The  Jesuit/Illuminati  Roots

of  the  Democratic  Party

---   plus the Ongoing Invasion and, yes   ---

The  Planned  Destruction  of

the  Legitimate  United  States

The Jesuit/Illuminati "TOOL" used for Lying, Manipulating and Stealing Elections since the Early 1800s.

So, is there a Foreign-Based Conspiracy against the
authentic United States and its genuine Citizens ?

Well, based on what has been happening for many decades
in the United States, it sure appears to be true that ...

"There's a plot (1) in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
Brutally Assassinated (1) and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, as Jefferson cautioned, it is the
responsibility of every American to be informed." -- President Ronald Reagan, 1981 (1)(2)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
PREVIEW Posted:   13 Oct 2022
PART ONE --- Posted:   16 Feb 2024
PART TWO --- Posted:   19 Feb 2024 -- PM Edition
Copyright © 2022-2024 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8



The LEGITIMATE United States was set up with a guaranteed Republican Form of Government. There was not a "democracy" option for the legitimate United States. The authentic Republican Form of Government provided U.S. citizens with responsible liberty and individual security, plus an assured protection of each state against invasion. But then, the sly, foreign-controlled enemies of the authentic United States and its legitimate government began to plant seeds of rebellion, chaos and destruction within this country.

On PDF page 76 of 777, in the downloadable book linked below, it notes that in April of 1793 (which was during the bloody French Revolution), "France sent new ambassador Edmond Genet to America, so he could collect payment for the American debt incurred during the American Revolution.... However, his real reason for being here, was to gain political favor for France, and spread Illuminism, which he did, through the establishment of 'Democratic Clubs.'" Prior to this, Democrat groups did not exist in the United States.

So, in 1793, ambassador Edmond Genet began to spread the radical political poison of Illuminism within the Republic of the United States, by establishing Democratic Clubs. These clubs were also called Democratic Societies, and later, possibly in order to mask their true agenda from the general public and government officials, they were called Democratic-Republican Societies. But, no matter what these organizations were called, they were Illuminati-influenced and basically foreign-manipulated and controlled.


After the treacherous ambassador from France planted the poison of Illuminism in the United States using Democratic Clubs or Societies, the radical crowd quickly blossomed. The page linked below states: "The founding of a network of over forty Democratic-Republican Societies throughout the young nation between 1793 and 1796 triggered fears of disorder amongst Federalist elites." It indicates that president George Washington despised the partisanship and political disunity which was being instigated in this country.

When it came to the Democratic Clubs or Societies, the linked page states: "Members of these societies expressed strong support for the French Revolution and fellowship with democratic radicals throughout the Atlantic world." It also states: "The Societies claimed to be non-partisan but were frequently attacked for promoting 'faction.'" It notes further that a number of government officials "feared that the Societies would supersede the legal power of represented officials, leading to political instability and uncertainty."

The page notes those who "accused the bombastic French ambassador Edmond-Charles Genet of conspiring to form the clubs to undermine Washington's authority." Prior to the serious problems created by the pestilent Illuminati "tool" named Genet; the United States was operating more smoothly under that particular government mandated (1) by Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. There was much more unity and peace, with a genuine Republican Form of Government throughout the whole United States.

In the page, President Washington declares "that 'the Democratic Societies in the United States...actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view..." The true intent of the foreign-established, Illuminati-based Democratic Societies was to undermine and overthrow the constitutionally-mandated (1) and guaranteed Republican Form of Government in this country. They wanted to replace it with an illegal, highly corrupting, highly despotic and ultimately enslaving, Jesuit/Illuminati-based democracy.

Now, the Jesuit/Illuminati-linked enemies of the authentic United States knew that the Constitution of the United States, in Article 4, Section 4, mandated and guaranteed an authentic Republican Form of Government throughout the whole country. The enemies of the authentic United States knew that this country would remain strong, if throughout the whole country there was a genuine Republican Form of Government. Well, the wily enemies knew that they had to divide, in order to conquer and enslave.

In an ancient book of wisdom it declares: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand..."(1) The foreign-based enemies of the United States and its free people knew they had to corrupt people, create discontent, discord and unrest, in order to start the destruction process in the United States. So, the "tool" of the foreign-based enemies, Edmond Genet, started a whole different, very divisive and destructive political system within the United States.

