Is  "Dictator"  Biden


by  Ukraine ?

Or, is Biden actually a very TREASONOUS "puppet" and a willing "tool" of the infamous Jesuits in their LONGSTANDING (1)(2)(3)(4) quest for despotic world control? Is a sly and "coached" Biden intentionally and horribly "playing" and deceiving the dumbed-down (1)(2) American people, as he pulls off his illegal and treasonous Transformation of America (1), which is his process of taking the United States from a Republic, with its liberties, and turning it into a highly despotic, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled dictatorship, like that (1) in hijacked and Nazified Germany of the World War Two era? Is Biden and his criminal and treasonous cohorts actually working to bring into being the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Fourth Reich? And, in all of this, is there a chance that Joe Biden is a "puppet" of the Jesuit-linked George Soros?

And, are his questionable acts part of the LONGSTANDING, Jesuit/Catholic
Crime (1) and Conspiracy Spree against the Citizens of the United States?

... and yes, unfortunately, it is true that ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
Brutally Assassinated and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963. (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Introduction Posted:   03 Oct 2023
Additions Posted:   15 Oct 2023 --- 2nd load -- PM
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


Well, it is about time for authentic U.S. citizens to awaken from any stupor which they may be in. It is time for them to begin asking some very key questions about what is going on in this country. For starters, why is the apparently criminal and treasonous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Joe Biden so fanatical about giving so much military aid to Ukraine? Why is Biden so freely wanting to give an incredible amount of U.S. tax dollars to Ukraine, which tax dollars have basically been extorted or stolen from enslaved U.S. citizens?

Now, consider what is said in the page linked below. Genuine U.S. citizens should really be having a reality check. Despite a serious budget fiasco in the United States, and despite a growing and serious homeless problem on the streets of many U.S. cities, plus despite other problems in this country, let us see what an apparently delelict president Joe Biden has proclaimed. In the linked page is found these words: "'We cannot, under any circumstances, allow US support to Ukraine to be interrupted,' Mr Biden said."

An apparently treasonous (1)(2)(3) "Dictator" Biden further proclaimed: "'I can reassure [Ukraine] we'll get there, that we're going to get it done,' he said on restoring funding for the war. 'I want to assure our American allies...that you can count on our support, we will not walk away.'" Well, what kind of illegal or criminal shenanigans could Biden and his allies possibly pull off, in order to again force U.S. citizens to finance war in Ukraine? Yes, genuine U.S. citizens should really be asking some important questions.

Now, is there a chance that Joe Biden is basically BLACKMAILED by Ukraine? Could he be blackmailed because of what he and Hunter Biden, plus their allies, have possibly been doing in Ukraine since the time of the questionable or treasonous (1)(2)(3) Obama/Biden administration? Is there a chance that Joe Biden is blackmailed by those in control of Ukraine, because (as indicated in pages linked below) those people know exactly what the Bidens and their allies (1) have been involved with --- behind the scenes --- in Ukraine?


Let us prepare to, within this presentation, explore what the Bidens have been involved with in Ukraine for a number of years. Let us see if they have been involved in some type of criminal or even treasonous activity in Ukraine. And, let us see if what they have been doing in Ukraine could be part of what ultimately instigated the Ukraine/Russia war. And then, there is that questionable FTX guy, Sam Bankman-Fried, to consider. Let us later see if his dealings in Ukraine may somehow fit into the war scenario.

By the way, it appears that there are a number of other key "players" which may be tied in with the ugly Ukraine situation. One of those is the highly questionable pope Francis, that "head" of all those sodomizing and child-raping (1)(2) priests and nuns, which appears to be working to change the Catholic Church into something worse than it already has been over the years. And, note that it has been the base for those historic, mass-murdering Crusades, plus the sadistic, torturous and murderous Inquisition.

Getting back to Ukraine, it wasn't all that long ago when pope Francis was indicating that Russia's war against Ukraine was possibly provoke in one way or another. This is clearly indicated in the pages linked below. Pope Francis has indicated that NATO may have paved the way for the Russia/Ukraine war because of NATO positioning itself and "barking at Russia's door". And, in the last page linked below, pope Francis appears to suggest that NATO actually started the war in Ukraine.

