Is  a  Lying  &  Deceptive,

Highly  Treasonous  Joe  Biden

Actually  a  Foreign-Controlled,

"Tool  of  the  Jesuits"

As They Work from Behind the Scenes to Finish Their Complete

Takeover of the United States and the Enslavement of its citizens ?

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Document Initially Posted:   10 July 2021
Latest Additions Posted: 03 September 2022 ...
Copyright © 2021-2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8

Do some genuine citizens of the United States possibly call him, sneaky and deceptive, "Ol' Two-Face Joe" ?


In the early 1960s, the popular President John F. Kennedy is said to have declared something along this line: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)(3) A page linked here claims that President Kennedy made the preceding statement "to one of his advisors just days before his assassination." And now in our day, there are many sources on the Internet which are claiming that they can find no evidence that Kennedy ever made the above statement.

There is now something which should be considered. As spoken about later in this presentation, those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization have quite a history of destroying incriminating evidence, falsifying information and then lying about what they or those of their organization have been doing. That appears to be a major part of the reason why the historically lying and deceiving, so-called President Joe Biden tried to (and possibly did, behind the scenes,) bring in his infamous, unconstitutional and illegal, so-called "Disinformation Goverance Board."(1)

Now, when it comes to something nefarious and harmful which is in operation behind the scenes in the United States, the earlier President Woodrow Wilson declared: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."(1)

When it comes to something like a highly organized, nefarious power or dangerous force in operation behind the scenes, which could be plotting to take things over and enslave the citizens of the United States, the even earlier President Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today."(1)

So, there was the harmful, dangerous, basically unconstitutional and frightening power which was operating behind the scenes, which President Woodrow Wilson spoke about. And then, there was the harmful and illegal, highly unconstitutional "invisible government" that was operating behind the scenes, that had no allegiance to the genuine citizens of the United States and showed no responsibility towards them, which President Theodore Roosevelt spoke about. Now, there is reason to suspect that these two things were one and the same thing.

There is now a question which needs to be asked. What was this nefarious, harmful, illegal and frightening "thing" which the two presidents, Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt, were seeing in operation behind the scenes in the United States in the earlier 1900s? Well, from their research, the writer finds reason to suspect that the "thing" which the earlier presidents were speaking about was the foreign-controlled Jesuits (1) and the many members of their militia of the pope (1)(2)(3), all working together to take things over so they could dominate and enslave U.S. citizens.

Now, looking back even earlier in U.S. history, to the mid 1800s and the American Civil War era, there are some important words from President Abraham Lincoln to consider. He spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."(1) And, the treacherous and treasonous criminals are doing the same thing today (1).

When it came to the devastating American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln declared: "This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons."(1) When it came to the first American Civil War and what was the cause and power behind it, President Lincoln also declared: "The true motive power is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome."(1)(2)

President Lincoln also declared: "Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us."(1) Yes, the conniving Jesuits did their diabolical deeds "under the mask of Democracy," just as they are doing today.


The following quote comes from a number of linked sources: "Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] were expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."(1) Yes, hundreds of years of the same nefarious and criminal activities! And now, let us look back in history for some words about the Jesuits by a famous person which knew the Jesuits very well.

In the earlier 1800s, the famous military leader and Emperor of the French people, whose name was Napoleon Bonaparte, plainly declared: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."(1) Yes, the Jesuits want full despotic control over the peoples of the whole world. That is their goal.

Looking further at the Jesuits, a page-paragraph linked here contains the following words from a source: "The Jesuits...are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for emperor...that's their ideal...It is simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination -- something like a universal serfdom with them as masters -- that's all they stand for." And then, there are the words from Marquis de Lafayette, in the earlier 1800s. He proclaimed: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."(1)

Looking again to Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 1800s, he declared: "The General of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may... Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general."(1) And, there is reason to suspect that if instigating mass-shootings and school-shootings would further the agenda of the Jesuits and the Jesuit General for taking control of the United States and enslaving its naive citizens, that avenue would be pursued. And, since we are dealing with "the end justifies the means" crowd, there is reason to suspect that anything is possible.

In earlier times, it appears that the Jesuits generally did most of the dirty work for themselves, when it came to diabolical acts against peoples and governments. But, over the years, the Jesuits built up the militia of the pope in the United States, which includes the members of the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, etc. There is reason to suspect that members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope now do "the dirty work" out in the field for the Jesuits. Furthermore, it appears that the Jesuits use "puppets" and "tools" in government positions, like Joseph Biden, to further their diabolical, enslaving agenda for the United States.