The Democrat Clubs or Societies were another government which the enemies of the United States "grew" within this country. The foreign "weeds" or "spreading cancer", unfortunately, was allowed to grow. It was not eradicated when it should have been, so it grew until it was able to manipulate and control things in this country. That "thing" the enemy created became a major part of a destructive and enslaving, more covert government (1)(2)(3)(4) within the territory of the legitimate U.S. government. Now, back to Genet.

In the book linked below, it states: "It is said that the French ambassador to the United States at the time, Edmond Genet, attempted to cause revolt in America...with a society based on the Jacobins, an attempt which spawned the Alien and Sedition Acts in the U.S." So, note closely that the Democratic Clubs or Societies which Genet established in the United States were based on the French Jacobins...and the purpose of these Democratic organizations was to cause instability and revolt in the United States.

The Jacobin Club in Paris (which spawned the French Revolution) was actually Illuminati/Masonic/Jesuit manipulated and controlled. The Jacobin Club was basically a "front" organization for the Illuminati, the Masons and the Jesuits, as shall be shown in more detail later in this presentation. Now, looking again into the page linked above, it notes that "[President George] Washington feared that a conspiracy existed to topple the [U.S.] constitution...with the Democratic-Republican Societies in the vanguard of the effort."

Yes, history (1) does show that there has been a long-running, treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) conspiracy to topple the Constitution of the United States...especially that genuine Republican Form of Government which it mandates and guarantees in Article 4, Section 4. And, the Democratic Party and their allies --- even those in the so-called "Republican Party" --- have been used as "tools" by a foreign-based power to trash authentic republicanism and destroy the legitimate rights of U.S. citizens, in order to ultimately (1)(2) enslave them.


Now, there are actually more things to note about the treacherous and very brazen, Jesuit/Illuminati-linked French ambassador named Edmond Genet and those harmful Democratic Societies which he was going around establishing in the United States, starting in 1793. So, for some information which says it like it really was, just scroll down about halfway in the document linked below, to the "Page 27" title. Within the text below the "Page 27" title is found the following words:

"While the Democratic Societies were thus poisoning the minds of the people, familiarizing them to insurrection and blood, Genet was not idle. He had surrounded himself with a troop of horse, enlisted and embodied in Philadelphia. These were, in general, Frenchmen, and no one can doubt but they were intended to act, either on the offensive or defensive, as occasion might require. This force rendered his adherents bold; they threw off all reserve, and issued their invitations to rebellion with an unsparing hand. The clubs at a distance followed the example, and, in some instances, improved upon it."

Then, there is something else important to note. Under the "Page 28" title in the document linked below, when it came to the French Jacobins and the Democratic Societies in the United States, "every one, even of their most savage acts, was applauded: robbery and murder were called 'national justice' in America as well as in France. The people, properly so called, were fairly cowed down, and things seemed as ripe for a revolution here, as they were in France, in the month of July, 1790."

That stated in the paragraph above is similar to what has been happening in the United States, especially in recent times. The widespread crime by leftist-aligned persons seems to be ignored and virtually applauded by the criminal Democrats. Crime seems to often be labeled as "social justice", because of so-called racial inequality. This type of un-American thing is especially true with the treacherous and treasonous (1)(2), Jesuit/Illuminati-based Democrats which are un-Constitutionally (1)(2)(3) in government positions.

At this point, let us see what another source says about how things were in the United States in the latter 1700s...when this country was being run in a manner which was more true to the Constitution of the United States. A page linked here begins with these very important words: "The U.S. Constitution of 1787 made no provisions for political parties." That is correct! The Constitution of the United States has no provision for political parties. Plus, it did not set up a "democracy", as noted in the pages linked below.

When looking at the form of government which is actually mandated and guaranteed for every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States, plus when considering that which is said in the pages linked above, something becomes obvious. The children and adults in the treacherous schools of our day have been lied to by their instructors. It appears that their instructors may actually be domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States and the legitimate form of U.S. government.

In the authentic United States, it is like that which President Thomas Jefferson stated in his First Inaugural Address. He declared: "We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists. If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it."(1)(2)(3) Yes, legally we are all to be Republicans and Federalists, not treacherous and treasonous (1)(2) Democrats.