Well, that Jesuit pope Francis should possibly know about NATO provoking or maybe even intentionally starting the war in Ukraine. Francis may likely know about this type of thing because it appears that NATO is basically controlled by those with links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And, regarding the militia of the pope, it appears that its activities, including its warmongering, are controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome. So, with this information firmly in mind, let us continue onward with this presentation.

Now, the pages linked below indicate that many people have been predicting that a NATO expansion toward Russia would ultimately provoke Russia into a military response. And, it appears that these warnings or predictions were simply ignored. It almost appears that they were intentionally ignored by those in control of NATO. Why is this? Well, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization, along with many of those in the militia of the pope, have wanted a war with Russia for 100 years or more. More about this later.


Based on the pages linked below, there is reason to suspect that this earth is now dealing with another Jesuit/Catholic-controlled DICTATOR (1) who is running amok. This very treasonous (1)(2)(3) bastard (1) is blatantly operating in complete violation of the U.S. Constitution. It appears that Biden is fast becoming a diabolical Adolf Hitler the Second. Well, the diabolical Adolf Hitler was put in power by the Jesuits and the Vatican, and so was Joe Biden. He is an enemy of the authentic (1) United States and its genuine citizens.

Regarding Biden being a dictator --- actually a Jesuit/Catholic-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4) dictator --- consider some of the glaring signs. As a treasonous (1)(2)(3) domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution and that particular government which it mandates and GUARANTEES, he has unconstitutionally been bypassing Congress using his illegal Executive Orders...some which are accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18). Then, the pages linked below speak about dictator Biden.

There is now something further to note. A treasonous (1)(2)(3) and therefore criminal Joe Biden states at the beginning of his Executive Orders that he is doing such-and-such action "[b]y the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America". Well, it appears that he is a brazen liar. It appears that a treasonous (1)(2)(3) and blatantly criminal Joe Biden has no authority by the U.S. Constitution to do the illegal and dictatorial things which he is brazenly doing.

Now, there is something to consider when is comes to the treasonous, Jesuit/Catholic-aligned warmonger named Joe Biden, plus his just as treasonous, apparently Jesuit/Catholic-manipulated cronies. There is a lot to consider when it comes to them economically raping the enslaved U.S. citizens so the warmonger-pack can give lots of money and other aid to Ukraine. Yes, they desparately want Ukraine to be a proxy who will fight that which appears to be a Jesuit/Catholic-instigated (1)(2) war against Russia.

So, what could a treasonous (1)(2)(3) Biden and his treacherous allies possibly do, in order to get more aid for Ukraine? Is there possibly a chance that the Jesuits and the militia of the pope will pull off a murderous false-flag attack on U.S. soil? Could they pull off one of those Operation Northwoods (1)(2) type of actions, or some type of domestic bio-warfare activity, in order to trick U.S. citizens into giving everything away, to have someone fight Russia? Could Biden's allies be planning a nuclear detonation on U.S. soil?


When it comes to what has been happening in Ukraine with the war and all, there is something which U.S. citizens really need to understand. It appears that a notorious CIA, or that potentially treasonous "Catholics In Action" crowd (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) --- which contains many members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope in many key or controlling positions --- has been deeply involved behind the scenes in Ukraine for quite a period of time. This is indicated in the introductory pages linked below.

Again, the CIA (or that un-Constitutional (1) "Catholics In Action" crowd) and their "fronts" have been deeply involved behind the scenes in Ukraine for a long time. Looking at the pages linked by the buttons below, they speak about a CIA front organization which laid the foundations for the nasty war in Ukraine. They speak about the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which (in other countries at least) engages "in propaganda and political activism to disrupt, destabilize, and ultimately displace 'enemy' regimes."

