What is Happening ?

First order of business is this...

Below are links to some targeted subjects, whose parts are scattered throughout this report. If one or more of these particular subjects is all you want information about, the groupings below should help make things much easier for you.

The links will take you to the level in the report where the subjects are discussed. At that point, you will have to check in the left, center, or right column to find the information you desire. Now for the subjects.

Has there been serious talk about putting residential homes on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, even in that contaminated area where the nine nuclear reactors formerly stood? To find out more about this issue, go to the report level accessed via the following links:

Have there been serious and deadly birth defects in the Hanford region, where babies are born without most of their brains and skulls? What are some potential causes for this problem? To find out more info related to this issue, go to the report level accessed via the following links:

Is the Columbia River, plus the Yakima River, already contaminated with radionuclides from Hanford Nuclear Reservation? Does it appear that much more contamination is freely flowing into the Yakima and Columbia rivers than is commonly being reported? To find out more about this issue, go to the report level accessed via the following links:

What type of contamination has been getting into the ground, groundwater, regional aquifer system, and water systems because of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation? To find out more about this issue, go to the report level accessed via the following links:

What type of earthquake hazard exists in the Hanford region? Is there a chance that the Columbia Generating Station, that nuclear power plant on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, could be damaged or have a melt-down in a major earthquake in this area? Is there a chance that a number of those large underground storage tanks could be damaged and release into the environment their load of radioactive brew? To find out more about the earthquake issue, go to the report level accessed via the following links:

Were chelating agents used in the processing of those radioactive materials at Hanford? Do chelating agents make the wastes which were dumped on the ground, or pumped into the groundwater or aquifer, or placed in those now-leaking underground storage tanks, much more mobile in the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system? Does this allow the radionuclides to rapidly move offsite, toward the river systems and elsewhere? To find out more about this issue, go to the report level accessed via the following links:

Now, for the rest of you who just want to learn all you can about things relating to Hanford and our world... Enjoy!

Fair Warning

With just a casual glance, this report may look like something "which goes all over the place." That may be true, to a degree. But, it needs to be that way. Many things have to be looked at, in order to get a true picture of the actual "monster" which is being dealt with at Hanford and in our world.

There are many interwoven parts to the true story about what is being dealt with at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, and also what is being dealt with at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), plus with their associates.

This report may be considered as being controversial. But, some things just need to be that way. Furthermore, the writer is not looking to win any "brownie points" with this report. He simply wants to present the information which he has come across in his research, so people can take a serious look at some very serious issues which, ultimately, may affect all of our lives.

This report brings out certain things in history, which potentially could be a factor in what is happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus in whose things which have been going on in our country for decates. Certain organizations are also considered, which earlier Presidents and Statesman voiced concern about.

From what the writer's research has opened to him, it appears that the health and wellbeing of humanity may be at stake --- especially for those residing in the region of the very contaminated Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

In all of this, it is up to the reader to do their own research, in order to check out completely what all is actually happening in the Hanford region, plus in our country and world, in general.

The writer has simply given a starting point. He has put together a lot of information. There is more out there to be found. The rest is totally up to you.

Culture of Deception

The page linked below is titled 'Cultures of truth and cultures of deception.'

The very first part of the page does bring up some accurate and important points which should be seriously considered. But, at least to the writer, it appears that the remainder of that page "zig-zags back and forth" a bit.

According to the page, "lies form a culture of themselves." And, looking further, "Once a lie takes hold, it must expand or it will be revealed."

Looking at the thoughts presented in the above page, the death of a lie --- and hopefully the undermining of that culture of the lie --- "occurs through revelation, because when a statement is shown to be untruthful, it has lost its attraction for its audience."

That is the purpose of this report --- to reveal as much truth as possible about what has been and is happening at the Hanford facility and various connected agencies, that any culture of vast and interwoven lies --- that culture which is like "a beast" --- can begin to be exposed for what it actually is.

Another Page

The page linked below is titled 'America's Culture of Deception: The Art of the Con.' The page declares:

"Truth is the indispensable moral sanction for a healthy society."

The statement above is extremely true. But then the page notes another fundamental truth, with these words:

"Whenever there is deception, or the misrepresentation of truth, the moral order required by society is wounded."

In this 'Hanford Nuclear Report' is found evidence of deception and misrepresentation of the truth by agencies associated with the Hanford facility and the government. This report will note how society has been harmed as a result.

The page above states something else which has become very obvious to those who are not asleep:

"Our nation is experiencing a massive and pervasive pandemic of deception."

But then, for those who really care about the health of our nation, the page makes known the true duty of citizens.

It declares: "We must respond to the crisis of deception and dedicate ourselves to the principles of honor, integrity, and truthfulness."

Once again, that is the purpose of this report. It is a response to all the deception which appears is being foisted on the public, via those in control of the so-called "cleanup" at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, and via other associated agencies.

This report is intended to be a vehicle to help reveal the truth.

Cloak of Secrecy

A 2017 page from the East Oregonian, linked below, is titled 'Our view: Hanford's waste spread under a cloak of secrecy."

The page states something which other people are beginning to realize, or have already realized for a period of time. It declares:

"Government secrecy sometimes shields incompetence --- in Hanford's case, disastrously."

The page states: "An astounding amount of money has been spent on cleaning up and containing Hanford's poorly stored waste."

And, the cost keeps going up --- and up, and up --- with no end in sight. But, to add insult to injury, it appears that the contamination and radiation from Hanford is not greatly lessening, but is currently spreading, apparently unabated, in the regional environment.

And then, there are all those serious and deadly birth defects which have become very noticeable in the region around Hanford, especially in more recent times. What is happening here? What is the potential cause or causes of these birth defects?

The things noted above will be considered in more detail in this report.

Alarming Levels

The page below is titled 'Alarming Levels of Nuclear Contamination of Plants & Fish in Washington State.'

Regarding Hanford, the page notes that "radioactive contamination in public areas surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Site in Richland, Washington is higher and more geographically widespread than previously thought..."

What is this about? What are those words: "than previously thought."

Aren't they supposed to be doing accurate testing and measuring of radiation at the Hanford facility, so they know for sure what is going on, so it is not simply a case of something like, "I thought?"

With all that money flooding into Hanford for supposedly doing the job correctly, what is going on here?

This Report

This report is one of the few --- and possibly the only --- of its type on the Internet. Considering the nature of this report, it may be the only broad-spectrum examination of things relating to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus our country and world in general.

It should be noted that certain parts of Hanford's history have raised a number of questions about what has really been going on there over the years. This raising of questions now appears to be happening more often, especially in recent times.

This report presents the unpolished, raw data indicating the situation facing the general public because of those questionable things which have gone on and are going on at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus elsewhere in our country.

Inside this report is a look at the Yakima River and the Columbia River, plus the multi-state regional aquifer system. It appears that all of these water sources have been detrimentally affected by what has been going on since the 1940s at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

This report also considers the geology in the Hanford region and the seismic hazard which it presents, plus how the geology in the region appears to send a sizeable portion of Hanford's radioactive contamination in a direction of which the public is unaware.

The cleanup project at Hanford is considered, plus the potential side effects of radiation in the region, along with the spike in very serious and deadly birth defects in the territory surrounding Hanford.

The spike in serious and deadly birth defects in more recent times does work to tell a more accurate story about what is actually happening in the region around the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

The vitrification plant at the Hanford Reservation and its vulnerabilities are considered in this report, along with what appears to be design flaws and serious defects. Project delays and missed milestones are also considered.

Mismanagement of the Hanford project and concerns raised by engineers are noted, plus the potential end result of what appears to be a substandard and potentially very dangerous, and possibly even explosive, vitrification plant.

This report notes plans by the US DOE for using Hanford as the National Radioactive and Chemical Waste Dump. But, there is a lot more to consider at Hanford, because it appears that the general public is being deceived as to what is actually being done at this nuclear facility.

What appears to be an ongoing, large scale tritium "mining" project, for military purposes, is examined. Potentially irrepairable damage to the important, multi-level aquifer system from which drinking and irrigation water is pumped, is also considered.

Being that target dates for completion of the so-called "clean up" work at Hanford keep being moved back to later and later dates, and more and more money keeps getting asked for and is usually given, it appears that some kind of serious shenanigans is going on here.

There is another thing to consider in all this. Possibly there is no real intent by the U.S. Department of Energy, or those associated with them, to ever truly clean up the Hanford nuclear site. Then, there is something else which should be considered.

Because of the history and mentality of the Eugenics Movement and its allies in the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), plus the history of things which have been happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation over the years, there are those who are starting to believe that Hanford and its radioactive mess may be just another subtle and deceptive tool of the Eugenics Movement. Some history as to why this thought might be considered is presented in this report.

When it comes to the eugenics agenda, plus that thing which is called Agenda 21 (1)(2) and its spinoffs like Agenda 2030 (3)(4), what better way to induce large-scale sterilization or cause a reduction in population, than the use of radiation --- something which you cannot see, feel, smell, hear or taste? But then, along with this, there are all those associated, hideous health issues caused by all this radiation.

In all of this, there is something to consider. In a book linked here are found the following words: "In 1947 the first director-general of the children's world-wide organization, UNESCO, was Sir Julian Huxley. This man was a firm believer in eugenics; he wanted to see 90% of the Worlds population killed off through genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more [like things]."

Welcome to the real world...or should we say, "Welcome to the savage jungle."

The Columbia River

There has been much talk about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and potential problems which it is creating in the Columbia River.

It is often stated that radioactive waste is leaking toward the river in the groundwater. And, many sources make it appear that radioactive waste is not yet getting into the river.

It is time to look at the real truth. It is time to start telling things exactly as they are.

Page 14 of 24, in the 2011 PDF file linked below, declares that strontium-90 "plumes are now flowing through the groundwater into the river." Yes, that is "into" the river.

Page 16 of 24 indicates that tritium is already getting into the river. The Columbia River is already being radioactively contaminated. Day in and day out, year after year, the river is being contaminated.

The page declares: "The highest levels of tritium currently reaching the Columbia River occur in the springs and groundwater seepages at the Hanford Town site and the 300 Area, which is within 30 miles of Richland's drinking water supply."

There is actually a lot more to this story about radioactive materials from Hanford getting into the Columbia River, and even into the Yakima River, plus into that vast, multi-state and multi-level regional aquifer system from which drinking and irrigation water is pumped.

More information on this subject matter is presented immediately below, plus additional information will be presented elsewhere in this report.

Another Source

The link below goes to a rather lengthy government report called "Distribution of Radionuclides in the Columbia River Streambed, Hanford Reservation to Longview, Washington."

The report appears to have been published back in 1975. Yes, that is more than 40 years ago. You may need to open the file with Adobe to view it.

Starting at page O-9 in the following report, the measurements of four radionuclides (chromium-51, zinc-65, scandium-46 and cobalt-60) in the river sediments are given.

Page O-24 states: "Chromium-51 (60.1 percent) and zinc-65 (34.5 percent) accounted for nearly all of the radionuclide inventory in the Columbia River."

Once again, the information in the linked report was presented more that 40 years ago, back in 1975. So, there is no excuse for anyone to be "playing dumb" about what has really been happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus what type of contamination has been steadily getting into the Columbia River.

And yet, there is much more to consider about what has been and is happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation --- even far beyond that which is presented immediately below.

Nuclear Museum

The button-link below accesses a page from the Washington Nuclear Museum and Educational Center. The following information comes from that page.

"There were five different radionuclides that contributed the most to the contamination of the Columbia River. These were phosphorus-32, zinc-65, arsenic-76, neptunium-239 and sodium-24."

The linked page shows that splits in the metal covering of fuel elements used in the nuclear reactors "allowed small chunks of radioactive fuel to be discharged into the river with the cooling water. The largest of these chunks weighed more than a pound. Hanford experienced almost 2,000 of these fuel element failures."

So, there were about 2,000 fuel element failures and chunks of radioactive fuel going into the river. This means that there could be hundreds of pounds of the radioactive fuels scattered in the bottom of the Columbia River, along the Hanford site.

There is other important information in the page linked above. It states that: "The radiation in the Columbia reached the Pacific Ocean and contaminated shellfish along the Washington and Oregon Coasts."

More Info

The button-link below shows that in 1952, scientists estimated that "slug ruptures had accounted for the release of approximately 11,500 curies of gross beta-emitters to the Columbia River." The page also notes that "slug ruptures had become more frequent and severe which caused the release of approximately 21,000 curies into the Columbia in 1954."

The linked page states that an increase of production and power levels in the reactors by 1958 caused "slug ruptures to contribute around 45,000 curies per year to the Columbia River." Furthermore, "concentrations could be as much as twelve times this amount if slug ruptures were not detected for at least four hours."

Really now, how much irradiated nuclear fuel is sitting in the bottom of the Columbia River, especially where if flows along the perimeter of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation?

How much plutonium and other radioactive materials are down there resting on bedrock, beneath the waters and silt of the river? Talk about a terrorist "grab bag."

The Fuel Rods

Information linked below indicates that the highly radioactive, aluminum-clad fuel elements, or fuel rods, were initially composed of metallic uranium and activation materials.

In the reactors, a certain portion of the uranium was converted into plutonium, plus other fission products. It appears that some of these fission products are radioactive cesium and strontium, plus technetium.

A page, linked here, under the section titled 'Nuclear fission - the process,' indicates that there could also be things like polonium, radium, or beryllium in the irradiated fuel rods.

Radium, in its decay, is an emitter of radioactive radon gas.


Pages linked below speak of spent nuclear fuel and the reprocessing of nuclear fuel rods.

Other pages note that a certain portion of this reprocessed fuel can be used for nuclear weapons. Information linked below also gives some indication of the products in, or composition of, so-called "spent" fuel rods from nuclear reactors.

The page linked below declares: "Used fuel contains a wide array of nuclides in varying valency states."

In the processing of a "spent" nuclear fuel rod, the plutonium and uranium are separated out. The remaining solution of high-level waste contains "fission products and minor actinides," these being things like neptunium, americium and curium.

Regarding this high-level waste, the page linked above states: "It is highly radioactive and continues to generate a lot of heat." The page also mentions transuranics (TRU).

The linked page states that TRU are "elements having atomic numbers greater than that of uranium." These elements appear to have longer half-lives.

Besides the elements already mentioned above that are associated with fuel rods, the following TRU elements may need to be added to the list: berkelium, californium, einsteinium, fermium, mendelevium and nobelium.

Fission Products

The information above notes that "fission products" are contained in "spent" fuel rods.

A Wikipedia entry, linked here, states that "nuclear fission products are the atomic fragments left after a large atomic nucleus fissions." These are smaller nuclei which are created by the splitting of the original nucleus.

The page linked above states that many of the isotopes in the fission products "have a very short half-life, and therefore give off huge amounts of radiation." It also states: "It is these short half-life isotopes that make spent fuel so dangerous."

The above information is something to keep in mind about "spent" nuclear fuel and waste materials, especially when dealing with things at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and other radioactive sites.

A Decrease

The page linked below shows that there was a noticeable decrease of radionuclides in the Columbia River, after the last of the Hanford reactors which used direct discharge into the river, closed in 1971.

At least, after the last reactor closed in 1971, there were no longer "fuel rod ruptures" occurring many times during the year, which caused sizeable chunks of new radioactive fuel to be discharged into the river.

But, there is still all those steadily decaying radioactive materials scattered around in the bottom of the river, plus all the radioactive materials --- including chelated materials --- in the groundwater and regional aquifer system.

A portion of these radioactive materials are continually finding their way into the river, at a somewhat steady rate, day after day.

Main Concerns

Our major concerns at this moment mainly relate to the radioactive waste scattered around the large Hanford site, plus all the radioactive "witches brew" that was treated with chelating agents and is leaking into the ground and groundwater from the defective storage tanks.

Those large volumes of chelated radionuclides can move rapidly in the groundwater and into the Yakima and Columbia rivers, plus spread in the regional aquifer system.

River and Aquifer

The chelated and suspended radioactive waste particles are very mobile in water.

The "plumes" of waste, chelated radioactive particles and other contaminants in the groundwater are currently flowing into the Columbia River via a few avenues and a lot more --- enough to last for many years to come --- are still on their way.

The complex, regional aquifer system below the Hanford region is also seriously contaminated with chelated radioactive elements from the injection wells for radioactive waste which were used, starting in the mid 1940s.

The groundwater and aquifer system is also contaminated by all the leakage of chelated wastes into the ground from the leaking tanks, plus chelated wastes from those many cribs and unlined trenches, which were used in earlier times.

Since the damage has already been done deep underground, it appears there is not a lot that can be done to improve the aquifer, at this late date. So, a question will be asked.

Because the damage has already been done and there is not much that can be done to return the aquifer to its natural state, is that why it appears the Department of Energy is simply using the aquifer system as a large, inexhaustible tritium production facility? Yes, it appears their world-class mining operation is called the Pump and Treat program. But...

Possibly the Pump and Treat program should actually be called the Tritium Pump and Collect program --- for use in nuclear weaponry and maybe even for eugenics purposes.

The truth of the matter is, it is not necessarily tritium by itself which is causing the potential for health problems or birth defects.

It is combinations of various detrimental things in our food, water and air, which may be working together or interacting within the human body which can really start to cause problems. Possibly there may be various detrimental reactions between things like internalized radionuclides and gmo products which are also in the body.

And, it appears that this may all work to the benefit of the eugenics movement and the agenda of those who control them. Now, back to Hanford.

Nuclear Fuel

While the Hanford site and the so-called cleanup project are considered, we should not forget about those potentially hundreds of pounds of radioactive fuel chunks (containing uranium, plutonium and a variety of other radioactive elements) which are scattered around in the bottom of the Columbia River, somewhere along the perimeter of the Hanford facility.

This radioactive fuel is steadily decaying and causing radioactive and heavy-metal contamination in the river.

With the great weight, high density and high specific gravity of uranium and plutonium, plus other radioactive products in the fuel chunks, the lost pieces of radioactive fuel likely sunk deep into the bottom of the river.

Once again, the fuel pieces most likely would have made their way through the sediments and are now residing at bedrock, as all heavy elements do --- including things like lead and gold.

Terrorist's Delight

Possibly all this radioactive fuel in the bottom of the Columbia River needs to be recovered as quickly as possible by the proper authorities, before some terrorist organization gets their hands on enough radioactive materials (uranium, plutonium, etc.) to build a device which can eliminate a number of our people or a few of our cities.

In The River

A page from 2005, linked here, speaks of a study by the Government Accountability Project (GAP) and the Boston Chemical Data Corporation.

The actual report for the study, linked here, analysed contaminants "at the perimeter of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and on the Columbia River."

The report declares: "Radionuclide levels were higher in some offsite plant and animal tissues than had been previously reported for the Hanford site."

It states further: "The size of the offsite area showing increased radionuclide concentrations also appears to be higher than previously reported, apparently including areas which lie upstream of the site on the Columbia River."

So, once again, it appears there are serious radionuclide concentrations even upstream from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Isn't this kind of strange. Why is this happening?

The GAP report, linked above, also states: "In the end the study shows that Hanford-related radionuclide releases are ongoing and are accumulating in the Columbia river; particularly via the food chain."

Whoa! Time to wake up! What did that say?

Yes, very clearly, the "Hanford-related radionuclide releases are ongoing and are accumulating in the Columbia river."

So, what is this deception about the radioactive materials moving towards the river, but not yet being in the river? It appears that the history of deception at Hanford simply continues.

Many Contaminants

The GAP report, linked here and above, on PDF page 2 of 33, declares:

"Increased levels of plutonium, strontium, mercury and beryllium..., uranium and cesium were detected in both biological and mineral samples. The finding of plutonium in freshwater asian clams in particular requires further study."

Besides the above information, a page, linked here and further above, speaks of "plutonium being found for the first time in fish."

So, from all that has been said above, it is quite obvious that there is a considerable amount of radioactive contamination outside of the Hanford boundaries, and in the Columbia River.

Unacceptable Points

The GAP report, linked here and above, at the bottom of PDF page 5 of 33, declares:

"Agents for the Hanford Nuclear Facility use the Vernita Bridge and the Priest Rapids dam as background comparison sites. These may not be sufficiently free from Hanford's influence to be acceptable control sites."

So, it appears that the detrimental effects of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation even extend for a distance upstream of the Hanford site --- even further upstream than the Vernita Bridge and Priest Rapids dam.

A map, linked here, in the upper-left portion shows the location of the Vernita Bridge and Priest Rapids Dam. Again, these are both on the upstream side of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

The information in the second paragraph of this section indicates that testing done by agents for the Hanford Nuclear Facility is actually flawed --- possibly highly flawed.

It appears that the reports by Hanford agents may be skewed and misleading. Is it possible that reports by the agents are intended to be misleading, so they appear to show that contamination levels entering the Columbia River along the Hanford site are much lower than they actually are? Why might they be doing this?

A page, linked here, at the bottom of PDF page 2 of 8, declares: "Hanford has a history of secrecy, a history of deception, a history of manipulation of models and manipulation of data."

The GAP report, linked here and further above, on PDF page 18 of 33 notes that "aquatic vegetation showed the highest level of U234...at Vantage, WA which is 23 times higher than the average level at the 300/400 area [at Hanford]." Why is this?

It should be noted that Vantage, Washington is far upstream from the Hanford facility. So, what is really going on here?

There may be a number of potentially misleading reasons given in the media for the high radiation readings upstream of Hanford, but it is time to put all ignorance or gullibility aside and consider a real life possibility.

Is there a chance that, in the 1940s and possibly at times thereafter, illegal dumping of radioactive waste from Hanford ended up in the Columbia River in the Vantage, WA area?

[For an introduction to info on similar types of activity, see the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6).]

In the 1940s, and for some decades thereafter, the area surrounding the Hanford facility was considered as being rather remote. In the middle of the night (e.g.: 2-3am), there may have been next to no other people or vehicles on the roads in the area north of Hanford Nuclear Reservation. In those earlier days, it may have been relatively easy to do illegal dumping in the river, upstream from the Hanford facility.

Hey, they pumped billions of gallons of radioactive waste materials, even high level waste as we shall see, and other contaminants directly into the soil at Hanford and into the vast regional aquifer system from which drinking and irrigation water comes. So, if they would do things like that, why wouldn't they consider dumping in the river also, especially if it would help them to "skew" the data?

Furthermore, it appears there is still a lot of information "classified" about Hanford which may be hiding the truth, plus apparently some documentation is missing. So, possibly earlier river dumping is something to consider as a real possibility.

Further support for questioning illegal dumping of Hanford radioactive waste in the Columbia River may also be found on PDF page 18 of 33, of a report which is linked here, which indicates that in the water, maximum readings for Strontium-90 was found at Vantage, WA.

So, it should be clearly noted that at least uranium and strontium are found in the waters by Vantage, WA --- miles upstream from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus miles upstream of the testing points used to produce those reports which make it appear that Hanford is not adding that much radioactivity into the river.

So, who might consider doing something so vile like this to our land and to our people? Who might consider to willing be --- and possibly have no second thoughts about being --- an enemy to our people and to our country? Well, there is one possibility.

Straight from Hitler's Nazi Germany

Have you ever heard about the numerous Nazi war criminals and their comrades, like at least 1,600 or more persons, plus their families, etc. (many of whom were utter enemies of what the United States was all about) who were illegally brought or smuggled directly into the United States during the World War Two era and thereafter under Operation Paperclip and other questionable or illegal operations like it?

These Nazis were ultimately dispersed across the nation and put to work in our military and industrial facilities, plus even in universities and other positions of influence.

Now, a question must be asked. Why was it illegal to bring these Nazis directly into the United States? A book titled 'Project Paperclip: German Scientists and the Cold War,' by Clarence G. Lasby (1)(2), in Chapter 6, declares: "Since the United States had not signed a peace treaty with Germany, the scientists were still legally classified as enemy aliens."

And, there is actually a lot more to this story, plus the legal issues involved, as shall be noted further below.

If you have never heard about this secretive part of U.S. history, when they illegally brought numerous Nazis and war criminals directly into the country to work on government-sponsored projects, that is not a surprise. Much of it is still very "CLASSIFIED" today. But, if you would like to learn more about these very questionable or illegal things which took place during the World War Two era and after, which effectively changed our country and its power structure, the pages and videos linked below may be just what you need to see.

The pages and videos linked below will introduce you to subtle, yet very major changes in "the fabric" of our country which happened during the World War Two era. They will also introduce you to the questionable or illegal types of things which are still going on today. These types of activities all began to take place on a rather large scale, while the war was still raging in the Pacific Theater with Japan.

Regarding this era in U.S. history, there are some important things to consider. It is time to say things exactly as they appear to be.

These questionable or illegal types of operations were deliberately done by segments of the intelligence community and the military, as acts of deliberate and utter insubordination to their Commander in Chief, the President of the United States.


Let us now consider in what manner these people were insubordinate.

To begin with, members of the intelligence community and the military, especially those of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) wilfully lied to their Commander in Chief about what they were actually doing behind the scenes. Furthermore, they were also operating in total disregard to the direct orders of the President of the United States. In relation to this, the page linked below declares:

"The JIOA's recruitment of German scientists began after the Allied victory in Europe on May 8, 1945, but U.S. President Harry Truman did not formally order the execution of Operation Paperclip until August 1945. Truman's order expressly excluded anyone found 'to have been a member of the Nazi Party, and more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active supporter of Nazi militarism'."

The page states further: "The JIOA worked independently to circumvent President Truman's anti-Nazi order and the Allied Potsdam and Yalta agreements, creating false employment and political biographies for the scientists. The JIOA also expunged the scientists' Nazi Party memberships and regime affiliations from the public record. Once 'bleached' of their Nazism, the scientists were granted security clearances by the U.S. government to work in the United States."

Additional information relating to the wilful and blatant disregard of President Truman's explicit orders against bringing Nazis into the United States during Operation Paperclip and other associated operations is noted in the pages linked below.

The page linked below, regarding Operation Paperclip, declares: "This controversial program highlights severed violations of the Nuremberg Code committed by the U.S. and Nazi scientist[s] eventually permeated to other programs of the government, their research used in other government projects such as MKUltra."

The page states further: "Operation Paper Clip historian and researcher, Annie Jacobsen, notes that the process of decision-making was taken away from elected officials and were now managed in the privacy of the American intelligence network. She stated, 'The subversion of our political system was achieved in large part through the ability to "classify" documents and to rely on compliant media to distort the historical truth, which was buried in unprecedented governmental bureaucratic secrecy and obfuscation..."

While performing these illegal operations, these questionable and insubordinate entities, yes, even treasonous entities, within the intelligence community and the military conspired together to illegally bring the enemy and their ideologies directly into the United States, and place these enemies with their ideologies in key positions within the military-industrial complex and other agencies and institutions.

These insubordinate individuals, while conspiring together, did this so these enemies of the authentic United States could, with total protection by segments of the intelligence community and the military, continue doing what they had been doing in Nazi Germany. This allowed the Nazis to even continue doing questionable things and utter crimes against humanity. But now, they could do it from directly within America, and directly on unsuspecting U.S. citizens.

Possibly all of this may help to explain why the regional aquifer system in the Hanford area and beyond was poisoned with radioactive and chemical materials, as were the rivers, also. But, there is more to this story. Similar things happened at other nuclear facilities across the nation.

At this point, there is something to consider. It is time to say things exactly as they appear to be, and also as documentation shows them to be.

Hijacking the Country

Because numerous ardent Nazis with their un-American ideologies were illegally brought into the United States by what appears to have been lying and deceiving, blatantly insubordinate, treasonous and blackmailing elements of the military and conniving intelligence communities, it basically worked to alter the very "fabric" of our country, and not necessarily in a good way. And, the United States has never been the same since.

You can read about all this criminal activity which went on in a well-researched book which is titled 'Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945-1990,' which is spoken about further below, along with other sources of information about these activities.

By looking at the history surrounding the World War Two era, it is almost like the authentic United States got hijacked from the people and the civilian authorities, and was illegally given to the control of someone else or some other organization.

In the way things occurred during the World War Two era, it is almost like the country was subtly brought under a form of military dictatorship, where the civilian authority and the people of this country, from that point onward, took "second place."

So, the question which needs to be asked is this: Who were or are the insubordinate or illegal faction of the military and intelligence communities working for, since they are obviously not in submission to the civilian authority in this country?

The above question is answered within this report. But right now, let's take a look at that linked information about those illegal things which happened, starting in the World War Two era.


The information linked below should be important to all U.S. citizens who love the authentic United States and what it is supposed to be. It can also help to understand what has been happening to our country ever since the World War Two era.



It is commonly stated that Operation Paperclip came to an end in 1957. But, from the well researched book linked below, which is titled 'Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945-1990,' remnants of the illegal Operation Paperclip were still in existence into at least the 1990s. The book is well worth reading.

A few different links, in case one or more of the links go down, are given for obtaining the book. A bit of related information is also given on some of the pages.

Another book which contains a considerable amount of information about what was happening during this time is a book titled 'The Paperclip Conspiracy: The Hunt for the Nazi Scientists,' by Tom Bower. A link for obtaining a copy of this book is given below.

The review for the book speaks of, "what, in effect, was a tacit conspiracy by State Department and military officials to bypass U.S. laws by virtually smuggling top German scientists into the country..." It states: "Bower's revelations are individually shocking and cumulatively devastating. That hundreds of Nazis were whitewashed and worked on U.S. bases will appall readers."

Yes, there was definitely a blatant conspiracy going on. It was against the authentic United States and its legitimate citizens. But, there is actually a whole lot more to the story of this conspiracy and who all was involved with it. Yes, it was a very large conspiracy. It was, and still is, an international conspiracy, which appears to revolve around a foreign-based organization and possibly even a foreign State.

This conspiracy against the people of the United States was so huge and so many "players" were involved that, as a page from the New York Post, linked here, declares, " it remains one of the most complicated and controversial epochs in American history. And, still, one of the most classified."

To this day, so much of Operation Paperclip and the other associated operations are classified in order to protect the blatant criminals and deliberately treasonous people, plus national and international organizations, which were and are involved in these things.

The page linked below is very similar to one linked further above in the buttons under 'PAGES.' But, the page below presents some additional information.

The linked page declares: "While Vatican City and its many extraterritorial buildings in Rome turned into the protective semi-official refuge for hundreds of war criminals, the USA's State Department became busy integrating many of them within its multi-varied branched subterranean machinery, operating outside official officialdom."

Yes, research indicates that the Vatican and certain U.S. agencies were conspiring together against the laws and people of the United States.

There is actually a whole lot more to the story about Vatican involvement in things like this, both within the United States and around the world.

Some of what has been going on might be related to that speech which President John F. Kennedy made before he was so brutally and savagely assassinated in November of 1963, when he was warning against "secret societies." But, these things just mentioned, if properly expounded upon, could make a very long story. It could easily fill volumes.

Now back to Paperclip. Another book which presents information about Operation Paperclip, is linked below. This sought-after, and now expensive book is titled, 'Project Paperclip: German Scientists and the Cold War,' by Clarence G. Lasby. Because of the revealing information it presents, there is a reason for the scarcity of this book.

The link below speaks about this "postwar history, which ultimately changed the course of American policy, industry, and society."

And change it did, and not all of it in a good way. And the United States has never been the same since, especially with all the wars and "police actions" which we have been getting into ever since.

The document linked below is titled 'Operation Paperclip Casefile.'

Regarding Operation Paperclip, the linked document declares: "There was only one problem: it was illegal. U.S. law explicitly prohibited Nazi officials from immigrating to America -- and as many at three-quarters of the scientists in question had been committed Nazis."

As a sidenote, the linked document declares: "The Vatican provided support to Nazis and Fascists because the Communists were the real threat to the Church's survival."

Regarding a man named Licio Gelli, who had ties to the Nazis, the linked document declares: "Gelli was well connected with the Vatican from the days of the Rat Line and he worked for American intelligence, as well." It states further that the CIA, "the same agency that employed hundreds of Nazis, has been in alliance with the Vatican through various Agency connections such as Licio Gelli."

Even though the Vatican has been working hard to "whitewash" itself of its nefarious activities around the world, there is enough evidence to show that the Vatican was wilfully aiding and abetting Nazi war criminals, plus the insubordinate activities of entities within the United States.

For additional information relating to Operation Paperclip and other like operations, just check out the pages linked below.

German Nuclear

A certain segment of the Allies went to Germany near the end of World War Two and collected a number of Nazi Germany's nuclear scientists.

It appears there was then a connection established between certain Nazis and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), which was in control of Hanford Nuclear Reservation during the World War Two era. Then, the AEC, with its Nazi associations, morphed into the U.S. DOE, which is still in control of Hanford.

In the book titled 'Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt (1)(2)(3), in Chapter 7, which is titled 'The Dossiers,' it is shown that at least one ardent Nazi worked in a Navy nuclear plant --- which caused concern among the Atomic Energy Commission security agents.

At various points in the book linked above, it is noted that the American people were blatantly lied to about the nature of these Nazis. It is also noted that, because of the false stories and false information provided by a certain segment of the U.S. military and intelligence community, U.S. organizations and defense contractors coveted these ardent Nazis, and even the known war criminals, because the Nazi Germans "could obtain necessary security clearances more easily than could American scientists."

While all these shenanigans and treasonous activities were happening within the military-industrial complex, as noted in a page linked here, American engineers were losing their jobs at defence contractors, as they were being replaced with Nazi engineers --- engineers which were even ardent Nazi eugenicists and known war criminals, plus enemies of the authentic United States and its citizens.

What? Hold on here! In all of this, it was known that "the methods and philosophies that the Nazi scientists brought with them resulted in serious breaches of U.S. security..." It is also noted that these Nazis were "a threat to the internal security of the United States." These ardent Nazis also integrated their eugenicist and "holy war" ideologies into American institutions and agencies.

Yes, these Nazis, whose government had a Concordat with the Vatican, and whose Nazi SS was modeled after the Jesuits, and which Nazis appeared to be on a "holy war" for the church, and were a known threat to the United States and its citizens, were given preferential treatment within the United States. And, to make matters worse, the American taxpayers were paying the complete bill for their own, eventual downfall and total enslavement.

It should also be noted that "four hundred Nazis with top-secret clearances worked on sensitive defense projects throughout the country." At the same time, certain people tied to the treasonous group controlling all this illegal activity behind the scenes were "compiling dossiers and conducting illegal surveillance, break-ins, and terrorist-style raids that violated the civil rights of thousands of American citizens."

Hold on a minute! It clearly appears that an organized group of treasonous people were working behind the scenes and selling the United States and its citizens totally out. Why, and for whom?

Was it because they were actually working as agents for a foreign State? Were they members of those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy openly warned citizens about, before he was so brutally and savagely assassinated in November of 1963?

Was it because these people were members of things like the Knights of Malta and its affiliate organizations, who have taken oaths to be in allegiance to a foreign State and its agenda, over and above any allegiance to the authentic United States and its citizens?

Against Paperclip

The bringing of Nazis war criminals into the United States (whether scientists, doctors or others) was opposed by many (link). A page, linked here, declares: "One of the most ardent critics of Operation Paperclip was Albert Einstein, who wrote a spirited letter to Truman on behalf of the Federation of American Scientists."

What, exactly, was in this "spirited letter" to President Truman, which was dated December 30, 1946? Pages, linked here and here, contain the words found below from the letter. The words below, said to be contained "in telegrams to President Truman and Secretaries Byrnes and Patterson," are also found in Chapter Five of a documented book titled 'Project Paperclip: German Scientists and the Cold War,' by Clarence G. Lasby.(1)(2) Now for the words of concern.

"We hold these individuals to be potentially dangerous carriers of racial and religious hatred. Their former eminence as Nazi party members and supporters raises the issue of their fitness to become American citizens or hold key positions in American industrial, scientific, and educational institutions.
      "If it is deemed imperative to utilize these individuals in this country we earnestly petition you to make sure that they will not be granted permanent residence or citizenship in the United States with the opportunity which that would afford of inculcating those anti-democratic doctrines which seek to undermine and destroy our national unity

Einstein had previously lived in Germany and fully understood the danger of the ideologies of these Nazis scientists and their cohorts, and what detrimental things these ideologies could do to the United States and its citizens.

Unfortunately, the wisdom of Albert Einstein and the other concerned citizens was not listened to, plus the direct orders of the President were not followed. Certain segments of the military and intelligence community simply went rogue, in complete insubordination to their Commander in Chief, the President of the United States, and did what they wanted, for another master.

Even if they had to blatantly break U.S. laws and be utter outlaws, these segments of the military and the intelligence community just went forward with their plans. They illegally brought numerous Nazis into this country and placed them in key positions within the military-industrial complex, plus in other positions of influence.

Information about what happened during this time, when certain segments of the military and intelligence community were in total insubordination to their Commander in Chief, the President of the United States, when the declared "No Nazis," can, once again, be found in at least one well-researched book titled 'Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt (1)(2)(3).

Regarding the matter of illegally bringing Nazi scientists into the United States, there is another issue to be aware of. The book titled 'Project Paperclip: German Scientists and the Cold War,' by Clarence G. Lasby (1)(2), in Chapter 6, declares: "Since the United States had not signed a peace treaty with Germany, the scientists were still legally classified as enemy aliens."

Since the intelligence community and the military was bringing enemy aliens and Nazi war criminals into the United States, they were aiding these legal enemies so they could escape justice at the Nuremberg Trials. They were also providing these legal enemies with comfort.

Article 3, Section 3, of the Constitution of the United State of America declares: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only...in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." The Constitution, which is the Supreme Law of the Land, has spoken.

From what the U.S. Constitution declares, by bringing Nazi scientists and war criminals directly into the United States, which scientists and criminals were legally classified as enemy aliens, these people in the intelligence communities and the military were all blatantly performing acts of treason. They were wilfully helping the enemies of our country and our people.

Another matter is also very clear. All of these people in the intelligence community and the military which were helping the Nazis and enemy aliens were blatantly violating their Oath of Office, to which they had all sworn or affirmed the following:

"I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Consitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

But, instead of honoring their Oath of Office, these people wilfully became utter enemies of the Constitution and blatantly performed acts of treason, and then hid behind a "wall" of secrecy. Yes, in essence, they "trampled the Constitution under their feet."

No wonder all of these things were done with so much secrecy! As noted in Chapter 8 of the book linked above by Clarence G. Lasby, one of the Nazi scientists declared: "Formally we were first classified 'secret' matter and had to be kept under closure."

So, it appears that the intelligence community and the military has hidden its treasonous activities behind the "CLASSIFIED" stamp. Now wonder many parts of Operation Paperclip are still classified.

U.S. Nazi Experiments

Through diligent research, the writer has noted that unethical experimentation on U.S. citizens seemed to go into "high gear," once the Nazis war criminals and enemy aliens were brought into this country and joined with their eugenicist cohorts who were already here in key positions.

Once again, a number of the Nazis brought into the United States were nuclear scientists and their personnel.

Into the Water

Getting back to the Hanford situation, let it once again be clearly noted that the vast, multi-state aquifer system beneath Hanford is used for domestic drinking water and irrigation water for crops in the surrounding region. And, it goes without question that there was a group of people at Hanford with a mind-set which would allow them to deliberately pump dangerous nuclear wastes and other hazardous materials into the regional water supply.

Let us now get real and be logical. These people at Hanford deliberately pumped billions of gallons of radioactive waste directly into the very important regional aquifer system, basically poisoning it, with no apparent care for the health and safety of the people in the region. So, why would they not feel free to also dump large quantities of radioactive materials in the river, especially upstream of Hanford?

So, the potential that illegal dumping of radioactive waste into the Columbia River, far upstream of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in the 1940s or thereafter, is now "on the table" as an explanation for those high radiation readings about 20 miles upstream from the Hanford site.

Was all this pumping and dumping of toxic radioactive wastes and other hazardous materials into the regional water supplies, into the rivers and the aquifer system, a result of Nazi ideologies which had now become integrated into the nuclear industry?

Skewing the Data?

Agents of Hanford test river water quality at the Vernita Bridge and at Priest Rapids Dam, just upstream of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. This is done, upstream of Hanford, so there can be a reference point for using in calculating how much contamination Hanford is putting into the Columbia River.

About this point, a question should once again be asked. Are the particular sampling points upstream of Hanford used as just another part of the ongoing deception and the tweaking of data in favor of the Hanford nuclear facility --- especially if it is known "in the industry" that radioactive dumping diliberately took place even further upriver, which would increase the radionuclides in the water coming from upstream of Hanford?

Was nuclear dumping, potentially done far upriver at one or more locations in order to help make Hanford look less contaminating to the environment? Is there a possibility that dumping about 20 miles upstream was done to help "skew the data" and deceive the public and possibly even government officials?

But, there might be even more to the story of why such illegal dumping may have taken place, especially when considering that Nazi ideologies may have been integrated into the nuclear industry, as a result of all the Nazi scientists which were illegally brought into the United States by the military and the intelligence agencies.

Important Note

There is something very important to look at more closely. The information linked further above states: "An area of the Columbia River 20 miles upstream from the Hanford site contained high uranium readings."

About twenty miles upstream from Hanford is generally the area located midway between Priest Rapids Dam and Wanapum Dam, on the Columbia River. This would place the radioactive materials relatively deep under the surface of the water in the reservoir.

As a side note, Wanapum Dam is named after the Wanapum People --- a special tribe of Native American Indians who formerly lived in this area.

Area Access

From Hanford, the area showing high uranium readings is accessed via Highway 243 (map1)(map2), on the northwest corner of the Hanford reservation.

General Landmarks

The area displaying "high uranium readings" would be on the Columbia River, about 10 miles below Wamapum Dam. The area above Wamapum Dam is where Interstate-90 crosses the Columbia River on the Vantage Bridge.

The existing Vantage Bridge is actually the second Vantage Bridge. This second bridge was built in 1962 (link). The first Vantage Bridge, which existed during the early stages of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, was built in 1927.

Opening "The Door"

It is time to open the door for a general discussion, because it appears we may be dealing with a serious, environmentally damaging situation, especially if radioactive material was dumped in the Columbia River.

Possibly someone should look further into this matter by checking the river itself. The EPA is so ready to check everything else, so, why not accurately check the river, rather than just saying, "We think it is caused by this or that?" The "this or that" almost begins to sound like a coverup, especially when knowing certain history of the Hanford facility and those connected with it.

Illegal dumping of radioactive materials and other hazardous industrial wastes into the Columbia River could have served many purposes, even purposes like unethical human radiation experiments. This subject may be one which is rather hard for "more innocent" people to consider.

Seeing the way things have been going with Hanford, possibly a person should begin asking a number of questions about what has actually gone on surrounding this facility in the past, plus how all the nuclear waste was really handled in earlier times and what all it was used for. Possibly a person should also begin to question what is actually going on at Hanford, even today.

There is possibly a very good reason why the government still has "a Classified stamp" on many of the documents associated with Hanford. There may also be a reason why it appears that certain documents relating to Hanford may be "missing."

This discussion now leads us into the following section.

Eugenics Movement

Before we begin to look at the Eugenics Movement and the people who are involved with it, let us look to a bit of wisdom and guidance contained in an old, but very important writing. It declares:

"...For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Holy Bible, KJV - Ephesians 6:12)

Yes, we wrestle against the rulers of the darkness of this world, plus against spiritual wickedness in high places.

As you look through this report, you will see at least some of that which the rulers of the darkness of this world are doing. You will also see evidence of some spiritual wickedness in high places.

Looking to another source for additional guidance, it appears that a wise statesman of the 1700s, Edmund Burke, saw some "dark activity" in motion in his day, when he stated:

"There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men."(1)(2)(3)

For a more accurate picture of the mentality of a number of those associated with the Eugenics Movement and what their thoughts are concerning the human race in general, just check out all those links further below.

The first link below is to a book titled Shipwreck: sailing on a River of Lies in the USA," by Chet Morelli. On page 32 is found the following words:

"In 1947 the first director-general of the children's world-wide organization, UNESCO, was Sir Julian Huxley. This man was a firm believer in eugenics; he wanted to see 90% of the Worlds population killed off through genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more."

Hold on a minute! Besides all the other stuff, what was that about "poisons in the food and water?" Aren't radioactive materials in food and water harmful to humans?

Yes, a UN organization wanted to (and apparently the UN still wants to) kill off 90% of the people of this world through genetic tampering (think, Human Genome Project), and genetically modified foods (think, Monsanto (link), etc.), plus "poisons in the food and water." Radioactive contaminants from Hanford in the water supply of the region could help to fulfil the part about poisons in the food and water.

Considering what the U.N. desires, plus what a number of your eugenicist "leaders" desire, you may better understand why the Human Genome Project was so very important to the U.S. Department of Energy (with its eugenics leanings) and to many other powerful eugenicists from around the world, plus also to those whom they are under the control of.

Looking further, you may now begin to better understand why things are going the way they are, especially with the so-called "cleanup" at the DOE-run Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Now, for some additional links, which help to further reveal the mentality and history of the eugenics crowd that we are dealing with, which unfortunately, has a lot of control in our world --- possibly even in that which is actually going on and being prepared at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

After examining the thoughts presented in the above-linked pages, let us continue into a rudimentary examination of the Eugenics Movement and those associated with it, plus some of their apparent activities upon our earth.

In the earlier 1900s, and even from the 1800s, the Eugenics Movement became rather powerful. It appears there were plans to wipe out (yes, that means performing something similar to a German-Nazi-type (1)(2)(3) of genocide on) everyone who did not fit a particular standard which the controllers of the elitist Eugenics Movement would be the ones to set.

To those who do not believe that things could ever have gone that far in the United States, it appears you may be badly mistaken. In 1934, a eugenicist named Joseph DeJarnette, who was superintendent of Virginia's Western State Hospital, a eugenics sterilization facility, declared that, "The Germans are beating us at our own game."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

The United States was well on its way down the "slippery slope" of the "ugly road" toward mass extermination even in the early 1900s. A page, linked here, in its closing statements, declares:

"One 1911 Carnegie-supported report called for euthanasia -- outright killing of people considered "unfit". It was rejected by the American Breeder's Association which believed it was "too early" to implement such a plan in the states."

Yes, in 1911, even the leaders of the eugenics movement realised that it was "too early" to start the euthanasia and mass killing centers in the United States. They knew that it was "too early" and the general populace would rise up against it. But, the plan was "on the books." The eugenics program in Germany, under the Nazis, was just able to get there quicker. But, behind the scenes in the United States, things were being prepared.

And in the midst of all this, it appears that the general populace in the United States was virtually ignorant to what was happening to their country. Is it any different today? The eugenics movement, plus those who are behind them and using them as a tool, are very persistant and never give up.

There is a lot more which could be added to this story, especially about what is being prepare in the United States, even now. But, what has already been presented is enough of an introduction for the average citizen.

For further information about the eugenics movement and what they were up to and working toward in earlier times, plus their American Campaign, just check out the information linked below.

Planned Overthrow

Powerful people with connections to the Eugenics Movement, in the early 1900s, were working to exert their power over the government of the United States.

In the pre World War Two era, these powerful people were planning on overthrowing the government of the United States and installing in its place a fascist, eugenicist, very despotic Nazi-type of government. Had they succeeded in the overthrow, it appears that the eugenicist "killing centers" would have been installed shortly thereafter.

Because of the massive coverup after things did not materialize exactly in the way which the powerful eugenicists intended it, it appears that information about the planned overthrow is now somewhat limited.

Some information and documentaries on the activities of these eugenicists --- eugenicists who also supported the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler --- are found in the links below. But, as always, there is more to the story than just those things accessed below.

Smedley Butler, that popular military veteran whom the rich boys tried to sucker into being their stooge and puppet to overthrow the government, had his views on how he saw these people and what they were up to --- especially after they lied about their involvement in the plot to overthrow the government.

The links below access information about Butler and his thoughts about the wars he had fought --- for the rich boys, at least that is as far as he understood things in his day. If only he had known what we know today.

Invisible Government

About this time, the words of one earlier President come to mind. That President is Theodore Roosevelt, when he declared:

"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

Unfortunately, there is a whole lot more to this "invisible government" than it appears that the writers of the pages linked above present, or possibly realize. It also appears that this "invisible government" and its particular goals may have a lot to do with what has actually been happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation for quite some time.

There is one other thing to note at this time. Generally, people connected to this "invisible government" have leanings toward or are associated with the Eugenics Movement, plus a number of them are members of the Knights of Malta and other like secret societies and organizations whose allegiance, by an oath, is to the pope and Jesuit General in Rome and their plans for world conquest and control. This allegiance to the Roman entities is above any allegiance to the United States and its citizens. More about this matter later.

This same group of people associated with the invisible government, during the World War Two era, largely worked with and supported the "empire" of that diabolic eugenicist --- the ruthless dictator of Nazi Germany --- Adolph Hitler (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). But, there is still more to this story.

The "Holy War"

Adolph Hitler and the Nazis had a Concordat with the Vatican. It is also known that the Nazi SS was modeled after the Jesuits. There are historians who say that Hitler and the Nazis were just exterminating those who would not bow to the Vatican.

It appears that the Nazis were on a type of "holy war" for the Vatican (1)(2)(3). So, in the end, when Germany began to lose World War Two, minions of the Vatican helped many Nazis to escape from true justice at the Nuremberg Trials, by helping them to escape to the Americas, via their ratlines and other routes.

Nazi war criminals which were illegally brought into the United States toward the end of World War Two, by members of the "invisible government" using things like the questionable Operation Paperclip, were placed into key positions with or connected to the CIA, the Atomic Energy Commission (which morphed into the U.S. Department of Energy we have today), and a number of other agencies.

Once the eugenicist Nazi war criminals were illegally assimilated into the United States and joined to their U.S. comrades, and placed into positions of power and authority, it appears that the unethical, often secretive, eugenics-type of experimentation on U.S. citizens kicked into high gear. Yes, the very "fabric" of the United States was change, with the help of a foreign power.

Human Experimentation

Adherents to the Eugenics Movement in the medical field were doing unethical human experimentation and eugenicide before and during these times, right here in the United States. Some of this unethical human experimentation was even done abroad. In the U.S. in the earlier 1900s, they had "kill facilities" where up to 40% of the "patients" were caused to die.

Just some of the unethical eugenicist human experimentation is noted in the links below. Knowing this type of information, a question should be asked. Why wouldn't radiation from Hanford be used for the same type of thing, even in our day?

Research indicates that the general public in the United States was actually rather oblivious to all this unethical experimentation and wilful killing. This same type of thing appears to have occurred in Nazi Germany, during the World War Two era. People just did not want to believe all the horror which was happening right in their midst, especially on such a large scale.

Once again, we should possibly consider the wisdom of Edmund Burke, when he declared: "There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men." And yes, not to be biased in any way, that statement from Burke would also apply toward evil women.

Hanford Controllers

Now back to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The DuPont Corporation operated Hanford during World War Two.(link) Available information shows that the du Pont (1) family was strongly associated with the Eugenics Movement.

One of the considerations of the Eugenics Movement, found in the eugenicists' textbook, Applied Eugenics, in the chapter which includes "Lethal Selection," is "the destruction of the individual by some adverse feature of the environment."(link)

Let us consider the use of some adverse feature used by eugenicists to cause destruction of susceptible individuals. Yes, how about radiation from Hanford in the environment, even radioactive waste in the groundwater and regional aquifer system, to subtily cause the slow-acting destruction of susceptible individuals, plus cause serious birth defects and death.

But, there is more to the story, when it comes to DuPont. The page linked below, under the section titled EPA charges DuPont hid Teflon's risks, declares the following:

"More than 50 years after DuPont started producing Teflon near this Ohio River town, federal officials are accusing the company of hiding information suggesting that a chemical used to make the popular stick- and stain-resistant coating might cause cancer, birth defects and other ailments."

Yes, it appears we may be dealing with some "really nice" or highly deceptive people, when it comes to those who have been in control of Hanford. It appears we are dealing with people who would readily hide the truth from the general public about health risks associated with places like the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

But, there is yet much more to the large DuPont story. The page linked below declares: "Du Pont's General Motors Co. funded a vigilante/terrorist organization to stop unionization in its Midwestern factories. Called the 'Black Legion,' its members wore black robes decorated with a white skull and crossbones. Concealed behind their slitted hoods, this KKK-like network of white-supremacist thugs threw bombs into union halls, set fire to labor activists' homes, tortured union organizers and killed at least 50 in Detroit alone."

The page linked below contains much important history about Du Pont --- that company which operated Hanford Nuclear Reservation during World War Two, when billions of gallons of radioactive contamination began to be dumped into the ground and deliberately pumped into the groundwater and regional aquifer system.

The page linked below, under the section titled 'Du Pont and General Motors,' declares that Irenee du Pont was "the most imposing and powerful member of the clan." And, it states further that this Irenee du Pont "was obsessed with Hitler's principles."

Well, that stands to reason, because the du Ponts were supporters of the eugenics movement and virtually all of them were supporters of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, during the World War Two era. In other words, they were supporters of the enemies of the United States.

The page states further: "Du Pont support of Hitler extended into the very heart of the Nazi war machine as well, according to Higham, and several other researchers."

For more information about the du Pont organization, plus the General Motors Corporation which they controlled, especially what they were doing during the World War Two era, just check out the pages linked below. In all of this, note that this was the organization which was in control of Hanford Nuclear Reservation and what went on there during World War Two.

Another Controller

General Electric (GE), who ran Hanford for a number of years (1), supported the eugenicist Nazi leader Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich operations during the World War Two era, through their foreign arm. This is noted in the pages linked below.

This is the same GE which is exposed in a 2001 page, linked here. The page title is 'GE: Decades of Misdeeds and Wrongdoing." The upper part of the page notes things about GE's time in the Hanford region. But there is more.

Further down on the above-linked page is found the following:

"According to documents obtained by Public Citizen under the Freedom of Information Act, GE-designed nuclear reactors around the world have a design flaw that make it virtually certain (90 percent) that in the event of a meltdown, radiation would be released directly into the environment and into surrounding communities, leaving the public without any protection.
      "The NRC acknowledges that the reactor containment structure in GE-built nuclear power plants does not work, but they licensed the reactors anyway.
      "(Also, a dozen or more GE-designed boiling water reactors in the United States and abroad have evidence of cracking in the reactor core shroud - a metal cylinder surrounding the reactor's radioactive fuel rods.)

The information presented above is said to include the flawed General Electric nuclear reactor of the Columbia Generating Station (CGS), which is located in the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and is currently licensed for operation. The CGS reactor is very similar to those which melted down at Fukushima, Japan, following the earthquake and tsunami in 2011.

For additional information relating to the General Electric Company, the company which controlled what went on at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation for a number of years, just check out the page linked below.

For additional information about things which went on during the World War Two era, just check out the pages linked below.

Eugenicist Plans

Now back to the Eugenics Movement. It should be noted that the rich, powerful, famous, and highly educated were and are part of, or are associated with, this movement.

Once again, as noted further above, the elite wanted to overthrow the U.S. government during the World War Two era and put in its place a eugenicist, Nazi, fascist, dictatorship type of government --- that type of government which was mass-murdering people, performing genocide and brutal human experimentation.

The elite who supported the eugenicist Nazi regime also owned large companies in the United States, one example being GE.

From the evidence, it appears that GE, who ran Hanford, had been in agreement with eugenicist thought.

With a eugenicist mentality in control of Hanford, it appears that unethical eugenics experiments were performed on the unsuspecting general public, plus even on the Hanford workers. One likely example is the infamous "Green Run," which spread a large amount of radioactive contamination across the region. Those in control of Hanford did this without notifying the public of the danger.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

After considering the information above, is it any surprise then, that radioactive waste and other harmful materials were intentionally pumped directly into the vast, regional aquifer system, from which people in the region obtain drinking and irrigation water?

Let us look, once again, at that dumping of radioactive materials into the Columbia River, upriver from the Hanford site. Could this same dumping also have been used to perform eugenics experiments on people in the region --- especially on the Native Americans who largely lived off of food from the river?

At this point, let us not forget that eugenicist Nazis were brought into the United States, with a number of them being nuclear scientists, plus eugenicist medical doctors. Let us not forget that these Nazis were placed in key positions in industry and the military. It also appears that there was an association between a number of these Nazis and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, which was in control of Hanford at the time.

Wanapum People

The Wanapum People were a peaceful tribe of Native American Indians who dwelt on the Columbia Plateau. They did not believe in, nor partake in armed conflict with white settlers in their region, nor with the U.S. Government (1).

The area now occupied by Hanford Nuclear Reservation was formerly part of the territory occupied by the Wanapum People, plus other Native American tribes (2).

Fishing in the Columbia River has always been important to the culture of the Wanapum People. Fish from the river is commonly used in tribal ceremonies and heavily for personal subsistence.

Fish from the river is important enough to the existence of the Wanapum cultural that the Government has passed laws to protect their fishing rights (3).

Earlier History

In the mid-1800s, many Native American tribes were forced onto reservations. But, the Wanapum People have a rather unique situation.

The Wanapum had not warred against the white settlers or the U.S. Government. They were therefore not party to the Treaty With The Yakima, 1855 (link).

As a result, the Wanapum tended to remain in the vicinity of Priest Rapids, on the Columbia River --- which is located upriver from the Hanford facility.

Fishing in Jeopardy

The page, linked here, declares: "In 1937, the Game Warden of Benton County informed the Wanapum that they could no longer fish for salmon at the traditional locations."

The Wanapum had a friend named Lucullus McWhorter, who was an Indian advocate. Lucullus worked hard with the Washington State government on behalf of the Wanapum and their historic fishing rights.

Forced Move

When the Hanford Nuclear Reservation came into existence, the Wanapum People and other Native American tribes were forced out of a large portion of their ancestral lands (link).

In the early 1940s, because of Hanford, the peaceable Wanapum People were forced to confine their activities along the river to the area near Priest Rapids and further upstream. The Wanapum People resided along the river near Priest Rapids even into the 1950s and later.

River Radiation

It appears there could be much more to the story of the Wanapum People.

There could also be much more to the story of those radioactive materials in the Columbia River, above Priest Rapids --- about 20 miles upstream from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

This investigation will now present some background information, which leads up to an important set of questions.

Operation Paperclip

Once again, for those who may have missed it earlier, after the fall of Nazi Germany in World War II, a large number of Nazi scientists, engineers and medical specialists were illegally brought into the United States via Operation Paperclip and other questionable programs, starting in 1945 (link).

To manipulate "the system" and illegally allow these eugenicist Nazi scientists entry into the United States, it appears that the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) basically deceived President Harry Truman --- their Commander in Chief --- as to the true nature of these Germans. The JIOA and certain affiliates then "went rogue" and resorted to criminal and illegal types of acts.

The JIOA wilfully falsified government documents and created "false employment and political biographies for the scientists," which virtually "whitewashed" them of their Nazi, and even SS (link) and Gestapo, backgrounds and ideological leanings and allowed them full access to the United States and its institutions.

This "whitewashing" and blatant falsification of government documents by treasonous U.S. entities allowed these Nazis to be "granted citizenship in the United States and given prominent positions in the American scientific community."(link)

Because of this major, illegal "whitewashing" and falsification of government documents by questionable entities in government and military positions, these Nazi scientists also "could obtain necessary security clearances more easily than could American scientists," which allowed them "to work on classified projects."(link)

From that point on, the United States was never the same again. It had been completely sold out and subtly changed by a group of treasonous individuals whose allegiance, by a binding oath, was toward a foreign-based organization and a foreign State, rather than toward the authentic United States and its citizens.

The Facilitator

Operation Paperclip, and the "whitewashing," "sanitization," and blatant falsification of government records on behalf of the Nazi war criminals, appears to have been facilitated by the ardent eugenicist and Knight of Malta, Allen Dulles, who later --- possibly as a reward for his services --- was appointed Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Being a Knight of Malta, Allen Dulles would have taken an oath denouncing and disowning any allegiance to the people of the United States and to the laws of the country, since the United States is not a Catholic country (link). As such, it appears that Allen Dulles was basically a treasonous traitor (1)(2)(3) and a foreign agent (a1)(a2), in a U.S. government position. That is why it appears he had no problem operating outside of the law, as he performed acts of treason on behalf of the Nazis and their allies, plus for his foreign masters.

As part of that secret society called the Knights of Malta, Dulles, by an oath (link), would have been in total submission to the Jesuit General and the Pope in Rome, over and above any allegiance to the people of the United States. It should also be noted that the Nazis had a Concordat with Rome, and certain high-up Nazis were also Knights of Malta or members of their many affiliate organizations.

These Knights of Malta, operating on both sides of the war, were like brothers. There was war between the United States and Germany at that time, but the Knights of Malta from both sides still worked together, and they all worked for the Jesuits and the Vatican. And, since the Nazis had the Concordat with the Vatican, it appears that Dulles and his co-conspirators had no problem helping the Nazis during the war.

Yes, there is a logical reason why the Vatican's ratlines were used to help Nazi war criminals escape justice, and possibly death, at the Nuremberg Trials. There is a reason why many of these war criminals were illegally, against the very laws of the nation, brought into the United States by traitors to our nation, who were in positions of power.

For further information on how the Nazis were helped to escape by the Vatican and the allies of the Vatican, simply check out the information linked below.

It must be noted that some of the information itself is "whitewashed" and downplays the role of the Vatican. Other information is written from a different point of view.

The Nazification

The Nazification of the United States --- which was the flooding of the United States with ardent Nazis and Nazi ideologies --- appears to have actually been the "Jesuitification" or the Catholicizing of the United States, under those who were and are in submission to the Jesuit General and the Pope in Rome.

No wonder President John F. Kennedy warned against the secret societies in the United States and what they were doing. No wonder Kennedy spoke about the plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States. No wonder that he was then so brutally and savagely assassinated, after speaking out about the plot.

Nuclear Scientists

Now for a bit more history, and then a bit of repeat, that we can get a better picture of what happened in earlier years.

During the World War Two era, scientists in Nazi Germany worked on building a nuclear bomb. It is said by some sources that the Nazis actually tested three nuclear bombs or nuclear devices near the end of the war. Others have doubted that the Nazis had progressed that far in their nuclear ambitions.

Under Operation Paperclip and other like programs, more than 1,600 Nazi scientists were brought into the United States (1)(2)(3).

After Germany fell, Nazi nuclear scientists were also rounded up by the Allies for use in their programs. A number of these nuclear scientists were brought to the United States under various operations associated with Operation Paperclip. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

The Nazis which were brought into the United States were put into "key positions in American industrial, scientific, and educational institutions."(link) Basically, all this was done illegally, while the taxpayers paid all associated costs.

A page, linked here, declares: "Thus the American taxpayer footed the bill for a project to help former Nazis obtain jobs with Lockheed, Martin Marietta, North American Aviation, and other defense contractors during a time when many American engineers in the aircraft industry were being laid off."

The page linked above states further: "By the 1990s...the infusion of Nazis into America's military-industrial complex was complete."

Let us look at this again. American engineers were replaced in the military-industrial complex by eugenicist Nazi engineers. Scientists with Nazi ideologies were, once again, placed in key positions in the United States.

In the process of replacing Americans in key positions with eugenicist Nazis, the military-industrial complex was seriously altered by the influence of eugenicist Nazi ideologies. It was altered and changed by those whose government had a Concordat with the Vatican. It was changed by those who appear to have been on a "holy war" for the church.

In all of this, and because of who all was involved with this, the United States was basically hijacked from its legitimate citizens, and the country has not been the same since.

It appears that these Nazi scientists, since they were placed into key positions, may have had great influence in a number of fields, including in policy making in the nuclear and bomb-making industries.

Getting back to the Nazi nuclear scientists, the links below present information relating to the Nazi nuclear program.

It appears that certain Nazis placed in key positions in the United States, because of their nuclear expertise, may have had quite an influence on the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, which then morphed into the U.S. Department of Energy --- that organization which is in control of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and all that dangerous and leaking nuclear waste.

U.S. DOE Contract

A page, linked here, speaks of a Nazi war criminal named Otto Ambros.

Regarding Otto Ambros, the page states that "at Nuremberg he was tried for mass murder and slavery. But he was given clemency [in 1951] by U.S. high commissioner [of Allied Germany] John McCloy and later given a U.S. Department of Energy contract."

Hold on a minute! The U.S. Department of Energy is the organization which has control of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, and they appear to have been working with Nazi war criminals.

A page, linked here, declares that "Otto Ambros only served 3 years for his mass murder and slavery conviction at Nuremberg." And, where did Ambros go to work after his three years in prison?

The page linked above indicates that after prison, Ambros was involved with the chemical industry in the United States, plus worked for the W.R. Grace and Company.

The page also states "that Otto Ambros worked as a consultant for the U.S. Department of Energy, formerly the Atomic Energy Commission..." And, as usual, there is more to this story.

The page declares: "That a convicted war criminal had been hired by the Department of Energy sparked indignation, and congressmen and journalists sought further details about Ambros's U.S. government contract. In a statement to the press, the Department of Energy insisted that the paperwork had been lost..."

Yeah, really! That's what the U.S. DOE claimed. Does this sound like an agency which any patriotic U.S. citizen who loves their country and their people could trust, especially with something so dangerous as the Hanford Nuclear Reservation?

From the information presented above, it appears that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) was deceiving --- and possibly is still deceiving --- the citizens of the United States. It also appears that they had --- and research indicates that they possibly still may have --- strong ties to people or organizations with a Nazi and Eugenics mentality. A person could ask, "What has the DOE been up to, all along? Who are they really working for?"

The document linked here (on PDF page 6 of 8) declares: "Ambros oversaw I.G. Auschwitz in all its horror." Yes, Auschwitz was one of the major, very brutal slave labor and extermination camps of Nazi Germany, and Ambros brought this mentality into the United States and into the organizations he was associated with --- that means possibly even the U.S. DOE.

The document linked above also states: "Ambros became a high-level advisor to a major American corporation, W.R. Grace and Company, and a consultant to the United States Department of Energy."

At this point, there is something very important to note, in case anyone missed it or does not yet realize it. The U.S. Department of Energy --- that agency which has had ties to individuals with eugenicist, Nazi-type beliefs (1)(2)(3) --- is that particular agency which is now fully in charge of all that dangerous and leaking waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It is in charge of that waste which is getting into the ground, groundwater, and regional aquifer system, plus into the Yakima and Columbia rivers.

Strangely enough, --- but possibly not so strange when considering their eugenicist leanings, plus their association with Nazi-type people --- it should be noted that the U.S. Department of Energy was involved with the Human Genome Project (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), plus was a major funder of it (6)(7)(8). It appears that they wanted to "crack" the human genetics code, so all kinds of strange things could then be done.

This eugenicist Human Genome Project is beginning to sound a little like what the eugenicist Nazis were working toward, during the World War Two era. And then those Nazis were brought to the United States and put into scientific and industrial organizations, plus even positions in government agencies.

There are now concerns that this Human Genome Project actually does have eugenics, Nazi-type ties. Information relating to these issues are found in the pages linked below.

Possibly the information presented above, plus the potential eugenics, Nazi-type leaning of the DOE, may help to explain why things are going the way they are at Hanford and why it appears there is no true desire to quickly and properly clean up the Hanford radioactive mess.

Yes, there may be another, hidden agenda in operation here.

Manhatten Project

Hanford Nuclear Reservation was part of the Manhatten Project, which produced the first atomic bombs used in warfare.

Regarding the Manhatten Project, a Wikipedia page, linked here, states: "The project was also charged with gathering intelligence on the German nuclear energy project." As part of this project, "they gathered nuclear materials and documents, and rounded up German scientists."

Many Nazi Scientists

Regarding Operation Paperclip, the caption below the video, linked here, declares that "1600 German scientists and engineers were given government contracts - many of them hard-core Nazi ideologues."

Take a look at that again. Those with hard-core Nazi ideologues --- those among the 1600 German scientists and engineers --- were given government contracts.

And, once again, unfortunately, it appears that these "hard-core Nazi ideologues possibly "rubbed off" on the U.S. DOE and certain other agencies and government entities.

Einstein and the Concerned Scientists

It is time to repeat and underscore an important piece of history.

The renowned physicist Albert Einstein and the Federation of American Scientists were greatly concerned when they saw all the Nazi scientists brought into the United States and placed in key positions in American industrial, scientific and educational institutions.

In the book 'Red Moon Rising', by Matthew Brzezinski, on page 85, is written the following, regarding the flood of Nazi scientists being brought into the United States:

"On December 30, 1946, Albert Einstein and the Federation of American Scientists wrote to President Truman, arguing, 'We hold these individuals to be potentially dangerous carriers of racial and religious hatred. Their former eminence as Nazi party members and supporters raises the issue of their fitness to become American citizens and hold key positions in American industrial, scientific and educational institutions."

Yes, it appears that these Nazi party members were able to "hold key positions in American industrial, scientific and educational institutions."

Note clearly: that was not just holding any old position, but holding "key positions."

Nazis and Eugenics

The Nazis were part of the international eugenics movement. Once brought to the United States, they added some very hard-core thinking and philosophies to the eugenics crowd which was already in the United States. But, it appears that they actually got their initial start from the Americans in the eugenics movement.

A Wikipedia page, linked here, states: "After the eugenics movement was well established in the United States, it was spread to Germany. California eugenicists began producing literature promoting eugenics and sterilization and sending it overseas to German scientists and medical professionals."

It is common knowledge that the Nazi German scientists were into human experimentation, even performing extremely brutal experiments. They also performed devastating radiation experiments on people.

Later, Nazi scientists who had performed crimes against humanity were brought to the United States and placed in key positions in industry, research institutes and government programs, where they could continue what they had been doing in Nazi Germany.

It is of concern to note that unethical human experimentation and radiation experiments appear to have increased greatly in the United States, once the Nazis were illegally brought into the United States.

Information relating to some of the human radiation experiments in the United States, even experiments on the unsuspecting public, is presented on, or linked to, this page.

Nuremberg Trials

A page, linked here, is from the George Mason University, History News Network. It speaks of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial at Nuremberg, Germany, after World War Two. As a result of these trials, many Nazis were condemned to death for crimes against humanity, because of human experimentation, cold blooded murder and genocide.

The page states that "the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes's words in their own defense." This Holmes, spoken of here, is Wendell Holmes: a former U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

Yes, the fundamental concepts of the murderous Nazis --- the very platform and ideologies of the eugenicists --- was upheld by members of the highest court in the United States. This was totally contrary to the principles upon which this nation and its Constitution were founded, and upon those principles which this nation is truly to uphold. It appears that the members of the court were in total violation of their oaths of office to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.

It should be noted that after the Nuremberg Trials, the eugenics movement in the United States was outlawed because of its crimes against humanity. But, unfortunately, the eugenics movement did not simply go away. They just changed their name and multiplied, while continuing in operation.

Quite a number of people in positions of power and control in the United States were, and are, full supporters of the eugenics movement, its ideologies and its causes.

Back to the Wanapum

It is time to consider, once again, the plight of the Wanapum People --- those Native Americans who lived in the Hanford region. To begin this examination, let us remember that the diet of the Wanapum relied heavily on fish from the Columbia River.

The core group of the Wanapum People lived at the lower end of Priest Rapids, on the Columbia River. Priest Rapids is located about 10 miles upstream from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

About 20 miles upstream from Hanford, or about 10 miles upstream from where the Wanapum were located at Priest Rapids, is an area where high radiation is now noted along the Columbia River.

After considering the history of the eugenicists, plus the Nazi war criminals who were placed into key positions in the United States, even with government contracts, these bits of information relating to the Wanapum People bring up the questions presented in the following section.

American Genocide ?

Once again, a question must be asked.

Were radioactive materials from Hanford Nuclear Reservation intentionally dumped in the Columbia River about 10 miles upstream from the home of the Wanapum People?

Were radioactive materials intentionally dumped into the river to contaminate the fishing grounds of the Wanapum?

Were these radioactive materials dumped in the river used in an unethical human radiation experiment upon the Wanapum People, without their knowledge or consent?

Was this dumping of radioactive materials upstream of the Wanapum village another vile experiment orchestrated by people embracing the eugenics movement and the Nazi ideologies?

Was this an experiment by eugenicists to watch the effects of internalized radiation, or already knowing knowing the ultimate effects, to blatantly do it anyway?

Has this radiation from the river and fish had a detrimental affect upon the Wanapum People?

Were the radioactive materials dumped in the Columbia River an attempt at American Genocide?

Who is responsible for the dumping of radioactive materials in the Columbia River, or is that still something which is Classified --- hidden from the public by those who may support this type of activity?

Is this the mentality displayed by those in control of the nuclear industry? Is this the mentality displayed by a large controlling faction in this country --- possibly even in the military? Is this mentality largely the result of Nazi infiltration, in the latter part of World War Two, with the help of resident eugenicists in positions of power?

Food for Thought

There are many things relating to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation which cause a person to question what has really happened in the past.

There are many things happening now at Hanford which could readily cause a person to question those things which are happening today.

Yes, there is a hellacious and very dangerous mess at Hanford. But, what is really being done with it and for what reason?

Related Info

When the nation was not watching, look what they did!

The page linked below presents information relating to serious contamination of the Hanford site. It declares:

"In the 40's and 50's, some 440 billion gallons of contaminated liquids were discharged into the ground at Hanford, enough to create an 80 foot deep lake the size of Manhattan."

In more recent times, as the cleanup of Hanford began, the link above shows that, initially, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) had a contract with British Nuclear Fuels Limited, Inc.(BNFL) for the conversion of nuclear waste into glass, via a vitrification plant.

The linked page indicates that BNFL was a "shady" company, both in this country and in England. Why the DOE would choose such a company in the first place is rather questionable.

Population Control ?

There are some very important Hanford issues to note in the page linked via the above button.

Issue 1: "Government secrecy has barred Hanford workers and residents alike from access to the real facts..." "Until recently, all concerns from citizen groups have been consistently discredited and side-lined."

Issue 2: It was found that "increasing exposure to ionizing radiation boosts the risk of multiple myeloma, a rare but often fatal cancer of blood-forming tissues. Especially at risk are people exposed later in life."

It appears that certain nefarious groups could readily use ionizing radiation in the environment as a subtle, unseen tool for performing subtle euthenasia or even in a large scale genocidal experiment.

Ionizing radiation in the environment could help to decimate the aged and the weak. This may fit perfectly into the goals of the diabolic eugenics movement and those associated with them, plus potentially the goals of the Nazis which were illegally brought into the United States and put into positions of authority.

Radiation and Eugenics

There are various beliefs about what is happening to people in our world. One of those beliefs will now be considered.

The page linked below declares that "deliberate campaigns are now underway to bombard the masses with lethal doses of radiation specifically designed to maim, sterilize and kill."

One of the methods noted is "through the use of nuclear power station emissions across the planet."

For what it's worth, despite some of questionable things which the page says, it does raise some interesting and possibly very valid points.

Let it be noted at this point that one of the considerations of the Eugenics Movement, found in the eugenicists' textbook, Applied Eugenics, in the chapter which includes "Lethal Selection," is "the destruction of the individual by some adverse feature of the environment."(link)

The pages linked below are more low-keyed, and include information on radiation, eugenics and population reduction. At least they might give some ideas on what or where to research further on these issues.

Deformities and Disease

It is time to consider what radiation in the environment can potentially do to living things. A 2016 page linked below speaks about a bizarre mutation in a mountain lion found in the region south of the Idaho National Laboratory --- another nuclear facility related to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Check out the pictures and text about this bizarre deformity. The page also speaks of a severely deformed "three-headed calf."

Even though many in government positions want us to believe that nuclear facilities do not cause birth defects, deformities and other serious problems in humans or animals, the things we can readily see in Nature possibly tell us a different and more accurate story.

The links below access pages or books with information about deformities and other health issues in the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, especially when it was in full-scale operation.

But, let us not forget about those serious birth defects which are taking place in the Hanford region, even in more recent times.

Related History

The pages linked below speak about people who overwhelmingly trusted a government and its agents. At the same time, that government, or at least a questionable segment of that government, was secretively releasing harmful radioactivity upon them or lying to them and placing them in dangerous situations.

Years of research have indicated to the writer that this questionable segment of government has been composed of many eugenicists, along with the Nazi war criminals which were illegally brought into this country by their eugenicist friends, plus those whom they have infected with their doctrines ever since.

Research has indicated that many people in the questionable segment of government are members of the rather secretive, foreign-controlled Knights of Malta and their affiliated secretive organizations and secret societies. And, these various organizations, by oaths, are in submission or allegiant to the goals of the Jesuit General and the Pope in Rome. More about this issue later.

It appears that this group of people, by their oaths in their organizations, have no authentic allegiance to the United States or its citizens. It appears that they are acting like foreign agents, right within the government and military of the United States. Once again; more about this issue later.

To see what was happening with the unsuspecting people around the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and how they were being manipulated, "played" and horribly deceived, and then left to suffer the horrid consequences, just check out the information which is linked below.

Take a real good look at what is commonly happening in the nuclear arena.

To add insult to injury, the questionable segment of government, or its agents, have steadfastly denied that they have caused harm to people with their radionuclides.

Looking at other nuclear issues in the U.S., in the last link above, it is noted that U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz worked to bring high-level German nuclear waste into the United States. This brings up some questions.

Why was Moniz working so hard to get German nuclear waste into the United States? Why does he want so much radiation scattered around this country?

Looking further, Moniz is also a proponent of fracking, which does tend to destabilize the ground and potentially allow for more serious earthquake destruction --- especially in the event of a major quake.

Furthermore, fracking can also contaminate drinking water supplies with harmful materials which can cause health problems --- especially in the event of a serious earthquake.

Is there another agenda at work here? Who was or is Ernest Moniz actually working for? And, looking at "the dots" which possibly need connecting, what are citizens of the United States really being set up for?


Not only are there concerns about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation by people in the states of Washington and Oregon, but it is found in the information linked below, that Hanford is also a concern to people in Canada.

Then there are also concerns about a major earthquake in the region, which are now being thrown into the mix. And, on top of that, there are concerns about a failure at Grand Coulee Dam affecting Hanford, in the event of a massive earthquake or in the event of a strike by a North Korean nuclear missile.

Spent Fuel

The page linked below declares: "The reactors made plutonium by bombarding special fuel rods containing uranium with neutrons. Once the maximum amount of plutonium was produced, workers removed the fuel rods [now called 'spent fuel'] from the reactor. The spent fuel rods were extremely radioactive..."

A "spent" fuel rod is not spent, in the sense of being used up. A "spent" fuel rod is one in which "the maximum amount of plutonium was produced."

In other words, a "spent" fuel rod is one that has the most plutonium available for use in nuclear weapons or bomb making.

This puts a whole different perspective on the term "spent fuel rod." No wonder these rods are more highly radioactive after they come out of the reactor than when they were first put in.

Regarding rods or "slugs" which are used to fuel nuclear reactors, the page linked below declares:

"The slugs were only slightly radioactive before irradiation, making them easy to handle and transport. After irradiation, their radioactivity levels had increased several millions times making them very dangerous to handle."

Stored Rods

Some countries which use nuclear power do reprocess their "spent" fuel rods to reduce the amount of nuclear waste lying around. But others, like the United States, do not.

Is there a reason for this not wanting to reprocess the fuel rods in the United States and certain other countries?

The article linked below brings up some interesting points. It indicates that the nuclear industry and its research is sponsored by the "military-industrial complexes." And for what reason?

Yes, to make nuclear weapons and bombs, plus other weapons of mass destruction.

Let us consider this matter further. "Spent" fuel rods contain the largest amount of plutonium. Therefore, "spent" fuel rods are like having potential nuclear bombs lying around, rather than having the actual physical nuclear bombs.

Virtually at a moments notice, the fuel rods could start to be made into the actual, physical nuclear bombs or other nuclear weaponry. The "spent" fuel rods are nuclear bomb and weapon resources.

That may be why certain countries do not want to reprocess their "spent" fuel rods. In reprocessing, they may lose a lot of their nuclear weapon and bomb potential.

It's basically that simple. It's called, "being ready for Armageddon:" the final war which ends all wars, plus virtually all of civilization, too.

Yes, the eugenicists dream come true.

During World War II and After

A page, linked here, speaks, in general terms, about the creation of nuclear fuel rods. Regarding the nuclear fuel slugs used in these rods, the page states (as was noted further above):

"The slugs were only slightly radioactive before irradiation, making them easy to handle and transport. After irradiation, their radioactivity levels had increased several millions times making them very dangerous to handle."

When Hanford Nuclear Reservation was part of the frenzied bomb making business, during World War Two and the following Cold War era, there were not "spent" fuel rods lying around for years, as we see today at nuclear plants.

The fuel rods at Hanford were processed in a rather short period of time, in other buildings on the reservation, in order to extract the plutonium for use in bomb making. This is noted in the following link, which page is now missing its pictures. But, the text is still worth reading.(link)

In the early process, as noted in the preceding link, "Fuel rods consisting of natural uranium were inserted into the reactor for a given period of time. At the end of this period, the rods were removed and allowed to cool. Plutonium, at a concentration of approximately 250 parts per million. was found mixed with quantities of fission products and unreacted uranium."