When it comes to treacherous or potentially treasonous, foreign-controlled Catholics and their manipulated pawns being in government positions, there are some things of which genuine U.S. citizens should be aware. There is a very dangerous situation which exists for true U.S. citizens, expecially when it comes to the papal people who are members of, or associated with, the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. Those who are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope includes those who are members of the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, and Opus Dei, plus apparently a number of other organizations, which is said to also include even Rhodes Scholars (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7).

Now, a page-paragraph linked here contains information from a linked book which was written by a former Catholic priest and notable church historian. It notes that the pope and his hierarchy instructs his people --- which would especially include those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope --- "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."(1)(2)(3)(4)

Looking again into that book which is quoted from in the paragraph above, a page-paragraph linked here states that the pope "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic." Once that happens, the Catholics have full control of the country and the citizens are dominated and completely enslaved. Then the mass-murdering Crusades and Inquisition can get going again.

Based on the things quoted above, it should be extremely clear that Roman Catholics, and especially those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, are actually foreign agents who are under foreign control. Their allegiance is not to the United States or the U.S. Constitution, so, those who get themselves into government position are brazenly lying when they take their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. These people are like a foreign-controlled "Trojan Horse" which has been allowed to freely operate in this country, while they work to destroy the authentic United States and enslave its citizens for their foreign bosses.

By the way, there is another piece of information which fits in with this discussion. A page-paragraph linked here shows that already in the year 1940, the Catholics were working to take complete control of the United States. A linked source speaks of the papal organization and a plan which was "published under the auspices of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, and signed by 131 Catholic prelates and noted laymen...advocated a change in the United States' Constitution to permit the enactment of the recommendations of Pope Pius XI into American law." In other words, the papal agents would be in full control of the country and the citizens would be despotically enslaved.

The things being spoken about above do fit in with that which President John F. Kennedy allegedly declared in the early 1960s, when he became aware of a nefarious and diabolical operation which was going on behind the scenes in the United States. Once again, President Kennedy declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot." And not that long after, it appears that the plotters had President Kennedy brutally assassinated (1). Well, Kennedy had been a high-level member in the militia of the pope, so he likely knew the truth about what was happening behind the scenes.


The pages linked below show that said President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. began his time as a career politician in 1970. From the very beginning, it appears that Joe R. Biden Jr. had a nation-harming racket going, as he was working to undermine and overthrow the legitimate government of the United States which is clearly mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, it appears that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was a treasonous domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution from the time he began his political career.

Looking into the second page linked below, it appears that Joe Robinette Biden has been a deceiving or even possibly a very lying politician for quite a period of time. The page indicates that when this sneaky Biden made his first (failed) run for the the White House in 1988, he was trying to get there by "plagiarizing speeches from British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock." In his brazenly deceptive presentation of himself to the public during his presidential bid, Biden was "lifting not only Kinnock's words, but part of his life story as well."

In his apparent career of deception, as he was running for the White House, Biden brazenly "used parts of a Kinnock speech that referenced being first in his family to attend college. The reference was true for Kinnock, but not for Biden." Yes, it appears that Joseph Robinette Biden was having a jolly good time lying to and deceiving the general public, until the New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd exposed Biden for the liar that it appears he is. Well, Biden was forced out of his run for the White House at that time, but it appears that he never gave up his long-running streak as a lying and deceptive, career who could never be trusted, at least not by genuine U.S. citizens.

There is something further to note in the second page linked below. Even after having to drop out of his bid for the White House in the 1988 race, the deceptive and apparently lying Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. still was able to keep his senate seat, possibly with the help of some highly questionable friends. To make things worse in the U.S. government, the page shows that Biden was allowed to become "a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1975, and following his dropout from the 1988 race, he also joined the Senate Judiciary Committee, serving as chair from 1987 to 1995." With these types of things going on, no wonder it appears that the U.S. government is so messed up!


Looking into the second page linked below, it appears that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has no problem being deceptive and brazenly lying about virtually anything. It seems to be part of his game and could possibly have something to do with those deceptive, criminal, child-raping Catholic priests (1)(2) that he has been associated with and apparently has been protecting for virtually all of his political career. It appears that Joe Biden just lies to get into those political positions which then allow him to undermine and screw-over the authentic United States and its genuine citizens.

The third page gives some history of this one who some may call "Unsavory Joe". The page indicates that Biden sucks up to people in order "to gain undeserved committee seats." It appears that a treasonous Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is just in politics for his own gain and the gain of his foreign-based bosses. The evidence indicates that Joe Biden is not in politics for the good of the nation as a whole...and definitely not for the good of the authentic, constitutional United States, which it appears that he has been working to undermine and overthrow for virtually his whole political career.

Now, earlier in this presentation it is shown that "Unsavory Joe" went about "plagiarizing speeches from British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock" in his bid for the White House in 1988. Well, it appears that there may be much more to this story. When it came to Biden's earlier presidential run, the third page linked below states: "He concocts fabricated histories of his upbringing and education and plagiarizes speeches from John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey." And then, it gives a few more details about his plagiarization of Neil Kinnock.

