War  With  Russia

In  the  1900s  and  Today

It is Time to take a Much Closer Look at...

"the Sword of the Catholic Church,"

both  Yesterday  and  Today.

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Document Posted:   29 Sep 2022
Latest Additions Posted:   27 Oct 2022, late
Copyright © 2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


In the early 1960s, before "they" brutally assassinated President John F. Kennedy (1), those treacherous and potentially treasonous ones which were embedded in at least the "intelligence" community and the U.S. military were trying hard to trap and force President Kennedy into starting an utterly devastating nuclear war with Russia. In this situation, those in the "intelligence" community and the U.S. military were trying to be the ones to decide U.S. foreign policy, rather than the President and Congress deciding foreign policy.

It appears that certain of those in controlling positions in the "intelligence" community and the U.S. military were being brazenly insubordinate to their boss and Commander-in-Chief. It appears that these treacherous and insubordinate ones were trying to turn the United States into a military dictatorship, with the president acting as just a mere "puppet." So, who were these people in controlling positions in the "intelligence" community and the U.S. military, who were trying to force this devastating nuclear war with Russia?

Based on the available evidence, it appears that these brazenly insubordinate and unruly ones had links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. Now, there is something important to note at this point. President John F. Kennedy was a Roman Catholic, plus he was a high-level, Fourth-Degree member of the Knights of Columbus. This means that Kennedy was also part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately under the direction and control of the Jesuit General who is based in Rome.

Well, it appears that once President Kennedy realized the nefarious and nation-destroying, or potentially civilization-destroying agenda which the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope embedded in the "intelligence" community and the U.S. military were pursuing, he could no longer "blindly" support or go along with them. At that point, it appears that President Kennedy basically went ahead and "broke ranks" with the papal organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia, which he was still a part of.

Ultimately, it appears that in the eyes of those in the papal hierarchy and in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, President Kennedy was considered as being a "traitor" because he would not violate his Oath of Office and turn the United States into a "tool" which could readily be used to further the aims of the Vatican/Jesuit organization for the United States and for the world. So, "they" had Kennedy assassinated on November 22 of 1963 (1) and then put a crooked and much more pliable "puppet" in his place.


Looking back to the year 1959, which was during the time when the Catholic named John F. Kennedy was running for the office of President of the United States, a very important book was published. This book was written by a former Catholic priest and notable Church historian named Peter J. Doeswyck. A copy of his book, which is titled Catholic Victory in 1960?, is linked here. This book basically explains the situtation which President John F. Kennedy was in, since he was a Roman Catholic.

Looking into the Catholic Victory book which is linked above, on the left side of PDF page 6 of 62 it notes that the Roman Catholic religion "has a hierarchy which opposes democracy and which rules dictatorially over its subjects." It states further: "Rome uses anathemas and excommunications to force Catholic leaders to obey its commands." And, President John F. Kennedy was a Catholic, plus he was a member of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which means there was supposed to be even more control over him.

On the left side of PDF page 6 of 62 in the linked book, it notes that "the Pope is the ruler of an independent State, and...every devout Catholic believes that it is a sin to disobey his commands..." So, basically, the pope within Rome is the ruler of a worldwide government...which is now called the New World Order. So, here was President John F. Kennedy, who was a Catholic. In the eyes of the hierarchy of his church, he was, even as President of the United States, supposed to virtually be a "puppet" for the pope and his agenda.

What the above words mean is that, with the Catholic president John F. Kennedy at the helm, the United States was supposed to be used as "a tool" to further the agenda of the church of Rome, in whatever way the pope declared. And now, with that Roman Catholic named Joe Biden sitting in the president's chair, the United States is illegally being used as "a tool" to further the agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit crowd. And, Joe Biden is treasonously doing that which the more honest President John F. Kennedy would not do.

Looking again into the Catholic Victory book which is linked here, on the right side of PDF page 6 of 62, it states: "Under penalty of excommunication a Catholic President could be forced to declare war on certain nations, thus forcing American boys to fight the wars of the Vatican." Well, there is reason to suspect that this may be what is going on with the Ukraine/Russia war, except in this case, the Jesuit/Catholic-aligned Joe Biden is fighting a proxy war, along with his papal or Jesuit-aligned allies in Europe.