In the above statement, it is clearly noted that "natural uranium" was used in the rods of the original process. From this "natural uranium," plutonium-239 was produced, "while the U-235 sustains the chain reaction required to produce more neutrons."

The rods were generally left in the reactor, only for the amount of time required "to maximize the yield of Pu-239," and then they were removed.

During normal wartime production, the fuel removed from the reactor was allowed to cool for about 30 days before processing, as shown in the third paragraph of this link.

DuPont --- who operated Hanford during World War Two --- noted that the first batches of processed fuel rods "resulted in the first significant plant discharge of radio xenon and iodine into the atmosphere at Hanford."

So, right from the start, the "Downwinders" of Hanford were already beginning to get irradiated, and the land and food products raised in the surrounding territory were being radioactively contaminated. This prepared the way for internalization of radionuclides by humans.

During the Green Run (link), which appears to have been a eugenics, Nazi-type of experiment, the fuel removed from the reactors was only allowed to cool for 16 days, before processing.

A page, linked here, declares: "The reported purpose of the Green Run was to test monitoring equipment the Air Force was developing for its intelligence activities concerning the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons program."

The above explanation may "sound good" to an unsuspecting general public. But, let us not be so quick to accept this reported purpose at face value. It may be wise to look further.

Once again, it should be noted that Hanford, and things associated with it, have had a history of blatant deception. Research indicates that there might have been a totally different reason for heavily contaminating the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation with harmful, radioactive elements.

The page, linked above, states: "The Green Run remained a top government secret until the 1980s when reports were made public in response to Freedom of Information Act requests."

But, there is more to this story --- things which tend to raise further caution flags.

As noted in the linked page, there is still a whole lot of information about the Green Run which is being withheld from the general public, "including the names of the official(s) who ordered the experiment and the intelligence unit that participated in the monitoring." Why?

Possibly this 'Hanford Nuclear Report' will help answer that question. But, for starters, it appears that a certain organization was having a wild "heyday," at the expense of the health and wellbeing of the U.S. general public.

When World War Two had ended, the page linked here notes that "chemical processing was carried out in uninterrupted operation." And, along with this, the serious contamination of the surrounding region appears to have also continued in an uninterrupted operation. And, what was the result?

The page linked above notes that there was "major increases" in contamination of the vegetation with radioactive Iodine-131 "in the vicinity around Hanford." That would indicate that food crops in the region may also have been radioactively contaminated.

Continued internalization of radioactive I-131 can really mess up thyroids (1) and cause other health problems (2), plus, under unfortunate circumstances, it appears it can also cause birth defects.

When the Hanford site was found to be highly contaminated with radioactive iodine, the cooling period for the fuel was extended to about 60 days before processing (link). In 1948 and 1949, the fuel cooling time was extended to between 90 and 120 days. In 1950, the cooling time was then shortened to 43 days.

The U.S. DOE speaks further about the processing of fuel rods in a page, linked here.

For further information on things relating to emissions from Hanford, check out the links below.

Further Contamination

A 1996 page linked below is titled 'Plutonium Filters Called Defective, Hanford May Have Spewed Pounds Of Particles.'

It appears that "much more deadly plutonium may have escaped from Hanford than the U.S. government estimates."

It appears that a much greater number of deadly plutonium particles were made available for inhalation and ingestion, plus potential internalization, than the U.S. government is admitting.

A scientist, Dr. Alex Klementiev, who has studied Hanford emissions has come to the conclusion that "several pounds of extremely small particles" of plutonium and other radioactive elements "bypassed plant filters in the late 1950s and 1960s."

It appears that "releases of iodine 131 and plutonium 239 from Hanford are heavily underestimated" by the DOE and the government. This adds up to a major problem.

According to the page, "Tiny amounts of long-lived plutonium, the most dangerous of the radioactive elements, can cause lung cancer if inhaled."

Then there is the problem of plutonium particles and other radionuclides on or in food, which radionuclides can then become internalized.

This adds up to serious "long-term risks to public health" for those living in the region, and especially for those who are downwind of Hanford.

As far as Hanford, one former Hanford health physicist declared: "It was a messy process, purifying plutonium, and they kept horrible records."

When dealing with something so critical and so dangerous, why would they have kept such horrible records? Was it to help with the coverup and also to help prevent future lawsuits and other legal proceedings?

This is beginning to sound like a Nazi or eugenicist's heyday. It is like a subtle war or genocide was being perpetrated on U.S. citizens, and then the more damning evidence is "classified."

The page linked above declares: "From 1944 to the early '70s, small amounts of plutonium escaped into the air from four Hanford plants that chemically separated plutonium: REDOX, PUREX, AND T and B Plants." At least "small amounts" is what the government is claiming.

But, the scientist studying those Hanford emissions believes that the government estimates are drastically underestimated. Why is this?

It has to do with "more than half a ton" of plutonium which was disappearing from the Plutonium Finishing Plant.

Half a ton of plutonium particles is enough to wreak havoc on a large number of people in the surrounding region, especially on the downwind side of the facility. Then there is plutonium which got into the fish in the Columbia River and the crops in the surrounding region, which people were eating and internalizing.

From what the investigating scientist has concluded, the plutonium in a gaseous form was escaping through the stack filters and was released into the surrounding environment as fine particles.

One investigator believes that the fine particles of plutonium drifted in the wind for many miles, possibly even "all the way around the world." He noted that the fine plutonium particles from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster did just that.

There is a great controversy over how much plutonium and other radioactive elements escaped from Hanford into the surrounding environment. But let the health issues experienced by the downwinders tell a major part of the true story.

"Downwinders" and Others

The book linked below is titled 'The American West at Risk: Science, Myths, and Politics of Land Abuse and Recovery, by Howard G. Wilshire, Jane E. Nielson, and Richard W. Hazlett. The information comes from the First Edition, identified by ISBN-10: 0195142055.

Page 187 declares: "Radioactive fallout from bomb plants and test blasts also rained on towns full of civilians." The book notes that crops and livestock were irradiated, and these food sources now were contaminated with radioactive elements.

To make matters worse, food with radioactive contamination was spread "to the public at large." All this radiation caused "life-long illnesses and disabilities of these people and their descendants."

The book linked above speaks about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, "surrounded by farmland on both sides of the Columbia River." And this farmland was contaminated with radioactive materials.

It should also be noted that this farmland is irrigated from an aquifer into which people working at Hanford injected radioactive contaminants and other hazardous materials. And eventually, the contaminated food from this land was, and is, harvested and shipped around this country and the world.

Page 188 of the linked book speaks about "childhood leukemia." It speaks about large amounts of radiation spread across "farms, towns and people...of Washington, Oregon and Idaho."

The book speaks about numerous sheep which died, plus "deformed or stillborn lambs." It speaks about women who "gave birth to babies with deformities and other birth defects." It speaks about children and adults with health issues and cancers.

The book linked above is a recommended read for those wanting to know more about the truth regarding the negative effects of nuclear facilities --- those negative effects which it appears the government commonly covers up, potentially for eugenicist reasons.

The page linked below declares: "As 'downwinders,' born and raised downwind of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington, we learned several years ago that the government decided --- with cold deliberation --- to use us as guinea pigs by releasing radioactivity into our food, water, milk and air without our consent."

The page continues: "Now, we've learned that we can expect continuing cancer cases from our exposure in their 'experiment.' Is this what it feels like to be raped?"

The page above speaks about the "nuclear gang," as if they were thugs. It appears we may be dealing with the "thugs" associated with the eugenics and Nazi gang of days gone by. Unfortunately, it appears this is now the gang which has hijacked and is now controlling our world.

For further information about the plight of certain 'downwinders,' simply read the page linked below.

"Screw You" Approach

In the first page linked below, we find that the government was basically telling the people whom they had injured via their radiation, "Prove that it was our doings that injured you."

It appears that it was basically the eugenics element, along with a number of Knights of Malta, who had gotten into positions of power, along with their Nazi cohorts whom they had illegally brought into this country under Operation Paperclip and other questionable operations.

It appears that these eugenicist Nazi cohorts were placed into positions of control. It was all these eugenicists working together who had hijacked the government and were unethically "experimenting" on the general public with radiation. In principle, it was no different than those things which happened in Nazi Germany.

And now, these eugenicists and their disciples were basically saying "Screw you" to the general public of our nation, as they wilfully, horrendously and unethically experimented on them with nuclear radiation.

There is one other thing to note in the first page linked above. There is a lot of wine grapes grown in the Columbia Basin, surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. But, the page states:

"The wine industry does not want people to study the radioactivity of wine. Why is this?

The page states: "That's a classic or a common feature in environmental health controversies. If you don't study something, then there's no data, which means there's no evidence that something is potentially problematic."

So, that is what is being dealt with in the Columbia Basin, around the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Yes, that appears to be the basic attitude in the region --- make sure there is no evidence to wrong doing. Just cover your butt every way you can, even if you have to lie, deceive or tweak any or all data that does exist.

Widespread Abuse

The pages linked below show what the government was doing to humans at various nuclear test sites. The pages also indicate that the government was abusing and stiffarming people who had been caused injury by the government's irresponsible act of spreading radiation across the countryside. It appears this was done by the eugenicist segment of government and the military, with intent.

The way it appears that the government abused these harmed people indicates to the writer more surely that this was a eugenics operation, more than anything else. Yes, subtle population reduction, without the knowledge and consent of the people, appears to have been, and appears to still be, in action here.

About one-quarter of the way down the page linked below --- which speaks of the U.S. nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands --- it is noted that "The U.S. government viewed the 1957 resettlement of Rongelap as an opportunity to study subjects who, while uncivilized, were 'more like us than mice,' as the Marshallese were described in a meeting of the Atomic Energy Commission."

By the attitude of the Atomic Energy Commission --- which has morphed into the U.S. Department of Energy, which runs the Hanford Nuclear Reservation --- it should become rather clear that this organization has a rather diabolic, Nazi-type eugenics mentality.

At this point, we should not be surprised to see the way things have been and are going at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The thing we should look at, though, is the hidden agenda of eugenics which appears is being played out, even at Hanford.

A thorough study of this report will show that the hidden agenda goes much deeper than the eugenics movement, or the Nazis, or the Knights of Malta. It goes all the way back to those whom they are in submission to. It goes back to those who ultimately give the orders.

The two-page article linked below is titled 'America's Forgotten Nuclear War (On Itself).' The page states that the nuclear tests by the government "left many Americans with long-term health problems."

During nuclear tests in the Pacific, one fishing boat happened to get into the fallout zone. The page states: "one crew member died, and the rest were sickened by radiation." But, hey, what's a little collateral damage to the eugenicist crowd, or to those who are in the midst of a holy war?

Yes, the Nazis --- those eugenicist Nazis which had a Concordat with the Vatican, plus a number of them which were members of the Knights of Malta, which organization is part of the militia of the Pope --- were illegally brought over to the United States under questionable programs like Operation Paperclip.

After the Nazis were brought over, it appears that the eugenicists and Knights of Malta in government worked hard to rapidly change the whole government and cause it to became rather despotic toward U.S. citizens --- especially concerning irradiating the public and other questionable practices like unsavory things in our air, food and water.

No wonder the physicist Albert Einstein and members of the Federation of American Scientists did not want these Nazis brought into the United States. They did not want these eminent Nazis placed into positions in the U.S. military and American universities, plus industrial, scientific and other educational institutions --- as noted within the information linked below.

And now, we have hell to pay for what was done earlier in our country by treasonous individuals, whose true allegiance appears to be toward a foreign power.

Concentrating the Eugenics Experimenters

After the Nazis were illegally brought to the United States during Operation Paperclip and other like operations, many eugenicists were now concentrated in the United States. Available information indicates that a number of these Nazis were integrated into the CIA and FBI, plus other agencies and institutions, as noted in the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) (11) (12)(13)(14) (15)(16).

It appears that once the eugenicist Nazi war criminals and their Knights of Malta cohorts were in place in the United States, unethical experimenting on unsuspecting U.S. citizens then "kicked into high gear."

The CIA, with the embedded Nazis, is known to have sent out agents into bus depots, train stations and airports carrying suitcases in which were chemicals or biologicals which they then sprayed on the unsuspecting public. The military, which now included eugenicist Nazis from Germany, also got involved.

The following links begin to tell a rather disturbing story --- at least the parts of the story which are not still "Classified": (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8).

It appears that many people were sickened by these vile and illegal, Nazi-type human experiments. How many people may have died as a result of these acts of war upon U.S. citizens is not known, and possibly will never be known.

Monsanto Company

Now for a piece of history which it appears that only a relatively small percentage of the population has ever heard about. That is the Monsanto Company being involved with the creation of initiators which helped "set off" nuclear bombs.

Monsanto was involved with the Dayton Project, which was in operation from 1943 to 1949. Monsanto's job, as noted in a Wikipedia entry linked here, was to produce at least the radioactive polonium materials necessary to create "the polonium-based modulated neutron initiators which were used to begin the chain reactions in the atomic bombs."

In the Wikipedia entry, it is noted that there was also a Monsanto Rocket Propellant works, which "handled explosives including ammonium nitrate and ammonium picrate, but no radioactive materials were handled there."

At another location which Monsanto used in their growing project, there was a laboratory which studied "the effects of polonium on laboratory animals."

It is also noted in the Wikipedia entry that polonium production for the neutron initiators ultimately went the irradiated bismuth route. The entry notes that in 1945, Monsanto and the Dayton project "began receiving bismuth irradiated in the more powerful reactors at the Hanford Site in Washington" for use in separating out the polonium for use in the initiators.

So, we now see a direct connection between the Monsanto Company and the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, in the production of polonium necessary for the neutron initiators.

Further information about the questionable 'Knight of Malta-founded' (link) Monsanto Company's history, plus involvement with nuclear weapons, is found at the following links. You may have to scroll down through a couple of the pages to find the information about Monsanto.

Now for the links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14).

It is time for some further, important history on Monsanto. In a page, linked here, it is noted that the Monsanto Company was "founded by John Francis Queeny, a member of the Knights of Malta." Keep this tidbit of information in mind --- the Knights of Malta connection --- as we work through this Hanford Nuclear Report.

It appears that John Francis Queeny and the Monsanto Company may have been true to the Oath of the Knights of Malta (link). According to the linked information and oath, a Knight of Malta is to "make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics."

In the fulfillment of their "duty" of furthering the agenda of the Pope and the Jesuit order, the oath notes that the Knight of Malta "will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet in their secret or open, relentless war against anyone they consider to be a heretic.

It appears that John Francis Queeny and the Monsanto Company chose "the poisonous cup" route, for fulfilling the Knight of Malta oath.

In a page, linked here, it is noted that the first product for Monsanto was the poisonous saccharin, which was sold to Coca-Cola for putting in their soft drinks.

From that point on, it appears that Monsanto went into "high gear" in the production of industrial chemicals, drugs, and dangerous agricultural products which could be used to poison anyone the pope or the Jesuit organization would consider as being a heretic.

Regarding the deadly effects of Monsanto products, the linked page indicates that "Monsanto was fully aware of the deadly effects, but criminally hid them from the public." This would appear to fit into the secret and relentless war of a Knight of Malta against all heretics.

The linked page also notes the connection between Monsanto and the notorious Nazi companies of I.G. Farben and Bayer. This I.G. Farben conglomerate was the eugenicist Nazis company for producing the Zyklon-B gas used for mass-extermination of people during the World War Two era.

From information on the linked page, it appears that Monsanto, as quickly as it could, spewed out one poisonous and deadly product after another, onto or into the people of this world. Once again, it appears the company was faithfully fulfilling the oath of the Knights of Malta.

It appears that if one were to follow the "Knights of Malta trail," or the trail of their affiliate organizations, it might also lead to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy.

This same trail may also lead to an answer for why things have been happening the way they have been at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus at other nuclear sites around the country, over the years.

There is now something else to look at. How do Nazi scientists and Monsanto fit together? Part of the answer goes back to the illegal Operation Paperclip and other questionable "operations" which appears were facilitated by members of the Roman-based Knights of Malta organization and their affiliates.

As a result of questionable activities like Operation Paperclip, once again, numerous Nazi scientists and eugenicists from the German medical field were brought into the United States and placed into many coveted positions in the military, in government projects, in educational establishments, and within industrial settings.

The writer's research over the years leads him to the opinion that a number of the Nazi nuclear and chemical scientists were put into positions at the Monsanto Company.

Depleted Uranium

As we examine the nuclear industry, there is another thing to consider.

We hear a lot about the use of depleted uranium in military weapons. What is the difference between enriched uranium and depleted uranium?

The different is in the amount of U-235 in the uranium sample.

If there is more than 0.7% of U-235 in the uranium sample, it is classed as enriched.

If there is less than 0.7% of U-235 in the sample, it is classed as depleted.

A sample of depleted uranium will still contain a large percentage of radioactive U-238.


This section addresses a few of the health effects of depleted uranium (DU).

The link below is to a page by the University at Albany. It states many of the negative or devastating health effects produced by DU.

The page declares: "DU is primarily hazardous to people when it gets inside the body through ingestion, inhalation or through breaks in the skin."

The page linked below declares that depleted uranium "is a biological time bomb when it is inhaled." The page notes that inhaled DU particles "stay lodged in tissue for decades, emitting radiation that does great and cumulative damage."

So, what does the radiation emitting from internalized DU do in the body? The page above states that it can "wreck and damage DNA chains. They induce chemical changes inside cells."

So, what is the result of internalized DU? Cancer is often a result. Birth defects in offspring is another result. A list of negative health issues goes along with simply the inhalation of DU dust or aerosols.

Depleted Dust

The videos linked below speak about the effects of depleted uranium dust and radiation.

Since the depleted uranium (DU) weaponry ends up harming and killing our own, who is our military actually fighting for?

Is it for our people? That is now in question! Is it for an 'elite' group which has no authentic allegiance to U.S. citizens? That sounds more realistic!

With these thoughts in mind, let us now look further at depleted uranium and its effects.

The page linked below is by Dr. Alan Cantwell. It speaks of a possible connection between depleted uranium, diabetes and cancer.

The pages linked below speak more about depleted uranium, plus cancer and diabetes.

And, it appears that DU weaponry is not only killing the enemy, but also our own troops who are using DU, as noted in the links below.

Killing "the enemy" AND killing our own troops, sounds like a win-win situation for the eugenicists and those whom they are working for.

DU Weapons

The links below present a considerable amount of information about depleted uranium weapons.

It is of note that governments of today commonly deny using DU weapons because of health concerns by the public.

The links speak about the detrimental effects when DU gets inside the human body, plus what has actually happened to people and U.S. Veterans.

The page linked below states: "The Pentagon contends that not one American veteran is ill because of DU exposure."

Now to cut through the double speak.

Not one, but it appears that multiple thousands of American veterans are ill because of DU exposure.

Why is the military using a weapon which is causing serious problems for our own service people? Then again, is it intended to be that way in order to fulfill an oath to a foreign-based organization?

Who are they really working for? Is there any chance that those who are adhering to eugenics thought are behind the use of these weapons? Are groups like the Knights of Malta and their affiliates potentially behind the use of these weapons?

It should be noted that the eugenics movement has never lost a war. No matter which side wins the war, the eugenics movement always wins. They appear to be part of the culture of death, and as long as people die, one way or another, the eugenicists win.

And, who does it appear that the sinister eugenics movement, plus the controllers of the military, are actually working for?

DoD and Joint Chiefs

It is time to really look at what has been going on in the United States for quite some time, plus who or what organization appears to be behind it all.

If their allegiance was truly toward the U.S. Constitution, plus the United States and its citizens, would the military and those who control it intentionally cause great harm to United States citizens, for unsavory purposes? What does the evidence show?

And now, it is time for people to begin opening any sleepy eyes. It is time for the people of the United States to see what happened after ardent Nazis who had a Concordat with the Vatican, and whose Nazi SS was modeled after the Jesuits, and who were on a "holy war" for a church, were illegally brought into the United States and placed in key positions with the military and the military-industrial complex, plus in key positions in other government agencies.

Operation Northwoods

Let us now consider Operation Northwoods, which was planned in 1962. A Wikipedia entry, linked here, declares:

"Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962."

"The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming it on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba."

The entry continues: "The plans detailed in the document included the possible assassination of Cuban emigres, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities."

Yes, this diabolic plan of a rogue CIA (also known as "Catholics In Action") and the Department of Defense, called Operation Northwoods, was intended to perform violent and deadly terrorist acts against U.S. cities and innocent citizens.

These questionable organizations were going to do this in order to manipulate public opinion and cause a war. Just check out the information linked below and become informed.

Learn the mentality, even the Nazi mentality, of those who became outlaws and went rogue and have hijacked this country for their foreign masters.

"Northwoods II" ?

Wow! Is this beginning to sound something like what happened on 9/11/2001, when the Twin Towers were destroyed, potentially by remote-controlled planes (1)(2)(3)(4), except planes which were controlled from the ground, potentially by the infamous eugenicist crowd and their foreign-controlled allies? Does this sound like something which was perpetrated by that crowd which believes that "the end justifies the means?"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

And, as a result of the 9/11 caper, U.S. citizens were sucked into a war in Iraq --- one which President Bush clearly called "a Crusade."(1)(2)(3)(4) The use of the term "Crusade" dates back to some Roman Catholic activities against those they considered as being "enemies" of the church.

So, how many other apparent "sorties" has the U.S. military been on over the years, for the benefit of the Jesuits and the Vatican? How many of our military personnel have actually been maimed or died for the agenda of the Roman organizations, rather than for the authentic United States? More about these issues will be considered elsewhere in this report.

We will look at things relating to 9/11 a bit further, in just a little. But, let us first look at one other issue, which it appears could be related.

By Remote Control

Hold those thoughts from above for a moment, while we temporarily look at something relating to the man, noted in some of the information linked above, who took over a plane via his laptop.(1)(2)(3)(4)

Why did the Feds get so upset with him? He had been speaking with the FBI about this apparent vulnerability of airliners. So, again, why were they so upset with him?

Could it be that the "higher ups" were concerned that some thinking citizen might begin to put 2 and 2 together and begin to figure out that possibly the 9/11 Twin Tower operation was not exactly as the public was led to believe it was?

Could 9/11/2001 and the twin towers caper have been just another false flag operation, perpetrated by the military and the CIA, with a number of those Knights of Malta and their oath-taking affiliates thrown in for good measure? Was it just a remote controlled Operation Northwoods "on steroids."

The "Crusade"

Now, back on track. When it comes to the way Bush operated, plus his "Crusade" in Iraq, Bush was called "more Catholic than Kennedy."(1)(2)(3)

Looking further, Bush is said to be a member of the Skull and Bones organization from Yale University, a secretive organization which appears to be under Jesuit-control.

So, if Bush was more Catholic than Kennedy, and if Bush is a life member of a Jesuit-controlled organization (1)(2)(3) which appears to be after world control, then who is really "pulling the strings" or controlling things in the United States --- possibly even with that 9/11 caper?

Presidential Words

There is a chance that the info contained in the following links may help to "connect the dots." But first, once again, some words from a President who at least saw part of the picture.

The 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, declared: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy allieance between corrupt business and corrupt politics, is the first task of the statesmanship of the day."(1)

And then, the words of former President Woodrow Wilson are as follows:

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."(1)(2)

Those who have diligently done their research have a much better understanding of the "power" these men were talking about.

During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln spoke about "the real motive power [which] is not seen," which has a great control over things, even in the United States. Lincoln blamed the Civil War on the "influence of the Jesuits [and]...Popery."(1)(2)(3)

President Abraham Lincoln declared: "The true motive power is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome."(1)(2)

The 2012 page linked below it titled 'Influence of the Catholic Hierarchy on U.S. Policy Making.' The page notes that former President Ronald Reagan called on "the pope for guidance in the governing of America."

In 1982, that page notes that Reagon declared to the National Catholic Education Association these words: "I am grateful for your help in shaping American policy to reflect God's will...and I will look forward to further guidance from His Holiness Pope John Paul II..."

So, if you have seen problems in the way things have gone in our world and country over the years, possibly you might better understand where "credit should be given."

Maybe we should all be asking: "Is there really truth in that old saying which declares that all roads lead to Rome?" More about this issue later.

Benefitting from Wars

Who really seems to be the ones benefitting from all these wars which the United States has been in around the world? Are they really Crusades, like President Bush indicated?

Could there be a thread of truth to what is claimed in the following links? Check it out, and then decide.

It is said that the Knights of Malta and their allies really are in control of the Pentagon and other government agencies. From their oaths, it is noted that the Knights of Malta and there allies are actually working for the pope and his organization in Rome. They are the militia of the Pope.

It appears that in many or most of our wars, we have actually been a "tool" in a holy war.

History indicates that the pope and his Roman organization are on a quest to control the world. If they are just "using" the U.S. military, it could explain why they have no problem having our military personnel use depleted uranium weaponry which harms both sides on the battlefield. Its like "killing two birds with one stone."

Possibly, in the end, they just want to weaken all the nations, so it is much easier to control them. And, from checking the available information, the use of depleted uranium weaponry can help them to readily accomplish their goals.

If Knights of Malta and their affiliates are in control of the military and the government, and are working for the Jesuits and the Vatican, this all would explain why the military generally deceives and "stiff-arms" those who are injured from DU weaponry, rather that helping these American personnel who have health issues relating to the use of DU weaponry.

The Scarlet Beast

It appears we are dealing with "The Beast," spoken about in the Book of Revelation, in that old book called the Holy Bible.

On another note, we have the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States which is supposed to prevent citizens and industry from doing things which harm the environment in any manner. So, what is going on here?

The EPA and their allies jump all over citizens and industry which pollutes in any manner. Yet, in their hypocrisy, the EPA remains utterly silent while the military pollutes our whole world in the most horrid ways with aerosolized DU and other contaminants.

Whose or what type of environment is the EPA truly protecting? It appears that we are possibly dealing with a con game! For those who have done their research, it appears the military "controlled by Rome" (think Knights of Malta, etc.) can do whatever they want, while the citizens are crushed under despotic rules.

GW Syndrome

The page linked below presents information about Gulf War Syndrome (GWS). The page also speaks of the previous military use of Agent Orange.

It states: "Unfortunately, the U.S. military denied the problem..."

This constant denial of things, this constant deception, appears to be a bad habit of the military and other government agencies, as they wilfully do those things which harm U.S. citizens.

A lengthy video on the page linked below gives a presentation on GWS.

The pages linked below are just a sample of further information on the denial by the military that personnel have been and are being harmed by the nature of weaponry used by the military.

With this lengthy track record of denial, possibly a person could ask if the military is working for the citizens of the United States, or for some other organization altogether --- possibly a foreign-based organization.


It is time to examine other practices being used upon our service personnel. It is time to begin questioning what is really going on.

At Fukushima, those who were not "asleep" or totally "brain dead" knew that the nuclear plants were spewing radioactive materials into the environment.

Nevertheless, the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan --- with its whole array of radiation sensors --- slides right into the middle of the radioactive stew.

The carrier's crew was exposed to high levels of radiation. Many are now experiencing serious health problems and some are dying or dead.

The links below give many details.

Unfortunately, it appears that the Navy is "stonewalling" the victims. Why? Was this actually some eugenics "experiment?" Did the order for the "experiment" come down through the Knights of Malta or Opus Dei?

Those in charge should have known better. The military is not new to nuclear radiation. They have been intimately working with it since World War Two --- more than 70 years ago.

Was this an accident or was this done intentionally --- as just another form of human radiation experiment for the eugenicists in control? Or was it used to "cull the weak" from amongst the crew.

Human Radiation Experiments

The document, linked here, is a relatively slow-loading scan of a document that is titled Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, Supplemental Volume 2a.

The various presentations accessed via the three buttons below are faster-loading formats of the document noted above.

The document lists at least some of the classified and unclassified U.S. government reports regarding human radiation experiments. The document lists records for at least the human experimentation which was actually documented and made available to the public.

It is possible that other, highly unethical human experimentation was performed for which there is no documentation --- or at least for which there is no documentation that will ever be made available to the public. In such a case, the documents are possibly "CLASSIFIED," to protect the guilty.

Operation Paperclip

As a refresher, the pages linked below relate to the period which started after Nazi war criminals and medical experimenters were brought to the United States under Operation Paperclip and other associated, rather questionable programs.

For an introduction to Operation Paperclip, plus others like it, check out the information linked below. The information does relate to what we are dealing with today in our country and around the world.

Looking a bit further about things relating to Operation Paperclip, there is something interesting to note. It is found in the text document linked below, which is titled 'Knights of Malta Facebook.'

As a side note, the "See other formats" link at the top of the text page accesses a regular book titled 'Identity of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.' That book contains a lot of valuable information. Some of this information may potentially be related to what we are now dealing with at Hanford Nuclear Reservation and that long-running, so-called "clean up" operation.

Getting back to the text file, scroll a little less than half way down the page to a section titled 'Page 33.' The third paragraph is the one of interest. It notes that "Allen Dulles and U.S. Gen. Lemnitzer...were involved in private negotiations to recruit top Nazis before the end of the war."

Pages at the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4 - scroll down) --- give some history on Allen Dulles, with #4 including some history on Lemnitzer.

Knights of Malta

Allen Dulles headed the CIA for many years. According to a number of sources, Allen Dulles is said to have been a Knight of Malta (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9).

It is said that the allegiance of a Knight of Malta is to the pope in Rome and the Jesuit General, over and above any allegiance to the United States or its citizens. The first three links below access what is said to be their oath, the fourth link being their purpose, the fifth link - that which appears to have happened in our country: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)

General Lemnitzer, who was in on the deals with the Nazis, was later associated with Operation Northwoods (link), that illegal, highly deceptive and rather criminal operation intended to suck the American people into a war with Cuba.

The plans for Operation Northwoods included government-sponsored acts of brutal terrorism against U.S. cities and citizens.

Lemnitzer was part of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He was part of that group which sits in the Pentagon and is said to be dominated by Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and Vatican/Jesuit controlled minions (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7).

Radiation Experiments

Now, let us return to the unethical experiments on humans, using radiation. A number of these experiments are documented below.

These unethical experiments were performed by U.S. government agencies or other organizations directly associated with them.

These experiments became very common in the period after the Nazi war criminals were illegally brought to the United States by the eugenics faction in government. It appears that the Nazis were brought here so they could continue their experiments on the unsuspecting citizens of this country.

The three links below access videos which are separate parts of a three part series.

This series is for testimony relating to human radiation experiments --- unethical experiments which took place right here in the United States. In principle, it appears to be like those things which took place during those Inquistions in earlier times.

Unethical Experiments

The videos linked below present further information on human experimentation in general, which was often performed on populations in the United States, unethically and illegally, without their knowledge or consent.

Once again, there is something very important to note. This unethical human experimentation seemed to "kick into high gear" after the eugenicist Nazi war criminals and medical experimenters were brought to the United States by their eugenicist U.S. cohorts and apparently a number of Knights of Malta, under the illegal Operation Paperclip and other associated programs.

Linked below is addition information on unethical human experimentation with radioactive materials. It appears that the eugenicists and their Nazi counterparts were becoming very subtil and very vile toward U.S. citizens.

The Eugenicists

After years of research, it is becoming obvious to the writer that the unethical, eugenicist Nazi-type of human experimentation did not end with the fall of Germany in World War Two.

Once again, many of the eugenicist Nazi experimenters and war criminals were simply brought to the United States by their eugenic friends and cohorts in positions of power in the United States.

The eugenicist Nazis who were brought into the United States, once again, were then able to freely continue their German-variety of human experimentation on the unsuspecting population of the United States.

It appears that many of these Nazi war criminals were given name changes, by questionable government entities. The Nazis were then placed into positions of authority in various governmental agencies and research institutions.

A certain percentage of these Nazi war criminals became associated with the eugenicist-leaning Atomic Energy Commission, which morphed into the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which we have today.

Once again, the DOE is that organization which controls the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and those questionable things which are and have been happening there.

"Low Use Segment"

In the article below, it appears the government --- or at least the eugenicist segment of it --- has a low consideration for the "downwinders" which have been harmed by its eugenics-styled, population reduction experiments.

Those exposed to radiation were considered as "a low use segment of the population."

Unless you are one of the "elite," this appears to be how you are viewed by those who have hijacked the United States.

This attitude of a "low use segment" definitely comes from the Eugenics Movement, which is embedded in, and has virtually hijacked our government. It is clearly showing its true colors. But again, it appears that this movement is just following the orders of their foreign boss.

Pages linked below include information on the eugenicist (Nazi-style?) government segments which have an attitude about a "low-use segment of the population" --- as they have done their blatant and unethical radiation "experiments," or their subtle genocide, on the unsuspecting general public.

It appears that certain features are still in place which can negatively affect the "low-use segment of the population," as they are considered by the international, eugenicist "elite."

To a number of people, one of those features is the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the things which have been and are going on there.

With these thoughts in mind, check out the information which is linked below

Just Another Tool

To those who have diligently done their research, it appears that the Eugenics Movement is simply a tool of a foreign entity, which can be used against U.S. citizens and others. And, looking further, it appears that the Hanford Nuclear Reservation may now be simply another tool for use by associates of this entity.

The writer's research tends to indicate that all this unethical human experimentation was simply a slow and subtle, yet very powerful, long-lasting and widespread form of eugenics. It also works for accomplishing euthanasia.

This unethical human "experimentation" may also work to perform a certain type of human sacrifice, associated with what ancient cultures have done for eons. And, it appears that this could all be associated with a type of holy war. This subtil holy war is spoken about in another portion of this report.

There were radiation "experiments," and then there were other types of blatant, unethical "experiments" which were done. A lot of the so-called "experiments" appear to be nothing more than a subtle cover-story for genocide.

The "Death Cult"

These so-called "experiments," in principle, appear to be not that much different to those tortures performed during various Inquisitions by organizations similar to or in submission to the "death-cult" of the Jesuits (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). Possibly there is a connection.

Research indicates that the more hideous and vile the "experiment" is by a government agency, the more chance that its documentation will remain classified, or possibly it will be found that no documentation exists at all --- or at least none that is accessible by the public.

There is one thing to note. It is very easy to put the "classified" stamp on outright, blatant crimes against humanity. And yet, there appears to be more to this story.

Possibly the cohorts of Adolf Hitler (who had a Concordat with the Vatican) ultimately won World War Two, thanks to the wily Eugenics Movement and their allies which are all alive and well in the United States and working towards the goals of their foreign master.

But, let us not stop here, at just the Nazis and the eugenicists and the agents of Rome in the United States. There is another part of this eugenics and unethical human experimentation story. It appears to be part of a world-wide movement.

Infamous Unit 731

Let us now show more clearly that the eugenicists and their allies in the government and military of the United States did not want to help rid the world of evil during the World War Two era. It appears that they simply wanted to know all they could about methods for spreading anguish and death and fear upon this earth. With this introduction, let us now begin to look at how things were handled with the infamous Japanese Unit 731.

A Wikipedia entry, linked here, declares: "Unit 731 was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) of World War II."

Furthermore, this infamous Unit 731 "was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes carried out by Imperial Japan."

Let us note how Unit 731 was given such an innocent sounding "official" name, which helped cover for what they really were and their extremely vile acts.

The page states that Unit 731 "was officially known as the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army."

So, to those less gullible ones who have their eyes open, don't let names fool you as to what is really going on with various agencies and organizations --- that includes even in the United States.

Now for the important information. This shows what the eugenicists and their foreign-controlled allies who have hijacked the U.S. government and military are really after, instead of authentic justice and getting rid of evil, plus doing what is good and morally right upon this earth.

The page linked above states: "Instead of being tried for war crimes after the war, the researchers involved in Unit 731 were secretly given immunity by the U.S. in exchange for the data they gathered through human experimentation."

The page states further: "Americans did not try the researchers so that the information and experience gained in bio-weapons could be co-opted into the U.S. biological warfare program, as had happened with Nazi researchers in Operation Paperclip." A page, linked here, declares the same thing.

Using Utter Deception

Yes, it appears that the diabolic eugenicists and those associated with the foreign-controlled "invisible government" --- that "invisible government" spoken about by earlier U.S. Presidents --- which has hijacked and controls the United States, were working together to prepare for and accomplish the ultimate goals of their foreign boss.

Let us consider how the eugenics faction --- who appears to have hijacked the U.S. government --- worked to deceive the American general public.

Regarding those who had been experimented upon by the brutal Unit 731, pages at the following links --- (1)(2) --- declare: "Victim accounts were then largely ignored or dismissed in the West as communist propaganda."

Think about this for a bit. Government and military officials wanted all the details of the diabolic Japanese human experimentation for their own use, so badly that they let a bunch of diabolic war criminals go free, just as they did in Nazi Germany.

And then, to cover up all their evil deeds, those in control were blatantly lying to and greatly deceiving the general public in the United States by telling them that victims' stories of torture and human experimentation were just communist propaganda. Wow!

You know, they did the same thing to "Downwinders" in the United States, who were greatly harmed by the eugenicists' spread of nuclear radiation.

There were people in the 1950s stating that drifting radiation from nuclear explosions at the Nevada Test Site was harming the downwind people. But, in their utter deception, the eugenicist supporters declared that those stating such things were just part of a communist propaganda plot (1). Wow, again!

Yes, the eugenicists and their allies and cohorts in government and the military --- those who were associated with the Nazi war criminals who had a Concordat with the Vatican, and were associated with things like Operation Paperclip --- were lying to and utterly deceiving the U.S. general public. Is it any different today, even when it comes to things like the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and what is actually going on there?

All this deception and lying brings to mind an old word. Possibly all this lying and deception is a "signature" as to who is really in control of all this questionable activity. The old word which comes to mind is "Jesuitism."

Looking to the 1828 Webster's dictionary (1), the word "Jesuitism" is defined as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." That word "prevarication" is defined as: "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie."(2)

Does the original meaning of this old word "Jesuitism" seem to fit the description of what it appears has been happening with the eugenicists, the military and the DOE for quite a period of time --- possibly for a very long time? Does all this lying and deception indicate who is truly behind all these questionable activities we have been talking about in this Hanford Nuclear Report?

To those who do look beyond this fleeting life, there is an old piece of information which might be worth considering at this point. The information is this:

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."(link)

To this, the writer will add more old pieces of information, which each individual can decide for themselves their true meaning. They state the following:

"And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."(link)

And again:

"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."(link)

"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."(1)(2)

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities."(1)(2)

"And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."(link)

With the above information in mind, let us now move onward and view some of those things which the deceptive eugenicists and their allies, along with their "masters," have been doing across the face of the earth, over time.

More about Unit 731

For further information on the infamous Unit 731, plus the questionable deals made and immunities provided by the eugenicist factions and their allies who have hijacked the U.S. government and military, simply check out the pages linked below.

Jesuit Torture Skills

It appears that all this horrific knowledge was and is being added to that brutal storehouse of knowledge which the Jesuits and their minions gained by all that extreme human torture and cruel experimentation which was done during the Inquisitions and other brutal periods which were perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Church and their minions.(1)(2)

Regarding the lethal human experimentation in Japan, a page, linked here, declares: "Torture techniques conjured up in medieval times, especially the gruesome methods employed during the Crusades, took a giant leap forward thanks to Dr. Shiro Ishii's diabolical imagination."

He Warned Us

In all of this, especially in the things which are happening behind the scenes in the United States, there is something to consider.

Before he was so brutally assassinated by members of the foreign-controlled invisible government in the United States, President John F. Kennedy declared something extremely important in a speech on April 27, 1961. His words now follow:

"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.
      "We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.
      "Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it

Look clearly at what Kennedy was saying. There is little value in the United States surviving upon this earth, if the original traditions of this country, those traditions of our God-given rights and individual freedoms, do not survive with it.

Beyond Prying Eyes

So, what is now happening in the United States? What is the real purpose of the extremely secretive Area 51 and the other questionable sites of secret experimentation?

Regarding that very remote Area 51, there is one thing to consider. All those eugenicist Nazi war criminals and "medical specialists," which were brought into the United States via the questionable Operation Paperclip and other like operations, had to go somewhere. What better place to allow them to continue their gruesome and diabolic experiments which they were doing in Nazi Germany.

We all know there are those cover stories for many government facilities, and then there is the real truth about what they are and what goes on there. Is the "classified" aircraft testing at Area 51 just a cover for what is really going on in the deeper, underground portions of the facility?

Stashing the Nazi human experimenters at the incredibly guarded Area 51 would work out just fine, for they would never have to worry about being captured by those world renowned Nazi hunters.

So, are those stories about aliens at Area 51 actually the products of continued human experimentation by the Nazi staff, and after their deaths, then by their numerous apprentices and eugenicist specialists and supporters?

The pages linked below do also bring up the potential for Nazi-type unethical human experimentation to be ongoing at Area 51. There is a reason why Operation Paperclip and other operations like it involving the bringing of Nazi war criminals into the United States are still highly classified. In the pages linked below is found the following:

"Area 51 was set up to push military, science and technology faster and further than any other nation."

And, what had the Nazi scientists been trying to do in Germany, before they were illegally brought into the United States, to do here what they had already been doing in Nazi Germany?

One thing is very certain. Area 51 is a very busy place. One page linked below states: "Today, Area 51 is still very much in use. According to Google Earth, new construction and expansions are continuously happening."

Knowing the history of the eugenicists in positions of power and what they have ceaselessly attempted in the past, it would not be surprising to find that Area 51 is the site where they are diabolically working to produce altered humans and other life forms for the next "super race," something along the lines of where the Nazis eugenicists were headed.

There is a reason that there was such a worldwide "frenzy" over the Human Genome Project. The "cracking" of the human genetic code and the ultimate findings of that project may potentially help the eugenicists and the human experimentation specialists attain the goal which they have been striving toward for so many decades.

Looking further, what is the real purpose of those many Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs), which are claimed to exist? What kind of Nazi-type experimenting could be happening here, away from prying eyes?

A serious study of the history of the eugenicist and "death-cult" types, plus a reasonably understanding of human nature --- especially when certain types of individuals can get away with something because of secrecy --- should be a reasonable guide to what is most likely going on at these ultra-secret military facilities.

Let one thing be noted. They wilfully harmed U.S citizens by spreading radiation all over them. They have also harmed U.S. military personnel by having them use depleted uranium (DU) weaponry. So obviously, their allegiance is not toward the legitimate United States or its citizens.

So, what is really going on at Area 51 and who are they really working for? Possibly the pope and the Jesuits in Rome could give us the real answer --- if they would ever tell us the truth.

On The Public ?

Scroll about one-third of the way down a page linked here, to the section titled 'The CIA & Department of Defense Attack Americans with Biological Weapons.' That section starts with the following words:

"Armed with Nazi and Imperial Japanese biowarfare knowhow, the United States government and its intelligence agencies (which had been taken over by the Bush-Walker-Dulles clique), began conducting widespread terrorist attacks on American citizens."

The above information is also found in a page titled 'America Betrayed: Bush, Bin Laden...', which is linked here. In both of the linked sources, the following is also found:

"...Families arriving or leaving Washington's National Airport and the main bus station of our Nation's capital, were sprayed with biological agents via specially equipped suitcases."

At this point, there is something important to note. The Bush-Walker-Dulles clique was composed of eugenicists. They were also members of Jesuit-controlled secretive organizations like the Skull and Bones organization from Yale University, and the Knights of Malta, plus other associated, secretive organizations.

In the upper section of the first page, linked here and above, is also found the following: "The United States government also authorized the American Energy Commission [which ultimately morphed into the U.S. DOE, yes, the ones running Handford Nuclear Reservation] to secretly inject hospitalized patients with plutonium in order to profile the long term effects. Most of these individuals became terminally ill and died."

Yes, talk about wilful and blatant crimes against humanity. Talk about Nazi-type human experimentation or subtle genocide.

If you want to better understand what is going on in our country, away from prying eyes, the information contained in the links below is worth reading. But be forwarned: the atrocities may turn your stomach.

The video linked below exposes secret military testing and human experimentation done during the 1950s and 1960s. This blatantly unscrupulous and illegal testing caused an unsuspecting public in Saint Louis and other U.S. cities to breath and internalize radioactive materials. Is it any wonder that we have such a cancer epidemic in this country?

Looking at other types of testing and human experimentation, the link below is about CIA drug smuggling into the United States. This was in the 1980s. But, are things any different today --- besides being much worse?

The following links provide further information about the CIA --- that organization which has been known to bring illicit drugs into the United States --- and some of its foreign connections. Some of the links may contain duplicate info, in case linked info at one URL goes down. There are also links to other related info included.

A little research can turn up much more information about the Vatican-affiliated CIA's involvement in bringing illicit drugs into the country for sale to Americans. Research can also answer why it appears that they are wilfully drugging American citizens. As a hint, it is to fulfill part of an oath.

What is presented here is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. More information can be found in the lower portion of the page linked below.

Additional information can be found in a site linked here.

What is going on here? Have those in charge made themselves the enemies of the people and are they working to destroy our nation and decimate our populace?

Have they become foreign-controlled agents which are working for a foreign government and its agenda of creating a so-called New World Order --- which is actually the Fourth Reich --- with the Pope at the head?

Have adherents to the Eugenics Movement and their allies, with international ties, hijacked our government and country to further the goals of a foreign entity?


Let us consider a strange and somewhat controversial monument in the southeastern part of the United States.

The Georgia Guidestones may point us toward the truth about what is intended and happening in our country and the world. This monument may also show part of the agenda of the powerful eugenics movement, plus those behind or in control of them.

Below is a link which introduces the large Georgia Guidestones. The creation of the guidestones began in 1979. The opening of the finished monument was in 1980 (link).

It is obvious that some very well financed organization spent a considerable amount of money to engrave the following message in stone: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000..."

For a moment, let us think about the statement noted above. Do you understand the implications of this statement?

The current estimated population of the earth (as of December 28, 2017) is approximately 7.59 billion people (link). The declaration on the Georgia Guidestones means dropping the population of this earth to less than 7 percent of its current value.

The Eugenicists

It appears, historically, that there has been an organized faction of well-financed people who have been calling for the elimination of a large portion of the people on this earth. In recent history, they have commonly been called the eugenics movement. But, the eugenicists are just another "tool" for those who are really in control.

Historically, the eugenicists have often changed their name, or their public face, in order to "throw people off their trail," but their agenda has always remained the same. Their agenda is "getting rid of people that are not like us." That is exactly what the papal minions did during the Crusades and the Inquisitions.

Now, how do the eugenicists and those they work for plan on accomplishing the extreme reduction in the population of the earth to 500,000,000 people of less? By what methods do they intend to drop the population of the earth to less than 7 percent of its current value?

Adolf Hitler and the Nazi eugenicists (that group which had a Concordat with the Vatican and modeled the Nazi SS after the Jesuits) had their methods, but those methods are much too obvious and somewhat outdated. Does subtle and silent radiation, especially internalized radiation with its detrimental effects, fit nicely into the modern picture of the very subtle holy war we are now dealing with?

Would GMOs and toxic vaccines, along with harmful fluoride in the water and harmful chemicals sprayed in the atmosphere fit this more subtle, "modern" picture of the "relentless" holy war?

It is shown in a page, linked here, (about the 7th paragraph from the top) that in the early 1900s, members of the well-financed American eugenics movement (link) "carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples," not in some other country, but right here in the United States. Euthanasia and eugenicide were considered for accomplishing this. Once again, it should be noted that the powerful American eugenics movement inspired the extermination camps of Nazi Germany.

After World War Two, the U.S. eugenics movement was outlawed because of its ethnic cleansing practices and crimes against humanity (link). But, the American eugenics movement did not simply go away. It just went underground and changed its public name or names and its public face.

It should be noted that in Nazi Germany and in the United States, the medical establishment helped further the cause of the organized and well-financed eugenics movement. And, even now, it appears that some other agenda is infecting the medical establishment.

Nuclear Power

Nuclear reactors came into existence for the purpose of making radioactive materials for bombs. Later, as an apparent afterthought, nuclear power plants were said to be used for civilian electrical power production. But, in all reality, it appears these nuclear power plants are basically military facilities staffed by civilians.

The nuclear disaster at Fukushima, Japan has possibly "opened up a can of worms." When the tsunami came into the nuclear facility, it was said that it wiped out the external electrical power sources which were used to operate the cooling pumps for the reactor core. Hence, the meltdowns occurred in three reactors. This does send up the proverbial "red flag" and raise some questions.

It is said that nuclear facilities are producing power for the electrical grid. If this is true, should not they be making more than enough power from the on-site turbine operated generators to fulfill all the electrical needs of the whole nuclear facility?

Should not the on-site turbine-driven generators be producing more than enough electricity, via nuclear power, to be able to power the cooling pumps for the nuclear reactor? Why, then, do nuclear power plants depend on outside power to operate their cooling pumps? What is going on here?

When considering nuclear power plants, some things are just not adding up. It would be interesting to run some tests on the electrical power lines going into nuclear power plants. It would be interesting to find out in which direction was the actual load on the power lines, and in which direction was the generator that is connected to the line.

If tests were performed, would we find that these large nuclear power plants are actually drawing power out of the electrical grid? Could they, instead of producing a large amount of electrical power for the general public, simply be a manufacturing facility for weapons grade, nuclear bomb and military materials?

Is anyone reading this report skilled in performing the necessary electrical tests, to find direction of load on an AC electrical line? Are you up for a potentially revealing investigation? It is time to find out the truth about nuclear facilities.

Hanford Issues

It is time, once again, to turn our attention to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the radioactively contaminated aquifer beneath it.

Let us examine, in the next section, how this contamination got into the aquifer in the first place.

Hanford Waste

The page linked below is called "A Short History of Hanford Waste Generation, Storage, and Release."

On PDF page 12 of 39, is found the following:

"During the first months of waste generation and release, mildly contaminated liquids were simply discharged to a low spot on the ground (Brown and Ruppert 1950)."

"Most liquids seeped into the sandy soil, adding contaminants to the soil, deep sediment, and groundwater."

"Some liquids evaporated, leaving surface residues for plant and animal uptake as well as being dispersed by the wind. This disposal practice created contaminated wetlands."

"These practices quickly became unacceptable. Liquids were then pumped down wells. While this got contaminants underground, it also injected them closer to, and sometimes into the underlying aquifer."

"Within months, well use was discontinued except for the disposal of small waste quantities (Du Pont 1945)."

So, it is said that "small waste quantities" were still pumped into the groundwater and underlying aquifer --- into that vast, regional aquifer system. But, let us now consider something.

Just because small quantities at a time of fast moving, chelated radioactive materials were injected into the vast aquifer system means nothing. The key question is this. How often were these so-called "small quantities" of chelated radioactive wastes injected into the aquifer?

If it was done fairly often, then a large quantity of chelated radioactive waste, over time, was still being injected into the aquifer system, from which comes drinking and irrigation water for the region.

At this point, a question needs to be asked. Since they were injecting this radioactive material into an aquifer system, what was their real purpose for doing these things?

Soil and River

The document linked via the button below is called "The Hanford Nuclear Waste Site: A Legacy of Risk, Cost, and Inefficiency."

At the bottom of PDF page 2 of 32, is declared the following:

"With limited knowledge of the dangers associated with radioactive waste, DOE officials at Hanford disposed of millions of gallons of highly radioactive materials directly into the soil."

"Today, large quantities of these radioactive substances have been detected in the ground water beneath the site, contaminating the water that feeds the Columbia River."

At the bottom of PDF page 4 of 32, are found the following words:

"During the course of the Hanford site's nearly 50 years of production, separation, and purification of plutonium for the nation's nuclear weapons, the DOE estimates that the Hanford site produced approximately 450 billion gallons of liquid waste."

"The vast majority of this waste - estimated to be as much as 350 million [billion? - see paragraph above] gallons - was released directly into the ground (in the 200 Areas) through about 300 cribs, ponds, and unlined trenches, while liquid wastes of varying levels of contamination were often pumped directly into the Columbia River."

The document linked above, on PDF page 6 of 32, also states that the wastes are "contaminating the ground water that feeds into the Columbia River."

The next bit of information is important. These wastes going into the river include: "chromium, nitrates, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, tritium, technetium-99, uranium, and strontium-90, some of which can remain radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years."

An abbreviated, five page version of the document linked above is accessed via the following link:

Bomb Materials

The 32 page document from the section above, linked here, declares the following on PDF page 6 of 32:

"Another primary challenge for the DOE is the approximately 12 tons of plutonium in various separated forms contained in spent nuclear fuel at the K-Reactor Basins (K-Basins)."

By the River

The DOE page, linked here, shows that the location for the contaminated and leaking K-Basins is "about 400 yards from the Columbia River."

The K-Basins are located "adjacent to the K-East and K-West Reactors." Maps, linked here and here, show the K-East and K-West Reactors (100 KE, KW) by the Columbia River, in the upper portion of the map. A satellite photo, linked here, gives another perspective for the location of the K-West and K-East reactor sites, right by the river.

The picture, linked here, is looking generally south toward the K-East and K-West Reactors, viewed from above the river. The K-Basins are the long, narrow pools behind (to the south of) the reactor buildings.

The picture, linked here, is looking generally north. Note that the area of the KW-Basin has been filled in.

"About 400 yards" is not very far from the river. The K-Basins were leaking radioactive materials into the ground (and ultimately into the Columbia River).

The DOE page states that crews moved the irradiated fuel rods from the K-Basins to the Canister Storage Building, by 2004.

Unfortunately, a layer of radioactive sludge still exists in the bottom of the basins, plus there is a considerable amount of contaminated ground and groundwater beneath the leaking basins. This contamination ends up in the Columbia River.

Flow Rate

A map, linked here, indicates that the aquifer system beneath Hanford moves its water (which should include at least a portion of the contamination in it, especially the chelated radioactive wastes) at a rate of 100 to 2,000 feet per day.

Using the flow rates above, and under the right conditions, how fast could a portion of the radioactive waste from the leaking K-Basins travel the 400 yards to reach the river, once it reached groundwater?

Let us remember that the leaking K-Basins are relatively near the river, compared to other dumping areas which were more toward the center of the site and miles from the river.

From the USGS

The article linked below states: "In 1986, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated that ground water probably moves the 7 to 9 miles from the main dumping grounds to the Columbia River in 10 to 20 years. But it could travel the distance in as little as six years under some conditions."

But, there is a lot more to this story. There is the truth about the way things actually happen in real life, especially when it comes to chelated materials.

Real Life

It is time to put all the estimates and "tweaked" models and data aside, and look at a real life, bonafide experience.

The page linked below contains some very revealing information on PDF page 18 of 159.

Shortly after plutonium processing began at Hanford in 1945, wells at the Hanford site "were contaminated with uranium and it had spread offsite to wells at Benton City by mid 1947."

So, let us get this straight. In about 2-1/2 years, the uranium wastes traveled about 20 miles to the Benton City wells. That is much, much faster than the government is claiming that this waste from Hanford travels.

It appears that government estimates for rate of groundwater travel in the Hanford region are highly inaccurate.

It did not take the uranium 10 to 15 years, or more, to travel about 20 miles to the wells for Benton City.

Again, it was done in only about 2-1/2 years. This lends credibility to the map, linked here, which shows a flow rate for the aquifer of about 100 to 2,000 feet per day in this region.

So, how did the radionuclides travel so much faster in the groundwater than the government thought they could? Possibly it is because the government was thinking only along one line.

Possibly the government was thinking that the wastes were in the form of cations (or positively charged ions) that "have fairly limited mobility in soil and groundwater."(link) But in reality, it appears that much of this waste may have actually been chelated.

The chelated radioactive wastes are more mobile and apparently can travel much faster in the groundwater. That may be what happened with the radionuclides which showed up in the Benton City wells in just 2-1/2 years.

Rate of Movement

Plutonium is heavier than uranium and may be moved along more slowly by the water in the aquifer. But then again, chelated radionuclides can travel through the aquifer system at a much faster rate.

Once again, uranium moved 20 miles in the aquifer below the Hanford region in 2-1/2 years, to get into the Benton City wells.

Benton City is about 8 miles from the southern borders of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, and about 20 miles from the central portion of the Hanford site, at which point the radioactive wastes were injected into the groundwater and regional aquifer system.

If the plutonium was still on the Hanford site at 2-1/2 years, it was moving slower than the uranium.

But, by now, the plutonium which was injected into the aquifer at Hanford in the mid 1940s, especially the chelated portion which can move much faster, is most likely dozens of miles outside of the Hanford boundaries, possibly having spread out in many directions in the complex aquifer system, from which is pumped drinking and irrigation water.

The  Hanford  Nuclear  Report
The "Ultimate Guide" to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, for the Average Citizen

A documented report by:  David E. Sakrisson - Independent Researcher and Reporter
"Presenting the findings of my research, even if the picture is not pretty."

Copyright © 2011-2018  by  David E. Sakrisson
All Rights Reserved

Latest additions on:  Saturday, March 17, 2018 - 10:40am PDT
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At page bottom is convenient INDEX FOR SECTION-TITLES (Link to Index), with direct links to sections on this page.
This report is a non-funded work in progress. Donations toward this research and page would be gladly accepted and greatly appreciated.
A spike in serious birth defects in region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation?  What is going on here?  That, and much more...

NOTE: This report has numerous links to documentation which helps to give a better, more complete picture of what appears to be happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. But, with the Internet, there appears to be a major problem. It seems that things are often censored and documentation linked in this report simply "disappears" from the Internet. It is almost like watching the new "Dark Ages" in action. With the nature of the information presented in this report, it is very understandable why this would be happening. It is an overwhelming job just trying to keep up with checking the numerous links in this report. So, the writer is asking for your help. If you find a link which is not working, please contact the writer via email to let him know which link is not working, along with the section heading where the non-functioning link is located. Thank you.
DISCLAIMER: The information presented in this report is true and complete to the best of the writer's knowledge. It is simply what the writer has found or come to realize as he has researched the Internet and various other sources of information. In this report is often found the writer's opinions. The writer is not responsible for what you do with this information or with his opinions, which are provided for informational purposes only. It is up to you to totally check out the real facts for yourself, via further research and professional sources. In all of this, you are totally responsible for your actions and what you do with this information.

An  Introduction


Hold on a minute! There are some things we need to look at much more closely! For a long time, like for decades, people associated with the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, via the news media, have been getting the public to concentrate on the radioactive contaminants heading toward or getting into the Columbia River along the perimeter of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. But, it appears that we have "been played." It is almost like they have been getting us to look in one direction, while something else, something very important and something very big, is happening in the opposite direction.

The document linked below is from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), which is located at Richland, Washington (1)(2). The PNNL has been operated by Battelle since 1965. Battelle is one of the prime contractors on the Hanford project. The PNNL has a staff of over 4,400 "scientists, engineers and business professionals." From what is known, to the average citizen, it appears that the PNNL should be a rather reputable source of information. So, let us now begin our investigation.

The linked document is identified as PNNL-19052 and its complete title is: 'Water Quality Sampling Locations Along the Shoreline of the Columbia River, Hanford Site, Washington.' It was "Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830," and was published in December of 2009. In the 'Introduction,' on PDF page 15 of 140, is stated: "This report contains an inventory of water quality sampling locations along the Columbia River as it flows across the Hanford Site, i.e., the 'Hanford Reach'."

Further down on PDF page 15 of 140 is found the following: "This report provides listings of water quality sampling sites that are associated with the groundwater/river interface. The listings provide names and locations for the following types of sampling sites: (a) near-river groundwater using aquifer sampling tubes; (b) riverbank springs and seepage areas; (c) pore water collected from riverbed sediment; and (d) Columbia River water."

What is stated above all sounds fine and good, but it appears there is a whole lot more to the story of Hanford radioactive and chemical contamination getting into the Columbia River, than is commonly presented to the public. Once a person starts digging a little deeper, the truth finally comes out regarding what is actually happening with a large portion of the contamination from Hanford. And, once a person digs deeper still, a lot more information is found relating to what is happening at Hanford and what the future plans are for this very contaminated and hazardous site.

At various locations in this report will be presented some "missing" facts about the Hanford mess and the type of contamination which is actually getting into the river, plus at what general location it appears this serious contamination is getting into the river, and also how it is getting into the river. These are facts of which the media and the public are generally unaware, but facts which, for the most part, appear to have been known by those in control of Hanford since the latter 1940s.


The PNNL document, linked here and above, on PDF page 16 of 140, declares: "PNNL's Surface Environmental Surveillance Project (SESP) collects samples at the following locations on a routine basis. Riverbank springs samples are collected annually at each of the six retired reactor areas (100 Area), the Hanford town site, and the 300 Area." Then it states: "Transect and near-shore samples of river water are collected quarterly at Vernita Bridge and the city of Richland's pumphouse, and annually at the 100-N Area, Hanford town site, and 300 Area."

The document, on PDF page 16 of 140, goes on to state: "Samples of Columbia River sediment are collected annually (typically after the peak spring runoff) from behind Priest Rapids and McNary Dams, and at White Bluffs Slough, 100-F Slough, Hanford Slough, selected riverbank springs, and a shoreline beach near the Richland pumphouse. The results of these activities are reported in the annual Hanford Site environmental Report."

The document, on PDF page 16 of 140, then goes on to state: "River water quality monitoring is also conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at Vernita Bridge and the Richland pumphouse on a quarterly basis, under subcontract to PNNL."

An entry on PDF page 103 of 140 declares: "The city of Richland pumphouse is nearest location downstream of Hanford from which Columbia River water is withdrawn to provide water for the Richland municipal drinking system."

A map, on PDF page 105 of 140 of the linked document, shows the general location of the Vernita Bridge (near the upstream side of the Hanford site), and the city of Richland's pumphouse for municipal drinking water (located below the downstream side of the Hanford site), in relation to the Hanford Site Boundary.

Moving back again to PDF page 16 of 140, the following is found: "The groundwater project, a part of the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Project currently managed by CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company (CHPRC), collects and evaluates samples from near-river wells, aquifer sampling tubes at the shoreline, and riverbank springs on at least an annual basis."

It is now time for a bit of reality. A considerable amount of time (yes, numerous people-hours), at a great expense (your tax dollars, plus those of many others, at work?), has been invested in all of this testing and report writing related to the PNNL document linked above. But, it appears that there is something very important, something even very major, which is missing from all the data. It also appears that there is actually more than one important thing missing from the data.

It appears that this "something," or even "somethings," has been known about and potentially covered-up, since the latter 1940s. This missing information is discussed, to some degree, at various points in this report. But, enough information is presented throughout this report so that the diligent reader can potentially end up with a good idea, or a good understanding, of what is actually happening at Hanford --- something which it appears they would rather the public did not know.

So, let us get on with exposing Hanford --- yes, the real Hanford and that which appears to be the real mess at this facility. Later in this report will be examined some of those things which are being planned for Hanford and how these things could affect the public.

Along the way, as Hanford and our world are being considered, information will be presented about the nature of those who appear to be in control of Hanford, plus some of their apparent affiliations with those who are, to a large degree, in control of our world. Declarations by former Presidents of the United States are also included in this report, that we may get a better understanding of those things which are actually being dealt with in our world.


The documented evidence presented in this report indicates that there is a large geologic feature, a feature which acts something like a large geologic "diversion dam," in the structure of the ground beneath the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. This geologic "diversion dam" is located to the east of the 200 East Area (map1)(map2), in the central portion of the Hanford site, and is aligned generally in a north-south direction.

It appears that this geologic feature tends to prevent a large or major portion of that leakage from the underground waste storage tanks in the central portion of Hanford --- yes, that leaking radioactive and chemical "witch's brew" --- from having ready access to the Columbia River. It also appears that this geologic feature also prevented all those billions of gallons of radioactive and chemical wastes from the 1940s and later, which were deliberately pumped or injected into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system, from having direct access to the Columbia River.

From what the writer's research indicates, it appears that a large or major portion of all that radioactive and chemical waste material from the central portion of Hanford, even that which began to be injected into the groundwater and regional aquifer system in the 1940s, is heading, not east from the central portion of Hanford, directly toward the Columbia River, but rather the major portion of this radioactive waste is moving in another direction.

Once again, so it is clear in our minds, research indicates that a large or major portion of all of those billions of gallons of chelated radioactive wastes which were dumped, leaked or deliberately pumped into the ground in central Hanford are heading --- because of that which appears to act as a geologic "diversion dam" --- in another direction, rather than east. But, ultimately, virtually all of this diverted radioactive and chemical waste ends up as a steady flow into the Columbia River, except well outside of, and far away from, the testing area noted in the PNNL document linked further above.

The bottom line is this. It appears that, especially from the elevated central plateau of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation with its many leaking underground tanks, a much larger amount of radioactive and chemical wastes are getting into the Columbia River, than is shown in the data provided by those organizations which are associated with the Hanford facility. The "missing" data, plus the knowledge of where and how a whole lot more radioactive and chemical wastes from Hanford are entering the Columbia River, appears to have been known, and covered up, since the latter 1940s.

At this point, the writer will give just one clue as to where a large portion of the radioactive and chemical wastes from the central portion of Hanford appears to be heading, and has been headed since these wastes first began to be dumped and injected into the ground and groundwater at Hanford in the mid 1940s. The radioactive wastes are headed toward that physical feature which allows the most radioactive materials to enter the Columbia River, far outside of the boundaries of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The rest of the story is scattered throughout this report.

With this short introduction to the fact that there is "missing" data relating to Hanford contamination which is getting into the Columbia River, let us now begin to work our way into this Hanford Nuclear Report. Along the way, as you read, you will find out how, and from where, all that additional radioactive and chemical waste from Hanford is getting into the Columbia River. Possibly, you may even form the opinion that the data coming out of the Hanford facility is very skewed or misleading. The truth is, skewed or missing data is just part of the history of this facility, as we shall soon see.

Anyway, the writer hopes you "enjoy the ride," as we begin to investigate what is really going on at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus elsewhere in our world --- because things have a way of being interrelated and working together in our world. The writer also hopes you realize the seriousness of what is being planned for the Hanford site --- like residential housing, plus schools and businesses. Yes, you did read that correctly, and the information is documented in this report.


Hanford Nuclear Reservation, one of the most contaminated sites on the face of this earth --- a site which presents a variety of problems. Not only is there a serious problem with radiation spread at and from this site, there is also a variety of geologic factors involved in these problems. Then, there are all those serious birth defects in the region, which are at a rate much higher than the national average. This report will present a number of causal factors behind those serious and deadly birth defects --- things which the Washington State Department of Health is not telling the public.

This report possibly contains something for almost everyone. Yes, it does go all over the place and into many different areas. But that is almost necessary in order to get a better understanding of what is actually being dealt with in our world, especially at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. This report looks at residential housing planned for the Hanford site, plus at the possibility of unethical human experimentation. Yes, there is much food for thought in this report. Be forewarned that some of it may be a bit too "concentrated" or even repulsive for certain individuals, but that is okay.

On your first pass through this report, just skim over it and read only those parts which catch your attention, while passing over things which do not necessarily appeal to you. But, one thing is almost guaranteed with this report. For the average citizen, you will learn a lot more about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and what is going on there, plus about a variety of other things relating to our world, our safety and our future, than you will possibly learn from most any other page on the web.

Oh, by the way, for those just interested in how and where a lot of that extra radioactive and chemical contamination appears to be freely flowing out of the Hanford site and ultimately getting into the Columbia River outside of the typical test areas, the writer will give you a little help. But, understand that you will skip over and miss a lot of important history and other information, as the writer helps you to skip ahead. So, for those with only one thing on their minds, here is the link which jumps you ahead to information relating to the hemorrhaging Hanford radioactive contamination.

There is another subject which may be of interest to certain individuals. That is those serious and deadly birth defects --- like anencephaly --- in Yakima, Benton and Franklin counties (1)(2)(3)(4) --- in those counties surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. If your sole interest is in this subject, start reading downward from the level linked here to access the main bulk of the information in this report on potential causes for these birth defects.

For those interested in information about the radioactive contamination found along the Oregon and Washington coasts, in things like oysters and shellfish, plus even in a whale, just check out the section linked here. That section also looks at the serious decline in the salmon run in the Columbia River, which occurred in the early 1950s, and compares this decline with the start-up dates of nuclear reactors at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

For those who mainly want to know what has been going at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in recent times and associated problems, plus what some of their plans are for this site in the future, start reading downward from the level linked here to see the main bulk of the information. Other related information is also found in the right-side and left-side columns.

For the rest of you who want a better understanding of what is and has been happening in our world, plus how certain things initially set in place years ago, may relate to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, just keep reading downward from this point. There is also a considerable amount of related information in the right-side and left-side columns.


In life, as we work to sort out problems, sometimes we can spend our whole time dealing with peripheral issues, or simply symptoms, rather than coming to an understanding of what is actually the true root cause of a whole host of symptoms or problems. This report, deals with more than peripheral issues or symptoms which the Hanford Nuclear Reservation presents. It searchs much deeper, while considering many factors. This should help the reader to come to an understanding of what is actually behind, or the root cause of, some serious problems at Hanford and in our country.

At this point, let us ask ourselves some questions. Where are we headed, in our country and our world? Where are we headed with the cleanup operation at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation? What is behind what we are dealing with in our country and our world, plus at Hanford? Can we tell for sure, as we look around from where we are now at, unless we first obtain one or more fixed reference points? By the use of the proper reference points, we can more accurately judge where we have been and where we are headed. That is the importance of history, especially the proper history.

History is an important tool. By the proper use of this tool, many crucial things can be more readily discerned. Besides speaking directly about Hanford, this report brings out some important history which can help give a better understanding of what is being dealt with in our world, via Hanford, plus things which are being dealt with because of those in control of Hanford. This report may bring out some rather uncomfortable history, even some rather harsh history. The array of history presented in this report could potentially be difficult to "wade through," but it is important history to know.

In all of this, there is something important to consider. If you stick with the reading of this complete report and truly consider the material which is presented, even the "hard to handle" material, you may be rewarded with a much better understanding of what is at the heart of the Hanford problem. You may also be rewarded with a better understanding of our world, plus why certain things happen as they do --- even the very horrid things which steadily seem to be happening, like mass shootings. But, be forewarned: the writer does not "pussyfoot" around in this report. He tells it like it is.

This report will show things exactly as research and history show them to be. Some of the history presented may seem to be pretty harsh and may totally "broadside" some people. Certain areas of this presentation may even offend some, and that is fully understandable. Sometimes when we learn that what we have been told all along is not the real truth, or that the truth has been deliberately hidden from us, it can be somewhat hard to handle. The writer has been there and fully understands. With this short introduction, it is now time to consider what we are dealing with, especially in the Pacific Northwest.


An extensive and well-rounded report on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation would not be doing the general public much good, if it did not include information about what is happening in the region surrounding the Hanford facility, plus the seismic vulnerabilities in that region. To be of even more value, it should consider what is happening on the world scene and the potential predicament certain events are creating for the Pacific Northwest. A good report should also include information about future plans for the Hanford site, and how these plans may affect the public and their health.

On the geologic side, Hanford Nuclear Reservation is associated with the Cascadia region of North America. For years it has been known that Cascadia can experience a massive, world-class, regional earthquake event of possible long duration. There are also known fault systems which pass under the Cascade Mountains which can potentially link Hanford and its radioactive waste to seismic events on the west side of the Cascades. Looking further, it appears that there are also potentially active fault lines directly within the Hanford reservation.

On the world scene, there is North Korea and its nuclear ambitions. Then there potentially are other countries who are looking at America's vulnerabilities and thinking along the same line as North Korea. By what is happening, it appears that someone may be looking for a serious fight, at least at some point. From what is being said, it appears that at least North Korea's missiles are intended for the United States. A check on the Internet, as presented below, shows that many are speculating on what could be the target or targets of these missiles.

With all of the above information in mind, let us now begin to consider the Hanford site. Let us first consider some ongoing problems at the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP), which is under construction and far behind schedule, with costs which just keep skyrocketing. Then we will look at potential targets for North Korean nuclear missiles, as we then work into many other things relating to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and its effects on the Pacific Northwest. Along the way, let us consider what appears to be the nature of those in control of Hanford.


The December 9, 2017 page from King5 News, linked below, speaks about design flaws which are still not resolved at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP). For those living in the region, design flaws still in existance could allow the plant to "explode or cause an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction." An uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction is basically what happens when a nuclear bomb is detonated. This situation potentially translates to radiation spread in this region and beyond. To get some idea of how radiation can spread from a nuclear facility, take a look at a map linked here.

An earlier page from January 18, 2012, linked below, speaks about the WTP. Even at this earlier time, serious design problems were noted. The page states that "several senior engineers cited design problems that could bring the plant's operations to a halt before much of the waste is treated." The page also speaks "about the risk of a hydrogen explosion or uncontrolled nuclear reaction inside the plant." It states: "Either could damage critical equipment, shut the facility down or, worst case, allow radiation to escape."

Other pages which include information about the potential for hydrogen explosions or even an uncontrolled criticality accident at the Waste Treatment Plant, plus a history of an array of other problems relating to the Hanford site, are linked below.

The end result of of an explosion or uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction at the WTP facility, with serious radiation spread, would be a radioactively contaminated Columbia River. That in itself would create a major problem in the Pacific Northwest.

If a serious nuclear event were to take place at the WTP, at least the Tri-Cities could become seriously contaminated, plus possibly other cities, especially on the downwind side, would be contaminated as well. But, there is more to consider in this scenario. Large areas of agricultural land would be contaminated and potentially unusable, at least for a period of time.

If the WTP facility were to experience an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction, it could potentially create a radiation problem in the surrounding region of Washington, and potentially in Oregon and other states, which may be somewhat similar to that radiation problem which the Fukushima reactors created in their region of Japan, when the reactors began to melt down and exploded in March of 2011.(1)(2) Let it be noted that the Fukushima problem is still ongoing, with no end in sight.

Let us now move along to another serious problem which the Hanford Nuclear Reservation presents to citizens of the Pacific Northwest, both at this time and far into the future.


The sources linked below give their ideas on what North Korea may be targeting with their nuclear missiles, should they decide to strike the United States. For the most part, it looks like these sources think North Korea would nuke a major city. But, possibly there is more to consider in all of this.

After checking out all the pages linked above, let us put a bit more thought into this matter. If North Korea really wanted to cause some serious and long-lasting problems for the United States, especially in the western part of the country, what might it do? What might it target with its nuclear missiles? Possibly it is time to consider some realistic targets which might fit the picture.

The page linked below is from 1996. It may be out of date on certain things, but it does contain a couple of tidbits of information which may be worth considering. If Grand Coulee Dam were to fail, cities near the Columbia River " would be flooded all the way to Portland." More realistically, there would possibly be flooding along the river all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

The page notes further that "employees estimated it would take a nuclear bomb to cause total failure of the massive concrete structure." And, what does it look like North Korea could possibly be using, if it were to strike the United States?

The 2013 document linked below contains some valuable information. In the middle of PDF page 2 of 3, it declares that if Grand Coulee dam were completely breached, it "would send a wall of water blasting out the seven dams below it on the Columbia River and reach the edges of the ultimate heat sink of the Columbia Generating Station."

So, if Grand Coulee Dam were to have a total failure for any reason, caused by things like nuclear or geologic events, it would create a major, long-lasting mess along the Columbia River. There would be some major power outages because of destroyed dams. There would be major flooding along the river. It also looks like the Columbia Generating Station --- that operating nuclear power plant at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation --- could also be negatively affected. Furthermore, the lower areas of Hanford could be flooded, which could cause radioactive waste to be washed down the river.

Okay, that's one scenario. But, what if North Korea decided to do things a bit differently. Supposing it nuked the Hanford Nuclear Reservation first. Supposing it targeted the tank farms (link), where all those millions of gallons of radioactive "witch's brew" are stored in deteriorating and failing tanks. That could spread a lot of radiation all over the place and create quite a mess for the whole region. It could also have a detrimental effect on food production in the region.

Then there is the open-air Reactor Graveyard (link), where the old reactors from at least nuclear submarines are stored (link) --- yes, once again, right out in the open, like "sitting ducks." If this reactor graveyard were a secondary target in the reservation, it could possibly create a real radioactive disaster in the region. And, for "icing on the cake," North Korea might consider "stirring up" those failing PUREX tunnels (link), where all that radioactive waste is stored in railcars.

Now, once Hanford has been greatly "stirred up," if North Korea were to then cause the waters behind Grand Coulee Dam to suddenly be released, there would be a really major problem to deal with. The released water would most likely flood through the Hanford area and all the way to the Pacific Ocean, carrying quite a bit of radioactive debris, while spreading radionuclides far and wide.

If we are talking about the potential for nuclear war in our world, in which the United States could end up being a target, then we had better get real. What is written above could potentially become a reality, in the event of a major nuclear war. If the questionable and somewhat fragile Vitrification Plant (that Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant - WTP) ever does get into operation at Hanford, it could just become another serious target in an "all out" nuclear war with another country. Again, this is real life. These are things we must consider.

Possibly the government and the U.S Department of Energy (DOE) should have listened to these people a long time ago and gotten in there quickly and done the job right, in a timely fashion. Instead, it appears that the DOE and their cohorts have allowed the Hanford Nuclear Reservation to become a major National Security Risk, plus maybe even a eugenicist's dream come true. Thanks guys.


On the other hand, it is time to consider another option which no one even likes to think about. If Hanford and/or Grand Coulee Dam were ever to be targeted with nuclear missiles, could it be just another "false flag" operation, rather than something done by North Korea or some other country? Could it be something like that Operation Northwoods which was planned back in the early 1960s, so that U.S. citizens would be manipulated into being willing --- yes, even eager --- to go to war against another country?


The infamous Operation Northwoods is discussed in the left-margin information of this page, beginning at this level, plus in the information which follows directly below. In preparing to do this illegal operation, it appears that the insubordinate (left column 1)(LC2) controllers of the military and the CIA (etc.) wilfully violated their Oath of Office (link), as they went rogue in the days of President John F. Kennedy and were totally going contrary to his orders.

In preparing to do Operation Northwoods, the insubordinate controllers of the military and the CIA (etc.) were operating outside of the U.S. Constitution, which Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land (link). They had all taken their Oath of Office to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,"(1)(2)(3) but, in what they were doing, they were actually at war against it. They were also insubordinate to the President of the United States, as they planned to perform serious acts of terrorism against our own people and cities, potentially killing many.

At this point, there is something very important to note. There are people who would like to throw out the Constitution of the United States, claiming that it does not work anymore and that it does not relate to our world (link). There is something to consider here. The reason it appears that the Constitution does not work or relate to our world is because virtually everyone in the government and military has been violating their oaths of office to support and defend the Constitution (link) in the manner in which things are really supposed to be done.

Because virtually no one in the government and the military has been following the Constitution of the United States and its true intents, that is a major reason why we have so many problems in our country and will continue to have lots of problems. It is also part of the reason we have been in so many wars over the years, especially since World War Two.

Now back to that infamous Operation Northwoods. Information about that intended operation, from various points of view and using different forms of presentation, is accessed via the buttons below. It is time to realize the importance of history, especially the proper history, as citizens consider what we are dealing with in our country and our world, even today.

The last page above includes a video which links Operation Northwoods to Nazi behaviours. Why would someone consider something like this? Possibly there is a good reason for this line of thought, as will soon be presented in this report. But right now, the videos below speak further on Operation Northwoods, plus things relating to it.

Take a look at the title on that last button, once again. The title declares: "Operation Northwoods: Blueprint of 9/11." What is that all about? Is someone "out in left field" with that title, or do they possibly know or understand something that the rest of us have no clue about? Anyway, let's get back on track with that infamous Operation Northwoods, where they were planning to illegally do terrorist acts against U.S. cities and citizens, potentially maiming or killing many.

So, why would those in control of the military and various government agencies consider "going rogue" and doing something so extremely vile like this against the American people? Why would they ever plan on deliberately doing terrorist acts, right here, within the United States and possibly even harming or killing citizens, so they can deceive the public and "justify" a war? At this point, there are some questions which really need to be asked.

Are those in control of the military and the intelligence agencies diligently working in the best interests of the people of this country or, on the other hand, are they, because of certain alliances, actually working for someone else, possibly even for a foreign entity or State? What is their true agenda? And, could this agenda relate in any way to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus those questionable things which have been happening there over time? Then there is another question. What are the ultimate plans for the Hanford facility? What are they really building there?

The answer to the above questions may have something to do with Operation Paperclip (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) and its associated operations, plus changes which took place in our country as a result of these operations. For those desiring a better understanding of these operations, there is a well-researched book, titled 'Secret Agenda: the United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt (1)(2)(3), which provides much relevant information. These illegal, unconstitutional and fundamentally treasonous operations took place during the World War Two era and after.


