there is now something to consider. There is a great possibility that those who are involved with things like infanticide or abortion, whether they realize it or not, are ultimately being partakers in the worship of the devil-god named Moloch or Baal. Some thoughts along this line are found in the pages linked below.

About two-thirds of the way down a page linked here, it states that "Milton wrote that Moloch was a frightening and terrible demon covered with mothers' tears and children's blood." Indeed, the statue of Moloch or Baal is just an image of focus, while the people, by their acts, indulge in the real evil spirit or demon (1)(2) or devil which the people are worshipping. In all reality, the statue is not really that necessary. Said another way: it is the act, in honor of the demon, which really counts and identifies what is truly being done and who is truly being worshiped.

When it comes to Moloch or Baal worship, a page linked here declares: "Thus we see that the powerful attraction to the worship of Baal was sexual promiscuity or licentiousness. Promiscuity is 'characterised by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, especially having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis.' And what is licentiousness? It is the 'dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure' or 'lacking legal or moral restraints, especially: disregarding sexual restraints.'" Wow! That which was just said sounds exactly like that which those "holely" priests (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9), bishops and nuns (1)(2) of the organization of the man of sin are doing. It also appears to be what the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA has been involved with for quite a period of time (1)(2)(3).

In the paragraphs above, the worship of Moloch or Baal has been considered and some of what is involved in that form of devil worship has been shown. So, let us now return to the title of that of book from 1851, which was noted further above, near the bottom of the section titled Crusades & Inquisitions, and Human Sacrifice (link). After Moloch, the rest of the title speaks of the Human Sacrifices of the Inquisition.


During the Inquisitions, the Catholic Church was clearly deceiving the public into believing that, by the use of their diabolic torture methods and murder, they were working to save the souls of their victims. But, in reality, considering the available information, it does strongly appear that they were simply doing human sacrifice to Moloch or Baal. Looking further, people commonly think of the Inquisitions as being many centuries ago. But, there is something which may help to put things into better perspective and bring us more up to date.

The page linked below states: "Dr. Alberto Rivera, ex-Jesuit priest, says 'holocaust' is the wrong word. He prefers 'inquisition.' 'The Jews have not let us forget the Nazi slaughter of their people, but no one has continued to remind us of the other four to six million non-Jews also executed,' he points out." The page speaks of the "seven million non-Jewish civilian victims of the Nazi death machine in Poland, Ukraine and Belorussia." So, it appears that there were actually more non-Jews sacrificed, than there were Jews sacrificed. So yes, the word "inquisition" would most likely be the more proper word for what occurred.

The following words are also found in the page linked below: "Dr Rivera states that in his training as a Jesuit he was taught that the Vatican manipulated the Nazi death machine not just against Jews, but more broadly against all 'heretics.'" The page states: "Romanism defines heretics as anyone who does not give blind obedience to the pope." So now, since it appears that the proper name for what happened during the World War Two era should more realistically be "Inquisition," rather than "Holocaust," let us see what these events have really been all about.

The page linked below starts with these words: "The Holocaust -- the mass sacrifice of over eighteen million innocent Protestants, Orthodox Christians, ethnic Jews and minority groups by burning them alive in ovens in Poland and Russia less than seventy years ago by Catholic dictators Adolf Hitler S.J. and Fr Joseph Stalin S.J. represents the largest and most expensive act of mass human sacrifice in history."

Setting aside who the writer of the linked page thinks Hitler and Stalin actually were, research indicates that these two people did have a connection to the Vatican/Jesuit organization, and, in their murderous deeds, were instigated by at least the Jesuits. So, the fact remains that these things which happened in the 1900s were acts associated with a certain form of human sacrifice.

To bring things into clearer focus, the page linked above speaks of "the independent Catholic state of Croatia." Its leader "issued an ultimatum to the non-Catholic population (heretics): convert to Catholicism or die. Most of them were Eastern Orthodox... Those who did not convert were submitted to unbelievable torture or were slaughtered outright." So, all of this extermination or sacrifice of people was a religious thing, perpetrated by Catholics, with the blessing of the pope in the Vatican. That is why the information linked below is titled The Vatican Holocaust. And, it was just another part of the more visible Catholic Inquisition.

The pages linked below all speak about the Inquisitions. They also bring up the matter of sacrificed humans. The first linked includes the following caption under the leading illustration: "James A. Haught in 'Holy Horrors' describes in detail the human sacrifice within the Great Inquisition which existed over 500 years and even reached into the New World to punish Native Americans who adhered to their beliefs." Yes, it was just another example of Catholic human sacrifice.

The second link goes to page 34 and the beginning of a chapter in a book titled Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles of Treatment. That chapter begins with these words: "There have been two major examples of systematic human sacrifice in modern Western history, the Catholic Inquisition and the Third Reich." But, our focus on this issue can become more clear, once it is realized that Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich were just the pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, in their large scale human sacrifice at that point in history.

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were simply "the sword of the Catholic Church."(1)(2) So, it appears that all of this human sacrifice, via its "tools" and "pawns," was instigated by, and associated with, the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, which is based within and protected by Rome. What Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were doing appears to just be a "modern" form of industrial scale, Moloch or Baal worship. And, by all "the signs," it appears they are now preparing to do the same thing within the United States. And, all the child abuse and rape is just the beginning. With all of this activity, they are just "softening the beachhead," in preparation for the main event.

The information provided above gives an introduction to the Inquisitions and Holocausts, perpetrated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, as basically being human sacrifice. And now we can understand this diabolic activity as being human sacrifice to Moloch or Baal. Now, there is more to consider. The Vatican/Jesuit organization has slaughtered and incredible amount of people in its Crusades, plus in the many wars it has had its hand involved with instigating, in more modern times. In regards to the Jesuit branch of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the instigation of wars, a man speaking in the early 1800s, the Marquis de LaFayette, declared:

"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country --- the United States of America --- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe." The preceding words are found in pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4).

Because history indicates that the Jesuit have instigated a lot of wars, there is another thought to consider. There are at least some who believe that war, especially wars which are manipulated or instigated into being by organizations behind the scenes, are simply another way of bringing about human sacrifice. And, it appears that because there are so many Moloch or Baal worshipers in positions of power and control, that is the reason that there have been so many wars upon this earth. And, that appears to be the reason that the United States has been in so many wars, plus virtually continuous wars in recent times. The pages linked below present thoughts relating to this issue.

When it comes to all that Moloch or Baal worship by people in "high places," plus all that human sacrifice which has been happening as a result, possibly the following passage from the uncorrupted Holy Bible may apply:

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
        "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints..."
(Ephesians 6:10-18)

So, the true battle is against things like spiritual wickedness in high places, plus against the rulers of the darkness of this world. The true battle includes fighting against the spiritual wickedness and utter darkness within the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. The true battle also includes keeping a close watch on the treasonous agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which have gotten themselves into positions of influence, authority and control within the United States. The true battle, furthermore, includes working to head off the Crusade and Inquisition, which it appears is being prepared for by the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, which are in positions of influence, power and control in the United States.



This discussion originally began with an examination of the rape and diabolic sexual abuse, plus enslavement of boys and girls and others, which is being perpetrated by depraved members associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. The earlier discussion also looked at the abuse, torture and killing which has been associated with this international organization. After an examination of a couple of more items, the discussion will then return more directly to the examination of the sexual abuse which is ongoing and which is having to be dealt with because of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the Catholic Church which they use as their cover. The discussion will also consider some additional actions of those associated with the ongoing criminal activity.

A serious examination of the historic Jesuit Extreme Oath, which is found at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4), can help to give a better understanding of why certain things are happening the way they are upon this earth. The "Oath" can even help to understand why all the sexual abuse and rape of little kids and others is happening. After reading the Jesuit Extreme Oath and then examining history and reading about certain current events, it becomes clear that there is a different form of war, a so-called "holy war," which is happening. It is the continuing Counter Reformation which is happening. The purpose of this Vatican/Jesuit perpetrated Counter Reformation is to utterly destroy authentic Protestantism, while also destroying true Biblical teachings and moral principles.

There is something else important to note. In the ceremony where the "Jesuit Extreme Oath" is taken, the advancing Jesuits are basically told that they are to become like chameleons in order to gain the confidence of the Protestants. They are to gain the confidence of Protestants even to the point of being able "to preach from their pulpits." According to the information linked above, these Jesuits are to even speak against the Catholic Church, in order to help them to deceive the Protestants and gain their trust. All of this is to be done, so the Jesuits and their agents can ultimately be the ones speaking from the pulpits of Protestant churches. Why do the Jesuits and those under their control want to be able to speak from Protestant pulpits?

If the Jesuits and those under their control can get into a position of speaking from Protestant pulpits, eventually they may become the actual ministers of various Protestant churches. And from there --- from inside the Protestant church congregations --- the Jesuits and their agents are able to work to corrupt church doctrine and bring down the Protestant churches. Yes, they are supposed to be there in order to steadily corrupt the Protestants. Knowing this, is it any wonder that there is child sexual abuse and other associated vices which are now occurring even in many Protestant churches? It appears that this is part of what the Vatican-inspired Ecumenical Movement is all about --- to cause things to be done in the fallen "Protestant" churches, as they are done in the Catholic Church.

The intent of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization is not to just destroy authentic Protestantism and true Biblical principles. Another main goal of this organization is to also destroy the authentic Republic of the United States and the protections against the abuses and despotism of the Vatican/Jesuit organization which the authentic United States provided. The Founding Fathers of this great nation clearly understood the bloodshed and despotism, the Crusades and the Inquisitions, of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and originally set up this country in a way to avoid that type of thing happening here. But, citizens in "more modern times" have let everything slip away and it appears that things have been set in place for us to experience the new Crusades and Inquisitions.

All of the sexual abuse and rape and enslavement of children and others, by members associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, is all part of an attack on the authentic United States and its citizens. A page linked here is titled The Republic for the United States of America. In that linked document, about half way down on PDF page 3 of 11, is found the following words: "The foreign government that the Jesuits' serve has been successful in secretly attacking and infiltrating America to accomplish exactly what the Monroe Doctrine was declared to protect against because it was done under the facade of being a church."

The sovereign country known as the Vatican State has used the facade or "cover" of being a church, in order for its agents to get into key positions of power, which will then allow them to take down and take over countries from within. And, all the evidence indicates that the United States is the next in line to experience things like the brutal and murderous Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Crusades and Inquisitions. Now, let us look at the safeguard which was set up for us a long time ago, and then later generations, including ours, simply let it slip away.

The Monroe Doctrine and its purpose was presented in the lower half of the section further above which is titled History of Catholics Murdering People (link). That section notes that the Monroe Doctrine has been credited "with setting 'the stamp of perpetual freedom upon the institutions of this hemisphere.' If not for the North American influence, the 'fires of the Inquisition' would have been rekindled, and 'medieval despotism' would have 'crush[ed]...every vestige of constitutional liberty.'"

But, once again, under the facade of being a church, the very clever agents of the foreign country known as the Vatican State, have infiltrated and taken over our government and military from within. They have also taken over our judicial system and our law enforcement and intelligence agencies. They have done this, as they prepare for the new round of Crusades and Inquisitions. And, the American Crusade and Inquistion will find modern technology used upon the citizens. Time will tell the truth on this matter.

There is a reason why the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other affiliated Jesuit-controlled agencies have been stockpiling arms and billions of rounds of ammunition (link). There is a reason why there has been an ongoing invasion of Catholic-bred aliens from south of the border. There is a reason why Obama, when he was president, began illegally training and arming Catholic-bred illegal aliens (link). There is a reason why they have waited until such a late date to build a wall at the southern border. The apparent purpose of this wall, at this point in history, may actually be to keep U.S. citizens in, once the "turkey shoot" and modern Crusades and Inquisitions begin, right here on U.S. soil.

With the above information kept firmly in mind, let us now return more closely to the subject of the Catholic rapers and that horrendous war of abuse and rape against children and others. Let us also consider what the hierarchy of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization have commonly been doing, as they use their numerous agents, even those in the CIA, many of whom are part of those secretive organizations which the Vatican/Jesuit organization controls. The discussion will also consider the modern day "holy war," of which the medical field is a part and has been set up to aid in the more subtle part of the modern Crusades and Inquisitions. Ultimately, we should have a better understanding of the perdicament which we are all now in, plus what is rapidly coming in the days ahead.


This serious Vatican/Jesuit organizational problem, with all the large-scale (industrial scale ?) sexual and homosexual abuse of innumerable children and other people, is something which diligent research shows has been going on for virtually centuries. This problem in not something new. It is not something which has just started to happen in the last few decades. What has been going on in the sexual abuse area for quite some time is indicated, to a degree, in the pages linked below.

The limited research used to produce the first linked page indicates that the sexual abuse of children by the hierarchy of the Catholic organization, in one area of the country, dates back to the 1970s. The limited research used to produce the second linked page indicates that, in another part of the country, the sexual abuse of children stretches back to "at least the 1950s." That's about 70 years ago. But, there is more to this story of sexual abuse and other perversions in the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled organization.

Research indicates that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been breeding, grooming and directing people in what appears to be a rather perverted way for quite a period of time. It appears that a certain segment of their hierarchy has been working to bring the people of this world in a corrupt direction which the hierarchy has wanted things to go for a rather long time. More about this issue later in this presentation.

The first page linked below speaks of some accusations of child abuse by priests going back to at least the year 1629, which at the time they labeled as "impure friendship with schoolboys." The second linked page speaks about at least sodomy in the Catholic Church, which was happening clear back in Martin Luther's time. One of the sources in that second page speaks about sodomy in the Catholic Church going back to at least the year 1400. But, it appears there is much more to this story, as will be shown next.

In case you may have missed it earlier in this presentation, the page linked below, which comes from a Catholic source, speaks about "widespread clerical sexual abuse and sexual misconduct" which was going on way back in at least the 11th-century. But, as seems to be the case with this highly questionable organization, there is more to this story. The linked page also indicates that there was priestly "holey" activity going on in the 4th-century, with the seduction of young men and boys. So, it appears that sexual abuse and sodomy in the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "church" goes back virtually to the beginning of the Catholic Church.

When it comes to the blatant criminal activity of the Catholic hierarchy, there is something to note, especially when it comes to the public revelation about their ongoing sexual abuse and rape of children and others, plus their crimes against humanity. The page linked below notes that it was outside sources which began to expose things to the general public, about this widespread and very secretive criminal activity, which has been ongoing inside of Catholic institutions.

So, why did this widespread criminal activity in the Vatican/Jesuit organization have to be exposed by outside sources? Why was the problem not cleaned up from the inside? Well, the pages linked below should help to reveal the answer to this question.

The Vatican/Jesuit organization has a system set in place for covering up abuse, especially when it is serious criminal abuse like raping little kids and turning them into sex slaves. And then, the evidence indicates that the international Vatican/Jesuit organization has a history of trying to criminally silence their victims by buying them off or by doing other, highly questionable things. From the looks of it, there appears to be spiritual "rot" or "cancer" in this organization, virtually from top to bottom. Yes, it appears that there is a lot of extremely rotten "spiritual fruit" which is associated with that organization.

Possibly at this point a question, once again, needs to be asked. Is there a chance that the following words from the uncorrupted Holy Bible may have some application here? It is written: "And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." (Revelation 18:1-2) Spiritual Babylon has truly fallen. It has completely fallen away from the authentic God of heaven and the true way of Christ.


Virtually worldwide, there has been an incredible amount of child sexual abuse, enslavement and the destruction of lives by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It is not like the hierarchy of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization did not know about the illegal sexual abuse and numerous other crimes so widely perpetrated by at least their subordinates. The pages linked below speak clearly about the Catholic sex-crime files. They had lots of documentation about the crimes committed by their priests, bishops and others associated with the hierarchy. But, what did they do with this vast amount of incriminating evidence?

The linked pages clearly show that when things began to be exposed to the general public and others, those associated with the Catholic hierarchy destroyed the evidence of these very serious Catholic crimes. And, this evidence of Catholic crimes was not just destroyed accidentally. The linked information clearly shows that the incriminating evidence was deliberately destroyed. In other words, it appears that the Catholic organization simply added serious felonous crime to serious felonous crime. But, what else is new? Really, what should we expect, especially when it appears that a diabolic, international crime organization is being dealt with here?

Within the linked pages is found information from a Cardinal Reinhard Marx. When it came to the destruction of the sex abuse files, it was done in an attempt to keep the world from finding out what has really been going on. They apparently did not want the world to know the depths of criminal activity in which those associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit crime family had fallen. Cardinal Marx declared: "This is abuse of power by the administration." Actually, it is not simply an abuse of power. It is outright, felonous criminal activity. This is a serious cover-up of willful and blatant crimes against humanity. But, what else can we expect from an organization which did torture and mass murder via their Crusades and Inquisitions in past times?

There is one thing to note in what it appears that those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit crime family are doing. Occasionally, it appears that they will pick a "sacrificial lamb" --- one from their crowd to throw to "the wolves." This makes the people of the world think that this very sly organization is really trying to clean up their mess. But, the "sacrificial lamb" just keeps the public's attention diverted elsewhere, while it appears that for the rest of the crime family, it is just business as usual. Maybe, in their gatherings for the rest of them which have escaped scrutiny, it could be something like, "Rape On, Brother!" It appears we are dealing with a very fallen organization.

There is a lot more to the story of people and agencies associated with or aligned with the Catholic Church, plus the destruction of the evidence of their horrendous crimes or in helping to cover things up. The pages linked below may help to make things more clear, as to what is really going on. This should help us to better understand what is really happening within and to the United States. It appears that we are dealing with domestic enemies of what the U.S. Constitution is all about. It also appears that we may be dealing with a lot of people who are seriously violating their Oaths of Office to the U.S. Constitution and the principles upon which it is based.


While we are at it, we might as well look at what another organization with strong ties to the Vatican/Jesuit organization has been up to, especially when it comes to things like covering up activities, especially activities which possibly fall under the category of being extremely serious criminal or even treasonous activities.

The Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, has often been called "Catholics In Action."(1)(2) Research indicates that a number of people have reason to believe that the CIA is actually a Vatican/Jesuit-controlled organization. There is evidence that this Nazified agency (yes, a major part of its "backbone" was made up of Nazi war criminals from the World War Two era, who were "the sword of the Catholic Church") has done a lot of diabolic things over the years and worked to cover up such acts done by themselves and others. That appears to be what the "CLASSIFIED" stamp is possibly really all about.

Back in 1973, that questionable organization which appears to commonly operate completely outside of the law and outside of the U.S. Constitution, destroyed as many files and records as possible for the Nazi-type of activity, or Inquisitional type of activity, which they had been doing under programs like MK-Ultra, plus many other questionable programs which were and are associated with it. This destruction of incriminating records in 1973 is noted within the pages linked below.

Was the destruction of CIA records done in an attempt to hide the willful and blantant and horrendous crimes against humanity which the CIA performed under the cover of secrecy? Remember, the MK-Ultra program was also carried out in Quebec, Canada, apparently even on those helpless Duplessis orphans, many of which were murdered. Now, was this destruction of records meant to hide the criminal activity which they did using the many Nazi war criminals --- those Vatican-associated "holy warriors" and mass murderers, which made up a large part of at least the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA organization?

There is something to now consider. The large-scale destruction of CIA records relating to MK-Ultra and other associated programs tends to indicate one thing. It appears that what the Nazified CIA had been doing under the cover of secrecy with its "holy warriors" was so horrid and depraved that the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled organization would have been banned from this country, if the real truth were to have leaked to the public. At least a banning of this agency is what most likely would have occurred in those earlier times when a larger percentage of the people of the United States had more honorable morals.

How far the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA went and how successful they were with their "human robot" and "Manchurian Candidate" and "child sex slave and pedophile ring" programs (1)(2) is something which it appears this Jesuit-controlled organization does not want the public to really know. And, how truly depraved they were in their "experimentation" and torture and murder techniques, possibly using orphans and indigenous children, appears to be something which they absolutely do not want known.

Because the CIA did not want the public to know what they had been doing behind a cover of secrecy, an incredible amount of records were destroyed, starting in 1973. It appears that this was done in order to hide the evidence of their blatant crimes against humanity. It appears that their blatant crimes against humanity were none other than a continuation of the atrocities committed in Nazi Germany during the World War Two era. And, this should be of no surprise to U.S. citizens, once they fully realize that the CIA and other U.S. organizations, including the U.S. military, were illegally embedded with numerous Nazis, with way too many being Nazi war criminals.



To better understand the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and what it is all about, a person really needs to consider events which led up to its beginning. As noted in the section further above titled Catholics, Hypnosis, and Messing with Minds (link), plus in the section titled More About House and Wilson (link), Woodrow Wilson was the President of the United States in the earlier 1900s. It is indicated that a Jesuit, commonly called "Colonel" House, seemed to have an unusual control over Woodrow Wilson.

After examining the evidence, there are those who believe that Wilson was under the hypnotic influence or control of this Jesuit: a Jesuit who was working to bring in the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order and all that goes along with it. With the "help" of the infamous Colonel House, Woodrow Wilson brought into being the Federal Reserve System...that system for which Wilson is claimed to have later regretted having created (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7).

There is more to this story. With the "help" or "manipulation" of the Jesuit Colonel House, what is said by a number of people to be the un-Constitutional or illegal income tax (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20) was brought into the United States. It appears that the questionable income tax was foisted upon the citizens of the United States with the help of the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, possibly for an intended purpose, with the future in mind.

A sizeable portion of the tax money, a this time, is said to go to the international Vatican/Jesuit organization and it allies (1)(2)(3). So, via President Woodrow Wilson and his Jesuit handler, Colonel House, in the early 1900s, the U.S. and its citizens were being set up for takeover, control and enslavement by the foreign-based, Vatican/Jesuit government and its agents. Possibly that is why President John F. Kennedy, in his day, spoke about a plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States (1), before "they" took him out (1).

There is now something important to consider. Woodrow Wilson had become President of the United States on the assurance of keeping the United States out of World War One. But, it appears that with the influence and "help" of the Jesuit handler "Colonel" House and his crowd, the United States, in total disregard of the Monroe Doctrine, was swept into World War One. At the end of World War One, the controlled Woodrow Wilson and his handler, "Colonel" House, tried to get the United States into the League of Nations. This was a major attempt of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, in the 1900s, to get the U.S. into the snare of their forming one world government.

In the days of Woodrow Wilson, the Congress of the United States was smart enough, plus loved the authentic United States enough and honored their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution enough, plus believed in the founding principles of this country enough, to keep this country out of the forming Vatican/Jesuit-controlled one world government. So, the United States did not formally become a part of the League of Nations. As a result, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization instigated World War Two.

It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization had a lot to do with instigating World War Two, using their willing pawn who they brought to power, that being the infamous Adolf Hitler, along with his Nazis (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), with whom they had a Concordat to legitimize them. Thus Hitler and his band of Nazi thugs basically hijacked that which had been Protestant Germany and converted it into a "tool" and the rising "sword of the Catholic Church." In all of this, there is now something rather important to note. This thing to be noted should be a "wake up" call to the citizens of the United States, for they are the next in line to feel the affects of being hijacked.

A book linked here is titled The Nazi Hydra In America. On page 194, the book states: "An abnormal number of Nazis and their supporters were members of the Knights of Malta." And, it appears that these Knights of Malta were some of the major controllers behind the Nazi movement. But, there is more to this story. The members of the Knights of Malta, because of their Oath, are in full submission and allegiance to the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome. Thus, the Nazis were basically under the control of the pope and the Jesuit General. So, it then becomes more clear as to who was actually behind the instigation and management of World War Two. But, there is more to this story.

Along with, and in the aftermath of World War Two, came the many "spooks" (1)(2)(3) and the more centralized spy agencies, like the CIA. In its beginning, the CIA was made up of many Knights of Malta from the United States, plus many of those Nazi "holy warriors" and war criminals which were illegally brought from Nazi Germany into the United States, under things like the highly questionable Operation Paperclip and other operations like it. The Nazis were illegally brought into the United States by their Knights of Malta brethren. These Nazis, many of them which were Knights of Malta, were then embedded into the CIA and other organizations in the United States.

Now, this CIA had, plus still has, rather strong ties to the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears that these strong ties have virtually ended up placing the CIA under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Because of this, it appears that the CIA, at least at times, has been used as a "tool" against the American people. It appears that the CIA has been used as a tool to help bring the United States under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and their rising New World Order. This makes sense, because of the many members of the Knights of Malta which are working to bring in the New World Order, as will soon be shown in this presentation.


To get a better understanding of the CIA spy agency and its beginnings, plus what its actual, rather secretive intended purpose appears to have been all along, since at least its very beginning, if not before, a bit of information about one of its major founders may turn out to be very helpful. Pages at the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) --- note that William "Wild Bill" Donovan is commonly considered to be the "Father of Central Intelligence" or the "Father of the CIA."

Prior to the creation of the CIA, during World War Two, Bill Donovan was the head of the spy agency called the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). The OSS is considered as being the predecessor of the CIA. The pages linked in this paragraph should provide enough information for the average reader to obtain a basic understanding of the OSS and its function. But, there is more to know here, especially when it comes to the head of the OSS, Bill Donovan.

Let's start by considering things which Bill Donovan was associated with. As far as religion goes, Bill Donovan was raised as and remained a Roman Catholic for his whole life (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). He was also a member of a Roman Catholic secretive organization, or what is commonly called a secret society. This secret society of which Donovan was a member is called the Knights of Malta (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

The Knights of Malta appears to have a facade of simply being a service organization which does good things upon this earth. But behind the facade, there lies the real purpose of the Knights of Malta. Behind this facade also lies their real controllers or puppet masters. In 2013, as noted in a page linked here, the pope reminded the Knights of Malta "that they are not practising 'mere philanthropy' but must always stay true to the order's original Christian ideals, and to Church teaching." Again, the Knights of Malta are to remain true to the order's original ideals and the teachings of the Catholic Church. So, let us now begin to see what Bill Donovan, the father of the CIA, was actually a part of.


The Knights of Malta operate as part of the organizational "pyramid" controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome. The Jesuit General is the head of the militaristic Jesuit organization (1)(2)(3)(4) and is actually a full military general with a rather hidden army. Regarding the Jesuits, around the early 1800s, Napoleon Bonaparte had the following to say: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses..." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)

It appears that the Jesuit power structure (which now includes the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Rhodes Scholars, Skull and Bones, etc.) has had a lot of control over this earth and its governments for quite some time. As just one example, in the fourth paragraph of a page linked here is found the following words: "Given the Jesuits' dominion, how powerful is their Superior General? In 1720, Michael Angelo Tamburini, then General of the Jesuits, said to the Duke of Brancas, 'See, my lord, from this room -- from this room I govern not only Paris, but China: not only China, but the whole world, without any one knowing how 'tis managed.'"

Another source for the above quote from Michael Angelo (or Michelangelo (link)) Tamburini is an old book from 1848, which is titled History of the Jesuits, Volume 1, by Andrew Steinmetz. In a scan of the 1848 book, linked here, scroll down to the bottom of PDF page 180 of 523, and the top of PDF page 181 of 523, which are actual book pages 168-169, to see the words which are quoted above. The quoted words are also found on PDF pages 193/194 of 541, in a scan of the 1848 book, which is linked here. The quote in the paragraph above is also found on PDF pages 190/191 of 538, in a scan of the 1848 book, which is linked here

Well, the Jesuit General, in 1720, didn't think anyone knew how he managed to govern the whole world from his headquarters in Rome. But in our day, it is known how it is done. The Jesuit General governs the whole world, including the countries of the American continents, via the members of the secret societies under his control, who are in key positions in the governments and militaries of this world. These members of the various secret societies which are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General (secret societies like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones from Yale University, etc.) are actually embedded agents working for a foreign government --- that government being the Vatican State, with its goal of ruling the whole world.

About this time, it would be good to completely look through the historic Oath of the Knights of Malta, which is found at the following links: (1)(2)(3). From the Oath, it becomes clear that the Knights of Malta are part of "the militia of the pope"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) and they have a big job to do. Now, putting things into true perspective, the members of this organization, (plus even members of the Knights of Columbus and a number of the other Catholic secret societies) which are in the various governments and militaries of this world are actually foreign agents who are part of the militia of a foreign government known as the Vatican State. Once again, these people ultimately take their orders from the pope and the Jesuit General. And, as usual, there is more to this story.

About half way down PDF page 3 of 11, in the document linked below, is found the following words: "America would consider it an act of war if any European nation sought colonial expansion in the western hemisphere. The foreign government that the Jesuits serve has been successful in secretly attacking and infiltrating America to accomplish exactly what the Monroe Doctrine was declared to protect against because it was done under the facade of being a church." The purpose of the Monroe Doctrine, which is noted in the section further above that is titled History of Catholics Murdering People (link), has been sidetracked by the agents of the Vatican, or they have virtually done an "end run" around it, because they are operating behind the facade of appearing to be part of a true church of God.

There truly is much more to this story. There is evidence that the militaristic Knights of Malta has connections with a now Protestant branch of their original organization (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). The Knights of Malta also contains an ecumenical arm (1)(2). This ecumenical arm includes people from other denominations or religions. Research indicates that these other groups of people, though appearing to be separate, are to some degree under the influence or control of the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome.

Before we leave this section, there is one more issue to address. In the second paragraph of this section, there is information about the Jesuit General governing or controlling the whole world, without anyone knowing how he does it. Now, it is time to quickly see at least some of the ways by which he does it. Again, the Jesuit General uses the many members of the various Catholic secret societies which are under the control of the Jesuits, which secret society members are part of the militia of the pope. One of these major organizations is the Knights of Malta, which Knights of both the American and Nazi versions, were used in the creation of the CIA.

The CIA, with all its American and Nazi Knights of Malta, is actually "the sword of the Catholic Church" and also "the militia of the pope," which is under the control of the Jesuits. The CIA has taken control of various individuals and government officials using things like drugs (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), child sex slaves (1)(2)(3) and, via their agents, likely also using the powers of hypnosis (1)(2)(3), so these people can be taken over, blackmailed (1) and then controlled via the "bosses" in Rome.

Then there are all those child raping Catholic priests and nuns, who appear to also be working for the Jesuit agenda and the takeover of the authentic United States, so it and its citizens can be placed under the despotic control of the pope's New World Order. These Catholic priests, nuns and others associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization may also be potentially gaining control over important people, politicians and the police, using things like child sex slaves and pedophalia (1)(2), plus potentially also using things like hypnosis, extortion and blackmail.

Using all of the methods noted, together, plus possibly even using a number of other methods for gaining control, the Jesuit General is able to control virtually all the governments, plus even the militaries, of the whole world. And yes, even the government and military of the United States is controlled. That is why things are not working the way they are really supposed to. So now, you possibly know who to blame for the mess our country is now in.

Now, it is time to break down the methods the Jesuit General and his organization use to gain control, into their simplest factor. The organization uses sin, in order to gain control. Their organization sins, plus they get as many other people as possible to sin. In that manner, they have something to hold over them and gain their control. Since the Jesuit General, who is the black pope, uses sin to gain control, possibly that is why the uncorrupted Holy Bible indicates that the pope, or the popes working together, are the man of sin (see: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).


It appears that a major part of the agenda for the Knights of Malta is to help raise up the one world religion, plus the one world government, which is simply the reviving Holy Roman Empire on steroids. The reviving Holy Roman Empire has been relabeled with the more palatable sounding name of the New World Order.

The Holy Roman Empire, which appeared to go down or fall many years ago, and is now reviving again, is actually spoken about in the uncorrupted Holy Bible. It is spoken about, using these words: "The beast [a powerful world government] that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is." (Revelation 17:8)

The rising New World Order is also spoken about in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, with these words: "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns." (Daniel 7:7) This powerful, destructive, fourth beast government, in its nature and composition, is diverse or different from all other governments which have been before it.

Now, it is time to consider this fourth beast, diverse government. The New World Order, one world government, which is controlled out of Rome, yet its legislative body is the United Nations Organization in New York, and its world court is in The Hague, is definitely different from any government before it. This is that highly despotic and destructive fourth beast government which shall control the whole earth, for a relatively short period of time, before it is utterly destroyed and at least its controlling people and those supporting it are then relegated to the lake of fire, to be horrendously tormented for all eternity.

Let us look further on these things about the New World Order. It is also spoken about in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, using these words: "Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." (Daniel 7:23) Ultimately, it will be found that the New World Order is not a good thing. But, there is more to this story.

Regarding the fourth beast government, the Holy Bible declares: "But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him." (Daniel 7:26-27) Ultimately, the Vatican/Jesuit organization and their New World Order shall fail and be destroyed. All the efforts of the Catholic secret societies, like the Knights of Malta, etc., and their allies, will be found to have been wasted, as they come to naught.

There is more to tell about the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its New World Order, and what they will do before their ultimate demise. They will ultimately end up being very destructive to civilization itself. In the end, they shall perpetrate the great tribulation (see: Matthew 24:21-22), which shall be the biggest time of mass murder and genocide which this world has ever seen. It is the ultimate Crusade and Inquisition. It is the immense Grand Finale and "last hurrah" for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, before it is destroyed forever. Then shall its controllers and minions be relegated to that tormentous lake of fire, forever and ever.

At this point in history, the goal of the Knights of Malta to bring in the New World Order (or that "beast" government which was, is not, and yet is, plus that fourth beast government which encompasses the whole world) which is noted in pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3). A page at the following link: (link), shows how a number of the organizations in the Vatican/Jesuit "web" are interconnected. And now, there is one last thing to note about this fourth beast government. The head of the rising New World Order is ultimately, on the religious side, the pope in the Vatican, and on the world government side, the Jesuit General and his subordinates.

By now, the reader should have a better understanding of what the father of the CIA, Bill Donovan, was actually working toward, possibly all along. And, considering what those associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization have been doing in the United States, especially in recent times in order to further the agenda of the pope and his New World Order, by scrolling through a page linked here, the reader should be provided with some good background information.


There is still more to the story of Bill Donovan. There is something which could potentially be very important, plus possibly very revealing, to add to the story of the man who helped to create the very secretive and questionable CIA in the United States, after World War Two. The pages linked below all show that, during World War Two, while Bill Donovan was head of the spy agency known as the OSS, a special honor was bestowed upon him by the pope in the Vatican. Within the pages linked below are found the following or similar words:

"One day in July 1944, as the Second World War raged throughout Europe, General William 'Wild Bill' Donovan was ushered into an ornate chamber in Vatican City for an audience with Pope Pius XII. Donovan bowed his head reverently as the pontiff intoned a ceremonial prayer in Latin and decorated him with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods. This award has been given to only 100 other men in history, who 'by feat of arms, or writings, or outstanding deeds, have spread the Faith, and have safeguarded and championed the Church.'"

Most of the linked pages continue with these words: "Although a papal citation of this sort rarely, if ever, states why a person is inducted into the 'Golden Militia,' there can be no doubt that Donovan earned his knighthood by virtue of the services he rendered to the Catholic hierarchy in World War II, during which he served as chief of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the wartime predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)."

Yes, Bill Donovan, as noted in the pages linked below, received this special knighthood "by virtue of the services he rendered to the Catholic hierarchy." And, as all things which are now known are considered, it appears that all of this was only the beginning to even greater services which Donovan would ultimately render to the Catholic hierarchy after World War Two. About half way down a page linked here is a section titled Life after the War. That section states the following:

"Toward the end of the war in 1945, Donovan tried to persuade both Presidents Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman to make the OSS a permanent civilian centralized intelligence agency, but his efforts were unsuccessful. The OSS was dissolved in September 1945. Donovan continued to advocate for the formation of a centralized intelligence agency. His persistence paid off when President Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947, which established the Central Intelligence Agency."

The Vatican/Jesuit organization got the "spy" agency which they wanted, which they could then use to help them gain control of the United States. And, as noted in this presentation, the Nazified CIA became "the sword of the Catholic Church," as it began to work against U.S. citizens and treasonously perpetrate the ultimate overthrow of the authentic United States.

In the Bill Donovan affair, there is another thing to note. Again, while World War Two raged, he was "taken from his military post" and brought into the Vatican City to receive a special honor, whereby he was inducted into a very special Catholic knighthood, by the pope. Now, there is something to consider. Why couldn't this honor have been bestowed upon him after the war had ended? Who was actually in so much control of things, even during the raging war, that this man could be pulled from his military post and be brought in to see the pope and receive this special honor? Did the Vatican/Jesuit organization have that much control over the "players" in this war? And, who was Donovan actually working for, in all of this?



The page linked below states that the Gestapo was "the political police of Nazi Germany." It states further: "The Gestapo ruthlessly eliminated opposition to the Nazis within Germany and its occupied territories and, in partnership with the Sicherheitsdienst (SD: 'Security Service'), was responsible for the roundup of Jews throughout Europe for deportation to extermination camps." The Gestapo also "operated without civil restraints." The Gestapo, in hijacked Germany, was virtually answerable to no one and was like a law unto itself.

The last sentence in the paragraph above sounds somewhat like the situation which now exists in the United States, with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA), with their many Knights of Malta and other members of the militia of the pope in key positions of control. It appears that things are getting somewhat like it was in Nazi Germany, when the Catholic pawn and "tool," Adolf Hitler, and his Nazi henchmen hijacked that which had originally been Protestant Germany and brought it down the road to horrendous destruction. And in the end, numerous millions of people had died in the extermination camps associated with the Nazis and on the bloodly battle fields of World War Two.

Looking at things further, there is a well researched book, linked here, which should be considered. The book is titled The Nazi Hydra In America. On page 194, it states: "An abnormal number of Nazis and their supporters were members of the Knights of Malta." In the end of things, for hijacked Germany, it appears to have been the Protestants which ultimately "paid the price," while the Nazi agitators, henchmen and war criminals who were members of the Catholic secret society called the Knights of Malta, were helped in their escape from justice, via the Rat Lines of the Roman Catholic Church, to then be comfortably settled in other countries around the world.

Thousands of these escaping Catholic, Nazi henchmen and war criminals were then illegally brought into the United States and were rewarded with being embedded into the United States, in key positions of authority and influence. Possibly it is time that U.S. citizens woke up and considered what has been treasonously set up in the United States and where things are really headed. When all of the available information is carefully considered, it does appear that the control of the United States was virtually hijacked by criminal and treasonous members of the Catholic secret societies, like the Knights of Malta, which also made up a large part of the Nazified CIA.

Moving onward, the page linked below declares: "Decades before the NSA mined its first scrap of data, Hitler's Gestapo --the worst of the worst of the Nazis -- perfected the dark art of domestic spying and intimidation." The page notes that the Gestapo was "the Nazi secret state police." It states further that those in the Gestapo spoke "in biological metaphors." They considered problem people as being "destructive germs" which needed be be eliminated. And eliminate them they did, very often in very brutal ways. This appears to be what happened in January of 2016, and what a U.S. citizen had to go through right here in the United States, when he was horrendously treated in the Gestapo manner. This patriotic citizen's name was Robert LaVoy Finicum (link).

Getting back to the hijacked and Nazified Germany of the World War Two era, the page linked below notes that the Gestapo in Nazi Germany was a bureaucracy of thugs and killers. Then, during the end of World War Two, while the war with Japan was still raging and diverting the attention of U.S. citizens, many thousands of those German Catholic Nazi thugs and killers were transferred into the United States and embedded into things like the CIA and FBI, plus other agencies. It appears that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization were then in the process of hijacking the control of the United States.

The encyclopedia linked below declares: "The Gestapo (German secret state police) was a vital component both in Nazi repression and the Holocaust." The page states further: "This police force was unlike others in that it answered to no judicial or legal oversight. It could carry out particularly ruthless actions without fear of any civilian repercussions." The Gestapo "had a mandate to operate outside the law." Does this sound like anything which is being dealt with in the United States in our day? This is exactly how the CIA and the NSA and a number of other agencies are operating, which are virtually under the control of the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, who are actually part of the militia of the pope.

Some additional information about the Gestapo is found in the pages linked below. Once again, the Gestapo in Nazi Germany was basically a group of thugs associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, who hijacked and took control of the country and were terrorizing that which had originally been Protestant Germany.

The third page linked below, on PDF page 4-5 of 11, speaks of the Gestapo using "blackmail, entrapment, intimidation, and extortion" on its victims. And then, in the latter part of World War Two, numerous Nazi "holy warriors" were illegally brought into the United States and integrated into things like the CIA and the FBI, plus into other government agencies, as will be seen later in this presentation (1)(2). Time to wake up, America!


President Harry Truman had quite a struggle with that which appeared to be the rising American Gestapo. Truman clearly made known that he saw the rising Gestapo in at least the FBI. This is noted in a page titled America's Gestapo: The FBI's Reign of Terror, which is linked here. On that page, Truman is quoted as saying: "We want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him."

So, what could possibly have been motivating J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI, causing them to act in such a way? Is there a chance that he was associated with some organization which could have been encouraging him to be this way? There are some introductory things to consider about J. Edgar Hoover.

A Wikipedia page titled J. Edgar Hoover, is linked here. It notes that in about 1920, Hoover became a Master Mason. Then, he worked his way up in that organization to the position of a "a 33rd Degree Inspector General Honorary in 1955." But, there appears to be more to the story about Hoover's affiliations. The first page linked below shows that J. Edgar Hoover was presented with an honorary law degree by the Jesuits' Georgetown University. The second linked page shows that Hoover was presented with the "Sword of Loyola," from Loyola University in 1964. So, it is obvious that J. Edgar Hoover had a connection with Jesuit organizations.

The page linked below declares that "J. Edgar Hoover [carefully] cultivated many Catholic bishops whom he was in the habit of flattering with personal correspondence acknowledging their recent acquaintance and waxing eloquent about the deep connection and personal bond of trust he discerned between them."

Some of the pages linked below indicate that Hoover had no true desire to properly deal with "the Mafia's organized crime network," which is mainly made up of Catholics. In fact, Hoover downplayed the threat of the Mafia in the United States. Why? Was there a conflict of interest here? Though claiming to be a Protestant, Hoover had a rather close relationship with the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

When it comes to things or events associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, the pages linked above indicate that Hoover and his FBI did not properly investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It should be noted that President Kennedy was a Roman Catholic, but he was not necessarily in obedience to "his bosses" in Rome, which wanted him to bring the United States down the Catholic road to enslavement.

Now, why did Hoover not properly investigate the assassination of Kennedy? Was Hoover compromised? For whom was Hoover actually working? Within the pages linked above, it is noted that Hoover "maintained a special deep, personal friendship with New York's anti-Communist crusading Archbishop, Cardinal Francis Joseph Spellman. Spellman served as Archbishop of New York from 1939-67." But, there may possibly be more to this story (1)(2)(3)(4). Let us now look at some history associated with this Cardinal Francis Spellman.

Cardinal Francis Joseph Spellman was educated by the Jesuits at Fordham College in the early 1900s (link), which facility is now known as Fordham University. Because of Spellman's great service to the questionable agenda of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, there is even a hall at the university which is named after him (link), which hall opened in 1947. So, there is clearly a connection between Cardinal Spellman and the Jesuits. Looking further, a Wikipedia page titled Francis Spellman is linked here. Near the bottom, it indicates that Spellman was a homosexual. And then, there are a number of sources which indicate that J. Edgar Hoover may have also participated in homosexual activities (1)(2)(2)(4)(5)(6).

Regarding Cardinal Spellman, a page linked here declares: "The details of Spellman's personal life are elusive. The Cardinal was known as 'Telma' or 'Franny' Spellman in some circles and was rumored to enjoy an active sexual and social life in New York City, with a particular fondness for Broadway musicals and their chorus boys. It was widely rumoured, for instance, that he attended a party with that other well-known closet case, J Edgar Hoover - in drag." So, there is a chance that there may have been more of a connection between Spellman and Hoover, than the public commonly realizes. In all of this, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization may have had considerable influence over Hoover in his decisions and actions, or even in the lack thereof.


When it comes to at least part of the American Gestapo, at least the part associated with the CIA and the FBI, there appears to be more to the story than most people commonly realize. Once again, the American Gestapo actually was made up of Nazi "holy warriors" from Hitler's Germany and at least their Knight of Malta brethren who were already in the United States. Also in the CIA and FBI appear to be others who are part of the militia of the pope, which include members of the various Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies like the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, plus others. Together, all of this appears to be a major part of "the sword of the Catholic Church" which has been set up right in the midst of the United States, to hijack the country.

The pages linked below are an introduction to the American Gestapo which exists, that was made up of genuine Nazis and their secret society brethren. Further information which helps to reveal the Gestapo in the United States is linked later in this discussion under the section titled Embedding the "Fifth Column" of "Holy Warriors" (link), under the section titled The C.I.A. & the Continuing "Holy War" (link), and under the section titled Composition of the C.I.A. (link). When it comes to the reason for illegally bringing the Nazi war criminals into the United States, there is the cover story commonly given. And then it appears that there is the real truth, which strongly appears to be about furthering the Vatican/Jesuit agenda and their takeover of the United States and enslavement of its citizens.

It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization saw what worked in deceiving the general public and taking over Protestant Germany in the days of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Therefore, the pieces of the American Gestapo have been put in place in the United States, by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, who are freely and even treasonously operating in the United States. It appears that all the pieces have been put in place for the final takedown of the authentic United States, plus the enslavement of its citizens. Some of the pieces appear to be the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the un-Constitutionally spying National Security Agency (NSA), along with the CIA and the FBI with their many Nazified "holy warriors."


The page linked below declares: "The CIA evokes images of clandestine activity, spies hiding in corners and covert overthrow of unfriendly government regimes. However, when Truman established the organization in 1947, he envisioned something much different -- a sort of daily newspaper, informing him of developments around the world that could impact American policy. Yet even during Truman's own presidency, the CIA did evolve to become much more than a news agency for the President as covert operations began in earnest early in the agency's history." It appears that the secret-society agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization had a whole different plan for what they were going to do with the CIA, once these agents were successful in bringing this highly questionable organization into existence, right within the United States.

The page linked below contains the contents of an article which was written by former U.S. President Harry Truman. This article appeared in The Washington Post of December 22, 1963. It appeared about one month after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In the article, Truman clearly states exactly what the intended purpose had been for the CIA, when it was initially created. But Truman saw that the CIA had turned into something which was never intended, at least not by patriot Americans. It appears that the major change took place after those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization brazenly saw their chance to use the CIA as a weapon for the Vatican/Jesuit organization against the authentic United States and its citizens.

Pages accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4) --- contain the following words from former U.S. President Harry Truman: "I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo." Unfortunately, it appears that President Harry Truman had been too trusting and was fed corrupted information and deceived by the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Truman appears to have been deceived by that organization which has quite an extensive history of deception and lying, which introductory history is noted further above in the section titled A History, Plus an Identifying Word (link).



It appears that secret societies can be somewhat like an onion. A person may go to the store to buy their special onion, but they are often judging this onion by what they see on the outside. They see the skin or the outer layer, which may all look very good. But, that onion has many layers. If they were to peel off the layers of that good looking onion, layer by layer, they ultimately would get to the core. Once the core was reached, there is a chance that they might find that the core of that good looking onion is actually rotten and slimy, with this rot affecting the taste of other layers of the onion (1). The outside, which the world sees, may look incredibly good, while the inside, at the very core, may be something which is extremely different and bad.

Possibly the above example of the onion could be presented in a different way, by using the words of the Lord Jesus Christ which are found in the uncorrupted Holy Bible. He declared: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity." (Matthew 23:27-28) There is a chance that the same thing can be the case with certain secret societies and even with apparently "noble" intelligence agencies. When things are done in secret, especially when the "CLASSIFIED" stamp can be used extensively to hide things, virtually anything can be going on --- even treasonous activity.

Now, it appears that we have a Nazified CIA, which was embedded with all those Nazi war criminals and Knights of Malta and others who are members of the militia of the pope. These people do appear to be agents of a foreign government. By their oaths, their allegiance is to the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome, rather than to the authentic United States and its legitimate citizens. Since this is the case, it appears that almost anything can be going on, again, even highly treasonous activity, behind that wall of secrecy. What has been happening in the CIA may be like the former CIA boss, James Jesus Angleton stated, while he was dying in the latter 1980s: "There was no accountability. And without real accountability everything turned to shit."(1)(2)(3) Angleton was putting things mildly.

So, James Angleton, in the quote above, declared that there is no real accountability for the CIA. Let us look a little further on this issue. In a page linked here, scroll almost one-quarter of the way down the page to the second "Answer" to the question, which answer is by an alleged retired research scientist who worked for the CIA. This person speaks of the CIA as "an agency which no longer answers to the president, the senate, congress, the UN, or any force on Earth." That person then notes that when you have an agency which is run like this, "there is no way you are not going to have anything but a problem." Yes, a problem it appears the CIA has been, but there is something which needs to be corrected in the preceding "Answer." The CIA is answerable ... but to the Jesuit General. That is its boss.

There are some things which happened in the United States in the 1940s through the 1950s and later, which must be considered. There was a lot of secret and treasonous activity which was being perpetrated behind the scenes by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Once again, there was all that illegal and criminal embedding of Nazi war criminals into our country. Ultimately, the United States ended up with at least a Nazified CIA and a Nazified U.S. military. Now, there is a very good reason why President John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960s, openly proclaimed the following words: "The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings."(1)(2)(3)(4)

By the very choice of his words, it is rather obvious that President Kennedy was speaking about something which was happening directly within the United States. He was speaking about certain secret societies which were freely operating within the United States. In his speech, Kennedy also clearly stated that "we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion..."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Again, Kennedy was clearly speaking about a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, one which was large in scope. He was speaking about a conspiracy which was not openly acknowledged, but which operated in secrecy in order to suck more people into the web of its conspiracy.

In the words of President Kennedy in the paragraph above, it appears that that he has given enough information, that diligent researchers can possibly identify who he was speaking about. Earlier, he was speaking about secret societies. In the words quoted above, Kennedy was speaking about a conspiracy which used infiltration, rather than invasion, to take over who? Yes, we are opposed around the world. From what is known, a certain foreign organization has infiltrated our country and is working to take it over and ruin it, by almost any means possible.

So, once again, who has worked secretly to attack and infiltrate the United States? What outside force or government has been working covertly to hijack and take control of the United States and bring it down a path which the Founding Fathers of this great nation never intended? Once again, the following words from PDF page 3 of 11, in the document linked below, must be put into memory: "The foreign government that the Jesuits serve has been successful in secretly attacking and infiltrating America to accomplish exactly what the Monroe Doctrine was declared to protect against because it was done under the facade of being a church." Now, why did the Jesuits and their minions feel that they had to secretly attack and infiltrate the United States? What have they been trying to accomplish in secret?

In answer to the above questions, a book linked here is titled The Universal Church of Man: Have You Unknowingly Become a Member? At the time of this writing, the following words were accessed by the link: "In 1778, after American [sic] gained her independence, the Vatican issued the Vatican Edict which condemned the United States..." The Vatican did not like the forming United States, for what reason? The Vatican did not like humans to have freedom of worship and liberty of conscience about the way a person worshiped God. Because the United States protected the religious freedom of the individual, the Vatican called this country "a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost." So, it was acts of treason that the Vatican wanted its people to do.

There is now something which needs to be considered. The Vatican issued an Edict that basically ordered its people to work to destroy the United States. They did not believe they could destroy it by a "frontal" attack, so they chose infiltration instead. The Jesuits were given the task of destroying this nation, as part of the Counter Reformation. But, the Jesuits needed more help, and that is where all those many members of the various Catholic secret societies come in. All the members of these secret societies are under submission to and are controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. These members are the direct "tools" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization within this country, to fulfill its agenda. It appears that they are like "Trojan Horses" within the United States.

The members of the Knights of Malta are included in all this work to destroy the authentic United States, both the Nazified variety and those from the United States. And, it appears that the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, and others, are also involved in this task of taking over and destroying the authentic United States. Now, at least the Knights of Malta are in control of the CIA and by their activities over time, which activities are noted within this presentation, it becomes rather obvious that they have truly been perpetrating acts of war against U.S. citizens. So they are not working for the welfare and longevity of authentic U.S. citizens, but, like President Kennedy indicated, "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."(link)

Now, it is time to consider people and human nature. There are people upon this earth who are more honorable, and they try to do their best at being reasonably good and civilized. But there are others who love to indulge things which are utter, diabolic evil. The more evil it is, the better they like it. In relation to this matter, the following words are found in the uncorrupted Holy Bible: "Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away. For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall. For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence." (Proverbs 4:14-17)

It is time to look at the CIA. Years ago, as noted within the following linked pages: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9), one of the bosses for the CIA, a man named George H. White, declared: "I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun." The CIA boss went on to say: "Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?" And after the "Catholics In Action,"(1)(2) which is a nickname for the CIA, have lied, killed, cheated, stolen, raped and pillaged, plus possibly even done highly treasonous acts against the United States and its authentic citizens, they then put the "CLASSIFIED" stamp upon their highly questionable or dirty deeds to hide them from the general public.

Back in 1973, as documented later in this discussion, the CIA destroyed as many files as it could find on the highly questionable programs which were associated with MK-Ultra. Once the Watergate scandal broke out in the open, the CIA destroyed the records of their diabolic activities, in hopes of burying forever that which appears to have been highly incriminating evidence. It appears that they were afraid that if the true nature of their diabolic activities were to come to the full knowledge of Congress and the general public, there may have been a number of people from the CIA going to jail for a very long time, or possibly there would have been those who would have been executed, because of the vile nature of the things which they had brazenly been doing.

In relation to the CIA's destruction of records, plus in relation to the very liberal use of the "CLASSIFIED" stamp to hide their evil deeds, the following words from the uncorrupted Holy Bible might apply: "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God." (John 3:19-21) The "CLASSIFIED" stamp or the secret documents are often used to hide very heinous and even treasonous deeds which it appears are commonly being done by the CIA --- which CIA appears to be working for and controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization.


A page linked here is directly from the CIA website. Item number 10 declares: "Working at the CIA does not grant you unlimited access to government secrets. We adhere to a strict 'need-to-know' policy regarding classified information. In other words, an officer will not have access to classified information unless it pertains directly to their job duties." This may sound fine and good, but only if the various people, and especially the hierarchy of the organization, are truly "righteous" and not into evil or treasonous deeds. The "need to know" basis for the information may be okay, if those in the upper level of the organization are not working in the best interests of a foreign-based organization, rather than in the best interests of authentic U.S. citizens.

Looking further at the structure of the secretive types of agencies and organizations, a page linked here declares: "The CIA, the NSA, the FBI and all other three letter, intelligence gathering, secret keeping agencies mimic and are modeled after secret societies. They gather and filter information by compartmentalizing the organization in a pyramid like hierarchical structure keeping everyone but the elite on a need-to-know basis."

In this secretive system, those people at the lower levels are highly compartmentalized and are working just within their assigned "box." Realistically, only the people at the very top really know what the organization is doing and what it is working toward, or what its true goals are. The people in the lower levels really have no clue if their organization is working for something truly good and honorable, which is in the best interests of the country and its authentic citizens, or if their organization is actually working for some highly evil or treasonous agenda. For all the people at the lower levels know, those people in control of their organization could actually be working for a foreign government. Those at the lower levels just trust what they have been told and then do their job.

The structure of the secret societies and the various intelligence agencies is somewhat like that which is declared in the Oath of the Jesuit organization, plus in the Oaths of the various secret societies which they control. In the alleged historic Oath, the advancing Jesuit is said to declare: "I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant."(1)(2)(3)(4)

In their Oath, the advancing Jesuit is also said to declare: "I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me."(1)(2)(3)(4)

Once again, from the information presented in the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), it appears that those in the various secret societies which are under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, declare virtually the same things which are stated in the paragraphs above. To a degree, it appears that many of these people involved with these organizations may be something along the lines of a mindless robot, which simply performs its intended function without really asking "too many" questions.

Ultimately, it is only the people at the top, or those in the controlling positions, who really know what is going on in these types of organizations --- and the people in those controlling positions, all too often, are people who are members of those secret societies which are working for the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome. And their agenda is to bring about, at any cost, the destruction and overthrow of the authentic United States and the enslavement of its citizens.


It appears that there may be many good and honest people in lower positions who have good intentions, which are part of the various secret societies or part of the secretive intelligence agencies. There may be a lot of people involved with these various organizations which believe that their organization is truly working for the good of authentic U.S. citizens. But, it appears that these people are used as mere "pawns" and the "front" that helps to give the whole organization a better public image, no matter what is really going on behind the scenes.

The truth is, many people in these organizations may be somewhat ignorant. They just believe whatever they are told and may truly have no clue about what their organization is really doing. They may be, in many cases, completely ignorant to even major treasonous activity which their organization is doing. But once in a while, things are different. Once in a while, it appears that someone wants to really know what kind of thing they are really associated with and supporting. When this happens, things can quickly get very crazy, as the true criminals begin freaking out.


Once in a while, there may be someone in the un-Constitutional, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled "alphabet soup" agencies (like the CIA, or the NSA, or the DHS, or the FBI, etc.) who possibly sense that something is just "not quite right." Instead of being simply an unquestioning, mindless robot which has sold their soul to "the company," they may want to truly know what they are supporting and what they are involved with --- whether it be good or bad. Possibly their conscience wakes up and starts to "needle" them, at least to some degree, and they begin to check outside their "isolated, restricted box" to see why their conscience is "acting up."

For those who may do their patriotic duty and actually check to see what they are involved with (such as apparently happened with Edward Snowden, who worked for the questionable, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled National Security Agency or NSA (1)), they may suddenly become appalled at what the organization which they have been working for is really all about. They may find that they have been working for a highly un-Constitutional organization, or even an outright criminal or horrendously treasonous organization, which has been working to undermine and completely overthrow the legitimate, Constitutional government of the United States.

There is a chance that those working for some of these secretive organizations (link), once they begin checking on things, may find that the organization which they have been working for is actually trying virtually everything it can to enslave authentic U.S. citizens. They may find that their organization is working to enslave people, while it works toward the takeover of the United States by the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its highly despotic New World Order. And again, this rising New World Order is simply the reviving Holy Roman Empire on steroids. Now, it is time for an important truth.

What was done to Protestant Germany, has been arranged for in the United States. In the 1930s, once again, the Vatican/Jesuit "tool," Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, which were largely members of the Knights of Malta and other like Vatican/Jesuit controlled secret societies, were "the sword of the Catholic Church." First, they were "the sword of the Catholic Church" within Germany, and then, once Germany was subdued, they became "the sword of the Catholic Church" against other countries. At this point in history, the agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization have treasonously gotten themselves into positions of power and have, again, set things up to do to the United States, virtually the same thing which was done to Germany during the World War Two era.


When the true principals upon which this great nation was founded, plus the true meaning of the Constitution of the United States, are all considered, it may be found that Edward Snowden was actually a very noble and patriotic citizen. It appears that Snowden was possibly not a traitor to the authentic citizens of the genuine United States. It appears that Edward Snowden was simply honoring his Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. Possibly the people who actually are upset with what Snowden did are those who are the true traitors to the Constitution of the United States and to the authentic citizens of this country.

The people who are upset with what Snowden did are possibly treasonous agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which are working to destroy the authentic United States and enslave its citizens. So, there is now something to seriously consider. Things are happening very fast in the United States, so it is possibly time that citizens actually woke up and considered their true perdicament. Once again, what happened in Nazi Germany appears to be very similar to what is on the horizon for the United States, including the atrocities done by the hands of those who are associated with "the militia of the pope" or "the sword of the Catholic Church."



Once again, let there be no mistake about what was said further above in that section titled Father of the C.I.A.(link) The Knights of Malta, of which the father of the CIA, Bill Donovan was a part, is one of the secretive organizations, or secret societies, which is under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. This Vatican/Jesuit controlled secret society helps to further the goals of the international organization, whatever those goals may be, including the takedown and takeover of the United States, plus placing it under the domination of the New World Order.

The members of various secretive Vatican/Jesuit-controlled organizations, once again, are part of the militia of the pope. They are like the Vatican's secret army --- like a hidden, foreign-controlled army --- which is freely operating in various countries around the world, including directly within the United States. The members of these secret societies are in complete submission to the pope in the Vatican, plus are in total submission to their military leader, the Jesuit General in Rome. Members of these secret societies take orders which come down the line to them --- orders which originate from the leaders in Rome. Knowing these facts, possibly there is a reason, before they assassinated him, why President John F. Kennedy declared the following in a speech:

"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

There are some things to note about the words above from President John F. Kennedy. He declared very clearly, on no uncertain terms, that "The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society." In other words, secrecy in government or in the agencies thereof, especially in the authentic United States, was something which was supposed to be "repugnant" or offensive to, or completely incompatible with, or extremely distasteful to, or totally unacceptable with, what our society is truly supposed to be about in this country.

There is something important to note in the words above from President Kennedy. He proclaimed that "we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings." Once again, look at Kennedy's words very closely. What is he actually stating? What is he actually identifying, and what is he actually speaking against? What is he warning the people of our nation to be aware of and to be against, especially if we really intend to remain as a free and open society? Yes, he is clearly speaking against secret societies, and secret oaths, and secret proceedings. Why? Why was he concerned about these types of groups?


President John F. Kennedy was raised a Roman Catholic. His father, Joseph Kennedy was an "interesting" person, to say the least, as can be seen in pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3). JFK's father, Joseph, was also a member of the Knights of Malta, as noted in the following linked pages: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). Then there is JFK himself. Pages at the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) --- show that JFK was a Knight of Columbus. Yes, he was a member of the militia of the pope. It should also be noted that JFK's brother Robert, who was assassinated after JFK, was also a Knight of Columbus (1).

Because of who he was connected with and because he was a member of a Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret society, President John F. Kennedy possibly had a reasonable understanding about the international Vatican/Jesuit organization and its secret societies, plus, to some degree, what they were doing in secret. He likely understood how they operated and possibly even had some idea of what some of their plans are for the United States, plus for the rest of world.

The writer believes that, because of what he knew firsthand, there was a very good reason why President John F. Kennedy attempted to call attention to a certain group of individuals and what they were attempting to do, when he declared that "we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings." There is a reason why President Kennedy declared: "Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it."

It appears that Kennedy, because of his position, knew that the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies were working against the traditions upon which this great nation had been founded, which include personal liberty and unalienable, God-given rights. He possibly knew that the secret Catholic societies were working, not for the best interests of the citizens of the United States, but to put the United States and its citizens under the complete domination of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents. Possibly that is why he allegedly said, not in a speech, as the writer found some time back, but to one of his aides: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot." (1)(2)(3)(4)

For those desiring some further information on this type of situation in the United States, the following words are also attributed to JFK: "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight." These words can be found at the following linked pages: (1)(2)(3)(4). One thing the writer can say about the preceding words. They seem to fit what has been happening in the United States for quite some time, and not just in the office of the President. Yes, those words attributed to Kennedy do fit what has been happening to the authentic citizens of the United States.


Over time, there have been a lot of theories presented on the Internet and in printed materials as to why the Kennedy brothers were assassinated in the 1960s. It is time to examine some important pieces of information and then consider a very likely reason as to why the Kennedy brothers were assassinated. The writer's research indicates that there was possibly a number of people involved in the assassination of each of the Kennedy brothers.

It is time to begin considering a number of pieces of information, which add up to a more complete package of information, or at least enough of a package of information about what could have gotten the Kennedy brothers assassinated. The writer has not seen this package presented anywhere else before, so it is time to present this information to the general public for their consideration.

In the preceding section, it is shown that both President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, were members of the Catholic secret society called the Knights of Columbus. A page linked here and in the preceding section indicates that President Kennedy held a high rank in the Knights of Columbus, possibly even being of the 4th Degree.

A page linked here and in the section above comes directly from the Knights of Columbus, Council 81, in Marlboro, Massachusetts. There is a picture at the top of that page showing JFK with three other people. The caption under the photo declares: "Sir Knight John F. Kennedy with other 4th degree members of the Bunker Hill Council #62." So yes, it appears that President John F. Kennedy was a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus.

What rank Robert F. Kennedy held in the Knights of Columbus is unknown to the writer at this time. But for at least President John F. Kennedy, there is something to note further. A book linked here was published in 1928. The book is titled The 4th Degree Oath of the Knights of Columbus, and is the 5th Edition by Thomas E. Watson. On PDF page 21 of 52 (which is actual book page 19) starts a section titled ALLEGED KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OATH. There are some rather important things in the Oath which the writer believes need to be presented here.

On PDF page 21 of 52, in the book linked above, the advancing Knight of Columbus allegedly swears that the pope "hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, commonwealths and governments that they may be safely destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I will defend this doctrine and his Holiness' right and custom against all usurper of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran Church of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of England and Scotland, and the branches of same now established in Ireland, and on the continent of America and elsewhere..."

As shown at the bottom of PDF page 21 of 52, in the book linked a couple of paragraphs above, the advancing Knight of Columbus allegedly swears: "I now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers." What this indicates is that President Kennedy, as a Knight of Columbus, was not supposed to honor his Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, nor obey any of the laws of this land.

In essense, it appears that President Kennedy, as a Knight of Columbus, was expected, by the rest of the militia of the pope, to be a traitor to the United States and not abide by the laws or principles upon which this great nation was founded. It appears that the rest of the militia of the pope expected th allegiance of President John F. Kennedy to be to the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome, and what their agenda was for this country. It appears that the other members of the militia of the pope expected President John F. Kennedy to have no allegiance to the United States or it authentic citizens.

Looking at PDF page 22 of 52, in the book linked here and further above, it appears that at least the advanced Knight of Columbus is "to keep secret and private" all the counsels of the agents of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. This appears to indicate that the Knight of Columbus is to keep completely secret even any plans or preparations for highly treasonous activity by members of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, even if the nefarious activities are intended to be against their own country, or the country in which they reside.

From what is said, it appears that the Knight of Columbus is supposed to keep completely secret any plans or preparations for murdering someone, or plans for doing mass murder, or even plans for mass murder in the form of school shootings, or even any plans for genocide. If their organization had plans to do something like destroying the twin towers which were in New York, the Knight of Columbus is expected to keep such things as a total secret. They are to keep secret any of these types of things in which the militia of the pope is involved. It appears that they are to simply "execute all that should be proposed, given in charge, or discovered unto [the Knight of Columbus] by any Ghostly Father or any of this sacred order." Yes, it is clear that we are here dealing with the militia of the pope.

On PDF page 22 of 52, in the book linked a couple paragraphs above, are found the following words from the alleged Oath: "I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ."

Looking at the words above from the alleged oath, it appears that, because he was a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus, President John F. Kennedy was to basically be similar to a mindless robot. It appears he was simply supposed to let the agents of the pope tell him how he was to run the country and what laws he was to bring into being, or what laws he was supposed to work to get changed. In other words, it appears that Kennedy was expected to even be like a traitorous agent and puppet of a foreign power. This possibly may have included allowing the torture and bloodbath of a Catholic Crusade or Inquisition to freely occur in the United States, if the pope or the Jesuit General so ordered it.

At the bottom of PDF page 22 of 52, in the book linked here and further above, are found the following words: "I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition, and that I will burn, hang, waste, boil flay and burn alive these infamous order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poinard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do, by any agent of the Pope, or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus."

Are the above things what the international Vatican/Jesuit organization actually considers as being Christian? When placed before the principles and commands found in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it appears that the alleged things from the Vatican/Jesuit organization are straight from the pit of hell, and not from the true God of heaven. Possibly that is why God is going to utterly destroy the Vatican and surrounding Rome in the days ahead, as indicated in a page linked here.

The page linked above speaks of a general time-frame for this utter destruction of "the seat of the beast" to potentially take place somewhere around the year 2048. But, when considering all the evidence upon the earth, and then what is declared in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it appears that this utter destruction of the Vatican and Rome could even take place much sooner than the year 2048.

As indicated in the lower part of PDF page 23 of 52,in the book linked here and further above, the advancing Knight of Columbus allegedly swears "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church, either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope." As an aside, is that why the Jesuit-controlled Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and their other allied agencies have been stockpiling incredible amounts of ammunition and arms, so there is enough to put about five bullets in each U.S. citizen, as shown in a page linked here? And, is the invasion of Catholic-bred illegal aliens part of the popes intended Crusading army? Is that why Obama began to have illegal aliens trained and armed, as shown in a page linked here?


In the section above, various excerpts from the alleged Oath of the Knights of Columbus were presented. Plus, there is a book linked in the section above, which has the complete, alleged Oath of the Knights of Columbus. So now, there are some further things to consider.

