The  Final  Thrust  to

Disarm  and  Enslave

Genuine  U.S.  Citizens

Includes a look at various, apparently Jesuit-instigated Coup D'Etat attempts in the United States.

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child..."
By: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic and Member of the Militia of the Pope
"They" assassinated and silenced him on Friday, November 22, 1963 (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Document Preview Posted:   26 Nov 2022
Latest Additions Posted:   23 Jan 2023 --- later PM
Copyright © 2022-2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8

This plot to disarm and enslave all genuine citizens of the authentic United States appears to be a covert, foreign-controlled "war." When it comes to this covert and deceptive war against U.S. citizens, it must be noted that we are dealing with that historic, "The end justifies the means" crowd. When it comes to accomplishing their diabolical agenda to enslave and despotically control, it appears that virtually "anything goes".

When it comes to disarming and enslaving U.S. citizens, it appears that "the means" may even include the use of manipulated, mind-controlled "Manchurian-Type Candidates" and mass-shooters. Their heinous acts are then used as "justification" by the plotters' treacherous allies in government positions to unconstitutionally and therefore illegally and treasonously change laws, so they can strip U.S. citizens of their gun-rights.


Again, in the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy stated something like this: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) From the information which the writer saw in earlier times, President Kennedy apparently stated the preceding words to one of his aides. Then, not too long after that, President Kennedy was savagely assassinated in public on November 22, 1963 (1). And, in our more recent "censorship" times, the information which speaks about Kennedy's aide being told has been removed from the Internet.

Before we go any further into this presentation, it should be noted that there are a number of supposed "debunking" sites on the Internet which claim that President Kennedy never stated the nature of words which are quoted in the preceding paragraph. So, a bit further down in this presentation some of those sites will be linked, just to show thinking Americans how far the foreign-controlled plotters will go in their efforts to deceive the U.S. public, as the plotters and their controlled allies are diligently working to disarm the genuine citizens of the authentic United States, so they can be more easily enslaved.


When it comes to U.S. citizens being intentionally dumbed-down and deceived, so they can be more easily enslaved, there is something that occurred in February of 1981 which genuine U.S. citizens should know about and take to heart. In a government meeting during the Reagan administration, the CIA Director named Bill Casey allegedly stated: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) And in our day, it appears that the CIA and their allies operate on the internet. Possibly they have control over a number of those so-called "debunking" sites.

By the way, there is something to know about that infamous CIA Director named Bill Casey, who is spoken about in the paragraph above. For starters, he was a Roman Catholic. Furthermore, Bill Casey was a Knight of Malta and was part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. Now, this militia of the pope is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome (1)(2)(3). And, the members of the militia of the pope are actually working in the best interests of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its enslaving agenda, rather than working in the best interests of the genuine citizens of the authentic United States.

So, the highly deceptive and apparently lying (1)(2)(3) CIA Director named Bill Casey was a Knight of Malta. He was a member of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, as was President John F. Kennedy, who was a Knight of Columbus. Furthermore, President Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy, was a high-level Knight of Malta. Because President Kennedy and his father were both members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, there is reason to suspect that they knew about a number of the treasonous schemes which were going on behind the scenes...which may have included that diabolical plot to enslave U.S. citizens.


Because members of the militia of the pope are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome and are working for the Jesuit's agenda, we should consider who the Jesuits actually are and what their enslaving agenda is for the brainwashed, dumbed-down and often extremely naive citizens of the United States. Well, for starters, the Jesuits are actually a military organization whose goal is to take over and control the whole world (1). It appears that their agenda includes disarming, enslaving and despotically controlling even the citizens of the whole United States. So, there are now some extremely important things to consider...especially with the Jesuit/Catholic-aligned Joe Biden and his cronies in control of things.

Looking back in history, around the year 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte made known that the Jesuits intend to be "masters" which will do whatever it takes to gain control over the peoples of this world. When it comes to what the Jesuits will do in their efforts to gain world control, Napoleon declared: "Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general."(1) So, in their efforts to change laws, disarm and gain despotic control over the citizens of the United States, is there a chance that the Jesuits and/or members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope could possibly instigate things like mass-shootings and school-shootings?

Now, it is time for some important history from the latter 1700s. When the United States began to be "born" in 1776, there were plans for the citizens of this country to be a free people who were not "under the thumb" of anyone, which included not being under the thumb of the pope or his agents. Then, with the Articles of Confederation in 1777, religious freedom was assured to the people of this forming country. Well, the irate pope did not want a country around which was not under his despotic thumb, so, he put out the infamous Vatican Edict of 1778. This diabolical Edict declared that the forming United States was "an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible."(1)

According to the enslaving papal organization and its Edict of 1778, the authentic United States is "a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost."(1) So, this means that the papal duty of Catholics in U.S. government positions --- which includes those in Congress, the CIA and the FBI, plus other government agencies --- is to destroy the authentic United States and its Constitution, so they can enslave genuine U.S. citizens for the plotters' masters in Rome. And, to facilitate the destruction of the authentic United States and its Constitution, and in order to get citizens enslaved, they desparately need to get genuine U.S. citizens disarmed...using any means possible.

When it comes to things being nefariously manipulated within the United States, as "they" work to disarm U.S. citizens so they can be more easily enslaved, there are some words from the early 1800s to consider. These words come from the French aristocrat named Marquis de Lafayette, who fought for the freedom of the American people in the American Revolutionary War, under General George Washington. In 1824, Marquis de Lafayette made a return trip to visit the United States. This was after the Jesuits had been reinstated to their former "glory" by the pope in Rome in 1814...with a very special job to do.

In 1815, the Jesuits were sent to the United States by the papal organization, for the purpose of undermining and destroying the authentic United States (1). They were to destroy the United States and its Constitution, so they could then enslave the genuine citizens of the United States. Well, during his visit to the United States during 1824-1825, that French aristocrat named Marquis de Lafayette declared: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."(1)

And today, criminal and treasonous "tools" of the foreign-based Jesuits --- criminal and treasonous "tools" in government like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters, and many others, plus criminal and treasonous governors like Kathy Houchul, J.B. Pritzker, Gavin Newsom, and Jay Inslee, just to name a few --- are extremely violating their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, as they are working to fulfil the Jesuit agenda to disarm U.S. citizens, so they can then be more easily enslaved...under the New World Order, rising Fourth Reich.

