Well, we might as well say it just like it really is! No time for any of that "Political Correctness" here! Looking at the mere introductory pages linked below, it appears that many people are really happy to see this truly hell-bound bastard go!!! Yes, check out the linked pages to see what people have to say. It appears that treacherous or treasonous (1)(2) Joe Biden will not be missed at all...at least not by decent people or by those who are not domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution.
It appears that some people are not just saying "Good Riddance" to Joe Biden. Looking at the pages linked below, it is rather obvious that some people strongly desire for Biden to "Burn in Hell". Well, is there reason to suspect that Joe Biden will actually "Burn in Hell" --- or in the everlasting lake of fire --- for all eternity? Is there anything which may indicate that Biden will likely be in that place of horrendous torment and anguish, as his punishment for the wicked things he has been doing upon this earth?
So, what things tend to show that Joe Biden is hell-bound, or is on that road which will assuredly bring him to his ultimate destiny in the everlasting lake of fire? Well, it clearly states in a verse in the Holy Bible that "all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone..." Well, based on the things shown in the pages linked below, it appears to be rather clear that the Roman Catholic named Joe Biden is a somewhat polished, well-practiced, possibly life-long liar. And, there is even more to consider.
Why is the righteous God of heaven likely going to send Biden to hell, or into the tormentuous lake of fire? Well, a verse in the Holy Bible clearly declares: "Lying lips are abomination to the LORD." And, a passage linked here makes it clear that God shall destroy those who want to be liars, in a "forever" destruction...yes, in the lake of fire and horrendous torment. Now, it is true that "Liar Joe" is "having his wicked and evil fun" in this life, but he shall soon have a price to pay...again, in the lake of fire...for all eternity.
Based on another passage from the Holy Bible, it appears that Biden shall end up in the everlasting lake of fire with his buddy, the devil...where they "shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." And, based on the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, it appears that Joe Biden's true father --- plus the true father of all those child-raping (1)(2)(3) priests --- is the devil. Since it appears that Joe Biden is possessed by the devil, that is possibly why he speaks and acts like Satan...as indicated by the pages linked below.
Truly, it appears that Joe Biden is just part of that foreign-based group of historically treacherous people and habitual liars which appear to all be on their way to the lake of fire. It looks like they may all have a desire to end up in that place where they will be in horrid torment and anguish for all eternity. Maybe they think it is okay because, at least, all "the buddies" will be together. Well, hopefully at least a few of them will wisen up a bit before they get there, so they can "change course".
Now, the pages linked below note that which seems to be a habitual or compulsive "Lyin' Joe". Note in the first linked page where he even lies about guns and the right for U.S. citizens to bear arms...even own and bear military types of arms. And, while "Treasonous (1)(2)(3) Joe" may be doing his best to get the genuine citizens of the authentic United States disarmed, the third linked page indicates that those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope --- who are in various agencies --- are "arming to the teeth".
By the way, Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution guarantees a Republican Form of Government in the United States, not some un-Constitutional and therefore illegal democracy. And, that guaranteed Republican Form of Government has nothing to do with the Republican Party. It is a specific form of government which we no longer have in the United States, because this country has been hijacked (1) by those associated with, or "allied to" (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), the Jesuit/Illuminati-based (1) Democratic Party.
Well, when it comes to Biden, and then when considering what is said in the pages linked below, it appears that "Lyin' Joe" has a lot of lying company among the crowd of those in government positions. Not only does it appear that he has company in lying, but it appears he even has company in the treasonous things which are being done. So, there is reason to suspect that "Lyin' Joe" will have lots of company in the everlasting lake of fire and horrid anguish, considering all his lying buddies in government positions.
Now, it seems that "Lyin' Joe" couldn't stop lying when it comes to the true rights of genuine citizens of the authentic United States to own and bear arms...virtually any kind of arms. Well, when there were not a lot of foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3) criminals (1) in government, and when people in government were still following the U.S. Constitution, in the 1800s, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story proclaimed: "The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic, since it offers a strong moral check against usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)
Then, looking to the early 1960s, there was President John F. Kennedy. This is that president whom the hijackers (1)(2)(3) of our nation had brutally assassinated (1) on Friday, November 22, 1963. It appears "they" did this because Kennedy wouldn't go along with the hijackers enslaving (1) agenda for this country. Furthermore, it appears that President Kennedy may have been trying, to a degree, to expose what these apparently foreign-controlled criminals were trying to do to this country and its genuine citizens.
When it came to genuine U.S. citizens keeping and bearing arms, President John F. Kennedy declared the following on January 19, 1961: "Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom."(1) President Kennedy made it clear that we need a whole nation full of "Minutemen" --- yes, private citizens --- who have their weapons and plenty of ammunition, plus are prepared to go into battle for their and the nation's freedom in a moment's notice.