From the writer's research, it appears that President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert were trying to do the best they could on behalf of the legitimate citizens of the United States, considering all that they were having to deal with. Looking at the various portions of the Oath which were presented in the section above, it appears that the Kennedy brothers were not willing to treasonously going along with the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, especially when it came to fighting against authentic Protestants in this country. Therefore, it appears that another portion of the alleged Oath may have then come into play.

As the advancing Knight of Columbus is nearing the end of their Oath, as shown near the top of PDF page 23 of 52, in the book of the Oath, linked here and in the section above, they are allegedly to proclaim the following words regarding the Oath which they had just taken:

"In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul and all corporeal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name, written in my blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope, cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever."

So, when President John F. Kennedy began fighting against the Jesuit-controlled Federal Reserve System, did the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization consider Kennedy to be "failing in his duty?" Did that virtually mean that Kennedy had "signed" his own death warrant with the militia of the pope?

When President John F. Kennedy would not go along with potentially a Jesuit-instigated plan for attacking U.S. citizens under Operation Northwoods, plus going to war against Castro's Cuba (which would likely have escalated into a full-scale nuclear war with the Soviet Union, which would have been a war of mass annihilation on both sides), did he "sign" his personal death warrant with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization?

When President Kennedy began working to end that which appears to have been a "lucrative" Jesuit-instigated war in Vietnam, with plans to soon bring U.S. troops home, did he once again "sign" his death warrant, to be executed by the members of the militia of the pope and the sword of the Catholic Church?

Now, when the order was given for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which order many believe came from the Vatican/Jesuit headquarters within Rome, there is reason to believe that just a lone gunman was not involved. Why would the writer believe such a things? Well, once again, the alleged Oath of the advancing Knight contains the following words: "...And should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope, cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear..."

Considering the words above from the Oath, it would likely have not been just an assassin working on his own, which took out President Kennedy. Because of their Oaths to be in allegiance to the pope and his organization, many would possibly have wanted to be honored in the eyes of the secretive Vatican/Jesuit hierarchy, for being associated with "the dirty deed." Therefore, it appears that a number of people associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization would possibly have been involved in the death of the President.

Some naive individual may ask something like, "President John F. Kennedy was a Catholic, who even met with the pope. Would Catholics really kill their own?" For an answer, we just need to look at the record of history for what appears to be a rather bloodthirsty organization with a rather long history of diabolic activity.



As just one well-known example of what people from the Vatican organization have done during their Crusades, the pages linked below speak of an event in the year 1209. This this time, a not-so-innocent pope sent troops against Christians in Southern France. Well, the Catholics and Christian Cathars were celebrating, together, an annual feast in the town of Beziers, to which the pope had sent the troops. So, what was the ultimate outcome?

The accounts of the event speak of a soldier asking the Catholic monk, who was with the troops, how he would tell the difference between the Catholics and the Christians in the town they were attacking. The alleged answer given was along the line of: "Kill them all, for the Lord knows his own," or, "Kill them all and let God sort them out."

The records indicate that the pope's army "killed virtually every man, woman and child in the town -- estimated to be as many as 20,000 people -- and burned Beziers to the ground." But, the records indicate that the bloodthirsty forces of the Vatican organization were not done yet. The page linked below declares: "Over the next four decades, roughly a million more people were killed during those bloody religious conflicts."

At this point, there is something else to consider about the militant segment of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Earlier in this discussion, in the section titled Father of the C.I.A. (link), an organizational "pyramid" was spoken about. This "pyramid" was noted as being controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome. The members of the various Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies (Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, etc.) are all part of the "pyramid" controlled by the Jesuit General. So, possibly it would be good to look at the alleged, historic Jesuit Oath and its associated ceremony, to obtain a better understanding of the philosophy which potentially may be the general rule in this organization.

Text allegedly of the historic Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction, which is allegedly taken by those advancing to the level of command in that organization, is accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). In the induction ceremony where the Oath is taken, the advancing Jesuit is allegedly told the following by their principal or Superior:

"You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but you have not yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for 'without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.'"

In those words which are shown above, there is definitely a total corruption of the true principles and meaning of things shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible. From the words presented above, from the linked pages, it appears that the agents of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization do not believe that they can be truly saved in any other way, but by the killing and shedding of the blood of any which their organization considers as being a heretic. Their basic philosopy appears to be, "If you don't believe like us, or if you do not do as we say, we must kill you in one way or another."


There is now the matter of Robert F. Kennedy to consider. Once again, as noted further above, Robert Kennedy was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He was a member of one of those secret societies ultimately controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. He was a member of one of those secret societies which his brother John had spoken against, with their secret oaths and secret proceedings. And, Robert had done things which were against the general goals of, plus the devious plan which the Vatican/Jesuit organization for the United States. He had also worked to put Catholic Mafia members in prison. So, yes, there appears to be a reason why those associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization would want to assassinate Robert Kennedy.

In the latter 1960s, Robert Kennedy was running for the position of President of the United States. It appears that he was doing this partly because he wanted to get into a position where he could hopefully do something about those who had killed his brother. Possibly he could even get access to records which would help to prove who all had been involved in his brother's assassination. It also appears that there was a certain amount of honor and integrity in Robert Kennedy and he wanted to help repair at least some of the problems set in place in this country by the agents or pawns of the foreign government associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears for at least these reasons, Robert Kennedy was assassinated.

Now for some further consideration. Robert Kennedy was a member of the Knights of Columbus. In the situation of Robert's assassination, the words shown further above from the alleged Oath of the Knights of Columbus should be considered. As in the assassination of President Kennedy, it appears that it would have been the same in the assassination of Robert Kennedy --- it would not have been a lone gunman acting on his own which took out Robert. It possibly may have been a group effort, so a number of individuals could receive honor from those above them in the Vatican/Jesuit organization. They would have been just honoring their secret society oath and their allegiance to the pope and the Jesuit General, plus to the New World Order.

There is something else to consider in the assassination of Robert Kennedy. The man named Sirhan Sirhan is commonly said to be the killer of Robert Kennedy (link). But, there are those who believe that Sirhan had potentially been hypnotized. He may have been a product of one of those CIA mind control or Manchurian Candidate programs, as noted in the pages linked below. Now, Sirhan Sirhan has tried to get parole 15 times (1)(2)(3)(4), but those in control of "the system" are not about to release Sirhan from prison. So, it is time for a question.

The evidence tends to indicate that the Vatican/Jesuit organization had a motive for "disposing" of Robert Kennedy. It is also evident that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the militia of the pope have taken over the "legal system" and are in control of the U.S. government. Now, are they afraid that Sirhan, if released, could get into the hands of some skilled independent person who, via the proper use of hypnosis or some other associated thing, could potentially break through any hypnotic blocks and check to see if Sirhan, in fact, had been something along the line of a mind-controlled Manchurian Candidate, created by those associated with the Knights of Malta or the militia of the pope?


Since we are talking about diabolic operations and assassinations in the United States, and since we are talking about serious criminal activity which is being perpetrated in the United States by those who appear to be associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, we might as well look at the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. For those not familiar with this bit of history, President Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, in the closing days of the American Civil War.

It appears that the assassination of President Lincoln also had a connection to the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. Now, there are many who think that the Jesuits are a bunch of nice guys. Yes, without question, they do have some impressive universities. But there is more to the story. It appears that their ultimate goal is to take over, control and dominate the United States and its citizens, by whatever means it takes. And, when it comes to their apparent goal for taking over the United States and enslaving its citizens, it appears we are dealing with a crowd whose philosophy is "the end justifies the means,"(link) or, stated using other words, virtually anything goes, no matter how diabolic, in order to get the control which you want.

In the pages linked below, it can be seen that President Lincoln knew that the Jesuits were working to kill him. When it came to passing through the Jesuit stronghold of Baltimore, Maryland, when Lincoln was on his way to Washington DC, he had to pass through hours before they were expecting him, plus, he was forced to disguise himself. From what President Lincoln indicated, it appears that the pope and the Jesuits would murder virtually anyone who stood in their way of conquest and control. And, it appears that the assassinated President Lincoln, and President John F. Kennedy, along with Robert Kennedy, indicate that this may be very true.

In our day, the Jesuits are in control of all the members of those many Catholic-controlled secret societies, which freely operate in the United States and around the world. Available information indicates that the members of the Catholic secret societies --- even those members who are in U.S. government positions --- are part of the militia of the pope's international government. Once again, those in the militia of the pope (whose allegiance is actually to a foreign government), include the members of organizations like the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, the Skull and Bones organization from Yale University, plus many associated organizations.

Now, let us get back to the assassinated President Lincoln. From those things recorded by Lincoln's good friend, Charles Chiniquy, it appears that Lincoln blamed the cause of the bloody and devastating American Civil War on the sinister influence of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. He said that "it is to Popery that we owe this terrible civil war."

Lincoln had to hide what he knew about the Vatican/Jesuit instigation of the American Civil War, for he knew if the public realized the truth, that war would have turned into a religious war and would have taken "a tenfold more savage bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The protestants of both the North and the South would surely exterminate the priests and the Jesuits if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this republic..."

So, read the information presented in the pages linked below and become educated in those things which they intentionally did not teach you in school. And, since our country is obviously being taken over by the agents and pawns of Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order crowd, and since the members of those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies are scattered throughout the government and its agencies in key positions, and since these people, as foreign agents, are in complete violation of their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, there definitely is a reason why they did not teach you these things in school. So, read and learn more fully what they did not teach you.

Now, when it came to the Vatican/Jesuit-instigated American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln began to realize many important things. He looked at the earlier bloodbath in France, which was instigated by the agents of the Vatican. When looking at what happened in France, and then what was happening to the United States with the Vatican/Jesuit-instigated Civil War, Lincoln stated the following:

"The fact is, that the immense majority of the Roman Catholic bishops, priests and laymen, are rebels in heart, when they cannot be in fact; with very few exceptions, they are publicly in favor of slavery. I understand, now, why the patriots of France, who determined to see the colors of Liberty floating over their great and beautiful country, were forced to hang or shoot almost all the priests and the monks as the irreconcilable enemies of Liberty. For it is a fact, which is now evident to me, that, with very few exceptions, every priest and every true Roman Cathoic is a determined enemy of Liberty. Their extermination, in France, was one of those terrible necessities which no human wisdom could avoid; it looks to me now as an order from heaven to save France. May God grant that the same terrible necessity be never felt in the United States!" (1)(2)(3)(4)

And then, after considering the words above from President Abraham Lincoln, then consider the following words from the Marquis de LaFayette, which he spoke in the early 1800s: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of American -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)


So, what are the Jesuits all about? What is that group of people about, who are in control of the many members of those various Catholic secret societies which freely operate within the United States and whose members are part of the militia of the pope? What are the Jesuits about, which control all those members of the militia of the pope, who are embedded in key positions of the U.S. government, in the judiciary of this country, plus in the U.S. military and many other agencies? What are the Jesuits about, who are in control of all those people in key positions, whose actual allegiance is to the pope and the Jesuit General, rather than to the people of the United States or to the U.S. Constitution?

The information linked below indicates that the Jesuit Order "is a Covert Military Organization." Years ago, Napoleon Bonaparte declared: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power - power in its most despotic exercise - absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms - and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) And, working through the various agents of their secret societies, the Jesuits are working to take over the United States and utterly enslave or eliminate its authentic citizens.

And, there is more to the story of the Jesuits. Their purpose is to complete their war called the Counter Reformation. Their purpose and goal is to crush all authentic Christianity and wipe out all Bible-believing people which can be found upon this earth. Their ultimate goal is to destroy the genuine Word of God from the face of this earth. But in the end, the Jesuits shall find themselves forever tormented in the lake of fire, day and night forever, without any respite.


At this point, there really is something which needs to be said. Considering just that which has been presented so far in this discussion, there is more than enough reason why the righteous God of heaven shall utterly destroy the Vatican and surrounding Rome in the days ahead, as noted in a page linked here. Considering all the torture and bloodshed and mass murder perpetrated during the Crusades and Inquisitions, yes, there is enough reason for that destruction to take place in Italy. Considering what appears to be the Vatican/Jesuit instigated mass murder associated with Nazi Germany, yes, there is enough reason for God to bring a violent end to Rome and its Vatican, as he burns the whole area with fire in such a manner that it will never be found or inhabited again.

Considering the brutality, torture and mass murder perpetrated in Catholic Croatia during the World War Two era, which is noted in a book accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3), yes, there is enough reason for God to utterly destroy the Vatican and surrounding Rome. Considering all the abuse and rape of children and others virtually worldwide, as already noted in this discussion, yes, there is enough reason for the pope's coming destruction, along with the destruction of those who support him. Considering all the brutality, human experimentation and mass murder of at least children at those Catholic facilities in Canada and elsewhere, yes, there is reason for the utter destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome. And then there are those assassinations...


(1)   (2)   (3)   (4)   (5)   (6)   (7)   (8)   (9)   (10)   (11)   (12)   (13)   (14)   (15)   (16)

It is time to look more closely at that secretive organization called the CIA, plus what type of people were mainly used to create it. Research indicates that the CIA was created, mainly using various American members of the Knights of Malta, which are ultimately controlled by the Jesuits. To this was added a bunch of Nazi "holy warriors" and others from Nazi Germany who appear to have been working for the Vatican/Jesuit organization as "the sword of the Catholic Church."(link) Let us now remove any doubt about these Nazi "holy warriors" which were integrated into the CIA, and who they were actually working for.

On page 194 in the book accessed via the first link below, in the next to the last paragraph on that page, is found the following words: "An abnormal number of Nazis and their supporters were members of the Knights of Malta." The second link goes to a Full Text version of the whole book. The words quoted above, noting that "An abnormal number of Nazis and their supporters were members of the Knights of Malta," is found about half way down the text document. Use the "find" function on your browser to find the words. In the third link to the book, use the word search located at the top of the window. The words are found on page 242/545, on the left-hand page, in the third paragraph. In the fourth linked version of the book, the words on found in the upper section of PDF page 242 or 545.

Now, once again, "An abnormal number of Nazis and their supporters were members of the Knights of Malta." And, these Nazis who were Knights of Malta --- which are part of the militia of the pope --- were used to create the CIA. Let us look a bit further at that questionable organization which most people think is working in the best interests of the authentic citizens of the Republic of the United States (1). Now, there truly is a reason why the CIA has gained the nickname of Catholics In Action (1)(2) (CIA), as it does strongly appear that they may be working for a different boss, rather than for the citizens of the United States or for the authentic government of the United States. There is a reason for all of that secrecy.

A document linked here is titled Eaters of Children: The Pedocracy Exposed. On PDF page 46 of 527 is a section titled The Catholic Intelligence Agency. That section declares: "The CIA (then the OSS) was founded by Catholic Wall Street lawyer, and Knight of Malta, William Donovan. Donovan was specifically selected because his loyalties to Rome far outweighed any scruples he had about honoring an allegiance to America, her citizens or her Constitution." What the preceding sentence claims appears to be very true, for as a Knight of Malta who appears to had take the historic Oath (1)(2) of that organization, Donovan would have been in full subjection to, plus his true allegiance would have been toward, the pope in the Vatican and the Jesuit General in Rome.

Since Donovan's true allegiance would have been toward the pope in the Vatican and the Jesuit General in Rome, there is now something to consider about the creation of the CIA, and then about what happened to its basic characteristics. About one-half of the way down a page linked here are found the following words: "During the CIA's formative years, Protestants predominated... Somehow, however, Catholics wrested control of the CIA's covert-action section." The preceding words are a quote from page 172, in a book by Dr. Stephen Mumford, which is titled American Democracy & The Vatican: Population Growth & National Security. And again, note that the Catholics wrested control of an important, highly secretive section of the CIA.

The same words quoted above from the book by Dr. Stephen D. Mumford, are found on a page linked here, at the bottom of PDF page 1 of 2. At the top of PDF page 2 of 2 are found these words: "The activities of the CIA go far beyond intelligence gathering of an international nature. The CIA serves as an agency through which secret 'assistance' to the Holy Mother Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders: In the meantime, the Vatican is enhancing its political power through generating domestic divisiveness."

Hold on! What is that which is being stated above? So, the CIA is giving secret "assistance" to the Catholic Church, or to the Vatican/Jesuit organization, using the general public's "dime?" So the public is having to pay for "assisting" the Catholic Church? It does appear that the CIA is doing this through its members which are part of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies in the United States, like the Knights of Malta, etc. And, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization is then using the CIA as a "tool," so that the Vatican can increase its political power in the United States. And how are they doing it?

It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization may be using their "tool," the CIA, as a weapon inside of the United States against U.S. citizens, plus as a vehicle through which they can generate domestic divisiveness. Well, once this whole presentation has been seriously read, the reader should have a much better understanding about at least some of what the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA has been doing against U.S. citizens, plus against the peace and prosperity of this nation. And yes, it does appear that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has been using their CIA and members of their various other secret societies to undermine and overthrow what little remains of the authentic Republic of the United States (1).

Moving onward and looking at another source which speaks about the creation of the CIA, a page linked here, at the top of PDF page 1 of 4, declares: "Although the CIA began as a mostly Protestant organization, Roman Catholics quickly came to dominate the new covert-action wing in 1948. All were staunchly conservative, fiercely anti-communist and socially elite. Just a few of the many Catholic operatives included future CIA directors William Colby, William Casey, and John McCone." Just a note on John McCone. A page linked here notes that someone familiar with McCone "described him as a 'rightest Catholic...a man with holy war views.'" A page accessed via the following link: (1), states the same thing.


Let us now begin to look at the first four Directors of the CIA and its immediate predecessor, the Central Intelligence group, to see why the CIA was " a mostly Protestant organization" when it first began, before the Catholics and agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, and those which were part of the militia of the pope, virtually took complete control.

The first Director of Central Intelligence (who was over the Central Intelligent Group, which was the organization that evolved into the CIA (link), before the civilian Allen Dulles later took over) was Rear Adm. Sidney W. Souers (link). Souers appears to have been a Protestant and his funeral was held at the Second Presbyterian Church (link).

The second Director of Intelligence was Lieut. Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg. A page linked here shows that Vandenberg was a Protestant and member of the Episcopal Church.

The third Director of Intelligence, who was also "in charge of the newly established Central Intelligence Agency", was Rear Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter (link). Pages at the following links: (1)(2)(3), declare: "CIA Director Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter approved the first mind-control study, named Project BLUEBIRD, which was later renamed Project ARTICHOKE." An introduction to information relating to these projects, plus information relating to other associated projects under the MKULTRA umbrella, is presented in the pages linked below.

So, by at least the third Director of Intelligence --- who was the first Director over the CIA, from May 1, 1947 to October 7, 1950 --- things began to go down that rather questionable path. That is when it appears, at least in the public's eye, that all the mind control, drug use and diabolic human experimentation on children and others began. After retiring, Hillenkoetter is said to have warned FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover of the "blunder and corruption of OSS and certain elements of CIA."(link).

The fourth Director of Intelligence, who was also over the CIA and was just before Allen Dulles, was Gen. Walter Bedell Smith (1)(2). Smith was a Roman Catholic (link) and was made a Knight Commander of the Order of Bath. Once Catholics came to dominate the CIA, it appears that the purpose of that organization began to rapidly change, as it began to go down the path which was not originally intended for it.


A 2012 page linked here is titled Influence of the Catholic Hierarchy on U.S. Policy Making. The page was written by Dr. Stephan D. Mumford, who was noted in paragraphs further above. The title of the page says a lot. If things are not working in the way they were originally intended in the United States --- working in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and the founding principals of this country --- we should all know who to really blame. Another page by Stephan Mumford, linked here, is titled The Catholic Church and Divisiveness in America. When it comes to the CIA, the page states: "The CIA serves as an agency through which secret 'assistance' to the Holy Mother Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders."

There truly is a reason why the U.S. government appears to be broken or almost non-functional. It appears to be the result of the takeover and nefarious acts by the agents of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, as they work strongly to place the United States and its citizens under the New World Order, where they will be under the control of the United Nations Organization. The agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are mainly the members of those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy tried to warn the public about (link), before he was assassinated --- likely by those associated with or controlled by the various Catholic secret societies, which include the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones from Yale University, etc.

The 2012 page linked here and a couple of paragraphs above, by Stephan Mumford, declares: "The Reagan administration is the most Catholic administration in American history." Yes, Reagan reinstated diplomatic relations with the Vatican, which diplomatic relations had been severed since the time of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865. Then along came President George W. Bush, who, though claiming to be a Protestant, was declared as being more Catholic than Kennedy (1)(2)(3). And then Bush, who claimed to see God in the eyes of the pope (1)(2)(3), and who said God told him to go to war (1)(2)(3)(4), had his deadly "crusade" in Iraq (1)(2)(3)(4).

So, who is really running things in the United States? Is the international Vatican/Jesuit organization the one who is now actually running things in the government and military of the United States, through the use and control of its many foreign agents which are members of its various Catholic secret societies? Does the Knights-of-Malta-controlled CIA have a lot of control over the government of the United States? Is the Vatican/Jesuit organization, situated within Rome, controlling the United States through its secret societies --- through those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy tried to warn the public about in the early 1960s, before they assassinated him in November of 1963?


Looking back to the earlier 1900s, in the days before the CIA existed, Woodrow Wilson declared: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."(1)(2)(3)(4)

What Woodrow Wilson and other people were seeing in action was the Vatican/Jesuit organization, with its highly organized and controlled members which are part of its network of secret societies, many whom are in key positions in government, the military, in industry, and in the legal profession. Wilson and others were seeing a "honed and well oiled machine" which had been in operation for many centuries and had perfected its methods of gaining control. Unfortunately, Woodrow Wilson did not realize that he was fully under the control of this highly organized "power," especially by the time he got to be the 28th President of the United States (1)(2).

Over the years, this highly organized power, which is now understood to be the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its numerous agents which are members of those various secret societies, has steadily taken things over in the United States. A page linked here is titled The Deep State Institutions That Make Up The "Secret Government. It speaks about President Eisenhower and his concern about the Military Industrial Complex, plus the "disastrous rise of misplaced power," which truly did happened after the Military Industrial Complex became Nazified with all those illegally embedded Nazis in key positions. The page also notes some of the things which President Kennedy and other former presidents spoke about and were concerned about.

The page linked in the paragraph above also notes the "invisible government," which President Theodore Roosevelt spoke about. It also notes "false flag terrorism" perpetrated by those who are part of the invisible government. And, as we should know by now, it appears that this invisible government is controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, through its members of those various Catholic secret societies, which members are part of the militia of the pope and have influence over others who are not part of these secret societies. But, there is more to that international organization which has steadily been taking control of the United States. There is another part of the "invisible government, which appears to "take care of" the "priestly" side of things.


It is now time for another important question, especially since this presentation is supposed to mainly be directed at all those raping priests, bishops and others associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, whose church, when closely examined, may simply be a facade or a cover for a foreign government which is really in stealthy operation behind the scenes, as it works to take total control of the United States and enslave its citizens.

Now, the Vatican/Jesuit organization is based within and protected by Rome, Italy. This means that the Vatican State is conveniently protected by the citizens of Rome. This means that the country of the Vatican State is effectively using the people of Rome as human shields, to buffer it from attack by some power who gets tired of being messed with and harmed by the Vatican State.

After serious consideration about what has been happening behind the scenes, it does appear that, via its agents and the members of its secret societies, the Vatican/Jesuit organization has way too much control over at least the police forces, government and military of the United States. So, a question needs to be asked. Is that why the priests and others associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization can freely abuse and rape children and others, virtually with impunity --- as they "groom" and prepare them to be the next, extremely calloused generation? So, what are these raping and abusing Catholic priests actually working to create?

Well, possibly the following words from Adolf Hitler can help to answer the above question, when he declared: "In my castles of the Teutonic Order a youth will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth... There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes... That is how I will create the New Order." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)

Are the Catholic priests abusing and raping all these kids, as they work to turn them into the next generation of "Hitler Youth?" Are they actually preparing these kids for what the Vatican/Jesuit organization has planned for the United States, like possibly something like a coming, very devastating American Crusade and Inquisition? Will these abused and raped kids be part of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled homosexual army which helps to devastate and destroy virtually anything which is still left of the authentic United States? Is the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled homosexual movement simply part of the continuing Counter Reformation?



Millennia ago, there was a man named Daniel, who lived around Babylon, in the Middle East. He was an interpreter of dreams and visions for Babylonian kings, which interpretations turned out to be very accurate. Daniel also had visions of the distant future, which visions have shown themselves to be relatively accurate. In one of these revealing visions, he was shown four great beasts coming up out of the sea. These four great beasts turned out to be four major kings or rulers and their powerful governments, which would rise upon this earth. The vision gave the order of their appearance.

This disturbing vision grieved and troubled Daniel, and he wanted to know the truth about what this vision was all about. He especially wanted to know the truth about the fourth beast. Of this fourth beast, after seeing the first three beasts, it is written: "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns." (Daniel 7:7)

Concerning the fourth beast in the vision of Daniel, it is also written: "The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." (Daniel 7:23) So, what do the four beasts of the vision represent? Those who have properly studied the Holy Bible, along with the necessary history, understand that these four beasts, in order, represent the Chaldean Empire of the Babylonian region, and then the Medo-Persian Empire, which was then followed by the Greek Empire of Alexander the Great, and finally, the powerful Roman Empire (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). But, there is more to the story of the Roman Empire.


In the preceding section, there is a passage from the uncorrupted Holy Bible which speaks about a woman which sits on a beast which has seven heads and ten horns. Looking further on this beast with seven heads and ten horns, in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it is written:

"And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth." (see: Revelation 17:7-9)

Concerning the beast, or the Roman Empire, with these seven heads (which is seven-headed beast is associated with Rome, which Rome "carries" the Vatican within it), there is something to consider. The page linked below has a section which speaks about the Seven Kings of Rome. That section declares: "It was under the Roman Kings that the Roman ability to create an empire of sorts first came to the fore, even though any original intentions will hardly have been of an imperial nature."

So, it appears that it was during the time of these seven kings, which were at the head or beginnings of Rome, that the potential for creating an empire was realized. And, it appears that with these seven kings as the beginning, things ultimately led up to the beast government which we know as the Roman Empire. Additional information relating to the seven kings and the semi-monarchical form of government (a king which was elected by and somewhat answerable to a Senate) which ruled Rome is found in the following linked pages.

The pages linked below, though not all giving the exact same information, together, present enough information that we can get some idea about the early beginnings of Rome. As a point of interest, the second linked page states: "The seven hills of Rome are associated, in legend, with the seven early kings." The page also notes that during the time of Numa Pompilius, the second king, the Vestal Virgins were moved to Rome. It appears that the ancient Vestal Virgins of pagan Rome would be somewhat like the nuns which we find today in the Catholic Church. The page notes that the fourth king, Ancus Marius, moved the conquered Latin people (most likely from around and in the Alban Hills area (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)) into Rome.

The page linked immediately above brings out some interesting information which relates to the second king of Rome, who is called Numa Pompilius. It states that this Numa, who would have been a pagan, "created priestly and religious orders to Jupiter and Mars as well as other gods. He created a religious figurehead called the pontifex maximus and to this day that title is still used by the Pope." Well, because of the information found in the page linked above, it possibly is time to start asking some questions.

Is the pope, as the pontifex maximus, and the religious side of his international organization, simply the continuation and worldwide spread of the old pagan religions of Rome, rather that the true form of worship given by God the Father in heaven and shown by the Lord Jesus Christ? Is the use of Latin in the papal church organization simply another part of that connection to the non-Christian, pagan religion of the ancient Latins of Rome and those of the surrounding region? Is the use of Latin in the papal church an indication that the pope's religion is "rooted" in ancient pagan Rome, rather than in the authentic Christ and God which are shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible?

Before we leave this section, there is a piece of information to add to the story of the first king of Rome, who is said to have been Romulus. It is said that Romulus and his twin brother Remus, as babies, "were found and nursed by a female wolf until a shepherd found them and brought them up." (1) What is this female wolf, or this she-wolf (2)(3) all about? A book linked here it titled The History of Rome. Within PDF page 55 of 498, plus at the bottom as footnote number 16, it indicates that this so-called she-wolf may have actually been a known, local prostitute.


Within a page linked here and in the section above, once again, it states: "The seven hills of Rome are associated, in legend, with the seven early kings." Now, in the Holy Bible, there is something written which may need to be considered further. In the book of Revelation, it speaks about that particular beast, which is the fourth powerful government on this earth. Regarding this beast government and its seven heads, it states: "And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth." (Revelation 17:9) Now for another way to potentially interpret the preceding words.

Many people say that the statement above is identifying Rome by its seven hills, or as some have said, by its seven mountains. But, since in legend, the seven hills of Rome are associated with the seven ancient kings of Rome, there may be more to this story. Is there a chance that what is written may indicate that the woman (which represents a church or religious system of a particular city) is founded on or supported upon that religious system which was originally set in place and honored by the pagan, ancient seven kings of Rome?

There is now more to consider about the beast. There were the seven heads, but there needs to be some form of "neck" which joins the seven heads to the main body of this "beast." So, what is the "neck" which joins the heads to the main body of the beast government, which beast government is the Roman Empire? A logical answer would be that the Roman Republic would have been like the "neck," which was in that position to join the era of the seven kings to the "main body" of the fourth beast, which main body of the fourth beast was, once again, the Roman Empire. And, there is still more to this story.

A Wikipedia page, linked here, is titled Latin. That page declares: "Latin was originally spoken in the area around Rome, known as Latium. Through the power of the Roman Republic, it became the dominant language in Italy, and subsequently throughout the western Roman Empire." So, it appears that the Latin language, which was used even throughout the Roman Republic, is another connection of the pope's organization to ancient, pagan Rome. So it appears that the use of Latin in the Vatican's church is just another connecting factor, through the Roman Republic "neck," to the ancient, non-Christian, pagan Rome. And now, let us look again at that woman who sits on the beast.


The uncorrupted Holy Bible speaks about a woman which sits "upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns." (Revelation 17:3) The woman which sits on the beast with seven heads and ten horns is then described further, with these words: "And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: and upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." (Revelation 17:4-5)

As we begin to examine and identify this "woman," which "woman" actually represents a church, there is a rather revealing question which needs to be asked. What church organization commonly arrays members of its hierarchy in purple and scarlet colored garments? This question is easy enough to answer, and for those who are not sure of the answer, it can be found in pictures which are accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19). Now, moving onward, is that same church organization commonly decked out in gold and precious stones and pearls, especially in its icons or idols? The answer to this question can be found in pictures accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). Still need more identifiers?

Added to the identifiers already noted above, there is the golden cup in the "hand" of this church. The golden cup can be seen in pictures access via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12). Let us now consider other identifiers of the woman which sits upon the scarlet colored beast. Once again, upon her forehead the following name written: "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." Now, what is this all about? For starters, what is "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT" about? As we begin to consider this question, there is one thing to note.

Further above is the section titled The Beast with Seven Heads (link). Just below the clustered buttons in that section, it speaks about the pontifex maximus which was set up in the pagan religious which was put in place by the second king of Rome. From what is stated, the pope now holds this pagan title of pontifex maximus. But, there is actually more to the story about the pontifex maximus. The other part of the story includes the conquering Roman Empire and then its later, apparent demise. Actually, it appears that the title which the pope now bears originally come from Babylon and was initially given to Caesar. So, it is time for the rest of this part of the story.

As Rome expanded its sphere of influence and control, it ultimately reached unto Babylon. Now, the kings of Babylon did not just hold the position of a king, but were also the high priest of the Babylonian mystery religion. As the high priest, they bore the title of Pontifex Maximus or Supreme Pontiff. When the Babylonian kingdom fell, the title of Pontifex Maximus, or high priest of the Babylonian mystery religion, was eventually transferred to the Roman Caesar. From that time, Caesar was the emperor of Rome, plus, as the Pontifex Maximus, was also the high priest of the transplanted Babylonian mystery religion. Yes, he was now the Babylonian Pontiff.

The things noted above are shown in the pages linked below. Some of the pages may be very similar, but they may contain enough different pieces of information that it is worth including all of them here. This works to provide a larger overall pool of information, which can help to give a better understanding of what has happened in past history and how the religion of Babylon was transferred to its new seat in Rome. Thus, Rome, with its included Vatican, became "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT."

The records indicate that in 376 AD, the Roman emperor Gratian, possibly for religious reasons, refused to bear the title of Pontifex Maximus. Gratian refused to be the high priest of the transplanted Babylonian mystery religion. At that time, the position of Pontifex Maximus, or the Babylonian Pontiff, was transferred to the bishop of Rome, and the bishop of Rome, now the pope, has held that title ever since. These things are shown in many of the pages linked via the buttons above. Since the pope in the Vatican is now the Babylonian Pontifex Maximus, that is why the Holy Bible calls the great whore, which is a corrupted church, "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT."


The Catholic Church is commonly called the mother church. This is clearly noted in the pages linked below. The churches which were spawned by it have been called Protestant churches. Some people may say that they are like whiny little kids which disagreed with some things and came out of the Catholic Church. For quite a period of time, they had been whining about the abuses and errors of the Catholic Church, rather than completely leaving its trappings and turning to the Bible and the Bible only for all of their doctrines and practices.

The so-called Protestant churches still keep many of the pagan holidays of the Catholic Church and many of its other questionable practices. Because the so-called Protestant churches do not strictly follow the Bible and the Bible only, God sees them as just harlot churches and not his true church. And, neither is the errant Catholic Church the true church of God, even though it is deceiving numerous people into believing that it is the true church of God. That is why it is called the great whore, in Revelation 17. It is an abomination to the Most High God of heaven. And, it appears to be true that the Catholic Church is the mother, but of all erring churches.

In some of the pages linked above, there is something very important to note. There is a call for the so-called Protestant churches to join together in peace with the highly questionable and sexually abusing church of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. There is a call to join together, as one big "happy" family, in the ecumenical movement. They say, "Let us join together and have unity and peace." But, is that the actual voice or calling of the true Lord Jesus Christ?

Regarding the authentic Lord Jesus Christ, it is written: "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: for from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law." (Luke 12:51-53)

There is a truth which becomes very clear through the diligent reading of the uncorrupted Holy Bible. There can never be peace between genuine truth and the error of the wicked. Only the churches of error can join together in "peace." Only the churches of error can go back and join with their mother, the great whore or harlot church which is shown to be of Babylonian ancestry. Regarding this whole situation, the following is also written:

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
        "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."
(2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

Most definitely, the true God of heaven calls his people out of unrighteousness and darkness and the Babylonian church and its fourth beast government. He commands that his true people not be unequally yoked together with those who are not authentic believers in the true way of Christ and God. The true God does not what his people to be joined with those who are into the worship of idols.

God commands that his true people are to come out from among those who are not following the true way of God, through the power of Christ. God tells his true people to separate from these ones who are in error and touch not the unclean things of their contrary way of worship. When the principles of the uncorrupted Holy Bible are closely examined, this is what the true God of heaven commands. Those who are joining with the great whore are in horrid rebellion against God and are basically "thumbing their noses" at the true God of heaven.


Regarding the great spiritual whore, who is also called Babylon the Great, the mighty cry from heaven is this: "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
        "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double."
(see: Revelation 18:2-6)

Once again, God calls his true people to come out of that fallen place and that fallen religion which is spiritual called "Babylon the Great." He calls his true people to come out of the spiritual, great whore, for it indeed is so utterly fallen away from the true way of God and Christ, that it has obviously become the habitation of devils. It is the lair of rapers of boys and girls and others. It is also the historic lair of liars and deceivers. And, it is now seeking so-called Protestants, who are also fallen, to join back with it. Why? Possibly the fallen "mother" organization wants some "fresh meat" from its harlot daughters. It appears that the diabolic rapists of the "mother" organization want more "fresh meat" to work with, plus a larger "money base."

Yes, it does appear, virtually beyond any question at this point in history, that the organization of "the man of sin" (see: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) is proving itself to be the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit. It appears that it is also filled with the spirit of deception and the spirit which causes the perversion of genuine truth. And, again, God calls his true people out of this great, money-making spiritual whore. Yes, it appears that this crowd can put on quite a show, in order to get people's money. But, the Most High God of heaven calls his true people out of this great spiritual "whore-ganization" which is in full rebellion against the true God of heaven. The true people of God are never to join with the great Babylonish whore.



Regarding the great Babylonish whore, the Holy Bible declares further: "And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus..." (Revelation 17:6) Once again, because it is such a glaring identifier of the "spiritual" organization which is actually being spoken about, note clearly that this "woman," which has the name "BABYLON THE GREAT," is "drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus..." These two things, having the name "BABYLON THE GREAT" and being "drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus," are two things which help to unmistakably identify the "woman" or this "spiritual" organization.

Once again, concerning the two identifiers noted above, the true source of the name "BABYLON THE GREAT" was noted further above in the latter part of the section titled The Beast and a Woman (link). That section also spoke about the pope's title, Pontifex Maximus, and the connection to the old Babylonian religion. So, let us now turn to look more fully at the great spiritual whore which is --- plus has been over and over again, through history --- "drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus..." Let us look at that organization which appears to have acted like a giddy drunk, as it got word of the success of its armies as the slaughtered the authentic saints and those who were the martyrs because of their belief in the true way of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When it comes to the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, just one of the events where Catholics were slaughtering authentic Christians was during the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre. A Wikipedia page linked here is titled St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. Of this event in 1572, the page states that it " was a targeted group of assassinations and a wave of Catholic mob violence..." This "Catholic mob violence" was truly the ultimate outcome of unrestricted democracy in action. That is why the Constitution of the United States guarantees "to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government." (1)(2) An authentic Republican Form of Government helps protect all U.S. citizens from things like those historic waves of Catholic mob violence.

In this "targeted group of assassinations and a wave of Catholic mob violence" which brazenly occurred during the Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre, Protestants in France were slaughtered in cold blood. Information about this slaughter is found in the pages linked below. Note that Pope Gregory XIII "was jubilant when news of the massacre reached the Vatican!!" The first linked page declares that "cannons roared -- bells run -- and a special commemorative medal was struck -- to honor the occasion! The Pope commissioned Italian artist Vasari to paint a mural of the massacre -- which still hangs in the Vatican!!"

As a result of this 1572 event, the pope was giddy-drunk with joy because of the diabolic and bloodthirsty massacre of authentic Christians. Yes, it appears that the pope is guaranteed his time of eternal "payback" for his "moment of fun," as he is in the everlasting lake of fire with his true boss (1)(2). Now, there is more to the massacre story. Ten years prior to the 1572 event, back in 1562, there was a massacre of Huguenots at Vassy. Then there was the massacre of Huguenots at Tours, in France. And even earlier, there was the massacre of the Albigenses. These massacres are also noted in some of the pages linked below.

And, once again, part of the reason a Republican Form of Government was set in place in the United States was in order to help prevent this type of democratic show of "Catholic mob violence." The very wise Founding Fathers of the United States did not want the Vatican crowd to become drunk with the blood of U.S. citizens or drunken with the blood of any of the authentic Christians which resided in the United States. Again, that is why they set up an authentic Republican Form of Government for the United States. The wise Founding Fathers truly understood the nature and history of "The Beast" which is being dealt with, even here.

In the pages linked below, the writer has turned to non-Catholic writings about what happened to the Huguenots and others, plus the number of people which were murdered in these massacres. So, why has the writer turned to non-Catholic writings? Because of the documented history of lies and deception, plus the forging of documents and re-writing of history in their favor, the writer cannot trust information from Catholic or Jesuit writers. Again, that is just the nature and history of "The Beast" which humanity has had to deal with over the centuries.

So, check out the pages linked below to get at least some idea of the bloodthirsty nature of many of those which are associated with the papacy and the Vatican organization. And, it is very likely that the full extent of this story will never be completely told, at least not in this life.


There is something extremely important to note in a number of the pages linked in the section above. It is clearly shown that ARMED bands of Catholics mercilessly fell upon the UNARMED Protestants and, in a frenzy of utter satanic possession, massacred all of the non-Catholics in cold blood which they could find. But, there is more to note in these situations. The ARMED Catholics did not slaughter just the men, but also the women and children, leaving none of the Protestants alive. Because of this type of reoccurring history which is connected with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and those associated with it, there is something which must now be noted.

The Vatican/Jesuit organization and its treasonous agents within the United States, plus those who are associated with them or under their control, are working so very hard to get U.S. citizens disarmed (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16). While they are working hard to disarm U.S. citizens, various Vatican/Jesuit-controlled organizations or agencies --- like that which appears to be a highly un-Constitutional Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other associated agencies --- are steadily arming themselves "to the teeth" with billions of rounds of murderous ammunition (1)(2). So, it is time for some important questions.

Have those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization been getting away with way too many things for way too long and are they now getting overly and brazenly bold? Is history about to repeat itself in a very big way? Are those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization steadily preparing for the new Crusades and Inquisitions at taxpayers' expense, but this time directly within the United States? Is a round of Crusade- or Inquisition-type of activity coming to the United States and its citizens, possibly much quicker than people realize? Are U.S. citizens acting like they are in a daze, while those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization are brazenly taking over and preparing for the massive slaughter of those identified as expendable by the agents of "the bosses" in Rome?

At this point, it may be time to consider some of the words from the alleged historic Oaths of some of those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies which appear to be operating openly, freely and treasonously within the United States. It appears that these are the secret societies which President John F. Kennedy tried to warn the public about, before they blew him away in November of 1963. Now for some exerpts from those alleged historic Oaths. The quotes which are found below come from the alleged Oaths of the secret societies which are found at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16).

In the Oath-taking ceremony, the inductee is allegedly told by their superior: "You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for 'without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.'" Well, they call themselves "Christians," but rather than being saved through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, as is shown in the New Testament of the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it appears that the Jesuits convince their people and those which they control that these people must slaughter other people and shed their blood in order to be saved. In other words, it appears that they must do a form of human sacrifice in order to feel that they are saved and on the way to heaven.


There is now something to consider. The excerpt from the Oath, found in the last paragraph of the section above, indicates that a certain segment associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization believe they must murder other people --- or perform a type of human sacrifice --- in order to "be saved." Other excerpts from the Oaths, found further below and elsewhere in this presentation, indicate that a certain segment associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization believe that they are to "make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals [in order] to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth..." By looking through the Oaths, it appears they are supposed to make war and destroy people with whatever means they have available.

If the things noted in the alleged historic Oaths of the secret societies controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit crowd are accurate, and if the things noted above are what the people in control of these secret societies and organizations really believe, then it is beginning to appear that the people of these secret societies and organizations are even more dangerous than the ISIS crowd which many seem to like to demonize. And now, when it comes to ISIS, there possibly may be more to consider. Is there a chance that what is stated in the video accessed via the following link --- (1) --- may have some merit? Was ISIS created or raised up by the Jesuits? Did they raise up ISIS so they could use that group as "a tool," in order to wage destructive and devastating war against humanity via proxy?

Now, there is something else to consider. When it comes to ISIS or the Muslims, it should be noted that during the World War Two era in Croatia, there was quite a number of Muslims who worked together with the Catholics in the murderous Ustasha. The Catholics and these Muslims worked together to slaughter those who were non-Catholics. The slaughtered ones included people who were Orthodox Christians and Jews, plus others. But, in all of this slaughter, it does appear that the Vatican/Jesuit crowd were the true ringleaders or controllers. These things can be deciphered from the information found in the pages linked below. The Vatican/Jesuit crowd being the instigators in many other situations is also noted in other places throughout this presentation.

As the things above are being considered, there is something to add. This piece of information is very important, because it relates to the United States and what has been happening to it for more than two hundred years. It may help to give some background information which helps to better explain why the Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus those whom they use as their pawns and "tools," are more dangerous than ISIS.

Let us now look back toward the beginning of the United States. In the early 1800s, the French general commonly called Marquis de LaFayette declared: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

Information found in this presentation indicates that the Vatican/Jesuit organization was an instigator of even World War Two and the atrocities which were happening in Croatia and in Nazi Germany. It appears that Protestant Germany was hijacked by the Jesuit "tool" named Adolf Hitler. Then, what had formerly been Protestant Germany now became Nazi Germany, and the rest is history. It appears that the same groundwork has been laid by the Jesuits in the United States. Yes, they are more dangerous than ISIS.


The slave and extermination camps in Catholic Croatia, during the World War Two era, were operated by those directly connected with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It is noted in some of the pages linked below that Roman Catholic priests ran a large share of the death camps in Croatia. At these Catholic-controlled and operated death camps, hundreds of thousands of innocent people were highly abused and brutally exterminated.

The cruel and diabolic Jasenovac extermination camp was the largest in Croatia. It was where Serbs, Jews and Roma were brutalized and mass murdered, was operated by a Catholic priest. The evidence shows that Catholic priests also relished in directly participating in the acts of slitting throats and mass murder. This type of activity appears to be a continual repeat of history for those associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears to be their way of being able to perform large scale human sacrifice.

The page linked below declares that "743 Roman Catholic priests were members of the Ustashi and personally murdered Serbs, Jews and Gypsies." The Fr. Filipovic-Majstorovic, the Catholic priest who ran the brutal and bloody Jasenovac extermination camp, "admitted to killing '40,000 Serbs with his own hands.'" The linked page also states: "The Jasenovac system of Croatian camps also included a camp for children run by Catholic nuns who used toxic soda to save bullets."

The things noted above are simply the genuine acts of those who are closely associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which includes priests and nuns, as they are clearly showing their true "historic colors." It appears they do these types of things whenever they get in the position of dominant power and feel that they can get away with these types of heinous and diabolic acts. Again and again, throughout their history, the records indicate that they just keep repeating the same nature of horrendous acts.

The leaders of the Catholic Ustashe in Croatia "declared they would slaughter a third of the Serb population in Croatia, deport a third and convert the remaining third from Orthodoxy to Roman Catholicism. Anyone who refused to convert was murdered." This principle which is directly associated with those of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, wherever they get full control, that anyone who will not convert to Catholicism is murdered, has been repeated over and over again with this crowd virtually throughout the history of that diabolic organization.

The page linked below indicates that the Catholics running the Jasenovac death camp system murdered "hundreds of thousands of Serbs perished there, together with Jews, Gypsies, Croat partisans, and other Croat opponents of the Ustasha regime." In other words, they murderered anyone who was in opposition to the murderous ways of the associates and agents connected with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. That has been the true historic Roman Catholic way, whenever they get in full control of things and can get way with it. That is true democracy in action.

Regarding the Jasenovac extermination camp, the linked page states that "a small number of skilled professionals were kept alive to work at the camp. That gave rise to the absurd charge that the Jews were in charge at Jasenovac." The agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization only kept alive those whose skills they could use in their diabolic agenda. And, as usual, they had those they could use as their "facade" to hide behind. They could then blame the "facades" for the diabolic activity, while the duped people of the world never looked at who was really behind all of the atrocities. This seems to be the standard method of operation for the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

The evidence clearly indicates that the those connected with the Vatican/Jesuit organization keep getting away with periods of mass murder and human sacrifice. History clearly shows that each time they get away with their heinous crimes against humanity, the next "go around" they are that much worse. And things steadily keep escalating in the atrocities perpetrated by this organization. From the looks of it, the next go around will be the great tribulation which is clearly spoken about in the uncorrupted Holy Bible.

The page linked below begins with these words: "Truth is now called 'Hate Speech.' Why is that? It's because: 'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.'" And, that is what this page is about. But, the truth must go out, no matter what. Things are happening much faster upon this earth, plus even directly within the United States, than most people realise. What is being steadily prepared for in the United States is something which most people will not believe, until they see it with their own eyes. But by then, it will be much too late.

The linked page contains an important piece of information. The Catholic Croatians gave their child concentration camp and killing center for Serbian children a "nice" sounding name. They called it the "Shelter for the refugee children." That name sounds so "warm and fuzzy," but it is so full of deceit. Possibly it has something to do with that old and revealing word "Jesuitism."(link) Note also in the page that the authorities in Croatia banned "any systematic research after the war" regarding the fate of the numerous Serbian children which were forced into the concentration and killing centers. The Catholics, with a law, hid their heinous crimes against humanity.

The pages linked below provide additional information about what those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization were doing in at least Croatia. What is shown in the linked pages appears to be the true, historic face of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, whenever they are in power and think that they can get away with things. Then their trademark form of orgiastic brutality and human sacrifice begins in earnest.

About this time, a very serious question really needs to be asked. When will humanity finally come to its senses about the true nature of this very diabolic organization? When will they ban the satanically-motivated hierarchy of this organization from the face of this earth? When will the common people supporting this organization finally turn from it and unto authentic Christianity, rather than following those with a history of brutality, bloodshed, mass murder and genocide, along with the large-scale raping of vulnerable boys and girls and others? When will they turn away from following after those "religious leaders" who will be spending their eternity in the lake of fire?


The Catholic country of Croatia and its Catholic Ustasha, during the World War Two era, had an incredibly jolly good time perpetrating their orgiastic genocide on Orthodox Christians, Jews and Roma. The Catholic Ustashe, along with Croatian Catholic priests, had just a wild time slitting as many throats of Serbs, Jews and others as possible, in those highly popular nightly contests held in the extermination camps like Jasenovac.

Now, generally speaking, decent people or a decent country would possibly be ashamed of this type of past history for their country. But, as clearly shown in the pages linked below, not Catholic Croatia. Nope, not in any way are they ashamed! Catholic Croatia does not blush in the least, because of their diabolic history! From what is shown in the pages linked below, it appears that Catholic Croatia is now greatly glorifying in and gloating about their past history of extreme wickedness.

There is now something to say about this situation and what is happening in our world. In the United States, they are forcing the removal of things like Civil War statues and insignia. Possibly this is so U.S. citizens will remain ignorant to the Vatican/Jesuit instigation of the American Civil War, plus their part in slavery. But in Catholic Croatia, they are glorifying their past of enslavement, brutality, bloodshed and mass murder. Oh, but we must remember: Croatia is a Catholic country, so they can get away with virtually anything.

Should we say, "This is a perfect example of Catholics at their finest or in their true form?" Or should we possibly now be saying, "We are now witnessing the 'lead in' stages to the great tribulation --- that great tribulation which is spoken about in the uncorrupted Holy Bible?" Are we now, especially in Croatia, witnessing the mentality which ultimately leads to that time of frenzied mass murder and genocide, virtually worldwide? Are we seeing the early stages of that time when almost the whole population of the earth is killed?

Are we entering that time when God turns humanity loose, so they can have their own way and follow after the ways of Satan? Are we entering that time when even friends turn on friends and begin killing one another? Are we entering that time when brother is against brother, and even military personnel will turn against and kill each other? Are we entering that time when humanity comes close to exterminating itself, and would actually do so, except that God will cut short that time of mass murder, for his elects sake? The pages linked below show the Vatican/Jesuit-bred mentality which causes the great tribulation to occur.

When it comes to "modern" Croatia, a page linked here and further above in the buttons, indicates that the diabolic Ustasha movement is making a comeback in that country. In Croatia, the war crimes and mass murder committed by the Croatian Ustasha "during World War II are being downplayed by politicians and media." In other words, it strongly appears that this country has lost its "moral compass" and is lying about the atrocities it committed during World War Two. The linked page also notes that twisted and corrupted stories about the history of Croatia are also appearing "in the official gazette of the Catholic Church" But, why should that, in any way, be surprising?

At this point, once again, it must clearly be remembered that Croatia is a Catholic country. During the bloody and murderous reign of the Ustasha during World War Two, plus still, even in our day, Croatia and the majority of its people were and are fully "under the thumb" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It's people are the servants or slaves of that highly questionable organization which appears to have no problem abusing and raping boys and girls and others, plus perpetrating other heinous atrocities. So, this gives us something to think about in this situation. It is time to be "politically uncorrect" and consider the clear and true record of history.

The Vatican/Jesuit organization has had quite an extensive history of lying, deceiving, forging documents, twisting history, raping boys and girls and others, plus performing events of mass murder throughout a large share of their existence. Now, if that is the documented history of that organization, why should we expect anything else out of its members? Like the old saying goes, "Garbage in, garbage out." But, there shall be more to this story. Because of their documented history of evil, it appears that the Most High God of heaven shall utterly destroy the Vatican and surrounding Rome in the fast approaching days ahead. By the various signs, it appears that this shall happen somewhere around, or possibly even before, the year 2048. This is indicated in a page linked here.

Now, it is time to begin looking closer at the story about what is happening with the present day Catholic Croatians. The page linked below declares: "On Saturday, May 12 [2018], around 10,000 Croatians -- including neo-Nazis and Catholic officials -- gathered in a field in the southern Austrian town of Bleiburg to commemorate the defeat of the Ustase army in May 1945. This former Nazi-affiliated fascist movement was responsible for murdering hundreds of thousands of Jews, Romas, Serbs, and Muslims in World War II, many in the organization's Jasenovac concentration camp in Croatia, which was the only concentration camp run without any German involvement." But, there is actually more to this story.

As a side note, research indicates that those associated with the diabolic, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Croatian regime murdered only those Muslims who would not go along with the murderous, fascist, Catholic regime in their criminal acts of torture, mass murder and genocide. But, as seen in the information linked in sections further above, plus in that below, there were many Muslims in Vatican/Jesuit-controlled fascist legions who were used by the Catholic regime in Croatia, in their battle to destroy Orthodox Serbs, Jews and others, via mass murder. All of these things should be a lesson for the authentic citizens of the United States, because of what appears to be coming in that country in the days ahead. More about this issue later in this presentation.

As a further note of great importance and concern about what has been happening with Catholic Croatia, in the page linked below, it states that this annual Ustasha-honoring event "is organized by the Croatian Catholic Church." This honoring of diabolic mass murderers and war criminals appears to be a Catholic sponsored event. Hold on here! Why is this type of event organized by the Catholics? Well, it is simply Catholics honoring the diabolic, murderous soldiers of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which were mass murdering people in cold blood. Put in other more accurate words, it appears that these earlier Catholics were working to please their Vatican/Jesuit masters by doing large-scale acts of human sacrifice, by sacrificing those the hierarcy deemed as being heretics.

When all things are considered, it does appear that what happened in Croatia during the World War Two era was simply a part of the old Roman Catholic tradition of bloody and murderous Crusades and Inquistions, which definitely include diabolic events of large scale torture and mass murder --- which are just another form of human sacrifice. This does tend to go along with what is allegedly said during that diabolic Jesuit ceremony, when the "superior" tells the advancing Jesuit that "none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for 'without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.'" (1)(2)(3)(4) And, it does appear that as long as the Vatican/Jesuit organization is allowed to exist upon this earth, these types of things will continue to happen (1).



In recent times, many associated with the Vatican/Jesuit crowd have been pushing for virtually the unrestricted entry of Muslim refugees into the United States. It appears that the Vatican crowd is also pushing for the entry of other "tools" which the hierarchy of that organization can readily use in the days ahead. To those who have seriously done their research, it appears that there is a questionable agenda behind what the Vatican hierarchy actually wants with the influx of all these foreigners.

There is reason to believe that the Vatican/Jesuit crowd is preparing "the playing field" for what the hierarchy of that organization has planned for the United States in the chaotic days ahead. At least some of the plans which the Vatican/Jesuit organization has for the United States is shown in this presentation. The bottom line is, that organization is not the friend of the authentic United States.

Information about the Vatican/Jesuit crowd, along with their Ecumenical allies (called "closet Catholics") who are pushing foreign refugees on the citizens of the United States, is found in the pages linked below. Now, there is something very important which is worth noting closely. Those working for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which includes their "closet Catholic" allies, want to make this refugee stuff sound real noble. But, is that what is really motivating them? What is their real purpose for doing these things, beyond just that rather large amount of taxpayer money which they are steadily scarfing up and all that "ego-puffing" publicity which they get?

About this time, wise U.S. citizens possibly need to let history be their guide in relation to what is really happening in our country. Now, it is time to get very real. It is time to observe at least part of the historic connection between certain Muslims and then those members of organizations which were acting as "the sword of the Catholic Church." It is time to consider the Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, which hijacked that which was formerly Protestant Germany. Then, as part of the continuing Counter Reformation and war against all Protestantism, the Vatican/Jesuit "pawns" brought that formerly decent country on the road to genocide and large-scale ruin.

The information accessed via the cluster of buttons below shows that the Vatican/Jesuit-inspired Nazi "pawns" and agents from Germany seemed to have a strong connection with at least a certain segment of the Muslims. And then, as Nazi Germany was brought to ruin and was crumbling during the latter part of World War Two, many of the more major Nazi war criminals and Vatican "holy warriors" escaped justice at the Nuremburg Trials by heading mainly in two directions: to the Americas or to Muslim countries in the Middle East.

Numerous Nazi war criminals, especially those who were part of militant Catholic secret societies like the Knights of Malta, etc., were illegally brought into the United States using questionable programs like Operation Paperclip. Once in the United States, many of them were placed into key positions of power and influence, with the help of their treasonous Knights of Malta brethren who were already in key positions in the government and military of the United States.

When things are examined closely, it does appear that the same crowd of Vatican/Jesuit instigators and Nazi war criminals which caused the ruin and fall of formerly Protestant Germany, were illegally brought into the United States to prepare for doing the same thing to this country. This process all appears to be just a continuation of the ongoing Counter Reformation. Oh, before we forget, let us check out those pages below which include information about the Nazi-Muslim-terrorist connection, which actually appears to be a Vatican/Jesuit created problem for our world. This information, plus that which follows, should be educational for many U.S. citizens.


Earlier in the section above, it was noted that after the fall of Nazi Germany, a number of the Nazi war criminals escaped to Muslim countries in the Middle East. Then, linked further below, there is that revealing article which is titled Old Nazis Never Die. For starters, the article indicates that the Nazi war criminal named Alois Brunner lived in Damascus, Syria, until his death when he was in his late 90s. And, during his time in Syria, it appears that this Nazi war criminal may have been an advisor to the Syrian government.

From all the evidence, it appears that the Nazi-Muslim connection continued to a surprisingly large degree, even for many years after World War Two. The pages linked below indicate that there were actually quite a few Nazis who fled to and were living in Muslim countries after World War Two. This situation allowed for the continuing connection between "the sword of the Catholic Church," which the evidence indicates the Nazis were, and at least a certain segment of the Muslims.

Actually, since the evidence indicates that the Nazis were actually part of "the sword of the Catholic Church," possibly things need to be stated another way, in order to be more accurate. Possibly it could be said that there has been a direct connection between the criminal agents which were called the Nazis (which were working for the Vatican/Jesuit organization) and those various segments of the Muslims, which has continued long after the end of World War Two.

Looking further at the article linked below, plus the many Nazi war criminals which fled to the Middle East, it states that "hundreds fanned out through the Middle East, primarily to Egypt and Syria." So, here it can clearly be seen that in the aftermath of World War Two, the Vatican/Jesuit-linked "holy warrior" instigators from Nazi Germany spread like a cancer throughout various places in the Middle East, possibly for a specific reason.

It almost appears like some of the major Nazi murderers of the Jews, after failing to completely exterminate the Jews for their "Roman" masters during World War Two, then moved to countries surrounding Israel where they could continue to work toward the destruction of the Jews. And again, in all of this, it does appear that the Nazis were simply being used as "the sword of the Catholic Church." So, this "Nazi move" in the Middle East could possibly be interpreted as the Vatican/Jesuit organization "moving in," by proxy, for the Jewish kill.

Regarding these Vatican/Jesuit-connected "holy warriors" who had spread out through the Middle East, the page linked below states that "governments sometimes recruited them to build up military and intelligence programs." The page also states: "Following the defeat of the Arab coalition by the Israelis in 1948, German advisers were discreetly sought out [by the Arabs] as the best resources for building new, stronger armies." The page also speaks of "German soldiers of fortune, fugitives and propagandists." Among this group, it notes Lt. Gen. Artur Schmitt, whom the Arab League recruited "to help form a more effective fighting force," in order to overcome and wipe out the Jews.

The linked page also speaks about a Syrian agent who "traveled to Rome to seek out Walter Rauff, who helped develop the vans used as mobile gas chambers, to lead a search for military and intelligence advisers." Yes, Rauff was in Rome! The page goes on to state: "Within months dozens of Nazis made their way to Damascus, including Franz Stangl, who had commanded the Sobibor death camp." The page states further: "More than 50 Germans were known to have gone to Syria, while at least 70 more went to Egypt. Many fugitives, like Heim, converted to Islam and adopted Muslim names, making them more difficult to track."

By this time, it should be rather clear that since World War Two, the "holy warrior" agents with a link to the Vatican/Jesuit organization were very connected and influencial with the Muslims, especially in military and intelligence settings in the Middle East. The Catholic agents and Muslims appear to have been steadily working together, during and after World War Two. Via this avenue, the agents of Rome have possibly had a considerable amount of influence on the radical Muslims which we now see today, some of which are possibly being brought into the United States as "refugees," by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

When it comes to the subject of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi-Muslim connection, there is a lot of important information to consider in the article linked above. A version of the linked article actually appeared in print in The New York Times of January 10, 2015; in Section SR, on Page 7. The linked article is well worth reading all the way through, for the information it contains may help U.S. citizens to better understand what has been happening in the Middle East and who is actually behind many of the problems which exist in this region.

Once again, because of its importance --- as shown in many places throughout this presentation, the Nazis appear to have simply been "the sword of the Catholic Church." It appears that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were raised up by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, in order to be their "tools" which they could use to conquer the world and bring it under the domination of the pope's organization and their one-world government, which is now called the New World Order. The Nazis could also be used as a "tool" for dealing with "the Jewish problem."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)

Once again, there is an important piece of information to consider, which is found in the article linked above. One of the Nazi war criminals, who had even been "the most-wanted Nazi in the world," comfortably lived out his days in Egypt, after he escaped from crumbling Nazi Germany. This Nazi, Dr. Aribert Heim, simply "converted to Islam" and blended in with the people in Cairo, Egypt. And, as already noted from the information in the page linked above, many other Nazis war criminals and agents did the same thing. Now, because of what has been happening in and to the United States, there are some things which should be considered.

There has been a strong connection between the Nazis "holy warriors" (agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, who were "the sword of the Catholic Church") and Muslim governments in the Middle East, even after World War Two. Therefore, we must consider how Muslims in the Middle East may have been influenced in their beliefs and feelings about the United States, because of the Nazi war criminals who lived among and influenced them. So, it is time for an important question.

Have Muslims who are now wanting entry into the United States as "refugees," been "infected" to some degree with Nazi-type or with Knight-of-Malta-type "holy warrior" indoctrination? And, how many of these Muslims, once inside the U.S., may potentially become part of "the sword of the Catholic Church." Let it once again be clearly noted that at least a certain segment of the Muslims were, especially in past times in places like Catholic Croatia, acting as part of "the sword of the Catholic Church," as they helped slaughter those considered as being "heretics" by the Vatican/Jesuit organization.


There is one more factor to "throw into the pot," especially since things are "being stirred" as we are examining various parts of "the sword of the Catholic Church," plus what it looks like today. Besides those with a Nazi "holy warrior" mentality, there is also the CIA which is working in the Middle East. There is something to consider about the CIA. Over the years, this agency has obtained knicknames like "Catholics In Action" and "Catholic Intelligence Agency"(1)(2), possibly because those who, by an Oath, are under the control of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization are in virtually all the key positions of influence and control in the CIA. And, it should be noted that many of the key "players" in control of the CIA are members of the Knights of Malta.

Members of the Knights of Malta, along with members of the other various Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies (like the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, etc.), by an Oath, are supposed to be in full submission to, plus in full allegiance to, the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. Now it is time for one more important piece of information. It appears that all of these people are part of the militia of the pope --- or more clearly, are part of "the sword of the Catholic Church." And, their sworn allegiance is to the pope in the Vatican, plus to the Jesuit General in Rome, over and above any allegiance to the United States, its Constitution or its citizens.

To make sure things are very clear to the reader, there is something to consider about the somewhat mysterious Jesuit General. Once again, this foreign-based Jesuit General is ultimately in control of even all the members of the Knights of Malta (plus in control of the members of the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, etc.) who reside in the United States. And, the members of these secret societies who are under the control of the foreign-based Jesuit General are in key positions of influence and control in the CIA and other agencies, in the U.S. military, the government, the judiciary and in law enforcement. In other words, it appears that we are looking at the foreign-controlled "sword of the Catholic Church," which is directly within and virtually in control of the United States.


There is more to consider about this foreign-based Jesuit General. The Jesuit General is actually a full military general. This is made clear in the following words from that famous and knowledgeable Frenchman of earlier times, named Napoleon Bonaparte: "The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

The members of the army which is under the control of the Jesuit General are scattered throughout virtually all the countries of this world. The members of this army are most often found in key positions of influence and control in the various governments and militaries of this world. And, the members of this subtle and generally hidden army are steadily working to further the agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It is very important to note that the members of those secret societies which are noted further above are virtually all part of the militia of the pope. They are virtually all part of "the sword of the Catholic Church" and are working to dominate and control all the goverments and countries of this world.

In earlier times, the Jesuits did their own "dirty work" of undermining countries (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). They were the "boots in the field," as they worked to dominate governments and peoples and bring the countries of the world under full submission to the agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit organization (1)(2). But now, it appears that things are done a bit differently. Over the years, there were a number of secret societies raised up, which then became a mighty army of "worker bees" for the Jesuits. It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization now uses the members of its secret societies as their "boots in the field," to do the "dirty work" of undermining, overthrowing and taking control of governments, militaries and countries, plus enslaving the citizens of these countries.

The Jesuit General and his organization appear to mainly be "the brains" and the puppet-masters of this vast army, while the members of the secret societies are the actual "muscle" for the organization. At this point, to better understand what has been happening over the years, it would be good to look at the historic induction ceremony for those Jesuits who are being elevated to the position of command. What is allegedly stated in that ceremony may help people to better understand why there are certain things which seem to be happening over and over again in our world, like virtually continuous unrest and war. In the ceremony where the Oath is taken, the advancing Jesuit is allegedly told the following by their Superior:

"You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

These days, it appears that the army of "worker bees" in the various secret societies (like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, etc.) are the actual ones "in the field" who work to stir up trouble, undermine governments, plus cause bloodshed, war and hardship around the world. It appears that their job is to weaken the nations and bring them under full submission to the rising, one-world government of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Their one-world government is now called the New World Order. Once again, it must be remembered that agencies like the CIA are virtually controlled by the Knights of Malta and their allies, which ultimately means that the CIA is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome, as part of "the sword and army of the Catholic Church."

In that excerpt a couple of paragraphs above, which comes from the alleged Jesuit ceremony for those advancing to the level of command, there is something very important which should once again be noted. It appears that a large part of the job of the advancing Jesuit is to go into different areas around the world. They are also to go to areas where the people are living in peace and harmony, plus where the people are advancing in the arts and sciences. Then, in those areas, the Jesuits are supposed to stir up trouble, contention and war. This appears to be especially true if the Jesuits are working in an area which they class as not being "Catholic." This activity appears to be part of the continuing Counter Reformation, as the Jesuits work to dominate and enslave the whole world.

A perfect example of the type of activity noted above would be pre-World-War-Two Germany. In the earlier 1900s, Germany was a Protestant country which was greatly advancing in the arts and sciences. A Wikipedia page linked here is titled Science and technology in Germany. When it comes to the sciences, the linked page states: "Germany has been the home of some of the most prominent researchers in various scientific disciplines, notably physics, mathematics, chemistry and engineering. Before World War II, Germany had generated more Nobel laureates in scientific fields than any other nation." History indicates that the Jesuits then raised up Adolph Hitler and his Nazis, which hijacked Protestant Germany and converted it into the diabolic Nazi Germany. This is noted in more detail in this presentation.

According to the information about the Jesuit Oath ceremony, which is linked a few paragraphs above, when the Jesuits are working in an area which they class as being "heretic," as was the case in pre-World-War-Two Germany, they are to, "when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth," And, as appears to have been the case in Germany, what better way to accomplish these things than to hijack the country, using your Knights of Malta, etc., and then bring the country into a very destructive war. As a note, it appears that the same nature of thing has been set up, over time in the United States, and we will soon see how it all unfolds.

In the United States, it appears that the Jesuits have delegated a lot of the treasonous work to their "worker bees" who are members of the various Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies. These "worker bees" are now virtually in control of agencies like the CIA and the U.S. military. Together, these two agencies have a history of stirring up trouble in foreign countries, plus even directly within the United States (1)(2), as will be discussed more fully elsewhere in this presentation. Together, the CIA and the military have a history of overthrowing various foreign governments. Then, the "dirty work" of these agencies --- agencies which appear to be under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome --- is often blamed on the authentic U.S. government, as can be seen in the pages linked below.


