Are  They  All
Just  Liars ?

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preliminary Document Posted: 27 July 2022
Latest Additions Posted: 28 July 2022
Copyright © 2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


It's time to find out exactly what we are dealing with, especially when it comes to people in government positions. And, we definitely need to know what we are dealing with, especially when it comes to those they call "lawmakers." Are we dealing with honest people, or at least a few honest people, or are we possibly dealing with the worst of the worst type of liars, cheaters and deceivers?

Well, today may be our lucky day. It appears that there is a rather simple "litmus test" which can help to reveal if we are dealing with honest people in government, or if we are actually dealing with treasonous liars, cheaters, deceivers, rogues and scoundrels. This simple "litmus test" can reveal if we are dealing with people who can be trusted, or people that it would be wise to not trust in any type of situation.

The most revealing "litmus test" which can be used to sort out who government entities really are is the standard Oath of Office. Now, the Oath of Office which each government entity is supposed to take before they can legally enter into their government position is actually an Oath to the Constitution of the United States. And, a typical Oath of Office goes something like this:

"I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

Once again, all of those in government positions, including all those "lawmakers," take an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. Now, let us begin to find out which people in government positions are more honest people, and which ones are brazen liars and deceivers. Let us see which people in government are truly working to honor their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, and which people in government appear to be treasonous enemies of the authentic United States, its Constitution and its genuine citizens.


The page linked below states that the Oath of Office is a contract. Truly, the Oath of Office is a publicly declared, legally binding contract which is made between the person entering into a government position and the citizens of the State (for State offices), and also which is made between the person who is entering into a government position and the citizens of the whole United States (for Federal offices). And, for most State positions, the person takes an Oath to the U.S. Constitution and to their State Constitution.

At this point, there is something extremely important to consider. If a person in a government position honors only 90 percent of the stipulations in the contract, which stipulations are clearly shown in the complete Constitution of the United States, then that person in a government position is not actually honoring the contract at all. The contract document, which is the U.S. Constitution, is a single unit. It is either that a person honors all of it, or a person is effectively not honoring the true contract.

A person in a government position cannot legally pick and choose what parts or pieces within the contract they are going to honor. In this case, the contract is actually the Constitution of the United States, since that is what each and every one of them made their Oath of Office to. If a person simply picks or chooses what portions of the Constitution they are going to honor, they are actually treasonously working to undermine and ultimately overthrow the U.S. Constitution and the actual government which it defines and guarantees.

Since the stipulations of the contract which each and every person in a government position is making with the general populace is found in the U.S. Constitution, let us begin to see what is shown in the Constitution of the United States. Now, when looking at a contract, one of the first things which a person may look for is any included guarantees. Those guarantees are extremely important and often "create the framework" within which everything else works. Now, in the U.S. Constitution, there is only one guarantee found.

If each and every person in a government position, who has taken an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, is not diligently working to support, defend and enforce that one and only guarantee declared in the Constitution, then they are horrendously violating their Oath of Office and their contract with the citizens of the United States. If those in government are not enforcing that guarantee declared in the Constitution, then they are treasonously working to undermine and overthrow the Constitution.

If those in government positions are not supporting and defending, plus strictly enforcing the one and only guarantee which is plainly declared in the Constitution of the United States, then we effectively have a rogue, illegal and totally criminal government in the United States. In such a case, it would be a rogue and criminal government which is being run by a pack of lying, cheating and deceiving scoundrels and bandits. Unfortunately, in this case, they would likely be extremely treasonous, foreign-controlled bandits.


At this point, there are some extremely important words to consider. These words were spoken in the mid 1800s by President Abraham Lincoln. He showed the extreme importance of preserving the Constitution of the United States in its entirely. President Lincoln declared: "Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."(1)

So, note clearly in the above words from a very patriotic former U.S. president that our very safety and our liberty, as U.S. citizens, depends upon fully preserving the Constitution of the United States, with the intent and meaning in which the wise Founding Fathers created it. And, as a presidential order from an authentic U.S. president, Lincoln declared that we are not to overthrow the Constitution of the United States. The people of the United States are only to overthow those people, especially those in government positions, who pervert, undermine or work to overthrow the U.S. Constitution, in its true intent and meaning.

And now, let us look at the only guarantee which is found anywhere within the Constitution of the United States. Let us look at that very important guarantee which sets "the framework" upon which virtually everything else in the Constitution is based. Let us look at that guarantee upon which our safety and liberty, as authentic U.S. citizens, fully depends. If the one and only guarantee in the U.S. Constitution is not fully defended and enforced, then U.S. citizens are on the road to slavery or worse. And, because the guarantee has not been enforced, U.S. citizens are now pretty much enslaved and the country is a mess.

