Is  It  Dictator  Biden ?

With  His  'Disinformation  Governance  Board' ?

Along  with  the  Final  Nazi-Type  Takeover  of  the  U.S.A. ?

Using Allies and Pawns in Treasonous, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Organizations ?

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted: 04 May 2022

Latest Additions mainly made to Part 2 -- Now Posted: 15 Jun 2022
Part 2 speaks about the Nazis and who was actually behind them.

--- Much More to Come ---
Copyright © 2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


Just because those associated with the Biden Administration have claimed to the public that they have put this Disinformation Governance Board program "on pause" doesn't mean that they actually have. It also doesn't mean that U.S. citizens should now put their guard down, especially not when it comes to this historically treacherous, sneaky and extremely lying, treasonous crowd which Biden and his cronies are linked to!

Using history as a guide, it appears that a treasonous Joe Biden and his Jesuit-controlled cronies are now working rapidly to help set up a Jesuit/Catholic-controlled, Nazi-type dictatorship and extremely despotic hell-hole in the United States. They, plus those which they are actually associated with, have been very busy behind the scenes setting up the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled dictatorship, step by step, for many decades.

It appears that publicizing the creation of the so-called "Dinsinformation Governance Board" was merely a test to see the public reaction. It appears that the Jesuits, who are ultimately controlling things from behind the scenes, wanted to see how many people would still resist the diabolical thing which the Jesuit/Catholics have planned for the United States and its generally dumbed down and highly distracted citizens.

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WHOA !!!    HOLD  ON  HERE !!!

STOP THE PRESSES !!!   IT IS TIME TO HAVE A NATIONAL DISCUSSION !!!   WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON HERE ???   WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE UNITED STATES ???   Yes, what is actually happening to the United States, while U.S. citizens, like complete and utter derelicts, just sit there like dumb cattle which are being led to the slaughter? They are being led to the slaughter, as they are slowly and steadily being disarmed and their rights are being taken away, while their country is being completely hijacked by those extremely treasonous ones who are actually under the control of agents of a foreign power!

Furthermore, what is this about the final Nazi takeover of the United States? What have the Nazis got to do with things? Well, at this point, it must be noted that something very big has been happening, generally covertly, to the authentic United States and its genuine citizens for quite some time. And, you cannot say that there were not those who tried to warn us. Now, before "they" (yes, 'the group' or 'the company') had President John F. Kennedy savagely assassinated (1) on Friday, November 22, 1963, he declared something along this line: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."(1)

To a number of those who have diligently studied the proper history, it does appear that Joe Biden and his cronies (who appear to be utter enemies of that form of government which is legally supposed to exist throughout the whole United States, which is declared in the U.S. Constitution) are part of the extremely treasonous plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States. Now, the foreign-controlled plotters actually wanted to complete their hijacking of the United States, plus their enslavement of every man, woman and child, already back in the days of President John F. Kennedy, if not before.

Well, the available information tends to indicate that the much more honorable President Kennedy wouldn't go along with the foreign-controlled plotters, who were plotting against the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. Since Kennedy would not go along with the plotters, "they" had to quickly "move him permanently out of the way."(1) And now, it appears that Biden and his cronies (who, once again, appear to be treasonous enemies of that form of government which is legally supposed to exist throughout the whole United States) will treasonously do the job for them!

There is something else to consider in this discussion, when it comes to understanding what has been happening to the authentic United States and its genuine citizens over many years. It seems to be a common practice that the personal lives of those in government are largely kept secret from U.S. citizens. But, in order to better understand what has been happening to this country and its citizens, we truly need to look at what type of organizations those in government positions are connected with, plus what the agendas of those organizations truly are, especially when it comes to the United States and its citizens.

Now, when it comes to the questionable "Disinformation Governance Board" (DGB) which the treasonous Joe Biden/Kamala Harris regime has allow to un-Constitutionally and therefore illegally and criminally come into existence in the United States, there are some things to think about. It is commonly said that we live in the "Information Age." But, with the treasonous DGB in place, access to information will be restricted by a certain highly questionable crowd which will be controlling things, which crowd itself has a history of disinformation and extreme corruption. Under the DGB, we will likely experience the new Dark Ages.

There is something to now make very clear. Just because those in the sly Biden/Harris administration have claimed that they have "paused" the "Disinformation Governance Board" does not mean that we should in any way trust them. The crowd which these people are associated with has a horrid history of incredible lies and deception, which they use to deceive peoples, as they steadily work to take them over and enslave them. Just some of this history of deception and treachery is introduced in this presentation. And again, President Kennedy declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."



At this point, let us see how at least some of those thinking people in one foreign country, that being Brazil, view what Joe Biden and his highly questionable comrades have done to the United States. The title on the button below says it exactly as it is. Yes, we now have a very leftist government in the United States. This is actually a very un-Constitutional, and therefore completely rogue and treasonous government, which the evidence within this presentation will clearly show. Now, the folks from Brazil have indicated that this leftist government, which we now have, has launched a dystopian "truth ministry." It has possibly done this because those in control of it appear to have an incredible amount of things which they want to hide.

Well, the Biden comrades have called this group the "Disinformation Governance Board." It appears that the actual purpose of this group will be to "spin" twisted stories and fake news, and then to despotically govern things so that only "their big lie" is that which is allowed out in the media. It appears that this infamous "Disinformation Governance Board" may possibly be related to some of those earlier CIA activities, about which the infamous CIA director named Bill Casey allegedly declared in a government meeting: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."(1)

Before we discuss the board head for the so-called disinformation group, let us take a few moments to look at some specific details about that infamous CIA director named Bill Casey, who allegedly, in February of 1981 (1), made the statement quoted in the paragraph above. Bill Casey was a Roman Catholic, as is Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, plus many others in high government positions. Bill Casey was also a member of the Knights of Malta (1). And, the members of the Knights of Malta are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is a "tool" which ultimately is under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome.

Now, there is some history which thinking U.S. citizens should be aware of. Shortly after the embryonic United States, with its Declaration of Independence began forming in 1776, the Vatican published its infamous Edict of 1778. This diabolical Edict called for the utter destruction of this new country. Then, in 1815, the Jesuits were sent to the United States for the purpose of undermining and overthrowing the authentic United States (1). And, as we will soon see, the sly and subtil Jesuits made sure that the name "the United States" continued to be used, but, they made sure that it was not the authentic United States.

In relation to the things mentioned above, about the Vatican Edict of 1778 and the Jesuits then being sent to the United States in 1815 for the purpose of bringing about its demise, let us look to that famous French general and statesman called the Marquis de Lafayette, who fought on the side of the forming United States in the American Revolutionary War against the British. Later, from mid 1824 to September 1825, the Marquis de Lafayette made a trip from France to the United States and received a hero's welcome as he toured the 24 states which then existed by that time (1)(2)(3)(4).

At some point in his visit, the Marquis de Lafayette considered the Jesuits and their diabolical agenda for the United States and its citizens. Then the Marquis declared something along this line: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country --- the United States of America --- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) And, when it comes to treasonously destroying the liberties of the citizens of the United States, it appears that the "Disinformation Governance Board" dovetails with the Jesuits' diabolical plans for this country and the enslavement of its citizens.

Now, there is something which should be noted about the early days of the United States. In 1776, when the Declaration of Independence went out to the world, the brutal Inquisition of the Catholic organization was happening down south in Mexico. People in Mexico were being arrested, tortured and murdered, plus their goods and property were being stolen from them by the Catholics, simply because these victims did not agree with the Catholic hierarchy and what it was doing --- which may have included raping children. The Inquisition of the Catholics continued through the U.S. presidential administrations of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison (1). It continued into the presidency of James Monroe.

During the presidency of James Monroe, especially after that earlier condemning Vatican Edict of 1778, a lot of concern was raised about the brutal and diabolical Catholic Inquisition which was going on in Mexico. Soon, the Monroe Doctrine was presented to the world, which Doctrine is spoken about in the pages linked below. This Doctrine, as shown within the linked pages, was largely written by John Quincy Adams. Now, as shown on PDF page 7 of 15, in a document linked here, the Monroe Doctrine has been credited "with setting 'the stamp of perpetual freedom upon the institutions of this hemisphere.' If not for the North American influence, the 'fires of the Inquisition' would have been rekindled, and 'medieval despotism' would have 'crush[ed]...every vestige of constitutional liberty.'"

Unfortunately, for years, there has been a steady dumbing-down (1) of U.S. citizens and they have let their Constitutional Liberties be taken from them by the sly agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. Now, when it comes to Joe Biden and the Jesuits, of whom it appears that Biden and his many cronies are quite the puppets or "tools," there is something important which should be noted. The history of the Jesuits goes way back, for hundreds of years. And when looking through their history, it is fairly well documented that they are "the actual fathers" of modern Socialism/Marxism/Communism, along with things like Nazi-Fascism, as will be shown in this presentation. Basically, the evidence indicates that the Jesuits are "the fathers" of the left and far-left, along with the right and far-right.

At this point, let us look at what was happening in the United States in the 1940s. Within a page-paragraph linked here, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization was still subtly and covertly pursuing its Counter Reformation, which includes the crushing-under and enslavement of genuine Protestants and Bible-following Christians. The linked paragraph quotes the following from a 1947 document: "The Protestant voter in this country faces a serious political situation. A skillful offensive by the Roman hierarchy is undermining the Protestant position in American public life. Rome has built powerful political positions in both major parties." The agents of Rome were taking over both the Democratic and Republican parties.

In earlier times, the questionable and virtually treasonous Democratic Party was generally considered as being the Catholic party, and the Republican Party was generally considered as being the Protestant party. But, after the Roman hierarchy subtly and skillfully built their power bases in both of the major political parties (which now appears to include people like the Jesuit-associated Joe Biden and the Jesuit-trained Donald Trump), the Jesuits could then play their "tools" on both sides of "the political fence" against each other, in their efforts to change the country, plus crush and enslave the genuine citizens of the authentic United States, which would include especially the genuine Protestants, in the ensuing chaos.

When considering the many "tools" which the Jesuits have on both sides of the political fence, it appears that they are often under the influence or control of those who are members or allies of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope (1)(2), which militia is a very useful "tool" of the Jesuit General in Rome for taking over the United States. When studying more recent U.S. history, it appears that key members in the questionable Democratic Party and in the Republican Party have been working to further the diabolical agenda which the Jesuit General has for the United States, which agenda includes the complete enslavement of U.S. citizens and also the manipulated or forced abolishment of authentic Protestantism, along with the destruction of the legitimate, constitutionally guaranteed, Republican Form of Government for the United States.