In order to make it easier to understand why things are going the way they are in the United States and for what reason, there is another piece of history to present. During the latter part of World War Two, the diabolical spirit of that Jesuit-controlled Catholic dictator of Germany, named Adolf Hitler, was illegally and treasonously transferred into the United States. Many of Hitler's Jesuit/Catholic-controlled henchman and members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, along with "the sword of the Catholic Church," were also criminally and treasonously brought into the United States.

To make matters worse for U.S. citizens, plus for the U.S. Constitution, the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazi criminals were illegally and treasonously embedded into the CIA, the FBI, law enforcement agencies, various universities and medical facilities, and in other sectors within the United States. And then, they began to all work together to undermine and destroy the authentic United States, so its citizens could be enslaved. And now, we have the treasonous, Jesuit/Catholic-aligned "puppet" named Joe Biden sitting in the president's chair, plus his treasonous, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled cronies in government positions.


When it comes to President John F. Kennedy and the things which he potentially knew about, especially when it came to a plot to enslave the genuine citizens of the authentic United States, there are some things to note. Once again, President Kennedy was a Roman Catholic (1). He was raised in a Catholic family where his father, Joseph Kennedy, was a high-level, POPE-SELECTED (1) member of the Knights of Malta (1)(2). And again, the "activities" and covert schemes of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope within the United States are ultimately under the direction or control of the Jesuit General in Rome, Italy.

Now, when it comes to President Kennedy, he was not just any old Knight of Columbus. He was a high-level, Fourth Degree (1) member of the Knights of Columbus. And, once he became the President of the United States, this high-level member of the militia of the pope had some very specific and well-defined things which were required of him. As a high-level member of the militia of the pope, President Kennedy was supposed to do a special job for the Jesuits and the pope which are based within Rome. Once he got to be the president of the United States, he was to be a "puppet" for his foreign-based masters.

Well, it appears that once President John F. Kennedy came to better understand the job which the Jesuits and the pope had for him --- which was to help enslave the citizens of the United States, especially the true Protestants --- Kennedy would not go along with them and their diabolical agenda. So, here was President Kennedy, who now knew way too much (1) about the diabolical, 200-plus-year-old plot (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) which the papal organization and the Jesuits had for enslaving the citizens of the United States. Well, in order to cover their tracks, it appears that the papal/Jesuit crowd had to do something quick, and the rest is history (1).


Well, it is time to consider some of those highly questionable, potentially Jesuit/militia-of-the-pope-linked, supposed "debunking" sites which are found scattered across the Internet. The controllers of these highly questionable sites claim that President Kennedy never spoke about any type of plot to enslave the citizens of the United States. Now, before we get too deep into this section, there are some words which may be worth considering, at least by U.S. citizens who are still capable of independent thinking. For starters, there is a page-paragraph linked here which contains the following words from a source:

"The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

Now, for a question. Would those who are trying to enslave the citizens of the United States be so stupid as to allow the information to be readily available which could expose their diabolical and treasonous plot? What appears to be happening in the United States is similar to what those Jesuit/Catholics have been doing when it comes to those children which their priests have been abusing and raping (1)(2). The evidence indicates that in all too many cases, those of the papal organization destroy incriminating documentation and then deny that there is any evidence which shows that their priests (etc.) have been raping children.

Well, the highly questionable, potentially Jesuit linked, or possibly Jesuit-controlled militia-of-the-pope linked, supposed "debunking" sites which are found scattered across the internet are commonly claiming that President John F. Kennedy never spoke about a plot in the United States to enslave citizens. This can be seen in the pages which are linked below. And yes, it truly would be interesting to know how many of these sites are under the influence or control of those associated with the militia of the pope, which may potentially include even those which are embedded in the CIA and the FBI, plus other agencies.

At this point, it should once again be noted what that infamous, militia-of-the-pope Director of the CIA named Bill Casey declared in 1981. He alledgedly stated: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."(1) So, with the preceding words in mind, take some time to at least scan through the pages linked below. Check out what these potentially very manipulated and controlled, so-called "debunking" sites are claiming. It may be good to know what those with potential links to the foreign-controlled enslavers of U.S. citizens are going around claiming.

In the so-called "debunking" pages linked above, it can be seen what is being done on the internet in our day. But prior to the internet, in the late 1940s and after, the foreign-controlled CIA illegally, criminally and treasonously took control of the media in the United States using their illegal Operation Mockingbird. By having the media produce fake news for the CIA, they could then manipulate and control the general public in the United States...even in the way they voted. And, using the manipulated media, those in the CIA could work to sway public opinion and get laws changed, especially later, when it came to gun control issues.


There is reason to suspect that there may be a link between the "debunkers" noted in the section above and the CIA, therefore, it may be wise to consider some words from that earlier, high-level CIA boss named James Jesus Angleton. As he was dying, Angleton began to speak about what was going on with the CIA. He declared the following in an interview: "Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted... Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power."(1)

Now, James Jesus Angleton was raised a Roman Catholic, plus had connections with the Vatican as part of his job in the CIA. Regarding the things which he did in the CIA, as he was dying, Angleton declared: "I did things that, in looking back on my life, I regret. But I was part of it and loved being in it."(1) For Angleton, it may have been like it was for that infamous and potentially treasonous CIA operative named George Hunter White. This guy later gloated about what he did in the CIA by proclaiming: "I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun."(1)

By the way, the infamous George Hunter White was in San Francisco in the latter 1950s and early 1960s, while he was running the CIA's notorious Operation Midnight Climax. In this illegal, criminal and potentially treasonous operation, a wide variety of people were lured into special rooms by hookers, where the victims were then drugged and their acts recorded. It appears that the CIA was also blackmailing a number of people, possibly even political people, using Operation Midnight Climax. During the time of this criminal operation, the political landscape in San Francisco was turned from Republican to Democrat.

