The  ONLY*(1)  Successful  COUP

and  Massacre  of  Blacks

in  the  United  States ...

... appears  to  have  been

Planned  and  Led  by

Roman  Catholic  Democrats

The Wilmington Massacre of 1898
Wilmington, North Carolina

Part of the Jesuit/Catholic Conspiracy against the Citizens of the United States?

------- and, yes -------

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."
By: President John F. Kennedy --- Assassinated (1):  November 22, 1963
* assassination associated with Second Successful Coup D'Etat

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   10 Jan 2023
Latest Additions Posted:   15 Jan 2023
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


In order to properly understand the Wilmington Massacre of 1898 and the related coup which took place at that time, plus in order to properly understand a number of other nefarious things which have taken place in the United States before and after the Massacre of 1898, it is important to consider some earlier history. Just a short introduction will be made about each piece of history, which history should help the reader to see a certain picture which has been left out of the common history books used in the "Halls of Learning".

Now, the mass-murdering Catholic Crusades, which were used to take over other countries and peoples, are said to have begun in the year 1095 (1). So, why did the Catholics really start going on their deadly Crusades to take over other countries and peoples? Well, the page linked below declares: "A disappointing harvest in 1095 had brought famine to the poor." The page then states that "there is 'no doubt the crusading impulse rescued many serfs, but also landowners, from desperate economic straits.'"

Considering what is stated in the paragraph above, it appears that the Crusades may have actually been done for economic reasons, and war and plunder then became part of the religion of the papal crowd. And then, somewhere along the way, it appears that the papal crowd attached a "holy sounding" reason for why they were having those mass-murdering Crusades. And, this false narrative is what has commonly been entered into the history books, as the child-raping (1)(2) papal organization works to look "pearly white".


In the year 1452, a questionable Pope Nicholas V put out his diabolic and extremely un-Christian bull which is called "Dum Diversas." This Satan-inspired, extremely un-Christian bull, which is spoken about in the pages linked by the buttons below, "authorized the European invasion of Africa, Asia and the Americas, and sanctioned perpetual enslavement."(1) Basically, the pope's diabolical bull of 1452 did criminally "authorize" Catholics to enslave all non-Catholics in Africa, Asia, and in the steal their property.

It could easily be said by some that the Vatican and the Catholic Church was the original "White Power" organization in this world. It appears that one of their major goals was to suppress and enslave Black people under the domination of White people, in as much of the world as possible. And then, at the time of the Wilmington Massacre of 1898, when many Black people were massacred and their homes and businesses burned, it appears that it was definitely a Catholic-backed, "White Power" operation.


Directly under the title of the page linked below, it states: "The Wilmington, North Carolina massacre decimated Black political and economic power in the city for nearly 100 years." The page goes on to show that the horrific things which happened at Wilmington in 1898 is "a story of racial terror largely obscured from the annals of American history." Then, part way down the page is a section titled In Wilmington, the Black Community Was Thriving.

The section noted above declares: "In the years leading up to 1898, Wilmington stood as the most progressive city in the American South. A bustling, integrated port, the town, historians say, 'was what the new South could have become after the Civil War.'" Yes, Wilmington was a shining example of what the new South could have become after the Civil War, had not the criminal, murderous, Roman-Catholic-controlled Democrats come into Wilmington and done their dirty, criminal and extremely un-American deeds.

The page linked below declares: "By 1896, nearly 126,000 Black men in Wilmington were registered voters. The city's flourishing Black middle class boasted some 65 doctors, lawyers and educators, scores of barbers and restaurant owners, public health workers, members of the police force and the fire department." It also states that "just three decades after Emancipation, Black Republicans held multiple positions of power, serving as city councilmen, magistrates and other elected officials."

Note clearly what is stated above. It was BLACK REPUBLICANS which "held multiple positions of power, serving as city councilmen, magistrates and other elected officials." Yes, these Black people were part of the Republican Party, because the Republicans were the ones who initiated the things which finally freed the enslaved Black Americans. And, the Democrats, which appeared to be mainly controlled by the Jesuit/Catholic crowd, did not appreciate Black people thriving, especially in positions of power.