It is very well known, especially from things like the information linked in the section above, that the CIA has been steadily working to overthrow and take control of governments around the world. Once again, the CIA appears to be a Jesuit-controlled agency, which is controlled through its personnel who are members of the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei and such like secretive organizations.

Once again, because it cannot be stressed enough, these people in the secret societies are part of the militia of the pope, plus they are part of "the sword of the Catholic Church." And, when considering the CIA, it appears that there is more to this story. It appears that the CIA has not acted in the way it was meant to --- at least meant to by people like President Truman, who, from information in this presentation, appears to have been hoodwinked into allowing the CIA to be created back in 1947.

It is now time to look more closely at this CIA, which has been working to overthrow governments around the world. The CIA was made up of many Nazis and Knights of Malta, which are all part of the militia of the pope and definitely appear to be part of "the sword of the Catholic Church." When it comes to the Middle East, the CIA (which also has the knickname, Catholics In Action) has a history of raising up and supporting various militant Muslim groups. So, possibly there are some things to think about and truly consider in the pages linked below. Some of the pages indicate that the CIA "(or the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization)" may have helped to create ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Looking further at things in the Middle East, there are those military arms which the CIA purchased, which just happened to end up arming the so-called terrorist group, ISIS. And, there are those who act like all this was an accident. Well, when considering all of this, could the basic essence of the words which follow, which are from former President Franklin D. Roosevelt, possibly have application here? Roosevelt allegedly declared: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."(1)(2)(3) So, did the militia of the pope and "the sword of the Catholic Church" truly intend for those arms to get into the hands of ISIS, in the first place?

Once again, in all of this, we must remember that the CIA was made up of many Nazis, including war criminals, and also many members of that Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret society called the Knights of Malta. And, once again, all of these types of people are basically part of "the militia of the pope" and "the sword of the Catholic Church." They are basically under the control of the Jesuit organization, which has been noted for stirring things up and starting many wars upon this earth. Their alleged purpose on this earth, plus what it appears they have been doing and other related information is noted in the pages linked below.

Because the controlling segment of the CIA appears to be part of "the sword of the Catholic Church," is that the true reason why they have been stirring up trouble and overthrowing governments around the world? Is there true job to further the agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and help to bring into being their one-world government called the New World Order? And then, when it comes to the United States, what has been the goal of the Vatican/Jesuit organization since virtually the birth of this country? Yes, the Vatican and its Jesuits have wanted to destroy the authentic, Constitutional Republic of the United States and enslave its citizens. Why? Because many U.S. citizens are classed as "heretics" who do not bow to the pope and his agents.

With the Vatican/Jesuit-influenced Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and those other Vatican/Jesuit influenced agencies questionably stockpiling those billions of rounds of ammunition (link) --- much of it being very devastating hollow-point ammunition --- something very big is being prepared for in the United States. And then, on the other hand, while it appears that all the preparations are being made for some huge event, it appears that U.S. citizens are being purposely distracted with lots of things like entertainment, video games and many other frivolous activities. About this point, there are some words which possibly should be considered.

The following words from the Lord Jesus Christ are found in the uncorrupted Holy Bible: "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." (Luke 21:34-36)

Again, it is written: "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." (see: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) It is coming, and it is coming fast.


When it comes to the Catholic-Nazi-Muslim connection which was spoken about earlier in this presentation, there are some things to think about further. Adolf Hitler and his Nazis were obviously connected to the Vatican/Jesuit organization, many of them through Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies like the Knights of Malta. The first page linked below indicates that the Knights of Malta are a Roman Catholic military order. In earlier times, it appears that they were also called the Order of Saint John, whose predecessor appears to have been the Knights Hospitaller.

The second linked page indicates that after the First Roman Catholic Crusade in 1096, there were three warrior monk orders which were founded. The three orders were "the Knights Templar, the Knights Hospitallers, and the Teutonic Knights." The page states what then happened later, with these words: "The dissolution of the Templars in 1312 effectively broke the order, and much Templar property was transferred to the Hospitallers."

The third linked page, obviously from a Catholic site, indicates that the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem is also known as the Knights of Malta. But, prior to being called the Knights of Malta, they were the Knights of Rhodes. The Hospitallers had been chased out of the Palestine region by the Muslims, to then eventually settle on the island of Rhodes. Then, they were chased from Rhodes, to then settle on the island of Malta, at which time they became known as the Knights of Malta.

According to the third page, there was "the fusion of the Hospitallers with the remaining Knights Templar, subsequent to the suppression of the latter (1312). This fusion at the same time increased the wealth of the order, to which the pope assigned the property of the Templars in every country except Aragon and Portugal." So, it is clear that the Knights Hospitallers were fused together with the remains of the Knights Templar, and then, the combined group eventually became known as the Knights of Malta.

Now that it is clearly established that there is Knights Templar "blood" in the Knights of Malta, there is another thing to consider. The page linked below speaks of the "Treaty of Ramla of 1192" and the "Treaty of Acre of 1229 AD." These treaties established "peace and cooperation between the Knights Templar and the Muslim Saracen Knights of Arabian Chivalry..." The page states: "The historical record, directly from 12th century sources, conclusively proves that the Templar Order was never against Islam as a religion, Muslims were in fact admitted to membership in the Templar Order as an exception, and the Sultan Salahadin himself was given the Templar Knighting Ceremony near Alexandria."

The linked page declares: "Muslims are not called 'Templars', but participate indirectly through parallel membership in the autonomous 'Knights of the Order of Saladin', under Sovereign Patronage of the Templar Order as a non-territorial Principality, united by the same Code of Chivalry of 1066 AD. By this authentic arrangement, Muslims enjoy full and equal participation in the general membership activities and events of the Templar Order, through the separate affiliate Order, while maintaining the distinct cultural identities of both Orders. This gives modern Templars the genuine medieval experience of interaction with their historical counterparts, in the finest tradition of mutual cooperation in true Chivalry."

The page linked below, in its entry for December 15, 2016, declares: "The Templar Order honours the Treaty of Ramla of 1192 AD between King Richard the Lionheart and the Sultan Salahadin, which declared peace and essentially united the Templars with the Knights of Saladin. That key treaty was restored and reconfirmed by the Treaty of Acre of 1229 AD between Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and Saladin's successor Al-Kamil, supporting mutual cooperation of the Knights Templar with Muslim Saracens in preserving Holy sites and heritage. Such joint Templar-Muslim cooperation continues today, expanded to general restoration of the collective sacred knowledge and underlying principles of Faith which belong to all of humanity, together upholding those pillars of civilization."

The linked page also states that the Templar Order "understands that Islam requires a special approach to accommodate Muslim members: Instead of calling Muslims 'Templars', giving the appearance of them adopting Christian traditions, the Order prefers to fully respect and preserve authentic spiritual Islam in its own right, and to support and celebrate the integrity of its Arabian traditions which Muslim members contribute to the Order... In this way, the Order of Saladin effectively serves as the 'Muslim side' of the Templar Order."

So, there obviously is a direct connection between the Templars and the Muslims, which Templars, in earlier times, eventually morphed into the Knights of Malta, which are still among us today. And in our day, it appears that part of the Knights of Malta and their secret society brethren are in control of the CIA, the U.S. military and government, plus many other agencies. And now, it is time to look at this Catholic-Muslim connection even further.


From an examination of all the information in the sections above, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit crowd will use whomever they can, whenever they can, as "tools" to do their "dirty work," as they work to gain control of the world. In Croatia during World War Two, as noted further above, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization even used the Muslims. These two groups, the Muslims and the Catholics, have worked together slaughtering peoples before, and there is reason to believe that they may soon be working together again, if the slaughter of the new Crusades and Inquisition happens directly within the United States.

So, there possibly may be a more hidden reason why the Vatican/Jesuit organization and their ecumenical allies have been working hard to help Muslim refugees gain access to the United States. This working hard to bring Muslims and Catholic allies into the United States can clearly be seen in the pages linked below. And then, on top of everything, the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its allies have been bringing potential problems into the United States, at taxpayers' expense. To a large degree, it appears that taxpayers have been forced to pay for a large share of this refugee invasion, even from known terrorist countries.

This time around, if an American Holocaust occurs, it appears that the Catholics and the Muslims may be working together to crush any Protestantism and authentic Bible-believing Christians. In this crushing of Bible-believing Christians, they may also be working with the Catholic-bred illegal aliens which have been coming across the southern border, plus possibly also with aliens from elsewhere, some with a background in Ustasha mentality. There is also a possibility that the neo-Nazis may also be tied in with all this, which may be deciphered from the pages linked below. And then, there is yet another thing to consider in all of this, which will be presented next.

There is a question in a number of peoples' minds about how the Catholic warrior, Erik Prince, and his associated "holy warrior" crowd fits into all of this. This mercenary crowd, which included the Blackwater organization, has worked before on U.S. soil, plus elsewhere. It appears that they may potentially be "perfecting their style" elsewhere, in preparation for the coming, major event in the United States. In this, there is something else to note.

In relatively recent times, the Erik Prince mercenary crowd has been tied to the training and using of personnel from south of the U.S. border, in at least military operations overseas (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). And, once again, in all of this, there is one important thing to note. It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization and their secret society agents (Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Knights of Columbus, etc.) are the actual ringleaders in all of these things, plus in any preparations for potentially treasonous activity which may be planned for the United States, against U.S. citizens.

Now, it is time to consider the alleged historic Oath-taking ceremony in the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies. In this ceremony, the inductee to the higher level in these secretive organizations allegedly swears: "I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth... That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet..."

The members of and those in control of these secret societies appear to commonly deny that these Oaths exist or are used in their questionable and possibly treasonous organizations. But, possibly there is a bit of "Jesuitism" involved here. For those who may have missed it earlier (link), or for those who need a refresher on that old word "Jesuitism," once again, we must look back to the 1800s for the true definition of this word. The 1828 Webster's dictionary (link) defines the word "Jesuitism" as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." And, the word prevarication means "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie." (link) So yes, there is a good reason to believe that they would deny the existence of the Oaths.



Further above, it is noted that what appears to be a Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Department of Homeland Security (DHS), along with other like agencies, have been arming themselves, virtually "to the teeth." It appears they are planning for some very big event to happen directly within the United States.

Now, to those who have done their research, it appears that there is a more hidden reason why the agents and pawns of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus those who are associated with or manipulated by them, are working so hard to disarm U.S. citizens. The reason may be deciphered from the information found in the pages and videos which are linked below. It appears that the linked information is really something which is worth reading through and considering. And, in this whole situation, we may be very wise to let history be our guide.

The record of history indicates that governments which disarm their citizens are generally not governments to be trusted. History shows that before things like mass repression and mass murder are perpetrated by governments, they commonly disarm the general public. The Vatican/Jesuit instigated government of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis is one example of a government which disarmed many of its citizens. After that, Nazi Germany spiralled into some serious mass repression and mass murder, plus mass genocide and serious crimes against humanity. And again, disarming citizens was one of the first steps which led down that ugly road. So, U.S. citizens, take note!

It is becoming more clear all the time that the U.S. government has been hijacked by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and, as a result, the U.S. government is horribly broken. It is not functioning properly at all. We also see police shooting citizens. So, these are very good reasons for U.S. citizens to be concerned about ever being disarmed. Furthermore, as stated in the page linked below, "George Mason, called the father of the Bill of Rights, said, 'What is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.'" And on that note, there is something rather important to consider.

In the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy indicated that there is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child (link). That he stated, before those who are manipulating things behind the scenes had Kennedy murdered in public. It appears that those who are working to enslave U.S. citizens had Kennedy brutally assassinated, because he was subtly beginning to reveal the truth, in some of what he was saying, about what was really happening to this country and its citizens.

Well, Kennedy was able to speak just enough so that those who will listen can realize what his words really meant. In our day, Kennedy clearly speaks from the grave, possibly louder than he ever did in life. And, to the chagrin of those who thought they had permanently silenced him before, in November of 1963, there is now no further way to silence him. To those who have truly done their research, the subtle words which Kennedy left behind, when matched with the record of history, are speaking louder than ever.

There is now something important to note. It appears that horrendous deception is being used to get Americans disarmed, as things are prepared for the total takeover by the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears that they want the total hijacking of the country to go as smoothly a possibly for them. In working to bring in the so-called "Red Flag" gun control bills, they are all traitors to the authentic United States and to its Constitution. They are all just criminals who are horrendously violating their Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. They are the domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Once the criminals in government treasonously bring in the "Red Flag" gun control laws, they will continuously add more and more classes of people to the list of "dangerous" people. That is the deceptive way the treasonous agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have generally worked. It is the way they worked when they hijacked Germany using the Nazis. In that very same way, they intend to get the people of the United States disarmed, especially the authentic Bible-believing Christians and those who truly believe in the Constitution of the United States of America and what this country is really supposed to be all about.

Anyway, to get a better understanding of who at least some of the traitors and treasonous people are in the United States, just check out the pages linked below. It appears that many of these traitors have a link to the Vatican/Jesuit organization, in one way or another. Trump, also, was Jesuit trained. And, as part of "the game," he changed from being a Democrat to a Republican, apparently to ensure that a Jesuit-trained agent became the President of the United States.

And, for those who have done their research, it appears that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been the instigators of the mass shootings in the United States, plus in other places around the world. That way, they can get the citizens disarmed. That seems to be just part of their history. And, it appears they have been perpetrating these things in the United States, in order to get the gullible into agreeing to disarm the citizens of this country. Now for those pages.

Now for those pages linked below. They present information which really should be considered. From the looks of the drive to disarm U.S. citizens, it appears that the conspiracy is very large --- to bring in the Vatican/Jesuit controlled New World Order, to despotically rule over and tread down the citizens of the United States.

President Kennedy was right in the early 1960s, when he stated that there is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. We are watching it rapidly happen today. It appears that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are working rapidly to complete the hijacking of the United States. Remember Nazi Germany, which was created from hijacked Protestant Germany.

In a number of the pages linked above, it is rather clear that the United Nations and its lackeys are behind the disarming of U.S. citizens. Once it is clearly understood that the United Nations is simply a front for the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agenda for world conquest, then things begin to make a lot more sense. The United Nations is the organization which appears to be working to raise up the so-called New World Order. Now, those who have seriously done their research understand that the New World Order is simply the reviving Holy Roman Empire, but this time around, it is on steroids. So again, all roads lead to Rome.


In more recent years, the Vatican and its allies have been calling for an elimination of 90 percent or more of the world's population, as rapidly as possible. These things are noted, to a much larger degree and in more detail, in a section titled The Vatican, the Nazis, and Eugenics, which is linked here. The linked section is part of a much larger page which resides on another site. What all the signs are pointing to is that the mass execution of humans is on the horizon for this world. And, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization will be the ones behind this mass murder, or, more realistically, this worldclass case of mass human sacrifice.

In the past, the Vatican crowd pulled off the Crusades and Inquisitions, in order to kill or sacrifice a lot of people. In the 1900s, the evidence indicates that the Vatican/Jesuit organization raised up Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, so they could hijack Protest Germany and turn it into the sword of the Catholic Church." This "sword of the Catholic Church" then went out to conquer and exterminate as many people as possible from the face of this earth. Again, this appears to have actually been an extremely large case of human sacrifice.

And now, all the signs are clearly indicating that the treasonous agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have virtually taken over the U.S. government and its military, plus a large share of its agencies like the CIA, NSA, FBI, etc., along with many of the law enforcement agencies and the judicial system. Because of this, and because of their desire to exterminate around 90 percent of the world's population, there is a very good reason for U.S. citizens to never give up their arms. What is coming --- what the Vatican/Jesuit organization will instigate, in order to wipe out citizens --- is that huge event which the uncorrupted Holy Bible calls the great tribulation.

At this time, the agents and pawns which are under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are working hard to convince the citizens of this world that there is this huge danger from climate change and carbon dioxide. Well, carbon dioxide is "plant food" and plants need it in order to survive. Nevertheless, the deception is steadily being perpetrated by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit, plus the overall conspiracy is big, and because of this, many are deceived. So, under the facade of climate change, the Vatican/Jesuit organization is working to make the extermination of 90 percent of the world's population sound very logical to the gullible --- to the gullible and the spiritually blind, who will spend eternity tormented in the lake of fire.


Further above in this presentation, information from the Revelation was initially presented, regarding that "woman" which is called Babylon. More specifically, this "woman" is called "BABYLON THE GREAT," for this "woman" or church organization practices the religion of Babylon with even a much greater sphere of influence and control than did the orginal religion in ancient times, when it was practiced in the original Babylon.

Once again, this "woman," which is a powerful church organization which is spiritually known as "Babylon the Great," is shown as being "drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." Further above, is large scale murder of orphans and others in Canadian institutions associated with the Catholic Church was shown. Then there was a little of the history of Catholics murdering people at various times in history, like in their Inquisitions. Then there was the large-scale murder by Catholics of non-Catholics in Croatia, plus the Catholic Nazis is Germany exterminating millions. And, this is just some of the murderous atrocities connected to the Catholic organization.

The following words from the uncorrupted Holy Bible were also spoken about this "woman," or about this major church organization, which is also known as the great whore, or, the great spiritual whore: "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies." (Revelation 18:2-3)

So, "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen." This "church" which is spiritually known as "Babylon the great," is the very fallen church of the Vatican/Jesuit conglomerate. And again, this horrendously fallen church has fallen away from the true way of Christ and God, as its merry band of raping priests and others are sexually abusing, sodomizing and raping boys and girls and others. This "church," which has caused so much suffering, sorrow and destruction upon this earth is, once again, identified in the pages linked below. And because this Vatican/Jesuit conglomerate is so utterly fallen from the true way of God, it shall ultimately instigate the great tribulation and mass murder, or mass human sacrifice upon this earth.

Because the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "church" is so extremely fallen away from the true way of Christ and the genuine Spirit of the authentic God of heaven, this greatly fallen church can no longer hide what it truly is. Therefore, it is virtually "splitting at the seams" with wickedness. It is now becoming very obvious to the world that it has "become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird," as its "priests" and nuns are doing things like raping little boys and girls, plus others, virtually on an "industrial" scale.

It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "church" is virtually "splitting at the seams" with wickedness, because it is so full of wickedness that it can no longer contain itself. And, its hierarchy must know that its time is getting rather short upon this earth. And because the house of Satan knows that it has but a short time left upon this earth, it is seeking to enslave and destroy as many as it can, as it is on its way out to an eternity in the lake of fire.

As its final criminal act upon this earth, the greatly fallen Vatican/Jesuit organization will instigate the great tribulation. It is beginning to appear that it will do this under the guise of climate change and needing to eliminate around 90 percent of more of the earth's population in a supposed attempt to "save" the earth. But, it is just another ploy which the Vatican/Jesuit organization is using, in order to get people to do large-scale human sacrifice. And then will soon come the end of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, as the earth shall swallow the Vatican and surrounding Rome into a lake of fire. It shall never be found or inhabited again, and the smoke of its buring shall go up forever and ever. Yes, this earth has been created for righteous judgment.



The following words from the early 1960s are attributed to President John F. Kennedy: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)(3) It appears that President Kennedy saw something very horrible, which was operating behind the scenes. But, it appears that there has been a lot of controversy and "nay-saying" about the preceding words from Kennedy. It appears that a lot of this controvery and "nay-saying" is being created by the re-writers of history who would like those words to be "buried." Possibly it is because these re-writers of history are part of, or "tools" of, the "unfolding" plot.

The writer's research tends to indicate that those involved with the plot were doing their best to ensnare President Kennedy into going along with the plot. But, because they ultimately assassinated President Kennedy, it is obvious that he did not join in and become part of the conspiracy to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States. So, who were possibly those who are part of this plot? As we begin to explore the answer to this question, let us look at some of the things which President Kennedy was having to deal with, behind the scenes.

Available information indicates that, during the presidency of John F. Kennedy, the Pentagon and the CIA were working hard to get the United States into a nuclear war of mutual annihilation with the Soviet Union. In such a war, both governments and populations would have been ruined. Information relating to at least some of what was happening during the presidency of John F. Kennedy is presented in a page linked here, which page is titled John F. Kennedy's Vision of Peace. It is worth reading through the linked page and learning some of the history which the general public is not commonly told.

In the way that the Pentagon and the CIA were operating in the early 1960s, it appears that they were riding the fine edge of being insubordinate to President John F. Kennedy. Now, what appears to be the reason why the military hierarchy and the CIA were operating in this way? Well, in case you may have missed it earlier in this presentation, prior to John F. Kennedy's presidency in the early 1960s, the military and the CIA had illegally been infested with numerous Nazi "holy warriors" from hijacked and ruined Germany, which "holy warriors" were part of the militia of the pope and "the sword of the Catholic Church." Many of these people were war criminals and had been illegally brought into the United States by their American-based secret society brethren which were associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and ultimately under the command of the Jesuit General.

These Nazis from hijacked Germany were, once again, part of "the sword of the Catholic Church." As shown elsewhere in this presentation, many of the Nazis and their supporters were members of that Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret society called the Knights of Malta, which is part of the militia of the pope and is under the control of the Jesuit General. So, they basically work for the Jesuits and do their "dirty work." And, these Nazi "holy warriors" from hijacked Germany were illegally brought into the United States by their Knights of Malta brethren who were already in positions of influence and control in the United States military and the intelligence services. So, it appears there may have been a "hidden" reason why the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization wanted to "drown" the United States in a war of annihilation with the old Soviet Union.

Well, the agents in the U.S. military and in the CIA which are working for the Vatican/Jesuit organization were not able to get the United States into an all-out nuclear war of mutual annihilation with the old Soviet Union. But, it appears they have been able to get the U.S. into a lot of other wars since. All of this seems to bring a lot of profit to the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization who appear to be in control of a lot of the military-industrial complex in the United States. So, if you wonder why the United States has been in so many wars over the years, possibly now you may have an answer. Some say that if the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents did not exist upon this earth, the United States would not have been hijacked, to then be in all of these wars.

Now, it is time to begin looking at those agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which are generally members of those various secret societies which they control. In a speech which President John F. Kennedy made on April 27, 1961, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City, he proclaimed the following:

"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

President Kennedy saw that there was something seriously wrong, something which was even un-American, with "secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings." Possibly he was concerned about what these secret societies, even ones like the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones from Yale University and other Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies were steadily doing to the authentic United States and to genuine U.S. citizens. He was possibly very concerned about what these questionable organizations were doing, as they were freely and apparently, in many cases, treasonously operating behind the scenes, as they worked to hijack the country and enslave every man, woman and child in the United States.

There is something to now consider. Research indicates that the modern type of communism was initially created by the Jesuits in the Reductions of South America. This is where the Jesuits utterly dominated and enslaved the native peoples. Fascism was also raised up by the Jesuits. It appears that they commonly use at least these two ideologies, if not more, when it is to their advantage as tools which can be used to raise up factions, strife and wars. And, the purpose of these wars is to control and weaken the nations and bring them further and further under the domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its world government which is based in the midst of Rome, Italy, with its legislative body in New York City --- that being the United Nations.

Returning to the words from President John F. Kennedy, in that same speech in which he spoke about the repugnancy of secret societies and secret oaths and secret proceedings, he stated: "Today no war has been declared -- and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired." (1)(2)(3)(4)

So, it is very clear from the words of President Kennedy, already back in the early 1960s, our intended way of life in the United States was under attack. And, looking at the words from Kennedy a few paragraphs above, it appears that in this attack on our intended way of life in the United States, the enemy was working to prevent us from living according to the earlier traditions of our country. These earlier intended traditions of our country included authentic freedom and individual liberty. But the enemy was subtly and steadily working to destroy these things.

The things spoken about above by President John F. Kennedy bring to mind some words from President Abraham Lincoln, before he was assassinated in the mid-1800s. He declared: "I pity the priests, the bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides.
          "The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."
The preceeding words, or a portion thereof, are found within the pages linked below.

Returning to the words of that speech which President John F. Kennedy gave in 1961, he then stated: "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence -- on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed." (1)(2)(3)(5)

So, considering the words of President Abraham Lincoln presented a little further above, which came from the mid-1800s, who was President John F. Kennedy possibly speaking about in the early 1960s? Who was really behind the Cold War, which came after World War Two? Who had initially raised up the Communism which found a home in Communist Russia, and then the Fascism which was used to hijack formerly Protestant Germany? Who has been hijacking the United States through the use of its agents and pawns associated with the various Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies --- those secret societies which freely and potentially treasonously operate within the United States? Whose agents and pawns have been steadily working in the United States to get laws changed, so they can enslave every man, woman and child in this country, as they are hijacking the country?

Let us now look to the words of another former President of the United States. Let us consider some words from Woodrow Wilson, which indicate that a sinister force was taking over the country by at least the earlier 1900s. He declared: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." (1)(2)(3)(4) What is Woodrow Wilson talking about here, which was being observed in the earlier 1900s? What was this "something" --- what was this organized power that seemed to be in control of things and virtually taking over the United States?

In this presentation, it is shown that the Jesuits were gaining control over the United States via the use of the secret societies which they control. Members of the rich, elite segment in the United State were allowed to become members of the Knights of Malta, which then placed these rich elite under the control and manipulation of the Jesuit General in Rome. Therefore, the Jesuit General could use the rich elite as "tools" to help enslave every man, woman and child in a United States which was steadily being hijacked by the foreign-based organization.


What is linked below is simply introductory information about just one segment of the history of those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. This crowd has quite a history of going around the world and conquering and enslaving peoples. Not only do they have a history of conquering and enslaving peoples, they have a history of horrendous brutality, bloodshed, mass murder and genocide. By just their documented history, it appears that they are much more dangerous than ISIS --- which ISIS it appears their agents raised up.

The introductory history accessed via the buttons below is important for especially U.S. citizens to clearly understand. Why is this? Well, President John F. Kennedy allegedly said to someone, before those involved with the plot so brutally assassinated him, that "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot." (1)(2)

Well, by that which happened in November of 1963, it is very obvious that "they" did not want their plot exposed. But, a careful study of the history of the United States and the steady introduction of enslaving laws which have come into the United States, especially since "the sword of the Catholic Church" was illegally brought into this country, tends to verify the words attributed to President John F. Kennedy. So, let us now begin to look at some of that enslaving history and what has been perpetrated by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. So, get ready, citizens of the United States, for the signs tend to indicate that it may be coming to your "doorstep" much sooner than you realize.

Now for just some of the history of Catholics and those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and their enslaving the peoples of this world. A mere introduction to information about this type of historic activity is accessed via the buttons below. Much more information about this "dark history" can be found through diligent research. A person should also look back in history at the enslaving Jesuit Reductions of South America, then at the slave trade to the United States, in which the Catholics and Jesuits were involved.

The pages linked below speak about papal bulls from more than 500 years ago. These papal bulls gave instructions to European explorers who were Catholics. When the explorers "discovered" Indigenous people in the Americas who were not Catholics, these Indigenous people "were to be vanquished and subdued" by the Catholics. The Indigenous people were to be "subjugated and [forcefully] brought to the [Catholic] faith."

The papal bulls laid the foundation for what is commonly called "the Doctrine of Discovery," which is "a historical concept that claimed the right of Europeans to colonize Indigenous people." Again, all of the brutality, bloodshed and enslavement which occurred in the Americas, plus in other places around the world, was originally authorized by the popes and what is now the Vatican/Jesuit organization. From the looks of it, the Vatican/Jesuit organization is virtually the largest terrorist organization on the face of this earth.

The linked pages indicate that the bulls authorizing the conquering and enslavement of Indigenous people were made by popes Nicholas V (who was pope from 1447 to 1455) and Alexander VI (who was pope from 1492 to 1503). So, it is very clear that those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been involved with forcefully conquering and enslaving people for a long time, virtually by order of the pope.

An excerpt from one of the papal bulls, found in the page linked above, declares: "That in our times, especially the Catholic faith and the Christian religion be exalted and be everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for, and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself."

So, that is the history of the way which the Vatican/Jesuit organization has "cared for souls" --- by overthrowing and subjugating them, so they can ultimately get their wealth. What this actually ended up meaning in history was that the Catholics were authorized by the pope and his organization to loot, rape and plunder, while performing mass murder and genocide. Then, the Catholics were to enslave any of the Indigenous which survived the orgiastic bloodbath.

The page linked below speaks once again about Catholics coming to the New World and enslaving people. The page basically speaks of the enslavement and Catholic genocide on the native people. Besides murdering and enslaving the native people, the work of the Catholics "was to exasperate, ravage, kill, mangle and destroy" and create as much hardship as possible on the native peoples. The Catholic Spaniards made natives carry them on their backs, or the Catholic Spaniards "were carried on hammocks by Indians running in relays," so the very despotic and enslaving Catholic Spaniards did not have to walk, while they showed the natives "who was boss."

Regarding the way the satanic-inspired Catholic Spaniards were, the page states: "Total control led to total cruelty. The Spaniards 'thought nothing of knifing Indians by tens and twenties and of cutting slices off them to test the sharpness of their blades.' Las Casas tells how 'two of these so-called Christians met two Indian boys one day, each carrying a parrot; they took the parrots and for fun beheaded the boys.'" History indicates that this diabolic activity had been authorized by what is now the Vatican/Jesuit organization. The Catholic Spaniards worked their slaves to death by hard labor, in a manner similar to what the later Vatican/Jesuit-inspired Nazis and Croatians did to peoples during the World War Two era.

The things noted above appear to be just part of a long repeat history of those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, whenever they can get total control and get away with enslavement and mass murder. History just keeps repeating itself with this diabolic organization. The Crusades and Inquisitions, the bloodbath in Croatia during World War Two, plus the mass extermination of people in Nazi Germany, are simply historic examples of what happens when those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization get total control.

Looking back a bit, it is noted that there were two papal bulls which were the foundation for the Doctrine of Discovery. The papal bulls and the resulting Doctrine of Discovery are truly what led to the enslaving, brutal abuse, mass murder and genocide of non-Catholics, plus the theft of the property of non-Catholics, in the New World and elsewhere. The pages linked below provide further information about the enslavement and abuse of people, plus the mass murder and genocide perpetrated by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

The first page linked below mentions the Doctrine of Discovery and how "it resulted in disaster and genocide for native peoples." The papal bulls of note were "issued in the era following the Crusades." So, after the torture and bloodbaths in Europe and the Middle East, the Vatican/Jesuit organization looked to perpetrating their diabolic deeds in the New World and elsewhere.

The first of the papal bulls which actually authorized the conquest and enslavement of peoples, as noted in the page linked below, "was issued in 1436 and titled Romanus Pontifex." This bull was therefore issued during the time of pope Eugene IV (link), who was the pope just before Nicholas V, which Nicholas V was noted further above.

The second of the papal bulls was issued in 1452 and was titled Dum Diversas. This second papal bull was issued by pope Nicholas V. It "instructed the [Catholic] Portuguese crown 'to invade, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens, pagans, and other enemies of Christ, to put them into perpetual slavery, and to take away all their possessions and property.'" So, it clearly was the papacy which was instigating the conquest, enslavement and robbing of non-Catholic peoples.

The third papal bull authorizing robbery of lands and slavery was issued in 1454, which was also during the time of pope Nicholas V. This bull was another which was titled Romanus Pontifex. According to the page linked below, this bull sanctified "the seizure of non-Christian [read, non-Catholic] lands in parts of Africa and restating the legitimacy of enslaving non-Christian people." Now, it appears that these bulls may be still in force. The writer has found nothing which has cancelled any of these papal bulls.

The linked page shows that in 1493, another papal bull was issued which was titled Inter Caetera. This bull came from pope Alexander VI (link). It supposedly gave Catholic Spain and its people "'full and free power, authority, and jurisdiction of every kind,' over almost all of the Americas.'" Is this the reason why the Hispanics are illegally invading the United States today? Is there a chance that they are simply the pope's invading army, which is preparing for the takeover and enslavement of the United States and its citizens for the Vatican/Jesuit organization?

The page linked below notes that there were more bulls which followed those noted above. These bulls gave the Catholic invaders "papal license that was 'taken to distant, non-Christian lands and used as a template, an authorization for...a dehumanization and domination of non-Christian [read, non-Catholic] peoples throughout the planet.'" According to what is stated in the linked page, it appears that the treacherous papal bulls and the thieving Doctrine of Discovery was the foundation for international law.

By what is stated in the page linked above, it appears that international law is largely based upon and controlled by the highly questionable Vatican/Jesuit organization. And, it is the Vatican/Jesuit organization which perpetrated the brutality and mass murder of the Crusades and Inquisitions in Europe and elsewhere, which ultimately drove people to North America and gave birth to the United States. And, it is becoming rather clear that the papal doctrine became the true basis for the ultimate enslavement of Native Americans within the United States.

When considering all things, it appears that Native Americans in the United States and indigenous populations from around the world ultimately have the Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus the pope in the middle of Rome, to blame for their ill treatment in the United States and in other places around the world. Therefore, the battle of Native Americans should be against the papacy in Rome, not against the citizens of the United States. It appears that we have all been horribly wronged by the papal organization, and it goes far beyond just the rape of children.

This enslavement, murder and genocide by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization has happened over and over again in history. So, how long will it be before humanity finally realizes what this organization is actually all about? It is not authentic Christian at all. It is the utter enemy of the Most High God of heaven. And, because of the wickedness of this organization, that is why the Most High God of heaven shall utterly destroy the Vatican and surrounding Rome in the fast-approaching days ahead (link).

The page linked below contains quotes from various sources. One source declares: "Under the guise of Christianity, the Papal Church committed more enormities than ever disgraced the annals of paganism. Disregarding the maxims and the spirit of the Gospel, the papal Church, arming herself with the power of the sword, vexed the Church of God and wasted it for several centuries, a period most appropriately termed in history, the 'dark ages'. 'The kings of the earth, gave their power to the Beast.'"

Another source quoted on the linked page declares: "Roman Catholicism was born in blood, has wallowed in blood, and has quenched its thirst in blood, and it is in letters of blood that its true history is written." This history of the Catholic Church is written with the blood of not only Indigenous peoples, but is also written in the blood of those authentic Christians who followed the true principles of Christ, which are shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible.

Truly, the Vatican/Jesuit organization, along with its agents and pawns, have a long history of murdering and enslaving, plus stealing the property of those who will not bow to the man of sin (link) and his highly questionable and possibly criminal organization. It is becoming very clear that as long as there is a Vatican/Jesuit organization existing upon this earth, there can be no true, lasting peace upon this earth.





President Thomas Jefferson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence (1)(2)(3), clearly understood what the United States is supposed to be about. Once again, linked via the buttons below, is the full text of his First Inaugural Address. It is all well worth reading.

Note the following words in Jefferson's address: "We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists. If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it."

So, in the words above from Thomas Jefferson, there is something very important to clearly note. In 1801, the citizens of the United States were "all Republicans" and "all Federalists." At that time in history, when things were operating properly, the United States was not divided up into various factions of Democrats and Republicans and various other this and thats.

The dividing of the people of the United States into various political factions has only worked to create a continual "political civil war." It has worked to further the agenda of the enemies of this country, to divide and conquer. This political civil war has worked to hobble and weaken the nation. Ultimately, it has wasted a lot of valuable time, plus greatly harmed the average citizens of the United States.

In the early days of the United States, the people were working together, as Republicans and Federalists, in support of those principles upon which the Constitution of the United States and this country were founded. A study of history indicates that it was ultimately the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization which worked to undermine and destroy that which had originally been set up in the United States.

By the mid 1800s, Abraham Lincoln understood what was happening to the United States. President Lincoln spoke about the "emissaries of the Pope" who were working "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) So, the priests and other agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been doing more than just abusing and raping boys and girls and others.

When it comes to the legitimate United States, there is other information on the Internet which can help guide a person to a better understanding about what this country is really supposed to be about. The links below access information which is relevant to an authentic "Republican Form of Government," and also to the purpose of a legitimate Republic and what the United States is really supposed to be about.

Originally, the United States was created to be something which was very great. It was created to be "a light" to the whole world about something which was better. But then, something quickly happened, as the agents of a very despotic foreign government worked to undermine and destroy what the United States was meant to be.


What type of government are we legitimately supposed to have in the United States? Are we supposed to be a democracy, as many are claiming, or are we actually supposed to be something entirely different, like an authentic republic? It is time to look at things more closely. The Constitution of the United States, in Article 4, Section 4 (1)(2), in very clear words, declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."

Notice that this statement about a "Republican Form of Government" is a guarantee. It is not just a mere suggestion. Since it is a guarantee that is made by the Supreme Law of the Land, which is the U.S. Constitution, anything other than the mandatory and guaranteed "Republican Form of Government" is an illegitimate or rouge government. So, what exactly is a "Republican Form of Government?" What is the difference between a "Republican Form of Government" and a democracy? It is now time to search out the real truth --- a truth is appears that they have, in more recent times, hidden from the public as best as they can.

There is one thing to make extremely clear at this point. Once the true nature and purpose of an authentic "Republican Form of Government" is accurately understood, it should become very clear that even that which today calls itself the Republican Party is not in any manner supporting or upholding the authentic "Republican Form of Government" which is mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. It should also become clear that the Republican Party is not diligently working to secure the God-given, unalienable rights of authentic U.S. citizens, as they are supposed to be doing, according to the Declaration of Independence (1)(2). Why is this?

Why is that which calls itself the Republican Party not supporting and upholding the "Republican Form of Government" which is clearly mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution? Why is that which calls itself the Republican Party not diligently working to secure the God-given rights of each and every authentic U.S. citizen? Why does it appear that the Republican Party has become an utter traitor to authentic U.S. citizens and to the authentic United States, just as it appears that the Democratic Party has been, since virtually its beginning in the mid 1800s?

In a section further below, which is titled The "Trojan Horse" of a "Fifth Column" (link), it is found that in about 1960, the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization "split about 50-50 between the two major parties in national elections." Formerly, as noted further below in the section titled The Trojan Horse (link), the Democratic Party was know as "the Catholic Party and the Republican Party the Protestant Party." Prior to 1960, there generally was not the high degree of intermixing and corruption of the parties which we see today. Prior to 1960, the Republic Party was generally supporting the Republic of the United States, while the Democratic Party was steadily pushing for something else, like a total democracy.

Once again, before the Republican Party became corrupted with Vatican/Jesuit agents and pawns in about 1960, it was more supportive of an authentic "Republican Form of Government" in the United States. But now, with all the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization embedded in it, even the Republican Party has "sold out" the country and its authentic citizens and is now calling for a democracy. So, it is rather clear that even Republicans are not necessarily honoring their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States.

Yes, to some, it appears that the Republican Party is now highly confused. But more realistically, because of the dilution of the Republican Party with Vatican/Jesuit agents and pawns, they have simply become more deceptive. And, for the most part, it appears that they have now become utter enemies of that which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, just like the Democratic Party. Part of the reason the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization may have gained so much control over those which were formerly authentic Republicans may become rather clear after examining a document linked here.

Because the so-called Republican Party is not supporting or upholding the authentic "Republican Form of Government" which is mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, nor are they diligently securing the God-given, unalienable rights of citizens, some people may call the Republican Party a rather deceptive, sham Party. Why is this? Well, it calls itself Republican, but is not in any way even remotely working to bring the nation around to that authentic "Republican Form of Government" which is mandated and guaranteed to U.S. citizens by the U.S. Constitution.

At this point, there is an extremely important question to ask. Truly, what is an authentic "Republican Form of Government" and what is it actually about? What is its true nature and how is it supposed to be toward authentic U.S. citizens?

The page linked below may be a good place to start in a search for the truth, for it presents one person's search for the true meaning of "a Republican Form of Government." From what is stated in the page, it appears that those in control may not really want the citizens of the United States to know what a true "Republican Form of Government" actually is. Its like those in control do not want especially authentic U.S. citizens to know what a "Republican Form of Government" actually is, so they do not rise up and demand to have that form of government which is mandated and guaranteed to them by the U.S. Constitution. The writer of the linked page proclaimed:

"I simply couldn't believe the Founders wasted quill and ink on Article 4 Section 4 of the Federal Constitution to simply mandate that the government allow the people to have representatives. A 'Republican form of Government' had to mean much more. Further, the mysterious failure to concisely define a concept as fundamental and mandatory as "Republican Form of Government" implied that the meaning might be so important that it was intentionally obscured."

In their search for the true meaning of "a Republican Form of Government," the writer of the page linked above notes the "U.S. Government Training Manual No. 2000-25," which was published by the U.S. War Department on November 30, 1928. This particular Training Manual gives the official definitions of a Democracy and that of a Republic, as it was recorded in 1928. But, there is a very important piece of history to know about this particular Training Manual and what actually happened to it and because of whom.

Virtually all copies of the very important Training Manual, which defined the true government which the United States is supposed to have, were ordered to be destroyed by those of the Democratic Party. This destruction of the Manual was Ordered by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Further information about the destruction of this very important Manual is found in a section of a rather large page. The section is titled The Democratic Destroyers. That section is linked here.

Another page which is linked here, which is from 2010, states the way things were, using these words: "Shortly after the 'bank holiday' in 1933, orders from the FDR White House suddenly demanded without explanation that all copies of this book be withdrawn from the Government Printing Office and the Army posts, to be suppressed and destroyed. So began the demagogic descent of the United States and the subversion of the Constitution into Americanized National Socialism, bankruptcy and the continued state of national emergency that we have experienced as a nation for the past 77 years."

Once again, the information quoted above was from 2010. We are now a number of years later than 2010 and things have been rapidly advancing down the wrong road and that much further in the direction which the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its minions in those secret societies have been taking us --- faster and faster away from that authentic "Republican Form of Government" which is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, plus faster and faster away from the God-given, unalienable rights of individuals. And again, the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents are to blame for this destructive and enslaving activity within the United States.


Scanned copies of the U.S. Government Training Manual No. 2000-25, which is noted in the section above, are accessed via the following links: (1)(2). More copies of the Training Manual can be found on the Internet. This Manual gave the official definition of a Democracy and a Republic. With this information in mind, it is time to begin asking some very important questions.

What was some important about this Training Manual, that members of the Democratic Party wanted this Manual destroyed? What information did members of the Democratic Party possibly not want the public to know? Well, possibly it is because the Training Manual exposed the Democrats for what they are really all about. What now follows below, is the definitions for a Democracy and a Republic, which come from a scanned copy of U.S. Government Training Manual No. 2000-25.

The definition for a Democracy is found at the bottom of page 91 in the scanned copy. The definition is as follows: "DEMOCRACY: A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of 'direct' expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic -- negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demogogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy."

Note clearly that a democracy is basically just mob rule. Democracy ultimately leads to anarchy. The general public in the United States saw true, criminal democracy in action after a recent presidential election, when people were rioting in the streets, threatening and assaulting people, breaking windows, damaging cars and other vehicles, plus acting like arsonists, while setting things on fire. This anarchy, in relation to democracy, could also include people and officials blatantly ignoring established immigration laws, as they work as agents of a foreign power, which wants the United States to be illegally invaded by their foreign pawns and henchmen.

Now back to the definitions in the Training Manual. From the scan, at the top of page 92: "REPUBLIC: Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights, and a sensible economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress."

This authentic statesmanship, liberty and progress, noted above, which results from an authentic Republic, is something which the pawns and agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have steadily been working to confound and rip away from citizens of the United States. Since they now control both political Parties, they have done this with their "entertaining and base puppet shows" in government, which shows no evidence of true statesmanship, plus they have done it with their numerous "illegal" laws which they have put in place to confound the progress of U.S. citizens in general, as they work to enslave them.

Now, back to the scan of that important Training Manual. At the bottom of page 92, it declares: "Our Constitutional fathers, familiar with the strength and weakness of both autocracy and democracy, with fixed principles definitely in mind, defined a representative republican form of government. They made a very marked distinction between a republic and a democracy *** and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had founded a republic." Note very clearly that the Founding Fathers of the great United States founded, not a democracy, but rather an authentic "representative republican form of government."

In that scan of the Training Manual, at the bottom of page 92, it also declares: "Madison, in the Federalist, emphasized the fact that this government was a republic and not a democracy, the Constitution makers having considered both an autocracy and a democracy as undesirable forms of government while a republic *** promises the cure for which we are seeking." There is now something extremely important to note in the preceding quote. The democracy, which it seems that treasonous people are wanting for the United States, is an undesireable form of government. The form of government which can best cure most ills within society, which we are experiencing more and more today, is an authentic Republican Form of Government.


There are now some questions which need to be asked. What in an authentic "Republican Form of Government" really supposed to be about? What is its nature really like? What is it like when living in an authentic "Republican Form of Government?" These are extremely important questions, which do require an answer. So, for our better answer, we must go even further back in history.

To get a better idea of what things are like under an authentic "Republican Form of Government," like that form of government which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, let us consider some words from President Thomas Jefferson. These words were spoken in his First Inaugural Address, on March 4, 1801. Within his address are found the following words:

"All too will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) Yes, this is an extremely important, "sacred principle" of an authentic "Republican Form of Government" --- of the kind which the United States is supposed to have and is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Anything less is a country illegally gone rogue.

An authentic "Republican Form of Government" was actually set in place, via the Constitution of the United States, to prevent oppression of individuals or even to prevent the oppression of a minority of one U.S. citizen. When the mobocracy of democracy crashes towards the unalienable rights of the individual, the authentic "Republican Form of Government" was meant to shield the individual from the crush or persecution of the mob. But, there is another important part to an authentic "Republican Form of Government."

An authentic "Republican Form of Government" protects the individual or the minority from the inherent weakness of a direct democracy. According to a Wikipedia entry titled Tyranny of the majority, which is linked here, in a direct democracy, the "tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses)" can exist. This tyranny of the majority "results in oppression of minority groups comparable to that of a tyrant or despot."

A page linked here is titled Bush and Russia. It speaks about a trip which President Bush made to Russia in 2005. It is interesting to see the observation of Putin of Russia, when he declared that a "democracy" is a "dictatorship of the majority," but a "republic" is something "in which the majority cannot vote away the rights of the individual."

Well, at least some people, even if in the case above it is a foreigner, understand what an authentic "Republican Form of Government" is supposed to be about. And, an authentic "Republican Form of Government" is what is mandated and guaranteed for the entire United States by the U.S. Constitution.

Under the authentic "Republican Form of Government," the majority cannot legitimately vote away any of the rights of the individual. The Declaration of Independence declares that among our God-given unalienable rights (yes, AMONG, for these are NOT ALL of our God-given unalienable rights), are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. And, as stated in the Declaration, "that to secure these rights, governments are instituted amoung men..." (1)(2)

These things about the true nature and purpose of an authentic "Republican Form of Government" are very important for us to understand. For a bit more information relating to this matter about our unalienable rights and an authentic "Republican Form of Government", check out the pages linked below.

The authentic "Republican Form of Government" was truly meant to protect the individual in their God-given, unalienable rights --- those unalienable rights which are mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, plus even other rights which are not mentioned directly in the Declaration of Independence, like the right to defend oneself and the right to bear the necessary arms to properly defend oneself.

The authentic "Republican Form of Government" was also meant to prevent the persecution or harm of any Protestant or Bible-believing Christian by any type of agent or minion, who is directly or indirectly associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or any other organization of a similar nature. This is made clear from a study of history, connected with other words found in Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, which complete address is found at the following links --- (1)(2)(3) --- plus in links further below.

In his address, Jefferson declared: "And let us reflect that, having banished from our land that religious intolerance under which mankind so long bled and suffered, we have yet gained little if we countenance a political intolerance as despotic, as wicked, and capable of as bitter and bloody persecutions."

When Jefferson spoke about "that religious intolerance under which mankind so long bled and suffered," he was speaking about the religious intolerance which the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its pawns and agents have commonly displayed, over and over again, whenever they had the chance and the power, toward those who would not bow to the pope or church dogma. This intolerance, suffering and bloodshed perpetrated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents, is introduced in the pages linked below.

When it comes to the true nature and history of the Catholic/Jesuit organization, as proven by what had happened in Europe and South America, President Lincoln so clearly declared: "Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity!" These words from President Abraham Lincoln are found in the pages linked below.

And, as something which appears to back up and justify the above words which Abraham Lincoln spoke, consider the words below which come from the alleged historic Oath of the Jesuits. These same words are found in the alleged historic Oaths of the many Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies, whose members freely operate within the United States and even hold positions of influence and control in the U.S. government and the military. The advancing Vatican/Jesuit-controlled agent, who may also be embedded within U.S. government, allegedly declares:

"I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition..." And, "when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)

There is another thing to add at this point. In the early 1800s, the French statesman and military general who served under George Washington during the American Revolutionary War, the Marquis de Lafayette, declared the following:

"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe." (1)(2)(3)

If you want to know who has and still instigates most of the wars, misery and bloodshed upon this earth, plus things like the un-Constitutional and therefore highly illegal spying on even U.S. citizens by organizations like the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA and NSA, etc., you may possibly now know where to look. And, when it comes to the unrest in this country caused by things like the abuse and rape of boys and girls, plus others, you now know, without question, exactly were to look. The agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are working hard to create as much chaos in this country as possible, for a reason.


When looking at what has been happening in the United States in relatively recent times (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), let us now consider things from the perspective of the Catholic/Jesuit organization and its continuing Counter-Reformation against Protestants and their beliefs. This Catholic/Jesuit Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3) and the persecution, torture and killing of Protestants, plus other related information, is introduced in the pages linked below.

About half way down in a section further below, which is titled The "Trojan Horse" of a "Fifth Column" (link), it is noted that since about 1960, at that time when the Catholic John F. Kennedy became president, the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been a force in both major political Parties in the United States. The agents and pawns of Rome, which are now in both major political parties in the United States, plus in the judiciary, have been very successful over the years in moving the country further and further away from those protections to Protestants which were intended under a "Republican Form of Government" and facilitated by the U.S. Constitution.

This protection for authentic Protestants and their beliefs did exist when government officials actually supported and defended the U.S. Constitution and its founding principals "against all enemies, foreign and domestic," and when they actually did "bear true faith and allegiance to the same." In more recent times, it appears that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been rather successful in crushing-under Protestants who attempt to be true to their beliefs, as noted in the pages linked via the buttons below. This appears to be the process for steadily crushing and enslaving Protestants under the domination of Rome.

This thug-type of crushing-under of Protestants and their beliefs is totally against what the United States is supposed to be about. This appears to have the "fingerprint" of a homosexual Jesuit/Catholic priest organization, as noted in the pages linked below, plus the "fingerprint" of those associated with them.

Once again, it should be noted that this Jesuit/Vatican organization controls those many Vatican agents which are in government positions in the United States, including those who may be in the judiciary. They also control the many members of those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy spoke against, and the plot he spoke about, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963.

The homosexual agenda appears to be an escalating part of the Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3), which is being spurred on by the Jesuits and their agents and minions. This appears to be part of the Jesuits' worldwide program for psychologically and physically, dominating and controlling people.

This type of activity will be common in the coming New World Order, which is simply the old Holy Roman Empire rising again. This New World Order is controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, with the pope at the head. The pages linked below are just a small sample of available information, but should give some idea of what the Jesuit/Vatican organization is about. Yes, welcome to the New World Order.

A page linked here and in the buttons above declares: "In a shocking statement by one [of] the Catholic Church's high-ranking clerics, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has claimed that pedophilia is a 'God-given liberty' for priests. The sickening comments were made by Cardinal Timothy Dolan after he was caught allegedly transferring church funds into a separate trust in order to insulate them from clergy child abuse lawsuits."

Now, considering all that has been happening because of those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, there is a very good reason why the United States, with its Constitution and "Republican Form of Government" was set up. There was a reason why our specific type of government was raised up, and a major part of that was to protect the God-given, unalienable rights of citizens.

This purpose of government --- to protect the God-given, unalienable rights of citizens --- is made clear in the Declaration of Independence (1)(2), when it states that "all men...are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

Our people and our country needed to be properly protected from the effects of the Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3) and against the historical abuses of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, their Jesuits, their secret societies and their other agents. But, unfortunately, it appears we have allowed the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization to infiltrate our government, get into positions of power and control, and then take over our country. Because of this, we are now letting everything slip away, including our rights and freedoms, which the Founding Fathers had so carefully protected for us by the institution of that authentic "Republican Form of Government."


Possibly it is time for Americans to "get smart" and let at least history be their guide. What has the Vatican/Jesuit organization been doing over and over again throughout history? What is their ultimate goal? Possibly the page linked below can help answer these questions.

About one-third of the way down, the linked page speaks about the Jesuit agenda, which is "the dethronement of every other power, and the extinction of every other interest but their own. The ultimate goal was (and still is) the destruction of religious liberty and freethinking and the reduction of mankind into abject slavery, presided over by a pope of their own making."

Sometimes, we may have to look at European sources to get a better understanding about what is going on in our world. About one-third of the way down the page linked below is a section titled Does the Church Honour Religious Liberty? The first question asked is, "What does the Catholic Church say about religious liberty?" From "The Rambler," a Catholic publlication, comes the following answer:

"Religious liberty, in the sense of liberty possessed by every man to choose his religion, is one of the most wicked delusions ever foisted upon this age by the father of all deceit. The very name of liberty - except in the sense permission to do certain definite acts - ought to be banished from the domain or religion. It is neither more or less than falsehood. No man has a right to choose his religion [how can you then convert to Catholicism!]... Shall I hold out hopes to my erring protestant brother that I will not meddle with his creed if he will not meddle with mine?... No: Catholicism is the most intolerant of creeds. It is intolerance itself."

The page below states further: "The Church tolerates heretics where she is obliged to do so, but she hates them mortally, and employs all her forces to secure their annihilation. When the Catholics shall be in possession of a considerable majority - which will certainly be the case by and by - then religious liberty will have come to an end in the United States." The page also states: "Religious liberty is merely endured until the opposite can be carried into effect without peril to the Catholic Church." The page declares: "History reveals that the Catholic Church does not respect religious freedom."

Looking further, the linked page states: "Those who rule the world, are in the process of eliminating the power of self-government from the independent nations and removing the rights of the individual. Every system and each person has to submit to the international laws, whether in politics, economics, religion or the military." Yes, welcome to the New World Order! Welcome to the goals presented by Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, which come from the Vatican/Jesuit organization's United Nations!

The page linked below carries the following subtitle: "The Jesuits are urged to increase their effort and zeal in carrying out the original purposes and goals of the order." The page also speaks about some of the methods used by the Catholic Church, and declares: "It has been said about the Catholic Church that when it is in minority, it is as meek as a lamb. When it is an equal, it is as shrewd as a fox. When it is in majority, it is as ferocious as a tiger." An apparent example of this "ferocious as a tiger" might be Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, or the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.

The page declares: "The fact is that the Protestant and independent nations are entitled to have their Protestant freedom, but it looks like the Jesuits now are in the process of getting their own men and women into governing positions worldwide, and that their goals little by little are being fulfilled; actually to destroy the Protestant and independent nations."



In the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy stated that "Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe... no war ever posed a greater threat to our security." These words from Kennedy can be found within pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3). What does it appear that John F. Kennedy was speaking about? Who has been a threat to the way life was intended to be in the United States? As we look for the answer to these questions, there is some history which needs to be considered.

About ten paragraphs down in a page linked (link), it speaks about "the action taken by the Vatican in the year 1778. Two years after the American colonists posted the Declaration of Independence, the Vatican declared an Edict that condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible." The page then states: "The 1778 Vatican Edict has never been withdrawn, apologized for or modified."

A page in a book titled The Universal Church of Man... is linked here. On the page linked at the time of this writing, is found the following words: "What most people do not realize is that the Vatican absolutely detests the United States of America! In 1778, after American [sic] gained her independence, the Vatican issued the Vatican Edict which condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means necessary. They condemned the Declaration of Independence as 'wickedness' and called the Constitution of the United States a 'satanic document!"

So, why does the Vatican organization actually hate the United States and has wanted to destroy the authentic United States? In answer to the preceding question, the book linked in the paragraph above declares: "Because the Constitution of the United States affords every human being with freedom and liberty of conscience that is declared by all the popes and councils of Rome as, 'a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost.'" The preceding answer is also found in books accessed via the following links: (1)(2). There is now more to consider in this story.

The Constitutional Republic, with its freedom and liberty of conscience, allowed Protestants to worship freely, without fear of persecution or potential death via the agents of Rome. That is why the Vatican/Jesuit organization, in its continuing Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3), is doing its best to undermine and overthrow the Constitutional Republic of the United States. The Vatican/Jesuit organization wants to wipe authentic Protestantism and Bible-believing Christians clear off the face of this earth. And, if they must destroy the authentic United States to do it, they will --- for to them, "the end justifies the means."

A little more than one-third of the way down a page linked here are found the following words: "Since 1815 there has been a continual assault on America by the Jesuits to try to destroy the constitutional rights of this great nation." A couple of paragraphs lower are these words: "One of the major purposes of the Jesuits was to destroy every trace of Protestantism and its principles, including religious freedom, republicanism, representative government, and an economy built around a strong middle class. Another purpose of the Jesuits was to greatly expand the power and control of the papacy throughout the entire world."

The page linked in the paragraph above also declares: "During this Congress [of Verona, Italy in 1822], it was decided that America would be the target of Jesuit emissaries and that America was to be destroyed at all costs. Every principle of the [U.S.] Constitution was to be dissolved and new Jesuitical principles were to be put into place in order to exalt the Papacy to dominion in America." And, in our day, we have been watching this steadily happen, right before our eyes. But, unfortunately, most U.S. citizens are clueless to what is actually happening to them and to their country.

An informative book about Jesuitism, accessed via the two links below, is from 1851. It was written by a man who was "formerly a Romish priest." It appears he had a relatively good understanding of the Jesuits and their Jesuitism, plus what they have commonly done to countries. This book speaks about the "aim of the Jesuits in the United States." It speaks of their purpose, "to cast down Protestantism," even if they have to destroy the authentic United States to do it. On the title page of the book is found the following words: "Jesuitism is a monstrous machine of distruction, which, its spring being in Rome, its wheels everywhere, moves the world."

Scan through the Table of Contents for the book. It speaks of problems the Jesuits have caused in various countries. It speaks of their crimes, intrigue and plots. It speaks of their hostility to religion and to society, unless of course, it is the Romish church and those under its control. It speaks of their involvement in the massacre of those who do not bow to the pope and the Catholic Church. It speaks of their involvement in the murder and attempted murder of government officials and leaders. And, as an example of how they operate, the book speaks of the Jesuits causing a civil and religious war in Switzerland, plus their potential for doing the same in the United States.

At this point, there is something important to consider about the Jesuits and their history. Within pages accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) --- are found these words: "Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] were expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."

About this time, we should be considering the words of President Abraham Lincoln, which he spoke in the mid 1800s. He spoke about the "emissaries of the Pope" who were working "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

On PDF page 3 of 11, in the document linked below, are found these words: "The foreign government that the Jesuits' serve has been successful in secretly attacking and infiltrating America to accomplish exactly what the Monroe Doctrine was declared to protect against because it was done under the facade of being a church" The Monroe Doctrine was supposed to help protect this country against things like the influence or takeover by the Vatican/Jesuit organization in Rome.

In the United States and around the world, the Jesuits now have the numerous members of their "front" organizations which they control, to do their dirty work for them. They have the numerous members of their various secret societies, like the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, plus other like organizations, which get into positions of power and influence, and from there work to undermine and overthrow the governments which become their targets, like the authentic United States of American.

Secret oaths of secret societies. Only hire Catholics. Get into key positions, in order to bring more Catholics into even higher positions.

Human hacking, deciding presidential election, mass psychology, operation mockingbird, propaganda/manipulation, CIA campaign to influence culture, polls manipulate voters and public opinion, can't trust CDC [Nazis] with gun research, pope attacks gun owners, tavistock institute, agenda 21, gun control. Mass killers mind controlled assassins.


To facilitate moving the United States away from an authentic "Republican Form of Government," the Jesuits and the Vatican needed to subtly form an innocent looking, yet effective and subversive organization in the United States. They needed an organization which could then be used as their vehicle for change --- change which could steadily undermine and ultimately destroy what the United States was actually supposed to be about.

To slowly but steadily move the United States away from an authentic "Republican Form of Government" --- away from that form of government which allowed unmolested freedom of conscience and freedom of worship for authentic Protestants and all others who did not want to be under the domination of the Roman church --- a democratic party would work just fine for the agents of Rome.

The page linked below declares: "...When viewed historically, the Democratic Party has been the Catholic Party and the Republican Party the Protestant Party." The page continues: "There have always been plenty of Protestants in the Democratic Party, especially in the South and in rural areas of the lower Midwest. But in the real growth areas in the country over the last century, the Democratic Party has been run largely by Catholics."

The linked page declares: "From the 1840s, when Democratic ward-heelers greeted the first great waves of Catholic immigrants on the wharves of New York City, Boston, Philadelphia and other East Coast cities, Catholics found a congenial home in the Democratic Party, one which permitted them at first a seat at the table of a great national party and finally a chance to preside over it, divvying out the patronage and the power throughout much of the North."

As a quick side note to put into our memories, let us clearly note that the "great waves of Catholic immigrants" began flooding into the United States in the mid 1840s --- around the year 1845 (link). This great influx of Catholics occurred not that long before the American Civil War started.

The American Civil War started in 1861 and finally ended in 1865 (link). So, according to the records, the Catholics began flooding into the United States roughly 16 years prior to the start of the American Civil War. With the great influx of Catholics, it appears that the "pawns" or agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization were now in place. This appears to be similar to what is happening now, with the use of Catholic-bred illegal aliens from Catholic countries south of the U.S. border. So, just be ready for what is coming in the future.

Let us now continue. The page linked below states: "Members of the Catholic Church have been active in the elections of the United States since the mid 19th century. Indeed, the Irish came to dominate the Democratic Party in many cities." The page also states: "From the mid-19th century down to 1964 Catholics were solidly Democratic, sometimes at the 80-90% level."


Let us consider important words from former President Abraham Lincoln, for they potentially are very fitting in our present situation. Lincoln spoke of the "emissaries of the Pope" who were working "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." (1)(2)(3)

So, in the mid 1850s, with a Democratic Party in the United States which was loaded with immigrant Catholics from European countries --- immigrants who were in submission to the pope in Rome --- the Vatican and the Jesuits now had their powerful vehicle. With this powerful vehicle full of "agents" under the spell of the Vatican and doing its bidding, they now had their tool which could be wielded like a Fifth Column (1)(2)(3) in the war against the authentic "Republican Form of Government" in the United States. It appears that all of this Vatican/Jesuit inspired activity may have also had something to do with the American Civil War, which began shortly thereafter in 1861.

This powerful Fifth Column vehicle --- which is manipulated or controlled by a foreign government, the government of the Vatican City State --- has steadily been used to move the United States away from the legitimate "Republican Form of Government," which is guaranteed to every state in the Union by the Constitution of the United States. It appears that this Fifth Column vehicle has often been used to create strife and trouble in the United States. This foreign manipulated or controlled Fifth Column vehicle has also been used to steadily undermine and take away the authentic rights of U.S. citizens, apparently in preparation for the final thrust to take control of America.

About 60 years ago, it appears that the Fifth Column vehicle, which is under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, branched out in order to become more effective in its war against the authentic "Republican Form of Government" and most definitely against the God-given, unalienable rights of genuine citizens in the United States, especially against the authentic rights of Protestants. A Wikipedia page, linked here, declares: "Since the election of a Catholic President in 1960 [which was President John F. Kennedy], Catholics have split about 50-50 between the two major parties in national elections."

Since roughly 1960, with agents of the Vatican now in the Republican Party also, along with members and associates of those many secret societies --- those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy spoke against, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963 --- the Republican Party has not been seriously defending our authentic, God-given unalienable rights either, nor defending the Constitution of the United States, in its true intent. That is why even the Republican Party does not seem to accomplish any good for the authentic citizens of the United States. That is also why the Republican party is now saying that we are a democracy, rather than standing up for an authentic "Republican Form of Government."

It appears that with agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization influencing or controlling both major Parties in the United States, virtually no one (with few exceptions) in government is authentically working to honor their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. Furthermore, virtually no one in government is standing up and demanding that other government officials honor their first and foremost job, which is to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion," with all other duties then falling in line.

Now you may better understand why, with Republicans in control of the government, very little good really gets done. But with the Democrats in control, a lot may get done, but in the direction of sliding this country more and more in the direction of socialism and Marxism, plus in the direction of taking away more and more of our authentic God-given, unalienable rights. And, the young who have been bred or brainwashed in the schools of our day to be socialists and Marxists just love it when the Democrats move us further and further away from that authentic "Republican Form of Government" guaranteed to every State in this Union by the U.S. Constitution.

At this point, let us once again consider those words spoken by President Abraham Lincoln, before, he too, was brutally assassinated by an agent influenced by the Vatican. President Lincoln spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which steadily work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." (1)(2)(3)

And, that "reign of anarchy" spoken about by President Lincoln in the paragraph above is what we are watching happen in our day, even in relation to presidential elections. That is why we have seen the young marching and rioting in the streets, breaking windows, damaging vehicles and setting things on fire. It is almost like we are watching the early stages of the American version of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution. And yes, it appears that all of this is under the control of a foreign organization, using its agent provocateurs which are freely operating right within the United States.

Now, for those who would like further information about these types of things, there some sections of interest which are found within a rather large page. For a section about what happened to get things really rolling with the American Civil War, click here. For information about how the foreign-based controllers instigate and then work both sides of a conflict, click here. For information about the instigating and motive power behind the American Civil War, click here.


In the third paragraph of a section further above titled Hated by a Foreign State, which is linked here, there is something which needs to be considered further. It was noted that in 1778, "the Vatican issued the Vatican Edict which condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means necessary. They condemned the Declaration of Independence as 'wickedness' and called the Constitution of the United States a 'satanic document!" Let us now see what the Vatican and its minions are doing in this regards in our day.

The page linked below declares: "Pope Francis will directly challenge the 'American idea' of God-given rights in the Declaration of Independence, says Jeffrey Sachs, a top advisor to the Vatican. Sachs is also a special advisor to the United Nations and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University." So, the Vatican, which has wanted to destroy the great Constitutional Republic of the United States since its beginning, is still steadily "chipping away" and working to undermine, in the minds of the people, the very principles upon which this nation was founded.

Let us consider what else the page reveals about the Vatican work of undermining the founding principles of the United States of America. The page states: "He [Jeffrey Sachs] ridiculed the United States as 'a society in thrall' to the outmoded idea of unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." So, the Vatican agent, Sachs, is ridiculing the United States and its authentic citizens who believe like the Founding Fathers in God-given, "unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." And our politicians and government officials remain silent, while Sachs mocks the founding principles of the United States.

Actually, the politicians and government officials remain silent, when an enemy of this country mocks the founding principles, because it appears that these politicians and officials may be treasonously working as foreign agents for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, or possibly these officials may be blackmailed by them. Now, let us consider this whole situation further.

At this point, let us consider important words from former President Abraham Lincoln. He spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which steadily work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." (1)(2)(3)

What President Abraham Lincoln declared is exactly what the Vatican advisor, Jeffrey Sachs, is attempting to do in our day, with his words which are noted above. The Vatican, through its agent, is working to turn U.S. citizens away from the founding principles of this nation, and cause them to give up their rights. And, the Vatican/Jesuit controlled agents and pawns in government, who are violating their Oaths of Office to the U.S. Constitution and the principles upon which the United States was founded, remain silence. They simply let an enemy of what the United States is really supposed to be about, spew his venom, right here in the United States.

The page linked above states: "Sachs knows that the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution stands in the way of what globalists want to achieve..." And what is it that Rome's globalists want to achieve? Yes, they are working hard to create the world-wide New World Order, which is under the control of the Vatican and the Jesuits, plus managed by their faithful minions and pawns. And, at the head of the New World Order will be the pope. It is just the old Holy Roman Empire all over again, but labeled with another name, to fool the ignorant. And, the name change will fool and "take in" those who have not truly studied the necessary history.

The pages linked below access addition articles which speak about this present Vatican war on the Declaration of Independence, and the war against the God-given, unalienable rights of individuals, which we most assuredly do have (link). It shows the Vatican's subtleness and deceptiveness, plus the conniving of a serpent, as it considers its prey. Instead of authentic responsible liberty and freedom, plus a true republic, the Vatican/Jesuit organization wants to give us something totally different, as noted in the pages linked below.

