Considering ...

Treasonous(1)(2)(3)(4) Democrats,

RINO  "Republicans",  and

the  Rule  of  Law

With a Spotlight on Kamala Harris and agents of the Catholic Church

Well, it appears that virtually ALL of the questionable things happening
in government are connected to that LONGSTANDING, Jesuit/Catholic
Crime and Conspiracy Spree against the authentic United States, its
Constitution and its genuine Citizens. And, the worst is yet to come!

Now, unfortunately, it is very true that ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

That said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
And yes, they brutally Assassinated (1) and Permanently Silenced Kennedy on Friday, November 22, 1963.
Well, as a Roman Catholic who was part of the militia of the pope, Kennedy knew what he was talking about.

"And then, the mass-murdering Crusades and the diabolical Inquisition can get going one form or another."

By the way, starting under the criminally treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Obama/Biden administration, "they" had the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the U.S. Postal Service, the Social Security Administration, and agencies like the NOAA weather service, together buying up billions of rounds of ammunition, a lot of it being very deadly and destructive Hollow Point ammunition, which is illegal to use in war or for border patrol. And, in the orders were also things like smoke canisters, gas and chemical grenades, flash bang weaponry, and other devices for crushing and taking over crowds of people.

They were buying lots of sniper ammunition. They were also buying up lots and lots of Assault Rifles, shotguns and handguns. They bought enough ammo to put about 5 bullets into each and every U.S. citizen...or to have a 20-plus-year-long Iraqi-style hot war right here on U.S. soil. They were also buying riot control gear in bulk, plus armored personnel carriers, as shown in the pages linked below. And, the agencies involved did not really give a legitimate answer to why they were buying all this military hardware and ammunition. What is going on here, directly on U.S. soil?

Well, the first linked page says it correctly. It states: "There, however, are real signs that the Department bureaucrats are running amok." It states further: "Why, indeed, should the federal government not be deploying armored personnel carriers and stockpiling enough ammo for a 20-year war in the homeland? Because it's wrong in every way." And, it is wrong because it is against what the Founding Fathers of the United States said about having standing armies (1)(2)(3)(4) in this country. And, there is reason to suspect that those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope are behind all of this.

Note clearly that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wouldn't answer (1) Congress, or give them a good answer, about why they were buying all of this deadly and devastating ammunition and weapons...enough to put about 5 bullets in each U.S. citizen or to have a 20-plus-year-long Iraqi-type hot war right here on U.S. soil...possibly against U.S. citizens. Well, there is something to consider for it ties directly to that foreign-controlled crowd who are working to hijack (1)(2)(3)(4) and slyly take control (1) of the United States, so they can enslave (1)(2)(3) its citizens for their foreign masters.

In the historic Oaths of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, they sware: "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope." They also sware: "I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition..." (1)

And, members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope also sware the following about their war against citizens: "That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus." (1)  Well, quite some food for thought.

Now, multiple thousands of members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope have been scattered throughout the U.S. Congress (1), the Judiciary, the Executive branch, plus in the CIA (1)(2)(3), FBI, NSA, U.S. military (1) and in many other branches of government and its agencies. And, it appears that many papal militia members may be embedded in key positions. Well, there is reason to suspect that these people have been the ones behind all this buying of weaponry and ammunition apparently for use on U.S. soil. Will it be for the new Crusades and Inquistion?

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   16 Aug 2024
First Additions Posted:   18 Aug 2024
Latest Additions Posted:   22 Aug 2024
Copyright © 2024 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


There are extremely important things to note in the pages linked below. The treasonous (1) RINO allies of the lying (1) and deceptive Democrats are trying to invoke the spirit of that dead, very sly (1) and questionable former Senator John McCain. The treacherous RINO allies of the lying (1) Democrats want to make it look like they are putting country over party in their voting. And then, they deceptively talk about "protecting the rule of law" and even "protecting our constitution." And the RINOs talk about "protecting the democracy of our great country." There is a horrid contradiction in what they are saying.

