"Sleepy Time" is over!  It's time to face the reality of the world we live in.

The  "Nazified"  CIA  &  FBI,

(along with their treacherous and treasonous  (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)  allies and Jesuit-controlled
militia-of-the-pope brethren in the Secret Service (SS) and the Democratic Party (1)(2), which
all working together appear to actually be the NEW  "Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis"),

with  their  Mind-Controlled(1)

Manchurian  Candidates

...   and those   ...

Political  Assassinations

...which may even include the very questionable,
attempted assassination of presidential-hopeful
Donald John Trump on Saturday, July 13, 2024.

Now, there's ANOTHER apparent Trump assassination attempt
to consider, which took place on Sunday, September 15, 2024 (1).

In the midst of all this which has been happening in recent times,
especially when it comes to any Trump assassination attempts,
there's "INCITER NANCY"(1) Pelosi who needs to be considered.

Well, we are not done yet. There is more. There is that infamous
Jesuit/Catholic "tool"(1) named Kamala Harris to consider. She may
not outwardly be a Catholic, but the evidence sure indicates that
she is treacherously operating as a tool of the foreign-controlled
Jesuit/Catholics in their historic goal (1)(2)(3) to take control of the
United States and enslave its citizens, using their "tools & pawns".

This presentation also touches upon the Vatican's invasion and
takeover of the United States using those swarms of Catholic-bred
illegal aliens from south of the border, plus those many Haitians,
which are mainly Catholic-bred, that are flooding into the country.

Considering "WHITE-HOT (1) TRUTH", along with some very important history,
in the midst of ALL THE MANY LIES and deceptions which it appears the guilty
parties and conspirators are working to force on the public, as "they" blast us
with sick excuses and often misleading information in an attempt to "overpower"
and ultimately censor THE REAL TRUTH. And in all of this, they are working to
destroy the authentic United States and enslave (1)(2)(3)(4) its genuine citizens.

Now for some history which they absolutely don't teach in "modern"
schools. Therefore, most U.S. citizens DO NOT have even the slightest
clue about this history. During and after World War Two, treasonous
criminals ILLEGALLY(1) gathered Nazis from hijacked (1) Germany and
smuggled them into the United States. They placed these Nazis and
war criminals --- which were actually connected to the historically murderous
"sword of the Catholic Church"
(1)(2)(3) --- into the CIA, FBI and other agencies.
Then, they became very treacherous, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled agencies
and things have NEVER (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) been the same since in this country.

And yes, it appears to be very true that ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
And yes, they brutally Assassinated (1) and Permanently Silenced Kennedy on Friday, November 22, 1963.
Well, as a Roman Catholic who was part of the militia of the pope, Kennedy knew what he was talking about.

Truly, there's a plot to disarm and enslave genuine citizens of the authentic United States.
And, members of the criminal, treasonous (1), foreign-controlled, Jesuit/Illuminati-based (1)
Democratic Party and their allies are working, by hook or by crook, to do the diabolical job.
Furthermore, these treasonous criminals are corrupting this country just as fast as they can.

Well, there is reason to suspect that if the Founding Fathers of the United States could
rise from the dead today and take full control of this country, they would hang all of these
criminals and their allies for High Treason against the authentic United States and its
genuine citizens. There is reason to also suspect that the Founding Fathers would hang any
attorney who would try to defend these criminals, on the grounds of the attorney being an
accessory to High Treason. And definitely, they are all domestic enemies of the Constitution
and that particular Form of Government (1) which it guarantees to every State in this Union.

Now, when it comes to what historically appears to be a "Nazified" CIA and FBI, plus those
various Mind-Controlled Manchurian Candidates and Political Assassinations, which includes
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (1) in 1963, the assassination of Senator
Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, along with the assassination attempt and serious wounding of
President Ronald Reagan in 1981, and then the more recent assassination attempt on
presidential-hopeful Donald Trump in 2024, there are some important things to consider.

Since the early 1900s and before, various U.S. presidents and others have mentioned a
highly organized, independent organization or some type of "government" which has been
operating behind the scenes, as it grows in size like a cancer and works to hijack and take
complete control of the the United States. And, looking at the history of assassinations and
assassination attempts in the United States, it appears that those linked to this crowd have
no problem harming, maiming or killing anyone who gets in the way of their nefarious plans.
Now for some words from two former U.S. presidents, which were declared in the early 1900s.

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921, had this to say:
"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the
biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of
something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful,
so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when
they speak in condemnation of it." Well, this presentation shall expose this nefarious power.

Then, Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. He
declared: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing
no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible
government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is
the first task of the statesmanship of today." And, those linked to the "invisible government"
appear to be the ones who are mainly behind shootings, mass-shootings and assassinations.

Now, many associated with the invisible government are actually in key and controlling
positions in both the U.S. and State governments, plus many government agencies. These
treacherous and treasonous people have taken an Oath of Office to support and defend the
U.S. Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, but they brazenly lied, for
they are the enemy. And, these treacherous and treasonous enemies of the U.S. Constitution
appear to work in a well coordinated effort to take over this country for their foreign bosses.

By the way, the "invisible government", which was spoken about by President Theodore
Roosevelt in the very early 1900s, is that which many people now call "the Deep State".
It has been operating in the United States for well over one hundred and twenty years.
Actually, the the foreign-controlled "invisible government" began operating right after
the founding of the United States. It has been growing and gaining power ever since.

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   22 Jul 2024
First Additions Posted:   24 Jul 2024
Second Additions Posted:   04 Aug 2024
Latest Additions Posted:   18 Sep 2024
Copyright © 2024 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


"I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo." --- former U.S. President Harry S. Truman (1)

"We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. F. B. I. is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex life scandles [sic] and plain blackmail when they should be catching criminals. They also have a habit of sneering at local law enforcement officers." --- former U.S. President Harry S. Truman (1)

It appears that the Nazis --- who were actually part of the Crusading and historically mass-murdering "sword of the Catholic Church" (1)(2)(3), plus were linked to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) through the Knights of Malta --- were, in the latter part of World War Two, illegally smuggled into the United States by their militia-of-the-pope brethren who were already embedded in U.S. intelligence agencies and the U.S. military.

The purpose for this illegal and treasonous activity was to hijack the United States from within and enslave its citizens for the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. Then, these foreign-controlled agents and traitors hid their crimes and treason behind the often criminally misused CLASSIFIED stamp (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9), so no "outsiders" or common citizens would be able to see what these people had criminally and treasonously done.

Again, this illegal and treasonous activity going on behind the scenes appears to have been done by agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. This is the "Deep State", which appears to be Jesuit/Catholic-controlled. It is that "invisible government" that Theodore Roosevelt observed already in the early 1900s. And, they have many "pawns" under their control...even in the CIA and FBI.

As a note: "Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] were expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."(1)

And, there is even more to note. Consider the following: "The activities of the CIA go far beyond intelligence gathering of an international nature. The CIA serves as an agency through which secret 'assistance' to the Holy Mother Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders: In the meantime, the Vatican is enhancing its political power through generating domestic divisiveness."(1)


"The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight." --- from that former U.S. President, John F. Kennedy (1)(2)(3)(4), whom "they"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27) had brutally assassinated (1) in public on November 22, 1963.


"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe." --- by the Marquis de Lafayette...served the United States in the Revolutionary War (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)

(with number-links to location of information in this page)

(1)   The roof where Thomas Crooks shot at Trump from had, prior to the rally, been clearly identified as a security vulnerability...even by the U.S. Secret Service.

(2)   Local police were NOT allowed in the Secret Service (SS) command center. This is unusual for these types of events, since local law enforcement presence with the SS allows for the different agencies to better coordinate their efforts, plus keep track of and eliminate threats. With no local police allowed in the SS command center, there were no "outside" witnesses to what was done and said by the SS in that command center.

(3)   There is evidence which leads some to strongly feel that there was a connection between the shooter (1), Thomas Matthew Crooks, and someone who may have been associated with the FBI office in Washington, DC, which connection was established long before the shooting event. The mysterious person who may have been linked to the FBI apparently visited Thomas Crooks at his home and at his work a number of times before the Trump assassination attempt took place.

(4)   There are seasoned military snipers who, after looking at how things were at the Trump rally site, are of the opinion that the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, had inside help from someone, or from possibly even a group of people in government or in one or more of its agencies, which allowed him to get on that roof and fire his shots.

(5)   The U.S. Secret Service (SS) DID NOT use their own drones at the Trump rally to monitor things and to identify potential threats. Furthermore, the SS refused multiple offers and did not allow local law enforcement agencies to use their drones, which drones could have identified and neutralized the shooter, before he even fired his first shot. But, the shooter, Thomas Crooks, was able to use his drone to surveil the rally site and prep for doing the shootings.

(6)   Then there is "Inciter Nancy" Pelosi to consider. She virtually instantly, on January 6, 2021, blamed President Donald Trump for the chaos which took place at the U.S. Capitol. Then, as fully recorded on video, "Inciter Nancy" tells a group of people the following about Donald Trump: "He's got to pay a price." Well, what kind of price was a treasonous, domestic enemy of that form of government mandated and guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution, along with her cohorts, planning on extracting from Donald Trump? Was it his assassination?

And, there is more to come...

NOTE:   With all the censoring which is happening on the internet, apparently in order for the guilty ones to cover their treasonous tracks and protect their criminal butts, do not be surprised if some of the links in this presentation do not work by the time you read through this page.



A couple of times in the "title/header section" above, plus at various places within the presentation which follows, it speaks about treasonous people. And, foreign-controlled people are also mentioned, who appear to be working (1)(2)(3)(4) for a foreign power whose intent is to use its people who are in positions of power and "authority" to take control of the United States and ultimately enslave (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) its genuine citizens. So, there is something to get extremely clear in our minds. What is this treason and what is it about? Well, let us work toward a true answer by first looking into the Constitution of the United States.

Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States of America --- which is the Supreme Law of the Land --- clearly mandates and proclaims: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."(1) Once again: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." Well, at this point, there are some important things to consider.

What is this about a guaranteed Republican Form of Government in every State of this Union? And then, what is this democracy about, which we are now living under? What happened to the republic? Well, as we work toward our answers, there is something to note. In the latter 1700s, there lived a man in the United States whose name was Tench Coxe. He was one of the early Founding Fathers of this country. Coxe wrote many things about the new U.S. Constitution which was produced in 1787. Regarding Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution (as found in the page linked below), Coxe wrote the following:

"The United States guarantee to every state in the union a separate republican form of government. From thence it follows, that any man or body of men, however rich or powerful, who shall make an alteration in the form of government of any state, whereby the powers thereof shall be attempted to be taken out of the hands of the people at large, will stand guilty of high treason; or should a foreign power seduce or over-awe the people of any state, so as to cause them to vest in the families of any ambitious citizens or foreigners the powers of hereditary governors, whether as Kings or Nobles, that such investment of powers would be void in itself, and every person attempting to execute them would also be guilty of treason."

So, what would be an example of certain rich and powerful people simply picking an ambitious, plus even a treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) person, who they want in government, without FIRST having a legitimate vote of the people? What is an example of rich and powerful people who it appears are guilty of high treason, whose just punishment, historically, would be death? Well, the pages linked below clearly show rich and powerful people associated with the treasonous (1) Democratic Party, who are trying to force their treasonous (1) "puppet" and "tool" into the president's office, without FIRST having even a legitimate vote of the people.