Look at the title of the page immediately above. Yes, instead of authentic liberty and freedom, the "Pope offers the masses the opium of Marxism." The pages linked via the buttons below speak of the popes socialist, communist and Marxist leanings. And yes, it appears that the pope and his minions are working hard to destroy the sovereignty of the United States, via open borders. They are also steadily working to undermine and destroy the authentic foundation of this country, every so subtly, but yet, right in your face.

It appears that the pope and his minions are working hard to deceive the people of the United States, so they will, even willingly, cast away the authentic foundation of the great Constitutional Republic of the United States. Then he and his minions can force a form of despotic communism on our people, whose ultimate end shall be more bitter than death. It does appear that communism is the basis of the coming international socialist order, commonly called the New World Order. The New World Order, once again, is simply the old Holy Roman Empire, labeled with a new name to fool the ignorant.

Now, there is something which needs to be addressed. Pope Francis has declared that he is not a Marxist or a Communist. But, who is Pope Francis? Yes, he is a Jesuit. So, let us once again consider that old word "Jesuitism." Looking again to the 1828 Webster's dictionary (link), the word "Jesuitism" is defined as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." That word "prevarication" is defined as: "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie."(link)

As documented elsewhere in this discussion, the Jesuits have a saying: "The End Justifies the Means." (1)(2)(3) Yes, Francis may say he is not a Marxist, but... According to what is written, it appears that a Jesuit may say anything in order to get what they want (1)(2), and then...

Note the title of the last page linked above. The pope declares: "It is the Communists who think like Christians." The writer will have to say that it appears that the pope, because of the words used above, is greatly deceiving people and horrendously perverting things. If he believes that Communists think like Christians, then it is obvious that the pope has no clue about what an authentic Christian even is, and it appears that his god is radically different (link) from the authentic God shown in the Holy Bible. Enough said on this particular issue at this time.

Now, pope Francis is a Jesuit, so there is one very important thing which must be noted. The Jesuits were the ones who perfected communism on their reductions in South America. This is noted in the pages linked below. So, actually, Fascism (of the Adolf Hitler and the Nazi type) and Communism are both a Vatican/Jesuit thing. But, the Vatican/Jesuit organization uses the different factions to play the nations of the world against each other. Because of its extreme wickedness upon this earth, that is why the Most High God of heaven shall destroy the Vatican and surrounding Rome in that rapidly approaching day, as indicated in a page linked here.




At this point, let us return to the subject of Catholics In Action (1)(2) (the CIA). Research has led the writer to believe that the CIA, though mainly founded by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, was first made up of mainly Protestants, for a reason. It appears that things were done in this manner so the general public would not understand the real purpose and ultimate intent for this agency. Therefore, the general public, along with members of Congress and the President of the United States, would not be quite as concerned about this very secretive spy agency, this potential Gestapo (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which was being formed in their midst, in a country which is supposed to be free.

There is something to note in the page linked here and further above. At the bottom of PDF page 2 of 4, it states: "Officially, the Knights of Malta are a global charity organization. But beginning in the 1940s, knighthood was granted to countless CIA agents, and the organization has become a front for intelligence operations. SMOM is ideal for this kind of activity, because it is recognized as the world's only landless sovereignty, and members enjoy diplomatic immunity. This allows agents and supplies to pass through customs without interference from the host country."

The words above speak of knighthood in the Catholic secret society, the Knights of Malta, being granted, beginning in the 1940s "to countless CIA agents, and the organization has become a front for intelligence operations." Now, there is something very important to consider. If CIA agents are knights in the Knights of Malta organization, or in that Catholic secret society, it appears that they would automatically be in subjection to, and in allegiance to, the pope in the Vatican and the Jesuit General in Rome, rather than in allegiance to the citizens of the United States and to the Constitution of the United States. This being the case, it appears that at least the CIA came under the influence or control and domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It is now their "tool."

The page linked here and a couple of paragraphs above also notes that these Knights of Malta in the CIA were given diplomatic immunity. This allows "agents and supplies to pass through customs without interference from the host country." Unfortunately, it appears that this type of situation can readily allow the CIA to engage in things which are not quite wholesome, or things which are not in accordance with what this nation is supposed to be, such drug trafficking or even human trafficking. These are things which the CIA, commonly known as Catholics In Action (1)(2), has definitely been accused of and appears to have a history of doing, which history goes all the way back to the days of the OSS. All these things are noted within the pages linked below.


Knowing what the "Catholics In Action"(1)(2) (CIA) has been doing behind the scenes for quite some time, plus knowing that the CIA is controlled by Knights of Malta, and is therefore controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization (1)(2)(3)(4), the pages linked below bring out something which should be of concern to all true Americans.

The pages note that back in 2011, Obama placed the head of the CIA into the position of Secretary of Defense. In other words, it appears that an agent of the CIA --- the Jesuit-trained Knight of Malta, Leon Panetta --- was placed over the U.S. military. It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization, like a hidden cancer, is steadily taking over and controlling the United States. So, if your think the United States is broken and not functioning properly, you know who to blame.

Later, in 2013, as noted in the pages linked below, Obama replaced Panetta with Chuck Hagel as the new United States Defense Secretary. But, it appears that it was possibly just a game of "musical chairs" in order to keep the public off guard. Chuck Hagel is simply just another member of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Yes, it's something like a new face, but the same agenda. So, what is there to be known about Chuck Hagel?

According to a Wikipedia page linked here, which is titled Chuck Hagel, he "previously served as a professor at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University." Well, Georgetown University sounds familiar. It is one of the major Jesuit universities in the United States. So yes, it appears to simply be a new face, but apparently with the same continuing agenda from the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, using their "puppets" and agents in the United States.

After Chuck Hagel, the "musical chairs" continued to be played in the position of Secretary of Defense. A Wikipedia page titled United States Secretary of Defense, linked here shows that next in line was Ash Carter, also known as Ashton Carter. About one-third of the way down a page linked here, it claims that "Ashton Carter is a Jesuit that attended St. Johns College in Oxford after going to Yale. St. Johns College is the only Jesuit College that does not have a set location. The purpose was to hide the fact that Jesuitism and freemasonry were working as one." Possibly we need to do a bit more research on Ash Carter, in order to find out what Ash Carter is truly associated with or a part of.

A Wikipedia entry titled Ash Carter is linked here. About one-quarter of the way down the page, after speaking about Carter's earlier education, it states: "Carter then became a Rhodes Scholar, studying at the University of Oxford..." Now, what is a Rhodes Scholar about? Well, about half way down pages linked here and here, plus in pages accessed via the following links --- (1)(2) --- is found the alleged Oath of the Rhodes Scholars. A little more information about Rhodes Scholars can be accessed via the following link: (1). It appears that this is just another one of those things associated with the secret societies which President John F. Kennedy tried to warn the public about, before they assassinated him in November of 1963.

In the "musical chairs" for the Secretary of Defense, after Ash Carter, was Jim Mattis. A Wikipedia entry titled Jim Mattis is linked here. Under the Personal life section, it is noted the "Mattis has never been married and has no children." That section also declares: "He is nicknamed "The Warrior Monk" because of his bachelorhood and lifelong devotion to the study of war." Then comes the information that helps tie things into this presentation. The Personal life section notes that Mattis has been described as a devout and committed Catholic. So, there is the connection to the international Vatican/Jesuit organization that appears to have taken control of or hijacked the United States.

Jim Mattis resigned from being the Secretary of Defense in December of 2018. At this point, there is an acting Secretary of Defense, whose name is Patrick M. Shanahan. A Wikipedia page titled Patrick M. Shanahan is linked here. The page notes that Shanahan graduated from Bishop Blanchet High School, which is a Catholic high school associated with the Archdiocese of Seattle. So once again, it appears that those with connections to the Vatican/Jesuit organization are the ones taking over the control of the United States and its military.


It is now time to look back to the Obama presidency and certain things which happened then. Not only did Obama put a Vatican/Jesuit agent over the U.S. military, it appears that, during his presidency, he also began building the Vatican/Jesuit controlled army in the United States. It appears that the popes army in the United States may potentially be composed largely of illegal aliens. This is discussed in a page linked here, which is titled A Foreign Military on American Soil.

The purpose of the popes army in this country is to pull off the Reconquista of the United States, so it can be brought under the full domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. The Reconquista Movement and its goals are discussed in a page titled Has Mayor of Oakland, Calif. Blatantly Broken the Law ?, beginning with the section titled La Raza, MEChA, and Reconsquista, which should be accessible via the following links: (1)(2)(3). Begin reading downward from the linked section to get educated on what it appears is rapidly coming to the United States. Yes, it appears that, under Reconquista, a period of Vatican/Jesuit-controlled "ethnic cleansing" is planned for the United States. It appears that it may be a time of brutality, bloodshed and possibly mass murder and civil war.

There appears to actually be a lot more to the story of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled army which has been created and is already in place and which appears to be fully operational at the present time in the United States. Part of this story involves the secretive Knights of Malta and the Catholic controlled CIA. And, as noted in this presentation, it appears that the CIA is ultimately controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, right out of their headquarters within Rome.

It appears that the Catholicized and Nazified CIA had their job in preparing for the coming takeover and "ethnic cleansing" of the United States. Part of their preparation appears to have included the experimentation with and perfection of mind control, hypnosis and homosexual sex slave programs. It is of note that the Nazified CIA supposedly destroyed all records of these highly questionable programs in 1973, for a definite reason. They absolutely did not want the truth to come out about what they were doing and preparing for, right here on U.S. soil. Is there a chance that they were afraid of being hung for treason? More about this later.


From the writer's research, it is beginning to appear that the ultimate purpose for the Trump Wall at the southern border will be to keep U.S. citizens inside the country, so they can be "available" for the planned bloodbath and "cleansing" of Reconquista. It appears that they will definitely want genuine Bible-believing Christians and those who believe in the authentic principles of the U.S. Constitution to be "available" for this event. Therefore, it appears that the ultimate purpose for the Trump Wall is really not to keep Catholic-bred illegal aliens out. Keeping illegal aliens out could have readily been done all along with readily available technology, without building a wall.

To keep illegal intruders out of the country, existing satellite surveillance could readily spot any potential intruder headed for the border of the United States. Things like existing sonic weapons and other available devices could then temporarily disable or render the potential intruders unable to enter the country on their own. So, let's return to the issue of Reconquista and "ethnic cleansing."



With modern technology in use during the "ethnic cleansing" which appears to be planned for the times ahead, and some of which may already be in operation, especially since it appears that the United States is now following a path which has similarities to the Vatican/Jesuit-backed Nazi Germany, it appears that there could be the "medical injection" or medical experimentation side of things, similar to some of those lesser-known criminal things (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) which were commonly happening in Nazi Germany, as well as in eugenicist America during the World War One-/-World War Two era and surrounding decades.

In our day, there are some who are concerned that things like the Obamacare program has at least partly prepared the way for these Nazi eugenics types of things to happen right here in the United States on a large scale, once the final order is given. A certain portion of this concern is noted in the pages linked below. More information relating to this concern can be found by searching the Internet.


In this "ethnic cleansing" which appears will be perpetrated by those associated with, or under the control of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization and their New World Order, there may also be the spraying of harmful or deadly substances into the environment from aircraft and other platforms, as has already been experimented with on U.S. civilians in the past, starting soon after World War Two, as noted in the pages linked below.

Research indicates that this unethical experimentation on U.S. civilians began in earnest after all those Nazi war criminals and other Vatican/Jesuit-controlled "holy warriors" were illegally brought into the United States and integrated into the CIA and various key positions in the U.S. military, plus in other departments. The facilitation of all this illegal activity seems to center around people like the Allen Dulles crowd and members of the Knights of Malta and other Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies.

All this unethical and illegal experimenting on U.S. citizens appears to just be part of a continuing war by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, or the Vatican/Jesuit government based within Rome, and its agents and "holy warriors" against the citizens of the United States and other countries. And, it appears that when doing questionable or criminal activity, they always have a somewhat logical sounding cover-story, behind which they hide their apparent criminal activity. And then there is that "CLASSIFIED" stamp.

At this point, there is something to consider. Possibly the so-called "tinfoil hat crowd" may not be so crazy when they speak about harmful agents in those many, long-lasting chemtrails which we are now dealing with in our present day. These chemtrails first began making their appearance in the early 1990s. And, it truly does appear that there is really a documented history here of unethical experimentation on U.S. citizens, without their expressed consent. That appears to make this experimentation a crime against humanity, according to the Nuremberg Code.

Well, it appears that when it comes to the Vatican/Jesuit crowd, they simply "thumb their noses" at the Nuremberg Code. But, that seems be fit right in with the alleged Oath of their secret societies, which documents declare: "I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers."(1)(2)(3) Their actions appear to verify the truth of those Oaths. And, when it comes to the Nuremberg Trials, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit crowd sure helped their important criminal friends and "holy warriors" to escape justice at that event.

When it comes to the "ethnic cleansing," there may also be harmful things done to the food and water, plus harmful or deadly things may find their way into the human body via other avenues (1), which will likely detrimentally affect people and the potential of future generations. It appears that all of this criminal activity may ultimately spiral into that which the uncorrupted Holy Bible calls the great tribulation --- that period of time when humanity, virtually worldwide, comes extremely close to utterly exterminating itself. But, isn't that what the enemies of the true God of heaven have wanted and been working toward all along?

The paragraph above speaks about things in the food and water, along with other things which can harm the human body and/or future generations. This goes right along with something which was declared not that long after World War Two. The book linked below, on page 32, declares: "In 1947 the first director-general of the children's world-wide organization, UNESCO, was Sir Julian Huxley. This man was a firm believer in eugenics; he wanted to see 90% of the Worlds population killed off through genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more." Are you still asleep? And the United Nations is simply the legislative body of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order.

Research indicates that there is actually much more to this story. But, enough has been presented that the reader should have a relatively good understand about what is happening to our world and who is actually behind it. The reader, at this point, may realize why the U.S. government appears to be seriously broken and not functioning properly. It appears that the authentic U.S. government is being "strangled" by the agents of a foreign power, that infamous Vatican/Jesuit organization which includes all those child abusing and raping priests and others. If they would do those things to kids, what would they do to the rest of us? At this point, there is one thing yet to say. There is that old saying about history repeating itself.

To give the reader at least some idea of what appears to be on the "horizon" in the rather near future, in one form or another, simply scan through the contents of a book titled Ravening Wolves, by Monica Farrell, copies or portions thereof which can be found at the following links: (1)(2)(3). This shows the general mentality of those behind or controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order, which is simply the reviving Holy Roman Empire on steroids. You really haven't seen anything yet! Wait until you see what comes next!


In the past, the Vatican/Jesuit organization has had its many brutal, bloody and mass-murderous Crusades and Inquisitions. Now, for those who have seriously done their research, they have found that the death toll for people who have died at the hands of those associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization is being highly disputed. Catholic sources seem to consistently state a much lower figure, while those associated with the slaughtered groups or their history seem to proclaim a much high death toll. But, it appears that there is a very logical reason why there would be so much discrepancy and why the dispute continues.

Possibly the dispute and controversy is a result of the old word "Jesuitism," which word was presented further above in this discussion (link). That word "Jesuitism" is associated with things like deceit, deceptive practices and lying to effect a purpose. And, it has commonly been said that, for this group, "the end justifies the means." In other words, virtually anything goes, including horrendous brutality and even mass murder, in order for them to get what they want --- which in this case is total control over the United States and its citizens. For information about the type of thing which may be coming, check out a document from 1890 that is linked here, which is titled The End Justifies the Means: Proven, from Jesuit Authors, to have been taught for 350 years.

So, should we trust those things claimed about the Crusades and Inquisitions by sources related to the Vatican/Jesuit organization? Before an answer is given, possibly there are some things which need to be considered. It is well proven that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has quite a history of falsifying documents and rewriting history. Examples of a history of falsifying documents and history itself are found in things like the Donation of Constantine (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), the Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals (1)(2)(3)(4), plus other falsified documents (1)(2) like the Capitularies of Benedict the Deacon and the Capitularies of Angilramus and the Canons of Isaac of Langres (1)(2)(3), just to name a few of the more notable ones (1)(2).

It appears that the history of its beginning which the Vatican organization commonly gives may also be an utter falsification of reality, as indicated in pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). The same thing can possibly be said about a number of its teachings, doctrines or practices (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). So, possibly it may not be the wisest thing on earth to "swallow hook, line and sinker" those things claimed by those assossiated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, for they do have quite a history, and possibly one which a lot of people would not really be proud of.

When it comes to those associated with an organization which has a history of falsifying documents and even the record of history itself, possibly we should look to the uncorrupted Holy Bible and see what the future holds for these individuals and the group that goes along with or supports it or parrots its lies. The Holy Bible clearly declares that "all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." (Revelation 21:8)

And for that organization which is associated with mass murder via Crusades and Inquisitions, and then appears to simply lie about what they have really done, the following words from the Holy Bible may possibly apply: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44)

The practice of the falsification of history and records, especially when it comes to the death toll associated with things like the brutal, bloody and murderous Crusades and the Inquisitions, is possibly done in order to "whitewash" the Vatican/Jesuit organization in the eyes of the gullible, in order to make themselves look good to later generations. It appears that they do this in order to get their next victims to put down their guard, so they will be much easier prey to take over or slaughter. At least, this appears to be the case after examining the record of history. Some of the available information relating to the death toll associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization is accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4).


When it comes to those millions of people slaughtered at the hands of those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, during things like the Crusades and Inquisitions, there are some things to consider further. Is there a change that the Bones Churches of this organization were created from the bones of those they had slaughtered? Is there a chance that this was done so the hierarchy could privately gloat about the hidden history of what their organization has done? So, let us begin examining a bit of history.

The page linked below is from the BBC and contains a piece of information which may be of note, when it comes to the source of bones for at least the Czech Republic's "Bone Church." The common story is that these are the bones of "plague victims." But the BBC page has the following to add:

"The Hussite Wars -- a 1419 to 1434 series of Roman Catholic crusades against Bohemian reformers -- also brought destruction to Sedlec and the nearby city of Kutna Hora; attacks left 10,000 more dead, all buried in the Sedlec cemetery." And then, as the common story goes, in 1870, "a local woodcarver was hired to make something of beauty from the piles of bones below."

Once again, the following question needs to be asked. Is there a remote chance that the bones in this church are actually those of the Hussite reformers --- the bones of these true early Christians --- set up as a type of celebratory shrine by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, as to what they have done to those who do not bow to "the organization" in all its teachings? There is a reason for asking this question. And, knowing the history of deception with this organization, as noted in the preceding section, what chance is there that this organization would ever tell the real truth about the source for all these bones?

Looking at another bones church in Czermna, Poland, a page linked via the button below declares: "The skulls and leg bones of over 3,000 victims of wars and plagues cover the walls and ceiling, and a crypt below, accessible through a trapdoor, houses over 21,000 additional remains. Between 1776 and 1804, the local priest, Vaclav Tomasek, painstakingly gathered, cleaned and carefully arranged skeletons recovered from numerous, shallow mass graves left by the Thirty Years' War, Silesian Wars and cholera outbreaks." So, looking beyond the common story, what war victims from "shallow mass graves" could potentially be included here?

A Wikipedia entry on the Northern Crusades is linked here. As the story goes: "The Northern Crusades or Baltic Crusades were religious wars undertaken by Catholic...military orders and kingdoms, primarily against the pagan Baltic, Finnic and West Slavic peoples around the southern and eastern shores of the Baltic Sea, and to a lesser extent also against Orthodox Christian Slavs." Again, might these "bones churches" be shrines celebrating the Catholic Crusades, when they mass murdered those who their Vatican/Jesuit hierarchy classed as being "heretics?"

Further information about the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Bones Churches, plus the worshiping of and glorifying over bones, is accessed via the links below.

A Wikipedia entry on Anti-Protestantism, linked here, declares: "Anti-protestantism dates back to before the Protestant Reformation itself, as various pre-Protestant groups such as Arnoldists, Waldensians, Hussites and Lollards were persecuted in Roman Catholic Europe." History makes it very clear that many Bible-believing Christians were persecuted and mass murdered by the Vatican agents and their pawns, over quite a period of time. How many millions were actually killed by this diabolic crowd, we will never know as long as we are on this earth. But, the signs clearly indicate that there is a lot more of this to come. It appears that the "global warming" story is being used as the cover for the next big event.


There are some things which really need to be considered when it comes to these Bones Churches, plus when it comes to all those other bones which are decorated and carried about and worshipped by the people (link) of this highly questionable and suspect organization, which likes to call itself "Christian" and wants people to believe it is so. A page linked here declares that the "Cult of the dead refers to the veneration of the dead."

By what the words above are stating, it should possibly become rather obvious to at least thinking people that the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its church is simply a continuation of the ancient "Cult of the Dead." For further information which helps to identify the "Cult of the Dead," check out the pages linked below. And yes, it appears that the Catholic Church is working very hard to give Christianity a horrible name. But then again, that organization is understood by many as not actually being Christian at all.

There are now some important words from the uncorrupted Holy Bible to consider. Considering the way God sees things, it is written: "And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with a sword in the open fields, or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall be unclean seven days." (Numbers 19:16) So, in the eyes of the true God of heaven, are these Bones Churches and bejeweled skulls or skeletons which are venerated something unclean and putrid in his sight?

Let us look further into the uncorrupted Holy Bible, that we may better understand what is being dealt with here. An example to consider is these words: "And they shall sever out men of continual employment, passing through the land to bury with the passengers those that remain upon the face of the earth, to cleanse it: after the end of seven months shall they search. And the passengers that pass through the land, when any seeth a man's bone, then shall he set up a sign by it, till the buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamongog. And also the name of the city shall be Hamonah. Thus shall they cleanse the land." (Ezekiel 39:14-16)

Considering what is stated above, the land can be cleansed only by making sure that all the human bones are properly buried. That is the only way that the land can be cleansed. So, what can be said about the Bones Churches? Is there anything which can be learned in this situation from the following words of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is written: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness." (Matthew 23:27)

There truly is a reason why God is going to utterly destroy the Vatican and surrounding Rome in the days ahead, as indicated in a page linked here. There is a reason why God will bring such a destruction on these places that they will never be found or inhabited again. When looking through the uncorrupted Holy Bible, and also while seeing all that sexual abuse and rape of little kids and others, it is beginning to appear that the Vatican/Jesuit organization is totally beyond redemption. Once again, possibly that is the reason why it must be utterly destroyed by God, so it will never be inhabited again. By the prophecies, it appears that this will possibly happen somewhere around the year 2048, if not before --- as indicated in the page linked above.



From the looks of the record of history, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has been big into having someone enslaving or conquering or slaughtering for them. It appears that they do this so they can get control over the peoples of this world, plus get the money of these people or their property or their cheap or even free labor.

So, as a lead-in to a better understanding of the Nazis from Germany and what appears to be their Vatican/Jesuit-backed "holy war," there is some important history to be aware of.

The first page linked below speaks about a meeting which Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany had with Pope Leo XIII. As a point of reference, Leo was the pope from February of 1878 until July of 1903 (link). Of this meeting between the Kaiser and the pope, the page states: "Leo stated that Wilhelm was to be 'the Sword of the Church.' This the Lutheran Kaiser refused to do as recorded in his The Kaiser's Memoirs."

The second linked page contains a copy of the Kaiser's Memoirs. Under the section titled "Sword of Catholic Church," the Kaiser had noted: "It was of interest to me that the Pope said to me on this occasion that Germany must become the sword of the Catholic Church. I remarked that the old Roman Empire of the German nation no longer existed and that conditions had changed. But he stuck to his words." The third linked page contains the same words from the Kaiser. The fourth linked page notes that the meeting between the Kaiser and the pope occurred in 1903. The remaining pages present the words above from the Kaiser.

The information linked above, from Kaiser Wilhelm II, should make one thing very clear. It should be rather clear that the pope was looking for someone to go out in war and conquer other countries for the Catholic Church. The pope wanted to get the "holy wars" and Crusades going again, one way or another. In this case, the pope wanted Germany to become the warring and conquering "sword" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. The pope, one way or another, wanted to get the brutality and bloodshed of Crusade-type activity started once again. This does begin to reveal the true nature of "The Beast" which exists upon this earth, even in our day. And, whether subtily or openly, it appears they want that war going, so "they" can then conquer and rule the world.

As that "sword of the Catholic Church," Germany, which was mainly Protestant, would have been required to agressively conquer other countries and bring them under the complete domination of the Vatican in Rome. But, luckily for the peoples of this world, and to the credit of Wilhelm II, the Protestant Kaiser of Germany had the sense to turn down the pope's offer. The Kaiser did not allow Germany to become "the sword," or the crusading "holy warrior" nation for the Catholic Church.

There is more to write about Pope Leo XIII, the one who wanted Kaiser Wilhelm II to turn Germany into "the sword of the Catholic Church." A book linked here is titled Catholic Victory in 1960?, by Peter J. Doeswyck. On PDF page 8 of 62 (actual book page 11), there is a section titled Pope's Condemnation of Democracy. The second paragraph of that section declares:

"Pope Leo XIII (d. 1903) in his infallible Bull 'Immortale Dei' attacks the democratic movements in Protestant countries and singles out the American form of democracy, though carefully avoiding the name of our country. He denounces as heresy the American principle that all men are created equal. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of the press are termed principles of 'unbridled liberty' (effrenatae libertatis)."

The page noted above (PDF page 8 of 62) speaks further of the pope's BULL, with these words: "He denounces as heresy the American principle that the State many not favor one religion over the other. He condemns the American principle that man may follow his own conscience in matters of religion, and may worship God as he sees fit. He condemns the American principle of separation of Church and State, and he calls it an invention of the 'lovers of the most shameless liberty' (ab impudentissimae libertatis amatoribus.)" There is actually more to Leo's BULL.

The page speaks further of Leo's BULL, with these words: "Though forbidding Roman Catholic laymen to meddle in the politics of Roman Catholic countries, the Pope instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic."

What is stated above is exactly what is happening to the United States today. There are Roman Catholic agents in government positions. Many of them are members of those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies, which are the militia of the pope. It appears that many politicians are controlled by the members of these various secret societies, which secret societies are working to undermine and confound the legitimate form of government in the United States, which is an authentic Republican Form of Government. These agents of the Vatican are actually working to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States and enslave its authentic citizens. Now, back to more of the BULL.

And, there is still more to Leo's BULL. The pope made known "that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church." Leo's BULL instructed Catholics that the pope's Constitution and laws "have priority over" the Constitution of the United States and the laws of this country. For this reason, members of the Vatican/Jesuit organization who are in positions within the U.S. government, the judiciary or the military, or any government agencies within the United States, are actually foreign agents working as "the sword of the Catholic Church" to confound, take down and overthrow the legitimate government of the United States and enslave its authentic citizens under the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order. And, that New World Order already has things in place with its legislative body, the United Nations Organization, situated on U.S. soil.

Before we get too far sidetracked, let us return to Germany and the first half of the 1900s. When Kaiser Wilhelm II would not turn Protestant Germany into "the sword of the Catholic Church," it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization was not finished with this issue yet. It appears that they just began looking for another "tool" to use, a German Catholic "tool," so Germany, which was mainly Protestant, could become the "sword of the Catholic Church" and ultimately the Protestants could be crushed. Now, history shows that Kaiser Wilhelm II was ousted, possibly by agents or pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization (1), because the honorable Kaiser would not be their willing pawn or "tool" of war. Again, it appears that this is the nature of "The Beast."

The record of history indicates that a number of years later, a German Catholic leader ultimately --- and willingly --- became "the sword" of the Catholic Church. "In 1919 at the age of thirty," Adolf Hitler joined the German Workers' Party in Germany (link). He put his full efforts into seeing this organization succeed in the years which followed. Eventually, Hitler was instrumental in changing the name of the political organization to the Nazi Party.

In a section further above titled The Nazis, a Concordat, & the C.I.A. (link), it speaks about the Nazis from the World War Two era, which obtained a Concordat with the Vatican. The Concordat basically legitimized Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Once again, back in 1903, the pope had asked Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany to become the sword of the Catholic Church. The Kaiser refused. And then along came that Catholic named Adolf Hitler, with his Nazis, who basically became the brutal and bloody "conquering sword" of the Catholic Church. In principle, the torture and murder done by the Nazis was not much different than that which happened during the Crusades and Inquisitions of earlier years.

The agressive and brutal Nazis became the willing "holy warriors" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears that Hitler planned for these new Crusades to continue for quite some time, for he declared the following and similar things: "In my castles of the Teutonic Order a youth will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth... There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes... That is how I will create the New Order."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)

So, in the words above, Adolf Hitler was clearly talking about the coming New Order, or more realistically, the diabolic New World Order, which he planned on bringing into being while he was "the sword of the Catholic Church." That New World Order would simply be the revival of the old Holy Roman Empire --- that one-world government, with the pope and the Jesuits at the head.

Research indicates that the Nazis and their attrocities, while acting as "the sword of the Catholic Church," were simply a different form, but still a continuation of, the Crusades and Inquisitions from the past. The major difference was that during the World War Two era, the technology was much more advanced than it had been during the earlier Crusades and Inquisitions. And in our day, there are even more advanced methods which will be used in the coming Crusades and Inquisitions, and in the very devastating American Holocaust.


The pages linked below speak about the alliance between Nazi Germany and Japan, during the World War Two era. The linked information indicates that these two allies shared a considerable amount of information back and forth. As found within the pages, supplies and information were commonly passed between the two allies using submarines, which included Nazi U-boats. It appears that information about human experimentation and other atrocities, plus about the potential for nuclear weaponry, was also passed between the two countries. It is stated in one page linked below (link) that the Jesuit organization was operating in both countries.

The linked page declares: "Fascist Emperor Hirohito would be used by the Jesuit Order in using Rome's Japanese Imperial Army to wage war in the Far East, its primary purpose being to totally destroy the Protestant Reformation and the reading of the Protestant Bible among the Chinese, Korean and Filipino peoples.
        "This is how we understand the Japanese Army's 'Rape of Nanking;' this is how we understand Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor American Army General Douglas MacArthur's abandonment of the Philippines resulting in the 'Death March of Bataan' sacrificing tens of thousands of White Anglo-Saxon American Protestants and Baptists of the Old Protestant South no matter how many Roman Catholics perished! 'Kill em all; let God sort them out' is an old Jesuit maxim of war."
Is there a chance that there could be at least a grain of truth in what has just been alleged? Were Jesuits actually in Japan doing their normal thing?

Information within pages at the following links --- (1)(2)(3) --- verifies that there were Jesuits operating in Japan prior to and during World War Two. In fact there were Jesuit professors at their Sophia University and there were more at "the Jesuit novitiate near Hiroshima." There was also at least one German Jesuit priest in the Hiroshima area.


There are many on the Internet who are debating if Hitler was a Christian. From the looks of things, it appears that there are many who called themselves "Christians" who are utterly confused as to what an authentic Christian really is all about. And no, Hitler was not a Christian. He was a Catholic, by his very words: "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."(1)(2)(3)(4) And, in Nazi Germany, Hitler even collected a church tax from the people for the Catholic Church and even paid the church tax himself, as noted in the following linked pages: (1)(2).

The book linked below is from 1941. It was written by a man named Joseph McCabe, who had formerly been a Catholic priest. A Wikipedia page titled Joseph McCabe, linked here, contains a history of this former priest, plus contains links to his many writings. Because of his background and his research and writing skills, McCabe was in a good position to write the book linked below. And, as ex-priest McCabe makes known, the pope was helping Adolf Hitler to obtain world power during the World War Two era.

There is now something further to consider. As most people who have diligently studied the uncorrupted Holy Bible clearly understand, there truly is a vast difference between a Catholic and an authentic Christian. Hitler may be said by many to have been a Christian, but again, he was a Catholic, not a Christian. Hitler had strong ties to the Catholic Church and to the Jesuits and appears to have been doing their bidding, as indicated by a number of the pages linked below.

When it comes to Hitler being a Catholic, even the Catholic Spanish dictator Franco knew the truth about Hitler and his religious convictions, for upon Hitler's death, Franco proclaimed: "Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory." (1)(2)(3)

At this point, there is a very important thing to consider, which tends to indicate that Hitler and his Nazi's were in good standing with the Vatican and the Catholic Church. The historic Oath of the Jesuits, plus the historic Oaths of the various Knights organizations which they control, all "declare and swear, that the holiness the Pope is Christ's Viceregent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

There were many Jesuits and members of their "Knights" organizations in Germany and the Nazi Party, even high up in the Nazi Party. If the pope in the Vatican was in disagreement with Hitler and truly wanted him out of the way, it would have happened in the proverbial "heartbeat." But, the evidence indicates very strongly that the pope and the Catholic Church were strong supporters of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, plus what they were doing. Indeed, Hitler and his Nazis were the sword of the Catholic Church.

Getting back to the early years with Hitler and the Nazi Party, there is something to further note. In 1933, the Vatican signed a Concordat with Hitler's Nazi Party (1)(2). This Concordat between the Vatican and Hitler's Nazis effectively legitimized Hitler and the Nazis in the eyes of the world. The Concordat basically placed Hitler and the pope into a partnership. And again, Hitler and his Nazis were effectively the crusading sword of the Catholic Church. The Nazis were the crusading sword and the "Holy Warriors" of the Catholic Church.



There is something important to now consider. When Adolf Hitler and his Nazis came to power in Germany, that country was mainly Protestant. Germany was the birthplace of the Protestant Reformation. At the rising of the Catholic dictator Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, Catholics were in the minority in Germany. Yet the Catholic minority --- many of whom were members of the Catholic secret societies and were acting as a "fifth column" for the continuing Counter Reformation in Protestant Germany --- got into power. Then, with their connection to the powerful Vatican/Jesuit organization, this Catholic Nazi "fifth column" brought Protestant Germany virtually to ruins. And again, research indicates that all of this was preplanned by the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

Once again, so it is clearly in mind, what happened to Protestant Germany appears to have simply been a part of the continuing Counter Reformation, which is being perpetrated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears that World War Two and the crushing of Protestant Germany was the Vatican/Jesuit "pay back" to Germany for being the birthplace of the Protestant Reformation. Now there is something very important which needs to be seriously considered.

It does appear that a similar type of thing is "in the works" for the United States. Why? Because it was raised up in such a manner which allowed for the protection of Protestantism against the historic abuses and bloodshed of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. All the signs indicate that the destruction of authentic Bible-following Christians is being prepared right now as you read this presentation. A study of all the evidence indicates that it has been in preparation for many decades. And, U.S. citizens, especially those considered as potentially "enemies of the un-Constitutional, Vatican/Jesuit corrupted State," are now being disarmed (1)(2), just as in Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Nazi Germany (1)(2)(3). Why is all this happening in the United States?

Shortly after the United States came into being, the Vatican condemned this country and declared that it "must be destroyed by any means possible."(1)(2) Because the United States was not in submission to the Vatican or utterly under its despotic control, the Vatican called the United States "'a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost.'"(1)(2) Now, in our day, the Vatican/Jesuit organization has the money and manpower in its secret societies to carry through with their planned destruction of the authentic United States. The Vatican, including its direct associates and whole worldwide organization under its control, is one of the richest institutions/countries on this earth (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), with more money than many countries.

The Vatican organization does a good job of hiding its vast amount of wealth in various places, so people really have no clue about the size of its immense wealth. But one thing is for sure. It has more than enough excess money, manpower and technology available, plus many agents in its secret societies to do its bidding --- which are the militia of the popes's foreign government --- in order to pull off something like a remote-controlled destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11, followed by the "crusade" in Iraq. It appears that 9/11 was a modern form of the earlier-planned Operation Northwoods, just using modern technology. The Vatican/Jesuit organization also has the means to pull off those mass shootings, using Manchurian Candidates, as they work to manipulate the public (1)(2) and disarm U.S. citizens for what is soon coming.

The evidence indicates that the destruction of Protestantism, plus genuine liberty and freedom in the United States, was planned by the Vatican/Jesuit organization to occur in the days of President John F. Kennedy. But when President Kennedy realized what was going on, he had enough love for the authentic United States and for his fellow humans, that he began to fight against the planned destruction of the United States. He did his best to fight against that destruction which was being prepared for by those who were members of, or who were controlled by, the Catholic secret societies in the United States, which secret societies are the militia of the pope and his foreign government. President Kennedy worked to confound and fight against the Vatican/Jesuit "fifth column" in the United States. And for that, he "paid the price." It appears that the "fifth column" had him assassinated in November of 1963.

There is now something to look at more closely. The Catholic secret societies --- of which President Kennedy spoke against and tried to warn U.S. citizens about, before they assassinated him --- are controlled out of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which has its headquarters within that famous city called Rome, Italy. And yes, as an aside, the citizens of Rome are actually being used as pawns in the Vatican's human shield. And now, looking further at the members of the various Catholic secret societies in the United States, it appears that they are working as agents to bring in the Vatican one-world government. It appears they are truly a "fifth column" in the United States, which is working toward the destruction of the authentic United States and the enslavement of its citizens.

Let us now digress just a bit, back to the World War Two era. When Nazi Germany --- or more realistically, Catholic-controlled or Catholic-hijacked Protestant Germany --- was caused to crumble in the latter part of World War Two, it appears that the wily Vatican/Jesuit organization worked hard, yet very subtily, to save its most cunning or most useful diabolic "holy warriors" for what it had planned next.

The international Vatican/Jesuit organization, mainly using the members of its secret societies (like the Knights of Malta and other affiliated organizations, which are the militia of the pope) began to use the Vatican Ratlines and transfer a "flood" of its "holy warriors" to the Americas. A lot of this activity was done under illegal programs like Operation Paperclip and other similar operations. Once the "holy warriors" escaped to the Americas, the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled agents began to build its "fifth columns" within the United States and Canada, plus elsewhere.

With the help of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its many members of those secret societies, many of the Nazi war criminals and diabolic medical doctors who escaped justice at the Nuremberg Trials were placed in key positions in U.S. government agencies, the military and in various educational institutions, plus in private industry in the United States. Many of these "holy warriors" were placed in key positions in the emerging Military-Industrial Complex in the United States, which appears to have been created to help strengthen the position of the Vatican/Jesuit "fifth column" in this country. The large-scale transfer of Nazi war criminals and their associates into the United States is noted in the pages linked below.

The Vatican "holy warriors" which were brought into the United States and other countries then became part of the Vatican's "fifth column" within these countries. Evidence indicates that the Catholic secret societies (especially the Knights of Malta and their affiliates) were instrumental in bringing many Nazi war criminals into the United States. And, Allen Dulles, who eventually was rewarded by becoming head of the CIA (which is commonly called "Catholics In Action"(1)(2)), was very instumental in facilitating this influx of Nazi war criminals, using things like the illegal Operation Paperclip and a number of similar programs. And, it appears that ever since the influx of Vatican/Jesuit "holy warriors" occurred, the Vatican's "fifth column" in the United States has been preparing for the ultimate destruction of the authentic United States and the enslavement of its citizens.


The record of history indicates that the Nazi philosophy (or the Jesuit philosophy, written into the book, Mein Kampf) of Malthusian eugenics and the associated diabolic human experimentation, plus other atrocities committed in Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, did not simply end with the "downfall" of Nazi Germany. The atrocities from Germany appeared to continue, as its agents were illegally transferred into the United States. This appears to have occurred via the OSS and the creation of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA, which had, and likely still has its secret programs of human experimentation. These secret programs have been hidden under projects which were associated with, or appear to have been spin-offs from, that highly questionable program called MK-Ultra.

To help continue the "holy war" and to prepare for what they had planned next, the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization made sure that there was an influx of Nazis into the Military-Industrial Complex and other key positions within the United States. It should again be noted that the CIA was created using people associated with or controlled or manipulated by the Knights of Malta and other Catholic-affiliated organizations and secret societies, which are actually the militia of the pope. To this core group of the pope's militia was added numerous Nazi war criminals and "holy warriors." Looking further at what happened in the 1940s and after, the pages linked below also note that Nazis from Germany were even employed within the FBI.

Once the Malthusian eugenicist Nazi war criminals and human experimenters, with their Knights of Malta cohorts were concentrated and in place within the United States, plus even in Canada --- once the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled "holy warriors" were really ready for action, when they were ready to continue with their more subtle "holy war" on humanity --- unethical experimenting on unsuspecting U.S. citizens then "kicked into high gear." Again, some of this is shown in the pages linked below. And, research indicates that what is shown in the linked pages is possibly just the very tiny tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Once again, the information linked above appears to only be "the very tip of the iceberg." In all of this, there is one thing that we can be very sure of. That is that there is still a lot of information which is CLASSIFIED and out of the sight of the general public. It appears that there is also information which they are most likely completely hiding the very existence of from the public. They are possibly hiding this information from any who are not part of the controlling "elite" which are connected to the Vatican/Jesuit organization --- that organization which appears to have hijacked the United States, its government, it judiciary and its military.


Since it is apparent that a lot of information is hidden, especially when it comes to what actually happened and is still happening within the United States, especially when it comes to things like torture and human experimentation, the writer again presents the information linked below. The linked information first appeared further above in the section titled The Catholic Church, the Nazis & the C.I.A.(link) This information may help to give the reader more of the "big picture" about what has been happening behind our backs, plus just how many Nazi and SS doctors were, in the 1940s and after, brought over to America to experiment on its people.

In the document linked below, on PDF page 15 of 393, the entry for 1946-52 declares: "Hundreds of Nazi and SS doctors are granted citizenship and immigration to Canada under Project Paperclip, and work at Indian hospitals and other facilities under CIA and military sponsorship, including the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal. Their research includes trauma-based mind control programs, sterilization techniques and pharmacological drug testing on native children, orphans, and many others."

Project Paperclip, which is noted in the paragraph above, was also bringing Nazi and SS war criminals into the United States. In the U.S., with the help of members of those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies which are the pope's militia, these Nazi and SS war criminals and "holy warriors" were placed in key positions in various agencies associated with the government. They were also placed in key positions in the newly formed Military-Industrial Complex. There is reason to believe that hundreds of Nazi and SS doctors were also brought in to the United States. In relation to this, the page linked below brings up an issue which is well worth considering.

The linked page notes that "a question was raised about the CDC [Centers for Disease Control] and its possible connection to OSS/CIA's importing Nazi scientists and doctors under Operation Paperclip." The page notes further: "The timing of the CDC's establishment in 1946 soon after at the end of war and 'distinguished scientists' filling its laboratories is significant because it coincides with the US Government's program Operation Paperclip, under the Office of Strategic Services (OSS - later the CIA)."

So, who were these "distinguished scientists" which filled the laboratories of the newly created CDC? Were they Nazi and SS doctors and a large number of German war criminals? Were they Hitler's former "holy warriors" and human experimenters, whose past was illegally "scrubbed" and who were then, in many cases, given new names by members of the pope's militia in the United States? The linked page notes that after World War Two, Nazi research "went on and expanded in secret, under U.S. authority, both in Germany and in the United States, as part of a process that it's possible to view as nazification of the United States."

Part of the expanded Nazi research in the United States may have been done, or is being done, in those highly-guarded underground facilities which are along the lines of Area 51, in Nevada. And, in all of this, possibly there might be at least a thread of truth to those stories of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) elsewhere in the United States. Regarding underground facilities, it is well known that Nazi Germany did a lot of tunneling and built different types of underground military installations (1)(2)(3)(4). It is also alledged that the Nazi chief engineer for those German underground projects, a man named Franz Xaver Dorsch (1), may have been brought into the United States for a period of time (1) to help build the same nature of installations here.

Underground facilities would most assuredly be secure and private places in which to hide Nazi-type doctors and Vatican/Jesuit affiliated "holy warriors." In this type of hidden setting, they would be able to continue with their questionable activities or diabolic human experimentation, away from the prying eyes of the public and generally hidden from aircraft or satellites. Now, since U.S. citizens are the ones paying the bill for these many underground facilities with their tax dollars, possibly it is about time they found out what is really going on in all of those highly secretive "government" installations, which are along the lines of Area 51 in Nevada. And, there is possibly a question which should be asked. What are those associated with the pope's militia really hiding?


There is reason to believe that a lot of questionable activity may be taking place in underground facilities, some of which may be deep in the ground. Now, when it comes to underground tunneling and underground structures, including laboratories, if some may think that underground facilities and long tunnels built, especially in earlier times are something like "fake news," then check out the articles from 1919 that show the tunneling which was done back in those day, which articles are accessed via the following links: (1)(2). The articles speak of a more than two mile long underground tunnel which was being built back in 1919, with plans for other big tunneling jobs. And again, that was built back in 1919, using the rather primitive equipment available then.

In our day, there are all those high-tech, special tunnel boring machines and advancing technologies (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) that have the potential for doing things much quicker and produce a lot longer tunnel or a larger underground facility in a given amount of time. And, for those not familiar with underground facilities and things like large underground tunnels, let us consider just some of the gold mines which have been in existence for quite a period of time. A page linked here is titled Terrifying Facts About the World's Deepest Gold Mine. This mine goes to a depth of 2.5 miles underground (link). And, gold mining and tunneling have been going on for millennia. And with those tunnel boring machines... Okay, enough about underground tunneling and underground facilities.

Getting back to all those Nazis who were illegally brought into the United States, once again, there is reason to believe that things like that Area 51 facility have been used for highly-criminal Nazi-type human experimentation by those "holy warriors" which are associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. There is a reason why this facility has, for decades, been so well protected and off limits to most Americans. There is reason to believe that it has been much more than just about things like secret aircraft. And, if there are any "alien-looking" beings associated with this facility, they were most likely created using Nazi-type technology and diabolic human experimentation. Possibly they have been working to produce certain types of beings for special purposes.



There is a comment further above, right above that one particular button which is found here, which speaks about the "nazification of the United States". That comment possibly needs a bit of clarification or modification. Possibly it is time to convert it into a much more accurate and realistic statement.

From information presented in the sections above in this discussion (link), one thing should become rather clear. In the 1920s through the 1940s, the Nazis in Germany were simply being raised up to be "holy warriors." They were just following the wishes of the Vatican/Jesuit organization as they became "the sword of the Catholic Church." As this "sword of the Catholic Church," their purpose was to take over, via one form of warfare or another, whether secretly or in open warfare, all Protestant and non-Catholic countries. So, it is now time to convert the "nazification" statement, from further above, into something more accurate.

Instead of talking about the "nazification" of the United States, which "nazification" started occurring at that time when all those many Vatican "holy warriors" from Germany were illegally brought into the United States by people associated with the various Jesuit-controlled, Catholic-affiliated secret societies, we should really be talking about something else. We should be talking about that time during the World War Two era and after, when the international Vatican/Jesuit organization began to seriously hijack the United States, its government, its judiciary and its military, along with its various agencies, using their agents associated with those secret societies.

Once again, there is something which needs to be made very clear. Those agents which are associated with those various secret societies which are ultimately controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization are all actually members of the militia of the pope. Yes, you did read that correctly. They are actually agents who are working for a foreign government. They are working for a foreign government which wants to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States. They are working to overthrow that legitimate Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed to every State in this Union by the U.S. Constitution (1)(2)(3). And, they are wanting to enslave all the citizens of the United States. That is the true history of that foreign-based organization (1)(2).

Nazism, even in Nazi Germany during the World War Two era, was simply a facade for the real culprit. And that real culprit behind everything, even behind World War Two, was the Vatican/Jesuit organization which was controlling "the sword of the Catholic Church," as that "sword of the Catholic Church" went conquering other countries for the Vatican/Jesuit organization. And, the treasonous "holy war" for destroying the authenic Republican Form of Government in the United States and enslaving all U.S. citizens was simply moved directly into the United States. The moving of the Vatican/Jesuit "holy war" directly into the United States was facilitated by those many agents of the various Catholic secret societies, which again, are all part of the militia of the pope.

Yes, there is a reason why President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against those secret societies, before they assassinated him in November of 1963. There is also a reason why Kennedy spoke about a plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States (link), before he was assassinated. It appears that Kennedy began to "wake up" and realize that there was this very subtle and diabolic war going on behind the scenes. It was a very subtil war, possibly even a Malthusian eugenics type of war, against the citizens of the United States. This war of enslavement and takeover of the United States became clear to Kennedy, so he did his best to subtly warn the public. And when "the plotters" saw that Kennedy was subtly working to expose them, they assassinated him.


Further above, this presentation spoke about members of the Nazi "sword of the Catholic Church" (link) which were illegally brought into the United States (link). It has been noted that the Nazis were basically "set up in business," right here in the United States, by members of those secret societies which are associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. The Nazi "holy warriors" were actually set up in business here in the United States by members of, or by those controlled by, the militia of the pope. This was done so the Nazis "holy warriors" and their Vatican militia cohorts could subtly continue in their diabolic "holy war" against U.S. citizens, plus against the rest of the world.

In this section, it is time to consider just one particular Nazi "holy warrior." The man we will look at is named Kurt Blome. A Wikipedia entry titled Kurt Blome (link) notes that this man "was the Deputy Reich Health Leader." He was into cancer research for the Third Reich. This particular man "'assumed responsibility for all research into biological warfare sponsored by the Wehrmacht' and the S.S." The page also notes: "Blome had a longstanding interest in the 'military use of carcinogenic substances' and cancer-causing viruses." The page notes that Kurt Blome and a Dr. Erich Traub became "employed by the U.S. government after the war as...biological warfare expert[s]. And, Blome had experimented with the dispersal of various harmful agents from aircraft.

The Wikipedia page linked above notes that the Wehrmacht Science Section of Nazi Germany "strongly supported the offensive use of chemical and biological weapons against Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States." The page continues: "In 1943, Schumann wrote to Dr. Heinrich Kliewe, one of the Wehrmacht's biological warfare experts that 'in particular, America must be attacked simultaneously with various human and animal epidemic pathogens as well as plant pests.' According to Kliewe, plague, typhoid, cholera and anthrax were being developed as weapons, as well as a new 'synthetic medium for the spread of these bacteria' which would allow them to remain virulent for eight to twelve weeks."

And then, illegally, it appears that a number of these Nazi "holy warriors," who believed that "America must be attacked simultaneously with various human and animal epidemic pathogens as well as plant pests," were moved directly into the United States by those in the military and intelligence agencies who were associated with the militia of the pope.

The Wikipedia page linked here and above, indicates that the biological warfare program of the Nazi "holy warriors" was "a camouflaged operation for the production of biological warfare agents." This disguised Nazi facility "had sections devoted to physiology-biology, bacteriology and vaccines, radiology, pharmacology, cancer statistics and a tumor farm." In the midst of all this, Kurt Blome proposed the use of mosquitoes for spreading certain biologicals. That linked Wikipedia page also contains another important piece of information. It notes that the Nazi Wehrmacht and SS had "another biological warfare facility disguised as a cancer research institute." Keep this piece of information in mind, for the disguising of biological facilities will be noted further.


Now for some things to consider. There were numerous Nazi "holy warriors," and many of these were involved with biological warfare. They were involved with this warfare, because they were part of "the sword of the Catholic Church." Then many of these Nazi "holy warriors" and war criminals were illegally brought into the United States, with the help of other foreign-controlled agents who were members of those Catholic secret societies which are part of the militia of the pope.

Is there a chance that the Nazi "holy warriors" and their cohorts, those secret society agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, could have set up a similar type of disguised biological warfare system in the United States, as was set up in Nazi Germany, in order to continue in their Malthusian-eugenics war against humanity, but from directly within the United States? Now, with all the cancer research in the U.S. and worldwide, it appears that there has never been found a "mainstream" cure. Yes, there have been a number of alleged alternative "cures." But, in the "mainstream," the cancer epidemic only seems to be increasing. Why?


A Wikipedia page titled Fort Detrick is linked here. The page states that "Fort Detrick was the center of the U.S. biological weapons program from 1943 to 1969." The page also declares: "From 1945 to 1955 under Project Paperclip and its successors, the U.S. government recruited over 1,600 German and Austrian scientists and engineers in a variety of fields such as aircraft design, missile technology and biological warfare. Among the specialists in the latter [biological warfare] field who ended up working in the U.S. were Walter Schreiber, Erich Traub and Kurt Blome, who had been involved with medical experiments on concentration camp inmates to test biological warfare agents." So, all these Nazi "holy warriors," including Kurt Blome and a number of other biological warfare specialists, were brought directly into the United States to continue with their diabolic "work."

A number of Nazi biological "holy warriors" were embedded at Fort Detrick, including that Kurt Blome. He was the one who had many ideas about how to attack U.S. citizens using biological agents. The Wikipedia page states that "between 1940 and 1974, DOD [U.S. Department of Defense] and other national security agencies studied hundreds of thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous substances." This was done under a program called "Operation Whitecoat."


The Wikipedia page about Fort Detrick (link) states that eventually, the biological "experiments" under Operation Whitecoat were performed on Seventh-Day Adventists. These are people who are non-Catholic Protestants. The Seventh-Day Adventists were conscientious objectors, but why were they singled out for these "experiments?"

Is there possibly a chance that these Protestants were selected for these medical experiments because it was part of the continuing, Vatican/Jesuit-inspired "holy war" against non-Catholics or those who would not fight in what appears to be Jesuit-instigated wars? Were these medical experiments done on non-Catholics, using those Nazi "holy warriors" who were brought into the U.S. to be part of "the sword of the Catholic Church?"



The Wikipedia page on Fort Detrick indicates that both Nazi and Japanese human-experimentation war-criminals from the World War Two era, who had been allies during the war, worked at this biological warfare facility in the Vatican/Jesuit stronghold of Mary-land. The Japanese war criminals would likely have been part of the infamous Unit 731 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) and Unit 100 (1)(2), plus part of the many other associated Japanese biological warfare Units, including those numbered Unit 1855, Unit 1644, Unit 8604 and Unit 9420, plus many other like Units.

As a side note, the records indicate that the U.S. granted immunity and freedom to all these Japanese war criminals. They were given immunity and their freedom as long as they provided their research information which they had acquired through diabolic human experimentation and cold-blooded murder, or if they helped those who had taken control of the U.S. military. And, it appears that those who were associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or it secret societies, or those who were influenced by them, were the ones who had hijacked the U.S. military. Now, as far as those who appear to have no functioning conscience or any true care for upholding authentic justice, check out the pages linked below.


We most often hear about Nazi Germany and their atrocities, but we seem to hear very little about what their ally Japan was doing during the World War Two era. Since Japanese human experimenters, who appear to have performed horrendous atrocities, were also brought into the United States, it is time to learn some additional history about Japan.

Further above, there is a section titled Germany and Japan: Axis Allies (link). In that section, it is noted that Jesuits were operating in both countries, plus both countries were driven to perpetrate extreme atrocities. So, the writer believes that it is important to look further at the presence of the Vatican/Jesuit organization in Japan prior to and during the World War Two era. A page, linked here, is titled Christianity in Japan. Under the section on that page titled Roman Catholicism, it states the following:

"Catholic orders established numerous orphanages and hospitals in Japan, and thousands of Japanese men and women received an education at Catholic schools, universities, and commercial schools. In 1896, Trappists came to Hokkaido and formed a Christian agricultural colony and developed industries such as milk production and cheese making. In 1905, the Island of Shikoku was given to the Spanish Dominicans." So, it appears that prior to and during the World War Two era, the Vatican/Jesuit organization had influence within Japan.

The reason the writer brings up the Vatican/Jesuit influence in Japan is because of some of the history of the Jesuits. What is said in the historic induction ceremony for Jesuits who enter the level of command within that organization should also be considered. In that historic ceremony, it is said that the Superior declares the following to the advancing Jesuit:

"You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means."(1)(2)(3)(4) The record of history appears to prove the validity of the above words.

From the beginning of this presentation, it has been shown that many associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization are guilty of abuse, rape, sodomy and even murder of children and others. During the Crusades and Inquisitions, that organization perpetrated some of the greatest abuses and atrocities upon humanity. And, seeing what happened to the Duplessis Orphans in Canada, which was noted earlier in this presentation (1)(2), God only knows what kind of atrocities that people associated with or instigated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization may truly be capable of doing.

Now, it is time to learn something which they most likely did not teach you in school. Unfortunately, it appears that especially in the United States, there is a lot of important history which they do not teach in the schools. When it comes to Japan during World War Two, for some reason, it appears that certain segments of the Japanese were driven to extreme brutality and even cannibalizing their captives. The records clearly indicate that this practice of cannibalizing their victims was not just because of starvation. This is noted in the information linked below.

Considering the information linked above, it is obvious that it was not just a certain segment of doctors which was doing atrocious things during World War Two. There was something that was driving the Japanese military to do some very extreme things. Then, after World War Two, various doctors who had performed extreme brutality against non-Japanese, even those who had committed horrendous crimes against humanity, were welcomed by those who had taken control of the U.S. military and its facilities in the United States.

It is noted in the information linked in the preceding section that a number of the Japanese human experimentation facilities were disguised as being water treatment facilities. One was even said to be a "sawmill" where "logs" were processed. And those things which were called "logs" were human victims of utter brutality by those who appear to have had no functioning conscience. Information about the dehumanization of victims by calling them "logs" can be found with the following linked pages: (1)(2)(3). And, some suspect that there is a factory for producing a certain variation of logs, which is being built in the United States. This information is presented later in this discussion.

Some of the things which the Japanese were doing to their victims could readily equate to what the Jesuits were doing to their victims during the Inquisitions. The Japanese were documenting their diabolic "experimentation," just as the Jesuits did when they were diabolically torturing their victims during the Inquisitions. Yes, it appears there are parallels between what the Japanese were doing and what the Jesuits have done. And it appears that people with these types of traits were called to work with the U.S. military in their facilities within the United States. These were the type of Japanese who were called to work with Nazi "holy warriors" and those who were part of "the militia of the pope."


Further above, there is a section titled Considering Just One "Holy Warrior" (link). In that section, it was noted that the Nazis would diguise at least some of their biological warfare research centers to make them look like cancer research institutes. And, it is known that the Nazis were looking at weaponizing cancer. Now, Fort Detrick in Maryland was a biological warfare research facility. Then the Nation Cancer Institute moved into this facility, as noted in the pages linked below.

There are now many cancer research facilities in the United States, but the cancer rate just keeps climbing (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18). Reports indicate that more and more people will get cancer. And to add insult to injury, these cancer facilities are getting many U.S. citizens to send them money for further "research," while the cancer rate just continues to keep climbing. Examples of just some of those willing to accept all the money they can get for cancer research can be seen at pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). Yes, cancer research has become an incredibly huge business.

So, why does the cancer rate just keep climbing? Is there a chance that some of the various "cancer research" laboratories are actually biological warfare facilities? Could they be, for one reason or another, "leaking" biologicals, including cancer causing agents, into the surrounding environment? Is there a chance that at least some of these facilities are staffed or controlled by those who may be "holy warriors" who have connections to the international Vatican/Jesuit organization? Before this question is answered, there is something to consider.

Let us not forget one very important fact. It is well known that, beginning in the 1940s and continuing for many years, Nazi "holy warriors," who were "the sword of the Catholic Church" were illegally brought into the United States by those who were associated with the militia of the pope. Many of these war criminals from Nazi Germany, plus others from Japan, were then illegally placed in the medical and biological warfare fields in the United States.

So, is there possibly a chance that there could at least be a grain of truth in what the "kooks" from the "tin foil hat crowd" are saying in the pages linked below, especially when considering that which is noted further below, that "they" want to get rid of about 90 percent of the world's population as quickly as possible? And, let us not forget that the Nazi "holy warriors" were illegally put into at least the medical field, plus the U.S. military and the CIA, which CIA has gained the nickname, "Catholics In Action."(1)(2)


It should be noted that people with ties to the international Vatican/Jesuit organization do seem to control a rather high percentage of the medical facilities and social services in the United States. There is also a lot of money which the Vatican/Jesuit organization is funneling out of taxpayer funds. All of these things are clearly shown in the pages linked below. And, there is another thing to note, especially when it comes to the medical field. There are sure a lot of people with strange and serious medical conditions, which the doctors seem to have no answer for what is happening to these people. So, is the diabolic "holy war" just continuing on those who are not in full submission to the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization?

Now, it is well known that the United Nations Organization, which is the legislative body of the Vatican/Jesuit-instigated New World Order or the legislative body of the reviving Holy Roman Empire, has been calling for a large reduction in human population upon this earth. It is also known that people associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been calling for a huge reduction in human population upon this earth. These things are noted in the pages linked below.

So, is there an association between these calls for population reduction and the skyrocketing cancer rates? Is there an association between the call for a drastic reduction in population and the many strange, undiagnosable health issues which people now seem to be getting? Check out the pages linked below to see what those who have brazenly hijacked our world are wanting.

There is another thing to consider, when it comes to that continuing "holy war" by those people associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, who are actually part of "the sword of the Catholic Church." In the Wikipedia page linked here and above, once again, it is noted that the Nazi named Kurt Blome had experimented with the dispersal of various harmful agents from aircraft. The Nazi "holy warriors" were also developing methods for spreading biologicals and disease-causing agents via aircraft over Britain, the Soviet Union, and, yes, the United States, also. And then many of these Nazi "holy warriors" were illegally brought into the United States to continue with their diabolic programs against humanity. And, it is important to note that Blome also "had a longstanding interest in the 'military use of carcinogenic substances' and cancer-causing viruses." Now, there is more to think about.

Since it appears that agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization (which agents of its many secret societies are actually members of the foreign-controlled militia of the pope) have taken over and are virtually in control of the U.S. government, the judiciary, and the military, along with many of the other agencies in this country, there is now something which should be asked. Is there any chance, knowing that there appears to be this ongoing "holy war," that there could be at least a thread of truth in what those numerous chemtrail "kooks" have been talking about for decades? Before an answer is given to this question, it might possibly be important to consider the information which is presented in the next section.


Since the time that all the Nazi "holy warriors" were embedded into the CIA and the military (where it appears they were able to join forces with their cohorts in the Knights of Malta and the other secret societies which are controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization in Rome), it appears that things rapidly began to change for the citizens of the United States. Once the Vatican agents virtually hijacked the United States, it was like the very "fabric" of this nation was changed. And with this change, the safety and security of the general public now came into question.

Documentation indicates that the Nazified CIA, with all of its many transplanted and embedded Nazi "holy warriors," began to sent out heinous agents into bus depots, train stations and airports carrying suitcases in which were chemicals or biologicals which they would then spray on the unsuspecting public. Documentation also shows that the U.S. military, which now included quite a number of Malthusian-eugenicist Nazis from Germany in key positions, appears to have also been highly involved in this type of heinous activity or warfare against unsuspecting U.S. citizens.

The pages linked below begin to tell a rather disturbing story --- at least the parts of the story which are not still "Classified." And, as is often the case, there is reason to believe that the information linked below represents just the very "tiny tip of the iceberg" of what is really going on. And, we can pretty much guarantee "they" will not tell the public the true danger associated with the heinous activity which the Nazified "holy warrior" segments associated with the government were, and apparently are still doing.

In the pages linked below, there is documented evidence which indicates that the Nazified segments which are associated with the U.S. government and military have sprayed harmful agents on U.S. citizens and cities, using even aircraft. If this "holy warrior" crowd did it earlier, why wouldn't they do the same today? And, those long-lasting chemtrails from jet aircraft started commonly showing up in the 1990s. Prior to that, the contrails from jet aircraft disappeared rather quickly. And, jet aircraft have been using the same general altitudes since the 1950s. Now, the younger crowd who has not been around a long time may be more easily fooled. But those who have been around for a lot longer have seen the distinct change.

After considering the documented information presented above, do you think there could be a chance that "they" are spraying the general public, plus cities, with harmful agents from aircraft today --- possibly even using those long-lasting chemtrails (1)(2)(3)? Is there a chance that treasonous Nazified segments associated with the U.S. government could be doing such a thing? Is there a chance that the Malthusian-eugenicist segment embedded within the United States (which appears to be associated with the militia and "holy warriors" of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization which is based out of Rome) could be doing such a thing to U.S. citizens. Could they be doing such a thing as they work to force U.S. citizens into submission to their New World Order?

Is there any chance that the above mentioned type of diabolic and sinister activity, in general principle, could easily fit in with what is declared in the historic, alleged Extreme Oath of the Jesuit organization and the Oaths of the secret societies which are under their control? The historic, alleged Oaths of these secretive organizations are said to contain the following words:

"I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth... That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet..."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)

If people associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization appear to have a history of doing widespread abuse, rape and even murder of little kids and others, just what else is this group capable of doing? Exactly what types of things would they resort to, as they work to force the peoples of this world under the domination of their despotic New World Order, whose legislative body is residing in New York, as the United Nations Organization?

Knowing the history of this international organization --- which includes things like the many, brutal and bloody Crusades and Inquisitions --- and knowing the blatant criminal activity which members of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization have been up to, even in recent times --- which includes things like raping numerous kids and others --- possibly it is about time for the general public to truly wake up and really take a long and serious look at what this very questionable and very un-Christ-like organization, which likes to call itself "Christian," is really all about. Yes, they have quite a history.



A page linked here claims that "The Roman Catholic Church controls approximately 60,350 tons of gold." The page claims that the Catholic Church controls "approximately 30.2% of all the gold every mined." Well, these are quite some statements. Possibly they are something to consider further. And, so are the pages linked below.

When it comes to the gold that the Catholic Church has, the first linked page declares: "Some of the gold is held at the Vatican, some at individual dioceses and churches, and some by the Vatican bank." The page also states: "Not all the gold that the Church owns is in the Vatican, or even in Italy. Some of it could be as close to you as your nearest Catholic Church, or in a nearby convent, monastery or even in a Catholic school or university."

It appears that the Vatican can converted a certain portion of its gold or money into other things of value, which can be used for gaining control of the world. The second linked page declares: "The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others." But there is more.

The second linked page also declares: "The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc." Then the page goes on to speak about "the real estate and other forms of wealth controlled by the Catholic church." The page states further: "The Catholic church, once all her assets have been put together, is the most formidable stockbroker in the world." And, just its solid gold on hand, mainly in the form of gold ingots, is said to be worth "several billion dollars."

When an organization is "rolling in the gold" and has incredible power over the people of this world, it appears that its people can often feel that they can do almost anything they want to virtually anyone. This seems to be the case, especially when it is not the true God of heaven which is in control of their lives. Possibly that is why such a large number associated with the heirarchy of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization are raping little boys and girls and others, plus doing other illegal things, while brazenly "thumbing their noses" at the laws which are against their criminal activity.

In all of this, especially when it comes to all the evil which has been going on behind the scenes with way too many people who are part of this international organization, we must not lose sight of one important thing. We must not lose sight of the fact that there is a righteous God in heaven who is keeping track of all things. In the days ahead, the day of judgment and utter destruction will finally arrive for this very questionable organization, and, by the looks of it, this day of utter destruction will possibly arrive sooner than we realize. These things are indicated in a page linked here, which is titled The Final Destruction of Rome.

Getting back to the subject of gold and general wealth and power and control over peoples, which has been accumulated by the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, there is something to consider in the information linked below. When considering the record of history, it appears at least to the writer that a major purpose of the Jesuits has been to act as "missionaries" throughout the world, but for a certain reason.

It appears that a part of their purpose is to search out the valuable things of the different countries and peoples wherever they travel. Why? It appears that they do this so they can work to enslave the people in one way or another and place them under the government of the pope's Vatican. Then they work to confiscate the money or valuables of the various peoples for the church and their other Catholic buddies. And, that appears to be what is steadily happening to the United States and its people, right now.


Under the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled "sword of the Catholic Church," which was the warring Nazis, Germany began to rearm in preparation for World War Two. As they rearmed, they began to run short on funds. As the Nazi "holy warriors" started invading other countries, they would steal the gold from those countries, especially the gold from their central banks, in order to help them to fund their continuing war efforts.

The pages linked below possibly only tell a rather small part of the real story. All that is really known for sure is that the Nazis ultimately acquired an incredible amount of stolen gold. Some of this gold came from gold utensils and other gold items stolen from the victims of Nazi concentration camps. Then their was the gold acquired from their victim's gold teeth. But, the writer has reason to believe that there may have been another source, possibly a more minor source, for at least part of the acquired gold.