For those who have not read or studied the Constitution of the United States, something extremely important is mandated and guaranteed in Article 4, Section 4. At this location in the Constitution it plainly declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."(1) That's correct, folks! The Constitution of the United States mandates and guarantees that there is legally supposed to exist a Republican Form of Government throughout every State of the United States. And, our federal government is supposed to be a Republican Form of Government.

So, it is time for an extremely important question. What is this democracy bullshit which we are now dealing with? What is this un-Constitutional democracy bullshit which is being foised upon us? It is completely illegal and is high treason to have a democracy in any government within the boundaries of the United States. Those who are pushing for democracy are effectively at war with the Constitution and with the legitimate government of the United States. And yes, those treasonous traitors and manipulated "tools" in the halls of learning have been teaching our young to be domestic enemies of our legitimate government.

The thought of those in the halls of learning teaching our young to be domestic enemies of our legitimate government brings to mind some words from the mid 1800s, which came from President Abraham Lincoln. When he considered the instigators of the American Civil War, he spoke about "the emissaries of the pope" which work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."(1)


Once again, there are all those people in government positions who have taken an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. In their Oath, these people did swear (or affirm) that they would "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Yes, they swore to even go up against all domestic enemies of the Constitution. These people did swear that they "will bear true faith and allegiance" to the Constitution of the United States and what it proclaims. And, they did swear that they were taking their Oath "freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion."

Well, it should be obvious that each and every Democrat is a treasonous traitor to the United States. It should be obvious that they are evading "the contract" as they work to undermine and overthrow the Constitution of the United States and that particular Form of Government which it mandates and guarantees in Article 4, Section 4. But, this is only part of the story about high treason. Then there are all of those many so-called Republicans. It appears that these people also were brazenly lying when they took their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. "How so," you may say.

To get things started off correctly, it must clearly be noted that the Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, in Article 4, Section 4, has absolutely nothing at all to do with the so-called Republican Party. The U.S. Constitution mandates and guarantees only a very particular Form of Government. At this point, let it clearly be noted that the Constitution of the United States in no way endorses anything like a so-called Republican Party. And now, it is time for that very uncomfortable moment of truth.

If those so-called Republicans in government positions were truly honoring their Oath of Office, they would be vehemently shouting out against this illegal and treasonous democracy bullshit which the sly enemies of the United States have foisted upon its citizens. But, as we can see, the treasonous, so-called Republicans appear to be wilfully evading their duty to the U.S. Constitution which they did swear to in their Oath of Office. The spineless "Republicans" are not out there, openly supporting and defending an authentic Republican Form of Government for the whole United States...throughout each and every State.

Unfortunately, it appears that people in both the Democratic and Republican parties are treasonous traitors to the authentic United States and its Constitution, plus are treasonous traitors to the authentic citizens of the United States. Furthermore, it appears that people in virtually all the other political parties which exist within the United States are also treasonous traitors to the authentic United States and its Constitution. It appears that they are all criminals and rogues because they are working to undermine and overthrow the authentic Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution.

Because the many treasonous people in government positions are not supporting, defending and enforcing the authentic Republican Form of Government which the Founding Fathers mandated for the United States, these people are actually leading the citizens of the United States into a highly despotic form of slavery. Unfortunately, for the most part, the citizens of the United States are so dumbed-down and brainwashed that they do not even realize what is happening to them and their country. Because of sly traitors and enemies in government positions, we are losing the authentic United States and our freedom.


There are people today who are stating that the government of the United States is broken and that we need to change our government in order to fix things. There are people today within the United States which are actually indicating that we need to completely change or even get rid of the present Constitution of the United States in order to fix things and make things better for the people of the United States. This is all erroneous thinking by the brainwashed and manipulated and highly ignorant people of the United States, which thinking is being instigated by the enslaving enemies of the authentic United States.

Now, it is time to get some things very straight in our minds. The Constitution of the United States, plus our legitimate form of government which is clearly defined and mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution, are not messed up at all. The Constitution of the United States is one of the best foundational documents a country has ever had, plus our legitimate form of government which is clearly defined and mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution is about the best government that this world has ever seen. The U.S. Constitution and the legitimate form of government which we are supposed to have are not the problem.

The problems which are being created in the United States and the reason our government is broken is because of criminals and foreign-controlled agents which have gotten into our government and intentionally perverted things and messed things up for our country and the citizens at large. So, at this point, we should again look at those words of wisdom from President Abraham Lincoln in the mid 1800s. Lincoln declared: "Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."(1)

When it comes to some of those people who disregard their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, who then go around perverting things, there is something to consider. A page-paragraph linked here notes that the pope and his hierarchy instructs his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."