Getting back to James Jesus Angleton and what he had to say about the CIA, he declared: "There was no accountability. And without real accountability everything turned to shit."(1) Based on available information, it appears that Angleton had good reason to declare in an interview in the latter 1980s, when it came to his questionable cohorts in the CIA and the criminal things which they were doing, that, "if you were in a room with them, you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell."(1) And, as he was dying, Angleton went on to declare: "I guess I will see them there soon."

Just as a note, there is a little more to know about James Jesus Angleton. A page-paragraph linked here speaks about what happened with some of that "CLASSIFIED" information in his many CIA safes and vaults, after Angleton retired from the CIA. It states: "When Angleton's successors cracked open his legendary safes and vaults, out spilled the sordid secrets of a lifetime of service to Allen Dulles... The safecracking team was also horrified to find files relating to both Kennedy assassinations and stomach-turning photos taken of Robert Kennedy's autopsy, which were promptly burned."

That's right, folks! Those of the highly questionable or potentially criminal CIA (which is also known as "Catholics In Action" and "Catholic Intelligence Agency" (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)) went ahead and destroyed the incriminating evidence. Well, why did they do this? They possibly did this because it appears that a criminal and treasonous segment which was in key and controlling positions within the CIA was actually involved in the brutal assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 (1), plus also in the savage and cold-blooded assassination of his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, in 1968. It looks like "they" had them both shot dead.


Starting in about 1948 and then continuing for quite some time after that, the CIA criminally (criminally, because it was a blatant violation the the CIA's Charter) began to manipulate and control the media in the United States. They did this using their illegal and criminal Operation Mockingbird. This illegal Operation is spoken about in a page-paragraph linked here, plus in the pages linked below that paragraph, and also in a page-paragraph linked here, plus in the pages linked below that paragraph. Operation Mockingbird is also spoken about in a page-section linked here, plus it is spoken about in the pages linked below.

At this point, it should once again be noted that the CIA is also known as "Catholics In Action" and the "Catholic Intelligence Agency."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) It appears that the CIA and many or most of its highly questionable, potentially criminal or treasonous "activities" are largely under the control of those who have links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And this militia of the pope and its activities are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. So, it appears that foreign-controlled agents are largely in control of the CIA and its activities, and the CIA appears to be a "tool" of the Jesuit General in Rome.

Since the late 1940s, the Jesuit General in Rome has manipulated and controlled the media in the United States through the use of his treacherous and treasonous "tools" in agencies like the CIA and FBI. And then, there were all those Nazis which were illegally embedded in the CIA and FBI, which are spoken about in the pages linked below. These Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis were actually part of the Jesuit-controlled "sword of the Catholic Church,"(1)(2)(3) and they have worked along with their U.S. "brothers and sisters" in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, to overthrow the authentic United States and enslave its citizens.

At this point, it should clearly be noted that after the American members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, along with those many Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazi war criminals from Germany who were part of "the sword of the Catholic Church,"(1)(2)(3) were embedded in key and controlling positions in agencies like the CIA and the FBI, then these "tools" of the Jesuit General in Rome began to manipulate and take control of the media in the United they worked for the controlling and enslaving Jesuit agenda.

Once the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis and their American allies were in place in the CIA and the FBI, then they began to use the media to put out fake news in earnest, in their treacherous and treasonous efforts to manipulate and control the general public in the United States. It appears that they were even able to manipulate and control U.S. citizens in the way they vote. And, the criminals in government positions are using the pliable media to the hilt, as they work to disarm and enslave the citizens of the United States.

As we close out this section, check out the pages linked below and see how they are still manipulating the citizens of the United States. As domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States, they are truly manipulating public opinion, especially when it comes to so-called gun control and their criminal and treasonous efforts to disarm U.S. citizens, so they can be more easily enslaved. And, since it appears that the Jesuit may be behind a lot of this, let us look at some information about them in the next section.


Linked below is a book from the year 1881. On PDF page 106 of 153 (which is page 93 in the actual print copy of the book) it speaks about how the sly and crafty Jesuits have historically operated, as they have covertly worked to overthrow churches and nations. The book indicates that the Jesuits commonly start their diabolical efforts by carefully "planting seeds" of false information which work to cause division and undermine the fundamental beliefs of peoples and nations. And then, as part of the discussion, it states:

"There are two institutions in especial to which the Jesuits will lay siege. These are the Press and the Pulpit. They will strain every nerve to possess themselves of both, and work them for their own ends. The press of Great Britain is already [in 1881] manipulated by them to an extent of which the public but little dream. Not a few newspapers have a Jesuit on their staff as editor, or 'contributor,' or 'reporter.' The reporting force of the kingdom is, to a considerable extent, made up of Romanists..."

The book linked above speaks about what was happening in Britain by the late 1800s, but, apparently starting already in the early 1800s, the Jesuits began working to get control of the press and the pulpit in the United States, for use in their nefarious and destructive activities. Now, regarding this type of activity by the Jesuits, there is a bit of history to consider. In the year 1773, just prior to the birth of the United States in 1776, the pope in Rome suppressed and supposedly disbanded the Jesuits.

The pope in Rome suppressed and supposedly disbanded the Jesuits as a result of their nefarious activities in a number of European countries...even in Catholic countries. It appears that the nefarious activities of the Jesuits predated the suppression order by the pope in 1773 by quite a number of years. It appears that their nefarious activities actually began in the 1500s, as indicated in the quote found below. This quote below is found in a page-paragraph linked here, plus it is found in a number of other sources.

"Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] were expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."

Note closely in the quote above that the common history of the Jesuits includes "engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State." It appears that behind the scenes, the Jesuits have a history of being involved in "political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting [other people --- their "pawns"] to political insurrection." And, that appears to be what has actually been happening in the United States for many decades, as the Jesuits manipulate the press and various factions (like BLM and Antifa) which it appears that they have actually created, for divisive purposes.

At this point, let us get back to the Jesuits and their goal of gaining control over the press and the pulpit, so they can use them for nefarious and enslaving purposes. The Vatican/Jesuit organization gained control over the pulpits of most so-called Protestant churches by the sly use of their Ecumenical Movement. And, because those people in the so-called Protestant churches did not have a genuine love for knowing and following all of the important truths of God and his Christ, which truths are found in the Holy Bible, the "Protestants" blindly fell into the snare which was cleverly laid for them by the Jesuit/papal crowd.