And now, let us consider what the Jesuits were supposed to do, once they were sent into the United States in 1815. There were a number of meetings in Europe in the earlier 1800s, in which there were discussions about what to to about "the American problem." In a page-paragraph linked here, it speaks about the Congress of Verona. It quotes the following from a linked source: "During this Congress [of Verona, Italy in 1822], it was decided that America would be the target of Jesuit emissaries and that America was to be destroyed at all costs. Every principle of the [U.S.] Constitution was to be dissolved and new Jesuitical principles were to be put into place in order to exalt the Papacy to dominion in America."

When considering the quote above, it should be easier to understand why many of those in government positions have treasonously been disregarding their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. It should be much easier to understand why those many domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution and treasonous traitors which are in government positions have been working to undermine and overthrow the U.S. Constitution, along with the rights of U.S. citizens. And, it appears that the pack of traitors and domestic enemies includes people like Joe Biden and his cronies. That is why it appears that they have now, potentially with Jesuit instigation, created the un-Constitutional "Disinformation Governance Board."

Well, there is more to consider when it comes to a certain treacherous crowd whose members are now in key and powerful government positions. There is more to consider when it comes to those of this crowd which seem to have no problem with treasonously disregarding their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. There is more to consider when it comes to this treasonous, foreign-controlled crowd which has now, un-Constitutionally, been working to put in place that so-called "Disinformation Governance Board," which will be used to crush or silence any who stand up against them and speak the real truth about what the treasonous domestic enemies are doing to the United States and its genuine citizens.

In a page-paragraph linked here is found some information from a book written and published in 1959 by a former Catholic priest and knowledgeable church historian. The book declares that the papal organization instructs the pope's people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America." Well, that explains a lot, especially when it comes to people like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, plus many others in government positions!

And, for those with an interest, the general history of what has been happening to the United States and its genuine citizens is shown at various places throughout a rather large page titled Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated?, which page is linked here. That page shows just some of the treacherous or treasonous things which the Jesuits, along with those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope (which appears to include members of the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, the Skull and Bones organization from Yale University, Rhodes Scholars and others) have been doing over the years.

At this point, there is possibly something which really needs to be said. After studying the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, along with a number of important writings by the Founding Fathers of this great nation, there is something to consider. If the Founding Fathers were to come alive and take control of this country today, there is reason to suspect that they would possibly arrest and hang Joe Biden and his cronies for extreme treason against the United States and its Constitution, plus they would possibly arrest and hang the majority of Republicans for not honoring their Oath of Office to actually defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

By the way, when it comes to what is included in the true duty of each and every one of those people in government positions, when it comes to them actually honoring their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, there is something important to note in Article 4, Section 4. It is the only guarantee found anywhere in the Constitution. Without that guarantee being honored and fully upheld, the authentic United States does not exist, but rather a rogue nation. In Article 4, Section 4, the Constitution clearly declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."(1)(2) So, what is this extremely un-Constitutional and treasonous democracy which we are now living under?

Now, there is something to clearly state. The democracy which the Jesuit/Catholics began foisting on U.S. citizens in about 1829, using Andrew Jackson as one of their manipulated "tools," is un-Constitutional, and therefore illegal, criminal and treasonous. And since the days of Andrew Jackson, the agents and pawns of the Jesuit/Catholics have been working, step by step, to undermine and overthrow the Constitution of the United States, plus have worked to strip genuine U.S. citizens of their legitimate rights and protections. And, the treasonous process continues today with the Jesuit influenced or controlled Joe Biden and his cronies, plus their un-Constitutional and therefore illegal, so-called "Disinformation Governance Board."


Now, it is time to start considering at least some of what has been going on behind the scenes in the United States, and then say things as it appears that they really are, without holding too much back. By doing things in this way, at least some people may possibly have a better chance of understanding the real purpose which appears to be intended for the un-Constitutional and therefore illegal and criminal, so-called "Disinformation Governance Board" and other similar, rather sly and sneaky programs which the domestic enemies have been working to slip in place. Let us begin by looking at a page-paragraph which is linked here. Within that paragraph is found the following quote from a noted source:

"The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

What is quoted in the paragraph above appears to be part of the real purpose for the "Disinformation Governance Board" of the Jesuit-affiliated, rising Catholic-controlled dictatorship of that guy named Joe Biden and his treacherous cronies. What is quoted in the paragraph above appears to go along with that which the infamous, Jesuit-controlled Knight of Malta who was the director of the CIA (or Director of those "Catholics In Action"), Bill Casey by name, allegedly declared in a government meeting in 1981. Again, he allegedly declared: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

When it comes to those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and their nasty, criminal habit of "erasing" or destroying incriminating evidence and then lying about things and going about to revise or rewrite the record of history, that seems to go along with what has been happening in the case of many of those child raping priests (1)(2). Note closely in the pages linked below that the highly questionable or potentially criminal Catholic Church destroyed documentation about the sexual abuse by its priests and others, apparently so they could then more easily lie about things or hide what was really going on from the often clueless general public.

At this time, there is something important which U.S. citizens really need to consider. It is people associated with or aligned with this deceptive and lying crowd, which is spoken about above, which now have gotten themselves into positions of power and want to illegally and criminally force a censoring "Disinformation Governance Board" and other similar programs upon the citizens of the United States. There is reason to suspect that the domestic enemies want this "Disinformation Governance Board" in place so they can more easily hide their questionable, criminal or even highly treasonous activities which they are doing against the authentic United States and its genuine citizens, as they are treacherously working to enslave them.

Now, there is even more to consider in this story about questionable activities which are going on in the United States, like the creation of the un-Constitutional "Disinformation Governance Board" and other similar, more covert programs. When it comes to those aligned with the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, of which Joe Biden appears to be so aligned, plus the nasty habit which this crowd has of destroying incriminating documentation and then possibly even lying about things which were happening so they can more easily rewrite or revise the record of history, let us consider what the CIA did back in 1973.

At this point, note that the CIA has the nickname of "Catholics In Action," as indicated in page-paragraphs which are accessed using the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). Well, back in 1973, as indicated in the pages linked by the buttons below, when those questionable or treasonous ones in control of the CIA, or in control of those hijacking "Catholics In Action," became concerned that Congress could potentially begin to investigate some of those strange, Nazi-type CIA activities which were going on behind the scenes, the CIA controllers went ahead and criminally destroyed an incredible amount of incriminating records. It appears that they destroyed these records in order to hide a lot of their potentially, extremely treasonous activities.

Looking into the third page linked below, about one-third of the way down in the page is an entry by someone named Fred Landis, who claims that they worked at the University of Southern California. When it comes to the records which CIA Director Richard Helms was involved with destroying and the apparent volume of material involved in this destruction, Mr. Landis states the following: "The person doing the destruction was Richard Helms and he admits that the existing facilities at CIA were not capable of handling the volume of MK-Ultra material, so he built a new incinerator." Yes, there were a lot of incriminating records that they wanted to destroy as quickly as possible.

There is more to consider in the story about the destruction of a large amount of potentially incriminating CIA documents. At the bottom of the sixth page linked below are some endnotes. Note number 21 states the following: "That the MKULTRA records were destroyed to conceal the wrongdoing of Helms and Gottlieb was confirmed by the fact the others in the Agency -- Gottlieb's deputy and the Chief of the CIA Records Center -- had tried unsuccessfully to prevent the destruction. Our efforts to learn the identities of these individuals and to obtain their testimony were defeated by the CIA's refusal to allow depositions on spurious national security grounds." That seems to be the way the criminal or very treasonous crowd of conspirators has done things for many decades.

Once again, the CIA is called "Catholics In Action."(1) In a page-paragraph linked here is the following quote from a source: "During the CIA's formative years, Protestants predominated... Somehow, however, Catholics wrested control of the CIA's covert-action section." Once the Catholics hijacked control of the covert-action section, a page-paragraph linked here states that "knighthood [in the Knights of Malta] was granted to countless CIA agents." So, countless CIA agents became members of the Knights of Malta. Well, the Knights of Malta is under the control of the Jesuits and ultimately is under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. So, effectively, it appears that the CIA is actually a "tool" of the Jesuit General in Rome, which "tool" has also treasonously been used against the citizens of the United States.

Since it appears that the CIA may be running operations in the United States and around the world for the Jesuit General, that explains why, over the years, the CIA has also been performing illegal operations against U.S. citizens, plus has worked to overthrow governments in various places around the world, in order to set up dictatorships for their Jesuit masters. And, it is a fact that over the years, the Jesuits and their puppets have tried to establish dictatorships in the United States (1)(2)(3)(4), but have generally failed. But this time around, with Biden and his treacherous cronies at the helm, it appears that the dictatorship will finally be established. That is part of the reason for having the "Disinformation Governance Board" and other associated programs operating under other names.

At this point, there is something to note, when it comes the the availability of revealing information. For those wanting to know more about the destruction of CIA records in 1973, they will find that there is very little information about it on the Internet. Back in about 2010, there was more information about this destruction of records available, but it appears that a lot of the earlier, more detailed information, has been eliminated since 2010. Possibly a lot of the earlier, detailed information became victim to "official" Internet censorship. Once the "Disinformation Governance Board" is fully operational, a lot more censorship will likely be happening, possibly in efforts to hide the criminally or treasonously guilty ones.

Now, when it comes to the destruction of incriminating evidence by those "Catholics In Action" in that questionable or potentially even treasonous agency which is commonly called the CIA, there is something which should be kept in mind. When it comes to the destruction of incriminating evidence by those who appear to be puppets or pawns of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, there is something so important that it should be looked at again and seriously considered. At the beginning of this section (1) is the following quote:

"The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

Moving onward, it appears that the year 1973 was a busy year, especially when it comes to the destruction of potentially incriminating records. There was not just truckloads of CIA files destroyed in 1973, but there was also that huge and rather "mysterious" fire which happened at the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in Overland, Missouri, which is a suburb of St. Louis. To this day, the official story is that no one knows what caused that fire, as indicated in the pages linked below. But, seeing that the CIA was destroying potentially incriminating records, the NPRC fire should possibly raise a question in at least thinking people's minds.

