Deceiving  &  Seditious

Members  of  Congress

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Partial document post: 13 Aug 2021
Latest Additions Posted: 05 Jul 2022
Copyright © 2021-2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


Well, it is about time that we found out what sedition is really about. Now, a popular dictionary linked here defines "sedition" as the "incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority." Another dictionary (1) defines "sedition" as: "A revolt or an incitement to revolt against established authority, usually in the form of Treason or Defamation against government." A page linked here states that "sedition refers to crime against the state from the incitement of discontent against the government or the plan to commit an overthrow of the government." Okay, now we have something to work with.

At this point, there are some very important questions which need to be asked. What is the lawful authority in the United States? What is the supreme Law of the Land? What is the established authority and true government of the United States? What do those who have gotten themselves into government offices take an Oath of Office to? What is the true and legitimate government of the United States, which many who have gotten themselves into government positions are seditiously and treasonously working to undermine and completely overthrow?

All of the above questions will be answered in this presentation. With a true understanding of the answers to the above questions, it should be much easier for citizens to understand who are those which are truly the brazen, treacherous, lying, deceiving and seditious members of Congress. Unfortunately, the seditious members of Congress are not just found in one particular political party. When it comes to seditious members of Congress, it appears that there are members in both the Democratic and Republican parties, plus the other smaller parties.


The article linked below speaks about "seditious members of Congress." And then, it gives some good advice regarding seditious members when it says, "Throw them out." That is excellent advice which, especially since they all have taken an Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, legally needs to be followed. But first, there is something extremely important which needs to be accurately determined. We need to examine who is really who, in Congress. We need to decide, with complete accuracy, who the genuinely seditious ones actually are.

Now, the article clearly declares that the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton "filed a baldly seditious lawsuit calling for the Supreme Court to overturn the election results in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, and hand their electoral votes to Trump. It was flatly an attempt to overturn the 2020 election, end constitutional government, and install Trump in power." And now, it is time to begin exploring who the real culprits are, who have been treasonously working to end constitutional government. And, we also need to determine if we even have a constitutional government.

While we are at it, let us start by getting more information from those who are making such a big scene and a big stink, as they are going about claiming that others are the "seditious members" in Congress. Now, the introductory pages linked below speak about "seditious members" in Congress. Yes, the Democrats even "point a finger" at those who they say are the really seditious ones. And, the Democratic fingers are being pointed at Republicans.

The second linked page speaks about "147 members of Congress who voted to toss out democratic rule." Wow! Imagine that! What in the world is going on in the U.S. Congress? Don't these people have any kind of clue about what kind or nature or form of government we are legally supposed to have throughout the whole United States? Furthermore, don't these people in Congress take their Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States seriously?

Now moving onward, the first page linked below begins with these words: "No amount of rationalizing can change the fact that the majority of the Republican Party is advocating for the overthrow of an American election." Wow! We really need to look at this very closely! We cannot have people going around tampering with things and trying to overthrow any legitimate, constitutional election or the authentic "constitutional government" for the United States. So, we really need to look at things closely so we can clearly understand what needs to be done about this situation.

And, once again, in all of this, we need to keep the definitions of "sedition" from earlier (1) in this presentation clearly in our minds. And, "sedition" is defined as the "incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority." Sedition is also defined as: "A revolt or an incitement to revolt against established authority, usually in the form of Treason or Defamation against government." And also, "sedition refers to crime against the state from the incitement of discontent against the government or the plan to commit an overthrow of the government." Now, there is something to look at very closely.


Sedition is the "incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority." Note closely the words "lawful authority." Insurrection is NOT the incitement of resistance or insurrection against UNLAWFUL authority. It is our patriotic duty to the U.S. Constitution and to the authentic United States to rise up, utterly crush and overthrow UNLAWFUL authority. Even President Abraham Lincoln alluded to this truth in the mid 1800s, when he declared the duty of the people "not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

Now, let us look more fully at what President Abraham Lincoln actually declared, because there is more to the story. In what Lincoln declared, he was actually showing the extreme importance of preserving the Constitution of the United States, by the use of these words: "Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."(1)

Indeed, our safety, plus our individual and collective liberty, depends completely upon preserving the Constitution of the United States, in its full intent and meaning, as the Founding Fathers made it inviolate. The Constitution is inviolate. It is to remain fully intact and not violated in any manner. It is not legal, but is treason if anyone were to corrupt or pervert the true meaning of the U.S. Constitution. It is treason, because the corruption or perversion would be a form of war against the Constitution and against our legitimate government.

