Joe  Biden  and  his

Transformation  of  America

---  or  ---

From  Liberty  to  Dictatorship


The Jesuit/Catholic Conspiracy against the United States

--- and yes, it appears to be very true that ---

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."
Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus
Brutally Assassinated and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963 (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   18 Feb 2023
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


The page linked by the button below states: "In just a few years, Biden has extended the reach of the state -- at a rate not seen for decades. Whatever happens in the next election, the president will have created for himself a big-state legacy." Yes, Biden has been creating for himself a big-state legacy...which historically is called a dictatorship. But, there is more to the story. Research indicates that Joe Biden is not creating this dictatorship for just himself. Research shows that he is creating this dictatorship for the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. In other words, Joe Biden is a treasonous foreign-controlled agent.

As a note, it was the Jesuits (1)(2) who raised up Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis in Germany, in the earlier 1900s. Then, the Jesuit-controlled Adolf Hitler and his Jesuit/Catholic-controlled (1)(2)(3) Nazis hijacked (1)(2) Protestant Germany and converted it into a Jesuit/Catholic-controlled dictatorship (1) and "the sword of the Catholic Church." Along the way, they disarmed those who they were going to enslave and then exterminate. And, in the United States, step by careful step, Biden and those in the militia of the pope are preparing things for the Socialistic/Democratic what Adolf Hitler had (1).

Now, looking again into the page linked below, it speaks about the "many trillions of dollars spent on pandemic support." Well, it appears that there is much more to the COVID pandemic story. The evidence indicates that Jesuit/Catholic-controlled agents in the United States, like Anthony Fauci...were using organizations under their control to support questionable activities at China's Wuhan lab (1). They have been working with members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, in their efforts to gain control over the governments of this world (1)(2), so they can dominate and enslave the peoples of the nations.

Once again, the page linked above speaks about Biden's project to tranform American society. Well, the evidence indicates that Joe Biden is not just doing this for himself and his treasonous Democratic cronies. The evidence indicates that he is simple a "tool" of the Jesuits, as they work to dominate and enslave the citizens of the United States. Now, there is something to seriously consider. Each time Joe Biden has been elected to a government position, he has taken an Oath of Office in which he has sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic.

Well, it appears that a treasonous Joe Biden is "the enemy." He has actually been working for decades, as a foreign-controlled agent, to undermine and overthrow that particular Form of Government which is clearly mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Yes, it does appear that a very deceptive and historically lying Joe Biden has treasonously lied each time he has taken his Oath of Office to the Constitution. Now, the U.S. Constitution, in Article 4, Section 4, mandates and guarantees a Republican Form of Government to every State in this Union. But, Biden is treasonously converting it into something else.

To be continued...

NOTE:   This is just The Mere Introduction for that which is coming. There is a whole lot more which still needs to be said. So, check back again for further information. We're just getting started!

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