Possibly at least some of the records which were destroyed in the 1973 Records Center fire had to do with those many Nazis and enemy aliens who were illegally and treasonously brought into the United States and then embedded within the CIA, the FBI, the U.S. military and many other agencies and organizations throughout the United States. Under the questionable or illegal Operation Paperclip and other associated programs, the criminal backgrounds of Nazis were whitewashed, as they were given falsified backgrounds and even new names by those treacherous and treasonous ones in government positions who appear to have been influenced by those connected with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope.

Well, seeing that it is agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization who have now hijacked control of the United States and are bringing it down the un-Constitutional, dictatorial path, let us consider another potential use for that so-called "Disinformation Governance Board" and other associated programs which are like it. Looking at the situation which appears to exist between the Jesuit/Catholic crowd and the media in the United States, the page linked below speaks about the Catholic League which was founded in 1973 by a Jesuit priest. So, this is a Jesuit-controlled organization and Joe Biden appears to be a willing "tool" of the Jesuits, as they work to hijack the United States and enslave its genuine citizens.

Now, the page linked below states: "The League apparently has a single mission: suppression of all mainstream criticism of the Roman Catholic Church." It speaks about the Catholic Church's position "on restriction of the freedoms guaranteed by the American Constitution..." From what is said in the linked page, it appears that those associated or aligned with the Catholic League claim "that it is culturally unacceptable for non-Catholics to criticize the Catholic Church." Well, there is possibly something very important which genuine U.S. citizens should really be considering, at this point.

When it comes to the un-Constitutional and therefore illegal, so-called "Disinformation Governance Board" and other programs like it, which the treacherous or traitorous or treasonous Biden crowd has illegally been working to put in place, there is more to consider. There is a chance that they may eventually try to use things like the un-Constitutional and therefore illegal "Disinformation Governance Board" to, under the color of law, make it illegal for U.S. citizens, especially in the media or on the Internet, to speak against the activities of those many child raping Jesuit/Catholic priests (1)(2) and the criminal things which they are doing within the United States, or their diabolical crimes which they have done against humanity.

By the way, when it comes to those many child-raping Jesuit/Catholic priests, there is some further information which at least some may want to know about. Now, it seems that the papal hierarchy has brazenly worked to deceive people by claiming things like the 1960s sexual revolution is what brought on the sex abuse within the Catholic Church. From what is seen in the pages linked below, it appears that former Pope Benedict XVI, or the highly questionable Mr. Ratzinger, was one of those sly or sneaky ones who was pushing this flawed and deceptive and devilish theory onto the more ignorant among us which do not want to do their own research into the truth.

Well, there is a lot more to the story about these criminally-protected priests of the highly questionable papal organization who were already raping children and virtually anyone else they could get their hands on and their penises into, long before the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Now, the record of history indicates that the "holely priestly" child raping goes back around 2,000 years for this organization.

Looking at the first page linked below, there are clear records of this "priestly" raping going on in the year 1629, which was many years before the sexual revolution of the 1960s. The second linked page shows that the "priestly" raping was already going on in the year 1400. The third linked page speaks of this activity going on in the 11th-century and then as far back as the 4th-century. And, there is still more to this story.

The page linked below speaks of "a North Carolina priest and two former monks who live in Southern California" who "scoured ancient Vatican records and forgotten Latin texts to show...that the church has recognized the problem of abuse by priests for at least 1,700 years and has failed to address it successfully." That's correct, folks! The incredible sexual abuse in the Catholic Church has been going on FOR AT LEAST 1,700 years and the pope and his hierarchy has totally failed to put a stop to it. Well, why have they failed to put a stop to this "priestly" activity?

From what is said in the Holy Bible, it appears that the pope and his hierarchy have this child-rape problem infesting their organization because they do not have any type of true connection to the real God of heaven or his Christ. They are also not teaching or practicing the true way of Christ, which alone leads to a genuine Christian life. What has just been said is a mere introduction to the real truth. The whole truth is shown throughout the authentic Holy Bible. And now, let us get back to the page linked below and the "priestly" child-rape problem within the failing and fallen Catholic Church.

The linked page goes on state: "'The contention that the present scandal is isolated to this era is completely debunked by the Roman Catholic Church's own documents,' concluded Father Thomas P. Doyle and former monks Richard Sipe and Patrick Wall in their 375-page report, 'Canonical History of Clerical Sexual Abuse.' The authors finished the report last month [in May 2004] and are looking for a publisher." The authors say that the Roman Catholic Church's own documents "prove that the Catholic Church has known for centuries about molesters in its ranks and has no excuse for failing to take the danger to children seriously until scandal engulfed the church in 2002." And, there is still more to this nasty story.

About half-way down in the page linked by the button below, there is an entry for the year 2006. That entry states: "In his book, 'Sex, Priests and Secret Codes,' Rev. Tom Doyle traces the history of clergy sexual abuse of children to A.D. 98, the same century the church was founded." Now, there is more to consider. Pope Francis has declared that child sex abuse is comparable to human sacrifice (1)(2)(3). Well, human sacrifice was practiced in Nimrod's form of worship (see bottom, page 18), which became the old Babylonian Mystery Religion (1)(2)(3) of ancient Babylon, which Babylon was located in Mesopotamia (1). There are those which say that the Tower of Babel may also have been associated with this human sacrifice (1). And then, at a later date, the Babylonian Mystery Religion was transferred into Rome (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7).


Near the beginning of this presentation (1), it notes that it appears that Joe Biden and his cronies are part of the extremely treasonous plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States --- yes, for their real masters within Rome. Then, in an earlier part of this presentation (1), it speaks of Joe Biden and the Jesuits, of whom it appears that Biden and his many cronies are quite the puppets or "tools." So, in this section, let us begin to investigate just some of the connections between Joe Biden and the Jesuits.

Let us consider some of the questionable or potentially treasonous deals which it appears that Biden made with the Jesuits, so that they would then use their forces in the sly militia of the pope to get Biden into the president's chair, so he could help further the treacherous and treasonous Jesuit agenda for the United States and the enslavement of genuine U.S. citizens. These Biden deals are said to be treasonous because Biden has been basically making deals with the Jesuits which affect the United States, which Jesuit are agents of a foreign power. And it appears that the Jesuits then helped put Biden into the president's chair.

Well, it was definitely not the Jesuits alone who worked behind the scenes to put the treacherous or treasonous Biden into the president's chair. Once again, those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, who are basically in control of the CIA and the FBI, appeared to also do their part to put Biden into the president's chair. And, this crowd has had a lot of practice and experience over the decades in tampering with the elections in other countries around the world. So, while the questionable FBI and the CIA had people looking at a fabricated Trump/Russia "scandal," the real scandal appears to actually have been Vatican/Jesuit/militia-of-the-pope criminally or treasonously tampering with U.S. elections.

It appears that the Jesuits needed to get Joe Biden into the presidents chair, and the raping-priest-protector named Kamala Harris (1) in as the president-of-vice, with that Catholic named Nancy Pelosi (1)(2)(3) lording over things in Congress, in order to rapidly further the Jesuit agenda to complete the destruction of the authentic United States, so its citizens could be enslaved under Jesuit/Catholic domination, as were the citizens of hijacked and Nazified Germany during the World War Two era. Now, when it comes to just one of the deals which it appears that Biden made with the Jesuits, just check out the information linked below.

It appears that it simply was not enough for Joe Biden to treacherously or treasonously work for the agenda of the foreign-controlled Jesuits, by raising the refugee cap. Looking at the page linked by the button below, in 2020, president-elect Biden then picked as many Jesuit pawns for key positions in his cabinet as he possibly could, for a reason. Well, it appears that all of these Jesuit pawns were also wilfully and brazenly lying through their teeth, when they took their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. They were lying when they swore to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, for they are the enemies of the Constitution and all genuine U.S. citizens. They are treasonous enemies of that particular government which is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Now, let us consider the agenda which appears to have been in operation, in all of this which has been happening for many years. In a page-paragraph linked here are some important words from a 1959 book which was written by a former Catholic priest and notable church historian. The former Catholic priest declared that the pope "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic."

In the United States, the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled people are to get into key government positions, where they can then brazenly violate their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, as they work to undermine and overthrow the only legitimate government for the United States, which is declared in Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution. And, once they have criminally changed enough laws, then they can complete the Jesuit agenda for the hijacking of the United States. And, in relation to these things, President John F. Kennedy allegedly declared, before "they" savagely assassinated him on Friday, November 22, 1963: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Once the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization have enough power and control in the United States, plus once the enslavement of every man, woman and child has advanced to a certain point, then, there is reason to suspect that another change will take place in the United States. It appears that the mass-murdering Crusades and diabolical Inquisition can then get going again. That may be part of the reason that during the Obama/Biden Administration, the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies began stockpiling arms and other military equipment, plus billions of rounds of ammunition, a lot of it hollow-point ammunition (1)(2). Yes, it appears that the Fourth Reich is in the process of rising, and the treacherous Biden's "Disinformation Governance Board" is just a tiny part of it.

All of these people involved in the plot are treasonous, domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States, because they are effectively working for the Jesuit agenda to undermine and overthrow the only legal government which is guaranteed for this country and is supposed to exist throughout the whole United States, plus is legally supposed to exist throughout each and every State. That only legitimate government is declared in Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution, which plainly declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." Well, it appears that Biden was doing his best to brazenly and treasonously dishonor his Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, for a reason, which reason is made clear by the information accessed by this link.

So Biden (as it appears that he may be a treasonous traitor to the authentic United States and its genuine citizens) has been working to further the agenda of the hijacking, foreign-controlled Jesuit/Catholic crowd. In other words, it appears that Joe Biden has been treasonously acting as the agent of a foreign power, rather than working in the best interests of the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. From the looks of things, it appears that Joe Biden, along with his comrades, were wilfully and brazenly lying through their teeth when they took their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States.

Well, it appears that after the promises which Joe Biden made to his buddies in the Jesuit Refugee Service about raising the refugee cap for them, plus after showing signs that he would readily and brazenly violate the intent of the Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, he had pleased his Jesuit masters very well, even his masters within Rome. A Jesuit priest who works for Biden's real masters then delivered the invocation at Biden's presidential inauguration. This is shown in the pages linked below. And after that, Joe Biden and his Jesuit masters lived happily every after, at least for now. And, there is still more to this story.

After Biden had completely pleased his Jesuit masters by apparently helping them in their efforts to screw over the authentic United States and its genuine citizens, then things were allowed to quiet down in the Joe Biden eucharist drama. Things were allowed to quiet down in that charade which was potentially used to deceive the dumbed-down general public in the United States about what was really going on behind the scenes and who Biden was really working for. Then, as noted in the pages linked below, the happy Jesuits will now give their eucharist to Joe. So, that part of the drama or deceptive charade may be over for now.