Once again, under Operation Paperclip and a number of its associated operations, segments of the military and the intelligence communities were insubordinate to the direct orders of the President of the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) and, in essence, "went totally rogue." These agencies, in essence, became like utter outlaws and criminals. There is evidence which indicates that these rogue parties, because of certain personal alliances and memberships, may have treasonously been working for a foreign State and its agenda (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). More about this issue later in this report.

As the illegal Operation Paperclip and its associated operations got underway, numerous Nazi war criminals were illegally --- against the laws of the United States --- integrated into the U.S. military, into the intelligence communities, into the military-industrial complex, and even into universities and other positions of influence, where they could readily spread their Nazi "holy war" ideologies. This integration included many known Nazi war criminals who had no allegiance to the people of the United States and who were fundamentally enemies of our people and our form of government.

This issue of Nazi war criminals being illegally integrated into the United States is discussed, because it may be related, to a degree, to what has and is happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and in the surrounding region. It may especially relate to what has been happening with the regional water supply. But, it appears that the root cause for these things which are happening in our country actually goes far beyond just simply the Nazis. The root cause appears to be associated, once again, with certain foreign alliances and memberships, plus a foreign State.


There are those who believe that the root cause of many problems in our nation and our world may be associated with a certain foreign-based international organization, and what its apparent intentions are for our nation and our world. During a ceremony for certain advancing members of this organization, they are allegedly told:

"You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace."(1)(2)(3) Yes, quite a thing to consider --- that such things could be happening in our world!

It is time to look back in the history of the United States to its very beginning and early years. It is time to consider the words of a certain French Statesman, who was also a General who served in the American Continental Army under General George Washington, in the late 1700s. When speaking about the organization which includes in their ceremony the words written above, this General stated: "They have instigated most of the wars of Europe."(1)(2)(3)(4) The words just noted were made by the French General in the early 1800s. Since that time, many things have happened to our country.


In all of this, there are some important things to consider. Look at the history of the past 100 years in the United States. What has been happening to our country? Look at all the factions there are and unrest there has been, plus the many wars we have been sucked into. Look at what has been happening to our country, especially since World War Two --- especially since all the Nazis with their "holy war" and extermination ideologies were illegally brought into the United States and illegally integrated into various agencies.

It appears that we do not necessarily need North Korea or any other country to "do the number" on us, with nukes or otherwise, to have some serious problems on our hands.

It appears that our own government --- or more accurately, a certain segment associated with it which appears to have been operating outside of the law for decades and has unlawfully taken control of the government --- has been doing "their thing" on the people of the United States and the world, both physically and politically, for quite a period of time (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13). In all of this, there is something to note.

In his Farewell Address to the Nation, on January 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared: "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) When these words were spoken by President Eisenhower, the military-industrial complex was already embedded with numerous Nazis who were disseminating their "holy war" ideologies. And, there is something to note about the man speaking the above words.

The warning noted above came from a man who, during World War Two, had been "a five-star general in the United States Army and served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe."(1)(2)(3) Eisenhower had fought a war against the Nazis and knew exactly what he was talking about, at least as far as he understood it. Yes, as we know now, things do go much deeper in our country than just the Nazis and the military-industrial complex. It appears they are controlled by some other organization altogether. Again, this issue is discussed elsewhere in this report.

THE  NAZI  HYDRA (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) IN  AMERICA

Regarding "the acquisition of unwarranted influence...by the military-industrial complex," spoken about by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his Farewell Address to the Nation, it appears that the Nazi hydra in America may be greatly involved here. The book titled 'The Nazi Hydra in America'(link) speaks about "the tenacious roots of American fascism in our plutocracy." The book speaks about "how U.S. fascists supported Hitler, recouped Nazi assets, engineered the Cold War, and continue their project of a corporatist police state."(link) But, the American fascist takeover actually began to manifest itself in the early 1900s.

The American fascists were generally the rich and powerful "elite." It appears they were generally part of the Eugenics Movement in the early 1900s. They were the ones planning on having extermination facilities right here in the United States, similar to what Adolf Hitler had in Nazi Germany during the World War Two era (link). Research indicates that the eugenicists are also the ones who brought abortion into the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), plus plans for things like eugenicide and euthanasia (link).

A 2015 page, linked here, speaks about rich and powerful families here in the United States, like the Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Harriman families. Pages at the following links indicate that all these families were part of, plus funders of, the eugenics movement: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). The 2015 page notes that the business endeavors of the three noted families "were all financed by banker Jacob Schiff at Kuhn Loeb, who worked closely with the European Rothchilds." The following links note that the Rothchilds are the Vatican Bankers or the guardians of the Vatican's Treasure: (1)(2)(3)(4).

Information presented in a page linked here, indicates that, because of the connection through the Rothchild family and their allies, the famous (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Vatican Bank now appears to generally be in control of the Federal Reserve System in the United States, plus in control of the U.S. government and what is happening in this country. To view some information found on the Internet regarding the Federal Reserve System, check out the pages linked below.

The Nazi hydra in America also appears to play a big part in helping to hijack the government from the people, that "government of the people, by the people, for the people," (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) should no longer exist in the land. In all of this, there is something to consider.

In this presentation about the Nazi hydra in America, it is time to follow where "all roads" seem to lead. Research indicates that the ties of the rich and powerful American eugenicists now go all the way back to the Vatican Bank and other agencies in Rome (link). And, regarding the eugenicist Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during the World War Two era, they had a Concordat with the Vatican. Research indicates that the Nazis with their fascism and mass extermination of humanity were simply functioning as the "sword of the Roman Catholic Church," as documented later in this report (link).

Regarding the Concordat, or Reichskonkordat, which Hitler and the Third Reich had with the Vatican, it is time to look to a page, linked here. The documented page contains the following entry: "Reichskonkordat - From 1933, the Third Reich had signed a pact, the Reichskondordat, with the Holy See agreeing to collect the 8 - 10% church tax through automatic payroll deductions of German Catholic workers, a substantial provision to the Vatican's budget. The Reichskonkordat validated the Nazi's rise to power and reigned in Catholic priests from voicing dissent against Hitler's regime and effectively tied the church to Nazi Germany."


Regarding the Vatican Bank, which was noted above, there is an important piece of history to consider. A page, linked here, declares: "By World War II, the church had sizable investments and created the Vatican Bank in order to hide its financial dealings with the Nazis from the U.S. and the U.K." So, the Vatican Bank came into being during the World War Two era, as noted also in the following linked pages: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). And, what was involved in some of these "financial dealings with the Nazis?"

A page, linked here, includes a section titled 'Making money directly off the murder of Jews during the Holocaust.' This section declares: "A German officer admitted to having many war-time spies in the Vatican, one of them potentially being Nogara, the acclaimed and able financial advisor. During the war, Nogara began investing in Italian insurance companies which 'developed into stakes that profited from the ongoing murder of Europe's Jews,' Posner wrote." This sounds like a really nice "religious" organization, which calls itself part of the "church of God." But, there is more to this story.

Yes, the Vatican and its bank were making piles of money off the murder of the Jews, during the World War Two era. The page linked above states further: "Meanwhile, the pope at the time refused to publicly denounce anything the Third Reich was doing, even though the Vatican was one of the most informed institutions on the mass killings, long before the Allies discovered anything." Hey, they had a major money racket going on. Why would they want to do anything to stop it? Hilter and the Nazis were the "sword of the Catholic Church," and, as a result, the money was steadily spilling into the coffers.

For further information of the Vatican Bank and their dealings with the Nazis, plus with their collaborators, and even more recent things regarding this very questionable institution of the Roman Catholic Church, just click on the links below.

But again, there is more to this story. It appears that the Jesuits, in accordance with what is allegedly declared in their induction ceremony (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11), along with their minions, would stir up war. And, as we have seen above, the Catholic Church would then place its investments to profit off the war which their people had actually instigated. What a racket! This appears to have happened time and time again, throughout the history of this organization.

Now it is time to look at what is allegedly declared to the advancing Jesuit, during their ceremony. The following comes from the pages linked in the paragraph above:

"You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means."

History appears to prove the validity of the statement recorded above. Yes, it appears that these guys have quite a racket going on, especially when joined with the profits then made by the Vatican organization and, in more recent decades, the Vatican Bank as a result of all the wars that it appears these guys create. In all of this, let us not forget the words of that knowledgeable French General, Marquis de Lafayette, who served under George Washington during the American Revolutionary War. When speaking of the Jesuits, he declared: "They have instigated most of the wars of Europe."(1)(2)(3)(4)

The page linked here and above declares further: "The Vatican Bank was the perfect place to hide billions in stolen wartime loot. The church also aided and saved many Nazi war criminals after the war." Yes, that church appears to have "saved many Nazi war criminals" who had made them lots of money, via their "holy war" and services to the church. These "saved" war criminals could then be moved elsewhere, to be "seed" for making chaos in the future and in preparation for making the church even more money, while gaining yet more power over foreign peoples and governments.


It is time to consider other parts of the Nazi hydra in America. The fascist-acting segment of the homosexual lifestyle in the United States and the world appears to be coming directly from the Jesuits of Rome. The Jesuit connection to the promotion of gay corruption of even children (yes, it appears they believe in starting them young) is noted within the pages linked below.

And yes, as most of us have seen over the years, the Jesuits and their associates do seem to have quite a long history of "doing" little boys, virtually all over the world. This important history is clearly noted in the pages linked below. And it appears we are only seeing the proverbial "tip of the iceberg." It appears that the Jesuits and their allies have been very busy building their "homosexual army," in the United States and virtually all over the world.

Yes, these priests are called "Men of God" by some, but...it appears that something totally different is at work and being worshipped here. With the information presented and linked in this report, you may get some idea regarding the nature of "the Beast" we are dealing with here. You should also be able to understand, to some degree, one of the parts involved with the on-going corruption and takeover of the United States. And, with the information presented, you may better understand who is actually behind it.

Now, back to our history lesson. The American fascist eugenicists with their links to Rome, in the early 1900s, were preparing to formally overthrow the government of the United States by military force. This is noted in the pages and videos linked below. These American fascist eugenicists were working, in the early 1900s to install a Hitler, Nazi-type government in the United States. And, with their steady influence, the United States has never been the same since.

It is fairly well documented, as noted in links in this report, that, in the latter stages of World War Two and after, numerous ardent Nazis were illegally incorporated into various U.S. intelligence organizations and the CIA, plus directly into corporate America. Many Nazis became part of the military-industrial complex in the United States. This appears to have been largely facilitated by the Nazis' international "brothers," the Knights of Malta and their other allies.

A very informative book titled 'Project Paperclip: German Scientists and the Cold War,' by Clarence G. Lasby (1)(2), in its Prologue, regarding Nazis Germans brought into the United States under Project Paperclip, declares: "The idea that the program was composed almost exclusively of rocket and missile experts is misleading; that group made up only 20 percent of the total personnel imported." The book, in Chapter 6, also declares: "Since the United States had not signed a peace treaty with Germany, the scientists were still legally classified as enemy aliens."

A well-researched book, titled 'Secret Agenda: the United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt (1)(2)(3), in Chapter 8, notes that on a list of "more than sixty companies" named in the Nazi hiring scheme were: "Lockheed, W. R. Grace and Company, CBS Laboratories, and Martin Marietta." Chapter 9, of the book, adds "Republic Aviation" to the list. Chapter 12, of the book, declares that these Nazis "worked at nearly every military installation and for most key defense contractors across the country..."

These Nazis enemy aliens, with their diabolic "holy war" mentality and other ideologies, were also illegally integrated into various other government and military agencies during the World War Two era and after, plus into universities and other educational facilities, where they could have a great influence on future generations in this country.

Chapter 6, of the book linked above, by Clarence G. Lasby, regarding the Nazi enemy aliens brought into the United States, declares: "By 1949 the department had placed specialists at three educational institutions -- Cornell University, Pennsylvania State University, and North Carolina State College; and at numerous companies -- R.C.A., Bausch & Lomb, AVCO Manufacturing, Graflex, Heintz Manufacturing, Hydrocarbon Research, North American Aviation, Blaw-Knox, Prym Manufacturing, and Dow Chemical."

Chapter 7, of the book linked above, by Clarence G. Lasby, shows that the Nazi enemy aliens were "dispersed to such universities as Yale, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Oregon State, Minnesota, M.I.T., Louisville, Kansas, Washington, Chicago, and Ohio State. And they entered the corporations -- Boeing, AVCO, Lockheed, Dow Chemical, Raytheon, Convair, General Electric, Bell, Northrop, RAND, Math & Metrik, Curtiss-Wright, Dresser Dynamics, Ramo-Wooldridge, Martin, Westinghouse, R.C.A., and Fairchild -- frequently in executive positions."

Chapter 13, of the book linked above, by Linda Hunt, notes that the Nazis were employed at places like "Pennsylvania State University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Bell Laboratories, RCA, CBS Laboratories, Martin Marietta, Convair, and Mobil Oil." And, once again, with the Nazi influx and their dispersal throughout the nation, plus the virtual take-over of the United States by what appears to be treasonous individuals working together, the country has never been the same since.

In all of this, possibly some of the words of President John F. Kennedy, which he declared before he was so brutally and savagely assassinated in November of 1963, would be of benefit in our present situation. About half way through the video linked below, President Kennedy got very serious and actually began to speak about an ongoing conspiracy. Yes, he clearly used the word "conspiracy." He also indicated what was really important in our nation and its survival.

During his speech, Kennedy declared the following: "Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it."(link) The following words are also attributed to President Kennedy, which were spoken in the days before he was assassinated: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)(3) And then, they blew him away. Yes, THEY BLEW HIM AWAY!

Possibly it is time for all of us to consider and diligently research what the authentic traditions of our nation actually were and are supposed to be about (link), that we do not utterly lose sight of them --- especially with the Nazi hydra and their ideologies which have illegally been integrated into the United States, apparently at the behest of a foreign State, via their Knights of Malta "brothers" and associated allies.


Further up in this discussion, it was noted that people in the government and its agencies, plus in the military, all take oaths. When taking their Oath of Office, these people swear that they will "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same."(link)

All those who were involved with illegally bringing Nazis and war criminals into the United States, and embedding them into the "fabric" of this nation, were, in all essence, at total but secret war against the U.S. Constitution and our country. They were wilfully aiding and abetting the enemy. They were working to overthrow what the Constitution had set up in this nation, by illegally bringing in the enemy and their twisted or "holy war" ideologies. But, this rogue group of people was not done yet with their treasonous activities. It is time to now set forth some facts.

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8, of the Constitution of the United States declares: "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."(link)

Now for an important piece of history, so please be awake. In the latter 1940s, the President of Argentina was Juan Domingo Peron.(link) And, there are some things to note about Peron. As President of Argentina, Peron "adopted a strong anti-United States...position." He created in Argentia "an authoritarian and populist system between communism and capitalism."(link)

Basically, Peron, a Roman Catholic, brought social-fascism to Argentina (link), something which is totally contrary to the authentic form of government in the United States. Social-fascism is something which U.S. citizens, if following the U.S. Constitution, are not really supposed to be involved with. Peron had also been a supporter of the Nazi dictator, Adolf Hitler, during the World War Two era. Peron also welcomed numerous Nazi war criminals, from the Catholic "ratlines," into his country, so they could escape justice at the Nuremburg Trials for their crimes against humanity.

Now, we have seen the things noted above, plus what the U.S. Constitution declares about titles from foreign States. We have also seen the form of government which Peron had set up in Argentina, along with its anti-United States position. So, let us now see what treasonous individuals associated with the U.S. military then did. The book titled 'Secret Agenda: the United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt (1)(2)(3), will help enlighten us in this area.

In Chapter 9 of the book noted above, by Linda Hunt, is found information about the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB). The book declares: "The IADB is composed of military officers representing the highest echelons in the defense establishments of the member nations in the Oreganization of American States (OAS), including the United States. The U.S. delegation on the IADB is officially an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, with military officers serving on the board as part of their regular military assignments."

The book states that "the IADB still operates today in a shroud of secrecy, though its current activities certainly would interest Americans." Some information about the IADB is found at the following links: (1)(2)(3). Now, there is possibly a good reason for some of this secrecy with the IADB, as shall soon be seen. It should also be known that there is "no public accounting of the IADB's secret activities, since Joint Chiefs of Staff records of the U.S. delegation are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act."

The book by Linda Hunt states further: "In the late 1940s the U.S. delegation on the IADB was composed of military officers who were directly involved with the JIOA, Paperclip, or other U.S. intelligence operations using Nazis." In the late 1940s, a group of U.S. generals in the delegation went to a meeting in Argentina, and, please be awake because this is the point where things get interesting.

The book, in Chapter 9, declares: "All of these generals were criticized by Congress in 1948 when they were decorated by Peron himself and made honorary members of his armed forces while spending a week in expensive Buenos Aires villas as Peron's guests. Some congressmen thought it was inappropriate for U.S. military officers to accept honorary membership in the armed forces of a Fascist dictator who had collaborated openly with Hitler during World War II."

Do you see what was happening above? All of these people in the military and Congress were disregarding the Constitution of the United States of America. They all had taken oaths to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."(link) Yet every one of them was treasonously violating their Oath of Office.

As noted further above, the Constitution clearly outlaws (outlaws, because it is the Supreme Law of the Land) any person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under the United States from accepting "any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State." So, clearly, the U.S. military officers connected to the IADB had violated their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, by accepting the present and title from the anti-United States and Nazi-supporting dictator Peron.

Looking at this situation further, those in the U.S. Congress had clearly violated their Oath of Office to the Constitution, because they simply criticized the generals who had treasonously become honorary members of a foreign military --- honorary members of the military of a country which had "adopted a strong anti-United States...position." These generals who willingly accepted those honors from Peron should have possibly been brought up on charges of treason.

It does appear that Congress was blatantly derelict in their duty to "support and defend" the Constitution of the United States of America and what it is really all about, plus derelict in their true duty to the authentic citizens of the United States. But, as always, there is more to this story.

The book states that "U.S. delegates worked at the IADB with Latin American nations, in addition to Argentina, whose dictators harbored Nazi war criminals and used Gestapo tactics to prop up their repressive military regimes." Some of the dictators the U.S. delegation rubbed shoulders with had been "accused of genocide of ethnic Indians, child prostitution, gross human rights abuse, and heroin smuggling."

No wonder the U.S. delegates and the IADB operate in such secrecy. No wonder that there is "no public accounting of the IADB's secret activities, since Joint Chiefs of Staff records of the U.S. delegation are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act." No wonder President Kennedy spoke strongly against all this type of secrecy, before he was so brutally and savagely assassinated in November of 1963.

Now the reader hopefully understands some of what we are dealing with in the United States, like a government and military which apparently virtually ignores and is often operating in blatant and wilful violation of the Constitution of the United States, that Supreme Law of the Land. With this information in mind, let us now turn, once again, to the subject of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the problems it presents.


The page linked below asks an important question. "Should we worry about Hanford?" After reading the complete document now before you --- The Hanford Nuclear Report --- you will understand why all citizens should be highly concerned about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and what is actually going on there, plus what has gone on there for quite a period of time. There are actually many reasons why we should be very concerned.

It appears that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) really has not been doing an efficient job of ending the Hanford problem. Furthermore, it appears that certain contractors associated with the project have been doing things in a questionable manner, plus possibly have been "milking it" to the limit. In the process, once again, it appears that a very major National Security Threat has been created --- possibly something which North Korea is eyeing, along with a number of other countries.

In all of this, it appears we are dealing with an even bigger problem. Looking at the link below, at the bottom of PDF page 2 of 8, the following words are found: "Hanford has a history of secrecy, a history of deception, a history of manipulation of models and manipulation of data."

With that kind of a history, how can anyone trust what is going on at Hanford? With that kind of a history, how can we believe what officials are telling the general public about Hanford? How can we believe them, especially if they are "tweaking" the data and downplaying the hazard which Hanford presents to the general public and their health? These issues are discussed in this report.

There is one other bit of information found on PDF page 6 of 8, in the document linked above. Consider these words: "The DOE, however, does acknowledge that there's little that can be done to restore Hanford's groundwater. In a recent environmental impact statement, the DOE said the contamination is 'irreversible and irretrievable'," and, "this irreversibly contaminated groundwater...all flows directly into the Columbia River."


Hold on a minute! What is actually being declared in the section above? It really is time to take another look at things!

The DOE is saying that the contaminated groundwater "all flows directly into the Columbia River." That is a bit different than what they have been telling us all along, for decades --- that it would be many, many years before the contamination would make its way into the river. What is going on here? Possibly the more realistic truth is that it is already flooding into the river, possibly even hemorrhaging into the river via different routes, and has been for decades --- as will be noted in other sections of this report.

And then, there is that other thing which must be noted. If the groundwater beneath Hanford Nuclear Reservation is so irreversibly contaminated, then what is the so-called Pump and Treat program all about? Well, there is a chance that all things are not as they appear to be at Hanford. Possibly that "history of deception" may be involved rather strongly here.

In other places of this report is discussed the potential for a full-scale tritium mining operation to be in existance at the Hanford site. The recovered tritium from this mining operation is intended for use in nuclear bomb production and other purposes, possibly even eugenics purposes. As a note, do not be fooled by a number of those things which they have been telling us about Hanford, via the media.

At this point, it should be noted that the contaminated groundwater beneath Hanford Nuclear Reservation is associated with a very large and complex, plus very contaminated, multi-state aquifer system. Starting back in the mid 1940s, large volumes of radioactive waste and other harmful substances were deliberately pumped into this aquifer system. Maps which show the general area of this vast and very important aquifer system are accessed at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

It should be noted that this vast aquifer system --- which is known to be rather contaminated with large amounts of radioactive and chemical substances from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation --- is largely used for domestic drinking water and crop irrigation in the region. Furthermore, crops from this region, which appear to be irrigated with contaminated water, are shipped to other places around the United States, plus to other countries around the world.

This does bring up a question. Just how much chelated radionuclides from this area are being internalized by the world population at large, as they eat food products which are grown or raised in this region? And, another question should possibly be asked. Are these internalized radionuclides helping to cause that cancer epidemic which is occurring in at least the United States, plus elsewhere in this world?


The videos linked below come from King5.com. They speak about just some of the deception associated with the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

The videos speak about workers who are being exposed to extreme health hazards at Hanford, without their knowledge. It appears that management is either being exceedingly derelict in their duty, or they are wilfully and intentionally deceiving the workers regarding the nature of the hazards which are present.

Once the available information is examined, some people are beginning to wonder if this is not just another form of human experimentation by those in control, which is being unethically carried out at the Hanford site with the cleanup crew. Once you have read this whole document, plus had the time to really think things over, you should possibly be better able to judge this matter for yourself.

In the meantime, check out the information linked below. The first linked page speaks about the Hanford Project and unethical radiation experiments which have occurred in the past. It speaks about "our scientists, doctors, military, and, perhaps, political leaders approved some of these experiments to be conducted on an unwitting public." Note that "doctors" were in on this experimentation. This is beginning to sound a bit like Nazi Germany, during the World War Two era.

Yes, you did read that correctly. It appears that entities associated with the government were performing unethical --- and truly unforgiveable --- human experimentation on the general public. Yes, it appears the unethical human experimenters and the eugenicists were having a heyday at Hanford, as they intentionally released large volumes of radionuclides into the surrounding region.

After reading the information in the pages linked above, there is a question to ask. Is this story of the Hanford nuclear facility beginning to sound a bit along the line of some of that unethical and criminal human experimentation which was done by the German Nazi war criminals, during the World War Two era? Is this beginning to sound like something you might find in a eugenicist's "playbook?"

Well, it appears there could be some true Nazi and eugenicist blood associated with the U.S. Department of Energy, plus with its predecessor, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. There is actually a whole lot more to this story, and many part of this story will be presented in this report.


The article linked below is from 1994. It states things as they have been happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the so-called "cleanup" operation, for quite a period of time. Yes, possibly this whole operation is simply an intended "rape" and cleanup on taxpayer monies. Furthermore, the article indicates that "the public money cleans little up. Much of it is wasted." This appears to represent the long-term and ongoing history of Hanford --- that facility which is run by the U.S. DOE.

The 1994 article declares: "Millions are blown on misguided projects, corporate lawyers and redundant reports. Taxpayers also buy worker perks such as jewelry, Godfather's pizzas and 500 copies of the self-help book 'Please Understand Me.'"

The article declares further: "Nobody knows how much Hanford squanders, but most any investigation trips alarms." And, it appears things have not improved that much in more recent times. It appears that they just keep asking for more and more money, plus more and more time to just "fiddle around."

Once again, the page linked above was from 1994. So, it is time to see if things have improved greatly since that time.


A page published in 2012, which is linked below, indicates that the contractor for cleaning up the radioactive and chemical mess at Hanford Nuclear Reservation has basically ripped off the taxpayers of the United States. The page also speaks of "shoddy work, no progress and gratuitous insults to taxpayers." It notes that the Hanford project is "an epic cash cow" for the contractor, Bechtel National.

The page declares: "The vitrification plant's estimated cost of $4.3 billion ballooned to $12.2 billion, with no end in sight. The infinitely flexible finish date was bumped to 2019, for now." Again, that was in 2012. But now, just a few years later, it appears that they have moved it back to even a much later finish date.

An audit by the Office of Inspector General, noted in the 2012 article, also found defective containment vessels. What? Defective containment vessels on a nuclear job, where safety for the general public in the surrounding region should be of the utmost importance?

This insult to taxpayers and squandering of their money appears to have been an ongoing thing, for decades. The 1995 article linked below states that "Congress must grab control of the mismanaged Hanford cleanup before it squanders billions of tax dollars." But, it appears that talk is cheap and, you know Congress, since 1995, they never took control of the situation. And, as of the 2012 page linked above, the "epic cash cow" was still boldly and brazenly being "milked," at the expense of taxpayers.

Possibly the U.S. Senate report, that appears to have really accomplished nothing for taxpayers, was simply another way for certain government entities to find or create things to do. But it appears that they were spending government time doing valueless report writing, which in the end, simply helped to bleed even more money from taxpayers. Yes, it appears to be something like an ongoing case of rape and pillage.

Yes, just listen to all that "nice sounding" rhetoric which was coming out of the government: "We believe Congress must act decisively to salvage the program and prevent further taxpayer dollars from being squandered." Yes, sounds good, but again, it appears no decisive act was performed by Congress, at least not in a good way on behalf of taxpayers. And the costs at Hanford have just kept going up and up ever since. Nice people that we have supposedly working for us!

Take a good look at that 1995 article linked above. There appears to have been some discussion during a House subcommittee hearing, at which it was stated that "some Hanford cleanup responsibilities should be shifted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers." It appears that this, also, never happened and the inefficiencies just continue. Yes, once again, it appears to be just more and more talk, talk, talk, and possibly empty words, as they most likely prepare to vote themselves their next big pay raise, again, at taxpayers' expense.

And, as usual, the story about the Hanford fiasco is not done yet. The article linked below is from a March 16, 2018 page by The Seattle Times. It indicates that Bechtel National may not be doing things as they should with the $17 billion (yes, that is $17 million at this point, and steadily rising) Tank Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant, which is commonly called the Vitrification or Vit Plant.

According to the linked article, it appears there could be a problem with the quality of the structural steel which is being used in the construction of the Waste Treatment complex. The article declares: "The construction site spans 65 acres, and plant buildings will be up to 12 stories tall." So, we are looking at some very large and critical structures, plus quite a number of structures.

Looking at the structural steel issue, the article states: "The watchdog group Hanford Challenge contended the issue was potentially a 'showstopper.'" The group went on to declare: "If the structural steel and other components cannot meet rigorous safety standards for nuclear operations, the plant cannot be allowed to operate." And, if this occurs, the group proclaims: "The contractor failed and needs to be held accountable."

Only time will tell the outcome of this particular structural steel issue. And, we can all hope that the culture of deception at Hanford will not be working overtime to skew the data and hide the truth on this very critical issue. The safety of the general public is at stake here, and we do not want any criminal activity to be used to cover the butts of the potentially guilty.


The information linked below makes a person wonder if things are ever really going to be done in the right or proper way at Hanford. The first linked document, from back in 2005, states: "The land, air, and water surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation...is consumed with a disease called indifference." Maybe there is a very good reason for this. Possibly it was pre-planned and intended to be that way.

Has anyone ever considered that possibly the government or the DOE might have no authentic intent to every really clean up the Hanford site? Maybe they will clean some on the top surface in some places and a bit down below in other places. But generally, it appears they will clean just those things which everyone can readily see, or the things which the public could more readily find out about. But, below the surface, especially below 15 feet down in the very worst places, things appear to be very different.

Now for the real truth. Possibly they just need to make that upper surface look real pretty, so they can soon unload this mess onto the general public. Now, what is being talked about here? Well, it appears they have plans for putting residential houses in at least the 100 Area. The 100 Area is up north on the Hanford reservation, in that area up against the Columbia River. That is where nine nuclear reactors formerly stood. That is a place which is very contaminated --- at least that is what the writer's research has indicated. More about this issue later.

Now back to that 2005 document, which is accessed via the first button below. From what is stated in that document, it appears that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has had no true care for the health and safety of the general public. Their attitude over time begins to remind a person of the attitude of the Eugenics Movement, or of the Nazis from the World War Two era.

It is time to once again be reminded of an important piece of U.S. history. During the World War Two era, under the illegal Operation Paperclip and other questionable operations like it, eugenicist Nazi War criminals were brought into the United States to continue doing in this country, to a large degree, what they had been doing in Germany.

The eugenicist Nazi criminals illegally brought into the United States were placed into many important, key positions, even into positions tied to government. Documentation indicates that some of them even worked with the DOE, plus in nuclear facilities. That is noted and documented elsewhere in this report.

Seeing the attiude of the DOE, with its radioactive messes scattered across the country, a person could begin to wonder if the Nazi war criminals and the unethical human experimenters had a great influence on the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, which then morphed into the DOE --- that organization which we are dealing with today.

It is known that many of the Nazi war criminals which were brought into the United States were given new names, plus a lot of their past has been re-written or "classified" by the government to hide the past history of these Nazis. Because of this, there may be a chance that the eugenicist decendants of these war criminals, who may have been brought up with Nazi ideologies, are those who are now influencing the policies of the DOE, or possibly are even working for that agency.

For those new to the subject, it appears that the DOE is only planning on "cleaning" certain areas at Hanford. It appears they are mainly "cleaning" those areas which are considered as being the most highly contaminated. In the most contaminated areas of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, it appears they will only clean down to 15 feet deep, maximum. That information is found further down in this report, plus in other documentation linked to this report. It appears that many areas of the Hanford reservation will only receive a surface cleaning, but only if they feel it is something they want to do.

It appears that any radioactive materials deeper than 15 feet will simply be left in place, even in the planned residential areas at Hanford. These left-in-place radioactive materials will continue to decay and release radiation, as these materials work their way downward into the groundwater and that vast aquifer system, from which drinking and irrigation water is pumped for the region surrounding the Hanford site. And, the gaseous portions of the ongoing decay processes will work their way upwards, toward the surface and above.

With all the radioactive decay going on beneath the surface, this could mean that within any structures which are built at Hanford after the cleanup, including residences, there could be a serious radon gas problem to deal with. This situation is discussed in more detail, further down in this report.

Cleaning the top 15 feet of ground of radioactive materials was noted above. But, cleaning things down to 15 feet will not be happening over the vast tract of the Hanford reservation. Once again, to make things very clear, from what the writer has found in his research, it appears that radioactive things will only be "cleaned up" downwards to a maximum 15 foot depth at selected waste sites. The documents with this information are linked further down in this report.


Information accessed in the 2005 document, linked here and found as the first link in the section above, notes that the DOE has neglected "to fulfill any of its promises to clean up the Hanford Site." Furthermore, it appears that the DOE was wilily "attempting to import 70,000 more truckloads of radioactive waste to Hanford before cleaning up the waste that is still there."

From the information presented above, it appears that the DOE does not truly care about the health, safety or well-being of the people in this region. This does not sound good, especially to those who do care about the United States and its true people. But, on the other hand, if a person were an ardent eugenicist or an ardent eugenicist Nazi, or associated with them, and working to subtly put some detrimental thing in the environment which could potentially help to "cull the weak" or susceptible, the DOE's attitude may seem just fine.

Looking at the DOE's track record, possibly the citizens of the United States --- especially those in the Pacific Northwest around the Hanford mess --- should be asking who the DOE is really working for. Are they working in the best interests of all the citizens of the United States, or are they working for some other entity --- possibly even a foreign-based entity?

From what is presented in the information linked above, it appears that the DOE has not been fulfilling its duty to the people of the region surrounding Hanford. It also appears the the DOE has been lying to or deceiving the people of this region, plus possibly the people of virtually the whole United States --- especially the ones who are not of that particular crowd which is associated with the DOE.


It is time to ask a few questions, for our own good and for the good of our country. Why have there been so many problems with the "cleanup" effort at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state, over many years? Why have there been allegations that the U.S. Department of Energy is greatly mismanaging the Hanford project? What is happening with the vitrification plant which is supposed to help clean up the radioactive mess at that site? Is this vitrification plant based on a substandard design, which could allow for explosions and uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions?

Could a serious accident at the vitrification plant (if it ever does become operational) present the potential for a serious spread of harmful ionizing radiation --- ionizing radiation which could potentially become internalized in humans and lead to health issues or an early death? Are there geologic faults in this region, which could allow for a serious earthquake to occur?(see map) Are there known faults at Hanford which do not show up on the preceding map?

As just one example of a fault which does not show on the map linked above --- the northerly trending May Junction fault --- check out the following links: (1)(2, cross section). The May Junction fault is called the May Junction Fault lineament, in another document (see: PDF page 12 of 101). Does the term "lineament" indicate there may be other features lined up with this fault, which could potentially mean a deeper, longer geologic feature like an extended fault? Another known short section of northerly trending fault is the Cold Creek Fault (maps: PDF pages 77 & 78 of 153).

The northerly trending May Junction fault is located about 3 miles east of the 200 East Area, on the Hanford site. The 200 East Area is where a major tank farm is located (map). At the 200 East Area, there are 66 of those huge, problematic, single shell storage tanks (1), plus 25 double shell tanks, loaded with a "witches' brew"(2)(3) of radioactive waste. To the west resides the 200 West Area, with many more large and vulnerable tanks, again, loaded with that "witches' brew" of radioactive waste.

Oh, by the way, located to the east of the 200 East Area is that new Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (pic)(map1)(map2)(satellite), which is also called the Vitrification Plant. So, it appears that this plant, which is already said to be a substandard and vulnerable plant, is located rather close to the north-south aligned May Junction fault. How will this already questionable plant do, once it is fully operational, especially when a serious earthquake hits this region?

Did I hear someone say, "Mushroom Cloud?"(*) It appears that someone wasn't diligently doing their proper "homework," when it came to locating this extremely critical plant. Possibly there will eventually be a huge price to pay for the DOE's history of using the "fast-track" approach on nuclear projects.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)

Maybe there is much more to the story of why they keep stalling on the construction of this waste treatment plant and the start-up date keeps getting moved further and further back. Possibly someone discovered the true predicament of this vulnerable plant. So, if and when it ever gets going, possibly many of the people responsible for the location and design of the plant will be safely retired or dead.

Considering the combination of faults in the Hanford region and at the Hanford site a bit further, could a serious earthquake result in rupturing of these deteriorating storage tanks and a large-scale radioactive mess? Could a serious earthquake cause a catastrophic release of ionizing radiation from this facility, especially if the Columbia Generating Station (CGS) --- that operating nuclear power plant at Hanford --- were to receive serious damage?

At this point, it should be noted that the CGS is similar in design to those reactors which melted down at Fukushima, Japan, in 2011. And, as is widely known, they are still dealing with that major radioactive mess at Fukushima, with no end in sight. A word to the wise should be sufficient.

Now, back to that important Hanford geology, with some questions. Is there a major, multi-level, multi-state aquifer system in this region which is getting, or has already been, highly contaminated with radioactive waste from the Hanford site? Is there active, possibly ongoing ground movement in this critical and hazardous area?

Are there radioactive contaminants, especially chelated contaminants, in the vast aquifer system which is used for drinking water and to irrigate crops in this important agricultural region? Are radioactive wastes and other contaminants in the groundwater beneath the Hanford facility flowing into and contaminating the Yakima River, plus the Columbia River?

Do radionuclides in crops from the region get internalized by those who eat them? Do radionuclides get into the feed which is fed to farm animals? Do radionuclides become internalized by those who eat contaminated animals, or contaminated fish from the river, or drink contaminated water from the aquifer or the river? Can radionuclides or radiation actually accumulate and build up in the human body, over time?(1)(2)(3)(4)

Can radioactive materials in the regional aquifer system create health problems in susceptible people who commonly drink this water or eat the locally-produced food which is irrigated with radionuclide contaminated water? In recent times, has there been a major increase in serious birth defects in the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation? Could this have anything to do with radioactive emissions in the air and contaminants in the regional aquifer system from which drinking and irrigation water comes?

Has there been a general denial, by various government agencies, about the detrimental effects of internalized ionizing radiation? Has there been a general denial, by various agencies, regarding the detrimental effects of chronic low-dose exposure to internalized ionizing radiation? Since the Nazis were illegally integrated into this country, do those in control of the government have a history of "stiff arming" and basically "giving the middle finger" to citizens they have greatly harmed with their ionizing radiation?

These issues, plus many more, are examined in this broad-spectrum report. The eugenics movement and Nazi ideologies, and how they relate to those negative things which are happening in our country and our world, plus even potentially happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, are also considered. This is a documented report, with numerous links to important information. The blunt facts, whether they are appreciated or not, are presented. The rest is up to you. The important question is --- what are you going to do about it?


Many people in the state of Washington have not approved (nor approve at this time) of those things which are going on at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. As a result, the voters in Washington placed Initiative 297 (I-297) on the ballot in November of 2004. The purpose of I-297 was to bar outside shipments of radioactive waste from coming into an already, highly contaminated Hanford Nuclear Reservation, which was and is supposed to be in "cleanup" mode.

I-297 passed by an overwhelming margin. The people of Washington had clearly spoken their minds. They did not want (and still do not want) the nation's dangerous, radioactive waste dump in their midst. Nevertheless, a federal judge blocked the application of I-297, until further arguments could be heard in the courts. In 2006, a federal judge overturned I-297, calling it unconstitutional. This was all done in violation of the expressed will of the people. The general public simply got the proverbial "middle finger."

At this point, there is an important piece of U.S. history to present. President Abraham Lincoln declared: "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) And, since women are now in government and judicial positions, the same principle found in the words of President Abraham Lincoln would apply toward them.


Let us take a closer look at what the federal judge did in 2006, regarding I-297. Once again, that judge struck down the expressed will of the people, declaring their legitimate will as being something which was unconstitutional. The writer has researched the U.S. Constitution over the years and has read the writings of a number of those involved with the implementation of that document. Therefore, the writer must speak his mind, and let the pieces fall where they may.

From his research, the writer does not believe that the writers and signers of the Constitution of the United States of America intended, in any way, for that document to be used as a tool to crush or disregard the expressed will of the people. The Constitution was not meant to be distorted and used as a tool, by an elite group, to manipulate or enslave the general public under the dominance of an elite, despotic group or its misguided or harmful agendas.

It appears that the writers and signers of the U.S. Constitution meant for that document to be used as a special tool, to help protect a free people and their God-given rights from an errant or blatantly despotic government. The proper use of that document would help prevent a government, or the people who may have illegitimately hijacked or taken control of it (*), from running amuck and "going rogue." The intended purpose of the Constitution is to help prevent a government from trampling on the express will of the people, as it most obviously did in the case of I-297.

Again, it appears that the true purpose of the Constitution was to help prevent a government from becoming abusive or despotic, and from trampling on the expressed will of the people. It was also meant to help stop any particular group from "hijacking" the reigns of power in the United States and bringing the country down an improper road. The proper use of the Constitution would also help prevent any form of genocide in the United States, no matter what deceptive or subtle "cloak" is used to cover this short- or long-range genocide.

By what the federal judge did with I-297, it appears " that government of the people, by the people, for the people,"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) has finally perished from the earth --- at least in the United States.


It is time to consider the mentality of those in control of the nuclear industry, plus those, like the Knights of Malta and their allies, who have hijacked and taken over the government, and then brought it down a road which is becoming highly questionable. It is time to once again consider the Nazi mentality and ideologies which were integrated into various government and military agencies as a result the the illegal and unconstitutional Operation Paperclip and other operations like it.

After the Nazis were illegally integrated into the United States, the articles linked below tend to show a new, very calloused U.S. Government which considers the "downwinders" which have been harmed by its nuclear experiments as simply being a "low-use segment of the population." This is obviously an attitude coming from the eugenics and Nazi faction, as foreign-controlled agents who have no allegiance and acknowledge no responsibility to the people of the United States.

As a result of the illegal things which occurred during the World War Two era and after, it appears we may be dealing with a hijacked and rogue government which has lost its conscience. Citizens it wilfully harms are not of any value to it. They are simply the expendables. Their purpose is only to make a way for the elite to survive. Because this eugenicist government appears to have no respect for life, citizens can simply be harmed by radiation because of the government's irresponsible and premeditated acts. It is time for citizens to recognize those who are the real terrorists of our world.

The links below present what appears to be government atrocities and general, unethical human experimentation with ionizing radiation. The first link comes to us from the State of Utah. Others come to us from the National Geographic Magazine, plus the states of Idaho, Nevada and Washington. In the links below, it appears that we are reading and hearing about a somewhat subtle form of premeditated, extremely brazen American genocide.

Linked here is a page from the site of Trisha Thompson Pritikin --- the lady featured in the five videos immediately above. The Home Page for her site is linked here.

The vile thinking related to the despotic acts shown in the pages and videos linked above, which are brazenly displayed by certain segments of the government and the nuclear industry, plus by certain segments of the military and the intelligence communities, should be classed as criminal. Yes, it appears that they do fit the description of crimes against humanity, as defined by the Nuremberg Trials, plus as crimes or "soft-kill" genocide against our own people.

These vile acts appear to stem from the concepts of the eugenics movement and those who manipulate them, whose supporters appear to have hijacked our government and our military and are actually working for a foreign entity or government. This is the same movement whose thoughts inspired the atrocities of Adolf Hitler and the "holy war" Nazis during the World War Two era.

The eugenics movement was outlawed in the United States after World War Two, because of the atrocities so brazenly displayed by their Nazi collaborators. Unfortunately, the eugenics movement, which is controlled by "the elite," simply went "underground" and we are dealing with this very powerful and well-financed "criminally-minded group" today in many facets of our daily lives.

Once the above things are clearly understood, along with the knowledge of those who, during the World War Two era and after, virtually hijacked our country, then things which are happening elsewhere in our world, including virtually all the wars we become involved with, may possibly begin to make a whole lot more sense. The way things are happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation may also begin to make more sense.

At this point, there are some things to note. Many of the Nazis and their ideologies were illegally embedded into the military-industrial complex. Furthermore, Nazis, even ardent Nazis and war criminals, were associated with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, which then morphed into the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) --- that organization which we are dealing with today at Hanford.


The eugenics angle, especially with the Nazi influence since the World War Two era, may be something to keep in the back of your mind, as you read through this report and see what has been happening at the Hanford site. When you are finished reading and thoroughly examining this whole report, you can decide if the eugenics movement, and who or what is actually behind it, may or may not have anything to do with what is and has been going on at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

A page, linked here, gives some history of the American and Nazi eugenics movements. Amongst the American eugenicists of the earlier 1900s, there were suggested methods for accomplishing eugenicide (yes, you did read that correctly) right here in the United States. A popular method suggested was the use of "public locally operated gas chambers" --- yes, something like what Nazi Germany ended up doing, but again, right here, in places throughout the United States.

These public extermination facilities, planned by the eugenicists, were intended to be used against innocent U.S. citizens. That appears to be the mentality of the U.S. and International Eugenics Movement which we are dealing with in our world. But, things appear to go much deeper than just the eugenics movement. It appears that the eugenics movement is just a "tool" for an international organization which is hard at work behind the scenes. It is time to look closely at some history.

Adolf Hitler, of Nazi Germany and Holocaust fame, was connected with the eugenics movement in the United States (1)(2)(3)(4). As Hitler got rolling with his eugenics program, as noted in some of the preceding links, one well-known American eugenicist declared: "The Germans are beating us at or own game." The eugenicist Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, during the World War Two era, were exterminating certain groups of people on a massive scale (link). But, there is more to this story of what the eugenicist Hitler and the "holy war" Nazis were doing, and who it appears they were doing it for.


Of his extermination programs, Adolph Hitler declared: "I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic Church has adopted for 1500 years, when it has regarded the Jews as dangerous and push them into ghettos etc., because it knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see the danger in the representatives of this race for Church and State, and perhaps I am doing Christianity a great service."(1)(2)

After Adolf Hitler died, it is said that the Spanish dictator, Francisco Franco, declared the following: "Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

In those things which were declared by both Adolf Hitler and Francisco Franco, it appears that they were perpetrating a "holy war" for the Vatican --- possibly something along the lines of the Crusades and Inquisitions. Adolf Hitler's group became known as the Nazis. It is said that the word Nazi means "Knight," and the Nazi SS were the Knights of Sedes Sacrorum, or Knights of the Holy See.(1)(2)(3) Hitlers regime was called the Third Reich. There were two Reichs before him: the First Reich and the Second Reich. But, what are these Reichs all about?

The First German Reich was the Holy Roman Empire, from the years 800/962 to 1806 (1)(2)(3)(4). This first German Reich was controlled by the Vatican. The Second German Reich was in force from 1871 to 1918 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). The first German Emperor (Kaiser) and King of Prussia, over the Second Reich, was Wilhelm I (link). The second Kaiser over the Second Reich, from 1888 to 1918, was Wilhelm II (link). At this point, there is something important to note about Kaiser Wilhelm II.

It is recorded that Pope Leo XIII told Kaiser Wilhelm II that "Germany must become the sword of the Catholic Church."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) But, fortunately for the world at that time, Germany did not become a successful "sword of the Catholic Church."

Then came along the Roman Catholic, Adolph Hitler, who had his Concordat with the Vatican. All things then worked together to create the Third Reich in Germany. And again, by all which is noted above and by what further research has indicated, it appears that the Nazis and the Axis Powers (link) were fighting a form of "holy war" of extermination for the Vatican (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). Then there was the Nazi SS, which was modeled after the Jesuit organization (1)(2)(3).

The pages linked below bring out some little-known history about the joint operation of the Nazis and the Catholic Church. The second page states: "Of the 22 Nazi concentration camps operating in the clerical fascist state of Croatia during World War II, nearly half were under the command of Roman Catholic priests." The page states further: "Catholic clergy were especially keen to eradicate the Serbian Orthodox Church. This led to the murder of Christian Serbian Priests, forced conversions of Serbian Christians, and the destruction of 450 Christian Orthodox Churches during World War II."

The second page declares: "Roman Catholic priests were involved in directing some of the worst atrocities of World War II. Since that time, the Vatican's support for the persecution of the Jewish and Serbian people has never wavered." Both pages state: "The new Independent State of Croatia was established as a pro-Nazi government. It was dedicated to a clerical-fascist ideology influenced both by Nazism and extreme Roman Catholic fanaticism."

Both pages state: "The Jasenovac concentration camp complex would be crucial in the systematic and planned genocide of the Orthodox Serbs of the Srpska Vojna Krajina and of Bosnia-Hercegovina by the Croats and Bosnian Muslims." And then, "Other concentration camps were established in Sisak, Stara Gradiska, Djakovo, Lepoglava, Loborgrad. In all, there would be 22 concentration camps in the NDH, almost half of which were commanded by Roman Catholic Croatian priests."

Concerning the slaughter of people, mainly Serbs, at the Jasenovac facility, the page linked below declares: "Catholic priests, some of them Franciscans, also participated in the acts of slaughter." It states further: "While for Nazi-Germany Jasenovac was more a tool for ethnic cleansing, for Ustashe, religious aspect played crucial role." The page states: "Jasenovac was for a time, run by Fr. Filipovic-Majstorovic, a Catholic priest who admitted to killing '40,000 Serbs with his own hands'." And, the page states: "The Jasenovac system of Croatian camps also included a camp for children run by Catholic nuns who used toxic soda to save bullets."

The page linked below declares: "Roman Catholic priests who participated in the killing of tens of thousands of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies and the running of Jasenovac escaped Europe through the 'Vatican Ratline' run by Fr. Draganovich, a Croatian Catholic priest who helped morons like Clause Barbe [sic] escape from Europe. Those Catholic priests escaped to Argentina where they also escaped justice."

The page states: "Thousands of Ustasha escaped justice for their crimes due to their wealth and influence and the backing of the Roman Catholic Church and who along with certain rogue elements in the US and UK governments portrayed these war criminals as anticommunist freedom fighters." And, "as the war ended, it is now known that the Vatican Bank and other world banks helped to launder and transfer funds out of the Reich, and helped many war criminals to escape justice in what is now nicknamed the 'Vatican Ratline'."

The pages linked below give further information on the connection between the Catholic Church and the allies of the Nazi Third Reich. The linked pages also give information about the Roman Catholic war against those whom they considered to be their religious enemies, like the Serbian Orthodox Christians and the Jews. In all of this, it is important to note that the Roman Catholic Ustasha (also called the Ustashi or Ustashe) was mainly exterminating the Serbian Orthodox Christians in Croatia and Bosnia (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10).

Now for a truth from history. When it comes to open extermination and bloodshed, the history of the Vatican shows that, at virtually "the drop of a hat" or at a given signal or command, its adherents have readily persecuted and exterminated those Christians and others who are not like them or who do not go along with them (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6).

In more recent times, it appears that the Vatican and its adherents have been a lot more subtle, by using secret societies and "intelligence" organizations to do their work for them. It should be noted that President Kennedy warned the public about the secret societies and what they were about, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963.

Regarding what went on in the Nazi puppet-state of Croatia during the World War Two era, the second linked page declares: "Priests, invariably Franciscans, took a leading part in the massacres. Many went around routinely armed and performed their murderous acts with zeal. A Father Bozidar Bralow, known for the machine gun that was his constant companion, was accused of performing a dance around the bodies of 180 massacred Serbs at Alipasin-Most. Individual Franciscans killed, set fire to homes, sacked villages, and laid waste the Bosnian countryside at the head of Ustashe bands. In September of 1941, an Italian reporter wrote of a Franciscan he had witnessed south of Banta Luka urging on a band of Ustashe with his crucifix."

When the Third Reich was "dismembered" at the fall of Nazi Germany, key members of the Knights of the "holy war" were helped to escape justice at the Nuremberg Trials by the Catholic Church and the Knights of Malta (etc.), using the "ratlines" and other methods. Let this fact about who helped the escapees speak for itself, as to who the Nazis were really working for. These Nazi Knights of the "holy war" were rewarded by being brought elsewhere (link), again, apparently also with the help of their Catholic "brothers" in organizations like the Knights of Malta (1)(2)(3)(4).


Under Operation Paperclip, plus other questionable and illegal operations by a certain segment of the intelligence and military communities, eugenicist Nazi war criminals who appear to have been on a savage "holy war" of extermination for the Vatican were rewarded by illegally being integrated into key positions of power and influence in the United States. Even ardent Nazis and war criminals were readily given security clearances in the United States, so they could work on "classified" projects. This fact is noted and documented elsewhere in this report.

When the Nazis were illegally brought into the United States, it appears that their Nazi ideologies and their "holy war" mentality were also brought with them and integrated into this country, especially into the military-industrial complex and the intelligence communities. That is when the unethical and illegal human experimentation "kicked into high gear" upon unsuspecting U.S. citizens. Those things which began happening are noted in the pages linked below.

It is well documented that at least biologicals, hypnosis, mind altering drugs and radioactive materials were used on the general public. Once again, all this diabolic experimenting seemed to begin after the Nazi war criminals and unethical human experimenters were illegally integrated into the military and organizations like the CIA. There were also programs to create assassins out of unsuspecting U.S. citizens. These things are introduced in the pages linked below.

It appears that once the Nazis with their "holy war" ideologies, plus their unethical human experimentation skills, were illegally integrated into the United States, especially into the military-industrial complex, from that point onward, the position of "sword of the Catholic Church" was passed on to the military and intelligence communities in the United States --- and, it appears that a hijacked government has just played along (1)(2)(3). Part of "the play" appears to be the disarming of U.S. citizens, in preparation for what appears to be planned for the times ahead.

And, looking further, there is always that chance that the intended Trump southern border wall is not actually meant to keep illegal aliens out of the country, but to keep Americans in, once the horrid, large-scale "turkey shoot" begins. Some have wondered why the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other agencies have ordered those 1.6-plus billion rounds of ammunition (link), much of it being hollow-point ammunition --- said to be enough to put five rounds in each U.S. citizen. More information on this subject is found in the right-side-margin, starting at this level.

It is time to begin looking at the "handwriting on the wall" or the "signs of the times" for the United States and its future. Let us start by considering the Catholic dominated or controlled CIA (1)(2)(3)(4), the organization which has been heavily into mind control programs, including assassin programs. The CIA has been dominated by members of the Knights of Malta (1)(2)(3)(4), which organization is the militia of the pope in Rome (1)(2)(3). And, as we already know, the CIA was staffed with many Nazis, including the whole Gehlen Organization (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), which staffing with Nazis began during the World War Two era (1) under things like the illegal Operation Paperclip.

Moving onward to consider other secretive organizations, available information indicates that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), that organization noted further above, which is stockpiling lots of ammunition, was founded and is controlled by Roman Catholics (1)(2)(3) or members of the Knights of Malta. It is known, as documented elsewhere in this report, that these people are under the control of the Jesuit organization and the pope in Rome. Their allegiance, by their historic oaths (1)(2)(3), is to the Jesuit organization and the pope, rather than to the Constitution and U.S. citizens.

Let us now consider the National Security Agency (NSA). The nominee to head the NSA, that organization which is doing all the unconstitutional, and therefore illegal spying on U.S. citizens, is a Saint John's University graduate (link). Saint John's University "is a private, Roman Catholic, research university located in New York City, United States."(link) From the looks of it, the NSA has taken the concept of the Catholic confessional to the next level, with its illegal spying on U.S. citizens. It appears to be the Vatican's and the Jesuits' organization for information and control.

It is time to consider something. The Catholic controlled CIA is documented for perpetrating illegal acts against U.S. citizens, as noted further above. The Catholic controlled NSA is unconsitutionally and illegally spying on U.S. citizens to find out every last thing about them that it can. While this is going on, the Catholic controlled DHS is stockpiling ammunition --- at least enough to put 5 bullets into each U.S. citizen. At the same time, they are doing everything they can to disarm U.S. citizens. So, where is all this leading?

Yes, just like the former history from other countries, it appears that all the Catholic "players" are being placed in key positions of power and control in the government, the military and the intelligence communities. Then there has been the steady flow over the southern border, coming into the United States for decades, of all the millions of Catholic illegal aliens. It appears that many of them have plans to take over the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13), ultimately for Vatican's benefit. And, a number of them have illegally been integrated into the U.S. military (link). So, again, where is all this headed?

Well, for non-Catholics, it is time to get wide awake. A page linked here speaks about the Mexicans taking over the United States. The page goes on to state: "The next phase would involve the ethnic cleansing, or expulsion, of Americans of European, African, and Asian descent out of 'Aztlan'." So, it is becoming rather obvious what the Catholics, very likely along with the Vatican and its various organizations, have planned for the United States. And, if you are non-Catholic, don't plan on the government helping you on this one. It appears they have just been "opening the door" for the invasion all along.


So, what can we expect in the times ahead? Possibly a book titled "Ravening Wolves," by Monica Farrell, accessed via a page linked here, can help to enlighten us on what potentially lies ahead for non-Catholics in the United States. It appears that, while authentic U.S. citizens "sleep," history is preparing to once again repeat itself, but on a grand scale. We may be facing the Grand Finale for the Crusades and the Inquisitions, plus the utter destruction of the legitimate United States. Yes, by the looks of it, potentially the "sword of the Catholic Church" will once again be bathed in blood.

After reading the book "Ravening Wolves" (1)(2)(3), and after decades of diligent study in history, the writer has come to a very important conclusion. Civilization is very fragile. Civilized humanity can disappear in virtually a moment of time, especially when spurred on by their religious leaders, or by those who may have a type of hypnotic control over them --- at least that seems to be the case when the religious leaders are the agents of the Vatican. The Crusades and the Inquisitions (1)(2)(3) seem to prove this point. The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre in France in 1572 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), plus other events in history, seem to also prove this point.

The history above is something which is not taught in your common schools today. Why is this, especially since it is such important history for many people to know and understand? The book "Ravening Wolves" (1)(2)(3) possibly gives an answer, which is noted below. Since the agents of Rome have basically taken control over the education system in the United States, on certain things, and possibly on many things, they want to keep the people ignorant --- especially the young.

The book, on actual book pages 12-13 (actual book pages 8-9, in Australian edition), declares: "The Church of Rome has done all in her power to keep this book and these facts from the people. It would be a pity for her future plans, to let the poor silly sheep, smell the blood in the slaughter yards of Croatia; or see the knife being sharpened by the 'Catholic Action' butchers, preparing for 'the big day' when they can jump into action here." Yes, it definitely does appear that they want to keep the sheep as ignorant as possible, until the slaughter begins. But, right now, they just need to get the sheep disarmed.

Regarding the hypnotic control over people, or the programming and manipulation of people, there is something to consider. The U.S., in general, used to have much better morals than it does today. But, as spoken about by the earlier people of wisdom in this country, the morals of the people had to be brought down, before the country could be brought down and taken over by other entities. So, what has been a big tool to take down and destroy the morals in this country?

According to pages at the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) --- it appears that the Jesuits and those they control are the ones who are in control of the media and entertainment industries. Via the media and entertainment industries, they are steadily molding, and virtually hypnotically controlling, the thought patterns and morals of the people in this country. Murder and bloodshed is being glorified by the entertainment and gaming industries. With the lowering of the morals and the hypnotic control of the masses, when the time comes, the people will do as "their masters" instruct.


Now, back to some related history. Considering the information presented so far in this discussion, it is time for a comment relating to the Serbian people. There appears to be much more to the story of why the United States went to war against the Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s. Then there was President Bush's "crusade" (or should that have been "Crusade") in Iraq in the early 2000s (1)(2)(3)(4). Along with this, it should be noted that President Bush was said to be "more Catholic than Kennedy."(link) While you think on these things, let's get back to the subject of Nazis in America.

There was a good reason why many U.S. citizens were very concerned about these eugenicist Nazis, with their "holy war" mentality, being brought into the United States. The ones who really understood this mentality and the Nazi ideology were the Jewish German scientists who had escaped from Nazi Germany, before Hilter and his henchman really got rolling with their extermination camps. The Federation of American Scientists was one group which was concerned about the importation of Nazis. As a result, the physicist Albert Einstein wrote a letter to President Truman, voicing their concerns. In the letter were the following words:

"We hold these individuals to be potentially dangerous carriers of racial and religious hatred. Their former eminence as Nazi party members and supporters raises the issue of their fitness to become American citizens or hold key positions in American industrial, scientific, and educational institutions. If it is deemed imperative to utilize these individuals in this country we earnestly petition you to make sure that they will not be granted permanent residence or citizenship in the United States with the opportunity which that would afford of inculcating those anti-democratic doctrines which seek to undermine and destroy our national unity."(1)(2)

The concerns presented above are also found in the book titled 'Project Paperclip: German Scientists and the Cold War,' by Clarence G. Lasby (1)(2), in Chapter 5. But, it appears that the Knights of Malta and their allies in positions of power were going to do what the Vatican and the Jesuit General wanted, rather than be in allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, plus the government and people of the authentic United States.

Unfortunately, the government, even those persons who were not members of secret societies, did not listen to those who raised legitimate concerns. Segments of the military and the intelligence communities basically went rogue, doing what they wanted no matter what anyone said. They wilfully became outlaws and violated U.S. laws, plus their oaths of office (link), while they brought in ardent Nazis and hid them from the U.S. Immigration authorities. Information about these illegal activities can be found in at least one well-researched book titled 'Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt.(1)(2)(3)

At this point, so we can better understand what has and is going on, possibly it would be good to look at the historic Oath of the Knights of Malta and their allies. In their oath, they allegedly declare: "I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers."(1)(2)(3) But, there is more to this oath.

Members entering this higher rank in these secret societies allegedly have also declared: "I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth."(1)(2)(3) Let us remember that President John F. Kennedy did his best to warn the general public about these secret societies, before the blew him away in November of 1963.


During the World War Two era, the Nazis in Germany had their nuclear research programs, aimed at making nuclear weapons. How far they got with their nuclear bomb program is unknown or possibly classified at this time. But, as noted in pages found at the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) --- it appears that evidence has been found which indicates the Nazis may have been further along in their nuclear bomb program than the public is commonly told.

From the way the authorities reacted to the German man who found a radioactive piece of metal in Germany, as noted in the first four pages linked above, there is a possibility that plutonium was found at the former site of a uranium-to-plutonium processing plant in Germany. But, as we should all know by now, the general public will possibly never be told the truth about the Nazi nuclear program and its accomplishments.

So, what happened to at least some of the Nazi nuclear scientists? A page linked here speaks about the Alsos Mission, also known as Operation Alsos (link). The purpose of this operation was to gather all the information possible about the Nazi nuclear programs. The linked page declares that "these operations succeeded in capturing most of the key German scientists, stores of uranium ore and other nuclear raw materials, and thousands of research documents regarding the development of atomic energy." The linked page notes that this operation was "under the auspices of the Manhattan Engineer District."

The mission of the Manhattan Engineer District "was to develop and test an atomic bomb" under the Manhattan Project (link). The Manhattan Project was the super secret project to build nuclear bombs in the United States for use in the war effort. The Manhattan Project "was officially established on 13 August 1942."(link)

A page linked here declares: "The Alsos Mission was created following the September 1943 Allied invasion of Italy with a twofold assignment: search for personnel, records, material, and sites to evaluate the above programs and prevent their capture by the Soviet Union." A page linked here declares: "On 29 November 1944, members of the ALSOS Mission in Strasbourg first captured German scientists engaged in the 'uranium club' on a secret nuclear programme."

At this point, there is something which needs to be clarified. There were many secret operations for gathering German or Nazi scientists during the latter part of World War Two. A page linked here speaks of Operation Paperclip. It states: "The project was originally called Operation Overcast, and is sometimes also known as Project Paperclip." The page states further: "Much of the information surrounding Operation Paperclip is still classified." Yes, it is still classified. Why?

The page linked above declares: "Separate from Paperclip was an even-more-secret effort to capture German nuclear secrets, equipment and personnel (Operation Alsos)." And, seeing how the information about Alsos is so secret, it appears they do not want the public to know about Nazi nuclear scientists who worked in the United States on possibly classified projects. But, there is a bit of evidence which makes it very clear that the Nazis were working in at least some of our nuclear facilities.

In Chapter 7 of a book titled 'Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt (1)(2)(3), is found the following: "Wilhelm Eitel...worked for the Navy in a nuclear plant in Norris, Tennessee." Eitel's security report "had judged him to be an 'ardent Nazi'." Well, this situation caused concern for the Atomic Energy Commission security agents, because the Nazi named Eitel had "access to AEC workrooms."

It is time to look further at how things were commonly handled with the Nazis in the US. Chapter 3, of the book noted above, states that Nazis brought into the United States under things like Operation Paperclip were "allowed extensive access to classified information..." Chapter 7 notes that "four hundred Nazis with top-secret clearances worked on sensitive defense projects throughout the country." Chapter 8 states: "German scientists could obtain necessary security clearances more easily than could American scientists." Chapter 3 notes that "the Germans were allowed access to classified information about new discoveries..."

There is yet more to this story about how things were handled in the United States, with the Nazis who were illegally brought into this country. The book noted above, in Chapter 12, which chapter is titled 'What Price Treason ?,' declares the following about these Nazis, even about Nazi war criminals right here in the United States: "They worked at nearly every military installation and for most key defense contractors across the country, and in all of those locations they had access to classified information."

The 'Conclusion' to the book noted above declares that the Nazi scientists "were given access to classified information -- again, contrary to official policy -- that revealed the inner-most workings of our defense system. As a result, it was not long before the very people brought here to ensure our security had themselves become a security risk." It appears we might have organizations like the Knights of Malta "international brothers" and their allies to thank for things like this.

So, there is possibly a very big reason why Operation Paperclip and Alsos Mission and other operations are still so highly classified. They obviously did not want the general public to find out about all the illegal or possibly treasonous activity which was and is commonly going on behind the scenes, right here in the United States. Possibly there were many more Nazis working on nuclear projects, plus working in the nuclear industry, than just the one noted further above.

Seeing how things were handled by the military and government agencies under these operations, it would not surprise the writer if it was found that Nazi nuclear scientists, even Nazi war criminals, worked at places like the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It would also not surprise the writer if it was found that ardent Nazis worked on things like the Manhattan Project, while helping to make nuclear bombs for the United States (1)(2)(3). As noted earlier regarding Alsos Mission, key German scientists were captured, along with "stores of uranium ore and other nuclear raw materials."

Speaking of nuclear bombs in the United States, a Wikipedia page, linked here, declares: "The first nuclear device ever detonated was an implosion-type bomb at the Trinity test, conducted at New Mexico's Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range on 16 July 1945." July of 1945 was well after Nazi nuclear scientists had started to be captured in Germany, for use by the Allies. So, the possibility does exist that Nazis worked on the Manhattan Project.

It is of note that some of these Nazis who had been part of the "holy war" ideology, after being brought into the United States, had connections with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, those nuclear bomb people which morphed into the U.S. DOE --- that agency now in control of Hanford. After the Nazis were brought into this country, then the "experimenting" even began on U.S. service personnel, using intense radiation.(1)(2)(3) And, as a result, these service personnel were plagued later in life with cancers, birth defects in their offspring, and many other serious ailments.

Regarding the large-scale "experimenting" on U.S. service personnel, the book titled 'Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt (1)(2)(3), in Chapter 1 declares: "The methods and philosophies that the Nazi scientists brought with them resulted in serious breaches of U.S. security and the unthinkable horror of American soldiers being used as research guinea pigs in the same way that concentration camp prisoners had been used during the war [in Nazi Germany]."

Regarding the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) which was heavily into illegally bringing Nazi war criminals into the United States, the book linked above, by Linda Hunt, in Chapter 14, declares: "The JIOA officers were not called to account for their actions at all. 'The GAO [Government Accountability Office] should have looked at the problem with Paperclip where President Truman issued an executive order saying that Nazi war criminals were not supposed to be brought to this country --- an order that we now know was flagrantly violated.'"

Linda Hunt then continues: "If we have agencies of this government willing to deliberately overlook and violate presidential directives, if we have government agencies willing to deceive other government agencies in order to protect Nazi war criminals, then we have a very serious problem here." And a very serious ongoing problem we do have, even at this late date.

When considering all the use of harmful and deadly radiation on U.S. citizens (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), there is something else to note. Relatively early in the 1900s, the eugenicists published a popular textbook titled 'Applied Eugenics.' This textbook talked about using execution to further the eugenicist cause. But then, it appears that they got much more subtle. The chapter on "Lethal Selection" spoke of accomplishing eugenicide "through the destruction of the individual by some adverse feature of the environment..."(1)(2)

It appears that the well-financed eugenicists and their Nazi "holy warriors" had big plans for what they wanted to do right here in the United States. It appears that, with post-World-War-Two science and technology in their hands, they now had a better tool to use, which could help them achieve their goals in a more subtle manner. It is now time for a question. Would radioactivity spread through the environment, plus in food and water, fit the description of "some adverse feature of the environment?"

A page linked here is titled 'US nuclear tests killed far more civilians than we knew.' The page declares: "New research suggests that the hidden cost of developing nuclear weapons were far larger than previous estimates, with radioactive fallout responsible for 340,000 to 690,000 American deaths from 1951 to 1973." So, who are the real killers or haters of the American people? Who are these people who called those they had deliberately harmed with nuclear radiation, the "low use segment of the population?"(link: left column)

Many powerful people are associated with the eugenics movement. Many Nazi "holy warriors" were placed in key positions in the United States. People with these dangerous ideologies have shown great influence over the government and the military. Is there any chance that the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, and what has been going on there for a long time, is simply another vehicle for the eugenicists to accomplish very subtle eugenicide (link), right here in the United States?

Just read through this complete report, while doing your best to connect-the-dots, and then decide the answer to the preceding question for yourself. In the meantime, keep in mind all those serious and deadly birth defects which are happening in the Hanford region.


The page linked below speaks of a document, which formerly was classified as top secret. The document, National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM-200), was a plan used by the United States National Security Council. It is said that NSSM-200 is the foundational document on population control issued by the United States government [and] continues to represent official United States policy on population control." A link to NSSM-200 in located in the page below.

The page linked above state that "NSSM-200 is critically important to pro-life workers all over the world, because it completely exposes the unsavory and unethical motivations and methods of the population control movement." It does sound like the thought upon which the American Eugenics Movement operated in the earlier 1900s and after, along with the ideology of those Nazi "holy warriors" during the World War Two era, who appear to have been working for the Vatican.

It should be noted that "NSSM-200 also specifically declared that the United States was to cover up its population control activities..." Note also in some of the information linked below that those who have taken control over the United States have used the United Nations "to do its dirty work," just as is happening today.

The pages linked below present a bit more information on the depopulation agenda, which is being perpetrated on the United States and its citizens, plus the whole world.


Declassified government documents and other reports indicate that the general public was consistently deceived (1) and willfully lied to (2) by Hanford officials and the government during the plutonium production years at Hanford.

It appears that the public was consistently lied to about the amount of radioactive waste getting into the air, the complex regional aquifer system and the Yakima and Columbia rivers, plus the health hazards presented by all this waste and radiation in the environment. The public was also continually kept in the dark about the harmful radiation getting into the food chain, which radiation can then become internalized in human bodies and cause various health problems and genetic damage.

Scientists associated with Hanford have performed numerous studies to find the degree of radiation getting into the river and the regional food chain. A number of Hanford scientists were highly concerned about the high level of radiation to which the public was being exposed. But the story consistently presented to the public by Hanford officials and the government was completely different. The public was basically told that all is well with Hanford and there is nothing to be concerned about. Is it any different today, as we watch what is happening at Hanford?

As one small example of government deception in relatively recent times, it appears that the U.S. Department of Energy has blatantly deceived "a government-chartered advisory panel" regarding the nature of the material leaking in the storage tank area for high-level radioactive waste at Hanford. This deception and lying is clearly shown in the article linked below.

The pages linked below reveal other deceptive practices perpetrated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and their cohorts in government. The questionable DOE intends to reclassify high-level nuclear waste at Hanford as being low-level nuclear waste, so the DOE does not have to do a true cleanup at Hanford. Yes, it appears that Hanford is the DOE eugenicist's dream come true.


At which point does it appear that a perceived habit of lying and deception really got going with the U.S. DOE and their associated organizations, like certain segments of the intelligence communities and the U.S. military? What main events seemed to really kick the deception amongst certain government-related groups and agencies into "high gear?" When did the very "fabric" of the nation began to change, with outright lying and deception taking place on a very large scale?

As the writer has examined the contents of various books and other sources of information relating to the World War Two era, and especially questionable and illegal things like Operation Paperclip and other like operations, one thing has really stood out. The volume of wilful and blatant lying and deceiving by certain segments of the U.S. intelligence communities and the military during this era and after is utterly staggering.

During this period and after, certain segments of the intelligence communities and the military appear to have aquired the nasty habit of lying to the President of the United States. They appear to have been wilfully lying to Congress. They were blatantly lying to and duping the general public. And from what books like 'Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt (1)(2)(3) show, it appears that the Nazis who these groups illegally brought into the United States were also known to lie and be security risks to the United States and its citizens.

It appears that once all the lying and deception, plus the skewing of data and falsifying of records by certain government agencies and segments of the military had kicked into "high gear," it got to be a horrible ingrained habit. It was like more lies were manufactured to cover for previous lies, and the public for sure was oblivious to what was really going on. And, it appears that certain organizations and agencies got so "polished" and subtle at this lying and deception, plus skewing of data and falsifying of records, that things have not really changed much from those earlier times.

A page linked here notes that "lies form a culture of themselves." But, there is more to this story. The page also states: "Once a lie takes hold, it must expand or it will be revealed." And that is what appears to have happened with certain organizations and agencies in the United States. This culture of deception was and is like a cancer. It keeps spreading and growing larger, enveloping the country and government more and more, all the time. And, it often hides behind the veil of secrecy, which in many cases has conveniently been created by the "CLASSIFIED" stamp.

Another page, linked here, declares: "Whenever there is deception, or the misrepresentation of truth, the moral order required by society is wounded." The page also states: "Our nation is experiencing a massive and pervasive pandemic of deception." And that "pandemic of deception" comes at a price. Once the lying and deception kicked into "high gear," especially with the segments of the military and intelligence agencies, the very "fabric" of the United States began to change, and not necessarily in a good way, and this country has never been the same since.

It appears that the United States was changed from within, by lying and deception. After some serious study of history, it appears it was changed by "Jesuitism." For those not familiar with that word, a page linked here, will give you the authentic definition. For "Jesuitism," it states: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." Their basic philosophy is, "The end justifies the means."(1)(2)(3) And yes, from what research indicates, the Jesuits are in control of the Knights of Malta, whose members are in many key positions in government and the U.S. military.

Knowing the lies and deception, and the cancer-like thing which appears to be taking over key positions in our country, it is now time to take a closer and more realistic look at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation: that major Pandora's Box presented to the citizens of the United States (and possibly even to Canada) by the U.S. Department of Energy and its confederates --- even potentially by its international confederates.

A  World-Class  "Dirty  Bomb" ?
Hanford nuclear waste, plus geologic and eugenics issues which affect the whole Pacific Northwest.

A documented report by:  David E. Sakrisson - Independent Researcher and Investigative Reporter

Copyright © 2011-2018  by  David E. Sakrisson
All Rights Reserved

Pick on any links below to obtain further information on a subject.


The Hanford Nuclear Reservation is one of the worst environmental disasters in the world. It is definitely one of the most radioactively contaminated places on this earth. It presents the citizens of the United States, and possibly even Canada, with an immense safety and health hazard --- something which can have a detrimental effect on the health and well-being of future generations.

The potential for an accident is always present at Hanford. A serious fire or nuclear accident at this site could cause its radioactive contaminants to be spread over a vast area via the wind, rain and Columbia River. Nevertheless, it appears that the U.S. Department of Energy is determined to use the Hanford Nuclear Reservation as a national nuclear junkyard.

The page linked below, from December 13, 2013, declares: "The U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) will issue a formal 'Record of Decision' in the Federal Register on Friday, December 13th stating that USDOE will plan to resume using Hanford as a national radioactive and chemical waste dump for waste from other USDOE weapons and nuclear facilities."

The page linked below presents more information regarding the "unveiling" of the true intent and purpose for the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

A question should be considered at this point, that we may better understand the nature of those in control at Hanford. Is it any coincidence that the U.S. Department of Energy chose to issue their formal statement on Friday the 13th? Possibly their choice is more ominous or even more along the sinister line than we realize, especially once all the information in this report is considered.

In all of this, it is very important to note that there is already a large increase in serious birth defects in the region surrounding the Hanford facility. Yes, it appears various factors are involved in these birth defects, a number of which are noted in this report. But, there is no question about it. Hanford appears to be one large factor.

And, as far as using the Hanford site as "a national radioactive and chemical waste dump for waste from other USDOE weapons and nuclear facilities" --- once all the facts are considered, that might appear as being a somewhat foolish move. In all of this, it is important to note the geologic hazards which are present beneath, or very near to the Hanford site. These hazards are noted elsewhere in this report.

During major earthquakes, strange and unusual things can happen. One of these things is noted in a NASA Earth Observatory page, linked here. The page is titled 'Squeezing Water from Rock.' This page speaks of materials from below being forced to the surface "through fissures, or cracks, in the Earth's surface." These cracks can readily form during serious earthquakes and materials from below can be forced out of them, even radioactive materials.

Considering what is being done at Hanford, it appears it will mainly be a surface cleanup on this site. In the most contaminated areas, they are supposed to clean down only 15 feet below the surface. Below that, will be the radioactive mess. During a massive quake, the ground could crack and radioactive waste materials from below could be forced to the surface, where they, especially the liquid and chelated factors, may spread laterally.

Another factor to consider is the vast, contaminated aquifer system beneath the Hanford region. This aquifer could act as a source of water, which, as the ground cracks and moves around, could help to force radioactive waste materials to the surface, where they can readily spread. This would not be a good situation, especially if they follow through with putting residential homes across at least the 100 Area, where the nine nuclear reactors formerly stood and where radioactive waste is already in the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system.


If the Hanford site were to become the northwest nuclear junkyard, or actually the nation's main nuclear junkyard, radioactive waste from around the nation would be shipped there. Actually, there is a considerable amount of radioactive waste from around the nation which has already been shipped to Hanford. It appears that there is even high-level waste which has come in these shipments, without the public ever knowing about it until much later, if at all. The next entry is just one example.

The page linked below speaks about the USS Ronald Reagan and its irradiation in 2011, during the early stages of the ongoing Fukushima, Japan, nuclear disaster. The page also speaks of secret Navy shipments of radioactive waste to Hanford. It speaks about the reactor cores from 117 decommissioned submarines which are at Hanford. These cores are sealed with steel plates and then left uncovered and fully exposed (link), plus virtually unprotected from the outside world.  This picture and this and this gives some idea of the size of these nuclear reactor cores.

The page linked below also presents information about potential radiation releases which are happening at Hanford. It also speaks of the Pasco Aquifer which is located directly beneath this highly contaminated nuclear site. There is much more to the aquifer story than simply the Pasco Aquifer. A more complete story about the major, endangered, multi-level regional aquifer system is presented further down in this report.

The page linked below is from the Oregon Department of Energy. It gives further information about the decommissioned Navy reactor compartments which are stored at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The page states: "The submarine reactor compartments that have been taken to Hanford are about 33 feet high and 40 feet in length. They weigh between 1,130 and 1,680 tons. Eventually, the Navy may deactivate its Ohio class submarines in the same manner. Those compartments would be much larger and heavier."

The page also speaks about reactors from ships. It states: "The Navy's nuclearl-powered cruisers have two reactor compartments each. Deactivation is similar as with the submarines -- spent fuel is removed, fluids are drained and pipes are sealed. The compartments are then cut from the ship and sealed. The Navy has just recently begun the process of deactivating the carrier Enterprise. Eventually, its eight nuclear reactor compartments will be disposed at Hanford."

The page linked below is another example of radioactive shipments to Hanford. It declares: "In addition, DOE transported two shipments of remotely-handled TRU [transuranic] waste in 2002 from the Energy Technology and Engineering Center (ETEC) in southern California to Hanford, Washington..." As a page linked here states, remote-handled TRU "can be highly radioactive."


The article linked below declares: "On Dec. 20, [2002] the first shipment of plutonium-laden transuranic wastes arrived at Hanford for indefinite storage. These shipments are as hot as -- or hotter than -- high-level nuclear waste and are mixed with an uncharacterized array of hazardous and toxic chemical wastes." The article states: "The transuranic wastes coming to Hanford are so hot they have to be handled remotely."

These extremely radioactive and dangerous transuranic (TRU), plutonium-laden wastes were "generated at an Ohio nuclear weapons and fuel development laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy." These deadly TRU wastes are being added "to an already-contaminated Hanford site." So, what is this ruse about cleaning up Hanford, when even more high-level TRU waste has actually been dumped there? Yes, it appears the deception at Hanford just continues.

It appears that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has illegally sent high-level radioactive, plutonium-laden TRU waste materials to Hanford over quite a period of time. This appears to be a criminally dangerous act by the DOE, which DOE apparently does not care about the health and safety of the general populace in the region, nor about the extremely important regional aquifer system or the Columbia River.

This is beginning to sound more and more like something out of the eugenicist's playbook. But truly, it appears to go much deeper than simply the eugenicists and the former Nazis which were noted earlier in this report.


The PDF document linked below (on PDF page 5 of 8) declares: "Most of the waste from the nation's nuclear weapons production is at Hanford, including more than 80 percent of its highly radioactive spent reactor fuel, almost 60 percent of its high-level radioactive wastes, more than half of its buried 'transuranic' wastes (elements heavier than uranium), and the largest amount of contaminated soil and groundwater."

Without adding any further nuclear waste, the Hanford site is already the most contaminated nuclear site in the United States. It is the most contaminated site in the western hemisphere. It is said to be the most contaminated site on this earth, outside of Russia. This information is found in the pages linked below.