The pages mention a senior NED official, Allen Weinstein, who stated that "a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA." The pages state that already back in 2013, "Carl Gershman, NED chief from its launch until summer 2021, authored an op-ed for The Washington Post, outlining how his organization was hard at work wresting countries in Russia's near abroad -- the constellation of former Soviet republics and Warsaw Pact states -- away from Moscow's orbit."

The pages state further: "Along the way, [Carl Gershman] described Ukraine as 'the biggest prize' in the region, suggesting Kiev joining Europe would 'accelerate the demise' of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Six months later, Ukraine's elected president Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in a violent coup." So, with the intent of overthrowing Russia's President Vladimir Putin, NED worked behind the scenes in Ukraine. And then, "Ukraine's elected president Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in a violent coup."

Now, there is something important to note. Viktor Yanukovych, who was overthrown in what appears to basically have been a NED-instigated coup, was an ally of Vladimir Putin of Russia. This is indicated in pages accessed using the following links: (1)(2)(3). There is now something else to note in the pages linked below. Back in 1983, "then-CIA director William Casey was at the heart of NED's creation." So, let's face it: NED appears to have been a CIA front which was instigating a coup in Ukraine. And, this led to war.

Well, let us now see how U.S. citizens are kept in the dark by a extremely controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) U.S. media, when it comes to the things which those associated with the Jesuits and the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope are doing in other places around the world. And, don't think that when it comes to the manipulated and controlled media, that things like this are not happening even directly within the United States when they are pulling off their potentially criminal and even treasonous shenanigans.

Looking again into the pages linked below, when it comes to what has been happening in Ukraine, they state: "Writing in Consortium News earlier that month, investigative legend Robert Parry recorded how, over the previous year, NED had funded 65 projects in Ukraine totaling over $20 million. This amounted to what the late journalist dubbed 'a shadow political structure of media and activist groups that could be deployed to stir up unrest when the Ukrainian government didn't act as desired.'" And, there is more.

The linked pages state: "NED's pivotal role in unseating Yanukovych can be considered beyond dispute, an unambiguous matter of record -- yet not only is this never acknowledged in the mainstream press, but Western journalists aggressively rubbish the idea, viciously attacking those few who dare challenge the established orthodoxy of US innocence. As if to assist in this deceit, NED has removed many entries from its website in the years since the coup, which amply underline its role in Yanukovych's overthrow."

Looking further into the NED issue, the page linked below notes that NED's work "involves doing what the CIA used to do. Some, in fact, refer to NED as the 'second CIA.'" The page indicates that NED was created at a point when the CIA "was in hot political water", possibly, it should be noted, over some of what appears to be its illegal, criminal or maybe even treasonous activities. The linked page also notes that "NED receives most of its funding from US taxpayers." So, it appears that NED was corrupting things in Ukraine.

Well, with knowledge of all the information presented and linked so far, it truly does appear that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was --- as indicated earlier by pope Francis --- "in some way provoked". Knowing some of the facts which are presented above, it appears that virtually without question, the Russian war in Ukraine was intentionally instigated by the CIA (or by those "Catholics In Action" (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)) or by one of their nefarious and corrupting "front" organizations.


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When it comes to the Rome- or Vatican-controlled Crusades and Inquisition, history seems to repeat itself over and over again. It appears that, over time, the papal crowd and the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope use different avenues for pulling off their latest Crusades and Inquisition. And, it appears that they have become extremely skilled at manipulating the media and keeping the public in the dark, when it comes to what they are really doing being the scenes, which ultimately affects things out in the open.

In the preceding section, it mentions Adolf Hitler and his Nazis. In the earlier 1900s, they hijacked and then rapidly Nazified that which had been Protestant Germany. Then, they turned Germany into "the sword of the Catholic Church", as the Nazis went on the new papal Crusades against other countries. That is what World War Two was actually about, even though "they" don't want to write the real truth in the controlled history books. And again, the mass-murdering Holocaust was actually the industrial-scale Inquisition.

At the start of World War Two, note that the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis of Germany deceived Russia into believing that they were friends and allies. But, once the Nazis learned enough about Russia and how its military operated, they suddenly turned on Russia and began to work toward conquering Russia for the papal organization. There is actually a lengthy story which could be told about what actually happened and why, between Russian and the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis during World War Two.

