Rome's  Modern  Crusade  and

the  Ongoing  Invasion  of

the  United  States,  plus

the  Final  Enslavement  of

Virtually  ALL  U.S.  Citizens

Over 240 years ago, "they" DID SAY that they would
destroy the AUTHENTIC United States, and they have
TRULY been very SUCCESSFUL at doing it, step by step.
And, it does appear that a treasonous Biden and Harris,
plus their MANY criminal and treasonous Cronies, are ALL
part of the very elaborate Jesuit-Controlled Plan, which
included the SCAM election and "hidden" coup of 2020.

... and yes, unfortunately, it is true that ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
Brutally Assassinated and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963. (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Introduction Posted:   11 Sep 2023
Additions Posted:   12 Sep 2023 -- latest
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8

This is JUST a mere INTRODUCTION and placeholder for the coming presentation. It should be noted
that many pieces of information which shall be included in this presentation are now found scattered
at various places in the page on this site titled Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated? (1), plus
in a number of other pages. There is enough info in this site to help people get "the REAL picture".

Now, when it comes to the Roman hierarchy's sly plan for the takeover of the United States and the
total enslavement of its all-to-often clueless (1)(2) citizens, it should be noted that already by 1940
the Roman crowd had established a very strong power-base in both major political parties (1), and
it appears that they were working pretty hard to get a change made to the U.S. Constitution so that
the mere recommendations of the pope would become U.S. law (1). Basically, they were working to
turn the United States into a Jesuit/Catholic-controlled what Biden is doing today.

So, it should be noted that the papal crowd has been instructed by the Roman hierarchy to get into
political office in the United States. As their crowd gained power, they were to change the system
of government into something which is not authorized by the U.S. Constitution. And, they already
have illegally (1) changed government of the United States to a democracy. And, as they continue to
make illegal and treasonous changes, they are to turn the United States into a Catholic country (1).

Now, since the sly Roman crowd has a strong power-base in both major political parties, there truly is
something important to consider. There is reason to suspect that the Jesuit-trained (1) Donald Trump
and his crowd are also --- even in the recent court proceedings --- just "puppets" in the elaborate,
Jesuit-controlled plan to hijack the United States and enslave its citizens under Roman domination.

In all of this, note that the treasonous Biden and his cronies are making un-constitutional changes
to the United States. And, the Trump-crowd is being accused of planning to un-constitutionally make
changes to the government (1) of the United States. And in the end, the ultimate intent to have U.S.
citizens living under Jesuit laws, as indicated in a page-paragraph linked here. So, what seems to
historically happen when Catholics and Jesuits get enough power? Well, in order to obtain a more
reasonable answer, just check out the pages linked below. And, history is going to repeat itself.

And then, there is that ongoing, mainly Catholic-bred invasion at the southern border to consider.
Furthermore, during the criminal and treasonous, Jesuit-"influenced" (1), Obama/Biden administration
they were criminally and truly treasonously arming (1) and training (1)(2) Catholic-bred illegal aliens
from "south of the border". And now, the treasonous criminals in government are illegally inducting
Catholic-bred illegal aliens into law enforcement positions (1)(2). Well, can you see where things are
headed in the United States? They are Catholicizing (1) the United States through illegal immigration.

Yes, the United States is steadily being hijacked as the Jesuit/Catholics and their treacherous allies
are pulling off their very sneaky, more modern way of doing one of their invasions and Crusades.
Now, for more information which truly does relate to the very treacherous, plus very sly and sneaky
Jesuit/Catholic invasion of the United States, along with their modern way of doing a Crusade, just
check out the pages linked below. It is time for U.S. citizens to wake up to their nasty predicament.

Now, the bussing or flying of illegal and, yes, criminal invading aliens from southern border states
to Democrat-controlled cities around the United States is not what you think it is. Yes, there has
been "a stink" made about how cruel this is to the illegal and criminal aliens, especially by the
highly treasonous (1) Democrats and their just as treasonous allies and many "pawns". But all the
"tear-jerking" stuff appears to be nothing more than a sly and deceptive, Jesuit-controlled ruse.

It appears that the Jesuit/Catholics are using "the stink" as a cover, while they are successfully
getting their rather large, Catholic-bred invading force spread widely across the United States.
So, really think about this folks! You have been highly deceived about what is really going on.
Like really dumbed-down (1) and idiotic fools, U.S. citizens have steadily been losing their country
to those millions of Catholic-bred illegal aliens, which are all part of the Vatican's invading army.

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