Looking at things again, the page linked below states: "In early 1793, the new French republic sent a radical ambassador, Edmond-Charles Genet, to destabilize the United States and bring it into the French Revolutionary Wars to aid its sister republic. Genet arrived in April... The ambassador then made a seven-hundred-mile overland journey to the capital in Philadelphia, surrounded by 'perpetual fetes,' almost everywhere being celebrated as the embodiment of liberty and fraternity." The page continues:

"Soon after a similar reception in the City of Brotherly Love, Genet was invited to a meeting of the German Republican Society, where they sought to create a new national club network on the French Jacobins' model. Locals proposed naming it the Sons of Liberty, but Genet argued that the name should speak to the groups core principles: 'the Democratic Club,' soon elongated to 'Democratic-Republican.'" And again, the radical clubs were based on the Jesuit/Illuminati model of the French Jacobins. More about this later.

Looking further into the page which again is linked below, it notes U.S. President George Washington's view on the foreign-influenced Democratic Clubs. Washington believed that "they were likely 'to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government...'" And, that seems to be exactly what the controllers of the highly treasonous (1)(2), Jesuit/Illuminati-based Democratic Clubs had in mind.

At this point, let us see what yet another source has to say about some of that treachery which was going on in the 1790s. It is time to see the truth about the treacherous and treasonous (1)(2) Democratic Party and how it came into being. Now, the link below downloads a 736-page PDF book to your computer. This book was initially published in 1913. In the book, scroll down to PDF page 294 of 736 (which is actual book page 258). Then, look at section number 373, which is titled The Democratic Party.

Regarding the French ambassador named Edmond Genet, section number 373 states: "Meanwhile, Genet landed at Charleston. He was received with enthusiasm. The old friendship of America for France became the theme of much public speaking, and 'Democatic' clubs were organized, modeled on the famous Jacobin Club of Paris. The followers of Jefferson joined these clubs and began to call themselves by the party name 'Democrat.' Thus the Democratic party was born."

So, the Democratic Party of today was modeled on the infamous and treacherous, Illuminati-based Jacobin Club of Paris. And, the Jacobin Club was used as a "tool" to perpetrate the murderous French Revolution and the Reign of Terror (1), plus the associated, "iron-gripped" dictatorship. Now, the Jacobin Club of Paris was, and the treasonous (1)(2) Democratic Party in the United States appears to be, linked to the Illuminati, the Freemasons and the shall be shown in more detail later in this presentation.

Now, in our day, the treasonous (1)(2) Democrats seem to be working as fast as they can to undermine and fully overthrow anything which may still remain of the legitimate Republican Form of Government which is mandated (1) and guaranteed to the whole United States by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States. Well, at this point, there is something to consider. The Democrats in political office took an Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, but, they treacherously lied (1) when they took their Oath.



On March 4, 1789 (1)(2)(3), the United States began to peacefully operate under its present Constitution. But, "across the pond" (1)(2)(3) (the Atlantic Ocean) in France, things were different. It appears that on May 5, 1789 (1), the murderous and devastating French Revolution started...although some say it actually started on July 14, 1789, with the Storming of the Bastille. From 1789 to 1799, there was widespread turmoil, chaos and death in France. Now, what was actually behind or instigating this devastating event in France?

Well, there is something to note in a book from 1848 (by Andrew Steinmetz), which is linked by the button below. This book is actually Volume 3 in a set of books. On page 621 in the linked book, it states: "The Jesuits and their friends ascribe the French Revolution to their suppression." Then, note that the writer of this book from 1848 basically mocks such a notion. But, as we shall see within this presentation, there may truly be something more to that which the Jesuits and their friends were claiming.

The Jesuits and their friends HAD LINKS to the Illuminati. Now, at the bottom of PDF page 208 of 311 in the document linked by the button below (plus at the bottom of PDF page 3 of 8 (and onto PDF page 4 of 8) in an excerpt of that document linked below, which excerpt downloads to your computer using this link), there is something to note. It states that "Weishaupt reorganized the Illuminati to appear on the surface to be composed of legitimate groups..." Yes, the Illuminati hid behind other groups, just as it does today.

Continuing onward in the document linked below --- and its excerpt, linked above --- it notes that the Illuminati worked through the Masonic Lodges in France, in order to form the Jacobin Society in Paris. Now, it appears that this Jacobin Society was just a "front" organization, behind which those in the Illuminati hid. It was a "tool" to be used for diabolical purposes by the Illuminati. And, those of the Jacobin Society, "with the help of the Money Barons," got the French Revolution and the bloody Reign of Terror going.