Now, let us see what the Supreme Law of the Land, which is the U.S. Constitution, says about treason. In Article 3, Section 3, the Constitution declares: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."(1) Now, according to the U.S. Constitution, the legitimate United States has a Republican Form of Government. And when it comes to waging war, there is overt and covert warfare. Those in the Democratic Party have treasonously been waging covert warfare against that government which the Constitution mandates and guarantees.

Then, there are all of those people in government positions who have taken an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. Their Oath goes something along this line: "I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."(1)

Well, the U.S. Constitution --- to which all these people in government positions take an Oath of Office to support and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic --- clearly mandates and guarantees a true Republican Form of Government to exist throughout the whole (1) United States. It does not authorize any other form of government. So, what is this un-Constitutional democracy crap which now exists in the whole United States? And, why do genuine citizens of the authentic United States just dumbly (1) sit there, while foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3) agents hijack this country and prepare to enslave (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) all citizens?

Now, people in government positions are not openly raising their voices and doing everything in their power to bring back and enforce a Republican Form of Government throughout the whole United States. Through their inaction and dereliction of duty, they are actually aiding the foreign and domestic enemies of the legitimate United States. Furthermore, they are allowing the enemies --- especially the domestic enemies --- to have comfort while they are doing their treasonous work of undermining and overthrowing anything which may still remain of the original, mandated and guaranteed (1) Republican Form of Government.


"Democracy" was not commonly taught as "our" form of government in U.S. schools until the early 1930s, during the presidency of the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Franklin D. Roosevelt. That teaching came in under the cover of the intentionally-caused (1)(2)(3)(4) Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the highly devastating Great Depression (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) which followed...when people were not closely watching what those in government, plus what the so-called "elite", were doing to them and their country. These people were mainly concerned about just surviving from day to day in the midst of economic hardship and often hunger (1)(2).

Now, Jesuit/Illuminati-based democracy was "planted" in the United States by that French ambassador Edmond Genet (1) in 1793, as he founded many Democratic Clubs. Well, President George Washington was completely against (1) these clubs or societies. Unfortunately, this cancer --- which is totally against the Republican Form of Government which is clearly mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution --- began to grow. And, from the various Jesuit/Illuminati-based Democratic Clubs came the treacherous Democratic Party in the United States (1).

At this point, the following should be noted: "From the mid-19th century [mid 1800s] down to 1964 Catholics were solidly Democratic, sometimes at the 80–90% level."(1) This is because: "From the 1840s, when Democratic ward-heelers greeted the first great waves of Catholic immigrants on the wharves of New York City, Boston, Philadelphia and other East Coast cities, Catholics found a congenial home in the Democratic Party..." And, a page-paragraph linked here indicates that "when viewed historically, the Democratic Party has been the Catholic Party and the Republican Party the Protestant Party."

Well, something nefarious happened around the year 1947. A page-paragraph linked here contains the following words: "The Protestant voter in this country faces a serious political situation. A skillful offensive by the Roman hierarchy is undermining the Protestant position in American public life. Rome has built powerful political positions in both major parties." Yes, the foreign-controlled Roman Catholic Church was working to take over politics in the United States, so they can gain total control of this country. Then, as they pursue the Counter-Reformation, the Crusades and Inquisition can get going again.

Now, from what was shown in the header-section of this presentation (1), the historically deadly and often mass-murdering "sword of the Catholic Church" was illegally tranferred into the United States during the time of World War Two. This appears to have been done by those linked to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, as they treasonously smuggled Nazis and Nazi war criminals --- which were legally classed as Enemy Aliens (1) --- into the United States and then embedded these enemy aliens into the CIA, FBI, and other agencies...including in the U.S. military and elsewhere.

Looking back to the mid-1800s and the American Civil War, President Lincoln declared: "This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits... Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us."(1) Yes, under Jesuit/Illumiati "Democracy".

When it comes to democracy --- which is totally against that form of government which is mandated and guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States --- there are some words from the past to consider. In the earlier 1900s, there was that communist dictator of Russia whose name was Vladimir Lenin. He plainly declared this truth: "Democracy is indispensable to socialism... The goal of socialism is communism.."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) And, it appears that the ultimate goal of these nasty things is the total, despotic enslavement (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and crushing-under of the general populace...and finally, mass-murder (1).

By the way, when it comes to Jesuit/Illuminati-based democracy, it should be noted that in the mid 1800s, those in the Catholic-controlled Democratic Party which were called Copperhead Democrats --- which were named after that poisonous and harmful snake that bites --- were the ones who drew the "First Blood" (1) of the American Civil War. And now, with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope and their many "pawns" operating in the United States to take things over, it appears that they may harm or kill those who get in the way of their diabolical agenda. And, it appears that Donald Trump was a "roadblock" to their plans, so...(1)(2)


Getting back to those treasonous (1)(2) criminals and domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution in the Democratic Party who are working --- by hook or by crook (1) --- to hijack the U.S. government by putting Kamala Harris in the president's chair, there are some things to note. It appears that there is a clear reason for why these criminals are working so hard to force a treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Kamala Harris into the highest office of the land. The principle behind which many of these treasonous criminals are operating appears to come from the historic Oath of those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope.

In the said Oaths of especially the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Columbus, they allegedly declare: "That I will in voting always vote for K. of C [Knights of Columbus], in preference to a Protestant, especially a Mason, and that I will leave my party so to do; that if two Catholics are on the ticket I will satisfy myself which is the better supporter of Mother Church and vote accordingly."(1)(#2 -- see PDF page 22 of 52 -- actual book page 21, halfway down in page, in book titled 'The 4th Degree Oath of the Knights of Columbus', by Thos. E. Watson, published 1928) Well, when it comes to how Harris fits into this scheme, there is more to consider.

People may say, "Well, Kamala Harris is not a Catholic." And, that is very true...at least by appearances. But, it appears that she has been quite a treacherous "pawn" or "tool" of the Jesuit/Catholics, especially in their war against the authentic United States and in their great desire (1)(2)(3) to disarm (1) and enslave (1)(2)(3)(4) its genuine citizens. Now, it appears that so-called "Protestants" and other non-Catholics (1)(2) can be linked to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, if they are in a position (1) where they will be "useful idiots" in the Vatican/Jesuit agenda for the United States and its generally dumbed-down (1) and clueless citizens.

Now, there is something which needs to be looked at when it comes to Kamala Harris and why she likely has moved so quickly upwards in the ranks of government...to now be treasonously (1)(2)(3) pushed into the president's chair. Note clearly that this quick upward movement did not all happen just because Kamala may have been "quite a lively mattress" (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) for Willy Brown in San Francisco. There is more to the story of treachery and treason by the notorious Kamala Harris. She did the raping (1)(2) Vatican/Jesuit organization quite a large favor in San Francisco, which then gave her a major political career boost.

The pages linked below help to "paint the true picture" of how Kamala Harris got powerful backing to rapidly move upwards in politics. It appears that by her treachery and infamous deeds, Kamala got strong backing from the Jesuit/Catholics and those in the militia of the pope, which appears to include those in key positions in the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other agencies. With that type of backing, it appears that things like widespread election fraud (1), stolen elections or even a coup (1)(2)(3) could readily be pulled off. And with a controlled (1)(2)(3) media behind the effort, most of the dumbed-down (1) public would be clueless.

By the way, when it comes to serious voter fraud in the United States, especially by groups with links to the Catholic Church (1), check through the page from 2010 which is linked below. The page speaks about the infamous ACORN group and its Project Vote. This is that highly questionable group which Barack Obama had close connections to in the 1980s, as he ran his operation out of Chicago's Holy Rosary Church. That was before they treasonously (1)(2) finagled him into the president's chair. The page notes that "ACORN 'works' for the Democratic Party and deliberately promotes election fraud."

Regarding the ACORN group and its Project Vote, the page indicates that they used fraudulent voter registration cards. They did this in order to cause confusion on election day, and also "'[t]o allow people who can't vote to vote,' and '[t]o allow to vote multiple times.'" Well, this is what the Catholic-based Tammany Hall (1) crowd --- which was later linked to the Catholic-controlled Democratic Party (1) --- began doing as far back as the late 1700s. It appears that a large share of their crooked people would criminally vote up to four times each (1) in elections. Well, this type of thing possibly still happens today.

Now, within the mere introductory pages linked below, it shows that Catholic priests had been (and likely still are) having their jolly good time while abusing and raping many children in the San Francisco area, which it seems they have a nasty habit of doing virtually all over the world (1)(2). Well, San Francisco district attorney Terence Hallinan --- who held that position just prior to the infamous Kamala Harris --- started an investigation of the child-raping priests. Within the linked pages, it notes that in the investigation the Hallinan team created thousands of files about the abuse.

Within the linked pages, it states that the Hallinan team was going to use the accumulated evidence "to prosecute clergy sex molesters and rapists, name those predators, and take action against the diocese for enabling sex abusers for decades." Then along came the treacherous and treasonous (1)(2)(3) Kamala Harris, who beat Hallinan in the DA race of 2003 (with election fraud?(1)). Once in office, old Willy Brown's "used mattress" (Kamala) ended the investigation and began to do a major cover-up for the rapist Catholic Church, while refusing to release the incriminating files, as shown in the pages linked below.

Well, it appears that a potential "political whore" [ol' Willy's used mattress] may have made some crooked or criminal deals with the Catholic Church as she prepared to run for the San Francisco DA office in 2003. These deals may have included even protecting the rapist Catholic Church and their child-raping and abusing priests from prosecution, if she got to be DA. After that, it appears that rich Catholics and church officials, along with church lawyers, began to give Kamala Harris a lot of money and support for her political campaign. And, the Catholic Church may have done whatever (1) it took to get their "tool" into office.

By the way, when it comes to "poop and drug needles" San Francisco, California, there is something to note. Looking back to the 1800s in the United States, there was that knowledgeable man and former Catholic priest named Charles Chiniquy. This man was a good friend of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. Regarding San Francisco and the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled secret societies, Chiniquy declared: "Almost all these secret associations are military ones. They have their headquarters at San Francisco; but their rank and file are scattered all over the United States."(1)(2)

Now, there is reason to suspect that what the Jesuit-controlled Catholics have done to "poop and drug needles" San Francisco is what they would like to do to the whole United States. Looking again to Charles Chiniquy, he also stated: "Long before I was ordained a priest, I knew that my church was the most implacable enemy of this Republic. My professors of philosophy, history, and theology had been unanimous in telling me that the principles and laws of the Church of Rome were absolutely antagonistic to the laws and principles which are the foundation-stones of the Constitution of the United States."(1)(2)(3)

And, Chiniquy declared: "The Americans, with few exceptions, do not pay any attention to the dark cloud which is rising at their horizon, from Rome. Though that cloud is filled with rivers of tears and blood, they let it grow and rise without even caring how they will escape from the impending hurricane. It is to San Francisco that you must go to have an idea of the number of secret and powerful organizations with which the Church of Rome prepares herself for the impending conflict, through which she hopes to destroy the schools, and every vestige of human rights and liberties in the United States."(1)(2)(3)

When it comes to San Francisco and Kamala Harris, along with her rapid upward rise in government, there are things to note. There are things to note, especially since Kamala has done some treacherous, criminal or treason favors for the foreign-based Catholic Church in that city, to stop that church from having to pay for its crimes against humanity. Yes, Kamala Harris is a "tool" and "pawn" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization in its war to destroy the authentic United States and enslave its genuine citizens. Now, when it comes to the child-raping (1)(2) Catholic Church and Kamala Harris, there is more to consider.