The page linked above notes that in 1894, which was four years before the diabolical Massacre, "the Populists and Republicans seized the political majority, sweeping the state in 1894, electing Republicans to local state and federal seats and ousting Democrats from political power." Then the page states: "Fearing the loss of white supremacy, Wilmington Democrats formulated a multi-pronged strategy to retake power and strip Black citizens of their political and economic agency." Then came the coup and massacre.

And now, that which is mentioned in the first paragraph of this section must be noted again. The demonic massacre of prosperous and prominent Black people in Wilmington, North Carolina is "a story of racial terror largely obscured from the annals of American history." Well, why was this horrific massacre of Black people "largely obscured from the annals of American history?" The answer appears to be, that it has been obscured from the annals of American history because of who was actually behind this demonic event.


This presentation shall look closely at the FIRST successful, apparently Jesuit/Catholic-controlled coup d'etat in the United States which occurred in 1898, which coup included that brutal massacre of Black people. Now, some people may be wondering why the writer calls this 1898 coup the FIRST successful coup d'etat in the United States. Well, the SECOND successful Jesuit/Catholic-controlled U.S. coup d'etat appears to have occurred with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, in November of 1963 (1)(2)(3). Now, there is something to consider. In a page-paragraph linked here is found the following quote:

"The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

This infiltration of governments and intelligence agencies, plus universities, colleges, school board committees and publishing houses, so they can "erase" as much as possible the diabolical history and nefarious acts of the Jesuit/Catholic/militia-of-the-pope crowd, so they can rewrite and revise history textbooks and encyclopedias, appears to be exactly what has been happening in the United States. This appears to be the way it is, especially when it comes to the Jesuit/Catholic- and Democrat-planned and orchestrated coup d'etat and beastly massacre of Black people in that Wilmington Massacre of 1898.

There is very little information available about this diabolical massacre of Black people in 1898, especially from mainstream sources or in school textbooks. What is then virtually non-existant is information readily available which shows that it was a Catholic-controlled Democratic Party which planned and carried out this coup d'etat and massacre of Black people in Wilmington, North Carolina. It appears that the Jesuit/Catholics have been extremely successful at covering-up their nefarious tracks, so the general public in the United States remains rather ignorant about what the Jesuit/Catholic crowd has been up to behind the scenes.

Now, a major purpose of this presentation shall be to provide enough pieces of evidence and history which should help to reveal who was actually behind the successful coup d'etat and the brutal, cold-blooded massacre of Black people in Wilmington, North Carolina in 1898. When it comes to this diabolical event which was perpetrated within the United States, it should be noted that none of the Catholics or Democrats associated with this massacre of Black people ever stood trial for murder. It appears that the Crusading Catholics already had too much control over the government of the United States...and got away with it.

So, let us now begin to look at some important history which can help to reveal what those associated with the foreign-controlled Vatican/Jesuit organization have been doing, even against the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. But, in order to get a better understanding of what those associated with the papal crowd have been doing against this country and its authentic people, we must look even further back in history to what those of the Vatican/Jesuit organization were satanically doing to peoples who would not bow to the papal crowd, their doctrines and their diabolical and enslaving agenda in earlier times.


The pages linked below provide at least some introductory information about the diabolical and satanic, Catholic Inquisition. During the Inquisition, the papal crowd often controlled the government and the government was merely a "puppet" for the Vatican hierarchy and its diabolical agenda. In these places, those who did not agree with the teaching or practices of the papacy, or those accused of heresy, could have their goods and property stolen from them. Then, the victims were often diabolically tortured and even sadistically murdered in cold-blood, as a warning to others to not disagree with the despotic Catholics.