It is well known that the Nazis, that "sword of the Catholic Church," generally using slave labor, did an incredible amount of tunneling and building of underground facilities in Germany and in the surrounding countries. A page linked here and in the buttons above, notes that in one of the places there are many tunnels. It is believed that some of the tunnels are "a point of entry into a labyrinthine complex that may hold many Nazi treasures." It is believed that the Nazis had built something like "an underground city." One historian declared, "The enormous scale of this project defies the imagination." Pages accessed via the buttons below contain additional information about some of these various Nazi tunnel-boring projects and underground facilities.

At this point, there are a few things to note. When all the tunneling was being done and these Nazi underground facilities were being built, World War Two was raging. The Nazi "holy warriors" were needing all the money they could get to finance their war. They were looting all the gold they could find in order to finance their war. So, there is one more thing to add to possibly add to the Nazi gold story.

As the Nazi "holy warriors" and their slave laborers were doing all this digging and boring into mountains, etc., there is a chance that they excavated into a variety of underground gold deposits. Now, the Nazis, needing all the gold and money that they could get there hands on, surely would not have passed up any valuable gold veins or deposits which they came across in their underground endeavors.

Most likely, the information about any gold finds would have been relayed up the Nazi chain of command. So, a number of the Nazi war criminals and "holy warriors" which were illegally brought into the United States possibly had some knowledge about underground gold deposits. Keep this information in mind, as this presentation continues.


This presentation includes an examination of people associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization abusing and raping boys and girls and others. But, there is reason to believe that the Vatican/Jesuit "holy warriors" from Nazi Germany, which are joined with their allies in the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies, which are the militia of the pope, may be raping the people of the United States in another manner. So, it is time to consider the potential of something, which it appears most people are completely missing.

Is there a chance that the largest Vatican/Jesuit-controlled "holy warrior" gold heist is currently in operation? So, you are possibly wondering, "Where could something like this be happening?" Possibly below our feet, deep underground. About a half dozen sections above, there is the section titled Tunneling and Underground Facilities.(link). That section speaks about the high-tech tunnel boring machines which are in operation today by various government agencies, including by the U.S. Air Force (1). Now, there is something to think about.

The first page linked below declares: "Mine planners have recognised the benefits of using TBM technology to facilitate rapid access to ore reserves in hard rock mines and the earliest application of TBMs in mining dates back as early as the late 1950s." So, the use of tunnel boring machines in mining for valuable metals or other things in the ground has been happening for quite some time. And, looking further, the third linked page is from 1971. It speaks about plans for a nuclear-powered boring device concept which was being worked on by the Los Alamos Laboratory (1). This device would melt its way through the ground, creating tunnels or shafts at a rather rapid pace. Again, this was from back in 1971, and things have advanced considerably since that time.

It is time to add another component to the forming picture. The page linked below is from 1984. It speaks about the Army, Navy and Air Force using suspected Nazi war criminals even in "high-level research positions." These suspected Nazi war criminals were brought into the United States using at least things like the highly questionable or utterly illegal operations known as Paperclip, Crossbow and Overcast.

After the Nazi war criminals were illegally brought into the United States, it appears that people associated with or controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies helped place these Nazi "holy warriors" into even key military positions within the United States. Now, these Nazis were part of "the sword of the Catholic Church," and those members of the Vatican/Jesuit secret societies are actually part of the pope's militia. Are you beginning to see what was happening here?

Well, we know the kids are getting raped, so now it is time to get to that part about the land being raped, plus possibly all authentic U.S. citizens being raped. All the information presented above may possibly be enough to start forming a better picture about what it appears could potentially be happening, right here in the United States. Those in charge of those underground boring machines projects, (because it appears the U.S. government and military have been virtually hijacked) may be agents of or manipulated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. As noted in some of the pages linked above, those high-tech boring machines can easily be used for large-scale mining operations --- even for mining things like gold and platinum and other metals of value.

Now, it has been noted further above that the Vatican has been getting a lot of gold. It appears they have a horrendous lust for gold and money and power. It is also known that the Nazis were getting gold and acquiring power wherever they could find it. So, is there a potential that some secret, large-scale mining operations are happening beneath the surface in the United States? Is there also a chance that a large share of the gold or other valuable products are ending up in the coffers or the control of the questionable Vatican/Jesuit organization? In other words, are the authentic U.S. citizens getting immensely economically raped without knowing what is actually being done to them? Now, something which could easily raise a red flag is the Yucca Mountain project in Nevada.

Yucca Mountain was intended to be the nuclear waste repository for the nation (1). But it had problems, like being associated with fault lines (1)(2)(3)(4), plus it showed signs of liquids and solutions coming up from below in earlier times, which are things shown in a page linked here. So what happened? They went ahead and bored passages deep into that mountain using high-tech boring machines that at times "reached a top speed of 18 feet per hour." (1). And then after making those large passages or doing that major tunneling in the mountain, Obama said it was not going to be used for the nation's nuclear repository. Why?

The new line suddenly became that there was this fault line which "runs directly beneath the site."(link) Well, that is something which any decent geologist worth their pay, or actually even any amateur prospector worth their stuff, could have told them in the first place, by simply looking at the geologic features of the mountain and in the surrounding area. Furthermore, information about the fault was already presented in a report by Jerry S. Szymanski, all the way back in the 1980s. This is shown in the page linked here. So what kind of gamery or complete, utter incompetency is going on here? Or, was it all preplanned?

And now for another question. What is commonly associated with fault lines? Why yes, gold is...and possibly even lots of gold, as indicated in pages at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). So, considering this whole situation, it is kind of funny, or possibly very pathetic, because prospectors for millenia have understood that gold is associated with fault lines. It is also well-known that Nevada has a considerable amount of gold and silver and other metals of value. There has been serious mining going on in Nevada by U.S. citizens since the 1800s, and by others even prior to that. So, what in the world has been going on here?

Now for a well-known fact that has been known for hundreds of years. A Wikipedia page linked here is titled Gold mining in Nevada. The page states that Nevada is "one of the largest sources of gold in the world." Well, well, what should we say about this? Is there a possibility that the government officials involved with this whole project or scam were simply utterly illiterate and had absolutely no clue that all that gold was there? Well, maybe we should give them the benefit of the doubt here. Why? Because, you know, it appears that it is getting harder and harder to find good and honest help this day and age, especially when they can just go to a priest and "confess their faults" and give the priest some money or gold so he will tell them that they are absolved of their sin.

So, did they just hollow out Yucca Mountain so they could get as much of the gold and other valuable metals as possible and then shut the project down. Did they shut the project down only after those associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization and its potentially treasonous militia all got their share, or at least all they could carry, of all that gold and other things of value which had originally been down there inside of that mountain? Once again, are the authentic U.S. citizens getting horribly lied to and raped, at least economically, by those associated with or controlled by the international Vatican/Jesuit organization which has hijacked our government? No wonder our government is so broken! And now, there is even more to think about.


About this time, there is another question that needs to be asked. Who got the whole nuclear mess, especially the nuclear bomb mess, started on this earth in the first place? Yes, it was those German Nazi "holy warriors" who had a Concordat with the Vatican and were "the sword of the Catholic Church." It was that crowd which consided of a large share of Knights of Malta, which are part of the militia of the pope.

There is a section titled Into the Nuclear Arena, which is linked here, which is part of a much larger page. That section speaks about the Nazis in Germany and their nuclear research programs. Yes, the Nazis were planning on making nuclear weapons and there is evidence which indicates that they were a lot further along in the nuclear arena that the public is commonly told.

As the Nazified Germany began to crumble, as their war was coming to an end, there were people from the U.S. who went in behind the U.S. troops in order to find all the nuclear information, equipment and materials which they could locate and take control of them. They also began to round up all the nuclear scientists which they could find for use in American and British nuclear programs. All of these things were done under Operation Alsos, which is also called Alsos Mission. There were also other associated operations for aquiring information and Nazi scientists and personnel. These things are noted in the section linked in the paragraph above.

Now, who then brought the nuclear mess into the United States and to other places around this world? Yes, it appears that, during the World War Two era, it was members of those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies (like the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus and possibly even Opus Dei, which are all part of the militia of the pope) which did "the dirty deed" which started the nuclear mess directly within the United States. But, it does appear that there is actually a lot more which is associated with this story.

The record of history indicates that the pope and his militia (which includes members of the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, etc.) are working to overthrow the authentic government of the United States and enslave its people (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). So then, what better way to ruin the United States and eliminate the "undesirables," but through the use of nuclear radiation, which has "population control (eugenics) and elimination" capabilities, with factories for these purposes built all over the country. Yes, the eugenicists did speak of eugenicide "through the destruction of the individual by some adverse feature of the environment..."(1)(2) Well, nuclear factories which are spewing radionuclides into the surrounding environment would sure help to accomplish this goal.

Well, it is beginning to appear that the whole scenario, including World War Two, was preplanned by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears that they initially used their Knights of Malta, which were in the form of those Nazi "holy warriors" who had a Concordat with the Vatican, and who then became "the sword of the Catholic Church." And it appears that those associated with or manipulated by the international Vatican/Jesuit organization are now playing things "to the hilt" and playing authentic U.S. citizens for fools.

Yes, it appears that the heirarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are like worldclass, grandmaster chess players. It appears that they have been deceiving the peoples of this world about what they are really doing, for so long, that they are really pros at it now. They have also been learning how to manipulate the general public. Because of the research which their allies have been doing, it appears they do a rather good job of reading the minds or gullibility of the general public and their intended victims, and then they plan out their sinister "game" many moves ahead.



It is time, once again, to digress a bit and go back to the World War Two era. It is time to look just a bit more at what was happening back then. Once the Nazi "holy warriors" and their counterparts who were members of the various secret societies got together, things began to drastically change in the United States. The CIA began doing mind control projects under things like MK-Ultra. These mind control projects included the use of hypnosis. The pages linked below appear to present just a very small view of what it appears was really happening in these questionable projects by that Catholics In Action (1)(2) (CIA) crowd.

At this point, it should once again be noted that in 1973, the CIA is said to have destroyed all the records for those questionable and diabolic projects which they had been doing. It appears that they were afraid that what they were doing could come to the public knowledge and there could be quite a "storm" created. Possibly by destroying the records, they were working to keep themselves out of jail or to keep themselves from being literally hung for crimes against humanity.

In all of this, there is something to consider. If the CIA's "research" projects had been within legal parameters, there would have been no reason for the CIA to destroy all the files which they could locate about their questionable and diabolic "experiments." The major destruction of records tends to indicate that something extremely serious, and possibly something seriously wrong, was involved in their "research." And, research indicates that they were into large-scale, mind controlled pedophilia and worse.

To show an example of a rather mild case of non-pedophilia "experimentation" and human take-over, six of the pages linked below speak of a well-known case involving the CIA and the use of hypnosis and mind control on the popular model named Candy Jones. This began occurring back in the 1940s. And once again, what was done with Candy Jones appears to have been extremely mild in comparison to other mind control "experiments" done by the CIA, which is called "Catholics In Action,"(1)(2) especially the things they did on children. And again, there is a reason why the CIA destroyed all those records in 1973.

After scrolling through or seriously considering the information linked below, the discussion will then turn to filling in as much of "the picture" as the writer's present research will allow. The writer will do their best to show the potential of at least some of the things which the questionable CIA was doing behind that "CLASSIFIED" stamp, as it appears they were working with hypnosis in a very questionable or possibly criminal manner. And, let us remember that these were "holy warriors." It is a combination of Nazi Malthusian eugenicist though, along with the thinking of those who are part of the militia of the pope. So, as the reader considers the linked pages, think also about such things as the Crusades and Inquisitions.


Since the CIA was using hypnosis on many of their victims, and since they destroyed the records about their very questionable escapades in 1973, possibly in order to protect themselves from potentially serious consequences, it is time to consider at least medical hypnosis and what can potentially be done with it. It is time to start piecing together what the CIA may have been doing with hypnosis. The pages linked below provide information about what at least some medical doctors were doing with hynosis in the 1800s. This should give some idea of the power of, and what can be done with hynosis when used properly for good purposes.

In the case of Dr. James Esdaile, he used hypnosis to produce anesthesia to alleviate pain in his patients during and after even major surgery. The records indicate that, using hypnosis to produce anesthesia, he was removing scrotal tumors that were as large as 20 to 80 pounds. So yes, hypnosis is a very powerful tool --- in the right hands, possibly for good. But in the wrong hands, hypnosis can be used for very horrid and devastating things. So, check out the information linked below and at least get some idea of the power of true hypnosis.


As noted earlier, the CIA was into using deep states of hypnosis on victims in a number of programs, the most famous or infamous being MK-Ultra. So, what has actually been done with hypnosis, when it comes to controlling automatic, natural functions in the human body? The pages linked below show that when hypnosis is properly used, teeth can be extracted from hemophiliacs without the usual bleeding or the requirement for transfusions, in many or most cases.

A page linked here and in the buttons below, has the following note at the bottom of page 211: "Recently, over a three-year period, 1961-1964, at Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, Dr. Oscar Lucas used hypnosis to extract 150 teeth from hemophilic patients without transfusing a single pint of blood or plasma. Normally, for hemophiliacs, tooth extraction means a major operation requiring the transfusion of dozens of units of plasma before, during and for days after an operation." Well, this type of thing, especially when it is dealing with a situation which would normally produce serious bleeding, is really not something which can be faked.


Once again, it should be noted that, when used by an experienced and wholesome operator, hypnosis can be a very powerful tool. In the proper hands and when used rightly, it has been shown to be a very helpful tool. In the wrong hands, or when used wrongly or by a devious person, it can be extremely damaging and utterly devastating. One case that can be used for an example is found in the pages linked below.

About half way down the pages linked below, it speaks about a man named Albert Moll. This man was "a specialist in neurology and hypnosis." This specialist in hypnosis examined a certain victim of wrongly used hypnosis who "was in fact 'completely devoid of a will of his own.'" From the looks of it, the person who had hypnotized the victim had completely taken them over and then stripped the victim of their own will. And, there is a possibility that this is similar to the types of things which the CIA, those Catholics In Action (1)(2), were doing in their questionable experimentation, the records for which they destroyed in 1973.

So, what was the CIA doing in their mind control programs that was so horrible that they are said to have destroyed all the records that they could find for the program in 1973? Were they possibly killing innocent people, using hypnosis? The pages linked below could present a basis for what they were potentially doing.

The pages linked below speak about stopping the human heart using hypnosis. There is now something to consider. With the track record that the Nazi-type "holy warriors" had, especially when they were in those German facilities, it does not take too much of an imagination to realize what they were possibly doing in some of the CIA's programs in which they were working with hypnosis, completely in secrecy where "anything goes." It should be noted that there is no guarantee that these "experimenters" were anything near being honorable people --- or even being people who had a functioning conscience.

When things are hidden behind a wall of secrecy and closed doors, plus the infamous "CLASSIFIED" stamp, there is, once again, the potentially that virtually anything goes. When no one has to worry at all about any type of repercussions, the animalistic, sinister and diabolic side of humanity can readily take over, especially when they are not controlled by the true Spirit of God. When they believe that they can simply go to a priest and tell this priest what they have done, and the priest will tell them that they are forgiven, and then the priest may be given some money, there is no more any accountability. There is no longer any righteousness or justice.

So, how many people were actually murdered, by having their heart stopped, in those "CLASSIFIED" CIA programs, for which they destroyed the records in 1973? How many people were murdered in cold blood, when the "Catholics In Action"(1)(2) were "having all kinds of fun?" Check out the pages linked below to get just a minor example of what can be done with hypnosis, when an experienced operator is in control.

Now, using hypnosis, there are possibly more ways to stop the heart than simply slowing it to a stop. Is there a chance that in some of the questionable CIA programs, when the militia of the pope was having all kinds of fun, they were causing their victims' hearts to race to the point of destruction? If the "Catholics In Action"(1)(2) were having "too much fun" in this area, that could possibly be reason enough to destroy all the records they could find in 1973, which documented all their diabolic "experiments" using hypnosis and mind control. Possibly, they were also causing severe stress in their victims, using hypnotic hallucinations, to the point where their victim's heart would race and their blood pressure would rise and they would have a severe stroke or a massive heart attack.

The page linked below speaks about rapid induction techniques. This is something which may be commonly used by stage hypnotists. Part way down the page is a section titled What we can learn from stage hypnotists. That section notes that with rapid induction techniques used with stage hypnosis, "A common reaction is a rush of adrenaline, raised blood pressure and also heightened suggestibility (since the unconscious resources are being triggered)." So, in the CIA MK-Ultra and other associated programs, as they worked to discover ways to produce even faster hypnotic induction, was there a chance that the sudden rush of adrenaline and raised blood pressure may have caused strokes, heart attacks and even rapid death in a number of cases?

The page linked below states that "the. U.S. military was conducting extensive tests of subjects under hypnosis during W.W. II. In spite of all this, the CIA was still seeking better rapid induction techniques for their slaves during the 1950s. MK Ultra Subproject 128 dealt with rapid induction techniques, especially Subproject 128-1." A little more than half way down, the page notes the "SACRED HEART = Catholic/Jesuit suicide program." Further down, there is a paragraph titled Body Programs. That paragraph declares: "This program totally controls the circulatory system. The victim may think they are losing lots of blood & go into heart failure." So, how many people did the "Catholics In Action"(1)(2) murder in this way?

To those who have not been around authentic hypnosis and a competent operator, the information discussed above may sound farfetched or untrue, or something like "fake news." But to those who have witnessed authentic hypnosis and its potential firsthand, in the hands of an experienced operator, the above things are very well understood. And about this moment, the writer does not want to think further on the potential of the criminal acts which the CIA was doing in their "experiments," the records of which they destroyed in 1973. But, just because records were destroyed in 1973, does not in any way mean that this type of questionable activity has ceased. A person just has to look at the history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and see their true track record.

At this point we could look into what is really being done at those highly secretive "government" installations, which are similar to the infamous Area 51 in Nevada. We could look further into the apparently treasonous activities of the "militia of the pope," which are happening right here at secret or hidden facilities in the United States, as they hide behind the infamous "CLASSIFIED" stamp. We could also consider what the "holy warriors" and "militia of the pope" are doing, as harmful things like radionuclides and cancer-causing agents are spread in the water sources and the surrounding environment. But, instead of all this, let us return to the matter of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, and the associated abuse, rape and even murder of little boys and girls and others.



In this situation of the kiddie rapers and criminal activity which is associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, there is something which may be somewhat interesting to certain individuals or groups. But, this "something" may actually be somewhat disturbing to others, once the true situation is understood. The disturbing situation will now be considered. The page linked below notes that the United Nations has been asked to intervene in this situation of criminal sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy, and of course, by the Catholic hierarchy also. But, there is something very important to consider in all of this.

Research indicates that the United Nations organization is simply the legislative body of the Vatican/Jesuit organization's rising New World Order. It is part of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled one-world government, which is basically their reviving Holy Roman Empire, but this time like its totally on steroids, which has just been relabeled with a new name --- the New World Order. Adolf Hitler of Germany, during the World War Two era, also spoke of a New Order for this world, using the following words:

"In my castles of the Teutonic Order a youth will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth... There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes... That is how I will create the New Order."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) And, that abusing and rape of children in the Catholic system appears to now be the manner in which the Vatican/Jesuit organization is now working to program and raise up a youth which is brutal, domineering and cruel --- a youth which ultimately are not weak or gentle.

The above words from Adolf Hitler is the type of thing which the Vatican/Jesuit organization has worked to raise up over and over again in history, as it continues with its Counter Reformation and the ultimate crushing of anything which is not Catholic. It happened during the Crusades and Inquisitions. It happened in Croatia and Nazi Germany during the World War Two era. It seems to have happened virtually every time the Vatican/Jesuit organization takes power in a country, and especially when it is in a country which is not yet fully "under the thumb" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

Now, when it comes to the abuse and rape of children and others, if the pope and his hierarchy will not stop pussyfooting around and truly work to properly clean up the criminal situation with their subordinates --- if the pope will not go in there and clean up the mess, like a major military invasion, especially because of the extreme seriousness of the criminal activity and what it is doing to future generations --- the United Nations cannot do any more than its "boss" will allow. But, there is actually more to examine in this story. It is time to consider how "the game" is played by the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

With people now calling on the United Nations to do something about the situation, it appears that all that is truly happening is that the people of the United States --- possibly at the instigation of those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization --- are being horribly deceived as they are "blindly" falling into the cleverly-laid trap created by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. U.S. citizens are blindly "falling into the arms" of the United Nations organization and the rising "Beast" of the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order.

The people of the United States are blindly looking for someone else to clean the mess up for them, rather than getting in there themselves to do the proper job. Instead of going to the United Nations, they should be getting in there and forcing out those in government who are not doing the proper job to protect the authentic citizens of the United States. They should be forcing out the members of the militia of the pope, plus those who are under their control, who are actually working against what the authentic United States is supposed to be. And, they should then put in place those who will do the proper job of completely cleaning up the criminal activity and the mess of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its people.

There is actually more to consider in this situation. By turning to the United Nations for "help" to clean up the Vatican/Jesuit mess, the people of the United States are actually helping to destroy the sovereignty of their own country. They are then becoming the enemies of the authentic United States. They are working to destroy the future for all authentic U.S. citizens. Furthermore, they are placing themselves more and more under the control of that historically despotic Vatican/Jesuit organization. And, when it comes to going under the control of that organization, let us not forget about its history.

The pages linked below should give some idea of the history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and what it has done whenever it has the power and the opportunity. The first link goes to a book which was written by Joseph McCabe. A page linked here states that McCabe "was brought up as a Roman Catholic, worked on Latin documents, and made himself very well-informed about Christianity, but turned against it." The preceding statement actually needs to be made more accurate. McCabe, who had actually been a Roman Catholic priest (link), became well-informed about Catholicism. He became well-informed about its deceptions and horrendous acts. Then, when he realized what it actually was, he turned against it. Now, for that Catholic history.

In all of this, let us not forget about the brutal, torturous and bloody Crusades and the Inquisitions. Let us not forget about the Concordat which the Vatican had with Adolf Hilter and the diabolic Nazi "holy warriors" during the World War Two era, just for starters. Let us also not forget about the crimes of the Catholic-controlled Croatia during that same era. The utterly brutal crimes against humanity which were done in Croatia are noted in the book accessed via the links below. This is the history and true nature of the Vatican/Jesuit organization which is behind and in control of the United Nations and the rising New World Order.

There is one more thing to consider, when it comes to those who were spurred-on by agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. After all the information available about what happened in Croatia during the World War Two era, it appears that Croatia wants to hide the truth from the world, rather than "coming clean" and then getting on with life. The information linked below indicates that Croatia desires to be a living lie. But, possibly there is a bit of Jesuitism involved here.


Now it is time to consider something else. Years ago, one of the popular rock songs to the people of this world was a song about signs. Three different music-videos for this particular song can be found at the following links: (1)(2)(3). Yes, the "priests" of rock music have been singing about signs and asking, "Can't you read the signs?" So, it is time to consider at least some of the signs which appear to indicate that something very big is coming to the United States and to its authentic citizens. Some believe that a Vatican/Jesuit-inspired American Crusade and Holocaust is rapidly approaching. Is there any truth to what they are saying? About this time, when it comes to important signs, possibly we need to look to that which is declared in the uncorrupted Holy Bible.

It is written: "The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him [Jesus] that he would shew them a sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" (Matthew 16:1-3) By the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, it becomes very apparent that the true people of God are supposed to be watching and discerning the signs of the times. They are supposed to understand what is happening and what is coming.

In relation to these things, the following words of instruction from the Lord Jesus Christ are also found in the uncorrupted Holy Bible: "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." (Luke 21:34-36) Yes, pray that you may be accounted worthy to escape these things which are rapidly approaching. Pray that you can escape the bloodbath and American Holocaust which appears to be on its way.

Let us now begin to look at potentially revealing signs. Possibly the book linked at the bottom of the section above may help to explain why the Catholic/Jesuit-controlled Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and their associated agencies have been stockpiling arms and billions of rounds of ammunition, plus other weaponry and armament, for use within the United States (link). Possibly it might help to explain why they are stockpiling enough ammunition to put about five bullets in each U.S. citizen. Possibly it may also help to explain why those in key positions in the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled U.S. government have been working so hard in recent times to disarm and take the guns away from even law-abiding U.S. citizens.

The stockpiling of ammunition and arms by various Catholic/Jesuit-controlled agencies, while authentic U.S. citizens are steadily being disarmed, tends to go along with the historic oaths of a number of the Catholic organizations (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). And, these people are actually the militia of the pope. These organizations which are the militia of the pope appear to be those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy --- who was a Catholic --- tried to warn the public about, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963. In his "secret societies" speech, he indicated that these organizations were doing things against the traditions of this country and the way things are supposed to be in the United States. A page linked here indicates just some of their goals.

Possibly the information presented above and in linked sources may help to explain why the Catholic/Jesuit-controlled National Security Agency (NSA) is unconstitutionally and therefore illegally spying on U.S. citizens. It appears they are doing this illegal activity so they can figure out who is who and what each individual knows about or believes, as they plan for what is coming in the days ahead. Looking at the various "signs," it is beginning to appear that they are planning for the bloody Vatican/Jesuit-instigated, American Crusade or American Holocaust. With the disarming of U.S. citizens which they have strongly been pursuing in more recent times, this Crusade could also be called the Second American Civil War, or a one-sided bloodbath and "turkey shoot."

This section started with words about signs. Sometimes, even very small signs can give things away. Take for instance after Trump became president. Yes, there was all kinds of hoopla going on in those days. The president was possibly briefed by various agencies about different things on their agenda. But in the midst of all this, something interesting took place --- something which possibly most people did not notice. Sometimes, women can reveal things by their actions. Melania Trump had planned to go with Donald to Davos, Switzerland. But, at the last minute, she cancelled these plans. Then, she went alone to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington (1)(2)(3)(4). Why did Melania suddenly change plans and go alone to the Holocaust Museum?

And then there is the Trump Wall which is being built at the southern border with Mexico. Is there a chance that the true intent for this wall is not to keep illegal invaders out of the country, but rather to keep U.S. citizen in, so they will be present for the "holy war" and the American Holocaust? It seems that now, certain people want to get this wall built very quickly. It seems that there is now an urgency to it. Why? Possibly more U.S. citizens are beginning to wake up to what this wall is really all about. So, do the "elite" need to get the wall built fast, before too many more citizens wake up to what is really happening and begin to do something about it?


There is one more thing that will be added to the forming picture at this time. Many will say that what is about to be said cannot happen in the United States. Many will say that those types of things which happened in Nazi Germany during the World War Two era absolutely cannot happen here. But time will tell the real truth on this matter. It appears that Hanford Nuclear Reservation, in Washington state, also fits into this picture. So, where does it fit into all of this? Well, there is that Vitrification Plant that they have been having so many problems with. That is the plant which is supposed to be used to convert that highly radioactive waste-tank slurry into glass logs for storage. But, it is beginning to appear that there could be a lot more to this Hanford Story.

Let us begin to examine the "unusual things" which have been happening with the Hanford Vitrification Plant project. We will start by considering the history and costs for this plant, which is also called the Hanford Tank Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant. A page from 2012, linked here, is titled Hanford's latest insult to taxpayers. It notes that construction of the Vitrification Plant began in 2001. The page states: "The vitrification plant's estimated cost of $4.3 billion ballooned to $12.2 billion, with no end in sight. The infinitely flexible finish date was bumped to 2019, for now." Again, that is what was happening in 2012. So, let us see what has happened since 2012.

A page linked here is from 2018. At that time, the nuclear-waste treatment plant had already ballooned into a "nearly $17 billion project." But wait, there is more to this story than just the escalating costs. From the looks of what the page is stating, it appears that some serious shenanigans have been going on even about the materials used in this treatment plant. Something is absolutely not right with the way things are being handled at the Hanford site. This is not the normal way that any decent business is handled. About this time, there should be all kinds of "red flags" going up. What is going on here? It does not appear that this plant has truly been designed to handle the job they claim it is supposed to be for. So, what is this plant really all about?

A section in a large page is linked here. This section is titled A Nuclear Disaster Waiting to Happen. The large page is titled The Hanford Nuclear Report (link). The section contains information from another source which states that the Vitrification Plant is "so poorly built that, once it's finished (if it ever gets finished), feeding nuclear material through it could cause a catastrophe." Another section in that large page is linked here. It is titled Uncontrolled Nuclear Reactions. It notes that "parts of the plant still face risks of bursting into flames, exploding or triggering uncontrolled nuclear-chain reactions, according to project documents, interviews and formal critiques by scientists at other federal agencies." An uncontrolled nuclear-chain reaction is what happens when a nuclear bomb is detonated.

A page linked here states other things about problems with this Vitrification Plant. It notes that some of the problems in the design of this plant include the chance of radioactive waste "incurring a criticality accident and exploding before it was vitrified." For those not familiar with these types of things or with the terminology, "criticality" is what happens when a nuclear bomb is detonated and ultimately explodes (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). So, from the looks of things, this Vitrification Plant at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation does not appear to be designed to truly handle the job of turning all that radioactive waste from those underground storage tanks into glass logs. So, what is really going on here? What is this plant truly being designed for, and what is its intended use?

According to the page section linked here, this nuclear waste plant is built so substandard that "the government's own tests show that equipment may fail or pipes may clog in areas of the plant so hot with nuclear waste that no human or machine could ever get in and make repairs." What? No one in their right mind would build a nuclear waste treatment plant so substandard. So what gives here? Has anyone considered that it may not be a nuclear waste treatment plant at all? Because it is not built to proper standards, is there a chance that it could be for something other than what it is said to be for? Considering the American Holocaust, is there a chance that this plant could actually be a decomposition and disposal system for something other than radioactive materials?

It is time to begin examining some of "the known pieces." It is time to begin looking at the various "signs" to see if they can help to form a more clear picture of what may be on the horizon. There were all those Nazi war criminals and "holy warriors" who were illegally brought into the United States in the latter part of World War Two and after. As noted earlier in this discussion, many of the Nazi "holy warriors," who were "the sword of the Catholic Church,"(link) were put into key positions in the CIA, the military, and in other government agencies. There are indications that some of these Nazi "holy warriors" went into the Atomic Energy Commission, which morphed into the U.S. Department of Energy --- which has control of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Now, there were already all of those members of the Catholic secret societies --- who are the militia of the pope --- who are in key positions in virtually all of the various agencies associated with the U.S. government. Looking further, from the information presented earlier in this discussion (link), it is obvious that the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "holy warrior" members have quite a history of performing mass murder. This has happened over and over again, throughout history. And, the Vatican/Jesuit "Fifth Column" of "holy warriors" was embedded into the United States (link) and appears to be in place for what is coming next. So, considering "signs" already presented further above in this discussion, what does it look like is possibly coming next?

For a moment, let us step back in history to the World War Two era. Besides being "the sword of the Catholic Church" and conquering other countries, what else was the Vatican's Nazi "holy warriors" and "the militia of the pope" doing? Yes, they were exterminating millions of people. And what were they doing with these numerous, now dead people? Yes, many of them were being cremated in those large ovens (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). They cremated these murdered people in order to get rid of "the mess" and to get rid of the evidence of the attrocities brought on by "the sword of the Catholic Church." But there is a lot more to this story. The ovens from the World War Two era were primitive and the "gases" from the burning bodies just went up the chimney (1)(2).

Now, back to our day. The Vatican/Jesuit organization and its New World Order crowd are calling for ridding this earth of 90 percent of its human population. At this point, they are using the global warming issue as their cover story for wanting to get rid of people, so they can once again perform genocide and large-scale mass murder. It appears that history just keeps repeating itself with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears they just love doing large-scale human sacrifice to their god, which is Lucifer. Okay, so where does the Vitrification Plant at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, in Washington state, fit into this whole picture? Well, you possibly looked at the pictures of the Nazi ovens linked in the paragraph above. Now look at this picture at what is at the Hanford facility.

Okay, another thing to say about the Vitrification Plant. As noted in the information presented in this section, because of the way this Hanford plant is designed, if they truly attempted to use it for turning radioactive waste into glass logs, there could be a nuclear catastrophy. There could be criticality accidents and uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions. And, even the government's own tests showed that there could be some very serious problems with this plant, if it were to be used for processing the radioactive tank wastes. So, there is something else to bring up. Has anyone considered checking the plans for the Vitrification Plant to see if it would make a better industrial-scale gasifier of "waste humans," rather than for processing radioactive tank wastes?

A few paragraphs above, it was noted that the gases from the burning bodies in those Nazi "holy warrior" crematorium ovens simply went up the chimney and out into the surrounding environment. In our day, it appears that they do not want to waste those "valuable" gases up the chimney, once they start industrial scale cremation. It appears that the Vatican's New World Order crowd is now wanting to gasify the dead bodies, possibly in order to convert them into a usable fuel (1)(2)(3)(4) and to use as the base gases for converting into other materials and products for the pope's people. Now, look at those urns shown in the last picture on a page linked here. Could similar "glass logs" be coming out of the finished Vitrification Plant at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation?

There is another thing to now consider. All those many Nazis were brought into the United States and embedded in key positions in the various government agencies. Now, in Nazi Germany, they disguised some of their biological warfare and plague research facilities to look like cancer research laboratories. This information in found within the following linked pages: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). Then there was the Nazi ally, Japan. The biological and chemical warfare research center for the infamous Unit 731 was disguised as a water-purification facility. This information is found within pages accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4).

By disguising the diabolic facilities, most people would never figure out what the "holy warriors" and the "militia of the pope" were really up to, until it was too late or they became a victim. And then, during the latter part of World War Two, "the sword of the Catholic Church," those Nazi "holy warriors," were brought directly into the United States and the members of the militia of the pope were embedded into the Military-Industrial Complex and various government agencies and other institutions. So, just because a facility at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is said to be a treatment plant for radioactive tank waste, does not guarantee that it is actually that type of a facility, especially when "holy warriors" and the "militia of the pope" are in control of things.

There is one more thing to add to this section. Nazi Germany and Japan were in it together during World War Two, and both Nazis and Japanese war criminals were brought into the United States and placed in government and military programs. Now, in those diabolic Japanese human experimentation and extermination camps, their numerous victims were commonly referred to as being "logs." This is noted within pages at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). So, is there possibly a chance that the "logs" which will be associated with the Hanford plant will be the victims of the American Holocaust, perpetrated by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization? In all of this, don't forget about things like those brutal and bloody Crusades and Inquisitions.


Now, who could the Catholic/Jesuit-controlled DHS and other allied agencies, who have been buying and stockpiling ammunition, possibly intend to arm with those billions of rounds of ammunition and other armaments? When it comes to a one-sided bloodbath and "turkey shoot" --- when it comes to an American Crusade or Inquisition or American Holocaust, who could be used at least as part of the crusading army? Could it be those numerous Catholic-bred members who have been part of the illegal alien invasion? In all of this, there is something to look at further. It is time to look at how "the chess game" is being set up. And, if anything is missed in this discussion, a scroll through the complete page which is linked here may help to fill in any missing pieces.

It should be noted that Obama, during his time as president, had already been illegally arming many illegal aliens (link). This activity was completely against the laws of this country. Now, could the many Vatican/Jesuit-controlled agents (who are members of those secret societies and are the militia of the pope, and who are already in key positions in government) simply arm members of Catholic-bred gangs like MS-13, plus even members of the brutal and bloody drug trade?

On the other hand, could Vatican/Jesuit agents in government positions bring in the Knight of Malta, Erik Prince, and the "Blackwater Gang," who appear to be part of the militia of the pope and have proven that they can readily slaughter people in cold blood, like in Iraq?(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Now, Erik Prince is said to be a Knight of Malta (1)(2)(3) and part of the militia of the pope, and the U.S. government has already used Prince and his organization on U.S. soil in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (1)(2)(3)(4). So, when the American Holocaust begins, is there a chance that the militia of the pope, featuring Erik Prince, could be brought in to lead in the "turkey-shoot" and bloodbath?

When it comes to "how the game is played," it should be noted that in the early 1900s, the Vatican/Jesuit-instigated communism (link) ultimately led to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. This Revolution was basically pulled off using a relatively small band of thugs (1)(2). But, there appears to be more to the American Crusade and Inquisition story, or to the American Holocaust that appears to be approaching.

At this time, it appears that the groundwork for the American Civil War, or for that one-sided American Crusade and "turkey shot" and Holocaust, is being prepared, potentially also using members of the La Raza, MEChA, and Reconquista movements (link). These are groups made up of a lot of Catholic-bred illegal aliens from south of the border, who have been raised, along with their allies, with a hatred for the authentic United States (link). These groups have been planning on the takeover of the United States, ultimately for the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. And, the Vatican/Jesuit agents who are in key government positions, plus those whom they control via blackmail and other methods, are just letting it happen.

Further research into these issues may help to explain why the basically Catholic/Jesuit-controlled government, judicial system and military is not really doing what they are supposed to in order to protect legitimate U.S. citizens from illegal invasion. Possibly that is why the government appears to be so broken and they are not doing things according to the U.S. Constitution and according to those things which have been written by the Founding Fathers of this great nation.

Yes, this "breaking" of the nation, its government and military, so it does not work in the manner in which the Founding Fathers of this great nation intended, has all been planned that way by a foreign-based power and its infiltrating agents. Oops! Sorry! I was not supposed to bring these issues up so directly, because they may only work to get us far off-topic, which topic is all those agents of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization which are criminally raping and sexually abusing little kids and others, and apparently even worse things.



Some are wondering why criminal sexual abuse by Catholics is so hard to get under control or stop, such as indicated by the first two pages linked below. Well, part of the reason appears to be that citizens of the United States are being "played for utter fools" by those who are supposed to be making properly protective laws, plus by those who are supposed to be doing proper justice in the United States, according to the founding principles of this great nation. Furthermore, things continue to happen because, as the third linked page indicates, few Catholic clergy are ever prosecuted. Why? That question will be answered more fully later in this presentation. But a page linked here may help to better understand at least some of the problem.

Then there is another problem for why the Catholic rapers virtually continue with "business as usual," as they go on their merry way and continue to rape little boys and girls and others. The pages linked below appear to indicate that the pope is not really going in there and cleaning up the criminal mess in his very questionable organization. He is keeping people in place who appear to have not been properly working to really protect the children and others from sexual abuse or from other types of abuse by the Catholic priests and bishops or others in his organization.

As usual, there is still more to the story. The information linked in the first page below indicates that high-ranking individuals in the Vatican/Jesuit organization are working to hide their pedophile priests. It appears they are working to even obstruct justice, because they have their own plan for the United States, which appears to be the overthrow of the legitimate U.S. government and the enslavement of its citizens.

The second linked page tends to indicate some further deception which is being perpetrated by the questionable hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears they are "thumbing their noses" as the United States as they are wilfully failing or refusing to reveal all of their abusive or criminal priests. It appears they may be highly under-reporting the criminal activity in their highly questionable organization.

A complete reading of the historic Jesuit Extreme Oath, plus the Oaths of at least some of the secretive and subversive societies which they control, can help to give a person a better understanding about what is really going on at this time in our country. The Oaths help give a better understanding of why the members associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization are basically "thumbing their noses" at the United States and its laws, as they continue in their criminal or treasonous acts. Once again, the historic Oaths of the Jesuits and some of their affiliated organizations are accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). And now, let us consider some further criminal activity which appears to be associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents.


After considering all the information presented in the preceding sections, especially that which was done in the orphanages or Catholic "care" facilities in Canada (link), there is something which the writer believes needs to be looked at further. It is beginning to appear that there may be some truth to what certain sources, like those accessed via the buttons below, have stated about the organization called Boys Town, which is a Catholic-run facility that is located in Nebraska.

Research indicates that questionable activities have been associated with at least the Boys Town facility in Nebraska. These questionable activities may have worked to allow key people in government, even in the U.S. government, to be blackmailed. Some of this is indicated in pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). By this time, after reading all the earlier information in this presentation, do we really need to ask, "By whom has this been done and for what reason?" It appears we are simply dealing with the Vatican/Jesuit takeover of the United States.

Judging by the information linked below, it appears that certain people associated with the Catholic organization known as Boys Town may have been at least "prostituting" underage children, using them like child sex slaves, in order to gain control over certain key people in the government and possibly even key people in the military of this country. Some of this, when it comes to blackmail and a government which is not functioning properly, may relate to what a page linked here is talking about.

Possibly all of the information included thus far in this presentation, may help to explain why the U.S. Government appears to be horribly broken and not functioning in the manner originally intended by the Founding Fathers of this great nation. Some do believe that the government has been hijacked by a foreign power, or by the agents thereof. Possibly this may be something worth considering further, especially if we have any genuine care for our future and that of our country.


The evidence indicates that there may be a whole lot more to the story about all the widespread sexual abuse of children in the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which seems to be occurring all across the United States, plus elsewhere. It appears that this sexual abuse problem has also been happening at the Catholic facility called Boys Town, which again, is located near Omaha, Nebraska.

What is really going on here and who all is involved, besides various potentially Vatican/Jesuit-controlled "U.S. government" agencies, the public will most likely never know. But one thing appears to be true. It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Catholic hierarchy is possibly very deeply involved in criminal activity. And again, it also appears that there is blackmail being done to various government officials, possibly via the use of various types of "sexual favors" and other methods.


If you wonder why the government appears to be seriously broken in the United States, should we say, "Welcome to a United States which has been operating as a vassal state to the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order?" Or, should we say, "Welcome to the Vatican/Jesuit Empire of the World, which has had control of this country since at least the World War Two era, if not before?" Now, it is time to think logically. There is a reason why the Catholic priests and bishops, plus others associated with their hierarchy, have been getting away with all this criminal rape and sexual abuse of children and others for decades. There is truly a reason why very few of them have really experienced the justice which is truly due to them.

There is only one way all this criminal activity associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization can be happening, without the complete hierarchy of that organization being jailed or deported to Rome, and then its organization forever banned from this land. The only logical reason for why the Catholic organization is getting away with all its criminality is if the Vatican/Jesuit organization has treasonous agents and minions who are in control of and operating this country. Once again, is that why the government, judiciary and military of this country appears to be very broken and not operating in the manner required by the U.S. Constitution and as is shown within the writings of the Founding Fathers and other earlier statesman?

Is that why virtually everyone in the government and military has been disregarding or blatantly violating their Oath of Office, which requires them to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic?(link) Is that why the hoard of Catholic-bred illegal aliens has been allowed to swarm into the United States, almost unhindered? Really, we have had the technology for many decades which could have been used to seal our southern border tight, that not a single illegal alien or drug smuggler could have intruded into this country. But, it appears that the Catholic-bred invaders are being allowed into this country by the traitorous agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization who have "illegally" gotten themselves into government positions. Yes, it appears that we have been watching the militia of the pope at work.

And, there is now a question about the Trump Wall, especially since it is coming at this late date, and, especially considering that we have had the technology all along which could have prevented illegal intrusions into this country. Will it found, when it is much too late for the affected citizens, that a wall on the southern border will now be used to keep U.S. citizens in, so they will be present for that New World Order "activity" which it appears could be coming soon? An example of what the writer is alluding to is presented in a book named Ravening Wolves by Monica Farrell, which can be found at the following links: (1)(2)(3). An example of it is also found in the history of the brutal and bloody Crusades and Inquisitions. What can we say? It's the nature of "The Beast."

In all of this, let us not forget an old saying which goes something like this: "History repeats itself." And, let us also not forget that the uncorrupted Holy Bible speaks about an approaching time of great trouble (link). This time of horrendous trouble is called the great tribulation. During the great tribulation, almost no flesh shall be saved. In other words, it is a time when humanity, through brutality, violence, mass extermination and mass murder, will almost exterminate itself. All the signs are beginning to indicate that many alive today shall see the great tribulation with their own eyes. With these thoughts in mind, let us return to the matter of that Catholic institution called Boys Town, plus things relating to that region.


A number of the pages accessed via the links found in the section above, which is titled Boys Town, Nebraska (link), mention a man named Larry King (not the television and radio host), which is short for Lawrence E. King Jr. The particular Larry King noted in the linked pages, early on, was a Democrat. He then turned Republican in order to increase his chance of advancing in the Party. But, there is a lot more to Larry King, for the records indicate that he was connected to Boys Town, near Omaha, Nebraska. And, as usual, there is more to the story. It appears that there may be much more to the story, than is normally presented about the Omaha region and Boys Town.

Now for a few boring things to note. Boys Town is approximately 11 miles due west of Omaha, Nebraska (link). As an item which applies to this discussion, there is something else which will be noted. Approximately 12 miles due south of Omaha is Offutt Air Force Base (link). For those who are good with maps, this relationship between Omaha, Boys Town, and Offutt Air Force Base can be seen on a map linked here, especially after zooming in on the map. This relationship can also be seen on a map linked here, especially once the left-side-panel is collapsed.

Now, from the discussion so far in this complete presentation, it may be obvious why Omaha and the Catholic facility of Boys Town are being noted. But, why Offutt Air Force Base? Linked here is a book titled The Franklin Cover-Up. On PDF pages 367/368 of 451 (actual book pages 327/328), it speaks of Offutt AFB as being "the headquarters for the Strategic Air Command," which is known by the letters "SAC." It also notes that Offutt has "had a cadre of thousands of intelligence personnel." It states that Larry King "used to send limousines down to Offutt Air Base to pick up CIA agents for parties." It also mentions the "Monarch project."



It is said that the Monarch project was associated with the CIA's MK-Ultra program and other similar programs. In a section further above, titled Governments, the C.I.A., & the Catholic Church (link), it is noted that the MK-Ultra program was in operation even at that particular Catholic facility in Quebec, Canada, where numerous children were basically murdered as a result of the brutal human experimentation. What was happening at that facility in Canada was similar to some of those atrocities which were happening in Nazi Germany during the World War Two era.

Records indicate that certain programs associated with MK-Ultra were about satanic abuse and unethical mind control, plus the creation of human sex slaves out of little kids and others. It also involved the use of "mind-altering drugs" and the horrendous creation of multiple personalities in the child slaves using major trauma and deep states of hypnosis. It also involved the production of Manchurian Candidates --- those mind-controlled individuals who could perform "surgical" assassinations or mass murder, when programmed to do so by their hypnotic controller.

It appears that children and teens from the Catholic facility of Boys Town were being used like slave labor at sex parties used to "please" CIA personnel. These children, along with teens, appear to have been victims of the MK-Ultra program and other associated programs, which appear to simply be extensions of the horrendous Nazi "experiments" which were done in Nazi Germany. Yes, it appears that brutal crimes against humanity were being done, right here in the United States of America. And, once again, these child sex slaves appear to have also been used at parties which various government officials attended. At these parties, officials could drink and "loosen up" and even use drugs.

Once under the influence of alcohol or drugs, government officials at these parties could be readily photographed or video-taped in compromising, illegal or criminal sexual situations with minors. It appears that this activity used by the CIA and others working for the Catholic/Jesuit organization ultimately allowed many government officials to be blackmailed and controlled by those working for the foreign-controlled, rising New World Order. It appears there is a "good" reason why both President George H. W. Bush, who had been at the head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and his son, President George W. Bush, appear to have been treasonous supporters of the New World Order and what it stands for (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), which would mean the destruction of the authentic United States and the enslavement of its citizens under a foreign power.

Now, for those who may have missed it, what type of people was the CIA actually made up of? This question will be answered in the next section. And, where did the idea for a diabolic mind control and torture program like MK-Ultra come from? And who or what organization does it appear is behind all of this questionable and potentially treasonous activity? And, what is the ultimate goal that they have in mind? In what manner does it appear they will use the information gained from their diabolic and criminal "experimentation" --- that information which they have obtained from their brazen crimes against humanity? And, what have these people really been working toward? These are things which should, to a degree, be answered by this presentation.

In the final end, after years of research, there is one more thing to add. As noted earlier in this presentation, it appears that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in November of 1963 can be tied into all this, along with the assassination of his brother Robert in June of 1968. It appears that they both knew something --- something big that was also very wrong --- and, it is rather obvious that they did not go along with it. As a result, because of the things which they did know, they "had to" be taken out of the way, or the whole take-over of the United States by the foreign-based, New World Order crowd --- by the militia of the pope --- would have been exposed. And, in those earlier years --- in the early 1960s --- when more people truly cared about the authentic United States and what it really stood for, something could have been done to stop the criminal takeover by the agents of the Vatican.


In January of 2017, there was a lot of commotion because President Donald Trump compared the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to the Nazis in Germany. This is noted in the pages linked below. But, in case you missed it earlier, could there be more to the CIA/Nazi connection in real life than most people realize, especially most U.S. citizens? After looking through the links immediately below, then hang on and get ready for a quick ride through history. By the time this ride is done, you might have more of an appreciate for President Trump's CIA comment. But then, Trump was simply "playing his part."

Yes, there appeared to be quite a ruckus made over Trump's "Nazi" remark. But again, he was just "playing his part." It appears that he was simply "following the script." Yes, it appears for the most part that it was for the entertainment of the general public, to see if any of them were really awake. But, for the most part, the public just "sat there" like the proverbial "bumps on a log." Why? Because they did not truly know the history of their country. They did not know the questionable or illegal activity which had happened in the past, when the United States was virtually hijacked by the agents of a foreign power and the very "fabric" of the United States was horribly changed.

Since this presentation is rather long, the information accessed via the links below is for a refresher to this matter about the CIA being made up of a lot of Nazis and even war criminals. And these Nazi "holy warriors," which had a Concordat with the Vatican and were acting as "the sword of the Catholic Church," were joined with their warrior brethren in the CIA, who were part of the militia of the pope. So, as a refresher to this history, the reader can check out the pages linked below. A clear understanding of this history should ultimately help the reader to understand why those associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization can abuse and rape little kids and others, and then basically get away with it.

Now, the CIA, along with the NSA and the FBI very likely has, via their un-Constitutional and therefore illegal spying on the Internet, been keeping track of everything which the writer has been writing in this presentation, plus the research which has been associated with this presentation. There is even the potential that they have been "key-logging," so they know in "real time" what the writer has been adding to this presentation. Because it appears that those that control these organizations are part of the militia of the pope, it is very likely that the writer's name, which they most assuredly know, is in some "special file."

There is also a good chance that when the American Crusade or Holocaust finally occurs, that the writer will be hearing from "them." But, that is life and history is simply repeating itself, only this time, directly in the United States. But, that is to be expected, when there truly are Nazis and Vatican "holy warriors" and the militia of the pope involved. But there is another truth to consider here, and that is what God has made known.

Roughly 2,000 years ago, God made known to one of his prophets that there will be an utter destruction of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the surrounding city of Rome, in the days ahead. These things are spoken about in the page linked here. When God is through judging the Vatican and Rome, those places will never be found or inhabited again, and the whole world will get to watch it all happen. And, it is likely that all of this will happen somewhere around the year 2048, but there is a chance that it will happen much earlier. Yes, the exact time is in God's hands. So, let us now get back to what those involved with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization have been up to.



The page linked via the button below indicates that sexual abuse of children within the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its church has been happening for a rather long time. And, it appears that priests who were caught abusing children basically just "got their hand slapped," for they got off very easy and did not have to pay the true price for the nature of their crime.

Not only is the Vatican/Jesuit organization backing and encouraging sodomy today, but this organization appears to have quite a history of bare-back riding and sodomy that goes way back. These things are noted in pages at the following links: (1)(2).

Besides children being sexual abused and criminally raped in this international "holy" organization, there appears to also be quite a history of numerous married women being seduced by oversexed priests. This problem was also written about by an ex-Catholic priest commonly called Father Chiniquy, way back in 1887. Chiniquy wrote a book which is titled The Priest, The Woman and The Confessional. A copy of the 1887 book, which is the 31st Edition, is linked here. Many other copies of that book can be found on the Internet from other sources.

There is something to note in the 2002 page linked above. When it comes to Catholic pedophilia, in January of 2002, the pope at that time "ordered church officials worldwide to immediately report such cases to the Vatican." So again, clear back in 2002, pedophilia cases were to be immediately reported directly to the Vatican. Now, at least in the eyes of the general public, this was supposed to be a way to crack down on this very serious problem with brazen, church-financed, or more realistically, parishioner-financed, kiddie rapers. But, it appears that the international Vatican/Jesuit organization has always banked on the fact that the general public has a very short memory.


Well, look at what happened in March of 2019, as noted in the pages linked below. More than 17 years after the pope's 2002 proclamation, the present pope is acting like he is really going to crack down on his bunch of world-class kiddie rapers. The pages linked below, again from March of 2019, indicate that the pope is now requiring sex abuse claims to be reported in Vatican City.

Uh, hold on a minute. Aren't things "going around in circles" on this issue? Isn't that which the pope is now declaring kind of what was supposed to have happened from at least as far back as January of 2002, as was shown in the page linked in the section above? So, what is really going on here? Is the Vatican/Jesuit organization simply playing the people of this world for fools, and getting away with it?

Well, the controlled news media is sure making a really big thing out of the pope's supposedly "new" order. Yes, they are giving all kinds of publicity. It appears they are helping to perpetrate a huge sham. But, there is something to note about the pope's "new" proclamation.

The first page linked at the top of the buttons above declares: "The mandatory reporting provision, while limited in scope to Vatican officials, marks the first time the Holy See has put into law requirements for Catholic officials to report allegations of sex crimes to police or face fines and possible jail time."


Look very closely at the information linked in the section above. This reporting requirement for Catholic kiddie sexual abuse appears to only be for the Vatican City State and those in official Vatican embassies. This reporting requirement is not for the rest of that organization's kiddie rapers in churches and other Catholic institutions, which are virtually scattered across the face of this whole earth. In other words, this apparent gimmick by the pope does the people of this world virtually no good. It will not in any way stop the band of Catholic rapers and criminals from operating freely throughout the world.

Once again, it is beginning to appear that the people of this world are possibly being "played" and highly deceived by what appears to be the criminals in a Vatican/Jesuit crime syndicate. To the unwary or untrained eye, it may appear that the pope and his cohorts are really going to do something about their numerous world-class criminal kiddie rapers, when they possibly are really doing nothing but working hard to cover things up and deflect as much bad publicity as possible. It appears that the nations of this world are being highly deceived by the pope and his questionable organization.

Now, there is something to be considered. Would the Vatican/Jesuit organization really "play" the general public and willfully deceive them highly? What does the history of this organization clearly show? Well, they fraudulently deceived the people of the world for centuries with forged documents like the Donation of Constantine (link) and the Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals (link), along with a number of other very deceptive, forged or altered documents (1)(2). It does appear that there is a rather extensive history here, with that which could very easily fit the description of a criminal organization.

Possibly some of the extensive history of forged documents, criminal activity and deception by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization can be explained in that one old word "Jesuitism." In case the reader missed it earlier in this presentation, the true definition of the word "Jesuitism" is not found in modern dictionaries. To get the true, original meaning of that word, a person has to generally go back to a dictionary published in the early 1800s.

Looking at a definition for the word "Jesuitism" in the 1828 Webster's dictionary, which is linked here, it states that "Jesuitism" means: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." And, a definition of that word "prevarication," used in the preceding definition, means: "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie."(link)

Possibly "Jesuitism" fits in perfectly with what is happening with this band of kiddie rapers, because it appears we are dealing with a crowd that believes that "the end justifies the means."(link) In other words, possibly it is something like, do whatever your animalistic desires urge you to do, but tell the people whatever it takes, or do whatever it takes, in order to get what you want, while keeping the people fooled. In this situation, it appears that anything goes. So, let's get back to the pope and his "new" ruling.


When it comes to the pope's "new" ruling relating to world-class Catholic kiddie rapers, it must clearly, once again be noted that these "new" kiddie rape regulations only apply to the Vatican City State and its embassies. Now, it is time to expose what appears to be deliberately sham regulations. It is time to expose what is really going on with that which appears to be a very corrupt, diabolic and deceptive, God and Christ-hating, non-Christian organization --- at least that is the way that things appear to be when the uncorrupted Holy Bible is examined in relation to what is happening within this questionable international organization.

Let's begin to look at small things and then work our way to bigger things. It appears that with the Vatican crowd in that Vatican City State, there may possibly not be quite as great of a danger for there to be large scale kiddie rape going on. But then again, you can never really be sure with certain crowds. With the Vatican crowd in their sovereign city state, it appears that it is more likely to be something like lusting over pornographic or erotic materials, as indicated in the pages linked below. At least that is possibly the way things are, to start with.

Well, what do your think about the information linked above? Is there just some kind of misunderstanding here? Were people in the Vatican possibly downloading and watching porn for some kind of honorable reason, possibly so they could come up with an idea of how to speak to people who were caught up in these things? Or, were the Vatican computers possibly hacked, just to embarrass the Vatican? I mean, things like that do happen this day and age. But, on the other hand, what if people in the Vatican are totally addicted to their lusts and really were getting their jollies and "getting themselves off" with porn?

Now, if it was just someone off the street or someone who did not have even the least bit of care about the God of heaven or about his authentic Lord Jesus Christ, behavior like this, getting caught up in porn, would be rather understandable. Or, if it was someone who had "totally given themselves over" and was into Satan or Lucifer worship, this illegal downloading and watching of pornography or erotica would, again, be much more understandable. But, for an organization which claims to be "Christian," this is a very questionable activity, one which needs to be considered further.

Let us now begin to get a better understand about what has for sure been happening with the Vatican crowd, so we can truly know where they are coming from. In relation to this, the authentic Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed:

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
        "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
(Matthew 7:15-20)

So, let us begin to see what kind of "fruit" the Vatican crowd produces. And, a person or a group of people truly are that which they are when "the crowd" is not watching. That is when "the mask" comes off and the true spirit they indulge or worship begins to really show itself.



So really, what else can go on at the supposedly "holy" Vatican, and what have its people been up to, when they are not directly in the public eye? What has all kinds of money given by parishioners really been helping to support? Yes, it appears this group of "holy" people may have a much different interpretation of what being "holy" is all about. It is now time for more of the story, at least that proverbial "tip of the iceberg" which has accidentally slipped into public view.

And again, lest we forget the matter, there is that question which should once again be asked. Was the pornographic material downloaded onto Vatican computers meant for an honorable purpose, or for some other purpose altogether? Once again, were they using the info from the videos to possibly learn how to deal with the world and lead them to Christ, or were they using those videos to learn how to do things to one another, once those fancy robes came off and the public isn't watching? Well, it is time to see the real truth about the Vatican crowd, once the facade is gone.

In the pages linked below is information about a wild and raucous, drug-fueled homosexual orgy held by the Vatican crowd. Now, let us just say that this kind of thing going on in a supposedly "holy" place is one matter, but who do you suppose is paying for or helping to support these types of lavish, drug-fueled homosexual orgies? Yes, it appears to be those people who may be naive and brainwashed parishioners all across the face of this earth. This is the money which is given to the church, wildly at work.

Now, as a parishioner, are you going to keep sending a band of bare-back riding drug users your money, in order to make sure they are all happy and getting all the "holy" jollies they can? By the way, in the rapidly approaching day of judgment, when we all stand before the true God, you, as a parishioner, will answer to an utterly righteous God for what you have helped to support. That is indicated, with no uncertain terms, in the uncorrupted Holy Bible. Now, lest we get sidetracked, check out the real Vatican crowd in the pages linked below. See what they are when the robes come off and the public is not watching.

Well, what are the "fruits" of Catholicism shown in the pages linked above? What is the spirit that this crowd truly indulges or worships when the facade comes off and the general public is not watching? Is this the new Sodom? Is it like that place which God utterly destroyed in earlier times, because they had given themselves over to homosexuality and other like things? Well, it does not appear that God will bear with this place too much longer, for as Sodom went, so it appears that this place shall go. This is indicated in a page linked here, which is titled The Final Destruction of Rome.


Yes, it appears that "behind the scenes," there is a lot going on at the Vatican --- possibly a lot more than the general public ever realized. But, it appears that things like homosexual orgies can happen within the Vatican/Jesuit organization at more places than just the Vatican. This can be deciphered from at least some of the information linked below.

Yes, there appears to be a lot of deception, duplicity and lies associated with this questionable organization. Again, this is what it appears that parishioners across the face of the earth are helping to support. All the writer can say is "what a racket." And, seeing what all has been going on, there is a question which really should be asked. "What god is actually being worshiped by the Vatican crowd?" To that question, the writer can only say, "It is definitely NOT the God shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible."

So, check out the pages linked below and see the true spirit which is in this organization. See what it appears that Catholic parishioners across the face of this earth are helping to support.


Well, what else has the Vatican crowd been up to, both in recent times and in the past? To make sure that we are not looking at just some isolated events, what kind of history is there for this organization? Well, the pages linked below should help to give a much better picture of the direction which the Vatican is now going, plus the true spirit which it appears has possessed it for quite some time. But in the past, it appears that possibly things were being done more behind the scenes, when the crowd wasn't watching and the Internet didn't exist. But now...

Yes, there is quite some history to this questionable, "holy" organization. But, it appears that there is one thing which may be very true. The pages linked below are just a very small sampling of the Vatican organization and what has gone on there. So at this point, there are some questions which need to be asked. Is this really a "holy" organization? Are these really men of God? Truly, what god is being worshiped here? Whose spirit is being displayed by the actions of those within this highly questionable organization?

It does appear to at least some that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has been corrupting this earth horribly, with a devilish spirit for quite some time. But, the authentic God of heaven will only allow them to mock him for only a limited amount of time, for their day is rapidly approaching. Once again, The Final Destruction of Rome is spoken about in a page linked here. And, as with Sodom and Gomorrah, it shall never be found or inhabited as a city again, once God is done with it, "for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." (Revelation 18:8) And, it does appear that many alive today will get to see this final destruction of Rome, along with its Vatican, with their own eyes.



Well, what else has been happening in that crowd associated with the Vatican/Jesuit crowd? What spirit or god have they been indulging? What kind of lusts have they been feeding? Well, the pages linked below should help to give a better understanding of what this organization is really all about.

The Catholic Church and its publication of pornography or erotica is documented in the pages linked below. Most of the pages were originally published in 2011. And then, in the pages linked below, there is also found some further documentation for the homosexual orgies which have happened in this crowd, at least the small bit about this "holy" activity which has leaked out to the controlled and manipulated media.

And, as is often the case with this highly questionable organization, the information which was presented by the rather controlled media is possibly just "the very tip of the iceberg."


This story about the wickedness of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and their rebellion against the Most High God of heaven, and against his true Christ, is still not finished. It appears that Catholic parishioners from around the world have helped the Vatican to purchase at least the largest homosexual bathhouse and sauna in Europe. That can readily be deduced from the information linked below. Again, in the day of judgment, Catholic parishioners will be answering to a righteous God for what they have supported with their money and labor, and that day of judgment is rapidly approaching.

It appears that this diabolic organization has no care about honoring the Most High God of heaven, but are intentionally doing everything they can to spite him, before these wicked ones are forever relegated to the lake of fire. Yes, they are having their day of fun deceiving the world and perpetrating evil during this lifetime. But then comes eternity, where they shall be forever in utter torment, day and night, with wailing and gnashing of teeth (see: Matthew 13:41-42), in that eternal lake of fire. The Word of God has already declared their eternal destination (link).

Before we leave this section of the presentation, we might as well look just a little further at this organization which is the utter enemy of the Most High God of heaven. If you can stomach it, check out the information linked below and become informed. This is the group which is one of the major controllers of the despotic and tyrannical New World Order. They are the ones in control of the system under which you and those you know are already living in its rebirth, even though you do not realize it as yet. And, you will be living under The Beast in the days ahead, as it fully revives and turns more and more despotic.


At this point, there is something which seriously needs to be considered. Judging by the things which are written throughout the uncorrupted Holy Bible, if the pope and his Catholic organization had any true connection at all with the authentic God of heaven, their organization never would have become involved with the things which are clearly shown in the pages linked in the sections above.

The evidence tends to indicate that the pope's "religious" organization is all about money and control, and possibly corruption and perversion, as indicated in the pages linked below. The evidence indicates that this so-called "religious" organization is not at all about honoring the true God of heaven or following the authentic Lord Jesus Christ. And because of this, the evidence indicates that they are not at all Christian (link).

When it comes to things along the line of drug-fueled homosexual orgies, or things along the line of the publication or distribution of pornography or erotica, when it comes to priest and bishops and others who are given to their lusts and doing things along the line of raping children and others, there are some things written in the uncorrupted Holy Bible which are worth noting. They are at least worth noting by those who have any care at all about honoring the true God of heaven or following the real Lord Jesus Christ.

It is written: "Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.
        "For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead."
(1 Peter 4:1-5)

When it comes to things along the line of the use of party-type drugs, or things like homosexual practices, or things like the publication or distribution or indulgence in pornography or erotica, it should be noted that these are things which the world loves. Why? Because they are trapped in their lusts. But, these types of things are not at all things which are truly of, or in line with the teachings of the authentic God of heaven. They are not things which lead a person to eteral life with God in heaven.

In relation to these things, it is written: "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." (1 John 2:15-17)

Now, what Father is being spoken about in the passage above, from the Holy Bible? When it comes to spiritual things, it is clearly written in the uncorrupted Holy Bible: "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ." (Matthew 23:9-10) So, where does that leave the pope and his band of homosexuals and kiddie rapers? What are they really "fathers" of?


There is some further things to add to the story about the Catholic Church and the sale and distribution of pornography or erotica. Supposedly, as a result of all the publicity, the Catholic bishops are said to have begun to sell off shares in the porn or erotica business (1)(2)(3)(4), as they were trying to recover as much money as possible as "the ship" began to go down. A 2014 page linked here indicates that the perverted church-owned publishing group filed for bankruptcy. But, what all really transpired in all of these transactions? How did things ultimately end up?

Were things ultimately reorganized in a manner which could still make sure that money from the Weltbild Publishing Group in Germany would continue to flood into the Catholic coffers? This question is asked because history tends to indicate, at least to some, that these questionable Catholic officials can be like rather deceptive and sneaky devils. To some, it appears they have no true care or honor for the authentic God of heaven or for the true way of Christ.

Well, surprise, surprise! The page linked below indicates that after all the public hubbub passed over and the attention of the public was turned in some other direction, the Catholic Church kept the Weltbild publishing company. It appears they had to find a way to keep all that tainted money flowing into their church coffers. Well, the Holy Bible does say that "the love of money is the root of all evil..." (1 Timothy 6:10) And, with all that child raping and other vices, possibly that is what this organization has become.

It appears that the love of money in the Catholic organization may be very similar to a drug addiction, or an orgy addiction, or a pornography addiction, or a sin addiction. Possibly the following verse from the uncorrupted Holy Bible may have some application in this situation: "As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly." (Proverbs 26:11)

As words of wisdom to those who are wondering about this whole situation with the pope and his Vatican/Jesuit organization and their church, with its drug-fueled homosexual orgies and distribution of pornography or erotica, plus the sexual abuse and raping little boys and girls and others, the following words from the uncorrupted Holy Bible appear to apply:

"These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
        "For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire."
(see: 2 Peter 2:17-22)

And, as far as being around or partaking of the corruption and criminal activity which is being manifest virtually throughout the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, with its hierarchy which is obviously not believing in or following the true way of God, the following words from the uncorrupted Holy Bible possible may have some application:

        "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
        "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."
(2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

And again, it is written: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." (Revelation 18:4-5) Yes, God has remembered the iniquities of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. God has remembered its horrid corruption and its abuse and raping of children and others, plus all its other diabolic acts. And, when God begins to deal with it in the days ahead, it shall be utterly destroyed, never to be inhabited or found again, as indicated in a page linked here.



The following words are found in the uncorrupted Holy Bible: "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
        "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-4)

It is time for some questions. The above passage from the Holy Bible speaks about one called the "man of sin." This man of sin sits in a temple and wants the earth to believe that he is God, or that he is in the place of God. The Holy Bible shows that this man of sin, who is associated with a temple or a religious building, actually opposes the true way of God. It is shown that the man of sin is against people following the true way of God, which true way is shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible.

The man of sin is also against people following in the true way of Christ. He is against people having Christ dwelling within them and being manifest through them. He is against people having a genuine and personal relationship with Christ (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). In other words, this man of sin is against people truly abiding in Christ and following in his footsteps, so Christ, through his power, can keep them from falling and falling into sin.

Being against the true way of Christ, which true way of Christ breaks people's addiction to lusts and sin, it appears that this man of sin is therefore an antichrist. And, this man of sin also exalts himself above the true things of God. So, who is this man of sin? Could this man of sin be associated with drug-fueled homosexual orgies? Could this man of sin be associated with pornography or erotica, plus making money from these types of things? Yes, the man of sin wants people trapped in their sins.