At this point, there is something else which needs to be made very clear. When Abraham Lincoln was president in the mid 1800s, there were only men in Congress and in most government positions. But now, there are many women in government positions. Since this is the case, the above words from Abraham Lincoln would also apply toward women in government. According to the words of Lincoln, anyone in government who perverts the Constitution is to be overthrown, and, Lincoln may not have meant only at the ballot box.

The true seditious ones in Congress and in other government positions are those who are perverting the Constitution of the United States, in its true intent and meaning, or are working to undermine our legitimate government. And yes, it appears that there are a whole lot of seditious people who have gotten themselves into Congress and other government positions. Based on the instruction of President Abraham Lincoln, it appears that there are truly many seditious people in government positions which should legitimately be overthrown and gotten out of government.


Let us look at things even further. We need to get all the "ammunition" and facts that we can, directly from the U.S. Constitution, in order to know what really needs to be done about the many seditious and treasonous criminals in government positions, plus how to prevent further illegal or seditious activity from occurring in this country, especially directly within the Congress of the United States. Now, the page linked below brings out something very important from Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, where it clearly declares:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

Looking into things further, the pages linked below also include quite a bit of information by others, even by a number of law professors, who are speaking about the use of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment against Trump and against those who are said to be seditious members in Congress. Yes, the Democrats in Congress have done quite a job of opening the "floodgates" with their push to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment against all those Republicans in Congress.

Yes, the "floodgates" have been fully opened by those rambunctious Democrats in Congress. And now, may the information provided in this presentation help educate the public and lead the way toward truly "washing away" the genuinely seditious, rebellious and treasonous ones out of government office, especially those who are the genuine enemies of the U.S. Constitution and of the authentic "constitutional government" which it mandates and guarantees.

Well, about this time, there are some important things we have to sort out, so we can clearly identify who those people are, who have clearly been engaged in illegal, or criminal, or even treasonous insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution of the United States and against "constitutional government." It is also time to begin sorting out what is simply a lot of "twisted" and deceptive hype and "BS," from that which is actual reality and fact which is fully founded in the Constitution of the United States, which Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.

Now, let us once more look at that quote above from Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It makes it very clear that if any of the named types of persons have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution, meaning against those things which it clearly declares and mandates, the named types of persons cannot "hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State." In other words, they cannot legally hold any Federal or State office or position, whether it be in a civil or a military position.


At this point, it would be good to refresh our minds on what is classed as sedition. Earlier in this presentation there were definitions given for the word "sedition." One of those definitions states that "sedition refers to crime against the state from the incitement of discontent against the government or the plan to commit an overthrow of the government." So, sedition could simply be the mere act of inciting discontent against the legitimate government of the United States or the plan to overthrow the legitimate government in any manner.

Now, there is only one question which needs to be answered. The true answer to this question will clearly reveal who those people are who are truly the seditious and treasonous members in Congress. The answer will reveal who are those who have gotten themselves into Congress, possibly with the help of a highly misinformed or misguided segment of the populace. Now, the extremely important and key question is this... What is the authentic "constitutional government" which is supposed to legally exist throughout the whole United States?

Once we are able to obtain a very clear answer and a very clear understanding about what "constitutional government" is legally supposed to be in the United States, then, by all means, let us get right in there and do that which is advised earlier in this presentation (1). Let us quickly do whatever it takes to completely overthrow the seditious and criminal ones and get those vile people and their treacherous or treasonous thugs out of government, which people are working to undermine and overthrow the true "constitutional government" for the United States.


Today, if you went around asking virtually any school kid who has been getting good grades, plus even those who are not getting good grades in school, what type of government we are supposed to have in the United States, the answer will invariably be, "A democracy." So now, let us get down to examining the true and legitimate "constitutional government" which is supposed to exist everywhere, throughout every State of the whole United States.

Once people have a good understanding of the legitimate "constitutional government" which is legally supposed to exist everywhere within the boundaries of the United States, then people can have a much easier time positively identifying those seditious ones in Congress. With the necessary information, people can more easily identify those who have been working to hijack and treasonously overthrow the legitimate, constitutional government of the United States, so they can change this country into something which it is legally not supposed to be.

