A  Direct  Response  To

The  Two-Faced,  Deceptive,

Treasonous  Traitor  Named

Joseph  Robinette  Biden  Jr.

It  Is  Time  to  Look  Closer  at  a  Career  Politician/Criminal
Who  Is  Working  to  Sell-Out  &  Enslave  U.S.  Citizens  for
his  Foreign-Based  Masters  and  their  "New  World  Order."

We are Now Watching the Raising Up of that thing which the Holy Bible calls "The Beast."
Others call it the "Fourth Reich," for IT IS CONNECTED to what Adolf Hitler was trying to do.

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   31 August 2022
Copyright © 2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


Now, there are a number of questions which better be asked really quick. Why would a genuine U.S. citizen openly declare that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (who commonly wants to be called "Joe Biden," so people are more likely to be deceived into thinking that he is their buddy) is a two-faced, deceptive, treasonous traitor? Why would anyone openly declare that Biden is a career criminal?

Looking at things further, what proof is there that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is working to sell-out the genuine citizens of the authentic United States, so they can be utterly enslaved under the despotic domination of his foreign-based masters and their New World Order? What proof is there that Biden is working to raise up that which the Holy Bible calls "The Beast," or the fourth beast?

What proof is there that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is in any way connected with those horrible things which the diabolical and satanically-led Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis were doing in hijacked and Nazified Germany, during the World War Two era? Well, take the time to closely read this whole presentation and the proof for the things spoken about above should become obvious.


Since the 1970s, the career politician (or possibly more realistically, as the evidence appears to clearly show, a very deceptive career criminal) named Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has been elected to a number of government positions. He has also taken an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States a number of times. Biden's oaths to the Constitution went something like that which now follows:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."(1)

Now, let us look more closely at the Oath of Office which Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has taken a number of times, since the 1970s. To begin with, he has solemnly sworn or affirmed to the people of the United States that he will support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Now, supporting or defending just a word or two, or a paragraph or two, here and there in the Constitution, is not legally fulfilling his Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution...or his legal contract with the citizens of the United States.

Looking into the Oath of Office which J. Robinette Biden Jr. has taken a number of times over the years, since the 1970s, he has solemnly sworn or affirmed to the people of the United States that he will bear true faith in the U.S. Constitution and that which is stated within it, not in just part of it or in a word here and there. This J. Robinette Biden Jr. has also solemnly sworn or affirmed that he will be in allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and that which it declares...and again, all of it, and not just part of it.

In his Oath of Office, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has solemnly sworn or affirmed that he has taken this legal obligation upon himself freely and without any mental reservation. Biden has also solemnly sworn or affirmed to the citizens of the United States that he has taken his Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States without any purpose of evasion. In other words, he has no "wiggle room." Well, it is time for U.S. citizens to find out what kind of deceiver and liar Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. may potentially be.


Once again, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. made the following contract, a number of times to reinforce things, with the citizens of the United States: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." Well, there is a guarantee in the U.S. Constitution which now needs to be considered.

Within the Constitution of the United States, there is found a very special guarantee. It is the only guarantee, and there is no other guarantee found anywhere in the Constitution. Now, all of those in government positions, in their Oath of Office, have solemnly sworn or affirmed that they would faithfully uphold and defend this one and only guarantee in the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They have basically sworn that they will fight against any who may try to undermine or overthrow this one and only guarantee in any manner. So, what is the one and only guarantee which is found in the U.S. Constitution?

Now, there is something extremely important to consider. If the one and only guarantee in the Constitution is not honored and strictly enforced, we do not have the authentic United States, but would have a rogue and criminal government...which is being run by a pack of two-faced, deceptive, treasonous traitors and criminals of the worst sort. And now for that one and only guarantee. In Article 4, Section 4, the U.S. Constitution plainly mandates: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."(1) Well, where is our Republican Form of Government in the United States?


It is time to consider what the treasonous enemies of the United States have been allowed to do for way too long, as the dumbed-down, brain-dead and entertained Americans have just let it happen. Since the earlier 1800s, the Democratic Party has worked to criminally and treasonously undermine and overthrow the legitimate Republican Form of Government in the United States. And, it appears that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is one of those infamous, two-faced, lying and deceiving treasonous traitors in the Democratic Party who has been working to undermine and overthrow our legitimate Constitutional government.

Now, Biden and his treasonous cronies within the United States have not been working to overthrow the legitimate Constitutional government just for themselves, so they can then be the ones to enslave the citizens of the United States and despotically "rule" over them for themselves. No, these treasonous traitors and lying deceivers are actually doing it all for someone else...for a foreign power, so they can add treason to treason. Well, there is reason to suspect that if the Founding Fathers of this great nation could come alive today and take control of the whole country, they would hang all of these criminals for high treason.


This is just a PREVIEW and mere introduction to what is actually coming in this presentation.
There is something which Biden has openly stated in public which needs a direct response.
So, check back again, for it is time that the story about Biden's treasonous activity is told.
It is time to show who Biden and his treasonous cronies are actually working for and
what their diabolical plans are for the highly distracted citizens of the United States.

Things are changing extremely fast in the United States, and you really haven't seen anything yet.
It is time to talk about what is coming, plus consider what that Hanford facility may really be about.
Furthermore, it is time to see how Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. compares to Adolf Hitler of the WW2 era.

By the way, is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. intentionally giving a whole lot of military arms to Ukraine,
so that the U.S. weapons supply will be depleted for when China and North Korea make their attack?
Is a treasonous Biden intentionally setting things up so the U.S. will be defeated and its citizens enslaved?
And, who may he possibly be doing something like this for? Well, it is time for the rest of the story.

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