Well, there is something else which U.S. citizens need to know. When Nazified Germany began falling, in the latter part of World War Two, thousands of Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis, who were part of "the sword of the Catholic Church", were illegally and treasonously smuggled into the United States. Then, with the help of their treasonous buddies who were already in key positions in the United States, the Nazis were placed into key and controlling positions. That story is told at various places within the page linked here.

So, is there a chance that the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope and their many controlled "pawns" could pull off a murderous Crusade directly within the United States? Could "the sword of the Catholic Church" utterly devastate the often-clueless citizens of the United States? Well, there as some "warning signs" to seriously consider. During the Obama/Biden administration "they" started an unprecedented purge of the U.S. military, which is spoken about within the pages linked below. Why did "they" REALLY do this?


Well, are there any other "warning signs" to consider? Yes! In the pages linked below, note that under the treasonous (1)(2)(3) Obama/Biden administration, various government agencies --- including non-military and non-police agencies --- began stockpiling a whole lot of guns, ammunition, body armor, and tactical gear. In a number of the pages linked below, it should clearly be noted that a lot of purchased ammo was for hollow-point bullets, which bullets are illegal to use for border control...or for war.

Within the pages linked by the buttons below, it can be seen that the amount of ammo being purchased is enough to pull off a 24-year-plus Iraqi-type hot war, right here on U.S. soil. From what is said, the amount of ammo purchased is enough to put five bullets in each and every U.S. citizen. And, as noted in pages accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), officials and their allies did not appear to want to give a really legitimate reason for all of this guns and ammo purchases. And, it appears that the purchases continue.

There is something to note in the linked pages. Yes, the massive guns and ammo purchases by various government agencies began in earnest under the treasonous (1)(2)(3) Obama/Biden administration. But, it should also be noted that the unprecedented purchases of guns and ammo even continued under the Jesuit-trained Donald Trump administration. And again, all that expensive hollow-point ammunition cannot be used for border patrol or for fighting a war with an invading country. So, what is going on here?

When it comes to the massive "government" purchasing of all that ammunition --- especially all that rather expensive hollow-point ammunition --- there may be a logical answer, put in the form of a question. Since it appears that the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope have basically hijacked control of the United States, is there a chance that they could be preparing for the new mass-murdering Crusades and Inquisition, right here on U.S. soil? In relation to this, there is something to consider.

In the said historic Oaths for members of the Jesuit-control militia of the pope, there are some things to note. In their Oath, the militia member swears: "I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ."(1)(2)(3) And, there is something else to consider.

Based on what is shown in the documents linked in the paragraph above, when the historic Oath is sworn to by members of the militia of the pope, they also are said to state, "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope." So, "when the word is passed", will all those billions of rounds of ammo suddenly be put into use in the new Crusades and Inquisition?


Well, there is more to consider. It appears that the purge which was started under the Obama/Biden administration is being continued under the treasonous (1)(2)(3) Biden/Harris administration, as indicated in the pages linked below. Well, is it basically "Nazi Germany" all over again? Will U.S. citizens soon wake up to the New America, and the rising, Jesuit/Catholic and militia-of-the-pope-controlled Fourth Reich? Will U.S. citizens, at that point, finally wake up and realize that they are enslaved by the agents of Rome?

Now, let's get very real. It appears that the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope --- whose members and their controlled "pawns" have hijacked the U.S. government, its military and its intelligence agencies --- are pulling off the new papal Crusade against Russia, using Ukraine as their "tool". And, once the papal crowd gets what they want, there is reason to suspect that the industrial scale Inquisition can begin...possibly even on U.S. soil using that questionable "Vitrification Plant" in Washington state (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).


The pages linked below speak about a number of new super-size or mega-prisons which are planned for, or are now being built in the United States. The first two pages speak about what is going on in Alabama. The second linked page shows that one of these super-size or mega-prisons is already under construction in Alabama, and, Alabama has plans for building more of these super-size, mega-prisons. Then, the third page mentions super-size prisons which are to be built across the United States.