Once again, this presentation earlier spoke about those seditious members in Congress. It began by speaking about those who are attempting to end "constitutional government." Well, once again, we had better be finding out exactly what authentic "constitutional government" in the genuine United States is legitimately supposed to be about. Only with a clear understanding of "constitutional government" can we ever expect to positively identify those who are treasonously working to end "constitutional government." Now, let's get off our rears and get rolling.


There is actually a relatively easy way to identify the seditious and treasonous members who have gotten themselves into the Congress of the United States. It is relatively easy to identify those who are illegally in Congress, where they are doing their treacherous "dirty work" against the authentic United States and its true citizens. That easy way is to look at the very important and revealing "Oath of Office" for each and every government official, plus the Oath of Office for others in government, in the military, and those in other agencies within the United States.

The basic Oath of Office for all of these people in the government of the United States goes something like this: "I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."(1) Now, there is something very important to consider about this Oath of Office.

In taking their Oath of Office, the oath-taker swears that they "will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..." Now, let us consider this matter further. In the third paragraph of a page-section linked here, it notes what a U.S. Air Force document has to say about the Oath of Office. It declares that when people take their Oath, they "are not swearing to support the President, the Country, the flag or a particular service, but rather the Constitution..." These are the most important and the most correct words found in that Air Force document.

So, why is the Constitution so important? Why is the Constitution of the United States supposed to be held in such high esteem that everyone in government and the military and in other agencies are required to take an Oath of Office to support and defend it "against all enemies, foreign and domestic?" Well, the Constitution clearly mandates and defines the authentic government which is supposed to legally be in the United States. Anything other than the specific government which is defined and mandated in the Constitution is a criminally rogue and illegal government.

Once a person understands, from that which is clearly declared in the U.S. Constitution, what the legal "constitutional government" is, which is supposed to exist throughout the whole United States, then it is easier to identify the seditious and treasonous, domestic enemies of our "constitutional government." Once a person understands what the legal government is supposed to be in the United States, then the seditious and treasonous, domestic enemies of the true Constitution of the United States, plus the enemies of all true U.S. citizens, can be readily identified.

Now, before we leave this section, there is something else from the Oath of Office for government persons which needs to be looked at more closely. Yes, these people swear or affirm that they will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. And, these people swear or affirm that they will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States. And, these people who take an Oath of Office, in order to get into a government position, also swear or affirm something else which is very important.

The people which take an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States openly swear or affirm that they are taking their Oath to the Constitution freely. They are essentially declaring that they are not taking this Oath of Office under duress. And then, there is something important which it then declared. The person taking their Oath of Office openly swears or affirms that they are taking their Oath without any mental reservation. In other words, their whole mind and intent is behind what they are declaring in their Oath. And then, there is something very important.

In their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, these people entering into government positions clearly swear or affirm that they have no intent of evading anything which they have sworn or affirmed in their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution. So, because of what they have openly sworn or affirmed (which is essentially a legally binding contract with the citizens of the United States), if any of these Oath-takers work in any way to evade or violate their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, or if they work to undermine the Constitution in any way, then they are criminal or even treasonous liars and deceivers and are truly worthy of expulsion or death.

Because of their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, in which people entering government positions swear or affirm that they will support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, there is even more to consider. The most important job or duty of each and every one of these people in government positions is to uphold the Constitution of the United States above any other duty or commitment, imagined or otherwise, which they may feel that they have while in their government position.

Upholding the Constitution of the United States in that which it mandates or guarantees is the first and foremost job or duty of all of those people which are in government positions. If any of those people in Congress are not diligently working, in every way possibly, to support and uphold that which the Constitution mandates and guarantees, then those derelict people in Congress are effectively, seditiously and treasonously working as enemies of the United States to undermine and overthrow the U.S. Constitition and the legitimate government of the United States.

At this point, let us once again (1) note those important words from President Abraham Lincoln in the mid 1800s. He declared: "Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." Yes, a notable U.S. president has clearly declared that "Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)


The writer challenges every citizen of the United States to read and closely examine the complete U.S. Constitution. There is a special and very specific guarantee which is found within the Constitution of the United States. This is a legally-binding and very important guarantee. It is legally-binding on every person in the United States who has taken that all-important Oath of Office. This guarantee is the only one which exists anywhere within the U.S. Constitution. Now, what is this one and only guarantee about, which is found in the Constitution?