To make matters worse for the citizens of the Pacific Northwest, the extremely contaminated "Hanford National Radioactive and Chemical Waste Dump" has the Columbia River winding around its property, plus a very important, multi-state aquifer system beneath its surface, from which is pumped water for drinking and irrigation purposes. To make matters even worse yet, it appears the new mandate for Hanford is to simply cover-up, but not truly clean up.

It appears that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), for quite some time, has been trying everything they can to get out of properly cleaning up and neutralizing the radioactive mess at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. This can readily be seen in the pages linked below.

The 2004 document linked below, on PDF page 8 of 8, speaks about the DOE's new plan (new, back in 2004) for its "cleanup" effort at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It declares: "The DOE's new plan would leave behind radioactive substances at levels so dangerous that no one will be allowed to live at Hanford for at least 1,000 years. The previous plan envisioned resettlement in 150 years."

Well, it appears that the DOE is planning on pulling a fast one on the citizens of the United States. Possibly it is part of that eugenics ideology which is beginning to show through. Further down in this report is found documentation which indicates that there are plans to put residential housing in at least the contaminated 100 Area, in the not too distant future. The 100 Area is where the nine nuclear reactors formerly stood.

But there is more to this story...unfortunately, actually a whole lot more.


At a quick glance, the title on the link below sounds very good. It indicates that the Feds are going to retrieve nearly all the radioactive waste in Hanford's 177 underground tanks. The article states that the government "intends to retrieve 99 percent of the stored waste and close up the tanks." It sounds like the danger from Hanford will be drastically reduced. It sounds like we may now have nothing to worry about from Hanford. Wrong! So horribly wrong!

In the 177 underground storage tanks at Hanford is said to be at least 53 million gallons of extremely hazardous, radioactive sludge. It is said to be some of the most dangerous stuff on earth. It is said that ninety-nine percent of this material will be removed. This means that at least one-percent will remain in the tanks.

It is time to do some simple math. One-percent of 53 million gallons means that 530,000 gallons of deadly brew will be left in the ground. To give some perspective to this situation, how many 55-gallon drums would be filled with this 530,000 gallons of deadly material? The answer is: 9,636 drums. But, this is not the end of the story.


It is time to consider the nature of that small part of the hazardous material which the government intends to leave in the ground, after the so-called "cleanup" is "finished." What will be the major ingredients in that one-percent that is left in the 177 underground storage tanks? To come to a better understanding of this matter, it is important for us to first find out if this one-percent is measured by weight or by volume.

The document linked below, from the Federal Register Online, declares: "As stated in the Final TC&WM EIS, for the actions related to tank waste retrieval, treatment and closure, DOE prefers Tank Closure Alternative 2B, without removing technetium in the Pretreatment Facility. Tank Closure Alternative 2B includes 99 percent retrieval of waste by volume from the SSTs." SSTs are the 149 single-shell tanks. The 28 double-shell tanks [DSTs] are also mentioned in the document.

From the document linked above, it is clear that the 99-percent of the hazardous waste which is intended to be removed from the underground storage tanks is by volume, not by weight. With this important fact clearly established in our minds, it is now time to consider what this really means.


Higher density materials, because of their higher specific gravity, will in time, tend to sink to the bottom of a slurry or sludge in a container. In the underground tanks for storage of radioactive waste at Hanford, the one-percent which remains in the tanks after "closure" will be composed of a concentration of the heaviest radioactive materials. This will include (with specific gravities noted) things like americium (13.67), uranium (18.8), plutonium (19.84), plus a variety of other, heavy radioactive materials.

Take a look at the 'Specific Gravity of Metals Table,' linked here, and another Specific Gravity chart, linked here. From the charts, it is clear that one cubic foot of uranium particles is almost 2-1/2 times heavier than the same amount of iron or steel particles (7.8 max). The same volume of plutonium particles would be a bit heavier in weight than the uranium particles.

Using just the three radioactive materials noted further above, as being materials in the slurry in those Hanford tanks, the plutonium particles would generally be at the bottom. On top of the plutonium would be a layer of uranium particles. On top of this would be a layer of americium particles. Things like steel or iron particles would rest on top of these first three materials. If there were particles of lower density or lower specific gravity materials in the container, they would all be further up in the stack, in the order of their densities or specific gravities.


Regarding the 177 underground storage tanks at Hanford, the upper 99 percent (by volume) which is to be removed in the "cleanup" effort will be the lighter weight, lower density elements or components in the sludge. This lighter, lower density portion includes virtually all the "easy-to-get" liquid in the tank. The one-percent that will be left in the bottom of the tanks will be the heaviest and densest mixture of the radioactive elements, plus a variety of other continually reacting materials which will be created as the heavier radioactive materials decay.

The one-percent of the radioactive waste materials which would remain in the bottom of the tanks, which would be buried in the ground above the regional aquifer system, will be things like uranium, plutonium, neptunium and strontium, as shown in a 2010 document, linked here, from the Yakama Nation (on PDF page 58-59 of 72). So, effectively, we would still be left with a hellacious mess on our hands for ages to come. Once again, it appears that the public is being deceived by the Hanford cleanup and the U.S. DOE.

In such a case, it is virtually a guarantee that the Columbia River will be permanently polluted or permanently destroyed with chemicals and radiation from the Hanford site. This problem may only grow worse and worse, as time goes on.

Yes, there are actually many reasons for our friends in the Tri-Cities and the Columbia Basin of Washington state, plus all the Native American tribes in the region, to be utterly displeased. For one, it is said that they are some of the most irradiated people on this earth, along with their irradiated environment, plus their irradiated food and water supply. But, there is more to this story.

The evidence shows that radiation from Hanford went far beyond this region and negatively affected many other people, especially during things like the diabolical "experiment" on the surrounding populace, which was called the Green Run (1)(2)(3). But, there were more radioactive releases into the environment that just the infamous Green Run.


Official documents and News reports state that around one million gallons of highly radioactive waste at Hanford has leaked from the large, failing underground storage tanks and is heading for the Columbia River, as is noted in virtually all the pages linked in this section. The first document linked below has this note: "Note that 67 tanks leaked at least one million gallons in the past"

The words "at least one million gallons" leaves a lot of leeway. With the use of these words, the leaking of 6 million gallons would fit. So would the leaking of 10 million gallons, or 30 million gallons. The terminology is very loose, and can actually be used to greatly reduce the amount of leakage in the minds and eyes of the public --- in other words, possibly more "Hanford deception" being used.

The first news article below states: "At least 1 million to 1.5 million gallons of waste is known to have spilled onto the desert floor." This may be a drastic understatement for those radioactive wastes which were simply "spilled" or dumped with intent.

The remainder of the pages linked further below give varying amounts for the leakage estimate. There appears to be no agreement on the amount of leakage, in articles by the media. Possibly that is the way the DOE and its contractors like it --- a confused public.

The document linked below, on PDF page 5 of 8, adds more to the story when it declares: "The most worrisome issue is the fate of high-level radioactive waste that escaped from underground storage tanks near the center of the Hanford site. Estimates of the volume of this leaked waste range from 1 million to 6 million gallons. And the numbers are growing."

Obviously, it appears that the public is not being told the truth about what is happening at Hanford. And the DOE estimates of leakage? Well, we all should know their history of "truthfulness" and "tweaking the facts and data" by this time.

But, as usual with Hanford and the DOE, there appears to be a lot more to this story. The page from 1991, linked below, is from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). The page states the following:

"GAO found that: (1) DOE estimated that 750,000 gallons of liquid waste leaked from 66 shell tanks, but did not include the volume of cooling water that had been added to the tanks, some of which could have leaked; (2) DOE historically did not include cooling water that could leak from the tanks in its tank leak studies; (3) DOE noted that it added cooling water to a single tank and that some did leak, but did not provide any volume figures; (4) the contractor's estimate indicated that only 5,000 gallons of waste leaked from that tank, but records indicated that more than 500,000 gallons of contaminated cooling water leaked from the tank..."

So, does this mean that there is a possibility that the amount of contamination leaking from the radioactive tanks at Hanford could actually be up to at least 100 times greater than that which is commonly being told to the general public?

The full 24 page GAO report from August 1991, associated with the abstract linked above, is accessed via the link below. The report identifier is GAO/RCED-91-177. The GAO report, on PDF page 3 of 24, notes that a "substantially higher" volume of contaminated liquid waste has leaked from the Hanford tanks than is being reported by the contractor at Hanford and the DOE.

The 1991 report linked above, on PDF page 4 of 24, indicates that out of just one of the 66 leaking tanks, there is the potential that somewhere close to one-million gallons of contaminated liquid has leaked --- yes, leaked into the ground and potentially into the regional aquifer system beneath Hanford, from which is pumped drinking and irrigation water for the surrounding region.

So, just how much contaminated liquid has actually leaked out of all 66 or more of these leaking tanks and into the ground, groundwater and vast aquifer system, plus the Columbia River? That is something which you will never be told the truth about.

A page from 1998, linked below, notes an earlier claimed belief by Hanford managers that radioactive materials from leaking storage tanks at the facility "would be trapped by the surrounding soil. But they now admit that they were wrong." And, when considering what was happening in the vadose zone beneath the tanks, it appears that the DOE "did not want to know." Possibly that way, it could plead ignorance. Yes, just more Hanford deception at work here.

Later in this report, we will examine more of the truth about what is already getting in the Columbia River, plus that which is getting into the Yakima River and the complex, multi-level and multi-state regional aquifer system which is in the ground beneath and surrounding the Hanford facility.

Pages formerly linked to this report (yes, it appears the pages were removed from the Internet) noted that the processing plant being built at Hanford --- that famous Vitrification Plant --- will only be able to process a portion of the tank waste, at most, and that there is currently no plan for stabilizing the remaining tank waste. It should be noted, once again, that this information has "disappeared" from the Internet, at least as of the last time that the writer searched. But, the pages linked below may help to fill in at least some things which were formerly being considered.

So, if only a portion of the radioactive tank waste is processed and stabilized, we will still be left with a whole lot of dangerous and deadly waste for our generation and future generations to deal with. And that radioactive mess will most likely be continually reacting and decaying, while working its way into the ground and groundwater, plus the surrounding environment.

Those contaminated plumes in the groundwater, which are heading for and already reaching into the Columbia River will never be truly cleaned up, nor will the regional aquifer system. This, in itself, is a serious problem. But, the radioactive mess in the ground utterly pales in comparison to the full story of the world-class "dirty bomb" which appears is being prepared at Hanford.


Pages, linked here and here, note that there are "more than a million people who live and work near the Columbia River downstream of Hanford." For this reason, unless there is a eugenics or population reduction agenda involved, or some kind of subtle "holy war" going on, there should be a strong sense of urgency in the cleanup at Hanford. Things should be done in a properly planned, properly organized and efficient manner, in order to get everything done as quickly and as safely as possible.

Regarding getting the radioactive mess at Hanford properly cleaned up, the 60 Minutes article from 2006 (minus video) linked below declares: "But for the Energy Department, which runs the project, it's been a case of easier said than done. In the nearly 16 years 60 Minutes has been covering this story, it's been one foul up after the next."

Linked below are videos which relate to the 60 Minutes report linked above.

A person must truly ask, "What is the motivating reason behind all these foul ups?" Why are they not just "getting in there and getting the job done right?" It is almost as if they don't care if the job ever gets done in a proper way. Are these many foul ups accidential or intentional?

The following question really needs to be asked. Is there actually a hidden agenda in operation here, especially when you consider the rather strange way things have been going at Hanford? Is there any possibility that a eugenics, human experimentation, or population reduction agenda is in motion at the Hanford facility, or possibly that some of that Nazi ideology is in use?

A study of past history, plus plans which are now in place by the government and the United Nations, does require that these questions should be asked. Some true answers should also be expected.


It is time to consider what has been and is happening with the construction of the tank-waste treatment plant --- that Vitrification Plant --- at Hanford.

Regarding the Vitrification Plant, the 2011 page linked below declares: "Originally, the complex was supposed to start glassifying wastes in 1999. In 2002, its design and construction budget was $4 billion." The page states further: "But the price tag of $4 billion in 2002 grew to $12.3 billion by early 2006 and stayed steady until November when $13.2 billion became the potential new figure."

The 2012 page, linked below, speaks about Bechtel National Inc. being on the job for more than 10 years. It indicates that Bechtel appears to be "incompetent to complete the $12.2 billion nuclear waste treatment plant at Hanford, Wa."

In the 2016 page, linked below, we find that "the estimated cost of the vitrification plant at the Hanford nuclear reservation [has risen] from $12.3 billion to $16.8 billion, with more costs to be added to the estimate as technical issues at the plant are resolved."

Note that this $16.8 billion is simply an estimate. The truth is that the cost could end up being considerably higher than just $16.8 billion, as the "cash cow" continues to "be milked" for resolving claimed "technical issues."

But, this "fast tracking" --- without proper pre-planning or engineering --- has obviously caused a lot of extra problems and cost at the Hanford facility. This appears to be a case of utter incompetence and mismanagement. Watching the apparent Hanford "extortion" program, its full speed ahead, but then...oops!

The page linked above notes: "Technical issues related to high level radioactive waste stopped construction on the plant's Pretreatment Facility in 2012 and on part of the High Level Waste Facility, both of which will handle high level radioactive waste."

As noted in the page linked above, some of the technical issues include: "the possibility of corrosion of piping, a buildup of flammable gases or an unplanned nuclear reaction." This all sounds very good for a plant which will be so radioactive that no person --- and possibly not even robots --- can get inside to fix anything which goes wrong --- ever. Yes, this is just a devastating "accident" waiting to happen.

The 2004 page linked below speaks about just some of the many problems affecting the Hanford Vitrification Plant. The page notes that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has criticized the DOE for adopting "a high-risk strategy" for the Vitrification Plant. This "high-risk strategy" is the use of "fast-track" construction methods, where "the Hanford plant's construction, design and technology development are all carried out concurrently."

Regarding the fast-track construction methods which the DOE has allowed, a text file for a 2006 GAO report number GAO-06-602T, linked here, states that "this approach is not recommended for designing and constructing one-of-a-kind, complex, nuclear facilities..." Why? The GAO declares that this approach "increases the risk of encountering problems that can adversely affect a project's cost and schedule."

The GAO report states that "DOE's decision to pursue a fast-track, design-build approach...has proven to be regrettable." It states further: "By just about any measure, the Hanford waste treatment project is in disarray..." From what was stated in a report which has since been altered or removed from the Internet, it appears that the DOE's history of using the design-build, fast track approach is replete with examples of failure.

To view an additional page relating to the April 2006 U.S. Government Accountability Office report number GAO-06-602T, simply click on the button below.

It does appear that the DOE does not learn from their past mistakes. Or, is there actually a lot more to this story? From a business point of view, the way they are pursuing things at Hanford does not make a lot of sense. But, if one were to look at it from a eugenics or human experimentation point of view, it all makes a whole lot of sense. Possibly all the problems are just part of the plan.

For those desiring more insight into why the GAO has had such a problem with the way the DOE is handling things at Hanford, simply read their June 2004 GAO report number GAO-04-611, by clicking on the button below.

It appears that the DOE's fast-tracking has simply escalated costs and dangerously extended the timeline for the Hanford project. Because of the extreme seriousness of that which is being dealt with, and that which is facing the populace, time should be of the essence --- as should be proper planning and organization. So, what is going on here, and why? What is the agenda?


The following linked information is from 2013. The report states that the GAO is called "the investigative arm of Congress." Watch the video. Regarding Hanford, the GAO declared: "The DOE is not in a position to effectively manage the critical projects and programs carried out by its contractors." The findings by the GAO "puts DOE on GAO's high risk list for those vulnerable to fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement."

Yes, go back and re-read the preceeding sentence again, as many times as necessary. With that kind of statement made by the GAO, it appears that the DOE could be in a position for manipulation by a third party or an outside entity. Possibly the DOE could do things outside of their legitimate and authorized purpose. Possibly they could also be wilfully negligent of their lawful duty.

After considering all of the available information, it appears that the DOE may be hiding the nasty truth about Hanford from the general public and possibly even from Congress. Possibly the DOE has been hiding the extreme seriousness of the environmental disaster created by Hanford, especially in that vast, regional aquifer system. Possibly they have even been wilfully hiding the seriousness and extent of the deadly hazard presented by this very contaminated nuclear site.

And then, there is something documented further down in this report which needs to be considered in all of this. By the sounds of it, there are plans for putting residential houses on this contaminated site, in the not too distant future.

What could happen if a contractor for the DOE discovered the truth about Hanford and the full extent of the horrific mess which the DOE has made in this region, and which it appears it is trying to hide or cover up? Could that contractor then potentially use some leverage on the DOE by hinting about making the information available to the general public or to Congress?

There is a chance that the DOE would not want something like that to happen. There is a chance that they do not want the general public to fully understand what is actually going on at Hanford, especially if things could take on a diabolic eugenics appearance.

Could the DOE keep feeding a threatening contractor a considerable amount of money, "hush" money, for substandard work, just to keep them quiet? Could the DOE allow such a contractor to waste time on the project and not meet projected completion dates for vital systems, without any negative repercussions to the contractor?

Could a situation like that noted above cause the DOE to totally mismanage a cleanup project at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation? Could it cause entities who brought up safety or unsafe design issues to be terminated or retaliated against? And, what have we seen happening at Hanford over the years? But again, we are possibly only seeing the proverbial "tip of the iceberg."


The links below are from 2012. The first article declares that "the Energy Department released a statement expressing frustration with the progress of the [vitrification] plant." Was that statement made simply in an attempt to appease the public, or were they simply showing their own incompetence? What gives here. The DOE is supposed to be the ones in charge!

Now, let us consider a person who appears to be a bit more honest or more competent. Let us consider a person who appears to have a bit more of a conscience. In his internal memo, the chief treatment plant engineer blasted what was going on at the vitrification plant and how things were being handled. But, it should be noted that this chief engineer ultimately went down the road. He no longer works for or under the DOE.

Gary Brunson was the chief engineer who is mentioned in the pages linked above. With his professional experience, he was in a good position to see and understand exactly what was being built at the Hanford vitrification plant. He recognized that something was drastically wrong. Some of his concerns are noted in the lower half of the article linked below.

Mr. Brunson declared that Bechtel had "provided a design solution that was not technically defensible, technically viable, or was technically flawed." Again, it should be asked, "Who would design things in such a way as this? Is there another agenda in operation here?" Really! We had better wake up and start asking some questions, for our own health and safety.

Let us continue onward with this examination, that we may better understand at least a part of what is wrong --- at least that part which has leaked out to the public. But first, let us consider the serious mismanagement at this potentially dangerous nuclear facility.


The link below addresses mismanagement of the Hanford Vitrification Plant project, back in 2005. That's twelve years ago (as of 2017). According to the report, "The situation has been out of control for some time, and the taxpayers are the ones flipping the bill." And, "The vitrification plant has been a money pit..." One problem has been "a lack of foresight to make the facilities earthquake-proof."

So, they have been spending billions of dollars building this vitrification plant, and it appears that neither the DOE or the contractors are designing or building it to withstand potential earthquakes in this region. What is going on here? It sounds like they are building something which can act like a large-scale nuclear bomb, in the event of a massive earthquake. And all along, they have been merrily "milking" the government, or more realistically, merrily "milking" and raping the taxpayers.

The report declares further, "This is yet another justification of the public's fears that nuclear materials are being handled in an incompetent manner." It does not make sense to do things this way, unless there is another agenda in operation here. More will be presented on this matter later.

About this time, possibly we should again be asking questions about this mismanagement at Hanford. Is it accidental or intentional? Possibly the principle involved in the following words attributed to former President Franklin D. Roosevelt should be considered. His words of wisdom are these: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) It appears that these words of wisdom could readily apply to virtually any government agency.

Now, back to Hanford mismanagement. Below is another article from 2005. Regarding the Vitrification Plant, it declares that "the Energy Department and Bechtel grossly underestimated how strong the plant must be to withstand severe earthquakes." But, it appears this drastic error is no big deal for Bechtel. Why? The article states: "This is a cost-plus-incentive-fee deal. The construction firm puts up no capital but is guaranteed at least something." And, the longer they can drag things out... Yes, "CASH COW!"

Let us now face the facts. That "something," noted above, has turned into a very large amount of money at this time. There is also something else to consider. If the vitrification plant later presents a serious radiation hazard to the general public, or catastrophically blows up, Bechtel may simply walk away with our money as their profits, thanks to the DOE.

We must truly ask why the DOE or Bechtel would allow such a thing to happen. Why would they have "grossly underestimated how strong the plant must be to withstand severe earthquakes." Once again, it should be asked if there is actually another agenda in operation here. It is almost getting rather difficult to fathom any other explanation.


It is time to consider things which may have an affect on the management of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Let us consider just a bit of the history of political and corporate corruption associated with this facility. There actually is quite a history of questionable activities relating to this facility and the cleanup program. The information which follows may, once again, be just the proverbial "tip of the iceberg."

The following news article is from October of 1997. It states: "A Senate committee is investigating the impact of political ties and campaign donations on the award of a $5 billion management contract at the Hanford nuclear reservation." It states further: "Federal Election Commission records show numerous contributions from department contractors to the Democratic National Committee, some made close to the time they landed big contracts."

The following article is from 2003. It comes to us from The Baltimore Chronicle. It appears there is political corruption involved with the mismanaged Hanford cleanup. The article heading states: "Influence-peddling was at the root of a near disaster at the Hanford nuclear plant in Washington State."

In the article below, Michael C. Ormsby, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Washington, declared: "The cleanup efforts at Hanford are too important to have prime contractors who misuse government funds to lobby for more government funds. We are pleased that Fluor has settled these allegations and hope that this serves as a reminder to all prime contractors at Hanford that they must be good stewards of tax payer dollars."

These words above sound good. Yes, they are "a lot of fluff." But, what seems to be the trend at Hanford? It appears that government contractors are really "leveraging" the Hanford nuclear mess to their own benefit and profit.

On the other hand, it appears that government agencies are not actually working in the best interests of the taxpayers' and their money, or in the best interest of the public at large. It appears that certain groups of people involved with the Hanford project may have utterly lost "their moral compass," and/or potentially their conscience.

The link below is from December of 2013. The article states: "Consultants on the Hanford nuclear weapons site cleanup overbilled the federal government 'tens of millions of dollars,' then fired a paralegal who tried to report the fraud, the woman claims in Federal Court."

The article linked below begins with the following words: "On Friday, the United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Washington filed a civil complaint under the False Claims Act alleging that Washington Closure Hanford LLC (WCH) and others falsely claimed credit for awarding tens of millions of dollars-worth of federal subcontracting business to small businesses including woman-owned small businesses."

For additional information on the alleged or proven overbilling and fraud at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, simply click on the buttons below. This may help you to better understand how your hard earned, and then taken away, tax dollars are being spent.

It is now time to make a very large understatement. It appears that Hanford is being used, at least in part, as a vehicle for corporate and government interests to literally rip off U.S. taxpayers. It also appears that there is gross mismanagement at the Hanford nuclear facility. Plus, the potential exists for a different agenda to be in operation at this facility, than that which is commonly stated. Nothing else appears to satisfactorily answer what is going on at Hanford.


The article linked below is from 1993. That's twenty-four years ago (as of 2017). The article declares that the Hanford cleanup "is failing because of mismanagement, erroneous information and a lack of commitment." Note those words closely: "erroneous information and a lack of commitment." Yes, the "erroneous information" could fit under the heading of deception or lies.

Now, it is becoming very clear that the mismanagement at Hanford has been going on for a very long time. But, why has this been allowed to happen? What has Congress been doing all along? This is not the normal way projects or business should be run, nor is it the way government should be run.


Once again, Gary Brunson was the top official in the engineering department for the waste treatment plant (or Vitrification Plant) at Hanford. He raised many serious concerns about the design of this plant, but was basically ignored by the powers that be. Ultimately, he quit his job.

The first 2013 article linked below states: "Enough is wrong that someone like the director of the engineering is checking out." The other linked article, from 2013, presents information about further concerns by higher-level personnel.

Now, let us once again consider Gary Brunson. What was it that he saw that made him feel the way he did? What was the picture which went through his mind as he envisioned the future of the Vitrification Plant? What made him quit and walk away from a prestigious and high paying job --- one which he potentially could have had for years to come?

As he considered what he knew about the Vitrification Plant, did he "see" an immense amount of radiation spreading across the region? Did he "see" contaminated food and water supplies? Did he "see" thousands or millions of people inhaling or ingesting radioactive particles, which then became internalized, leading to serious cancers and other major health problems, including potential damage to DNA? Did he "see" many people dying, plus numerous birth defects, all caused by a substandard or defective facility?


It is time to consider the overall safety history of the Hanford cleanup project. The pages linked below present disturbing information. They speak about toxic chemicals which are in the vapors emitted at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. They speak of "safety breakdowns" at the facility. They speak of workers inhaling damaging or deadly plutonium particles.

The pages also speak about key equipment installations being made at the waste cleanup plant (the Vitrification plant) which present horrific safety issues. It appears that all of this, and more, has and is being done with "the blessing" of the Energy Department (U.S. DOE). What is actually going on at the Hanford facility --- really? And, why?

From what is indicated in some of the information linked above, it is almost like harmed workers are being "stiff-armed" by the government and/or the contractors. When it comes to harmed workers getting the proper treatment for their health issues, plus getting their required treatments paid for in a timely manner, as work-related injuries, it appears that the "culture of denial" kicks into high gear and harmed workers can be "left out in the cold." Why are they doing this to the workers?

What workers at Hanford are experiencing, in their treatment when damaged, is similar to what military personnel are experiencing, after they have been damaged by the use of depleted uranium weaponry. What is going on here? What is the agenda? Who are the DOE and the Department of Defence actually working for? And, who is Congress working for?


Regarding the Hanford facility, it appears that widespread secrecy, deception, cover-up, plus even potentially criminal activity has been the norm for quite some time. This deception and cover-up, plus potential criminal activity, appears to have allowed for unsafe equipment to be installed in a very critical nuclear processing plant. This deception and cover-up has extended to the way worker health issues are handled --- including issues with very serious and life-threatening Hanford-type diseases like chronic beryllium disease (CBD).

It appears that deception is used to cover up instances of blatant safety violations at the Hanford facility, and the disregard of regulations is putting improperly prepared or improperly protected workers in harms way. It appears that deception and cover-up is behind the use of flawed or skewed sampling procedures for dangerous materials, to make the dangerous environment look better than it really is in areas where workers are assigned tasks.

Furthermore, it appears deception is possibly being used to cover up what may ultimately prove to be the true intent and purpose for the Hanford Vitrification Plant, as it is now being constructed, plus what may be happening to the people in the region because of Hanford.

Yes, evidence indicates that the government is deceiving people in regards to what is actually being built at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and what its true nature actually is, plus what the ultimate intent and purpose of certain entities is for the whole facility.

The way things are being done at Hanford --- and even the way things are being done at nuclear facilities in general, across the whole nation --- could make a person begin to wonder if the whole nuclear thing is mainly a very large-scale, unethical eugenics experiment on the general public. More about this issue later.


The pages linked below give more pieces of the picture, that we may better understand what is truly happening at Hanford, plus the mentality that exists there. But one thing should be noted. What is presented by the news media and popular publications is often just a small part of the real story. Therefore, the concerned reader is urged to do further research on these issues.

It is time for people to become informed, that they may see through the possible deception we are dealing with at the Hanford nuclear facility. It is also time to realize the magnitude of the hazard which is being presented to the general public by this extremely contaminated and dangerous facility which resides above a major, regional aquifer system, plus alongside that very important Columbia River.

All of the information presented above are just little pieces which fit into the story of the world-class "dirty bomb" --- that large and dangerous facility which can, in the event of a serious "accident," potentially wreak havoc on the surrounding territory, plus even on Canada and other parts of the world.

But, there truly is much more to this unfolding story. At this point, we have barely "scratched the tip" of the proverbial iceberg. There is a large truth to consider here. It is those things which we cannot readily see, which will ultimately cause the most damage and concern --- both to us and to future generations.


The article called 'Big cleanup questions still loom at Hanford' (linked here and further below) discusses the volatile and deadly brew which exists in the huge, leaking underground storage tanks on the Hanford property. It also speaks about a project which is far behind schedule: one which appears to be in an impossible race against time.

The article speaks of "53 million gallons of radioactive waste." It declares that "each of Hanford's underground waste tanks holds a unique mix of hundreds of toxic compounds and radioactive isotopes." Some of these tanks have "spontaneously heated up or burped explosive gases."

In all of this, there is something important to note about what is in the tanks. The article states that, "Over the years, each has become a distinct and changing caustic brew." Of great importance is the following statement: "The waste was changing and chemically reacting all the time."

What are we truly dealing with in these tanks? Nobody really seems to know. How dangerous is this stuff and what are the hazards presented? Again, nobody really seems to know. Or, at least they are not telling the full story to the public. All we know is, it is some of the most dangerous stuff on earth and it is constantly reacting and changing in nature. In essence, to some degree, it appears that it is morphing from one thing into another thing, constantly.


The articles linked below show many dangerous problems relating to the substandard work being done at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It appears that a type of "time bomb" is being created: one which could possibly be devastating to the populace of the whole Pacific Northwest region, or even far beyond.

A serious nuclear calamity at the Hanford reservation could also negatively affect or completely destroy food production possibilities in the important Columbia Basin region, plus potentially far beyond. Yes, possibly it is time for citizens to "really wake up" to their collective perdicament and begin to do what needs to be done about this Hanford problem, plus a problematic U.S. DOE.


The articles linked below show that even regular workers are raising safety concerns about the vitrification plant at the Hanford facility. It appears the system is definitely flawed at Hanford. Something --- possibly something very big --- is truly wrong at Hanford.

One thing is important to note. In the midst of it all, it appears that management is working hard to silence workers who note safety issues. Why are they doing this? Is there something actually very major which is being covered up? What is the true agenda here?

Once again, a very key question truly needs to be asked. Is the Hanford vitrification plant an "accident" waiting to happen? Is a large-scale "dirty bomb" actually being built: one which could make the surrounding area uninhabitable, plus make the Columbia River and the Columbia Basin unusable for food production? Why are things being done in this questionable way? Once again, is there more to the story? Is there actually a hidden agenda behind the Hanford project?


In the midst of this discussion, we should definitely consider the apparent nature of those in control at Hanford. The article, linked here and above, declares: "In his letter, Thorson [a chemical engineer for one of the Hanford contractors] says several times when he's raised concerns about the plant, he's been reprimanded or had his reputation or career injured."

Possibly, for our own good, all of us should be asking: "What is really going on at Hanford?" What is the true nature of the device being built there, especially when someone like Thorson is having a problem with it? Furthermore, what is the true extent of the radioactive contamination at the Hanford site, both above ground and below, plus in the Yakima and Columbia rivers?


It appears that certain individuals in engineering and upper management who have raised safety concerns about the Hanford project have been fired or forced off the job. The pages linked below present the stories of some of these individuals.

Why is this happening at Hanford? Are those in control at Hanford eliminating anyone who gets in the way of their intended agenda? Are they neutralizing or eliminating anyone who may get too close to realizing the dirty little secrets about Hanford? Again, what is really going on at Hanford?


Critics of the Hanford Vitrification Plant, in the article linked below, state that "the DOE has watched its prime contractor on the site, Bechtel, grossly overcharge the American public for a waste-treatment plant so poorly built that, once it's finished (if it ever gets finished), feeding nuclear material through it could cause a catastrophe."

The article also states that "nuclear scientist Donald H. Alexander, formerly of the DOE, likened Hanford to the doomed 1986 Challenger mission, a disaster arising from an excess of confidence."

Basically, it sounds like an immense, extremely devastating "nuclear disaster waiting to happen" is being built at Hanford. This apparent "disaster waiting to happen" was, at one point, scheduled to begin operating in 1999. Then start-up was moved back 20 years to 2019. But then again, it appears the scheduled start-up date for this facility just keeps getting moved more and more years back and the costs keep skyrocketing. Again, do I hear the words, "Cash Cow?"


This whole thing is beginning to sound like a world-class racket! And, apparently it is. Check out the 2015 page linked below. In that year, the full start of the Vitrification Plant was moved back to the year 2039 --- an added delay of even 20 more years.

And of course, that means that costs will also skyrocket and the contractors at Hanford will get to make a whole lot more money, for years to come. It also gives more time to pass the blame off onto a different corporate CEO or another government official. Possibly they are "playing" with the proverbial "hot potato" here. The bottom line is this. It is beginning to appear like no one involved with Hanford really knows what they are doing.

In the midst of this, to throw another "kink" in things, after billions of dollars have already been spent on a questionable Vitrification Plant (which may or may not ever get finished and operational), then another different idea is proposed on how to handle the radioactive wastes.

Now the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) wants Congress to "consider authorizing the U.S. Department of Energy to study encasing much of the nuclear waste at the nation's largest waste repository in a cement-like mixture instead of turning it into glass logs, according to a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office," as noted in the articles linked below.

Wow! This really is beginning to sound more like a racket all the time. They want the DOE to "study" mixing "much of the nuclear waste" into grout. After spending billions of dollars on the questionable Vitrification Plant, they want to give the DOE and possibly some contractor piles more money --- your tax dollars, not THEIR money --- so they can simply "study" if something like this might work for them, as an option to the Vitrification Plant.

About this time, another question needs to be asked. Are all "the clowns" now "jumping into the circus," because they see that the public is doing nothing about it, but "acting rather brain dead," as they are being ripped off by the powers-that-be and their buddies?

While considering the "buddy system," let is look at some of that which is associated with the Hanford project. Let us see if we can find who they, the DOE and others, may really be working for. Remember, in the 1940s and later, there were all those Nazis illegally brought into the United States and put into key positions associated with government agencies and military related programs.

As far as these Nazis go, what were their ideologies? What were they associated with? Were they apparently perpetrating some kind of "holy war?" With these things in mind, let us see if we find any type of connection by Hanford entities to those entities which the Nazis were connected with.


It is time to consider "Who's Who" and "What's What" at the Hanford facility. It is time to consider some history about Bechtel National, Inc. The page linked below is from the U.S. Department of Energy's hanford.gov website. It states the following:

"Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI), one of the prime contractors for DOE's Office of River Protection at Hanford, is charged with the design, construction, and start up of the Waste Treatment Plant at the Site."

So, it is time to learn a bit more about Bechtel, and see how they are "connected," at least to a degree. The 2012 page, linked below, presents some interesting history of the Bechtel organization. This history is mainly for the years 1898 to 1980. But, that should be enough for us to get some idea of what this company appears to be all about, plus how it is "connected."

In 1980, "Bechtel Corporation was the third largest engineering and construction company in the United States, behind Brown & Root, Inc. and Flour [Fluor] Corp." But, as of 2017, "Bechtel Corporation (Bechtel Group, Inc.) is the largest construction and civil engineering company in the United States."(link) It appears this company has grown fast, for a reason.

According to the page linked above, the Bechtel organization has a history of working on projects on a cost-plus basis. That is also what they are doing at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. In the past, on a Canadian Oil Project --- the 1942-1944 Canol Project (1)(2) --- the page, linked via the button above, declares:

"It was a cost plus contract initially estimated to be $35 million. The Canol Project ultimately cost $134 million. What's worse, they used the wrong size pipe, so the cost per barrel was $150 as opposed to the estimated $5. It was said that, on the Canol deal alone, the Bechtel partnership made $44 million on an initial investment of $100 thousand. The pipeline was later abandoned."

When looking at a project cost initially estimated at $35 million, and then ending up with a project cost of $134 million, that may be somewhat understandable, especially when considering the information presented in a document, linked here. A page, linked here, is titled 'Expensive CANOL project still raises eyebrows.' It provides further information of interest.

A 2012 page, linked here and via a button above, does bring out some information of value, regarding Bechtel. The page notes that the Bechtel group had connections in Washington DC. There were connections to Allen Dulles (of CIA and apparent Knight of Malta fame) and a number of other strategic people. Then there was the Bechtel business partner named John McCone.


It is now time to consider John McCone and certain things which he was connected to. A page, linked here, notes that McCone "was raised a devout Roman Catholic." He was "also chief fund-raiser for the California Institute of Technology, whose scientists had been involved in the development of the atom bomb and were now involved in nuclear research." But, there is yet more to understand about McCone.

The page linked above notes that McCone was described as being a "rightest Catholic...a man with holy war views." McCone was, in 1948, made Deputy to the Secretary of Defense. In 1950, "he became Under Secretary of the Air Force." He was openly against talk of any nuclear test ban, even though these tests were spreading radioactive fallout across the region downwind of the test sites and presenting the downwinders with health issues and other problems.

The linked page notes that McCone accused American scientists of falling for Soviet communist propaganda, when they spoke about the problems --- even life threatening problems --- being created by radioactive fallout from these nuclear tests. In 1958, McCone was made Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). In the early 1960s, McCone was made Director of the CIA. In the linked page, it will be noted that the CIA and the Mafia have worked together.


As a side note, in the page, linked here and above, is it noted that McCone is described as being a "rightest Catholic...a man with holy war views." This appears to be somewhat the ideology of those ardent Nazis which were illegally brought into the United States and put into key positions, even associated with government agencies.

Looking further, it is noted in the linked page that after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK) in 1963, Robert Kennedy met with John McCone and later told his aide: "I asked McCone if they had killed my brother." It appears that Robert Kennedy had a suspicion that McCone may have been working for "a different master."

After the assassination of JFK, McCone sent out a deceptive classified document, which CIA entities were using in an attempt to cause a war between the United States and Cuba. Yes, once again, here is the CIA, even under McCone, unethically trying to stir up war. It definitely appears that McCone was a "rightest Catholic...a man with holy war views."

The linked page, under 'Primary Sources', notes the the CIA has "millions at its disposal to corrupt men abroad and perhaps at home." It speaks of the CIA as being a "network of cloak-and-dagger operatives abroad [which] move in a murky realm where provocations can make peace untenable." Yes, most definitely, "where provocations can make peace untenable." Where provocations, by whom, "can make peace untenable?"

It is said that John McCone, the former business partner of Bechtel who went on to become Director of the CIA, was a Knight of Malta (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). This would make complete sense, especially when considering that McCone was described as being a "rightest Catholic...a man with holy war views." And, because McCone was a Knight of Malta, possibly we should consider the Oath of the Knights of Malta, to get a better understanding of McCone's "holy war views."

As a passing note, some of the higher-up, elite Nazis were members of the Knights of Malta.


First things first. The section above spoke about the CIA operating in "a murky realm where provocations can make peace untenable." The question was asked, "Provocations, by whom?" Now, since McCone, that man with holy war views, was a Knight of Malta, let us see whom the Knights of Malta are in submission to and where their true allegiance lies, plus who is virtually in control of each and every member of this secretive society. Let us also consider any associated oaths.

A page, linked here, notes that the Jesuit organization is "in control of the Knights of Malta." And, the Pope in Rome is also in control of the Knights of Malta. So, what is there to know about the controlling Jesuits? What does their historic Extreme Oath of Induction say, and what is said to be spoken at the induction ceremony? Maybe this can help explain where the provocations come from which can make true and lasting peace untenable in this world.

The text of the historic Oath is accessed at a page, linked here. It is said that this ceremony is given for a Jesuit of the minor rank who is now being elevated to a position of command. To the advancing Jesuit is stated: "My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler..." In other words, it appears they have been taught to be deceivers. But, it appears there is much more to the role of the Jesuit than simply a deceiver.

In the ceremony, according to the linked page, the advancing Jesuit is told: "You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace." Well, does this explain where the provocations come from which makes peace untenable upon this earth?

But, the spoken words which follow are even more revealing. The page notes that the advancing Jesuit is told to "take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means."(1)(2)(3)

Does the above information fit the description of "a man with holy war views?" And since McCone and all other Knights of Malta are in submission to the Jesuits and the Pope in Rome, possibly we should now look at the historic oath of the Knights of Malta to see what this holy war is all about. A page, linked here, is said to contain a copy of the Oath which came from the Congressional Record.

Regarding the holy war, the oath declares that the Pope has "power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments and they may be safely destroyed." According to the linked page, the initiate declares further: "I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers."

At this point, let us note some of the words of former President Theodore Roosevelt. He declared: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people."(1)(2)(3)(4) Some people think that Roosevelt was speaking about the bankers. And yes, the bankers are "in the mix." But, research indicates that they are controlled by the Jesuits, via the Knights of Malta and their allies. It appears that their purpose is to ensnare the nations financially, to place them ultimately under the control of the Pope and the Jesuits.

In this holy war to weaken and take down the nations and bring them under the control of the Pope in Rome, the Knights of Malta and their associates are to be the militia of the Pope. As a member of this holy war, the initiate declares: "I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics..." "That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poison cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet..."

Research indicates that in this holy war, the Knights of Malta and their allies are to use whatever means they have at their disposal, to further their takeover of the nations and the destruction of all "enemies" for the Pope and the Jesuit General. As noted above, there is also the economic side of this holy war, and the war is not just against governments. The holy war controlled by the Jesuits is also against citizens, to ensnare them financially and put them into bondage, plus even to destroy them in various ways. It appears that ionizing radiation may be one of their tools of destruction.


Many people in our day have not even heard of the Jesuits. Others may believe that a group of men based out of Rome can possibly have no sway over things in the United States. And, that is possibly just how the Jesuits desire things to be. That allows them to work quietly behind the scenes, as they subtly work to accomplish their ultimate goals of power and control.

Within the information linked below is found the following: "Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] were expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."

During the American Civil War in the mid-1800s, President Abraham Lincoln is said to have declared: "It is not against the Americans of the South, alone, I am fighting. It is more against the Pope of Rome, his perfidious Jesuits and their blind and blood-thirsty slaves that we have to defend ourselves."(x1) It appears that Lincoln understood the Papacy and the Jesuits rather well, for in previous times, it appears that their minions had tried to kill him, a number of times (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8).

For some history and other information about the Jesuit organization, that organization which controls the Knights of Malta and their associate organizations here in the United States and the world, check out the pages linked below.

As these things are being considered, the following words from the Marquis de LaFayette, who served in the American Continental Army under General George Washington, are also worth noting:

"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe."(1)(2)(3)

With all of the above information in mind, it is time to get "back on track."


Let us now return to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Yes, it does appear that the American people are being greatly deceived and financially raped. It appears they are being bled dry over what may ultimately prove to be a major fiasco and a disaster at the Hanford facility. And that Hanford Vitrification Plant, originally it was to become operational in 1999, then in 2011. Then it was moved to 2019. Then full operation was moved to 2039. And now...?

Just wait a few years for the new answer. And then, after that... Possibly they are stalling and hoping that those who are truly responsible will be dead before the public figures out what is going on and the fiasco finally "comes to a head."

In the meantime, it appears the amount of taxpayer money wilfully squandered will continue to rapidly increase, as long as the citizens sit there and do nothing about it. But, there are questions which need to be asked. What are the citizens actually being forced to pay for at Hanford and in what manner may it ultimately be used? Are they paying for their own demise?


A 4-page 60 Minute article (linked here and further above) speaks of Bechtel installing defective equipment in the processing plant. The equipment is unsafe and needs to be fixed. But, because Bechtel met an installation milestone, even by the installation of defective products, they "demanded and then received a $15 million bonus for meeting a milestone." That is a $15 million dollar bonus, paid by YOU, the taxpayer!

The document linked below, on PDF page 11 of 11, confirms the $15 million dollar bonus, plus gives information about what followed. It declares: "This was only to be followed months later by another DOE payment to Bechtel of $22 million for Bechtel's use in taking steps to combat its own negligence and incompetence." Yes, isn't it great the way they are spending your money, for you.

Basically, defective and garbage equipment was put in place by Bechtel, so they could get a $15 million bonus from taxpayer's --- that means, your --- money. They received this large bonus for performing shoddy work. Then, Bechtel was given another $22 million as an apparent gift from the DOE of taxpayers' money --- again, YOUR money --- to do a job which Bechtel should have been doing correctly under their normal pay, which was supposed to pay for thorough and competent work.


It appears that Bechtel has intentionally installed extremely dangerous equipment: equipment which can create a deadly and devastating nuclear "accident" at a later date. Another question needs to be asked. Is Bechtel actually being paid to produce a system which can kill a large segment of the population? Are they being paid for a "population control" or population reduction system?

Talk about a fast and steady way to drastically reduce the population, if there was anyone or any organization who may have a desire for such a thing to happen or who would benefit greatly by such a thing. I wonder what members of the Eugenics Movement, even those in government positions, experience wherever they think about Hanford and its full potential? What could those members of the "holy war" feel, when they consider Hanford?


From the information linked below, it appears that the Department of Energy (DOE) has made a habit of draining taxpayers' money for their buddies, and then not getting in there and doing the job right and in a timely manner. That seems to be the view presented by some of the pages linked below. In essence, it appears that the DOE has made a habit of economically raping or stealing from the people.

Research indicates that the U.S. Department of Energy has basically become a "law" unto themselves. It appears that they have no problem squandering taxpayer monies. It appears that they blatantly get away with doing whatever they want, and have gone into the "screw you" mode, when it comes to the general public. Furthermore, it appears they feel that they are not answerable to anyone. And Congress? They just sit there...and the "soap opera" continues.

Once again, from what is noted in the information linked above, it appears that there has been utter mismanagement of the Hanford Vitrification Plant, and possibly of the whole cleanup project, while they freely squander taxpayer money. To some who have done their research, in their attitude toward the public, it appears that the spirit of Hitler's Nazis has gone into the DOE and their associates.

Under Operation Paperclip, were Nazi scientists and war criminals placed in the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, which then morphed into the U.S. Department of Energy? Is there a reason why it appears they have gone into a blatant "screw you" mode, as they focus on what could be a questionable, intended purpose for the Hanford Nuclear Reservation --- that hidden agenda? Are these the people with that "holy war" ideology?

The evidence tends to indicate that large international companies and organizations, plus certain governmental agencies, may be in collusion, with some hidden agenda in mind. Furthermore, in the case of Hanford, it appears this facility, as already noted, is being used as a vehicle to bleed American citizens and the country dry, financially, while still, in the end, leaving a dangerous nuclear mess for generations to come. Such acts should truly be classed as criminal.

In principle, what is happening at Hanford and other nuclear facilities appears to be no different than a thug performing blatant thievery. And then, in the end, do thugs often kill their victims? Is there possibly a eugenics or "holy war" agenda involved with Hanford?


The 2011 article linked below adds more important information about the new, dangerous, nuclear processing plant being built at Hanford: that plant which is commonly called the Hanford Vitrification Plant. Regarding this plant, it declares:

"But parts of the plant still face risks of bursting into flames, exploding or triggering uncontrolled nuclear-chain reactions, according to project documents, interviews and formal critiques by scientists at other federal agencies."

The article declares further: "The government's own tests show that equipment may fail or pipes may clog in areas of the plant so hot with nuclear waste that no human or machine could ever get in and make repairs."

It appears that the construction of this substandard and dangerous vitrification plant is like signing our own death warrant. Possibly taxpayers have been paying for their ultimate, intended demise all along. Could this possibly be one of the biggest secrets of Hanford?

And then there is the North Korean issue and their nuclear-tipped missiles. Such a substandard and dangerous vitrification plant only makes the United States that much more vulnerable, in the event of a nuclear war. And, concerning that plant which may "face risks of bursting into flames, exploding or triggering uncontrolled nuclear-chain reactions," there is more to consider, even if places like Korea were out of the picture.


The page accessed via the button below, after clicking on either of the two images and then following the links, shows graphically the difference between a controlled and an uncontrolled nuclear reaction. Please remember that uncontrolled nuclear reactions are the type which are supposed to occur at the Hanford Vitrification Plant.


For our own good, the information presented above must be considered further. Once again, the Hanford Vitrification Plant will have areas which are so radioactively and thermally hot "that no human or machine could ever get in and make repairs." In other words, there is no way to fix a problem --- even a very dangerous and life-threatening problem --- which develops.

In the midst of such a dangerous environment, there is equipment which can fail or pipes that may clog. We have things that can explode or trigger uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions.

The bottom line is this. If something is so radiologically and thermally hot that you can't get in to fix a problem, reality says you have one general option left. When all hell breaks loose, about all you can do is stand back and see what happens (and get fried in the process), or run for all you're worth and hopefully find worthwhile cover.

Those things stated above are just part of the story. The geology of the region may be a key component in the equation for setting off the world-class "dirty bomb." It appears that a substandard and dangerous nuclear processing plant is being built, possibly with intent.

When a devastating earthquake hits the region and all nuclear hell breaks loose, the builders of the killer plant may simply state that, "It was an act of God," or, "It wasn't supposed to happen this way," or, "We didn't think this could happen." Bull!


The article linked below speaks of a definite earthquake danger to the new processing building being built at Hanford (the Hanford Vitrification Plant) which will eventually be full of highly radioactive liquid and sludge. Documentation indicates that the new processing building at Hanford is not properly engineered to withstand a devastating earthquake.

In the event of a massive earthquake, the highly radioactive material in this building could spew out into the environment and become a danger to citizens of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Under certain circumstances, the radioactive material could also go critical and produce a deadly, uncontrolled nuclear reaction. Even a fire could spread radioactive agents into the air, to be dispersed over a vast area of the United States, plus possibly Canada and beyond --- to possibly be inhaled or ingested by an unprotected populace.

In regards to the new processing building at Hanford, the article below --- which appears beneath the "empty video box" in the page --- declares: "But here's what 60 Minutes has learned: that the Energy Department and the contractor, Bechtel, went ahead with the plant knowing their seismic standard might be off." Now, the cost over-runs for this project are skyrocketing, plus there is "a two- to four-year delay in completing the building" because much re-engineering must be done.

The final outcome of this construction is yet to be seen. The completion of this projects keeps getting moved to a later and later date in the future. In the meantime, we citizens must diligently look out for ourselves and the future of those we care about. It is time to stand up and be heard, while we are still able.


It is time to consider the available information about geologic faults in the Hanford region, plus the potential for a devastating earthquake. Let us also consider the potential fate of structures at the Hanford facility, and even dams in the region upstream of Hanford, in the event of a major quake.

The pages linked below give some very good background information. There is additional information found in the right margin of this page at the following linked levels: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11).

Hanford Nuclear Reservation is located in the Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt, where the landscape is compressed and folded, creating a series of ridges and valleys. This region includes a number of deep fissures or geologic faults, with the potential that some of them may be active.

It appears that faults in the Hanford region are part of, as the first page linked below declares, "an interconnected system underlying the Cascades, from Puget Sound to Umtanum Ridge and Rattlesnake Mountain, which loom above Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the Northwest's only commercial nuclear plant, the Columbia Generating Station."

Longer and/or deeper fault systems in the Hanford region could mean that the nuclear site may experience much larger earthquakes than previously thought. And, to keep everyone wake, from time to time, the Hanford Nuclear Reservation experiences those puzzling, low-level earthquake swarms on its eastern side, near Wooded Island on the Columbia River.

The fifth article in the links above (and linked here also) speaks about the Columbia Generating Station (CGS) at Hanford. It states: "The new evidence suggests that the region could be rocked by shaking two to three times stronger than the plant was designed for." But, with the CGS, there is more than just the seismic picture to consider. There is the economic side of things.

The page from 2013, linked below, speaks about a report done on the economics of the Columbia Generating Station. According to the report, CGS "should be shut down." Why? "Because it has become the most expensive nuclear plant of its kind in the United States to run, and is a waste of money that costs ratepayers as much as an extra $50 per year."

According to the 2013 findings, the cost for the Columbia Generating Station to produce "a megawatt hour over the past six years is about $36, roughly 1.5 times what more efficient nuclear plants spend." So, looking from both the seismic angle (and a potential nuclear accident) and the economic angle, it does not appear that it is wise to keep the CGS in operation.

According to the producer of the report, Robert McCullough, "We could replace the plant with cheaper power and save ratepayers $1.7 billion over the next two decades." According to the page, the CGS cost of power could easily be beat even by using natural gas fueled generating stations.

Looking on the seismic side of things, natural gas fueled generating stations would be much safer, especially in the long term, in the event of a massive earthquake. Let the nuclear plants at Fukushima, Japan be our guide here.

Those meltdowns and the nuclear fiasco at Fukushima, which began in 2011, are still a major, ongoing problem. And, the reactor at the CGS nuclear plant at Hanford is of a faulty design made by General Electric, which is similar to those Fukushima reactors which experienced meltdowns. But, there is yet more to consider at the Hanford nuclear site.

At Hanford, in the event of a major earthquake, there are those 177, very large underground storage tanks to consider. These failing and cracking tanks are loaded with a "witch's brew" of radioactive and chemical waste --- some of the most dangerous material on earth. In a major quake, quite a serious nuclear disaster could be created here, especially with the groundwater and regional aquifer system just below, plus the Columbia River not far away.

If the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP), also known as the Vitrification Plant (link), ever does get up and running, it appears that another problem is created in the event of a major earthquake. This questionable plant may experience explosions or uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions in its normal operation. If that is true, then what could be happening during the shaking of a major quake, when things are not moving through the system in the way they are meant to? And, if piping or vessels were to experience a failure under these conditions, then what? Duck and cover?


The page linked below states: "We now know that much of the Hanford Reservation is transected by several significant faults." Furthermore, Central Washington is "riddled with faults." When the Columbia Generating Station at Hanford was designed, "geologists were only aware of six faults. We now know the region is crossed by 12 major faults." But, there is more to this story.

To make things potentially much worse for all portions of the Hanford facility, the associated faults "are more numerous, much longer, far deeper and potentially more destructive than previously believed." These faults, formerly thought to be "shallow," are now known "to extend more than 12 miles below the surface." Then, there are "two active faults [which] actually bracket the [Columbia Generating Station] reactor site, with one running approximately 6.5 miles to the north and another just 2.3 miles south of the nuclear core."

Longer and/or deeper faults "can produce more slippage, which can generate larger quakes and more intense ground motion." Also, as noted in a page linked here, a number of fault lines can "link up" and produce a much larger quake in a given region, than any single fault could do on its own. With this fact in mind, take a look at a map, linked here, which shows the known fault lines which pass through or are relatively close to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. A map, linked here, shows major geologic features of the Hanford area. It is believed that these features conceal faults.

It is now understood that the major faults in the Hanford Nuclear Reservation are connected to active faults west of the Cascade Mountains, in the Puget Lowland, as noted in a page, linked here, which page can be very slow-loading and hard to open. In a devastating earthquake, especially one set off by a Cascadia megaquake event, what could be the outcome of that nuclear power plant which is operating at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation?

There is actually much more to consider here. We must always keep "the big picture" in mind, when looking at potential problems at Hanford. Once again, in a massive, regional earthquake event, what could be the outcome for the questionably designed Vitrification Plant and all that nuclear and chemical waste which is scattered around the facility in failing tanks and nuclear dumps, etc.? Then, there is the upstream dam situation to consider, which could potentially have an effect on Hanford.


The pages linked below speak about a 65 foot long by 2 inch wide crack found in Wanapum Dam, in Washington state, in 2014. This dam is on the Columbia River, a bit over 20 miles upstream from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. When divers went down to investigate, the crack was located at 75 feet below the waterline. This crack is considered as being serious.

An engineer was tipped off to the problem when a bowing was noted in the top of the dam. The bow can be seen in the second link below, in the second photo on that page. The first link declares: "The 2-inch-wide underwater crack extends horizontally across the upstream side of the 65-foot wide pier called a monolith." It also states: "The crack extends all 65 feet across the monolith."

So, a supporting monolith between two spillway gates is completely compromised. This means the dam is weakened at this point. This is a hard problem to rectify completely, because the upper portion of a monolith has basically broken loose from its underpinnings.

After the crack was noticed, dam staff began spilling additional water in order to reduce water level in the reservoir by 26 feet. The articles linked below indicate that the reduced water level and water pressure is causing the dam to stabilize. But, the situation is still classed as serious. Yes, it is a compromised dam.

According to the pages linked below, the crack on the upstream side of a spillway pier was the result of a mathematical error which occurred during the original engineering of the dam. What this means is that the whole dam is actually compromised --- from one end to the other in the spillway section --- because this same engineering error would have been associated with all the piers across the dam.

Yes, it appears this Wanapum is a weak dam --- one which may be more succeptible to serious earthquake damage, especially in the event of a massive, regional earthquake.

An investigation, noted in the pages linked below, shows "that a host of problems caused the massive crack in Wanapum Dam." Three major problems were noted. The page states: "First, the dam's 800-foot-long spillway section isn't anchored to bedrock with steel." So, the repair work includes "stitching the dam to the bedrock with steel cabling and rods."

But, even after all the repair work, this may still be a weak dam which is more succeptible to serious earthquake damage and potential catastrophic failure, under certain conditions. And --- it should be noted --- this dam is located a little more than 20 miles upstream from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and all that radioactive waste.

At this point, let us consider what was done to fix or reinforce the damaged Wanapum Dam. According to the page linked below, repairs to the dam " included the installation of 39 steel tendons, which were stretched to withstand 2.5 million pounds of water pressure." So, the dam appears to now be better anchored into the host rock beneath the dam, than it ever was before.

The page below shows what was actually done to repair the problem and reinforce Wanapum Dam, after the spillway pier --- the monolith --- had settled back into place as the water level was reduced in the reservoir. The "installation of Post-Tensioned Anchors (PTAs) was selected as the preferred method to repair the cracked monolith and to mitigate the potential for cracking in the rest of the spillway."

The page linked below gives much more detail to the repair work which was done at Wanapum Dam. It also gives basic facts about the dam, plus includes some of the early construction pictures. PDF page 10 of 68 shows risks associated with Wanapum Dam, the risk noted being the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.


At this point, there is something to make very clear. The large crack in the Wanapum Dam occurred during normal operating conditions for this dam. With this information in mind, it is time for a question. What could happen to dams on the Columbia River, upstream of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, in the event of a mega-quake in the Pacific Northwest, when things could really get shaken around? Do the pictures linked below represent at least part of the potential answer?

The collapse of the concrete Shih Kang Dam in 1999, in Taiwan, occurred in only a Magnitude 7.6 earthquake. In the Cascadia region of the Pacific Northwest, a quake is expected which has a magnitude of up to 9.2, or potentially even greater. Looking again at the Shih Kang Dam, it should be noted that the spillways of this collapsed dam are of a similar design to those at Wanapum Dam, on the Columbia River upstream from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.


It is important to consider the dams on the Columbia River, especially those upstream of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. If upstream dams were to fail during a massive earthquake, the flood of rushing water could create even a greater problem with radiation spread from an already compromised Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

The page accessed below makes an interesting point. It states: "Oddly, studies on the effect of a subduction earthquake on Columbia River dams (and downriver communities) is hard to find. However, at least some geotechnical experts believe the dams are far enough inland to avoid major damage." Note the use of the qualifier, "at least some," in the preceding sentence.

The pages linked below present information which is somewhat troubling. They state that "the dams were all built before engineers knew about the dangers of a major quake in the Cascadia Subduction Zone." This information actually applies to all dams in the Pacific Northwest, on all rivers and streams in the region. And, this is considering just the quake scenario which is commonly taught.

The 2012 pages, linked below, represent what was thought at the time of construction about dams and earthquakes in Central Washington. This was before the crack and general weakness was discovered at Wanapum Dam. This was also before the great seismic danger in Central Washington was realized. It should also be noted that all the dams mentioned in the articles reside directly upstream from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Regarding dams in the United States in general --- which includes dams on the Columbia River --- the page linked below states: "Dams in the U.S. boast an average age of 50 years, and the American Society of Civil Engineers continues to give the nation's dams a D grade overall in terms of maintenance." And, furthermore, "old dams are in danger of failure." This may especially be true when it comes to massive earthquakes --- like the predicted Cascadia megaquake event.


Over the years, there has been much speculation as to what would happen if Grand Coulee Dam were to experience a failure. The newspaper article linked below is from 1982. It declares: "Failure of this mammoth concrete dam spanning the Columbia River would wash out just about every other dam for 250 miles and cause massive downstream flooding." It states that: "portions of the Hanford Reservation would be flooded..."

The article indicates that the wall of water resulting from a failure at Grand Coulee Dam "would wash out Chief Joseph, Wells, Rocky Reach, Rock Island, Wanapum, and Priest Rapids dams downstream." Yes, as we know now, this would be made much easier by an already compromised Wanapum Dam.

The article indicates that "the first impact of the flood wave" from a failed Grand Coulee Dam would reach the Tri-Cities "in 24 hours." It then states: "It would be 40 hours before the flood wave actually peaked." It should be noted that the Hanford nuclear site would experience this devastating wall of water before the Tri-Cities.

The document linked below is the testimony of Dr. John Pearson to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Petition Review Board, in 2013. This document relates to the Columbia Generating Station --- that operating nuclear power reactor --- located at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

On PDF page 2 of 3 are found the following words:

"According to the NRC's own studies, a complete dam breach at Grand Coulee, whether through earthquake or terrorist act, would send a wall of water blasting out the seven dams below it on the Columbia River and reach the edges of the ultimate heat sink of the Columbia Generating Station. It would destroy all primary power and water intake to the site, threatening a station blackout. The amount of infrastructure damage to the site and the surrounding communities would make restoring normal power and water supply to the site next to impossible in the short run, causing the site to rely on emergency back ups for an extended period of time. Clearly, the reactor's cooling and the integrity of its containment would be put in grave danger in such a scenario."


A map, linked here, shows the most major fault zones in the northwestern part of the United States. A map, linked here, shows some known crustal faults in Washington and Oregon, plus some into Idaho and British Columbia. A small section of a map, linked here, notes the wide Lewis and Clark Fault Zone, which passes from Montana, through Idaho, and into Washington state.

A map, linked here, shows the wide area of the Lewis and Clark fault line coming out of Montana, passing west into Idaho, and aiming for Washington. Another map, linked here, shows the same Lewis and Clark Line passing through the Montana and Idaho region, and then into Washington, then splitting, with one branch going past the area where Grand Coulee Dam is located.

A document, linked here, on PDF page 2 of 22, has a map which shows the LCZ (Lewis & Clark Fault Zone) passing from Montana, through Idaho and into Washington. In Washington, the LCZ is noted by dashed lines which infer the location of the LCZ. When looking at the track of the Columbia River (shown with a wiggly line), the LCZ passes through the area where Grand Coulee Dam is located.

A page linked below is from the Montana Department of Transportation. On the lower left portion of the page, it declares: "Interstate 90 from near Lookout Pass through Missoula is located along the Lewis and Clark Fault Zone, a series of faults that stretch between northwest Washington State and the Helena area."

Look at the preceeding statement again. Yes, "a series of faults that stretch between northwest Washington State and the Helena area [in Montana]."

A major fault zone which stretches from Montana to the eastern edge of Washington state is not what is being spoken about here. It speaks about this fault zone stretching all the way to northwest Washington. It appears that this major fault zone may connect with the Puget Sound faults. These faults could all be seriously affected by what scientists are calling the next Cascadia Subduction Zone mega-quake. That means that Grand Coulee Dam could potentially be affected by a massive quake in the Pacific Northwest.


The information linked below comes from The Geological Society of America (GSA). The page declares: "The Lewis and Clark line is a continental-scale fault zone that links Eocene extension in Montana and Idaho with that in Washington."

The Lewis and Clark Fault Zone is classed above as being "a continental-scale fault zone." As noted in the links in the section above, together with the information in this section, this major continental-scale fault zone passes through the area where Grand Coulee Dam is located. Now that you know this bit of information, some questions need to be considered.

In the event of a magnitude 9.0 or larger Cascadia Subduction Zone mega-quake, what could happen to Grand Coulee Dam and the other dams on the Columbia River system? How does all of this relate to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the events which may take place there, during potentially an extended mega-quake event?


In the latter hours of December 14, 1872, the largest earthquake ever recorded by white man in the Washington territory occurred. During one of the tremors associated with this quake, a large portion of a mountain to the north of Entiat, Washington, broke loose and slid into the Columbia River, completely damming the river waters for a short period of time.

As a result of this 1872 quake, two cracks opened on a hog-back across the Columbia River from Entiat. It is said that the cracks on this hog-back on the east side of the river, after very loud retorts about every five minutes, would ooze out a dark fluid which was later analyzed and said to be oil. Yes, it appears that these cracks went deep into the ground and via these cracks, petroleum was oozing out onto the surface of the earth. But, there is a lot more to this story.

During this major Washington earthquake in 1872, the page linked below notes that "fissures split the ground south of Seattle and "trees toppled in Puyallup." So, cracks formed in the ground, on that hog-back on the east side of the Columbia River, which was a ways east of the Cascade Mountains. And, on the west side of the Cascade Mountains, fissures or cracks formed in to ground to the south of the relatively small town of Seattle, which in 1872 had "a population of about 1,500" (link).

The page linked above has scientists considering a Spencer Canyon fault scarp as the geologic feature which caused the great earthquake in 1872. The fault scarp in Spencer Canyon is on the west side of the Columbia River, near Entiat, Washington. And, from what we have learned above, on the opposite side of the Columbia River was the hog-back in which cracks were formed and from which cracks petroleum oozed. So, it is somewhat obvious that we are dealing with something possibly much larger than just the Spencer Canyon fault scarp.

It is time to really start looking at the size and nature of the geologic hazard which is being dealt with (or possibly not being properly dealt with) in the state of Washington. So, we have seen that cracks, fissures or fault scarps formed on both the east and west sides of the Columbia River, near Entiat, Washington. But there is more to this story about the observable fracturing of the ground during the 1872 quake. It is time to expand the forming picture.

The document linked below is from Chelan County, in Washington state. It appears that this county is doing their best to figure out what is really being dealt with, geologically, in their region. This helps them as they plan ahead and hopefully, at least save many lives, important infrastructure and even private property, in the event of a massive quake or other natural disaster in their region.

In the document linked above, starting on PDF page 25 of 177, is the section titled 'Earthquake.' On PDF page 26 of 177 begins information about the December 14, 1872 earthquake. On that page are found the following words: "Most of the ground fissures occurred in the following areas: at the east end of Lake Chelan in the area of the Indian camp; in the Chelan Landing-Chelan Falls area; on a mountain about 12 miles west of the Indian camp area; on the east side of the Columbia River (where three springs formed); and near the top of a ridge on a hogback on the east side of the Columbia River. These fissures formed in several locations."

Yes, "these fissures formed at several locations," and there is a major reason for this. On PDF page 27 of 177, in the document linked above, are found the following words: "Earthquakes can occur anywhere, at anytime and without warning. Because a majority of earthquakes are not associated with known faults, they are also very unpredictable." And, in this case, because it appears that the scientists are generally ignoring the deep-seated, cross-nation rift, when it ultimately triggers another devastating quake, it will most likely take the scientists totally by surprise. Now back to the 1872 quake.

Looking at a map, linked here, there are roughly 16 air-miles between Entiat WA and Chelan WA. In this wide area, fissures formed in the ground during the 1872 quake. But we are also looking at fissures to the west of the Cascade Mountains, south of the small 1872 town of Seattle, Washington, which formed during this same quake. So, at least to the writer, it appears that some rather large, possibly deeper geologic feature may have been initiating the 1872 quake.

Now, let us consider a few facts, especially since fissures were formed in an area at least 16 miles from north to south, and then, in an area approximately 109 miles from east to west --- which is the air-distance between Chelan, Washington and Seattle, Washington (link). It would be just a little shorter east to west air-distance between Entiat, Washington and Seattle, Washington.

Being that the points at which the known fractures occurred is in an area which is roughly 7 times greater in distance from east to west, than from north to south, it appears that the initiating feature for the 1872 quake was possibly a deeper feature which is generally aligned from east to west. So, it is time to consider what this deeper, east to west aligned feature could possibly be or be a part of.

Once again, it is time to look at that page by the Montana Department of Transportation, which is linked here. In the lower-left corner of that page, it speaks about the Lewis and Clark Fault Zone, which is "a series of faults that stretch between northwest Washington State and the Helena area." For this to be true, the fault zone has to pass beneath the Cascade Mountains, generally from east to west. Is such a thing possible? Are there any examples of such a thing happening?

The pages linked below mentioned an interconnected system of faults which are beneath the Cascade Mountains, which appear to run from east to west (or west to east). And, some of these pages speak of fault systems passing through, or under, the Cascade Mountains which could potentially have a detrimental effect on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It appears that, potentially, "many big faults in eastern Washington go through the Cascades."

There appears to be much more to this story about fault lines which pass under the Cascade Mountains, from one side to the other and beyond. Looking even deeper, a news article from 1981, linked here, speaks about a "newly discovered 1,700-mile-long crack." The known part of this ancient, so-called "healed" crack or rift appears to extent diagonally across the United States, from near Spokane, Washington to "north central Georgia, at the end of the Appalachian mountains."

Now, there is something to consider in the 1981 news article linked above. It declares: "Geologists haven't been able to trace fault systems from north Idaho into Washington, in part because of alluvial deposits and the basalt covering over older rocks west of Spokane." One geologist from the USGS, in 1981, "said the crack, which could be associated with earthquake disturbances in some parts of the country, apparently hasn't affected Spokane that way." But, what about the major 1872 quake? It looks like it shook the Spokane area.

It is time to consider a map of the 1872 quake, which is linked here. Note the shape of the affected area, and then that smaller area out to the east, in Montana. That area in Montana affected by the 1872 quake may be a giveaway to what we should really be looking for. A line passing through the indicated epicenter for the quake and continuing through the affected area in Montana would generally line up with the Lewis and Clark Fault Zone. But looking even deeper, all of this may line up relatively close with the deep seated, ancient, cross-country rift.

Looking at the apparent, deep-seated seismic hazard presented in this region, possibly it is time to think a little deeper before using Hanford Nuclear Reservation for storing or processing dangerous radioactive waste --- especially in what appears to be a substandard and very dangerous (those uncontrolled nuclear reactions) Vitrification Plant. So, let us see what we are potentially facing.


It is time to assemble, in one place, highlights from the information presented thus far. What may the general public be facing in the times ahead? Let us start our examination by considering the questionable Hanford Vitrification Plant. Let us see the picture which is forming regarding this plant and the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in general.

For starters, we know that "parts of the plant still face risks of bursting into flames, exploding or triggering uncontrolled nuclear-chain reactions, according to project documents, interviews and formal critiques by scientists at other federal agencies."

Once again, "The government's own tests show that equipment may fail or pipes may clog in areas of the plant so hot with nuclear waste that no human or machine could ever get in and make repairs."


Let us now consider the situation, noted in the section above, where humans or machines cannot get in to fix a problem in a highly radioactive environment. Just think about the destroyed reactors at Fukushima, Japan, where humans cannot get into the reactor areas because of the intense radiation. Then think about the intense radiation in that environment which is so powerful that it has even disabled or "killed" some advanced robots. This is noted in the pages linked below.

At Fukushima, all these robots were trying to do is capture some images of the wreckage in the radioactive environment. They were not being used for any type of serious repair work. But, it is claimed that at last, some robots got some images. But who knows for sure, because it appears that a lot of disinformation and twisting of the truth has come out of TEPCO and the Fukushima crowd.

In the last page linked above, it notes how the claimed images inside the reactor were obtained. The page notes: "Tepco said it calculated the figure by analyzing the electronic noise in the camera images caused by the radiation. This estimation method has a margin of error of plus or minus 30 percent, it said." We are talking about some extreme radiation here --- something similar to what Hanford could experience in a serious nuclear disaster.

People, this nuclear stuff, with all its destructive radiation if things get out of control, is very nasty. It is not something to just play around with. At Fukushima, Japan, it has readily destroyed some very sophisticated robots, plus made a mess in the surrounding environment. And to supposedly finally get just some "calculated" images from inside the devastated structure is a long ways from actually doing physical work and curing a major radioactive disaster.

Is this something you would like to deal with in the Pacific Northwest, with the Columbia River being greatly affected or ruined, plus potentially also that regional aquifer system, from which drinking and irrigation water is pumped?


Let us now consider, once again, what is happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Regarding the scaling back of safety measures and equipment at the Hanford Vitrification Plant, once again, lest we forget, "pipes are being designed so that explosions are expected and allowed; plant operators will just have to keep them manageable."

Near the beginning of this discussion it was noted that "The Hanford site is already the most contaminated nuclear site in the United States. It is the most contaminated site on this earth, outside of Russia." And yet, more dangerous waste will be added to Hanford. More will be brought in from other nuclear plants and nuclear facilities. The makings for a horrendous nuclear disaster will only be made much larger.

It is noted in this discussion that the U.S. Department of Energy has already dumped quite a large amount of radioactive garbage at Hanford, which has come from other nuclear facilities. A large amount of this garbage is hotter than high-level nuclear waste and was dumped in unlined trenches.

There is another important factor to consider. There is a geologic part to this puzzle. What will truly happen in the event of a Cascadia mega-quake, especially since there are fault lines which pass under the Cascade Mountains and into the Hanford region?

Let us consider the large volume of groundwater beneath Hanford which has been contaminated with at least one to six million gallons of radioactive materials from the leaking storage tanks, if not with a much greater volume. Let us also consider the large volume of radioactive waste pumped into the ground near the Columbia River, plus into the regional aquifer system via injection wells (also called reverse wells), when Hanford was making plutonium.

When the next Pacific Northwest mega-quake strikes, will the problematic storage tanks holding 53 million gallons of radioactive "witches brew" experience catastrophic failures? Will a large portion of the underground nuclear contamination and waste in the groundwater be pumped out into the Columbia River as the convulsing earth heaves like a pumping heart in a mega-quake? Will additional or newly formed fractures in the ground allow the radioactive contaminants to have even easier access to the river and the aquifer below?

Let us consider and establish firmly in our minds what we have the makings for. Let us consider what we all could be facing in the times ahead. And yet, there is still more to the story.


Here is a relatively clear picture of only one part of what we are dealing with at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. First, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), plus the designers and builders of the Vitrification Plant, have eliminated many safety features from the plant. They are expecting plant operators to keep the anticipated, possibly intended explosions at a manageable level. That is possibly much easier said than done. In a case like this, no one will simply be saying, "Oops," after the fact --- as the radiation devastates the surrounding region and makes a mess of our world.

Even government scientists have spoken about the triggering of uncontrolled nuclear-chain reactions at what appears to be an improperly designed Hanford Vitrification Plant. Is not an uncontrolled nuclear-chain reaction very similar to, or the same thing as, what is happening during the explosion of a high-powered nuclear bomb?(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

Considering the size of the Hanford Vitrification Plant, with all that radioactive waste which will be in its piping systems and its various vessels, plus all the nuclear material residing nearby on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, could we soon be dealing with the largest nuclear dirty-bomb in the world? Could a Cascadia mega-quake help trigger this bomb? Or, will a large, more localized earthquake be enough to do the job?

When the "vitrification bomb" detonates, the reaction and fire could possibly include a certain portion of the high level nuclear waste scattered around Hanford. The nuclear waste is just more ingredients to be reacted or incinerated and scattered via winds and river, far and wide across the face of the land. Is Hanford simply a major nuclear accident waiting to happen, or is it being done with full intent? The way things are being done at Hanford could really make a person wonder.


In the event that a mega-quake results in the failure of Grand Coulee Dam, plus other dams on the Columbia River, our picture suddenly becomes darker. After the Hanford dirty bomb goes off and contaminates the region, emergency workers will be trying to deal with this disaster. Then, about 24 hours after the devastating main earthquake, potentially while strong aftershocks are still occurring, the upriver flood reaches Hanford.

At the 40 hour mark, the flood starts cresting. The churning flood waters by now have scoured out a large amount of nuclear wastes and other nuclear debris. The radioactive "witches brew" is possibly now included in the waters which rush down the Columbia River, through the Portland Metropolitan area and all the way to the Pacific Ocean, spreading radioactive contamination all the way.


If and when a major nuclear disaster occurs at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, where will the wind carry the radiation, especially if the contaminants become aerosolized? How far could it be spread in the United States and Canada? Could it remain in the atmosphere long enough to be spread over a large portion of the Northern Hemisphere?

There is one example which could be used in this case to give, potentially, an extremely lacking picture of what would be the radiation spread from a Hanford disaster. The example is lacking for at least this reason. It is dealing with generally non- or low-radioactive volcanic ash. A considerable portion of it may precipitate out of the air rather quickly. This appears to be a bit different in nature from large volumes of radionuclides which are aerosolized.

It appears that fine nuclear dust and aerosols may possibly remain in the atmosphere for a long time and be carried for very great distances. This would be somewhat similar to what happens when depleted uranium weaponry is used by the military. From information in the links which follow, it appears that DU dust and aerosols have traveled for very long distances.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

With a nuclear disaster at the Hanford Vitrification Plant, we would be dealing with many dangerous products which are invisible and silent in the environment, yet very hazardous or even deadly, especially if inhaled or ingested, where they can become internalized.


Let us now consider just one example of how volcanic dust and ash can be carried by the winds. On May 18, 1980, Mount Saint Helens experienced a major eruption. This volcano is located in Washington state, about 150 air miles west of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Because of the difference between ash spread and radiation spread, this example is labled as "minor."

A map, linked here, shows the ash fall in the United States from only the May 18 eruption. This map does not show where the ash went in Canada. A Wikipedia article, linked here, declares: "Ashes from the eruption were found collecting on top of cars and roofs next morning, as far as the city of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada."

The page, linked here, gives even a better picture of where ash from the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens went in the United States and Canada. These maps were created using satellite data. Click on the maps to view a larger image. These maps put a whole different perspective on just the ash dispersion from Mount Saint Helens.

The spread of Hanford radiation could be much different from that ash dispersal pattern which occurred with the eruption of Mount Saint Helens. Because of radiation involved with a Hanford event, the end result would be much worse. Because of serious radiation, the detrimental effects of the event would be much longer lasting.

It should be noted that there were also later eruptions of Mount Saint Helens. The ash from these eruptions was spread in different directions, because of the wind currents on those days. Some ash went generally to the west, as far as the Oregon Coast. Some went more south, into the Bull Run watershed, where Portland, Oregon gets its drinking water (link). On other days, the wind carried the ash in other directions.

A similar variation could hold true for the spread of radiation from an extended Hanford nuclear disaster. It could end up going in many directions, depending on the wind direction changes during the nuclear event.


The Chernobyl nuclear disaster, in 1986, and the Fukushima disaster, which started in 2011, are good examples of how radiation can be spread across the earth in both the air and water. A thorough search of all sources of information about these disasters gives a better understanding of the serious hazards which would be presented to the general public, both in the United States and Canada, by a disaster at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

There is something interesting to note about the way radiation from Chernobyl spread across the countryside. Check out the map linked here. Look how the radiation was concentrated more in certain areas, than in others. The concentration received by various areas may depend on terrain and "swirls" in the wind patterns.


Once the nuclear disaster has run its course and things are somewhat under control, a portion of the Pacific Northwest may potentially be uninhabitable. The Columbia River may be unsafe, and for that reason may be unusable for a period of time, if not permanently. Because of all the radiation, the production of food in the Columbia Basin and surrounding areas could be negatively affected.

Once it happens, there is no turning back. This will be the new, hostile environment and world in which you live. Is this what you truly want for yourself and those you care about? If not, what are you going to do about it? Do you desire to see Hanford turned into The National Radioactive and Chemical Waste Dump?


Let us consider the geologic situation which the Pacific Northwest faces, for it is also part of the picture. The document linked below is from the Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup (CREW). At the beginning of the document, the following statement is made.

"CREW is a non-profit coalition of business people, emergency managers, scientists, engineers, civic leaders, and government officials who are working together to reduce the effects of earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest."

CREW appears to be a reputable group of people from the United States and Canada. It appears they are doing their best to present the facts, at least as far as they know them. They want the general public to be well informed about what they may be dealing with in the event of a magnitude 9.0 mega-quake in the Pacific Northwest.

With the proper information, people can better understand how to prepare for a massive mega-quake. The CREW findings, linked below, are definitely something for the general public to consider and take positive action on.

The report above gives much "food for thought." There may also be other factors to consider about a mega-quake in the Pacific Northwest. Could a mega-quake unleash one or more of the volcanoes in the Cascade Mountains? Could one or more cinder cones spring up in the midst of populated areas? Truly, no one knows the answers to these questions at this time. After the mega-quake, we will have all the answers.


A Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) document, linked here, is titled The Low Temperature Geothermal Resources of Eastern Washington, Open File Report 82-1. On PDF page 5 of 24, the document declares:

"Relatively deep irrigation wells drilled throughout much of the Columbia Basin of Eastern Washington have often encountered warm water aquifers." The document also notes that "there was a tremendous amount of variation [in well temperatures] within the basin, often over relatively short distances." On PDF page 12 of 24 is a "Temperature gradient contour map of Washington."