There is now something to note, especially when it comes to how things where done in France in the latter 1700s and then, when it comes to what is happening today in the United States. There is a lesson to learn. The sly and treacherous Illuminati had its "front" organizations which it manipulated and used as "tools" to do "its dirty work" to get the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror going. And then, there were those "Money Barons"(1) who financed things, to assure that there would be chaos to follow.

Well, that which is spoken about above sounds very similar to how "the treacherous crowd" is doing things today. In the United States, there are the modern, ultra-rich Money Barons...examples being the treacherous and treasonous (1)(2) Soros crowd and others of their ilk. These Money Barrons are funding various radical and un-American groups in the United States which are enemies of the U.S. Constitution, plus enemies of that particular Form of Government which it mandates and guarantees to every State in this Union.

The modern Money Barrons and their allies appear to be helping to fund, support, aid and abet the invasion of the United States by those Catholic-bred illegal aliens which have been swarming across the southern border. Furthermore, there are those aliens coming across the "open" southern border which are from other countries around the world. And, it appears that even terrorists have gained access to this country via the treasonous (1)(2) Democrats' "open" southern border, as indicated in the pages linked below.

There are now many factions, apparently even extremely dangerous foreign-alien terrorist factions, which are residing within the United States. It appears that it is this way within the United States because of the treasonous (1)(2) and possibly traitorous, Jesuit/Illuminati-based, even foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Democrats who are un-Constitutionally (1) in government positions. And, these factions can possibly be used by the Jesuit/Catholic/Illuminati crowd for creating some very serious or even deadly chaos.

When it comes to factions and division within the U.S., there is something to consider. A page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote: "The activities of the CIA go far beyond intelligence gathering of an international nature. The CIA serves as an agency through which secret 'assistance' to the Holy Mother Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders: In the meantime, the Vatican is enhancing its political power through generating domestic divisiveness."

So, it is not just the Jesuits and those of the Illuminati which are using division and factions to help them gain control over the United States. The quote above notes that the Vatican crowd is also "enhancing its political power through generating domestic divisiveness." And, it appears that those in the CIA are treacherously and traitorously "helping" this diabolical process along. Well, that is not surprising, for the CIA is also known as "Catholics In Action" and the "Catholic Intelligence Agency" (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7).

Now, regarding Jesuit-aligned Catholics in government positions --- like Joe Biden and others --- there is something to note. The pope and his hierarchy has taught "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."(1)(2)

Well, there is more to this story...which can help explain why Catholics in government, along with members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, plus their many other allies or controlled "pawns" in government positions, are leaving the southern border virtually wide open for those Catholic-bred illegal invaders. And, it should be noted that aliens and terrorist suspects are apparently working to illegally come across the northern U.S. border (1)(2)(3), also, which the treasonous (1)(2) Democrats have not properly secured.

Now, a page-paragraph linked here contains a quote. The papacy "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic." And, to gain power, they are letting Catholic-bred illegal aliens invade the country.

Once Catholics and members of the Jesuit/Illuminati-based Democrats, along with their allies, gain enough power and control in the United States, it appears that the murderous Crusades and Inquisition may possibly get "rolling" again...this time directly on U.S. soil. Yes, history does seem to have a nasty way of repeating itself, especially when it comes to those who are so entertained and distracted that they do not take the time to "see the signs" and learn the important lessons which the proper history has to teach.


On PDF page 66 of 777, in the book accessed by the link below, it notes that the Illuminati founder, Adam Weishaupt --- who we shall later find was actually Jesuit trained --- "was preparing to set his plans into motion for the French Revolution, which was slated to begin in 1789." The year 1789, in which Weishaupt planned for the bloody and murderous French Revolution to start, was the same year in which the present Constitution of the United States went into effect.

Well, the Illuminati's plans for starting the French Revolution were discovered and made public. Then, the Illuminati was outlawed in Europe and certain members were made to appear in court. On PDF page 67 of 777, in the book linked below, it states: "The leaders of the Order [of the Illuminati] who appeared before the government's Court of Inquiry, testified that the organization was dedicated to the overthrow of church and state." At that point, measures were taken to put an end to the Illuminati and its nefarious activities.

At the bottom of PDF page 67 and onto page 68, the linked book states: "The apparent demise of the Order was taken into stride by its highest members, who continued to operate underground. Weishaupt wrote: 'The great care of the Illuminati after the publication of their secret writings was to persuade the whole of Germany that their Order no longer existed, that their adepts had all renounced, not only their mysteries, but as members of a secret society."