During the time of the satanic Inquisition, those accused of heresy were not allowed to know the names of their supposed accusers, which names were kept secret. And then, as those of the Inquisition were testing their victims to see if they could get them to confess to being a heretic, they would often brutally torture and mutilate and maim their victims to the extreme, even if it led to death. Some of the brutal and diabolical torture methods used by the Catholics are shown or spoken about in the pages linked below. So, take some time to scan through the pages and become informed, for history seems to have a way of repeating itself.

Not only were the victims of the Roman Catholics tortured in many diabolical way, but it appears that quite a number of these victims were also burned at the stake. Now, beside being burnt at the stake, when it comes to the torture tools of the barbaric, satanically motivated Catholics, the first page linked below speaks about the Judas Chair, the Head Vice, the Pear, the Wheel, Sawing victims apart, and Disembowelment. These named torture methods are just some of the things in the "torturer's toolkit." Yes, they had many diabolical devices at their disposal with which to torment and torture their victims.

As all things are considered, it does appear that the demonic spirit associated with the mass-murdering Crusades and the satanic Inquisition was in operation when the Catholic-controlled (as we shall soon see) Democrats swarmed into Wilmington, North Carolina in 1898 and began to brutally massacre Black people, especially the prosperous Black people and those duly elected ones in government positions. And again, it should be noted that the diabolical acts in Wilmington in 1898 are "largely obscured from the annals of American history." Yes, the papal agents have a way of covering their diabolical tracks (1).


Let us begin to see how the Jesuits, the Illuminati, and the Catholics are linked to the Democratic Party. This should help people to better understand who was actually behind the criminal coup and the demonic and beastly massacre of Black people in Wilmington in 1898. Now, the Illuminati, which was founded in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt in 1776, is based on Luciferianism and Satanism (1)(2). And, as noted in some of the pages linked below, the Jesuits are linked to the founder of the Illuminati, plus to the Illuminati itself.

The purpose of the Jesuit-linked Illuminati is to overthrow established governments and all established religions and then replace all religions with a Satanic religion. Then, those who are associated with the Illuminati and its allies can rule the world with uncontrollable power. This plan to overthrow established governments and religions, plus civilization itself, is also spoken about in a number of the pages linked below. And, the Jesuit-linked Illuminati, through various "fronts", is in control of the New World Order.

Part way down in the page linked below, it mentions the Illuminati "influencing the French Revolution in 1787." It speaks of an "Invisible Empire" which has been in operation behind the scenes, as it has operated "through different organizations who bore different names." The page speaks about the Illuminati-linked Orders of Fraternity which have been sponsoring world education. And, those associated with the Illuminati-linked organizations have been "transforming the educational system to form future generations." And, from what can be observed, this has even been happening in the United States...even today.

Looking further into the page linked below, it speaks about Illuminati-linked "Secret Societies during the 17th and 18th century," or during the 1600s and 1700s, which during that time "took action, causing revolutions, overthrowing Monarchical and Papal powers and taking hold of the banking system." Then, the page speaks about the Jesuit-trained Adam Weishaupt, who founded the Bavarian Illuminati. It states that Weishaupt "was convinced that the world would profit from the overthrow of all governmental and religious institutions in the world to replace them by a world-wide, yet secretive, committee of 'initiates'."

The linked page speaks about the Illuminati infiltrating and absorbing a sizable share of Freemasonry, which absorption occurred by the year 1780. With the absorption of Freemasonry, the Illuminati-front was then populated with many "students, merchants, doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, judges, professors in gymnasia and universities, preceptors, civil officers, pastors, [and] priests." But then, it was determinined in Bavaria that the Illuminati appeared to be "an organization devoted to the overthrow of religion and the state, a band of poisoners and forgers, an association of men of disgusting morals and depraved tastes."

The linked page states: "By 1788, through the use of aggressive legislation and criminal charges, the Bavarian Illuminati was apparently dissipated and destroyed by the government." Well, it may have appeared to the uninitiated that the Illuminati was destroyed, but it did not dissipate, nor was it destroyed. It went underground and lived on within other organizations...especially within Freemasonry across Europe. And then, the page shows that the Illuminati-linked Jacobinism was involved with the violent and bloody French Revolution of 1789, which overthrew the French Monarchy.