It appears that after Biden had done his part to help further the Jesuit agenda for the United States and the enslavement of its dumbed-down and often clueless citizens, the Jesuit pope had to meet with Biden at the Vatican within Rome and congratulate him and tell him that he was a "good Catholic." This is basically shown in the pages linked below. And, just looking at some of those pictures with the grinning Bidens and the laughing pope, a potentially fitting caption could possibly be something like this: "We sure pulled a good ruse and BS'ed the gullible and dumbed-down citizens of the United States!"

Looking further into the linked pages, it is seen that Biden had an unusually long, or unprecedently long meeting with the pope. Well, especially for those who have done the proper research, what else should we expect in all of this? It appears that there is possibly a lot to talk about when it appears that Biden may possibly be willing to do the diabolical treachery against the authentic United States and its genuine citizens which President John F. Kennedy would not do for the Jesuits and their agents in the early 1960s, so Kennedy was savagely "moved out of the way."(1)

Well, there is more to know about Joe Biden and the company which it appears that he likes to keep, a little of which is revealed in the pages linked below. The pages show that the Jesuit priest who delivered the invocation at Biden's inauguration has been his family's longtime friend. It is also shown that this priest had to leave his church/school-related position because of misconduct and possibly some of those types of activities which the "priestly" crowd is well-known for.

Well, considering their treasonous war against the legitimate government for the United States --- which form of government is clearly declared in Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution --- plus when considering the various other questionable or treasonous things which Biden and his crowd have been doing over the years, what can you really say, when it comes to all of this. That's just the type of people which seem to draw together with Biden. Some may say that it's a bit like flies to a manure pile.


When it comes to the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled, Nazi-type of dictatorship which the treacherous Joe Biden and his treasonous comrades appear to be working to set up in the United States, we may as well take a look at the highly questionable Kamala Harris. There is reason to suspect that this questionable "person" earned her position as the president-of-vice by her "great" and treasonous work of protecting all those child-raping priests in California, which criminal priests appear to actually be the agents of a foreign power, which power is working to destroy the authentic United States and enslave its citizens.

While in California as the chief prosecutor for the city of San Francisco, the evidence shows that Kamala Harris greatly aided the criminal agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. As shown in the pages linked below, the highly questionable or domestic enemy of the authentic United States and its genuine citizens, Kamala Harris by name, "flat out refused to pursue criminal cases against Catholic priests who allegedly sexually battered children." It appears that Kamala Harris was a wilful accessory who aided and abetted the crimes of foreign-controlled agents, as she worked against true U.S. citizens.

Within the information linked by the buttons below, it is seen that the man who was San Francisco's District Attorney prior to the questionable Kamala Harris, had amassed files on the Jesuit/Catholic clergy who were sexual abusers of children. Well, the evidence indicates that the treacherous Kamala Harris, as an apparent traitor and domestic enemy of the citizens of the United States, would not share with the victims the information about "priestly activities" which is in the sex abuse files about the foreign-controlled Jesuit/Catholic priests. Furthermore, it appears that Harris took cash from Catholic officials.

Now, there is something to consider. All the information about Kamala Harris, such as that linked above, was available prior to the 2020 election. Yet, brain-dead Americans --- who themselves are domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States, plus treasonous enemies of that Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution --- as utter enemies of the authentic United States, were allowed to vote and put the treacherous or treasonous Kamala Harris into the government of the United States. But, this Kamala Harris is not legally in government for she is not fully honoring her Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States.

Well, when it comes to voters, what can be said about the intelligence of dumbed-down and brain-dead Americans, who ignored the situation in "Poop and Drug Needles" San Francisco, California, and went ahead and put this "person" into the U.S. government, who had a big mess in their region of California. And, this "person" who appears to be a rather brazen deceiver, went around proclaiming that she was a victim's advocate (1), yet refused to prosecute any of those many child-raping Jesuit/Catholic priests. Furthermore, as indicated in some of the pages linked by the buttons above, it appears that Kamala Harris may have taken bribes or "hush money" from those associated with the questionable Vatican/Jesuit organization.


By now, it should be obvious that those with connections to the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, especially those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, have, as foreign-controlled agents, basically hijacked the government of the United States. So, there are some things to consider. There are some things to consider, especially when it comes to those under the influence or control of the agents of this foreign-based organization being the ones who have put in place the un-Constitutional, so-called "Disinformation Governance Board." And now, let us begin to look at some important history of the papal organization, of which Biden and many of his comrades are associated.

Well, let us start with one of the most well-known deceptions of the papal organization. That would be the Donation of Constantine (1). This forged document was apparently produced in the 8th century CE (1) and was used as a "tool" with which the papal organization greatly deceived people so they could gain control over them and their lands. The Donation of Constantine was finally proved to be a forgery in the 1400s, so the papal organization was able to deceive people for around 700 years with their forgery and lies associated with the Donation of Constantine. Well, this famous forgery is just a mere introduction of the deception and disinformation put out by those associated with the papal crowd.

Moving onward, let us next consider the Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals (1). The Decretals were a cluster of falsified letters which the papal hierarchy went around claiming were written by earlier popes. This cluster of deceptions and lies began to be used to manipulate and control people, starting in the 9th century (1). Then there are the Apostolic Constitutions, etc. Well, for those who would like further information on the forgeries, deceptions and lies which have commonly been used by the papal crowd, just check out the pages linked below. So, it does not appear that we should really trust this crowd for telling the truth!

The document linked below also speaks of some of the lies and forgeries of the papal organization, plus other information and possibly some "very tweaked" opinions of the writer of that document about Christ, which at least some may want to be aware of. Unfortunately, the writer of the linked document is horribly confusing popery and Roman Catholicism and its adherents with authentic Christianity, which they are not a part of. But, the writer of the linked document does have one thing stated correctly. They declare: "There is no provision for a Pope or a Successor of St. Peter or a Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church or a Vicar of Jesus Christ, in...Christianity as expounded by the Apostles and the Founding Fathers of the Church."

When it comes to the names which the pope and his hierarchy have bestowed upon the pope, the linked document goes on to accurately state: "These appellations were concocted and conferred upon himslef by the Bishop of Rome in progressive stages, spread over several centuries." The document writer then states: "The Protestant theologians in the 16th century were very much in the right when they tore to pieces the whole fabric of fictions fostered by the Bishop of Rome and went back to the Founding Fathers." Yes, the Protestants who cast aside the fallacies of the papal organization and went back to the teachings of the genuine Holy Bible, and the teachings of the Holy Bible only, definitely had things correct.

Further down in the linked document is a section titled How the Doctrine of the Papacy Developed. Within that section it states: "The doctrine of papacy as it stands at present was developed slowly and over a span of several centuries. A large number of theologians and specialists in Canon Law, patronised by the Bishop of Rome, had to labour hard and for a long time before the hallowed framework was hammered out and the brickwork put in place." Then it states: "Quite a few forgeries and pious frauds had to be foisted on the princes and people of Europe before they would buy the doctrine. Some strategic interpolations had to be introduced in the Word of Jehovah in order to make the doctrine sound streamlined."

In the lower portion of the left-hand column on PDF page 10 of 63, it is noted that Peter, the apostle of Christ, was never in Rome, but that con of the papacy came about in the 4th century. Furthermore, the genuine Holy Bible does not show in any way that Peter ever went to Rome, but quite the opposite. Looking further into the document, in the upper portion of the left-hand column on PDF page 11 of 63, it speaks about the pope using the title of "His Holiness." It then speaks about the history of the papacy and makes the reference to Mafia dons. It states: "The papacy had been a cesspool of cynicism, sordidness, crime, corruption and mendacity all through its history." And then, there is much history to read.

At the bottom of the left-hand column on PDF page 13 of 63, it speaks about "the notorious Donation of Constantine." And, there is history to read, with information about papal forgeries and mention of degenerate and conniving popes, plus their aims. At the bottom of the right-hand colum on PDF page 16 of 63, it notes the papal aim of "reducing every state to a mere secular arm of the Church." And truly, that is basically what the New World Order is about, which we hear about in our day. Furthermore, when reading about the papal aims, the following words allegedly declared by President John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s make more sense: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Now, for those wanting history about the papacy and their acts over the centuries, take the time to read the document from the Voice of India, which is linked below. In notes the Imperialism which is at the very core of the papal doctrine. It appears that the imperialistic doctrine has even been practiced by the Jesuits and the members of their militia of the pope, who are in key and powerful positions in the United States, as they use this country as a "warhammer" in various places around the world. That imperialistic doctrine appears to also be practiced by those in the "Catholics In Action," CIA agency, as they have a habit of going around the world instigating wars and overthrowing governments for their Jesuit/Catholic bosses.

Moving onward to the top of the left-hand column on PDF page 24 of 63, under the title of Summing Up, the linked document addresses the fallicies, frauds and forgeries upon which the papal organization is based. The document declares: "It is the funniest phenomenon of human history that though the Catholic Church has come to admit the truth about forgeries made and frauds practised by the Popes, it is not prepared to renounce the claims advanced on the basis of those forgeries and frauds. The Bishop of Rome who is successor to a long line of counterfeiters, pretenders and plain liars, continues to flaunt lables [sic] which have no relation to the facts of life. No exposure, no ridicule has helped this high-priest of falsehood to come down to earth and behave like a normal human being."

Then, on the same page and in the same column noted in the paragraph above, there follows the section titled The Silly Scribes. This section is basically a continuation of the subject matter which was quoted above. It states: "Nor have the scribes of the Catholic Church shown any signs of sanity. They have continued not only to maintain but also to inflate the most fantastic myths about their totem." And again, note that is the preceding paragraph, it calls all of this "the funniest phenomenon of human history" Well, it could be like the funniest phenomenon to some -- somewhat like a circus -- except for one thing. The papal hierarchy, which includes all those many child-raping priests and their numerous facilitators, is leading all of those duped parishioners on the way to destruction in the everlasting lake of fire.

So, the Jesuit-associated, Catholic (as was Adolf Hitler (1)), wannabe dictator named Joe Biden and his apparently Jesuit influenced or controlled cronies want all of us to simply trust them with something like a "Disinformation Governance Board?" They must think that everyone in the United States is just part of a pack of ignorant fools. Well, at least those that make it to heaven will not have to deal with this deceptive or lying crowd, for the Holy Bible declares that all liars "shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone."(1) Yes, these people are having their demonic fun now, but then comes the lake of fire for them, where they shall be in torment and anguish forever, without a moment's respite (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6).