To begin with, RINO "Republicans" like Mayor John Giles, along with their Democatic buddies, are very treacherous and deceptive domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution. It appears that they all brazenly lied when they took their Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic...for they are the enemy (1). And, in the midst of all which is happening, the very dangerous Mayor John Giles called the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Kamala Harris the "capable, just and fair leader our country deserves." Wow! What a treasonous (1)(2) domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution! (1)

By the way, when it comes to Kamala Harris, it appears that she made a crooked deal with the Catholic church when she made her run for DA of San Francisco, CA. Then, the rich Catholics and church lawyers began to give piles of money to her campaign for DA. Once the Catholics got Kamala in as DA, she shut down the investigation of those child-raping priests in the Catholic church which the former DA had made a lot of headway with. So, we should all be asking victims (see pages linked below) of the vile, child-raping Catholic (1)(2)(3) priests if Kamala Harris (1) is the "capable, just and fair leader our country deserves."

Now, the second page linked below (from 2018) states: "More than eight years ago in 2010, Kamala Harris, then-San Francisco District Attorney, was running for California Attorney General. And for some reason, her record of covering up sex abuse records belonging to the San Francisco Archdiocese was never part of the political news of her record." It states further: "[Harris] was San Francisco District Attorney from 2003 until her election in 2010 to State Attorney General." Well, protecting the child-raping (1)(2)(3) Catholic priests apparently moved Harris up the political ladder very quickly, possibly with their "special" support (1).

Pages linked in this section help to expose what some may call a crooked "political whore" who it appears is extremely devious, criminal and treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) ways. But, Kamala absolutely IS NOT a "just and fair leader [which] our country deserves." There is reason to suspect that only agents and duped pawns of the Jesuit/Catholics and their militia, plus domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution (1)(2) who are working to disarm and enslave (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) authentic U.S. citizens, would think that Harris is a great pick to "lead"(1) this country...yes, lead it to chaos and the final destruction of the authentic United States.


Once again, as noted in the preceding section (1), it appears that a treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Kamala Harris made a crooked or criminal deal with the Catholic Church...home of all those many sexual-abusing and child-raping priests and nuns (1)(2), who it appears are working to create a Jesuit/Catholic-controlled, worldwide homosexual (etc.) army (3). And again, it appears that after Kamala may have made some type of potentially highly criminal deal with the Catholic hierarchy, then church lawyers (1), church officials (1), and wealthy Catholics (1) began to flood money into Kamala's campaign "war chest" for San Francisco DA.

Now, there is something which happened after Kamala got to be District Attorney (DA) that needs to be looked at closer, for it helps to expose an apparently crooked or even treasonous deal which she may have made...a treasonous deal, because it appears that she --- as a potential political whore --- brazenly screwed Americans while aiding and abetting --- and covering up for --- the serious crimes by foreign-controlled agents which have been perpetrated against U.S. citizens. In other words, it appears that Kamala Harris has no problem selling-out U.S. citizens...for her own political gain, plus lust for power and money.

When it comes to Kamala Harris ------- Looking at those foreign-controlled agents which were perpetrating cimes against U.S. citizens --- looking at those child-raping Catholic priests and their bosses in the papal pecking order --- which it appears that Kamala Harris was treasonously protecting, there is something which really needs to be considered. To show that these were foreign agents which Kamala apparently made a treasonous deal with, there is something to consider. The pope and those in his hierachy have instructed his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."(1)

So, let us begin to look directly at some questionable and potentially criminal acts which it appears that a conniving, unjust, heartless, unfair, treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) and, yes, highly deceptive Kamala Harris seemed to have no problem doing when she was the District Attorney of that nasty, "poop and drug needles"(1)(2) San Francisco, California. And, there is reason to suspect that a rather defective Kamala Harris possibly did these things because she has no properly functioning conscience. As a potential political whore, it appears that she has sold herself to do evil...for political gain. Well, the lake of fire (1)(2)(3) awaits her!