Charles Chiniquy, noted a few paragraphs above, wrote a book in the 1800s titled The Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional, copies of which are accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). On the first page of Chapter 5 it states: "But, as it is through woman that the Pope wants to conquer the world, it is supremely important that he should enslave and degrade her by keeping her at his feet as his footstool, that she may become a passive instrument for the accomplishment of his vast and profound scheme." And, it is through the use of that "woman", Kamala Harris, that the pope hopes to conquer and enslave the United States.

So, a treasonous (1)(2)(3) Kamala Harris has quite a history of aiding and abetting the crimes of the Catholic Church. This appears to include the crime of aiding and abetting the massive invasion of the United States across its southern border, with the Vatican's invading army (1)(2) of Catholic-bred illegal aliens. And, these Catholics have plans for Reconquista (1)(2) and "eliminating" (1)(2) legitimate U.S. citizens. That is why those associated with the Jesuit/Catholics and the militia of the pope are pushing hard to get treasonous (1)(2)(3) Kamala in as president...to aid the illegals...possibly even if it means having to assassinate Trump.


Let's look back in history to Friday, November 22, 1963, to when President John F. Kennedy was brazenly assassinated in public as he rode in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas, waving to the crowds. This is spoken about within a large, involved, complex and informative page linked here. Now, it appears that a segment of the "Nazified" CIA and FBI, plus the U.S. Secret Service (SS), was involved with the assassination planning and the "dirty deed" itself, plus in the major cover-up which followed. So, let's quickly consider Kennedy's life and assassination, so we can better understand why things are happening the way they are today.

President John F. Kennedy was a Roman Catholic. He was also a high-level, Fourth Degree member (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) of the Knights of Columbus. This means that Kennedy was part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia and its activities are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. And, President Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy (1)(2)(3), was a high level, powerful member (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta (SMOM), which is also part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And, the Jesuits and Catholics helped get John F. Kennedy into Congress (1) and the presidency (1).

Since the Jesuits, the Catholics and their Mafia (1) got John F. Kennedy into the presidency, they expected a lot from him. Regarding this, a book published in 1959 by a former Catholic priest and church historian notes that the pope and his hierarchy has taught his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."(1)

So, it appears that we are dealing with a whole lot of treacherous and very dangerous, foreign-controlled agents in the government and its various agencies. Now, the former Catholic priest and church historian also published in 1959 that the pope "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic."(1)

Part of "making America Roman Catholic" means the southern border being open for the Vatican's invasion using swarms of Catholic-bred illegal aliens. And, these illegal aliens will vote for treasonous (1)(2)(3) Democrats, plus the Jesuit/Catholic-agenda, in order to help take over and control the United States. This they will do, so they can enslave (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) genuine U.S. citizens under the domination of those "tools" and "pawns" of the historically (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) despotic Roman Catholic crowd. Now, the invasion seriously got rolling (1)(2) after "they" assassinated Kennedy and got this "roadblock"(1)(2)(3) out of their way.

Now, because of what happened to JFK, that is why the Catholic and good friend of the Jesuits --- Joe Biden by name --- left the southern U.S. border wide open for the Vatican's invading swarms of Catholic-bred illegal aliens, with others mixed in...which includes suspected terrorists from a number of countries. And, "they" are letting swarms of Haitians into the United States because these people are mainly Roman Catholics. Yes, the treasonous (1)(2), Jesuit/Illuminati-controlled (1) Democrats will do whatever it takes to hijack the United States, and disarm and enslave its citizens for their Jesuit/Catholic bosses.

So, how does Kamala Harris fit into this whole picture? Well, once again, she, as apparently a "political whore", proved herself to the Jesuits and Catholics when she finagled her way into being District Attorney (DA) in San Francisco, California, and then dropped the investigation of all those abusing and child-raping Catholic priests which the former DA has started and on which he and his team had made a lot of headway. This corrupt and possibly treasonous deed by Harris helped the raping Vatican/Jesuit organization to save untold millions of dollars in legal fees and payouts to those victims of "priestly" child-rape.

And, "president" Joe Biden tasked "vp" Kamala Harris with "stemming the migration" across the southern border (1)(2)(3). Well, it appears that, as a treasonous (1)(2)(3) traitor, Harris actually aided and abetted the foreign-based Vatican organization in its invasion and takeover of the United States using Catholic-bred illegal aliens and others. And now, it appears that the treacherous and treasonous crowd will do whatever it takes to complete the invasion and takeover, even if it means assassinating Donald Trump, especially since Trump stated that he wants to deport (1) illegal aliens...which Rome and its agents don't appreciate.



Before considering the treasonous (1)(2), "Nazified" (1) CIA and FBI, plus their mind-control and Manchurian Candidates (1)(2), let us consider the assassination attempt on presidential-hopeful Donald J. Trump. Let us consider this situation which some claim was just an extreme, absolute and epic failure of the U.S. Secret Service to perform its primary duty of protecting Donald Trump. Now, with Donald J. Trump, as appears to be the case with President John F. Kennedy (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) in 1963, there is reason to suspect that the U.S. Secret Service --- possibly intentionally --- allowed the assassin's bullet to "touch" their target.

In the assassination attempt on Donald Trump on Saturday, July 13, 2024, the Secret Service's extreme and epic failure in security allowed the would-be assassin to have a direct line of sight in which to shoot at Trump. Now, looking at the page linked below, former Secret Service Director Julia Pierson indicates that anything which would allow for a shot within 1,000 yards should have been noted and secured. But, here was a would-be assassin taking a clear, wide-open shot at Donald Trump from only about 150 yards, which is a rather easy kill-shot range for even the average deer or elk hunter...or varmint hunter (1)(2).

Now, why would former Secret Service Director Julia Pierson indicate that anything which would allow for a sniper position within 1,000 yards of an important outdoor speaker should have been secured? Well, the pages linked below should speak for themselves. There are many people --- even simply skilled civilians --- who can consistently hit a target at 1,000 yards. Some (1)(2)(3) can even have "tight" shot groups at 1,000 yards. With this skill level for many civilians in our world, any intelligent ones in the Secret Service who are thinking would have guaranteed that things were secured for quite a distance around the Trump rally.

So, why did the U.S. Secret Service NOT secure that rooftop from which Thomas Matthew Crooks, or any other sniper, could have made a rather easy 150 yard kill-shot? Seeing the way things have been going in the United States over the years, we better be asking what really happened here. Was this simply an utter failure in security by the Secret Service, or did they INTENTIONALLY leave the rooftop unsecured and wide open for a sniper to make a kill-shot from? And, how come the FBI cannot figure out the true motive of the sniper, Thomas Crooks? Or, was he "mentally tampered with"(1) to "do the dirty deed"?


It is not because some kid had an AR-15 style, semi-automatic rifle that Trump was hit and a rally participant was killed and others were injured. The truth is the U.S. Secret Service utterly failed to do the job which they are REALLY supposed to be doing. Now, many U.S. citizens own AR-15 style, semi-automatic rifles and it is only the occasional "odd ball" or possibly a hypnotically mind-controlled Manchurian Candidate (1)(2)(3) who murders people with an AR-15 style rifle. And then, there is a treasonous group of criminals which uses the shooting-events as an excuse to illegally disarm U.S. citizens...for a nefarious reason (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

Now, there are some things to consider. Pages linked by the buttons below show the parents of would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, were very concerned about their son and his whereabouts hours before the shootings at the Trump rally took place on Saturday, July 13, 2024. It should be noted, as shown within the linked pages, that both of the would-be assassin's parents are "licensed as professional counselors in Pennsylvania, according to state records." So, what caused these licensed, professional counselors to be so concerned about their 20-year-old son who was a little late in coming home on a Saturday?

The parents of Thomas Crooks --- these licensed, professional counselors --- were so concerned about their son and his whereabouts that, hours before the Trump rally shootings, they called police to report that Thomas "had disappeared without any advance notice." Thomas Crooks' parents told law enforcement that "they were concerned about his welfare." So, why did Thomas's parents really call the police? Well, the third linked page states: "On the day of the assassination attempt, he asked if he could borrow his father's AR-15-style rifle, saying he planned to go to a shooting range." And, there is more to consider.

It is said that Thomas Crooks borrowed his father's AR-15-style rifle, and it appears that Thomas going to the shooting range was rather routine. So, what caused Thomas's parents to become so concerned on this particular Saturday? Well, the third linked page indicates that Thomas had a cell phone with him. Possibly his parents had called his cell phone a number of times that day after he was late getting back from his claimed trip to the shooting range. And, possibly Thomas was not answering his cell phone. His parents possibly may have also called the shooting range and found that Thomas was not there.

At this point, there are some things to consider. If Thomas Crooks' parents --- these licensed, professional counselors --- were so concerned because their son "had disappeared without any advance notice", and if they were truly "concerned about his welfare", they likely would have given the police they called a full description of the vehicle which Thomas was driving, along with its license plate number. And, from State records available for Thomas Crooks' driver's license, the police should have had a picture of Thomas. And, the parents likely told the police that Thomas said he was going to the shooting range, with a gun.

Looking further into the page linked immediately above, it appears that Thomas Matthew Crooks may have belonged to a questionable group of friends. It is alledged that this friends group "made threats to carry out a school shooting during their freshman year." And, it appears that Thomas Crooks was a person who was in the middle (1)(2) of this shooting threat. It is also indicated that Thomas was then "absence from school for a few days following the incident." Well, possibly this is the type of person which certain questionable mind-control groups in "government" agencies may like "to use" in their nefarious (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) capers.


Now, check out the pages linked below. It appears that a possibly treacherous, maybe utterly derelict and potentially even intentionally treasonous (1)(2) U.S. Secret Service is trying to place the blame for the Trump assassination attempt at that rally on Saturday, July 13, 2024, onto the local police forces. Looking at the first linked page, it appears that the new acting director of the U.S. Secret Service (SS) didn't learn any good lessons from the original, rather derelict SS director that was made to step down from her cushy job. Yes, it appears that another bozo may end up tarnishing the image of the SS even further.

In the first linked page, is speaks about the new acting (yes, "acting") director of the SS named Ronald Rowe. The page has Rowe telling lawmakers "that the Secret Service erred by assuming that local officials would cover the building and its roof, not the Secret Service." Who is this guy? The evidence shows that the SS was told by local police that they could not secure that building. Even worse, as we shall see, the SS would not allow local police to use their drone to help secure the area, which included the building roof the shooter used. And, the questionable SS did not have radio communication with the local police.

Note in the first linked page that the questionable Rowe is assuming a lot of things. Now, these assumptions coming from a so-called professional and "a career law enforcement officer, and a 25-year veteran with the Secret Service" is rather embarrassing. This guy did not learn the important lesson from that saying which was common not that long ago, when people used their brains much better. The old saying goes something like this: "When we assume things, we commonly end up making an ASS out of U and ME." And now, after the failed assassination attempt, the SS is looking like a bunch of "DEI" A-SS-ES.

