Foreign  Controlled,
Government  Traitors ?

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Partial document post: 13 Aug 2021
Additions added: 14 Aug 2021
Copyright © 2021 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


Within an old prophecy is found the following words: "...And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."(1) The words of the prophecy were originally written about two thousand years ago, but there is something important to understand about them. These words are still very true today, unfortunately, on even a larger scale than ever before.

This presentation will examine just a few of the methods used, by which the agents of a foreign power have snared and gained control of other government officials. They have even gained control of government officials in the United States, and then, virtually turned these officials into treacherous traitors to this country and to the true citizens of the United States.


In the year 1776, the embryonic United States began to form. In that year, the Declaration of Independence was created and was loudly proclaimed to the world. The original 13 states, in a joint effort, made it clear that the people of the forming United States were going to be a free people. They were going to be a people who had and would retain their God-given, unalienable rights. They were also going to be a people who retained their liberty of conscience.

Looking back just a bit, in April of 1775, the Revolutionary War started. This war is also called the War for Independence. Those who were involved in this bid for freedom realized that, especially in this case, the only way to gain freedom was through an all-out war. Unfortunately, much blood was shed and many people had to died in this war, so that others could obtain their freedom. But, it was a necessary fight, considering what had been happening on this earth.

Now for some additional history. In the year 1096, the first of the papal Crusades occurred. In this Crusade, the papal crowd made a large push toward the Holy Land in the Middle East (1). The Crusaders wanted to gain total control of the city of Jerusalem. After that First Crusade, there were a number of other bloody and mass-murdering Crusades. Generally speaking, the Crusades were against virtually anyone who would not bow to the pope in Rome, or to his controlling and despotic minions. The mass-murdered people included many Protestants, plus many authentic, Bible-believing Christians.

After the papal crowd got their mass-murdering Crusades going, then started their diabolical and murderous Inquisition. A page-paragraph linked here contains a quote from a linked source, which declares: "While many people associate the Inquisition with Spain and Portugal, it was actually instituted by Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) in Rome. A later pope, Pope Gregory IX established the Inquisition, in 1233, to combat the heresy of the Abilgenses, a religious sect in France. By 1255, the Inquisition was in full gear throughout Central and Western Europe; although it was never instituted in England or Scandinavia."

Well, there is actually something which needs to be added to the history of the diabolical and murderous Inquisition. When the Revolutionary War started in 1775, between Britain and the 13 original States in North America, the hierarchy of the papal crowd had their satanic and murderous Inquisition going on in Mexico. This Mexican Inquisition started in 1571 (1) and lasted for hundreds of years. So, a little over 200 years after the Mexican Inquisition had gotten rolling, a bit further to the north, the United States began to be "born."

It appears that the heirarchy of the papal organization was not happy with the creation of the United States in 1776. Why was this? Well, the majority of the people in the forming United States believed in their God-given unalienable rights, plus they believed in their liberty of conscience and freedom of religion. Then, in 1777, the document called the Articles of Confederation was created and sent out to the 13 original States for ratification. This document is commonly classed as being the first Constitution for the forming United States.

Now, the Articles of Confederation virtually guaranteed the freedom of religion for the peoples of the 13 States. The majority of the people in the forming United States were not about to be "under the despotic thumb" of any religious hierarchy, especially some foreign-controlled religious hierarchy with a bloody, murderous and torturous history. Well, once the Articles of Confederation went out to the 13 original States for ratification, there was some major backlash from the pope in his Vatican in the middle of Rome.

It appears that in retaliation for the Articles of Confederation, the pope issued the Vatican Edict of 1778, which Edict "condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible."(1)(2) It appears the the pope's Edict also indicated that the forming United States was "a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost."(1) And so, in 1778 began a more subtle and sinister war against the peoples of the forming United States, especially against the Protestants.


About one-quarter of the way down a page linked here here is found the following quote from a source: "The Jesuit Order at last reached the pinnacle of its power and prestige in the early eighteenth century [i.e., the early 1700s]. It had become more influential and more wealthy than any other organization in the world. It held a position in world affairs that no oath-bound group of men has ever held before or since... 'Nearly all the Kings and Sovereigns of Europe had only Jesuits as directors of their consciences [i.e., as confessor-priests], so that the whole of Europe appeared to be governed by Jesuits only.'"