There is one other thing to note about this man of sin. In the passage above from the Holy Bible, this man of sin is also called "the son of perdition." At this point, there is something important to note. If you search the complete, uncorrupted Holy Bible, there is a certain thing that you will find to be true. The "son of perdition" is only spoken about in one other verse in the Bible.

That one other verse in the Holy Bible, where the son of perdition is mentioned, is part of a prayer which the Lord Jesus Christ made to his Father in heaven. In this prayer, the Lord Jesus states the following about his disciples: "While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled." (John 17:12).

Who is the son of perdition, whom Jesus was speaking about? Yes, it was Judas, the one who betrayed Christ. And the son of perdition today is also a Judas, which has utterly betrayed Christ and his true way. And again, who may this Judas be in our day: that man of sin who sits in a temple and acts like he stands in the place of God?


After all the information presented above about the Vatican/Jesuit organization being into homosexuality and owning things like a pornography or erotica distribution company, there is something which the reader really needs to see about those associated with the Vatican crowd. The information linked below presents the "flip side" of what the Catholic organization is doing to people.

On the one hand, as noted in the previous information in this presentation, that Catholic organization has been distributing pornography and/or erotica, and making a whole lot of money doing it. Then, as shown by the page linked below, they want to "minister" to those poor souls who are then struggling with an addiction to pornography.

It appears that we may be dealing with a very diabolic, scam organization! On the one hand, they create a problem, and then, on the other hand they want to "help" you "deal" with your problem. And, in all of it, they are generally making all kinds of money off of their numerous victims, plus gaining power over them. This "create a problem" and then rise up a ruckus about "the problem," and then "offer a solution," is part of that diabolic system known as the Hegelian Dialectic. For those not familiar with the Hegelian Dialectic, check out the pages linked below.

Using the principles of the Hegelian Dialectic, the Vatican/Jesuit organization is steadily manipulating and taking over the world with their reviving Holy Roman Empire, which in our day is labeled the New World Order. Using the legislative body of their New World Order, which legislative body in the United Nations Organization, they are even manipulating and taking over the government and military of the United States, as they put the people of the United States further and further into bondage. That is why the government and the judicial system of the United States is broken. It's time to "give credit" where research shows "credit" is due.


From all the information presented and linked above in this presentation, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its hierarchy may be devoid of a conscience which operates in the proper way in which God intended a conscience to work. It appears that they may blatantly do almost anything for money and power over people. Is that possibly why the uncorrupted Holy Bible, in the prophecy of the Revelation, appears to indicate that the Roman organization is a great whore?

The uncorrupted Holy Bible declares very clearly that "the love of money is the root of all evil..."(1 Timothy 6:10) And, the Lord Jesus Christ clearly declared: "No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."(Luke 16:13)

Because the Catholic/Jesuit organization appears to be obsessively chasing after and serving money and apparently doing almost anything for money, when looking at the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, it becomes obvious that they are not serving, nor can they serve the authentic God of heaven, nor can they follow the true Lord Jesus Christ.

The Vatican/Jesuit organization and its hierarchy cannot serve God or Christ unless they are truly converted. From all the evidence, it does appear that there is a place in the lake of fire for at least the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its hierarchy. And, as it appears they have let money become their god, along with Lucifer, other problems have been created by this organization --- major problems which have virtually destroyed the lives of many.

No wonder there is so much pedophilia and child rape in the Catholic Church. No wonder the priests and other church officials are raping nuns and other women, plus possibly men. It appears that the church has fed the lusts of these Catholics with the porn that they have published and distributed. Is this a satanic and diabolic organization or what? No wonder the uncorrupted Holy Bible indicates that the pope and his organization's worldwide "beast government" will spend eternity being tormented in the lake of fire. No wonder Rome and its Vatican will be destroy by God in the days ahead, for all the world to see, as noted in a page linked here.



After considering everything, there is a question which should be asked. To be the pope, does it take a person who is a good showman or actor, and one who can BS the people of this world greatly, while keeping a straight face? It appears that they are depending on the public having a very short memory, so they can keep perpetrating their worldwide crimes against humanity, while they "play" the public over and over again.

When will the people of this world finally wake up and realize the true nature of this organization and what is being done to them and their children. When will they realize that this group of child rapers is not at all following the true Christ shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible? From the looks of it, it appears that they are not at all authentic Christians, but instead, it appears that they are very sly, world-class deceivers.

By the way, when it comes to even world-class, homosexual kiddie rapers, plus even the adult and mother and father rapers, the uncorrupted Holy Bible declares the following:

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
        "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
        "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness...haters of God, despiteful...without understanding...without natural affection...who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."
(Romans 1:22-32)

There is something important to note in the above passage from the uncorrupted Holy Bible. It speaks about the judgment of God. It notes that those who are doing the things that the Vatican/Jesuit organization and it hierarchy are doing "are worthy of death." But, it appears that these are the ones whom God has given up "to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves." It appears that these are the ones whom God has given over "to a reprobate mind."

There is one thing to make extremely clear. After searching the principles and teachings of the uncorrupted Holy Bible from cover to cover, and based on what the Holy Bible declares, it appears that this band of worldwide Catholic kiddie and homosexual rapers, and possibly even adult and mother and father rapers, do not have a connection with the Most High God of heaven. It is becoming clear that they do not even know or honor him. They also do not know and follow the authentic Lord Jesus Christ, nor are they on the true way to heaven.

The principles and teachings of the uncorrupted Holy Bible make it very clear that these Catholic kiddie and not-so-kiddie rapers are not anything close to being the true people of God. The principles and teachings of the Holy Bible make it clear that these people are a band of deceivers. They are not in any way authentic Christians. According to the principles of the uncorrupted Holy Bible, they are utter reprobates and the very enemies of the authentic God of heaven. It appears that the hierarchy of the child raper organization is made up of people who can only lead others to damnation, destruction and torment in the eternal lake of fire (1)(2).


Considering what the Vatican/Jesuit affiliated priests and bishops have been doing over the decades and centuries, the vulgar play noted in the pages linked below does not in any way help to raise the image of the diabolic Vatican/Jesuit organization. Because of all the rape and the sexual slavery, plus all the other abuse and even murder which those associated with this organization have been brazenly performing on children and others, the performance of this play at Vatican/Jesuit affiliated institutions appears to be their way of brazenly "rubbing" their criminal acts "in the faces" of the general public.

When those associated with a foreign government, that being the Vatican State and its papal/Jesuit system, are hosting this play in the United States, considering all that rape and abuse and even murder which has been going on, whether they are performing this questionable play on campus or off, it is like they are "thumbing their noses" at decency and the citizens of the United States. It is like they are saying, "We will do our criminal acts, no matter what you think about it."

Because of the nature of the play noted in the pages linked below, it is very obvious that the Vatican/Jesuit affiliated organization have absolutely no connection with the true God of heaven, nor with the Lord Jesus Christ. It strongly appears that this is none other than a very satanic organization. And, as usual, there is a lot more to this story of the brazeness of those associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, that organization which is connected directly to a foreign government, as it appears they have no shame as they continue to flaunt their wickedness and evil.


Once again, this one point cannot be stressed enough. The brazen behavior and nature displayed by those associated with the highly questionable Vatican/Jesuit organization, as noted in the section linked above, is the same brazen behavior and nature which was displayed by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during the World War Two era. And, just as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were in earlier times, those associated with this international organization are under the control of a foreign government. They are under the control of the Vatican State, with its hierarchy which has a very questionable history, which includes deception and rape.

It is becoming rather clear that the people which are part of this international organization are like foreign agents. It is becoming clear that their true allegiance is not to the authentic United States, nor to its genuine people, nor to its true Constitution. Those that this foreign government is raising appear to be, at least in spirit, as "the children of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis." It is as Hitler proclaimed: "In my castles of the Teutonic Order a youth will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth... There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes... That is how I will create the New Order."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)

To those who have diligently read the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it is rather obvious that the people affiliated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its foreign government do not in any way represent, nor are connected with, the Most High God of heaven. And it is very obvious that these brazen people do not walk humbly with the Most High God of heaven (see: Micah 6:8). Why is this? It is because they are not the true people of the Most High God of heaven.

It is clear to many of those who have diligently searched the uncorrupted Holy Bible from cover to cover, that these agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization --- these agents of the foreign govenment called Vatican State --- have no genuine desire to follow the true teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. In such a case, they are not authentic disciples of Christ. Because they are not authentic disciples of Christ, that would mean that they are not true Christians. In such a case, it appears that they are simply fakers and deceivers and antichrists (see: 1 John 2:18). The signs are there that this is the organization of antichrist.

No wonder the Revelation, the last book in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, indicates that the corrupt Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "church" is simply "the great whore." No wonder the uncorrupted Holy Bible indicates that the head of this corrupt organization is the man of sin, who it also identifies as the son of perdition. And, once again, let it be noted that there is only one other person identified as the son of perdition in the whole of the uncorrupted Holy Bible. That other son of perdition was Judas --- the one who betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ.



It is time to take a serious look at a certain day of celebration, or a very questionable holiday in the United States. That holiday is commonly called "Columbus Day." Now, it is commonly taught in the United States that Columbus sailed the seas and discovered the Americas in 1492. Well, it appears he landed on an island in the Bahamas with his crew. But, the truth of the matter is, there were others who had been to the Americas, even North America, long before Columbus sailed across the sea and landed on an island in the Bahamas with his drunken crew.

For starters, there is plenty of information available about Leif Erikson landing on the North American continent much earlier than 1492. It is recorded that Erikson landed on North America in about A.D. 1000. Information about this earlier event is found in pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). But, there is actually much more to this story. In the linked pages, the reader will find that another Icelander, named Bjarni Herjolfsson, is supposed to have made it to the North American continent about 15 years before Leif Erikson. But, it appears that these two Icelanders were not the first with eastern hemispheric ancestry to make it to the North American continent.

A page linked here notes that "it is believed that Norse explorer Leif Erikson reached Canada perhaps 500 years before Columbus was born, and there are some who believe that Phoenician sailors crossed the Atlantic much earlier than that." Information about the Phoenicians in North America, thousands of years ago, is accessed via the links below.

There is actually more to this story about the Phoenicians and their travels to North America and elsewhere. It is recorded that there was a confederation or league between the Phoenicians and the Israelites. In regards to this, the following is recorded in the uncorrupted Holy Bible: "And the LORD gave Solomon wisdom, as he promised him: and there was peace between Hiram and Solomon; and they two made a league together." (1 Kings 5:12) This Solomon was the king of Israel (1)(2), and Hiram was the king of Tyre (1)(2). Now, this Tyre was "an ancient Phoenician port city"(1)(2)(3)(4) And, who or what were the Phoenicians?

A page linked here is titled The Phoenicians - Master Mariners. The page states that "the Phoenicians sailed far and wide, even beyond the Mediterranean's traditional safe limits of the Pillars of Hercules and into the Atlantic." The page states that the Phoenicians had "firmly established a reputation as the greatest mariners in the ancient world." And, the page states further: "If any nation could claim to be the masters of the seas, it was the Phoenicians." But, there is truly more to this story. Because of the historic Roman and Vatican hatred for the Jews, we have not been told the real story in our so-called halls of learning.


There is more to this Middle East story than simply a confederation or league between Solomon, the king of Israel, and Hiram, the king of the Phoenician port city of Tyre. The following is also recorded in the uncorrupted Holy Bible: "And king Solomon made a navy of ships in Eziongeber, which is beside Eloth, on the shore of the Red sea, in the land of Edom. And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon. And they came to Ophir, and fetched from thence gold, four hundred and twenty talents, and brought it to king Solomon." (1 Kings 9:26-28)

There is more to this story about the navy of ships which king Solomon had, plus the confederation or league between the king of Israel and the king of the Phoenicians. The following is recorded in the uncorrupted Holy Bible: "For the king [Solomon] had at sea a navy of Tharshish with the navy of Hiram: once in three years came the navy of Tharshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks." (1 Kings 10:22)(2 Chronicles 9:21)

So, these ships in the navy of king Solomon of Israel were out sailing the seas. On these ships of king Solomon were the servants of the navy of king Hiram of the Phoenicians. Therefore, in this navy of king Solomon were Phoenicians, who were the greatest mariners of the ancient world. Yes, helping to guide and teach and work on these ships of Solomon were the true masters of the seas. This navy of king Solomon was sailing the seas and collecting things of value from around the world to bring back to the king in Israel. Once in three years, these ships of Solomon would return to Israel with their treasures.

Let us begin to see where the ships of Solomon traveled during their three year voyages. One of the best ways to identify their travels is by the things which they brought back to king Solomon. Let us first look at peacocks. A Wikipedia page linked here is titled Peafowl. It speaks of two Asiatic species of peafowl which are native to "the Indian subcontinent," and to "Southeast Asia." Then there is an African species of peafowl which is "native only to the Congo Basin." And, when sailing, the Congo Basin is only reached from the Atlantic Ocean, on the west side of Africa (link).

The pages linked below provide additional information about the native lands of peacocks, to help identify where the ships of Solomon likely went during their three-year voyages. They speak of peacocks from India and Sri Lanka, and from Java and Myanmar, and then from the Congo. There is also information about peacocks from "China, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, [and] Malaysia." So, looking at the range for peacocks, it is very possible that the ships of Solomon, in their three-year voyages, traveled in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Looking at the cargo brought back from the three-year voyages of the ships of Solomon, when considering things which would impress this great king of Israel, let us next consider where the apes came from. Now, in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, the word "monkey" does not exist. So, in the Bible, things are relatively simple. All the species of this family would simply fall under the general title of "apes."

The information linked below indicates that apes are found in Africa and Asia. The subspecies we now call "monkeys" are also found in Africa and Asia, but they are also found in the New World, "in the tropical regions of Central and South America and Mexico." This does give something to think about. From the peacocks, it is understood that the ships of Solomon went to Africa and Asia. But, is there a chance that they went to Mexico, or Central America, or South America, during their three-year voyages?

The next item in the cargo of the ships of Solomon to be considered is ivory. Now, people can commonly call teeth "ivories," but what kind of ivory do you need to really impress a great king? Yes, you need true ivory. You need to bring the king those big impressive tusks of elepants and mammoths. So, where do we find this big, impressive ivory which is fit for a great king?

The information linked below speaks about ivory from Africa and India. But ivories from North America are also noted. And yes, it is known by the fossils (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) that elephants and mammoths roamed both the North and South American continents in ancient times. But the best preserved ivories outside of Africa and India are usually found in the mostly frozen, far northern areas of Alaska (1)(2)(3), Canada (1)(2)(3) and Siberia (1)(2)(3).

The gold and silver that was brought to king Solomon could have come from many places on this earth. Australia has a lot of gold and silver. California has a lot of both of these metal. There is a lot of it in South America and many other places in the Americas. Alaska has a lot of these metals. Gold and silver come from virtually all over the world. So, things are wide open for where the ships of Solomon obtained their cargo of these valuable metals.


There is now something to think about. Three years is a lot of time to be sailing the oceans of this world and collecting things of value which would impress the great king Solomon. In order to get a better understanding of what was really happening here with the ships of Solomon, we must first consider how long it takes to simply sail around the world.

In our day, a person has sailed solo on a certain trip said to be around the world, in roughly 42 days (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9), or in about in 1-1/2 months. As shown in the map in the second page linked above, this "around the world voyage" was basically an outbound trip from France, then southward in the Atlantic Ocean and all the way around Antarctica, and then back northward in the Atlantic Ocean to the starting point in France.

The actual distance around the equator of the earth is 24,901 miles or 40,075 km (1)(2)(3). The route of that 42 day "trip around the world," which is noted above, is shown on maps found accessed via the following linked pages: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). According to the page linked here, the yacht in this voyage "traveled a total distance of 27,859.7 nautical miles" This distance is equal to about 32,060 statute miles or 51,596 km.

The yacht used in the 42 day trip was very streamlined so it could move very fast through the water. The ships of Solomon were not racing ships, but they were cargo ships which would not be really streamlined. So, the ships of Solomon would have been slower than the vessel used in the 42 day trip. On the ships of Solomon, there were complete crews make up of some of the best and most highly skilled sailors in the world.

So, let us now throw something out there, just for the discussion. Let's just say that the ships of Solomon possibly could have made that same 32,000 mile trip, noted above, in about six months. If that six months is subtracted from the three year voyage, that would leave 2-1/2 years of time for calling on various ports, sailing up navigatable rivers, and even taking inland exploratory trips.

Now, let us once again look at maps which are found at the following links: (1)(2)(3). An outbound and return trip of a similar length as shown on the maps, but for the ships of Solomon, would have allowed them to access virtually any place any place on earth. And if the outbound and return trip took a full year, that would have still given them two years for visiting different places and even taking inland trips. So, the ships of Solomon, with those Phoenician masters of the sea, could have gone virtually to any continent on this earth. So, let us now begin to look at those things which they did not teach you in school.


There is evidence that the ships of King Solomon actually landed in at least North America, thousands of years before that famous or possibly infamous Catholic named Christopher Columbus landed on that island in the Bahamas with his drunken sailors. The evidence is clearly presented in the pages linked below.

One thing that tends to give away the fact that the ships of Solomon were in North America is that Decalogue Stone in the state of New Mexico. This Decalogue Stone is the biblical Ten Commandments, carved in the stone on the side of a mountain. This copy of the Ten Commandments was made using a particular ancient Hebrew script, which was in use before the time of Christ, in the days of king Solomon. There are also various other things found in South America, plus in other places in the Americas, which tend to indicate that the ships of Solomon traveled far and wide, plus visited and explored many places in the Americas.

So, why weren't we taught about these things in school? Well, there were those Dark Ages in earlier times and it appears that because of a hatred for the Jews, this history was never taught to those who were under the control of the Vatican organization. And, that same general crowd seems to have control of the education system in the United States, so most assuredly these things will not be taught in the schools. So, check out the pages linked below and get a real education.

So, knowing the information presented above, then why do we, especially in the United States, celebrate Columbus Day, as if Columbus was the first from the Eastern Hemisphere to set foot on the Americas? It's time to find the real truth. Possibly some of the reason for our corrupted or false history has to do with that old word noted further above in the section titled A History, Plus an Identifying Word (link). That word is "Jesuitism." The other reason we are taught about Columbus is because he was Catholic.

Now, that earlier section linked in the section above speaks about the history of fabricated and falsified documents, and yes, falsified history, too, which is associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. But again, the real reason for the falsified Roman-taught history is because of the historic hatred of the Jews (or utter anti-semitism) by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization.



Let us now begin to explore how the United States got that questionable holiday called Columbus Day. It is said that Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy (link). Others believe that he was born "in Spain's Catalonia region."(link) In 1492, Columbus got Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Catholic Spain to sponsor him in his westward voyage of discovery across the seas. The preceding linked page notes that centuries later, in 1792, "New York City's Columbian Order -- better known as Tammany Hall -- held the first celebration of Columbus Day in America" Now, what is this "Columbian Order" or "Tammany Hall" all about?

The Wikipedia page linked below notes that Tammany Hall or the Columbian Order "was a New York City political organization founded in 1786 and incorporated on May 12, 1789, as the Tammany Society. It was the Democratic Party political machine that played a major role in controlling New York City and New York State politics and helping immigrants, most notably the Irish, rise in American politics from the 1790s to the 1960s. It typically controlled Democratic Party nominations and political patronage in Manhattan from the mayoral victory of Fernando Wood in 1854 and used its patronage resources to build a loyal, well-rewarded core of district and precinct leaders; after 1850 the great majority were Irish Catholics."

So, who, or what group of people possibly started the Columbian Order or Tammany Hall? Looking at the linked Wikipedia page, the answer to that question may potentially become obvious. The page declares that Tammany Hall is "also known as the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian Order." Now, who commonly seems to like to make saints? Well, when the average person hears about "saints," they commonly think of the Catholic Church.

This Tammany Hall, which possibly had links to the Vatican/Jesuit organization, appears to have gained itself quite a reputation. The linked Wikipedia page notes that Tammany Hall, the political machine for the Democratic Party, "also served as an engine for graft and political corruption." And, the Tammany Hall crowd which was connected to the Democratic Party, as noted further above, "held the first celebration of Columbus Day in America"

It appears that this Catholic celebration of Columbus Day soon spread to other areas of the United States. Then, it appears that the Catholics began pressuring the Federal government of the United States into making a national holiday for their "shining light" of authentic Catholic morals, values and principles. It appears that the morals, values and principals displayed by their icon, Columbus, fit perfectly with the general history of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization --- especially that history which has been noted so far in this presentation.

So, how did we end up with Columbus Day as a national holiday? The first page linked below declares: "In 1937, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Congress, bowing to lobbying by the Knights of Columbus, an influential Catholic group that wanted a Catholic hero to be honored, proclaimed Oct. 12 to be Columbus Day, a national holiday. In 1971, the holiday date was changed to the second Monday in October." The second linked page presents similar information.

So, the United States got the national holiday of Columbus Day, because of pressure from the members of one of those powerful Catholic secret societies. And, once again, the members of those secret societies are part of the militia of the pope. They are like foreign agents and spys for another government, the government of the Vatican State, but who have gotten themselves into positions of power and influence in the United States.


Considering all the information presented above in this discussion, about all the writer can say at this point is, "So much for separation of pedophalic-church and state." But, the Catholics got what they wanted: a holiday honoring one of their own, one of their finest examples of Catholicism --- one who was an upholder of the historic "Catholic spirit" --- one who, like those with the spirit of the Crusades and Inquisitions, was brutal, "self-centered, ruthless, avaricious and a racist" --- one who, as we shall soon see, was also into human trafficking.

Yes, Columbus is quite a Catholic role model. It appears that he and his attributes are something to greatly honor, especially by those in those Catholic secret societies, which are the militia of the pope. And, for those who have not realized it yet, Christopher Columbus was not American in any way, shape, or form. He was an agent of the foreign Vatican/Jesuit organization and obviously operated on its longstanding principals. In a way, some of the things that Columbus and his crew did could be compared to what Hitler and the Nazis did in Germany and in their conquered lands.

The pages linked below show the true Christopher Columbus, who is honored in the United States every year. His attributes of brutality, rape and pillage should make Columbus just a perfect role model for the youth of America. This role model for the youth should help to bring up a youth which has spirit that Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany admired go greatly, when he so boldly declared:

"In my castles of the Teutonic Order a youth will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth... There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes... That is how I will create the New Order."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)

Anyway, check out the pages linked below and see what kind of Catholic attributes they want everybody in the United States to honor every year.

So, if you wonder why there is some much abuse and raping of the kids and others by those many Catholic priests and others associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, possibly we should blame it on the role model which they have chose. Let us call this abuse and rape simply the Columbus-izing of America. But, the truth of the matter is, the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization is not following Christ. Therefore, they do not have the honorable Spirit of God in them. That is why there is so much rape and abuse, plus murder and other vices, in their organization.


It appears that when a group of people are driven by their unbridled animalistic lusts for rape, pillage, brutality and bloodshed, along with mass murder and other like things, they have no problem risking their lives crossing even wild seas to get some action. Wild seas are possibly nothing to them, as long as they know they will be able to freely perpetrate their vile acts, once they get to their destination. When people are demon possessed and devoid of a properly functioning conscience, rather than possessed by the true Spirit of God, history has proven that vile acts as displayed by Christopher Columbus and his crew are often the result.

Well, now we should hopefully all have a much better understanding of that "heroic" being, Columbus the Catholic and his Catholic crew. Some may say, "But those were different times." In response, possibly we need to get very real and say, "But what are all too many of those Catholic priests, bishops and others (1)(2) associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization doing, virtually worldwide, when the public cannot easily see them?"

Yes, when the public isn't watching closely, it appears that various members of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization are wildly or sadistically perpetrating their more subtle version of a continuing war upon humanity, as they are "Columbus-izing" the little boys and girls and others. So, it is no different today with this crowd. They are just more sneaky in our day. It appears if they can get away with it in a more private setting, they will do it. But eventually, it will break out into open brutality and murder. That is what the coming American Holocaust is all about.

Once again, what we are seeing with these priests and others, is just what happens when the world is dealing with a group of people who are not guided by the authentic Spirit of God. This is what happens when they are not true followers of Christ, but simply antichrists and deceivers. This is what happens when they claim to be Christians, but are not. What this crowd is when the public cannot readily see them, is what they really are deep inside at all times. And, possibly there is some truth to what is being said about the Catholic Church in the pages linked below, especially when it comes to an organization led by raping priests and others.


So, what needs to be said about the great "Christopher the Catholic" role model? Possibly what Columbus Day should actually become is a day of serious mourning. It should be a day of mourning because of what the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, that historic organization of oppression, deception and enslavement, has done to the peoples of the Americas and virtually to the peoples of the whole world.

Columbus and widespread "Columbus-izing" appears to be the true nature of The Beast. As can be seen all over the news in our day, it is the true spirit of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. And, as it has been said, "The Catholic Church never really changes." Possibly those who are desiring to keep Columbus Day as a national holiday are into or associated with pedophilia themselves, or possibly are blackmailed by those of the pedophile crowd, or are simply Catholics or closet-Catholics.

Having a holiday which honors an enslaving pedophile goes to show who really controls the United States. Looking at all the priests and others associated with the foreign "beast" who are raping and abusing little boys and girls and others, while generally getting away with it, truly shows who and what is controlling this country. In order to control this country, the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, which is actually part of a foreign country, has quite a number of their agents in key positions in the government, the judiciary and the military. That is why they can freely rape little boys and girls and others, without too much concern.



There is more to look at in this story of the pope and his merry band of brazen rapers and apparent un-Christian perverts. The evidence shows that there are priests and bishops who are persistently raping nuns. And then, there are nuns who are abusing and raping little boys and girls, plus also, from the evidence, even older girls.

On top of all this, research clearly indicates that there are criminal things like murder and blackmail, which are all part of the story and history of this international organization. And, once again, this organization is the one in control of the rising New World Order, which is simply the old Holy Roman Empire with a new label.

And, to the reader, just think what you, also, have to look forward to in the days ahead. Yes, things will get worse and worse, when, as Adolf Hitler the Catholic so eloquently stated of the people of his beast: "The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes." So, let us begin to look further at this very questionable and un-Christ-like organization, which, unfortunately, is actually a government upon this earth --- which is the government now manipulating the United States.


What is a concubine? The page linked below speaks about concubines. They are used "to increase a man's prestige" one way or another, and they are used for "limitless opportunities to indulge in sexual desires." The page also declares: "The practice of taking a concubine goes back thousands of years to the civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia and Babylonia where the elite members of society took concubines, many of whom were slaves..."

Yes, this practice of concubines goes back to ancient Babylonia. Is that why the great whore, or the false religious institution which is spoken about in the book of Revelation in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, is called "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH?" (Revelation 17:5)

Regarding concubines, the page linked above notes: "In some Mesopotamian cultures [which would include Babylonia], men would visit these women as prostitutes..." The page also gives many factors which help to identify an actual concubine, or a house of concubines. And, the concubines were of a lower stature than a true wife and were somewhat like slaves. It should be noted from the page that in the Roman culture, there were also those which were called "concubinus," which "was a young male slave chosen by his master as a sexual partner." Wow! This is beginning to sound like the kiddie raping Catholic priests and bishops!

The above information is quite an eye opener for the Roman culture, even in the use of male sex slaves. It helps to identify that which is happening today, especially in the reviving Roman Empire controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which is now called the New World Order with its legislative body as the United Nations Organization.

So, with all of the above information clearly in mind, let us look further at this use of concubines and sex slaves in that religious institution which is the utter enemy of the authentic Most High God of heaven and of his Christ. And, one other thing. An eDictionary linked here declares: "The word concubine comes from the Latin verb, cubare, which means 'to lie down.'" And that is what we will see them doing.


The pages linked below show just some of the things which the nuns have been used for. Research indicates that nuns have been used for this purpose for a very long time. And, as can be deciphered from the linked information, it does appear that these nuns have been brainwashed into being a form of slave or sex slave for at least the "elite" in the hierarchy of that which appears to be a spiritually fallen Roman religious or political system.

From the information linked below, it appears that some of these concubine sex slaves are not happy with the situation into which they were ultimately forced and they are speaking out as best they can. But, as can happen in an oppressive organization, it does appear that the hierarchy is doing its best to silence these nuns. So, check out the pages linked below and get to know the real Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "church."

The pages linked below speak of rogue Catholic priests sexually abusing nuns and using them as "sex slaves." A television documentary was made about this criminal activity by priests, but it appears that priests did not like being exposed, at least not in this way. They went to court to get the documentary blocked, so it could not be shown. Furthermore, the documentary noted "that some nuns had been forced to abort the priests' unwanted children." Are these wicked priests or what?

From all of the information linked above, to any thinking person, it should become obvious that many of these nuns are being kept as forced sex slaves, by that which appears to be an international crime organization. It appears that this diabolic organization has no problem perpetrating crimes against humanity. But, why should we be surprised? What is its history?




Isn't the Vatican/Jesuit organization the one which perpetrated crimes against humanity during its brutal, bloody and tortuous Crusades and Inquisitions? During a number of these Crusades and Inquisitions, didn't it even slaughter numerous people who followed the true teachings of the uncorrupted Holy Bible? Isn't this the organization which had a Concordat with the diabolic dictator named Adolf Hilter and his Nazi henchmen during the World War Two era?

Isn't this Vatican/Jesuit organization the one which has a history of being associated with the infamous Mafia? Well, it appears that some believe there is a close connection between the two. Possibly they are even synonymous with one another. The information linked below does tend to indicate a historic connection between the two most certainly exists.


The Mafia members confess to the priest. Info goes up the line to the hierarchy, and if need be, to the Jesuit General. Word comes back down the line what the priest is to groom the crime member for, for their next job, while in the confessional. The priest may even meet the crime member in a private session, outside of the confessional, to give them even more complete instructions on their purpose. Certain members of the crime family may even be advanced to a higher position in one of the secret societies, if their crimes further the agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit hierarchy and its facade of a church. Now, is there a possibility that the "sketch" just given is what is actually happening within the Vatican/Jesuit organization?


A number of thinking people are of the opinion that the pope's "new" war on the mafia, as shown in the pages linked below, is just part of his incredible showmanship. There are those who believe that this display by the pope is more like a ruse to "play" and deceive the general populous of this world. But, behind the scenes, it is "business as usual." It appears that the pope is simply doing whatever he can, in an attempt to save the image of a corrupt organization. Possibly he is doing whatever he can to try and keep the people of this world from waking up and realizing the true nature of his organization.

Yes, there has been a lot of talk and a lot of noise, but is this excommunication of the Mafia for real? Possibly the page linked below can help to tell the truth on these things.

Yes, to thinking and researching people, it does appear that the pope's more recent actions are just part of a big show --- kind of like Hollywood on steroids. It appears that the pope may just be deceiving the world by telling them what he knows they want to hear and believe, but behind the scenes, the connection is still there as strong as ever and it is possibly just "business as usual."



Research indicates that the members associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization already have control over much of the government and associated institutions in the United States. That organization, via its agents who are most often members of the secret societies which are the militia of the pope, have control of many of those in Congress. If they are not one of them, there is the potential that they are either blackmailed by the Vatican/Jesuit agents or controlled by them via things like hypnosis and CIA-type mind control.

It is rather obvious that the judiciary of the United States is virtually controlled by those associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears to also be fairly well known that the Pentagon and the military is virtually controlled by members of the secret societies controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. These secret societies include the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones from Yale University and others. Members of these organizations are part of the militia of the pope. They are agents working for a foreign government.

At this time, there is a push to privatize the prison system in the United States. It appears that those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization are behind this push. If they succeed in their efforts to get control of the U.S. prison systems, it appears that their crimes against humanity can then be perpetrated, unchecked within the United States by agents of the Vatican organization.

The agents of the Vatican already have a large control over the hospital system and medical field in the United States. With the control which they already have over the government and judiciary of this country, things are pretty well set up for their next move in the United States. Once all the pieces are in place, there is the potential that the American Inquisition and Holocaust can begin. At that point, nothing will then stop the crimes against humanity which is perpetrated by that organization. From then on, the crimes will escalate in the United State, plus worldwide, and the bloodbath and murder of the great tribulation will be on its way.




There is quite a history to the international Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "church." Once again, this organization has perpetrated crimes like the brutal, bloody and murderous Crusades and Inquisitions. During especially the Inquisitions, it appears that those of the hierarchy of this organization were virtually enthralled, while they tortured their victims. And then it appears they would make up some kind of excuse for the gullible, something like they were trying to save the souls of their victims, so the gullible ones would not realize that the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization was simply doing large-scale human sacrifice.

To keep up large-scale human sacrifice in a more subtle way, research indicates that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has been behind most of the wars in our world. In relation to this matter, back in the early 1800s, the French statesman and military general, Marquis de Lafayette, visited the United States and declared: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)

The pages linked below tend to indicate that the international Vatican/Jesuit organization is continuing with a steady stream of serious criminality in our day. There is one thing which the writer almost laughed out loud about in the title of one particular page linked in the buttons below. That title is: "If the US Bishops Don't Fear God, They Should Fear the Government." Oh really! Why should they fear the government? Why should they fear a government which they virtually control through their agents which work for the Vaticans foreign government? Why should they fear a government which is controlled by the militia of the pope? Anyway, check out the pages linked below and see the true international Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "church."


It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization's "sleeper agents" and the members of the militia of the pope who have treasonously gotten themselves into positions in the U.S. government are working hard to try to protect themselves in their ill-gotten positions and make it look like the criminal and treasonous activity which they have been doing all along is okay and lawful. No, it is not okay! And no, it is not lawful!

These members of the militia of the pope are traitors to the legitimate citizens of the United State. They are also in total violation of their Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution of the United States. That Constitution guarantees an authentic Republic Form of Government to exist within the United States. That type of government, in its authentic form, protects the God-given, unalienable rights of the individual. Therefore, all of these traitors are worthy of a quick trip to the gallows!(1)(2) Now, the pages linked below show what the Vatican's foreign agents and traitors, who have gotten into our government, have been up to lately.

Now, when it comes to what the Knights of Columbus are up to, plus what the members of all those other Catholic secret societies are up to --- which members are actually foreign agents, because they are part of the militia of the pope --- just check out their historic Oaths and see where their true allegiance lies, plus what their duty to their "boss" is within this country. Copies of their diabolic, historic Oaths are linked below. And, the history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which includes things like the Crusades and Inquisitions, plus the Holocaust under Nazi Germany and other like things, proves the validity of these Oaths.

The Senate can pass all the resolutions they want, in an attempt to protect the traitorous militia of the pope. But, their resolutions are illegal, especially when they are treasonously working to protect agents of a foreign government, one which has sworn to destroy the United States.

Further above is a section titled Embedding the "Fifth Column" of "Holy Warriors" (link). In that section it notes that shortly after the United States came into being, the Vatican condemned this country and declared that it "must be destroyed by any means possible." Because at its beginning the United States was not "under the thumb" of the Vatican, the Vatican proclaimed the United States to be "a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost."

The foreign agents of the Vatican and the militia of the pope are doing just that, which is noted above, while they are in key positions in the U.S. government, or while they are in any position in government. They are trying to destroy the authentic U.S. government by any means possible, and they will destroy it, no matter what the cost. These people are the reason why the U.S. government is so broken! They are the reason why it is so non-functional! And the Jesuits control all of these foreign agents and this militia of the pope, which is in control of both the Republican and Democratic parties, plus the judiciary, most of the police and the military.

It appears that these foreign agents of the Vatican and this militia of the pope are traitors to the authentic citizens of the United States. Once again, they are clearly violating their Oaths of Office to the U.S. Constitution (1)(2) which they took in order to illegally and traitorously get their position in government, therefore, again, they are worthy of a quick trip to the gallows (1)(2).

The agents of the Vatican, that militia of the pope, has been preparing to fight for their control of the United States. That is why the Jesuit-controlled Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other affiliated Jesuit-controlled agencies have been stockpiling arms and billions of rounds of ammunition (link). There is a reason why there has been an ongoing invasion of Catholic-bred aliens from south of the border.

Considering things further, there is a reason why Obama, when he was president, began illegally training and arming Catholic-bred illegal aliens (link). There is a reason why those in government have waited until such a late date to build a wall at the southern border. The apparent purpose of this wall will be to keep U.S. citizens in, once the modern Crusades and Inquisitions begin --- that American Holocaust, right here on U.S. soil.


The Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "church" are the ones which did large-scale crimes against humanity and mass murder during events like the Crusades and Inquistions. This same group supported had a Concordat with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, which Catholic Nazis took control of Protestant Germany and became the sword of the Catholic Church. They were the "holy warriors" for the Vatican/Jesuit organization during the World War Two era.

The Vatican/Jesuit organization is what is behind the reviving Holy Roman Empire which we see in our day. But now, they have labeled their reviving Holy Roman Empire as the New World Order, in order to fool the unlearned. Knowing about all the abuse and rape of children and others by members of this organization, now you know what life will be like in the years ahead, once the New World Order takes full control of our world. And the pope and his organization at the head of all of this. So, welcome to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis on steroids!

Now, it is time to look at other things which have been happening in more recent times. There are people raising the question about shutting down the Catholic Church. They want is shut down because of all its criminal activity. A few pages addressing this issue are linked below. But, let us get real. Because the Vatican/Jesuit organization, along with its agents and the militia of the pope, are in control of the U.S. government, its judiciary and its military, plus most police department, there is no way that the Catholic Church will be shut down. But, because the Vatican/Jesuit organization is faking that it is Christian, that organization will simply work to outlaw or destroy all true Christianity.

There is something to now consider. Since humans, even in the United States, will not do true justice against this diabolic and criminal Roman-based organization, the Most High God of heaven will have to be the one to utterly destroy it from the face of this earth. When considering the information presented in a page linked here, it appears that this complete annihilation of the Vatican and surrounding Rome may take place somewhere around the year 2048, but, there is evidence that this destruction could happen much sooner. This belief is based on other research and considerations, plus on that which is stated in various passages found in the uncorrupted Holy Bible.



There is an important question which needs to be asked. Who seems to be behind most of the abuse and rape of little kids and other in the Vatican's organization? Well, looking at the information linked below, it appears that the Jesuits may be the main perpetrators of all this criminal activity. Why is this?

The Jesuits appear to be the corruptors of things here in the United State, plus possibly worldwide. It appears that they are the authors of chaos. It appears they are hoping for "Order out of Chaos."(1)(2)(3)(4) What that really means is that they intend to bring the United States and its citizens under the domination of the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order, using their treasonous chaos in order to accomplish their goal. That is why there is so much chaos in the United States right now. The evidence indicates that the Jesuits are the ones behind all this chaos.

While we are here, the reader might as well check out the information linked below. Yes, the Jesuit seem to be quite some people. But, there is one thing which is becoming evident. All this abuse and rape of little kids and others is and organized effort. It truly is brazen and organized crime in action.

By brutalizing and terrorizing the next generation by their abuse and rape of children and others, it appears that the Jesuits are instilling fear in the children and showing them who is in control of their world. It appears these Jesuits are operating under the philosophy of the Jesuit-inspired Adolf Hitler, when he declared: "In my castles of the Teutonic Order a youth will grow up before which the world will tremble. I want a brutal, domineering, fearless, cruel youth... There must be nothing weak and gentle about it. The free, splendid beast of prey must once again flash from its eyes... That is how I will create the New Order."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) This is how they are working to bring in the New World Order. And, this is what life will be like under that Order.

The information linked above is just a small sampling of the heinous acts of the Jesuits in the United States, which is available on the Internet. Research indicates that these brazen criminal acts are just part of the continuing Counter Reformation perpetrated by the Jesuits and the Catholic organization in the United States, as they work to corrupt our nation and the world, while doing virtually everything they can to stamp out the true Biblical morals which are followed by the true people of God. Are these Jesuits in any way authentic Christians? Absolutely not!


In our day, the Jesuits and other persons under their control, who are associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization, appear to be freely abusing, raping and enslaving children and others. And then there is the general public, which appears to just sit there like the proverbial "bumps on a log." The citizens of the United States are just sitting there, while the Jesuits and their pawns are steadily perpetrating brazen crimes against humanity and treasonously undermining and taking control of the United States, including its government, its judiciary, its military, and its police, plus many other agencies associated with government.

When the nations of this world were not so much under the control of the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, when they were not so intimidated and conned by the modern philosophy of political correctness, the various peoples and countries dealt with the Jesuits and their criminal and treasonous activity in a more proper manner. This is clearly shown in most of the pages linked below. In many of the pages are found the following words:

"Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting political insurrection."

So, on the surface, the Jesuits have a history with their educational facilities, which makes it appear that they are working to help the nations, but it appears that behind the scenes, they have historically been working to undermine society and overthrow governments, especially if they are the governments of countries whose citizens are not currently completely "under the thumb" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

So, what is the Jesuit criminal activity of blatant abuse and rape and enslavement of children and others, but utter crimes against humanity and crimes against the welfare of the State? And, judging by the record of history, this criminal activity being perpetrated by those in the Jesuit organization is but a small part of the traitorous and treasonous activity which it appears they have commonly been perpetrating behind the scenes.


About this point, we should really be asking some important questions. Why are Jesuits and others associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization perpetrating all these crimes against humanity? Why are they brutally terrorizing, abusing, raping and enslaving children and others? Now, they commonly like to call themselves "Christians," so why are they trapped in all these heinous sins? Now it is time for an important truth. If this organization was authentically Christian, all these heinous crimes, which are widespread in this organization, would not be happening. So, again, why are they trapped in all this sin?

The uncorrupted Holy Bible can lead us to an understanding of why the Jesuits and many who are in the grips of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are trapped in all this heinous sin. For starters, the Lord Jesus Christ clearly declared: "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." (Luke 9:23) The Lord Jesus Christ also declared: "And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me." (Matthew 10:38) The Lord Jesus Christ declared further: "And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:27) So, whoever does not take up this cross daily and follow after Christ, is not his true disciple. If they are not his true disciple, then they are not an authentic Christian.

In the passages from the uncorrupted Holy Bible, which are in the paragraph above, what is this cross which is being spoken about? What is its true nature and how does it apply to the true disciples of Christ and to authentic Christians? In the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it is written: "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." (Galatians 6:14) What does this mean? What is this cross really about?

In answer, it is written: "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." (1 John 2:15-17)

When the Jesuits and others snared in the international organization of "the man of sin" (1) are abusing and raping children and others, plus having unnatural sex, they are glorifying the demonic and animalistic lusts of their flesh. Because they are doing these types of things, they are proving beyond any doubt that they have absolutely no love within them for God, who is the true Father in heaven. In such a case, there is no way that they can rightly claim to be Christians. Since they are also perpetrating acts of sodomy, acts which are truly driven by their demonic and animalistic lusts, they are also proving that they are complete reprobates, totally devoid of any true relationship with the authentic God in heaven.


In regards to the things which are being spoken about in the section above --- in regards to things like the abusing and raping and sodomizing of children and others --- it is clearly written in the uncorrupted Holy Bible:

        "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

        "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

        "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

        "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

        "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness...haters of God, despiteful, proud...without understanding...without natural affection...who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."
(Romans 1:18-32)

These people associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization who are abusing and raping and sodomizing children and others --- those who are without natural affection or who are doing sexual acts which are against that way which God has clearly intended --- God has given them over to a reprobate mind. And, because they are performing these ungodly acts, as the words above clearly declare, these people are worthy of death.



Instead of admitting to the truth that the pope's band of rapers are simply reprobates in whom the Spirit of God does not exist, the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization is simply making excuses. It appears that they are hoping to deceive the gullible and the unlearned. And yes, they will readily deceive those who have not studied the uncorrupted Holy Bible. They will readily deceive those whose eternal destiny is the tormentous lake of fire. And that is the intent of that organization: to bring as many people as possible to eternal destruction. That is why, in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, the head of that organization is called "the son of perdition." (see: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4)

History shows that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has quite a record of lying to and completely deceiving as many people as possible. That appears to be their diabolic "game." That is how they have their "fun." It appears that they have had a lot of practice at deception over the centuries and are quite the worldclass "pros" in this diabolic area. Part of their record is noted in the section further above which is titled A History, Plus an Identifying Word (link). Check out that section and see what they absolutely did not teach you in the average school, for a reason.

In regards to these things, the uncorrupted Holy Bible clearly declares that "all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." (Revelation 21:8) When the Holy Bible uses the words "all liars," it does not leave any "wiggle room." So, it is rather clear where the Vatican/Jesuit crowd and its willing allies shall be spending eternity. In the days ahead, as the whole world watches, the "head" and "capitol" of this lying crowd (1) shall meet their eternal destruction, as indicated within a page linked here, which is titled The Final Destruction of Rome.

In the meantime, while we are waiting for the Grand Finale at the Vatican and Rome, there should be time to scan through the information linked below and see how "the serpent" (1)(2)(3) is twisting and turning, as it attempts to deceive the people and wiggle out of its perdicament, while keeping its despotic power over the people. The writer must say that these people are really "the pros," when they can keep a straight face and tell this kind of BULL, that is found in the linked pages, to the general public.

Now for a secret. It appears that the truth of the matter is, that the Vatican crowd is presenting things backwards, from how events actually happened. The sexual revolution of the 1960s and later was not what then got the priests into all this raping and sodomy. The real truth appears to be, that the priests were in on the creation of the sexual revolution. Yes, it appears that they were a major factor in getting the revolution rolling. It appears that they were a major factor which instigated the whole thing, with the help of their friends and allies, of course. And yes, it appears that there was a lot of drugs and "priestly" hypnosis (1)(2) being used to get the whole thing going.

In the pages linked above, look closely at the deceptive way the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization is trying to get people to look the other way and pass the blame off onto something else, rather than place the blame directly where it needs to be. The real truth is, that organization has a serious spiritual problem. The authentic Spirit of God is not found in that organization. That is why people associated with that organization have been sexually abusing, raping and sodomizing little boys and others, plus having things like drug-fueled homosexual orgies in the Vatican and other places (1)(2).

Because that organization is not at all connected with the true God of heaven, and because of their great spiritual war against the true God of heaven, that is why God shall utterly destroy the Vatican and the surrounding city of Rome in the rapidly approaching days ahead, possibly somewhere around the year 2048, if not before. Once again, that is indicated in the page linked here. And the beast and the false prophet which are based within Rome shall be cast into the lake of fire (see: Revelation 19:20), where they can forever be tormented along with their buddy the Devil (see: Revelation 20:10), who is also called Satan (see: Revelation 12:9), or commonly in our day, Lucifer (1)(2).

Lucifer is mentioned by this name in only one place in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, and that is in the book of Isaiah, the 14th chapter, in verse 12 (link). There is one thing about Lucifer which is made very clear in the Holy Bible. Lucifer is a fallen one, which weakens the nations. Lucifer is a destructive one, who is an evildoer. He causes the destruction of the cities of this world. Looking further, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has quite a history of weakening the nations by instigating many wars and the destruction of cities upon this earth (1)(2)(3)(4). So, possibly we have "a match" here.

When it comes to the pope and his band of merry rapers and abusers, plus the perpetrators of other heinous acts, the following words from the uncorrupted Holy Bible should possibly be considered: "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

The pope and his merry band of rapers and abusers are doing their "best" at trying to appear as being "holy," at least possibly to the gullible ones, as they wear their fancy robes and all. But, there is something that needs to be said. That raping group, which is "Columbus-izing" (link) many boys and girls and others, plus which has had at least one known drug-fueled homosexual orgie at the Vatican (link), plus is dealing in erotica or porn (1)(2), is just too much to ignore. These things do tend to expose the Vatican/Jesuit organization for what it really is.

So pope, the actions of your organization are speaking so loudly that we cannot even begin to hear a single word that you are saying. But, the Most High God of heaven is keeping the record for that swiftly approaching day (link). And, it will be quite a Grand Finale for all the world to see. Most likely the people of the world will be "glued" to their TVs and computer monitors, as they watch in amazement, as it is all happening in real time. Wow! What a show that will be!


There is one more thing to add, at this point. It is time to give a small introduction to something which will be discussed further, later in this presentation. Research has led the writer to believe that possibly the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents and allies, who were working sublty behind the scenes, were the ones which actually instigated and encouraged, plus mightily "fanned the flames" as hard at they could, again, behind the scenes, to get the sexual revolution going and flourishing in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. Now, let us begin to look at a few relevant facts, to see what "the sword of the Catholic Church" was doing.

A Wikipedia page, linked here, is titled Sexual revolution. It states: "The sexual revolution, also known as a time of sexual liberation, was a social movement that challenged traditional codes of behavior related to sexuality and interpersonal relationships throughout the United States and subsequently, the wider world, from the 1960s to the 1980s." So, it is time for an important question. Was it the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA, and things like MKULTRA and Operation Midnight Climax, plus all that use of drugs and the associated hypnosis and mind control, which actually got the sexual revolution going in the United States? And, were the priests helping "to add fuel to the fire," by raping all those kids?

The Wikipedia page, linked above, states: "Beginning in San Francisco in the mid-1960s, a new culture of "free love" emerged, with thousands of young people becoming "hippies", inspired by Indian culture, who preached the power of love and the beauty of sex as part of ordinary life. This is part of a counterculture that continues to exist." So, once again, it is rather clear that all of this culture of "free love" got going in the 1960s in San Francisco.

It was during this time period in San Francisco, that the CIA was randomly, plus direct targeting, an incredible amount of people with drugs and sex, under programs like Operation Midnight Climax. The CIA (or "Catholics In Action" (1)(2)) was also using hypnosis and mind control on people, plus potentially was also using blackmail. So, it appears that there is enough reason to believe that the sexual revolution in the United States was initiated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the members of its secret societies, with the "help" of the CIA, which is controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization's Knights of Malta and other members of the militia of the pope.

Now, in all of this, there is something to note. In the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy spoke about a plot in this country. He spoke about a plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States (link). President Kennedy, about that time, became very displeased with the head of the CIA, which was Allen Dulles. The writer has reason to believe that there was a lot more to why Kennedy fired Allen Dulles, than just the Nazified CIA's fiasco of the Bay of Pigs operation in Cuba.

The writer has reason to believe that there in more behind the following alleged quote from JFK, than most people realise. His alleged words were something along this line: "I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind." (1)(2)(3) The writer has reason to believe that President Kennedy, being a Catholic and a member of one of their secret societies, got wind of what the CIA was really doing within the United State and it utterly infuriated him. So, since Kennedy would not go along with the CIA and Vatican/Jesuit plan which would destroy and enslave U.S. citizens, they simply "blew him away," publically, for the whole world to see.

Do the things stated above sound just too farfetched? Then, let us consider a few facts. The CIA is not necessarily composed of "our people." The CIA was formed, using a lot of Nazi war criminals, who were "holy warriors" and "the sword of the Catholic Church." These people had done horrendous deeds in Nazi Germany, before they were illegally brought into the United States and integrated into the CIA, where they could then be with their "brothers" who were also part of the militia of the pope. And, since virtually the beginning of the United States, the diabolic Vatican/Jesuit organization has wanted to destroy the authentic United States and enslave its people.

So, it is very understandable why the CIA, in 1973, supposedly destroyed the records of many of its blatantly criminal activities. In 1973, if the information contained in their records would have fully gotten out to the general public, it possibly would have started an unquenchable "wild fire" of enragement amongst the populace. There was still enough decency and morality remaining in the United States at that time, that there would possibly have been an incredible revolution. And, the CIA and the Vatican/Jesuit organization may not have come out on the winning end at that point in history. Yes, there definitely is a reason they supposedly destroyed all those records, in order to "cover their tracks." But, there is more to this story.

The CIA, via its Knights of Malta, etc., actually works for and is controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization in their continuing Counter Reformation and takedown of the authentic United States. Because of this, there is a very good chance that a copy of all those supposedly destroyed CIA records exists in one of the vast archives in Rome, which are associated with that organization. Now that this piece of information is set forward, let us now look further at San Francisco, where the CIA was doing its dirty work, and George Hunter White was having so much "fun, fun, fun"(link), as he worked hard to corrupt and pervert the United States, for his masters in Rome.




Now, it is time to get back to all those raping and abusing priests. There truly is a reason why members of the hierarchy (and others) in the organization of the man of sin are involved in so many rather heinous sins and crimes. Because they are not of the genuine truth, it appears that they are completely missing some of the fundamental truths associated with being an authentic Christian. The uncorrupted Holy Bible speaks of "him that is able to keep you from falling." (Jude 1:24) No one can walk in the true way and follow Christ --- no one can be a genuine Christian --- unless their eyes are fixed on Christ. If our eyes are not truly on Christ, we will fall --- we will fall into sin. It is only through the power received from Christ, with our eyes on him, that we can be kept from falling.

A picture of walking with Christ can be seen when Peter walked on the water with Christ (see: Matthew 14:25-31). He did that which definitely seems to be impossible, but he did it only with his eyes on Christ. When Peter took his eyes off Christ and began to look elsewhere, he began to sink into the boisterous sea. This is a picture for us and our walk with Christ. For us also, if our eyes are not on Christ, we will sink --- we will sink into sin. And for us of today, where do we find Christ, that both our physical and spiritual eyes see him?

In the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it speaks about an event which happened approximately 2,000 years ago, with these words: "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (John 1:14) This Word --- this Word of God that became observable flesh --- was that man, the Lord Jesus Christ. But after Jesus Christ was received into heaven, the people of God were still left with the Word.

Then the disciples and apostles traveled around and preached about the word of God. They preached about Christ and the true way of Christ. And today, we have the written word of God which is found within the uncorrupted, non-gutted Holy Bible. The true Christ and the authentic God the Father are found in the uncorrupted Holy Bible which has not been "gutted" to the point where the true Spirit of God has been stripped out of it. Yes, the true Spirit of God is associated with the uncorrupted Holy Bible. Now you can better understand why those associated with the man of sin and his organization are working hard to publish corrupted bibles which have the Spirit of God stripped out of them. They want the people of this world to spiritually starve to death.

Of these last days and the elimination of the authentic, uncorrupted word of God, it is written: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: and they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it. In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst." (Amos 8:11-13) This is what happens when people are commonly reading "bibles" which have had the true Spirit of God stripped out of them. They have had the true Spirit of God stripped out of them because of the subtle way in which these so-called "bibles" have intentionally been written or "worded."

But for those who are reading the old, uncorrupted Holy Bible, there is enough left intact that the true Spirit of God and the true Christ can be found. And, it is important to read this uncorrupted Holy Bible over and over again, from cover to cover. Why? Because that is where we can see the true Christ and there is a reason why that is so important. In relation to this, it is written: "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the LORD." (2 Corinthians 3:18) As we diligently read the word of God, we then have a chance of being changed into the same image. We have the chance of being changed into the image of Christ, but only with our eyes on the uncorrupted word of God.

The uncorrupted Holy Bible, along with the authentic Spirit of God, is the best minister that there is. We do not need some pope and a band of child rapers to find God. In fact, it appears there is much less of a chance of finding the true God, if a person is associated with that questionable organization. Why be put into bondage and enslaved by a band of child rapers, when you don't need to be? Turn to the written word of God and let it be your guide. In relation to these things, the Lord Jesus Christ declared: "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31-32) Where does a pope fit into all this? He doesn't! Where does an enslaving band of rapers fit into this? They don't!

When we, through the reading of the uncorrupted Holy Bible and following what it says, we can be changed into the same image as Christ. In such a state, we then become authentic Christians. Concerning the true Christ of God, it is written: "He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." (John 1:11-13) But, there is more to this story. Not only is there the written word of God, but there is the true Spirit of God which can be found within the uncorrupted Holy Bible that needs to be considered.

It is written: "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." (Romans 8:11-14) Those who are led by the authentic Spirit of God, they are the true sons of God. These are the genuine Christians.

The things noted above are some of the important things which are missing in the organization of the man of sin. We do not find the true God through some pope who thinks he's God. We cannot find God through some band of child rapers who want to get between us and God. It is through the uncorrupted Holy Bible that we find the true God and Christ. And it is only by abiding in Christ and having a personal relationship with him, that we can ever walk in the true way that gives us access to God the Father in heaven. In all of this, there is another very important thing to consider. It is written: "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time." (1 Timothy 2:5-6)

Yes, there is only one mediator between God and men, and that is the man Christ Jesus. There is no pope between authentic Christians and God. There is no merry band of child-raping priests or bishops, or any "saints," etc., between authentic Christians and God. There is only the man Christ Jesus, who is found in the uncorrupted Holy Bible. Yes, with authentic Christians, there is a personal relationship with Christ. Nothing else is to be between us and God, but the risen and glorified Lord Jesus Christ. This is what is utterly missing in the Vatican/Jesuit organization --- in that organization of the man of sin. That is why they keep abusing and raping children and others, plus enslaving people, because they have no connection with the true God and his authentic Christ.


Christ wants us to have a personal relationship with him and with God the Father in heaven. The uncorrupted Holy Bible clearly shows the truth of this matter. Before he was crucified, Jesus Christ made a prayer to God regarding his disciples, plus even about us of this day. In this prayer, Jesus prayed the following to the Father in heaven:

"Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me." (John 17:20-23) Looking further, the Apostle Paul declared that God revealed "his Son in me..." (Galatians 1:16) Yes, he is to be in us.

Without a personal, direct relationship with Christ, we are lost. Without a personal, direct relationship with Christ, we are damned. But what is that pope saying to people. From the information linked below, it appears that the son of perdition does not want people to have a personal relationship with Christ. It appears that he, as the son of perdition, wants people to end up being damned. The pages linked below speak about what pope Francis has declared. The titles of some of the pages may be the same in certain cases, but the information comes from different souces. And, by the mouth of two or three witnesses, things are established.

Now, there is an important question which needs to be asked. Who is it dangerous or harmful to, if people have an authentic, personal relationship with Christ and with the Father in heaven? Yes, it appears that in the popes eyes, it is dangerous because it could harm his bank account, especially if the people find the truth and realize that the people no longer need him or is merry band of child rapers to have access to the true God of heaven. It appears that the pope is concerned about the loss of power and revenue that his questionable organization could experience, if people come to realize the real truth of God and his Christ.

If the people of this world woke to the real truth and began to have a personal relationship with Christ, it could hamper the establishment of the pope's diabolic one world government, which is called the New World Order. After listening to pope Francis, it is clear why many of his priests, bishops and nuns are raping little boys and girls, plus who knows who or what else. It is their way of taking control of generations and bringing them under the diabolic control of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization.

There is possibly much more that the questionable pope and his merry band (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) of child rapers (1)(2) is concerned about. From the information presented in the preceding section, it is clear that there is only one mediator between God and man, and that is the man Jesus Christ. But there is more to the truth. It is also written: "But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things." (1 John 2:20)

In relation to the above words, the Lord Jesus Christ clearly proclaimed: "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (John 14:26) It is also written: "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him." (1 John 2:27) The Lord Jesus Christ also declared: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) This is the true church of God. The true church of God is not a bunch of child rapers.


Once again, what the pope has basically said is that people have to be in submission to his drug-fueled, homosexual orgy priests and bishops (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), plus those priests and bishops of his who publish and distribute things along the line of pornography or erotica (1)(2). In other words, the pope is saying that we have to be in submission to those that are not walking in the true way of God or Christ. Now, when placed before the true teaching and principles of the uncorrupted Holy Bible, that kind of thinking displayed by the pope is utterly absurd and perverted. What darkness! It appears that we truly are here dealing with the authentic beast organization of the man of sin, who the uncorrupted Holy Bible also calls the son of perdition. (see: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)

With all the child and nun rape by the priests and bishops in the Vatican/Jesuit organization, along with the rape of who knows what else, and then those homosexual orgies, even in the Vatican, plus the indulgence in pornography/erotica, it is obvious what people become when they DO NOT have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and through him, with the Father in heaven. By what is clearly happening with all the child rape and other associated vices by the hierarchy of the Roman beast, it is obvious what happens to those who are against the true way of Christ, in the manner which Christ has shown the authentic relationship is to be.

In relation to the Vatican/Jesuit organization --- in relationship to that which strongly appears to be the organization of the diabolic man of sin --- possibly there might be something of value as a warning in the following passage from the uncorrupted Holy Bible. It is written:

"These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
        "For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire."
(see: 2 Peter 2:17-22)

The following instruction is also given in the uncorrupted Holy Bible: "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial?
        "Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
        "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."
(2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

In the last book of the uncorrupted Holy Bible, in the book of Revelation, it is written: "And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
        "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
        "How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."
(Revelation 18:1-8)

Yes, the command from heaven is, "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." And again: "Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double." And ultimately, the utter judgment and destruction from God shall come upon that diabolic child-raping and murderous organization, as indicated in a page linked here, which is titled The Final Destruction of Rome. It appears that many living today shall see the incredible, final destruction of Rome. Once that destruction occurs, Rome will be found no more at all, neither will that place ever be inhabitable again. So shall be the judgment of God upon it.



The pope and his organization claim that they are following in line with, and in the footsteps of, the Apostle Peter. Oh, really? Pray tell in what way. The uncorrupted Holy Bible clearly shows that the man named Simon Peter (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20) was unquestionably the Apostle Peter. It is very clear that Simon Peter had a wife (1)(2)(3). And because the Apostle Peter had a wife, it is very unlikely that he was out having unnatural sex and abusing and raping and sodomizing little boys and others. So really, there is a question which needs to be answered. What kind of doctrines are these that the pope and his international organization are teaching? Well, it is time to let the uncorrupted Holy Bible answer this question.

It is written: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth." (1 Timothy 4:1-3)

Let us look at the words above from the Holy Bible a bit closer. We are living in the latter times. How do we know this? It is clearly written: "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;" (Hebrews 1:1-2) As clearly spoken by the words above, these are now the last days that we are living in. But, is there more proof on this point?

As another indicator of the times we live in, it is written: "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers...without natural affection...despisers of those that are good...lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

Well, the words above appear to be a rather exact picture of our day, and the words "without natural affection" truly fit with what those priests and others of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are doing, as they are abusing, raping, sodomizing and enslaving children and others. Yes, we are most definitely living in the last days. And, as far as the Vatican/Jesuit organization, it formerly was in on the slave trade from Africa to the New World and other places. But now, it appears that they may be in the sex-slave trade.

Now, in that passage from the Holy Bible, in the second paragraph of this section, it speaks of doctrines of devils. It talks about "speaking lies in hypocrisy." Isn't that what those priests and others from the Vatican/Jesuit organization are doing, when they get in front of their churches and act all "holy," and then, behind the scenes, they are getting extremely "holey," as they are sodomizing as many boys as they can and raping others?

Wouldn't these acts of rape and sodomy, which are being performed by priests and others associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, also be a true example of those whose conscience is seared with a hot iron, to the point where their conscience is virtually non-functional any more? And, looking at another doctrine of devils, isn't it at least partly because the organization of the man of sin is forbidding the priests and bishops to marry, that these members of the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization appear to have "tweaked out" as they possibly are doing everything they can to become extremely "holey" people when the public is not watching? (1)(2)(3)


As we near the end of this presentation, it is time to begin examining why virtually nothing is really being done about all those abusing, raping and enslaving "holey" priests, bishops and others which are associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. Why is not true justice being done for the abused victims which have had horrible criminal acts performed against them by members or the hierarchy of this highly questionable organization? Why are not the citizens of the United States being properly protected from this corrupt, foreign-based organization? Why are not the U.S. citizens being properly protected by that which they thought was their own government?

For starters, in answer to the questions above, the abusing and raping "holely" priests are actually agents of a foreign government. The government which these agents serve and are allegiant to is legally known as the State of the Vatican City (1)(2)(3)(4), which is also called the Vatican City State (1)(2)(3)(4). The allegiance of the traitorous, raping foreign agents is to the head of the Vatican City State, which is the pope, rather than to the authentic government of the United States, in which they now reside.

It is now time to consider the history of what is really happening in the United States, so the general public can understand why true justice is not being done, especially when it comes to the criminal activity associated with agents of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization.

A section titled Agents of a Foreign Power, linked here, is part of a much larger page. That section declares: "Clear back in the 1800s, various presidents and statesman began to see that something questionable was happening in the United States. Something appeared to be happening "behind the scenes" which was just not right. Some of these early presidents and statesman indicated that there was an "invisible government" in operation in the United States..."

Another section from that much larger page noted above is titled Words from Former Presidents. That section, linked here, speaks of Woodrow Wilson, who was President of the United States from 1913 to 1921 (link). Wilson definitely saw that there was something questionable happening behind the scenes in the United States. The following are his words: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

In that same section, linked in the paragraph above, is found the words of Theodore Roosevelt, who was President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. Roosevelt declared: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today."

True patriotic statesman, who were actually doing their best to honor their Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States --- in that which it truly means and what it truly stands for --- would be openly fighting against all enemies of those principles upon which our country was founded. They would be fighting against those enemies, whether they are foreign or domestic. Those who are truly honoring their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States would be openly fighting to destroy the "invisible government" and take down all those who are part of it, plus those who are behind it and controlling it.

That "ostensible government" which Theodore Roosevelt was speaking about, in his words which are presented further above, is the one which everyone sees, like in Washington DC and also in the various States of the United States. From what Roosevelt declared, it appears that behind the facade of the government which everyone sees, resides that "invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people."

Unfortunately, it appears that the "invisible government" is now the one which is moving more into the mainstream and actually controlling things throughout the United States. That is why the United States is having so many problems. That is why the U.S. government is not accomplishing much good for its authentic citizens anymore, at least not like it did in former times. Treasonous members of the "invisible government" are the ones who have taken over and are ruining the United States for its citizens.

Theodore Roosevelt understood this "invisible government" as being an "unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics." That appears to be as far as Roosevelt understood the "invisible government" in the early 1900s. But Woodrow Wilson saw that this invisible government was "a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive," that even "some of the biggest men in the United States" were afraid of it.

Once again, the two former U.S. presidents, which are noted above, clearly saw something rather sinister which was happening in their day --- something which was wrong and something which was even frightening to those in industry. In their day, these two U.S. presidents saw that "something" was wrong, but could not fully put "a face" on it. But in our day, the history and information is available to put "a face" on this "something" which is horribly wrong in our country. The information is available which can clearly reveal what or who is in control of the "invisible government." The information is available which can reveal the controlling agency which has actually taken over things in the United States and is intentionally running things into the ground.

It is time to present an important piece of history which can help to understand what is happening to the United States. That piece of history is found in a section of that large page which was spoken about further above. The section, linked here, is titled Gaining Control Over Politicians and Others. The section speaks about a man who, in the 1700s, was the Jesuit General, or the Black Pope. This is the man who is the head of the Jesuit organization. The following information is recorded about this earlier Jesuit General: "In 1720, Michael Angelo Tamburini, then General of the Jesuits, said to the Duke of Brancas, 'See, my lord, from this room -- from this room I govern not only Paris, but China: not only China, but the whole world, without any one knowing how 'tis managed.'"

It is now time for all to clearly know how the Jesuit General in Rome controls the nations of this world. Extensive research clearly indicates that this "invisible government," spoken about by earlier presidents and statesmen, is controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. The hierarchy in Rome controls things in the "invisible government" which operates behind the scenes within the United States, by using the numerous members of their various secret societies, which members are woven throughout "the fabric" of the United States. These secret societies controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization include things like the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, the Skull and Bones organization from Yale Univerity, plus a number of other like secret societies.

Through the members of their secret societies --- which members are part of the militia of the pope --- the Vatican/Jesuit organization controls corrupt business and corrupt politics throughout the United States, plus throughout virtually the whole world. This "invisible government" which they have created is actually "the beast" government which is spoken about in the uncorrupted Holy Bible (1). It is that "beast" government, which is a "hidden" government, which is diverse or different from any government before it, that now controls the nations of this world. So, if you see that things are not operating properly within the United States, you possibly now know which treasonous people to blame. If true justice is not happening in regards to all those abusing and raping "holely" priests, you should now have a better understand of why this is happening.


Let us begin to see at least one of the ways by which the members of the militia of the pope have worked to take total control of the government and military of the United States. The historic Oaths of the various secret societies which are freely operating within the United States, which secret societies are controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization in Rome, hold the answer to what has been happening all along. Now, there is something to clearly note. The members of these secret societies will deny that these Oaths exist or are used in their organizations, but at this point, citizens better wake up and remember who is in control of these people and what the true definition is of that old word "Jesuitism".