At this point, there are some things to clearly note within those pages accessed by the cluster of buttons (1) within the preceding section. One linked page (1) notes that Kamala Harris, once she was in as the infamous DA of San Francisco, took a rather public stand against Internet Pedophiles. Well, it appears that a cunning, conniving, and possibly even a two-faced Kamala Harris made this public "whoop-de-do"(1) about Internet Pedophiles as a sneaky diversion, while she virtually coddled and fully protected those which seem to be some very nasty, criminal, truly hell-bound, pedophile and child-raping (1)(2)(3) Catholic priests.

Well, there is still more which really needs to be looked at closely in the Kamala Harris story. It is time to see THE REAL Kamala Harris for what she seems to do when in positions of power. It is time to understand what she will likely be sneakily doing when in government, especially if she wrongly (1)(2)(3)(4) gets into the position of U.S. "president". And in all of this, it must be noted that it appears that she is a wicked "tool" of the Jesuit/Catholic organization, as she works to protect them --- in return for money and support (1) --- as they likely continue to sexually abuse and rape (1)(2)(3) boys and girls, plus others.

Now, in the pages accessed by the buttons (1) in the preceding section, note closely that the former District Attorney of San Francisco, Terence Hallinan, who preceded Kamala Harris, had done the legally required job of investigating serious crime in that city, which included starting a large investigation of those abusing and child-raping Catholic priests in San Francisco. Well, Hallinan ended up creating a large batch of files on what appears to be a corrupt San Francisco Archdiocese and "how the church dealt internally with alleged pederast, homosexual and pedophile priests going back as far as 80 years."(1)

At this point, there is something to note in the page linked here. It states: "Catholics make up large voting blocs in the city and the state, accounting for roughly a quarter of the population in both San Francisco's metro area and across California." So, it appears that Catholics have a whole lot of control in San Francisco and the state of California. More about that in a bit. Now, note that once the legal system began moving against abusive and child-raping Catholic priests in San Francisco, "the California Supreme Court overturned a state law extending the statute of limitations for pedophiles."(1)

Once the apparently corrupt California Supreme Court overturned the law extending the statute of limitations for pedophiles, "the full contents of archdiocese clergy abuse files obtained by prosecutors were never revealed at trial."(1) Well, it appears that the foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3) Catholic hierarchy and their numerous "pawns", especially those in key positions (1)(2) in government, are really good at throwing up roadblocks and hiding or destroying (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) incriminating evidence, especially when it comes to their child-raping (1)(2)(3) priests and nuns, plus other questionable activities which relate to their people.

Well, as we prepare to consider further things which the apparently treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Kamala Harris did in the infamous "poop and drug needles"(1) San Francisco, California, there is something "special" to note about that messed-up city, plus its controlling Catholics and Jesuits. Since the Catholic hierarchy wants to hijack control (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) of the United States, apparently even using their treacherous "tool" Kamala Harris, there is some important history to note. This history comes from the mid to latter 1800s and relates to a former Catholic priest who was a good friend of U.S. president Abraham Lincoln.

The former Catholic priest was Charles Chiniquy. In 1886, his book titled Fifty Years in the Church of Rome was first published (1). In his book, Chiniquy wrote: "It is to San Francisco that you must go to have an idea of the number of secret and powerful organizations with which the Church of Rome prepares herself for the impending conflict, through which she hopes to destroy the schools, and every vestige of human rights and liberties in the United States. In order to more easily drill the Roman Catholics and prepare them for the irrepressible struggle, the Jesuits have organized them into a great number of secret societies."(1)

Charles Chiniquy states further: "Almost all these secret associations are military ones. They have their headquarters at San Francisco; but their rank and file are scattered all over the United States. They number [in 1886] 700,000 soldiers, who, under the name of the United States Volunteer Militia, are officered by some of the most skillful generals and officers of this Republic." And then, Chiniquy wrote: "Rome is in constant conspiracy against the rights and liberties of man all over the world; but she is particularly so in the United States."(1) And, it was in the Catholic stronghold of San Francisco where Kamala Harris got her start.

