and  coming,  TOTAL  ENSLAVEMENT,

plus  Mass-Murder  of  Genuine  Citizens

of  the  NOW-GONE,  authentic  United  States

With  Rome's  MANY  Treasonous  Traitors  in  High  Positions  in  the

Government,  Military,  Intel  and  Law  Enforcement  Agencies,

the  END  has  come  FAST  for  the  TRUE  United  States.

Yes,  "they"  are  merrily  TRASHING  the  authentic  United  States,

while  Dumbed-Down  citizens  are  more  interested  in  sports  and

entertainment,  than  saving  the  Constitution  and  the  authentic

United  States.   Well,  the  price  of  shear  negligence  and  utter

dereliction  of  patriotic  duty  shall  be  extremely  high, indeed!

By  the  way,  what  is  this  "RECONQUISTA"  which  Rome's  army

of  Catholic-bred  invaders  hopes  to  do  in  the  United  States,

once  they  get  enough  power?  What's  this  "ETHNIC  CLEANSING"

which  appears  to  be  on  their  agenda?   This  agenda  appears

to  be  a  bit  like  that  which  the  Jesuit/Catholic-aligned  Adolf

Hitler  and  his  mass-murdering  Nazis  had  during  the  HOLOCAUST...

...during  that  demonic  time  of  industrial-scale  HUMAN  SACRIFICE.

NO  WONDER  Biden  and  his  treacherous  and  treasonous  cronies

are  working  so  hard  to  DISARM  U.S.  citizens ... in  preparation

for  the  coming  EVENTS ... to  make  things  easier  for  the  Catholics.

WAKE  UP !  The  Signs  are  ALL  AROUND You !   It  does  appear

that  the  Vatican/Jesuit  Crowd's  new  Crusades  and  Inquisition

are  Fully  Prepared !!!   And,  note  that  under  the  Obama/Biden

administration,  "they"  were  stockpiling  billions  of  rounds  of

special  ammunition,  a  lot  of  it  being  devastating  and  murderous

hollow-point  ammunition,  which  CANNOT  be  used  in  a  war  or

for  border  security.   So,  what  are  "their"  plans  for  this  ammo?

And  then,  there  is  that  so-called  "Vitrification  Plant"  at  the  old

Hanford  Nuclear  Reservation  in  Washington  state ... which  facility

has  been  being  built  by  companies  controlled  by  Catholics.   So,

WHAT  ARE  "their"  ACTUAL  PLANS  for  this  facility  which  is  way

over  budget  and  WAY  PAST  its  initially-claimed  start-up  date?

Furthermore,  some  reports  indicate  that  sub-standard  materials

have  been  used  in  its  construction  and  this  facility  CANNOT

truly  process  ALL  of  the  Radioactive  Waste  in  those  177  storage

tanks ... some  of  which  are  said  to  be  leaking.   So,  again,  what

is  the  TRUE  INTENT  for  this  facility?   Would  it  make  a  better

HUMAN-GASIFICATION  facility ... for  "disposing"  of  mass-murdered

humans ... than  it  would  a  Nuclear  Waste  disposal  facility?   Just

some  things  to  consider,  especially  after  knowing  some  of  the

history  of  this  "very  sly  crowd".   Then,  there's  more  to  consider.

From  the  looks  of  things,  with  the  2020  "coup",

the  Foreign-Controlled  "INVISIBLE  GOVERNMENT"

---   the  illegal  "government"  operating  within  the  U.S.  government   ---

has  completed  its  HIJACKING  of  the  United  States.

Seeing what all has been happening to the United States,

the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Adolf Hitler and his Nazis,

plus the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled mass-murderers

of the old Croatian Ustasha of the World War Two era,

must be "SMILING BIG", as they lie in their Graves !!!

YES !!!

It's ALL part of the LONGSTANDING, Jesuit/Catholic Crime and
Conspiracy Spree against the United States and its Citizens.

The TRAP is Closing Quickly

... and yes, it is true that ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
Brutally Assassinated (1) and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963.

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
FIRST ALERT Posted:   27 Feb 2024 -- with 29 Feb 2024 addition
Copyright © 2024 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


Right now, things are happening very fast in our country and world. Things are changing fast, plus, the citizens of the United States are not being told the real truth about what is really going on...especially through the manipulated and controlled mainstream media and many other sources.

Now, with the censorship which is happening on the internet, there is reason to suspect that this site will not be available to the general public for much longer. There may not even be time to finish this presentation. But, there is something which the writer will say.

It appears that history is about to repeat itself...this time in a big and ugly way. For those who want to better understand that which is coming, the pieces of necessary information are scattered throughout the various pages of this site. If you want, grab a copy of the pages for your own study and later reference.

The writer wishes you all the best in the days ahead.


While the reader may possibly be waiting for the writer to add their research findings to this page, plus what "the signs" around us in our country and world appear to clearly show, it may be worth taking the time to check out at least some of the information which is linked below. The more information the reader has at their disposal, the better they may be able to understand what is definitely coming "on the horizon". It is time to get educated, while others are distracted by frivolous things like sports and entertainment.

By the way, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled United Nations is aiding Rome's invasion of the United States by those largely Catholic-bred illegal aliens, with Chinese communists mixed in. And, it appears that U.S. taxpayers' dollars which Rome's agents in the U.S. government give to the United Nations are commonly passed along to Rome's illegal invaders. And, there is a question. Is the Vatican/Jesuit crowd instigating the Chinese invasion of the United States via the southern border, also?

To be continued ... as (or, if) the writer is allowed.

This is just a mere Introduction for that which is intended for this presentation. There truly is a
whole lot more which needs to be said and exposed.  Check back later for additional information.

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