Yes, many of those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization are having their demonic fun now, especially those numerous priests which are abusing and raping those many children (1)(2), plus those many agents and pawns of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which are working to undermine and overthrow anything that remains of the legitimate United States, so they can enslave its citizens under the despotic domination of agents and pawns of the Jesuit/Catholics. And then, it appears that the modern Crusades and Inquisition can get going again, in one form or another.

Now, a couple of paragraphs above, it mentions those which will end up in the lake of fire, which includes all liars and deceivers. And then, a verse from the Holy Bible states: "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."(1) The Holy Bible also indicates that those who are cast into the lake of fire "shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."(1) In relation to these things which are being spoken about, in the book of Revelation, the following is also written:

"And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."(1)

In the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible, it is also written: "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."(1)

Well, the Vatican/Jesuit organization is not what it is claiming to be, but it has been deceiving the nations and peoples of this world. Now, many of those who have done the necessary research understand that the dragon, or Satan, is the one given power to the beast, which is the one-world government of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. And, looking into the Scripture quoted in the paragraph above, it is clearly shown that those who worship, or those who are enthralled with, the one-world papal beast government are those whose names are not written in the book of life. And so, those whose names are not written in the book of life shall be "cast into the lake of fire,"(1) where they shall experience torment forever and ever.

There is another important thing which needs to be looked at more closely. Earlier in this presentation (1), it speaks about the old Babylonian Mystery Religion which was transferred from Babylon into Rome. And then, the Babylonian Mystery Religion which is now based within Rome was spread abroad into the other countries of this world. Because the Babylonian Mystery Religion from Rome has been spread abroad over the face of virtually the whole inhabited portion of the earth, that is why the Holy Bible calls Rome, and the papal religion, "Babylon the great." Truly, the Romanists have spread the Mystery Religion throughout this world to a much greater extent than the ancient Babylonians ever did.

And now, when it comes to that which, in our day, is spiritually called "Babylon" or "Babylon the great," the Holy Bible also declares: "And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."(1) Yes, Babylon the great, that current religious organization of the Babylonian Mystery Religion, has fallen. It is completely fallen away from the true way of God and Christ. And, it has truly become "the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird," especially with all those lying and child-raping priests.

At this point, there is something else which needs to be considered. It is well known, via the media, that the Vatican/Jesuit organization harbors and protects and covers-up for those many child-raping priests. Now, the people of this world who give their time or money to the papal organization are effectively a party or accessory to the crimes of those child-raping priests. Because they are supporting and basically worshiping this beast organization, from what is said in the Holy Bible, it appears that their names are not in the book of life and they are on the way to the lake of fire, where they "shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."(1)

When it comes to the deceiving papal organization, which likes to call itself "Christian," when, especially with those many reprobate (1), child-raping priests, is not genuine Christian at all, there is something which needs to be said. There are people in that organization who have been deceived and snared into it or have been born into it, but they truly may want to worship the true God of heaven and his Christ in the correct way. To these people with true hearts for God and Christ, it is written: "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities."(1)

There is yet more to this story. When it comes to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and those many child-raping priests and deceivers who are not genuine believers in the true way of God and Christ, consider the following words from the Holy Bible:

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
          Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."

Yes, come out from among those many child-raping priests and deceivers and fraudsters. Be separated from these evil reprobates and their facilitators. Turn to the true way of salvation. And, as it is written: "...Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."(1) As you come out from among the reprobate, child-raping priests and their facilitators, and then turn to the genuine Holy Bible and the Bible only, and truly follow in the authentic way of God and Christ which is shown therein, you, through the power Christ and the true Spirit of God, shall be working out your personal salvation, and that through Christ and God.


By the way, many may feel that the papal crowd wields a lot of power upon this earth, which they do. The Vatican/Jesuit organization has a lot of power over a large share of the peoples on this earth. Through the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which appears to include those of the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Rhodes Scholars, and Skull and Bones from Yale University, along with those from a number of other organizations, this crowd virtually has control over almost all the nations on this earth. But, those of the papal organization have let this power go to their head, which will lead to their complete and utter destruction in the fast approaching days ahead.

From the looks of things, it appears that the agents and hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are actually perpetrating a huge war against the Most High God of heaven and against his Christ. Yes, this organization calls itself "Christian," but it is not authentic Christian, for it is not following in the true way of Christ. Rather, from what is written in the Holy Bible, it appears that the papal organization has become the synagogue of Satan. That appears to be why it is written that it "is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird." That is why those many reprobate priests are abusing and raping all those boys and girls. But, there is more to this story.

The pages linked below speak about just some of the goings-on of the Vatican crowd. Yes, when the duped parishioners are not watching, it appears that these "holely" priests are having their jolly and wild time on their parishioners' "dime." And really, what is shown below is only the part that we know about, which is possibly something like the teeny-tiny tip of the iceberg. It is obvious that these "priests" are not walking in the true way of God and Christ. Possibly this is because these priests have just been faking it, but do not actually know God or Christ. And, there is a very good chance that they intimitely know Satan or Lucifer.

Well, it appears that the papal "fun and games" will not last forever, but shall be brought to a rapid end in the days ahead. From things which are said in the Holy Bible, it appears that God shall show his extreme displeasure on the Vatican and Rome. It appears that they will receive the severe judgment of God during the lifetime of many who are alive today. Furthermore, it appears that the utter destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome shall be very swift and very complete. After the coming judgment and destruction, it appears that Rome and the Vatican will not be found or inhabited again, plus, it is appears that the smoke from their destruction shall go up forever and ever.

When the destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome occurs by a mighty act of God, you will know that the things written herein are true. Up to that point, you can doubt, mock and fight against what is written all you want. In the meantime, for further information about this coming destruction of the Vatican and Rome, along with the complete destruction of the wickedness contained therein, check out a page linked here, which page is titled The Final Destruction of Rome. So, how will this destruction occur? Well, it is written that at the destruction of this spiritual Babylon, a great stone shall be violently cast down (1) by the angel into the sea, yes, into the sea of people. And, with the magma chambers residing below, there is reason to suspect that the area of the Vatican and Rome will become the world's newest supervolcano.

At this point, there are some things to note. The Holy Bible gives no indication that the peoples on this earth will see the great stone, or the asteroid, as it is coming toward the earth and Rome, with its Vatican which harbors or protects child-rapers and demonic entities (1)(2). The peoples of the world, plus those in Rome and the Vatican, shall likely not know that they are being "targeted" until the last fleeting moments as the destruction is happening. Now, the devils know the judgment which has been proclaimed against them in the Holy Bible. That is possibly why they are frantically searching the skies for asteroids which may be on a collision course with earth. But, they will miss seeing it coming, as in the cases linked below.

Once again, the Holy Bible gives no indication that the incoming asteroid which completely and permanently brings about the utter destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome will be seen before it is starting to cause all the devastation. It will just come "sneaking" in like a thief in the night. But, the Holy Bible makes it very clear that the mighty asteroid barrage which brings about the end of the world, possibly not that far in the future, will be completely detected a bit before it happens. In relation to this mighty asteroid barrage, consider the following passage from the Holy Bible:

"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
          "And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"

In the meantime, before the utter and permanent destruction of the Vatican and Rome suddenly occurs, those reprobate, "holely" priests shall continue to abuse and rape and enslave little boys and girls and others. When the duped parishioners are not watching, it appears that those drug-fuelled homosexual orgies shall continue to happen behind the scenes. And yes, the man of sin, who is also known as the son of perdition (1), shall continue to be in control of this organization, as he leads millions upon millions of people to their eternal destruction in the lake of fire. Until the utter destruction of the Vatican and Rome occurs, those raping, oversexed priests shall continue to mislead and corrupt the peoples of this earth.


In a section further above, one of the paragraphs (1) speaks about the forgeries and the frauds of the papacy, which, once openly shown to be forgeries and frauds, the papal claims based upon those forgeries and frauds are still kept in place as if they were legitimate claims. Well, it appears that this same type of scenario is somewhat similar to what the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, along with their numerous controlled pawns, have been treasonously doing to the United States and its often clueless citizens for an incredibly long period of time.

Many of those agents and pawns of the foreign-controlled Vatican/Jesuit organization get themselves voted into public office. Then, they take their Oath of Office in which they swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. But, they are in fact the enemies of this country, for they are working to undermine and overthrow the Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution, plus they are working to strip U.S. citizens of their true rights and liberties.

At this point, there is something very important which needs to be closely considered. These treacherous foreign-controlled traitors in government are not legitimately in these various government positions. Because they are not fully honoring their Oath of Office to the complete Constitution of the United States, they have rightfully voided their authority. Nevertheless, the many laws which these domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution, plus these enemies of the only legitimate government for the United States, have put in place are still honored and enforced. There is something seriously wrong with this picture.

By rights, the laws which these treasonous, foreign-controlled traitors have made should be declared null and void and ripped out of the records and cast away, for they are illegal "laws" which have been made by imposters, criminals and traitors. These are not legitimate laws made by legitimate lawmakers for the United States who are honoring their Oath of Office. These impostors, criminals and traitors are operating under "color of law," which term is spoken about in the pages linked below. Their "laws" are not the legal laws of this country, as they change the United States and deprive its genuine citizens of their rights and privileges.

Looking into things further, when it comes to operating under "the color of law," or when it comes to illegal laws, the page linked below contains some words which are very important. Part way down in the right-hand column are found two grey boxes. In the first box are some words from Chief Justice John Marshall in relation to a U.S. Supreme Court case in 1803. Marshall declared: "All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." And, in the second grey box are these words: "An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed."

Based on what is declared in the paragraph above, it appears that an infamous, despotic, un-Constitutional "Disinformation Governance Board" is not a legal government entity. It has treasonously been allowed to be put in place by the domestic enemies and traitors which are associated with the criminal Biden/Harris regime. Because this criminal board is un-Constitutional, by rights, it has no genuine legal authority in the United States. The un-Constitutional board appears to be under the control of a foreign-controlled Jesuit/Catholic Mafia, which appears to be made up of those with connections to the treacherous Jesuits and/or to members of the hijacking, Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope.