The fourth linked page speaks further to Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.'s serious problem of plagiarizing the work of others, without giving them credit. And, Biden has been doing this for decades. Regarding his time in law school, the page states: "Biden acknowledged that he had plagiarized during his time at Syracuse University Law School. The law school had him repeat a first-year class, after initially flunking him, for copying at least five pages from a published law review article." And now, this historically dishonest person was put in the president's chair by other dishonest people.

Well, there is reason to suspect that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is an incurable, habitual liar who is working hard to wreck the authentic United State for his foreign-based bosses. Now, the page linked below notes that Biden, in his run for the 2020 presidency, lied again about being the first person in his family to have gone to college. It appears that Biden may have the same philosophy as those Jesuit-linked, Catholic Nazi propagandists of the World War Two era, who believed that if you lied big enough and long enough (1), people would finally begin to believe you.

For those who want to know more about the potentially treasonous Joseph Biden, just check out the video in the page linked below. Now, the page title states: "THIS Video Will END Joe Biden's CAREER." But, unfortunately, "they" have been intentionally dumbing-down Americans for so long now that there is reason to suspect that a large share of the brainwashed sheeple, because of "herd mentality," would vote for Biden no matter what he did, possibly just because their just as dumbed-down, brainwashed, history-challenged and manipulated buddies are voting for him.


Since an obviously dishonest Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has finagled his way into the U.S. president's chair, and since he is acting like one of those Jesuit-controlled Catholic dictators which we can read about in history, it is very important to sort out why Biden has such a serious problem with cheating, deceiving and/or lying. It is also important to sort out how such a deceptive person actually finagled their way into the president's chair. And, from the looks of things, it appears that Biden possibly did it with the help of some of his allies in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, who also appear to have a serious problem with cheating, deceiving and lying.

As we begin to examine the situation with Joseph Biden, it should be noted that he is one of those Roman Catholics. He is directly connected with that foreign-based organization which, once again, has for centuries harbored and facilitated all those many criminal, child-raping priests (1)(2) ...priests which Pope Francis called "tools of Satan."(1)(2) And, from the documented evidence, it appears that the criminal, child-raping priests and their many diabolical facilitators have a nasty habit of destroying incriminating evidence and then lying about what they have been doing with kids. In relation to this nature of activity by those associated with the papal crowd, consider the following.

A quote within a page-paragraph linked here states: "The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

When it comes to the question about why Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. cheats, deceives and lies, there is more to consider. The evidence found in this presentation shows a connection between Biden and the Jesuits, so, let us begin to see what kind of an influence the Jesuits may have upon Biden. It is time to learn about the old word "Jesuitism." Now, a page-paragraph linked here contains the original definition for the word "Jesuitism." Well, "Jesuitism" is defined in this way: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." And that word "prevarication" means to lie and things along that line. So, Biden would possibly make quite a Jesuit, or their "tool."


Well, when it comes to the Joseph Biden story and the types of people that he chooses to be around, there is more to consider. The pages linked below indicate that Biden filled his cabinet with those who were "tools" of the Jesuits. And then, there is that Jesuit spiritual adviser to Joseph Biden, who has been a long-time family friend. Well, that is similar to the situation during the World War Two era where the demonic Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler, in hijacked and Nazified Germany, had a Jesuit spiritual adviser. Now, to top things off, Biden's Jesuit spiritual adviser was involved in some misconduct which forced him to even leave one of those Jesuit institutions.

Yes, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. seems to be linked to the Jesuits and appears to even have a rather close, working relation with them. In other words, when it comes to the deceptive Biden and the treacherous Jesuits, there is no separation of church and State, as there is supposed to be. It appears that Biden is actually treasonously working in the best interests of the foreign-controlled Jesuits, rather than in the best interests of the authentic citizens of the United States. Furthermore, Biden surrounds himself with those who are "tools" or "pawns" of the Jesuits. And, when it comes to Biden being a "tool" of the foreign-controlled Jesuits, there is more to consider.

In the page linked immediately above, note how Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. did his dirty work for the Jesuits by raising the refugee cap to 125,000 for the foreign-controlled Jesuit Refugee Service. And, to make matters worse and even more treasonous, it appears that tax money is being brazenly stolen from the citizens of the United States by the Jesuit-controlled Catholics in order to help support this treachery. Then, the Jesuits, who are actually treacherous foreign agents, are pushing Biden to raise the refugee cap to 200,000. Well, it appears that Biden is a willingly manipulated "tool" of the foreign-controlled Jesuits, who are ultimately working for the Jesuit General in Rome.