Well, "chalk things up" to a manipulated and highly controlled (1) media. The second linked page, produced right after the assassination attempt, says that "local police were supposed to secure the rooftop from which gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump." And, note the following in the page: "The federal agency noted the area was outside its designated perimeter for protection." Well, that is a pretty lame excuse from the SS. And, as we shall see by the evidence presented in this page, the second linked page appears to be a cover for a derelict SS. Then, there's the third page...

The page, again linked below, provides important words from former Secret Service Director Julia Pierson. She clearly indicates that maintaining a proper sniper security perimeter around an important outdoor speaker "is part of the agency's responsibility for safeguarding "protectees" like Trump from harm." Within the linked page, Rep. Ruben Gallego, who is a former Marine and an Arizona Democrat, said: "There should never have been a clear line of sight on the former president." But there was! So, was this done with intent by treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) criminals who are enemies of the authentic (1) United States?

The page linked below provides information from retired Secret Service agent Robert Caltabiano. It clearly states: "As for scrutiny over the gunman on the unsecured roof, the breakdown in communication and action well before the first shots rang out, Caltabiano says that was 'a catastrophic failure.'" Yes, it was an immense catastrophic failure which allowed Donald Trump to almost be assassinated, and that catastropic failure in security caused one rally attendee, Corey Comperatore, to be murdered, plus caused two other attendees to be seriously injured and hospitalized.

The retired agent goes on to state the following about the catastrophic security failure: "'That failure in of itself should not have happened. There'll be a blame game. I've heard where the Secret Service is blaming the law local law enforcement or vice versa. At the end of the day, the blame stays on the Secret Service. When they go into a town, they are responsible for the overall security whether it's inside what you call a perimeter or even the outer sides.'" Now, was this catastrophic security failure an accident or done with intent by treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) enemies of Trump in government positions?

Now, let us consider that roof which the gunman, Thomas Crooks, used to shoot at Donald Trump and other rally attendees. The pages linked below declare that local police told the Secret Service (SS) that they didn't have the resources or manpower to secure the building/roof from which a possibly "manipulated" Crooks did the nasty deed. Well, if the SS was not going to properly secure that building and roof, why did they not at least do something intelligent, like putting a clear bulletproof (1) panel on that side of Trump in order to protect him from any bullets which could come from the AGS building (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) complex?

Now, the page linked below raises a very legitimate question. Being that the roof of that American Glass Research (AGR) International building, from which Thomas Crooks fired off his shots, was so close to the stage where presidential-hopeful Donald Trump was to speak, why didn't the extremely questionable Secret Service (SS) include that building within the Trump rally security zone? Why didn't a potentially treasonous SS include that building in the rally security zone because, as we shall see in the next section, the SS had, prior to the rally, declared that particular roof to be a security vulnerability?

The linked page states that "when the Secret Service drew up plans for the July 13 rally, it left that building outside its security perimeter." Instead of doing their proper job, the questionable, plus possibly highly politicized SS originally said that it was local law enforcement's job to secure that building. Well, as shown in this presentation, the local law enforcement agencies, in return, told the SS that they did not have the resources or manpower to secure that building. So, at that point, the possibly politicized and derelict SS should have come up with another workable plan to protect Trump, using at least a bulletproof (1) panel.

Now, the linked page also states: "Senators Gary Peters and Rand Paul told the Secret Service in a letter that they wanted to know 'how the suspect was able to get this close to a Secret Service protectee'." Well, that question should be rather easy to answer, based on the information in this presentation. As we shall see, the U.S. Secret Service (SS) did not allow local law enforcement agencies to fly their drone...which drone had capabilities of spotting and neutralizing a shooter. The derelict SS also did not have ongoing, proper radio communications between their command center and local law enforcement. Why?

Looking further into the page linked above, there are these tidbits to consider. Number one: "An eyewitness to the July 13 shooting said he had been allowed to walk into the same area as the warehouse [from which Thomas Crooks did his shooting] without a security check." And, number two: "Mr Nathan Steadman said he and his daughter were standing under a nearby tree [near the warehouse and roof which Thomas Crooks used to do his shooting], where they had a clear view of Trump." It appears to be very clear that the Secret Service (SS) left things wide open for an assassination attempt on Trump.

When the available information is considered, a person could wonder if the SS actually worked to aid and abet an assassination attempt on presidential-hopeful Donald Trump. And, based on information which shall be included in this presentation, a person could wonder if treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) persons associated with the U.S. Secret Service were conspiring with treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) persons within the FBI, in a scheme to have Donald Trump assassinated. And, it appears that there may be a clear motive for certain persons in the questionable and potentially treasonous (1)(2)(3) FBI to have Trump assassinated.


The pages linked by the buttons below clearly show that the rooftop from which Thomas Matthew Crooks ultimately shot at presidential-hopeful Donald Trump had been identified as a "security vulnerability". The U.S. Secret Service charged with protecting Donald Trump had even checked things and knew that this particular rooftop was a "security vulnerability". This occurred before the Trump rally ever started on Saturday, July 13 of 2024...which should clearly be classed as a "Day of Infamy" and serious treason...in many ways and by many individuals...even possibly by a number of those in high government positions.

Since the U.S. Secret Service was ultimately (1) responsible for the security at the Trump rally, it was the responsibility of the Secret Service to guarantee that armed law enforcement or an armed security team was guarding the roofs of the American Glass Research (AGR) buildings (which are shown on the left side of the top photo linked here), from which Thomas Crooks was ultimately allowed to fire a number of shots toward Donald Trump and rally attendees. Actually, the Secret Service should have had sniper teams on the roof of the higher AGR building which (see linked photo) was behind Thomas Crooks' rooftop position.

Now, regarding the rooftop from which Thomas Crooks made his shots, the page linked here, which is titled Report: Secret Service Identified Rooftop as a Potential Vulnerability Days Before Rally, states: "The rooftop was about 150 yards away from where Trump was speaking. Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told the outlet that the agency had designated the rooftop as being under the jurisdiction of local law enforcement." Well, it should be clear that the Secret Service totally screwed up, possibly even intentionally, so, using the preceding statement, they are possibly just trying to deflect things and cover their butts.

In the page linked in the paragraph above, Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger had a different story to tell. He stated that "Secret Service agents were in charge of security outside the venue." Goldinger also declared: "They had meetings in the week prior. The Secret Service ran the show. They were the ones who designated who did what. In the command hierarchy, they were top, they were No. 1." Yes, it does appear that the Secret Service was actually the agency which was fully responsible for security and the epic fiasco and murder and injuries which happened at the Trump rally. Blood is truly on their hands.

By the way, the page linked below indicates that the Secret Service was told before the rally that the local police did not have the extra manpower, so they COULD NOT secure that building which was ultimately used by the shooter, Thomas Crooks. The page also states: "Ahead of former President Trump's rally on Saturday, local police informed the Secret Service that they didn't have the manpower to station a patrol car outside the building a gunman later climbed to shoot at the presidential candidate." So, the Secret Service should have stepped in and done the job they were REALLY supposed to do.

Well, The Post verified with the Secret Service that which the local police had told them. The linked page then states: "The Secret Service official told the outlet the agency considered placing an officer outside the building to mitigate the chance that a shooter gets a clear line of sight on Trump via higher ground. The agency prepares for such a scenario at all public events." Well, after being informed that the local police could not secure the building, why didn't the Secret Service go ahead and place an officer outside the building which was used by the shooter, Thomas Crooks? So, were things intentionally left wide open?

Now, there is something which everyone needs to have very clear in their minds. The rooftop of the AGR building was not simply identified as a "security vulnerability" just mere hours before the Trump rally began. The pages linked by the buttons below clearly state that this rooftop was actually identified as a "security vulnerability" days --- plural --- before the rally. And still, the U.S. Secret Service did not make sure that the rooftop was secured on the day of the Trump rally. It almost appears that the Secret Service may have left things wide open for a shooter --- like Thomas Crooks --- to be on that roof.



All of the pages linked below work together to indicate that when Thomas Matthew Crooks entered high school, he was an extremely horrible and inaccurate, plus even a "comically bad" and very dangerous shot with a rifle. It appears that no one really wanted to be around him when he had a gun in his hands at a gun range, because they never knew where the shots were going to be going next. By what is said in the linked pages, there is reason to suspect that, in high school, Thomas Crooks did not have the necessary skills or ability to even keep his shots on target.

The first page linked below states: "The shooter who tried to assassinate Donald Trump tried out for his high school's rifle team during his freshman year, but was rejected according to ABC News." So, in his freshman year of high school, Crooks could not make the school rifle team. The linked page goes on to show that Thomas Crooks "failed to make the junior varsity roster at Bethel Park High School in suburban Pittsburgh, his classmate Jason Myers said. 'He was asked not to come back because how bad of a shot he was,' said Myers, who was a member of the varsity rifle team and Crooks' classmate."

Regarding the way that Thomas Crooks was trying to shot a rifle in his freshman year of high school, Crooks' classmate declared: "It was considered like, dangerous." The page goes on to state: "After failing to make the roster, Crooks allegedly never tried out for the squad again." So, that was the way things were in high school with Thomas Crooks. But after high school, as indicated in the third linked page, it appears that Crooks joined a local sports club which had a 200-yard rifle range. And, it appears that Thomas Crooks then practiced at the gun range until he got to be a very good shot.

The page linked below provides information from a man named Bill Jenkins, who --- mere weeks before Thomas Crooks attempted to assassinate Donald Trump --- was at the Keystone Shooting Center, practicing his shooting while, right next to him, as his training partner in the next shooting lane was Crooks. The page shows that Thomas Crooks "showed advanced skills on the shooting range, blowing holes in targets from significant distances." The page states further: "The pair's class lasted for several hours, with Crooks showing a clear familiarity and facility for firearms throughout."


The first page linked below asks that all-important question. Yes, why did the U.S. Secret Service (SS) let the shooter, Thomas Crooks, get so close to Donald Trump? Well, that question, for a thinking person, should be able to be answered using the information provided in this presentation. And then, others are asking how the shooter got so close to Trump. Well, the writer tends to agree with that which is stated in the section which follows this one. There is reason to suspect that this shooting of Trump and others at the rally was not just some freak accident. Possibly, it was all preplanned by "someones" other than Thomas Crooks.


Well, the title on the page linked below, which is by the apparently manipulated and controlled (1) leftist media, is almost laughable. It appears that from the point of view of the leftists and those who really control them from behind the scenes, how dare Melania Trump not believe the "official" assassination-attempt story. Now, the controlled and manipulated leftists want people to believe that Melania is pushing a DANGEROUS conspiracy theory. So, why is it dangerous for Melania to say what she believes? Are "those in high places" possibly considering harming her or "knocking her off" if she doesn't shut up?

In the video on the linked page, Melania Trump asks the following, very important question: "Why didn't law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the [Donald Trump] speech?" Melania then correctly states: "There is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the truth." Now, Melania has plenty of reason to suspect that there is a lot more to the true story surround the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. And yes, we need to uncover the real truth. That is the purpose behind this presentation...to uncover as much of the real truth as possible.