In the creation of the "Disinformation Governance Board," which eventually will be used against U.S. citizens, the criminal Biden/Harris regime has become a lawbreaker. The criminal Biden/Harris regime is a rogue, lawbreaking enterprise, for --- to begin with --- it appears that these criminals are wilfully operating in violation of their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. Furthermore, they are domestic enemies of the Constitution, which Constitution, in Article 4, Section 4, guarantees to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government. And, the legitimate U.S. government is something which Biden and his criminal and treasonous comrades have been working to undermine and overthrow.

At this point, let us look to some very clear words from Louis D. Brandeis. This man was "an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States from 1916 to 1939." In the pages linked below are found the following words from Justice Brandeis: "Decency, security, and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy."

When it comes to "government" or at least one of its agencies which has been hijacked by a bunch of lawbreakers, let us consider some words from the mid 1900s. When it comes to the CIA, or those "Catholics In Action,"(1) former President Harry Truman declared: "I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo."(1) Truman also declared: "Those fellows in the CIA don't just report on wars, they go out and make their own (wars), and there's nobody to keep track of what they're up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble. The CIA has become a government all of its own."(1)

Let us consider the words above from former President Harry Truman a bit further. Let us especially consider these words: "The CIA has become a government all of its own." Now, the page linked by the button below speaks about election meddling (Hmmmm! 2020?) and coups perpetrated by the CIA, or by those "Catholics In Action." It speaks about Nazis and U.S. trained Jihadists. And, looking into the section titled CIA -- Truman, it provides some information from the memoir of former CIA Director William Colby, where he declared that the CIA was a "cult of intelligence...that held itself to be above the normal processes of society, with its own rationale and justification, beyond the restraints of the Constitution..."

Well, at this point, there is something extremely important which needs to be said. Each member of the CIA takes an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. But, if they are operating beyond or outside of the restraints of the U.S. Constitution, then it appears that they brazenly lied through their teeth when they took their Oath of Office, as they are, outside of the restraints of the Constitution, operating as a pack of rogues and treasonous criminals who are wilfully violating their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution. So, at this point, let us begin to consider that former CIA Director named William Colby and what it appears that he was about and who he was connected with and working for.

William Colby was a staunch Roman Catholic (1)(2). It appears that Colby was possibly quite the deceiver, as indicated about two-thirds of the way down in a page linked here. The pages linked by the buttons below claim that Colby was a member of the Knights of Malta, while other sources say he was not. Well, those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization potentially lying about what they are really about should be no surprise to anyone who has read just the mere introduction to their history of deception which is found further above (1). Now, the members of the Knights of Malta are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately a "tool" which is under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome.

Now, there actually appears to be much more to this story. The members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, along with many Catholics in powerful positions like Colby was, which William Colby was known as"the warrior-priest" (1), are basically "tools" within the various countries which the Jesuit General skilfully uses to further his agenda of taking control of the countries and nations of this world. This includes taking full control over the United States, so its citizens can be fully enslaved under the despotic domination of treasonous agents and controlled pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. And then, the Crusades and Inquisition can get going again, in one form or another. It could even involve something as sly as the unleashing of biological weapons and then an associated "Medical Injection Inquisition."

And, with all of the above information in mind, let us begin to look a bit closer at the CIA. In the latter 1940s, that member of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta, whose name was Bill Donovan, kept pressuring or badgering President Harry Truman into creating the CIA (1)(2)(3). Bill Donovan, who is commonly called the "Father of the CIA" or the "Father of Central Intelligence," had been the head of the Office of Stategic Services (OSS) during World War Two (1). While World War Two was still raging in Europe, the pope had Donovan brought to the Vatican, where, in a special ceremony, Donovan was inducted into the pope's elite Golden Militia. This was done because of Donovan's special services to the Catholic organization.

Looking at things, especially with that special induction ceremony and advancement in the militia of the pope, there is reason to suspect that, as a member of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta, Bill Donovan had largely been working to further the Jesuit/Catholic agenda for Europe and the world, while he was head of the OSS in Europe. And then, in the midst of World War Two, after being inducted as a member of the pope's elite Golden Militia, it appears that Donovan also worked to further the agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit organization even within the United States, even over and above any Oath of Office which he had taken to the U.S. Constitution, plus over and above any allegiance he had to the United States and its citizens.

So, what are at least some of the things that it may be very important for all genuine U.S. citizens to know about, especially when it comes to the militia-of-the-pope-founded CIA? Well, let us start by considering some revealing words from that infamous, yet informative CIA boss and member of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta, whose name was James Jesus Angleton. In his final miserable days before his death, Angleton declared: "Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted... Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power."(1)

The founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were possibly liars, because they were linked to the infamous, Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. They even lied about what the true purpose was for the CIA. And, based on what Angleton declared, it appears that the more they betrayed the authentic United States and its genuine citizens, the more likely they were to be promoted within the CIA. Then, there was that desire for absolute power by those in control of the CIA. This desire makes more sense once a person realises that these people are working for the Jesuits and the agenda of the Jesuits is to control the whole world (1)(2), with them being the head of a one-world government, now called the New World Order (1)(2)(3).

At this point, let us look again to some of those important words from the infamous CIA boss named James Jesus Angleton. Regarding those in control of the CIA, Angleton stated "that they were never really interested in American ideals of 'freedom' and 'democracy.' They really only wanted 'absolute power."(1) Once again, because those in control of the CIA have treasonously been working for the Jesuits and their agenda to take over things and diabolically enslave U.S. citizens, the Jesuit pawns in control of the CIA, even though they had taken an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, had no real interest in the American ideals of freedom and the way things really are supposed to be within the United State, especially when it comes to that required Republican Form of Government.

Judging by the information presented so far, the evidence appears to indicate that the CIA is, illegally and treasonously, actually operating as part of, or as virtually an arm of, a foreign-based organization and its government. This foreign-based organization and its deceptive government, like a very sneaky and dangerous Trojan Horse, has been illegally and treacherously operating within the structure of the U.S. government for a very long time. It is like an illegal and criminal government which is actually operating within our government, as its agents are steadily taking over and hijacking the government of the United States. Now, the evidence which will be provided in this presentation indicates that this foreign-based organization is the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which harbors and facilitates all those child-raping priests.

So, what were the treasonous (1), "government" lawbreakers (1)(2)(3) doing (1) in the 1900s? Under the cover of World War Two, it appears that members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, against the explicit orders of the President, began illegally and treasonously bringing Nazi war criminals into the United States. It was illegal and treasonous for these Nazi war criminals to be brought into the United States because they were legally classed as enemy aliens (1)(2). Then, to add treason to treason, the criminal segment apparently associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, then went ahead and performed further acts of treason as they embedded the Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens into influential, key and controlling position in at least the CIA (1)(2), the FBI (1)(2) and the U.S. military, plus elsewhere (1)(2).

Now, at this point in history, there is reason to suspect that the treasonous, apparently wannabe Catholic dictator named Joe Biden and his treacherous cohorts have put the un-Constitutional, illegal, so-called "Disinformation Governance Board" in place for a certain reason. It appears that this Board has been put in place in order to prevent the real truth from ever coming out in the media or on the Internet, about the criminal or treasonous activity which has been going on behind the scenes within the United States for many decades. It appears that the treacherous Board will also be used to prevent the public from ever finding out who, exactly, is behind or motivating all of the criminal and treasonous activity, plus the hijacking of the authentic United States so its genuine citizens can be despotically enslaved (1).


Let us look at the Jesuit-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) CIA's illegal and very criminal Operation Midnight Climax, which was a sub-project (1) of the infamous, Nazi-style program called Project MKUltra. Now, this diabolical MKUltra mind-control program was more than just a Nazi-style program, because Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens had been treasonously embedded into the CIA in influential and controlling positions by those with links to the militia of the pope. Project MKUltra was a continuation of the earlier Nazi crimes against humanity, but now, these crimes were happening directly within the United States, under the protection of those who appear to have been linked to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope.

The infamous, illegal and treasonous Operation Midnight Climax, which was run by the Jesuit-controlled CIA using U.S. taxpayer dollars, is spoken about in the pages linked by the buttons below. From what is said in the first page linked below, it appears that Operation Midnight Climax may have initially started in New York City, under the control of George Hunter White, and was then transferred to San Francisco. And, regarding what went on in Operation Midnight Climax, George White later wrote: "I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, and cheat, steal, deceive, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?"

When it came to those drugged in the CIA whorehouses, plus when knowing about the CIA's history of blackmailing government officials (1)(2), the first linked page indicates that it was "individuals at all social levels, high and low." And, the evidence leaves room to suspect that government officials in San Francisco may have also been drugged and blackmailed. In the first linked page it speaks of "White taking his work home with him, when he and his wife would invite some people over for dinner and they'd be served more than they bargained for." Then, a page linked here states that White and his wife "would host dinner parties where guests might get dosed with a hallucinogenic cocktail without their knowledge."

Looking at George White's illegal and criminal CIA operation in San Francisco, the third page linked below declares: "Thousands of unwitting men were lured to CIA-sponsored drug and sex sessions by prostitutes at CIA's 'safe houses...' The walls of CIA's bordellos were decorated with photos of women in bondage and other suggestive sexual images. White had unrestricted use of surveillance technology; LSD and other mind-altering substances were slipped into the johns' liquor by the hookers, and their sexual encounters were monitored and recorded from behind two-way mirrors. These taped sexual encounters were useful for blackmailing johns -- some of who were prominent upstanding citizens." And, there is yet more.

Considering just the rather few things which are actually known about what was happening with the very criminal CIA operation in San Francisco and elsewhere, there is plenty of reason to be looking deeper into the criminal things which the Jesuit-controlled CIA has been doing over the years. Now, the page linked below speaks about Claudia Mullen, who ended up being a child sex slave for the highly questionable CIA. The page speaks about the testimony which Mullen gave. The page states that according to the testimony given, the CIA uses child sex slaves "to blackmail and control top people." What is spoken about in the testimony is what happened when Mullen was a 9 year old sex slave. She declared:

"It was Richard Helms, who was Deputy Director of the CIA, Dr. Gottlieb, Captain George White and Morse Allen, who all planned on filming as many high government and agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible... I was used to entrap many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only 9 years old when this kind of sexual humiliation began... They would put me with the subjects who would be filmed (the men) and then when the men would come into town -- I am talking about local politicians, government officials -- anybody who they needed to possibly get something on, keep on file for future reference -- should they need to coerce this person into supporting the projects. Senators, congressmen, anything like that -- if they were in town, they were given this room."