When it came to the Jesuits gaining enough control over the press and the various other types of media and communication in the United States, so they could use use these avenues for their nefarious and enslaving purposes, the job was actually rather large. But, it appears that by the mid 1800s, the Jesuits were successful enough in their efforts to influence, manipulate and control a large enough segment of the citizens of the United States that they were able to instigate and pull of the American Civil War (1)(2). Well, it appears that the Jesuits failed with the American Civil War, for they did not enslave all U.S. citizens.

It appears that the Jesuits were not about to give up in their efforts to gain control and fully enslave the citizens of the United States. It appears that in 1933, the "pawns" which the Jesuits controlled had gained a lot of control over the media (1), for they thought that they could use it in their efforts to pull off a coup d'etat, by pumping out a lot of "fake news". Well, the enslaving coup d'etat failed at that time, but those people which the Jesuits controlled had enough control over the media that they were about to successfully cover up the failed coup attempt, bury it and "erase it" from most history books in the United States.

Well, the things spoken about so far in this presentation are just a mere introduction to just some of what the Jesuits and their controlled "pawns" have been doing with the media. Now moving onward from what happened in 1933 with the media, there was the year 1948, when the Jesuit-controlled segment in the CIA gained further control over the U.S. media, using their illegal and criminal Operation Mockingbird, which is spoken about earlier (1) in this presentation. And, it appears that the Jesuit-controlled CIA had enough control over the media in 1963, to bury the truth about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Actually, there is much more to the story about what happened in 1963. Not only did the Jesuit-controlled segment in the CIA and their allies successfully bury the truth about what was behind the very savage assassination of President John F. Kennedy (1), plus who all was involved in it, but they also successfully buried the truth about the associated coup d'etat. Then, they use those "debunkers" (1) to make sure the truth stays hidden. And, these demonic control-freaks are still hard at it, as they work to gain total control over and fully dominate and utterly enslave the all-too-naive and largely dumbed-down U.S. citizens.

Oh, by the way, there is a lot more to the story of what this diabolical crowd it up to. In their efforts to gain complete control over the various types of media in the United States in our day, that is why the treasonous, Jesuit/Catholic-aligned, foreign-controlled, Catholic dictator named Joe Biden was "finagled" into the U.S. president's chair. This was apparently accomplished using questionable means...possibly by means of a number of "bought-off" votes, or possibly even by a subtle form of coup, potentially with the help of a number of those in key and controlling positions in the CIA, FBI and NSA, plus in other agencies.

Once "they" finagled Joe Biden into the president's chair, then this very treasonous (1)(2)(3) criminal had a very special job to do for his foreign-based Jesuit and papal masters. He tried to force that infamous and unconstitutional, and therefore illegal and very treasonous, so-called Disinformation Governance Board (1) on the people of the United States. The Disinformation Governance Board is just one of the major steps which the "puppets" of the Jesuits are using, as they are helping the Jesuits in their efforts to take over the United States, while silencing all opposition using the media, as they are enslaving U.S. citizens.


Now, back to some earlier history. Since the job of gaining full control of all things in the United States was rather large, even in the 1800s, the Jesuits found that they needed a lot of extra helpers. At that point, it appears that the Jesuits began to build up the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope in the United States, so they would have more "boots on the ground." In 1882, the Knights of Columbus segment of the militia of the pope was established in the United States (1). This took place after the Jesuits were not successful at destroying the United States with their Jesuit-instigated American Civil War (1)(2).

Well, it appears that the Jesuits, even using their many potentially treasonous (1) members of the Knights of Columbus, were not able to fully get the job done of undermining and destroying the authentic United States and its Constitution, so the citizens of this country could be despotically enslaved. So, in 1927, the more powerful segment of the militia of the pope --- the Knights of Malta --- was established in the United States. Then, it appears that those who were associated with this crowd were successful in pulling off the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression which followed.

After helping to pull off the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression which followed, it appears that this Jesuit-linked crowd --- which crowd appears to have included a number of those Jesuit-controlled members of the Knights of Malta (1) --- was ready to pull off an even bigger operation, as they worked to take full control over the United States and its citizens. So, in 1933, there was that serious attempt to pull off a major, "in-your-face" coup d'etat in the United States, as the Jesuits and their allies diabolically worked to completely dominate and enslave the citizens of the United States.

It appears that, in their attempted coup d'etat in the United States in 1933 (1), the Jesuit-controlled crowd found that they still did not have enough power to completely take over the United States, so they could despotically enslave its citizens. So, try, try again they did. In 1940, it appears that the Jesuits tried again to take over the country, using their controlled crowd. Yes, they tried to pull off another coup d'etat (1), so they could set up an enslaving, Adolf Hitler and Nazi-type dictatorship in the United States. Well, they failed again in 1940...and now we have Biden and his crowd working for the get the job done.

There is a little more information to provide about what was going on with the enslaving Jesuit/Catholic crowd around the year 1940. In the book from 1942, which is linked below, there is some rather revealing information found on PDF page 31 of 108. That page contains information which came from page 6 of the January 1940 issue of The Converted Catholic Magazine. It shows that the papal organization, via a plan which was "published under the auspices of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, and signed by 131 Catholic prelates and noted laymen...advocated a change in the United States' Constitution to permit the enactment of the recommendations of Pope Pius XI into American law."

Well, folks, if this diabolical crowd cannot get the citizens of the United States enslaved using a direct coup d'etat, they will try another route. It appears that in the very late 1930s, the Jesuit/papal crowd was trying to treasonously get an illegal change made to the Constitution of the United States. Their intended illegal change, had they been successful, would have allowed the mere recommendations of the pope to be enacted into law in the United States. What these damned Catholics were trying to do was eliminate the sovereignty of the United States, to they could enslave U.S. citizens under papal domination. And that is what they are still trying to do today, using Joe Biden and his treasonous cronies and their allies.