A 1980 document from the U.S. Department of Energy, linked here, is titled 'Washington: A Guide to Geothermal Energy Development.' A map on PDF page 15 of 132 indicates that towns or cities surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, like Yakima, Moses Lake, Prosser, Pasco and Walla Walla have "potential for near term development of geothermal resources." On PDF page 17 of 132 it states: "Plans are presently being made to use these low temperature geothermal resources in Ephrata, Yakima, Prosser, Walla Walla, the Tri-Cities, Moses Lake, and several other areas."

A map, linked here, is titled 'Washington Geothermal Resources.' From what this map shows, it is clear that there are geothermal resources around the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Another map, with a good explanation of available well temperatures, is linked here. From the looks of it, there is a large area of geothermal resources around the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It appears there may even be certain places with well temperatures somewhere near boiling.

A fairly detailed map, titled 'Geothermal Resources of Washington,' is linked here. At Rattlesnake Mountain, on the southwest side of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, is a 2500 meter deep well which has a bottom hole temperature of 96.3 degrees C. That is almost boiling. In the middle of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus along the river on the north side where reactors formerly were located, are places with warm water wells.

Yes, it is known that there were warm or hot water wells in this area in the pre-Hanford-Nuclear days. But, at this point, a thought comes to mind. How much of the warm or hot water found in the groundwaters or aquifer in our day is a result of those large volumes of "hot," decaying radioactive materials which were pumped into the aquifer in the 1940s and later, when Hanford was in full operation making plutonium?

A 2011 page, linked here, is titled 'Drilling for Oil on Frenchman Hill.' This page makes mention of a Washington State Geologist named Raymond Lasmanis. The page speaks of a "Lasmanis circular from 1991 [which] reports that 'besides natural gas, the Columbia Basin in also known for deep ground-water circulation bringing heated waters close to the surface. Such waters are being utilized for geothermal heating purposes at Ephrata, Othello, Yakima, and Walla Walla.'"

It appears that Hanford is surrounded on at least the west, north and east by population centers which have been utilizing geothermal heating, created by the heated waters which are close to the surface in certain areas of the Columbia Basin.

In the event of a mega-quake in the Pacific Northwest and fracturing of the ground, especially in the Hanford region, could the heated geologic structure and heated water beneath the Columbia Basin have any adverse effects on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and its large volumes of highly radioactive nuclear wastes?


There is yet more to the story of the Hanford region. The BLM page, linked below, in the section titled 'Oil and Gas Leases on BLM-Administered Lands in OR/WA,' declares: "The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated as much as one trillion cubic feet of natural gas occurs in the Columbia Basin of south-central Washington and north-central Oregon." It should be noted that Hanford Nuclear Reservation is located virtually in the middle of the Columbia Basin. So, is there a bunch of gas near or under Hanford?

In the document linked below, at the bottom of PDF page 11 of 25, is a section titled Columbia basalt plateau. This section shows that in 1913, drilling was done on "the northeast slope of the Rattlesnake Hills." That is the side toward the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Natural gas was produced from this well. In 1917-1918, another well was drilled into the same gas zone. It had "an estimated flow of over 2,000,000 cubic feet per day..."

At the time of the writing of the 1936 document, there were fifteen gas wells on the northeast side of the Rattlesnake Hills, near what is now the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. These fifteen wells were "supplying gas to seven towns in the Yakima Valley." So, there is no question about it. There is natural gas around the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. But, there is more to this gas story.

On the same PDF page 11 of 25, under the section titled Wenatchee region, is declared: "A test well is being drilled just south of Wenatchee. It has reached a depth of over 2,500 feet and has had showings of oil and in several zones a considerable volume of gas" It also appears there was a petroleum seep in Wenatchee in these earlier days.

The page linked below declares: "The Rattlesnake Hills gas field, located in eastern Washington, is an unusual occurrence of natural gas at extremely low pressures, but in commercial amounts. It produces a high methane type of gas from 16 wells completed in one or both of two zones of porous basalt flows capped or intercalated with shales." The page also states that "the entire open flow of 10 wells, then constituting the field, was about 5,190,000 cubic feet."

The document linked below, on PDF page 6 of 65, speaks about the Rattlesnake Hills gas field. It declares: "The peculiar occurrence of gas in porous basalt flows is an unusual feature of the field. Production came from two zones at depths of approximately 700 and 1,200 feet. The gas was a high-methane type and had none of the heavier fractions that are commonly found associated with a petroleum-derived gas."

Regarding the Rattlesnake Hills gas field, the document linked below, on PDF page 10 of 128, speaks of the well drilled in 1913. The drillers "encountered a flow of gas estimated at between 70,000 and 500,000 cubic feet per day at a depth of 705 feet." Since they were drilling for water, this gas well was left to flow into the atmosphere until about 1929, when the well was finally developed for gas.

Then, just for the record, there is 'Fuel Magazine: The Coal Operators National Weekly, Volume 19,' from 1912, which is linked here. On page 326, it states: "Natural gas, under heavy pressure, has been struck in Rattlesnake Hills on the west side of the Middle Columbia River valley. The strike was made in a well being drilled for artesian water. Small amounts of oil are coming to surface along with gas. Experts who have examined the geologic formation of the district pronounce it strongly indicative of the presence of oil."

The page linked in the preceding paragraph also states: "The gas burns with an intense heat, giving off an unmistakable odor of coal gas, according to reports. The gas was struck at a depth of 800 feet and the flow was so strong that the drillers immediately removed their machine from the neighborhood of the well, fearing that the fire of the engine would ignite the vapor and cause an explosion."

A page titled 'Natural Gas,' which appears to be from the earlier 1930s, is linked here. On PDF page 15 of 18, regarding the Rattlesnake Hills gas field, it declares: "Although gas has been withdrawn from the field for more than 20 years and withdrawals have increased greatly during recent commercial development of the area, there has been no appreciable decline in the flow of gas. A feature of special interest is the low pressure of the gas, the authentic maximum being 32 ounces."

A page, linked here, is titled 'Mineral Resources of the United States, Part 2. The lower part of page 1101 speaks about the Rattlesnake Hills gas field. It notes that associated with the anticlinal structure of Rattlesnake Hills were "various oil seeps." Once again, the natural gas and the oil seeps were located on the southwest side of what is now the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Other information relating to the potential for large oil or natural gas reserves in the Columbia Basin is accessed via the buttons below.


Has there been any indication of oil in the region near Hanford Nuclear Reservation? It appears that back in the 1980s, certain major oil companies had reason to believe that there was a large reserve of oil and gas beneath the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. This is noted in the right-side margin information of this Hanford Nuclear Report, at this level.

But, unfortunately, the U.S. DOE is doing everything it can to stop oil companies from drilling at Hanford. It appears that the history of deception may be continuing at Hanford, even to the extent of writing reports which make it appear there is no oil there. Why?

It appears the DOE wants a highly contaminated nuclear junkyard in the area instead --- one which can continually contaminate the Columbia River, the vast, regional, multi-state aquifer system and other resources, possibly including food crops, in the region. It appears to have something to do with a different, rather hidden agenda.

Further above, it was noted that there were "various oil seeps" on the Rattlesnake Hills, on the southwest side of Hanford. But, has nature given any further indication of petroleum deposits in the general region of Central Washington? For an answer, let us look to the Central Washington earthquake of 1872.

A page relating to the 1872 earthquake is linked below. It notes that "back in 1920, Yakima pioneer Moses Splawn told Rufus Woods, publisher of the Wenatchee Daily World, that Indians showed him two cracks in the earth 'up the hogback east of the Columbia' that formed after the quake. Splawn said, 'Deep down in the earth every five minutes there was an explosion like the shot of a cannon, and out of the cracks in the earth a dark fluid was oozing which hardened as it ran down the mountainside and cooled. I took some of that dark material and had it analyzed and the analysis showed that it was oil.'"

Regarding the pioneer, Moses Splawn, the page linked below presents the following words which he gave to another individual: "When I got to Entiat I found the Indians were all excited. The mountain north of Entiat had slid down and damned the Columbia for a short time but there was something strange and wonderful which had occurred up the hogback east of the Columbia. I climbed the mountain with the Indians and there near the summit were two cracks in the earth. Deep down in the earth every five minutes there was an explosion like the shot of a cannon and out of the cracks in the earth a dark fluid was oozing which hardened as it ran down the mountain side and cooled. I took some of that dark material and had it analyzed and the analysis showed that it was oil."

The individual to whom Moses Splawn gave the above information about oil on "the hogback east of the Columbia" went to the location "several times and the marks are still there and down below in the canyon can still be found evidences of this oil which seeped out although 60 years have passed." These cracks in the earth, from which the oil oozed, were located "on the ridge across the canyon from where the old tram was located." That information was recorded in the Wenatchee Daily World of June 7, 1932, on pages 1 and 11.

A satellite photo, linked here, notes the location of the town of Entiat, Washington, on the west side of the Columbia River. It also notes the location of the top of the old tram that formerly existed on the east side of the Columbia River, which ran from the higher ground, westward, to the shore of the Columbia River. The photo then notes the location of the hogback across from the tram. This is the hogback from which oil is said to have oozed from cracks in the ground in 1872.

The writer of this report has never heard of anyone exploring for oil on this hogback in later years. He has seen no records of any exploratory drilling for oil in this area in the 1900s. But, if the stories about oil on the hogback in 1872 are true, there potentially could be a valuable petroleum deposit somewhere down below.

As a further note, the hogback across from Entiat, Washington, on which the cracks formed as a result of the 1872 earthquake, is only about 80 air-miles north-northwest of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Looking further, the large 1872 quake was possibly associated with the cross-continent rift which passes deep below the thick basalt flows in the eastern portion of the state.


There is yet one more part of the Hanford story which needs closer scrutiny. It is time to consider the unseen, underground disaster surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It is time to consider information which is generally hidden from the public. It is time to consider just how far the radioactive mess has traveled outside the boundaries of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. But first, there is something important to note.

A document from the State of Washington Department of Ecology, linked here, is titled 'Cleaning Hanford's Groundwater & Protecting the Columbia River.' On PDF page 3 of 4 is a section titled 'Sources of Groundwater Contamination at Hanford.' This section states the following:

"During production at Hanford, so much water was dumped to the ground that the water table rose about 75 feet. Surface ponds even developed in spots. When plutonium production stopped, the water table began to drop, leaving many monitoring wells dry. New monitoring wells may need to be installed to track contamination in the areas where wells are dry."

Note clearly the words in the paragraph above. Many of the monitoring wells are dry. In such a case, these wells are utterly worthless and absolutely CANNOT be used for tracking the movement of underground contamination in the surrounding areas. Because of this, it appears that no one truly knows exactly what is happening with the contaminants in the ground in those areas surrounding the dry wells, which contaminants are moving in the groundwater and the vast aquifer system.

On PDF page 4 of 4, of the document linked above, under the heading of 'Groundwater Monitoring,' are found the following words: "More wells need to be installed for contaminant detection and assessment, and to meet the required regulations." What? Isn't this something which should have been done early on, in this supposed or claimed-to-be "clean up" operation? So, they are basically admitting that they are not meeting "required regulations." What in the world is going on at Hanford? They are "running blind."

Did I hear someone say, "Incredible incompetence and possible dereliction of duty?" To add "icing on the cake," the Department of Ecology document, from January 2015, states: "New monitoring wells may need to be installed to track contamination in the areas where wells are dry." Once again, it becomes very clear that the government is basically "operating blind" at Hanford in particular these areas.

There is another thing to note. It appears that the Hanford crowd is possibly BS'ing the general public with their glowing stories about how the radioactive and chemical contaminants are not yet getting to the Columbia River. When they say that they have no evidence that radiation is spreading, it appears there is no question but that they are wilfully deceiving at least the general public.

If the monitoring wells at Hanford are dry and they are not meeting required regulations, then the government and their "glowing" reports are worthless. It is time for the BS to stop! It is time for the DOE and the other government agencies to get off their ***** and do the job properly. But then again, maybe that eugenics or Nazi-type "holy war" agenda is getting in the way.

The linked Department of Ecology document states further: In the early years at the Hanford Site, some contaminants were discharged directly to the river. While that practice has ended, some contaminants still enter the river from the groundwater. River shore soil, river water, river bottom sediments, plants, aquatic biota, and wildlife are all sampled on a regular basis to determine the impact of contamination. The samples are then analyzed for radionuclides and hazardous chemicals. Although reported results are well within surface water quality standards, Ecology remains vigilant and looks for ways to limit Hanford's impact on the river."

After his years of research, the writer just has one thing to say about the paragraph above. There are the "reported results" which are fed to the general public, and then there are the unreported results or the true results. Don't be deceived by those "word plays" which appear to commonly be used by those in control, apparently in an effort to deceive the general public.

Bottom line: research indicates that Hanford is making a disasterous mess of the Yakima River, the Columbia River, the groundwater beneath Hanford and the multi-state aquifer system which is beneath and surrounds the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.


How fast can the radioactive materials at Hanford move through the ground? Let us consider some real life experiences. The article, linked here, speaks about the leaking storage tanks at Hanford. It states that "the DOE said for decades that tank wastes would take 10,000 years to reach the ground water. It got there in less than 40."

Yes, the radioactive materials were moving through the ground about 250 times faster than the DOE had been claiming for decades. The evidence also indicates that the radioactive mess at Hanford is much greater, more serious, more widespread and more dangerous than the DOE has been stating.


There is much more at stake than just the Columbia River, at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Once again, it should be noted that there is a very major and important, vast aquifer system which is being dealt with here. This aquifer system is used for irrigation purposes and food production, plus domestic use in a very large, multi-state region outside of the nuclear reservation.

Accessed via this link is a map of the general location for the regional aquifer system. It resides under virtually all of southeast Washington, plus a large part of northeast Oregon and even part of Idaho. Hanford is located near the center of this very vital aquifer sytem.

And, at this link is another map of the regional aquifer. Hanford is the darker red area just left of center. The text in the upper left corner states: "The areal extent of the Columbia Plateau regional aquifer system is contiguous with the extent of the Grande Ronde Basalt." There is more said in the text. Click on it to make it larger and easier to read.

To view another map with information about the aquifer system, click here. The text declares: "The Columbia Plateau basaltic-rock aquifers consist primarily of three basalt formations separated by confining units." Information with included cross-sectional drawing, linked a couple paragraphs below, indicates that there are at least 5 levels in this vast, regional aquifer system.

At this link is yet another map. This one indicates the claimed direction of water flow for at least one level of the multi-level aquifer system. Information presented in this report tends to indicate that the flow direction may be different in other levels of the aquifer system, especially in the Hanford region.

The level at which the uranium and other radioactive materials were injected into the aquifer system, at the Hanford facility, appears to flow in a more southerly direction. That is indicated by the finding of uranium to the Benton City water wells by mid 1947, as discussed further below, where it took the uranium about 2-1/2 years to travel roughly 20 miles.

Accessed via this link is a page which presents information about "cascading wells" in the regional aquifer system, in the Odessa, Washington area. Odessa is roughly 55 miles to the northeast of the Hanford site. The page linked above gives cross-sectional information about this important aquifer system in the midst of which Hanford resides. The drawing shows at least 5 levels in the aquifer system.

Once again, this very important aquifer system is used for crop irrigation and large-scale food production, plus community and city water systems. The test well, shown in the page linked in the paragraph above, is located about 12 miles west of Ritzville, Washington, as shown on PDF page 11 of 44, of this linked document. On PDF page 19 of 44 of the same document is found a much better cross-sectional view of the multi-level aquifer system which serves southeast Washington, plus parts of Oregon and Idaho.

Information in an article, linked here, shows that at Hanford's 618-11 burial site, "the aquifer stretches vertically from 60 feet to 450 feet" below the ground surface. In other words, at this burial site in the southeast portion of Hanford, the top of the multi-level aquifer is 60 feet below the surface of the ground, which is really not very deep, as far as wells go. The vertical thickness of the multi-level regional aquifer system in this portion of Hanford, where highly radioactive materials are buried, is 390 feet. There is a whole lot of water that can get contaminated in this area and region.

Regarding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, the November 13, 1994 article from The Spokesman-Review of Spokane, Washington, linked below, declares: "Among the worst mistakes: 1945-47, about 11 million gallons of liquid radioactive waste were pumped down two deep injection wells directly into the aquifer." The article claims: "The wells were closed when plutonium was found miles away, but still on the Hanford site."

After reading this whole Hanford Report, you will know much more about how far the radioactive waste moved outside the Hanford boundaries in a relatively short period of time. But, there is one thing to note. It has now been over 70 years since they found that plutonium "miles away" from where it was injected "directly into the aquifer." At this late date, plutonium and other radionuclides which were injected "directly into the aquifer" should be far outside the Hanford site.


Linked here is a map which shows the hydraulic conductivity within the massive aquifer system, in feet per day. In the area of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, the hydraulic conductivity is said to be between 100 and 2,000 feet per day. Note the following important words at the bottom of the map: "Hydraulic conductivity multiplied by the thickness of the auqifers equals the transmissivity of the auqifers."

In the map linked above, the hydraulic conductivity is the horizontal speed with which a given water mass is moving per day. The transmissivity of the auqifers indicates the volume of water (1) which is moved horizontally through the aquifer in a day.

In the case of the Hanford region, transmissivity in the aquifer is the volume of water contaminated with radioactive materials and chemicals which is moved horizontally per day. But, there is a lot more to the story about the transport of radioactive contaminants in aquifers, besides horizontal speed of the water mass.


A page, linked here, speaks about the use of chelating agents for dissolving insoluble isotopes at nuclear facilities. It speaks about chelating agents ending up in nuclear waste disposal sites and speeding up the migration of radioactive wastes through the soil.

A document linked here, in the lower-left of PDF page 1 of 8 declares: "Chelating agents have the potential to perturb the natural speciation of metals and to influence metal bioavailability, and their presence may lead to the remobilization of metals from sediments and aquifers, consequently posing a risk to groundwater and drinking water. The largest concern, however, is that many chelating agents (e.g. EDTA) are not biodegradable and are therefore persistent in the environment."

In the document linked above, it is important to also note that "strong chelating agents occur in natural waters." This would include the natural waters in the vast, multi-state aquifer system beneath Hanford. The document above also notes chelating agents like EDTA.

It appears that chelating agents like EDTA were used at Hanford and possibly made it into the ground because of improper disposal methods. (see: PDF page 39 of 224) A document linked here, at the bottom of PDF page 320 of 428, notes that "many chelating agents, including EDTA, were found in the waste tanks at Hanford." So, there is no longer any question about it. Chelating agents are in the radioactive waste at the Hanford facility.

With chelating agents in the radioactive waste at Hanford, this means that chelating agents are also in the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system. These chelating agents would mean that radioactive waste can move very quickly into the groundwater and aquifer system, and then move laterally in the moving water mass at close to or virtually the speed of groundwater movement.

As a complete side note, a page, linked here, states: "Human molar teeth were hemisected and decalcified in 20% EDTA at 4 °C for approximately 5 weeks, until flexible by manual testing." The page also states: "There are also several choices and variations for decalcifying hard tissue specimens, including EDTA, AFS and formic acid, in order of slowest to fastest rate of decalcification." Considering what this page states, it does not sound like EDTA in an aquifer system used long-term for drinking water would be doing people's teeth any good.

On another note, a page, linked here, is titled 'Influence of chelating agents on the uptake of 239Pu and 241Am by plants.' The study indicates that by the use of chelating agents like EDTA, there is a "significant increase in uptake" of radioactive elements like Plutonium-239 and Americium-241 in plants. It appears that EDTA (Ethylenediaminetriacetic acid) and radioactive contaminants in an aquifer system used for irrigating crops could readily contaminate those crops with radioactive elements.

Now, back to chelating agents and nuclear waste. A book titled 'Nuclear Madness: What You Can Do,' by Helen Caldicott, is linked here. On page 191 of that book are found the following words: "The practice of burying combined chelating agents with radioactive waste speeds up the migration process through the soil."

The document, linked here, discusses the migration of a chelated radionuclide in a porous medium. On PDF page 1 of 6 is noted that "the migration of the chelated radionuclide was much faster than the ionic radionuclide." It is stated, on PDF page 5 of 6, that "the effects of chelating agents on the migration of a radionuclide is significant because the chelating agents increase the solubility of the radionuclide for the groundwater and decrease the adsorption capacity of the sorbing geologic medium." The document also indicates that "the migration rate of the chelated radionuclide is much faster than that of the ionic radionuclide in spite of the degradation of the chelating agents and the chelated radionuclide."

Are chelating agents --- because of the increased solubility of those radionuclides, plus the reduced adsorption capability of the sorbing geologic medium --- a major part of the reason why it took only about 2-1/2 years for at least uranium, and possibly other radionuclides and contaminants, to travel roughly 20 miles, from the middle of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation to the Benton City water wells, as noted further below?

This information about chelating agents significantly speeding up the migration of radionuclides, is something to keep in mind as you read through this report --- especially when considering those chelated radionuclides which have already traveled far outside the boundaries of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus the rest which is well on its way.

Further information about what chelating agents can do to the mobility of leaking or buried radionuclides, plus those which have already been dumped or injected into the ground, groundwater or regional aquifer systems at nuclear waste or processing facilities, is accessed via the buttons below.

The document linked here and above is titled 'Subsurface Behavior of Plutonium and Americium at Non-Hanford Sites and Relevance to Hanford.' The document is identified as PNNL-17386, and it was published in February of 2008 by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. In this document, there are some things which are very important to note.

In the document linked above, in the middle of PDF page 8 of 24, it is speaking about what happened at the Los Almos National Laboratory in northern New Mexico. It was found that the plutonium-239 in the groundwater appeared to have moved faster than the tritium. The plutonium also was found in a more distant well, before it was found in wells which were closer to the point of discharge into the ground. This is something to think about, when it comes to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and what really is happening there, especially in the contaminated regional aquifer system.

In the linked document, on PDF page 14 of 24, it is speaking about the Savannah River National Laboratory and what has happened there. It states: "A number of radionuclides, including Pu and Am and metals, have been reported to be moving rapidly through the aquifer underlying the seepage basins." Something similar to this appears to be happening in the groundwater and regional aquifer system beneath and surrounding the Hanford facility.

On PDF page 17 of 24, the linked document speaks about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It speaks about "the 200-PW-1/3/6 Operable Unit site at Hanford, where Pu and Am had migrated to unanticipated depths in the subsurface. This deep migration is due primarily to the unique features of the organic wastes disposed at 200-PW-1/3/6 Operable Units that do not occur at any of the other sites considered in this review." So yes, unexpected things have happened, and will continue to happen, at the Hanford site.


A page, linked here, also shows the use of chelating agents in the nuclear waste at Hanford. This practice has allowed for quicker access of leaking nuclear wastes to groundwater and the complex aquifer system.

A page, linked here, near the bottom of the page under the section titled 'Environmental behavior,' declares the following: "Elevated concentrations of chelating agents enhance the transport of metals (e.g. Zn, Cd, Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Fe) in soils, and enhance the undesired transport of radioactive metals away from disposal sites." A document, linked here, on PDF page 23 of 59, declares the same thing.

A document linked here, on PDF page 4 of 7, declares: "Co-disposal of heavy metals and radionuclides along with synthetic organic chelating agents raise concern because chelating agents may promote undesirable movement of toxic metals and radionuclides away from their primary waste disposal site."

There may be other factors besides chelating agents involved in the rapid transport of radioactive metals within the complex regional aquifer system which surrounds Hanford. There may be factors which cause radioactive materials to move even more quickly away from their point of initial introduction into the aquifer, than is commonly stated. There may also be factors which cause radioactive wastes to become more concentrated at certain points in the aquifer system, much more than at other locations.


A page, linked here, is titled 'Cleaning Hanford's Groundwater & Protecting the Columbia River.' Below the title, in the far right-hand of PDF page 1 of 4, under the heading 'Hanford's Groundwater and Vadose Zone,' are found the following words:

"At Hanford, the geology below the ground's surface is very complicated. Usually groundwater flows vertically, but in some places it moves horizontally through sand and gravel deposited by the Ice Age Floods. In other places, layers of mud or clay slow that movement. Where there are vertical clay formations called clastic dikes, water may meet them, drop deeper into the ground along their face, and move horizontally again further underground."

The page then continues: "These geologic properties make locating and addressing contamination in Hanford groundwater difficult."

Possibly the complex nature of the regional aquifer system can make it next to impossible to locate and address contamination in this vast aquifer system, into which the operators of the Hanford facility have pumped immense volumes of chelated radioactive materials and hazardous chemicals. On top of all that, there is all the leakage from failing tanks of chelated radioactive and hazardous materials into this vast water system from which drinking water and irrigation waters are pumped.

Let us now consider something else which is very important about the vast aquifer system which resides beneath the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the surrounding region. Ignoring what the DOE has been telling you all these years, just how fast can radioactive contaminants really move through the complex aquifer system and geologic structure beneath the ground? How far can they travel in a relatively short period of time?

Let us now consider the real truth! Let us consider what has actually been observed in real life, rather than simply (or gullibly) believing what they have been telling us for all these years.


In late 1944, the first reactor at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation began operating. In early 1945, the first processing plant began producing significant amounts of plutonium. Regarding Hanford, the page linked below, on PDF page 18 of 159, declares: "In 1945, wells present on site were contaminated with uranium and it had spread offsite to wells at Benton City by mid 1947."

A book linked below adds to the fact that uranium from Hanford had moved rather quickly beyond the boundaries of the nuclear reservation. It declares: "Tests for uranium had been positive in 300-Area wells since June 1945 and in wells at Benton City (off site) since mid-1947."

It took only about 2-1/2 years for the uranium introduced into the ground at Hanford Nuclear Reservation to travel all the way to the water wells which served Benton City. Benton City is about 20 miles from the center of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, as estimated on the map linked here.

It should be noted that there is a rather large (link), northwest-southeast aligned geologic feature (link) which is situated between the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the town of Benton City. The very large feature is a geologic fold (link), and that fold in the structure of the ground produced Rattlesnake Mountain (link) and the hills continuing southeast from it (link). Other pictures of the geologic fold called Rattlesnake Mountain are found at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)

Notwithstanding this geologic complication in the area surrounding Rattlesnake Mountain, and notwithstanding the rather slow rate at which the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) claims the radioactive waste material is moving in the aquifer, the uranium simply disregarded what the DOE was saying and somehow managed to rapidly travel about 20 miles from the central Hanford injection point to the Benton City wells by mid 1947, or in about 2-1/2 years.

A document, linked here, in the left column of PDF page 55 of 66, declares: "In mid-1947, the use of reverse wells [at Hanford] was largely discontinued (although some such use continued for decades)..." A reason was given for why they slowed down on disposing of waste via the reverse wells. But, it is interesting to note that the timing of this "largely discontinued" use of reverse (or injection) wells for nuclear waste at Hanford coincides with the time when uranium was found in the water wells at Benton City.

Once again, that uranium from the central part of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation traveled southward for about 20 miles to the Benton City water wells in about 2-1/2 years. This uranium was moving in the groundwater or aquifer at the average rate of approximately 115.7 feet per day, or 810 feet per week, or 3,520 feet per month, or 8 miles per year.

There is no denying that this uranium moved southward through the groundwater or aquifer system at this average rate of travel. This is a much higher rate of travel for radioactive waste, especially for those chelated radioactive wastes from Hanford, through the groundwater or aquifer system than the DOE and the media is commonly telling the public. So, how far has that radioactive waste, especially the chelated radioactive waste from Hanford, really traveled since the 1940s? Yes, a long ways.

And, because of the distant spread of all these radioactive materials in the ground, groundwater, and vast regional aquifer system from which drinking and irrigation water is pumped, what has been happening in the region. And, looking further, what has been getting into, let's say, the Yakima River, which then ends up dumping large amounts of radioactive contaminants and other hazardous materials into the Columbia River?


A 2013 article linked below declares: "About 330 pounds of uranium per year is released to the Columbia River from the Hanford 300 Area, according to DOE. But three irrigation outlets on the Franklin County side of the river release 3,500 pounds of uranium a year into the river from fertilizer and uranium that's naturally in the ground. In addition, the Yakima River adds about 8,800 pounds a year."

The DOE statement above actually opens the proverbial "can of worms" for the U.S. DOE. The water wells for Benton City, Washington, were noted in the section above. From what is stated above, it is more than clear that these wells first became contaminated in mid 1947, with at least uranium which was moving off-site from Hanford, if not with other radionuclides also. But, in an attempt to deceive the public and others, later reports indicate that the uranium which is in the Benton City well water was from sources which were naturally in the ground.

An example of what has been happening --- in relation to deceptive data from Hanford --- is a report, linked here, which is titled 'H. I. Environs Report of the Month of December 1949.' The report is identified as HW-15593. The last section in this report is titled 'Section VII - Radioactive Contamination in Drinking Water and Test Well.' To mask the true source of the uranium getting into the Benton City water well, note the wording used in this report. This report was produced about 2-1/2 years after the uranium from Hanford first began showing up in the Benton City well.

The report declares: "Levels of alpha activity measured in drinking water did not deviate from the levels measured in past surveys. Uranium, presumably occurring in natural quantities continued to be found in some Richland drinking water supplies; an average value of 21 ug U/liter water was measured in Benton City Well; this well is representative of the highest level of uranium in the drinking water of this general area..."

In the statement above, note the use of the words "presumably occurring in natural quantities." But, it was clearly known, as shown in the section above, that this uranium "had spread offsite" and first began showing up in the Benton City water well in mid 1947. Mid 1947 was about 2-1/2 years after they began dumping and pumping radioactive waste into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system in the central portion of the Hanford site. So, let us look further at how the story of offsite contamination kept changing.

A report dated May 9, 1960, can be downloaded to your computer, via this link, and then opened. The report is titled 'Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1959.' This is a now unclassified AEC Research and Development Report which goes by the identifier of HW-64371. It appears to have been produced by General Electric (GE), who was managing Hanford at that time. Note how the wording in this document has been boldly changed even further, to cover up the real truth which had been known since 1947 about offsite contamination.

The GE document, on PDF page 11 of 129 declares: "A higher concentration of natural uranium has been noted in the water from Benton City wells, than in the water from wells of other local communities throughout a ten year sampling period... However, there is no evidence that this condition is attributable to Hanford facilities."

Look at how the story above has now changed. This later report states that "there is no evidence that this condition is attributable to Hanford facilities." It appears that those running Hanford were working to distance themselves from a known environmental and health problem. But, there is more to this story. The above report was, for a period of time, hidden behind the "CLASSIFIED" stamp.

It is becoming obvious that lying and deception, plus even criminal or treasonous activities, can easily be hidden behind those "CLASSIFIED" stamps. No wonder President John F. Kennedy spoke openly against all the secrecy and secret activities which were going on behind the scenes in this country, before he was brutally and savagely assassinated in November of 1963.

The deception at Hanford appears to just be part of the history of that facility, as was noted in the introductory section of this report under the heading of 'Ongoing Deception'(link), plus in the right-margin information of this report, at this level. Now, let us look at the real truth about known radioactive contamination traveling outside of the Hanford boundaries, from at least 1947.

Once again, note what is stated by two sources in the preceding section (link) about radioactive waste from Hanford. The first source declares: "In 1945, wells present on site were contaminated with uranium and it had spread offsite to wells at Benton City by mid 1947." The second source declares: "Tests for uranium had been positive in 300-Area wells since June 1945 and in wells at Benton City (off site) since mid-1947."

It should be clearly noted that Benton City is located along the Yakima River --- that river which now "adds about 8,800 pounds a year" of uranium into the Columbia River. From what is known, it appears that the Yakima River may have been receiving uranium from Hanford since about 1947, when offsite contamination from Hanford was initially discovered at this location. Let us now return to what else was said in the DOE statement which was noted in the first paragraph of this section.

Across the Columbia River from the Hanford reservation is Franklin County --- the place from which irrigation outlets "release 3,500 pounds of uranium a year into the river." There is a lot of agricultural land in Franklin County, including both circle farms and large orchards. The circle farms are generally irrigated by high-volume wells (picture) which pump their water out of the vast, regional aquifer system, into which Hanford pumped large volumes of radioactive waste. Other agricultural lands in Franklin County are irrigated by a system of canals, with water supplied from the Columbia River.

Let us consider the DOE statement a bit further. The total of just uranium which is going into the Columbia River from the three sources noted, according to the DOE, is 12,630 pounds per year. That is over six tons of uranium. That is somewhat near the weight of three cubic yards of concrete, depending on the proportions in the mix. But, the uranium is about 7 times heavier than concrete.

Because uranium is about 7 times heavier than concrete, the amount of uranium getting into the Columbia River per year would equate to a solid block of uranium with a volume of a little under 1/2 of a cubic yard, or, more accurately, about 12 cubic feet. But, spread out as fine particles or in the chelated form or ionic state, that 12,630 pounds of uranium would fill a much larger volume. Now continuing onward, the DOE statement above appears to be missing all those other chelated radionuclides which are steadily getting into the Columbia River.

One other thing must be noted. It appears the DOE made another glaring omission in their declaration. They only spoke about uranium getting into the river from the Hanford 300 Area. What about the remainder of Hanford, like the springs and seeps in the 100 Area and elsewhere on this site, plus all those upwellings of radioactively contaminated groundwater coming through the bottom of the Columbia River?(link: see PDF page 4 of 6, right & left columns)(link: see bottom of PDF page 3 of 15)(link: see 16th paragraph)(link: first, third, fifth paragraphs, plus further down on page)(link: see PDF page 4, 9, 11 of 46 and elsewhere) Was this large omission by the DOE simply "an accident?"

A document, linked here, is titled 'EPA Superfund Record of Decision: Hanford 100 Area (USDOE), O.U. 100-HR-3 and 100-KR-4, Hanford Site, Benton County, WA 3/26/96.' The identifier for the document is: PB96-964603, EPA/ROD/R10-96/134, May 1996.

The EPA document linked above, on page 40 of 74, declares: "Groundwater contaminated with chromium is identified in the three reactor areas at concentrations in excess of ecological-based risk thresholds. This groundwater discharges to the Columbia River primarily via upwelling through the river bottom, an environment known to be critical to sensitive ecological receptors such as embryonic salmon. In addition, concentrations of several contaminants exist in groundwater at these operable units that exceed human health levels."

In the paragraph above, when it states that "concentrations of several contaminants exist in groundwater at these operable units," that likely includes things like uranium, plus many other harmful radionuclides and chemical contaminants.

There is more to the story of river contamination. A document, linked here, on PDF page 31 of 284, states: "The DOE has detected hexavalent chromium and strontium-90 in ground water beneath the area; ground water is not used within 3 miles of the 100-Area, but it is known to seep into the Columbia River in the 100-Area." It also states the following on PDF page 32 of 284: "DOE detected strontium-90 in the Columbia River at levels significantly above background." Note those words again --- "significantly above background."

At this point, there are some things to consider. First, we must consider all that is being stated above about radioactive contamination getting into the Columbia River from sources like irrigation outlets on the Franklin County side of the Columbia River and from the Yakima River. Then we must consider all that radioactive contamination which is getting into the Columbia River from springs and seeps along the Hanford site. But, there is yet more to consider in this contamination story.


In this report is spoken about those upwellings of radioactive contamination in the bottom of the Columbia River, along the Hanford site. This is something which is in addition to those springs and seeps which are noted above. Then there is that uranium which had traveled quickly to the Benton City water wells, a distance of about 20 miles in about 2-1/2 years. It appears that this uranium, and potentially other chelated radioactive contaminates, were possibly following a deeper fault line from Hanford directly to the area of the Benton City water wells, near the Yakima River, in 1947.

Regarding fault lines and how they affect the flow of water, or even the flow of chelated radioactive wastes in the groundwater or regional aquifer system, a page linked here states: "Vertical faults may act as either barriers to horizontal groundwater flow perpendicular to the fault, conduits to horizontal flow along the fault or a combination of both. Faults can also provide conduits for vertical flow. There are very few evaluations of the impact of fault zones on groundwater flow."

At this point, there is something to think about. Look at what happened with the uranium, and potentially an array of other chelated radionuclides, which rapidly traveled from the central portion of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation --- from the 200 Areas --- starting in 1945 when they began to deliberately dump and pump radioactive wastes onto the ground and into the groundwater and complex regional aquifer system. Note how they made it to the Benton City water wells by 1947. It appears we are looking for a vertical fault which is aligned in a north-south direction.

Let us consider the potential for a deeper, north-south aligned fault line from the central portion of the Hanford site, which extends southward toward the Benton City area, along the Yakima River. The rapid transporting of at least uranium from Hanford into the area of the Yakima River in the latter 1940s does make it clear that there is some geologic feature in the structure of the landmass which was, and possibly still is, acting like a conduit or pipeline for radioactive waste from the elevated central portion of the Hanford site, toward the Yakima River.

There is now more to consider in this story. Further up in this report, there is a section titled 'Heading for the River' (link). That section speaks about large volumes of radioactive wastes which are leaking from the underground storage tanks in the 200 Areas, in central Hanford. Regarding this waste from leaking tanks, one source is quoted as saying: "Estimates of the volume of this leaked waste range from 1 million to 6 million gallons. And the numbers are growing." But, there is yet more.

The section linked in the preceding paragraph notes that the U.S. DOE has estimated a certain volume of leakage from these underground waste storage tanks. But, as one source notes, the DOE "did not include the volume of cooling water that had been added to the tanks, some of which could have leaked." The source states further: "DOE historically did not include cooling water that could leak from the tanks in its tank leak studies."

Then, just looking at one of the leaking tanks, the source in the section linked above declares: "DOE noted that it added cooling water to a single tank and that some did leak, but did not provide any volume figures." Then the source states: "the contractor's estimate indicated that only 5,000 gallons of waste leaked from that tank, but records indicated that more than 500,000 gallons of contaminated cooling water leaked from the tank." In other words, the radioactive contaminants leaking from the 200 Areas at Hanford may be at least 100 times greater than the volume being reported.

It is now time to seriously consider something. All those millions of gallons (or possibly even billions of gallons, since they are not accurately reporting the true leakage) of leaking radioactive wastes, which likely even include large volumes of fast-moving chelated radioactive wastes, have to be going someplace. That large of a volume of radioactive waste is not just "pooling up" somewhere in the ground. So, where is it going? This does bring up a couple of issues.

There is that north-south aligned fault lineament to consider, which has been noted earlier, plus elsewhere in this report. Then, looking further, there is that elevation difference of approximate 177 feet between the central portion of the Hanford site --- at the 200 Areas --- and Benton City, where it is located beside the Yakima River.

The writer wonders if, like the Columbia River, there may be upwellings of radioactive and chemical contamination in the bottom of certain sections of the Yakima River. Then, there is that agricultural irrigation in the Yakima River region. At least some of this irrigation comes from wells drilled into the contaminated aquifer. Once again, this aquifer was contaminated because personnel at the Hanford site deliberately dumped or pumped at least 440 billion gallons of radioactive wastes into the ground, groundwater and complex regional aquifer system, starting in 1945.

The bottom line now follows. It appears to the writer that the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is virtually hemorrhaging large amounts of its radioactive contamination, especially its chelated radioactive contaminants, throughout the Columbia Basin region, via a number of different avenues. One of these avenues appears to be large discharges of contaminants, via geologic features, into the Yakima River region, which river then carries these contaminants into the Columbia River. With the above thoughts in mind, let us now take a closer look at an important feature.


A USGS report, linked here, is titled 'Effects of Hydraulic and Geologic Factors on Streamflow of the Yakima River Basin, Washington.' This report is noted as 'Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1595,' which was printed in 1963.

On PDF page 107 or 144 of the report linked above, after the paragraph heading of 'Utilization,' the report speaks about the Richland Canal, which is also called the Horn Rapids Canal, in other sources. It notes that this canal was built in 1904 for irrigation purposes. But, in 1943, it started to be used as the municipal water supply for the city of Richland, Washington --- which city is located just south of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

A page, linked here, notes that "The headgate of the Richland Canal is located at the Horn Rapids Diversion Dam on the Yakima River...at river kilometer (km) 29 [river mile (RM) 19]." A map on that page shows the location of the Richland Canal and the Horn Rapids Dam, to the west of the city of Richland.

A page, linked here, is titled 'Radioactive Contamination of the Columbia River.' This page contains a sentence which appears to be almost out of place. This one sentence, which speaks about the Yakima River, declares: "The city of Richland originally used the Yakima River as a water source, but began using the Columbia in October 1963."

So, why did the city of Richland use the Yakima River for municipal water for only a period of 20 years, and then stop using it? Why did Richland then switch to using the Columbia River for municipal water in 1963, especially when considering that the contaminating Hanford Nuclear Reservation is just upriver from Richland on the Columbia?

A page, linked here, on PDF page 2 of 24, declares: "The high cost of maintaining the Horn Rapids Canal led to abandoning the diversion of the Yakima River water. The City instead added the capability to pump Columbia River water from the raw water intake at the WTP [Water Treatment Plant] to the North Richland Recharge Basin." Okay, but could there be more to this story for the switch in water supply?

A page, linked here, from the Washington State Department of Ecology, is titled 'Yakima River Preliminary Assessment of Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen and pH.' This is Publication Number 16-03-048, which was published in February of 2016. On PDF page 57 of 92 is a section titled 'Prosser to Richland.'

The Prosser to Richland section states: "Research and monitoring have documented the continued deterioration of water quality as the Yakima River moves downstream. Temperature continues to rise, pH swings to high levels, and DO [Dissolved Oxygen] shows wide swings caused by productivity." Productivity of what? PDF page 41 of 92 speaks about the "productivity of phytoplankton, periphyton (attached algae), and aquatic macrophytes (rooted plants such as stargrass)."

The paragraph above notes that the water quality of the Yakima River deteriorates as it moves downstream from Prosser, Washington to Richland, Washington --- at which point the Yakima River empties into the Columbia River. From PDF page 77 of 92, to PDF page 79 of 92, in the document linked above, titled 'Yakima River Preliminary Assessment of Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen and pH,' is data in Tables showing the pH at various points in the Yakima River. So, let us look at what happens with pH, from Prosser down to the mouth of the Yakima River, at the Columbia River.

The testing displayed in the Tables took place from 8/3/2015 to 8/4/2015, from 8/12/2015 to 8/13/2015, and from 9/1/2015 to 9/3/3015. During the testing periods, at river miles (RM) 47.0 and 47.4 at Prosser, the pH of the Yakima River is from 7.6 to 8.0. At RM 38.7, above Chandler Power (and Pumping) Plant, the pH jumps to 8.7 to 9.0. At RM 29.6, which is the RM for both Kiona and the Benton City Boat Launch, the pH is from 8.6 to 9.0. At RM 18.0, Horn Rapids Park, the pH is from 8.8 to 9.0. At RM 13.2, Twin Bridges Road, the pH is at 9.1. At RM 8.6, Route 224 Yakima River bridge, the pH is at 9.1.

So, about 8 miles downstream from Prosser, Washington, the pH of the water in the Yakima River quickly jumps to about 10 times stronger in alkalinity. From the Chandler facility to the Kiona/Benton City area, a distance of about 9 river miles, the alkalinity stays at about the same elevated level. Between the Kiona/Benton City area and the Horn Rapids Park, the alkalinity of the river averages about the same or just a little higher in the elevated pH level. From Horn Rapids Park to Twin Bridges Road, the pH gains at least a point in alkalinity, and appears to stay that way the remainder of the way to the mouth at the Columbia River.

Now, what could cause the pH of the Yakima River to increase more than 10 times in alkalinity between Prosser and the Twin Bridges Road? It is time to "throw out" a few things for consideration.


Since the pH of the lower Yakima River "swings to high levels," it is time to consider the "potential of Hydrogen" (1)(2)(3) or the pH of certain things in the region near the Yakima River --- certain things which could potentially be getting into the lower section of the Yakima River. How these things which increase the alkalinity of the river get there in the first place is explained a couple of sections above, plus in other areas of this report. But, first, a little information on the pH scale, for those who need a refresher.

The pH scale is logarithmic (link). Each whole number of pH change equates to a 10-times change in the strength of either the acidity or the alkalinity of a solution. In other words, a pH of 9.0 is 10 times more alkaline than a pH of 8.0. And, a pH of 9.0 is 100 times more alkaline than a pH of 7.0. Let us now use this knowledge of the pH scale in relation to things in the Hanford region and in relation to what is happening in the lower Yakima River.

A book titled 'Nuclear Waste Cleanup Technologies and Opportunities,' linked here, on page 332, speaks about "the high pH and aluminum concentration that is found in the Hanford...tank wastes." An April 18, 2016 page from the Tri-City Herald speaks of "the high pH waste in the [leaking underground storage] tank." A page, linked here, notes that the tanks at Hanford "are leaking with a high concentration of aluminum and a high pH and forming a new waste form."

An image, linked here, notes that low pH solutions "are acidic," while high pH solutions "are basic." Looking at a pH Scale, linked here, it is seen that a pH of 7 is classed as being Neutral. The higher the pH number, the more alkaline a substance is.

A combination of documents, linked here, speaks about the radioactive waste at Hanford. On PDF page 66 of 193, it states: "The Redox waste was neutralized to a pH of 10-12 with caustic, and stored in mild steel tanks without special cooling." PDF page 121 of 193 states that "all the high-level waste (HLW) tanks at Hanford site are maintained at high pH levels (10-12) today."

So, it is clear that the high-level tank wastes at Hanford, plus those 440 (link) or more billion gallons of radioactive wastes which were deliberately dumped (link) and pumped into the ground, were all of a high pH. It should then be understood that the radioactive wastes going into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system from Hanford should generally be of a high pH.

In 1947, it became clear that the radioactive waste which was dumped and pumped into the groundwater beneath central Hanford was heading in a southerly direction, toward the Yakima River. At least uranium (if not other chelated radionuclides also) was found in the water wells for Benton City in 1947, about 2-1/2 years after they started pumping the wastes into the regional aquifer system, from the central portion of the Hanford site. Now, Benton City is located at that sharp northerly bend in the lower Yakima River (map).

A couple of sections above (link), it is clearly shown that the largest amount of uranium in the region, found in any water source which is moving toward the Columbia River, is found in the Yakima River. And from the Yakima River...

So, it possibly is time for everyone to stop focusing so intensely on the potential for radioactive wastes to mainly be getting into the Columbia River along the perimeter of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Possibly it is time to start looking the other way, toward the Yakima River, to that place where it appears that Hanford radioactive wastes are mainly going, via the geologic "underground pipeline" since at least 1947, where it appears they are virtually flooding into the river systems.

There is something else to note at this time. As shown in the right-hand side-margin of this report, at a little above this level, the central portion of the Hanford site, where they dumped and pumped all that radioactive waste into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system, is roughly 177 feet above Benton City, where it is located along the Yakima River. And, as they say, "Things all flow downhill." And, to facilitate things even better, there is that fault lineament in the ground.


In the sections above, it has been noted that the radioactive wastes from Hanford began to be dumped and pumped into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system in 1945. It is shown that the radioactive contaminants from Hanford spread offsite, a number of miles southward, to the Benton City water wells by mid 1947. But, there is more to this story. It is also good to understand just how the radioactive contaminants from the central part of Hanford --- from the 200 Areas --- were and are still able to travel southward, all the way to at least the Yakima River, if not beyond.

In the right-margin information of this report is found an explanation of how the radioactive contaminants from central Hanford get to the Yakima River, especially from the 200 Areas, which includes those 177 large underground storage tanks, some of which are seriously leaking. The explanation begins with the section that starts at this level. The explanation then continues through the six sections which follow, at these levels: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). Then, the explanation skips down a ways in the right-margin information, and finishes with the section which starts at this level.

By the time you have finished reading all this information, you potentially should have a good understanding about why and how large amounts of radioactive waste from central Hanford --- from the 200 Areas --- are not necessarily heading to the east, toward the Columbia River, but rather are flowing to the south, toward the Yakima River.

By the time you have finished reading this report, you may also realise how waste from central Hanford, especially chelated radioactive wastes, can go downward to deeper levels in the structure of the earth, and then return upward in the distance to levels which are just a bit lower than central Hanford, one example being the area around Benton City, by the Yakima River.

As all this chelated radioactive waste steadily flows into the Yakima River, it is carried downstream and then flows freely into the Columbia River. Once all the evidence is examined, it appears that the greater amount of radioactive waste from Hanford may be entering the Columbia River via the Yakima River route, rather than entering the Columbia River directly along the perimeter of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Nevertheless, let us next look at what is happening as the Columbia River flows past Hanford.


The June 14, 2017 article linked below starts with the following words: "A member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently informed the public that radioactive waste from the decommissioned Hanford nuclear power plant is 'flowing freely' into the Columbia river."

Further down, the page declares that "groundwater contaminated with hexavalent chromium and strontium-90 was still flowing into the nearby Columbia River, according to a presentation from Mike Cline, director of the Department of Energy's Soil & Groundwater Division"

The article below also declares: "'Contaminated in-area groundwater is still flowing freely into the Columbia,' EPA Project Manager Dennis Faulk told members of the board."

The June 8, 2017 article linked below declares: "Groundwater contaminated with radioactive waste from the decommissioned Hanford nuclear facility in Washington state is still 'flowing freely' into the Columbia River, a program manager with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said at a meeting of the Hanford Advisory Board."

The page then names a few of the radioactive wastes which are flowing freely into the Columbia River from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The page notes that "groundwater contaminated with hexavalent chromium and strontium-90 was still flowing into the nearby Columbia River."

But, the truth is, there are more radioactive elements than just those two mentioned in the page linked above, which are flowing into the river. There is all that chelated radioactive waste which Hanford pumped into the groundwater and aquifer system, starting in the mid-1940s, which contains many different radionuclides. This chelated material is also getting into the Columbia River.

The page below speaks of groundwater at Hanford. It states: "Groundwater is found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil. It is stored in, and typically moves slowly through, layers of soil, sand, and fractured rocks called aquifers. Aquifers contain large connected spaces that allow water to flow."

So, make a mental note of this fact. When speaking of groundwater at Hanford, this does actually include the aquifer beneath the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. We are speaking about that vast, multi-level, multi-state aquifer system into which Hanford has pumped and leaked immense volumes of radioactive contamination and other hazardous materials.

From what is stated in the page below, "hazardous liquid wastes," which did include uranium and other radioactive materials, was "sometimes injected directly into the groundwater," or more clearly, into the vast, regional aquifer system from which drinking and crop irrigation water is currently pumped.

The page linked above states: "Hanford's groundwater includes chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride, chromium, and nitrate. It also includes radioactive materials such as uranium, strontium 90, technetium 99, tritium, and iodine 129." The page then declares: "Of the contaminants, chromium, nitrate, uranium, technetium, tritium, and strontium have all reached the Columbia River. These materials can be harmful to people and the environment."

So, at this point an issue needs to be raised. What is this story which appears to commonly be presented to the general public, that it will be years before radioactive materials from Hanford Nuclear Reservation will be getting into the Columbia River?

The real truth is, it has been happening all along --- ever since the 1940s. So, possibly it is time for the government (especially the DOE) to quit BS'ing and deceiving the general public. As the title on the button further up more realistically states: "Radioactive Waste Still Flooding Columbia River, EPA Says."

The page linked via the button below gives some further history of that common, radioactive contamination of the Columbia River.

Considering all the radiation in our environment, which gets into our food, water and air, is it any wonder that there is such a cancer epidemic in our country and around the world?(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Just think of all those radionuclides which are getting internallized and irradiating people, continually, on their insides. Yes, it appears that the eugenicists' and the Nazi's dream has come to fruition!

Now, for those who are simply looking at the groundwater and aquifer route of contamination from Hanford, via the Yakima River route, getting into the Columbia River, simply click here and check out what is at that level and below it, in the right-hand margin information.

For the rest of you, just continue reading down this main column, to consider the spread of radioactive contamination and particles from Hanford, via the wind --- especially via dust storms. And, there is information about serious and deadly birth defects, like anencephaly, in the region surrounding Hanford, plus potential causes, along with a lot of other information.


The video, linked here, shows a relatively large dust storm in the Richland, Washington area. This storm occurred in the region where the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is located. The home video, linked here, shows conditions near one of the dust storms in this area. It mentions winds of 70 miles per hour. Linked here is a home video showing what it's like when out in the average dust storm in southeast Washington.

A picture, linked here was taken during a dust storm at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. A photo, linked here, was take in West Richland, which is located near the Hanford site. It shows a huge dust storm moving through the area. A forum, linked here, includes pictures of dust storms in the region around the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

In 1996-1997, the author spent 13 months in the Tri-Cities area performing field work for a Franklin County PUD project. He worked there through two summers. He was caught outside in some of the dust storms in this region and realizes, from first hand experience, the large amount of dust and fragments of vegetation carried in these storms. He also realizes, from first hand experience, how easy it would be to inhale and internalize airborne radioactive particles from the Hanford area.

The storms generally blew from the west to the east, which often carried materials from the direction of the Hanford area into the farming region of Franklin County. Is there a possibility that contaminated material blowing in from the direction of Hanford is at least part of that "fertilizer" in the Franklin County area, spoken about by the DOE in that section further above, which is linked here, which puts uranium into the run-off water that empties into the Columbia River?


The uranium from Hanford, which was found in the Benton City water wells by mid 1947, proves how fast radioactive contamination from Hanford can move through the complex underground aquifer system in that region. Take another look at the size of the aquifer in this region, via a map, linked here. Yes, it is a vast aquifer system. And Hanford is located virtually in the middle of it.

Let us also note once again, on a map which is linked here, just how fast the water is said to move in the aquifer in the region of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Yes, the map indicates that it moves at a rate of 100 to 2,000 feet PER DAY.

It is time to look at that supporting evidence provided by the uranium found in the Benton City water wells in 1947. The calculations in the section further above, which spoke about the uranium in the water wells, is linked here. The uranium moved from the middle of the Hanford reservation to these wells, a distance of about 20 miles, in just 2-1/2 years. According to the calculation in the linked section, this uranium would have been traveling at an average rate of about 115.7 feet PER DAY. Possibly chelating agents used at Hanford helped the uranium to move this fast.

The use of chelating agents for dissolving insoluble isotopes at Hanford and other nuclear facilities, was discussed further up in this reports in the section titled 'Chelating Agents,' which is linked here. These chelating agents speed up the migration of materials from nuclear waste disposal sites through the soil. These chelating agents also help to remobilize these radioactive metals which may have become trapped in sediments, which then allows these dangerous materials to freely travel throughout aquifer systems, or into places like the Columbia and Yakima rivers.

Now back to the contamination of agricultural lands with uranium, and potentially the contamination of these lands with a number of other radionuclides. During the 1940s, large volumes of radioactive waste was forced into the aquifer via injection wells (also called reverse wells). Chelated plutonium and other radioactive elements also went into the aquifer. From the maps linked above, it is obvious that farmers are pumping out of the same aquifer into which Hanford injected chelated radioactive wastes. This contaminated water is then used to irrigate the foodcrops grown in this region.

So, it appears there may be contaminated, wind-blown radioactive products which are carried onto the farmlands of Franklin County from Hanford --- especially during those immense dust storms. Then, it appears that radioactively contaminated water is pumped out of the vast, regional aquifer system for use on food crops. Is it any wonder that there is a lot of uranium in the irrigation water which flows back into Columbia River from the agricultural lands of Franklin County?


A few sections above, the following words were noted from an article which is linked here. "About 330 pounds of uranium per year is released to the Columbia River from the Hanford 300 Area, according to DOE. But three irrigation outlets on the Franklin County side of the river release 3,500 pounds of uranium a year into the river from fertilizer and uranium that's naturally in the ground."

Let us now look closer at some of these words. The "uranium that's naturally in the ground" is there because that is where it was naturally injected by those in control of the injection or reverse wells at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, who naturally were not thinking properly. It was naturally injected into the ground and aquifer by those who naturally and most obviously did not have the best interests of regional residents in mind. It appears that they, potentially because of eugenics reasons, naturally had no concern about the health and well-being of people in the region.

Yes, once again, lest we forget it: this questionable government operation at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation naturally injected large quantities of radioactive materials directly into the ground, plus directly into the vast, regional aquifer system from which farmers and other agricultural entities in Franklin County (and also Benton County, plus other counties in the surrounding region) pump large quantities of water for their crops.

Unfortunately, all this chelated uranium, plus other chelated radioactive materials, are now naturally in the ground and groundwater, because that is where, once again, it was naturally put by the people at Hanford who were doing questionable things, under the cloak of secrecy. Clearly, the high volume of uranium and other radioactive materials in the ground and groundwater was not originally placed there by Nature. This high volume of uranium in the ground is not native to the region, nor to the very large and important regional aquifer system, nor to the Columbia and Yakima rivers.

It must be remembered that uranium in wells outside of Hanford did not start showing up until mid 1947, about 2-1/2 years after Hanford started disposing of large quantities of uranium and other nuclear wastes directly into the ground, groundwater and aquifer sytem. Once uranium was discovered in off-site wells, it is said that Hanford largely discontinued the use of reverse wells for injecting nuclear wastes into the aquifer system. The timing for "largely discontinued" use of reverse wells was no coincidence. It was related to the finding of radioactive materials in off-site wells.

Please note the use of the word "largely," in the preceding sentence. It appears that the use of reverse wells for pumping radioactive wastes into the groundwater still continued, but at a lower rate or volume than before. In other words, it appears that less than one-half the previous volume, thereafter, was injected into the aquifer during a given period of time.


Another deceptive play on words commonly used by the powers-that-be and the news media regarding nuclear radiation is: "no immediate health effects." They basically mock the ignorance and gullibility of the general public when they use this phrase. Those that propagate this phrase generally know that down the road, the irradiated individuals may experience a variety of health problems as a result of their radiation exposure, possibly experiencing very serious health problems and birth defects in their offspring, plus even early death.

Let us now consider an informed source. A document linked here is a Public Health Assessment for the Hanford Site. It states the following, on PDF page 14 of 284: "Health effects do not always appear immediately after exposure. A latency period a time between the exposure and onset of health effects can be 3 to 30 years or more. The most significant Hanford releases leading to off-site population exposures occurred during the primary plutonium production era (1944-1972). Again, health effects, if any, from these exposures may not appear for several years or even for decades."

Now that we understand the "play on words," or subtle deception, which is commonly used on the general public by the DOE and other powers-that-be, it is time to consider another facet of this very serious problem. Because of all the radioactive materials (chelated or otherwise) which were "naturally" placed in the ground by the workers and controllers at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, these radioactive materials may possibly contaminate the food grown in the Hanford region, to a certain degree, plus the waters drawn from the regional aquifer, for a very long time to come.

At this point, let us consider that which was presented further up in this report, under the section titled 'Chelating Agents.'(link) The seventh paragraph of that section has a link to a page titled 'Influence of chelating agents on the uptake of 239Pu and 241Am by plants.' The linked page shows that chelating agents facilitate a "significant increase in uptake" of radioactive elements into plants. So, what is most likely in that food produced in the Columbia Basin? You should know the answer to that question by now. And what can happen to people who continually internalize radionuclides? Cancer, for one?


A document by the State of Washington Department of Ecology, linked here, is titled 'Cleaning Hanford's Groundwater & Protecting the Columbia River.' On the bottom-middle of PDF page 3 of 4 is a section titled 'Phytoremediation.' That section declares the following:

"Phytoremediation uses plants to take up contaminants in their roots and leaves. This method is used quite extensively outside of Hanford. Ecology would like to see how phytoremediation can be used to 'polish' water along parts of the Columbia River. Plants like coyote willow are very effective. The plants could be cut down annually and the branches and leaves taken to ERDF [Environmental Restoration Disposal Facility], the Hanford landfill."

But, there is a lot more to this story. Yes, a form of phytoremediation is definitely being used "quite extensively outside of Hanford." It is called "crops grown on agricultural lands." The only problem is, these plants outside of the Hanford nuclear facility are not being cut down annually, to have their leaves and branches taken to the ERDF. And furthermore, it appears that radioactively tainted products from these plants (etc.) are entering the food chain, and are readily being used for human consumption, which allows radioactive elements to become internalized.


Yes, there may be a reason why the region around Hanford can "really grow those crops." A certain amount of radiation in irrigation water and/or the soil can actually make plants grow much faster and produce a larger crop. A bit more radiation can even lead to gigantism in plants (1), plus even larger fruits and more of them. This translates into a large crop harvest or a "bumper harvest."

As the amount of radiation is increased above the point of gigantism and bumper harvests, serious deformations begin to take place because of the intense radiation altering the DNA in the vegetation. A bit more radiation and vegetation dies off. At this point there is an obvious radiation problem which no one can contest, not even the U.S. DOE with all its "spin."

Certain types of vegetation are more susceptible to alteration or death by radiation than others. Yes, radiation placed in the environment can be used to modify or cull certain species or even to cull the weaker members within a species. Subtle and silent radiation in the environment may be the dream of the eugenics movement come true, which brings us temporarily to another matter.

Truly, the eugenicists did not lose World War Two. Since it appears that Adolph Hitler and the eugenicist Nazis lost the war, many believe that the horridly evil eugenics agenda associated with them was also done away with. But, that is simply not true. The subtle and conniving eugenicists from around the world, especially those in the United States, just appear to have suffered a minor or temporary setback, if any setback at all.

Many of the Nazi eugenicists and Knights of Malta from Germany were simply brought into the United States under the questionable and illegal Operation Paperclip and other operations like it. It also appears that a number of Nazi eugenicists ended up in the United States because of the ratlines which were operated by the Vatican, so they could continue their "holy war." (Yes, let us not forget that Hilter and the Nazis had a Concordat with the Vatican. They were like allies.)

Ultimately, these Nazi war criminals were placed in key positions in the United States where they could continue the criminal and eugenicist activities which they had been doing in Germany, under Adolph Hitler, except now, directly on the unsuspecting public in the United States. Some who have done their research wonder if a number of the Nazi eugenicists, or their offspring or apprentices, may now work for, or have a certain amount of control over, the U.S. Department of Energy.

Now, let us get back to the main subject. Information about the effects of ionizing radiation on vegetation is found in the button-links below. It appears that some of the thought behind radiation mutation of food products may have come from the Nazi or eugenics element which was brought into the United States. Then there is Monsanto, with its apparent connections to the Nazis, before and after World War Two, which has been into the genetic modification of food products, for a purpose.

While we are considering Monsanto and genetically modified foods, there is something to bring out. On page 32 of a book linked here, is found information relating to Sir Julian Huxley. In 1947, this man was "the first director-general of the children's world-wide organization, UNESCO." The book states that he "was a firm believer in eugenics." But, there is more to this story.

The book linked above states that Sir Julian Huxley, of UNESCO fame, "wanted to see 90% of the Worlds population killed off through genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more [like things]." Quite some diabolic things this eugenicist desired.

Note clearly that Huxley was speaking about killing people off through "genetically modified foods," those types of things which the Knight-of-Malta-founded Monsanto is producing (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). Now you know why President Obama freely signed into law the "Monsanto Protection Act."(1)(2)(3)(4) Yes, it does look like they are all working together.

So, it is time for a question. Is there a conspiracy in our country, like President John F. Kennedy spoke about before he was brutally and savagely assassinated in November of 1963? Yes, it appears they do want people dead! And it appears that the eugenicists, along with their "holy war" Nazi brothers, have hijacked the government for their foreign masters.

Continuing onward, Huxley also spoke about killing off people "through genetic tampering." No wonder the eugenicist-leaning U.S. DOE was such a big supporter of the Human Genome Project. No wonder there was and has been such a frenzy about that project and its implications throughout our world.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Are you awake yet?

As a side note, Huxley had a close friend and colleague named Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (link). The two first met in Paris in 1946, and discovered that they "were on the same quest."(1)(2)(3) Teilhard was a Jesuit priest. So, were Huxley's desires for killing off "90% of the Worlds population" just part of the continuing "holy war," somewhat related to the "holy war" which Hitler and the Nazis (which had a Concordat with the Vatican and their Nazi SS was modeled after the Jesuit organization) were perpetrating during the World War Two era?

Getting back to atomic gardening, it looks like a little bit of radiation can make plants grow faster and produce more, and a bit more can begin to alter or deform them. But, there comes a point where too much ionizing radiation kills them. Similar effects may also occur with humans and animals, as noted within the sample of pages linked below.

An Internet search can produce a considerable amount of information, both pro and con, about the effects of radiation on plants and humans. But, in all of this, we must differentiate between the main affects of ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. There can be a vast difference between the two.

Non-ionizing radiation most often is only on the outside of the human body. Ionizing radiation is something which can penetrate into the body or become internalized. Internalized ionizing radiation can cause damage to things like DNA, plus is can cause an array of health issues, one being cancer. An illustration, linked here, notes the body parts affected by the internalization of various radioactive elements, which give off damaging ionizing radiation.

The first article linked below comes from the International Atomic Energy Associate (IAEA). They may try to make radiation breeding sound good, but, by this time we may possibly know better.

Is it any wonder that there is such a variety of serious health problems, including cancers, in modern times? Is it any wonder that there are a number of new health problems which doctors apparently cannot explain or find any workable solution for? Basically, the evidence tends to indicate that we are dealing with a worldwide "experiment" which is possibly being perpetrated by adherents to the eugenics movement and that international organization which appears to control it.


The page linked below is from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It presents some basics which should be applicable to most alpha-emitting radionuclides or hot particles, especially when they become internalized.

The EPA page declares: "Most forms of plutonium emit alpha particles, which are not very harmful outside the body, but can be very damaging when inhaled. When plutonium particles are inhaled, they lodge in the lung tissue. The alpha particles can kill lung cells, which causes scarring of the lungs, leading to further lung disease and cancer."

The page states further: "Plutonium can enter the blood stream from the lungs and travel to the kidneys, meaning that the blood and the kidneys will be exposed to alpha particles. Once plutonium circulates through the body, it concentrates in the bones, liver, and spleen, exposing these organs to alpha particles."

The page also declares: "Plutonium that is ingested from contaminated food or water does not pose a serious threat to humans because the stomach does not absorb plutonium easily, it passes out of the body in the feces."

It appears that there are conflicting ideas on the absorption of plutonium via the stomach. The page linked below declares: "Inhaled plutonium can land in the lungs, where it can lead to cancer, but it -- and any that is ingested -- can also find its way into the blood stream where it is slowly absorbed into the body."

The page below provides information from "Mark Jensen, of the Argonne National Laboratory, and his colleagues." They wrote that plutonium "is strongly retained by humans when ingested." The page notes that plutonium primarily lodges "in bone and liver cells, where it can release harmful alpha radiation."

The link below accesses a page from the Los Alamos Science, Number 26, from 2000. Regarding the absorption of plutonium, PDF page 5 of 16 declares: "When inhaled, ingested, or passed into the blood stream through a wound, plutonium deposits in the lung, liver, or bones. Only about 10 percent of it is distributed to other organs."

Information on PDF page 9 of 16 notes that when plutonium is inhaled, "approximately 5% to 25% of the inhaled particles are retained by the body." It states further: "Depending on particle size (the smaller the particle, the higher its risk to be retained) and chemical form (soluble forms are more easily absorbed by the blood), inhaled plutonium will remain lodged in the lung or lymph system, or it will be absorbed by the blood and delivered mainly to the liver or bones."

On the right side of PDF page 9 of 16 is found the following information: "Ingestion of plutonium is the least likely entry route for plutonium particles. In adults, only about 0.05% of the ingested soluble plutonium compounds and a mere 0.001% of the ingested insoluble ones enter the blood stream. The rest passes through the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted." Further down, the page declares that "the human gastrointestinal tract absorbs only about 1 part of plutonium out of 5000 to 10,000 parts swallowed." But, it notes that plutonium is still very hazardous.

The document linked below, on PDF page 5 of 16, declares: "The plutonium atoms remain in the body for decades, a fraction of them emitting alpha ionizing radiation and damaging the surrounding cells."

Let us now consider tritiated water, like what is in the vast aquifer system beneath and surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, from which drinking and irrigation water is pumped. A Wikipedia page, linked here, notes that tritium is "a low energy beta emitter with a half-life of about 12 years." The page states that "it is a radiation hazard when inhaled, ingested via food or water, or absorbed through the skin."

A Scientific American page, linked here, declares: "Cancer is the main risk from humans ingesting tritium." It states further: "And, unlike other radionuclides, tritium is usually part of water, so it ends up in all parts of the body and therefore can, in theory, promote any kind of cancer." The page also states that "any tritiated water is typically excreted in less than a month."

At this point, there is something to consider. If a person lives in the Hanford region and drinks tritiated water out of the aquifer system on a relatively steady basis, they will continually have tritium in their body, working its internal damage potentially even to DNA. In such a case, they would have chronic internal exposure to ionizing radiation, with its detrimental health effects.


The dangers of chronic exposure to low-levels of ionizing radiation is a hotly contested issue, worldwide. It appears that internalized ionizing radiation causes many health problems, plus the largest variation in health problems. A couple of the more minor problems are noted in the articles linked below.

The second article linked below is about CFIDS/ME, or chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome / myalgic encephalomyelitis. Today, there is a considerable amount of chronic fatigue syndrome and immune dysfunction displayed by the general public. This appears to be different than things were in earlier times. It appears there has been a negative change in our environment.

Welcome to the nuclear age. Possibly many thanks for mysterious health problems should go to the eugenics movement --- plus those who actually control and manipulate them --- and their new, invisible and silent "tools" for genetic modification, population control and somewhat rapid population reduction.

Links below do include information from some who believe that radiation is now being used for population reduction. These links are available so the reader may consider different views. But, one thing must be corrected which shows up in some of these different views.

Some of the pages blame things on, as one page states it, the "Jew World Order." In all reality, research indicates that the Jews, plus many other groups of people, are simply being manipulated and used as a front or for pawns by another, very powerful world-wide organization. So, because of his research, the term "Jew World Order" is simply not acceptable to the writer.

The page linked below declares: "After the Chernobyl disaster, a significant increase in thyroid cancer was reported among children and adolescents exposed to radioactive iodine released at the time of the accident in Belarus, Russia, and the Ukraine."

It should be noted that the negative effects of chronic exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation can grow worse with each new generation, because of perpetual minor alterations in the DNA of humans.


Radiation has been stated as the cause for many birth defects and diseases. Radiation is noted as one of the causes for neural tube defects, also known as NTDs (1)(2). A list of NTDs include the following: anencephaly (3), encephaloceles, hydranencephaly, iniencephaly, lipomyelomeningocele, lipomeningocele, schizencephaly, spina bifida (4), and tethered cord.

Information implying an association between neural tube defects (NTDs) and ionizing radiation and/or heavy metals is accessed via the buttons below. The first link speaks about NTDs in the Ukraine, which are highest in areas impacted by the radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. This is something to remember, that the occurrence of NTDs are highest in areas which are impacted by radiation from nuclear accidents. Other large releases of ionizing radiation into the environment should cause similar problems.

The first link states that "ionizing radiation is one of the most widely known causes of genetic mutations resulting in BD [birth defects], as well as cancer." The second link implicates both heavy metals, such as mercury, and ionizing radiation as potential causes for NTDs. It should be noted that in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, many different heavy metals have gotten into the environment and into that vast, regional aquifer system, because of Hanford.

The link below declares: "Radiation during the first three months of pregnancy can cause birth defects such as microcephaly (small head), spina bifida (a hole in the back that marks the premature end of the spinal nerves), blindness, or cleft palate."

In regards to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the page linked below declares: "Within 2-3 years it was obvious that the rates of spina bifida and other defects of the nervous system, were many times greater than expected, particularly in one province. A few years later an excess of conjoined twins ("Siamese twins") was found. They found other nervous system problems, mainly microcephaly (tiny head)."

The page linked below speaks about a higher rate of certain birth defects in areas affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. People in these affected areas are faced with chronic exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation and neural tube defects (NTDs) are more prevalent. This relationship is something to make a note of.

The pages linked below give further information about an apparent relationship between ionizing radiation in the environment and birth defects or other serious problems, both in the United States and abroad.


A page linked below is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It declares: "Anencephaly is a serious birth defect in which a baby is born without parts of the brain and skull. It is a type of neural tube defect (NTD). These are birth defects that happen during the first month of pregnancy, usually before a woman knows she is pregnant."

The link below accesses a page from the Cleveland Clinic Children's. This page declares: "Anencephaly occurs when the neural tube, a narrow channel in the fetus that normally closes to form the spinal cord and brain, does not close properly between the third and fourth weeks of pregnancy."

It is important to note that the factors which cause anencephaly and other NTDs normally take effect, or occur, in the first month of pregnancy.


A page, linked here, indicates "that NTDs are caused by the environmental and genetic risk factors, or the complex interaction between them." It states: "Many environmental factors in the previous studies have been determined to be associated with the occurrence of NTDs," and then some factors are listed on the page, one of them being radiation.

Further down, the page linked above indicates that even the radiation emitted by things like radon gas from the ground can cause problems. That is because radon gas is radioactive and releases ionizing radiation. The page linked above notes further that "the fetus in uterus is at particular risk of damage from radiation." To clarify things further, it should be stated that the fetus is particularly at risk of damage by internalized ionizing radiation.

A page, linked here, speaks of some "radioactive-contaminated waste metal which was melted down at an industrial site, and in the process, radionuclides were released into the atmosphere, "where the wind deposited them in an unknown number of places." The page then states: "Shortly thereafter, a cluster of approximately a half-dozen children were born with anencephaly." Something similar to this process --- where radioactive materials are released into the atmosphere --- is happening in the region of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the Yakima Training Center --- also called the Yakima Firing Center.

The page linked in the paragraph above declares further: "As it turns out, in the early 90's one of the few known environmental factors known to cause anencephaly was radioactivity." Hold on now! Read that sentence again. Look at the following words closely: "one of the few known environmental factors known to cause anencephaly was radioactivity." At this point, let us ask if there have been any cases of anencephaly around that radioactive mess which we commonly call the Hanford Nuclear Reservation? With this question in mind, let us move along to the next source of information and what it has to say.

A page, linked here, is from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. It declares that "cephalic disorders are congenital conditions that stem from damage to, or abnormal development of, the budding nervous system."

The page, linked above, states further that "cephalic disorders are not necessarily caused by a single factor but may be influenced by hereditary or genetic conditions or by environmental exposures during pregnancy such as medication taken by the mother, maternal infection, or exposure to radiation." Once again, let us clearly note the inclusion of, "exposure to radiation."

The page above also makes known that "most cephalic disorders are caused by a disturbance that occurs very early in the development of the fetal nervous system."

Let us put together a number of important environmental factors from the entries above. It is indicated that NTDs and cephalic disorders are "caused by a disturbance that occurs very early in the development of the fetal nervous system." It is important to note that these disorders --- or things which result in birth defects --- "are not necessarily caused by a single factor." Let us note that "exposure to radiation" is mentioned, plus that "one of the few known environmental factors known to cause anencephaly was radioactivity."

Is anyone listening? What is happening in the region around the Hanford facility and the Yakima Training Center? What is happening at a rate which is obviously higher than the national average. Did I hear, "ANENCEPHALY?"

Well, the writer does know of a couple of places in that area which have allowed a lot of radioactivity to escape into the environment, even intentionally. He also knows of this place which has injected immense volumes of chelated radioactive wastes into the ground, groundwater, and even that regional aquifer system, from which drinking and irrigation water is pumped.

The writer also knows of a couple of places in the Columbia Basin region from which radioactive contamination has gotten into the air, even in the form of radioactive aerosols, in more cases than just one. This has allowed radiation to spread across the countryside and possibly become internalized in humans and animals. Is it any wonder there are birth defects in this region?


The articles linked below speak of an unusual cluster of serious birth defects in the Columbia Basin region, of Washington State. These serious birth defects include anencephaly and spina bifida. Linked here, here, and here are some examples of spina bifida. Things have gone rather quiet in the news media about the spike in birth defects in the Hanford region, but that does not mean the problem has slowed down or gone away. The controlled media is just not reporting it much, any more.

Some individuals on the Internet are blaming the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, Japan and the radiation it has added to the atmosphere as the cause for the increase in serious birth defects in Benton, Franklin and Yakima counties. Let us consider the facts. The normally rare birth defect called anencephaly began to appear in January of 2010 --- or, at least that's what a lot of sources declare. January of 2010 was long before the ongoing nuclear disaster began to unfold at Fukushima, Japan. And, there is a lot more to this story than is commonly being told.

A Seattle Times article, originally from 2015 and linked here, declares that "Dr. Lowell E. Sever, a retired CDC birth-defects expert who has studied neural-tube defect in Washington state...first reported high rates of anencephaly in Benton and Franklin counties in a 1988 paper that explored possible links with the nearby Hanford nuclear site, but found none." It appears that not many people noted this high rate of anencephaly in 1988. But then later, in 2010, it appears the subject began to get press coverage again.

Regarding the high rate of serious and deadly birth defects like anencephaly in the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, a page linked here declares: "As of November 2015 cases of anencephaly have continued to increase with the current rate at 9.5 per 10,000 live births."

The words "live births" indicates that those births which were terminated early because of miscarriage, or terminated early by abortion because of discovered defects, were not included in the rate of anencephaly calculations. It also appears that the reporting system for birth defects may be seriously flawed and "masking" or under-reporting may be taking place, possibly even to a large degree, in certain cases. Some of this is indicated in the page linked below.

Pages linked below present information on the serious spike in rare and deadly birth defects in the tri-county region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the Yakima Training Center, which is also called the Yakima Firing Center.

The Yakima Firing Center is that military facility where harmful depleted uranium weaponry has been fired apparently numerous times. As this type of weaponry slams into a target, it commonly produces radioactive aerosols in the air. These radioactive aerosols are then available for inhalation or ingestion, and internalization. Once these radionuclides are internalized in a woman who has recently conceived, the damage to the forming embryo can be severe. It also appears that the internalization of radionuclides prior to conception increases the potential for birth defects.


There was one link, a few sections above, which indicates that it took 2 to 3 years after the Chernobyl (Ukraine) nuclear disaster for a serious increase in birth defects to really become obvious.

Looking at the rise in serious birth defects in the tri-county region of southeastern Washington, two years before January of 2010 would be January of 2008. January of 2008 is obviously much too early for any effects from the much later occurring Fukushima nuclear disaster to be involved in at least the initial period of the Washington problem.

So, was there anything else different which was going on in the tri-county area of southeastern Washington in January of 2008, or earlier, which could have allowed radiation to become a factor in this spike in serious birth defects?

What all three of these counties have in common is close proximity to Hanford Nuclear Reservation. They also have something else in common, that being a rather complex, regional aquifer system (link), with Hanford Nuclear Reservation located almost in the middle of it. And, they also have the Yakima Training Center, at which the firing of depleted uranium DU weaponry began in the earlier 2000s, if not before, as indicated in the following pages: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). This would have allowed aerosolized radionuclides to enter the airstream from this location.


We must consider all avenues which could potentially be a factor in all those serious birth defects in the Hanford region. Hanford began contaminating that major, regional aquifer system in 1945, and, once again, by mid 1947, uranium had traveled rapidly through complex geologic features in the ground and began showing up outside of Hanford boundaries in at least the wells for Benton City, Washington, if not in other places also.

Yes, at least the uranium portion of all that chelated radioactive contamination, if not other chelated radioactive elements also, traveled about 20 miles in 2-1/2 years. This radioactive contamination traveled through the vast aquifer system at the average rate of about 8 miles per year, or about 115.7 feet per day.

About the time when uranium began showing up in wells outside the Hanford boundaries, in mid 1947, the use of reverse wells to inject radioactive wastes into the aquifer was said to be largely discontinued. Once again, note the use of the word "largely." Again, this indicates that the practice of injecting radioactive wastes into the aquifer may still have continued for a number of years, but on a more limited, more subtle scale.

Logic would say that through the years, the radioactive and chemical contamination which found its way into the complex aquifer system, by direct injection of chelated radioactive wastes into the aquifer and by waste tanks leaking their chelated radioactive wastes into the groundwater, has spread much further outside the boundaries of Hanford.

There is a chance that this immense volume of radioactive waste in the aquifer system --- that waste which includes chelating agents --- from which drinking and irrigation water is pumped, may be involved in those serious and deadly birth defects in the region. Radionuclides in the aquifer and drinking water definitely presents one avenue for radionuclides to become internalized in women who may soon become or are already pregnant.


One thing should be noted about the use of the contaminated aquifer. According to a page, linked here, from the City of Yakima WA, it has a number of wells for domestic use. It appears that these wells draw out of the complex aquifer system which Hanford has been contaminating for decades.

There is another piece of concerning information in that page from the City of Yakima WA. It states: "The city has made provisions to meet water demand in the ever increasing and more frequent droughts. This will be mitigated through the installation and use of Aquifer Storage and Recovery. Water will be stored in the ground during the winter and recovered during the summer in drought years."

Besides the use of a number of municipal wells, Yakima will pump fresh water from the Naches River into the underground aquifer for storage and later use. It appears that this practice will allow the public water system for the Yakima area to become "pre-treated" and readily receive its dose of any Hanford contamination available in the regional aquifer system. That way, it appears that everyone will be able to get their daily dose of radionuclides.