When it comes to the Jesuits and what they are about, in the early 1800s, the knowledgeable French emperor and military leader named Napoleon Bonaparte declared: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."(1)(2)

Let us once again note that, because the forming United States offered religious freedom to its citizens and, for the most part, except for the Catholics, they were not "under the despotic thumb" of the papacy, the pope issued that Vatican Edict of 1788. That Edict condemned the United States to be destroyed by any means possible and at any cost (1)(2). Once the destruction of the authentic United States would take place, the agents and controlled pawns of the papacy would then rule over the remains of the country and its now devastated and enslaved citizens.

Looking again at the page linked here, about one-third of the way down the page is found the following quote from a source: "The Jesuits...are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for emperor...that's their ideal. ...It is simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination -- something like a universal serfdom with them [i.e., the Jesuits] as masters -- that's all they stand for."

The "earthly sovereignty of the world in the future" which is spoken about in the quote above, was, when looking at the earlier 1900s, intended to be created by that highly despotic New Order (1) which the Jesuit-controlled (1)(2) Adolf Hitler and his Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis were working on getting going. They were trying to create and raise up this New Order of the nations for their masters in the Vatican/Jesuit organization, using their devastating and murderous and utterly satanic escapades during the World War Two era.

Since Adolf Hitler and his Nazis failed in their efforts to bring Europe and the world under the full control of the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization during their escapades of the World War Two era, the agents and controlled pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are now trying to do it, once again. They are trying, this time around, with the New World Order (1), which they are treacherously trying to force the United States into, plus enslave its citizens under, even with the use of the Jesuit-manipulated Joe Biden and his cronies.

And now, let us return back to the early days of the United States and the destruction which the papal organization was planning for it, even back then. Looking at a page-paragraph linked here, it contains the following quote from a source: "[American Secretary of the Navy R.W.] Thompson pinpointed exactly who would be the agents used by the [Catholic] monarchs of Europe to destroy the republic of America, namely, the Jesuits of Rome! Since 1815 there has been a continual assault on America by the Jesuits to try to destroy the constitutional rights of this great nation."

Well, there is more to the story started above. A page-paragraph linked here speaks about the Congress of Verona which occurred in 1822. Then, it quotes the following from a linked source: "During this Congress [of Verona, Italy in 1822], it was decided that America would be the target of Jesuit emissaries and that America was to be destroyed at all costs. Every principle of the [U.S.] Constitution was to be dissolved and new Jesuitical principles were to be put into place in order to exalt the Papacy to dominion in America." And, that is what the agents and controlled pawns of the Jesuits have been doing.

Looking again at the source which is spoken about in the paragraph above, it also declares: "One of the major purposes of the Jesuits was to destroy every trace of Protestantism and its principles, including religious freedom, republicanism, representative government, and an economy built around a strong middle class. Another purpose of the Jesuits was to greatly expand the power and control of the papacy throughout the entire world."

Wow! The things spoken about in the quote above appear to be exactly the things which have, to a large degree, been happening to the United States and its citizens, over the years. And in more recent times, these things appear to be happening much more quickly, even with the use of the CIA. Now, from the evidence, it appears that the CIA is mainly controlled by members and pawns of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. It appears that the CIA, through the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, is ultimately under the control of, and a "tool" of, the Jesuit General in Rome.

Once again, looking back to Napoleon Bonaparte and the early 1800s, he declared further: "The General of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may... Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general."(1)

Looking at the quote above, that would mean that things like stirring up the American Civil War would be classed as a meritorious work, since the Jesuits were sent to destroy the United States. Then there was the Twin Towers 9/11 caper in the earlier 2000s. That appears to have potentially been pulled off using members of the militia of the pope to help organize things, so they could then have George Bush do his "Crusade" in Iraq. This "Crusade" in Iraq was done because Bush's god, which appears to be the pope, told him to go and do it.

There is also reason to suspect that the COVID-19 caper we are currently dealing with may have connections to those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. Members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope are in key and very useful positions in the CIA and other agencies. A COVID-19 caper could be classed as a meritorious work, if it allowed the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization to gain more power over the peoples and nations of this world -- which it has.

Now, let us return once again to the earlier 1800s. There was that famous Marquis de Lafayette, of France, who in the earlier 1800s took a trip to the United States. As he observed what all had been happening in the world and in the United States, the Marquis declared: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country --- the United States of America --- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe."(1) And, yes, "they" are destroying our liberties.