The page linked above shows that in 1799, the German minister G.W. Snyder "warned [former U.S. President (1)] George Washington of the Illuminati plan 'to overthrow all governments and religion'." In Washington's letter of reply to Snyder, he spoke about "the Democratic Societies in the United States" which appeared to be working to separate "the People from their Government," as the Illuminati-linked (and possibly, via Illuminati ties, Jesuit-linked) Democratic Societies worked to overthrow the government of the United States and religion in this country. And, at this point, the Jesuits were still supposedly disbanded by the Vatican.

Now, let us consider where the Democratic Party came from. On PDF page 73 of 777, in the book linked below, it speaks about the revolutionary group in France which had links to the Illuminati, which group then "emerged on July 14, 1789 as the Jacobin Club." The page states: "The Illuminati controlled the Club, and were directly responsible for fermenting the activities which developed into the French Revolution." Now, the Illuminati was definitely founded by the Jesuit-trained Adam Weishaupt in 1776. So, it is time to see how Jesuit-linked Illuminism got from France into the United States, to produce the Democratic Party.

Looking again at the book linked below, on PDF page 76 of 777, it shows that in April of 1793, during that time while the French Revolution was raging, "France sent new ambassador Edmond Genet to America, so he could collect payment for the American debt incurred during the American Revolution.... However, his real reason for being here, was to gain political favor for France, and spread Illuminism, which he did, through the establishment of 'Democratic Clubs.'" Yes, this treacherous French ambassador spread destructive Illuminism in the United States through the establishment of Democratic Clubs.

In order to mask what they were up to, the apparently Jesuit/Illuminati-linked Democratic Clubs later began to be called Democratic-Republican Societies (1). Then, a page linked here speaks about the founding "of a network of over forty Democratic-Republican Societies throughout the young nation between 1793 and 1796." It appears that the proxies of the Jesuits and the Illuminati were hard at work, as they prepared to overthrow the legitimate Republican Form of Government (1) in the United States, by laying the groundwork for the overthrow by working to dumb-down, brainwash and enslave the minds of U.S. citizens.

Now, it is time for the moment of truth about where the treasonous Democratic Party of today came from, which party is working to treasonously undermine and overthrow the legitimate Republican Form of Government (1)(2)(3) in the United States. A page paragraph linked here notes, from a source, that the "'Democatic' clubs were organized, modeled on the famous Jacobin Club of Paris." Then it states: "The followers of Jefferson joined these clubs and began to call themselves by the party name 'Democrat.' Thus the Democratic party was born." So, the Democratic Party has Jacobin, Illuminati, Jesuit roots.


At this point, it should once again be noted that the Vatican supposedly abolished or disbanded the Jesuits in 1773. But, again, the Jesuits simply went underground and began working through a number of other organizations, which they used as their "fronts". But, in 1814, the Vatican reinstated the Jesuits to their former glory and position of power. Then, in 1815, the Jesuits were sent on a mission to the United States (1) to undermine and overthrow the authentic United States, especially its legitimate Republican Form of Government and the principals upon which the Constitution of the United States is founded.

Well, it appears that the the job of undermining and overthrowing the authentic United States and what it is really supposed to be about turned out to be a really big job for the Jesuits. It was a big job, because most U.S. citizens in the earlier 1800s were more intelligent and were not dumbed-down and ready to be suckered into giving up their liberty and freedom. Because the demonic job of overthrowing the legitimate form of government (1) in the United States was large, that appears to be why numerous Catholics were flooded into the United States in the mid 1800s and then funneled into the Jesuit-Illuminati-based Democratic Party.

Now, a little over one-quarter of the way down in a page linked here, it states that "in the real growth areas in the country over the last century, the Democratic Party has been run largely by Catholics. There were clear historical reasons for this. From the 1840s, when Democratic ward-heelers greeted the first great waves of Catholic immigrants on the wharves of New York City, Boston, Philadelphia and other East Coast cities, Catholics found a congenial home in the Democratic Party..." So, from the 1840s and onward, the Democratic Party was flooded with Catholics, who then largely ran the Jesuit-Illuminati Democratic Party.