Well, most people should possibly be sitting down for what is coming next. The Constitution of the United States (which is the Supreme Law of the Land), in Article 4, Section 4, in easy to understand words, declares the following: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."(1) Hold on a minute! They taught us in school that we are supposed to be a democracy with a democratic form of government. Well, it appears that the sly and treasonous traitors in the "halls of learning" blatantly lied to and brainwashed all of us.

Now, as noted in the previous section (1), everyone in the government and military has taken an Oath of Office to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Because of their Oath, the duty of these people is to support and defend this country against all enemies of even the authentic Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Well, this leaves us with a very important question. Where does this whole thing leave Democrats? What is their actual standing in the United States?

From what is mandated and guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, it appears that Democrats are seditious traitors to the authentic United States. They are actually domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States. They are the wilful and blatant enemies of the true "constitutional government" which is supposed to be in the whole United States. Democrats are working to seditiously undermine and overthrow the authentic Republican Form of Government which is supposed to legally be in this whole country. Now, there is something to think about.

There is reason to suspect that if the Founding Fathers of the United States were to come alive today and take full control of this country, something very big would swiftly happen. There is reason to suspect that the Founding Fathers would have every Democrat in government hung for high treason. But, unfortunately, the United States has been hijacked by those domestic enemies who are controlled by a foreign power. And now, the country is largely under the full control of the enemies of its Constitution and its guaranteed Form of Government.

Now, there is more to this story than just the treasonous Democrats. It appears that the so-called Republican bunch may also consist largely of treasonous traitors who are aiding and abetting the treasonous acts of the enemies of the U.S. Constitution and the enemies of that legitimate Republican Form of Government which it mandates and guarantees for the whole United States. Since the so-called Republicans in Congress are not openly fighting for the authentic Republican Form of Government in this country, then they are also effectively treasonous traitors.


Now, there are some important questions which really need to be asked by all genuine U.S. citizens. How did the United States end up getting into the dire predicament which it and its true citizens are obviously now in? How did the seditious and treasonous and traitorous ones ever end up getting into government positions, where they could hijack and take control of the country and illegally change things, so they can enslave the citizens of the United States?

And, there is another important question to ask. How did these brazen domestic enemies of "constitutional government" end up getting so much power in Congress? Well, in order to obtain the true answers to the preceding questions, plus in order to truly understand what is going on in the United States and why, a person really needs to look back in time to some very important pieces of U.S. history. But first, there is one thing to note.

In the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy saw that there was something nefarious going on behind the scenes in the United States. And then he is said to have declared something along this line: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Now, there are many sites on the Internet which claim that Kennedy never said this, but, there is something worth considering in all of this.

President John F. Kennedy was actually a Roman Catholic. He was also a high level, Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus. This means that Kennedy was a member of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome, Italy. Furthermore, President Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy was a very important member of the Knights of Malta who was specially selected by the pope. There truly is reason to suspect that President Kennedy knew about the plot and exactly who was behind it.

Now, when it comes to those numerous sites found on the Internet which claim that there is no evidence that President Kennedy spoke about a plot in this country to enslave all U.S. citizens, there is something further to consider. In a page-paragraph linked here is a quote from a linked source. The linked source declared the following:

"The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

The evidence indicates that those associated with the foreign-controlled Vatican/Jesuit organization have been working to "erase" or modify as much incriminating evidence as possible, especially any evidence which would expose what the papal organization and its agents are working to treasonously do in this country and its often ignorant citizens. And then, there is another thing which those of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope are trying to do to the United States and its often naive citizens. Yes, consider the following.

In a government meeting in February of 1981, during the Reagan administration, the infamous CIA Director named William Casey allegedly declared: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."(1)(2)(3) By the way, Bill Casey was a member of the Knights of Malta and was part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. And, the CIA, using their infamous Operation Mockingbird, had already largely taken control of the media in the United States, so they could give twisted and false information to U.S. citizens, so they could be manipulated.

Now, there is something else which genuine U.S. citizens need to understand about the papal crowd. A book (1) which was written by a former Catholic priest and a notable church historian stated that the pope (and his hierarchy) has instructed his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."(1)

Not only are these seditious people in Congress and other government positions, but they are treasonously working to turn U.S. citizens away from the U.S. Constitution and away from our only legitimate form of government which is mandated for the whole United States, which is a Republican Form of Government. Furthermore, when looking at the quote in the preceding paragraph, it should be obvious that these people are foreign-controlled agents which have no true allegiance to the authentic United States or its Constitution or its genuine citizens.