By the way, looking again at the right side of PDF page 6 of 62 in the linked book, it states: "The Roman hierachy [sic] might pressure a Catholic President to appoint certain Catholics to his Cabinet, to pack the Supreme Court with Catholics, to re-interpret the Constitution, to advocate public funds for Catholic schools, to use the power of the White House and of Congressional Committees to oppose or vilify those who dare to fight for separation of Church and State."

Well, the things spoken about above appear to be just what U.S. citizens are living with today, especially with the treacherous or treasonous, Jesuit/Catholic-aligned Joe Biden sitting in the president's chair. It is what U.S. citizens are having to deal with, especially with all of Biden's Jesuit/Catholic aligned cohorts, plus those in the treasonous Democratic Party and their manipulated and controlled pawns, sitting in key and influential government positions. It isn't just "The Swamp." It appears to be "The Swamp of Treason."

By the way, Joe Biden and all the Democrats and their allies in government positions are all violating their Oath of Office and are treasonous domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution. They are especially treason domestic enemies of the particular form of government which is mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution. These criminals have been brazenly working to undermine and overthrow the legitimate government of the United States, so they can hijack the country for their bosses in Rome, as they steadily work to enslave genuine U.S. citizens.

And once again, looking into the Catholic Victory book linked here, on the left side of PDF page 9 of 62, it states: "The Pope further explains that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Constitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."

Yes, it does appear that the United States is dealing with a bunch of treasonous, foreign-controlled agents embedded in its government, in many key and powerful positions. It does appear that the United States and its agencies have been hijacked by the agents of Rome, just as the Jesuit/Vatican agents Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis hijacked Germany in the earlier 1900s and turned it into the Crusading, "sword of the Catholic Church." And then, it appears that they got their demonic jollies as they tortured and murdered their victims with their industrial-scale Inquisition, which has commonly been called the Holocaust.

And now, it appears that the treasonous Joe Biden and his just as treasonous cohorts are "doing their job" for the Jesuit/Catholic organization, in what they are doing in Ukraine. And also, Biden and his cronies are "doing their job" by doing nothing about putting a stop to the criminal activities of all of those child-raping priests and nuns (1)(2). And, on top of all of this, they put that treasonous, child-raping-priest-protector named Kamala Harris in as the "president of vice." Well, "the handwriting is on the wall" for the naive citizens of the United States. What happened in Nazified Germany can happen in the United States!


The proxy war which the Jesuit/Catholic-aligned Joe Biden and his allies are pursing against Russia is spoken about in the pages linked by the buttons below. In this case, instead of forcing U.S. boys to directly fight the Russians, Biden is basically stealing U.S. tax dollars from the people of the whole United States, in order to use this money to further the longstanding Vatican/Jesuit agenda against Russia, which is being played out in Ukraine. Now, there is something important for U.S. citizens to clearly understand.

Those in the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, and especially those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, have wanted a war against Russia since the early 1900s, if not before. This papal hierarchy and Jesuit-controlled-militia-of-the-pope-agenda is something which will be spoken about in more detail, later in this presentation. Now for a tidbit of information. Using World War Two as a cover, a criminal Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope hijacked the U.S. military, to then begin using it as their warhammer.

Now, there is something to make extremely clear. In the pages linked below, it is declared that this is a U.S. proxy war against Russia, which is happening in Ukraine. Well, the genuine citizens of the authentic United States were not the ones involved with stirring up this bloody war between Russian and Ukraine. The evidence actually indicates that this is a Jesuit/Catholic-instigated war with Russia, using Ukraine as the battlefield at this time. More about the longstanding Jesuit/Catholic war on Russia in a bit.


The pages linked below indicate that the United States and NATO, by the questionable things which they were deliberately doing, actually helped trigger or possibly even intentionally brought on the Ukraine War. Now, there is something which again needs to be made very clear, so genuine U.S. citizens can better understand the game which is being played with them by the powers that be, or by those foreign-controlled agents who appear to have treacherously hijacked control of the United States, its intelligence community and its military, plus its military-industrial complex.