After it appears that a potentially crooked and very treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Kamala Harris made a deal with the hierarchy of the child-raping (1)(2)(3) Catholic Church in the San Francisco area, to protect their abusive and child-raping priests, and they had then got her in as District Attorney of that city, it appears that she did some very treacherous and virtually criminal things. And now, we need to look again into those many pages linked in the preceding section (1). We need to look at what Kamala Harris and her lackeys did with those many investigative files on raping Catholic priests, produced by the preceding DA, Terence Hallinan (1).

Once in as San Francisco DA, a page (1) notes that Kamala Harris "withheld documents regarding clergy sexual abuse from attorneys and news reporters to protect the identities of victims -- reasoning faulted by victims and their lawyers." Yes, it was reasoning faulted by the victims and their lawyers because Kamala Harris could have simply redacted "any identifying information." The page states further: "Of all the DAs in the Bay Area, [Kamala Harris was] the only one who wouldn't cooperate with" lawyers of the "priestly sex abuse" victims. And now, they want this treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) criminal to be U.S. "president"? Whoa!

Well, the page (1) notes that in 2010, "Harris was running for state attorney general" in messed-up and unconstitutional (1) California. And, the page notes that "once again [Kamala Harris was] highlighting her work for victims of sexual abuse." But, the treacherous and deceptive Kamala was only telling part of the story. It appears that in the Catholic stronghold of California, Kamala, because of her connections, was using some of that historic "Jesuitism". The original meaning of that word is to use "cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose."(1)

Now, when it comes to the above definition for "Jesuitism", there is that word "prevarication". That word is used "when someone tells a lie, especially in a sneaky way." That word indicates "a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth," or is "the deliberate act of deviating from the truth."(1) "Prevarication" also means "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie,"(1) and things along that line. Wow! The words "Jesuitism" and "prevarication" appear to fit Kamala perfectly when it comes to things she seems to have a habit of doing when in government positions.

So, let us look further at the deceptive, supposedly anti-Catholic (1)(2)(3) Kamala Harris, who it appears is actually a "tool" and "pawn" of the Jesuit/Catholics in their historic effort to hijack (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) and gain full control of the United States and enslave (1)(2)(3)(4) its citizens. Now, regarding all those investigative files (1) by former San Francisco DA Terence Hallinan, which incriminated those child-raping Catholic priests which Kamala Harris, as DA, was working hard to protect (1), there is something to note. It appears that those files disappeared (1) under Kamala's apparently corrupt DA watch.

And now, there is something to look at again and examine further. The highly questionable Kamala Harris would not release the incriminating files about child-raping Catholic priests to the general public, as they were meant to be released by former DA Hallinan, because, once again, Kamala claimed that she was trying "to protect the identities of victims."(1) Well, the page linked here states: "That wasn't an issue. Hallinan had made a deal to redact the victim's names to protect them because the victims wanted the information about the abuse to be public." Yes, the victims wanted the information released to the public.

The page linked here states: "Harris was much more interested in protecting the sexual predators so she could move up the political ladder with the help of much needed support from the Catholic church and their supporters. She was getting high dollar donations from those connected to the Catholic church." Well, well, a crooked "political whore" in operation here? The page also states: "Harris' whole political career, which only began because she slept with Brown, included years and years of protecting her and Brown's political friends in all of their corrupt deeds -- and keeping the money flowing so that they could win elections."

And, the page linked in the paragraph above states the following about Kamala Harris: "Not having her own ties to the Catholic Church, it was obvious why they were sending her donations. She got donations from Catholic board members (and family) of many organizations in the Bay area. She got donations from the attorney for the Catholic Charities division of the Archdiocese. She got donations from the attorney of a priest involved in an abuse case. This particular lawyer was also on Kamala Harris's advisory council." And, the page goes on to state: "No impropriety there, right? Nothing to see here, folks."