After 1940, the next coup attempt, which ended up being successful, was associated with the brutal assassination of President John F. Kennedy on Friday, November 22, 1963 (1). Unfortunately, it appears that the Jesuit-controlled members of the militia of the pope were extremely successful at covering up the coup at that time, so U.S. citizen remained virtually clueless and oblivious to what really happened in the Kennedy event. And since 1963, the Jesuits and their numerous agents and allies in government positions in the United States have worked, step by step, to change laws and get the U.S. citizens enslaved.

And again, in the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy had stated something along this line: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child..." And then "they" permanently silenced him. Well, in order to fully enslave the citizens of the United States, they desparately need to get them largely disarmed. And, that appears to be what they have been working towards, apparently even using instigated and controlled shootings --- even mass-shootings and school-shootings --- as a reason to then illegally, unconstitutionally and criminally change laws in the United States, in order to disarm U.S. citizens.


The page linked below, from September 2013, contains an interview with an international lawyer named Alfred Lambremont Webre. This lawyer speaks about mass shootings in the United States. The lawyer states: "Well the thing is that what is behind these mass shootings is not being publically reported by the media." When it comes to shootings in the United States, the lawyer declares that they are "a result of a long-standing CIA program to use what we call Manchurian Candidate shooters."

Regarding the Manchurian Candidate shooters, the lawyer states: "These are shooters, individuals that are specially chosen under a CIA program. We know about it because of a whistleblower from the CIA who has gone public." When it comes to at least one method which the CIA uses to control shooters, the lawyer states: "They use nanotechnologies with implants that are located inside the perspective shooter and then the shooter can be teleguided and directed to do the shooting."

In the linked page, the lawyer is asked: "...How does shooting a three-year-old child or students at an elementary school benefit the CIA?" In response, the lawyer states: "Yes, this is a well-established program to create mayhem and therefore to establish gun control laws and to overcome the guarantees of the Second Amendment of an armed population against a tyrannical government. What the CIA wants to do is to disarm the US population and therefore be able to implement its draconian plans for a police state and only a well armed citizenry can keep that police state at bay."

At this point, let us consider the page linked below, which is from 2015. Part way down, the page states: "In the video below, Seagal speaks openly about his belief that there is a concerted effort by the government to violate our rights as part of an assault on the constitution." The page states further: "In an interview with RT, the action star-turned second amendment fundamentalist claimed 'a lot' of domestic shootings in America were 'engineered' in order to drum up support for gun control legislation." Yes, a lot of the shootings are "engineered," and not just by the CIA, as we shall see later in this presentation.

Seagal when on to state: "I believe in the second amendment and our constitution more than anything in the world, and I think that Adolf Hitler -- for example -- when he wanted to annihilate the people of Germany -- the first thing he did was to take away their guns." Yes, the Catholic dictator of hijacked and Nazified Germany --- that dictator named Adolf Hitler --- along with his Nazis, took away the guns of those whom they were planning on exterminating. And, Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis were under the control of the Jesuit/Catholics, just like it appears that Joe Biden and his cronies in government are today.

Then, Steven Seagal rightly declared: "And the right to bear arms wasn't just to protect the people from foreign invaders, it was to protect them from evil governments, and anyone that would violate their inherited rights as human beings." The right to bear arms was given so U.S. citizens could protect themselves from treasonous, foreign-controlled criminals and traitors who had finagled their way into government positions, so they could then work to enslave the citizens of the United States for the traitors' foreign masters. And, those violating their Oath of Office to the Constitution are not part of the legitimate government.

In all of this, it should be noted that we are dealing with that sneaky and dangerous crowd which pulled off the mass-murdering Crusades and their diabolical Inquisition in earlier times. We are dealing with that crowd which raised up and supported the satanic Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis during the World War Two era. We are also dealing with that crowd whose priests ran about half of the extermination camps in Catholic-controlled Croatia, during World War Two. And, we are dealing with that crowd whose priests and nuns are sexually abusing and raping numerous boys and girls, even today in the USA (1)(2).

The page linked below speaks about various mind control technologies, studies and experiments. It speaks about the MKULTRA experimenter named Dr. Jose Delgado, who declared: "Soon we may transform, we may shape, direct and robotize man." And, research indicates that for a number of years, those in organizations like the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled CIA have already been shaping, directing and virtually robotizing humans in their mind-control programs. And, the page speaks about various shooters who appear to have been manipulated and controlled through the use of hypnosis and other means.

For further information on a potential link between at least CIA mind control programs and mass shootings, plus possibly a similar type of link which could exist between mind control programs in other agencies and then mass shootings, check out the mere introductory pages linked below. As this presentation continues, the possibility of there being a link between a certain foreign-controlled segment which is embedded in various government positions, plus throughout "the fabric" of virtually the whole United States, and those mass-shootings and school-shootings should not seem to be such an unreasonable possibility to consider.


Linked here is a page from the book titled Investigative Hypnosis for Investigators, by Bradley W Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D., which book was initially published in 2010. The linked page provides some revealing information about a certain, highly skilled hypnotist. This particular hypnotist was a Roman Catholic priest called Father Johann Josef Gassner, who lived in the 1700s. This Roman Catholic priest "took an average of seven seconds to place someone in a somnambulistic trance." Now, that is incredibly fast!

Looking further into this hypnotizing priest called Father Gassner, a page linked here is titled Roman Catholic priest holds the record for inducing the hypnotic state. The page begins with these words: "Father Gassner was a Roman Catholic priest with parishes in southern Germany, and to this day probably holds the record for inducing the hypnotic state in the shortest possible time -- seven seconds." There is no question about it! This Roman Catholic priest was an exceptionally skilled hypnotist!

The page linked in the paragraph above states this about the Catholic priest: "He amazed medical science, clergy and others by suddenly appearing before his congregation at Mass bearing an illuminated crucifix, and saying in Latin, the equivalent of 'go to sleep.' It was recorded that his congregation immediately slumped in their pews and into a deep somnambulistic trance." It is obvious that this Catholic priest had been hypnotizing and conditioning virtually every one of his parishioners, over a period of time.