Now, the pages linked below also indicate that there is a rather close working relationship between the treacherous or treasonous Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and the historically treacherous Jesuits. Now, it appears that the fourth page linked below is saying it exactly as it is. "The Jesuit Order now controls the USA via Joe Biden." It appears that Biden is the "puppet" or "front man" for the Jesuits, while the Jesuits and ultimately the Jesuit General in Rome manipulate the "puppet strings." Then, there is the fifth linked page which asks, "Why is Joe Biden committing treason against the United States?" Well, Biden is committing treason because he is having fun and no one is putting a stop to him.


When it comes to Joseph Biden and the Jesuits, about two-thirds of the way down in the page linked below, titled Joe Biden -- Jesuit Background, it declares: "Biden has a very strong Jesuit influence on him as did Donald J Trump, by the way. He attended their schools and so did his son, Hunter Biden, Archmere Academy, a Catholic high school in Claymont, Delaware. Sonny graduated from Georgetown University with a bachelor's degree in history. Georgetown is the premier Jesuit school in the USA, one of many thousands. So it is important to him." Note closely that even Donald Trump has a strong Jesuit influence on him. He went to a Jesuit school and his family members are Catholics.

When it comes to Donald Trump being linked to and educated by the Jesuits, the page linked below contains information about at least some of that situation. It states: "The same Jesuit Georgetown University that sponsored Anthony Fauci’s speaking event also trained Georgetown alumni, Robert R. Redfield. Despite having a long history of controversial public health actions, he was appointed to his position as director of the CDC in 2018 by another Jesuit trained government leader, President Donald Trump, alumni of Fordham University, the oldest Jesuit University in the northeastern United States."

From what is said in the page linked above, it appears that there has been a cozy, Jesuit-trained or Jesuit-controlled crowd which has been controlling things in government in recent times and possibly for much longer than we realize. It should also be noted that during the Trump administration, he was surrounded by Jesuit-trained advisors. So, it appears that there is quite a Jesuit-controlled operation which has been going on within the framework of what little may still remain of the true, constitutional government of the United States.

Now, during the administration of Donald Trump, it appears that Jesuit-controlled Catholics and their various pawns were, even with the use of the media as indicated in the pages linked below, trying to manipulate things in an effort to get President Trump into a nuclear war with China over the unleashed COVID-19 pandemic. Well, in all of this, there is reason to suspect that the COVID-19 pandemic may have actually been intentionally unleashed by those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope.

Now, from the looks of things, even though he was Jesuit-trained and apparently under their influence, it appears that President Donald Trump did not go along with the apparent Jesuit plan to get a nuclear war going with China. So, it appears "they" had to manipulate things to get him out of the president's chair, to simply be the "sideshow" and distraction which he now is. And, there is reason to suspect that those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope were instrumental in moving Trump out of the way. Now, the record shows that those associated with the militia of the pope, in agencies like the CIA and FBI, have experience in pulling off coups and coup attempts in other countries.

At this point, there is something very important to note, because it appears that history is trying to be repeated. The Jesuit-controlled Catholics and those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia-of-the-pope and with the Nazified "sword of the Catholic Church" were treasonously working to get the United States into an extremely deadly and devastating, full-on nuclear war with Russia and China during the early 1960s, which was during the administration of President John F. Kennedy. It appears that the deceptive and treasonous, Jesuit-linked criminals were even trying to force President Kennedy into this nuclear war, but he would not go along with it. Well, "they" bumped him off (1).

And now, we have the Jesuit-linked or possibly Jesuit-controlled "tool" named Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., who it appears is cunningly working to get the United States into a nuclear war with Russia, China and North Korea, plus possibly with other countries. There is reason to suspect that Biden is working to get the United States and its citizens completely devastated in a horrid nuclear war which will kill incredibly large numbers of U.S. citizens. Now, why should Biden and his questionable Jesuit/Catholic cohorts really care what happens to the United States, for they will just hide out in those reinforced-concrete, underground bunkers which they have been building over the years.

Now, the pages linked below speak a bit about just some of what Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has been doing since he has finagled his way into the president's chair. And, since his son, Hunter Biden, was doing some questionable things in Ukraine, Russian and China over the years, there is reason to suspect that even he was preparing things for that all-out nuclear war with Russia and China which the Jesuits have been desiring since at least the days of President John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s.

If Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. gets the United States into a nuclear war with Russia, which virtually destroys the United States, it appears that he will simply be fulfilling the desires which the Jesuits have had for a very long time --- since virtually the earlier 1800s. And, from the looks of things, Biden is simply a "puppet" or a "tool" for the Jesuits. Furthermore, those who are linked to the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order crowd have wanted to wipe out or exterminate around 90-percent of the world's population, as soon as they can get it done.