Now, it appears that an extremely criminal (see mere introductory pages linked below), cunning and very treacherous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and highly treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) and rather traitorous Joe Biden did a lot of lying while he was in the president's office. One thing he did a lot of lying about was his family's crime, and about guns, including the history of private-citizen gun-ownership, plus the history of ownership of military types of weaponry by genuine citizens of the authentic United States.
Before we go any further with this presentation, there is something which needs to be considered. Since treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Joe Biden has been in violation of his Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, it appears that he has not been a legal president of the authentic United States. Therefore, by rights, it appears that any "law" which he has signed, or any so-called "Executive Order" which he has made, or any so-called "pardon" he has given to criminals or to those people with student loans, should all be invalid. And, there is no pardon for treason to the United States, or for treason against its Constitution.
Now, looking closer at what treacherous Joe Biden was commonly doing, the pages linked below are just a mere introduction to the deceptions and lies which the apparently Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Joe Biden was spreading about the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Yes, he was spreading lie after lie about the right for genuine U.S. citizens to bear arms. He was "preaching" the limitation thereof. It appears that Joe Biden was using some of that infamous "Jesuitism" (1), as he and his criminal cronies worked to disarm the genuine citizens of the authentic United States and make it easier for them to be enslaved (1).
Let us look closer at how things actually were in the United States, before those many Catholic-linked gangsters and those associated with the Jesuit/Catholic-linked Mafia began "shooting up the country" (1) in the earlier 1900s. There is reason to suspect that --- possibly with the instigation of the Jesuits --- those associated with the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled crowd did all those shootings and murders in the earlier 1900s, in order to manipulate the country and force laws into place which limited the rights of law abiding citizens...so they could start to be disarmed and made much easier to ultimately be enslaved (1)(2).
So, how were things in the United States, when it came to citizens owning guns and actual military-type weaponry, before it appears that the Catholic-linked criminals intentionally screwed things up for the law abiding citizens of the United States? Well, prior to the Catholics screwing thing up for the genuine citizens of the authentic United States, most U.S. citizens could just walk into a store or go to the manufacturer of weapons, and buy things like submachine guns or full machine guns, with lots of ammo, or virtually any other type of military weapon they could afford (1)...with no background checks or government paperwork.
Regarding these things, a page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a source: "Prior to 1934 there was no restriction to owning or shooting automatic weapons." The source also states: "Yes, people bought machineguns right over the counter." It states further: "Everything could be mail-ordered. Most Thompson SMG's [submachine guns] were in fact ordered that way. Delivered right to your home. No paperwork. Nothing." And, back in those earlier days, most people generally had a functioning conscience and had much better morals, so there were not mass-shootings. And, there is still more to the story.
It appears that before criminal Catholics and their henchmen screwed things up for the genuine citizens of the authentic United States, U.S. citizens "could legally buy Gatling Guns, Maxim and Hotchkiss machine guns (also both American inventors), Lewis light machine guns, Thompson submachine guns, Browning and Colt Monitor Automatic Rifles, 1896/1917/1918 Browning Machine Guns in 6mm to .50 cal., French 75mm or Krupp field artillery, completely functional armored cars and battle tanks, and dynamite all shipped directly to their home or workplace without background checks."(1)
The source linked above goes on to note that "there weren't spree killings in the 1862–1934 period." The source also notes that "semi-automatic rifles with detachable box magazines were available to civilians in the US 30+ years before they were purchased for Army infantry use in 1937–1941 (Garand, M-1 Carbine, Johnson.)" In other words, it appears that for a period of 30+ years, if there had been some type of major civilian uprising for some reason, if the U.S. Army infantry would have been sent in to suppress and quiet things down, they would have been seriously outgunned by an angry U.S. civilian populace.
Now for some other early U.S. gun history. "Lyin' Joe" acted like they only had single-shot muskets when the Second Amendment was put in place. Well, "Lyin' Joe" appears to have "conveniently" hidden the truth from the public which he --- by the use of some of that infamous "Jesuitism" (1) --- was working to seriously deceive. Now, in page-paragraphs accessed by this link, it speaks of a "repeating flintlock musket that was capable of firing as many as sixteen consecutive shots in as little as twenty seconds." That gun started to be produced in 1777, which was more that a dozen years before the Second Amendment was ratified.
The repeating, rapid-fire musket spoken about above started to be produced about a dozen years before even the U.S. Constitution went into effect...which Constitution became effective on March 4, 1789 (1). And yes, the Founding Fathers knew about this rapid-fire musket, even before the U.S. Constitution and Second Amendment were in place. The makers of that gun "wrote to Congress about his new invention on April 11, 1777, letting them know he could be available to demonstrate it to them at any time."(1) So, it appears that all of those in the early Continental Congress likely knew about this rapid-fire gun.
The information provided above is about truths which "Lyin' Biden" and his treasonous (1)(2)(3) allies likely want to keep hidden, so they can brazenly lie about the Second Amendment and the true gun rights of genuine U.S. citizens. Now, for additional info about a number of those early rapid-fire guns, just click here and start reading. And, about this time, there is something which should be said. Biden and his extremely treasonous (1)(2)(3) and enslaving (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) cronies need to take their lies about the Second Amendment and forcefully cram those lies into "some smelly dark holes, where the sun don't commonly shine".