So, this Catholic priest was highly skilled at "group hypnosis". But, there is more. When it came to this priest hypnotizing his parishioners and placing them into a deep, somnambulistic state of trance, he could then "experiment" on them or manipulate them. Now, the linked page states that "he performed one of the first recorded experiments of lowering the pulse, blood pressure and heart action of a patient by hypnotic suggestion." That is quite some hypnosis, if he was altering things in the heart and circulatory system.

Somnambulistic trance is a very deep state of hypnotic trance and it appears that a number of Catholic and Jesuit priests, plus even those who are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, have been using hypnosis on people in their church for centuries, plus on other victims who are not part of their church, in order to control them. So, at this point, let us begin to consider the implications of some of those things which are being done by hypnotists, especially by those who may have an evil intent.

About half way down in the pages linked below, it speaks about a man named Albert Moll, who was "a specialist in neurology and hypnosis." In his 1898 text titled Hypnotism, Moll noted "the case of a woman who had to be institutionalized following treatment by a Hungarian hypnotist." It appears that the Hungarian hypnotist had completely messed-up the mind of this woman victim. Moll wrote that this victim "was in fact 'completely devoid of a will of his own.'" Again, the hypnotist had stripped the victim of their own will.

The linked pages state further: "In Moll's eyes, the hypnotic procedure carried clear risks, involving not just its apparent ability to penetrate deeply into the subject-patient's psyche, but, in effect, to turn the subject into an object." The pages speak about hypnosis being used for "disabling the will and thus the very basis of voluntary consent." In a situation like this, the victim is basically under the complete control of the hypnotist, and an unscrupulous hypnotist could then do virtually whatever they wanted with their victim.

The page linked by the button below begins with these words: "For decades now, many so-called experts on hypnosis have all matter-of-factly stated that hypnosis abuse is not possible...yet in the end, all of them have been absolutely 100-percent categorically wrong. " The linked page also states: "For years we've been told that hypnosis abuse is impossible, despite the fact that there have been many historical legal precedents that absolutely say otherwise." Yes, there are those who do not want the public to know the truth about hypnosis, especially the nefarious use of hypnosis.

The linked page states: "Society as a whole has been kept in the dark for far too long on the real power of hypnosis, along with its inherent perils. The end result of this long-term duplicity has cultured a mass ignorance regarding hypnosis, the worst of it being the incorrect premise that hypnosis abuse is not possible. This has in turn created an extremely dangerous environment where people think they're safe, yet they're not." It also states: "The bottom line here is this, hypnosis abuse is absolutely 100% a real thing." And, those in the CIA, FBI, and the military know the truth on this matter, as we shall soon see.

Looking at some of the history of hypnosis, the page linked below states that the field of hypnosis "would eventually be taken to new lows in the 1950's by the CIA, through its nefarious MKULTRA mind control program and its ensuing, heinous experimental programs, all of which focused specifically on the darker science of psychologically programming humans." The page includes a number of cases where hypnosis was used for vile purposes. And, the page states: "The overwhelming number of hypnosis cases listed here are a testament to the reality of hypnosis crime." And, hypnotic crime is what at least the CIA has done.


It is time to awaken and become educated about the reality of hypnosis, plus how it seems to be used for criminal "fun" by the very dangerous and very warped "boys" which are associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization...that organization which harbors and facilitates all of those child-abusing and child-raping Jesuit/Catholic priests (1)(2) and nuns. Yes, at shown within the two preceding linked pages, even nuns are involved with this abuse and rape of children, plus it appears, even in the diabolical murder of children. It appears that this despotic control over children makes them feel powerful.

Now, let us begin to look at just one mind-controlled priest and what it appears that he was hypnotically programmed to do by his dangerous "buddies" in the "holely priesthood." Yes, it appears that he was hypnotically programmed to run around in public with his pants off, as he chased a woman in a mall, shouting that he wanted to rape her. This case may appear to be strange and unreal, especially to those who are ignorant to the reality of hypnosis and how dangerous it can be when used by the criminally-minded crowd...which crowd also has a nasty history of raping (1)(2), plus even murdering children (1).

After considering the information in the pages linked below about this obviously mind-controlled priest, it appears that it could be like a game of "Russian Roulette" when meeting with one of these Catholic priests in a "one-on-one" situation, even if it is done in a very public place, like in a mall. A person never really knows what they may be dealing with when one of these mind-controlled, "loose cannons" may suddenly "short a few wires" and unpredictably "go off" like a Roman Candle...or like Roman Catholic fireworks. And, all of this hypnotic type of activity is related to the papal crowd's historical desire to enslave humanity.

Yes, it appears that these "holely" priests can be something like a ticking time bomb, especially if they have been hypnotized by their criminally-minded "buddies" and then given post-hypnotic suggestions to take their clothes of and rape someone. And, in the situation which we are now looking at, take note that this Catholic priest did something which he likely would not do in his normal, untampered state of mind. Note clearly that, with the criminal use of hypnosis, people can be made to do things which they normally would not do. And, that would also be the case with mind-controlled assassins and mass-shooters.

Getting back to what appears to be a hypnotically mind-controlled priest, note in the pages linked below that this priest was very adamant about raping this woman in public, even right then-and-there in the mall. Well, the woman became very afraid about what the priest was doing, so she ran out of the mall and jumped into her car and locked the doors. Well, this obviously mind-controlled priest followed the woman to her car, with his pants off and his shortcomings swinging in the breeze. Then, this mind-controlled priest began banging on the windows of the car, while shouting about raping this poor woman...right in public.

Well, a male cop showed up on the scene and found this whacked-out Catholic priest standing in the entryway to that bakery in the mall, where the whole episode with the woman had initially started. He was standing there in a public place "without his pants, underwear, shoes or socks." Then, the fully exposed priest told the cop that "he had no pants on because he 'wanted to rape' the female parishioner he had met with." Then, this obviously hypnotically-controlled priest "told the male officer he wanted to rape him." Well, things did not just end there, for there is more to this story about the apparent criminal use of hypnosis.