From the looks of things, the Jesuit-controlled Catholics and their many pawns, even in the Republican Party, are greatly deceiving and playing the citizens of the United States. That is why those who are ultimately under the control of the Jesuits are working hard to dumb-down the citizens of the United States, before the citizens catch on to what is really being done to them and their country. Now, the page linked by the button below goes on to reference the first official Catholic U.S. president named John F. Kennedy, from the early 1960s, whom it appears that the Jesuits and those associated with the militia of the pope had brutally assassinated on November 22, 1963 (1). Why?

Regarding Kennedy, the page linked below states: "Whereas the John F Kennedy campaign made much of Kennedy being a Roman Catholic, the Biden one kept it quiet. Why? In his first 'election victory' speech he praised the church (in his view, the Roman Catholic Church). He is a man that carries a rosary in his pocket and goes to mass every Sunday. His faith is important to him: 'I'm as much a cultural Catholic as I am a theological Catholic. My idea of self, of family, of community, of the wider world comes straight from my religion. It's not so much the Bible, the beatitudes, the Ten Commandments, the sacraments, or the prayers I learned. It's the culture.'"

Well, there is still more to this Biden and Jesuit/Catholic story. When it comes to Biden, the linked page states: "Say goodbye to the Constitutional separation between Church and State. This guy does not even pretend to wish a separation." Now, looking back to the early 1960s, the Catholic president named John F. Kennedy did enforce a separation of church and state. It is clear that President Kennedy would not go along with the enslaving Jesuit/Catholic agenda for the United States, but Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. now will. Because Kennedy would not go along with the Jesuit/Catholic agenda for the United States and its citizens, "they" had him assassinated on November 22, 1963 (1).

Looking further into the page linked below, it states something which seriously needs to be clarified. When it comes to Joseph Biden, it states: "Of course, as long as he keeps faith to the Constitution as his oath of office demands, it does not matter what he is or admire[s]." Well, it actually does matter a whole lot what Biden truly is! It appears that the sneaky and dishonest Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is treasonously not keeping any faith to, nor is he actually upholding the whole U.S. Constitution in any manner. It appears that Biden is wilfully and totally in violation of his Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. "How is this?" might ask.

Looking at Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States, it clearly mandates: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."(1) Well, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., as a traitorous and treasonous Democrat, has been working for most of his life to undermine and overthrow the authentic Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed "to every State in this Union" by the U.S. Constitution. Now, this is the only guarantee found anywhere in the Constitution, and Biden is trying to overthrow it by working to enforce an illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous democracy on the citizens of the United States.


From the time that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. entered into his career-politician chicanery in 1970, it appears that he has taken an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States a number of times. Now, the Oath of Office which "Treacherous Joe" took a number of times went something like this: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."(1)

Well, there is reason to suspect that "Treacherous Joe" was treasonously lying over the years, each time that he took his Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution. From the information quoted earlier in this presentation, it should be very clear that the actual allegiance of Catholics like Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is to the constitution and laws of the pope, over and above any allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and to the genuine citizens of this country. That is possibly why it appears that Biden can brazenly lie to and deceive the citizens of the United States, and have no problems with doing it. Biden may simply be a complete traitor to the authentic United States and its true citizens.


At this time, we are at a very important and crucial point in U.S. history. Where things go from here will mean the difference between U.S. citizens retaining at least some of their true rights and liberties, or virtually the whole country going down under a horrid and destructive form of despotism where authentic U.S. citizens will lose virtually all of their individual rights. Because of where we are at in U.S. history, it is time that some extremely important and very key questions are asked.

Let us start with the following questions. Is Joe Biden, along with many others within the government of the United States and in its various agencies, treasonously working for the Jesuits and for agents of the militia of the pope, rather than for the true citizens of the authentic United States? Are Biden and many others in various government positions treasonously operating as foreign agents for a historically oppressive and murderous foreign power? Yes, the two preceding questions are extremely important ones, but, there is still more which needs to be considered.

There are some things which possibly are even more important than what is asked about in the questions above. The true answers to the following questions will have even more of a direct effect on each one of us, plus on what our country will become in the days ahead. Now, is Biden, plus quite a number of others in government positions, treasonously operating in total violation of their Oath of Office to the authentic Constitution of the United States? Instead of honoring their Oath of Office to the Constitution, does the evidence actually indicate that they are treasonously working to further the diabolical agenda of a foreign power, which agenda will ultimately end up with authentic U.S. citizens being fully enslaved?

The complete answers to the preceding questions could easily fill volumes. But, in this presentation, enough information shall be provided so that average U.S. citizens can come to their own informed conclusions, plus can branch off into even further and deeper research on these issues, if so desired. This presentation is merely an "opening statement" which works to "break the ice" on some important issues. The rest is up to you, the reader. Will you take the time to become better informed, so that you can do all in your power to save what is left of the authentic United States and your true liberties and your unalienable rights?