As this section begins, let us again be reminded about that Vatican Edict of 1778, which called for the destruction of the United States by any means possible. Then, in the earlier 1800s, the Jesuits were sent to destroy the authentic Republic of the United States, plus the effectiveness of its Constitution and replace it with Jesuitical principles. This is exactly what it appears that a Jesuit manipulated or controlled Joe Biden and his cronies have been doing to the United States and its true citizens, for quite some time, possibly even now using the COVID-19 caper.

When it came to destroying the authentic United States, it appears that the first major caper of the Jesuits and their manipulated pawns was the creation of the American Civil War of the mid 1800s. During that time period, President Abraham Lincoln spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."(1)(2)

Looking further at the cause of the American Civil War, a page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from President Abraham Lincoln: "This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us."

When it came to those who were really behind and instigating the American Civil War, President Lincoln declared: "The common people see and hear the big, noisy wheels of the Southern Confederacy's cars; they call them Jeff Davis, Lee, Toombs, Beauregard, Semmes, etc., and they honestly think that they are the motive power, the first cause of our troubles. But this is a mistake. The true motive power is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome."(1)

Regarding what the Jesuits and the foreign-controlled papal crowd was doing to the United States and its citizens, plus the effect of the Jesuits and the foreign-controlled papal crowd on the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln declared further:

"Unfortunately, I feel more and more every day that it is not against the Americans of the South, alone, I am fighting. It is more against the Pope of Rome, his perfidious Jesuits and their blind and blood-thirsty slaves... There are only very few of the Southern leaders who are not more or less under the influence of the Jesuits, through their wives, family relations, and their friends. Several members of the family of Jeff Davis belong to the Church of Rome. Even the Protestant ministers are under the influence of the Jesuits, without suspecting it... Rome is doing here what she has done in Mexico, and all the South American Republics; she is paralysing, by civil war, the arms of the soldiers of liberty. She divides our nation in order to weaken, subdue and rule it."(1)

As President Lincoln considered what the Jesuits had done elsewhere in this world, he declared: "I understand, now, why the patriots of France, who determined to see the colors of Liberty floating over their great and beautiful country, were forced to hang or shoot almost all the priests and the monks as the irreconcilable enemies of Liberty. For it is a fact, which is now evident to me, that, with very few exceptions, every priest and every true Roman Catholic is a determined enemy of Liberty. Their extermination, in France, was one of those terrible necessities which no human wisdom could avoid; it looks to me now as an order from heaven to save France."(1)

And now in our day, especially when seeing all the chaos and rapid changes happening to the United States and its citizens, there is reason to suspect that the Jesuits, along with members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, are once again stirring things up from behind the scenes. Using their many manipulated pawns, they appear to be angling for the Second American Civil War. It appears that through something like a devastating Second American Civil War, the Jesuits and their agents and pawns hope to gain total control over what will remain of the United States, plus, they will then have control over its devastated and enslaved citizens.


To help the Jesuits fulfill the order of the Vatican Edict of 1778, which called for the destruction of the authentic United States, it appears that the Jesuits had to carefully do things in a certain order. They had to do things, step by careful step, in order to not gain any attention to what they were doing behind the scenes. They also had to subtly work to gain the control which they needed over the specific people and government officials that they had to have "in their pocket" in order to accomplish their sinister goal for the United States and its unsuspecting citizens.

It appears that the Jesuits realized that is would be an incredibly huge task to take down and destroy the authentic United States. It appears that they realized that they could not do it just by themselves, using just Jesuit manpower. So, at that point, it appears that the Jesuits began to build the militia of the pope in the United States. The members of the militia of the pope gave the Jesuit General more "boots in the field" and more "tools" to work with, in his efforts to bring about the destruction of the authentic United States and the enslavement of its citizens.


In 1882, the Jesuits or their agents and pawns began building the militia of the pope within the United States. The first segment of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope to be established in the United States in 1882, was that secret society called the Knights of Columbus (1). The establishment of the Knights of Columbus segment of the militia of the pope occurred 17 years after the end of the Jesuit-instigated American Civil War (1), in which war the Jesuits had failed to destroy the authentic United States. A number of the Knights of Columbus members went into the insurance industry (1), where they seemed to "hit it big."

From their positions in the growing insurance industry, plus in other industries, the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope gained ready access to many of the rich and elite in the United States, plus even to politicians. It appears that these members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, even gained access to elite Protestant businessmen in the United States, which they then worked to gain influence over, as it appears they also did with politicians. Step by careful step, the Jesuit General in Rome, via the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, was slowly gaining influence and control in the United States, even over Protestants.

To Be Continued ...   A Lot More To Come ...

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