By now, hopefully the reader has a much better and more realistic picture of the apparently highly deceptive, treacherous and treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Kamala Harris, who it appears that the Jesuit/Catholics and the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Democrats, plus treasonous (1)(2)(3) RINO "Republicans" (1), are trying to put in the U.S. president's chair. Well, if she ever gets into the president's chair, there is reason to suspect that she will be practicing a whole lot of that California "Jesuitism"(1) and "prevarication". And NO! Kamala Harris is NOT a "capable, just and fair leader [which] our country deserves."(1)


Well, it's time to at least begin to truly consider just how deceptive that lying (1)(2) and treasonous (1)(2)(3) child-raping Catholic-priest-protector (1) Kamala Harris appears to really be...when she has the chance. This is how she would act as a "president". In pages accessed by the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) --- note closely how Kamala Harris has been really pushing all this expensive, despotic and enslaving stuff to supposedly "fight climate change". Well, it is time to show the brazen hypocrisy of a treasonous (1)(2)(3) Kamala Harris. So, take some time to look through the pages linked by the buttons below.

On top of all which is shown in the pages linked by the buttons below, there truly is more which should be considered closely. Pages accessed by the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) --- appear to indicate that manipulated, brainwashed and dumbed-down climate activists and Enviro-Nazis are widely endorsing a rather silly and brazenly hypocritical, plus unnecessarily fuel-wasting and freely polluting Kamala for president. Well, this truly does appear to expose a screwed-up, dumbed-down and ignorant Enviro-Nazi crowd which doesn't follow the rules or laws which they create! Now, check the pages linked below.

Yes, the pages linked above show that the thought of possibly ending up in the "president's" chair is going to Kamala Harris's head. It appears that she feels she can do whatever she wants now, especially with the support of those child-raping (1)(2)(3) Jesuit/Catholics and the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope in many government positions and many of its agencies. Yes, Harris unnecessarily wasted a whole lot of fossil fuel, while her plane circled the DNC and was spewing out environmental pollutants and a whole lot of those greenhouse gases. Environmental concern? What a lying (1)(2) and deceiving, brazen hypocrite!

Now, for those who would like more information on how messed up or possibly even how criminal things can get, or have been, with a treacherous and treasonous (1)(2)(3) Kamala Harris in "legal" leadership or lawmaking positions, just check out the pages linked below. Unfortunately, this seems to be what commonly happens when a very treacherous domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution (1)(2) --- who may have no proper conscience functioning or remaining, or who potentially doesn't care what is really right or wrong --- is wrongly put into positions of power.


Based on information provided in the sections further above, it appears that an extremely treacherous, unjust and unfair Kamala Harris criminally protected the Jesuit/Catholic organization and its priests from untold millions of dollars in lawsuits. She possibly even protected some of them from potential jail time for all that child sex abuse and rape which has been going on in that crowd for a very long time. And, it appears that a potentially criminal Kamala Harris protected all this crime so she could rapidly further her political career. It appears that a "political whore" criminally traded "campaign contributions" for "church favors".

Well, it appears that a criminal and treasonous (1)(2)(3) Kamala Harris is not yet done doing some of those crooked, major favors for the historically treacherous Jesuit/Catholic organization. Looking at what is said in the pages linked below, it appears that a treacherous domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution, named Kamala Harris, is going to aid and abet the papal organization in its efforts to invade, Catholicize and take over the United States. And, possibly members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope embedded in key positions in at least the CIA (1)(2)(3) and FBI (etc.) will treasonously (1) help her do it.

Looking at the pages linked below, it appears that a criminally treasonous (1)(2)(3) Elizabeth Warren --- who is a domestic enemy (1) of the U.S. Constitution (1) --- is almost giddy about the thought of a treasonous (1)(2)(3) Kamala Harris working hard to screw-over authentic U.S. citizens, by helping the Catholic Church to illegally turn its Catholic-bred illegal invaders into so-called "U.S. citizens", so they can help take over the country and enslave the genuine citizens of the authentic United States. Then, it appears that Reconquista (1) will happen, with the planned ethnic cleansing (1), which appears to be the new Crusades and Inquisition.