There are some important things which authentic U.S. citizens need to know in order to better understand what has been happening to their country for a very long time. There are some important things which authentic U.S. citizens need to know, in order to better understand why "their" government appears to be so disfunctional or so seriously broken, to the point where it is not really doing the true and proper job for the authentic citizens of this country. The things which U.S. citizens need to know, in order to understand why things are like they now are, come from some very important pieces --- the missing pieces --- of U.S. history.

The writer calls these "the missing pieces" of U.S. history, because, unfortunately, this is some very important U.S. history which it appears "they" have intentionally neglected to teach about in virtually all of the public schools, plus virtually all of the private schools, in this country. The writer has reason to suspect that this blatant and intentional neglect to teach some extremely important and informative pieces of U.S. history has happened because there are those sly enemies of the authentic United States which are working hard to completely "dumb down" U.S. citizens (1) and turn them into silly fools, so they can be more easily enslaved.

Now, let us begin to work our way toward looking at those very important and key pieces of U.S. history which they do not teach U.S. citizens in virtually any school in the United States. First, one thing that they do teach is that in July of 1776, the thirteen independent "States of America" produced the Declaration of Independence. These States declared to the world that their people had unalienable rights and were going to be a free people. Then, a document called The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, which became the first Constitution (1)(2), was created and sent out to the thirteen states for ratification in late 1777 (1).

At this point, it should be noted that all of the thirteen original "States of America" joined together in a united effort to throw off the overbearing British rule which was dominating over them. But, when it came to joining together in a united effort under the The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, it should be noted that the Catholic stronghold of Mary-land (Maryland) was the last hold-out at ratifying this very important document (1). Now, why would Maryland want to hold out on ratifying this document until 1781? Well, under Section 3 in the Articles of Confederation, it provided for religious freedom to the citizens of all the States.

From the looks of things, it appears that the papal hierarchy did not want their pawns in the Catholic stronghold of Mary-land to ratify the Articles of Confederation because the papal hierarchy does not believe in religious freedom or freedom of conscience for Protestants and authentic Bible believing Christians. So, what happened then? Well, the year after the Articles of Confederation were sent out to the thirteen States for ratification, the papacy fought back by producing the Vatican Edict of 1778. This Edict "condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible."(1) And, it appears that this Edict is still in effect today. Now, back on track.

When it came to ratifying the Articles of Confederation, possibly the Catholic hierarchy in Maryland began to sort out the whole situation and decided that the other twelve States, which included all those strong Protestants, were showing their military might in the Revolutionary War against the British, which war was going on at that time (1)(2). Possibly after a lot of "hemming and hawing" and back-and-forth discussion, the Catholic hierarchy in Maryland decided that they were not strong enough to overthrow the Protestants of the other twelve States, plus throw off the British rule which prevented legal Catholic worship, so they simply feigned acceptance of the Articles of Confederation and ratified it in 1781.


The American Revolutionary War lasted until 1783, which was about two years after the State of Maryland, possibly grudgingly and feignedly because of an utter fear of the powerful British, went ahead and ratified the Articles of Confederation. But, it appears that the papal hierarchy still intended to "make good" in its threat which was declared in the Vatican Edict of 1778, which called all Catholics to destroy the authentic United States, which country provided for liberty of conscience and freedom for all its people, including for all of those Protestants. So, it appears that the Catholics plotted a more subtil route to cause the destruction.

In 1789, the current U.S. Constitution went into effect and became the very important, supreme law of the land (1)(2). Furthermore, it guaranteed a Republican Form of Government to every State in this Union. Well, it appears that the Catholic hierarchy was not going to stand idly by and let this land of liberty-of-conscience and unalienable rights, for even Protestants, continue to grow unhindered. That same year, the Catholics founded the extremely corrupt and truly treasonous Tammany Hall organization in New York City. This organization was know as "the Roman Catholic Church in politics."(1) The purpose of this organization was to undermine, oppose and potentially overthrow the Federalist Party in the United States (1).

Well, it appears that the foreign-controlled Catholic hierarchy began to put their "chess pieces" in place for their extended assault on the authentic U.S. Constitution, plus for their assault on the liberties and freedoms of the citizens of the United States, especially on the liberties and freedoms of all of those Protestants. In 1789, the papal organization also established their first archdiocese in the newly formed United States. This archdiocese was set up in the Catholic stronghold of Baltimore, Mary-land. But, after a period of time, it appears that the Catholic hierarchy felt that they needed some of that more subtle and powerful help in their efforts to destroy the authentic United States and the liberties and freedoms of all those Protestants.