Now, Melania wonders why the shooter, Thomas Crooks, was not arrested before the Donald Trump speech ever started. Yes, there were plenty of people in the nearby area who were concerned about Thomas Crooks and his activities. Law enforcement even was speaking about this guy Crooks, who was observed looking through a rangefinder, so he could verify the distance for the shots he would soon make. So, there was plenty of reason for the Secret Service, who was in control of security at the Trump rally, to have the shooter arrested well before the Trump speech ever started. Yes, there is definitely more to THE REAL story!

The button-link below accesses a video from Thursday, September 12, 2024. This video talks about things surrounding the Trump assassination attempt. It starts with these words: "Fox News alert: The top Secret Service official in charge of presidential protective units announced he's retiring this week. Michael Plotty, who's been with the Secret Service for 26 years, will step aside and sail off into the sunset on Friday with full benefits and honors. Despite the fact that Trump was nearly killed on his watch." Well, this is kind of interesting! It should raise a few eyebrows, especially when considering the crowd we are dealing with.

The video continues with these words: "Sources inside the [Secret Service] agency tell Fox that Secret Service officials encouraged Plotty to step aside following the Butler assassination attempt." Really, why did Secret Service officials really want Plotty to head off into the wild blue yonder? Is there any chance it was because the Trump assassination attempt failed? If the assassination would have fully succeeded, is there possibly a chance that Michael Plotty would have actually remained with the Secret Service and possibly even been promoted to a higher and more lucrative position?

Jesse Watters, the Fox News commentator in the video, states this fact: "Reminder, no one's been fired [from the Secret Service] since Butler [event]." Watters notes that the former Director of the Secret Service, Kim Cheadle, ended up resigning under duress. But again, no one in the questionable Secret Service has been fired over the Trump assassination attempt...which attempt appears to have been allowed for who knows what hidden reasons by the Secret Service. Watters continues: "And field agents, instead of getting in trouble, they're allowed to work from home." Yes, work from home, while sucking up "taxpayer dollars".

Watters notes Melania Trump who "just said things don't add up." Well, it appears that there are a lot of people who are feeling that way. After a short clip of Melania speaking, the video cuts to Congressman Mike Waltz, who is a member of the Assassination Task Force. Waltz also agrees that things don't add up in what has happened and is going with this assassination attempt. It appears that the Secret Service may actually be trying to "muddy the investigative waters". It also appears that the Secret Service may intentionally be stalling the investigation by dragging their "internal review" out as long as they can.

At about the 3:55 mark in the video linked above, Representative Michael Waltz brings up something that all U.S. citizens should consider. Waltz raises a question with the hypothetical situation of "a tatted up white guy wearing a MAGA hat that took a shot at Kamala, [do] you think the FBI would be taking months and months to get the behavioral analysis out there and paint a picture of them?" Waltz gives the true answer. He says, "Heck no." Then, Jesse Watters states that Melania Trump "smells something that's fishy [in what is going on] and she wants answers." Well, there is more in the video. Check it out. We need true answers.

Now, for those wanting more information from a number of sources about Melania Trump raising her questions about the "official story" of the Donald Trump assassination attempt on Saturday, July 13, 2024, just check out the pages linked below. And, with all the evidence available --- which evidence seems to be missing from the so-called "official story" --- it is rather clear that there is a whole lot more which needs to come out in order to obtain the true story surrounding the assassination attempt. And, there is reason to suspect that a hijacking, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled "Deep State" may be involved.


Now, the video linked below --- accessed at two different URLs --- provides further information relating to the Donald Trump assassination attempt. Move to the 1:39 mark in the video to get to the start of the assassination section, where Roger Stone begins an introduction to Kimberly Guilfoyle. Stone notes that Guilfoyle was a prosecuting attorney in San Francisco and Los Angeles counties, which are in the same state of California where the infamous and highly questionable Kamala Harris was "operating". Guilfoyle was also an assistant District Attorney (DA) in San Francisco, and never lost a case.

In the video, at the 3:49 mark, Stone states: "I'm disturbed by the fact that the deeper we look into what happened in Butler, the more questions we have and the fewer answers we seem to have." And, Guilfoyle notes that Butler demonstrates a lack of ability [by the Secret Service] to protect the president. Well, let us say that they have "the lack of ability" to protect the president, when they want to...possibly for political reasons. Now, at the 6:17 mark, Guilfoyle mentions these people that "are beyond treacherous...they're evil personified and that they will do absolutely anything to hold onto power..."

Guilfoyle then indicates that these people will do absolutely anything "to prevent Donald Trump from getting back in the White House." Wow! That sounds similar to the treacherous (1) and treasonous (1)(2), foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Nancy Pelosi and allies. Now, Pelosi says it's her life goal to ensure that Trump will never step into the White House again, as shown in pages accessed by the following links: (1)(2). Well, there is reason to suspect that Nancy Pelosi may simply be a treacherous "tool" and mouthpiece for the Jesuit/Catholics and those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope.

Getting back to the video accessed by the two links below, Guilfoyle mentions the many investigations and indictments which the treacherous leftists have been throwing at Donald Trump. Then, Guilfoyle --- from the viewpoint of a former prosecuting attorney and assistant Distric Attorney (DA) --- indicates that it is unusual that Trump was found guilty on all counts. Well, thinking and intelligent U.S. citizens should realize that all of these actions against Trump have been politically motivated (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) by the treasonous (1)(2)(3) criminals who have been working hard to hijack and fully take over the U.S. government (1).

At the 7:44 point in the video, Roger Stone notes that Trump's goal is to prevent war ... yes, World War III ... which the Biden/Harris administration seems intent on driving us into. Stone goes on to note the President John F. Kennedy assassination and the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, plus the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. Stone notes that when it comes to getting the real truth about these assassinations and attempts, "we're not going to get the answer from the Secret Service; we're not going to get the answer from the FBI..." And, we won't get the truth from any of these "Deep State" entities.

The video then goes into the record of the infamous Kamala Harris. At the 11:01 mark, Guilfoyle speaks about Kamala who "rose to power very quickly in succession, everything handed to her on...obviously she's a lucky person...I don't know what to tell you, it's ridiculous, I've never seen somebody with such a lack of ability or experience rise to the positions of power like she did." Guilfoyle, who has known Kamala for a long time, notes that Willy Brown helped Kamala's rise. Yes, Old Willy helped "his young mattress"(1) to rise in power. And, Guilfoyle sees Kamala as a power-hungry political chameleon, who changes with the wind.

Considering what is said in the video linked above, there is reason to suspect that Kamala Harris will be a female version of the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Adolf Hitler, who ultimately destroyed Germany during the World War II era. And, since Kimberly Guilfoyle seemed surprised at the rapid rise to power of Kamala Harris, she needs to consider that this rapid rise took place after it appears that Harris may have made a basically criminal deal (1) with the Catholic Church in San Francisco, to drop the investigation into those sexually abusing and child-raping priests (1) which the former DA had started.

In the video linked above, at the 17:04 mark, Guilfoyle states: "as for Kamala...the press is giving her a complete pass." Well, what else should we expect from the controlled (1), biased U.S. media, which appears to be largely under the control of those with links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope...or those in control of the "Deep State" or that foreign-controlled, "illegal government" which operates within (1) the parameters of the legitimate U.S. government. And, Kamala has also helped Biden to keep the southern border virtually wide open for the Catholic invasion (1)(2) of the United States...so, "pass" it is.

When it comes to criminals who it appears have hijacked control of the United States, in the video at the 24:18 mark, Guilfoyle states that "these people are just merciless, and ruthless, and without any moral compass..." The video then speaks about the left-wing attack on J.D. Vance. Guilfoyle speaks much about Vance. And then, at the 27:09 mark, when it comes to the leftist media attacks on Vance, Guilfoyle notes that "it smacks of elitism...it's very unfair...the alleged party of inclusion...the Democrats and the liberals...are really the party of exclusion and of elitism, and arrogance...and weaponization." They are divisive.

Considering the traits of the Democrats and liberals, which are noted above, then, at the 27:25 mark in the video, Guilfoyle states that "they will do whatever it takes to try to destroy someone." Well, what should we expect when it appears that we are dealing with the new, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis. Now, the original, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis of the World War II era were exceedingly merciless and ruthless, without any moral compass. That is why they ended up mass-murdering so many millions of people in Europe. And now, it appears that they have "great plans" for the too-often-clueless citizens of the United States.

Now, there is one thing to note about the Trump/Harris debate. The manipulated and controlled media has worked to smear Trump and make Harris look like the greatest thing there could ever be for a president of the United States. And then, there are all of those polls which they do, which make it look like the majority of the general public wants Harris as president. Well, there is something to understand about polls. They can be manipulated and skewed. The pollsters can ask only a particular group for their opinion, which may be a group that the pollsters already know will give them the poll-numbers they are looking for.

Well, it's time to move onward. It's time to consider one of those which it appears has really acted like a Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazi. It is time to consider one person who has been in high government positions, who it appears has really done a lot incite violence against Donald Trump, plus even against his supporters. Now, there is plenty of reason to suspect that the person we shall next consider is quite a "tool" and mouthpiece for the hijacking Jesuit/Catholic crowd and their militia of the pope, with their nefarious plans for the United States.


When it comes to the Trump assassination attempt on July 13, 2024, we should consider that thing which appears to be a lying (1) and deceptive (1)(2), treasonous (1)(2)(3), pope-kissing (1), foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) and traitorous (1) Nancy Pelosi. It appears that she has been working to overthrow that form of government which is mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, so she can help put the United States and its all-too-often-clueless citizens under the domination of historically despotic and murderous, even child-raping (1)(2)(3) and enslaving (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), papal agents and their controlled pawns.

Now, the pages linked below speak about the chaos which occurred at the Capitol in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. It appears that Nancy Pelosi was furious and virually instantly blamed Donald Trump for what happened. Well, each of the pages linked below show that the furious and vengeful Nancy Pelosi said the following about Donald Trump: "He's got to pay a price." Well, what kind of price may Pelosi and her potentially Jesuit/Catholic handlers and their allies in the CIA, FBI, and Secret Service, etc., possibly have decided to "extract" from Trump? Is there a chance that they decided to assassinate Trump, but failed?

It appears that a very divisive Nancy Pelosi and her possibly just as divisive cohorts, which appears to include the infamous and treacherous raping-priest-protector (1)(2) named Kamala Harris, have worked hard to drum up nasty hatred against Donald Trump. Why? Possibly it is because Trump is not fully going along with the nefarious Jesuit/Catholic/militia-of-the-pope plan for the United States and its largely unsuspecting or clueless citizens. Possibly the "pawns" of the Jesuit/Catholics are also working to raise up hatred against Trump because he might slow down or end the Catholic-bred invasion across the southern U.S. border.


By the way, let's have a Sunday, September 15, 2024, update on things. Let's check out a second one of those instigated assassination attempts on Donald Trump. On this date, as shown in the introductory pages linked below, it appears that another person was incited and preparing to assassinate Trump. Really, this is the second assassination attempt on the life of Donald Trump in just about two months. Well, could we say that this was possibly a result of things openly broadcast by treacherous "INCITER NANCY" Pelosi and her many treacherous and treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Democratic cohorts and goons?