Note in the testimony above, George White and others in the CIA were "filming as many high government and agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible," while these people were possibly drunk or drugged out of their minds and having sex with the CIA's child sex slaves. And now, there is more to consider, when it comes to what the CIA has been doing within and against the United States. The CIA was not just into luring people with hookers or child sex slaves and then drugging them and filming them having sex, so they could blackmail and control them.

From what is shown in the pages linked below, it appears that some of those in the Jesuit-connected CIA, or these "Catholics In Action," have also diddled with children themselves. Possibly these criminals feel that they are safe in their crimes against children because they can simply hid their crimes behind the "National Security" label or the often misused CLASSIFIED stamp. Research over the years has indicated that many serious crimes, even crimes against humanity, plus possibly even cases high treason, are hidden from the public by those Jesuit-linked "Catholics In Action," by the use of these two things.

It appears that there is actually a whole lot more to this story, a little of (the mere tip of the iceberg) which will be spoken about next.

The CIA, or those criminal and treasonous, Jesuit-controlled "Catholics In Action" were also into hypnotizing people and taking over people so they could then control their victims and use them in other operations, in virtually any way that they wanted. The pages linked by the buttons below speak of things which those Jesuit-controlled "Catholics In Action" were already doing in the 1940s. The pages speak of a well-known case of the CIA use of hypnosis and mind control, which they used on a popular model of that day whose name was Candy Jones. What happened to Candy Jones is very mild compared to what the CIA began doing, as they, as hell-bound, demon-possessed people, got away with more and more evil things.

Now, there are some things to glean from the pages linked below. It appears that Candy Jones (birth name: Jessica Arline Wilcox) had a rather rough childhood. Within the linked information, it is seen that a hypnotist deviously created an alternate personality which then resided within Candy Jones. Some people may say that Candy Jones then had an intentionally manufactured, split personality, without either personality knowing about the other one. Then, it appears that those associated with the CIA, plus possibly those in the FBI, began to secretly use the alternate personality within Candy Jones as their secret agent.

More To Come...about criminal CIA mind control, hypnosis and sex slaves.


The evidence indicates that the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope have treasonously been tampering with the "political landscape" in the United States. Now, as indicated further above (1), it appears that those in control of the questionable CIA --- or in control of those "Catholics In Action" --- are in violation of their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. They are in violation of their Oath, as it appears that they are diligently working to further the diabolical agenda of their foreign masters who reside within Rome. Now, this section is just a mere introduction to the illegal and potentially treasonous things which those in controlling positions in the CIA have been doing over the years.

Based on the information provided in this presentation, it should be very obvious why those criminal or treasonous ones who seem to be in control of the Jesuit-controlled CIA destroyed all of those many incriminating MKUltra, plus other files back in 1973. It appears that those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope have an extremely lot of questionable or criminal activities which they would desparately like to "keep completely buried." And, when looking at the questionable or treasonous Joe Biden/Kamala Harris/Nancy Pelosi regime, that may be the very reason why they treacherously came out with the idea for the un-Constitutional, and therefore illegal and criminal "Disinformation Governance Board."

A Lot More To Come...about the CIA and others tampering with U.S. elections.


In that section further above (1), it is noted that Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens were illegally and treasonously embedded into influential, key and controlling positions in at least the CIA, the FBI and elsewhere in the "fabric" of the United States. And, many of these Nazis and enemy aliens were part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope and, in hijacked and Nazified Germany, were part of "the sword of the Catholic Church," which "sword of the Catholic Church" was then illegally and treasonously transferred into the CIA, the FBI, and the U.S. military, plus into other agencies and institutions within the United States.

Once the treasonous agents of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which were in the CIA, the FBI, and the U.S. military, had illegally used things like Operation Paperclip to embed enemy aliens and hijack control of U.S. agencies, things began to greatly change within the United States, especially when it comes to how things began to operate. A page-paragraph linked here speaks about a book titled Blowback: The First Full Account of America's Recruitment of Nazis, and its Disastrous Effect on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy. So, what effect was there on U.S domestic and especially foreign policy, once the Nazis and the agents of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope had treasonously hijacked the agencies of the United States?

A paragraph linked here contains this quote: "Operation Paper Clip historian and researcher, Annie Jacobsen, notes that the process of decision-making was taken away from elected officials and were [sic] now managed in the privacy of the American intelligence network. She stated, 'The subversion of our political system was achieved in large part through the ability to "classify" documents and to rely on compliant media to distort the historical truth, which was buried in unprecedented governmental bureaucratic secrecy and obfuscation..." So, it appears that members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope had illegally hijacked control of, plus were treasonously changing the United States.

When it comes to this period of time in the 1940s and after, and the highly illegal and treasonous things which it appears that the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope were doing to the United States and its genuine citizens, a page from the New York Post, which is linked here, states that "it remains one of the most complicated and controversial epochs in American history. And, still, one of the most classified." Yes, it appears that the criminals associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope criminally hid their illegal and treasonous activity behind the CLASSIFIED stamp. It was hidden back then and it is still hidden today by this treasonous crowd which has hijacked control of the United States.

At this point, there is something to consider a bit closer. So, it appears that the treacherous and treasonous associates of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope hid an incredible amount of criminal and treasonous activity behind the CLASSIFIED stamp. They possibly also hid behind the CLASSIFIED stamp the names and name-changes for a lot of those Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens and members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, who were members of "the sword of the Catholic Church", which were treasonously brought from Germany into the United States and then illegally placed in influential, key and controlling positions in many agencies. And then, there is still more to this story.

As noted earlier in this presentation (1), there was that massive destruction of incriminating "government" records back in 1973 by at least the criminal and/or treasonous element within the CIA. And then, in 1973, there was also that massive destruction of government records in that fire at the National Personnel Records Center in Overland, Missouri (1). There is reason to suspect that the purpose of this destructive fire may have been to destroy the evidence of that large-scale falsification of backgrounds for those numerous Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens which were treasonously brought into the United States and then even more treasonously embedded throughout "the fabric" of virtually the whole United States.

Well, so far, this presentation has considered the CIA and the criminal and treasonous acts of those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which had gotten themselves into government positions, where they could then do their criminal dirty work. And now, let us begin to look at the FBI, whose forerunner began to be formed in 1908, with Charles J. Bonaparte as its founder, as shown in the pages linked below. Now, this Charles Bonaparte was very Catholic and his name is found on a Membership List of the Knights of Malta, plus the fourth linked page and a page linked here state that Bonaparte was a Knight of Malta. This would mean that he was part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope.

By the time of President Harry S. Truman in the 1940s, and with J. Edgar Hoover at the helm of the FBI, which included all those treasonously embedded Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens, it appears that the nature of the FBI had degraded badly. In 1945, President Truman declared in a handwritten note: "We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. F.B.I. is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex life scandles [sic] and plain blackmail when they should be catching criminals. They also have a habit of sneering at local law enforcement officers."(1)(2)(3) Now, the page linked below has a section titled FBI agents are among the nation's most notorious lawbreakers, so, let us begin to find out what at least some of this may be about.

The page linked here has a section titled Government Agencies Manufacturing Terror (1). Within that section is a paragraph (1) with the following quote from a former intelligence officer: "Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We've become a lunatic asylum." And, the evidence tends to indicate that those with links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope have a lot of influence or control over the activities of the FBI and its pawns.

From the information which is now available, it appears that former President Harry S. Truman truly did have a legitimate reason for being concerned about the direction the FBI was heading. Now, the pages linked below indicate that the FBI may be playing highly questionable, criminal-style games with people in the United States. The pages speak about the FBI using "psychologically diminished patsies who've been entirely groomed, armed, and entrapped by FBI agents." The pages then state: "Simply put, the FBI manufactures terror threats and then takes credit for stopping them." Then, the pages go on to speak about a particular, criminal situation of this type which actually happened, where a man was set up by the FBI.

Looking through the information in the pages linked above, a person really should be wondering why all the shootings have been happening in relatively recent times, especially when knowing that the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization really have been trying to have some type of "a reason" for illegally and treasonously disarming U.S. citizens, so they can be enslaved. And now, moving onward, the page linked below speaks about "the criminals, con men, and liars the FBI uses as paid informants." Well, this activity from the FBI should not be surprising, especially when considering those Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens which were treasonously embedded in the FBI, starting in the 1940s.

For those who would like more information about what is going on in the hijacked and Nazified United States, which appears to have been criminally hijacked by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, just check out the pages linked below. About this time, we should possibly be asking ourselves some important questions. Have the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization turned the United States into Nazi Germany II? Are we watching the rise of the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Fourth Reich? Will the exterminations soon begin, with those billions of rounds of ammunition, a lot of it hollow-point, which the DHS and others have been stockpiling?(1)(2)(3)

More To Come...about foreign-controlled, Lawbreaker "government" agencies.


Now, let us look further at what the treasonous (1)(2), Jesuit-aligned, Catholic wannabe dictator named Joe Biden and his criminal and hijacking and enslaving cronies have been doing in recent times. Let us begin to look a bit closer at the selected board head which now leads that infamous organization which we should possibly be calling "The Disinformation Spin and Lying Broadcast Governance Group," or the DSG, for short. Let us learn what the person which is leading this highly questionable, truly un-Constitutional, rather Nazi- and/or Communistic-type of Jesuitical organization is really about, when most of the general public is not diligently watching and doing their patriotic duty toward enemies of the authentic United States.

The first page linked below speak about the head of the "Disinformation Governing Board," whose name is Nina Jankowicz. The first linked page comes right out and states that she is "a shameless liar, a baldfaced political hack." It notes that she has "spread disinformation on a number of topics." It states that Jankowicz was earlier "dismissing the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian misinformation, slamming free speech, and bashed Twitter’s decision to stop taking action against 2020 election posts." Well, it sounds like Jankowicz may be into censorship of truth, plus she has been known to support deception and false stories.

The second linked page indicates that the CIA and Nina Jankowicz basically put Joe Biden into the president's chair, by lying about the Hunter Biden laptop and what it was about. It appears that Jankowicz has also lied about a business which she has been involved with. Looking to the third page linked below, it notes that Jankowicz is an author and "frequently contributes to publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Atlantic." Well, it appears that most of these publications have had a history of spreading disinformation for the CIA, as indicated in pages accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3).

There is another thing to note in the third page linked below. It states that Nina Jankowicz "earned her master's degree from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service's Center..." Well, Georgetown University and their School of Foreign Service are Jesuit organizations (1)(2). So, Nina Jankowicz, who it appears will work to limit or eliminate genuine patriotic free speech in the United States, is a product of Jesuit trainers. Now, when it comes to the Jesuits, or those who have trained Nina Jankowicz, possibly we should consider the true, original meaning of that old word "Jesuitism."