In the quote above, note again that the highest members of the Order of the Illuminati, after the Order was banned, "continued to operate underground." To deceive the public about what they really were, the high members of the Illuminati just "put on another face". On PDF page 68 of 777 in the linked book, it states: "To hide their subversive activities, the highest members of the Order began to masquerade as humanitarians and philanthropists." And, what do we see happening in our day?

It appears that the rich and powerful members of the Illuminati are still masquerading as humanitarians and philanthropists. They can be identified by the things which they are supporting which are destructive to the authentic United States, its sovereignty and the personal security and liberty of its genuine citizens...which includes their Second Amendment rights. Those with links to the Illuminati are also commonly aiding the invasion of the United States via its southern border, as they prepare this country for utter chaos.

Now, let us return to an issue which was noted further above. When the Illuminati was publically exposed in the latter 1700s for what it actually was and what its nefarious and destructive goals were in this world, it was banned. So, what did the controllers of the Illuminati then do? Again, "Weishaupt wrote: 'The great care of the Illuminati after the publication of their secret writings was to persuade the whole of Germany that their Order no longer existed..." Well, is it any different today?

It appears that today, those of a certain, rather questionable and potentially Jesuit/Illuminati-linked or controlled crowd --- especially those of that rather small group of companies or conglomerates which appear to have hijacked (1) and taken control of the now highly manipulated and controlled mainstream media --- want the general public to believe that the Illuminati no longer exists. This is indicated by what is said in the apparently intentionally misleading pages which are linked below.

Now, there are things to note in the page linked below. Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, "was raised as a Catholic. He was born to Jewish parents who converted to Catholicism." Then, "Weishaupt became an orphan early in life so his uncle raised him and enrolled him in a Jesuit school." So again, note clearly that the founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, was a Catholic. Not only was Weishaupt Catholic, but he was also Jesuit-trained in a Jesuit school. More about these things later.

Looking further into the linked page, note these words: "The membership requirements [for the Illuminati] were stringent: members must come from wealth with established familial and societal connections." The page notes that members of the Illuminati "were noblemen, politicians, doctors, lawyers, and some literary greats..." Now, further down in the page, it states that "no evidence suggests the Illuminati still exists..." So, let us consider this possibly misleading statement a bit further.

In a page-paragraph linked here, it notes that the Order of the Illuminati merged with the Masons "at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, in 1782." The next paragraph in that page contains this quote: "On July 16, 1782, at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, the Illuminati joined with the Free Masons to form the Illumined Lodges of Masons and moved its Headquarters to Frankfurt (where the Rothschild banking family resided). By 1785, there were fifteen Illumined Lodges set up in the Thirteen Colonies of America."

Then, the page-paragraph linked here contains the following, interesting quote: "On May 1, 1776, under the direction of the newly formed House of Rothschild (and Wessely, Moses, Mendelssohn; and the Bankers, Itzig, Friedlander, and Meyer), who instigated the American Revolution to weaken Great Britain, Weishaupt founded the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria, which became known as the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt said that the name was derived from Luciferian teachings, and means, 'Holders of the Light.'"

Looking further into the Illuminati, a page-paragraph linked here notes that Meyer Amschel Rothschild, of the Rothschild banking dynasty, "was also involved at the beginning of the Weishaupt's Illuminati." Then, the paragraph which follows contains this quote: "Rothschild used a twisted form of the Jewish Talmud to create satanic teachings that formed the basis of his secret organization, the Illuminati." And then, the Illuminati united with the Masons and set up 15 Illumined Lodges in the United States, by 1785.

Now, seeing what is stated above, there things to note. First, there were 15 Illuminati-ized Masonic lodges set up in the United States by 1785. This means that the Illuminati/Freemasons was already operating within the United States prior to 1793, or about eight years before the Illuminati "tool", the French ambassador Edmond Genet, came to the United States and brazenly began setting up Jacobin-based Democratic Clubs or Societies. And, that Jacobin Club of France was based on, and controlled by, the Illuminati.

Once Jacobin/Illuminati-based Democratic Clubs or Societies were established in the United States by the treacherous Edmond Genet, beginning in 1793, is there a chance that members of the Illuminati-based Masonic Lodges then began to fill the ranks of those Democratic Clubs or Societies? That would give the Democratic Clubs a double-dose of the Illuminati...from the Jacobins and from the Illuminized Freemasons. And from that came the treacherous and treasonous (1)(2) Democratic Party...founded on the Illuminati.