It was not the authentic United States which was involved with the triggering of the Ukraine War. It appears that it has been the hijacking agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia which possibly have intentionally caused the Ukraine War. The Vatican/Jesuit crowd has wanted a war with Russia for a very long time, so they can take it down and take control of Russia, plus take control of or possibly even eliminate the authentic Russian Orthodox Church. This all appears to be part of the papal crowd's process for bringing in the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order (1) ...which is "the beast" spoken about in the Holy Bible.

And now, let us look into the first page linked below, when it comes to what triggered the Russian/Ukraine war. It states: "Russian leaders and several Western policy experts were warning more than two decades ago that NATO expansion would turn out badly -- ending in a new cold war with Russia at best, and a hot one at worst. Obviously, they were not 'echoing' Putin or anyone else." The page indicates that decades ago, it was warned that NATO expanding eastward would set off a new cold war. But considering some of the mid-1900s history, the militia-of-the-pope-crowd wouldn't care if they started another cold or hot war.

The second linked page basically agrees with what the first page states. It says: "Senior US government officials knew as far back as 2008 that the possibility of adding Ukraine to NATO was seen as a serious 'military threat' by Russia, one that crosses Moscow's security 'redlines' and could force it to intervene. Yet Western leaders continued insisting that Ukraine would join the US-led military alliance, right up until Russia did indeed intervene in February 2022." And, when it comes to "Western leaders," a large share of them are under the control (1)(2)(3) of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, with its world-control agenda.

Part way down in the second linked page is a section titled US meddling unleashes civil war in Ukraine, destabilizing Russia's neighbor. That section states: "This kind of internal violence did indeed break out in Ukraine, after a US-sponsored coup d'etat in 2014 overthrew a democratically elected government that had maintained a relatively neutral foreign policy, balanced between Russia and the West, and instead installed a staunchly pro-Western and anti-Russian regime." So, it may not be too much of a stretch to say that the Jesuit/Catholic manipulated or controlled U.S. officials instigated the problems in Ukraine.

After the US-sponsored 2014 coup d'etat, the page states that "Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the eastern Donbas region rose up against the coup government in Kiev, which they denounced as an illegitimate Western puppet regime. Independence activists declared the creation of two new autonomous states, the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. The Ukrainian government, with Western military support and weapons, has waged a brutal war against these breakaway republics in the Donbas ever since." Again, it was the US-sponsored coup d'etat and other activities which appears to have triggered all of this.

The linked pages below show that even Pope Francis has expressed that the Ukraine war was possibly provoked because of NATO working to move their control right up to the gates of Russia. The second linked page states: "Pope Francis sparked outrage last month by suggesting NATO might be to blame for Russia's war in Ukraine...the war may have been 'provoked.'"

The third linked page notes that Pope Francis "again suggested that perhaps Moscow was baited into invading the former Soviet republic." Now, Pope Francis, being a Jesuit, possibly knows what was really going on behind the scenes with those potential "baiters" in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope who appear to be in control of NATO, its intelligence communities and its military forces.


At this point, let us look back in history to the Cold War between Russian (or the Soviet Union) and the United States, which Cold War began in the latter 1940s. The evidence indicates that this Cold War was intentionally instigated and bought into being by those with links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, plus by those who were associated with "the sword of the Catholic Church".

During all of the nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site, which was associated with the nuclear-build-up phase of the Cold War, it appears that those who were/are associated with or were manipulated pawns of the Jesuit-controlled militia-of-the-pope where able to shower U.S. citizens with harmful or deadly radiation. In all reality, it appears that this was part of a covert war against the citizens of the United States.

Now, the evidence indicates that the Cold War was based on Jesuit/Catholic deception. In regards to this, there was a Nazi war criminal named General Reinhard Gehlen who it appears was illegally and potentially treasonously assimilated into the U.S. intelligence apparatus in the latter 1940s. The Catholic-raised Gehlen and his Nazis ended up being "the only eyes and ears of the CIA on the ground in the Soviet Bloc nations."(1) Well, already, this is not sounding very good.