Well, looking at the page linked here and further below, it appears that this second wannabe assassin of Donald Trump had/has a Biden-Harris bumper stick on his pickup truck. A page linked here also notes this on a truck at the wannabe assassin's home. Well, hopefully a treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) FBI won't have a big problem figuring out the political leaning of this guy. It appears that a lot of the "leg work" has aready been done for them by others. Now, the treasonous Democrats have been whipping up fear about right-wing people, but, the bumper-sticker, wannabe assassins, and "INCITER NANCY" Pelosi tell the real story.

Now, the full title of the page linked below is this: Nancy Pelosi: 'The Only Responsibility I Will Take For Donald Trump Is To Make Sure He's Not Reelected Ever Again'. Well, seeing that there has now been two assassination attempts on Trump, possibly there is more to the things which Nancy Pelosi vomits out than people realize. And again, it appears that Nancy Pelosi is a treasonous traitor to the authentic United States, plus, it seems to be obvious that she it a treasonous (1) domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution and that form of government which it guarantees in Article 4, Section 4. So, we shouldn't put anything past her.

Well, the pages linked below make things very clear about treasonous (1)(2) "INCITER NANCY" Pelosi. This treasonous, foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution and that particular form of government which it mandates and guarantees to every State in this Union in Article 4, Section 4, and a potential old witch (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) in possibly more ways than one, has declared that it is her "life's mission" and her "goal in life" to ensure that Donald Trump never makes it into the White House again. So, has she been one of the main inciters behind the Trump assassination attempts?

Now, check out the pages linked below. It appears that an extremely treacherous Nancy Pelosi has clearly been tampering with elections in the United States. Well, that should not be surprising at all since she is a traitorous "tool"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which treacherous organization appears to have pioneered (1) election fraud in the United States already in the late 1700s. Basically, it appears that Nancy Pelosi is a rather brazen criminal. But, since her accomplices (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) unfortunately appear to have hijacked control the U.S. government, nothing will be done about these criminal acts.

In the pages linked below, Nancy Pelosi said that she "will do everything in the power" to force Joe Biden out of the presidential race. In other words, as an apparently criminal, treacherous and seditious (1) person, Nancy Pelosi worked to undermine and overthrow the duly elected candidate of the full Democratic Party pool of voters. And, what can you say? Well, the Democratic voters are utter fools to let a criminal and seditious Nancy Pelosi get away with this. But then, it appears that they are all rather dumbed-down and treasonous (1)(2) "pawns" anyway, so what do they know or care about things like this?

Yes, the treasonous and seditious Nancy Pelosi appears to have no problem doing any criminal act. Regarding overthrowing the duly elected Joe Biden, Pelosi states: "I just wanted to win this election." Then, Pelosi makes it clear that she does not care about the feeling of the dumbed-down Democratic voters. When it comes to Pelosi pulling off her criminal and seditious act, plus how Democratic voters may feel about what she did, Pelosi states: "So if they're upset, I'm sorry for them." Basically, "DICTATOR NANCY" Pelosi brazenly said "SCREW YOU" to the large pool of dumbed-down Democratic voters.

So, why does it appear that a treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Nancy Pelosi has gotten behind treacherous capers, in order to win this election? Well, it appears that the treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4) Democratic hierarchy desires to win this election --- by hook or by crook --- so they can continue to bury and hide a whole lot of criminal and treasonous activities which their crowd has been perpetrating on the genuine citizens of the authentic United States. Now, there is reason to suspect that if the Founding Fathers of the United States could come alive today and take full control of this country, they would hang these people for high treason.



Well, there is reason to suspect that what is said in the video linked below (at two URLs) is possibly very true, expecially when considering the nature of the treacherous and treasonous group of people who have hijacked control of our country. Something absolutely was not right about how the Secret Service handled things at the Trump rally. The video notes that normally, the Secret Service checks and secures virtually everything at events...leaving no loose ends or anything to chance. But, at the Trump rally, they obviously "left things wide open" so Thomas Crooks could shoot. Yes, it does look like an intentional set-up!

In the latter part of the video above, there is a video from a former Canadian sniper who was part of the elite Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2). The sniper, Dallas Alexander, was part of the team which holds the world record for the longest kill-shot. Now, within pages linked below, Alexander indicates that Thomas Crooks was intentionally allowed to shoot from the most obvious place in the whole world that a sniper would use to shoot at Donald Trump. Yet the Secret Service did nothing to secure that rooftop. Why? Yes, Alexander is likely correct. Crooks had inside help! And, Crooks may also have been "programmed" to kill.

So, in the pages linked above, that Canadian, Dallas Alexander, who was part of the JTF2 sniper team with the world record for longest kill-shot, makes it very clear that he believes the Donald Trump assassination attempt was an "inside job". He believes that Thomas Matthew Crooks had help from someone --- or from possibly even a group of people --- within an agency or the government itself. Well, it appears that Dallas Alexander in not the only professional sniper who is holding this belief. The page linked below speaks of a U.S. Green Beret sniper who appears to also see things this way.

In the page linked by the button below, regarding the Trump assassination attempt, the U.S. Army Green Beret sniper named Matthew Murphy states that "nothing about this makes sense." Murphy states that where Crooks took his shots toward Trump was from "the closest possible spot you could get." Now, there is something else to add to this story. The writer of the presentation which you are now reading used Google Earth Pro to measure the peak-elevations of the roof where the counter-snipers were located behind Donald Trump (1)(2)(3), and of the roof where shooter Thomas Crooks was located (1)(2)(3).

On Monday, July 22, 2024, using Google Earth Pro, the writer of this presentation found that the peak elevation of the roof where the counter-snipers were located behind Donald Trump was 1365 feet ASL. The peak elevation of the roof where shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was located was 1358 feet ASL. That means that the peak of the roof where the countersnipers were located (1) was seven (7) feet higher than the peak of the roof where Crooks was located (1). Then, looking at pics (1)(2)(3) of the counter-snipers, their eyes would have been about three (3) feet --- or more when standing --- above their roof peak.

What the information provide above shows is that the eyes of the counter-snipers were about ten (10) feet above the peak of the roof where the shooter, Thomas Crooks was located. This means that the Secret Service counter-snipers were actually LOOKING DOWNWARD towards Thomas Crooks. This means that both Thomas Crooks AND his rifle --- which were on the only slightly sloping roof (1) --- would have been fully exposed to the Secret Service counter-snipers. There is no excuse for the counter-snipers not "taking out" Thomas Crooks before he ever fired shots.

So, take the time to read through and think about the information in the page linked above. In the page, the Green Beret sniper, Matthew Murphy, states: "'There is not a doubt in my mind that the sniper on the roof saw the shooter, saw him crawling across the roof. It would be impossible, even with a naked eye at that distance, on a white roof to not see the shooter. So why [didn't he] take that shot?' Murphy says, noting that he himself wouldn't have hesitated to take the shot." Then, Sara Gonzales states that what occurred "rises past the level of incompetency." She indicates that "something more sinister took place."

Gonzales also states: "It wouldn't be the first time that the federal government was working to take out a president or a former president or a presidential candidate." Well, the writer of the presentation you are now reading will clarify something. The legitimate federal government HAS NOT worked to take out a president, or a former president, or a presidential candidate. Now, as shown at various places within the page titled Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated?, which is linked here, it notes treasonous, foreign-controlled persons embedded within government who are the ones intentionally doing these criminal things.


Well, the pages linked in this section provide some rather interesting information. Within them, it states: "Now, the Oversight Project, a watchdog group with the Heritage Foundation, released a report that could potentially link Thomas Crooks, a relatively unknown figure until now, to critical locations in the Washington D.C. area. According to the group's findings, geo-tracking data from various devices suggests that Crooks had been in close proximity to key sites, including the FBI headquarters and Allegheny Arms -- a location of particular interest to investigators."

Within the linked pages it states that "a cellphone that had been where would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks lived and worked was near an FBI office in Washington, D.C." Then, there are found these words: "Someone who regularly visited Crooks home and work also visited a building in Washington, DC located in Gallery Place. This is in the same vicinity of an @FBI office on June 26, 2023. Who's device is this?" And then, "Former FBI Special Agent Kyle Seraphin said the Gallery Place location is significant." And, "[FBI] Agents are assigned to Washington Field, but they work out of Gallery Place."

Within one of the linked pages (1), it states: "In a stunning turn of events, new evidence has emerged that casts a shadow of suspicion over the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump. According to the latest findings from the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, mobile data reveals that an individual who frequently visited the home and workplace of the would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, also made a mysterious visit to a building in Washington, D.C., located in close proximity to an FBI office." And, there is more to consider about this whole situation.

The page (1) noted above also speaks about this finding of a possible link between Thomas Crooks and potentially someone(s) in the FBI "raising questions about the potential involvement of federal agencies in this heinous act." Well, it wouldn't be surprising if it was ultimately found that a certain treasonous (1)(2)(3), potentially foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) segment of people embedded within certain federal agencies was involved in the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Furthermore, there are those in the FBI who may have a motive for doing such a treacherous thing, as we shall see later in this presentation.

In the noted page (1), it states the following about a potential connection between Thomas Crooks and the FBI: "This development raises serious questions about the integrity of our federal agencies and their potential involvement in this tragic event. If the Secret Service, FBI, Intelligence Community, or any other federal entity had any culpability in the shooting, it would be a grave betrayal of the American people's trust." Well, these entities have already betrayed the trust of U.S. citizens because they are all criminally aiding and abetting the destruction (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) of the authentic United States.

Those who would treasonously sell-out the authentic United States so its genuine citizens can be enslaved, ultimately by a foreign power, shouldn't really be trusted at all. We shouldn't really put anything past them. And, it appears to be similar to that which has been said about the Jesuits and the militia of the pope: "The General of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may... Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general."(1)

The title of the page linked here and above plainly states: "'Crooks did not act alone': Mobile data reveals someone who regularly visited Thomas Crooks also visited building in Washington DC near FBI office" Well, the reality of this whole thing is that there is also much other information which tends to indicate that Thomas Crooks did not act alone, plus that the U.S. Secret Service (the SS) may have been helping to make the assassination attempt possible. And then, the page linked here and above calls it a "Deep State Hit". Now, once the Deep State is properly understood, that claim might actually make more sense.

At this point, the writer of this presentation will say one thing about the Deep State. That which people now call "the Deep State" appears to be that very same thing which, in the early 1900s, U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt called "the Invisible Government". The Deep State and the Invisible Government are like two faces of the same diabolical, despotic and enslaving thing. And, it appears that the Deep State and the Invisible Government have been under the control of the same basic crowd (1) --- a foreign-controlled crowd --- which is mostly working covertly behind the scenes. Enough said about this, for now.


At this point, there are some really important things which need to be seriously considered. The FBI is said to be America's premier law enforcement agency for protecting the American people and upholding the law and the Constitution. That can be seen within pages accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4). But, it appears that there is a problem. The page linked below states: "The Federal Bureau of Investigations is no longer a premier law enforcement agency whose senior leaders honor their oaths to 'support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.'"