The word "Jesuitism," from the early 1800s, is defined thus: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Looking further at that word "prevarication," in the preceding definition; it is "a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth," or also, "the deliberate act of deviating from the truth."(1) By the way, that infamous CIA director named Bill Casey, who allegedly declared in a government meeting in 1981, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false," was also under the control of the Jesuits.

At this point, there is something to note closely about Nina Jankowicz. In the page linked below, it states that she was completely against the president having any control over free speech. But, that was when the puppet Donald Trump was president and playing his part. Now that her domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution, Jesuit-associated buddy named Joe Biden is president, now Jankowicz appears to be fully in favor of the president being able to control and eliminate free speech. Yes, it appears that Nina Jankowicz is working to diligently further the enslaving Jesuit agenda for the citizens of the United States.

Now, there is something which should, again, be noted very closely. Both Nina Jankowicz and Joe Biden have links to, or have relatively close associations to, the Jesuits. Well, when it comes to the Jesuits and what their goal is within the United States, there is something important from U.S. history which genuine U.S. citizens should once again really consider and take to heart. Since 1815, the job of the Jesuits and their manipulated pawns has been to undermine and destroy the constitutional republic of the United States and truly enslave its citizens, for their bosses in Rome. These things are spoken about in a page section which is linked here, plus elsewhere within that same linked page.


Well, let us begin to learn a bit about what the treacherous, head disinformation pro and "spin doctor" is really like, when the geniune citizens of the authentic United States are not diligently watching. Now, the page linked here indicates that Nina Jankowicz is married to her high school sweetheart, whose name is Michael Vincent Stein. It appears that he is possibly a Jew. So, with this in mind, that Nina appears to be married, let us see what apparently "loosey goosey," or possibly simply just "loose" Nina is really like.

The link below goes to a video of Nina Jankowicz doing her form of public singing, which appears to be something she is really into and enjoys, plus sings with all her heart. She is declaring to those who will listen that she wants to be rich, famous and powerful. Yes, in the video, learn about the real Nina. About the 1:43 mark in the video, she blats out: "Who do I f__k, to be famous and powerful." Well, it appears that Nina figured out Biden (who some call, "the pervert" (1)(2)(3)(4)), along with his cronies, for she got the job.

For those who need a bit more information about this Nina Jankowicz, just check out the information linked below. Check out the nature of at least one of those people which are now in positions of power in the U.S. government. And, for Biden to pick her, well, that just helps to reveal who Biden really is. Well, there is reason to suspect that Adolf Hitler would have loved to have both of them on his team.

Based on available information, there is reason to suspect that Nina Jankowicz may possibly be morally deprived, possibly to the point where she may do whatever it takes to please the Jesuits and get what she wants out of this life and her "government position" --- in order to be rich and famous and powerful. Maybe that is how some of those leading Nazis felt, who were behind all that mass-murder and the Holocaust, during the World War Two era. Now, the page linked below speaks a bit further on the content of the videos which are linked above.

The page linked below also notes that Nina Jankowicz was spreading disinformation and false stories about the Hunter Biden laptop and its contents, claiming that the laptop story was false, which laptop story and its contents has since been proven to be very true. Well, so much for the credibility of the highly questionable Nina Jankowicz, especially when it comes to telling or disseminating the genuine, real truth. And, in all of this, it should once again be noted that, based on the information available, it appears that Nina was Jesuit trained.

Well, it appears that in her pursuit of becoming famous, or possibly becoming infamous, the Jesuit-trained Nina Jankowicz has spent a lot of time on things like TikTok. In the videos linked in the pages below, it appears that, at least to a number of people, Nina indicates that she may be a silly fool, but a dangerous fool. She is dangerous because it appears that she is a domestic enemy of the authentic United States and its Constitution, and especially a treasonous, domestic enemy of that Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution.

Well, it appears that there are those who are not totally impressed with the character of the Jesuit-trained Nina Jankowicz, at least not impressed in a positive way, as indicated in the page linked below. It does appear that Nina Jankowicz likes to make a fool of herself and the whole United States on the Internet, where virtually the whole world can watch. And, for Biden and his cronies to allow someone like Nina into a powerful government position tends to indicate to a number of people that the Jesuit-associated Joe Biden may also be a treasonous, domestic enemy of the authentic United States and its genuine citizens.

Looking at the first page linked below, there is reason to suspect that a treacherous or possibly treasonous Joe Biden and his potentially criminal cronies picked Nina Jankowicz as the "Disinformation Csar" in order to mock the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. This is kind of similar, in principle, to what all those many Jesuit/Catholic priests, who are actually agents of a foreign power, are doing when they are tormenting, virtually torturing and performing crimes against humanity, as they are raping those numerous children (1)(2), even Black children. They are doing this, while these criminal priests are basically thumbing their noses at the laws of the United States. And in most cases, they are getting away with it.

Well, those Jesuit/Catholic priests are getting away with raping those numerous children, apparently because there are those Jesuit/Catholic-affiliated people in key positions in government, people like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and many others, who appear to be doing their best to treasonously protect these criminal priests. And, these criminal priests are actually treacherous agents which are under the control of a foreign government and its "religious" organization. Now, there is more to consider, when it comes to the true nature of that infamous domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution, plus enemy of the Republican Form of Government which it guarantees, whose name Nina Jankowicz.

The second page linked below begins to provide even further information about the true character of Nina Jankowicz. It appears that Jankowicz has enjoyed singing songs about pedophile-type of activity. In the video linked in the second page linked below, it appears that Jankowicz was singing a song "about wanting to have sex with Harry Potter, then 14 years old." But, this should not be surprising, considering that Nina Jankowicz was trained by those Jesuit/Catholic priests, a number of which appear to greatly enjoy their nasty habit of raping and virtually enslaving kids. So now, you may better understand what Nina may be doing to the authentic United States and its genuine citizens in the days ahead --- if we let her.

And, once again, there is a bit more information about Nina Jankowicz and what she is really like and where her head has been, which is found in the pages linked below. And again, Adolf Hitler possibly would have loved to have had her on his team. And, from the looks of things, with Biden and his "team," it does look like we are on the slippery slope into becoming the Jesuit-controlled Fourth Reich.

Potentially More To Come, when it comes to Facts about Nina, AKA "Moaning Myrtle"



At this point, there are a couple of very key and important questions which need to be asked. Who raised up that diabolical dictator named Adolf Hitler, along with his genocidal and mass-murdering Nazis, who went ahead and hijacked Germany in the earlier 1900s? Who were Adolf Hitler and his Nazis actually working for? What were they working to get going in this world, for their true masters? Oh, by the way, the true masters of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis were also trying to hijack the United States, using their pawns in the 1930s, at virtually the same time as they did it to Germany. That story will also be included in this presentation.

Over and over again, over many decades, the true masters of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis have tried to hijack the United States, so they can completely enslave U.S. citizens. But, over and over again, in earlier times, it appears that the diabolical plotters failed to gain the necessary control over the United States. Yet, there is something very important to note. With each effort to hijack the United States, the plotters made a lot of headway toward the completion of their agenda. And now, there is Joe Biden and his cronies... And, things are happening very fast, with just one thing happening after another --- in the final takeover thrust.

Now, before things in this story get too far ahead of where they should be at this point, let us get back to the subject of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis. Let us take a look at who raised up Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, plus who they were really working for. Let us also consider what the Nazis were actually working to help set up in this world. And, at the same time, we might as well consider who the plotters were which were working within the United States in the 1930s, which wanted to hijack this country and set up an Adolf Hitler and Nazi type government here, under which U.S. citizens would be completely and despotically enslaved.


Let us now begin to consider what was the actual basis for the raising up of Adolf Hitler and his diabolical, mass-murdering Nazis. The 108-page PDF book from 1942, which is linked below, provides some important pieces of information. It should be noted that this book was published in the midst of World War Two, just a few years after the beginning of that war in 1939. Therefore, the book speaks about things which were very current at the time when the book was published.

Looking into the linked book, at the bottom of PDF page 3 of 108 are found these words: "We can go even so far as to state that Nazi-Fascism had its origin in the Society of Jesus..." Now, the so-called Society of Jesus is that which many people commonly call "the Jesuits." And, to put things in their proper perspective, the Jesuits are linked to that historically despotic organization which has a nasty history of producing mass-murdering Crusades, plus the horrors of the torturous and diabolical Inquisition.

When it comes to the subject of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, on PDF page 6 of 108 in the linked book, it declares: "The Jesuit Fathers Pachder and Muckermann proclaimed the Fascist doctrines of Nazism before Hitler was heard of. Father Muckermann wrote prolifically in favor of racial eugenics and sterilization, and continued to do so even in spite of the condemnation of sterilization in the encyclical Casti Connubii of Pope Pius XI in 1929." So, there is the basis for Adolf Hitler and the mass-murdering Nazis.

Looking even further into the 1942 book linked above, on PDF page 27 of 108, it declares: "The identity of Hitler's ideology with that of traditional Jesuit Catholicism cannot be denied; nor the fact that by ruthless persecution and armed might, in collaboration with the other Catholic dictators, he has forwarded the ultimate objectives of the Catholic Church." When the historic evidence is looked at closely, it appears that the wars of Hitler and the Nazis against other countries was simply the new Crusades.

At the bottom of PDF page 28 of 108, in the book linked above, it indicates that there was also a connection between the Jesuit-type of political thought and that thought upon which Nazi-Fascism was based. Then, looking to PDF page 31 or 108 in the linked book, it speaks about the Catholic Church being in favor of a Fascist corporative state. Of special note, the book speaks about the "new order" which those in control of the Catholic Church desire, which new order is based "on Catholic-Fascist lines."

Now, the evidence tends to indicate that the Jesuit-controlled "tool" named Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering and crusading Nazis were actually working to raise up the "New Order" for their true masters in the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears that this New Order was initially intended for the European continent and neighboring areas. But, it should also be noted that the Nazis had links to the Americas, so there truly were bigger plans in motion, even in those early days.

Moving onward, the pages linked below speak about the intended New Order which Adolf Hitler and his Nazis were trying to raise up. But, there is something else which we should also be aware of. This was not the New Order for Adolf Hitler and his Nazis. This New Order came from those in the Vatican/Jesuit organization. That is who Hitler and his Nazis were actually working for, as shall be shown more clearly in this presentation.

To Be Continued

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