Looking further into the page linked in the paragraph above, when it comes to Reinhard Gehlen being the only eyes and ears for the CIA in the Soviet Bloc nations, it states: "In this capacity, Gehlen was able to exert a profound influence on the course of world events." So, here was this Catholic-raised Nazi, who was also part of "the sword of the Catholic Church," who was allowed to have such a profound influence on the course of world events. And what an influence he had, which will be noted in just a bit.

When it comes to the honesty of this Nazi war criminal which was so freely assimilated into the questionable U.S. intelligence apparatus, the page linked here states: "Despite a pledge to his American sponsors not to employ war criminals, from the first, Gehlen did not hesitate to utilize some of the worst offenders." So, let us see what happened because of this dishonest and lying criminal, in just a bit.

Now, since the CIA was who Reinhard Gehlen was working for, possibly we should examine who or what was in control of one of the most secretive sections of the CIA at this point. At the bottom of page 1 of 2, in a page linked here, it states: "During the CIA's formative years, Protestants predominated... Somehow, however, Catholics wrested control of the CIA's covert-action section."

Once the Catholics got control of the CIA's covert-action section, then what happened? Looking into a page linked here, at the bottom of PDF page 2 or 4, it speaks about the Knights of Malta [SMOM]. It goes on to state that, "beginning in the 1940s, knighthood was granted to countless CIA agents, and the organization has become a front for intelligence operations."

At this point, there is something for genuine U.S. citizens to seriously consider. There were these countless CIA agents who were granted knighthood in the Knights of Malta. Well, the Knights of Malta are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia and its activities are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General who is based within Rome. So, it appears that the Jesuit General was effectively in control of various CIA operations...and the CIA was effectively under the control of a foreign power.

Now, getting back to that guy named Reinhard Gehlen who was assimilated into the U.S. intelligence apparatus, there is something else very important to consider, especially since Gehlen was a Nazi war criminal. A book titled The Nazi Hydra in America is linked here. Near the top of page 242 in the linked book it states that, "An abnormal number of Nazi and their supporters were members of the Knights of Malta."

So, an abnormal number of Nazis and their various supporters were members of the Knights of Malta. And, countless CIA agents treacherously or potentially treasonously became members of the foreign-controlled Knights of Malta. The Knights of Malta are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia and its activities are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. So, it appears that the Nazis and the CIA have been under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome.

Now, let us get back to Reinhard Gehlen. Looking at what was happening during the U.S./Soviet Cold War and its build-up, about half way down in the page linked below it states: "Gehlen's seemingly authoritative intelligence reports played a very real role in shaping U.S. perceptions of Soviet Russia during this pivotal period. Furthermore, the reports became an important ingredient in the domestic American debate over military budgets and defense policy."

The linked page then goes on to state: "In most cases Gehlen's words were simply lifted verbatim, placed under a CIA letterhead, which added the prerequisite authority to get the job done. The CIA loved Gehlen because he fed it what they wanted to hear. They used his stuff constantly, and fed this hyped up Russian boogeyman junk to everybody else: the Pentagon; the White House; the newspapers, and it did lots of damage to this country." And, it appears that the deceptive and manipulating, Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope was "riding high" at this time, as they gained more and more control.

Part way down in a page linked here, it states: "Washington's growing dependence on Gehlen made U.S. officials sitting ducks for disinformation. Much of what he supplied exaggerated the Soviet threat and whipped up fears about Russian military intentions. The Nazi spymaster fostered paranoia in the West about a worldwide communist conspiracy. Gehlen's strategy was based on a rudimentary equation; the colder the Cold War got, the more political space for Hitler's heirs." It made more political space for those who were associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope and with "the sword of the Catholic Church."

Now, there is something else to know about this liar and deceiver named Reinhard Gehlen, who intentionally provided falsified information which worked to greatly escalate the U.S./Soviet Cold War. A page linked here states that Reinhard Gehlen "was a Knight of Malta." The linked page also states: "On November 17, 1948 SMOM awarded one of its highest honors, the Grand Cross of Merit, to Reinhard Gehlen, the Nazi chief of intelligence on the Soviet front."

So, the lying and deceiving, Catholic-raised Reinhard Gehlen, who was a member of the Knights of Malta and was part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, was awarded with one of the highest honors given by the Knights of Malta. There is reason to suspect that Reinhard Gehlen was given this high honor because, as a "good tool," he had successfully escalated the U.S./Soviet Cold War for the Jesuits.