The page notes that the FBI is no longer doing its legitimate, Constitutional job, but instead, "the acronym FBI these days seems to stand for 'Friends of Biden, Inc.' -- namely, the crime syndicate that does business as our nation's First Family." Well, it actually does appear that serious problems with the FBI started long before the Biden crime syndicate. The problems actually started before World War Two, shortly after the infamous J. Edgar Hoover took over as director of the Bureau of Investigation (BOI) and the Division of Investigation (DOI), which ultimately morphed (1) into the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1924.

It was during J. Edgar Hoover's "reign" over the FBI that former U.S. President Harry S. Truman declared: "We want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him." These words from Truman are noted in the pages linked below. And, these pages are just a mere introduction to the crooked J. Edgar Hoover and "his" questionable FBI. Now, for a long time, Hoover indicated that the Catholic-controlled Mafia did not exist (1)(2)...when it did.

Now, let us look closer at what President Harry S. Truman said about the FBI in 1945. He declared: "We want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is tending in the direction. They are dabbling in sex life scandals and plan blackmail when they should be catching criminals"(1) Yes, rather than dabbling in questionable things, like it appears they have been even in our day, the FBI is supposed to be out there catching criminals. They are especially supposed to be catching and putting a stop to "the worst of the worst" criminals. But, unfortunately, it appears that a treacherous and treasonous FBI has not been doing their legitimate job.

At this point, let us look at something which seems to show the FBI's utter treason. As noted later in the section, all those people in the FBI take an Oath of Office. They take an Oath of Office to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic". In their Oath of Office, they swear or affirm that they "will bear true faith and allegiance to" the Constitution of the United States. Well, that Constitution, in Article 4, Section 4, guarantees "to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government." Now, there is something really important to consider.

The treasonous Democrats are working to undermine and overthrow the legitimate Republican Form of Government which is supposed to exist throughout the whole United States...throughout each and every state. Yes, it appears that the Democrats are "the worst of the worst", when it comes to criminals, especially since it appears they are working --- or conspiring together --- to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States. It appears that they have both an overt and covert war going, in their efforts to overthrow the authentic United States. So, why isn't the FBI arresting all of these criminally treasonous Democrats?

Well, from what is shown earlier in this presentation, we know the the FBI began to be Nazified in the 1940s. They became embedded with Nazi war criminals and those who were part of "the sword of the Catholic Church". It appears that all-too-large a segment of the FBI began to be controlled by those linked to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. And now --- as indicated by the pages linked below --- the FBI has basically become a domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution, as they are helping the Democrats to hijack this country.

Now, note clearly: As new FBI recruits start their first day at the FBI Academy, they take an Oath of Office. That Oath of Office goes like this: "I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.(1) Well, things so not stop there when it comes to the Oath of Office for those in the FBI.

The page linked here states: "At the end of their academy training, and as part of the official graduation ceremony, these same new-agent trainees once again will stand, raise their right hands, and repeat the same oath. This time, however, the oath will be administered by the director of the FBI, and the trainees will be sworn in as special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation." So, every agent in the FBI has not just taken an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States one time, but they have all taken that Oath to the U.S. Constitution at least twice...and it guarantees a Republican Form of Government (1).

There is something else to note. In the page linked in the paragraph above, after speaking about the Oath of Office ceremonies for those in the FBI, it states: "Similar types of ceremonies are conducted in every state, by every law enforcement agency, for every officer across the country. And, each officer promises to do one fundamentally important thing -- support and defend the Constitution of the United States." The page then states: "All too often in our culture, we participate in ceremonies and follow instructions without taking the time to contemplate and understand the meaning and significance of our actions."

Yes, all too often those in government positions --- which includes those in Congress, the Executive branch of government and the Judicial branch, along with those in the FBI, the CIA, the DHS and various other agencies --- take their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, potentially even without understanding what the Constitution even mandates and guarantees. And then, there are possibly those devious and treacherous ones who know exactly what the Constitution mandates and guarantees, but are just brazenly and intentionally lying (1) when they take their Oath of Office.

Because so many people in government positions are basically lying (1) when they take their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, that is why it has been said that one of the biggest lies that there ever has been is when a government person raises their right hand and swears to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And, the United States is extremely infested with domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution. Unfortunately, a large share of these domestic enemies are in government positions...even in the FBI.


NOTE (18 Sep 2024): PART FIVE is being worked on. It is on its way. Check back later for more information.



Now, back to the Trump rally. The page linked below shows that members of Congress toured the site where Donald Trump was shot, another person killed, and two others critically injured. This tour actually took place on Monday, July 22, 2024. At the top of the page is a 2:07-length video. At the beginning, the video notes the tall water tower and the critical mistake which the Secret Service made by not placing any counter-snipers on it. The video next shows a view from a second floor window of the AGR building which has a full view of the roof which Thomas Matthew Crooks used to do his infamous shooting.

The video shows members of Congress walking around on that roof which the apparently derelict Secret Service head, Kimberly Cheatle, claimed was too steep for the Secret Service to safely be on. Lawmakers noted that the unsecured roof was way too close to where Donald Trump was speaking. Then, a 70-year-old Congressman speaks about safely walking around on that roof which the derelict Secret Service Director claimed was too dangerous for the Secret Service. In the midst of all this, local police stated that they had trouble trying to communicate with Secret Service agents. Why? Was this an intentional "Trump Trap"?

The page speaks about Rep. Eli Crane, R-Arizona, who is "a former Navy Seal sniper." It states: "He said he was disturbed that the Secret Service did not have any of its snipers on a nearby water tower, the tallest structure at the farm show grounds." Crane states: "As we made our way across the field and got up on the roof, I could tell that if any of our counter-sniper teams were up on that water tower, this individual wouldn't have made it five feet." The page also states: "Crane recorded video from a building next to the roof where Crooks was perched. He said police could have easily seen the shooter from that building."

The page also speaks about Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Florida, who said that "he was outraged that Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle said the roof was not safe enough for Secret Service agents." Gimenez states: "I was on that roof, the roof that the director said was really, really dangerous for Secret Service and other personnel to be on. I'm 70 years old. There's nothing unsafe about that roof." Well, the writer of this presentation has a feeling that Kimberly Cheatle may have been making dumb and "nervous" excuses, possibly because she may have been in on some type of a conspiracy. The rally site was a set-up...

The page linked below provides additional information from that ex-Navy SEAL and US Congressman, Eli Crane, who is mentioned in the page linked above. The page linked below notes that while Eli Crane was on the roof of that building from which Thomas Matthew Crooks made his infamous shots at Donald Trump and others at the July 13 rally, he made a selfie video. The page states: "In the footage, Crane points to a water tower, saying that if the Secret Service had had someone positioned there, they would have immediately been able to spot Crooks." That water tower had a good view of virtually everything in the area.

A photo linked here shows the water tower noted by Eli Crane, plus it outlines the AGR building with the roof from which Thomas Crooks made his shots. It is also rather clear from the linked photo that all of the roofs in the AGR building complex are fully visible from the water tower. It was definitely an extremely epic Secret Service failure not to have one of their people or sniper teams located up on that water tower. Or, on the other hand, possibly things were intended to be this way so that Donald Trump could be assassinated. Well, it appears that the Secret Service failed, and yes, there are many questions.

The page linked below provides further information from Eli Crane. He indicates that the Secret Service had things set up in a way which placed Donald Trump in an "extremely vulnerable" position, as he spoke on Saturday, July 13, 2024. At the top of the linked page, there is that selfie which Crane made, while on top of that roof which shooter Thomas Crooks used. In the selfie, Crane mentions the fully visible water tower, on which a truly competent Secret Service would have had a counter-sniper team. Crane also notes windows in the higher AGR building, from which the Secret Service could have seen Thomas Crooks.

As Eli Crane turns around at the end of the selfie, the red buildings with the white roofs --- where the Secret Service counter-sniper teams were located --- come into view. Looking at a picture linked here, it appears that where Crooks was actually located on the AGR roof when he took his shots at Trump, should have been fully visible to the Secret Service sniper teams. Now, look at body-cam pics linked here, here and here. See the trail of blood and Crooks' feet and legs. His body was initially at a point which should have been in full view of the counter-sniper teams, especially as he moved on the roof. And, they did eventually shoot him!

Linked below is a video from 70-year-old congressman Carlos Gimenez, who, at 70 years old, easily climbed up onto and walked around on the roof of that building from which Thomas Crooks shot at Trump and others. And, Gimenez makes it clear that the roof where Crooks had been when he made his infamous shots was not that dangerous roof which the apparently derelict Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle, had made it out to be. Her lame excuse for not protecting that roof sounds like it came from someone who may possibly have been in on some type of a "Kill Trump" conspiracy. Well, there's really more to the story.

It's time to learn more about THE REAL STORY. About one-third of the way down in the page linked below is a section titled House Republicans Conduct Independent Inquiry. Just above that title is a paragraph with these words: "The FBI is a political weapon of a larger institution that is now focused almost entirely toward supporting a radical communist agenda to destroy civil society in the United States." And, as seen further above in this presentation, the FBI became Nazified during the World War Two era and after, with those who were part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope and "the sword of the Catholic Church".

Now, when it came to the Senate investigation into the Trump assassination attempt in Butler, PA --- which is noted in the linked page --- it appears that a number of House Republicans who have military and security backgrounds were excluded from it. So, these patriotic Americans did things on their own. Immediately below the section title noted in the paragraph above is these words: "Meanwhile, a handful of House Republicans with military and security backgrounds who were not tapped for the bipartisan group are conducting an independent inquiry featuring frequent broadsides of the Secret Service and FBI."

These Republicans with military and security backgrounds are possibly having frequent broadsides because they may be finding out things which the Secret Service and FBI many want to cover up. Now, the second paragraph under the noted section title is this: "However, the one thing not discussed was the figure on the water tower who was thought to zipline down the tower and drive away. Veterans at the rally saw the figure and even stated that it was a perfect place for a second shooter. However, once Crooks was dead, there was no reason for a second shooter to out himself."

Well, that stated above is interesting. Is there something to it? Well, that is a big question. And, if it is true, there is reason to suspect that the Secret Service and the FBI would state that it is false. Really, look how they did things relating to the brazen assassination (1) of President John F. Kennedy on Friday, November 22, 1963. And, the deception and cover-up of that which really happened at the Kennedy assassination, plus who was actually behind it, has continued to this day. And, since Trump wants Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to investigate assassinations (1) further, the "guilty parties" really, really want to take Trump out.

At this point, the writer needs to comment on the viral videos which are spoken about in the pages linked below. First off, that "Dark Figure" or spot in the video may not be a person at all. With the graininess and blurriness of the video, there is no guarantee what it may be about. Someone could have just gone ahead and edited that spot into the grainy video in order to see how many people they could fool. Now, this does not mean that there wasn't a person on the water-tower walkway who, via radio, may have been "coaching" the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks. Enough said on this matter.


The page linked below shows that the U.S. Secret Service (SS) was not using drones to monitor things or watch for potential snipers on elevated positions near the Trump rally. Within the page, it notes that House Speaker Mike Johnson declared: "It is standard practice now for drones to be in the air over an event like this." The page also states: "The Federal Aviation Administration has confirmed that the Secret Service did not request Special Government Interest waivers to fly drones over the event." Well, it is obvious that the questionable SS had no intent to use drones to secure the Trump rally. And, there is more to this story.