So, when did the seditious, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled, somewhat covert, yet very blatant war against the authentic United States and its genuine citizens begin? When did those seditious agents and controlled pawns of the Jesuit/Catholic organization start working to undermine and overthrow the authentic United States and its legitimate form of government, so U.S. citizens could be despotically enslaved under Jesuit/Catholic domination? Well, to understand the story properly, let us look at some important history from the early United States.

In the 1700s, there came a time when the 13 British colonies on the East Coast of North America decided that they had put up with more than enough of the oppressive British rule. As a result, the American Revolutionary War against British forces broke out in 1775. Then, in 1776, while the Revolutionary War raged, the 13 States of America, in a united effort, created the Declaration of Independence. Soon after, in 1777, the Articles of Confederation were created and sent out to the 13 States for ratification. In all of this, the United States was "being born."

Now, there is another piece of history which needs to be included here, for it makes the story much more complete. In the 1700s, even at the time when the American Revolutionary War broke out, the papal organization had its satanic Inquisition going on down south in Mexico. Yes, people were being persecuted, tortured and even killed in the Mexican Inquistion, plus their property was being stolen from them, simply because they did not agree with the papal hierarchy. Possibly they did not agree with those many priests who like to brutally rape children.

Well, soon after the Articles of Confederation were sent out to the 13 original States for ratification in 1777, those in leadership roles in the embryonic United States realized that they had a very powerful enemy on their hands --- that being the papal organization. It appears that the pope was not happy with this newly forming country which basically guaranteed religious freedom to all its citizens, including Protestants. At that point, the pope sent out the Vatican Edict of 1778 which called for the destruction of the authentic United States.

Looking into a page-paragraph linked here, there is found a quote from a linked source. The source declared: "Two years after the American colonists posted the Declaration of Independence, the Vatican [in 1778] declared an Edict that condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible." The Vatican Edict of 1778 also declared that the United States is "a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost."(1) And, there truly is more to this story.


At this point, let us again look at that book which was spoken about earlier (1), which was published in 1959 by that former Catholic priest and notable church historian. Now, this book speaks about the papal BULL of Pope Leo XIII. This Pope Leo XIII was the one, who in 1903, asked Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany to turn Germany into "the sword of the Catholic Church."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) In other words, it appears that Leo wanted to use Germany as a "tool" with which to get the mass-murdering papal Crusades going again, along with the satanic Inquisition.

Now, the 1959 book noted above says this about Leo's BULL: "Though forbidding Roman Catholic laymen to meddle in the politics of Roman Catholic countries, the Pope instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic."(1) This type of action by manipulated "tools" is indicated in the pages linked below!

Yes, that which is spoken about in the quote above the buttons is exactly what the "tools" in government positions are now pushing hard to accomplish, as quickly as they can. They are pushing to tear down the separation between church and state, which would then fundamentally change the United States. Well, anyone who has seriously studied the proper history knows that the Roman Catholic Church is behind this push, for in the end, they know that they will be the church which will virtually be in full control of the government, with the citizens enslaved.

Yes, it is exactly as that Roman Catholic and member of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, whose name was President John F. Kennedy, declared in the early 1960s: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." There's a plot to enslave every U.S. citizen under the despotic rule of agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. Then, once that happens, the Inquisition can get going again, in one form or another, and people will die, possibly even by something like an unleashed pandemic and a "Medical Injection Inquisition."


Well, by this time you should understand why --- even by hook or by crook --- "they" had to, via a form of coup, get that Jesuit-associated, seditious Catholic "tool" name Joe Biden into the chair of the U.S. president. Now, it appears that Joe Biden has been seditiously and treasonously working for the Jesuit agenda to get most U.S. citizens disarmed. Joe Biden is also seditiously working for the Jesuit/Catholics in their efforts to turn citizens away from the U.S. Constitution. Joe Biden is also seditiously working to undermine and virtually overthrow anything which may remain of the mandated and guaranteed Republican Form of Government for the whole United States.

So, let us look a bit closer at the seditious and possibly treasonous Joe Biden, who has been working for a long time to cause discontent against the Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed for the whole United States by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States. Now, Joe Biden, in the government positions he has held through the years, has taken an Oath of Office to support and defend the U.S. Constitution. That is correct, folks! Joe Biden has sworn or affirmed to support and defend the Constitution, by an Oath of Office, which is essentially a contract with the citizens of the United States.