And now, let us look at what the Catholic warmongers were doing with all of this disinformation which Gehlen and the CIA were intentionally feeding to the United States. Let us consider what even President John F. Kennedy was having do deal with, when it comes to a nuclear war which the Catholics were trying to whip up, before those with links to their militia decided that President Kennedy was a "roadblock" to their diabolical plans. Then "they" apparently had President Kennedy assassinated on November 22, 1963 (1).


When it comes to the nature of things which the Catholic warmongers were doing in the mid-1900s, apparently even up to the time of the Kennedy administration in the early 1960s, a page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a reputable source: "American warmongers, led by prominent Catholics, were meanwhile feverishly preparing for an atomic showdown with Russia. Top Catholics in the most responsible positions were talking of nothing else." Yes, from what all was going on, it is very clear that the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization wanted a devastating nuclear war.

The treacherous Catholic warmongers wanted a devastating nuclear war which would go so far as to even utterly annihilate a large share of the citizens of the United States. But, why should the elite Catholic warmongers care about that, for they would be safely protected in those underground bunkers which had been built in the United States in various places. And now, looking further into the highly questionable or even treasonous things which the warmonger Catholics were doing in the mid-1900s, a page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote from the reputable source which is mentioned above:

"The new Catholic Secretary of the U.S. Navy, strangely enough, soon afterwards began unusually active contacts with other prominent American Catholics. Among these, Father Walsh, Jesuit Vice-President of Georgetown University; Cardinal Spellman, the head of the American Legion; the leaders of the Catholic War Veterans and with Senator McCarthy, the arch-criminal senator, who upon the advice of a Catholic priest, was just beginning his infamous campaign which was to half paralyze the U.S. for some years to come." At this point, the Catholics had illegitimately taken control of things and were "riding high."

Regarding what the bloodthirsty Catholic warmongers were doing in the time before the Kennedy administration, a page-paragraph linked here contains some important information from the reputable source noted earlier. It speaks about "a speech delivered in Boston on August 25, 1950 by Mr. F. Matthews. The arch-Catholic Secretary of the U.S. Navy, the spokesman of certain forces in the States and in the Vatican, called upon the U.S. to launch an attack upon Soviet Russia in order to make the American people 'the first aggressors for peace.' 'As the initiators of a war of aggression' he added, 'it would win for us a proud and popular title: we would become the first aggressors for peace.'"

So, note clearly that this diabolical Secretary of the U.S. Navy, which is being spoken about in the paragraph above, was an arch-Catholic. He was also "the spokesman of certain forces in the States and in the Vatican." And, concerning these "certain forces in the States" which are spoken about, these forces appear to be the members of the various segments of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which at this point contained all those Nazi "holy warriors" and war criminals which had illegally and treasonously been brought into the United States under highly questionable or criminal programs like Operation Paperclip.

Now, there is more to consider in the quotes above. From what is said above, this arch-Catholic Secretary of the U.S. Navy was also a spokesman for certain forces "in the Vatican." Hold on here! This Secretary of the U.S. Navy took an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, but instead of working in the best interests of the authentic United States and its genuine citizens, this apparently traitorous criminal was actually working in the best interests of the foreign-based Vatican and its particular agenda for this world. It does appear that this Secretary of the U.S. Navy was effectively a treasonous foreign agent.

Well, there is more to consider in the quote further above, which came from that treasonous Secretary of the U.S. Navy. This treacherous guy "called upon the U.S. to launch an attack upon Soviet Russia in order to make the American people 'the first aggressors for peace.'" What a screwed-up statement! Can you believe the BS of this papal agent, who was likely part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope? This papal agent was trying to pawn off this all-out nuclear war of annihilation as an act of "the first aggressors for peace." Did this papal agent really mean "a piece of you here and a piece of you there," after the nuclear war?


As we begin to consider what was happening in the days of President John F. Kennedy, there is something which should be noted. The U.S. "intelligence" community, along with the U.S. military and a number of other agencies, already had many Nazi war criminals, enemy aliens and members of the Crusading "sword of the Catholic Church" illegally or treasonously embedded in them. These people were illegally placed in key and controlling positions. This illegal or treasonous embedding of Nazis and enemy aliens began in the 1940s under the questionable or illegal Operation Paperclip and other associated operations.

