Right now, things are happening very fast in our country and world. Things are changing fast, plus, the citizens of the United States are not being told the real truth about what is really going on...especially through the manipulated and controlled mainstream media and many other sources.
Now, with the censorship which is happening on the internet, there is reason to suspect that this site will not be available to the general public for much longer. There may not even be time to finish this presentation. But, there is something which the writer will say.
It appears that history is about to repeat itself...this time in a big and ugly way. For those who want to better understand that which is coming, the pieces of necessary information are scattered throughout the various pages of this site. If you want, grab a copy of the pages for your own study and later reference.
The writer wishes you all the best in the days ahead.
While the reader may possibly be waiting for the writer to add their research findings to this page, plus what "the signs" around us in our country and world appear to clearly show, it may be worth taking the time to check out at least some of the information which is linked below. The more information the reader has at their disposal, the better they may be able to understand what is definitely coming "on the horizon". It is time to get educated, while others are distracted by frivolous things like sports and entertainment.
By the way, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled United Nations is aiding Rome's invasion of the United States by those largely Catholic-bred illegal aliens, with Chinese communists mixed in. And, it appears that U.S. taxpayers' dollars which Rome's agents in the U.S. government give to the United Nations are commonly passed along to Rome's illegal invaders. And, there is a question. Is the Vatican/Jesuit crowd instigating the Chinese invasion of the United States via the southern border, also?