At this point, it should be noted that the papal organization's diabolical Inquisition was going on "next door" in Mexico (1), as the things from the latter 1700s which have been noted so far in this presentation, were happening in the United States. The Inquisition in Mexico started in 1522 and continued until 1820. During this diabolical and satanic Inquisition in Mexico, those who did not agree with the teachings or the control of the papal organization in that country were having their goods and property stolen from them by the Catholic hierarchy, plus they were then commonly, demonically tortured and generally murdered. So, here was the United States, virtually "next door," giving religious freedom and unalienable rights to its citizens. Well, it appears that the papal hierarchy truly believed that they had "an axe to grind" with the United States.

From all the evidence, it appears that those in the government of the United States knew that the Catholic hierarchy was basically up to "no good" behind the scenes. They understood that the Catholics were going to do their best to "make good" on those threats which were proclaimed in the Vatican Edict of 1778, which basically called for all Catholics to do everything they could to destroy the United States, which was this land of liberty of conscience and unalienable rights. So, it was time for some loyal citizens of the growing United States to check out what what really happening behind the scenes and what the true danger was for the rather young United States.

A page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a source: "[American Secretary of the Navy R.W.] Thompson pinpointed exactly who would be the agents used by the [Catholic] monarchs of Europe to destroy the republic of America, namely, the Jesuits of Rome! Since 1815 there has been a continual assault on America by the Jesuits to try to destroy the constitutional rights [of the citizens] of this great nation." So, the Catholic monarchs of Europe were working for their masters in Rome, and they were going to help the papacy in its efforts to destroy the authentic United States. Yes, the Jesuits were chosen to be the subtle "tools" of destruction.

From 1815 and onwards, as noted in the quote above, and even to this very day, it appears that the Jesuits and their pawns have steadily worked to bring about the destruction of the authentic United States, along with the destruction of the authentic Constitutional and unalienable rights of its authentic citizens, especially of authentic Protestants and Bible believing Christians. And, just a very mere introduction to some of what the devious, treacherous, treasonous and conniving Vatican agents and their "mesmerizing and seducing snakes" are doing in our day, can clearly be deciphered by the information which is provided, starting with a page-paragraph linked here and downward in that informative page, plus in the pages which are accessed using the links below.

Now, there truly is another piece of important history to consider in this story. From July of 1824 to September of 1825, the Marquis de Lafayette of France was on a trip, visiting his numerous friends in the United States, which country he had directly fought for during the American Revolutionary War (1). During this trip, Lafayette, who was a Catholic, declared: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."(1)

At this point, seeing what the treacherous agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its sly militia are treasonously doing in and to the United States and its authentic citizens, especially to authentic Protestants and Bible believing Christians, there is something important which needs to be said. The freedom of speech is not unlimited. It legitimately ends in the United States when it "bumps up against" and works to undermine or overthrow what is declared in the Constitution of the United State. This fundamental truth is spoken about in further detail in a page-section which is linked here.

Looking at just one type of case, the freedom of speech legitimately ends when it begins to work to hinder, undermine or overthrow the legitimate government which is meant for the whole United States and its legitimate citizens, which form of government is clearly mandated and guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States. And, what is that form of government which is mandated and guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution? Well, Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution declares the following in plain English: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." What this type of government is about is spoken about in more detail in a page-section which is linked here.


Since the Jesuits were the ones chosen to bring about the destruction of the authentic United States, so they could then eliminate individual liberty of conscience and individual unalienable rights, possibly we should be investigating further to find out what this group of people is about. Let us now look back in history to that knowledgeable Napoleon Bonaparte, who was a famous French military leader and a well-known politician (1). He clearly declared: "The General of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may... Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general."(1)

So, judging by what the Marquis de Lafayette stated and by what Napoleon declared, in these Jesuits, it appears that the genuine United States and its true citizens have quite a nasty and possibly very sneaky, subversive foe. Now, Napoleon did have more to say about the Jesuit, using the following words: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) So, let us look a bit further at some of the history of those Jesuits.

In the earlier 1900s, there was that Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler who, through devious means, gained control over that which had been Protestant Germany. Now, there really is something more to know about this story. Hitler and his Nazis did not gain this control for themselves. They were mere "tools" who were doing "the dirty work" for someone else (1). Now, there is that book which is commonly atributed to Adolf Hitler, which book is titled Mein Kampf. Well, there really is more to the story of this book. Hitler had "some serious help" in the production of the book Mein Kampf (1). It appears that a Jesuit priest who went by the name of Father Bernhard Stempfle may have actually been the writer of Mein Kampf and Adolf Hitler simply signed it as his creed.