There is another thing to note. A page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote: "Weishaupt wrote: 'The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment, let it never appear, in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation.'" And, there was that union of the Freemasons with the Illuminati. And then, a page-paragraph linked here notes: "Many of the Jesuits were also initiated into Freemasonry." Yes, there is a Jesuit/Illuminati connection...apparently even today.


Part Three is on its way. Check back later.

Things  To  Note  In  History

1096 AD:   The hierarchy of the Catholic Church has a lust for power and world control. The violent and ruthless, mass-murdering Crusades begin. The Crusades were originally said to be against Moslems, but Jews and authentic Christians were also murdered by the mass-murdering Catholics.

1184 AD:   The Inquisition begins. People are tortured to death in hideous ways, simply for not agreeing with the doctrines of the papal hierarchy. The murderous process was recorded or documented in detail, which included even the screams and cries of the victims. The goods and property of the unfortunate victims were also stolen from them by the Inquisitors and given to those "good" Catholics who would go along with the wicked despotism and murder. The diabolical Inquisition lasts into the early 1800s.

1517 AD:   The European Wars of Religion begin, apparently because of the nefarious acts of those associated with the papal organization. This series of deadly wars continued in their out-in-the-open form until 1648. After that, it appears that the wars of religion, especially from the papal side, became a more covert operation.

It appears that these generally more subtle wars have continued to this very day, via the Jesuits and the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope (using their controlled "pawns"), which militia is ultimately controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome. This militia now appears to include those in organizations like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones from Yale University, Rhodes Scholars, etc.

1540 AD:   The Jesuit movement was founded. The members of this movement appear to have been the beginning of the militia of the pope. The Jesuits and their allies were used to help crush the Protestant Reformation.

Initially, it appears that the Jesuits and their allies used the more openly-responding, Catholic Counter-Reformation. Later, it appears that Counter-Reformation operations became more covert, using members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope and their controlled "pawns."

1607 AD:   The British American colonies began to be formed on the northeastern part of that which is now the United States.

1773 AD:   The Jesuits were supposedly disbanded by Pope Clement XIV. But, instead of truly disbanding, the Jesuits just "went underground." It appears that they began "hiding behind" or using a number of other organizations as their more innocent-looking "fronts."

1775 AD:   The American Revolutionary War begins. There are those who indicate (1)(2)(3) that the Jesuits may have instigated this war so they could ultimately use the new country as their warhammer against peoples and countries which the Jesuits desired to bring under their control, ultimately by the use of those associated with or controlled by the militia of the pope.

1776 AD:   On the first day of the month of May (on May Day), the Bavarian Illuminati (1) is founded by the Jesuit-trained and supposedly ex-Jesuit (1) Adam Weishaupt (1), who was a professor of Canon Law (1) (Catholic law) at the University of Ingolstadt. A page linked here states: "The founding members adopted the Owl of Athena as the groups symbol, with each member taking an alias." More about the symbolic Owl of Athena in a bit.

After its founding, the Illuminati began to infiltrate the Freemasons. Regarding this issue, page-paragraphs linked here and here contain the following quote: "By the middle of 1779, the Munich Masonic lodge was under the complete influence of the Illuminati." Not long after, in 1782, the Illuminati was merged with the upper-level Freemasons (1), which then brought into being the Illumined Lodges of Masons.

As a side note, it appears that the Illuminati's Owl of Athena may be associated with that notable feature at the secretive Bohemian Grove (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) which is located north of San Francisco, California, in Monte Rio. The elite, all-male manipulators and controllers of our world meet at the secured (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Bohemian Grove yearly, where they can do what they want while they are out of the public view. And then, there is the Belizian Grove (1), which appears to be the elitist, all-female version of the Bohemian Grove.

1776 AD:   In the month of July, as the American Revolutionary War rages against the British military, the thirteen original States of America, in a united effort, produce the Declaration of Independence. This document basically proclaims that the people of these united states are tired of being abused and they will no longer live under despotism. They will be a free people. As a sidenote, it appears that a number of the Founding Fathers of the United States were at least lower members of the American Freemasons.