The page linked below, which is from December 2001, begins with these words: "Recently declassified information shows that the military presented President Kennedy with a plan for a surprise nuclear attack on the Soviet Union in the early 1960s." The page states further that, "beginning in 1957 the U.S. military did prepare plans for a preemptive nuclear strike against the U.S.S.R., based on our growing lead in land-based missiles. And top military and intelligence leaders presented an assessment of those plans to President John F. Kennedy in July of 1961."

The page linked below, from November 2013, begins with these words: "On the 50th anniversary of JFK's death, his nephew recalls the fallen president's attempts to halt the war machine." The page states: "JFK's presidency would be a continuous struggle with his own military and intelligence agencies, which engaged in incessant schemes to trap him into escalating the Cold War into a hot one." And again, it must be noted that the military and the intelligence agencies appear to have been largely under the control of Nazis, enemy aliens and members of the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled militia of the pope, plus their manipulated pawns.

The linked page speaks about the failed Vienna summit between Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and President John F. Kennedy. It then states: "Six weeks later, military and intelligence leaders responded by unveiling their proposal for a pre-emptive thermonuclear attack on the Soviet Union, to be launched sometime in late 1963. JFK stormed away from the meeting in disgust, remarking scathingly to Secretary of State Dean Rusk, 'And we call ourselves the human race.'" And then, the relationship between President Kennedy and "his military-intelligence apparatus deteriorated," as it appears that those in the militia of the pope which were embedded in the apparatus grew rebellious or insubordinate to their civilian boss.

Looking again at the linked page, there are some of President Kennedy's thoughts on nuclear war. When it came to the reality of all-out nuclear war and the likely results for U.S. citizens, Kennedy declared: "All we have built, all we have worked for, would be destroyed in the first 24 hours." And, President Kennedy was not some crackpot who was going around greatly exaggerating things. But, it appears that he was dealing with an insubordinate and possibly treasonous segment which was in control of the intelligence community and military, who had no allegiance to or true care for the wellbeing of genuine U.S. citizens.

At the bottom of the page linked below and onto the next, the mentality of those which President Kennedy was having to deal with becomes rather obvious. The page states: "A general in the Pentagon said that even if there was only one American left standing, but no Russians, then we win." The page continues: "President Kennedy felt that once nuclear war started, there would be no winners. He knew that an aggressive act, beyond his orders, could easily take us to World War III."

Should any of the insubordinate or treasonous ones who had gotten into controlling positions in the military go ahead and start World War III on their own, President Kennedy was prepared as best he could be. The page states: "He had prepared a speech to the American public in case of that eventuality. Robert Kennedy devastatingly calculated that a first strike by the United States would cost forty-two million American lives, but not striking first would cost ninety million. It was unacceptable."

Looking further into what the U.S. Joint Chiefs were planning for in the days of President Kennedy, the page linked below declares: "Their Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan included the dropping of 170 atomic and hydrogen bombs on Moscow alone. Every other main Soviet city -- along with those in China and Eastern Europe -- was to be incinerated. The estimated death toll was in the hundreds of millions."

The linked page goes on to state: "Appalled by their willingness to destroy much of the world, Kennedy sought to wrest more presidential control over any nuclear attack and promoted a second plan with limited use of atomic weapons. The military chiefs became increasingly fed up with Kennedy as he sought paths away from “mutually assured destruction”, or MAD as it was ironically called."

And now, let us consider the mentality of the insubordinate and potentially treasonous crowd in controlling positions in the U.S. military in the days of President Kennedy. The page linked below declares: "'At the end of the war, if there are two Americans and one Russian, we win,' Air Force General Thomas Power said at the time." And then, in the end, it appears that those treacherous or treasonous ones associated with the warmonger crowd had President Kennedy brutally assassinated on November 22, 1963 (1).