This whacked-out, obviously mind-controlled priest went ahead and "grabbed the officer's name tag and ripped it partway off. He also punched the officer on the right side of the head." At that point, the priest was ordered to the ground, handcuffed and arrested. The priest ended up being "charged with disorderly conduct and assault on a peace officer." Now, the things spoken about above are things which this priest would likely not do, had he not be hypnotically-programmed and mind-controlled, using post-hypnotic suggestion, to do something which could potentially get a person in very serious legal trouble.

This episode with the whacked-out Catholic priest is just an introduction to the abuse of, plus the power and control available through hypnosis. What this Catholic priest was made to do in public was possibly something for which he had not given his informed consent to his criminal "programmers". Now, a similar nature of hypnotic programming and mind-control is likely used, when it comes to those mind-controlled Manchurian-type Candidates, which appear are being commonly used in a number of the mass-shootings and school-shootings which we see today. So, in the pages below, learn about Catholic mind control.

Yes, you read the title correctly on the page linked above. The highly questionable Iowa diocese protected this priest who ran around naked in a mall, while threatening to rape a female parishioner. Yes, the Iowa diocese protected this priest who had also threatened to rape a male cop who showed up at the scene. The Iowa diocese protected this apparently hypnotically mind-controlled Catholic priest who had also punched the male cop in the side of the head. And, these people are all part of that diabolical organization which harbors and facilitates all of those child-abusing and child-raping priests (1)(2) and nuns.

So, check out the pages linked below. The Catholic Church wouldn't fire this priest who ran around naked in a mall, while threatening to rape a woman. They just said that this priest was suffering from some type of "mental health issues". Now, why would they not fire this messed-up priest? Well, it is possibly because the Catholic hierarchy knew exactly what had been going on "behind the scenes". They possibly knew that some of their other priests had done a "mind-control" operation on this unfortunate victim, and by keeping him in their organization, the real truth about what had happened would likely not get out to the public.

Well, there is something important to note in the title of the page linked immediately above. And, looking into a page linked here, it is seen that the Roman Catholic diocese issued a statement about the acts of the wannabe rapist priest, "saying that it had never intended on issuing a statement 'because there is nothing newsworthy to report." What? They have to be joking! So, here's this Catholic priest running around naked in a mall with his "ding-dongs" exposed, while threatening to rape a woman and a male cop, then this whacked-out priest punches the cop in the side of the head, and that is not supposed to be newsworthy?

It appears that the Catholic hierarchy really wanted to have this whole, rather suspicious incident remain "under the radar," so people would remain ignorant and wouldn't figure out what the Roman Catholic organization has really been up to. There is reason to suspect that an "aiding and abetting," potentially criminal hierarchy does not want the public to begin looking closer at the papal organization to see what is really going on behind the scenes, especially when the duped parishioners, who are the major "moneybags" for this organization, are not looking. Well, it is about time they started looking...and looking very close.

Looking further into the page linked here and further above, it speaks about the criminal complaint which had been filed against this wannabe rapist priest. It states: "The criminal complaint did not mention any details regarding the female parishioner Wind met with or his threats of rape toward her or the officer." Then the priest got of extremely easy with only paying a penalty of $200, plus court costs. Furthermore, he got off with a deferred judgment. Then he got off with only "one year of 'informal probation' and no jail sentence." What? Can you see anyone, other than a Catholic priest, getting off that easy.

So, it appears that the Catholic hierarchy finagled things and got it removed from the criminal complaint that this priest had threatened to rape the woman and the male cop, and even went so far as to punch the cop in the side of the head. It looks to the writer that the foreign-controlled Catholic hierarchy has way too much power in the United States. Because of this undue power, that is possibly why so many of their priests and nuns are abusing and raping children (1)(2), and then largely getting away with it. And, the more they get away with it, the more brazen they become. That mentality was behind the Crusades and Inquisition.

Now, check out the pages linked below to see what the Catholic hierarchy soon said about their wannabe rapist priest. That's right, folks, the Catholic church was indicating that this priest had an amazing recovery from his wannabe rapist, mental health issues. Maybe the Catholic hierarchy wants people to believe that this priest's mental health issues were cured by the spiritual power of the Catholic Church. Maybe they want people to believe that one of their exorcists came in and "fixed" this guy. Well, once again, it appears that this "priestly" victim had been hypnotically programmed to potentially do a very heinous act in public.

Once again, what happened to this unfortunate Catholic priest, who is spoken about above, appears to be somewhat similar to the way "they" go about "setting things up" when they hypnotically program one of those Manchurian-Candidate-type of assassins or mass-murderers, even those school-shooters. And, as with the Catholic priest spoken about above, the hypnotically programmed shooters are doing something which they would likely not do, had not their minds been messed with by someone who has a criminal and potentially treasonous agenda against the unsuspecting citizens of the United States.


Well, there is still more to consider when it comes to the use of hynosis crime, especially when it comes to a number of those Jesuit or Catholic priests. The apparent use of hypnosis crime can be seen in the couple of mere introductory pages which are accessed using the buttons below. In the pages linked below, it appears that these criminal priests were criminally using hypnosis to subdue and control their victims, so these criminal priests could get some illicit sex out of them.

What these criminal priest were doing is just the beginning, for there is still more to consider when it comes to the criminal use of hypnosis by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or its militia. In this presentation, we shall see the further use of hypnosis crime which is being perpetrated by a certain segment of those in the Jesuit/militia-of-the-pope-controlled CIA. And now, take the time to at least scan through the pages linked below and see what just some of those Jesuit/Catholic priests and others associated with the papal organization have been doing over the years.

Looking further into the Catholic, criminal use of hypnosis on their victims, the page linked below speaks about the acts of this Catholic priest called Father Joseph Maskell. About one-third of the way down, the page indicates that "something suspicious was going on between the police department and the [Catholic] church." It shows that the Catholic Church had a lot of power over the police department, even in this situation of the murdered nun. About halfway down, the page begins to talk about this Father Maskell sexually abusing underage girls.

Then the page goes on to state: "Former Keough students said that in Maskell's office and in the nearby rectory, where he lived, the priest offered the girls a relaxed, open-minded environment where they could talk freely about sex and drugs, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes on his red velour sofa and ask for help dealing with their traditional Catholic parents." Then is states that Maskell offered the girls "an intoxicating cocktail of spiritual guidance, hypnosis, booze, pills and himself." Yes, this Catholic priest was using hypnosis on his underage female victims, and manipulating them into sexual relationships.