Possibly this is just one of the common threads between all the woman who have had, and are having, babies with serious and deadly birth defects in the Hanford region. Whether it was a rural water well or city water, it appears that these sources all present the potential for receiving water which has been radioactively contaminated by Hanford. But, in all reality, there is most likely a combination of "threads" which have caused these serious and deadly birth defects.

As shown near the bottom of a page, linked here, the Water Division for the city of Wapato, Washington (which is near Yakima) "maintains 5 municipal water wells which are the sources of water for Wapato's residents and customers." Being that it is in the area of that vast, regional aquifer system, it appears that Wapato's wells would draw water out of that same complex aquifer system which Hanford has steadily contaminated for decades with chelated radionuclides, plus a number of other hazardous wastes.

Now it is time to look at the Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for Kennewick, Washington, which is linked here. Kennewick uses wells and the Columbia River for water. The wells, because of their location above the regional aquifer system, could possibly draw out of that aquifer system which Hanford is contaminating, or out of other groundwater which may have the same problem.

To the credit of Kennewick, they are telling their customers the truth. On PDF page 5 of 10 of the report is found the following (underlining added by writer): "Materials that can be present in water include viruses or bacteria, radioactive substances, metals, nitrates and chemicals from industrial discharges, disinfection processes or from agricultural uses." The report, on PDF page 5 of 10, also states: "City of Kennewick drinking water sources include the Columbia River and two Ranney Collector wells."

A document, linked here, for the City of Pasco, Washington, on PDF page 2 of 4, declares: "A source water assessment has been conducted for your water source, the Columbia River." On PDF page 3 of 4 are found these words: "The Columbia River supplies all of the city of Pasco's domestic water supply."

The City of Pasco document, looking again at page 2 of 4, also states (underlining added): "As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity."

At this point, it should be noted that a variety of materials, including chelated radioactive wastes and other harmful materials, are steadily leaching out of the Hanford site and flowing into at least the Columbia River. Yes, it is very clear that there are likely Hanford radionuclides present in those water supplies for municipalities which pump out of the Columbia River or the Yakima River, downstream of the vast area affected by the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and all its hemorrhaging radionuclides.

Moving onward, the City of Richland, Washington, in their page for Source Water Protection information, linked here, on PDF page 1 of 9, declares that it "is updating its Wellhead Protection Program for its water system." It also speaks about "the City's five groundwater supplies located throughout the City."

On PDF page 2 of 9, of the City of Richland information, is found the following: "The City's water system was first constructed during the 1940s to support wartime activities at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Today's modern permanent water system has evolved from this temporary system of wells." But, there is more to this story. The document, on the same page, also states: "The water system currently utilitizes wells to augment the primary water source of the Columbia River."

Now, it is time to consider the water sources for the city of Benton, Washington. This one is very interesting to the writer because, as noted further up in this report, back in 1947, uranium from Hanford was already showing up in its water wells. The uranium from Hanford had only taken about 2-1/2 years to travel roughly 20 miles from the central portion of the Hanford site, and get into and radioactively contaminate these water wells.

The City of Benton City 'Drinking Water Quality Report - 2015' is linked here. The report declares: "The City maintains four water supply wells. Wells 2, 3 and 4 draw water from the Saddle Mountain Basalt. Well 1 draws water from alluvial gravels... The City is currently constructing a fifth well."

The Benton City report, under the section titled 'Quality,' states further (with underlining added): "As water flows over the land in rivers or through the gravel, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals, and it can become polluted by human or industrial activity... Materials that can be present include microbes such as viruses or bacteria; radioactive substances such as metals or nitrates; and organic chemicals from industrial discharges, disinfection treatment processes, or agricultural herbicides and pesticides."

There are things to note in the Benton City Drinking Water Quality Report. It talks about water flowing through the gravel. That would include the water which flows in the regional aquifer system from the direction of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. And yes, it has become polluted with "radioactive substances such as metals or nitrates; and organic chemicals from industrial discharges," because of the industrial activity at Hanford, plus because of all those radioactive waste materials which were deliberately pumped or injected into the regional aquifer system, starting in 1945.

There is more to consider about that deliberate pumping or injecting of chelated radioactive waste materials from Hanford, directly into the regional water supply. There are also things to consider when it comes to those billions of gallons of chelated radioactive contaminants, even high-level, tank-grade contaminants, which were dumped on the ground at Hanford, which could then work their way through the ground into the groundwater and regional aquifer system.


The Benton City Drinking Water Quality Report (link), under the section titled 'Special Health Information,' declares: "Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, elderly, and infants, can be at risk, and advice about drinking water should be sought from health care providers."

It is beginning to sound like the pumping, injecting and leaking of chelated radioactive wastes from Hanford into the regional water supply, combined with other detrimental factors in the region, is like the eugenicists dream come true. It goes along with the eugenics plan, which was spoken about in 1947 by Sir Julian Huxley of the United Nations. This UN director-general "wanted to see 90% of the Worlds population killed off through genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more [like things]."(link)

Is there a eugenics reason, or something like a "holy war" reason, why the U.S. DOE keeps stalling with the clean-up at the Hanford facility? It there a eugenics reason why they keep moving the date further and further back for the start-up of the Vitrification Plant? Does the stalling just give more time for the chelated radioactive contamination in the regional aquifer system and in the rivers, with a lot more contaminants on the way, just give that much more time for these materials to work in culling the more vulnerable in the general population? Yes, it appears to be a very subtle plan.


In the Columbia Basin and surrounding region, whether water is drawn out of the regional aquifer system via wells, or out of the Columbia River via pumping stations which are below at least the upstream boundary of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, the water has the potential for being contaminated by a number of radioactive Hanford waste products, to one degree or another. But, there is more to this story.

Water contaminated by Hanford's radioactive and chemical wastes in the regional water supplies is only one piece of the complex puzzle relating to individual health problems, plus serious and deadly birth defects in the surrounding region. There are also radioactive aerosols and dusts in the air from the use of depleted uranium weaponry in the region. Plus, it appears that hazardous RDX from the Yakima Firing Center (YFC) also has the potential for getting into the regional aquifer system.

The ability for RDX and other "energetic materials" to travel rather rapidly through the ground and into aquifer systems, while poisoning them, is noted in the pages linked below. Then, there is the potential for lead from the YFC to get into the ground, groundwater and potentially even the regional aquifer system, from which comes drinking and irrigation water.

As a side note: For those with an interest in municipal and private water sources, a thorough Internet search can generally provide the reader with water source types for virtually any city or town in the region, or virtually any place in the country, for that matter. Citizens may also have water samples tested at reputable independent testing facilities to find out what is actually in the water which they are drinking and bathing in.


There is something to consider about the relatively recent spike in birth defects in south-central Washington state. First, it must be noted that this cluster of birth defects began making itself obvious by January of 2010. As noted earlier regarding the Chernobyl nuclear accident, it took 2 to 3 years for the spike in birth defects to really start showing up after the radiation was spread into the environment. So, what else had changed in the Hanford region prior to 2010, and possibly even prior to 2008? Yes, a major "cleanup" effort at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation was underway.

As a result of this "cleanup" effort, many hazardous, sedentary radioactive wastes, even chelated wastes, which were in the aquifer system have been stirred up greatly, plus many "strange" chemicals have been used in this monumental "cleanup" effort.

Now, it should be noted, once again, that large quantities of radioactive materials had been pumped into the regional aquifer system, starting as far back as the 1940s. So today, there resides in this aquifer system an immense amount of radioactive wastes, chelated or otherwise, plus unknown quantities of other hazardous materials.

In the so-called "cleanup" effort, much contaminated ground has been dug up and stirred up. Much buried radioactive materials, including chelated materials, have been more readily exposed to the elements, including rainwater and wind. Because of things being dug up and moved around, a variety of radioactive dust particles from Hanford possibly can more readily get into the air currents of this region, especially during large dust storms.

All of this "cleanup" activity appears to have only helped to move the contamination, especially the chelated portion of it, more quickly and in a greater concentration into the groundwater and aquifer below, plus into the Columbia River, while allowing other radioactive or hazardous components to get into the air we breath. During this time, much radioactive waste has also been buried or reburied: some of it with the use of better methods, than in other cases. Yes, there is an ongoing nuclear nightmare and environmental catastrophy happening at Hanford.

To put matters in very simple terms, things have been greatly stirred up at Hanford. This has been happening for quite a number of years now, beginning in about 1989 (link). This has given about 28 years (as of 2017) for a higher concentration of radioactive and chemical contaminants to work their way into the ground and the moving water in the regional aquifer system. It has also given this high concentration of exposed contaminants time to be spread far and wide by air currents, plus animals and birds and fish. But there is much more to this story, as we will see later in this report.

Again, it must be noted that serious and deadly birth defects in Yakima, Benton and Franklin counties began showing up in larger numbers in January of 2010. The large number of these serious and deadly birth defects in the region is a relatively new phenomenon --- even though some cases of similar birth defects were noted as far back as 1988.

It is obvious that something has changed in the region in more recent times. Because the region where these birth defects have occurred surrounds Hanford, it is only reasonable to believe that the change may be centered, at least in part, around Hanford. Because of the nature of this problem in this region, it does not appear that it will be going away any time soon. But, what is likely at the heart of this problem --- or at least may be one major factor involved with this problem?


The page linked below speaks of "a pump and treat system that has been operating on the Department of Energy's Hanford site in Washington State since 1995." This early experimental pump and treat system at Hanford was relatively small. It was not a powerful, high-volume system which could readily break loose and stir up a large amount of sedentary contaminants into the waters of the aquifer.

The video linked below is from 2008. It shows that, at that time a number of new wells were being drilled into the aquifer at Hanford. These many wells are used "for monitoring contaminated ground water. Wells are also used to pump out contaminated groundwater, and treated water that meets strict regulatory requirements is returned to the aquifer." All of these new wells at Hanford were the start of a much larger and definitely much more agressive pump and treat system.

The drilling of numerous wells into the aquifer, plus a much larger and higher volume pump and treat system, can readily stir things up in the complex aquifer system --- especially those things like chelated radionuclides. In recent years, that water which is said to be treated has become a mighty torrent which gushes into the aquifer from above. But, there is more to consider in this picture.

Anytime the water in an aquifer system is forced to flow at a rate higher than nature intended, erosion can and does occur at a higher rate. The higher and more aggressive the flow rate, the greater chance there is for a more serious erosion problem. The mighty torrent of water from the multiple injection wells at Hanford may greatly increase the chances for serious erosion within the supporting structure of the aquifer system.

In principle, what is happening in the aquifer beneath Hanford Nuclear Reservation, because of the high flow of water from the pump and treat program, is somewhat similar to what was occurring with the hydraulic gold miners of the 1800s. With their high pressure and high volume water jets --- which were called "monitors" --- they could readily and rapidly cause serious erosion to take place. With their particular style of water systems, they could rather rapidly erode things and take down whole mountainsides. These types of activities are discussed or observed in the links below.


A forced, higher-than-normal flow rate within an aquifer can and will produce erosion, to one degree or another. This erosion can potentially produce things like voids within the structure of that aquifer. Voids, with continued high, forced flow rates may lead to the production of various sizes of caves, cave-ins, caverns or sinkholes and other irrepairable damage within the aquifer. Erosion may also allow for an artificial connection between various levels of a multi-level aquifer system.

Destabilization of, or damage to the vast, multi-level regional aquifer system beneath the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is something which is not highly desirable. Furthermore, the potential for the creation of a sinkhole beneath a large area of highly radioactive wastes is also not desirable.


The page linked below declares: "The DOE's goal was to treat 1.4 billion gallons by the end of the fiscal year, which runs from October 2012 to September 2013. CH2M Hill met this performance goal three months ahead of schedule in June and has removed approximately 36 tons of contaminants so far this fiscal year."

So, CH2M Hill is forcing approximately 1.4 billion gallons back into the porous aquifer system, via injection wells, in a period of nine months. That is creating an incredible flow of water, which opens up the potential for really large-scale underground erosion.

The article goes on to state: "To date, Hanford contractors have treated approximately 7.8 billion gallons of groundwater and removed approximately 55 tons of contaminants, including nitrate, carbon tetrachloride, hexavalent chromium, uranium and technetium-99."


There is one thing to consider here. "Approximately 7.8 billion gallons of groundwater" had been sucked out of the contaminated aquifer and been filtered to supposedly remove 55 tons of contaminants. All this was said to have been done by mid 2013. Then this 7.8 billion gallons of water was rushed back into the aquifer through injection wells. The incredible flow rate of all that water gushing into the aquifer from the injection wells can really, yes, REALLY stir things up in the contaminated aquifer.

Water gushing into the aquifer in such a great volume from the injection wells could readily stir up radioactive sediments --- sediments of radioactive materials which had earlier settled out of solution. This stirring up of the sediments causes radioactive materials --- especially chelated radioactive materials --- to now become more mobile.

Yes, a lot of contamination is claimed to have been removed from a hellaciously contaminated regional aquifer system, at least in rather localized areas beneath Hanford. But, in this so-called Pump and Treat Program, a large plume of radioactive contaminants is generally stirred up and allowed to move about much more freely --- once again, especially those chelated materials.

There is one other thing which is pretty much guaranteed. There is absolutely no way that all of the stirred-up radioactive contaminants in the aquifer system can or will be recovered by that monstrous extraction system, which they commonly call the Pump and Treat Program. Yes, they may be getting a lot of tritium for their efforts, to keep the "bomb boys" happy. But, there is much more to this story.

The unrecovered portion of those now remobilized, chelated and otherwise radioactive and chemical contaminants, is now free to travel to other parts of the large, regional aquifer system --- as the underground flow dictates. These mobilized contaminants may readily find their way into drinking water and irrigation systems within the region. Is it any surprise that birth defects are spiking in the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, especially in relatively recent times?


In the page linked here and above, called "CH2M Hill Treats 1.4bn Gallons Contaminated Groundwater," one very important contaminant --- which they appear to be recovering in very large volumes --- was left out of their list. It did not show one of the key contaminants which is being removed from the groundwater, which can be used for other purposes.

The page linked below helps complete the list, as it declares: "The new central Hanford plant is removing not just chromium, but also seven additional contaminants from the groundwater: nitrate, carbon tetrachloride, uranium, technetium 90, tritium, iodine 129 and trichloroethylene."

The very important and very key material being drawn out of the complex aquifer system, which was left out of the page linked further above, is tritium. Why is tritium so important and such a key material?

Well, it is now time for a bit of history and very basic nuclear science, before we return to what appears to be a great disaster being created in the regional aquifer system. Birth defects in the area surrounding Handford will also be considered a bit more, as it relates to an apparent radioactive mining project, for military purposes.


The pages linked below declare that "Tritium (3H) is essential to the construction of boosted-fission nuclear weapons." The tritium is mixed with deutrium to get the desired effect in boosted --- those much more powerful and destructive --- nuclear bombs. The pages continue: "This process releases a flood of 14 MeV neutrons which cause additional fissions in the device, greatly increasing its efficiency."

What this means is, tritium is necessary to give much more "bang power," or much greater destructive power, to your standard nuclear bomb or other nuclear weaponry. No wonder they are feverishly collecting tritium in large quantities --- via the so-called Pump and Treat Program --- from the radioactive groundwater and that vast, radioactively contaminated aquifer system which is beneath the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the surrounding region.

A page linked below declares: "A few grams of tritium inside a bomb help to produce a more efficient chain reaction - the same destructive energy from less fuel. This translates into smaller, lighter warheads." So, with the use of tritium, you get more bang for your buck in your nuclear weapon --- something which certain parties or organizations associated with the military possibly go into a state of ecstasy over, whenever they consider it.

With the help of tritium, even a large, existing nuclear bomb could be given the ability to create even much more havoc. On the other hand, a tiny nuclear bomb built into the slug of a standard-size rifle bullet would allow for even more destruction, when the gun is fired. The same would hold true for tritium and nuclear-powered land mines and hand grenades, plus other military devices along this line of thinking.

The 2016 page, linked below, contains some additional information on tritium. On PDF page 5 of 13 is a section titled 'Boosted Fission Devices.' This section, plus a number of those which follow, give a general idea of the enhancement which tritium offers to nuclear weaponry.

The pages linked below present additional information on tritium and boosted fission weapons.


As President Dwight D. Eisenhower was ending his presidential term in 1961, he spoke many important words of wisdom, plus did his patriotic duty "by warning the nation about the increasing power of the military-industrial complex." This is noted in the page linked below, plus is seen in the video linked here, starting and leading up to his warning at a video-time of 6:43, with the lead-in to the direct warning starting at 7:19, and warning at 8:40. With a powerful military-industrial complex, Eisenhower declared, "the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."

President Eisenhower knew what he was talking about. He had been the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe, during World War Two (link). He had seen, first hand, the beginning of the "rise of misplaced power" during that era and after. In at least the latter part of World War Two, the military and the intelligence communities, in certain sectors, virtually went rogue. They were in total insubordination to their Commander and Chief, the President of the United States, and became a law unto themselves, while basically committing acts of treason, and got away with it.

These acts of insubordination to the direct orders of the Commander and Chief --- to the President of the United States --- during World War Two and after, are noted in the well-researched book, titled 'Secret Agenda: the United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt, which is found at the following links: (1)(2)(3). These acts began occurring during the presidency of Harry S. Truman, who was the two-term predecessor to President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The linked page states: "Eisenhower cautioned that the federal government's collaboration with an alliance of military and industrial leaders, though necessary, was vulnerable to abuse of power." Once again, Eisenhower had seen the abuse of power which happened during and shortly after World War Two (WW2), when certain sectors of the military and intelligence communities virtually went rogue and began doing illegal acts. Let us keep this type of scenario in mind throughout this discussion, especially as it relates to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the so-called "cleanup" project.

It is now time to consider at least some of that "abuse of power" which occurred during the WW2 era, and after, that we may better undertand what can and is often happening in our day, even potentially at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Once again, during the WW2 era, certain segments of the military and the intelligence communities went totally rogue. They were blatantly lying and deceiving and covering-up their illegal acts, as they became a law unto themselves, while doing what they wanted, no matter what anyone else said.

This rogue group of individuals worked diligently together, as if driven by some unseen force. And yes, from information now available, there appears to have been the "hidden hand," an actual organization which was the "hidden" force that was guiding it all. This rogue group hid behind a wall of secrecy --- they hid behind the "CLASSIFIED" stamp --- as they wilfully became outlaws and violated any U.S. laws which got in their way. From information available, it appears they were wilfully performing acts of treason.

While going totally rogue, members of the military and intelligence communities illegally brought in ardent Nazis --- Nazis who had been on a "holy war" --- and hid them from the U.S. Immigration authorities. Then, to make matters worse, they wilfully began to perform acts of treason as they falsified information about these ardent Nazis --- Nazis who were even enemies of our legitimate government and its citizens.

In a number of cases, this rogue group gave the Nazis "new" backgrounds and identities. Then they placed these Nazis in key positions in the United States. In essence, this rogue group, behind a wall of secrecy, while changing the very "fabric" of the nation, as they took over the United States from within and hijacked the country. It appears that now the military and the intelligence communities virtually control the nation, rather than our legitimate government being in ultimate control. It appears that things are not really being done in the way which they are supposed to be.

Many of these Nazis were integrated into the military-industrial complex. Some of them were even attached to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission --- that nuclear bomb building and testing agency which morphed into the U.S. DOE. These Nazis were associated with that agency which then began spreading radiation in the environment, which ultimately resulted in many health issues, cancers, and birth defects in offspring, for U.S. citizens. To those who have done their research, it appears that the Nazis "holy war" just continued, but subtly on our own soil.

For those who would like more detailed information about what happened during the extended rogue period of U.S. history, during the World War Two era and after, it can be found in at least one well-researched book titled 'Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt (1)(2)(3). Further research on the Internet can also turn up other related information.

It is now time to get back to President Eisenhower and the military-industrial complex, which now had imbedded Nazis with "holy war" ideologies placed in key positions. In all of this, Eisenhower was just doing the best he could with "the platter" which had been dumped into his hands. The links below access further information about President Eisenhower's thoughts on the rapidly growing military-industrial complex. In the first linked page is found these words: "In an effort to control the expansion of the military-industrial complex, Eisenhower consistently sought to cut the Pentagon's budget."

There is something to note in one of the pages linked below. The military-industrial complex was originally called the "Military-Industrial Congressional Complex." Yes, Congress, or at least a certain segment of it, was also a part of the questionable activities which were happening. It appears that a certain segment of Congress has aided and abetted things which possibly should never have happened in the United States.

A page, linked above, is titled 'Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex." It is worth taking a closer look at what it is declaring. It notes some international organizations, plus some foreign-based organizations, which research indicates are in control of the Military-Industrial Complex. It appears that these organizations were behind the rogue and treasonous activity which occurred during the World War Two era, and thereafter.

These international organizations and internationalists --- at least as one earlier U.S. president indicated --- do not have any allegiance to the United States or its legitimate citizens. The allegiance of members of these organizations is aimed in another direction. Furthermore, it appears that they have virtually no care about the safety or well-being of this nation or its citizens. And, there is a reason for this.

The page above mentions the Knights of Malta and the Vatican. It should be noted that the Nazis from Germany also had ties to these organizations. Since the Knights of Malta are mentioned as controlling a number of things, let's look at the Extreme Oath of the Knights of Malta, plus the nature of that "holy war," as it is shown on the Internet at the following links: (1)(2)(3). A page, linked here, gives a bit more information about this group --- which group is tied in with the Military-Industrial Complex. With this information in mind, let us now get back on track and move onward.


The "Military-Industrial Congressional Complex" appears to be stuck in something like a vicious circle. War, war, and agitate for more war is now something extremely hard for the nation to break free from, because of the foreign beast's "stranglehold" on the reigns of power and how things are now being run in this country. This situation also has something to do with the allegiance of certain government and military entities to a foreign power.

As President Eisenhower declared, "the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." It appears that Eisenhower was a wise man, for it does strongly appear that the abuse of power does exist and, by the looks of it, it will be very persistent. Part of this abuse of power had to do with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, in 1963. But, that is another whole story.

There is something important to note at this time. Retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, during the George W. Bush administration, has something to say about this situation. In the 2016 page linked below, when it comes to what President Eisenhower openly stated in 1961, Wilkerson declares: "The military-industrial complex 'is much more pernicious than Eisenhower ever thought'."

Wilkerson indicates that, compared to President Eisenhower's day, when the President warned about the dangers of the military-industrial complex in 1961, "the problem is much deeper and more profound today, and much more subtle and sophisticated." Wilkerson also indicates that our wars are simply for "corporate interests," rather that for the best interests of the citizenry. But, it goes far deeper than that. It has to do with the interests of a foreign entity or organization. Possibly this is why things are now happening the way they are, even at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Once again, the page linked above notes that our wars are simply for "corporate interests." At this point, there is a thought which does come to mind, and a statement just has to be made. The Vatican and the Catholic Church appears to be a corporation (1)(2)(3)(4), and it appears that the Nazis, during the World War Two era, were on a "holy war" for that corporation. Considering the many wars upon this earth and who actually is in control of the nations, there is one thing to note. There is an ancient writing which speaks about "that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."(link)

Those who have seriously studied the ancient writing, noted in the paragraph above, understand that this "great city" being spoken about is actually Rome --- or more accurately, in our day, the corporation of the Vatican and its worldwide "Beast" government. So, if you wonder who actually is in control of the Military-Industrial Congressional Complex and why we are having so many wars, possibly there is some truth to that old saying which declares: "All roads lead to Rome."

Possibly it is actually because of those who really own and control the military-industrial complex (those who are noted in the page linked here) that things are going the questionable way they are at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Possibly that is why the Department of Energy is blatantly ignoring the wishes of the citizenry, when it comes to properly cleaning things up at this highly contaminated site. Possibly they have no real intent to actually clean things up --- at least not in the right way.

By the way, what is REALLY going on at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation? What is another side of that supposed "clean up" REALLY all about? It is time to present, in no uncertain terms --- what appears to be --- the rest of the story on a certain part of that "clean up" project. But first, a little information and history on a "coveted" radioactive gas called tritium.


From what is indicated in the section above, wars of the United States in more recent history have been for the benefit of corporate interests. And, in many cases, these "corporate interests" are often owned or controlled by individuals who are members of, or associated with, the Knights of Malta. The Knights of Malta is actually a Catholic military organization whose members have taken an oath which placed them in submission to, or under the control of, Rome and its goals for world control.

Now, back to the tritium issue. Tritium is said to have been in short supply for military purposes, in the 1980s (1). This radioactive gas is said to be vitally needed for nuclear bombs. As already noted further above, tritium gives these bombs a much larger destructive potential. It possibly also has use in other nuclear-related weaponry --- possibly even depleted uranium weaponry, which may potentially include things like specialized, "depleted" uranium rifle bullets.

The first article linked below, from 1986, indicates that tritium was the U.S. military's "number 1 weapons priority." The military was, at that time and after, looking to Canada to fill its needs and desires for large amounts of this nuclear weaponry enhancer. This is noted in the pages linked below.

But, as often is the case, there is the cover story about needing tritium "mainly" for nuclear detection systems or for "scientific" purposes --- as if killing is a science. But then again, during the Crusades and Inquisitions, during the "holy wars" of years gone by, it appears that they were keeping detailed records relating to their torture, killing methods and various procedures (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8), almost like a scientist would do when "experimenting."

This information about tritium brings up a question. Exactly what level of destructive power would be experienced if tritium was combined in a special way with depleted uranium weapons on the battlefield? Possibly it could give special rifle bullets and anti-tank shells a whole lot more killing power. They would then be the nuclear weapons which just keep on killing --- killing personnel on both sides of the conflict, even if used by only one side. Oh, but that is already happening.

Then there is, potentially, the very subtle (wink, wink) population-control side of tritium --- possibly even the sterilization side (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). Yes, it appears that tritium could be the eugenicists dream come true. But, let us not deviate too far from the intended path for this report. Let us return to the typical nuclear device and a particular problem associated with tritium.


Tritium is a radioactive element which is constantly decaying. It has a half-life of about 12.3 years (link). It is constantly disappearing as it converts into helium (link). For this reason, tritium in the nuclear arsenal needs to be replaced every now and then, if the military is to maintain or increase the destructive power of its individual nuclear weapons. But this brings up a problem.

There has been concern in the military (link) about a source for new tritium, since the government's tritium-producing reactor at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina was closed down in 1988 "for safety reasons" (1)(2)(3)(4). It appears there were just too many accidents (link) and near accidents at this facility. So, in the midst of a very unstable world (Yes, created that way by whom?), the military has been looking for a reliable source for its desired tritium.


An article linked via the button below is from The Seattle Times, of Friday, February 4, 2000. It declares: "A groundwater sample shows the presence of tritium at 400 times the federal drinking-water standard in a monitoring well 3.6 miles from the Columbia River at the Hanford nuclear reservation."

The article states: "Although Hanford did not produce tritium for defense purposes (?), it did research on tritium production. Some tritium-producing targets that were bombarded with radiation in Hanford reactors are buried at the site and could be leaching out." That story sounds good for the press, but there possibly is a whole lot more to the tritium production story than just a few targets buried in the ground.

Is it all that steadily reacting radioactive waste and nuclear fuel components which are in the ground at Hanford that are constantly producing new tritium in all that groundwater --- yes, in all that groundwater in the vast aquifer system from which the public is drinking and from which crops in the region are being irrigated? Possibly, it is the eugenicist's, the nuclear bomb-maker's, and even the Knights of Malta's, wildest dream come true --- killing the proverbial "two birds" with "one stone."

That major jump in the groundwater tritium level, as told by the media, is based only from that particular sample from one particular monitoring well. There are a lot of dry wells at Hanford, so the tritium levels across the Hanford site cannot be monitored properly, at least from what they have been tellings us, as noted elsewhere in this report. The real truth about Hanford tritium production for eugenicist and military (think Knights of Malta) purposes is most likely "classified and top secret." There is a whole lot more about Hanford which they are not telling the public.

As a passing note, from what the article linked above states, the Department of Ecology hoped to know better the actual tritium concentration in the groundwater a couple of weeks after the article was written --- which concentration the public will most likely never be told the truth about. Why? Well, for one reason, the public may be drinking that tritiated water. They also might be irrigating their crops with that tritiated water. The internalization of all this tritiated material, by the general public, could potentially lead to some type of legal scenario. So, "quiet" is the rule of the day.

It is clear from the linked article that this tritium is in an "underground plume." Logic would say, and diligent research agrees, that this tritium in the groundwater is included in, plus is a continually produced product of, all that leaking radioactive waste and nuclear fuel components which have been buried in, or are leaking into, the ground at Hanford. But, there is more to this story.

All this tritium which is continually being produced and increased in the groundwater and aquifer system is also a product of all those radioactive materials which are steadily reacting and were intentionally injected into the groundwater of the vast, regional aquifer system beneath the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. And, once again lest we forget, this vast aquifer system is the place from which drinking and irrigation water is pumped in the surrounding, tri-state region.


A portion of an article titled "Radioactivity in Water Blamed on Disposal,' from the October 1, 2000 issue of The Columbian from Vancouver, Washington, linked here, adds a bit more to the information. It notes that all this "radioactive tritium contamination in groundwater" is coming from "high-level nuclear waste [which] was buried in containers that had no bottoms." The full article (for which you will have to find a copy) notes that "Low-level radioactive waste was also dumped into trenches for burial."

Research indicates that these were unlined trenches in which the radioactive wastes were dumped, from which unlined trenches, rainwater and snow-melt could work their way through so the radioactive materials, especially if they were chelated, could readily work their way downward to groundwater. Yes, it appears that Hanford Nuclear Reservation is a much bigger radioactive mess than the general public realizes or is being told about.

The full Columbian article (of which you will have to find a copy) declares: "Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen that poses a cancer risk when ingested." Because there is so much tritium in the groundwater, it would be interesting to know the actual number of people in the region surrounding Hanford who are afflicted with cancer or other serious health problems.

And again, according to the linked article, the buried containers of high-level radioactive waste have absolutely no bottoms. Yes, that means that they are virtually wide open to the ground, groundwater and aquifer below. These buried containers of high-level nuclear waste include five (5) "large corrugated metal pipes, and 50 bottomless drums." A whole lot of high-level, highly radioactive nuclear waste can be packed into five "large corrugated metal pipes, and 50 bottomless drums."

And, once again, in addition to all this high-level radioactive waste in bottomless containers, there was that large volume of radioactive waste which was forcefully pumped directly into the groundwater and aquifer system via at least eleven (11) known reverse or injection wells, starting in the 1940s. The eleven known reverse or injection wells are scattered across the Central Plateau of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation (link).

The preceding linked document, on PDF page 8 of 17, also notes that there are 94 Vertical Pipe Units (VPUs) in which are buried moderate and high-level wastes. These VPUs "were constructed by welding five bottomless drums together and burying them vertically about 10 feet apart." Note clearly that these VPUs are bottomless, which allows radioactive substances, especially chelated substances, to work their way downward into the ground and groundwater, plus into the waters of the vast aquifer system.

The linked document also speaks about unlined trenches for radioactive waste, which may have included liquids. The distance from the bottom of the unlined trenches to groundwater is said to be about 30 to 40 feet, but can vary. If radioactive wastes with included chelating agents were dumped in these unlined trenches, radioactive substances could move much more rapidly to groundwater and that aquifer system from which people drink and agricultural products are irrigated.

And now, it is time to present that which appears to be the biggest Hanford mess and fiasco of all, plus one of the biggest idiotic plans of all time --- unless of course you are an ardent eugenicist with diabolic intents or with Nazi ideologies. Then, from the eugenicist point of view, it is a most exceedingly brilliant plan.


For cleanup at the vast Hanford site, the document linked here, on PDF page 12 of 17, indicates that things are only being "cleaned" to a depth of 15 feet below the surface (that is 15 feet, but only in certain, limited areas), and below 15 feet, things may still be contaminated with very dangerous, highly radioactive materials. That page also notes that after the cleanup process, there will be restrictions to prevent orchards in the area or any wells being drilled. But, PDF page 13 of 17 indicates that they plan on putting homes on this highly contaminated nuclear site.

The first paragraph on PDF page 13 of 17, in the document linked above, talks about information (think: restrictions on digging, orchards, etc.) to "be spelled out in the deeds for homes." It appears that things are being kept somewhat quiet about those plans for putting residential homes on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It does not look like it is openly being presented to the public via the standard media outlets. So, let us look further for anything which hints about the potential for homes on the Hanford reservation lands.

An article, linked here, declares: "But EPA has not wanted future uses to be precluded for most of the traditionally open land at the 300 Area, and the final decision covers cleanup to standards similar to those for residential use." The article then states: "DOE said it plans cleanup to standards needed for unrestricted surface use of the land."

A 2016 document regarding the Hanford site, linked here, on PDF page 4 of 11, notes that "the Department of Energy (DOE) has reasonably anticipated future use as conservation and preservation. EPA and Ecology believe that other uses, including residential use, are reasonably anticipated for the site."

A 2002 document from the U.S. Department of Energy, linked here, is titled 'Performance Management Plan for the Accelerated Cleanup of the Hanford Site.' On PDF page 15 of 141, the document declares that "the 100 Area land surface will be cleaned to a level suitable for residential use..." Yes, the surface will look deceptively "pretty," but what will still be just a little deeper down?

A September 1999 document, linked here, is titled 'Final Hanford Comprehensive Land-Use Plan Environmental Impact Statement (HCP EIS), Hanford Site, Richland, Washington." It is basically the 50-year-plus plan for the Hanford site. On PDF page 271 of 401 is a section titled 'Moderately Restricted Access.' Regarding Moderately Restricted Access, the page states: "This type of access would consider limited residential-type usage of the area and could accommodate small schools and commercial businesses."

On PDF page 56 of 401 of the document linked above is found Table 1-3. Scroll down in that column titled 'Potential Mission Impact on Hanford,' to the following words: "100 Areas to be remediated to allow unrestricted residential use: Unrestricted Surface use; Restricted subsurface and groundwater use; Support facilities for groundwater pump-and-treat remediation systems must be maintained."

The paragraph above speaks about unrestricted residential use in the 100 Areas. Looking at a map, linked here, the 100 Area is that northern portion of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, northward from Gable Mountain and Gable Butte to the Columbia River. This is the area where all the nuclear reactors were and where their waste was handled.

A document, linked here, on PDF page 8 of 24, declares: "Located directly adjacent to the river, the 100 Area once contained nine plutonium production reactors." It also states: "Years of plutonium production generated billions of gallons of liquid waste and millions of tons of solid waste and contaminated soil."

The page linked above also states: "In the 100 Area, hexavalent chromium concentrations are detected at levels much higher than the federal drinking water standard..." And, "Nuclear waste products also exceed drinking water standards in the 100 Area." A document, linked here, declares: "Tritium, cobalt-60, strontium-90, technetium-99, and uranium were detected in springs and seeps along the Columbia River along the 100 Areas..."

In portions of an EPA Superfund Record of Decision for Hanford 100-Area, from September of 2000, linked here, residential use of the Hanford area is discussed. On PDF page 27 of 65, it notes that for either recreational or residential use, "future users could be exposed to contaminants in soil through ingestion of soil, inhalation of wind-blown dust, or external exposure to radiation."

Well, ingestion or inhalation of radionuclides from this area can allow them to become internalized, which can potentially create all kinds of heath problems, as a result of continual internal irradiation. Just read some of those reports about what is happening to various Hanford clean-up workers.

And, regarding "inhalation of wind-blown dust," one thing virtually guaranteed for the Hanford region is those huge dust storms (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). This allows people in the area to have plenty of particles to inhale. Once again, looking at the document linked above, PDF page 27 of 65, speaks of "the contaminants in the 100 Area Burial Grounds providing the highest contribution to potential increased human health risks include the radionuclides carbon-14, cesium-137, cobalt-60, strontium-90, tritium [H-3], and europium-152."


Putting homes on the supposedly cleaned up Hanford site does appear to present a very serious health problem for people who would potentially live there. With all that radioactive waste decaying, starting just 15 feet or less below the ground surface, is there the potential for a very serious, radioactive radon gas problem in houses and other structures built on this site?

Pages at the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) --- note that radon gas is a carcinogen which can cause cancer. Once radioactive radon gas decays, it leaves behind the "highly radioactive heavy metallic decay products [which are] Polonium, Lead, and Bismuth." These highly radioactive decay products "tend to collect on dust in the air," where they can be inhaled and become stuck on passages leading to the lungs, plus also in the lungs themselves. And, this can lead to lung cancer. But, there is more to this gruesome story.

Information linked in the paragraph above indicates that radon and its decay products can cause "chromosomal aberrations" (DNA damage, which may affect future generations) and other health issues. Radon has been linked to things like malignant skin cancer (malignant melanoma) and also blood cancer (leukemia), with potential links to "Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases and Paget's Disease of Bone."

It is noted within the pages linked above that radon can move through the body and concentrate in the brain, bone marrow, and nervous system, wreaking havoc in these areas as the radon decays into its radioactive "daughter" elements --- those, once again, being radioactive polonium, lead and bismuth. Some studies also indicate that radon presents a more serious danger to young people.

Besides being a product of uranium decay, radon is also the gas released from radium. Radon is also soluble in water, which means it could readily be in that aquifer system beneath Hanford, into which all that radioactive waste has leaked and been pumped since the 1940s. It also appears that radon could be in the drinking and irrigation water which is drawn from this vast aquifer system.

Looking at the information presented above, there is one opinion the writer does have. If someone has children or young people in their family, or are planning on these being in their family, a Hanford residence may not be for them, especially for health reasons.

But, on the other hand, if someone were to be a eugenicist or one of their affiliates who desire a quicker reduction in population, and are not concerned about any kind of collateral damage, then they may be encouraging people to move to a Hanford residence. But there is more to this story.

It appears that a lot of the area around Hanford has a problem with radon gas. Is the severity of this problem in any way related to all the radioactive waste which has leaked or was intentionally pumped into that vast, regional aquifer system --- that aquifer system which resides below this whole region and from which drinking and irrigation water is pumped?


During the World War Two era, Adolph Hilter and the eugenicist Nazis boldly exterminated millions of people in their rather large and obvious kill facilities. They also performed ghastly and vile human experimentation on numerous individuals. As they did these evil deeds and crimes against humanity, they very methodically recorded the findings of these experiments.

Then, by various avenues, apparently at the behest of a foreign State, many of these Nazi war criminals were illegally brought into the United States under programs like Operation Paperclip. These programs then allowed these Nazis to continue with their eugenicist endeavors for their foreign masters.

To those who have been diligent with their research, it appears the eugenicists may have now arranged for the more subtil "soft kill" type of extermination centers --- those which the general public may not so easily recognize. Some of these "soft kill" sites may be called residences which are built over highly radioactive waste dumps --- like those which are planned for the Hanford site.

In all of this, there is one thing to note. With the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) nearby, with its staff of over 4,400 scientists, engineers and business professionals, they should readily be able to record the findings of what appears to be the beginnings of a world-class case of unethical human experimentation.


Looking back a few sections (link), in the first paragraph of that section is noted that "there will be restrictions to prevent orchards" at the residental sites at Hanford. Some may ask why there would be a restriction which would prevent orchards on this Hanford land, after the whole cleanup project is supposedly finished.

The reason that there will be a restriction on orchards is because the roots of these trees would go further than just 15 feet into the ground and would be sucking up highly radioactive substances from the vast area of contamination below. This radioactive contamination would get into the marketable products, which could then become internalized radiation in those who eat the products. This means that if you had even one or two fruit trees around your Hanford house, the very same thing would most likely be happening to their fruit.

Moving onward, the source, linked here and further above, notes that plutonium is also in the groundwater at Hanford, plus possibly other acidified contaminates and radionuclides. Some of these are things like uranium, cobalt, europium, cesium and strontium, plus who knows what else. So, let us note one important thing. Plutonium is known to be extremely toxic to humans, and again, its in the groundwater.

What the above information means is that radioactive and toxic plutonium and other radionuclides are in the vast, multi-level regional aquifer system. This means that these radioactive, toxic substances are in the drinking water and that water used to irrigate crops in the surrounding region. Uranium oxide and so-called depleted uranium (but still radioactive) is also buried at Hanford (see PDF page 8 of 17, in document linked above).


There is one important thing to note in the document linked above. The U.S. DOE may know the types of materials which were used at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and basically what types of materials may be in the ground, but it appears that the DOE does not know what volumes of materials flowed through the Hanford facility.

What the above information means is that there is absolutely no way of knowing how much radioactive substances and other contaminants have actually escaped into the surrounding environment or the ground, groundwater and waters of the regional aquifer system, plus into the Columbia and Yakima rivers, all from which drinking and irrigation water are pumped.


At this point, a logical question should be asked. Is it for tritium production purposes that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) wants or intends to bring more radioactive waste from around the country, and possibly from around the world, and bury it at Hanford?

It is time to really think about what has been going on at Hanford over time. Are there other reasons why the DOE is considering and wants to bring in more radioative waste? Is there a possibly that some of their plans have eugenicist or population reduction overtones?

Just think about that vast, regional aquifer system beneath Hanford which may become, even to a greater extent, contaminated with radioactive materials --- that aquifer system from which people drink and irrigate. Could this allow for a form of forced sterilizations for susceptible individuals? Could this also cause birth defects, plus a long list of health problems in various individuals?

Another page, accessed below, from February 6, 2000, agrees with what is stated further above, about an unusually high amount of tritium being in the groundwater --- or in the aquifer. It declares: "A groundwater sample shows the presence of tritium 400 times the federal drinking water standard in a well at the Hanford nuclear reservation in Washington state."

In the page below, is something else to note. Once the large amount of tritium was found in the groundwater, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) official named Mike Thompson declared, "We're hopping on this." Why would they really be so eager to "hop on this?" Yes, once again, tritium for nuclear bombs! And possibly, tritium for population control.

The article linked below declares: "In the 1960s, highly radioactive wastes from the 300 Area - including 11 to 22 pounds of plutonium - were buried at 618-11 just northwest of Energy Northwest's complex. The wastes are in a variety of large containers, with many bottomless for unknown reasons. Hanford's records are incomplete on the wastes buried there."

About 15 years ago, monitoring was performed in a well east of the 618-11 site, where concentrated tritium was found in groundwater samples from the aquifer. This tritiated water displayed a radioactivity level of 8 million picocuries per liter. The article also indicates that the top of the aquifer system in this area is only 60 feet below ground level.

When the military heard about tritium levels in the aquifer beneath Hanford, they may have experienced a moment of incredible excitement. But, for the rest of us, we may need to look closer at the attributes of tritium, plus what it can do to the human body.


The page linked below notes that there is "a 'statistically significant' correlation of central nervous system (CNS) birth defects with large releases of tritium to air." The page speaks about CNS defects like anencephaly, microcephaly, spina bifida with hydrocephalus which are associated with tritium in the air. The page states: "Medical experts link CNS birth defects to radiation exposure, as found after the atomic bombing of Japan."

The page linked below declares: "Tritium emits radioactive beta particles. Once tritium is inhaled or swallowed, its beta particles can bombard cells. If a particle zaps a DNA molecule in a cell, it can cause a mutation. If it mutates a gene important to cell function, a serious disease may result."

Then there is that tritium which gets incorporated into the cells and DNA of the body. It is then organically bound and can steadily irradiate the body, possibly causing damage. Organically bound tritium "can deliver damaging radiation doses for a much longer time than ingested tritiated water or inhaled tritiated water vapor."

To make matters worse, on the health side of things, it appears that organically bound tritium "can remain in the human body for more than ten years," as noted in the page linked below.


The article linked further above presents a very important and key piece of information. It states: "Tritium is Hanford's fastest-moving subterranean radioactive liquid - moving at the same speed as groundwater." This tritium which is steadily "moving at the same speed as groundwater" is very important for us to remember.

Why does tritiated water flow at the same speed in the regional aquifer system and in our water pipes as does normal groundwater? It does so, because tritiated water is simply "a radioactive form of water."(link) It looks like water, tastes like water, and feels like water. But, there is a problem with this radioactive form of water.

Regarding radioactive tritium, which can readily become internalized in our bodies, it is noted in a page linked here that it "can be incorporated into our DNA." Internalized tritium "can disrupt our genetic code." Chronic exposure to tritium, from things like drinking tritiated water and food, "can increase rates of cancer and birth defects." The page states: "A developing fetus is particularly susceptible to damage from exposure to radiation." So, the rise in serious birth defects in the Hanford region comes as no surprise, since there is tritium and other radioactive contaminants in the groundwater and aquifer.

So, how can we discern if tritium is in our drinking or irrigation water? Can a Geiger counter show its presence? Not really, as shown on this linked page, under the heading of 'Detection.' The page indicates that it takes more involved procedures and rather expensive equipment for performing things like "a wipe test from a liquid scintillation counter" to detect tritium in water. An abstract in a page, linked here, speaks of three different methods for determining the presence of tritium in groundwater.


An article, linked here, states that groundwater in the area of the Hanford 618-11 burial site "takes five to 30 years to reach the Columbia." The author has reason to believe that the groundwater in the aquifer could move much more quickly in this area. A map, linked here, indicates a hydraulic conductivity in this area of somewhere between 100 and 2,000 feet per day. This would indicate that the tritium may reach the river in a period as short as 10 to 190 days.

It should be noted that a large amount of new tritium is constantly being formed in the regional aquifer system as a result of an ongoing reaction between all those radioactive wastes which have gotten into it via leakage and intentional injection. So, what is Hanford --- or rather, the DOE --- and the military planning to do with the all that fast-moving, radioactive tritium in the aquifer? It is time to get real.


Tritium (and a lot of it) is one of the radioactive materials being recovered by the large-scale Hanford 'pump and treat program.' It appears that the pump and treat program is a rather subtle, but very major tritium and nuclear materials mining operation. Hanford is like a vast, continually renewable "goldmine" for all those materials needed to build, maintain and enhance nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

So, that so-called "cleanup" project at Hanford may never really come to an end. Possibly the DOE has no real intent of ever totally cleaning up Hanford and the associated environment. With all that radioactive waste in the ground and in the regional aquifer system, it appears that this place will just keep producing more and more tritium, for many years to come.

Yes, there may be a very logical reason for all the delays and repeat problems (link) in the so-called "cleanup" project for the leaking underground waste materials at Hanford. There may be a very logical reason for the extended "cat and mouse game" which it appears has been played on the general public. There may be a very logical reason why the DOE is running roughshod over the general wishes --- and even the votes --- of citizens in the Pacific Northwest.

Why would the government or the military ever truly want to clean up Hanford? Why would the DOE ever want to stop dumping more nuclear wastes from around the country into the already highly contaminated Hanford site? The more nuclear waste the DOE hauls in from other sites around the country and dumps at Hanford, potentially, if things are done in just the "right" way, then, the higher can be the production which can be expected from this very subtle and somewhat concealed "tritium factory."

There may actually be a whole lot more to the Hanford waste "cleanup" story, than is commonly being told the public. If radioactive waste materials are layered in a certain manner and in a certain way in the ground, it may be possible to create a very subtle type of nuclear reactor --- something like Nature's nuclear reactor (1)(2)(3). This subtle reactor could potentially create a continuous new supply of weapons grade plutonium, without the general public ever suspecting what is really being done. Yes, what a "goldmine" for those desiring weapons of mass destruction.


Let us take a step back in time, for a moment, and learn a little more about the culture of deception.

The articles linked below were posted about 20 years ago. At that time, the general public was left with the impression that Hanford Nuclear Reservation would not be used for the production of tritium for nuclear bombs.

True, the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) at Hanford has not been restarted for the production of tritium. But, it appears the U.S. Department of Energy had a much more subtle, sly and deceptive plan for producing tritium and other weapons grade materials at Hanford.

Once again, this more recent, very subtil way for producing tritium at Hanford appears to be called "the pump and treat program." There are some who call this world-class tritium mining project "the tritium pump and recover program." Then, along with this, it appears there might be an associated technology which includes a particular method or order for stacking radioactive wastes in the burial grounds, to get the desired result from continual, slower and more controlled reactions.

The article below shows that Hanford's pump and treat program has caught the attention of the world. The treatment system "is being called a technological marvel" and people are congratulating one another. Just look at the smile on the faces of those in the picture on the linked page. Could they partly be smiling about a major purpose for the pump and treat program, plus their ability to "pull the wool over the eyes" of an unsuspecting public?

There is something to now consider. Could the pump and treat program ultimately prove to be a devastating "Trojan Horse?" Could this high-volume pump and treat program actually stir up things greatly in the aquifer and help to mobilize radioactive contaminants --- especially those which have been chelated?

Could this stirring up of dangerous contaminants in the regional aquifer system ultimately cause health problems for those who continually drink out of or eat food products irrigated out of this vast aquifer system? Has the public, plus virtually the whole world, been deceived as to the main purpose for this pump and treat system --- possibly for mining tritium and other elements needed for nuclear bomb production and other purposes?

It appears there is a very serious price for the general public to pay for the foolishness and deception which appears to have been occurring at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. For one, it appears that the important, multi-state regional aquifer system is becoming seriously contaminated with radioactive materials and other hazardous products from Hanford.

Possibly the radioactive contamination stirred up in the regional aquifer system has something to do with the spike in serious birth defects in the region surrounding Hanford. And then, there is another question. What will happen to this Hanford mess, in the event of a regional megaquake --- especially with fault lines passing under the Cascade Mountains from the Puget Sound region, and into the Hanford region?


A page linked below speaks about the use of canary birds by coal miners. It declares: "Canaries are especially sensitive to methane and carbon monoxide, which made them ideal for detecting any dangerous gas build-ups. As long as the bird kept singing, the miners knew their air supply was safe. A dead canary signaled an immediate evacuation."

The page notes something else which is very important. It states: "The phrase 'living like a canary in a coal mine' often refers to serving as a warning to others." And so it is today, in regards to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. There are human "canary birds" living in the region.

The link below accesses a page by the March of Dimes. It speaks about neural tube defects (NTDs) like anencephaly and spina bifida. These are two of the serious and deadly birth defects being experienced in the Hanford region. There is something very important to note on this page.

The page states: "Girls are three times more likely than boys to have anencephaly." This is one thing to watch for, but there is more. It says: "In North America, Hispanics are at highest risk of having a baby with an NTD, followed by whites. NTDs are less common among Ashkenazi Jews, blacks and most Asians."

High doses of ionizing radiation have been implicated in serious birth defects (link). But, there is, once again, more to this story. When the Hispanic population in the Hanford region begins to experience a significant increase in NTDs, the other nationalities better take note. The whites appear to be next on the list.


It is time to consider, as far as possible, what metals and chemicals were used at Hanford and are now found onsite, plus what form things are in now and where contaminants are being found. Below are listed things which have been made known to the public.

Since there is still classified information relating to Hanford, the public most likely will never really know the truth about what all is being dealt with at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, nor will the government possibly ever admit to the health hazards presented to the public by this facility. That is just the track record of Hanford and the U.S. Department of Energy.

A document titled 'Public Health Assessment for Hanford Site, Richland, Benton County, Washington, EPA Facility ID: WA3890090075, May 17, 2011,' is linked here. PDF page 49 of 284 notes that there are "35 substances found in soil and sediment onsite at Hanford." Included in these substances are: "americium-241, cesium-137, cobalt-60, lead, neptunium-237, plutonium-239 and -240, polychlorinated biphenyls, silver, strontium-90, uranium-234, -235, and -238."

The document linked above, on PDF page 49 of 284, notes that there are "33 substances found in groundwater onsite at Hanford." Included in these substances are: "antimony, arsenic, carbon-14, carbon tetrachloride, cesium-137, chloroform, cobalt-60, copper, cyanide, europium-154, fluoride, iodine-129, lead, nickel, nitrate, strontium-90, technetium-99, trichloroethylene, tritium, uranium-234 and -238, vanadium, and zinc."

In addition to those contaminating substances on the Hanford site which are noted above, PDF pages 52-53 of 284 add ruthenium-106, and the additional groundwater contaminants of benzene, cadmium, chromium, fluorides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), plus nitric and sulfuric acids.

To the substances already noted, PDF page 60 of 284 adds to the list, total organic carbon. PDF page 65 of 284 adds to the list: ferrocyanide in the tanks --- a number of which tanks are known to be leaking, --- plus metals in the waste, which include: aluminum, barium, boron, cadmium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, and iron. Inorganic materials included in the tank wastes are: bicarbonate, ammonium, chlorides, fluorides, nitrate, and sulfates.

A table on PDF page 50 or 284 notes contaminants found in plants, animals or their products (urine or feces). They are as follows: bird's nest = cobalt-60; mice = cesium-137; mulberry trees = antimony, barium, manganese, strontium-90; mule deer and rabbits = strontium-90; yarrow = uranium-238.

When the Hanford site was in full plutonium production, the document linked above, on PDF page 60-62 of 284, notes that a major radioactive component released into the air was iodine-131. Other radionuclides released into the air include: americium-241, cesium-137, iodine-129, krypton-85, plutonium-239, -240, -241, ruthenium-106, strontium-90, tritium (H3), and claimed at non-detectable levels were uranium-234, -235, -236, and -238. Nonradioactive air releases include: carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, particulates, and sulfur oxides.

While Hanford was producing plutonium for nuclear bombs, PDF page 87 of 284, of the document linked above, notes that radionuclides like arsenic-74, neptunium-239, phosphorus-32, sodium-24, and zinc-65 all got into the Columbia River. Research indicates that many more radionuclides also got into the river. Furthermore, many nuclear pellets from failed fuel rods appear to be sitting in the bottom of the Columbia River, at different stages of decay.

While the Hanford site is being considered, there are those spills, dumpings, and unplanned releases of different things which did occur. It would be surprising if there was not some lingering plutonium contamination in certain areas of the site. PDF page 68 of 284, in that document linked above, notes that in cribs are found plutonium-239 and -240, along with tritium (H3) and some of the other radionuclides which have already been noted further above, which are in the soil and sediment.

From a table and other information on PDF pages 68-69 of 284, of that document linked above, other chemicals and radionuclides which were discharged into cribs, ponds and trenches, to be added to the Hanford list, include: aluminum nitrate, ammonium carbonate, ammonium nitrate, ferrocyanide, nitrate, phosphate, sodium, sodium chloride, sodium fluoride, sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrate, sodium phosphate, potassium dichromate, and sulfate.

To the growing list of Hanford contaminates, PDF page 69 of 284 adds the organic materials: acetone, butanol, and butanone. PDF page 70 of 284 has an entry simply called "mixed fission products," and another as simply "transuranic wastes." Also on that page is noted: organic solvents, copper sulfate, and zirconium. PDF page 71 or 284 adds miscellaneous inorganic compounds. Page 73 of 284 adds promethium. Page 81 of 284 adds cerium-144 to the growing Hanford list.

There may still be many other radioactive and chemical contaminates which the writer did not see in the above linked document. One reason is because he looked more closely only up to PDF page 87 of 284. Another reason is because he scanned rather quickly through the document. But, there are enough radionuclides and chemical contaminants listed above, which should give the reader a clear understanding that a very dangerous radioactive and chemical mess is being dealt with at Hanford.

Considering all that has been noted above, then think about this mess sitting just above the regional aquifer system. One thing will be said. The reader should scan all the way through the 284 page document, which is linked here and above. There is a lot of valuable information about things which got (and still get) into the food chain --- at least those things which the government is admitting to.

Once again, keep in mind the track record of the Hanford crowd and that thing called "honesty." It is good to have a "healthy" amount of distrust, especially when it comes to things which the DOE is claiming. But, just for reference though, the reader may want to obtain a copy of the above-linked document. But again, just watch out for any "double-speak" or misleading statements.

After all of the above known materials which are noted, there still appears to be a number of unknowns, which even it appears the U.S. DOE does not necessarily know at any given time. Possibly, with the continued radioactive and chemical reactions steadily occurring within the waste materials, no one really knows what all is in the Hanford "stew" at any given moment.

That is why radioactive batches of "stew" from especially the waste storage tanks have to be analysed individually from time to time, to even begin to see what is actually in the tanks. This is done for safety reasons, especially when it comes to mixing materials from different tanks, as noted in the pages linked below. Yes, a real mess is being dealt with at Hanford, plus in the surrounding region!


A page, linked here, in the section titled 'Rampant Contamination', declares: "In June 2005, GAP released a report showing previously unknown measures of radioactivity around the perimeter of Hanford. The study includes the first reports of plutonium in Columbia River marine life."

The page linked above also states: "In addition to plutonium being found for the first time in fish, increased levels of strontium, mercury, beryllium, uranium, and cesium were detected in aquatic creatures." And, the page has this to say: "Also, an area of the Columbia River 20 miles upstream from the Hanford site contained high uranium readings."

The "area of the Columbia River 20 miles upstream from the Hanford site" containing "high uranium readings" is discussed in more detail further up in the left side-margin information of this page, beginning under the heading called "In the River," at this level.


In relatively recent times, it appears that radionuclides have gotten into the air in the region of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Is this radioactive contamination in the air truly a result of the demolition of radioactively contaminated buildings at Hanford, or could it be from waste which was dumped on the ground at some point, which was then picked up by the wind? Or, are these radionuclides found in air samples possibly coming from a totally different source?

Regarding these harmful radionuclides in the air, possibly a person could ask, "Was this something which was accidental or was it intentional?" Knowing the history of deception at Hanford, plus the apparent deception in government and the military, plus the history of unethical human radiation experiments in the past, the public will most likely never know or be told the truth about the source or the level of this contamination, plus the true level of health risk to the public.

The pages linked below speak about both radioactive plutonium and americium which were found in air samples on a public highway, SR 240, which runs along the southwest side of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The plutonium and americium in the air were noted at the Rattlesnake Barricade. This barricade is at the junction on SR 240 and the road leading directly south from the Hanford 200 West Area, which junction can be noted on the following maps: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

In the information linked by the buttons below, note that these radioactive particles in the air were detected, strangely enough, on the upwind side of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The first article below states: "Air samples collected downwind of the plant, at the Columbia River, found no contamination." Yes, isn't this mighty strange? So, what is going on in this region?

What could be on the upwind side of Hanford which could put both plutonium and americium into the air? Research indicates that the presence of both plutonium and americium may be a dead giveaway. In other words, they may be a "signature" to what was happening on the upwind side of the Hanford site, which allowed the radionuclides to get into the air. Another bit of information which may help lead us to the truth, noted in the articles, is when, concerning the time at which the air samples were taken, health officials said that "there could have been eddies and swirls of air currents at that time."

Using all the above information wisely, we may be able to come to the truth about where the radionuclides in the air samples on the upwind side of the Hanford facility came from, and even more importantly, what likely caused these radionuclides to get into the air in the first place. If our "process of discovery" is done correctly, we can likely come to a more realistic scenario about what happened, rather than help to perpetrate what appears to be an ongoing cover-up.

In the articles linked above, it will be seen how officials have downplayed the health risk to the public from these radioactive particles in the air. They say the radiation was less than a chest x-ray. But, that is comparing "apples to oranges." The way that officials are presenting things appears to be somewhat deceptive. There is a possibility that this is the way that they intend things.

The ionizing radiation from a chest x-ray comes from outside the human body and then is quickly finished. Once the x-ray is done, there is then no further irradiation of the body from that source. On the other hand, ionizing radiation from radionuclides in the air is completely different in nature.

Radionuclides in the air can be inhaled or injested, which then can allow them to become internalized --- which means they are given the opportunity to become captured within the body. Once captured in the body, the internalized source of ionizing radiation continues, non-stop, 24 hours per day, every day of the year, to irradiate the body from inside. This can potentially cause more and more damage within the human body, as time goes on --- even damage to DNA, which can negatively affect future generations.

Now, back to our investigation. The truth about where this radiation detected on Highway 240, at the Rattlesnake Barricade, came from, will soon be considered. Further down in this report, the true story will begin to unfold.


Yes, once all the facts are known, it appears that government agencies and the medical establishment are acting --- yes, that may truly be "acting" --- very puzzled about all these serious and deadly birth defects in the Hanford region in recent times, and what is causing them. But, there is possibly more to consider in this situation.

When looking at the "puzzling" cluster of serious and deadly birth defects in the region surrounding Hanford, plus the way officials and medical organizations are acting mystified, something comes to mind. It reminds the writer of how the Soviet regime and their medical establishment acted towards radiation victims living around the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

The pages linked below contain information which notes Dr. Boris Gusev, who was the director of a medical facility which dealt with victims experiencing radiation-related problems because of the nuclear test site. One page notes that "the role of the facility was not to assist radiation victims, but to observe them and write reports for Moscow." The medical staff was "not allowed to provide any treatment here."

It appears that the medical staff was not allowed to assist or provide any manner of treatment to radiation victims for a reason. The medical staff was not to do anything which could potentially taint or alter the outcome of this blatant human experimentation in any manner.

The pages linked below include the following information. Radiation victims of the Soviet regime "note that they were nothing more than 'guinea pigs' in a grandiose experiment." The people of the region realize "that it was a deliberate experiment." And even worse, "it is clear that a premeditated experiment was conducted on the people."

Concerning the radiation experimentation which had been done on the people living near the Semipalatinsk nuclear facility, the last document linked above, on PDF page 177 of 241, declares that " the secret radiation studies broke every rule of the 1947 Nuremberg Code forbidding experimentation on human subjects without first obtaining consent."

The way people living near the Semipalatinsk nuclear facility in the old Soviet Union were deliberately deceived for years is extremely vile. At this point, a question needs to be asked. Is something similar happening in the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, especially when it comes to all those serious and deadly birth defects, plus the way that the government, the medical establishment and the media are all acting ignorant as to the real cause or causes?

This apparent ignorance by those in government, in the medical establishment and in the media appears to be helping to perpetrate a rather vile cover-up. Concerning each and every one of those who are in any manner helping to perpetrate a cover-up, the following old saying comes to mind: "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."


The writer's research indicates that the use of something adverse in the environment to harm or destroy people --- or even to harm or destroy babies in the womb, as they are forming --- appears to be something which has been researched by those in the eugenics crowd. It appears that they have researched in this area for quite a number of decades --- since at least the World War Two era, if not before.

It appears that the research of eugenicists has also included the use of ionizing radiation for harming and culling people. Those of the general public who have some idea about individual body chemistry and the potential long-term dangers of even low-level, internalized nuclear radiation, plus radioactive contamination in aquifers and the air, are not puzzled or bewildered at all by what the writer is saying or by what is happening in our world.

Looking even further --- those who have studied the history of the eugenics movement in the United States and around the world, plus understand who is actually influencing or manipulating that diabolic movement, may understand what is going on even much better. And, those who have researched the history of unethical human experimentation in the U.S. and abroad, from at least the 1900s to the present, and the purpose of these experiments, may understand what is going on even better than most.


The pages linked below give an introduction to the subject of questionable and unethical human radiation experiments. The conducting of these experiments appears to break virtually every rule of the 1947 Nuremberg Code. That Code forbid all experimentation on human subjects, without first obtaining the consent of the intended victims. Therefore, this unethical human experimentation actually falls under the classification of crimes against humanity.

It is of importance to note that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), have been associated with many of these questionable and unethical human experiments --- some which were done more subtly than others. It appears that in the perpetrating of these illegal experiments, the eugenicists were having a heyday.


A Wikipedia entry on the 'United States Atomic Energy Commission,' linked here, notes that at its beginning, the AEC "inherited" the many scattered "atomic plants and laboratories" which were formerly owned and controlled by the U.S. Army. The AEC was then in the unique position "of developing the U.S. nuclear arsenal." The AEC was also "connected with the U.S. Department of Defense by a 'Military Liaison Committee'."

The above Wikipedia entry notes that the AEC was "an extremely controversial organization." At this point, it should be noted that the AEC was involved with testing nuclear bombs. This meant that the AEC was involved with irradiating surrounding populations, and deceiving them about the effects. In 1949, it appears that the AEC experimented on the general public with the "Green Run" --- that release into the air currents of those large volumes of radionuclides from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

As noted in the Wikipedia entry, the AEC experimented on "newborns and pregnant women," plus infants and others, using radioactive iodine, starting in 1953. Up into the 1970s, the AEC "carried out human radiation experiments," under the guise of "ascertain[ing] the detailed effect of radiation on human health." The entry states: "In all these cases, the subjects did not know what was going on and did not give informed consent."

Let us consider this for a moment. The victims were not informed about what was being done to them, nor did the victims give their informed consent. Therefore, in performing these vile radiation experiments, in principle, the AEC was not that much different than those Nazi war criminals of the World War Two era, with all their unethical human experimentation.

Furthermore, as noted earlier, the AEC and its cohorts were blatantly breaking the rules of the 1947 Nuremberg Code, concerning human experimentation. Concerning those which eventually died early, as a result of these crimes against humanity, the AEC and its cohorts where performing a subtle form of genocide.


In all of this, there is something very important to note in the Wikipedia entry. "The government covered up most of these" unethical and illegal cases of blatant human experimentation with radiation. So, why was the government covering up unethical and illegal things, and what was really motivating the AEC to do all this criminal-style activity? Who was actually behind or in control of them? These are questions which need to be answered.

Looking at our day and considering all the government cover-ups, there are some questions which really need to be asked. Is the government, the DOE, and the medical establishment once again covering up blatant human radiation experimentation? Are they wilfully covering up the detrimental affects of ionizing radiation on humans? Are they covering up what ionizing radiation is doing to people in the region affected by the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the Yakima Firing Center?

Once again, it is noted above that "the government covered up most of these" crimes against humanity. All those who are helping with the cover-up of these unethical and illegal acts are truly accessories to crime. But, to those who are part of the "holy war," this is of no concern to them, because as the induction ceremony declares: "The end justifies the means."(1)(2)(3)


In these unethical and criminal-style human radiation experiments which were at least done in earlier times, it appears that the AEC was not alone, but had at least one other accomplice. A Wikipedia entry, linked here, declares: "Numerous human radiation experiments have been performed in the United States, many of which were funded by various U.S. government agencies such as the United States Department of Defense and the United States Atomic Energy Commission."

Yes, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) appears to have been a willing accomplice in these unethical human radiation experiments --- experiments which were blatantly violating the 1947 Nuremberg Code, plus which appear to have been crimes against humanity. It appears that the DoD was possibly even a major instigator in these questionable "experiments."

At this point, other questions need to be asked. Who appears to be influencing or manipulating (or possibly even controlling) the DoD? Is the DoD involved with ongoing human radiation experiments in the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the Yakima Firing Center? These questions will need to be eventually answered.


Let us now turn our attention to the U.S. Department of Energy and its cohorts. A page, linked here, is titled "The Department of Energy is the largest military and weapons racket in the U.S. Government." The page also gives information about the Bechtel Corporation, which organization, as is widely known, is the DOEs primary subcontractor at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation (link).

The first page linked in the paragraph above brings out something very important. It states that "under George W. Bush the entire nuclear weapons complex in America had been privatized with Bechtel essentially at the helm." It appears that only a very small percentage of Americans even realize this. It also appears that the government and Bechtel are almost getting so tightly connected that they are almost one. So, which one is actually in control? This is a question to keep in mind.


Now looking again at the DOE, the page, linked here and above, declares that "there are more classified projects through DOE and more weapons-based projects" than people realize. A page, linked here, notes that the DOE "controls the U.S. nuclear arsenal." In all essence, the DOE, though supposedly a civilian organization, is, in all reality, a military organization.

In support of the fact noted above, that the DOE is a military organization, a page, here, declares: "In the fall of 1945, Szilard rallied fellow scientists to lobby for civilian control of atomic energy, as a way to assure other governments that international control would be for peaceful purposes. But when a civilian Atomic Energy Commission was created in 1947 its independence from the Pentagon was undermined by a statutory Military Liaison Committee that came to dominate weapons policy."

The Atomic Energy Commission, which was tied to the Pentagon via the Military Liaison Committee, then morphed into the DOE. And, the U.S. Department of Energy continues to be connected to the Pentagon and appears to be virtually controlled by the military.

Let us now note that the U.S. DOE is the one in control of the so-called "clean up" operation at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Now consider all those birth defects in the area surrounding Hanford and that the Washington Department of Health refuses to indicate that Hanford is a factor in those birth defects. Possibly it is time to start "connecting the dots."

Throughout the history of unethical human experimentation in the United States and abroad, it is commonly found that governments and the medical establishment work hand in hand. In a number of cases, the powers-that-be and the medical establishment will commonly plead ignorance to things which are happening, so they can sit back and observe the long-term outcome of their eugenics "experimentation" in their ongoing "holy war."

With these comments in mind, let us now observe, via the pages linked below, what is happening in Washington State in the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.


Further above, under the heading of 'Municipal Water Supplies,'(link) it was noted that contaminated water from the regional aquifer could be one of the "common threads" which tie together the large number of serious and deadly birth defects in the Columbia Basin region and the Yakima area. But there are possibly more parts to this puzzle. As noted earlier, there could be a combination of various "threads" involved.

The prevailing wind in Yakima, Washington is from the west, as shown on a page linked here. But, during the year for about 6 or 7 percent of the time it is blowing generally from an easterly direction, as shown on a Wind Direction chart on a page linked here. A wind out of the east would be coming from the direction of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Winds in the Yakima, Washington area which are coming from the east may sporadically carry radioactively contaminated particles from Hanford to the Yakima region. But, with shifts in wind direction at the Hanford facility, plus with swirls created in the localized wind patterns by features in the terrain, radioactive contaminants could be carried to virtually any part of that region surrounding the highly contaminated Hanford facility.

Under certain conditions, there may be pregnant women in the Hanford region which inhale and internalize a number of "hot" radioactive particles. The radiation they receive, or the combination of irradiations they receive from various sources (eg: water, air, food), could have a detrimental effect on a fetus they are carrying. This could be an important factor in all those serious birth defects in the Hanford region.

The wind does not uniformly spread radioactive contaminants across the countryside. Turbulence and eddy currents in the atmosphere can concentrate and deposit airborne contaminants at one locale, while the remainder of the area may be relatively unaffected. The Chernobyl radiation dispersal map, linked here, is one good example of contaminant distribution. Look how spotty the distribution pattern for radioactive contamination can be. Possibly one person could receive high levels of radiation, while their neighbor received much less, or virtually none at all.

There is something else to consider in the abnormal rate of birth defects in Washington state. After the early part of 2011, the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster added another possibility for radioactive contamination. The ever-changing distribution pattern of contaminants could have concentrated even more radiation in certain locales where pregnant women were in the first part of their pregnancies. But, this factor would have only come into play in 2011 and after, which is more than a year after the first cases in the cluster began to appear in January of 2010.

A page, linked here, presents another potential "thread" in the birth defect puzzle. This factor is food which is contaminated with ionizing radiation. In the Hanford region, with all the radionuclides which have escaped from this facility via air and water, it is very likely that food products which are grown or raised in this region include some radionuclides. When contaminated food is eaten, the ionizing radiation it contains can become internalized. Internalized radiation can wreak havoc on fetuses.

The investigations of a prestigious physician, geneticist and professor, named Dr. Wladimir Wertelecki, are noted in a page titled 'Geneticist charts effects of nuclear disasters,' linked here. The page indicates problems created by internalized radiation. This geneticist speaks about radiation in the environment which is "inhaled or swallowed, leading to accumulation in the body." And, "radiation is an agent that can not only cause birth defects, but alter the human genome with long-term effects on future generations."

There is another factor to add into the mix, and that is individual body chemistry. The radiation which detrimentally affects one person may not harm another person as much or at all. It may be somewhat like the saying, "One man's meat is another man's poison." Life is about combinations. When the combinations are in your favor, things work out right. But if the combinations are not in your favor, something less desirable can take place.


The page linked below shows a request from an attorney in the Hanford region, under the Freedom of Information Act, for information relating to the United States Army Yakima Firing Center/Yakima Training Center. The request is for information about tests or reports on "the presence of uranium, depleted uranium, and/or any other heavy metal in any form" associated with that military facility.

Why would an attorney be requesting the information noted above? Well, it strongly appears that depleted uranium particles and associated radionuclides can cause birth defects and other health issues, as indicated by the following, linked pages: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13).

There is one important thing to note in an article linked here. It begins to expose what the military is doing and how they operate, in general, when it comes to damage caused to U.S. military personnel, or even the public. A little over half way down the page is an account of a lung disease which appears to have been aquired during fighting in Iraq. And, how were things handled?

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) had a group of veterans with this "unknown" lung disease studied by the Vanderbilt medical facility. The facility actually "biopsied 200 veterans' lungs and found they had constrictive bronchiolitis, a very debilitating disease." Well, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) did not like that the medical facility "found the disease was caused by what they were exposed to" in Iraq. So, what did the DoD then do?

Once the medical facility declared the true cause of the veterans' disease, and the DoD did not like having the truth exposed, "After that, it didn't send us more veterans to evaluate." It appears that the DoD only wants to work with organizations which will tweak the data to help support any potential lie that the DoD is foisting on the veterans and the public.

If the DoD was truly working for the good of the citizens of the United States, as a whole, it would not be doing such things. It would want to make sure that things were done in such a manner that none of our personnel would be harmed by avoidable things which our own military was doing. But since it appears to be "screwing over" our own people and military personnel, it appears that it is working for some other entity, which some say is a foreign entity --- yes, that "holy war."

Now, let us return to the Hanford and Yakima region, and the cause of those serious birth defects. Depending on air currents on any particular day during and after the use of depleted uranium weaponry, especially if there are localized swirls in the air patterns, the harmful particles could have become more concentrated at certain locations --- locations where there may have been a woman in the early stage of pregnancy.

Particles of internalized depleted uranium (DU) from the Yakima military facility (possibly as a result of DU aerosols), along with internalized radioactive particles from Hanford nuclear waste which was pumped into or leaked into the vast regional water supply, could possibly be the combination which is causing that large number of serious and deadly birth defects in the Hanford region.

A few pages relating to depleted uranium weaponry, plus the storage or use of this type of weaponry at the Joint Base Lewis-McChord/Yakima Training Center, are linked below. Just use your browser's "Find" tool on the pages to locate the Yakima depleted uranium info. Further research on the Internet may locate additional information.

From the looks of it, the Columbia Basin region may be, especially in certain areas, a very radioactively contaminated area --- something which may potentially be highly hazardous to some fetuses. Yes, it appears that this could be the eugenicists' and population control crowd's dream come true. At this point, a question could be asked. Are the findings of the DOE's Human Genome Project being put to the test in the Hanford region?


Regarding the serious birth defects in the Columbia Basin, the combinations of radionuclides in the environment were not favoring these particular women at that particular time in their life, when their fetuses were most vulnerable. But, one thing will be noted.

The author's research leads him to believe that the Hanford Nuclear Reservation plays a big part in these serious birth defects. It should also be noted that the three counties where these birth defects are occurring do surround the Hanford facility. The Yakima Firing Center also appears to be a major factor in these birth defects. A person does not have to be a rocket scientist in order to begin "connecting the dots" or to begin "seeing the light."


The title of a September 17, 2017 Tri-City Herald page, linked below, says it all. The page begins with these words: "After an almost two-year investigation, the state Department of Health has concluded that there is no sole factor to blame for a cluster of fatal birth defects in Benton, Franklin and Yakima counties between 2010-16, according to a report released last week." The link which follows points to the same story given by the government.

It is very true "that there is no sole factor to blame for a cluster of fatal birth defects in the Hanford region. There are a number of facts involved. There is most definitely a combination of factors involved. And one of the major factors strongly appears to be the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and what has been going on there, both over time and in recent times.

The Tri-City Herald page states that in the six-year period between 2010 and 2016, that "45 babies in the three counties were born with anencephaly, a neural tube defect that is uniformly fatal."

The Tri-City Herald page states further: "Anencephaly affects fetuses within the first few weeks of pregnancy, and causes them to be born missing pieces of their skull and brain and without a fully-developed neural sac to protect the spinal cord. Babies born with anencephaly die within hours or a few days."

According to the Tri-City Herald page, a major fact relating to birth defects like anencephaly "is a mother's folic acid intake prior to and in the first several weeks of pregnancy." According to the article and the report linked to it, women in the three counties surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation (Yakima, Benton, and Franklin) were unique in that all "had low folic acid intake compared with women in the rest of Washington."

Once again, and this is very important to note, that this unique situation of low folic acid intake was true for ALL the women in the three-county region, whether they had "normal pregnancies" or "pregnancies affected by a birth defect." There appears to be something in this particular region which is causing all the women in this region to be lower in folic acid, when compared with woman in the whole rest of the state of Washington. Something, without question, is causing it to be this way.


There is something extremely important to note in the Tri-City Herald article, linked here and above. It states: "The possibility that radiation from the Hanford nuclear reservation or from the Fukushima nuclear disaster might have contributed to the cluster was ruled out." A few other things were looked at and then, the investigation was quickly suspended "in late 2016 and is now focusing on surveillance...."

Whoa! Not so fast! Why was the Hanford Nuclear Reservation ruled out so quickly? We need to know exactly WHY Hanford was ruled out! We need to know the true facts about what caused such a quick decision on Hanford, so we can decipher if any kind of cover-up or corruption is being perpetrated. At this point, let us remember the track record for the DOE and the Department of Defense, and their apparent culture of deception.

The investigators for the Department of Health (DOH) checked with other staff in the DOH who were "responsible for collecting radiation and radioactive contamination data, including checking for contamination in the air and the Columbia River near Hanford." And what were their conclusions? What caused them to so quickly rule out radiation from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation as a causal factor in this cluster of deadly birth defects in the three county region surrounding Hanford? Let us look to the DOH report to see if there in a conclusive answer.

The DOH report linked in the Tri-City Herald article, and also linked here, is from the Washington State Department of Health. The report is dated September 2017 and is titled 'Neural Tube Defect Investigation in Benton, Franklin and Yakima Counties, 2010-2016.' A thorough search of the report does not present to the writer a really good answer as to why radiation from Hanford Nuclear Reservation was so quickly ruled out as a causal factor in the deadly birth defects in the region surrounding it.

There is something to look at real closely. The DOH report states that their "investigation" did not identify "a preventable cause for most of the NTD-affected pregnancies." Hold on a moment. Notice the words which were used. The DOH did not identify "a preventable cause."


It is time to really take a close look at what the DOH was really saying. Because they were able to declare that they could not identify "a preventable cause," it tends to indicate that they did identify the cause or causes. What the DOH is saying is that the causes which they found were not preventable, at least in the story which they feed to the public. But, let us consider this matter further.

It is clear that the DOH is not saying what the causes were --- those causes which it appears, by the way they worded things, that they may have identified. They are also not say who was responsible for creating the situation which caused the deadly birth defects. All the DOH would declare was that they were not preventable. Yes, in the way the DOH worded things, if appears that the culture of deception was strongly in operation and there is an ongoing cover-up.

Why was the cause not preventable? Could it possibly have anything to do with those eugenicists and their "holy war," who appear to have hijacked our government and military? Could it have anything to do with those ongoing human radiation "experiments," which they appear to still be doing on the general public? Is history simply repeating itself and the medical facilities, once again, are simply supposed to be the "observers" and collectors of data, while the foreign-controlled eugenicists are having a heyday?

Looking further, could the cause being "unpreventable" have anything to do with those Knights of Malta in the government and military, plus the foreign organization they really work for and are in allegiance to? Could it have anything to do with those eugenicist Nazi scientists and war criminals, who were brought into the United States near the end of World War Two, so they and their apprentices and followers could continue their unethical "experiments" and subtil genocide on U.S. citizens, which they were brutally working to perfect in Germany on helpless groups of individuals?


To the writer, when it come to the so-called "investigation" of the serious birth defects by the DOH, there is a lot that the DOH is leaving out in their investigation. The linked Tri-City Herald article states that "investigators did not find a link to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation or Fukushima nuclear disaster after looking at radiation and radioactive contamination data collected by the State."

And, what was the radioactive contamination data collect by the State, all about? What was included in this "investigation?" Their "investigation checked "for contamination in the air and the Columbia River near Hanford." The DOH report states: "Furthermore, we did not identify any women with NTD-affected pregnancies who lived in residences served by public water systems that pull water directly from the Columbia River." But there is more to this story.

A page, linked here, declares: "Radiation exposure can also be a risk for these types of defects, however the cases in central Washington are not likely to be tied to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation as the cluster is up wind and up river from possible radiation releases, according to health department investigators." Boom! End of story! Case closed! Or, is there once again more to this story?


It is time to further consider the fact that the DOH quickly eliminated the Hanford Nuclear Reservation from being one of the factors involved with the serious birth defects in that region. Why? Because they said that these women were "up wind and up river from possible radiation releases." But, this is not always the case. The wind does not always blow from the west to the east in that region. At times, the wind does blow from the east to the west --- from the Hanford facility toward Yakima.