The answer to why Joe Biden treasonously (1)(2)(3) violated his Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution during his years in government is found in history. The answer to why he "stuck it to us" --- including by leaving the southern border virtually wide open for the Vatican's invasion (1)(2)(3)(4) --- is also found in history...in the history of a cunning and treacherous (1)(2), child-raping (1)(2)(3), mass-murdering (1)(2)(3), enslaving (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and truly hell-bound (1)(2), foreign-based organization, which is working, even today, to take control of not only the United States, but all the countries of the world.
Looking closer at why Joe Biden and his treasonous allies have no problem lying and violating their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, it should be noted that the pope's hierarchy has instructed his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."(1) Yes, they are traitorous foreign agents.
Regarding Biden and his treacherous allies, the pope "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic."(1) And, to help make the United States a Roman Catholic country, Biden and his criminal cronies left the southern border open for the Vatican's invasion (1)(2)(3)(4) by Catholic-bred illegal aliens.
Well, there is more to the story. It appears that the Vatican and the Jesuits may have plans to make U.S. citizens pay a huge price, because the United States was instrumental in stopping (1)(2)(3) the diabolical Catholic Inquisition, plus may have prevented some mass-murdering Crusades...although it appears that the papal crowd simply changed the outward appearance of their Crusades (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and are now using even the U.S. military for some of their conquests (1). And, when the Catholics gain enough power in the United States, it appears that the demonic and deadly Inquisition will return again, in one form or another.
When it comes to the conniving foreign-based organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope working to take over the United States, plus all countries of this world, it appears they are doing it with the help of the CIA (1)(2)(3), or with the help of that organization which has gained nicknames like "Catholics In Action" and "Catholic Intelligence Agency" (1)(2)(3)(4). Now, the page linked below notes that "the Roman Catholic Church has claimed rights over all kingdoms and all lands since the days of the 'Donation of Constantine.'" Well, there are things to know about the Donation of Constantine and the papacy.
Regarding the forged "Donation of Constantine" (1)(2)(3), the page linked above notes that it is: "Like many Vatican documents, completely made up out of thin air by one Pope or another." Yes, like many of those Vatican documents [see pages linked below], the "Donation of Constantine" was just one of the many faked and forged documents which the historically lying and deceptive, child-raping (1)(2)(3) and enslaving (1)(2)(3) papal organization has used, as it has enforced its control (1)(2)(3) over the peoples of this earth. And, that "Lyin' Biden" (1)(2)(3) appears to be a product and "tool" of the historically deceptive papal crowd.
At this point, there are some things for genuine citizens of the authentic United States to consider. In diabolical retaliation for utterly losing the 2024 election, and in shear retaliation for not getting "their" nasty, child-raping-priest-protector (1)(2) named Kamala Harris into the president's chair, plus when knowing the history of a certain treacherous, foreign-aligned or controlled crowd, is there a chance that they could attempt to pull off some dastardly deeds in the days ahead?
Is there a chance that members of the Jesuit/Illuminati-based (1) Democratic Party or their allies, or those aligned with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, may work to do something like crash the Stock Market during Trump's presidency? Could "they" do something like this so "they" can bring a major depression on the United States and the world...or do some other dastardly and nation-harming deed which may be along that nefarious line?
Now, there is something to note. It appears that those linked to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope did such a vile and nation-harming thing in 1929 (1)(2)(3)(4). And with that vile thing which it appears they intentionally did, what a mess they made of many people's lives in the United States, plus people's lives across the world. Just something to watch out for, be aware of, plus potentially prepare for...just in case. It appears that they need major chaos as a cover, in order to bring in "their" New World Order (1)(2).
Then, "they" may have other options. Possibly "they" could unleash another plandemic (1)(2)(2)(3)...along with having a Stock Market crash! Or, as "they" did in the mid 1800s (1)(2), "they" could potentially instigate a serious uprising, or possibly even another American Civil War or a revolution. Or, the drug cartels from south of the border, which it appears "they" control, could start a very well-armed invasion of the United State...using some of those many military weapons which Biden "conveniently" left in Afghanistan (1).
Now, there is something further for genuine citizens of the authentic United States to think about. It seems that those who have hijacked our country skilfully manipulate many people and get them behind the vile things which the hijacking crowd is doing. They have these manipulated people believing that they are doing the vile deeds against Trump. But, the real truth is this. They are "doing it" to the authentic United States and to ALL its citizens...not just to Trump. "They" are screwing up this WHOLE country.
Well, the writer wishes you all the best in the days ahead. May you survive and thrive much better than you did under the utterly treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Biden/Harris administration. And, let us all require those in government positions to fully honor their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. More specifically, let us return to the Article 4, Section 4 government for the United States, which is the ONLY legitimate government for this country...which is supposed to exist throughout each and every State.