Looking at this issue about Mein Kampf further, a book titled The Secret History of the Jesuits is linked here. At the bottom of PDF page 137 of 197 in the linked book is found these words: "The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum, only five years before, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in 'Mein Kampf were already realised; this book, an insolent challenge to the western democracies, was written by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and signed by Hitler. For -- as so many ignore the fact -- it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it." So, the evidence indicates that Adolf Hitler, plus his Nazis, were actually "tools" who were working for the Jesuits. It appears that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were working for the Jesuits in their effort to take over and control the whole world.

There is another thing about Adolf Hitler and the Nazis which should be looked at, for it is rather revealing. It is time to look at what they were trying to set up for the Jesuits, as they sought world control using hijacked and Nazified Germany as "the sword of the Catholic Church."(1) Adolf Hitler and his Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis were working to set up the New Order (1), which New Order for the conquered countries of this world was actually going to be under the control of the Jesuits and the papal organization. And then, as the Nazis began to lose World War Two, the Jesuits and the militia of the pope which they control, went ahead and began their hijacking of the United States, plus its military and intelligence agencies, so they could be vilely used in their efforts to set up the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7).


In the section above, it can be seen that the Catholic named Adolf Hitler worked with the Jesuits and with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, in order to be allowed to take control of and fully hijack that which had been Protestant Germany. Now, the Jesuits are actually the sly agents of a foreign power. And again, they are part of and the controllers of the militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General who is headquartered within Rome, Italy.

Now, it is time to consider some highly questionable things which it appears have been happening in the United States in more recent times. From what is indicated in the information presented in the pages linked below, it appears that when Joe Biden was intent on becoming the president of the United States, he treacherously went to make a deal with these sly foreign agents called the Jesuits. It appears that he promised to do these sly foreign agents, the Jesuits, a favor in their efforts against the authentic United States and against its true citizens.

Well, there truly is more to consider in this story. There is that Kamala Harris who was chosen to be the vice president with Biden. So, what did she do for those associated with a foreign power, in order to get chosen for this position? What highly questionable, or possibly even treasonous, type of favor did she do for these foreign agents, the Jesuits, or possibly even for the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization as a whole, which allowed her to become the questionable or potentially treasonous Biden's vice president?

Well, from what is shown in a string of page-paragraphs linked here, plus by what is clearly shown in the pages accessed using the buttons clustered below, it appears that Kamala Harris unethically or potentially treasonously "paid her dues" to the Jesuits and to virtually the whole papal organization in their war against the authentic United States and against its true citizens, which war was originally initiated with that diabolical Vatican Edict of 1778.

At this point, there is even more to consider. On top of the treacherous or treasonous things spoken about above, both Biden and Harris appear to have brazenly lied when they took their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution. "In what way," you may ask. Well, they are both, as Democrats, working to undermine and overthrow that legitimate form of government for the United States, which is a Republican Form of Government, which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, in Article 4, Section 4. And, when it comes to the U.S. Constitution, this form of government is the only guarantee of any type found anywhere within the Constitution of the United States, and Biden and Harris are treasonously working to overthrow it.

So, once again, from the looks of things, it appears that both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris "paid their dues" to the Jesuits. Once this was done, the Jesuits could have the members of the militia of the pope which they control, along with their numerous pawns, a number of which even have sway over the ballot boxes, ensure that Biden and Harris were then put into office. These members of the militia of the pope, which are truly treacherous agents of a foreign power, are found in the U.S. Congress, in the CIA, the FBI, plus in many other agencies throughout the United States. They are now found woven thoroughly into the "fabric" of the United States, often in key and controlling positions.

From looking at past history, and then when looking at what has been happening to the United States and its true citizens in more recent times, there is reason to suspect that Joe Biden may be destined to be the Jesuits' modern "Adolf Hitler" for the United States. On the other hand, there is also a chance that it could be a Harris/Pelosi team which could fulfill this role. Only time will tell, on this one. Now, it appears that, especially since Biden and Harris "paid their dues" to the Jesuits, that Biden will possibly become the first official Catholic dictator of the United States. Once that happens, the Inquisition can eventually get fully going again, in one form or another, maybe even with a COVID-19 spin. But wait, what about the Crusades?

Well, when it comes to the Crusades, it does appear that they have already been happening around the world. These Crusades have been happening because it appears that the Jesuits and the Jesuit-controlled militia-of-the-pope have virtually hijacked and are now treacherously using the U.S. government, the U.S. military and the intelligence and other agencies for this purpose of slyly doing Crusades for the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. And, it appears that this has been happening for many decades already.

Ultimately, it appears that American boys have been, plus are being made to treacherously fight the wars of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. Yes, American boys are treacherously and even treasonously being caused to die to illegally further the enslaving agenda of the foreign-based papal organization. What is being spoken about here is declared, to a degree, within a page-paragraph which is linked here, plus it is further explained at many other points within the page accessed by the preceding link.

To Be Continued ...   A Lot More To Come ...

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