It appears to be Kamala Harris's intent --- as a treacherous and criminally treasonous (1)(2)(3) tool and protector of the child-raping (1)(2)(3) papal organization --- to help the papal organization in their efforts to brazenly invade the United States using multiple-millions of Catholic-bred illegal aliens, so the Catholics can become the majority and gain the upper hand and force Catholicism on this country. They want to take control of the United States so they can crush-under and enslave (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) authentic U.S. citizens and non-Catholics under papal domination (1) and papist laws (1). So now, consider the pages linked below.

In the page linked above, note how the pope --- who appears to be quite a "sneaky snake" --- wants to con gullible or stupid people into believing that the "rights" of Catholic-bred illegal aliens to invade countries like the United States, should completely override any national securit concerns. What a "bull shitter", to put it bluntly! And, it appears that he has been a major "bull shitter", when it comes to really dealing with all of those sexually abusing and child-raping (1)(2) priests and nuns in his questionable organization. Now, to see what the papal crowd does or will do when they gain control, check out the pages linked below.


When it comes to the rule of law (1) in the United States, plus when it comes to the U.S. Constitution, there are some important things which U.S. citizens need to get very clear in their minds. When it comes to law in the United States, the Constitution --- to which even all those treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) "officials" in government take an Oath of Office to support and defend --- declares that it is, plus it is listed first in Article 6, as being the Supreme Law of the Land (1)(2). Furthermore, as the U.S. Constitution makes known in Article 6, the Judges in every State are bound by the Constitution and what is says.

When it comes to protecting the authentic rule of law in the United States, plus when it comes to protecting the U.S. Constitution (1) and what it mandates and guarantees, let us see what it says about that which is legally supposed to exist throughout the whole United States, with no exceptions. Let us see what the U.S. Constitution says, when it comes to our ONLY legitimate form of government. In Article 4, Section 4, the Constitution of the United States clearly mandates: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..."(1)

Well, based on what the U.S. Constitution declares, it appears that all Democrats and their treacherous RINO "Republican" allies are treasonous domestic enemies of the Constitution...for they have worked to undermine virtually anything which may still remain of the authentic Republican Form of Government. And, based on what the Constitution declares, it appears that all Democrats and their treacherous RINO "Republican" allies, like Mayor John Giles for example, are treacherous and treasonous domestic enemies of the authentic rule of law which is legally supposed to exist throughout the whole United States.

Now, it would be good to look through the information linked below. It helps expose the highly organized treachery and treason which has been going on within the United States for many decades. The conspiracy to destroy the authentic United States and despotically enslave its genuine citizens is very large indeed. And, it appears that this diabolical conspiracy is being perpetrated on the United States and its citizens by the treacherous agents and pawns of a foreign power. Now, it should be noted that the pages linked below are just a mere introduction to the highly organized treachery and treason which has been going on.

Through the proper use of the information linked above, it should be rather obvious to the average thinking U.S. citizen that the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Democrats and RINO "Republicans" have been steadily working for many decades to utterly undermine and overthrow the authentic rule of law which is supposed to legally exist throughout the whole United States. It should also be obvious that the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Democrats and RINO "Republicans" --- an example being that Mayor John Giles --- have been working for a long time to undermine and overthrow the Constitution of the United States.

And, the treacherous criminals in the treasonous Democratic Party, along with the treasonous allied RINO "Republicans", have been working, covertly and overtly for many decades, to completely undermine and overthrow virtually anything which may still exist of the Republican Form of Government which is mandated for the whole United States and guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States. So, lying Democrats and RINO "Republicans", don't tell us you are trying to protect the rule of law and the Constitution of this country.

Well, if the Founding Fathers of the United States could come alive today and take full control of this country, there is reason to suspect that they would --- at the very least --- hang all the foreign-agent Democrats and their allied RINO "Republicans" for high treason against the authentic United States and its Constitution. And, they would possibly hang these criminals for crimes and treason against the genuine citizens of the authentic United States. Yes, the Founding Fathers "had spine" and just got in there and got the necessary job done. They were much different than the "wet noodles" which we have today.

To be continued ...

This is a mere PREVIEW and Introduction for that which shall be included in this presentation.
There is more which needs to be said and exposed.  Check back later for additional information.

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