Now, there is more to consider in this whole story about what those papal agents and the members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope were really after, in all of this earlier push for nuclear war with Russia. It should be noted that Russia had been a U.S. ally in the latter part of World War Two, but someone or some organization had caused a change in that situation. And, as we look into this matter further, it may help to explain some of what is behind the war today between Ukraine and Russia, or possibly, especially with all the arms being supplied, the proxy war between the USA/NATO alliance and Russia.

In this whole situation with war between Ukraine and Russia, there are certain other things to consider. There is the situation with president Joe Biden's son, the Jesuit/Catholic-aligned Hunter Biden, who was "messing around" with questionable business dealings in Ukraine and China, prior to the war really "busting loose" in Ukraine. Then, there were all those bodies in those mass graves in the Donbass region of Ukraine, which were found by the invading Russians. And, it appears that a number of these bodies were missing their internal organs. These things are spoken about in some of the pages linked below.

At this point, there are some questions to ask. Seeing his highly questionable business dealings in Ukraine and China, is there a chance that Hunter Biden may have been in some way associated with some of that mass-murder which was happening in eastern Ukraine? Seeing that bodies in mass graves found by the Russians were missing organs, is there a chance that Hunter Biden may have been associated with organ trafficking to China? And then, based on some of the information linked above, it appears that Joe Biden may have received some funds from some of Hunter's questionable dealings in Ukraine and China.

Now, if Hunter Biden and Joe Biden were receiving money from shady dealings in Ukraine and China, is there a chance that Joe Biden would want to cover things up and eliminate the evidence? Would there be a reason for the Biden crowd to blame the mass graves on the Russians? And, when it comes to the Bidens, let us note that they are connected to that organization which was behind the mass-murdering Crusades and the deadly Inquisition. They are connected to that organization which raised up Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, which led to the Holocaust and the mass-murder of many people during the World War Two era.

In all of this, it must once again be clearly be noted that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are connected to that crowd which treacherously worked in an attempt to get the United States into an extremely devastating nuclear war of mutual annihilation with Russia in the 1950s and early 1960s. It appears that this treasonous crowd has no true care for the wellbeing of genuine U.S. citizens or for the authentic United States. And, at this point, it appears that the Biden crowd is possibly working to get the United States into a devastating nuclear war of mutual annihilation with Russia, plus possibly also with other countries.


In other pages on this site, it shows how the agents of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope appear to have illegally and treasonously brought Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens directly into the United States. A number of these Nazi war criminals were members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. By illegally and treasonously bringing the Nazis into the United States during the latter part of World War Two, the destroying and crusading "sword of the Catholic Church" was transferred from fallen Germany into the United States and helped build the ranks of the militia of the pope in this country.

The Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens were illegally and treasonously placed in key positions in the "intelligence" agencies and in the U.S. military, plus into many other agencies and organizations within the United States. It appears that it was the now Nazified CIA and the Nazified U.S. military, which was largely under the control of those who were associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which were pushing hard for nuclear war in the days of President John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960s. Now, the extent of the planned "first strike" nuclear war with Russia is spoken about in the pages linked below.

There is still a very important question which needs to be considered, plus answered. Why have the warmonger Catholics, plus those who are manipulated by the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, wanted to have a devastating nuclear war of mass-annihilation with Russia? And then, what is Joe Biden and his Jesuit/Catholic-aligned cronies really doing in Ukraine? Well, later in this presentation will be included some history about this longstanding desire by the papal crowd to destroy Russia, along with the Russian Orthodox Church, and then take over and dominate that country.

What has been presented so far in this document is just the beginning for that which is coming. There will be information about what has been happening for many years to the United States and its highly distracted and rather naive and dumbed-down citizens, plus why it has been happening.

The information which is coming should help the reader to better understand why the Jesuit-aligned Catholic named Joe Biden is so intent on giving so much U.S. weaponry and other aid to Ukraine, in this Jesuit/Catholic-inspired proxy war against Russia.

It is time for as much of the REAL story to be told as possible. Furthermore, we have really seen nothing yet, compared to what is coming in the fast-approaching days ahead. What is coming shall possibly stun most U.S. citizens. And, the information which shall be provided is all documented.

And, that nefarious plan spoken about by President John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s is pretty much complete. Again, President Kennedy stated something like this: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." So, you should possibly get used to your slavery, economic and otherwise!

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