There is something else to consider. The way the DOH is acting in their report, it appears they feel that humans are stationary features on the face of this earth. Just because the women lived at one place, does not mean that they did not travel to other locations in the surrounding area. There is a possibility that the women associated with the birth defects had traveled into the down-wind or down-river side of Hanford at some point early in their pregnancies.

In the writer's opinion, the problem with the report from the Washington State Department of Health is this. It appears to be somewhat misleading. It is beginning to look like a major cover-up. It works to blind people to the real truth. It contains many pages of words and a lot of "fluff," but it very skillfully seems to sidestep key issues and does not identify the major causal or initiating factors involved with these deadly birth defects in the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.


It is time to put all "political correctness aside, and say things really as they appear. The Department of Health report appears to be a very intricate vehicle to sidetrack and BS the general public. Some may also believe that the report is a deceptive and costly coverup for blatant human experimentation or genocide by the foreign-controlled eugenicist or Nazi factor which appears to have hijacked our government (think: Knights of Malta and their affiliates, whose allegiance is to the Pope in Rome, by an oath, and apparently are members of the ongoing "holy war").

It is now time to look on PDF page 33 of 83 (document page 25) of the DOH report, which is linked here and above. On this particular page there is a map noted as Figure 7. There is something special about this map. It shows the area (almost the whole of eastern Washington) where the risk of anencephaly during 2005 to 2014 was 2.4 times higher than "the risk of anencephaly in Washington State outside of this area."

If you are not already awake and taking note of what is being said, it is now time to do so! After looking at the DOH anencephaly risk map, linked in the paragraph above, let us now look at another, rather revealing map.

Linked here is a USGS map showing the Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer System, with its associated connections or areas affected by this vast, regional aquifer system. Look at just that area associated with the vast aquifer system in the state of Washington, while disregarding the portions of the aquifer in Oregon and Idaho. You will have to know where the State boundaries are, to do this.

The area of high anencephaly risk --- shown on the DOH map --- and the area on the USGS map which is associated with or affected by the vast regional aquifer system in the state of Washington are shockingly close in location and coverage. And in the midst of it all, as noted on the DOH anencephaly map, resides Hanford Nuclear Reservation --- that facility which has pumped and leaked large volumes of chelated radioactive waste and other questionable materials into the regional aquifer system since the 1940s, and from which drinking and irrigation water is drawn.

But, the radioactively contaminated aquifer system appears to be just one of the major factors involved with all those serious and deadly birth defects in the tri-county region where the Hanford facility is located.


It is time to use the "back door" route, in at least an attempt to work toward a root cause or causes for all these serious and deadly birth defects in the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It is time to do a bit of that which is commonly called "back-engineering."

One very important piece of the puzzle, as we begin to back-engineer the birth defect problem, is the low folic acid noted in relation to all pregnancies in the three-county region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. This low folic acid problem is claimed, once again, to occur in both normal pregnancies and pregnancies which ended with deadly birth defects, like anencephaly.

So, obviously, something or somethings are causing lower folic acid levels, across the board, in the region surrounding Hanford. This lower folic acid level is clearly regional, and is lower than the levels of folic acid in pregnant women in the rest of the state of Washington. So, we now have a "given" factor to back-engineer from.

Another "given" factor is that this sudden rise in deadly birth defects began to make itself known in 2010 (link). If these serious birth defects mainly have to do with the common Hispanic diet of corn masa, shouldn't there have been this problem with birth defects all along? If this excuse given by "government" agencies is true, shouldn't all Hispanic ladies who eat the common Hispanic diet of corn masa, wherever these ladies are found in this world, be having this very same problem?


An abstract of a report titled 'Folate degradation due to ultraviolet radiation: possible implications for human health and nutrition' is linked here. The abstract states: "In vitro studies have shown that UV radiation can degrade folate and folic acid in human blood and this has been confirmed in several human studies."

From that which is stated above, it is clear that at least one common form of radiation "can degrade folate and folic acid in human blood." The pages linked here and here, both declare pretty much the same thing: "DNA double-strand breaks, the most serious DNA lesion caused by ionizing radiation, are also caused by several vitamin or mineral deficiencies, such as for folate."

The paragraph above speaks of "ionizing radiation." That form of radiation is that which is coming out of the radioactive materials at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus out of radioactive materials used at another facility in the region. Ionizing radiation is that form of radiation coming out of all the nuclear waste which was injected, dumped and leaked into the regional aquifer system which is under and surrounds the Hanford facility --- an aquifer system from which people drink water and from which the food crops are irrigated.

The pages linked below also declare that the folic acid and folate benefit is reduced by at least one type of radiation, that being UV. Information is also included which notes the effects of tritiated folic acid and tritiated water in various body parts. Tritiated water is something which is found in the groundwater and aquifer system which Hanford has contaminated.

But, looking further, if low folic acid and folate levels due to UV radiation from the sun is the culprit in the three-county region surrounding Hanford, then all women east of the Cascade Mountains in Washington, Oregon and California should be experiencing this problem, because of all that sun which they get. But obviously, this is not the case for all the women east of the Cascade Mountains and even in Southern California and all those other very sunny places across the face of this earth.

What this would tend to indicate is that UV radiation from the sun is not a major factor for the low folate of women in the three county region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. On the other hand, it appears that there is a very high tritium level in at least a portion of that vast, regional aquifer system. In its decay, tritium emits a form of ionizing radiation (link).

Once tritium is internalized in the human body, it is like an x-ray machine which never turns off and, therefore, can potentially cause genetic damage.

Let us move onward. Another abstract, linked here, is titled 'Folic acid deficiency increases sensitivity to genome damage by ionising radiation.' Ionising or ionizing radiation is the stuff coming out of the radioactive materials at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and out of that radioactive waste that was pumped into the regional aquifer system, from which comes drinking and irrigation water.

Looking further at the effects of ionizing radiation on folic acid, the Introduction to the page linked below declares: "Among the known effect of total-body X-irradiation are the lowered levels of folic acid..." So, here is another form of ionizing radiation which lowers the level of folic acid in the body.

Would internalized radioactivity, caused by ingesting water or food contaminated with Hanford radionuclides, do the same thing? Do women in the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation possibly drink water coming out of the contaminated aquifer system? Do women in this region possibly eat food which is grown in the region, which is also irrigated by water out of the aquifer that is contaminated with radionuclides? Are all these things factors which can account for why virtually all women in this region are reading low in folic acid?


With the contamination from Hanford Nuclear Reservation entering the regional aquifer system at such a high rate, and especially with the radioactive and chemical contaminants in the aquifer being greatly stirred up and mobilized by the Pump and Treat program at the Hanford facility, the radioactive contamination can potentially cause problems in virtually any direction from Hanford.

One example of radioactive contamination in water wells on the Franklin County side of the Columbia River, across from Hanford, is shown in the newspaper article linked below.

The article linked below is from October 11, 1987. It states that these contaminated wells were "two community drinking water wells across the Columbia River from Hanford's 300 Area, where uranium from nuclear wastes is leaking into the river." The article states that "one of the wells is also contaminated with low levels of radioactive Iodine 129, according to recently disclosed Hanford documents."

Once again, let it be noted that this radioactive contamination from Hanford in water wells on the Franklin County side of the Columbia River was verified to the general public in 1987. That was 3 decades ago (as of 2017). By this time, the chelated radionuclides in the aquifer system should have traveled way beyond this point.


Let it clearly be noted that radioactive contamination from Hanford has been showing up in domestic water sources for quite some time, starting in 1947 with at least the Benton City wells. The information presented in this Hanford Nuclear Report shows that this radioactive contamination has gone in many directions in the aquifer system outside of the boundaries of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation since the 1940s. But, there is more to this story.

The document linked below, on PDF page 17 of 24, speaks of humans becoming contaminated by wastes from the Hanford facility. It states: "Contamination concentrations will decrease as the wastes are diluted in groundwater or surface waters. Duration of exposure will determine the dose received. Humans in the area will also be exposed to some contaminants, primarily through hydrospheric pathways (e.g., drinking water, irrigation water, recreation in contaminated areas of the Columbia River, etc.), consumption of contaminated organisms, and through inhalation or ingestion of windblown dust."

Note very clearly, in the excerpt above, that humans can be exposed to radioactive contaminates from Hanford through "drinking water" and through "irrigation water." So, drinking water from the contaminated region around the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is one way to internalize radionuclides. And, food crops which are irrigated with contaminated water out of the rivers and aquifer system which have been contaminated by Hanford waste is another way to internalize radionuclides.

Further down, on PDF page 19 of 24, the linked document declares: "Consumption of fish from the Columbia River is only one pathway by which humans may be exposed to waste from the Hanford Site. Communities that extract drinking water from the river will have a higher rate of exposure than those exploiting groundwater sources." Or, so they thought when the document was written in 2000.

Now, I believe, we know much more about the serious contamination problem in the groundwater surrounding Hanford. We also know much more about the contamination of that vast, regional aquifer system, into which Hanford pumped and leaked all those large volumes of radioactive waste, even chelated radioactive wastes, for many years.

On PDF page 19 of 24, the linked document states further: "In addition, a substantial portion of the agricultural crops in the Columbia River basin is grown using irrigation water from the river. Soil-to-plant transfer of radionuclides depends on adsorption/desorption processes in the soil and plant root uptake processes."

It was noted earlier in this report that much of the Hanford radioactive waste contains chelating agents. Because of these chelating agents, the statement in the paragraph above does not apply quite as much. The chelating agents make the radionuclides much more accessible to plants and agricultural crops. These agents also make the radionuclides more mobile.

Yes, the problems created by all the radioactive waste products transferred into the surrounding environment by the Hanford facility has gone in all directions and negatively affected many things --- especially food and water in the region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

To get a true picture of the problems being created by the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and all the waste materials associated with it, a person must study closely the sections in this Hanford Nuclear Report which deal with the effects on humans of long-term exposure to low-level radiation --- especially to internalized sources of ionizing radiation.

And, once again, we now know more about those detrimental effects created by Hanford, plus what has actually been happening there, than did the writer of the document linked above, from 2000.


The radioactive contamination from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation had traveled a long ways, all the way down the Columbia River to the Pacific Coast. This was first discovered decades ago, as noted in the pages linked below.

The first page linked below declares: "During the 1950's and 1960's, radioactivity from Hanford was found at high concentrations in shellfish in Willapa Bay at the mouth of the Columbia which extended for at least 200 miles into the Pacific Ocean." The page also states: "In the 1960's a Hanford employee set off radiation alarms when he entered the Hanford Site. Upon investigation it was determined that he had become radioactive from eating a can of oyster stew that contained oysters harvested from Willapa Bay."

The second linked page declares: "In September of 1963 a 55-foot fin whale was killed off the coast of Oregon that showed signs of being irradiated by waste products that traveled from Hanford down the Columbia River and into the Pacific Ocean." The page states further: "The whales flesh was found to be emitting gamma rays from radioactive elements."

The third link is to a book. Scroll down the page to the following words: "The Columbia's plume extended into the Pacific about two hundred miles from the river's mouth. Studies showed that southerly winds in winter transported effluent along the Washington coast and that northerly winds in summer spread the contaminated river water along the Oregon coast."

The book, accessed via the third link, declares further: "Radioactive contamination was confirmed in fish and shellfish, particularly oysters, in Pacific coastal waters at both Willapa Bay and Tillamook Bay, Oregon, two of the most important regional shellfish beds on the Pacific Coast." The book states: "At Willapa Bay in 1959, oysters demonstrated concentration levels of Zn-65 about 250 times those of Chesapeake Bay oysters that had been flagged as having high contamination levels from atmospheric nuclear fallout."

The remaining linked page provides additional information.

In all of this, there is something to think about. In the early 1900s, the Columbia River was known for its excellent and sizeable salmon runs. But, in later years it appears that the salmon runs declined rather quickly (link). Could damage caused by Hanford radiation have anything to do with the decline in salmon runs?

A 442 page thesis, accessed via this link, which was submitted to the Oregon State University in 1968, on PDF page 1 of 442, declares: "A study of the population ecology of Columbia River fall chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), was made in an attempt to determine the cause of a serious decline in this run which occurred in the early 1950's." The thesis, on PDF page 19 or 442, declares that "this stock of fish declined rather suddenly and drastically and has remained at a low level of abundance since that time." With this information in mind, there is now something to consider.

The first reactor at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, B Reactor, went critical in late September of 1944. The "first batch of plutonium was refined in the 221-T plant from December 26, 1944, to February 2, 1945."(link) The linked page states: "Two identical reactors, D Reactor and F Reactor, came online in December 1944 and February 1945, respectively."

A table, in the page linked in the paragraph above, notes the start-up dates for additional reactors at the Hanford site as follows: H Reactor - October 1949; DR ("D Replacement") Reactor - October 1950; C Reactor - November 1952; KW ("K West") Reactor - January 1955; KE ("K East") Reactor - April 1955; N Reactor - December 1963.

Let us now consider that serious decline in the salmon run "which occurred in the early 1950's." By the early 1950s, things at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation were really starting to "kick into high gear." It appears that the salmon would have had a few years, from the start of plutonium production in the mid 1940s, to become seriously affected by the radioactive contamination getting into the Columbia River from the Hanford facility.

There is now one thing to note. The information further above states that, "The Columbia's plume extended into the Pacific about two hundred miles from the river's mouth." That same paragraph notes that the winds "spread the contaminated river water" both north and south, along the Washington and Oregon coasts. The radiation in the river water appeared to be somewhat intense, because, in the 1960s, a Hanford employee who had eaten oysters from Willapa Bay, on the Washington Coast, "set off radiation alarms when he entered the Hanford Site."

Looking further, the thesis linked above, in point number 13, on PDF page 13 of 442 declares that, "most of the early dams had no direct effect on fall chinook and the decline in productivity occurred when river conditions were relatively stable." Information on PDF page 19 of 442 declares that the fish stock "declined rather suddenly and drastically," and then "remainded at a low level...since that time." At the bottom of PDF page 3 of 442, the thesis does claim that "The increase in ocean fishing was the main contributor to the decline of the Columbia River fall chinook run as shown by correlation, by analogy, and by the process of elimination."

There is one other piece of information from the thesis which must be noted at this point. PDF page 19 of 442 declares that the fish stock "appeared to be improving in the early 1940's. In 1949, a sharp decline began which continued through 1953; then the catch leveled off and has now stabilized" at the much lower level of fish stock.

copy hanrep.txt hanrep.htm There is now something to consider. In 1949, B Reactor, D Reactor and F Reactor at Hanford had already been operating at full capacity since the mid 1940s. Since the mid 1940s, Hanford had been spewing large volumes of radioactive tritium into the waters of the Columbia River, plus many other radionuclides which were even much more radioactive.

The writer has looked through the thesis noted above and finds that the radiation from Hanford Nuclear Reservation, which has been contaminating the waters of the Columbia River since the mid 1940s, was not considered as a factor in the reduction of chinook salmon stock in the Columbia River. Now, it is understood that the radioactively contaminated plume from the Columbia River extended approximately 200 miles out into the Pacific Ocean and the contaminated waters were then spread both north and south along at least the Oregon and Washington coasts by winds.

Possibly a major reason for the omission of Hanford radiation by the producer of the thesis is that the detrimental effects of radiation in the river water were little understood or not understood at all at that time. It is virtually guaranteed that at least the general public or those who were not directly connected to or managing the secretive Hanford facility would have understood anything about the detrimental effects of internalized radionuclides.

Since 1968, when the thesis noted above was produced, a lot more research has gone into studying the detrimental effects of internalized radionuclides. Much more is now understood about the detrimental effects of internalized radionuclides, as noted elsewhere in this report.

Because of the lack of understanding of the detrimental effect of internalized radionuclides, it appears that the producer of the thesis noted above was simply looking the other way, out into the ocean, and blaming the decline of the chinook salmon population on fishing. With his lack of understanding about the harmful effects of internalized radionuclides, his omission of Hanford and its contamination of the Columbia River is fully understandable.

There is one thing to note in the thesis linked above. At the bottom of PDF page 19 of 442, it is stated that "water temperature in the Columbia River has risen several degrees due to the dams and atomic energy activity..." This part about the increase in river water temperature because of "atomic energy activity is actually very important.

There is something to now consider. It is well known that Hanford dumped a lot of hot water from the cooling systems of the reactors into the Columbia River. It is known that Hanford flushed the reactors periodically, with the radioactive effluent going into the river. It is also known that radioactive decay generally gives off a certain amount of heat. It is further known that relatively intense radiation was flowing downstream in the Columbia River, all the way to the Pacific Ocean. The relatively intense radiation can be realized because of the Hanford employee, mentioned further above, who had eaten coastal oysters and set off alarms as he entered the Hanford facility.

The decay of those large volumes of radionuclides in the waters of the Columbia River may have been a major factor in raising the temperature of the Columbia River by "several degrees." But, it was most likely the internalization of radionuclides which was having the most effect on the salmon run and causing that sharp decline in chinook population. The internalization of radionuclides by the adult salmon may have also had a detrimental effect on the viability of at least some of the salmon eggs. This, in itself, may have worked to reduce the salmon population.


It is time to start unraveling the story and the cause of birth defects in the Tri-County area surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Earlier in this Hanford Nuclear Report, it was noted that on June 8, 2017, there was plutonium and americium detected in the air at the Rattlesnake Barricade --- one entry point for the Hanford facility. This is something to look at very closely.

When the tests were taken which detected the radionuclides in the air, the sampling point was on the upwind side of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. So, the plutonium and americium most likely did not come from the Hanford facility. So, where did the radioactive particles in the air come from?

When the air samples were taken on the upwind side of Hanford, the wind was coming from generally a westerly direction. Well, what is located to the west of Hanford that has the capability of putting plutonium and americium into the air which the general public breaths?

Oh yes, the Yakima Training Center --- also called the Yakima Firing Center --- is located to the west of the Hanford facility (see map, linked here). And, it is known that depleted uranium (DU) weaponry has been used at this Yakima military facility. That is indicated within the following linked pages: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). Just enter "Yakima" into your browser's "find" tool, to locate the information about the Yakima Firing Center in the preceding linked pages.

So, let us consider what is actually in DU weaponry. What is the "give away" or "signature" related to the use of DU weaponry?

The first page linked below declares: "DU weapons were found to be spiked with plutonium and other highly radioactive elements." The page notes further that "'the entire US stock of depleted uranium' is contaminated with plutonium, americium, neptunium and technetium."

Hey! Did you see that! Notice the first two radioactive elements listed above. Those two radioactive elements are what was found in the air samples taken at the Rattlesnake Barricade, at Hanford. The wind was blowing from a westerly direction at the time the air samples were taken. Do you think there is any connection?

The pages linked below also note that plutonium and americium, plus other transuranic elements, are common contaminants in DU weaponry.

So, what has possibly been another major contributor to all those birth defects and anencephaly in the three counties surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation? And, just for the record, Hanford is not completely off the hook, for it is a contributing factor in those birth defects. But that military facility called the Yakima Training Center, with their use of depleted uranium (DU) weaponry, may be the biggest factor --- or at least its "the straw which broke the camels back."

At this point, it should be noted that both the Hanford facility and the Yakima Firing Center have ties to the U.S. Department of Defense. It appears that a military with a eugenicist leaning (partly because of all those Nazis with their Nazi ideologies which were illegally integrated into the military, starting in the 1940s) is perpetrating a type of subtil war or "holy war" on U.S. citizens, using radiation. In the writer's mind, after years of research, a question comes to mind.

Could a war, via radiation, on U.S. citizens and those considered as being "heretics," have something to do with all those Knights of Malta and members of Opus Dei, and their affiliates and allies, which reside in key positions in the government and military?

Possibly, when it comes to the use of destructive radioactive elements in our environment, which can be internalized and cause great harm to the general public, we should be asking who is actually in control of them. We should also be asking who all those members of the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei (plus all their affiliate organizations) really work for and to whom is their ultimate allegiance.

From all the research the writer has done over the years, all these people appear to have taken oaths to be in allegiance to the Jesuit General and the Pope in Rome (link), over and above any allegiance to the United States or its citizens. This can be seen in their historic oaths, which are found at the following links: (1)(2)(3). Yes, it appears we may be dealing with a very subtle and deceptive religious war, right here within the United States.

To those who have a true love for the United States and who do care about their fellow humans, it may be a good time to start researching the facts for yourself. We have entered those times in the United States, which people not all that long ago thought could never happen here. Possibly the general public has been asleep for much too long.

Yes, history does repeat itself. In all of this, let us not forget that there were those bloody and brutal Crusades and Inquisitions in the past. Let us not forget what they were all about and who was behind them. And, as the old saying goes: "All roads lead to Rome." Yes, they may be in control and having their heyday now, but another time is coming.


After considering all the information presented in this Hanford Nuclear Report, it may be time to insert one more factor into "the mix." It may be time to look at some words of an old prophecy which was originally written numerous years ago. Words from that prophecy are as follows:

"And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, saying, We give thee thanks, O LORD God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
      "And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth
."   (Holy Bible - KJV - Revelation 11:16-18)

What does it mean when it says that God, when he takes to him his great power, he "shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth?" When God will destroy them which destroy the earth, could that have anything to do with God ultimately destroying those who are polluting and destroying the environment with radiation from nuclear facilities and also from radiation spread by the use of depleted uranium weaponry?

Carrying the thought a bit further, does the old prophecy written above mean that God shall destroy those who are destroying the environment with depleted uranium weaponry, which continues killing and causing birth defects for generations to come? Does it mean that God will destroy those who are spewing tritium and other radionuclides into the environment from their nuclear facilities, which can help to sterilize the people and work as forced population control or population reduction?

Let us now turn to another matter. When considering all the apparent deceptions and lies surrounding what is being done with the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the Yakima Training Center, given by govenment and military entities alike, and considering further the cause of all those horrid birth defects in the Hanford and Yakima Training Center region, there are some questions which need to be asked.

Are we going to go along with the evil being perpetrated in our midst, especially by those who have taken oaths to support and are following the dictates of a foreign government? Are we going to go along with those who are destroying our land and our future? Or, are we going to do what is morally right, and rise up and overcome them, and turn this nation back to what it is supposed to be?

There is another part of that old prophecy noted above, which comes to mind, especially when considering the deception and lies of those who have hijacked our country and our military, who now appear to be subtly killing our own people --- even our military personnel --- and not so subtly killing the people of the world. The revelation from God is as follows:

"He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."   (Holy Bible - KJV - Revelation 21:7-8)

Note clearly that all liars "shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." And so it shall be. Yes, possibly there is a thing called "global warming." The earth is warming up to do that job which God has given it --- and yes, the heat build-up is coming from within.

It does appear that "global warming" is caused by humans. The wickedness of humans is bringing on the ultimate judgement --- that incredible judgement which leads into that lake of fire and brimstone, where The Beast and the False Prophet will be, along with those whose names are not written in the Book of Life.


This page you are reading is a basic introduction to the situation at Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus the effects of the Yakima Training Center and their use of depleted uranium weaponry. It also introduces that which is facing the general public in this region, plus the whole Pacific Northwest and even parts of Canada. There is actually a whole lot more to this story, plus the situation which is facing the people of this whole world.

A more complete story about Hanford and the Yakima Training Center/Yakima Firing Center would include a much closer examination of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor, the Atomic Energy Commission, plus the U.S. Department of Defense and eugenicists and Nazi war criminals whom they were associated with.

To make the story even more complete, we would also have to examine the Knights of Malta and their affiliated, Roman-based organizations, and their historic "holy war." We would have to consider DOE involvement with radiation releases, genetic modification and the eugenics movement. We would also have to consider DOE involvement and funding of the Human Genome Project.

In the midst of all this, there is also a lot to consider about the geology of the Hanford region and the western United States. This same geology which affects Hanford also will have an effect on the nearby Yakima Training Center. An important segment of the geologic issue for the region is breached in the section further below, which is titled 'Tracking the Rift Toward Hanford.'

This page is already rather long. There is a considerable amount of information to think about. Other parts of this story will have to find their place on other pages which are added to this site.

Regarding the DOE and genetic modification, the button below accesses a lengthy presentation on the eugenics movement and those involved with it. It also presents information about the movement behind atrocious things which have happened and are happening on our earth. The linked page gives some good foundational history. It may help expand your understanding of why things are happening in the way they are on this earth. It may even help to explain why our economy and our employment situation are in such a mess.

NOTE: The page linked above has some internal links that are not working. Hopefully the page will be updated at some point, so that all links are tied to relevant information.


The buttons below access information relating to hazardous radioactivity, plus some history of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the danger it poses to humanity.

It should be noted that materials commonly presented to the public may actually be lacking much information regarding the true extent of the hazard which Hanford presents to the general public.

Tracking  the  Rift  Toward  Hanford

A documented report by:  David E. Sakrisson - Independent Researcher and Reporter

Copyright © 2014-2018  by  David E. Sakrisson
All Rights Reserved

Pick on any links below to obtain further information on a subject.


The discussion in this section relates to at least some of the geology which affects the Hanford region. This same nature of information is also presented in the upper to mid-portion of this page's right margin, beginning at the following levels: (1)(2)(3)(4).

The discussion in this section is also related to information in the main section, found further above under the headings of 'Earthquake Danger and the Fiasco' (link) and 'Serious Faults and Earthquake Potential.'(link)


More than one hundred years ago, the famous essayist, poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson declared: "We learn geology the morning after the earthquake, on ghastly diagrams of cloven mountains, upheaved plains, and the dry bed of the sea."(link)

Yes, the morning after the earthquake, we can readily learn new things. We can often find that things happened in a manner which we did not believe was possible. We may find that our commonly accepted theories were lacking in one area or another. Sometimes, it has been shown that popular theories were completely wrong. Then, new theories are created to replace or modify the old --- and then it is "business as usual," until the next utter surprise.

With the above thoughts in mind, let us now lay down some basic physical observations relating to geology and the way things happen upon this earth. Then we will continue into the discussion about a concealed rift system and its apparent proximity to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.


On a page, linked here, click on the arrows in the gray bar to get to page 23/124, which is titled 'Effects Of Pressure.' On that page is found the following: "At low pressures, rocks are brittle and tend to fracture when subjected to differential stress. At high pressures, rocks are ductile and flow like plastic." For those interested in the concept of rocks which flow like plastic, an Internet search on rock plasticity may be in order.

The concept of plastic, readily deformed rock is important to any discussion about geologic events which can take place upon this earth. Scan through the page linked above and look at the pictures. Here you will see layers of rock which, because of pressure or heat and pressure, are deformed in the most amazing ways. Yes, these layered rocks were made to deform as if they were soft plastic.

Additional pictures of rocks, which at one point had their structures deformed by pressure as if they were somewhat like plastic, are found at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49)(50)(51)(52)(53)(54)(55)(56)(57)(58)(59)(60)(61)(62)(63)(64)

The linked pictures above indicate places where there has been movement, of one form or another, in the crust of the earth.


It is time to consider specific gravity and buoyancy, and how it relates to the continents and oceans of this world. A book, linked here, declares: "Continental material...[with] an average specific gravity of only 2.7, it was thought to 'float' on the denser material which made up the sea floor and which underlies the continental material at depth." The linked book also speaks about "the discontinuity between granitic and basaltic material."

A book, linked here, is from 1906. It is interesting to note that the old data presented in this book is very close to what is being stated today in science. This book states: "The average specific gravity of continental types of rock is taken to be 2.68." Today we commonly round the number off to 2.7. The book also states: "The specific gravity of the rocks composing the ocean floor is taken to be 2.96." Again, science commonly rounds the number off to 3.0.

The simple laws of common science and physics indicate that materials with a lower specific gravity tend to "float" on top of materials with a higher specific gravity. So it commonly is in this earth, as, once again, it is stated above that "continental material...was thought to 'float' on the denser material which made up the sea floor and which underlies the continental material at depth."


Science, as commonly taught, speaks about the "heavier" ocean crust "subducting" below continents. Linked here is a drawing from the Internet which illustrates the location of oceanic crust beneath the continental landmass.

Linked here is an illustration with text which notes the oceanic basalt beneath the continental granitic rock. Linked here is yet another drawing showing oceanic crust positioned beneath continents. On the other hand, linked here, is a typical drawing, as certain sources in science teach things.

Let us consider the plain, simple facts. Science clearly understands that the higher-density basaltic materials which make up the floor of the oceans can move under and exist beneath the lower-density materials which make up the continental landmass. But, what really happens after that? The simple truth is, no one truly knows. No one can actually guarantee what happens with the basaltic oceanic floor once it is under the continental landmass.

Yes, there are many theories and speculations in science and geology, but it appears there are not many "permanent guarantees." The theories in science only remain as valid until they are proven wrong by later findings or by the acts of Nature itself. This has happened time and time again, throughout the years of human existence upon this earth.


It is time to begin tracking the deeply buried, former oceanic rift, as it heads northward from Mexico toward the state of Washington. A portion of the mid-oceanic ridge and rift system resides in the bottom of the Gulf of California (map), between Baja California and the mainland of Mexico.

This portion of the rift system does not simply stop in the Gulf of California, where a portion of the North American continent has been broken loose at the oceanic rift (illustration). But, the rift continues northward and actually resides deep under the continent.

In this section, physical and geological evidence will be presented which may help to reveal, with a reasonable degree of accuracy, the general location of the rift system under the continental mass. Some new theories will be presented, plus old theories may be modified somewhat.

Remember the theory (link) of drifting continents which science has taught? When the North American continent made its westward trip across the ocean, it actually crossed over the oceanic ridge and rift system. We can now do a reasonable job of deciphering the general location of the overridden rift by physical effects on the surface of the landmass --- from California to the state of Washington.


As the North American continent made its westward trip across the ocean, it slammed into some islands. These islands were located on top of the oceanic ridge and rift system. They were similar in nature to Iceland, which sits on top of the Mid-Atlantic ridge and rift system.

As the continent slammed into the islands, the western side of the rift moved northward in relation to the continent's southwestern coastal movement. Possibly there was some "crumpling" rotational movement occurring to get this relative north-south movement, much like the crumpling and twisting of metal and plastic which occurs during a serious car wreck on the highway.

When the massive collision came to an end, the rubble of the islands was embedded deeply into the western margin of the continent. The islands are now included in the Coast Ranges of Oregon and Washington, plus northern California. One of these embedded island groups is now called the Klamath Mountains.


The process which created Baja California began as a massive collision and the overriding of the rift system by the ancient North American continent. The ancient Pacific Plate, on the western side of the rift, generally is moving in a northwesterly direction. But, the continental landmass is attempting to move in a southwesterly direction. So, what happened to the southern portion of the continental landmass which had overridden the rift system and was resting on the Pacific Plate?

A portion of the mainland, of what is now Mexico, was captured by the Pacific Plate as it moved to the northwest. This captured piece of land was ripped loose from the mainland and moved northward by about 300 miles. As Baja California and the western portion of what is now the state of California was shoved northward, it acted like a giant wedge and put extreme pressure on the landmass to the north and northeast of it.


The great pressure created during the northward movement of Baja California and the western portion of California fractured the landmass in many places. The "line" between the northerly moving Baja California and the western portion of California became the steeply northwest-southeast aligned San Andeas Fault (link).

An illustration of the San Andeas Fault is linked here. An interactive map of the San Andeas Fault is found on a page, linked here. Drag the map so you can see the southern end of the San Andeas Fault. It is located by the Salton Sea, which is above the northern tip of the Gulf of California. The Salton Sea resides in the area where the oceanic rift now penetrates under the landmass.

The writer does not believe that the major, deep-seated oceanic rift follows the San Andreas fault northwestward and then out to sea north of San Francisco. Instead, he believes that the San Andreas fault is simply a shear line in the upper crust, while the "big guy" --- the actual rift --- resides much deeper under the continental landmass and follows a different course.


The force of the northerly movement of Baja California, as it slid along what is now called the San Andreas Fault, put a considerable amount of stress upon the mainland of North America. The immense stress appears to have created large north-south aligned cracks in the landmass. The pressure put on one particular section of landmass, which at this point had cracks on both sides of it, caused it to tilt upward and became the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

The Sierra Nevada is commonly called a fault-block mountain. The block of crust was squeezed from the west until the block rotated upward and ended with its eastern edge thrust high up into the air. A good animation which illustrates the creation of a fault-block mountain system is shown on a page which is linked here.


The Klamath Mountains are located in northern California and southwestern Oregon. A page, linked here, declares that the Klamath Mountains include the "Trinity Alps, the Marble Mountains, the Siskiyou Mountains, Eddy Range, the Salmon Mountains, and the Castle Crags."

A Wikipedia entry, linked here, states: "The rocks of the Klamath Mountains originated as island arcs and continental fragments in the Pacific Ocean." The Klamath Mountains were some of the islands picked up and imbedded in the continent as North American overrode the oceanic ridge and rift system.


During a massive collision of vehicles on a highway, the vehicles may not end up facing the direction which they were headed before they collided. In the collision of the North American continent with the islands of the oceanic ridge and rift system, the continent and islands pivoted in relation to one another. This pivoting during the "crunching period" created immense pressure in the continent, which is directed in a northeasterly direction.

The pressure in the northeasterly direction created northwest-southeast aligned fractures in the landmass. One very well known system of fractures is called the Brothers Fault Zone (BFZ) (link). Closer to the Klamath Mountains and parallel to the BFZ are the Eugene-Denio Fault Zone and the McLouglin Fault Zone. Yes, the massive collision of the continent with the islands created a lot of fractures in the landmass. Some fractures "spidered" off in different directions (link).


The collision of the continent with the islands which became the Kalamath Mountains was so forceful that it created ripples and stresses in the landmass even further to the north, where the stresses caused more northwest-southeast aligned fault zones. These fractures are located further north in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, as shown on a map linked here.


During the twisting and turning collision, virtually everything along the west coast of the continent was pivoted and pushed in a northward direction, which movement continues today, but at a much slower rate, as the Pacific Plate moves in a northerly direction (1)(2).

Because of collisions with islands and other oceanic features which became imbedded in the landmass in earlier times (1)(2), plus the movement of the Pacific Plate which continues today, the stresses along the Oregon Coast is pushing things strongly in a north-northeasterly direction (link).

The great pressure against the landmass from the northerly moving Pacific Plate has caused the portion of the landmass west of what are now the Cascade Mountains to shift northward (1)(2)(3)(4). This northward movement of the landmass to the west of the Cascade Mountains gave the Columbia river no other option but to be offset northward at what is now Portland, Oregon (see left-bottom, PDF page 1 or 1), and then, at Longview, Washington, to continue in its westward travel to the Pacific Ocean.

The landmass west of the Cascade Mountains, in the area of Portland, Oregon, shifted about 50 miles northward, as the continent pivoted over the oceanic rift that the continent had overridden. This bend in the river, between Portland, Oregon, and Longview, Washington, is clearly seen in maps linked here and here. This bend in the river, along with other factors, tends to indicate to the author that the ancient, northerly aligned portion of the oceanic rift may possibly reside deep down somewhere near Portland, Oregon and Longview, Washington. More on this issue shortly.


The powerful impact with the islands along the coasts of northern California and southwestern Oregon helped to cause a series of northwest-southeast aligned stresses and fractures (faults) to be created far inland, again, as shown on the map linked here.

The intense pressure from the moving Pacific Plate and the North American continent may also have helped to cause the land to ripple and form the Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt, plus those generally east-west fault lines in the region of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation (link).

Hanford Nuclear Reservation is located in the midst of this fold and thrust belt. (Zoom in on a map, which is linked here, to see more details about the geology in and surrounding the Hanford site.) This is not a very good situation, for it sets the stage for possibly some serious earthquake activity.


There are a number of reputable scientists (link) stating that the faults in the Hanford area pass under the Cascade Mountains (link) and connect with the fault network in the Puget Sound area. This creates a rather dangerous situation for the facilities at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, especially for the questionable vitrification plant, plus for the Columbia Generating Station, in the event of a mega-quake in the Pacific Northwest.

Let us now begin to examine geologic links which may help to locate the ancient rift system. This rift system may actually be one of the major "triggers" for the next mega-quake in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, which ultimately releases its effects upon the Hanford nuclear site, including that operating nuclear power plant called the Columbia Generating Station.


On May 18, 1980, Mount Saint Helens, in Washington state, experienced a massive eruption. This was followed by a number of smaller events. Another geologic event occurred further south, during the active period of Mount Saint Helens. On June 9, 1980, there was a magnitude 6.2 earthquake which struck the Mexicali Valley in Baja California.

At the time, scientists involved with Mount Saint Helens declared that there was no connection between the Mexicali earthquake and the erupting volcano. But, could there have been? Mexicali is located where the deep-seated oceanic rift enters the continental landmass. But, let us not stop here. Let us see if there is any other indicator of a connecting rift deep under the landmass.


In 1906, a massive earthquake devastated the San Fransisco, California, region (link). The epicenter for the earthquake was located near the city. This is as far as common geology teachings go, regarding this quake and the rest of the west coast of the United States. But, is there more to this story that can tie the San Fransisco earthquake to a rift located somewhere beneath or relatively near the Interstate-5 freeway corridor?


During the time of the 1906 San Fransisco earthquake, there was another interesting event which happened further to the north. This geologic event virtually passed with little notice. At this time, information about this unusual event is almost non-existent on the Internet. If it were not for one publication of the era that he stumbled across, the writer would not even know about this event.

The September 1907 issue of Popular Mechanics magazine has an interesting article on page 994. The name of the article is 'A Mystery Island.' The 1907 article states: "Denver Island is, at this writing, one of the San Juan group in Puget Sound."

The article declares that this island way up north in Puget Sound (near Seattle, Washington) "completely sunk beneath the water during the San Francisco earthquake." Later, before the writing of the article, the island came up from its watery grave. The article states that "The trees and foliage were all dead and slime covered the surface once green with grass."

Was this geologic event with Denver Island simply a coincidence, or does it indicate the presence of the deep-seated rift running northward beneath the continental landmass? Does the rift show its presence by these interconnected events in San Fransisco and the sinking of Denver Island? Does it show its presence by the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens, in Washington state, and the earthquake in Mexicali, Baja California?


It is time to consider how far the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is from the rift located deep under the landmass. If the rift is located somewhere deep under the Interstate-5 corridor through California, Oregon and Washington, or even further east, under the Cascade Mountains, how far would the rift be from the Hanford nuclear site? The answer is, possibly less than 175 miles.

If this deep-seated rift can have a strong effect on the fault system which passes under the Cascade Mountains and into the Hanford site, then Hanford could be in for some very serious shaking and some very serious problems when the next mega-quake occurs.


A map, linked here, shows something rather interesting which can be included "in the mix" for the Hanford region. It is a map of Washington state, except showing things as they were thought to have been a long time ago. On the eastern edge of what is now Washington, is noted the "old North America." Prior to accretion the subduction zone was thought to reside to the east of what would now be the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

After the accretion had occurred, the map shows the subduction zone relocated to an area which would be west of what is now The Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It does appear that there could be some question about stability, deep down beneath the Hanford region. So, this raises a question. Would a subduction zone located beneath this region, even sometime which existed in the past, result in a zone of weakness which could have an effect on earthquake hazards in the Hanford region?

Another thing to put "into the mix" is information found in a 2012 abstract for a Nature page, linked here. The page is titled 'Origin of Columbia River flood basalt controlled by propagating rupture of the Farallon slab.' The abstract speaks about the rupturing of the Farallon slab beneath the continent, in a north and south direction. And, what was the location of these tears or ruptures below the landmass?

A map associated with the 2012 Nature page is linked here. Note how the slab edges virtually all were located beneath the Hanford region of Washington state. Does this, once again, suggest a zone of transition and weakness deep below the Hanford Nuclear Reservation? Could this present a problem in the event of a major earthquake?

For those desiring to read the complete Nature article from February 2012, from which the above information and map come, as of this writing, it is linked here. For those who want to look the article up at their local library, the printed Nature article is in Volume 482, from February 16, 2012, on pages 386-390.

Now, back to what can be deciphered from the Nature article. On the map noted above, which is in the article, the yellow-colored areas are the locations from which the Steens-Columbia River (SCR) flood basalts issued from large cracks which formed in the ground and flooded over the surrounding region, forming a covering over the land. This covering of multiple layers of molten and solidifying basaltic lava over the land, ultimately built up during a number of "flood" events to thousands of feet thick. But, there is more to this story.

Where did all these molten flood basalts come from? The article speaks about a "sub-slab asthenopheric upwelling [which] thermally erodes the Farallon slab." And then this thermal erosion of the Farallon slab leads "to formation of a slab gap at shallow depth." This slab gap created the pathway and escape location for the molten lavas from deep in the earth. Then the molten lavas simply took the path of least resistance and flooded across the region, burying virtually everything in sight.

So, with that apparent zone of weakness below the region of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, what lies in store for Hanford in the times ahead? Is this a good place to have a substandard, Vitrification Plant for processing high-level radioactive substances? Is this someplace to truck in and store even more radioactive waste from around the nation? Even if magma did not break through and flood across the land, with that zone of weakness, there may be the potential for some serious and destructive earthquakes --- which could translate into a major nuclear disaster.

Let it once again be noted that the zone of weakness in the upper layering of the earth, which can potentially be exploited by molten magma from deep in the earth, appears to exist beneath the region of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Would we be so foolish as to believe that something which happened in the past cannot happen again along the same line of weakness?

If the scientists would declare such a thing would not be possible again, let us note that, for the most part, it seems that they cannot even predict something so simple as an earthquake. An upwelling of molten material from the asthenosphere is an event which would be even much more unpredictable.

Looking at another source of information about the region, another map, linked here, has lines for the location of the transitional lithosphere and the accreted oceanic terranes. Note how the two lines join in west-central Idaho. Then the joined lines continue north and then turn west into Washington. After a couple of curves, the line heads north-northwest, right near the present location of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It appears that various maps are showing a major transition and possibly a zone of weakness below the Hanford region.

As these things are considered, there is another thing to add into "the mix." A 2016 document, linked here, on PDF page 1 of 11, declares: "Recent research has demonstrated that heat flow beneath the Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer System may be higher than previously measured in relatively shallow (<600 m depth) wells, indicating that sufficient temperatures for electricity generation occur at depths <5 km."

Definitely, something is going on down there deep in the earth, below the region of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Possibly, in the event of a massive earthquake, it might not go real well for the Hanford facility and those in the surrounding region. In the long run, there could be some major problems at Hanford, especially with all that highly radioactive waste stored at this facility, as, it appears, even more is being trucked in.

For those desiring to read further information relating to the Columbia River Flood Basalts, plus theories on the suspected origin of all this molten lava which flooded over the region, just check out the information linked below. And, in all of this, just remember one thing. What has happened before can happen again. Living in denial does no one any good. And, yes, the globe is warming up --- possibly from the inside.

Global  Warming,  Human  Caused ?

A documented report by:  David E. Sakrisson - Independent Researcher and Reporter

Copyright © 2018  by  David E. Sakrisson
All Rights Reserved


There has been talk for years, with people saying that global warming is caused by humans. There are people who believe that this warming (or as some call it, climate change) is human caused. And then, there are others who totally disagree with this thinking. It is time to now consider another, possibly very major factor in global warming or climate change --- and yes, it does involve humans, but not in the way the "elite" have been telling us.


Over the years, the writer has observed something rather interesting in nature. This has to do with the development of rain clouds off the ocean, or the phenomenon of cloudless days, with just simple changes in barometric pressure. Really, it does not seem to take that great of a change in pressure to go from cloudless days to a day of clouds and rain.

What is even more interesting is that it can be rather cold outside, but with simple changes in barometric pressure, vapor can rise into the atmosphere and start to form clouds. With just simple changes in barometric pressure, it is almost like the same thing is accomplished that boiling would do, but just at a slower rate.

The simple phenomenon noted above indicates, to the writer anyway, that there is a rather delicate balance to at least certain things in nature. With this delicate balance in mind, it is time to begin looking at one potential cause for global warming or climate change, which the "elite" are not speaking about and they are not teaching in schools.


The February 2017 page linked below declares: "In late 2013, scientists began to notice something strange happening in the Gulf of Alaska: The temperature of the sea surface was much warmer than usual."

The page continues: "Then in early 2014, warmer waters also started appearing about 125 miles off the West Coast of the United States. By the fall of that year, the warm area extended all the way to the coast. The warming persisted along the California coast and other parts of the Pacific during most of 2015 and into 2016. In some places temperatures were more than 10°F above average."

The page states that "This phenomenon is something new." The page speaks about hundreds of sea otters which died in the Pacific Ocean. The page then goes on to declare: "When these otters were found wheezing and struggling with seizures on beaches in Homer, Alaska, researchers were surprised." Then, it asks: "Could this die-off be related to a large patch of warm water, known as the blob, that had formed in the Pacific?"

The page declares: "From the entire record this event is unprecedented in magnitude and duration. There's just nothing like it in our historical record." The page speaks about the die-offs of various types of sea life.

Regarding the deaths of marine animals in the Pacific Ocean, the page linked below, by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, declares: "To date, there have been no reliable links made between radiation in the Pacific and mass die-offs of marine mammals, birds, fish, or invertebrates. Some of these die-offs have been attributed to viruses, warming water, and other changes to the marine environment that need to be addressed."

Understanding to a degree the way the system works in the scientific community and basically who is in control of it, plus who gets finances for what types of research, the writer does not believe that this issue about radiation causing die-offs in marine life would ever be properly investigated. There is just too much tied up with the nuclear industry for that to ever happen.

At this point, the writer has some questions. Why is everyone acting like the Pacific "blob" is so mysterious? Why are they acting like no one knows what is causing it?

The writer does not believe that it take a rocket scientist to figure out what caused the Pacific "blob" and the heating of the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The die-off of sea life, in itself, should also be a big indicator of the basic cause. It appears that the public is simply being lied to and "played for stupid" by the powers-that-be, especially by the eugenicist faction which appears to be in control.

The 2016 page linked below declares: "The entire Pacific Coast of the United States, Canada and Mexico has been contaminated with radioactive particles from Fukushima." The page states: "Cesium-134, the so-called fingerprint of Fukushima, was measured in seawater samples taken from Tillamook Bay and Gold Beach in Oregon, according to researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution." The page below is well worth reading. Check it out and at least get some idea of the cover-up going on.

The page below, from National Geographic, speaks about the death and dissolving of millions of sea stars on the West Coast. It speaks of the hundreds of thousands of dead seabirds on ocean beaches. It talks about the starving of sea lions. It talks about dead sea otters and whales. Then the page states: "But these mysterious casualties all shared one thing: They overlapped with a period when West Coast ocean waters were blowing past modern temperature records."


In time, this section will begin to grow. There is much information which will be considered. It is time for the public's eyes to be opened to what is really going on. It is time to expose the real culprits behind global warming and climate change, plus how it appears they are causing these changes to happen.



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The D.O.E.

Who is the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) actually working for? What is their true purpose and agenda? These are questions which some people are beginning to ask.

In more recent times, it appears that the DOE is doing just what they want. It appears that they are virtually running roughshod over the citizens of the Pacific Northwest, as they reject the will of the people (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

As the people voted in an effort to protect their health, safety and well-being, because of the questionable things which have been happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, the DOE rejected the outcome of the people's vote. They had the will of the people declared as being un-consitutional. And then they just continue to do what they want, yes, with the help of their allies.

To a number of people, it appears that the DOE and other government entities do not have the best interests of the general public at heart. To those who have really done their research, it appears that the DOE may have some other hidden agenda under which they work.

To some people, it appears that the DOE has become like "a beast" under the control of some other party or organization. But, who? Truly, where is all this leading?

Seeing that the DOE (and especially its predecessor, the Atomic Energy Commission) had or has been involved with known Nazis and even alleged war criminals, plus has funded things like the questionable Human Genome Project, that project which appears to have eugenicist ties, and which Nazis were also part of the eugenics movement, all these things work together to raise even further questions about the DOE and its plans, plus whom it ultimately works for.

Possibly it is about time to start looking to the wisdom of those who have gone before us. Possibly it is time to consider the words of those who had a relatively good understanding of history and of human nature, plus the way things work upon this earth.

Words of Wisdom

In the 1700's, there was a very wise statesman named Edmond Burke. He made some statements which are very applicable in our day. Some sayings attibuted to him now follow.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (1)(2)

And again, Mr. Burke is alleged to have declared:

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." (1)(2)(3)

And, in the United States, there is "the silent majority" --- which unfortunately is being much too silent as their world is being changed around them and their authentic liberties are rapidly disappearing.

So, when considering the words of Edmond Burke, what does that say about the United States and where we are now at, at this point in history, plus where we will be in the future?

Looking further, Edmond Burke also declared:

"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it."

This individual seemed to have much wisdom, plus a rather good understanding of history, especially the history which really counts. Here is another of his sayings:

"The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse."

The saying above is very fitting, especially in regards to the nuclear industry and its controllers. The saying is also applicable in relation to the nuclear bombs and depleted uranium weaponry held and used by the military.

Furthermore, various weapons are given to our service people which can harm their health and produce birth defects in their offspring, plus eventually end many of their lives early because of horrid diseases.

What is being done to our people by the elitists who dominate and manipulate us for their own agendas, or possibly for the agenda of a foreign State, rather than for the good of the nation and its authentic citizens, plus humanity at large?

With these things in mind, let us begin to look at a bit of history about the Hanford region, as it was before it was ruined by nuclear waste.

Area History

The area which is now the Hanford Nuclear Reservation was formerly part of an agricultural region. It is also the ancestral lands for a number of Native American tribes.

The Hanford area included a couple of small towns. One town was called Hanford (1)(2)(3) and the other was White Bluffs (4)(5)(6)(7).

These two towns were condemned (link) and destroyed by the U.S. government to make way for the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, while the inhabitants of the towns were forcibly displaced.

The Native Americans in this region were also displaced from their ancestral lands. Because of this, their cultures were forever changed.

White Bluffs

A page, linked here, declares that White Bluffs "was one of the first European-American settlements along the Columbia River in Washington Territory."

The above link states that the original town of White Bluffs was on the east side of the Columbia River. The town then expanded onto the west side of the river. Then, the linked page states, "When the railroad arrived in 1913, the town moved again to a third site close to the railway."

There is some interesting history in the page linked above. It is worth an examination.

A page, linked here, has pictures of White Bluffs, which were taken in different years. Linked here is a slideshow about White Bluffs.

A page, linked here, contains a photo gallery of white Bluffs and the early town of Hanford.

All this rather peaceful setting existed, until the people were forcibly removed from this area to make way for the birth of the Hanford ecological disaster, which operated under the veil of secrecy.

Columbia River

The Columbia River starts at Columbia Lake and the Columbia Wetlands in British Columbia, Canada. The river flows northwest for about 200 miles before turning south and crossing into the United States.

Once in the U.S., the Columbia drains parts of seven states before it empties into the Pacific Ocean. This information can be found in the links below.

The following links access maps showing the Columbia River and its drainage basin.

The Columbia River is used for irrigating a vast area of farmland and orchards. Fish are also harvested from the river.

Because of food production in the region, this river needs to be kept clean and free of radiation and other harmful contaminants.

Unfortunately, it appears that Hanford has already detrimentally affected this river, and by the way things have been and are being handled, Hanford may ultimately ruin this river, along with many of its valuable resources.

Columbia Basin

The links below access pictures of just some of the agricultural land and food products from the Columbia Basin.

The Columbia Basin is a very important agricultural area. Its products are shipped around the United States, plus shipped to various Asian countries.

The Columbia Basin produces a lot of agricultural goods for the nation and the world. Unfortunately, the mishandling of things or a serious mishap at Hanford Nuclear Reservation could greatly harm or put a complete end to all of this goodness --- all this goodness which has already been compromised.


It is now time to piece together the story of those natural things which could potentially trigger a nuclear disaster at Hanford.

The YouTube video, linked below, is an animation of a M9.0 quake which could hit the Pacific Northwest at any time.

The animation was originally created by the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network.

James Roddey was formerly the Earth Sciences Information Officer for the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. Part of his job was to give presentations about the effects of a massive earthquake in the Pacific Northwest.

Mr. Roddey has added commentary stating what people would be experiencing during one of these mega-quakes.

One question which needs to be answered is this. During a massive Pacific Northwest mega-quake, what will be happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation?

In Portland

According to the page linked below, "the shaking in Portland will continue for at least four minutes. Portland will feel a quake with a strength, duration and destruction never before experienced in the developed Western world."

The page also states, "The rattling will grow into a pulsing undulation that will repeatedly shove the ground up and down as much as 6 feet."

Think about this. Ground waves "as much as 6 feet" high are rather astounding, especially if this event has a duration of "at least four minutes."

Yes, the destruction from such an event will be utterly stunning. It appears that it will affect a very large area

Affected Area

As the video above showed, the earthquake is expected to extend from northern California to northern Vancouver Island, in Canada.

This means Seattle and the Puget Sound area will also be hammered by this mega-quake.

It is said that the earthquake will be felt up to 2,000 miles away. That means that some degree of shaking could be experienced up to 2,000 miles inland.

Hanford Nuclear Reservation is well within the 2,000 mile range from the traveling epicenter in which serious shaking will be experienced. Hanford is only about 200 miles from the coast.

But there is more to this story.

Fold/Thrust Belt

The article linked below speaks of how "seismic forces created the craggy hillsides and deep fissures of Washington's Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt."

The page linked below speaks of the west-northwest to east-southeast trending ridges and valleys in which the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is situated.

It declares: "Geologists now understand that those ridges were created by tectonic squeezing, and that each conceals a fault."

Yes, each conceals a fault which has the potential of becoming active during a massive, regional mega-quake.

Concealed Faults

Hidden or concealed faults reside beneath the surface of the earth. The locations for many of these concealed faults are unknown to science (link), and that is what can make them so dangerous.

The article linked via the button below speaks of "the rupture of a rare, hidden fault that is invisible at the surface." This rare, invisible, hidden fault caused a "devastating earthquake."

It is interesting to note that "the main shock on this fault was followed by a smaller one 10 seconds later at a fault 5km away."

This is how geology works. Things are interrelated in this earth. When one fault moves, it can trigger others in its region of influence.

The surprise, 2003 quake at Bam destroyed the town and killed 26,000 people.

There are many things of value to learn about and understand in the article linked above. It speaks of hidden or blind faults being "formed by compressive stresses."

As a side note, the Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt, where Hanford Nuclear Reservation is located, was formed by compressive stresses. So, there is a good chance that there may be a number of hidden or blind faults around or under the Hanford site.

The article, linked via the button above, states: "Blind thrust faults are buried under the uppermost layers of crust, but they cause the surface layers to fold over them as they deform, forming a tell-tale hill at the surface that identify them to scientists."

Compressive stresses and tell-tale hills are what exist in the Yakima fold and thrust belt. But there is more to this story.

Regarding the devastating Bam earthquake, the article declares: "This previously unknown fault was not associated with any surface features."

This is something to note, especially when considering the region where the Hanford Nuclear Reservation resides.

The article goes on to say: "Even very recent buildings - less than 10 years old - were brought down by this earthquake because the shaking was so strong."

Let the above words sink into our minds. So, is Hanford, with its buildings and all its radioactive waste safe from a major natural catastrophy, such as a massive earthquake? The writer does not believe that it is.

Fault Lines

The page linked below speaks of an interconnected system of faults which are beneath the Cascade Mountains and pass through them generally from the east to the west.

This interconnected fault system joins with those in the Puget Sound area and extends southeast, toward the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and beyond.

The page below states that "longer fault systems generally produce larger quakes..."

In speaking of the Cascade Mountains, the article indicates that "the faults formed long before the range's volcanoes did."

And, there is yet a lot more to this story.

The very slow-loading report linked below is titled 'Connecting the Yakima fold and thrust belt to active faults in the Puget Lowland, Washington.' It is an indepth study of the fault system which extends from the Puget Sound region, beneath the Cascade Mountains and into southeast Washington --- into the region of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

The page suggests "that faults and folds of Umtanum Ridge extend northwestward through the Cascade Range and merge with the Southern Whidbey Island and Seattle faults near Snoqualmie Pass 35 km east of Seattle."

PDF page 30 of 33 states: "This trans-Cascadia system forms a fault zone over 200 km in length." It is well known that the longer a fault system is, the larger can be the earthquake produced by this system.

The page also declares that the Yakima fold and thrust belt, that area where the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is located, is "a region of profound deformation."

The page linked below states: "The new evidence suggests that the region could be rocked by shaking two to three times stronger than the [Hanford nuclear] plant was designed for." The faults in the area now appear to extend deeper into the earth than formerly believed. The article declares: "Deeper faults can produce bigger quakes."

So, it strongly appears that the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is not situated in a place which is geologically safe. And, there are now things to think about.

With those failing underground storage tanks at Hanford, which hold millions of gallons of very dangerous, radioactive "witches brew," a major quake in this area could possibly trigger quite a radioactive disaster.

And then, from all the information presented in this report, it appears that the Vitrification Plant being built at Hanford is not something which could stand up to a major quake without experiencing a major failure, which also could create a very major radioactive disaster.

The Lineament

This discussion speaks of fault lines which pass from the Puget Sound area, under the Cascade Mountains and into the southeast Washington region, where Hanford is located.

This concept in nothing unusual. In all of this, let us not forget about the immense, Olympic-Wallowa Lineament (OWL).

The Wikepedia article, linked below, declares that the OWL "is a physiographic feature of unknown origin in the state of Washington (northwestern U.S.) running approximately from the town of Port Angeles, on the Olympic Peninsula to the Wallowa Mountains of eastern Oregon."

It is of interest to note that Rattlesnake Mountain appears to be part of the immense Olympic-Wallowa Lineament. Rattlesnake Mountain is located on the southwest side of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

The relation between Rattlesnake Mountain and Hanford Nuclear Reservation can clearly be seen in the drawing linked here. In the drawing, the viewer is looking from the southeast, across the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and toward the northwest. Rattlesnake Mountain is along the left side of the drawing.

The picture, linked here, shows a nuclear reactor building at Hanford, with Rattlesnake Mountain rising behind it, in the distance.

A graphic, linked here, also shows the relationship between Hanford and Rattlesnake Mountain (also known as Rattlesnake Hills, to the left of Hanford). Note also the geologic features, those long fault lines, coming from the left of the graphic and passing directly into the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Yes, the signs exist. There are natural triggers in the area which could ultimately bring devastation to Hanford and the facilities which reside there.

Devastation at Hanford does not simply have to be a result of poor engineering. But, poor engineering opens the door for much greater damage, plus a much more serious and catastrophic disaster --- even a full-fledged nuclear disaster --- in the event of a serious earthquake in this region.

To Consider

A M9.0 or larger Cascadia subduction zone earthquake (1) has been spoken about (2) for quite some time (3). This, in itself, is one very major thing. But the writer believes there is more to the earthquake equation than simply that presented by the standard Cascadia subduction zone model (link).

Scientists have mapped the ocean bottom and believe they understand what is happening at the edge of the continent. Science, as commonly taught, speaks about a subduction zone. But, what is the true structure which resides below, on which the continent rests? Yes, what is actually beneath the continent itself?

After years of research, the writer believes there may be a generally north-south aligned, very major rift system deep beneath the surface, under Washington, Oregon and California. Now, what makes him think such a thing?

Let us begin to "connect the dots."

Moving Continents

It is known that the continental mass is of a lower density, lighter weight granitic rock, so it basically "floats" (scroll down linked page) on top of the higher density, heavier rock of the ocean floor.

Looking further, the theory of drifting or moving continents is commonly believed in science. Many have their opinions of how things moved and will move.

A YouTube video, linked here, shows an example of one person's thinking. Another YouTube video, linked here, presents another opinion on continental movement.

Westward Movement

Science teaches that North America moved westward (link) across the ocean, ages ago. It also teaches about the ridge and rift system, which is like a world-wide fracture-system or line of cracking, which exists beneath the oceans of the world (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

That Big Rift

The portion of the ridge and rift system in the eastern Pacific Ocean is called the "East Pacific Rise" (linked map). It is seen, on the map, that the ridge and rift system enters into the Gulf of California, between Baja California and the mainland of Mexico.

Maps linked here and here, show the rift or fracture line clearly residing beneath the Gulf of California. At its northern end, the rift line then passes under or exists beneath the North American continent. Why is this?

The Buried Rift

The rift line exists beneath the North American continent because of the westward travel of the continent across the face of the earth in ancient times. It appears that the continent overrode the ridge and rift system, in its westward travel.

Now, starting at the northern end of the Gulf of California, for the most part, people of science agree that the rift system extends northward and exists beneath the continental landmass at least all the way to the Salton Sea, in the state of California (link). But, where the rift exists beneath the landmass northward, from the Salton Sea, is where there is some disagreement.

The San Andreas

It is commonly taught in science that, from the Salton Sea in California, the rift follows the San Andreas Fault and then goes back out to sea, north of San Francisco (link).

Extensive research has led the writer of this report to see something different. He believes that the ancient oceanic rift system resides beneath the continental landmass in a different location, than the San Andreas Fault.

At this point, let us consider some facts, and then some different scenarios.

Nature of Spreading

Spreading of the oceanic rift, as the Pacific Plate moved northward in ancient times, separated Baja California from the mainland of Mexico and, as Baja California moved north, an ever-widening gap began for form between it and the mainland of Mexico.

Looking at maps linked here, here, and here, there is something important to note about the characteristics of the rift system. There are "sidesteps" in this rift. Moving northward, all the "sidesteps," or "spreading centers," are to the right side, or to the northeast, of the northern tips of those sections of "transform faults."

Even under the landmass, in northern Mexico and into southern California, the "sidesteps" or "spreading centers" are shown as being to the right-side, or to the northeast side, of the northern tip of each transform fault section (link).

Logical Alignment

Moving northward from the Salton Sea, it is time to look at something else, rather than the San Andreas Fault.

Look at a map, linked here. Place an imaginary line from the northern end of the Gulf of California, northward through the Salton Sea. If the line is continued further north, what does it line up with?

Yes, that line does align with the Eastern California Shear Zone. From there, it would transition into the Walker Lane, a geologic trough in the structure of the landmass. There is now something important to note. That geologic trough of the Walker Lane is also called a Rift System (link).

So, a person may ask the following question. Why do all these geologic features, which are associated with continental spreading, all line up? The answer... It is most likely because that is where the active, ancient oceanic rift now resides deep under the continental landmass.

There is one more thing to say about the Eastern California Shear Zone (ECSZ), which is north of the Salton Sea. A page, linked here, declares the following about the ECSZ:

"The pattern of activity on these faults indicates they could correctly be considered part of the boundary between the Pacific and North American Plates."

Yes, the ECSZ is the logical, next surface geologic feature, which resides above the ancient, buried, oceanic rift. From there, once again, it is logical that the path of the deeply buried rift continues in a northerly direction beneath the Walker Lane --- heading toward the bend in the western Nevada border and then back into northern California.

A page, linked here, declares that the Walker Lane "is a major player in the Pacific-North American plate boundary."

Confusing Microplates

An abstract on another page, linked here, declares:

"It was previously proposed that shear related to Baja California motion has propagated from the Gulf of California northward into Nevada."

But then it appears the scientists got confused with things relating to the motions of all the microplates to the west of the ECSZ and the Walker Lane.

Yes, the San Andreas Fault shows much greater movement than the ECSZ and the Walker Lane, mainly because land to the west of the San Andreas Fault is furthest out on the Pacific Plate and "locked" more firmly to it, which Pacific Plate is pulling that attached, westerly land in a northerly direction at a faster rate than it can those more loosely bound microplates to the east.

With the jumble of "loose" microplates between the San Andreas Fault and the actual North American Plate boundary, those microplates closer to the actual North American Plate boundary, because of a closer relationship to the North American Plate and the "drag" which is associated with being more closely related, would be moving northward at a slower rate than plates further to the west.

That is why it is said that the Walker Lane rift system "currently accommodates 20-25% of the plate motion between the Pacific and the North American plates." (link) That is the way that things look at the surface or near the surface, because of the relatively loose jumble of microplates. But deep down, below the microplates, things are different. The actual rift zone appears to reside deep below the Walker Lane.

Continuing Northward

There is more to consider, in relation to this deeply buried, ancient oceanic rift.

Going northward, the Eastern California Shear Zone joins into the Walker Lane, and then the Walker Lane joins into the Cascade Arc, or the Cascade Mountains (link).

Let us now think logically. Just follow the line of volcanoes and geothermal regions (link) northward from the Gulf of California, and it will most likely show the true location of the ancient oceanic rift that is now deep below the surface of the landmass.

Let it now be noted that beneath the oceans of this earth, the rift system is the site of numerous volcanoes and many areas of geothermal activity. Yes, consider also those many "black smokers" and "white smokers" which are located along the oceanic rift system (link).

So, when thinking logically, the line of serious faulting, major geothermal and volcanic activity, looking northward from the Gulf of California, passes through the Eastern California Shear Zone, then the Walker Lane, and onward to the Cascade Arc in California and Oregon, plus beyond. This would be the logical location for the ancient rift, which now is hidden deep below the continental landmass.

Where Is It?

So, as the rift passes into Oregon territory, could it reside deep beneath the Interstate-5 freeway corridor in Oregon and Washington?

A rift located deep under the Interstate-5 freeway corridor, or possibly further to the east and under the Cascade Mountains, would make sense, considering all the volcanoes and hot springs associated with the Cascade Mountains.

Let us now think about things a bit more. There are about 95 volcanic vents in the Portland metro area, plus volcanic vents on the other side of the Cascades Mountains, to the east in Central Oregon. These may all have been fed by "The Big Guy" --- that buried rift system --- hidden deep below the surface of the landmass.

Looking at Hanford

A deep-seated rift under the Interstate-5 freeway corridor or the Cascade Mountains could place a trigger for the next mega-quake much closer to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation --- much closer than that so-called Cascadia Subduction Zone which resides far offshore, under the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

A rupturing rift beneath the I-5 corridor or the Cascade Mountains could have a great affect on the generally east-west aligned fault lines which also reside closer to the surface in the I-5 corridor.

There are all those well-studied generally east-west aligned faults in the Puget Sound region. And, from the findings of the scientists, once again, it appears that those faults pass under the Cascade Mountains and into the region of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

But, let us not stop here. There is another geologic situation to consider --- one which is also related to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Slab Edges

Take a look at a map, linked here. That map is part of an article, linked here.

As an alternative line of thought, could either the "subduction zone" or the "slab edge," noted on the map, actually be the location of the now deeply buried oceanic rift? With this thought in mind, there is something else to consider.

Upwelling Lavas

Could the upwelling of lavas which occurred at the dikes, shown on the map linked in the section above, actually have been upwellings of molten materials through the buried, oceanic rift system, which now resides deep beneath the surface of the landmass in this region?

Back to Hanford

This ancient rift and fault situation, wherever the ancient oceanic rift is actually located beneath Oregon and Washington, could have a great affect on the degree of shaking and other geologic activities experienced at the Hanford nuclear facility during a serious seismic event.

This effect on Hanford may especially be true when the next mega-quake breaks loose in the Cascadia region. Yes, it appears there is an interconnection, plus a serious zone of weakness beneath the region of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Radiological Disaster

If the Hanford facility is seriously damaged, as the ground waves hammer the area during a major seismic event, the radiation spread created by this type of disaster could be very devastating. It could readily spread over a large area of the United States and possibly even parts of Canada, if not beyond.

Earthquake Swarms

A page, linked here, declares:

"In 2009, a swarm of more than 1,000 mini-quakes shook the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. While the quakes were no larger than magnitude 3.3, they struck close to the surface and produced a significant 'peak ground motion'."

A page, linked here, declares: "The Hanford Nuclear Reservation located on the Columbia River in Eastern Washington has been subject to seismic swarm activity for the past several decades."

The page linked above also states: "A major swarm occurred between 1969 and 1970 followed by two smaller ones in 1975 and 1988." The page speaks of the 2009 swarm, and then states: "Since then low-magnitude shallow events have continued to occur at the site."

The above page then goes on to state: "Earthquakes are major cause for concern in this area because of Hanford's historical role in plutonium production for nuclear weapons during World War II." The page then speaks about the "large amounts of solid and liquid waste" and the problem they present.

The page declares: "Ground deformation caused by earthquakes and aseismic slip on or near the reservation could potentially cause toxic waste leakage into the groundwater used by the homes and farms surrounding Hanford."

Yes, Hanford presents, even now, a hazard to the water supplies of surrounding homes, farms and businesses.

The page linked above speaks of "surface deformation...on the nuclear reservation coincident with the earthquake swarm."

This earthquake swarm lasted from February 2009 to October 2009. The page notes that there were approximately 1500 "shallow earthquakes and aseismic slip" events during this time.

Looking at a Model

When the researchers (link) examining the earthquake swarms at Hanford "constructed a model of the fault environment," they found what appeared to be "a shallow thrust fault and a nearly horizontal fault."

To the researchers, it appeared that the shallow thrust fault and the horizontal fault fell "within a thixotropic sediment layer between basalt flows."

What could this "thixotropic sediment layer between basalt flows," where the swarms of earthquakes are occurring, be all about?

Could these "sediments" between horizontal basalt flows have anything to do with all that radioactive waste from Hanford, which was forcefully pumped or injected into the groundwater and regional aquifer system, starting in the 1940s?

Could radioactive waste materials which were pumped into the groundwater and regional aquifer system become much too concentrated at times in certain locations, which would allow them to "go critical" in short bursts --- bursts like Nature's nuclear reactors have experienced in the past? (1)(2)(3)

Are these potential nuclear reactions in the layers of the aquifer system the reason there is that high level of tritium (H3) in these waters --- tritium which the U.S. DOE is now mining on a world-class scale, for the military, with the so-called "Pump and Treat Program?"

Another Scenario

On the other hand, if some of the earlier earthquake swarms at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, which were not modeled, were not the result of reacting radioactive materials pumped into the groundwater and aquifer system, starting in the 1940s, what could potentially have caused them?

At this point, let us return to part of the earlier discussion which included a map of plate edges and subduction zones. That map is linked here.

Look closely at that map. To the south of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is where the upwellings of molten magmas occurred in earlier times (those yellow areas on the map). These are the areas where the flood basalts, issuing forth from geologic dikes in the ground, rapidly overflowed the surrounding region.

Let us now consider earthquake swarms and the movement of molten magma, using another geologic event from elsewhere as an example.

A page, linked here, speaks about "a constant background din of small earthquakes caused by magma, hot gasses, hot water, or faults" which are experiencing movement in one way or another.

Now, back to flood basalts of the Columbia River Lava Plateau. In the past, these flood basalts have issued forth from dikes or giant cracks in the ground.

In the first map on a page linked here, note that the western edge of the very wide Chief Joseph dike swarm is shown as being at the Columbia River, on the eastern border of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Other maps which indicate that portions of the Chief Joseph Dike Swarm would reside relatively near or on the east side of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation are linked here, here (scroll down to Figure 1, Map), and here (scroll down to map on PDF page 2 of 44).

Taking things a step further, let us now add one more factor into the mix. Maps linked here and here, on PDF page 10 of 62, indicate that the "Cratonic boundary," or the "Edge of Craton" in Washington state passes relatively close to the eastern boundary of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. This would produce a transition zone in the geologic structure of this region, which possibly could act as a zone of weakness during a seismic event.

Regional Folding

Let us look further at earthquake swarms and what it could indicate for the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and surrounding area.

A 2012 document, linked here, is titled 'Contemporary Seismicity in and around the Yakima Fold-and-Thrust Belt in Eastern Washington. The Abstract at the top of PDF page 1 of 12 states that the 2009 Wooded Island earthquake swarm was "the most vigorous since regional monitoring began."

PDF page 1 of 12, of the 2012 document linked above, speaks of "the occurrence of the vigorous 2009 Wooded Island earthquake swarm beneath the Hanford nuclear reservation..." The page indicates that the quake swarm could be the result of "active regional deformation" and "ongoing folding in the YFTB [Yakima fold-and-thrust belt]."

According to PDF page 1 of 12, of the linked document, if there is active folding happening in this region, it could present an earthquake hazard to inhabitants of the region, plus "threaten critical dams and power facilities along the Columbia River and the Hanford nuclear reservation..."

Other pages relating to the Wooded Island earthquake swarms at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation are linked below.

A Time to Decide

In the sections above are noted three options for what could be causing the earthquake swarms at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

One important thing to note is that the 2009 swarm event was "the most vigorous since regional monitoring began." This is not a good sign, with things apparently increasing in severity.

So, option number one is that radioactive wastes which were forcibly pumped into the aquifer system are periodically becoming concentrated at a particular locale and "going critical" in relatively short bursts.

With the severity of the quake swarms possibly increasing, this is not a good sign. Maybe it is all that excess tritium in the waters of the aquifer system which is helping to intensify the strength of the sporadic nuclear reactions.

If option number one is what is actually happening, what could be the final outcome for the Hanford region? Possibly there is nothing like living on top of a slowly building nuclear bomb.

Now for option number two. This option considers the possibility of molten magma which is gently moving, while slowly melting its way toward the surface in the Hanford region. It has happened before and there appears to be that zone of weakness beneath the Hanford region.

If option number two is what is actually happening in the Hanford region, this could really produce a serious disaster. What would it be like with all that radioactive waste mixed in with molten lava, with superheated radioactive vapors spewing into the air, to be carried by the wind? What would it be like if too much highly radioactive material was concentrated in one place in the molten mass and things really "went critical."

Enough about those thoughts. Let's now move along.

Then, there is option number three. In option number three, there is active geologic folding taking place in the region. In other words, the landmass is being compressed and stressed like a spring. Does this present the possibility of a massive earthquake cutting loose at some point?

With the ground heaving violently during a serious earthquake and all that radioactive waste in those leaking tanks and in various dump sites at the Hanford facility, this could present a very interesting situation, to say the least. Looking further, if the quake is strong enough to cause serious damage at the Columbia Generating Station at Hanford, could there ultimately be a major nuclear meltdown?

If the nuclear Columbia Generating Station were to "go up" like the Fukushima nuclear reactors in Japan, in the midst of a massive earthquake which is rupturing a number of those 177 large tanks of very nasty nuclear waste, what kind of situation would this present for the region?

And, if that substandard Vitrification Plant, which already appears to be like a nuclear disaster waiting to happen, is up and running when a massive quake hits the region, what would be the outcome of the total combination of all these events for the region?

So, which option do we chose? Or, which option is the most realistic? With the earthquake swarms which have been happening at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, which one of the three options is most likely the causal factor?

Whatever is the true causal factor for these earthquake swarms, the future does not appear to be good for Hanford or possibly even the surrounding region.

Before we leave this section, there actually is one more option. This fourth option actually is a combination of various events happening at the same time. This opens the door for a combination of any of the two scenarios noted above, happening at the same time.

The fourth option could also include all of the above first three options happening at the same time. This may include compressed or concentrated radioactive materials "going critical," as molten magma is coming up through the ground via the cracks which are formed by the process of ongoing geologic folding.

At this point, there is one important thing to note. In the center column of this report, located at the level linked here, is a section titled 'Residential Homes in the Hanford Mess.' You did read that correctly. It appears there have been plans to put residential homes in the midst of this highly contaminated site.

In the section linked above, it is also noted that in this over-budget and questionable "cleanup" project, it appears that only the upper 15 feet of ground is intended to be "cleaned," and that will only be done in select areas, where things are the very worst. Below 15 feet, it appears it will still be a highly radioactive mess --- just what you always wanted to live on top of.

Possibly the "Hanford Nuclear Estates" will be the eugenicists' dream come true. Will there be cancers and other health problems galore, for the residents of these "nuclear estates?" Will there be an unusually high rate of birth defects in this area? Or, will people living here simply "go sterile," so there will be no need to worry about having deformed children, just personal cancers at a later date?

As a side note, the writer lived and worked in the Hanford region at one point in his life. But after examining the available information about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and what is going on in that region, the writer, for one, is guaranteed to not be in any hurry to move back to that area, or anywhere near or downwind of it. He does not need any more of those very strange nodules growing on his body.

The writer also does not want to live in any area where the drinking or irrigation water comes from that radioactively and chemically contaminated aquifer system. If the rest of you want to put your "heads in the sand" and drink or irrigate with those waters, that is your choice. You can drink a glass for me, too.

Major Warnings

The Hanford Nuclear Reservation is part of the Military-Industrial Congressional Complex. It is actually a military facility, especially with that world-class tritium mining project which is commonly called the "Pump and Treat Program." And the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), what is it?

The DOE is basically in the nuclear bomb making and management business. It appears they are also into helping to facilitate other things for which those in control of the military have a desire, like providing depleted uranium (DU) for environmentally damaging weaponry --- that weaponry which also appears to be damaging our own service personnel.

Seeing what has been happening at Hanford over the years, including what appears to be the secrecy and deception, plus the disregard for the health and well-being of U.S. citizens, the words of President Dwight Eisenhower come to mind, which he spoke on January 17, 1961.

Eisenhower warned: "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."

There is one important thing to note at this point. Eisenhower was a retired five-star Army general. His heart was also toward the citizens of the United States. Therefore, what he had to say is very much worth considering, even at this late date.

Information which includes Eisenhower's words and concerns is linked below.

But, Eisenhower was not the first president to see a looming threat to what this nation is really supposed to be about. President Woodrow Wilson also saw something of concern.

Afraid of Something

It appears there was something working from behind the scenes in our country, even from earlier times. It was something which was almost sinister, which Woodrow Wilson saw many decades ago. It appeared to be like a many-tentacled monster which had a stranglehold on our country and government.

What Woodrow Wilson declared, now follows:

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." (1)(2)

What were these men really afraid of? What was that power coming from somewhere --- somewhere that they did not understand --- that was "so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive," that they were almost terrorized by it?

Unfortunately, it appears that President Woodrow Wilson was himself in the clutches of this power, without realizing it. It appears that he had his "handler" to keep him in control. It appears this handler made sure that Wilson was virtually being a puppet for the hidden power. His handler, it appears, was the so-called "Colonel" by the name of Edward Mandell House. (1)

According to President Woodrow Wilson, Edward House was his "alter ego." Wilson also declared: "Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one."

What Woodrow Wilson was declaring, in the statements above, almost sounds like someone who was under the hypnotic control of another person --- possibly under the control of Edward House and the people whom House worked for.

But, there is more to this story of a power which works behind the scenes.

Invisible Government

From what President Theodore Roosevelt has spoken, it appears that he saw at least a part of the problem which is associated with this hidden power --- at least it appears he saw the first "layer" of it.

At one point, Theodore Roosevelt declared:

"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today." (1)

Unfortunately, Roosevelt only understood part of the problem. It appears that he was not able to go deep enough and see who or what was actually behind or motivating it all. He apparently did not understand what was controlling the people of the invisible government.

Enslaving the People

It appears that President John F. Kennedy (JFK) also saw something which was horrible and operating behind the scenes. In relation to what he saw, the following words are attributed to him:

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot." (1)(2)(3)

There has been controversy over the above quote. Possibly the re-writers of history would like it buried. But, there is one thing to make very clear at this point.

There is good reason to believe that Kennedy saw something very evil which was going on behind the scenes. It is obvious to the person who researches, that they tried hard to get Kennedy involved with the plot. But, it is very obvious that he did not go along with it.

Because Kennedy would not go along with the plot, but yet he was beginning to understand what the plot was about, those people involved with it had to brutally assassinate him. That was their way of making a public statement to the world. But, they did not stop there.

It appears that John F. Kennedy's brother, Robert, who had been U.S. Attorney General during the JFK presidency, knew too much about the plot and what had been going on behind the scenes and who, at least to a few "layers" deep, was actually behind it.

A diligent study of available information makes it clear that Robert Kennedy was not going along with the plot which JFK had spoken about. It appears that Robert's knowledge and actions against some of those involved with the plot also got him assassinated, about 5 years after JFK.

Let us once again look at the following words about the plot, which are attibuted to JFK:

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."

In a page, linked here, it is indicated that JFK spoke these words "to one of his advisors just days before his assassination." Yes, "to one of his advisors" --- not in a open speach like many "parrot" out.

So, it is time to ask a question. Who could possibly have been behind this plot?

JFK's Predicament

Available information indicates that President John F. Kennedy (JFK) wanted to get the United States and its citizens out of the quagmire which leads to world-class nuclear war and human annihilation.

Kennedy believed that the United States should be a nation which "practices what it preaches about equal rights and social justice," and that it should work toward peaceful solutions rather than the "aggressive ambitions" of some who were in positions of power.

But, in his noble efforts, it appears that Kennedy was being opposed on virtually every side. It appears that during this time, the CIA (which by this time was full of Nazis and their ideologies) and the Pentagon (which was also associated with Nazis and their ideologies) were even lying to Kennedy about the facts involved with some of their schemes. During this time, the CIA and the Pentagon were also displaying numerous acts of insubordination, and apparently even acts which could be classed as blatant treason.