In case anyone missed the true definition of that rather revealing word "Jesuitism," it is found earlier in this presentation in that section titled A History, Plus an Identifying Word (link). The record of the history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization tends to prove the validity of that which is contained within the said historic Oaths of all these Catholic secret societies. And, looking further, people must clearly understand that there is a horrendous history of lying and deception associated with this that appears to be an extremely diabolic international organization (1)(2)(3)(4), which is based in the middle of Rome, Italy. There is a very unsavory history which is associated with this very diabolic organization, which has steadily worked to take over the United States and is now running it into the ground and enslaving its citizens.

Now it is time to look at how the fast-growing, malignant cancer has steadily been taking over the United States. In the said historic Oaths of the various treasonous secret societies (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) --- which secret societies are controlled out of Rome --- the advancing member is said to declare the following words: "That I will in voting always vote for K. of C [Knights of Columbus], in preference to a Protestant, especially a Mason, and that I will leave my party so to do; that if two Catholics are on the ticket I will satisfy myself which is the better supporter of Mother Church and vote accordingly. That I will not deal with or employ a Protestant if in my power to deal with or employ a Catholic." Is this discrimination? You better believe it is! And knowing what they are up to, it appears that there is a bit of treason mixed in.

For those who would like further background information about the Oath of the Knights of Columbus and the Oaths of some of those other Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies, which are actually part of the militia of the pope, then read the book titled The 4th Degree Oath of the Knights of Columbus, An Un-American Secret Society Bound to the Italian Pope, By Pledges of Treason and Murder, by Thos. E. Watson. The book was originally copyrighted in 1927, but a copy of the 5th Edition, published in 1928, is available for reading or possibly copying. It is linked here.

Copies of The 4th Degree Oath book, as of this writing (5/2019), can also be obtained through the following linked sources: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10). But, don't be surprised if the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are buying up or doing everything they can to get rid of all the copies, in order to keep the truth out of the hands of the general public. The writer does urge people to seriously scan through that book. It can help to explain a lot of what is currently happening in our country, plus also why a number of nefarious things have been happening in our day.

There is something else to note in The 4th Degree book linked here and above. Beginning on PDF page 34 of 52 (actual book page 32), is the section titled The Canon Law of Popery. Under section IV, it states: "The Pope has the right to give countries and nations which are non-Catholic to Catholic regents, who can reduce them to slavery." And that is exactly what the agents of the diabolic Vatican/Jesuit organization have done to the United States, as they are working to run the country into the ground and enslave its citizens. In relation to this, as far back as the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy allegedly declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."(link) And, it appears that Kennedy was assassinated for speaking the truth.

Section VI under The Canon Law of Popery, in the book linked above, states: "The Pope has the right to annul State laws, treaties, constitutions, etc.; to absolve from obedience thereto, as soon as they seem detrimental to the rights of the Church, or those of the clergy." And that appears to be exactly what the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are doing, as they abuse, rape and enslave children and others, while they virtually "thumb their noses" at the laws of the United States.

And, following what the pope wants rather than what the United States is supposed to be about is exactly what is now being done in the United States, because of the treasonous agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. These treasonous agents have brazenly gotten into positions of power in the government of the United States, with the intent of taking the country over for their Vatican bosses. These people are actually treasonous traitors to the authentic citizens of the United States and to the Constitution of the United States. Therefore, it appears that they are worthy of a very fast trip to the gallows.

Seeing what is happening in our day, and how the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have taken over and are treasonously running the United States into the ground and enslaving it citizens, and seeing all the unrest and even mass shootings which appear to be instigated by that organization and its allies, it is rather understandable why President Abraham Lincoln, when considering the French Revolution and Reign of Terror (1)(2)(3)(4), declared the following in his day:

"I understand, now, why the patriots of France, who determined to see the colors of Liberty floating over their great and beautiful country, were forced to hang or shoot almost all the priests and the monks as the irreconcilable enemies of Liberty. For it is a fact, which is now evident to me, that, with very few exceptions, every priest and every true Roman Catholic is a determined enemy of Liberty.
        "Their extermination, in France, was one of those terrible necessities which no human wisdom could avoid; it looks to me now as an order from heaven to save France. May God grant that the same terrible necessity be never felt in the United States! But there is a thing which is very certain; it is, that if the American people could learn what I know of the fierce hatred of the generality of the priests of Rome against our institutions, our schools, our most sacred rights, and our so dearly bought liberties, they would drive them away, to-morrow, from among us, or they would shoot them as traitors."

Now, when it comes to the treasonous activity which the agents and militia of the pope are doing within the government of the United States, they recently (Jan. 2019) passed a Resolution in the Senate of the United States, S.Res.19 - 116th Congress (2019-2020), in an attempt to protect themselves in their treasonous activity, while they are un-Constitutionally and therefore illegally in key positions within government (1)(2)(3). But, they cannot legally protect themselves from the proper punishment for treason by making any Resolution or Law, or even by changing or ammending the U.S. Constitution. Treason has historically been punishable by death. So, once again, these treasonous people appear to actually be worthy of a very quick trip to the gallows.



A book linked here is titled Catholic Victory in 1960?. The book considers what the country would be dealing with if a Catholic became the President of the United States. This happened when John F. Kennedy won the presidential election in 1960. The book was written by an ex-Catholic who had been a Catholic priest for a number of years and had a good understanding of the situation, plus understood what the nation would potentially be dealing with when a Catholic became president.

In the Catholic Victory book linked above, on PDF page 6 of 62, on the right-hand page, it notes that a Catholic President in the United States could potentially be manipulated by the Vatican and "forced to declare war on certain nations, thus forcing American boys to fight the wars of the Vatican." This does sound exactly like what happened when George W. Bush was president.

In regards to the last statement above, it should be noted that while claiming to be a Protestant, Bush was said to be more Catholic than Kennedy (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). And then Bush openly declared that he saw God in the pope's eyes (1)(2)(3)(4). Then there was 9/11 and the Twin Towers caper, which some suspect was a modern version of the highly treasonous Operation Northwoods, which was planned in the early 1960s (1)(2)(3). Then President Bush said that God told him to go to war and invade Iraq (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). Ultimately, Bush had his extremely devastating "crusade" in Iraq (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). And in the midst of all this, the Vatican/Jesuit organization's Knights-of-Malta-controlled "holy warriors" began to "shoot 'em up" in Iraq (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). But, there is more to this story.

The Victory book linked above, on the same page noted above, declares: "The Roman hierarchy might pressure a Catholic President to appoint certain Catholics to his Cabinet, to pack the Supreme Court with Catholics, to re-interpret the Constitution..." It appears that exactly these things have already been happening in the United States for decades, even without a president who openly claims to be Catholic. So, let us look closer at how things have been set up in such a manner that those associated with or who are agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have a lot of influence and virtual control over the United States.

All a president has to be is someone --- even a non-Catholic --- who is manipulated or controlled by agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization which are around them (1)(2). As with Woodrow Wilson in the early 1900s, it only took one skilled "handler," that being the infamous Colonel House (1)(2). Now, it is obvious that recent presidential Cabinets have been packed with and virtually controlled by agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. The Supreme Court is packed with those whose allegiance is to the pope in the Vatican. And yes, the Constitution has been re-interpreted by the agents of the pope and their allies or pawns to mean something totally different from that which the Founding Fathers of this great nation ever intended.

So, check out the pages linked below and see who has virtually taken control of the United States. A search of the Internet can turn up even more information about the national control of this Vatican-affiliated crowd --- this treasonous crowd which is working to run this nation into the ground and enslave its citizens under the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. And, if you do not feel that the United States government is operating in the manner in which it was meant to, then, at least you may know who to blame. Possibly you may also realize who has been undermining the United States and changing the laws, as the citizens of the United States are steadily enslaved.

In all of this, let us not forget the following words which are associated with President John F. Kennedy: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."(link) Kennedy also spoke about and against the secret societies which are operating in this country, indicating that they were possibly not working in the best interests of the United States and its authentic citizens (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). But, before Kennedy was successful at derailing the treasonous plot against the citizens of the United States, they brutally assassinated him in cold blood (link).


The Catholic Victory book linked here and in the section above, on the right side of PDF page 8 of 62, at the bottom of that page and on to the next page notes that the pope "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic." There are now some things which need to be considered, because things are a bit different than they do appear, especially in the way things are worded in the linked book.

What has happened in the United States is that foreign agents of the Vatican State have, apparently with ill intent, gotten into government positions. Then, once they are in those government positions, they appear to utterly violate their Oaths of Office to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). You might ask, "How have they violated their Oath to the Constitution?" For starters, the Constitution, in Article 4, Section 4, guarantees "to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government." But, it strongly appears that the agents of the Vatican are working hard to undermine, overthrow and prevent an authentic Republican Form of Government (1)(2)(3)(4) from existing in the United States. Therefore, in such a case, they are traitors to the authentic United States and to its genuine citizens, and, historically, are worthy of the gallows.

Unfortunately, it appears that U.S. citizens, for many decades, have been totally shirking their patriotic duty and have been utterly oblivious to what the treasonous agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been doing to their country. In all of this, U.S. citizens have been oblivious to the fact that the treasonous agents of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization have been working to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States and enslave its citizens. It's like President John F. Kennedy said, "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."(link) But, unfortunately, U.S. citizens are too interested in their sports and entertainment and video games and drugs to care that their country is being overthrown by agents of a foreign power and that they are steadily being enslaved. And, most Americans won't care at all, until they have lost everything.


In that Catholic Victory book, linked here and further above, on the left side of PDF page 9 of 62, there is something important to note. When it comes to the Constitution and laws of the United States, the pope, acting as an enemy of the United States and its legitimate citizens, wants Catholics to understand "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church." In other words, the pope wants Catholics, apparently especially for those in positions of government, to be traitors to the United States and to it authentic citizens.

What the pope's words mean is that Catholics in office are, once again, clearly foreign agents of the Vatican State. Their pope has told them that they do not need to have allegiance to the Constitution or laws of the United States, but they are to obey and be in allegiance to the pope and his hierarchy above all other things. In other words, the pope has told his people that they are to operate outside of the Constitution and laws of the United States and be the arm or even the sword of the Vatican, operating as an enemy to the people right within the U.S. government and military, plus in any other agency which they are in. Basically, it appears that the pope's agents are traitors to this country, especially those who are members of those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies.

Since the pope's BULL has indicated that his people can operate outside of the Constitution and laws of the United States, let us begin to see what these people are really all about. Let us quickly take a look at some of the things which are found in the historic Oaths of some of their secret societies. Below are just a few excerpts from the alleged historic Oaths (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). These exerpts should be rather educational.

In the historic Oaths, members of these secret societies declare that the pope "hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed." Well, isn't that just the type of people that you want in the government of a country that is supposed to be free? Isn't that just the type of people which you want in a government which is supposed to be protecting the God-given, unalienable rights of each individual?

Then there are these words in the Oaths: "I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers." In other words, these people are declaring that, even though they take an Oath of Office to support and defend the U.S. Constitution, they appear to just be lying because they have no genuine allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the laws of this country, or to the authentic citizens of this country. Again, when it comes to deception and lying, it appears that a bit of Jesuitism may possibly be involved here (link).


As noted in the Oaths accessed via the links in the section above, the initiates to the upper levels of these Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies are also said to declare: "I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition...
        "That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus."

Well, looking at the excerpts in the preceding section, plus that in the paragraph above, are you beginning to understand what we appear to be dealing with, right here in the United States, with these people in numerous key positions in government, in its various agencies, plus in its military? But, there is more. The "Oath" pages linked in the section above, for secret societies like the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Rhodes Scholars, etc., state the following: "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope." Yes, these people are actually the militia of the pope. They are the army of a foreign government, that being the Vatican State. It appears that these people could be like a dangerous Trojan Horse, right within our country.

And, there is still something to add to this story. Once again, as noted in the paragraph above, members of these secret societies which are controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization are said to declare: "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope." Now, is this the true reason why the Jesuit-controlled Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other affiliated agencies have stockpiled those billions of rounds of ammunition (link), which is enough to put about 5 bullets in each authentic U.S. citizen?

To put things into better perspective, the first page linked below states: "...At the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month. Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America." Besides this, the page notes the DHS "acquisition of heavily armored personnel carriers, repatriated from the Iraqi and Afghani theaters of operation." And, all that armament is for use within the United States.

Are the government agencies controlled by the puppets and militia of the Vatican/Jesuit organization preparing for that which appears to be a Vatican/Jesuit-desired bloodbath? Are they preparing for that time when they can (possibly without warning like that which was done at the start of the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in France) suddenly take full control over the United States for the Vatican, and exterminate many of its citizens? Anyway, check out the pages linked above and decide for yourself what has actually been going on for quite some time, right here in the United States, and what they are possibly preparing for, especially in the light of all the information presented so far in this discussion.

In relation to the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in France in 1572, the page linked below declares: "Suddenly -- and without warning -- the devilish work commenced. Beginning at Paris, the French soldiers and the Roman Catholic clergy fell upon the unarmed people, and blood flowed like a river throughout the entire country. Men, women, and children fell in heaps before the mobs and the bloodthirsty troops. In one week, almost 100,100 Protestants perished. The rivers of France were so filled with corpses that for many months no fish were eaten. In the valley of the Loire, wolves came down from the hills to feed upon the decaying bodies of Frenchmen. The list of massacres was as endless as the list of the dead!"

In all of this, it should be noted that "they" have been working hard to disarm U.S. citizens in every way which they possibly can. Even the pope has been calling for the disarming of U.S. citizens. For those who have studied the history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, this working to disarm U.S. citizens should be sending up red flags. And then, when Obama was president and acting as the pope's puppet, he began having illegal aliens illegally trained and armed, as noted in a page linked here.

There is also another small "sign" to consider in all of this. Sometimes, many small signs can actually work together to tell a very big story. Possibly it is time to think a bit like a detective. In January of 2018, Melania Trump suddenly canceled her trip to Davos, Switzerland with the president, and then went alone to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, as noted in pages at the following links: (1)(2)(3). Why did Melania Trump suddenly cancel the trip to Davos? Was a message being sent by this sudden change of plans, especially when the sudden change in plans was then followed by a visit to the Holocaust Museum?

Now, it is time for a serious question. If the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope and all the "holy warriors" actually go ahead and pull off a bloodbath and "turkey shoot," or something which could be called the American Holocaust, what would they potentially do with all those millions of dead bodies? Well, that might be where the facilities which they are building at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, in Washington state, may come in.

Cleaning up the "mess," once again, could possibly be part of, or possibly even the main reason for that problematic Vitrification Plant (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15), that a number of people have said over the years has safety issues and has, some say, been built too substandard to actually safely handle the job of vitrifying all that nuclear waste from those 177 underground storage tanks, as indicated within the pages linked below.

So, if the Vitrification Plant is not built to the proper standards for processing all that nuclear waste in the 177 underground storage tanks, then what is it good for? Well, for any who may have missed it, the potential for using the complex Hanford Vit Plant as a camouflaged or disguised "waste human" disposal system was noted further above in the section titled Another "Sign" for the Forming Picture (link).

Looking at the "plus factors" for the Vitrification (Vit) Plant, this Hanford facility is rather isolated, being miles from anywhere, so the general public would not know for sure what is actually happening there. It is within a closely guarded area, so the public will not be "snooping around." And, as the Trump Wall to prevent escape via the southern border is now in the works, the Vit Plant at Hanford appears to be getting close to the startup phase (1)(2)(3). Step by step, while looking also at history, what does it appear the "signs" could be pointing to?



The Catholic Victory book, linked here and in the sections above, beginning on the right side of PDF page 9 of 62, begins to present information about a papal Bull from November 1, 1885. This particular Bull is called "Immortale Dei." It is an Encyclical from Pope Leo XIII. That is the same pope who, in 1903, wanted the Protestant Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany to become "the sword of the Catholic Church," to then go out conquering countries, to bring them under the despotic rule of the Vatican crowd.(link) But, the wise Kaiser Wilhelm II turned down the request of Pope Leo XIII. It appears he had no desire to become an early-day Adolf Hitler.

Now, let's look at that BULL. The complete papal BULL called "Immortale Dei" is linked here. In Section 33, the Catholic Church is basically saying that it does not have to be subject to the civil power in whatever country it is operating. That is possibly why those numerous priests and bishops and others associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization are virtually "thumbing their noses" at the laws of the United States, while they freely abuse, rape, sodomize and enslave children and others, plus apparently perpetrate other kinds of criminal and treasonous activity.

Now it is time to begin considering those secret societies which are under the control of the pope and the Jesuit General, whose members are actually part of the militia of the pope. As noted in the preceding section, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit agents in positions of power are arming themselves for a war within the United States (link). It appears that they are preparing for this treasonous war by illegally using taxpayer funds to purchase their arms and ammunition, so that, in essense, numerous taxpayers will be paying for their own enslavement or demise. Now, is the writer full of BULL, or is this something worth considering?


It is time to consider more closely the problem which U.S. citizens are actually dealing with, when it comes to criminals associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit crime (link) and deception (1)(2)(3) organization. It should be rather obvious to most people, by this time, that the government and its agencies are not really doing the authentic job which they are supposed to be doing. It is clear that they have no intent to properly protect U.S. citizens from an abusive and exploiting foreign power which has made clear that it has no desire to abide by the Constitution and laws of the United States. It has become rather obvious that this international crime organization (link) and many of the people associated with it have criminal and treasonous intents for the United States.

When it comes to this abuse, rape, sodomy and enslavement of children and others, it appears that a major problem is that people associated with government are aiding and abetting the criminal activity of those associated with that which appears to be the international Vatican/Jesuit crime organization which is posing as a church (link). In other words, these people associated with government, who are not properly working to protect U.S. citizens from that which appears to be a foreign crime organization (link) are actually becoming accessories to blatant crimes against humanity. But, that is how things were in Nazi Germany during the World War Two era. In regards to what appears to be corruption in government, the pages linked below present a few examples.

The two people noted above, Kamala Harris and Jeff Landry, just who are they? Jeff Landry is the Attorney General in Louisiana, and Kamala Harris appears to be a 2020 Presidential candidate who was a District Attorney in San Francisco, California, who has since moved on to being the State Attorney General. This appears to be someone possibly associated with the famous Roman Catholic, Nancy Pelosi (1)(2)(3). Looking at the two pictures linked with Nancy Pelosi, we can see who the actual boss is here, as she is kissing the pope's ring. There is possibly a reason why Nancy Pelosi is not going after the child rapers in the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It's is commonly called "conflict of interest." And there are many other Vatican agents who are in this situation.

Kamala Harris is of the Democratic Party, which party has basically been under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization since the 1800s (1)(2). Then there is that Jeff Landry. It appears that he was raised in the Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus he was educated at the Jesuits' Loyola University in New Orleans (link). It appears that there could be some serious conflict of interest here, especially seeing that Harris and Landry appear to be covering up for the sex abusers and child rapers in the infamous Vatican/Jesuit organization. In other words, it appears that they are possibly aiding and abetting serious crime, even crimes against humanity, right here in the United States. Is there a chance that they are accessories to serious crime in the United States?


The sections above show what the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been doing to undermine and take control of the United States, while they enslave its citizens. But there is more to present in this story. Further above is that section titled A Law Unto Themselves (link). That section notes that the pope wants Catholics to understand "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church." So, let us begin to consider how the Vatican/Jesuit organization is gaining influence and control over the judiciary and the police in the United States, plus over other important segments of the power structure within this country.

To help gain influence or control over various segments associated with government, plus associated with at least the scientific and medical fields, the Vatican/Jesuit organization has its different colored masses. They have at least the "Red Mass," and the "Blue Mass," and the "White Mass," and the "Gold Mass." In all of these specialized masses, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization is steadily working to gain even more influence and control over the United States and it citizens. And, with these various colored masses for the different fields, it appears that there is the potential for peer pressure to be involved, so those who would not normally go to these Catholic masses may feel like they have to go, in order to hold their position or advance in their line of work.

So, what are these different colored masses all about? Let's start with the Red Mass. A rather lengthy page has a section in it titled The "Red Mass" (link), which presents information and links to various sources which provide additional information about the Red Mass and what it is about, including its hidden meaning and history. A Wikipedia entry titled Red Mass is linked here. That entry states: "A Red Mass is a Mass celebrated annually in the Catholic Church for judges, lawyers, law school professors, law students, and government officials." The section in that lengthy page which is linked above indicates that this Red Mass appears to give the Catholic Church "undue influence over the judicial system and the government of the United States."

A page linked here is titled What Is the Red Mass? About half way down, the page declares: "The Red Mass is called such due to the red vestments worn by Royal Judges participating in the Pope's tribunal." The page states: "The tradition of the Red Mass extends back well before the establishment of the Supreme Court, to the Medieval Era." And what was the pope's tribunal doing during the Medieval Era? This tribunal was made up of the Vatican's judges who were presiding over the Inquistion. They were the judges which were condemning Protestants and others to torture and death (1)(2)(3)(4).

The page and video linked below notes that in the Red Mass, officials of the government and judiciary, plus lawyers and others, pray to the Vatican's dead Inquisitor, who was named Thomas More. The first linked page declares: "Thomas More was also one of the most vicious and bloody inquisitors that ever lived and was responsible for having Bible translator William Tyndale burned at the stake alive for his work." The linked page also presents information about how the Vatican's agents undermine free Republics and take control of a country through the changing of its civil laws. Those who have been researching and watching have been seeing it happen, right here in the United States. So, truly, what is on the horizon for the authentic citizens of the United States?

When it comes to the Blue Mass, the rather lengthy page which was noted further above has a section titled The "Blue Mass."(link) The information in that section should help the reader to understand what the Blue Mass is about. Pictures at the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) --- show who the Blue Mass is for. It does appear that the Vatican/Jesuit organization is working to be gain influence over law enforcement in the United States, apparently with an agenda in mind.

A page linked here states: "For the coming Vatican inquisition in the United States the Knights of Columbus's Police force will play an instrumental role." Is there a chance that there could be some truth to what the preceding linked page is stating, especially after considering the information given in this presentation? In all of this, let us remember Ruby Ridge, in Idaho (1)(2)(3), and Waco, in Texas (1)(2)(3). In both of these cases, there appears to have been a Roman Catholic government sniper shooting at or killing U.S. citizens who were not worthy of death. And then there was the case of the Bundy's in Nevada (link), and the apparent game of battue, which led to the murder of Robert "LaVoy" Finicum (1)(2)(3)(4).

We are now left with the White Mass and the Gold Mass to consider. The White Mass is for people in the medical profession. As can be gathered from the pages linked below, it appears that the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization is working to influence as many people as possible in the medical profession. If there is a Vatican Inquisition in the United States, as mentioned in that page linked at the beginning of the paragraph above, then having the medical profession in "the fold" of the Vatican organization would be something they would definitely desire. And that second link with the Comedy Night, let's see how long that link stays active, once this page is posted on the Internet.

Now for that Gold Mass. This particular mass is for scientists. If an organization is planning to pull off something really big and unexpected in a country, it is always helpful to have the scientists on your side. If both the scientists and the medical profession are working for your diabolic program, the scientists can come up with the substances to use in the holocaust, and those in the medical profession can inject the victims with things like tainted vaccines and give the victims other things which will work to harm or destroy them.

With all of the above information in mind, it is now time for a bit of discussion about the undue influence which the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization has over people in certain fields, plus how this works to aid and abet crime, thereby preventing true justice from occurring in the United States, especially when it involves those child rapers and criminals associated with the hierarchy of that organization.

In a September 2018 page which is linked here, a Pennsylvania grand jury found that certain police and district attorneys were helping the Catholic Church to cover up all that abuse, sodomy and rape of children and others. In other words, the police and district attorneys were becoming accomplices and were or are aiding and abetting serious crime in the United States. It almost looks like these police and district attorneys are part of an organized crime operation. So, what has really been going on here? Well, possibly the next section which follows can help answer this question. Possibly it can help show what is really happening in the United States.


The page linked below speaks about a priest called Father Joseph Maskell, who was sexually abusing dozens of students at a high school, most of which were young women. When the victims spoke to a certain nun about what was happening, that nun was soon murdered. As the story began to unfold, more of the truth began to come out.

It appears that the priest was bringing girls out to a secluded area where they could be raped by police officers. So, it appears there is a conspiracy in major crime between the Catholic Church and the police. Well, you should now know who to not call when you really need help. But, there is more to the story about those associated with that which appears to be the international Vatican/Jesuit crime organization.

The woman noted in the page linked above, who had, in earlier times, been raped by Catholic priests and police officers, gave an interview, which is spoken about in the page linked below. There is definitely a lot more to the story of what is going on with the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. When speaking about the woman who had been raped, the page declares: "She took viewers inside the office at the school, where Father Maskell raped her dozens of times, and even invited other men -- she says, priests, politicians and police officers -- to rape her as well."

So, it has not just been priests who have been raping children. Yes, police officers have been joining in on this criminal activity. But the page notes more. Politicians are becoming pedophiles and are joining in with this criminal activity. So, police officers and politicians are being compromised, and likely blackmailed, by the agents of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. Is it any wonder why the priests are able to rape kids with impunity? Via sexual blackmail and other methods, they and their organization are virtually in complete control of the police and the politicians. So, are you still wondering why things are so broken in the United States?

The page linked below adds some further pieces to this story. There is more to this man called Father Maskell, who had been raping kids and having police and politicians join in on this criminal activity, likely so they could be blackmailed. The page makes known that Maskell had been working as a clinical psychologist. As a clinical psychologist, Maskell possibly was well informed on the use and potential of hypnosis (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). In such a case, he may have used hypnosis on his victims in order to protect his criminal activities, plus in order to gain control over other people, like police officers and politicians.

The page accessed below brings out some other points worth noting. Maskell the rapist was a chaplain at Keough High School, where he was raping the girls, while at the same time, he was the chaplain for "the Baltimore County Police, where his brother was a policeman." So, in does appear that that there is a chance that the rapist priest's brother, the cop, may have been involved in all of this criminal activity. He could possibly have been the one who then got other cops involved in this criminal activity.

So, this whole thing with the raping priest and the raping cops appears to have been like one big, happy family affair. Now, there is something to consider. There is possibly a very good chance that the murderer of that nun, called Sister Cathy Cesnik, was either a cop, one of their associates, or someone under their control. Yes, it appears there is a lot more to this whole story, than the public commonly realizes or even senses.

The page linked below adds a couple more pieces to the information already presented. The information above noted that Maskell was a chaplain at the high school and for the Baltimore County Police. The page below adds that he was also a chaplain for the Maryland State Police and for the Maryland National Guard. So, this guy really got around and from the information presented, it appears that he was good buddies with the cops.

Further above, it was noted that Maskell what a clinical psychologist how was possibly well informed on the use and potential of hypnosis. The page linked below states that the girls at this Catholic school could go to Maskell's office or to where he lived in the nearby rectory. When the girls were with Maskell in his office or at his living quarters, "they could talk freely about sex and drugs, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes on his red velour sofa and ask for help dealing with their traditional Catholic parents." It is said that Maskell also "offered an intoxicating cocktail of spiritual guidance, hypnosis, booze, pills and himself." So yes, it appears that Maskell was using hypnosis on these girls.

As a trained psychologist, Maskell would use his skills to manipulate the girls and get their cloths off. It appears that he would take nude photos of them and force them to perform sex acts. And then, there was the rape. Maskell would terrify his victims and blackmail them. The page states that Maskell would also bring at least one girl to the church were he preached and there it appears that a string of men would have sex with her. It is said that "some of the men gave Maskell money in exchange for the abuse." So, it appears that Maskell was simply a pimp who, as it states, was running "a full-on brothel," using underage girls, even within his church were he preached.

From what is written in the page linked below, it appears that the priest, Maskell, was using a combination of hypnosis and drugs on these girls, to prepare them for being victimized. One of the girls speaks about being "unusually groggy," and seeing a policeman coming through the back door of the room where she was at. Then she woke up hours later in Maskell's office. She found that "her shirt was buttoned up differently than she had buttoned it that morning." Drugs and hypnosis would explain what was happening to this girl. And, it appears that certain priests are using pedophalia and potential blackmail to gain control over at least the police in their area of influence.

It appears that the priest, Maskell, gave one girl "a spiked drink at an outdoor Catholic Youth Organization picnic when she was 14." The priest then led she to "a remote area of the park" at dusk, where she could be raped by a uniformed policeman. From all that is stated in the page linked below, and because of what has been happening across the United States, with all of these priests abusing and raping girls and boys, there is a good chance that they are "pimping" these kids out, in order to gain influence and control over police and others in positions of authority.

The page linked below presents some very important information. Not only was the Catholic Church, the priests and the local cops trying to cover up the criminal activity which had happened here, but "Baltimore-area 'cold case' investigators and special agents at the FBI...repeatedly refused to discuss details about the unsolved killing of the nun or the abuse that had reportedly triggered it." So, even special agents from the FBI continually refused to "open up" about this one. Well, there is reason to believe that "things" possibly go even much "higher" than just the FBI.

By now, it should be rather clear to most thinking people which agencies associated with government are pretty much under the full control of the agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. No wonder things seem to be broken in the United States and not operating as they should be. It appears that the United States has virtually been hijacked by the agents of a foreign government --- that foreign government being the Vatican State.

Let us now move onward. The page linked below speaks about police illegally helping to shield criminal priests in the Catholic Church from prosecution. So, possibly those Blue Masses are really working to help the criminal priests. And, is there a chance that the police noted in the linked article where getting some of the action, somewhat like what was happening in the page linked above? It is possible that if there were "favors" done for the police, then they could be blackmailed in order to keep them from arresting the criminal priests.

There is something very important to note in the page below. The police "were under orders not to arrest Catholic priests but, instead, to report their crimes to the local bishop who could then continue the dirty work of covering it up." These orders had to have come from higher up in these police departments, so, is there a chance that some of the higher-up were also "in on the action?" One other thing from the linked page. It was only Catholic priest who were not to be arrested. The page states: "If clerics of other religions broke the law, they would be arrested."

By what is stated above, it should be obvious to any thinking person what is actually happening to our country. The Vatican/Jesuit crime organization is obviously taking total control of our country and currently running it into the ground. Now for some truth. All these treasonous and criminal people are worthy of a very fast trip to the gallows. And, since it appears that these traitors and treasonous people have modified the law into something that has become criminal, possibly the citizens will have to be the ones to stand up and take things into their own hands and clean up the mess.

The information in the pages linked below backs up the story which was presented in the page linked above. So, check out what is happening in the United State when foreign agents are allowed to be in positions of power and public trust. Again, these are foreign agents whose allegiance is to the pope in the Vatican, rather than to the people of the United States. A large share of these foreign agents are also part of the militia of the pope. They are like a Trojan Horse within our country. They will do whatever they are commanded by the pope or the Jesuit General. And the pope wants to control the United States and turn it into a Catholic country, and then the bloodbath will begin --- the American Holocaust and "turkey shot." It will simply be history repeating itself.


The preceding section, near its beginning, spoke about the Red Mass. Many government officials, many members of the judiciary, along with numerous attorneys and the like, attend this Red Mass. The preceding section also made known that the pope, through the use of the BULL, has made clear to virtually all members associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church." So, it is time to look more closely at the Red Mass and this man named Thomas More.

In the Red Mass, as noted in a page linked here, those that attend pray to Thomas More. Presidents and members of the U.S. Supreme Court, along with other members of the judiciary and attorneys, have attended the Red Mass that occurs yearly at Vatican/Jesuit affiliated facilities across the United States appear to all pray to Thomas More. Once again, in the linked page, it declares: "Thomas More was also one of the most vicious and bloody inquisitors that ever lived..." So, being that Presidents and members of the U.S. Supreme Court, plus all those other people, pray to Thomas More, possibly we should find out a bit more about what they are really praying to and what it appears they are truly desiring for the United States.

A page linked here, in the entry for 1501 and those after, tends to indicate that Thomas More was possibly a traitor to his country. The entry for 1529 notes that once Thomas More got into a position of power, he began using "the police power of the State to imprison, torture and burn alive Reformed Christians." So, is this what government officials and members of the U.S. Supreme Court are wanting to happen in the United States, since they are praying to this monster who liked to do things like torture and burn alive Christians which did not believe like he did?

A page linked here, which gives some history of More's wicked deeds, states that Thomas More "was one of the most cruel Inquisitors in history ranking right up there with Torquemada, Philip II, Bloody Mary, Judge Jeffreys, etc." Looking at what is shown in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it strongly appears that Thomas More has assured his place in the lake of fire, where he will be tormented day and night, forever and ever. And, all these people that attend the Red Mass that is performed across the country are brazenly praying to Thomas More. They desire to be like him. And, unless God gives them the grace to repent and turn to the true way of God, from what is declared in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it appears that they also shall be in the lake of fire, to be tormented forever and ever, along with their buddy Thomas More.

Pages accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3) --- provide further information about Thomas More and what he was like. This man was completely against religious freedom and for individuals to worship God as their conscience dictated. Thomas More obviously hated liberty and freedom, just as the Vatican/Jesuit organization has throughout history. It appears, that in principle, Thomas More was not that much different than Adolf Hitler. It is only people who appear to believe fully in having bloody Vatican/Jesuit-type Crusades and Inquisitions that could honor and pray to such a monster as Thomas More, who appears to have relished exterminating Protestants and authentic Christians. And, with people like that in government and the judiciary, who pray to the despotic and tyrannical Thomas More, it appears that the "handwriting" is clearly "on the wall" for the United States.



The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) that was the predecessor of the CIA, which existed during the World War Two era, has been mentioned only six times earlier in this presentation. It was first mentioned in the section titled Father of the C.I.A.(link), and was noted again in the section titled A Special Honor by the Pope (link), and then mentioned again, but just in passing, in the sections titled Returning to Those "Catholics in Action" (link), and Looking at the Real C.I.A.(link), and The C.I.A. & the Continuing "Holy War" (link), and finally in Putting the Pieces Together (link). It is now time to look more closely at an important item of information relating to the OSS and its boss, Bill Donovan.

In the section titled Father of the C.I.A. (link), it was noted that Bill Donovan was a member of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret society called the Knights of Malta. As a member of the Knights of Malta, Bill Donovan was part of the militia of the pope. In such a case, Bill Donovan was actually the agent of a foreign government, that being the Vatican City State, which foreign government is noted earlier in this presentation in the section titled Getting All "The Control" in Place.

In the earlier section titled Returning to Those "Catholics in Action" (link), one of the linked sources declares: "The CIA (then the OSS) was founded by Catholic Wall Street lawyer, and Knight of Malta, William Donovan. Donovan was specifically selected because his loyalties to Rome far outweighed any scruples he had about honoring an allegiance to America, her citizens or her Constitution." Let us now begin to look at the OSS and begin to more closely consider the situation between the Vatican, the OSS and Bill Donovan.

Earlier in this presentation, in the section titled A Special Honor by the Pope (link), was noted that ceremony and induction of Bill Donovan into a special Order in the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which occurred during World War Two. To refresh our minds on this matter, the page linked below declares:

"One day in July 1944, as the Second World War raged throughout Europe, General William 'Wild Bill' Donovan was ushered into an ornate chamber in Vatican City for an audience with Pope Pius XII. Donovan bowed his head reverently as the pontiff intoned a ceremonial prayer in Latin and decorated him with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods. This award has been given to only 100 other men in history, who 'by feat of arms, or writings, or outstanding deeds, have spread the Faith, and have safeguarded and championed the Church.'"

The page linked below continues: "Although a papal citation of this sort rarely, if ever, states why a person is inducted into the 'Golden Militia,' there can be no doubt that Donovan earned his knighthood by virtue of the services he rendered to the Catholic hierarchy in World War II, during which he served as chief of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the wartime predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)." So, there is now something to consider.

Being a Knight of Malta prior to World War Two, Bill Donovan was already a part of "the militia of the pope." Once Donovan received the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, he was inducted into "the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods." He was now a member of the pope's "Golden Militia," which would be like the highest papal knighthood and it appears that its members have possibly proven themselves to be the most obedient ones to the agenda which the pope and his Vatican has for this world. Let us say that members of the "Golden Militia" would be like the pope's elite "Special Forces."

The page linked above continues: "In 1941, the year before the OSS was officially constituted, Donovan forged a close alliance with Father Felix Morlion, founder of a European Catholic intelligence service known as Pro Deo." Donovan later helped the priest, Morlion, "move his base of operations from Lisbon to New York." Then something worth noting took place. The page states: "From then on, Pro Deo was financed by Donovan..." Actually, Donovan was not the one who was truly financing the European Catholic intelligence service known as Pro Deo.

Via Donovan, it was U.S. taxpayers which, from that point on, were financing the operation of the Catholic intelligence service, to which Donovan and the OSS had a close alliance. Possibly it is because Donovan created a situation where U.S. taxpayers were actually financing the Catholic intelligence service that Donovan got his high award from the pope in the Vatican in July of 1944, when he was inducted into the "Golden Militia." Yes, he did do an outstanding deed of championing the agenda of the Catholic Church, at U.S. taxpayers' expense. The pope and his hierarchy were possibly laughing all the way to the bank, with that "brilliant," treasonous move by Donovan.

The page, linked via the button above, then continues: "Pope Pius' decoration of Wild Bill Donovan marked the beginning of a longstanding, intimate relationship between the Vatican and U.S. intelligence that continues to the present day." But, there appears to be a whole lot more to this story, It is time to now fast-forward to the CIA and what it actually appears was created using this organization.


As noted earlier in this presentation, in the section titled Looking at the Real C.I.A. (link), "beginning in the 1940s, knighthood [in the Knights of Malta] was granted to countless CIA agents, and the organization has become a front for intelligence operations." In other words, the CIA, which is made up of countless members of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta, was effectively converted into a super-agency which was effectively an elite part of the militia of the pope. And, the Knights of Malta are said to be a front for the CIA and its operations. So, there may be more to actually look at here.

Let us consider whom the CIA appears to actually be working for. Since the CIA is composed of many Knights of Malta, plus possibly even members of the Knights of Columbus and Opus Dei, and possibly members of a number of those other secret societies which are controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, it appears that the CIA could be something like a revolving door --- things can go either way. But, there is more to consider. When the Oaths of the various secret societies are looked at, it appears that the allegiance of the members of these secret societies is to the pope and the Jesuit General, over and above any allegiance to the United States or to its citizens.

Considering all that is said above, once again, the CIA appears to be working mainly for the pope and the Jesuit General. It appears to some that certain acts of the CIA are almost like they could be associated with some type of Inquisition. Because it appears to be working for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, that is possibly why the CIA often seems to be like a rogue or renegade organization which does not seem to be fully accountable to Congress or to the general citizens of the United States. Information regarding just some of the history of this accountability issue with the CIA, or the lack thereof, is presented in the pages linked below.

In the first page linked below, look at how the CIA can blatantly destroy incriminating tapes and records to protect themselves from scrutiny. That appears to be perpetrating a crime to cover for another crime. And, the judge in the case who let the CIA "off the hook," though not apparently a Catholic, but rather a Jew (link), was potentially a pawn of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, one way or another. It is said that the Jesuits have often used Jews as their "front" people or pawns (1)(2)(3).

Let us consider further who the CIA is actually working for. A page linked here is titled The Catholic Church and Divisiveness in America. It declares: "The CIA serves as an agency through which secret 'assistance' to the Holy Mother Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders..." So, considering what has just been stated, it appears that secret "assistance" by the CIA, using its many members which are part of the militia of the pope, is given to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "church," at U.S. taxpayers' expense. In other words, U.S. taxpayers are providing this service to the pope and his international organization.

Once U.S. citizens begin to clearly see that the CIA is actually working for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, rather than for the United States, its Constitution and its citizens, then everything which the CIA has done for decades begins to make a whole lot more sense. And, this working for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, rather than in the best interests of U.S. citizens, really begins to make a lot better sense, especially when it comes to criminal acts against U.S. citizens. A portion of these criminal acts occurred under programs like MK-Ultra and the various projects associated with it. By now, it should be rather obvious what Bill Donovan, of OSS fame, actually worked to set up in the United States.

It appears that Bill Donovan helped to create the "perfect," highly disguised, very devastating "Trojan Horse" directly within the United States, and once again, it has all been paid for by U.S. taxpayers. Furthermore, this "Trojan Horse" could then be used by the Vatican/Jesuit organization to undermine and overthrow the authentic government of the United States and enslave its citizens. But, there is more to this story. It appears that the CIA is working to help bring in the Vatican/Jesuit organization's New World Order (NWO). And the legislative body for the NWO is the UN in New York City. So yes, it appears that U.S. citizens are dealing with quite a "Trojan Horse."

Knowing the things which are mentioned above, it is no wonder that President John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960s, allegedly stated something along the lines of "there's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) It appears "they" --- and "they" potentially meaning entities associated with or controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization --- had to brutally assassinate President Kennedy in order to prevent the plot from being exposed to the general public.


It is time for the writer to speak a bit more about Bill Donovan. Understanding the days in which we live and seeing how it appears that at least some people can become rather crazy or out of control, there is something which should be said. Before anyone possibly "goes postal" and does something idiotic like utterly desecrating the grave of Bill Donovan, the possibility exists that Bill Donovan did not fully understand the intended purpose which his "bosses" --- bosses possibly in Rome (1)(2) --- may have had for potentially pushing for the creation of a permanent intelligence agency within the United States, something along the lines of the CIA.

After considerable research, the writer has come to the conclusion that potentially Donovan was simply used as an all-too-trusting and rather pliable and trained "tool" by others. It appears to the writer that the hierarchy of the international Vatican/Jesuit organization may have used Donovan in order to get something like the CIA created and permanently put in place within the United States --- ultimately for their purpose. Now, so people can better understand where the writer is coming from, at this point, let us consider an excerpt from the said historic Oath of the Knights of Malta, which said Oath can be found within the following linked pages: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6).

In the said historic Oath accessed via the links above, the inductee to at least a certain level in the Knights of Malta is said to declare: "I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers." In other words, it appears that at least certain of the Knights of Malta have sworn to place themselves into a position where they could potentially be traitorous to their own country, if their country is not totally under the domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which is based in the middle of Rome.

The excerpt presented above from the said Oath appears to go hand in hand with what is stated in the section further above which is titled Taking Over, Like a Fast-Growing, Malignant Cancer (link). That linked section presents information said to be from The Canon Law of Popery. In Section VI of the said popery law, it states: "The Pope has the right to annul State laws, treaties, constitutions, etc.; to absolve from obedience thereto, as soon as they seem detrimental to the rights of the Church, or those of the clergy." This said law, in turn, appears to go hand in hand with what is stated in the section further above which is titled A Law Unto Themselves (link).

In the Law Unto Themselves section, it states that the pope has made known to the people associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its said church "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our [U.S.] Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church." So, when considering all of the above words in this section, it should be rather obvious what Bill Donovan has been brainwashed into. It also appears that many people associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, especially members of those secret societies like the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, plus a number of other like organizations, are in the same situation. But, there may be more to the Donovan story.

There is the potential that hypnosis was used on Bill Donovan by some of the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, in order to turn him into a "more obedient" servant. In relation to the use of hypnosis, there is in the early part of this presentation a section titled Catholics, Hypnosis, and Messing with Minds (link). That section notes that "a specialist in neurology and hypnosis" examined a particular victim of hypnosis and found that this individual "was in fact 'completely devoid of a will of his own.'" In such a state, it appears that the initial hypnotist possibly could have reprogrammed that victim and potentially caused them to do almost anything.

The section linked in the paragraph above also speaks of President Woodrow Wilson, who potentially may have been under a type of hypnotic control by that rather questionable Colonel Edward Mandell House, who was said to be a Jesuit. Then, there is that section in the early part of this presentation which is titled Hypnosis in the Catholic Church (link). That section provides information about Catholic priests hypnotizing boys and others for sexual purposes. That section also speaks about a Catholic priest called Father Gassner, from the 1700s, who could within seconds put virtually his whole congregation into a deep somnambulistic, hypnotic trance.

So, is there any other proof that information about hypnosis and the use of it is something which is well know, possibly by the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization? In answer, linked here is Volume 52 of a publication titled Catholic World, which covers the period of October 1890 to March 1891. Starting on PDF page 848 of 961 and continuing through to PDF page 859 of 961, is a 12-page presentation on Hypnotism by William Seton. A Wikipedia page titled William Seton is linked here. This is the man known as William Seton III. He "was an American author, a novelist and popular science writer. He was a Roman Catholic from one of America's most distinguished Roman Catholic families."

The man William Seton, noted in the paragraph above, was born in 1935. He is also known as William Seton Jr.(1) He appears to have been a man in good standing and well respected within the Catholic Church. It appears that he was well educated in both canon and civil law, for which he received an LL.D., and, he was a lawyer. From the information presented in the 12-page presentation on Hypnotism, in the volume of Catholic World which is linked above, it appears that William Seton had a rather good understanding of the history and use of hypnosis.

For the 12-page presentation on Hypnotism, noted a couple of paragraphs above, to appear in Catholic World (link), it appears that hypnosis was something which was possibly accepted or approved of within the Catholic Church (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), for even some priests were using it (1)(2). About halfway down a page linked here, which was obviously written by a Catholic, are found the following words: "1. HYPNOSIS and NLP are very often used in conjunction with each other. We shall see that confirmed. 2. I have come across a number of Catholic priests using NLP in counseling, to treat people with complexes and psychological problems. NLP belongs to the realm of psychological therapy or psychotherapy."

Considering all of the above information, the possibility exists that Bill Donovan may have been operating in his integrity. But, he may have been hypnotically controlled to a certain degree by the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization by the use of things like post hypnotic suggestions (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11). It is even possibly that the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization could have put the suggestion into Donovan's mind to diligently push for the creation of a permanant "intelligence agency" within the United States. This agency could then potentially be used as the Vatican's very subtle, yet very devastating "Trojan Horse" within this country, as they pursue their continuing, yet subtle Counter Reformation.


It is time to look a bit further into the said historic Oath of the Knights of Malta, copies of which are accessed via the links at the end of the second paragraph in the section above. In the induction ceremony, the inductee is also said to declare: "I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ."

Considering the words above, it appears that members of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies like the Knights of Malta, etc., virtually become "mindless robots" or pliable pawns for the pope and the Jesuit General which are based within Rome, Italy, in whatever agenda the hierarchy of that international organization may have for the United States and for the world. The following words are also from the said Oaths:

"I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics... That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus."


It does appear that at least the people of these secret societies are like foreign-controlled "Trojan Horses" scattered throughout the United States, many being in positions of authority, power and control in government, in its various agencies and in the military. When considering all things, it appears that these people are like "ticking timebombs," which are ready to "go off" when the command it given. In relation to this, inductees to at least certain levels in these Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies are said to swear: "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope."

In the case of the United States, it appears that in more recent times, members of that which appears to be a Vatican/Jesuit-controlled National Security Agency (NSA) and other allied agencies, have done and are doing the actual stockpiling of arms and ammunition for their "brother" members of the militia of the pope, all at the expense of U.S. taxpayers, who are possibly paying for their own enslavement or demise. This can be seen in a page linked here and in other pages or portions thereof accessed via the links below.


Let us take a further look at the situation with Bill Donovan. Once again, the page linked below speaks of that special ceremony at the Vatican in July of 1944, where Bill Donovan was inducted into the pope's "Golden Militia." And, once again, the page states: "Although a papal citation of this sort rarely, if ever, states why a person is inducted into the 'Golden Militia,' there can be no doubt that Donovan earned his knighthood by virtue of the services he rendered to the Catholic hierarchy in World War II, during which he served as chief of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the wartime predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)." There are now some things to think about.

Was the idea of a permanent, centralized intelligence agency in the United States possibly put into Bill Donovan's mind by members of the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, prior to Donovan receiving his special award by the pope in 1944? Could Donovan have been given a rather innocent sounding story about how this intelligence agency could be used by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, when in fact that organization may have had a totally different plan for the intended intelligence agency? And, did the induction into the pope's "Golden Militia" help to assure that Donovan would work hard to bring such a permanent intelligency agency into being?

There is a reason for asking the above questions, especially since it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has had such a horrendous history of even major deception and lying, along with the instigation or perpetration of extremely heinous acts and crimes against humanity. And in all of this, we cannot forget about that old word "Jesuitism." Once again, if anyone may have missed some important history of deception by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus the meaning of the word "Jesuitism," a good introduction to these things is found in the earlier section titled A History, Plus an Identifying Word, which is linked here.

Needless to say, Donovan worked hard to get a permanent intelligence agency in the United States. The page linked below, about two-thirds of the way down, has a section titled Life after the War. That section states: "Toward the end of the war in 1945, Donovan tried to persuade both Presidents Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman to make the OSS a permanent civilian centralized intelligence agency, but his efforts were unsuccessful. The OSS was dissolved in September 1945. Donovan continued to advocate for the formation of a centralized intelligence agency. His persistence paid off when President Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947, which established the Central Intelligence Agency."

From information found earlier in this presented, it is clear that the CIA originally started out as a mainly Protestant agency. But then the Catholics quickly took control of the CIA. Later, ex-President Harry Truman, who had signed the National Security Act which established the CIA, regretted ever having brought the CIA into existence. Then, as the Catholics took over the CIA and began using it for rogue purposes which would further the agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, it soon gained the nickname "Catholics In Action."(1)(2)

Once the "Catholics In Action"(1)(2) began doing rogue and highly questionable activities, the United States has never been the same since. Once those days of rogue and potentially treasonous activities by the CIA and the members of those various Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies started in earnest, the government of the United States has drifted far away from the Constitution on which it had originally been founded.

It appears that the United States, with the help of those aligned with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, is now being used as "the sword of the Catholic Church," to help bring the continuing Counter Reformation to a worldwide conclusion which is favorable to the Vatican crowd. And, it appears that right within the United States, we will soon see the American version of the "Final Solution," and it won't mainly be Jews this time around.



Over time, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization, via its Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus and other members of the militia of the pope, has been using the CIA to help the Vatican crowd take over the United States and enslave its citizens. The CIA, from its early stages following World War Two, was illegally made up of numerous Nazi "holy warriors" which were integrated into it, a number of these Nazis being war criminals. It appears that the CIA has also been connected with and had a "good" working relationship with those Catholic members of the Mafia at various times, as can be seen within the introductory pages linked below.

A page titled The Roman Catholic Church is linked here. At the bottom of PDF page 2 of 4, it states that "beginning in the 1940s, knighthood [in the Knights of Malta] was granted to countless CIA agents, and the organization has become a front for intelligence operations." Stating things another way, the Knights of Malta organization has become a front for CIA operations. So, in many ways, it appears that the CIA and the Knights of Malta could be somewhat synonymous. Now that we have a better understanding of the nature of "the beast," there are some other very important things to consider.

If "countless CIA agents" are knights in the Knights of Malta, then, by the Oath of their organization, they are in submission to and in allegiance to the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome. Being members of the Knights of Malta, or even of those other Catholic secret societies, it appears that these people are all part of the militia of the pope. And, it appears that the CIA militia of the pope was being used against innocent U.S. citizens. Therefore, it appears that all of these offending members of the CIA are treasonous foreign militant agents that have been working for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, rather than for the authentic citizens of the United States. But, there is much more to this story.

It appears that the CIA has been working to gain control over politicians and others in key positions of power in the United States, so they can be placed under the control of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. So, what are some of the known ways which the CIA --- or those "Catholics In Action"(1)(2) --- have been using to gain control over politicians and others in key positions of power, in order to bring them and virtually the whole country under the power of the Vatican/Jesuit organization --- that diabolic organization which contains all those child abusing, raping priests and bishops?


Further above is a section titled The CIA's International Pedophile Operation?(link) That section states that "the CIA's involvement in procuring children in Thailand for the purpose of engaging in sexual trysts with visiting VIPs from the United States, including members of Congress and high administration officials, began in earnest in 1978." That section also states that "the CIA station cooperated with American 'procurers' who were working in Thailand to arrange for the encounters between children and the VIPs. The CIA's motivation was simple: the VIPs were later subject to blackmail if they failed to support the incumbent administration's policies." But, it appears there is actually much more to the real story.

To begin with, there are all those members of the CIA which are also members of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies and are therefore working for their bosses in Rome. Rather than working for the incumbent administration, their true bosses are the pope and the Jesuit General. Once again, these CIA people are part of the militia of the pope. As such, it appears that they are foreign-controlled enemies of the United States and its authentic citizens. These people being spoken about, as the members of the militia of the pope, they are working to take over the United States for the Vatican, and thereby permanently enslave virtually all U.S. citizens.

Since the CIA is basically part of or controlled by the militia of the pope, it appears they are, as noted in the first paragraph of this section, actually using child sex slaves to blackmail members of Congress and other high administration officials and selected individuals in key positions of power, in order to force them to support the policies chosen by or instigated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. But, there appears to be a lot more to the things which those questionable "Catholics In Action"(1)(2) (which are commonly called the CIA) have been doing to gain control over government officials and others in key positions of power.

Is it said that from 1953 to 1964 (link), the CIA was working with that program in the San Francisco, California area and other places, which was called Operation Midnight Climax (link). In this highly questionable Operation, as noted in the preceding linked page, prostitutes were used by the CIA to lure men into CIA facilities, where the men were then given LSD without their knowledge or consent. The preceding link states that the CIA agents would watch the prostitute and their targeted men have sex. But, it can virtually be guaranteed that the CIA agents were not just watching, but they most likely were also recording and photographing the targeted and entrapped men.

A Wikipedia page titled Operation Midnight Climax is linked here. It shows that the entrapped men "were surreptitiously plied with a wide range of substances, including LSD." So it appears that possibly much more than just LSD were illegally used on these men. The page also states that this "blatantly illegal" operation included "extensive research into sexual blackmail." Other pages which note that sexual blackmail was associated with Operation Midnight Climax are accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

Research gives the writer reason to believe that the CIA was possibly extorting money and favors from the blackmailed men, especially those who were well known and in positions of power and influence in the San Francisco, California area. But, there is reason to believe that there is a lot more to the true story about what the CIA was doing, than just this rather mundane sounding activity.

Pages accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3) --- indicate that the CIA and the U.S. Department of Defense both had connections to this type of criminal activity. At this point, it should be noted that the Vatican/Jesuit-connected Nazi "holy warriors" had already been integrated into both the CIA and the military. These apparent Vatican/Jesuit-connected "holy warriors," along with their Knight of Malta and other "militia of the pope" brethren, may have simply been using this illegal activity as just another operation potentially associated with the CIA's real boss, the Vatican/Jesuit organization. All of this illegal activity may have been part of its continuing war upon humanity.

The page linked below indicates that some of the blackmailed victims of Operation Midnight Climax "were prominent upstanding citizens." Since it appears that the CIA was criminally blackmailing these people, once again, it would not be too much of a stretch to consider that they were possibly even extorting money or favors out of these people, or possibly even controlling which political party they belonged to and how they voted on important issues in their area of influence.

Since a large part of this CIA criminal activity in the 1950s and 1960s was occurring in San Francisco, California, and was possibly affecting the general Bay Area, there is something important to consider next. It is time to consider the affect which the CIA and their illegal activity was possibly having in the politial arena. Research has led the writer to believe that the CIA was actually working to control the political climate in the regions where they were doing their illegal activity.

Because the CIA includes many members of "the militia of the pope" in key positions of control, there is reason to believe that the Vatican/Jesuit organization was using the CIA to change the political landscape in the United States. As a case in point, let us next look at what took place, politically, in the San Francisco area.


A Wikipedia page linked here is titled Mayor of San Francisco. About half way down that page is a list of mayors, starting with the first mayor in 1850. On the right side of the list is the Party affiliation of each mayor. From May 1, 1850 to January 7, 1912, the position of Mayor of San Francisco was not a monopoly for any particular party, but the position of mayor was passed around rather regularly between one independent and members of eight different political parties. Then, from January 8, 1912 to January 7, 1964, there were five Republican mayors in a row. From January 8, 1964 to the present, there have been eleven Democratic mayors, with no end in sight.

A page linked here, from the San Francisco Republican Party, is titled Our History. That page declares: "From 1912 until 1964, for fifty-two years, there were five Republican Mayors of San Francisco in a row, including "Sunny Jim" Rolph, Angelo Rossi, Roger Lapham, Elmer Robinson, and George Christopher." From what is stated in the linked page, it appears that things had been going good in San Francisco under the Republican mayors. So, what caused the sudden change in San Francisco politics, as if a light switch was suddenly flipped, never to return to a Republican Mayor again? Was there something highly nefarious going on behind the scenes, which legally should not have been happening?

A Wikipedia page titled Politics of San Francisco is linked here. That page declares: "Following the social upheavals of the 1960s, San Francisco became one of the centers of liberal activism, with Democrats, Greens, and progressives dominating city politics. This continuing trend is also visible in the results of presidential elections; the last Republican to win San Francisco was Dwight Eisenhower in 1956." Now, there is something to consider.

The social upheavals and political change in San Francisco took place during the time when the CIA was illegally drugging and blackmailing people, even "prominent upstanding citizens" in that particular area of California. The CIA's illegal activity in that area is noted in the section above (link). It is now time for an extremely important question. Was the highly criminal CIA activity, which included the drugging and blackmailing of even prominent citizens, plus possibly even the use of hypnosis on a number of them, the thing which caused the major political change in the San Francisco region?

A page linked here is titled California's Political Geography. The page states: "In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Bay Area was the most Democratic region in presidential elections, and the central and southern coasts outside of Los Angeles were solidly Republican. Presidential voting is a good measure of the overall partisan complexion of a community because presidential races are high profile and tend to address the central political issues of the day. Over time, every region except inland California has shifted toward the Democrats." And, how much of this change in California is related to the nefarious activities of the CIA and their allies, plus the drugging, hypnotizing and "manipulation" of citizens?


The page accessed via the link below notes that victims of the CIA agents came from bars and restaurants. Then there was the CIA boss, George H. White. This agent and his wife "would host dinner parties where guests might get dosed with a hallucinogenic cocktail without their knowledge." Now, dinner parties where cocktails are served are not usually events to which common people off the street are invited. These types of parties are usually held for those who are more of the social elite of the area. Looking further, the page notes that White would also go to the local beaches and would slip acid "to unsuspecting civilians." Clearly, this George White was a criminal.

Now, it would be illogical to think that the highly criminal George H. White was just randomly giving drugs to people off the street, so to speak. Let us not be sidetracked any longer by the "watered down" stories about what was done under things like Operation Midnight Climax. Let us get much more realistic about this piece of CIA history, especially since the CIA has a reputation for operating totally outside of the law and for the most part, totally disregarding the U.S. Constitution and what this country is really supposed to be about, as it appears that they are working for their foreign bosses in the Rome-based Vatican/Jesuit organization.

The words of George H. White should begin to give us at least some idea of the outright criminial activity which was happening in the CIA under their secret programs like Operation Midnight Climax and MK-Ultra. George White, as noted within pages at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9), is recorded as saying, "I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun." And, he went on to say, "Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?" With these documented words, it does not take much imagination to figure out the nature of the outright criminal and potentially blatant treasonous activities which were commonly being perpetrated by the CIA.

In other words, what it appears that White was really saying would be something like this: "Where else, but in the CIA, could a person cast completely aside all morals and decency and be the vilest of criminals and get away with it, because you could lie about what you were really doing and hide everything, even total acts of treason, behind the title 'national security?' Where else, but when surrounded by members of the Knights of Malta --- which are the militia of the pope --- and when acting as a worker for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, could you do such things and completely get away with it? Where else, but in the CIA, could you do such things as the priests are doing today, such as raping and enslaving little boys and others, and virtually get away with it?"

When the real "boss" of the CIA is considered --- when the Vatican/Jesuit organization, with their long history of lying and deception, plus their blatant crimes against humanity during things like the Crusades and Inquisitions are all considered --- it is much easier to come to a more logical understanding about the nature of things which the CIA was possibly doing under its utterly illegal programs. The sudden destruction of CIA records in 1973 --- which covered the records for things like Project MK-Ultra and Operation Midnight Climax --- should begin to tell a story in itself. It appears that some highly illegal activities had been happening for quite a period of time.

Considering the criminal mind which appears to have been associated with the CIA, it would seem very realistic that George White and his "Catholics In Action"(1)(2) crowd was targeting specific people, obviously for blackmail purposes. It would seem logical to consider that White and his crowd was even extorting money out of at least a certain portion of their victims. It would also seem to be realistic to consider that George White and his "Catholics In Action"(1)(2) crowd were even blackmailing specific people, like politicians, that the Vatican/Jesuit organization found "convenient" to have under their control. But, there is more to consider in this whole CIA scenario.


What has the CIA really been doing in some of its illegal programs. What types of blatant crimes against humanity and crimes against the public peace has this rogue, virtually terrorist group been doing over the years? At this point, it should be noted that this group has been largely made up of members of the militia of the pope. They are like foreign agents who are in allegiance to the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which is based in the middle of Rome, Italy. It appears they are more in allegiance to the Vatican/Jesuit organization than they are to the United States and its Constitution, or to its citizens. So now, let us consider just some of what appears to be their brazen acts, which are shown within the pages linked below.

The linked pages speak of a peaceful village in southern France which, in 1951, had its populace suddenly struck "with mass insanity and hallucinations." Lives were ruined and people died, plus the peace of that village was utterly shattered. Evidence points to the hand of the CIA in all of this, or to the hand of that group which has been nicknamed "Catholics In Action"(1)(2), which appears to actually be part of the militia of the pope. This type of activity, if true, should not be simply classed as "an experiment," for such acts would truly be part of a horrendous crime against humanity and the perpetrators should be worthy of death.

The pages linked above speak of the suspicious death of a man named Frank Olson. He was a biochemist who worked for "the US Army's top-secret Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick, Maryland." PART 42, which follows, and its sections will present more information about the death of Frank Olson, which appears to have been a premeditated CIA murder of a man who had been working on some of their projects. Olson appears to have learned too much about what was going on and his conscience started to bother him. Eventually he "wanted to sever his employment with the army and the CIA." It appears that Frank Olson may have been connected in some way to the deadly Pont St. Esprit "experiment." But, right now, let return our focus to Pont St. Esprit and related CIA issues.

The page linked below is an account written by the man who actually discovered the plausible link between the rogue CIA and the Pont St. Esprit "experiment." Note in the article that the U.S. military had planned a similar event for 1950 in the New York Subway System, but that "experiment" had been postponed. At this time, it should once again be noted that by this time the CIA and the U.S. military was loaded with Nazi "holy warriors" who had illegally been placed in key positions in these agencies, which agencies appeared to be largely under the control of members of those secret societies which are part of the militia of the pope.

The account written below also speaks of the infamous George Hunter White, who was spoken about in the section above. The account linked below declares that White "detonated specially devised aerosol devices filled with LSD." Exactly where White detonated these LSD devices, the account does not say. But it does go on to say, "The CIA destroyed White's written reports covering these experiments in 1973." The page also notes that the CIA "destroyed all of its records on MKNAOMI and its work with Fort Detrick's Special Operations Division."

There is now something to seriously consider. For the CIA to destroy the reports covering all of these so-called "experiments," like MKNAOMI, MKULTRA, Operation Midnight Climax and others, as also spoken about further above in this presentation in the section titled The C.I.A. and the Destruction of Evidence (link), it should logically be suspected that there was possibly some very extensive criminal activity involved in these various programs.

It is very likely that the LSD devices of George White were detonated around unsuspecting U.S. citizens. This, in itself, would appear to be a major criminal offense. Under today's standards, it would commonly be classed as a blatant act of terrorism.

In all of this, it must be noted that "they" --- the CIA and the U.S. military, which included all those Nazi "holy warriors" and members of the militia of the pope in key positions --- were brazenly spraying American cities with biological types of materials. In other words, they were basically perpetrating a form of biological warfare against American cities, and U.S. citizens were being harmed. These things are noted earlier in this presentation, in the section titled Spraying the Public with Harmful Agents (link).



There is an important old saying which, when said in another way, may go something like this: "Those who fail to learn the important lessons of history are doomed to repeat it, in all its horrors."(1)(2)(3)(4) As we continue with this presentation, let us keep these words in mind.

When we look back in history, we find that there were things like those brutal, bloody and murderous Crusades and Inquisitions. These diabolic events were associated mainly with one particular organization (link). Then, in 1903, Pope Leo XIII wanted the Protestant Kaiser Wilhelm II and Germany to become "the Sword of the [Catholic] Church."(link) The Vatican/Jesuit crowd wanted Germany to be "holy warriors" for their organization and go out conquering nations to bring them into submission to the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Wilhelm II wisely passed on the offer. Well, it appears that they soon "outed" the Kaiser and went looking for another "tool."

Next came that Catholic pawn named Adolf Hitler (link). It is claimed by many that before Hitler came to power, he wrote that book called Mein Kampf, with all of its propoganda, including things along the lines of Malthusian eugenics (link). Actually, there appears to be enough evidence to state that Mein Kampf was written by a Jesuit priest named Father Staempfle, plus it contained much Jesuit thought (link). And when Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany, the Vatican honored them with a Concordat (link), legitimizing the Nazi government. Well, using standard warfare, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were not able to conquer the world for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, with its New World Order plans. So, it appears that a different plan of attack was then used.

The records indicate that hundreds of Nazi and SS doctors and more than 1,000 other war criminals were brought into the United States and Canada (1)(2)(3). It appears that all of this was done with the help of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and their agents in those Catholic secret societies like the Knights of Malta, etc.(link)

With the Nazi and SS doctors came all of that diabolic human experimentation, even on children, which then began in earnest (1)(2)(3)(4). This became especially true once the militia of the pope and those Nazi "holy warriors" worked together to install the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled "Fifth Column" (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) within the United States in key positions. Then they worked to gain virtually full control of the CIA (link), the U.S. military (link) and other agencies and organizations. This allowed them to then continue with their more subtle "holy war" against humanity, unhindered (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), while using the United States as their new "sword."


From what is stated in the pages linked below, when is came to the circumstances surrounding the death/murder of Frank Olson, it is rather obvious that his family was horribly lied to by those in control of, or who had hijacked the U.S. government. It is also rather obvious that some illegal and criminal things were blatantly done to Frank Olson. When it comes to the CIA, the second linked page notes that people's hopes for a better life in places like Chile, Cuba and Southeast Asia was destroyed because of CIA intervention or manipulation. So, what is really going on here? Once again, who is the CIA really working for?

In the first linked page there is something which will be noted. The wife of Frank Olson, when speaking of Frank, stated: "His family was his hobby. He was the most devoted father I hae ever seen." The page goes on to state: "Suddenly, Frank Olson's personality changed. He became 'uncharacteristically quiet and melancholy..." Why the sudden change, and when did it happen? The page notes that Frank Olson "had been given a dose of LSD in an after-dinner drink of Cointreau at a meeting of the Special Operations division attached to Fort Detrick..." The page states further: "The weekend after the meeting, Alice Olson remarked to her husband over dinner that 'the adults in this family don't seem to be able to communicate.'"

Regarding Frank Olson and the meeting noted above, the second linked page states: "The family said that two weeks before his death, Olson attended five days of meetings with members of his Special Operations research group at a mountain retreat. The LSD was administered there on a Friday..." The wife of Frank Olsen then said: "He came back to this house right after noon and he was very quiet, he was an entirely different person... I just knew that something was terribly wrong. The entire weekend he was very melancholy and talked about a mistake he had made." Keep all this information in mind, for the writer believes that it is very important. This information may help to answer more fully what had actually taken place at the meeting, especially the part about Frank Olson stating that he had made a mistake.

Now, the third linked page notes that Frank Olsons wife stated "that her husband had returned from a meeting with other members of the Special Operations division research group conveying 'self-doubt, self-recrimination and great anxiety." Once again, keep all the above information in mind, because the writer believes that these things are very important in helping to potentially answer at least some of the things which were done to Frank Olson in the days leading up to his death or murder.

The page linked below states that on June 2, 1994, "a team of forensic scientists exhumed Olson's remains from his grave in Frederick Memorial Park Cemetery, hoping to shed new light on the cause of his death." It notes that "the original autopsy was inadequate because the examiner did not check for foreign substances or chart Olson's injuries." So, it appears from the very start that a questionable segment associated with government was trying to cover things up and hide the truth. The examination of the body, after being exhumed, "found multiple fractures in both lower legs, with little apparent damage to the head." This would indicate that Frank Olson, after going out of the tenth floor hotel window, originally hit the pavement below in an upright position.