Based on the information in this presentation, it appears that it was members of the Jesuit-Illuminati-based, Catholic-controlled Democratic Party who, in 1898, criminally and treasonously pulled off that successful coup d'etat in Wilmington, North Carolina. And, it was Jesuit-Illuminati, Catholic-controlled people who pulled off that mini-Crusade and mini-Inquisition in Wilmington, when they mass-murdered all of those Black people in cold-blood. And then, at that point, the Democrats and Catholics had enough power in the United States that they largely "erased"(1) their diabolical deeds from the annals of American history.

To Be Continued ...

NOTE:   This is the start for that which is coming.

This presentation shall consider the enslaving and domineering and murderous nature of the Catholics during their mass-murdering Crusades and their diabolical Inquisition. It will consider the Vatican desire from the latter 1700s to destroy the authentic United States, plus the true liberties of its citizens. It will also consider the pre-Wilmington Massacre, American Civil War and who was behind it and who actually drew the "First Blood" of that destructive war, whose purpose was to destroy the authentic United States.

This presentation shall also look at some of those major criminal cover-ups which have been, and appear to still be done by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And, since it was those who were part of the basically Catholic-controlled, socialistic, communistic, Democratic Party which were involved in the successful coup d'etat and mass murder of Black people in Wilmington in 1898, some important history of the Democratic Party shall also be examined.

Well, it appears that the Jesuit/Catholic war to enslave Black people is not done yet. This presentation will also consider the diabolical rape of Black children by those various Jesuit/Catholic priests. But, since there is a plot to enslave everyone in this country, those Jesuit/Catholic priests are also raping White kids and others. Now, if this crowd will abuse and rape children on a large scale, then, with that mentality, it should not be a great step to mass-murder people with the new, rather covert, hi-tech Crusades and Inquisition.

Information shall also be provided about Catholic priests who were involved in the extermination camps of the World War Two era. And now, there are those treasonous criminals in government positions to consider, who are protecting the foreign-controlled, raping priests as they are doing their crimes against U.S. citizens. Oh, by the way, when it comes to who should pay reparations to the Blacks for all of that earlier slavery and abuse, it should be the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Confiscate all their stuff and give it to the Black people.

Truly, there is something for U.S. citizens to seriously consider. It appears that Jesuit/Catholic associated or linked or manipulated people in government positions are working to enslave White U.S. citizens. They are working to enslave White U.S. citizens by saying that they all need to pay reparations to the Black people. The treacherous and treasonous Jesuit/Catholic linked people in government positions want others to pay for the abusing and enslaving acts of their damned (1), deceptive and diabolical Vatican/Jesuit organization.

Yes, by rights, all the property and goods of the Vatican/Jesuit organization within the United States should be confiscated. All the church buildings and properties, along with all the Catholic school buildings and their properties, plus all of the hospitals and other medical facilities owned or connected to the Catholic organization should be confiscated and given to Black people who have no connection to, and are not spiritually enslaved by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. That would be just and righteous reparations.

And then, all the child-abusing and child-raping Jesuit/Catholic priests (1)(2) and nuns, plus each and every one of their criminal and diabolical facilitators, should be rounded up and deported out of the United States. Furthermore, all of those in government positions who have treasonously been facilitating all of this rape and abuse (1)(2) by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and have done nothing to put a stop to this criminal activity, should be rounded up and deported out of the United States.

After the destructive and corrupting criminals are deported out of the United States, plus the property, goods and money of these treacherous and treasonous criminals has been given to the Black people of the United States as just and righteous reparation, then all the damage which the Jesuit/Catholics have done to the authentic United States and its Constitution would need to be repaired. The United States would have to get back to what it was really meant to be, in order to be a good and prosperous country, once again.

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