The enemies of the authentic United States have been working for a long time to pervert things and enslave us. Many want us to change or throw away our present Constitution. But again, as President Abraham Lincoln declared in the mid 1800s: "Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States..." The present U.S. Constitution provides for our safety and our liberty. That is why the enemies of the authentic United States want to trick the deceived and brainwashed people into throwing away the present Constitution. That way, the citizens of the United States can be more easily enslaved.

Now, the people in government positions who are treasonously violating their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, plus those criminals and enemies in government positions who are not upholding and enforcing the authentic Republican Form of Government which the Founding Fathers set up for the United States, are what is the problem with the government of the United States. They are the ones who have broken our government and made it highly disfunctional. So, based on the words from President Abraham Lincoln, all of these enemies and violators are what needs to be overthrown by all means.

There is something to now consider. There is reason to suspect that if the Founding Fathers of this great nation were to come alive today and take control of the United States, they would possibly be hanging a lot of people which are now in government positions. They would be hanging them for high treason. Any court hearing would possibly be very short and then the hangings would begin. There is reason to suspect that they would hang virtually all the Democrats which are in government positions. But, they would also possibly hang 95% to 100% of the spineless, so-called Republicans.

The Founding Fathers, if they could take control of the United States, would possibly hang all the so-called Republicans for extreme dereliction of duty. They would possibly hang them for effectively aiding and abetting the enemies of the authentic United States and the enemies of the U.S. Constitution. They would possibly also hang them because they just stand there, like spineless, totally useless fools, while the enemies of the authentic United States work to undermine and overthrow the mandated and guaranteed Republican Form of Government which is supposed to be enforced throughout the whole United States.


The mere introductory pages linked below speak of various people or groups, which are on both the right and left side of the political fence, who are calling for a Constitutional Convention. They want a Constitutional Convention so they can change the existing U.S. Constitution. Well, as noted in some of the pages linked below, a Constitution Convention is hard or virtually impossible to keep under control. Furthermore, the outcome of a Constitutional Convention would likely be the restriction or ending of a number of individual rights and the liberty which are now protected by the existing Constitution.

Considering all the treasonous criminals who it appears are now in government positions, there is possibly something else which would happen at a Constitutional Convention. The potentially foreign-controlled, treasonous traitors to the authentic United States, who brazenly lied when they took their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, would possibly eliminate or extremely modify Article 4, Section 4, of the existing Constitution. They would possibly do everything that they could to finally finish the overthrow of the only legitimate government for the United States...which is a Republican Form of Government.

It is a pretty sure thing that a Constitutional Convention would ultimately cause the final end of the authentic United States, plus put an end to genuine liberty and individual freedom in this country. With the end of the authentic United States, anarchy and despotism would likely become the new normal. The possibly foreign-instigated anarchy in 2020 might have been just a mere "warm-up" for what is yet to come. As a result of changes made at a Constitutional Convention, there would likely end up being a lot of bloodshed and a large amount of death in the United States. Well, it does not have to ever go this way.


What needs to be done in order to fix the United States is to go back to honoring the genuine U.S. Constitution which, as President Abraham Lincoln declared, ensures our safety and our liberty. Now, all the liars and deceivers in government positions did swear or affirm that they would support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Well, once again, these people actually did swear or affirm that they would also ensure that a Republican Form of Government is to exist and be enforced throughout the whole United States.

And again, there are those words of wisdom from President Abraham Lincoln: "Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." And, those in government positions who brazenly lied when they took their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, who have then gone ahead and perverted the Constitution could, and possibly should, be simply hung for high treason.

There is something else to consider at this point. In the days of President Abraham Lincoln, when he proclaimed the words which are quoted in the paragraph above, there were generally only men in elected government positions. But now, there are both men and women in elected government positions. So, the words above from President Lincoln would apply to all of those in government, so that there will be no improper discrimination. Based on the words of President Abraham Lincoln, anyone in a government position who perverts the Constitution or violates their Oath of Office needs to be overthrown.

And then, there is another way that they handled things in the earlier days. If a certain government agent was messing up and not doing what they should have been doing, the citizens would get together and cover the offending agent with tar, commonly from head to toe. Then, they would cover the offending agent with feathers and seat them on a rail which was carried on the shoulders of the citizens. Then, the agent was run out of town and dumped somewhere else where they wouldn't be causing so many problems. Things along this line are spoken about in the introductory pages linked below.

More to come ...

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