1777 AD:   The Articles of Confederation, which document is also called the first Constitution of the United States, is created. It is sent out to the thirteen original states for ratification. Most of the thirteen original states quickly ratify the Articles. It should be noted that these Articles assured religious freedom for the peoples of the forming United States. Well, the basically Catholic state of Mary-land balked at ratifying the Articles, apparently because, with the murderous Inquisition going on down south in Mexico, the Catholics did not agree with giving religious freedom to non-Catholics.

1778 AD:   As the Articles of Confederation are out to the thirteen original states for ratification, the papacy in Rome puts out that infamous Edict which calls for the destruction of this forming country which assures religious freedom to all of its people in all of its states. The Vatican Edict of 1778, joined together with other papal Bulls, effectively called for the full, perpetual enslavement of the citizens of the forming United States (1).

The Vatican Edict of 1778 declared that the forming United States is "a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost."(1) Yes, according to the papal decree, every good Catholic must work to destroy the authentic United States. That appears to be why we have Catholic people like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Gavin Newsom and many others in various Federal and State government positions.

Looking further into this matter, a page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a source: "Two years after the American colonists posted the Declaration of Independence, the Vatican [in 1778] declared an Edict that condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible." Yes, the papacy appears to have proclaimed that the forming United States "must be destroyed by any means possible."

The destruction of the forming United States which the papacy called for in 1778 appears to fit right in with what President Abraham Lincoln declared in the mid 1800s, during the time of the American Civil War. President Lincoln spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which are working "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."(1) Now, back on track with the year 1782.

1782 AD:   A page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a source: "On July 16, 1782, at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, the Illuminati joined with the Free Masons to form the Illumined Lodges of Masons and moved its Headquarters to Frankfurt (where the Rothschild banking family resided). By 1785, there were fifteen Illumined Lodges set up in the Thirteen Colonies of America."

1787 AD:   The bloodbath (1)(2)(3) of the French Revolution begins in 1787 and then lasts for about 11 years, until 1799. The Jesuits and their friends, at least in earlier times, claimed that the French Revolution was brought on because of the suppression of the Jesuits by the Catholic Church (1). Based on what the Jesuits have done over time, plus based on the Illuminati/Freemason/Jacobin/Jesuit connection, there may actually be much more truth to the Jesuit claim of instigating the French Revolution than the writer of the preceding linked page realizes (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

Looking further into the potential root-cause of the French Revolution, a page-paragraph linked here provides information from a 777-page book. The book shows that the revolutionary group which was stirred up in France had links to the Illuminati. Then, the members associated with these groups "emerged on July 14, 1789 as the Jacobin Club." The book states: "The Illuminati controlled the Club, and were directly responsible for fermenting the activities which developed into the French Revolution." And then, once the French Revolution was in motion, a related event began to take place in the United States.

1793 AD:   On page 76 of 777, in a book linked here, it notes that in April of 1793, "France sent [its] new ambassador Edmond Genet to America, so he could collect payment for the American debt incurred during the American Revolution.... However, his real reason for being here, was to gain political favor for France, and spread Illuminism, which he did, through the establishment of 'Democratic Clubs.'" And, from the information presented earlier in this page, it is very clear that Illuminism is linked to Freemasonry and the Jesuits, which Jesuits were said to be "officially" disbanded by the papacy at this time.

So, the destructive agenda of the Illuminists (and the destructive agenda of the sly Jesuits) was spread through the early United States, beginning in 1793, via those 'Democratic Clubs' or 'Democratic Societies.' And, once again, these actually treasonous Clubs or Societies were established in this country by that treacherous Illuminist, the French ambassador named Edmond Genet. These Democratic organizations "appeared in structure to resemble either the Jacobins of the French Revolution or the Committees of Correspondence active at the forefront of the American Revolution..."(1) And, there is more to note.

The 'Democratic Clubs' were also slyly called 'Democratic-Republican Societies (1). Adding the name "Republican" into the title was possibly done in order to deceive the unlearned and unwary about what was really happening to their country. With the insertion of "Republican" into the title, the unlearned and unwary would possibly not so readily recognize that these groups of treasonous domestic enemies were actually working to undermine and overthrow that Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. that U.S. citizens could then be enslaved.

And then, a page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a source: "While the Democratic Societies were thus poisoning the minds of the people, familiarizing them to insurrection and blood, Genet was not idle. He had surrounded himself with a troop of horse, enlisted and embodied in Philadelphia. These were, in general, Frenchmen, and no one can doubt but they were intended to act, either on the offensive or defensive, as occasion might require. This force rendered his adherents bold; they threw off all reserve, and issued their invitations to rebellion with an unsparing hand. The clubs at a distance followed the example, and, in some instances, improved upon it."