The page linked below indicates that there was a severe bruise and solid swelling of clotted blood within the tissues of Frank Olson's head, above his left eye. It is stated that "the injury could only hae occurred in the hotel room," before Frank Olson went out the window. Furthermore, the son of Frank, Eric Olson, obtained a CIA assassination manual which showed how to murder someone and make it look like an accident. What the manual stated described the actual evidence which surrounded the death of Frank Olson, including hitting "the victim on the head, above the eye." Because Frank Olson hit the pavement in an upright position, the evidence of what had happened to him was preserved.

There is something else in the page linked above that, once again, could be very important. The page states: "In 1975, the Rockerfeller Commission discovered the CIA had slipped LSD to an unwitting Dr. Olson and several other scientists just days before while they were attending a conference at Deep Creek Lake, in Garrett County." Once again, keep in mind this conference. And where did this conference take place? Yes, at Deep Creek Lake. This conference, the LSD and Deep Creek Lake may be very important pieces of information in figuring out what was being done to Frank Olsen in the days prior to his murder, as you will later see.

The page linked via the button below notes the 1950 release of "live bacteria over San Francisco." People were sickened and there were "a number of delayed deaths." At this point, it should again be noted that the CIA and the military was infested with Nazi "holy warriors" and members of secret societies like the Knights of Malta, which are part of the militia of the pope. What happened over San Francisco appears to have been a direct act of biological warfare against U.S. citizens, by agents working for a foreign government. The linked page also speaks of "CIA-financed tests at McGill University, in Montreal," which, once the facts are known, appears to have been something along the lines of a "Medical Inquisition."

The page linked below brings out something else which must be noted. In 1952, the CIA "bought the entire supply of LSD from Sandoz, the Swiss pharmaceutical company that discovered the hallucinogen." The CIA feverishly bought up all this LSD the next year after the Pont Saint Esprit caper, in southern France, when a large share of the people in that town suddenly went berserk. Possibly after seeing a town go berserk would be reason enough for an organization like the CIA to buy up all this stuff, so they could then have a lot of "fun, fun, fun," as stated by the CIA boss, George White, as noted in a section further above (link). Yes, it appears that those associated with the militia of the pope were having a lot of fun, at the expense of U.S. citizens.

The linked page speaks more about the thorough autopsy of Frank Olson, after his body was exhumed. The evidence from the authopsy was "rankly and starkly suggestive of homicide." The page speaks, once again, about that "large bruise over Olson's left eye, which suggested...that he had been hit on the head with a blunt object before he went out the window." Again, the evidence fit that which was stated in the CIA assassination manual which Eric Olson had found.

The page linked above, once again, contains those important pieces of information which should be kept in mind. Later, it will be shown just how important these bits of information truly might be. The page, about half way down, states: "According to the documents, Frank Olson and eight other scientists met at Deep Creek Lodge, in the western Maryland mountains, and shared after-dinner drinks of Cointreau that Sidney Gottlieb had secretly spiked with heavy doses of LSD." So, this meeting where the LSD was given to Frank Olson, without his knowledge, occurred at "Deep Creek Lodge, in the western Maryland mountains"

Okay, so we already knew the name of the place where the meeting occurred, but now we know the location of this lodge, "in the western Maryland mountains" This lodge and this location is extremely important in figuring out why Frank Olson was virtually a changed man when he came back from this meeting. There is a reason why he told his wife that he had made a mistake. And yes, it appears that there may be much more to this part of the story, than is commonly told, especially regarding this Deep Creek Lodge and this location in the mountains of western Maryland, and what was happening there. More about this issue further down in this presentation.

The page linked below notes that Frank Olson "had not been a civilian employee of the Department of the Army. He had been a C.I.A. employee working at Fort Detrick." Frank Olson came to a point where he wanted to resign from his employment, but it appears that the employer would not let that happen. It appears that they were not about to let Frank Olson out of his employment --- at least not alive. And, when it comes to the death of Frank Olson, the page notes that the evidence on the exhumed and autopsied body of Frank Olson indicates that the CIA has lied about what happened to Frank Olson. At this point, about all a person could say would be, "So, what else is new?"

The linked page states that there was "a blow to Olson's temple, on the left side, which caused a fist-size bleed under the otherwise unbroken skin. It could not have occurred, the pathologists agreed, after he went out the window because the velocity of his descent would have caused more extensive trauma." The evidence indicates "that someone had knocked Olson out, either while he slept or after a struggle, and then thrown him out the window," from many floors up in the hotel.

The evidence indicates that it was possibly someone, or a group of people, associated with the CIA that did the "dirty deed," or more realistically, someone, or a group of people, associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Some ex-CIA agents claimed they knew the identity of the murderers. They said the killers were "associated with the Trafficante mob family hired by the C.I.A." But, research indicates that the CIA and the mob are just interrelated parts of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

According to the linked page and passport evidence, in the summer before Frank Olson's murder, "he had been to Sweden, Germany and Britain" on government business. It appears that he went to secret research installations where they were "testing interrogation and truth serums" on "expendable" human subjects. And, it appears that after watching some "terminal experiments," he found that he had a functioning conscience inside. But, a functioning conscience made Frank Olson a security risk --- for he might expose the horrendous, Nazi-type of atrocities which they are continually doing behind a wall of secrecy. Keep these things in mind, for they are important.

The page linked below adds a bit more to the information which we have been keeping in mind. There was that meeting which Frank Olson attended at Deep Creek Lodge in rural Maryland. At that meeting, the page makes known that it was on November 19, 1953, when "Sidney Gottlieb of the C.I.A. slipped LSD into Olson's glass of Cointreau." The page goes on to state: "The next day, Olson returned home early and spent the weekend in a mood that Alice remembered as withdrawn but not remotely psychotic. He kept saying he had made a terrible mistake, but she coundn't get him to say what it was." Again, these things are extremely important, and we may find out, further down in this presentation, "what it was" that caused Frank Olson to feel that "he had made a terrible mistake."

The page linked above indicates that Frank Olson potentially had earlier visited some secret facilities in Europe where "the C.I.A. was testing interrogation and truth serums there -- not on monkeys but on human subjects, 'expendables..." Frank Olson allegedly then told someone that "he had witnessed something terrible, possibly 'a terminal experiment' on one or more of the expendables."

It appears that it was a British psychiatrist at the secretive facility that Olson had talked to. That person reported Olson's words to British intelligence and indicated that Olson was "a security risk." After this experience, the wife of Frank, Alice Olson, "did recall that when he returned from Europe that summer, Frank was unusually withdrawn." It appears that Frank may have been very disturbed about what he had seen, plus possibly his conscience was bothering him about ll these things he was involved with. From the information given in the page linked above, plus from information gleaned through years of research, there is now something which the writer must say, so, just bear with the writer for a bit.

The evidence indicates that there is still some form of a hidden, yet very diabolic "Inquisition" (link) which is happening. This later phase of the modern "Inquisition" was initially started in Protestant Germany by the Vatican/Jesuit organization's Adolf Hitler and his group of Nazi "holy warriors," which took control of that originally Protestant country and then forced its people down a horrendous road. [NOTE: The evidence tends to indicate that a very similar type of thing as happened to Germany is now being prepared for in the United States. But it appears that it may happen in the United State in a more attrocious manner and at a much larger scale.]

In the latter part of World War Two, as Germany was falling, important and experienced members of the diabolic Nazi "holy warrior" group got to use the Vatican's Ratlines. The use of the Vatican's Ratlines allowed these criminals to escape justice --- which likely would have meant their hanging --- at the Nuremberg Trials. Using the Vatican's Ratlines, the diabolic Nazi agents and war criminals --- which appear to have been more closely associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization than people commonly realize --- were able to escape to the United States and other places in the Americas, plus to Europe and elsewhere.

Many of the Nazis were helped in their escape by their "brothers" in the militia of the pope, many of whom were members of those Catholic secret societies like the Knights of Malta, etc. These Knights of Malta "brothers" then helped many of these Nazi war criminals to become embedded into the CIA and the U.S. military, plus into many other organizations and positions of power and influence. And now, there has been a use for all these Nazi war criminals and their brethren in the militia of the pope. These are the ones who are now continuing with the current phase of the widespread, yet secretive "Inquisition" for the international Vatican/Jesuit organization.

Those who are continuing this phase of the "Inquisition" are doing it in a more subtle, "CLASSIFIED" manner. They are doing it at secret, guarded facilities scattered across the face of the earth. They are using those who are associated with the militia of the pope to control this phase of the "Inquisition." Now, it is time to continue with the story of Frank Olson. Those who are part of the hidden "Inquisition" did not want a more honorable man like Frank Olson around. They did not want someone around with a functioning conscience, through whom the world could possibly find out what they are really doing in secret. In relation to these things, the words below, from the uncorrupted Holy Bible, may have some application.

The Lord Jesus Christ declared: "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God." (John 3:19-21)


When it comes to things like the murder of Frank Olson and many others, plus the lying about what has really been happening behind the scenes, it is possibly time to look to the uncorrupted Holy Bible to see what it clearly has to say. Let us see what it has to say in regards to things like these Vatican/Jesuit-controlled agencies which are illegally made up of Nazi "holy warriors" and members of those various secret societies, which are of the militia of the pope --- yes, they are foreign agents which have treasonously hijacked the United States and have U.S. citizens conned as to what they really are, plus what they have really been doing and what they are working toward.

Looking at all this murder and lying which has been happening for many decades, in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it is clearly written for all to see: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44) It is also clearly written that "all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone" (Revelation 21:8) These people will get to spend eternity in the place where the controllers of the beast and their boss, the false prophet, shall be for all eternity.

Regarding the controllers of the beast government (see: Daniel 7:23) (which is the reviving Holy Roman Empire on steroids, which is now called the New World Order), and regarding the false prophet which is over the religious side (which is the man of sin, or the son of perdition, which sits in the Vatican (see: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)), along with their real boss, the Devil, it is written: "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." (Revelation 20:10) And, regarding all those who will follow after or support the beast and the false prophet, it is written: "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:15).

These people which are associated with agencies which are controlled by or supporting the Vatican/Jesuit organization, whether they realize it or not, are doing or supporting the diabolic "dirty work" of this organization. While these people are upon this earth and having their day of "fun, fun, fun," as the CIA boss, George Hunter White so brazenly crowed (link), it appears that they are totally "blind" to the rest of the story.

Once these people die, then comes eternity. And, there is no end to eternity. It just keeps going and going. When they get to the lake of fire, they shall find that their worst day upon this earth will seem like "a country picnic" or an incredibly great day, in comparison to that torment which they shall be experiencing day and night, for all eternity, without a moment of respite. Yes, they can have their "fun, fun, fun" in this moment of time, but the price which shall have to be paid for all eternity is utterly horrendous.

Possibly we should now look a bit further into the words of the uncorrupted Holy Bible. When it comes to our death and what then happens, regarding this body of flesh and that which it was initially made from, it is written: "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." (Ecclesiastes 12:7) Yes, we are a body of flesh, or a container of flesh, with a spirit inside. When we die, if left to the elements, this body eventually is converted into the components from which it was made. But the spirit which the container of flesh held, then returns to God who gave it in the first place. But, there is more to the complete story of what lies ahead.

It is clearly written that "it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment..." (Hebrews 9:27) And, what happens then? The uncorrupted Holy Bible does not leave us without an answer, "For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God." (Romans 14:11-12) There will be no lawyers there to deflect anything or pervert the truth. It will be each one standing before God. And because God works at the spirit level, each one will give an accurate account of what they have done. They will uncontrollably blab everything, for all to see. So a question should be asked. What will be our personal outcome? Will it then be heaven, or will it be the lake of fire and torment, for all eternity?


With all the words from the preceding section in mind, let us now return to the matter of Frank Olson. The pages linked below provide different presentations relating to what happened to Frank Olson, plus what his family members have had to go through. The writer of the page linked below states that these murderers and liars do "did the number on" Frank Olson "will never stand trial," at least not in this life.

After this fleeting life comes the real judgment. No one will escape that righteous judgment. And the degree of punishment then for these murderers and liars which have been doing the "dirty work" for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, as they are forever tormented in the lake of fire, shall be incredibly far in excess of any torment or anguish or hardship or suffering which they have caused while upon this earth.

The pages linked below were written by an extensive researcher, who wrote the book titled A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments, which was published in October of 2009. There is something to note in the first linked page. The CIA, using their "backstopping" protocol, can create " a viable, fully documented employment alias for an employee." Bottom line: you really do not know who somebody is. Anyway, it may be good to thoroughly read both pages. They are very informative on how things really work.

The first page also indicates that is well worth knowing. It notes that (surprise, surprise) the CIA and the Mafia are "intimate bedfellows." The page shows a number of instances when they were closely working together. The second page, Part Two, also speaks in places about the CIA and Mafia connections. Well, the CIA and the Mafia being "intimate bedfellows" actually makes a lot of sense. Why is this?

Research tends to indicate that both of these "agencies" are so close that they are almost one and the same, plus they are both closely connected to the highly questionable, international Vatican/Jesuit organization. Some say they are all just brothers and partners in brazen international crime. Furthermore, the Mafia is made up mostly of Catholics. And, looking at the CIA, it is composed of many members of the Knights of Malta and members of those other Catholic secret societies, who are part of the militia of the pope.

The pages linked below reveal many of the lies which were told to the Olson family. The page also notes, once again, that Frank Olson was possibly present in 1953 at the secret "experimental" facility of Porton Down in England, prior to his death later that year. It is believed that at Porton Down, he observed real-life, unethical or criminal human experimentation which resulted in deaths of a number of these humans.

In other words, it appears that Frank Olson observed a "modern" variant of the Nazi atrocities which took place during the World War Two era in Germany. And, at home at Fort Detrick, Maryland, the first page also indicates that Frank Olson had contact with at least one of those Nazi scientists who had been [illegally] brought into the United States to work at Fort Detrick, Maryland, in the Special Operations (SO) Division facility.

It was during this time when the Nazi "holy warriors" and the militia of the pope were working together in the CIA and U.S. military, that these agencies began to illegally "experiment" with various drugs, plus even with various biologicals, "on unwitting American citizens." In other words, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit-instigated "holy war" had simply been moved from Nazi Germany, to directly within the United States.

In the page linked below, when it came to the job of murdering some foreign officials, the name George Hunter White comes up again. He was the one noted earlier in this presentation (link) was documented as stating: "I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun... Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?" And, the "All-Highest" for George Hunter White, in all reality, may have actually been the pope and his hierarchy.

There is something which must be noted about the pages linked below. In "Part Two," a little over half way down is a section titled Another Witness Dies. The last paragraph in that section, regarding the author of a book on Frank Olson and his murder, plus the author of the two pages below, has these words: "After being introduced to the author by Eric Olson some 16 months earlier, Saracco asked D.A. Robert Morgenthau to approve flying the author to New York for a meeting. The purpose of the meeting was for the author to assist investigators in deciphering a number of puzzling aspects of the case and to discuss possible witnesses in the case." Considering this information, it appears that the author of the pages below should be a reputable source of information about the Frank Olson case. The pages are worth a thorough read.

Now for a few facts from Part One. Frank Olson was an employee of the CIA, who was "assigned to an eyes-only project at Camp Detrick, Frederick, Md." The page, once again, notes that this meeting which Frank Olson had gone to "had been held at a remote area in western Maryland called Deep Creek Lake." The meeting was called the "Deep Creek Rendezvous." This meeting was held in a "Two story, fairly new, stone cabin 30 feet from lake." The page states: "Everything was fine the morning Frank departed, Alice said, but when he returned on a Friday afternoon something was wrong. Frank looked haggard when he came in. There were dark circles under his eyes and his clothes looked disheveled, as if he'd slept in them. He was uncharacteristically moody and uncommunicative."

There is now something important to note from the preceding paragraph. It states that this meeting where Olson went was held in a "Two story, fairly new, stone cabin." This stone cabin is important to remember, because all the entries further above in this presentation called the building the Deep Creek Lodge. So, it appears to have been a stone cabin, rather than a relatively large lodge. Now, further down in this presentation, we may possibly find why Frank Olson returned home from that cabin meeting in a state which indicated that something was wrong, for it appears there may have been more than just LSD involved. There is a good reason why, after Frank Olson returned home, that he had told his wife that he had made a mistake.

The narrative in the page speaks about Frank at the dinner table that evening. He "appeared pensive and oddly distracted." He hardly ate any of his food. It appeared that his mind was elsewhere and he wasn't fully listening to what anyone was saying. Frank's wife tried to get him to talk, but things did not seem to work out right. The page states that "after dinner he became even more withdrawn." His wife "pleaded with Frank to tell her what was wrong," but he couldn't tell her. Finally, Frank stated: "I've made a terrible mistake. I'll talk with you about it later." His wife Alice asked him what kind of a mistake it was. Frank's reply was, "I can't say now. It was a terrible mistake. I'll tell you about it later, but first I need to resign from my job." The writer believes we will eventually find out what this mistake was likely about.

Part Two, linked above, about 2/3 of the way down the page, makes known that Frank Olson was a high level administrator in the Artichoke program. The page also indicates that Frank Olson was given the LSD at the Deep Creek Lake meeting "because he had been talking to the wrong people about certain top-secret Army operations." From what has been made known so far in the presentation, it appears that Frank Olson was a very important person in his field. But, it appears that people were getting concerned about his talking. Because he was important, it appears that at the Deep Creek Meeting, they were planning to do something which could potentially work to prevent Frank Olson from talking any more, but still retain his services at Fort Detrick.

Further down in this presentation, the writer believes that we can come to a reasonable understanding about what the CIA bosses had done to Frank Olson at the Deep Creek Meeting, which caused Frank to be such a changed and distressed man when he returned home from the meeting. It appears that what the CIA bosses had done to Frank was more than criminal. What it appears they did to Frank Olson is possibly something which these CIA bosses should have been hung for.

Because Frank Olson had been severely drugged by others and then manipulated, plus potentially even hypnotized to make things much more effective, anything which happened at the Deep Creek meeting was not his mistake. The writer cannot put any of the blame for what happened on Frank, nor should anyone else. But it appears to the writer that Frank Olson most likely came away from the Deep Creek meeting as a blackmailed man. The writer believes that what happened to Frank Olson at the Deep Creek meeting may be explained further below in this presentation, in the section titled C.I.A. Using Child Sex Slaves to Blackmail (link). And now, let us continue to look at some further things from the Part Two page.

In Part Two, linked above, there is something to note. In the second paragraph of the section titled Questions Without Answers, it speaks about the operational files from MK/ULTRA, which, as shown earlier in this presentation (link), were supposedly destroyed in 1973. But here we see that William Colby was able to quickly produce some of these supposedly destroyed documents in 1975. Has the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA been lying and twisting the truth about possibly many things? Can anyone really trust their word? (link) In relation to these things, about 2/3 of the way down the page in Part Two, it notes "the government's abilities at duplicity and deception." This could be a result of those who are associated with "Jesuitism" --- which was spoken about earlier in this presentation (link).

In the second page linked above, it is worth noting how the CIA was drugging many people without their knowledge. One case of the drugging of an American happened in France, in 1952. This illegal drugging virtually ruined the life of a man named Stanley Milton Glickman. Furthermore, it appears that this man was drugged by the CIA's infamous Dr. Sidney Gottlieb.

In Part Two, linked above, it should be noted how the CIA likes to play the "cards" of "still held top secret" and "posing a risk to national security." If the CIA is using this kind of tactic to cover for a cold-blooding murder of a U.S. citizen, plus other criminal and potentially treasonous activity which they have done across the face of the earth, they should be completely stripped of the use of this "top secret" and "national security" defense in virtually any case, and be made much more accountable. It appears that they have gotten away with too much questionable activity for way too long. And, since it appears they may be the Vatican/Jesuit organization's "Trojan Horse" in the United States, it is dangerous to this whole country to allow them to operate with such secrecy.

There is another thing to note in Part Two, which is linked above. About two-thirds of the way down the page are found these words: "One particularly troublesome experiment talked about by Olson had been conducted overseas under the seemingly innocuous code name Operation Span. The experiment had gone disastrously awry, killing several people and injuring many others. CIA and Army documents reveal that the level of sensitivity about this operation being publicly exposed was extremely high." That Operation Span appears to have been the CIA case of blatant crimes against humanity, plus an act of war, which occurred at Pont St. Esprit, in France in 1951. This blatantly criminal activity is spoken about further above in this presentation in the section titled Events to be Aware Of (link).


The page linked below states: "Eric Olson believes his father -- who developed misgivings about his work and tried to resign -- was murdered by government agents to protect dark government secrets." After years of research, the writer has a question to ask. Could part of these "dark government secrets" be associated with the militia of the pope and certain agencies which they appear to control, and the possibility of a continuing "Inquisition," which is occurring in "CLASSIFIED" facilities in the United States and in other countries? There are now some things to consider.

From all that is written and the information linked to this presentation so far, it is obvious that the situation surrounding the death of Frank Olson is connected to something very huge --- something "they" obviously do not want the public to become knowledgeable about. It is obvious that "they" will kill people to prevent the public from finding these things out. Looking again at the "Part One" information accessed via the button in the section above, it appears that Frank Olson witnessed murderous human experimentation taking place at Porton Down in England.

This terminal human experimentation which is taking place in England (plus is also very likely taking place at CLASSIFIED facilities in the United States) does not sound that much different, in principle, to that terminal human experimentation which was taking place at Catholic facilities in Canada, using at least children. This Canadian terminal human experimentation was clearly known to be occurring in at least the early to mid 1900s, as noted within earlier sections of this presentation (1)(2)(3)(4).

The pages linked below are additional accounts of what happened to Frank Olson and his family. The first linked page, once again, speaks about the facility at Porton Down, in England, with these words: "At the secret British military research center at Porton Down, the sons say, Olson witnessed 'extreme interrogations' in which 'the CIA committed murder' using biological agents Olson had developed." This information appears to be verified in the page accessed via the "Part One" button, in the preceding section (link).

The second linked page below states that Olson "discovered that his biological research was being used to torture and kill suspects" in Europe. The page declares: "During his travels in Europe he 'witnessed extreme interrogations in which the CIA committed murder using biological agents that Dr Olson had developed'." The page indicates that Olson "raising concerns about the killings." The third linked page speaks of Olson's "expressed reservations about some of the activities in which he was involved," plus it speaks of the CIA lying to the Olsons.

The first page linked below also speaks of the misgivings which Frank Olson began to have after "after witnessing extreme interrogations" in which it is claimed "the CIA committed murder using biological agents Olson had developed." The page also speaks about the lying of the CIA and that they were "changing their story when convenient." The second and third linked pages state the same thing.

The first page linked below agrees with what the pages above have been stating. The second linked page appears to be blocked at times. By whom is up for question. The page, when viewable, does have some good information to consider. The third linked page was written by a friend of Eric Olson --- for those who may have missed it, Eric is the son of Frank Olson. The third page also speaks "about the torture and execution of...'expendables' in black sites in Europe during the early 1950s." Yes, there is possibly a lot more associated with the Frank Olson story than the public will ever realize.

A  23-PAGE  REPORT  FROM  2018

Linked below is a 23-page documented report from 2018. It provides considerable information about the matter of Dr. Frank Olson. The report speaks of Dr. Olson being murdered "and that his murder was covered up." It notes that he was working on "chemical and biological warfare" projects and experiments. It states that "these experiments entailed collaboration with Nazi scientists under the Operation Paperclip."

So, judging by the words above, it is clear that the Nazis, who were "the sword of the Catholic Church" under Adolf Hitler, were involved in this chemical and biological "experimentation," right here in the United States. Because of this and knowing the general history involved, plus because certain groups seemed to work together, it may not be too much of a stretch to believe that the Knights of Malta and the militia of the pope were involved in these "experiments" and in the apparent murder of Frank Olson.

The report notes some details worth remembering. On PDF page 5 of 23, it notes the possible use of "artificial precipitation as an effective biological warfare aerosol." On PDF page 6 of 23, it speaks of "airborne clouds of highly infective agents" and the use of high-flying airplanes as the "best delivery systems for biological agents." Possibly the dispersal of these biological warfare aerosols and highly infective agents in the sky would look something like those rather long-lasting things we see in the sky today, which some people call "chemtrails." Then, PDF page 7 of 23 speaks of exploring the "ability to induce cancer through covert means." PDF page 13 of 23 mentions "'deep state' operations."

Starting at the bottom of PDF page 13 of 23, the report linked above begins to speak about the mysterious plague in Pont Saint D'esprit in 1951. PDF page 15 of 23 notes that Frank Olson was thought to have been "talking to the wrong people" about what had happened at Pont Saint D'esprit. The page notes "powerful 'people wanted [Olson] out of the way." It appears those in charge decided the only way to deal with Olson was to "kill him." PDF page 22 of 23 mentions "a dark and violent underbelly of American political culture comparable to authoritarian states."

PDF page 22 of 23 in the linked report notes that the killing of Frank Olson "helped keep secret the fact that the United States government engaged in biological warfare, unethical drug testing, chemical weapon and LSD spraying and medical experimentation, and recruited Nazi scientists." The recruitment of Nazis and war criminals appears to actually be a major issue in what has been happening. Furthermore, the report, on PDF page 22 of 23, notes that the killing of Frank Olson "kept powerful people out of jail." But, there appears to be more to this story than most people realize and it has to do with treasonous people who are selling out the citizens of the United States, to a foreign power.



A Wikipedia page linked here is titled Plausible deniability. It states: "Plausible deniability is the ability of people (typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command) to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others in an organizational hierarchy because of a lack of evidence that can confirm their participation, even if they were personally involved in or at least willfully ignorant of the actions. In the case that illegal or otherwise disreputable and unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such acts to insulate themselves and shift blame onto the agents who carried out the acts, as they are confident that their doubters will be unable to prove otherwise."

A Simple English Wikipedia page, linked here, declares: "Plausible deniability are words first used by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Kennedy administration. In that case it meant not to tell senior government officials about illegal CIA activities. These officials could then defend themselves if the activities were discovered. They would be able to say quite plausibly, and perhaps truthfully, that they did not know anything about it (deniability). It meant that actions of the CIA could not be blamed on the President of the USA." Other pages which speak about or define plausible deniablity are accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4).

There are now some things to consider. The CIA has all those members of the Knights of Malta, plus members of those other Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies who are in key positions in the CIA. As a result of the Oath which these people take, the allegiance of the members of these secret societies is actually to the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome. Furthermore, the CIA was created using all those Nazi "holy warriors," who appear to have been "the sword of the Catholic Church" and which Nazis were operating under a Concordat with the Vatican. So, possibly there is more to look at regarding the practice of "plausible deniability."

The common practice of "plausible deniability," as used in intelligence circles, appears to go along with the original definition of that old word "Jesuitism," which was spoken about earlier in this presentation in the section titled A History, Plus an Identifying Word (link). For those who may have missed it, the original definition of the word "Jesuitism" is presented in the 1828 Webster's dictionary (link) as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." And that word "prevarication," once again, means: "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie."(link) It appears there may be a "fit" here.

Now, it appears that in the early 1970s, the CIA suddenly became concerned about "plausible deniability," especially when it came to things that they had criminally been doing against U.S. citizens. It appears they became concerned about not being able to lie about or deny the illegal and criminal activities which they had been involved with for so many years. It appears they were concerned about a potential legal perdicament because they had all those incriminating records and files which clearly spoke about their criminal and possibly treasonous activities. So, what did they do?

It appears that key people in the CIA simply added crime to crime, by destroying all the records which they could find about their questionable activities (link). It appears that they destroyed an immense amount of records so they could once again gain the potential for using "plausible deniability." With all of this information in mind, let us move along with this discussion.


Once again, let us consider those diabolic words noted in the section further above (link), which words came from the CIA boss, George H. White. Since many CIA records were deliberately destroyed in 1973 to hid potentially criminal activity, let us look at those words as we begin to consider a scenario which potentially could have taken place in the San Francisco area in the 1950s and 1960s. This potential scenario could possibly answer any question as to why there were those social upheavals during the 1960s and why the political landscape suddenly changed so drastically in the San Francisco area, which change is noted a few sections above (link).

Once again, those infamous words which George H. White so brazenly crowed, regarding his potentially criminal and treasonous activities: "I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun." He declared further: "Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?" The preceding words appear to present the mentality which appears to have been displayed within the CIA. At this point, there are some important things to consider.

Again, let us remember the makeup and mentality of the CIA in these earlier years. In the CIA, there were many Nazi war criminals who were the enemies of the legitimate form of government in the United States, plus that which this country stood for. These Nazi war criminals had illegally been brought into the United States with the help of people like those Knights of Malta --- or those who are part of the militia of the pope --- and they were enemies of the authentic citizens of the United States. Some of the associated information is noted further above in this presentation.

In addition to the things noted above, there is one thing that cannot be stressed enough. The activities of the CIA were of such a criminal nature that they blatantly destroyed all the records which they could find of their earlier activities, which activities took place prior in 1973 (link). Because all the important records were destroyed about the CIA's criminal activities, it is time to piece together a plausible scenario which may have taken place in the San Francisco area. This plausible scenario may answer many potential questions about any rapid changes which took place in that area.


Let us first consider the known facts about what was happening in the San Francisco area in the 1950s and 1960s. It is known that CIA operatives were illegally drugging numerous people in restaurants, on beaches and in other settings over a period of a number of years. As noted further above, George White and his wife would host dinner parties where potentially a number of prominent guests were being drugged (link). It appears that the CIA crowd may also have been blackmailing at least a certain portion of their victims. But there is reason to believe that there is more to consider in this story, because of the MK-Ultra program and other programs associated with it.

A big thing with the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA has been "mind control." Not only were the into drugging people and performing many types of criminal activities on their victims, a big part of their many programs included the use of hypnosis. So, it would not be too much of a stretch to consider that hypnosis may have been a part of Operation Midnight Climax in the San Francisco area. So, it is time to consider what could have been done with the inclusion of hypnosis in the criminal activity in San Francisco.

The scenario which the writer is about to present may sound extremely far-fetched to the uninitiated, but to those who are honest and have been around or have studied into the history and use of hypnosis, the scenario which follows may not sound so strange at all. Now, suppose a CIA operative subtly drugs their targeted victim, without their victims knowledge or consent. The CIA operative uses drugs --- like LSD, etc. --- to take their victim totally by surprise and rapidly prepare them for the next step, which is deeper hypnosis. The possibility for this two-step procedure can be deciphered from the information in pages accessed via the links below.

Now comes the part which should give many people some "food for thought." Once the CIA operative has their victim in a deep state of hypnosis, they begin to prepare their victim for what they will be doing next. The victim is given instructions on how to hypnotize others. They are then given post hypnotic suggestions that they will go out and hypnotize as many other people as possible, plus they may possibly be given instructions on the type of setting in which to best hypnotize all of their victims. The CIA operative, since they have a lot of extra doses of LSD which are paid for by taxpayers, may even give their victim spare doses of LSD to quickly snare their victims.

The initial CIA operative may give their initial victim instructions to bring all the victims which they collect back to a CIA safe house, where they can be put into extremely deep states of hypnosis by a CIA operative and given the same instructions as the initial victim. In a rather short period of time, a rather large group of hypnotically-controlled people may be acquired. This basic process could, if done by experienced CIA operatives, rapidly expand out into the surrounding region and give them much influence or control. But, there is one more step which could potentially could have been added to this process.

Since San Francisco was in the midst of having a number of decent Republican mayors in a row, and since things had been going good in San Francisco for quite a period of time, it appears that the militia of the pope felt that it was time to begin having "some fun" --- as the infamous George White said, "it was fun, fun, fun." As a result of the CIA's criminal activities, possibly every victim in this whole process could have been gotten into the use of drugs to one degree or another. Then, one more instruction could have been given to the victims.

Using the proper techniques, each victim, especially the blackmailed ones, could have been caused to vote Democrat. Does this sound a bit farfetched?

It is time to look further at the use of hypnosis. There was a man named Dr. George H. Estabrooks who was the Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University. Within pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9), are found these words from Estabrooks: "I can hypnotize a man without his knowledge or consent into committing treason against the United States." Some of the linked pages note that Estabrooks "conducted extensive hypnosis work on behalf of the CIA..." Yes, once again, this man Estabrooks, who was a highly skilled hypnotist, did extensive work in hypnosis for the CIA. And again, note that Estabrooks declared that he could hynotize someone, without their knowledge or consent.

The bottom of page 80 and top of page 81, in the book linked here, states: "Estabrooks was one of the nation's most authoritative sources in the hypnotic field. The psychologist told officials in Washington that a mere 200 well trained hypnotists could develop an army of mind-controlled sixth columnists in wartime United States. He laid out a scenario of an enemy doctor placing thousands of patients under hypnotic mind control, and eventually programming key military officers to follow his assignment. Through such maneuvers, he said, the entire U.S. Army could be taken over." Read again, what was just said. A team of skilled hypnotists could take over the whole U.S. Army and turn them into virtual mind-controlled "robots."

Page 81, in the book linked above, states: "J.G. Watkins followed in Estabrooks' steps and induced soldiers of lower rank to commit acts which conflicted not only with their moral code, but also the military code which they had come to accept through their basic training." Watkins even hypnotized a private to attack an officer, and caused one subject to pull a knife and almost stab another person. The bottom of page 81 states: "Watkins concluded that people could be induced to commit acts contrary to their morality if their reality was distorted by the hypnotism." Look at what was just said, once again.

Hypnotists commonly tell people that a person cannot be made to do things which they would not normally do. But, these hypnotists are basically telling a half-truth, which is as good as an outright lie. So, how do they actually get around your "hang-ups," so they can make you do something against what you would normally do? Yes, with the skillful use of hypnosis, they simply distort your reality and make you believe that you are in a completely different situation. They can make you hallucinate an illusionary situation, so you will respond to that illusionary situation, rather than the true situation which surrounds you. That is how they can make Manchurian Candidates.

A page linked here has a section titled Mind Control history 101. That section states: "Two psychologists who proved it was possible to hypnotize soldiers and make them carry hidden messages, change their political convictions, or even to make them attack their friends, were George H. Estabrooks (1895-1973), a Harvard graduate and Oxford Rhodes Scholar, and John G. Watson." Note that it clearly states that, under hypnosis, they were able to get people to "change their political convictions, or even to make them attack their friends." Now, when it comes to changing people's political convictions, with the skillful use of hypnosis, check out the pages linked below and see that it was actually done by George Estabrooks.

The information linked below speaks of George Estabrooks using hypnosis to split a person's mind and create multiple personalities. In one case, the one personality of an individual was a truly loyal American --- likely one who truly honored their Oath of Office to support and defend the U.S. Constitution --- while their other "created" personality was a card-carrying Communist party member who spewed the Communist party line.

With the CIA running a highly criminal operation in San Francisco and drugging and blackmailing all those people, plus potentially even hypnotizing many, there is now something to consider. Is there a chance that the CIA decided to, as the infamous and criminally minded CIA boss, George White, said, have "fun, fun, fun"(link) and make all the CIA's victims vote Democrat? Possibly it is a bit like the CIA boss, James Jesus Angleton stated in an interview, when he was dying of cancer: "There was no accountability. And without real accountability everything turned to shit." (1)(2)(3) And, without true accountability to U.S. citizens, there is no reason to believe it has gotten any better.

Considering all the information above, there truly appears to be a reason why, in 1973, the CIA destroyed all the records they could find of all their unethical and illegal exploits. Possibly they were doing their best to cover their criminal tracks so a whole lot of them did not end up in prison, or possibly even hung for treason. After much research, the writer has reason to believe that the criminal and treasonous activity of the CIA has been much more extensive than anything uncovered so far.

Now, back on track. All of the different factors noted so far, working together, could have been a major cause for San Francisco to experience social upheavals and the turning of people to liberalism, again, thanks to the CIA and their criminal activities. And since those days, under Democrat rule, the city of San Francisco has turned into a drug haven, with streets lined with needles and human feces scattered around, as noted in the pages linked below. Once again, we possibly have to thank a criminal CIA, plus their bosses in Rome, for starting this whole mess. By the way, this is Nancy Pelosi's "gooey" stomping grounds.

Once again, the original intent for the CIA was to operate outside of the United States as an information gathering organization. But then the militia of the pope took over and the CIA became a weapon against U.S. citizens and their cities. Once the militia of the pope took over, together with all those embedded Nazi "holy warriors" and war criminals, things began to steadily turn downward in the United States. And since this has all happened, the affluent middle class has been steadily shrinking (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). Possibly that is just how the New World Order "bosses" in the midst of Rome and their traitorous allies in the United States planned it.


It appears that there have be serious problems relating to the CIA for many decades. Former President John F. Kennedy is quoted within the following linked pages --- (1)(2)(3)(4) --- as stating in the early 1960s that he wanted "to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." And then later, many believe that "they" blew him away. But, it appears there is more to this story. There is a comparison to make. The CIA, with all its Knights of Malta and members of other secret societies, which members appear to be generally in submission to the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome, may have a lot in common with their bosses and the historic Jesuit organization.

Like a CIA which they completely control through the members of their various secret societies, the Jesuits had quite a history of causing a lot of problems in earlier times (1)(2)(3)(4). Because of all the problems which the Jesuits had been causing, in 1773, Pope Clement XIV abolished the Jesuits. But, nine months later, he was dead. It has been said that the Jesuits had poisoned the pope (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). And now, the Jesuits appear to simply use the members of their many secret societies --- like the Knight of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, plus Skull and Bones, and others --- to do their "dirty work." So, if the CIA and their allies were in on the brutal killing of President John F. Kennedy, a person might say, "Like father, like offspring."

When it comes to "Like father, like offspring," there is something to consider. Linked here is The Official C.I.A. Manual of Trickery and Deception. When trickery and deception are considered, let us look to the ultimate controllers of the CIA and that old word "Jesuitism," which was given earlier in this presentation (link). The true definition of this old word is found in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary. "Jesuitism" is defined as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." And that word "prevarication" means "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie." (link) So, once again, "Like father, like offspring."

After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in November of 1963, former President Truman called for the termination of the CIA's operational duties (1)(2)(3). But, virtually nothing was done about that which appeared to be an outlaw and rogue and renegade CIA in those earlier days, when something really should have been done. And, from those day, it appears that things have only gotten worse. So, let us begin to see at least a little of what the CIA has been doing since those earlier days.



From what is noted in sections further above, it appears that a Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA had good success in creating problems in the San Francisco area. Using a CIA which is controlled using the members of their secret societies like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc., which CIA is commonly called "Catholics In Action"(1), or "Catholic Intelligence Agency"(1), or even "Catholic Inquisition Agency"(1), possibly because of their use of torture and drugging and hypnosis and mind control and alleged blackmail, it is obvious they had very good success at changing the political landscape in the San Francisco region.

It has become obvious to at least some of those who have diligently done their research, that San Francisco does not appear to be the only place in the United States that the Vatican/Jesuit organization wants to bring under their control, using members of their various secret societies like the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Columbus, etc. The story is much bigger than just San Francisco or even just California, or even that which is now called "The Left Coast."

It is now time to begin looking at what the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA has been doing elsewhere in certain other places in the United States, and yes, in virtually the whole United States. The very small sampling of information presented is just a very basic introduction to this subject. It by no means gives anything even close to the whole picture, because much is CLASSIFIED and intentionally hidden from the general public, plus even from Congress, etc. It appears that we are only allowed to "see" the proverbial tip of the iceberg which they want us to see.

Looking at an earlier sections in the presentation, which is titled The CIA's International Pedophile Operation ? (link), one of the linked sources proclaimed: "A top US intelligence source told WMR (Wayne Madsen Reports) that the CIA's involvement in procuring children in Thailand for the purpose of engaging in sexual trysts with visiting VIPs from the United States, including members of Congress and high administration officials, began in earnest in 1978."

In the information given so far in this presentation, it appear that at least San Francisco was one of the big CIA experiments in the 1960s. Then, the information quoted in the paragraph above makes it obvious that at least by the 1970s, the CIA began going after the control of "visiting VIPs from the United States, including members of Congress and high administration officials," using what appears to be child sex slaves. The use of child sex slave would help toward making the VIPs and other government officials controllable using blackmail. But, there is more to the sex and blackmail story.

A page linked here it titled A Problem with Blackmailed Government Officials. About one-quarter of the way down on that page, there is a section titled A More Mild Situation That section has a link to a page titled How Many US Government Officials Are Being Blackmailed Because Of Ashley Madison? (link). Is there any chance the the CIA or one of their affiliates is behind the Ashley Madison site, so they can use it for snaring victims? Unfortunately, too many guys simply "think with their lower head," and organizations like the CIA know this. That may be why various spies have sometimes used sex with their targets in other countries, in order to get what they want (1).

That page linked below contains the story of a former "owner of Playboy Escorts in Houston and Austin, Texas." The page declares: "I was approached by various law enforcement agency's, Houston FBI Jim Cavanah, ATF Mike Taylor, CIA Perseley, Houston Vice Captain Jones, vice Kevin Jones, Atty. Richard Race Horse Haynes, Atty. Graydon Wilson, Precinct 4 PD Spring, Tx., etc... who wanted me to abet them in entrapping 'State and political officials' having sex so they could extort, control and blackmail them..." According to the page, the CIA was even involved in all this, for extortion, control and blackmail purposes, of political officials.

The page below speaks of "a sex ring connected to the power elite and the intelligence community meant to compromise important political figures." The page goes on to state that "the D.C. Madam's outfit could not exist in Washington, D.C. unless it was a tool of elites and dark factions in the intelligence community." The page also speaks of "sexual blackmailing operations" in Washington DC, which were operated by the CIA. So, when you are dealing with compromise and blackmailed politicians, plus those which are plain bought off, is it any wonder that the United States no longer operates like it is supposed to? So, it possibly is more than just "a swamp" that is being dealt with, or not, today.

The information about the book linked below speaks of "how public officials and other well-connected individuals have been compromised or blackmailed by their sexual improprieties, Confessions of a D.C. Madame relates the author's time running the largest gay escort service in Washington, DC, and his interactions with VIPs from government, business, and the media who solicited the escorts he employed." It also notes that the federal government tried to prevent this book from getting to the public. The book also speaks of "the integral role blackmail plays in American politics and the unbelievable lengths the government perpetrates to silence those in the know."


The page linked below declares: "According to testimony given to a US government committee, the CIA and its friends make use of child sex slaves - to blackmail and control top people." The page speaks of something which had happened to at least this one woman who was testifying to the committee.

The testifying woman spoke of something which happened to her when she was just nine (9) years old. About this event which took place when she was aged 9, this woman stated: "I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to sexually please men. Also, I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves." Once again, this girl, who at the time these criminal sexual acts were being performed with her by the CIA, was only nine years old. At nine years old, she was sent, by the CIA, to a facility in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins.

We must remember that this CIA was illegally made up of Nazi war criminals and "holy warriors" who were in key positions. These Nazis had been the crusading "sword of the Catholic Church" which were then, illegally, brought into the United States to continue their activities, with help from members of at least the Catholic secret society called the Knights of Malta. Now, the members of the Knights of Malta and those other Catholic secret societies are actually part of the militia of the pope. By their Oaths, the allegiance of these people is to the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome, over and above any allegiance to the United States, or its Constitution, or its citizens.

With a better understanding of the nature of the CIA, let us now return to that woman who was testifying to that US government committee, about the criminal activity which had been forced upon her years ago, by a highly questionable CIA. This information about the nine year old CIA sex slave, in itself, may be of great importance to understanding a situation which is spoken about earlier in this presentation (1)(2)(3)(4) --- that situation which surrounds a CIA employee named Frank Olson (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), who appears to have been brazenly murdered by the CIA in 1953 in order to hide what appears to be their extremely heinous activities in CLASSIFIED facilities.

When it comes to child sex slaves, the writer has reason to believe that the CIA has been doing this type of activity for way longer than people realize. And, it appears that they hide this brazen criminal activity behind the "classified stamp" and the facade of "national security." Now, getting back to the information in the page linked below, this mere child was being taught by the CIA how to sexually please men and get information out of them.

But the CIA had further plans for this child and many others like her (link). (It appears that the CIA has potentially been doing the same thing with young boys. (1)) Some of the high level bosses of the CIA were people like Dr. Gottlieb, Captain George White (who was the infamous George Hunter White, of San Francisco fame, who was spoken about earlier in this presentation (link)) and Morse Allen. They wanted to film "as many high government and agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible," for a reason. They wanted to be able to seriously blackmail as many of these key people as possible, so they could fully control them. In doing so, they could control the country.

In her testimony, the woman who had been a CIA child sex slave stated that the CIA had her doing these things with "local politicians, government officials - anybody who they needed to possibly get something on, keep on file for future reference - should they need to coerce this person into supporting the projects. Senators, congressmen, anything like that..." And again, child sex slaves were known to have been sent by the CIA to places like the Deep Creek Cabins in Maryland. So, let us now learn a little more about Deep Creek Cabins. A page linked here is titled Netflix Series with Ties to Deep Creek Lake & Railey Family. The page speaks about some of what happened in the fall of 1953.

The page linked in the paragraph above speak about "a group of men from the CIA [who] held a retreat of sorts at Deep Creek Lake." This "retreat," in "the official CIA papers" was called the "Deep Creek Rendezvous." It appears that the name chosen was done with intent, for it may have turned out to be quite a "rendezvous." For this "rendezvous," it appears that Frank Olson had to get "a reservation at a rental cabin" at the lake. These cabins were actually cottages which were owned by the Railey family. The linked page states: "The Railey cottages lined the shores of Deep Creek Lake near the old iron Rt. 219 bridge."

From all the information given in, plus linked to, this presentation, it appears that, because of his knowledge and extreme importance (link) to the questionable CIA and military projects --- which again were controlled by Nazi war criminals and those who were part of the militia of the pope --- Frank Olson was one that the CIA most definitely wanted to keep on their side, as one who would be fully supporting their highly questionable projects. Now, once again, there was that "rendezvous" at the cabins at Deep Creek. And, from the information presented further above in this section, it is known that the CIA sent child sex slaves to the "Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to sexually please men," and to get these men to talk about themselves.

It appears that a criminal and Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA (this said, because it was made up of Nazi "holy warrior crusaders" and members of the Knights of Malta, who are part of the militia of the pope), seriously drugged Frank Olson with a concoction of alcohol (Cointreau (1)), LSD and Meretran ("a drug that worked as an 'added pressure mechanism to loosen tongues' and 'persuade subjects to speak freely about matters they otherwise wouldn't share.'" (1)). There is also the possibility that other substances were mixed into the concoction which was given to Frank Olson at the Deep Creek facility.

From some of the information linked in earlier sections of this presentation (1)(2)(3)(4), it is known that other co-workers of Olson's at the Deep Creek event were also drugged. This was possibly done in order to keep them rather incoherent, so they could not be reliable witnesses to exactly what was being done to Frank Olson. Knowing the CIA's questionable programs, there is also the possibility that after seriously drugging Frank Olson with the concoction, they deeply hypnotized him.

The criminal members of the CIA may have used hypnosis on Frank Olson so he could then be manipulated into activity with one of those CIA child sex slaves, which a criminal CIA has commonly used for quite a long time. This criminal activity would have been recorded and then used to blackmail Frank Olson and "hopefully" deaden his conscience toward the questionable projects which he had been working on, plus make him more controllable.

Now, the information which the writer has read has shown that Frank Olson was a very decent man who loved his wife and family. So, being horribly drugged and then manipulated into recorded sex acts with a CIA child sex slave could readily leave him acting the way he did when he got home to his family. He definitely would be feeling he made a mistake, especially if he understood he was now blackmailed.

Once Frank Olson went back to work at Fort Detrick and the criminal CIA bosses found that after the Deep Creek Rendezvous, Frank Olson still had a functioning conscience and things were not working the way "they" planned, it appears that they then simply set things up so they could exterminated him. It appears that the things that happened to Frank Olson in New York, which brought him to his death, was all premeditated by the CIA bosses.


It appears that the CIA's extremely questionable and potentially criminal activities, which appear to include things along the line of deadly human experimentation on "expendable" humans, have been happening for a very long time. So, let us begin to consider Fort Detrick, where the murdered Frank Olson had worked. Let us consider those questionable programs which the CIA and the military (which appear to have been controlled by all those embedded Nazi "holy warriors" and Knights of Malta, etc., which are part of the militia of the pope) have been doing.

Those chemical and biological warfare programs at Fort Detrick, which appear to be just a continuation of the Nazi experiments from Germany, should now be considered. Within the pages linked below is information about a man named George W. Merck. Merck was a "pharmaceutical executive and top government adviser on biowarfare." He began to see the direction which the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick was heading with their "experiments" and wanted to shut the programs down, because he felt that they had crossed the line and were now in territory which was "un-American." It appears that another biological warfare expert, Donald Aubrey Quarles, felt the same way.

In the information linked below, it is found that those which were in control of these "un-American" projects at Fort Detrick did not really care much about the possibility that what they were doing was "un-American." As one person from Fort Detrick declared, "We did not sit around talking about the moral implications of what we were doing." Possibly no one really worried about if the programs were "un-American," because, once again, it appears that the overall programs were controlled by a bunch of Nazi war criminals and those who were part of the militia of the pope.

Once again, the Nazi "holy warriors" had been "the sword of the Catholic Church." These Nazi criminals and enemy agents had entered this country illegally under the very questionable Operation Paperclip. These Nazis, once again, were helped into this country largely by those who were part of the militia of the pope. This militia of the pope includes members of those secret societies like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, and other associated secret societies. These people are like agents of a foreign government. That is why they are not too concerned if the things which they are doing are un-American.

The pages accessed via the linked below show that the president of Merck, George W. Merk, was involved with agencies that promoted eugenics. The following words are found within the pages: "Ft. Detrick was a mad science center, and it produced biological warfare experiments on Americans. It produced the plan to spray San Francisco with the infertility causing bacteria Serratia marcescens." Involved with this criminal experimentation on U.S. citizens was that infamous Nazi and "holy warrior" named Kurt Blome.

The second linked page notes that George W. Merck was "head of the War Research Service...which initiated the U.S. biological weapons program with Frank Olson" at Fort Detrick. Yes, this is the same Frank Olson which the CIA later drugged and appears to have then murdered. The page notes that Fort Detrick is "the place where the plan to spray bacteria over San Francisco in the 1950's and 60's under 'Operation Sea Spray' was conceived, shortly after Merck left. After Merck's departure from the War Research Service, Ft. Detrick became a central factor in experiments on US citizens."

The information in the second linked page indicates that after George Merck left the Fort Detrick programs, the Nazi "holy warrior" Kurt Blome then "advised biological warfare experts on how to experiment on US citizens. Blome had previously experimented on his victims [in Nazi Germany] with Bubonic Plague." It appears that the questionable experimentation on US citizens may have been done with a eugenics purpose in mind. It is very obvious that many institutions involve with the Fort Detrick programs were those who had previously been involved with the eugenics programs in earlier times.

There is one thing to now make very clear. Prior to World War Two and prior to all the Nazi "holy warriors" coming into this country --- those Nazis who were the sword of the Catholic Church --- the people in the United States did not have to deal with all this blatant, large scale experimentation being done on them. But, once the Nazi were brought over and joined with the numerous members of the militia of the pope which were already here, this harmful experimentation on U.S. citizens --- these blatant crimes against humanity --- then really "kicked into high gear."

Information about just some of this harmful experimentation on U.S. citizens was shown earlier in this presentation in the section titled Spraying the Public with Harmful Agents (link). Another part of this criminal experimentation on U.S. citizens is shown in the section titled More About that Continuing "Holy War"(link), plus in other earlier sections.

Once this blatant human experimentation began on U.S. citizen, there has been no turning back. Since all of this criminal activity began, the United States has never been the same since. Once all of the agents working for the Vatican/Jesuit organization were placed in key positions in the government and military, plus elsewhere, it appears that the hijacking of the government of the United States and its military began in earnest. From that point onward, the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization began to work steadily toward enslaving U.S. citizens, so they could eventually be placed under the domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization's New World Order.



Since our government which appears to be controlled by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its foreign government will not do its proper job to protect citizens, there is only one other way to slow down The Beast. That is for people to quit giving money to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its money-vacuuming "church."

Now, do you really want to support or help or be a part of a criminal organization which appears to support the widespread rape and other abuse of children and even adults? Do you really want to support or help or be a part of an organization which may blackmail government officials, so they will treasonously sell out their own country and U.S. citizens in order to save their own skin?

Do you really want to support or help or be a part of an organization with a proven history of brutal and bloody and tortuous things like Crusades and Inquisitions? Do you really want to support or help or be a part of an organization with a history of mass murder, deception and cover-up? And, this is just the beginning of what could be said about the historically heinous organization!


In the days ahead, all will be judged by a righteous God, and, the pope and his hierarchy do not represent the true God of heaven. All, even the pope and his hierarchy, will give account of themselves to the true God. Even those sins which people thought that they had well hidden shall be exposed for all to see. Even the secret intents of people's hearts shall be open to all. Nothing shall be hidden in that day. Those who support the great whore or its beast government have the lake of fire awaiting them, where the beast and the false prophet --- where those who are part of the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order, along with the deceptive pope --- shall be tormented for all eternity, with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, without a moment of respite.


From that which is written in the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it appears there may be some people with true hearts for God that are now stuck in the Catholic Church, who are under the yoke of raping and abusing priests and nuns and bishops, etc. These people with true hearts for God may just be deceived and ensnared by the agents of the great whore. These agents may have worked to spiritually blind many with true hearts for God. But now that you have been given information which can give you a better picture of what you are associated with, it is time to heed the call from heaven.

In the uncorrupted Holy Bible, it is written: "And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
        "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
        "How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."
(see: Revelation 18:1-8)

Yes, that organization which is spiritually called Babylon the great "is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." It has utterly fallen away from the true way of God and Christ. It has "become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

These rapers and abusers of children and others are inhabited and controlled by devils. The evidence of their "spiritual fruit" indicates that this organization has become the hold of every foul spirit and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird. It is the organization of the man of sin, who is the son of perdition. Diabolic birds they are and the lake of fire awaits them, where they can be with their master Satan, who is also called Lucifer, where they can be tormented along with him for all eternity. That is the destiny which awaits them.

Copyright © 2019-2020 by CE13RS95EE29SD41BL --- All Rights Reserved


1.   The links in the above page were working when the page was first constructed. But, there appears to be an incredible amount of censorship happening on the Internet. Some even believe that this censoring of the Internet is part of the job of the censor the Internet so only the "party line" --- in line with the New World Order agenda --- is available. Because of these things, the Internet has proven to be a rather unreliable thing. It appears that information can rapidly come and go, and there is no guarantee that all of the links in the document above will be working when you actually read it.

2.   While doing the research for the above page, the writer found that many pages shown in Google searches are no longer accessible. The writer also found that YouTube appears to be rapidly eliminating videos which possibly do not go along with the "party line" of the rising New World Order of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. By the time you read the above page, there is a very good chance that there may be linked pages in which the associated videos are not working or are missing. That is the nature of "The Beast" --- the one-world beast government --- which we are now dealing with.

3.   The writer has found while doing Google searches, that there are many pages which appear in the searchs, but are not accessible when "clicked on." It appears that certain types of information may be rapidly disappearing from the Internet. This is not a good sign, but rather, is a sign of censorship and possibly the elimination of free speech --- not only in the United States, but around the whole world. Should we say, "Get ready for the new 'Dark Ages'?"

4.   The term "uncorrupted Holy Bible" is used throughout the above presentation. There is more which needs to be said about the use of this term. Possibly a more accurate term would be "least corrupted Holy Bible," for even the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible was tampered with, to some degree, in earlier times when the translation was being done for the creation of this version. Now, for those with an interest, more observations about the Holy Bible are found in the notes which follow.

5.   Over the years, and after reading the Holy Bible through from cover to cover many times, the writer has realized that the authentic Holy Bible is more than just a book. It appears that a particular Spirit is found within that book. In other words, by the particular words which are used in that book and by the way things are worded, a particular Spirit --- the very Spirit of God --- is found in that book. On the other hand, the writer has found that the way in which more modern translations have been worded, it appears that the authentic Spirit of God has been utterly stripped out of these modified books.

6.   Further information about what has happened to the Bible, over the years, is found about one-third of the way down a page linked here, beginning with the section titled Corrupting the Holy Bible. One thing the writer will say is that there is enough truth left intact in the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible, that the true Spirit of God and his true Christ can be found by those who search diligently. Also, the true name of God is found within the authentic Holy Bible, as noted in a page linked here.

7.   Once again, so things are completely clear... Copies of this document, in its complete and original form, including all copyright notices, may be made for your own use and for distribution to as many other people as you desire, but, with mainly one restriction. Copies of this presentation may be made and distributed, but only if the copies are given away for free. Complete copies of this document may also be posted on websites of those who "have what it takes" to make something like this available for worldwide viewing, plus also "have what it takes" to deal with the potential "fallout" which results. Possibly the best way for distributing copies of this document, for most people, may be via the use of multiple USB flash drives.

8.   When preparing to copy the file of this presentation to flash drives, there is a suggestion which the writer will make. It may be good to first bring the presentation file up in your computer's browser. Then, for those with the necessary skills, bring up a copy of the "Page Source." Cut and paste the complete page source, with all of its HTML coding, into a new text file. Save the new text file and then convert it into an HTML file. Then, copy the new HTML file to the new flash drives. There is a reason for doing this, as will be noted next.

9.   By using the copying process noted above, it may, to some degree, help to keep the writer more anonymous to the general public, at least for the time being. But, there is no question about it... Agencies like the NSA and the CIA already know who the writer is, for the evidence suggests that ongoing "key logging" (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) has been happening while the writer has been producing this presentation. But, so much the better. Possibly the lower-level employees of these agencies (who are kept in the dark, while they do all the "grunt" work) need to know what is really going on and what they are actually working for.

10.   If people want to print out "permanent" copies of this presentation, for their own use or to pass around to others, that is fully acceptable, but again, with one restriction. The printing and distribution of copies of this presentation can only be done as long as the copies are passed out for free. This is only reasonable, especially when considering that the writer will not be receiving any money or compensation for all of this work. And, there is one very important thing to note about printed copies. The titles of buttons would be visible, but all of the link information and URL's would be missing. Therefore, the documentation behind this presentation would be missing.

11.   On any print-outs made of this presentation, for the strictly numbered links (of which there are many), there would be no way for most people to access the information for further research. But, the titles on the button links could be entered into a search engine to potentially access the necessary documentation. On the other hand, a printed "key" for this presentation could be produced. The "key" should show the title of the section, plus paragraph number in that section where the link is located, along with the actual link number. For buttons, the section where they are found should be noted, along with the title on the button and then the associated URL. This would need to be done for every link in this document. The production of such a "key," in itself, would be an extremely large job. It would produce almost a book, by itself, because of the large number of links.

Copyright © 2019-2020 by CE13RS95EE29SD41BL --- All Rights Reserved


Any Other Child Rapists Would Be In Jail !!!
-- or --
Why the Catholic Church is Getting Away with Brazen Criminal Activity

NOTE: Just pick on a "Section Heading", below, to go directly to the section of your choosing.


Words of Earlier Wisdom
A Rather Large Presentation


Things to Consider
Looking at "The Tip of the Iceberg"
Nuns and Boy Sex-Slaves
Nuns and Female Sexual Abuse
More About the Catholic Organization
Those on the "Over The Top" List
As the Agents of Rome Take Control


Getting the Government Involved
Addicted & Fighting for Their Criminal Sex ?
Rape: An Act of War, A Crime Against Humanity
"Child Protective Services" & The Catholic Rapists
Catholics Stealing & Selling Babies


"Experiments" & Killing of Children: Catholic Institutions
Governments, the C.I.A., & the Catholic Church
A Timeline: Who Was Behind the Atrocities ?
'Mein Kampf' and Malthusian Eugenics
The Writer of 'Mein Kampf'
Jesuit Influence on Canadian Institutions ?
A History, Plus an Identifying Word


The Catholic Church, the Nazis & the C.I.A.
The CIA's International Pedophile Operation ?
Catholic Use of Weaponized Psychiatry and Eugenics


Catholics, Hypnosis, and Messing with Minds
Hypnosis in the Catholic Church
More About House and Wilson
The Dulles Brothers: Influence of the Jesuits


A Piggy "Disposal System" ?
Considering the Pigs & Hogs Further
Looking Once Again...
Diabolic "Experimentation" in Quebec
The Vatican and the Mystery Religion
Holes in Skulls & Missing Parts


The Nazis and Their Supporters
Considering the C.I.A.
The "Elite" & the Planned Overthrow
Smedley Butler and His Thoughts
The Vatican/Jesuit Organization & the C.I.A.


Catholic Quebec, Fascism, Abuse & Eugenics
The Way Things Were in Catholic Quebec
McGill, Bishop's, Quebec and Eugenics


History of Catholics Murdering People
Happening Right Next to the United States
Wanting to Bring Back the Inquisition
Putting the Hegelian Dialectic into Practice
Raping Priests, the Hegelian Dialectic, & The Inquisition
Looking at Some of Their Further Deception


Crusades & Inquisitions, and Human Sacrifice
Child Rape Equates to Human Sacrifice ?
Considering Moloch-Baal Worship
Considering the Inquisitions


A Review and Further Information
Aiding and Abetting --- The Criminal Cover-Up
The Criminal Destruction of Evidence
The C.I.A. and the Destruction of Evidence


Lead-In to the C.I.A.
Father of the C.I.A.
The Knights of Malta
The Knights of Malta & The New World Order
A Special Honor by the Pope


The Nazi Gestapo of Germany
Harry Truman and the American Gestapo
Building the American Gestapo
Not What It Was Supposed To Be


Secret Societies and Intelligence Agencies
Structure of Secret Societies and Intelligence Agencies
Many People with Good Intentions
The "Snowden Syndrome"
Possibly a Patriotic Citizen


Considering President John F. Kennedy
Kennedy's Knowledge of Secret Societies
An Oath that Possibly Was Taken
The Assassination of President Kennedy


History of the Catholic Spirit ?
The Assassination of Robert Kennedy
The Earlier Assassination of Lincoln
The Jesuits
Yes, There Is A Reason


Returning to Those "Catholics in Action"
From Mostly Protestant to Catholic
The C.I.A., Secret Societies & the Catholic Church
Looking Back in History
Back to Those Abusing, Raping Priests


A Vision & The Fourth Beast
The Beast with Seven Heads
The Heads, the Neck, and the Main Body
The Beast and A Woman
Mother of Harlots and Abominations
Babylon the Great is Fallen, is Fallen


Drunken with the Blood of Saints
Armed Catholics Massacring Unarmed Protestants
More Dangerous than ISIS
Catholic-Run Slave & Extermination Camps
A Catholic Country "Showing its True Colors"


The Catholic Hitler, the Nazis, & Their Muslims
Still Connected After World War Two
The American "Sword of the Catholic Church"
The Jesuit General and the Pope's Army
Acts of the Pope's Army ?
An Earlier Connection: The Catholic & Muslim Knights
"Tools" for their "Dirty Work" ?


Disarming Citizens in Preparation ?
Preparing for the Extermination of Citizens ?
Another Look at the Fallen "Woman"


President John F. Kennedy & Others
A Short History: Catholics Enslaving People



The Legitimate United States
The Legitimate Form of U.S. Government
The Training Manual
The Authentic "Republican Form of Government"
The Continuing Counter-Reformation
Preparing for "That Day" ?


To Destroy the Authentic United States
The Trojan Horse
The "Trojan Horse" of a "Fifth Column"
Undermining the Foundation of the Republic


Looking at the Real C.I.A.
Vatican/Jesuit Control of the U.S. Military ?
Army of the Vatican/Jesuit Organization ?
The "Trump Wall"


The Medical Side of "Ethnic Cleansing"
Weaponizing Food, Water and Air
There is a Definite History
Considering the Bones Churches
Considering the Uncorrupted Holy Bible


The Sword of the Catholic Church
Germany and Japan: Axis Allies
Adolf Hitler, the Catholic


Embedding the "Fifth Column" of "Holy Warriors"
The C.I.A. & the Continuing "Holy War"
Putting the Pieces Together
Tunneling and Underground Facilities


The Nazification of the United States
Considering Just One "Holy Warrior"
"Holy Warriors" Brought Into the U.S.
Fort Detrick, in Mary-Land
Subtle War Against Non-Catholics ?


Using Nazi and Japanese War Criminals
Some Lesser-Known Japanese Practices
Biological Warfare Disguised as Cancer Research
Who's in Control ? What's Their Agenda ?
Spraying the Public with Harmful Agents


History of Vatican Lust for Money, Gold & Power
Possibly More to the "Nazi Gold" Story
Raping the Kids, and Raping the Land ?
Who Got the Nuclear Mess Started ?


More About that Continuing "Holy War"
Medical Hypnosis from the Past
Hemophiliacs and Hypnosis
The Diabolic Use of Hypnosis


Asking "The Wolf" to "Guard" the "Chicken Coop" ?
Signs of Preparation... For What ?
Another "Sign" for the Forming Picture: Hanford
All That Ammunition for Whom ?


Back to the Catholic Rapers
Boys Town, Nebraska
More Sexual Abuse of Minors
A Non-Sovereign, Vassal State ?
Nebraska, Boys Town, and Offutt AFB


Monarch Project & MK-Ultra
Composition of the C.I.A.


Looking Further at Catholic Sexual Abuse
Roughly Seventeen Years Later
Only for Vatican City and Embassies
Is Pope's "New" Ruling Basically a Sham ?


"Holy See" and the Drug-Fueled, Homosexual Orgy
Possibly More Widespread than Realized
More About the Vatican Crowd


Catholic Church Supporting Itself with Porn or Erotica ?
Vatican's Homosexual Bathhouse and Sauna
Some Things to Think About
Looking Again at the Catholic Church and Erotica, Etc.


The Man of Sin ?
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing ?
The Great Whore ?


The Pope and His Many Rapers
Brazenly Celebrating Sexual Abuse
Celebrating "The Spirit" of Adolf Hitler


A U.S. Holiday and the Real Truth
The Ships of Solomon, king of Israel
Three-Year Voyages
The Ships of Solomon in America


How the United States got "Columbus Day"
Celebrating Rape, Pillage & Pedophalia, the Catholic Way
Animalistic Lusts and the "Columbus-izing" of America
A Time to Consider


Even More to the Rape Story
Modern-Day House of Concubines
Raping the Nuns


History of the Church and Mafia Connections
The Confessional: Controlling International Crime ?
Just for Show ?


Working to Privatize U.S. Prisons
Road to Slave Labor & Death Camps ?
World's Largest Crime Organization ?
Militia of the pope in U.S. Government ?
Shutting Down the Crime Organization ?


Those Diabolic Jesuits
Kicked Out of Countries
Why are They Trapped in All This Sin ?
It Is Written...


Making Lame Excuses
Looking Closer at the Sexual Revolution
C.I.A. Induced "Flower Power"
Again, Why Are They Sinning Like This ?
Pope: A Personal Relationship with Christ is Dangerous
Considering the Real Vatican/Jesuit Organization


What We are Currently Dealing With
Getting All "The Control" In Place
Taking Over, Like a Fast-Growing, Malignant Cancer


Controlling the Nation and the Military
Overthrowing the Legitimate U.S. Government
A Law Unto Themselves
Preparing for the American Holocaust ?


The Papal BULL !
Aiding and Abetting Crimes Against Humanity ?
Influence Over Police, Judiciary & Others
Pedophile Cops, A Murdered Nun & A Priest
Looking Further at the "Red Mass" and Thomas More


From the O.S.S. to the C.I.A.
The C.I.A. --- The Pope's "Trojan Horse" ?
Possibly in His Integrity ?
"Mindless Robots" for a Foreign Power ?
Stockpiling Arms for the Big Event ?
Did They Deceive Bill Donovan ?


Gaining Control Using the C.I.A.
Certain Methods of Operation
San Francisco, California & Liberalism
A Man Named George Hunter White
Events to be Aware Of


A Review of Important Facts
Frank Olson & the Continuing "Inquisition"
Considering The True Situation
Returning to Frank Olson & Family
Frank Olson & Family, plus More to Consider
A 23-Page Report from 2018


Plausible Deniability
Returning to San Francisco
A Fast-Growing "Cancer" & Rapid Change
Two Former Presidents Wanted to End the C.I.A.


Corrupting and Blackmailing
C.I.A. Using Child Sex Slaves to Blackmail
Looking at those Fort Detrick Projects


Do You Really Want to Support Something Like This ?
Judged by a Righteous God
The Command From Heaven

Copyright 2019-2020 by C13S95E29D41B --- All Rights Reserved

Other Pages for Consideration

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