Not only did this Catholic priest have illicit sex with his underage victims, but the page shows that he was basically running a full-on Catholic brothel of underage girls, even directly within the church office, where "a string of men" would abuse the underage female victims. And, to make matters worse for the underage girls, the page indicates that this criminal catholic priest named Maskell was even having uniformed police officers participating in the sexual abuse of the underage girls. Well, possibly so much for calling a Catholic cop for help if you are a woman being sexually abused by one of those demonic Catholic priests.

At some point within each of the pages linked by the buttons below, is clearly speaks about this Catholic priest called Father Maskell using hypnosis on his underage female victims of sexual abuse. In some of the pages, it speaks in more detail about the Catholic priest Maskell being involved in "vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, vaginal penetration with a vibrator, administration of enemas, ... hypnosis, threats of physical violence, coerced prostitution and other lewd acts, physically striking Plaintiff, and forcing Plaintiff to perform sexual acts with a police officer."

The things spoken about so far in this presentation are all related to the efforts of those associated with foreign-controlled Vatican/Jesuit organization to control and enslave the citizens of the United States. And, considering all of the evidence, there is reason to suspect that they will do virtually anything in their efforts to get U.S. citizens disarmed. Once citizens are disarmed and vulnerable, they can then even more easily be abused and further enslaved. And, that appears to be where things are headed right now, with the Catholics and their controlled "pawns" in control of government and the judicial system in the United States.

In all of this, there sure seems to be quite a connection between those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the hypnosis of criminally-used victims. Now, take some time to check out the pages linked below, which are just a mere introduction to what those in the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled CIA have done with the diabolical use of hypnosis. Yes, there truly is a reason why, in 1973, those criminal ones in the CIA did criminally destroy an incredible amount of incriminating records about their highly questionable, criminal, plus potentially even highly treasonous MK-Ultra program and others like it.


In the mid 1900s, there was a highly-skilled Canadian-American psychologist and hypnotist named George Hoben Estabrooks (1). In the pages linked by the cluster of buttons below, it is said that George Estabrooks was "a Rhodes Scholar and became a 32nd-degree Knights Templar Freemason." At this point, when it comes to Rhodes Scholars, there is something to consider. A copy of the historic Oath which is said to have been used by Rhodes Scholars is linked here, and lower-down in the page linked here.

And now, there is more to know about Rhodes Scholars. A page-section linked here provides some information from a page which appears to have been censored and is no longer available via the Internet. By what is said, it appears that at least a certain portion of the Rhodes Scholars and their allies believe that they are above U.S. law. With this belief instilled in them, it appears that they can aid and abet those who may be operating as the enemies of the authentic United States and enemies of its genuine citizens.

In the page-section linked in the paragraph above, it speaks about a Rhodes Scholar who apparently was operating as a treasonous agent against the authentic U.S. government. This Rhodes Scholar understood "that he was violating his oath of allegiance to the United States, but he considered himself guilty of neither espionage nor illegal activity." The apparently censored page was titled Their Own Code Guides Rhodes Scholars in the U.S. -- State Dept. Aid Gave Support to Hiss. Now for some information about Alger Hiss.

A page linked here states that "Alger Hiss...was an American government official accused in 1948 of having spied for the Soviet Union in the 1930s." Based on memory, from what was said in the apparently censored Internet page noted in the paragraphs above, it appears that an official in the U.S. State Department was, in violation of his Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, ignoring or shielding Alger Hiss as he was involved in his apparently treasonous activities for the Soviet Union. More about this later.

Now, looking at George Estabrooks, it appears that, historically, a Knights Templar Freemason is "under an exclusive vow of papal obedience,"(1) plus, they are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And, it appears that a person who is a Rhodes Scholar and a 32nd-degree Knights Templar Freemason may actually be treasonously working to further the enslaving agenda of the pope and the Jesuit General in Rome, rather than working in the best interests of the authentic United States and its genuine citizens.

When it comes to George Estabrooks, within the pages linked below, the following statement is found: "Estabrooks was a mind-control doctor, who publicly acknowledged that he conducted extensive hypnosis work on behalf of the CIA, FBI and military intelligence." Later, important history of the CIA, FBI and military intelligence will be presented, in order to see who it appears that at least a certain segment of those in key positions within these agencies are actually working for...which is not the authentic United States.

Looking further into the linked pages, it states that George Estabrooks "acknowledged building Manchurian Candidates." Now, those mind-controlled Manchurian Candidates are typically hypnotically programmed assassins, or possibly even programmed mass-murderers or mass-shooters. And then, George Estabrooks also declared: "I can hypnotize a man without his knowledge or consent into committing treason against the United States." And, this is just the part which is commonly known. More about this issue later.

In the book linked below, it states: "Estabrooks informed a group of officials in Washington that 200 hypnotists with the right stuff could unleash an army of hypnotized agents in the U.S. during wartime. He laid out, in fact, a scenario in which the entire U.S. military could be taken over by a handful of mind controlled fifth columnists." Now, there is something very important which genuine U.S. citizens, who truly love their country and their freedom, should seriously consider.

When it comes to the treasonous traitors in government positions who are working to enslave genuine U.S. citizens for the traitors' foreign masters, what could potentially be done using a number of mind-controlled mass-shooters in the United States? What could be done using these mass-shooters for the purpose of swaying public opinion in the United States? Then, laws would be un-constitutionally and treasonously changed, which then results in U.S. citizens being illegally and forcibly disarmed and enslaved.

NOTE:   This is just the introduction for that which is coming. There is some additional history which really needs to be presented. There will be some key facts presented about some highly organized, questionable or treasonous and traitorous activities which have been perpetrated by those foreign-controlled agents who have finagled their way into various government positions, for the purpose of causing harm.

Really, it is time for any and all domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States, along with all of those foreign-controlled, treasonous traitors and guilty parties in government positions to be exposed, as best as possible. They need to be exposed, before they fully disarm and completely enslave the citizens of the United States. So, check back again for further information. We're just getting started!

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