Yes, the treacherous French ambassador, Edmond Genet, was actually working to destabilize (1) the legitimate government of the United States...that particular form of government which is clearly mandated by the Constitution of the United States in Article 4, Section 4. In his efforts to undermine the U.S. government, Genet was spreading the tenets of the Illuminati, along with the associated, radicalized and communistic Jacobin doctrines. And again, these treacherous and treasonous domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States were working to undermine and overthrow the legitimate United States.

1796 AD:   A page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a source: "In his 1796 farewell address, Washington doubled down on his rejection of the Democratic-Republican Societies. He declared that, 'The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish government presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established government.' He warned that popular associations would interfere with the electoral process." And, interfere with the electoral process they have done...and, the evidence indicates that those associated with this crowd are still doing it today.

Now, a page-paragraph linked here contains a quote for a book published in 1913. When it comes to what that treacherous Edmond Genet was doing in the United States and what his followers ultimately created in this country, consider the following words: "Meanwhile, Genet landed at Charleston. He was received with enthusiasm. The old friendship of America for France became the theme of much public speaking, and 'Democatic' clubs were organized, modeled on the famous Jacobin Club of Paris. The followers of Jefferson joined these clubs and began to call themselves by the party name 'Democrat.' Thus the Democratic party was born." Yes, the Illuminati/Freemason/Jacobin/Jesuit-derived Democratic party was born.

1814 AD:   Well, it appears that the papacy needed more help in their efforts to undermine and destroy the authentic United States, so they could enslave its citizens. In 1814, the Jesuits were reinstated to "legitimacy" by Pope Pius VII. It appears that the Jesuits were reinstated to do a particular job for the papacy. They were sent by the Catholic European powers to undermine and overthrow the legitimate, authentic United its citizens could be enslaved. And the Jesuits, for a long time, have had the "tools" or "pawns" of the Illuminati/Jacobin-based Democratic party to use in their nefarious efforts.

1814 AD:   The first meeting to plan the destruction of the authentic republic of the United States. In the page-paragraph linked here is the following quote: "'Divine Righter' European monarchs, at the urging of the Papacy, and under the guidance of the Jesuit Order, met twice in the 19th century in order to plan the destruction of the American Constitutional Republic: first at the Congress of Vienna (Austria) in 1814-15; and then at Verona, Italy in 1822. High-level Jesuits later met at Chieri, Italy in 1825 to 'fine-tune' those plans for the destruction of the American Constitutional Republic."

1815 AD:   A page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a source: "[American Secretary of the Navy R.W.] Thompson pinpointed exactly who would be the agents used by the monarchs of Europe to destroy the republic of America, namely, the Jesuits of Rome! Since 1815 there has been a continual assault on America by the Jesuits to try to destroy the constitutional rights of this great nation."

1824 AD:   During his return visit to the United States, after earlier fighting for the freedom of citizens of the United States in the American Revolutionary War, the famous Marquis de Lafayette of France had the following to say: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty."(1)(2)(3)

To Be Continued...  More "Things to Note" are on their way...

Much more is on its way. Important background history, plus information about what has been happening for many years to the United States, to its education system, and to its highly distracted citizens is yet to come. It appears that nefarious things have been happening because of what those associated with the Jesuit/Illuminati/militia-of-the-pope-controlled Democratic Party have commonly been doing.

The coming information should help the properly educated reader to better understand why the treasonous (enemy of the specific form of government guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution), Jesuit-aligned, virtual Catholic dictator named Joe Biden and his cronies are doing the un-Constitutional things which they are now doing to the United States and its often distracted or clueless citizens.

Now, the Jesuits and the members of their militia of the pope do not have their Jesuit/Catholic-aligned or controlled "pawns" or "tools" in just the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, history shows that the Jesuits and their militia have their destructive "tools" and controlled "pawns" even in the Republican Party, plus elsewhere. More about this later or in other pages.

In the mean time, be extremely careful who you vote for. Research the candidates thoroughly. And, looking back to 1963, President John F. Kennedy, that Catholic president and member of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, did allegedly declare: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Well, that Jesuit/Catholic/Illuminati plot is still in motion and is about complete at this time.

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