Now, there is something which needs to be looked at very closely. That Constitution of the United States, which Joe Biden swore or affirmed that he would support and defend, once again, mandates and guarantees a Republican Form of Government throughout the whole United States. So, basically, in his Oath of Office, Joe Biden swore or affirmed that he would support and defend a Republican Form of Government to exist throughout every State of the United States. But, it appears that Joe Biden is a brazen liar and deceiver, for he is a seditious Democrat, who is working to undermine and overthrow the constitutional government.

So, why did Joe Biden brazenly lie when he took his Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution. Well, it is because Joe Biden is a foreign-controlled agent. He is essentially an enemy of the authentic United States and its genuine citizens, for the U.S. Constitution appears to mean nothing to him. Why? Because the pope and his hierarchy has told his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."(1)

And, what is quoted above applies to all the papal "tools" and their manipulated pawns. So, by now, the reader should understand why that seditious and treasonous Catholic "tool" named Nancy Pelosi is in government. She also is trying to turn citizens away from the Constitution of the United States. She also is doing her seditious part to treasonously undermine and destroy virtually anything which may still remain of the authentic Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, which Republican Form of Government is legally supposed to exist throughout every State of the United States.

At this point, the reader should also understand by they --- by hook or by crook --- put that extremely seditious, raping-priest-protector named Kamala Harris into the position of "president of vice." She also is one of those "manipulated pawns" of the foreign-based Jesuit/Catholic organization which is working to turn U.S. citizens away from the true intent and meaning of the Constitution of the United States. Furthermore, the seditious Kamala Harris is working to turn people away from the authentic Republican Form of Government for the whole United States, plus she is seditiously working to undermine and overthrow anything which may still remain of it.

Truly, because they are working to undermine and overthrow "constitutional government" in the United States, which constitutional government is an authentic Republican Form of Government, it is illegal and treason to have any of these "tools" or manipulated pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit in any government or military office of the United States or in any of the States (1). The allegiance of these criminals is to a foreign power, rather than to the authentic United States, its Constitution and its genuine citizens. These traitors are actually working to treasonously change the United States and enslave U.S. citizens for their foreign bosses.

Well, this story is actually far from being complete. There are more things which truly need to be looked at. We should look at other seditious and treasonous people who are in the government of the United States, plus in other agencies throughout the various States, which seditious, criminal and treasonous people all need to be thrown out of government (1). And then, there is a lot of important history which needs to be examined, which will help to better reveal the nefarious things which are going on behind the scenes in the United States, plus why it is going on.

And again, let us always remember what President John F. Kennedy allegedly declared in the early 1960s: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." But, it should be noted that President Kennedy, who was a Roman Catholic and also a high-level member in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, would not go along with the plot, plus he knew too much. Therefore, it appears that for these reasons, plus possibly more, "they" (the seditious plotters) had to "take him out of the way" and "send him home in a box."(1)


In 1789, the U.S. Constitution which we now have went into effect. In apparent retaliation to the U.S. Constitution and what it provides for its citizens, plus in apparent retaliation against the Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by the Constitution, the powerful enemy of the authentic United States set up the highly corrupt Tammany Hall organization in New York City. It appears that the purpose of the corrupt Tammany Hall organization was to undermine and confound the efforts of the relatively new United States.

Now, there are some important things to note about the Tammany Hall organization, which the powerful enemy of the authentic United States set up in New York City in 1789. It is said that the name Tammany Hall "was synonymous with corruption to many"(1) to many early U.S. citizens. The Tammany Hall crowd, along with the soon associated Democrats, were into deception, lying, embezzlement, fraud, and the criminal rigging of elections (1). Oh, by the way, it is said that the Tammany Hall organization was basically "the Roman Catholic Church in politics."(1)(2)(3)

Well, in the year 1828, the powerful enemy of the United States founded the Democratic Party. The purpose for founding the Democratic Party was to use it as a tool to subtly and treasonously move the people of the United States away from that Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by the U.S. Constitution. Unfortunately, it appears that the loyal citizens of the authentic United States were "fully asleep" on this one, and did not quickly put a stop to the treacherous, seditious and treasonous Democratic Party.

To Be Continued ...

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