Let us seriously start to consider some major "warning signs" which have been noted so far in this presentation. Under the horribly treasonous (1)(2)(3) Obama/Biden administration, they started a highly questionable, major purge (1) of the U.S. military. They were eliminating those who simply disagreed (1) with the un-constitutional (1)(2)(3) and dictatorial philosophy of the Obama/Biden administration. It appears that the fired military officers were then replaced with Jesuit/Illuminati-aligned (1) "Democrat loyalists (1)."

Now for another major "warning sign" about what began to happen during the horribly treasonous (1)(2)(3) Obama/Biden administration. A page linked here states: "Obama is purging the military of commanders who will not fire on American civilians." WHAT!!! The page states further: "Alarming reports have been emerging over the past year that Obama may be purging the military of...those who would hesitate to fire on American civilians." Do we have another Jesuit/Catholic-controlled "Nazi Germany" emerging?

And then, there is another "sign" to consider. During the period leading up to the extremely treasonous (1)(2)(3) Obama/Biden administration, there was talk about building a civilian national security force which was to be " just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the U.S. military. This un-Constitutional Civilian Army is spoken about in the pages linked below. Now, was this actually going to be the rebirth of the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled "Nazi Brownshirts" or the "Gestapo" of the rising "Fourth Reich"?

Before anyone forgets, there was that other thing which occurred during the mega-treasonous (1)(2)(3) Obama/Biden administration. There were those guns (1) and billions of rounds of ammunition --- a large share of it being more expensive, plus more devastating and deadly hollow-point ammunition, which cannot be used in war (1) or for border control --- being bought up and stockpiled (1) by various govenment agencies, with no really good explanation for the stockpiling.

Furthermore, during the treasonous (1)(2)(3) Obama/Biden administration, various agencies began buying up and stockpiling "heavily armored personnel carriers" (1), bulk riot control gear (1), gas and chemical grenades (1), flash-bang grenades (1), plus other equipment which could potentially be very useful if "someone" were to take over a nation and convert it into one of those Jesuit/Catholic-controlled hijacked and Nazified Germany was. And, this "crowd" has tried before... (1)(2)(3).

There is still another major "warning sign" from the super-treasonous (1)(2)(3) Obama/Biden administration which needs to seriously be considered. As indicated in the page linked below, "dictator" Obama and his very treasonous (1)(2)(3) cohorts were recruiting and illegally arming (with guns, ammo, etc.) and training those generally Catholic-bred illegal aliens in military tactics. This illegal and criminal act was completely against applicable U.S. law (see: 18 USC 922: Unlawful acts (1), section: (d)(5)(A), plus section: (y)(2)).

So yes, there have been many illegal and criminal acts which have been perpetrated by those numerous treasonous ones (1)(2)(3) in government positions...especially, it appears, by those who seem to have links, in one way or another to the Jesuit/Catholic organization or its agents. And, when seeing what these foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) traitors have been doing over time, nothing they pull off should surprise us any more. And now, let us get back to those super-size mega-prisons.

Will the super-size mega-prisons which are being built be used to imprison those who will not agree to being forced under an un-Constitutional and treasonous (1)(2), Jesuit/Catholic-controlled dictatorship in the United States? And from the mega-prisons, could genuine citizens of the authentic United States (who will not bow to Jesuit/Catholic oppression) be sent to that so-called "Vitrification Plant" which is being built in Washington state (1), or that which, there is reason to suspect, may actually be a "human gasifier"?

Now, it is not just in the United States that they are building those mega-prisons. They have been building, or are planning on building, mega-prisons in other places around this world. This is shown in the mere introductory pages linked below. So, is there a chance that these mega-prisons are being built around the world in preparation, as the highly despotic, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled (1)(2)(3), United Nations (UN) managed (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), New World Order crowd steadily takes control of the whole world?


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To be continued ...

This is the beginning for that which shall eventually be included in this presentation.
There is more to be said and exposed. Check back later for additional information.

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