The page linked above also states: "'The FAA did not issue any event SGI waivers prior to last Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania,' an FAA spokesperson told Newsweek. 'On-scene law enforcement could have been operating drones under their individual agency authorizations.'" So, once again, it appears that local law enforcement agencies could have used their drones to monitor things and watch for any potential snipers on elevated positions near the Trump rally. The local police could have done it, had it not been for a major --- obviously intentional --- roadblock to their efforts which could have prevented the shootings.

Now, the first page linked below begins with these words: "Secret Service stood in the way of using drone technology to survey the scene of the Butler rally where an assassin tried to shoot former President Donald Trump, according to a whistleblower." Yes, it appears that the SS intentionally stood in the way of having true security at the Trump rally. And, the page notes that the SS did not allow local law enforcement to fly any drone to check out the rally site, until after all the shooting had happened and the last echoes were gone. What a joke! What incompetence! Or, was something else going on here?

At this point, there is something to note about the drones which local law enforcement offered for use at the Trump rally. The first linked page states: "The drones that were offered 'had the ability not only to identify active shooters but to neutralize them,' according to Hawley." That is what the whistleblower apparently told U.S. Senator Josh Hawley. The drones which local law enforcement offered for use could have neutralized the shooter, Thomas Crooks, before he fired his first shot. Furthermore, if the questionable SS had done their true job and used drones, Corey Comperatore (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) would likely still be alive today.

Well, it appears that the infamous and likely politicized SS did not deny, turn down, or refuse the use of drones by local law enforcement at the Trump rally on Saturday, July 15, 2024, just once. The pages linked below clearly indicate that the questionable and likely politicized SS repeatedly rejected and turned down offers from local police to provide good drone coverage in the sky around the Trump rally. Obviously, the potentially treasonous (1)(2) SS was up to something...possibly even something no good which seems to have been preplanned. And, it is obvious that the SS did not want to truly secure the Trump rally! Why?


Now, the infamous Secret Service (SS) clearly, multiple times, refused to allow local police to use their drones to monitor things and watch for potential snipers on elevated positions near the Trump rally, or spot any other type of questionable or potentially threatening activity which could have caused a problem. But, look at what it appears the infamous SS then fully allowed. It appears that they had no problem with the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, flying a drone around the area to check things out before the rally started...as indicated in the pages linked below.

Now, since the SS had clearly said NO DRONES were to be used at the Trump rally, you would have thought the someone linked to a competent SS protective force would have noted that there was this unauthorized drone --- the shooters drone --- flying around the rally site. And then, you would think that a competent and properly coordinated SS security team would have quickly sent out an alert and had this flying drone checked out and grounded or confiscated. But, it is obvious that the questionable SS did nothing about this drone, before the shooting started. Why was this allowed to happen? Was this part of "THE PLAN"?

Well, a competent and non-politicized Secret Service would have been much more careful with security and watching for unauthorized drones, especially this day and age with all the modern and even improvised technology and things which people seem to commonly be doing with drones. Really, just as an example, consider what they are doing in Ukraine with rather cheap and simple drones...as shown in the videos and pages linked below. So, knowing how small and cheap drones are being used in our day and age, the questionable SS must have had its "head" up somewhere "the sun don't shine"...or...

Since the questionable SS said that NO DRONES were to be used at the Trump rally, they should have had some decent and competent drone spotters who should have then spotted the shooters unauthorized drone. And, while the alert was being sent to the command center, the spotters could have used a drone defense gun --- spoken about in the pages linked below --- to neutralize the unauthorized drone. But, it appears that really keeping things secure at the Trump rally was something which was not on the SS list. It appears that a potential "PLAN" had to be carried out, no matter what. But, they failed.


Well, there is some information to consider in the pages linked below. The local Pennsylvania police officers who were at the Trump rally "told members of Congress that they were not allowed into a Secret Service command center at former President Trump's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13." The pages state: "Normally, according to the local sheriff, they have done these events in the past with Secret Service and always had one of their people in that Secret Service control room. Apparently, that was not allowed this time for some reason." Did they NOT want witnesses to what was going on in that control room?

The pages state: "Paul Mauro, a Fox News legal and criminal analyst and former NYPD commanding officer, told Fox News Digital that a command center is typically a place for representatives of all law enforcement involved with securing an event to convene and streamline communication between agencies." The former NYPD commanding officer also stated that, generally, "the highest-ranking members of specific agencies are posted at the command center 'because you have to make decisions, and sometimes they're hard decisions.'" Well, this was not allowed by the Secret Service at the Trump rally. Why?

So, why was NOT the local Pennsylvania police department able to have their representative in the Secret Service command center, so all things could be better coordinated in a quicker fashion? The way the command center was operated --- basically in secret --- only leaves room for a lot more of those important questions. Now, the way the Secret Service operated, by excluding local Pennsylvania police officers, would seem reasonable if the Secret Service was involved in some type of a "Kill Trump" conspiracy which was "authorized" by those in higher levels of government, or in its agencies (1).


WHAT !   A  TREASONOUS  C.I.A.  &  F.B.I. ?

During World War Two, as Nazi Germany was falling and the war with Japan was still raging, criminals in the U.S. military and intelligence agencies began smuggling Nazi war criminals and "Holy Warriors" from Germany into the United States. These Nazis were "Holy Warriors" because they were part of the infamous, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled "sword of the Catholic Church" (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12). And, these Nazis were brought into the United States without the approval of, or even the knowledge of, almost all of those in Congress (1), plus they brazenly did it against direct Presidential orders (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

In the mid to latter 1940s and after, Nazi war criminals, "holy warriors" and members of "the sword of the Catholic Church" were placed directly into the FBI, the CIA, the U.S. military, plus in companies tied to the military-industrial complex (1)(2), universities (1) and medical facilities (possibly even in the CDC (1)), and in other key positions in the United States. Well, there is something to note about this questionable and very treacherous activity. It was illegal. It was extremely illegal because "the United States had not signed a peace treaty with Germany, [therefore,] the scientists were still legally classified as enemy aliens."(1)

Well, there is more to consider. Again, the enemy-alien Nazi war criminals and members of the murderous, foreign-controlled "sword of the Catholic Church" were placed into the FBI, the CIA, and other agencies. Because these Nazis were enemy aliens, it was treason for the CIA and FBI to employ them. In Article 3, Section 3, of the U.S. Constitution, it clearly states: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only...in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."(1) Well, those in the FBI and CIA, by employing Nazis, were clearly giving enemies of the authentic United States aid and comfort.

Based on just the information provided above (plus, there is more information which is available), there is reason to suspect that --- with the employment of many (1) Nazi (1) enemy aliens --- the FBI and the CIA became criminal (1) and highly treasonous organizations, plus enemies of the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. Furthermore, it appears that these organizations, from the mid-1900s and after, came under the control of those with links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia and its activities are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General who resides within Rome, Italy.


During the World War Two era, Nazis were doing a lot of criminal human experimentation in hijacked (1)(2)(3)(4) Germany. When it came to their mind-control project, it commonly went under the name of Marionette Programming (1). Once the Nazi war criminals and those associated with "the sword of the Catholic Church" were illegally and treasonously embedded in the CIA, FBI and U.S. military, etc., it appears that the Nazis continued with their vile human experimentation and diabolical mind-control projects...in the USA. The CIA revived Nazi Marionette programs under the Monarch (1) and MK-Ultra mind-control projects (1).

Now, on PDF page 24 of 628, in the book linked by the button below, it notes that there were rich and powerful "elite" people in the United States that "wanted the government's secret services to conduct extensive propaganda campaigns and mass-psychology experiments within the U.S.A., and paramilitary campaigns abroad..." And, it appears that a number of these mass-psychology experiments ultimately were done under the CIA's Monarch and MK-Ultra mind-control programs. And, it appears that those desiring the mass-psychology experiments on U.S. citizens had links to the Jesuits and militia of the pope (1).

On PDF page 207 of 628 in the book linked below, it states that "a mind control project called Marionette Programming imported from Nazi Germany was revived under the new name, 'Project Monarch.'" When it comes to the Nazified CIA's Project Monarch (1)(2), it notes "allegations of severe torture and inhumane pogroms foisted upon Americans and other citizens, especially as children." Yes, with children (1)(2)(3). Then, it speaks of "brutal mind control experimentation [which was] part of the CIA's MKULTRA program". Now, as a note, the diabolical MKULTRA program and Project Monarch were connected (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

At this point, genuine U.S. citizens should seriously be considering at least some of the nasty and diabolical history of the un-Constitutional (1) and therefore highly illegal CIA, or the very nasty and diabolical activities of the "Nazified" or, yes, Gestapo-like (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) "Catholics In Action" (1)(2)(3)(4) at the "Catholic Intelligence Agency" (1)(2)(3)(4). We should look closely at this questionable organization which appears to be foreign-controlled, via the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope residing in key and controlling positions...which militia is ultimately controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome, Italy.

So, take the time to at least scan through the mere introductory pages which are linked below. See just some of the nefarious things which treacherous people in at least the CIA have been doing over time, while they have ruined the lives of many people...even the lives of many children. And then, in the section which follows next, we shall have an introduction to just some of what was going on in the CIA and FBI, when it comes to hypnotic mind-control and programmed assassins. And in all of this, keep in mind what Thomas Matthew Crooks did at the Trump rally on Saturday, July 13, 2024.


George Estabrooks --- also called George H. Estabrooks and George Hoben Estabrooks --- was "a Rhodes Scholar and became a 32nd-degree Knight Templar Freemason." He was one of the top (1) hypnotists of the 1900s. And, he declared: "I can hypnotize a man without his knowledge or consent into committing treason against the United States." Note that "Estabrooks was a mind-control doctor, who publicly acknowledged that he conducted extensive hypnosis work on behalf of the CIA, FBI and military intelligence." He also "acknowledged building Manchurian Candidates." Yes, he created those mind-controlled killers.

The things quoted above about George Estabrook and the power of hypnotism, plus his actual creation of Manchurian Candidates --- or his creation of hynotically mind-controlled assassins --- are things which are spoken about within pages linked by the buttons below. The skilled Estabrooks was deeply involved in hypnotic mind-control efforts. There is reason to suspect that he, plus possibly a number of his colleagues, had the capability of creating mind-controlled assassins for the CIA, FBI and military intelligence. And, there is reason to suspect that this is still being done today by those linked to these organizations.

The title on the page linked immediately above says it like it is. Truly, the key to creating a mind-controlled assassin is to first split the victims personality, using hypnosis or other means. Then, once a situation of multiple personalities has been created in the victim, then one of the multiple personalities can be programmed to be the mind-controlled assassin, while the other personalities embedded in the victim do not even know that the programmed assassin exists. And in all of this, consider what could have potentially happened to Thomas Matthew Crooks...which made him try to assassinate Donald Trump.


It's on its way. Check back later for more information.


To be continued ...   More Parts with their sections, and a lot of info, is on the way ...

This is a reasonable start for that which shall ultimately be included in this
presentation. There is actually a whole lot more which needs to be said and
exposed about what is going on. Check back later for additional information.
Since Thomas Crooks was killed, he can't be checked for "programming" (1).

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