Words from a Nephew

The article, linked via the button below, is from November 20, 2013. It presents information from a nephew of President John F. Kennedy. This page indicates that the CIA (under Director Allen Dulles) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon were doing virtually everything they could to trap JFK into a full-scale nuclear war of annihilation with the Soviet Union --- potentially bringing on the virtual end of humanity.

While all these things were happening, JFK began to realize that the CIA was a monstrous threat to the United States and what this nation is really supposed to be.

Allen Dulles (who is said to have been a Knight of Malta, in submission to the Jesuit General and Pope in Rome) was the head of the very insubordinate CIA. JFK ultimately had to fire Dulles. Kennedy further wanted to get rid of the deceptive and dangerous CIA altogether, because of what it was trying to do to the United States and its citizens.

At this point, let us once again look at those words attributed to President John F. Kennedy, when he stated:

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."

Looking at another issue, against all opposition, Kennedy was doing his best to keep the United States out of a full-scale war in Asia. He did not want to commit troops to Vietnam. It appears he listened to the advice which retired General Douglas MacArthur had to give --- that being the following words:

"Anyone wanting to commit American ground forces to the mainland of Asia should have his head examined."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)


From what is indicated in the article, linked here and above, the Joint Chiefs in the Pentagon, along with the CIA (which we should know by now, because of Operation Paperclip and other like operations, were full of ardent Nazis and their ideologies --- which Nazis were on a "holy war" for Rome, as noted elsewhere in this report), were lusting for war in Vietnam. One way or another, legally or illegally, they wanted this devastating war.

Furthermore, the military and the CIA were still working from different angles to draw the United States into a full-scale nuclear war with the Soviets. It appears they were steadily seeking that annihilation of humanity which it could bring.

Possibly the blatantly insubordinate activities of the CIA and the military had something to do with those embedded Nazis and their warped ideologies. Possibly it also had something to do with the Knights of Malta and their affiliates, and the oaths which they have taken, plus whose agenda they were and are working for.

Letters for Peace

The page, linked here and above, brings out an interesting piece of history.

Later, after a "failed" arms reduction meeting which Kennedy initiated, the Soviet leader, Khrushchev, appears to have had "second thoughts" and began to reach out to Kennedy, outside of the very controlled and manipulated, normal channels of communication.

It appears that both Khrushchev and Kennedy desired peace, rather than the nuclear war and annihilation of humanity which the military and intelligence organizations on both sides were working hard to create.

There were a number of secret communications between Kennedy and Khrushev, as they worked outside of the normal channels of communication to prevent the nuclear annihilation of their countries.

There appears to have been at least 21 letters smuggled between these two leaders, as they worked to bring about a more peaceful solution.

During this time, Kennedy was concerned by what he saw. It appeared that the military was preparing to overthrow him and seize power over the nation and its future. Then, it appears the United States would have been under a military dictatorship.

That military dictatorship was something which it appears the wealthy and treasonous eugenicist businessmen in the United States had attempted to pull off back in 1933. And it failed at that time. But it appears that they never gave up on the idea and possibly, this same group was now working behind the scenes against President Kennedy in the 1960s, hoping to finally succeed in pulling off their nazi-type military dictatorship.

As a side note, information about the 1933 attempted overthrow of the U.S. government and the installation of a nazi-type military dictatorship is found in the left-side margin of this report, at this level.

Now, let us return to what President John F. Kennedy was dealing with in his day.

President Kennedy vs.
the CIA and Military

Once again, it appears that the military and the CIA wanted war, one way or another, wherever they could find it. They were trying many things, even insubordination, in their attempts to turn the Cold War into a full-scale nuclear hot war. Kennedy, on the other hand, was looking for a way to bring peaceful solutions into this world.

Instead of sending U.S. troops into South Vietnam, Kennedy wanted South Vietnam to fight their own war. Then there was the eugenicist and Knight of Malta, Allen Dulles, of CIA fame. He was pushing hard for a hot war in Vietnam. It appears that the CIA was working hard to escalate a Vietnam war and get the U.S. deeply involved, which it eventually did, after Kennedy was assassinated.

According to the article linked above, it appears that the CIA had a horrific lust for power in Vietnam. During this time, the CIA was described as "an insubordinate, out-of-control agency, which one top official called a 'malignancy'." It notes that the CIA and its members "represent tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone."

Better Accuracy

Hold on a moment! The information presented above states that the CIA and its members "represent tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone." It is true that the CIA and its members "represent tremendous power." But, there is more to this story.

The part about the CIA and its members having "total unaccountability to anyone" is not a true statement. Research indicates that the CIA is accountable to the Jesuit General and the Pope in Rome. More about this issue later.

Civilized Solutions

Let us return, once again, to Kennedy and Khrushev, as they were working hard to bring the world back from the brink of nuclear war and the annihilation of humanity, as they sought more civilized solutions to world problems.

Kennedy clearly understood and openly stated that if there was a full-scale nuclear war, "All we have built, all we have worked for, would be destroyed in the first 24 hours."

But again, the military-industrial complex was against Kennedy (yes, war means money and power). And, because of the questionable and illegal Operation Paperclip and other like operations, the military-industrial complex was loaded with ardent Nazis and their "holy war" ideologies.

On top of that, the Pentagon was against Kennedy. And, the Pentagon also had its ties to the Nazis and their ideologies, plus it appears that a number of the military brass may have been members of the Knights of Malta and other affiliated organizations.

It appears that the State Department, which was involved with Operation Paperclip and other like programs, was also against Kennedy.

And, "sure as shooting," the CIA, which was jam packed with Nazis with their "holy war" ideologies, was against Kennedy. But, Kennedy persisted in his quest for peaceful solutions to world problems.

At this point, there is something to once again note clearly. As far as that military-industrial complex which was against President Kennedy and pushing for all out nuclear war --- that complex was loaded with ardent Nazi eugenicist war criminals from the World War Two era, who had been illegally placed in key positions of power and influence.

These Nazis, who in the first place, had been illegally brought into this country by insubordinate and blatantly treasonous individuals in positions of power, who conspired and were working together to help their brother Knights escape justice at the Nuremberg Trials, using things like Operation Paperclip and other like questionable operations. These Nazis appear to have had a "holy war" mentality, apparently as a result of that Concordat which Hitler and the Nazis had with the Vatican, and possibly also because the Nazi SS had been modeled after the Jesuits.

Now, back to the plight of President John F. Kennedy, before he was so brutally and savagely assassinated in November of 1963, by those who were against him and against the health and well-being of the American people, plus who appear to have been treasonously working as agents for their foreign masters.

Test Ban Treaty

Much to the consternation of the military and the CIA, the atmospheric-test-ban treaty for nuclear weapons was signed by Kennedy and ratified by the Senate on September 24, 1963.

It should be noted that by 1963, the military, the CIA and the military-industrial complex already was comprised of numerous Nazis, many being Nazi war criminals, plus eugenicists and unethical human experimenters. These questionable Nazis were embedded in key positions via illegal programs like Operation Paperclip and its associated operations.

As noted elsewhere in this report, it appears that these Nazis had a "holy war" mentality. It appears that they were just looking to unethically experiment on people, plus destroy people on this earth. But, it appears that President Kennedy was a "roadblock" to their "fun."

Because of this test ban treaty, citizens of the United States in the region surrounding and downwind of test facilities, like the Nevada Test Site, would no longer be intensely showered with harmful radiation during the passage of radioactive clouds produced by these "experiments." (map1)(map2)

On October 10, 1963, Khrushchev signed the treaty for the Soviets. Then Khrushchev sent Kennedy another secret letter for further steps which could help to end the Cold War.

Kennedy never saw that October 10 letter from Khrushchev. Why? The page linked here and above declares:

"State Department officials hostile toward Khrushchev intercepted it."

It appears that Kennedy's success with the nuclear test ban treaty had really stirred up the proverbial "hornet's nest," especially among those with a "holy war" agenda on behalf of their foreign masters. Now Kennedy's enemies were really out to get him.

It appears that with the capture of the Khrushchev letter, the military and the CIA now had possession of "the final straw which broke the camel's back," at least in their eyes.

An End to Kennedy

On Friday, November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was openly and brutally assassinated in Dallas, Texas, as he was riding in a presidential motorcade which was passing through Dealey Plaza.

The crowds watched in horror, as the blood splattered and Kennedy slumped down. But, who was actually behind all this brutality? Was it just that "pawn" or "patsy" named Lee Harvey Oswald, or was there much more to this event and the story behind it?

Who was really wanting the nations to go to nuclear war and annihilation? Who would benefit from such a thing happening? Who was possibly instigating or manipulating the military and the CIA? To find a logical answer, let us look even deeper.

Secret Societies

President John F. Kennedy made an important speech on Thursday, April 27, 1961. In the main part of his speech, he declared:

"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it." (link)

Kennedy was speaking about the dangers presented by these secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings. Could these secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings have anything to do with why the military and the CIA were doing acts of insubordination and working hard to bring the world to nuclear war, while Kennedy was working hard to bring the world back from the brink of nuclear annihilation?

What were some of these secret societies which Kennedy may have been speaking about? Which of these secret organizations could have profited greatly, if the world had gone to full-scale nuclear war?

At this point, there is a question to ask. Which secretive organizations are historically known for instigating wars on this earth? Could the oaths linked below help to answer this question?

In the oaths linked above, the advancing party is reminded that they "have been taught to act the dissembler..."
      They "have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace."
      They are "To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit, who may be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected; only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means."(1)(2)(3)

What is actually being spoken about above is definitely a "holy war" of destruction on behalf of the Vatican, that foreign State, so that particular "church" or government can end up despotically reigning supreme over this whole earth --- and, to them and certain of their people, once again, "the end justifies the means."(1)(2)(3)

Let the history of this earth speak to the validity of the oaths linked above. May the history of things like the bloody Crusades and cruel Inquisitions not be utterly lost on us.

At this point, there is something to note. A page, linked here, contains the following information:

"Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] were expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."

The page linked above also speaks of the secret societies which are controlled by the Jesuits. Could these be the secret societies which, in the 1960s, President John F. Kennedy was speaking against, before he was brutally and savagely assassinated?

The page declares: "The list of secret societies being controlled by the Jesuits today include: the Freemasonry, the Knights of Malta, the Bilderberg group, and the higher levels of the Knights of Columbus, and the highest levels of Opus Dei -- and all the subgroups that fall under these powerful entities."

Again, are these the secret societies which Kennedy was talking about when he also said: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot?"

And then, BOOM, and Kennedy was gone. Yes, they BLEW KENNEDY AWAY! He HAD to be silenced, lest the public awaken and realize what was happening to them and the country.

Behind the Scenes

Further above, this page noted the words of President Dwight Eisenhower, as he warned against the rising power of the military-industrial complex.

Let it clearly be noted that this military-industrial complex was now composed of numerous eugenicist Nazis, and even known Nazi war criminals, in key positions of power and influence. These were Nazis who had been on a "holy war" of extermination and whose government had a Concordat with the Vatican, and whose Nazi SS was modeled after the Jesuits.

President Theodore Roosevelt warned about the "invisible government," which owed no --- or did not have any --- allegiance to, nor did this invisible government acknowledge any responsibility to, the people of the United States or the nation at large.

When looking at the invisible government, whose members have no allegiance or responsiblity to the people of the United States or to their legitimate government, possibly the following words will help shed some light on the issue.

In their induction ceremony to the higher levels in these secret societies, as noted in a pages linked here, here, and here, the initiates declare that, "the Pope...hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments and they may be safely destroyed."

But, there is more.

In the induction ceremony, the initiate also declares: "I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers."

Is this what President Theodore Roosevelt was actually speaking about, but did not fully realize the "nature of the beast" which he was dealing with?

And, the initiates also declare: "I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics...as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth... That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet..."

And, once again, let us return to the martyr for the American people. President Kennedy spoke of "a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child..."

And, as President Kennedy was working against this plot, plus working to expose it, so the freedom of U.S. citizens could remain, he was rewarded by being brutally and savagely assassinated. Yes, Kennedy was a true martyr for the American people and for the Constitution of the United States. It appears he was one of the few who truly worked to honor his presidential Oath of Office, even to death.

Let us now move onward, and see what has been happening behind the scenes.

President Woodrow Wilson saw something rather sinister and declared: "Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

So, in case there is still any doubt, what was this incredible power which lurked somewhere, which was "so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive," that all these powerful people in commerce and manufacturing were afraid of?

Could this power, in any way, be connected to the secret societies which Kennedy spoke about. Could it be related to those secret societies whose members, by oaths, were in total allegiance to the Jesuit General and the Pope in Rome, in other words, to a foreign State, over and above any allegiance to the people of the United States and their legitimate government?

Possibly we need to look a little deeper for the truth. It is time to look again at the words of President John F. Kennedy --- that one who, as a true martyr, was savagely assassinated because of his words and actions.

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy, in November of 1963, proves beyond any reasonable doubt, especially once all the available history is understood, that he definitely was "on to" something. It appears that he was actually beginning to understand what was going on behind the scenes --- those treasonous things --- and who and what was behind it all.

There was something which Kennedy saw which needed to be exposed and taken down, before it enslaved and destroyed the legitimate United States and what this country is really supposed to be all about. But those of the "invisible government" could not allow this to happen. So, Kennedy was blown away.

Those Secret Societies

In that speech where Kennedy spoke about those things which are "repugnant in a free and open society; and [that] we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings (link)," he also declared that "our way of life is under attack."

If our way of life was under attack, that would indicate that Kennedy saw something which was happening right here, directly within the United States. Could that have anything to do with the acts of the CIA and the military, which are noted in the article linked here, where they were clearly operating under the control of something other than the President, as Commander in Chief, or even Congress?

Could the many acts of blatant insubordination displayed by members of the intelligence agencies and by segments of the military, as they disregarded the direct orders of the President of the United States, have anything to do with those secret societies which individuals in both government agencies and the military are members of, as they work toward a goal under an agenda for the Jesuit General and the Pope in Rome, which is not good for the health of the nation or for the general public --- that being the goal of a foreign State or government to bring in the New World Order with the pope at the head?(1)(2)(3)(4)

Could the many acts of blatant insubordination displayed by members of the intelligence agencies and certain segments of the military have anything to do with all those "holy war" Nazi war criminals, who were apparently just carrying on with the Crusades and the Inquisitions, who were then illegally and treasonously brought into the United States under illegal Operation Paperclip and other like operations, which Nazis were then placed in key positions in the intelligence agencies and apparently in the military, also?

With these things in mind, let us now move onward.

In his speech which noted secret societies, Kennedy spoke about "a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert (1)(2) means for expanding its sphere of influence."

Was Kennedy possibly including an insubordinate CIA in his statement --- a CIA which appeared to be working in a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy for a foreign State, as it attempted to bring the world into a total nuclear holocaust by manipulating the military?

More Defining Traits

In his speech, Kennedy spoke about this conspiracy which relies "on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day."

Would the above words fit into the description of what the secret societies and that insubordinate CIA were doing, as they followed the orders of those who they really work for?

Of this conspiracy, Kennedy declared: "It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."

And, what have the secret societies and the CIA been doing all along, as they control and greatly manipulate the government and even the military, apparently for their bosses in Rome?

There was a reason why Bill Donovan, the head of the World War Two agency call the Office of Stategic Services (OSS), which was the forerunner of the CIA, was wisked away to the Vatican as the war raged. As a page, linked here, declares, he "was ushered into an ornate chamber in Vatican City for an audience with Pope Pius XII. Donovan bowed his head reverently as the pontiff intoned a ceremonial prayer in Latin and decorated him with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods. This award has been given to only 100 other men in history, who 'by feat of arms, or writings, or outstanding deeds, have spread the Faith, and have safeguarded and cham-pioned the Church.'"

Other pages which note the Donovan event and things about the Vatican and its relationship with the intelligence agencies are linked below.

When clicking on the links below, if a message comes up about an "internal server error", simply come back to this page again and immediately, very quickly re-click the button. You may have to do it at least a few times, especially with one page (OTO button). But, let's not let any type of censorship get in the way of our learning about history.

Now, since members of the Knights of Malta and other affiliated Catholic organizations are, by an oath, under the control of a foreign State, which the Vatican is, there is something to bring up.

Article 1, Section 9, of the Constitution of the United States contains the following words:

"No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."(1)(2)

Now, all these Knights of Malta (etc.) which are in U.S. government or military positions have taken an Oath of Office to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

So, there is something to now consider. All these Knights of Malta (etc.) are under the control of a foreign State, the Vatican, plus are part of the militia of the Pope. They are essentially foreign agents working for the Vatican and the Jesuit General. In doing this, it appears that they are in blatant violation of their Oath of Office within the United States of America.

But then again, under illegal things like Operation Paperclip, during the World War Two era, weren't they blatantly working in the best interests of the enemy, as they brought their "holy war" brothers into this country while blatantly violating U.S. laws and the U.S. Constitution?

But, it appears that it is okay for them, because in their historic oaths they declare: "I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers."(link)

In other words, their oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution and to be in allegiance to the United States and its citizens means absolutely nothing.

No wonder that, in Australia, there is talk about Catholics needing to register as "agents of Vatican under foreign interference laws," as noted in the pages linked below. It appears that at least someone woke up to what is going on in our world.

Look at what is stated in the pages linked above. Yes, listen to them howl when their "hands are caught in the cookie jar," when the people finally wake up and see what they are doing in their country!

So, it is time for a little bit of history.

"Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

That is the history of the Jesuits, and the Jesuits are in control of organizations like the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, the Skull & Bones organization out of Yale University, plus many affiliate organizations within the United States. They are using members of these organizations in government and military positions as their "tools" to overthrow our legitimate form of government. And, yes, our government agencies are infested with these "tools" of a foreign State. So, is it about time for Americans to wake up?

Even More Traits

It is time now to continue from further above, with that conspiracy which President John F. Kennedy was speaking about, before he was so brutally and savagely assassinated by treasonous individuals. It is time to speak about that conspiracy which is in full operation, right in our midst.

About this conspiracy, Kennedy declared further: "Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match."

The words, "Its preparations are concealed, not published." Could that have anything to do with things, even potentially unethical and criminal things, being declared "CLASSIFIED," which then removes them from the eyes of the unsuspecting public?

And, Kennedy declared that the conspiracy's "mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised."

Wow! Kennedy sure got the brunt of that one, for since he did not go along with the conspiracy, he was permanently silenced by brutal and savage assassination, rather than being praised for working strongly and nobly to bring peaceful solutions to this earth.

Kennedy's Words

Looking at those things in the sections above which Kennedy declared, there is one thing which is very obvious to those who have done their research. When it comes to the secretive CIA, which has also gained the title of Catholics In Action, it appears that "no expenditure is questioned," and on pain of death, "no secret is revealed."

After reading all the information linked further above, plus after doing additional research, it becomes very clear that the secretive CIA was conducting the Cold War. It also appears that the CIA was passing along information, even skewed information, which could then be used to manipulate and instigate the military, even into acts of insubordination.

Yes, it appears that these people were just fulfilling their oaths as members of those secret societies --- the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull & Bones, plus numerous affiliate groups --- over and above any allegiance to the United States and its legitimate citizens.

And now, getting back on track, what is an example of those nefarious things which an insubordinate-leaning military and intelligence community were planning on doing? And how were they working to stir up foes against us?

Once again, read the full article, linked here. It gives many examples. And then, there were those destructive and deadly terrorist activities which they planned on doing directly to U.S. citizens, so they could cause that lusted-after war --- possibly that "holy war."

Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods (link) was planned earlier but was meant for action during the Kennedy presidency, but did not have the approval of Kennedy.

Operation Northwoods was that which is commonly called "a false flag operation." It is something treasonous agencies within a nation do to their own people, and then blame the perpetration of that event on another country. Treasonous agencies do this so they can manipulate the people of their country and get them to freely go to war against the falsely blamed country.

Under Operation Northwoods, the CIA and/or "other U.S. government operatives [were] to commit acts of terrorism against American civilians and military targets, blaming it on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba."

Hold on a moment! Does that sound a little like 9/11 and the Twin Towers in 2001, when numerous U.S. citizens were ruthlessly killed? Does it have anything to do with those secret society oaths which state: "The end justifies the means?"(1)(2)(3)

Well, it appears they succeeded with the 9/11 operation, and President Bush (who was declared as being more Catholic than Kennedy) got to do his "Crusade" in Iraq. This "Crusade" also allowed the U.S. Department of Energy to get rid of a lot of nuclear waste, in the form of depleted uranium (DU) weaponry, and spread that unwanted nuclear waste and its radiation all over Iraq.

But, unfortunately it appears that this DU weaponry also harmed our own military personnel. But no biggie. That is just collateral damage and, once again, "the end justifies the means," or at least that is what is recorded about the historic ceremony for the Extreme Oath of the Jesuits.(1)(2)(3)

But, it is now time to consider a little reality.

If certain "government" entities have no allegiance and no responsibility toward the U.S. citizens at large, and if the allegiance of certain "government" entities is toward a foreign entity or entities, like the Jesuit General and the Pope in Rome, why should they care if U.S. military personnel are also harmed by things like DU weaponry. It appears their bottom line may be something like, "Destroy heretics and those around them, then let God sort out the pieces and figure out who are his."

While we are considering questionable military and intelligence community operations, it appears that there were other false flag operations which were planned against U.S. citizens, in which it appears that the CIA and the military were involved --- you know, those organizations which had Nazis placed in key positions of power, which Nazis appear to have been on a "holy war" for their bosses in Rome.

So, who does it appear has interferred with the CIA and the military, and spurred them on to acts of insubordination? Who may be manipulating them in nefarious ways? Once again, does it have something to do with the secret societies which Kennedy spoke about? And, who, once again, are some of these secret societies, that we may look more deeply into this matter?

People and Societies

It is time to consider people in positions of power, who are members of secret societies --- those societies which President Kennedy spoke about with great concern.

From Kennedy's words, it appears that he felt that these secret societies and their members were somewhat un-American. That would be true, especially if their true allegiance is to the Jesuit General and the Pope in Rome --- in other words, they are foreign agents whose purpose is to further the Vatican's desire for the New World Order, with the Pope at the head.

Let us start the next portion of this discussion by considering the eugenicist Allen Dulles, who was Director of the CIA for many years. It is said that Dulles was a Knight of Malta. "Wild Bill" Donovan, whose Office of Strategic Services morphed into the CIA, is also said to have been a Knight of Malta.

There is, once again, something interesting to bring our attention back to at this point --- something which tends to raise a red flag.

In July of 1944, while World War Two still raged, William Donovan was wisked away to the Vatican to receive the 'Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester,' that entered him into this most prestigious of papal knighthoods (link). It should once again be noted that "less than one hundred men have received this award throughout history."(link)

So, what gives here? Was William J. Donovan, as a Knight of Malta, actually working for the Vatican and the Pope during World War Two, more than he was working for the citizens of the United States? Was William Donovan actually a double agent? And, Allen Dulles of the CIA, as a Knight of Malta, was his allegiance more toward entities in Rome, rather than to citizens of the United States? Possibly some of the nefarious CIA operations could tell the truth on this matter.

Actually, the historic Oath of the Knights of Malta, accessed via the links which follow, could potentially reveal to us the truth.(1)(2)(3)(4)

A page, linked here, is titled 'Famous American members of the Knights of Malta.' The page states that the Knights of Malta "are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head."

Hold on a moment! Let's put the brakes on! What does that say above?

The Knights of Malta "are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head."

Does this mean that virtually every Knight of Malta in U.S. Government or military positions, plus every member of their affiliate organizations which have a similar purpose, are operating in violation of their oath of office?(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)

Does this mean that members of these organizations are guilty of treason, because they are, in essence, working to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and what it really stands for, as they work to put the United States and its authentic citizens under the domination of a foreign government and foreign State?

Their Ultimate Goal

So, members of the Knights of Malta may be in key positions in various agencies and the military of the United States, but their allegiance is not to the people of the United States, but rather to the Pope in Rome, plus the creation of the New World Order --- which New World Order appears to be organized by the Jesuits.

The New World Order is a system under which authentic U.S. citizens lose those freedoms and God-give rights which they are supposed to have, and are then forced under the domination of a despotic system created by Rome, the Jesuits and the Vatican.(link)

That is what the New World Order is all about!

The following links provide just a bit of history about certain members of the secret societies and how these organizations have been working to enslave U.S. citizens, plus some of the other things which have been going on behind the scenes for decades: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)

The preceeding information makes it appear that the Knights of Malta, plus their numerous affiliate organizations, are utterly and totally un-American organizations --- kind of like what President John F. Kennedy saw, before he was brutally and savagely assassinated by his enemies, because he would not go along with the plot. It appears that the true desire of the membership of these secret societies is to "gut" the United States and utterly destroy what it is really meant to be.

No wonder President John F. Kennedy spoke against these secret societies, with their secret oaths and secret proceedings. It appears that Kennedy clearly understood that they were up to no good. Unfortunately, they are like the proverbial "wolf in sheep's clothing," so most U.S. citizens do not recognize them for what they really are and what their ultimate goal is.

And, it appears that ionizing radiation is now one of their subtle tools for destroying "heretics" or anyone who gets in their way, or anyone else they want to unethically "experiment" on, as they subtly perform their version of human sacrifice --- just another form of those things which were done during the various "holy wars" of the Crusades and Inquisitions in earlier times.

As a final thought about these bloody "holy wars," let us look to the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction, which is presented on a page linked here. In the ceremony for the advancing Jesuit, according to the linked page, they are told the following by their Superior:

"You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.'"

Isn't that a bit warped! But, it appears that is the ideology which we are up against in our world. That is the mentality of those perpetrating the "holy war," even here within the United States.

Oaths and Order

It is noted earlier that the secretive Knights of Malta "are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head."

Kennedy spoke against the secret oaths of these secret societies, plus their secret proceedings. So, let us now, once again, consider some of their more secret oaths, in order to better understand what they are up to.

Found at the following links are the historic oaths of the Knights of Malta, plus the oaths of some of their affiliate secret society organizations: (1)(2)(3)

According to what is being said in the linked, historic oaths of the Knights of Malta and their affiliated secret societies, once agsin, they are claiming that the Pope in Rome is the ruler over all government entities in the whole world. But, there is more to this story.

The minions of the Pope and the Jesuit General in Rome, those minions who are scattered across the face of this earth, will overthrow and destroy any governments or peoples who do not bow to the Pope as their ruler. That is their "holy war," as they attempt to work out "their salvation" by shedding people's blood. Yes, it is just another form of human sacrifice.

Let us now move onward. The members of these secret societies, by their oaths, "denounce and disown any allegiance" to virtually anything or any government which is not fully under Roman Catholic or Jesuit control.

From the oaths and from the record of history, it is very clear that those who take these oaths will "make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly" against anything which is not in submission to the Jesuits and the Pope in Rome --- these Roman entities who are the masters of the Knights of Malta and their many affiliate organizations.

So, let us next consider what the head of the Jesuits --- the Jesuit General --- is all about.

Ruling the World?

Do you remember President Woodrow Wilson and those words which he spoke? Do you remember those words about some virtually insane, hidden power which powerful people in the United States were afraid of?

Let us begin to consider the words of one man, to see if these words which were spoke long before the time of President Woodrow Wilson, in any manner, can apply to what Wilson was seeing and hearing in the earlier 1900s.

Once again, Wilson stated: "Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

Let us now consider the words of one man, a Jesuit General, which were spoken years ago. Take a look at the fourth paragraph of the page linked here. The page declares the following:

"In 1720, Michael Angelo Tamburini, then General of the Jesuits, said to the Duke of Brancas, 'See, my lord, from this room -- from this room I govern not only Paris, but China: not only China, but the whole world, without any one knowing how 'tis managed'."

The quote above is said to come from an old book from 1848, titled 'History of the Jesuits, Volume 1,' by Andrew Steinmetz. A PDF file of that book is linked here. Scroll down to the bottom of PDF page 180 of 523, and the top of PDF page 181 of 523, which are actual book pages 168-169, to see the words quoted above.

Their Function

Secret societies and organizations, like the Knight of Malta, Opus Dei, the Skull & Bones, plus their affiliates, are simply "segments in the puppet-strings" which the Jesuits and the Jesuit General "pull" in order to control the governments, the intelligence communities and militaries of the world.

These "segments of the puppet-strings," as foreign agents, are embedded in key positions in the U.S. government and military, plus the CIA and similar intelligence and security organizations --- like the DHS and NSA.

For just an introduction to some of what the Jesuits and their Jesuit General control, plus a bit about what they have been up to, check out the information accessed via the following links (the second link is a book from 1916): (1)(2)

Yes, it appears that we have a multitude of treasonous foreign agents embedded in the U.S. government and military, and in the intelligence and security agencies, plus in who knows how many other key agencies.

Seeing the pattern of placements, it would not be surprising if some of these embedded foreign agents are attached to the U.S. Department of Energy --- that organization which is in control of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and all that radioactive waste.

Possibly this may help to explain why the U.S. DOE presents an attitude which indicates they have no allegiance and no responsibility toward U.S. citizens, especially those affected by the radiation and contamination from the nuclear facilities which they control --- virtually across the whole nation.

When all the information and facts are seriously considered, once again, there are some questions which need to be asked.

Could all this radiation and other contamination be a tool to help the Knights of Malta and their affiliates fulfill their oaths to the Pope of Rome and the Jesuit General? Could all this radiation and other harmful contamination be used as one of the "tools" with which to "make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly," using whatever means are at their disposal, against anything which is not in total submission to the Jesuits and the Pope in Rome?

Is that what has and is really happening, right here in the United States? Is it also why the United States has been in so many wars and "police actions" around the world, since the time of World War Two? Is our country and its military simply being used as a "tool" in the Jesuits' and the Vatican's agenda of world conquest?

As noted elsewhere in this report, George Bush was called "more Catholic than Kennedy." And Bush had his "crusade" after the 9/11 caper. What about the other "police actions?" What about those actions against the Serbs?

Considering History

Since early times, the Vatican and that church have worked to destroy those whom they have considered as being their enemies, generally meaning those who would not bow down to them. The brutal and bloody Crusades and Inquisitions were just some of the things which they have done. History shows clearly that they have worked very hard in their efforts to destroy Protestants and Orthodox Christians.

During World War Two, the Nazis had a Concordat with the Vatican. The Nazis were on a type of "holy war" for the church.(1)(2)(3)(4) In the Nazi satellite country of Croatia, it appears that the Vatican had its own holocaust.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) It appears they were doing their best to destroy the Orthodox Christians --- the Serbs --- and the Jews. But, it appears the Vatican was not completely successful in its efforts at that time.

Once the Nazis and their "holy war" mentality was integrated into the United States, it appears that it was then used as the next "tool" of the Vatican. When the Serbs of Bosnia rose up against their Catholic tormenters and exterminators of the World War Two era, the United States stepped in to put them down for the Vatican.

Yes, it appears that the United States has been on a number of "police actions" for the Vatican. Possibly it has something to do with members of the Knights of Malta and their affilate organizations, who are in positions of power in the United States.

DOE & Eugenics

Now it is time to consider just some of what the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has been up to in more recent times.

The U.S. DOE is involved with programs for "genetic enhancement." A similar concept is what the Nazi eugenicists were working with in the days of Adolf Hitler, during the World War Two era.

The link below indicates that the Nazis were working to improve the gene pool for the Germanic master race "through eugenics."

At this point, there is something to consider. During the latter part of World War Two, diabolic Nazi war criminals and eugenicist human experimenters, who apparently were on a "holy war," were brought into the United States under illegal programs like Operation Paperclip.

When the Nazi criminals were illegally brought into the United States, once again, they were placed in situations where they could continue onward with the things which they were doing in Nazi Germany, like that vile human experimentation and other like things. But this time, things were different for these ardent Nazis.

The ardent Nazis now got to do their unethical and illegal experiments from their positions as affiliates of the CIA and the military, plus as affiliates of a number of other government agencies. What made it even better for them was that they got to freely "experiment" directly on unsuspecting U.S. citizens.

From the looks of it, the Nazi experimenters continued onward with their "genetic enhancement" experiments which they were doing in Germany. Research has indicated that there is a connection between the Nazis and the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, which then morphed into what appears to be the radiation-spreading, eugenics-leaning U.S. DOE.

But, there is a lot more to this story, as we shall soon see. And, in all of this, we are only seeing the proverbial "tip of the iceberg."

Genetic Enhancement

The link below speaks about the program the DOE is involved with. It speaks of "altering the human species through genetic enhancement."

The page states: "The National Human Genome Research Institute, under whose authority the grant was awarded, has overseen, along with the Department of Energy, the project to map the entire human genetic blueprint."

DOE Genetic Projects

The link below accesses a page with links to DOE genetic projects.

What is the DOE up to these days? Aren't they getting way outside the energy field? This project, with its eugenics leaning, appears to be very questionable.

Project Funding

The link below states that the the Joint Genome Institute in California is "funded by the Department of Energy's Office of Biological and Environmental Research."

Media Response and
Important History

It appears that the DOE-funded Human Genome Project was successful. From what is stated, they "cracked" the human genetic code, so now they were in a position to do many things, potentially even nefarious things, with this information.

The page linked below notes that in the year 2000, "the successful completion of the mapping of the human genome was triumphantly announced."

It appears that both the corporate media and the "progressive" media were ecstatic about the success of this huge project. But, there was one critical voice which rang out.

The critical voice noted that the new technologies which would evolve from the Human Genome Project would not help the masses of humanity.

It is declared that the new technologies will be used upon the masses by the so-called "elite" to "further limit their freedom and privacy while creating a caste system based on genetics that fundamentally changes the way society is structured."

Many of us possibly already know or have heard of this fundamental change in the structure of society as "The Brave New World," or "The New World Order." It is just a new name placed on the Old World Order, with Rome and the Pope in control of everything.

The page above goes further and adds some important history to things which eventually led up to the Human Genome Project. The page begins to speak about things relating to the Eugenics Movement.

The page notes commonly known "players" in the Eugenics Movement. Yes, there was Francis Galton. Yes, there was the Rockefeller clan. Yes, there was Charles Davenport, plus the Harriman money. But there is one individual which needs to be noted, because they do not normally receive the publicity or credit they deserve.

John Harvey Kellogg

There was a man named John Harvey Kellogg, who, beginning in about 1876, ran the world-famous Battle Creek Sanitarium which was set up by members of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church.

In 1914, the page notes that "Battle Creek, Michigan hosted the First National Congress on Race Betterment -- sponsored by John Harvey Kellogg -- which proposed that 5.76 million Americans be sterilized." But, that was not the end of it with the Battle Creek Sanitarium crowd.

The page declares: "In 1915, Michigan hosted the Second National Conference on Race Betterment, again sponsored by John Harvey Kellogg."

The page notes further that in 1928, "Battle Creek, Michigan hosted the Third National Conference on Race Betterment, once again sponsored by John Harvey Kellogg."

Then there was the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) at Cold Spring Harbor, New York. A page, linked here, states that the ERO was founded by Charles Davenport, "with initial support from...Mrs. E.H. Harriman and John Harvey Kellogg..."

The Eugenics Record Office was the place "that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples." (1)(2)(3) It appears that this famous Seventh Day Adventist doctor, John Harvey Kellogg, was into something kind of "tweaked."

From the looks of it, the Adventist doctor, John Harvey Kellogg, was thick into the Eugenics Movement and supporting it in a number of ways. A couple of people blame Jesuits in the SDA church for the detour from the way things really should have been. That is noted in videos which are linked here, here, and here. We will leave it up to the reader to decide. But, there is one thing for the reader to note.

In that initiation ceremony for the advancing Jesuit, it is said, in the page linked below, that they are told the following by their Superior:

"My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler ... among ... Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope...that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope." (link)

Samuele Bacchiocchi

Let us now look further on this matter with the SDA church and the Jesuits, since there seems to be some link to the eugenics movement via Mr. Kellogg.

It should be noted that one famous Seventh Day Adventist author and theologian, a Samuele Bacchiocchi, while claiming to be a Seventh Day Adventist, was schooled at, and graduated from in 1977 with the rare gift of a gold medal from the pope, the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. This university was initially founded by Ignatious Loyola, the same person who founded the Jesuit organization and is said to be the training facility for Jesuit spies. (link)

So, what was Samuele Bacchiocchi anyway? Was he a Jesuit plant or not. That will be left for the reader to answer.

That Genome Project

Well, after getting sidetracked for a bit in SDA stuff and the Jesuits, let us get back on track with the Human Genome Project that the eugenics-leaning U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) was so intimately involved with.

A page, linked here and by a button further above, states that "the eugenics movement continues to flourish under cover of scientific jargon. That the Human Genome Project (HGP) is in fact yet another front for the eugenics movement can be easily discerned from a visit to the program's web site."

Eugenics Movement

The document linked below speaks of the eugenics movement in the 1900s. Its purpose was to "produce a super race of humans."

Of the eugenics movement, the document states: "It reached its most horrifying expression during the 'reign' of the Third Reich under Adolph Hitler."

The document mentions "a real danger that the dissemination of information about the genetic code could facilitate the rise of a neo-Eugenics movement."

Could it also be said that the dissemination of information about the genetic code may readily facilitate the rise of a diabolic neo-Nazi type of movement, or even a despotic Nazi type of government with an array of eugenics programs, including large-scale euthanisia and numerous mass exterminations?

Upon further consideration, are the eugenists and the Nazis simply two faces of the same thing? Was not Hitler and the Nazis inspired by materials presented to them by the American eugenics movement? And, does research indicate that there is an international organization which has actually backed both of these movements --- both the Nazi and the Eugenics movements? And, did not Adolf Hitler and the Nazis have a Concordat with the Vatican in Rome?

Necessary Questions

Isn't the DOE supposed to be about energy? Why are they involved with eugenicist, Nazi-type genetics alteration and so-called enhancement programs? Why are they involved with cracking the genetic code?

What is their actual purpose here for cracking the genetic code? Who is in control here? Who, or what agenda, are they actually working for? Is there a deeper connection between the eugenicists, the Nazis, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and possibly even the Vatican?

Ionizing Radiation

Does the DOE and genetic "enhancement" all fit in with nuclear energy and ionizing radiation spreading throughout the environment, as part of a eugenics and population control or reduction agenda?

Is it possible for ionizing radiation to cause sterilizations or serious mutations, which includes major birth defects?

Can ionizing radiation in the environment have a very detrimental affect, which includes the potential for altering future generations?

Could this ionizing radiation be used as a vehicle for forced population control or reduction, or for something like that which was done by Hitler and the Nazis, in an attempt to eliminate the "weak ones," the inferior genes from the gene pool as the "elite" work to produce the super race?

The DOE tampering with genetic modification tends to put them in a questionable position. It does have shades of Nazi Germany and human experimentation.

And, because the DOE and its forerunner, the Atomic Energy Commission, were involved with Nazi war criminals who appear to have had "holy war" ideologies, these genetic modification programs could possibly also appear to be another form of Crusade --- to eliminate all "heretics" who will not go along with the plot to enslave the human race.

Possibly there is something to be said for those who claim that the Crusades never ended. Possibly they just got more subtle and are now using more modern tools, like ionizing radiation in the environment, which can be internalized in humans and wreak all kinds of havoc inside the body.

And again, a very key question must be asked. Is there a deeper connection between the eugenicists, the Nazis, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)? And yes, let us not forget that the U.S. Department of Defense has also been involved with unethical human experimentation with radiation.

The Human Code

The document linked below declares:

"Human genetics became an enlightened endeavor in the late twentieth century. Hard-working, devoted scientists finally cracked the human code through the Human Genome Project. Now, every individual can be biologically identified and classified by trait and ancestry."

"Yet even now, some leading voices in the genetic world are calling for a cleansing of the unwanted among us, and even a master human species."

And this is the kind of stuff that the questionable DOE has been intimately involved with.

Yes, the American eugenics movement is rising to complete power again. It appears that the international eugenics movement will utterly dominate the world, for their master, at least for a period of time.

What will actually be coming upon this earth next? What will we see in the times ahead? How will people be reacting to those things which they see coming upon the earth --- especially when things "really get going?"

Prophetic Words

In answer to the last question in the section above, this may be the place to include a few words of prophecy. It is written in the Holy Bible:

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."
      KJV  Luke 21:25-26

As people see the euthenasia centers and the extermination camps spring up and go into full production, do you think that men's (and also women's) hearts "will be failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth?"

The DOE, the Nazis, and the Eugenics Movement

To consider the DOE, the Nazis and the eugenics movement further, the lower portion of the page linked below contains a considerable amount of "food for thought."

Many questions about why things are happening the way they are in our world may potentially be answered in the page linked above.

A Deeper Connection

Further above, there was an important question which was asked a couple of times. The question now follows:

Is there a deeper connection between the eugenicists, the Nazis, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)?

It is now time to begin answering this question.

Operation Paperclip

This report earlier spoke about an Operation Paperclip, during the World War Two era, plus other associated operations. In these questionable operations, many ardent eugenicist Nazi war criminals were brought into the United States.

These questionable and illegal operations have some facets which now need to be considered. As things are examined further, one key player, especially, needs to be examined.

The page linked below is titled 'Pivotal Role of Allen Dulles in Shielding Nazi War criminals.' And, who was Allen Dulles?

The linked page states: "Allen Dulles was the longest-serving CIA Director who dominated American intelligence for a generation." But, there is more.

Allen Dulles also "headed the operations of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in Switzerland." He also "served as legal adviser to the delegations on arms limitation at the League of Nations where he met with the world's leaders including: Hitler, Mussolini, Litvinov."

On top of all this, Allen Dulles "was a senior partner in the law firm, Sullivan & Cromwell." In this law firm, Dulles was a corporate lawyer (link). To add to this mix, Allen's "older brother, John Foster Dulles, was the Secretary of State during the Eisenhower Administration."

So, this Dulles family was "well connected" and in a position to do their own type of independent "power plays."

The page linked via the button above declares: "Dulles and the other high ranking intelligence officials and in the State Department, had the highest regard for the Nazi elite."

So, what happened as a result of this high regard for elite Nazis?

The page states: "Dulles exploited his post in OSS to quash war crimes prosecutions of senior Nazi officials and German business leaders..." This included "major German bankers and industrialists complicit in the Nazis' extermination-through-slave-labor program."

And, what else did Allen Dulles do?

The page declares: "Even as the war still raged, in defiance of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's orders, Dulles...struck a secret deal in violation of an agreement among the Allies..."

Yes, once again, Dulles was in a unique position where he could get away with his own, illegal "power plays."

The page states further: "Allen Dulles' betrayal had wide-ranging implications sowing seeds of distrust and the Cold War; and established a pattern of selective obstruction of justice."

The above information sounds like Dulles was "wading in the waters" of treason. So, what more is there to know about Allen Dulles?

It has been said that Allen Dulles was involved with re-writing the histories of the known Nazi war criminals, so they could "pass inspection" which would allow their entry into the United States, via things like the illegal Operation Paperclip and other like operations.

Dulles and "Colonel" Edward Mandell House

It is known that Allen Dulles was a eugenicist (1)(2)(3). Within the preceding links, there is something very interesting to note. Allen Dulles and his older brother, John Foster Dulles, "were recruited by the infamous one worlder 'Colonel' Edward House (who in fact bore no military rank)."

This Colonel House, who recruited the Dulles brothers, had been the controller of President Woodrow Wilson. It appears that House had an almost hypnotic control over Wilson. It is said by some that this puzzling and mysterious Edward Mandell House was a Jesuit.(1)(2)(3)(4, PDF page 11 of 15) (5)(6, PDF page 4 of 21)

The Real Allen Dulles

Returning once again to that questionable Allen Dulles, there is yet more to consider.

The page linked below is titled 'Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster, CIA Operative and Elite Powerbroker.'

The page notes that Dulles was "connected by marriage to the Rockefeller clan..." He was part of the "clandestine alliance between the blue blood Anglo powers and the Nazis..."

For additional information on Allen Dulles, check out the information on a page linked here, which does include a Podcast and a video.

Once again, this eugenicist, Allen Dulles, was very closely connected to the Rockefeller clan. The Rockefeller clan is also strongly connected to the Eugenics Movement (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

Eugenics & Associates

For further information on the Eugenics Movement, plus eugenicist Nazis and their allies, check out the pages linked below. Read through these pages for "tidbits" which help to connect the dots, while passing over anything which may be off base.

But, there is much more of a connection between all these "players" than just the Eugenics Movement or things like the Skull & Bones organization. It is time to once again consider the very heart of the matter. It is time to note who or what is really in control.

Further up in this column, it is noted how the Jesuits and the Pope in Rome control all these "players." All these "players" are simply like segments in the multiple "puppet strings" which are pulled from Rome. So, the following question will again be asked:

Who or what is actually in control of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus what may actually be intended with that radioactive waste which is associated with that facility? And, why have there been so many screw-ups at the Hanford facility?

Returning to Hanford

Once again, let us ask some questions.

Is there a reason why the DOE is blatantly forcing their way and running roughshod over the citizens of the Pacific Northwest, regarding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation?

Is there a reason why they appear to be allowing substandard equipment to be installed at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation?

Is there a reason why the DOE is so hell-bent on using Hanford as the National Radioactive and Chemical Waste Dump?

Is there a reason why the DOE is so hell-bent on building a sensitive Vitrification Plant in a seismically dangerous region? What is the true agenda here?

Yes, there may be much more to the story than the average citizen ever really wanted to know. But, it is time to "face the tiger" and deal with it.

Vitrification Plant

The highly radioactive Hanford Nuclear Reservation is not just a mess, it is a world-class environmental disaster of the worst type. But strange things have been happening with the so-called "cleanup" operation. Possibly something else is going on at Hanford, besides a genuine cleanup operation.

Waste Isolation Plant

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico, had originally been a potential option for radioactive waste from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. But, it looks like things may have changed, at least to some degree.

There was a radioactive accident at the WIPP facility in 2014. Because of the accident, shipments to WIPP were stopped.

The WIPP facility was reopened in January of 2017, as noted in a page, linked here. Just how soon things will be fully up to speed is yet to be seen.

An April 2017 Tri-City Herald article, linked here, notes that shipping of nuclear waste to the WIPP facility resumed, but no Hanford radioactive wastes "are expected in the next several years, as the nuclear reservation in the Tri-Cities falls near the end of a nationwide list for planned shipments to the repository."

A page, linked here, from September 28, 2017, speaks of a potential rock fall in one area at the WIPP facility. It appears that ground movement rates and instability are increasing at this deep underground storage facility. So, we will have to wait and see what is actually going on here.

In all of this, only time will tell if any waste from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation ever actually gets disposed of at the WIPP facility.

Yucca Mountain

To make matters worse, Obama closed the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Repository project in Nevada. Now there is no place to put all the high-level and dangerous, radioactive waste from around the nation.

It appears that under President Donald Trump, there may once again be hope for using Yucca Mountain for the desposal of high-level radioactive waste from places like the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

It appears there may yet be a fight to get the Yucca Mountain repository up and running, so, all we can do is wait and see.

The 2017 pages linked below give more recent information about what is happening in the Yucca Mountain ordeal.

So, what will be done with radioactive waste, in the meantime, while we wait for the Yucca facility to be ready for accepting this waste?

Ship It To Hanford

At various points over the years, it has appeared that the DOE has wanted to ship high-level nuclear waste and dangerous chemicals from around the nation to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

At the moment (December 2017), it appears that plans for shipping more radioactive waste to Hanford are supposed to be on hold. But, who knows what is really happening, because of the apparent deception of the DOE over the years.

As we look to the future, some questions come to mind.

Cautious Inquiry

What will be the true purpose and intent of the substandard and unsafe Vitrification Plant at the Hanford site?

Before we answer the above question, let us consider some history.

Some History

In former times, the military-industrial complex used nuclear facilities for making nuclear bombs.

Then the military-industrial complex came out with the next generation of nuclear weapons. These are the "depleted uranium" weapons, which seem to cause just as much problems for our own military personnel as for the enemies of the powers-that-be. So, it may be time to consider the next questions.

Crucial Questions

Being that the DOE and Department of Defense work closely together, will the Vitrification Plant at Hanford be used for other purposes than simply "cleaning up" the radioactive mess in those 177 underground tanks at Hanford?

Will the Vitrification Plant be subtly used to create nuclear weapons from the waste which is transported into the nuclear facility? Will it make the next generation of advanced nuclear weapons from the radioactive and toxic "witches brew" in the defective storage tanks at Hanford?

On the other hand, is there a potential for the Vitrification Plant to be used for eugenics purposes? Could it be used for something along the lines of population control or reduction? Could it be used for spewing large volumes of radionuclides into the air and the surrounding region, wherever the order is given? Could it end up being the modern form of the old Hanford "Green Runs?"

I am sure by the time all things are said and done, we will all know the true answers to these questions, whether or not we ever wanted to know.

Of Interest

The page linked below is about the Idaho National Laboratory. It also includes some information about the Hanford Green Run and Operation Bluenose.

Once the file is open in your browser, open it in Adobe Reader for clear viewing.

The link above also speaks of something else which is very interesting. It speaks of the secret Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP) program from the 1950s. Other information about this program and its nuclear reactor is found at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

It is said that these special atomic jet aircraft would have spewed a considerable amount of radiation directly into the atmosphere. That radioactivity would have ultimately been there for all to breath and ingest, plus internalize, with potentially dire effects.

The ANP test program operated from 1955 until it was wisely canceled by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, about 2 years before he was brutally assassinated.

Safe Nuclear ?

Is there a safe form of nuclear power? Is there a form which could potentially be safer for the general public and the environment? Is there a form of nuclear energy, whose products would not be as easily used for making nuclear weapons?

The page linked below speaks of "a nuclear technology that has all the advantages of traditional nuclear and none of the drawbacks. Its name is thorium."

According to the article above, thorium for use in fueling clean and safe types of nuclear reactors "is abundant." It also states that thorium type nuclear reactors do not experience meltdowns, like those which have happened at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima, just to name a few.

Any Waste Problem ?

But, what about thorium fuel? Will its use create just as much radioactive waste as that created by our present nuclear reactors? The article indicates that there is relatively little waste. It says that "the little waste it does produce is potentially recyclable."

A Question

This is interesting! Because of safety and environmental issues, why are not thorium-fueled nuclear reactors in common use around the world?

The Answer

The answer is, because of warmongers who are determined to keep the means for producing their weapons of mass destruction.

It appears to be like a disease with them. They lust for weapons which can potentially exterminate the human race many times over.

But, what is a bit of collateral damage in their "holy war?" Does not "the end justify the means?"

More On Thorium

A page linked below shows one method for producing power using thorium as the main fuel.

In this instance, the special fuel rods do use a small core of uranium to cause the necessary reactions in the thorium to obtain useful heat for power production.

These rods are meant for use in standard nuclear reactors, replacing the standard uranium fuel rods.

Proton Beam System

There is a safer method for using thorium as a fuel. This method does not need uranium or plutonium to initiate or sustain the reaction.

The safer method uses an "accelerator-driven sub-critical reactor." This technology is introduced in the page linked below.

The page declares: "The extra neutrons needed for achieving criticality would be provided by an external source - a particle accelerator."

In this case, if something goes wrong in the system, you simply turn off the particle accelerator and the reaction comes to a stop.

Energy Amplifier

The energy amplifier uses a particle beam to cause a material like thorium to react. The page linked below declares that the process "releases enough energy to power the particle accelerator and leave an energy profit for power generation."

Uh oh! Is this getting into the area of perpetual motion or over-unity, which science has stated for a long time that it cannot happen? Well, just look at that!

The pages linked below give further information about the use of particle beams for reacting things like thorium. These pages speak about the work of Carlo Rubbia.

The document linked below gives further details about an accelerator driven thorium reactor.

The document linked below presents a depleted uranium excited, thorium fueled system. This is interesting information, though it is not as environmentally friendly as the accelerator driven reactors.

Reactor Powers Up

The August 28, 2017 page linked below is titled 'New Molten Salt Thorium Reactor Powers Up for First Time in Decades.'

This new reactor is from a group in the Netherlands and is "the first molten salt reactor powered by thorium in decades."

The page points out an important feature of a thorium-fueled reactor, with these words: "...Meldowns aren't possible with thorium reactors because the reaction is not self-sustaining."

Since the thorium reaction is not self-sustaining, there is still some uranium used, along with a neutron source --- at least in the above noted design. The "shower" of neutrons created by these two components starts the thorium reaction and keeps it going.

There is still a ways to go before this reactor design is ready for industrial use. But, this important step in development has now been taken.

For additional information about this thorium-fueled reactor in the Netherlands, simply check out the information linked below.

Just One Design

A thorium-fueled system is just one design in that larger group of molten salt rectors.

Further down in this right-hand column, other varieties of molten salt reactors are presented, including ones which do use uranium as their main fuel.

Plain Reality

Once again, a question will be asked. Will environmentally friendly thorium-fueled nuclear reactors come into common use?

And again, it appears very unlikely. Serious research on the Internet indicates that thorium-fueled reactors are much harder to use for the production of nuclear weapons.

The powers-that-be appear to be into technologies with direct military applications. Therefore, they do not need or want such a system.

It appears that the necessary funding for thorium-fueled, accelerator-driven reactors is very hard, if not almost impossible to obtain.

Unfortunately, research and development follows the money. And the money can often come from places like the U.S. Department of Defence. So, enough said.

Back to Hanford

There are still many things to consider about "the Hanford picture" and the U.S. Department of Energy (formerly the Atomic Energy Commission - AEC). A number of interesting pieces of information will be presented in the sections below.

Dirty Secrets

The 2014 videos linked below are from KING 5 news in Seattle, WA. They present the Hanford Dirty Secrets.

The first video is a 15 minute presentation on a leaking, double shell tank which holds some of the most dangerous waste known to mankind.

The second video presents more information and is about 29 minutes long.

The third video is the long version of the presentation. It is about 54 minutes long.

The videos speak about the ongoing, leaking, dangerous radioactive mess at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus the questionable practices being used there.

The videos have much good information that is worth seeing. But, there is one minor flaw in the information.

These videos tend to leave the impression that the Columbia River is not yet contaminated.

Other information presented in this report you are now reading clearly shows that the river has actually been seriously contaminated for decades, since the 1940s.

Information presented in this report also shows that the chelated radioactive waste has moved far outside the boundaries of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Nevertheless, even with their errors regarding the seriousness of the current environmental contamination, the videos linked above are worth watching. They do contain some worthwhile pieces of information.

River & Uranium

The article linked below declares: "About 330 pounds of uranium per year is released to the Columbia River from the Hanford 300 Area, according to DOE."

The map, linked here, shows the 300 Area in the lower right corner. It is located just north and a little upstream from Richland, Washington.

Irradiated River

The page linked by the button below declares that "the DOE said for decades that tank wastes would take 10,000 years to reach the ground water. It got there in less than 40."

Yes, the waste from the leaking Hanford tanks was traveling toward ground water at a rate of more than 250 times faster than the DOE had been claiming for decades. This tendency for "underestimation" of problems at Hanford and elsewhere appears to be common with many DOE declarations.

There is more to the story about tank wastes reaching ground water "in less than 40 years. Once the "radioactive stew" leaks into the ground at Hanford, this hazardous material can move rather quickly, especially with those wastes which have been chelated.

Radioactive materials injected into the ground at Hanford, near the center of the vast facility, reached the Benton City water wells, about 20 miles away, in about 2-1/2 years. (See PDF page 18 of 159, at this link.)

The page linked below also declares: "DOE officials admitted in 1991 that managers dumped 440 billion gallons of radioactive liquids directly into the soil - using ditches, cribs, trenches and injection wells - and that hazardous waste had fouled the Columbia River."

Yes, look at what has been stated above, once again. The Columbia River has actually been fouled for decades with radioactive and chemical wastes from Hanford.

The page above also speaks of accidents at Hanford and health issues experienced by people in the region.

Human Radiation Experiments

The links in this section access text documents from the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments.

Richland and Hanford

The link below, from October 19, 1994, is about the Richland, Washington Operations.

This document speaks about Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL, now PNNL or Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) experiments during the Walla Walla prisoner study and the Promethium studies.

The document notes many human radiation experiments from 1952 to 1968. It speaks about data gathering on schoolchildren. It speaks of "13 cubic feet of documentation."

The document declares that "the lead laboratory for these studies was Lawrence Livermore" in California.

The document above speaks about intentional releases of radiation upon the general public during the Green Run, in 1944, performed at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. It speaks about radiation releases into the environment in 1962 and 1963, plus multiple releases during Project Bluenose.

This is beginning to sound like eugenicist Nazi German type of experimentation on the general public. Then again, numerous Nazi war criminals were illegally brought into the United States and placed in key positions in agencies associated with the government and the military. So, we should not be surprise at what has happened in our country since that time.

November 21 Meeting

The two documents linked below are almost identical copies. Both links are presented here in case one link becomes unusable.

One view expressed in the documents is that "human radiation experiments and intentional releases were crimes against humanity and violations of criminal statutes." The documents speak of "testicular irradiation experiments" between 1963 to 1970.

These radiation experiments present shades of the diabolic eugenics movement and its sterilization of people over decades. It also presents shades of diabolic eugenics experiments which led to cancers and other health issues.

These radiation experiments also presents shades of what the Nazi war criminals were doing in Germany, during the World War Two era, and which was then transferred into the United States as a result of what appears to have been blatant acts of treason by entities in the intelligence and military communities.

The documents above speak of the Green Run at Hanford, plus other intentional releases of radiation and experiments upon the general public in 1945, 1946, 1951 and 1963. They speak of experiments on schoolchildren. The problems experienced by Hanford Downwinders are also presented, at least to a degree.

The documents speak of several downwinders who "expressed their anger and frustration at being harmed by the government and not being told the truth, even today." They speak of the intentional radiation releases on the general public as being the "genocide of the American people."

And yes, it was and is a blatant and wilful "genocide of the American people."

When considering these things, it should once again be clearly noted that Nazi nuclear scientists were illegally brought into the United States during the World War Two era and put into the nuclear industry. It should also be noted that the Nazis were eugenicists and readily performed human experimentation.

In all of this, it should once again be noted that the Nazis had a Concordat with the Vatican and that the Nazi SS was modeled after the Jesuit organization. From all the information available, it does look like the Nazis were perpetrating a "holy war," a continuation, to one degree or another, of the earlier Crusades and Inquisitions.

So, once the Nazis were illegally brought into this country, we appear to have ended up with a mess to deal with. And again, some of the Nazis had ties to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), during the time it was doing unethical and illegal radiation experiments on unsuspecting citizens. Then the AEC morphed into the eugenics-leaning U.S. DOE, which we have today.

It appears that the eugenicists did not lose the Second World War. Not by a long shot. They are alive and well today, and stronger than ever.

A Document

The link below accesses a large, 28 MB PDF document which "provides a catalog of the location of large numbers of reports pertaining to the charge of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Research."

Look through the linked document and see what had been happening for decades behind that "CLASSIFIED" barrier of secrecy, which had been put in place to intentionally prevent the eyes of the public from seeing the numerous crimes against humanity and many other like things which violated the Nuremberg Code (link).

Eugenics & More

For a person to truly understand why things are happening the way they are upon our earth, it appears that a person should do an in-depth study of the eugenics movement. It also appears that it would be helpful to do an in-depth study of the history of what the Jesuit organization and their many associated secret societies, plus other agencies connected with the Vatican, have been up to over the years.

After doing some intense research on these matters, it appears that a person could come to a better understanding of why the economies of our earth are not in great shape, with so many people out of work and so many who are homeless. A person could possibly also come to a better understanding of why there are so many who are in hardship, plus why there are so many who are on drugs.

And, to better understand why things are going the way they are upon this earth, it appears that a person would need to study much more deeply into who, or what organization, is actually "pulling the strings behind the scenes" that manipulate the eugenics movement for yet another agenda --- the agenda of a certain "religious" organization and its continuing "holy war."

In the midst of all this, possibly it could be found that the following words of a certain man from a certain organization do apply in the situation.

As far back as the early 1700s, the Jesuit General in Rome, Michael Angelo Tamburini, is said to have stated the following words to a government official: "See, my lord, from this room -- from this room I govern not only Paris, but China: not only China, but the whole world, without any one knowing how 'tis managed."(4th paragraph)(bottom, PDF page 180 of 523, top of 181 of 523)

Now, back to the eugenics movement, which appears to be controlled by a foreign entity. There is something the writer has noted during his research. The eugenics movement will often hide its death-wish for humanity behind something which, to the uninitiated, may sound so logical that many people are subtly sucked into their programs. Let us look at one example of this phenomenon.

A page from the eugenics side, linked here, is titled 'Is Overpopulation a National and Global Security Threat?' Note that one of the major eugenicist families in the United States, the Rockefeller family, is mentioned in this page.

The page linked above speaks of 'The Report of The Commission on Population Growth and the American Future,' which Commission is also known as The Rockefeller Commission. The page notes a document called NSSM 200. That is basically a eugenicist document for world population control and things associated with it.(link) Some have even called it Kissinger's plan for food control genocide.(link)

The eugenicists, those historical perpetrators of euthanasia (link) and mass murder, have a message for the world. Their message is seen in the following linked pictures: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

Yes, the eugenics crowd has an extremely bold message: "Save the planet, kill yourself." Well, if these pawns of "the elite" believe so strongly in their radical message, why are they wasting all that time marching and carrying signs? Shouldn't they be "putting their money where their mouth is?" Shouldn't they quickly be leading "the way" and be the first over the edge and into the abyss? That way, potentially, they can really help to make the world a much better place for the rest of us.

Once again, there is a truth to consider. The eugenicist movement is just being used as pawns by the controllers of our world. They just want everyone dead who is not like them. That is exactly what the minions of the Vatican did, during all those Crusades and Inquisitions. Possibly we are just seeing the beginnings of the next round of Crusades and Inquisitions. And, while we are here, let's look at a few things, to see if there is any connection with those things which have been talked about in this report, and if things may be moving toward the next phase in the "holy war."

Ammo Purchases

In 2013, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ordered more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, much of it being hollow-point ammunition. Then, in 2014, there is information which notes that at least the U.S. Postal Service, the Social Security Administration, and even the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), all bought unusually large amounts of ammunition, most of it being hollow-point ammunition.(link) All of this ammunition is enough to put at least 5 rounds into each U.S. citizen. Where is all this leading?

In this report you are now reading, it is noted that many government agencies are controlled by those who, because of their oaths, are effectively foreign agents, like members of the Knights of Malta. And, the Knights of Malta, in turn, are controlled by the Jesuits. Let us now look further on this matter, by first looking back a few years.

On Saturday, February 9, 2013, Pope Benedict reminded the Knights of Malta "that they are not practising 'mere philanthropy' but must always stay true to the order's original Christian ideals, and to Church teaching."(1)(2)

So, what were the "original Christian ideals ... [and] Church teaching" which they must always stay true to, rather than getting too far side-tracked and lost in "practising mere philanthropy?"

The historic oath of the Knights of Malta, which excerpts from it are noted about one-third of the way down the page linked here, and their earlier history should help to answer the above question. The history of the Crusades and Inquisitions, plus the continuing "holy war," should also help to answer the above question, as should all the relatively recent purchases of large amounts of ammunition by Jesuit/Knights-of-Malta-inspired agencies.

A page, linked here, declares: "The Knights of Malta is not merely a 'charitable organization'. That's just an elaborate front, as should become clear to you later. As the name Sovereign Military Order of Malta confirms, it is a military order based on the crusader Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem and is interwoven with Freemasonry."

The page linked above also declares: "The Knights of Malta are the militia of the Pope, and are sworn to total obedience by a blood oath which is taken extremely seriously and to the death. The Pope as the head of the Vatican is also the head of a foreign national power."

For the year 2013, there are two important things to note. On February 9, 2013, the pope reminded the Jesuit controlled Knights of Malta, which is the militia of the pope, what they really are supposed to be about. And then, around that time, there is the Department of Homeland Security, said by some to be Jesuit controlled (1)(2)(3)(4), which is found to be buying up unusually large amounts of ammunition, like hollow-point ammunition. And, other government agencies also doing the same thing. Is there a connection between these things?

Information about the ammunition purchases, which began getting serious news coverage in 2013, is linked below. The first link is a news video.

According to the Oath of the Knights of Malta, as shown on a page linked here, members swear, "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope."

So, are all those large and unusual purchases of billions of rounds of ammunition just preparation for a "holy war?" Are they preparing for the final conquest of the United States, to bring it and its people fully under the despotic domination of the Jesuits and the pope in Rome? Is history, once again, getting ready to repeat itself? But this time, will it be the start of the American Crusades and Inquisitions?

Regarding the Jesuits, which appear to control these various organizations, there is some history to consider. Within the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) --- is found this information: "Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] were expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."

All Trumped Up

We have all been watching President Trump doing some rather strange and unusual things, especially for someone who is in his current position. So, how does he fit into all these things which we have been talking about?

Some say that Trump is simply a Vatican or Jesuit puppet, possibly working under their minions (1)(2)(3)(4). Though claiming to be a Protestant, he was trained at a couple of Jesuit-affiliated universities (1)(2)(3)(4). He appears to simply be doing what his Jesuit and Knights of Malta (etc.) handlers want him to do (1)(2)(3). From what we have been steadily seeing, it does appear that his purpose at this time is to bring on a whole lot of controlled chaos or controlled conflict (1)(2)(3). But, why?

It appears that Trump is being used by his masters to create as much chaos, division and unrest in this country and world as possible (link). This may all be intended to create uprising, open rebellion, and ultimately civil war. Possibly this may allow the Jesuit-controlled Department of Homeland Security and their allied agencies to use all of those billions of rounds of hollow-point ammunition on the American people.

There is the potential that we are heading for something like another "St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre"(1)(2), but this time, one which occurs in the United States. The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in France, in 1572, was basically "Catholic mob violence" which was directed against the Protestants. Yes, that was France in 1572, as it was stirred up by the agents of the Vatican.

Then, in 1793, the bloody Reign of Terror started in France and "about 40,000 people were executed or murdered" by the minions of the Vatican (link), as they were stirred up into bloodshed by the bloodthirsty Jesuits. Regarding what happened here in France, regarding what it ultimately took to bring liberty and at least some peace back to their country, there is something to note in U.S. history.

During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln came to realize many things. At one time, he stated: "I understand, now, why the patriots of France, who determined to see the colors of Liberty floating over their great and beautiful country, were forced to hang or shoot almost all the priests and the monks as the irreconcilable enemies of Liberty. For it is a fact, which in now evident to me, that, with very few exceptions, every priest and every true Roman Catholic is a determined enemy of Liberty. Their extermination, in France, was one of terrible necessities which no human wisdom could avoid; it looks to me now as an order from heaven to save France. May God grant that the same terrible necessity be never felt in the United States!"(link)

Let us now return to the subject of Trump. Let us consider the border wall he desires to build. Is the actual intent of that border wall to keep people from illegally getting into the United States? Or, will it be for keeping U.S. citizens trapped in this country, once the American Crusades and Inquisitions begin?

And, so here we are today. At this point, there is one thing to say. You have been given a large introduction in this report to some rather nefarious things which have been and are going on behind the scenes. And, as we should know by now, research indicates that the organization "pulling the strings" for all this nefarious activity is the same one which was behind the Nazi eugenicists of the World War Two era.

Possibly one could ask about this point if there is a whole lot of truth in the old saying which declares: "All roads lead to Rome." Possibly you may better understand where to look, when things are not going good upon this earth.

Radiation Spread

As the author has researched the situation at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation regarding the spread of radiation via the complex underground aquifer system, he has formed a number of conclusions.

One of his conclusions regards the general direction which the radioactive materials in the regional aquifer system appear to be spreading out from the Hanford site.

Benton City Wells

In his research, the writer found that off-site spread of uranium from Hanford first appears to be mentioned at wells for Benton City.

Contamination in Benton City wells occurred by mid 1947. Once again, it should be noted that Benton City is located beside the Yakima River, about 20 miles south of the center of Hanford Nuclear Reservation, well outside the Hanford boundaries.

The Yakima River

It is interesting to note that the Yakima River discharges the greatest amount of uranium into the Columbia River, of all the sources noted in a page, linked here.

Possibly that is because the Yakima River is located to the south of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, in the direction of Benton City, where uranium was found in that city's water wells in 1947.

At the time when the article linked above was posted in 2013, the Yakima River was said to be discharging 8,800 pounds of uranium into the Columbia River per year. That is over 4 tons of uranium per year. That is a lot!

The link above does not mention any other radioactive elements. Why? Are no other Hanford contaminants being tested for in the Yakima River? What is going on here?

An Indicator

The high uranium contamination in the Yakima River tends to indicate that wastes from Hanford are generally spreading out the fastest in a south to southwest direction in the underground aquifer and regional water system.

A general spread in this direction would cause radioactive waste from Hanford to more readily contaminate the Yakima River region. Then, the Yakima River dumps its large load of radioactive contamination into the Columbia River on the downstream end of Richland, Washington (as seen on the map, linked here).

May Junction Fault

A document, linked here, on PDF page 2 of 23, speaks of a "southwest flow beneath B Pond to the 200 East Area. Eastward flow away from the region of elevated water levels does not occur; this is attributed to the May Junction Fault, located east of B Pond, which is thought to be a hydrologic barrier preventing flow to the east."

Since the radioactive contaminates in this region of elevated water levels cannot flow to the east, toward the Columbia River, because of the hydrologic barrier formed by the May Junction Fault, that "southwest flow beneath B Pond" would send the radioactive contaminates from the central part of the Hanford facility in a southerly direction, along the alignment of the fault. That would send the contaminates in the general direction of Benton City and the Yakima River. Yes, there is definitely a reason why the Yakima River gets so much uranium.

The B-Pond is shown near the center of the map (on PDF page 8 of 12), in a document which is linked here. The verified portion of the May Junction Fault is shown on the pages which follow (pages 9, 11 and 12).

A document, linked here, is titled, 'PNNL-12261: Revised Hydrogeology for the Suprabasalt Aquifer System, 200-East Area and Vicinity, Hanford Site, Washington.' The document is dated, April 2000.

On PDF page 12 of 101, of the document linked in the paragraph above, the geologic feature which is noted a couple of paragraphs above is called "the buried May Junction Fault lineament."

Because the May Junction Fault is called a lineament, that would cause the writer to believe that there are other features in the area, particularly in a southward direction, which may be a continuation of this fault lineament. This matter will be discussed shortly.

The document linked below, on PDF page 4 of 23, also states: "The May Junction Fault, located east of B Pond and in a north-south trend, acts as a barrier to groundwater flow in the unconfined aquifer and the confined aquifer within the Ringold Formation. It may also impede the movement of water in the upper basalt-confined aquifer system."

The document linked here, on PDF page 12 of 20, shows an west-east cross-section of the May Junction Fault.

The document linked here, on PDF page 12 of 28, states that the east side of the fault is "displaced vertically downward about 185 feet."

Look again at that amount of displacement which has taken place at some point in history. That large vertical displacement is right in the central part of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Along this generally north-south aligned May Junction Fault, things have been "displaced vertically downward about 185 feet."

At some point, there has been some incredible ground movement in this area --- right in the middle of what is now the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Does this sound like a safe place to be storing very dangerous radioactive wastes? Does this sound like a safe place be processing dangerous nuclear waste --- especially in what has been said to be a very substandard nuclear processing facility?

A Lineament

In the section above, the May Junction Fault is clearly termed as "the buried May Junction Fault lineament." This term is used on PDF page 12 of 101, in a Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) publication which is linked here. The PNNL is associated with the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and the U.S. DOE. Therefore, it is time to examine the use of this particular geologic term and what it indicates.

A dictionary, linked here, defines a lineament as being "a linear topographic feature of regional extent that is believed to reflect underlying crustal structure."

Please note the use of the word "regional" in the above definition. Note also that this lineament appears to reflect the "underlying crustal structure."

A Wikipedia entry, linked here, adds to the above definition by stating: "Typically a lineament will comprise a fault-aligned valley, a series of fault or fold-aligned hills, a straight coastline or indeed a combination of these features."

A document, linked here, from the fine researchers in Norway, on PDF page 1 of 10, speaks of an example of a "surface drainage pattern" being "partly controlled by lineaments and other tectonic elements."

The above page goes a bit further, including more than just surface drainage, by declaring that "surface and subsurface drainage is partly controlled by lineaments."

The page linked above contains a considerable amount of useful information, especially when it comes to realizing what is happening with chelated nuclear waste flow out of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and into adjoining areas, possibly even "like a freeway," flooding right into the Yakima River.

The linked page from Norway, once again on PDF page 1 of 10, goes on to state that "streams commonly follow topographic lineaments, many of which are fault zones, individual fractures, contacts or other mechanical discontinuities in the rock mass."

On the same page noted above, there is another important piece of information. It states that "most lineaments are depressions that receive water by topography-driven flow."

Continuing on the same page, it declares that "many lineaments have a high fracture frequency, and thus normally high hydraulic conductivity, close to their central parts."

There is another important piece of information found on PDF page 3 of 10, in that above-linked document from Norway. It states that "clustered fracturing normally causes increased fracture porosity as well as connectivity and thus increased permeability."

The statements made above could virtually all apply to that generally north-south May Junction Fault which travels southward in the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The statements made above could also apply to what is happening with "fracking" in the oil industry.

The document from the researchers in Norway, linked above, on PDF page 8 of 10, states that "most topographic depressions reflect fracture zones, many of which may consist of open and interconnected fractures of significant permeability."

The same page states that "topolineaments, being linear or near-linear depressions, also serve as a framework for river flow." It goes on to state that "the distribution of river segments is similar to that of the lineaments, indicating that rivers and streams tend to follow the lineaments."

That same page states that "little associated surface runoff along lineaments may indicate high subsurface drainage."

Potentially fault lines, in general, could also act as conduits for liquids and especially for very mobile, chelated nuclear wastes. With this thought in mind, consider those fault lines in and around Hanford (map). Then, add to the preceding map that generally north-south aligned May Junction Fault, along which the ground has shifted vertically a distance of 185 feet.

Looking at PDF page 9 of 10, in the document from Norway, there in information which would relate to the flow of liquids, whether chelated nuclear waste or water. It appears that the flow would be greater along the lineament, "because the permeability of lineaments is normally greater than that of the host rock, they are likely to be the main conductors of subsurface water in bedrock."

This information, in the linked document from Norway (link), about lineaments and the control of "surface and subsurface drainage," is important. So is the reference to lineaments serving "as a framework for river flow." The linked document is extremely informative and educational, and much can be learned from it.

From all the evidence, it appears there is a geologic "conduit" deeper underground, made up of something like a major fault or lineament, which allowed that uranium from the central part of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation to travel quickly those 20 miles south and get into the Benton City water wells in just 2-1/2 years. This uranium which traveled southward toward the Yakima River was traveling at an average rate of 8 miles per year.

The information considered in this section now leads directly into the section which follows.

The River Gap

In its downstream flow, it should be noted that at Benton City, the Yakima River makes an abrupt turn to the north (map). It continues on this northerly direction for about 6 miles, and then turns to the northeast for about 5 miles, while passing through a break or gap in the segmented geologic fold composed of the much higher Rattlesnake Mountain (to the west) and the much lower Red Mountain (to the east). After passing through this river gap in the geologic fold, the Yakima River turns to a southeasterly direction and ultimately empties into the Columbia River.

A map, looking from the southeast and toward the northwest, is linked here. Another map which is looking from the southeast and toward the northwest, is linked here. The Yakima River enters the maps about 1/3 of the way down from the top, on the left margin. At this point, the river is flowing in a northerly direction, as it passes through the gap which separates Rattlesnake Mountain and Red Mountain.

In the center of a map, linked here, the Yakima River (thin arrow) comes from the southwest and makes a bend to the southeast. Then it turns sharply to the north and passes through the geologic gap between the northwest-southeast aligned Rattlesnake Mountain and the unmarked Red Mountain, located to the east (right side) of the Yakima River.

The break in the segmented geologic fold of the mountains is called the Yakama River water gap. This water gap is located in a "relatively undeformed" area "where two fold segments plunge together." This is noted in a document linked here, which is called 'Volcanism and Tectonism in the Columbia River Flood-basalt Province, Issue 239', on page 251.

It appears that some very major geologic forces acted upon the geologic fold at this location and caused the major gap where now resides the Yakima River.

If a line is drawn, starting at the northward bend in the Yakima River at Benton City (map), then continuing northward roughly through the central point of the Yakima River water gap, and then continuing even further northward, it would generally point in the direction of the north-south aligned May Junction Fault lineament, which is located on the east side of the elevated Hanford 200 Area.

At this point, once again because it is so very important to what is being dealt with in this area, let it be noted that the area to the east of this generally north-south aligned May Junction Fault line is dropped vertically downward a distance of 185 feet. So, it appears there has been quite a bit of "shearing action" going on here, which leads us into a question.

Is there some deeper geologic feature which connects this May Junction Fault to that break in the geologic fold of Rattlesnake Mountain, where now resides the Yakima River water gap? This should not be such an unusual question, because the May Junction Fault was called the May Junction Fault lineament, on PDF page 12 of 101, of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory document, which is linked here.

It appears that geologic forces at some earlier date, possibly even before the geologic fold of Rattlesnake Mountain was created, may have formed a type of north-south aligned lineament in this area on which now resides the Yakima River water gap and the more northerly May Junction Fault. A fracture zone at depth within this lineament may now allow for a high subsurface flow or drainage along this lineament --- a drainage of things like even radioactive contaminates from the central part of Hanford.

With the above thoughts in mind, let us now look once again at that uranium, and possibly other chelated radionuclides, which rapidly flowed southward from the central part of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation for a distance of about 20 miles, to that point along the Yakima River where Benton City is located, in just 2-1/2 years. Once again, this radioactive contamination was moving southward at the average rate of 8 miles per year.

Benton city resides at an elevation of about 499 feet above sea level (link). The Hanford 200 West Area resides at an elevation somewhere near 675 feet above sea level (link). The Hanford 200 East Area resides at an elevation somewhere near 678 feet above sea level (link).

Working with the elevations noted in the paragraph above, it appears that Bention City is roughly 177 feet lower than the 200 Area in the central part of the Hanford facility, where radioactive waste was forcefully injected into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system. This would mean an average difference in elevation of about 8.85 feet per mile, between central Hanford and Benton City, which is located about 20 miles to the south of central Hanford and a number of miles outside of the Hanford boundaries.

Considering the difference in elevation between central Hanford and Benton City, plus what appears to be a north-south aligned geologic feature in the area, is it any wonder that at least uranium, if not a number of other chelated radionuclides also, showed up in those Benton City wells about 2-1/2 years after Hanford started injecting nuclear wastes into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system at the 200 Area in 1945?

Injection Wells

Injection wells used at Hanford, to pump nuclear wastes into the groundwater/aquifer, were also known as reverse wells.

The diagram, linked here, shows different ways that dangerous, radioactive waste was disposed of at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

The left side of the diagram shows the use of reverse wells. Note that at least Cesium-137, Strontium-90 and Plutonium are listed as being injected directly into the aquifer. From what has been noted in this report, these radioactive materials were possibly in a chelated form. These materials forced into the aquifer would work to rapidly poison that aquifer.

At this point, it must once again be noted that this is a rather complex, multi-level aquifer system beneath Hanford. It is unknown to the writer which level or levels of the aquifer were used for radioactive waste disposal. But, whatever level or levels were used, it got into the Benton City water wells in just 2-1/2 years.

The article linked below, under the section heading of 'The Problems,' shows that between 1945 and 1947 "about 11 million gallons of liquid radioactive waste were pumped down two deep injection wells directly into the aquifer. The liquid contained about 16 pounds of plutonium. The wells were closed when plutonium was found miles away, but still on the Hanford site."

At this point, there is something important to note. Elsewhere in this report it is noted that there are 11 injection wells from the earlier days which are located in the central portion of Hanford. It also appears that much more than just a mere 11 million gallons of chelated nuclear wastes and other materials were pumped down these deep injection wells.

Now, let us get back on track with what is stated in the page linked above. In a rather short period of time, plutonium was found miles away (yes, that is miles away) from the injection wells. But, it should be noted that this plutonium could have already moved far beyond where the "plutonium was found miles away, but still on the Hanford site." Let us not forget about that Hanford reputation of not quite telling the whole truth and the reputation for "tweaking" the data.

At this point, a question should be asked. Were there things other than Cesium-137, Strontium-90 and Plutonium which were injection into the aquifer? This question is asked because of the high amount of tritium found in the groundwater beneath Hanford --- which has been noted elsewhere in this report.

Creating Tritium

A Wikipedia page on Tritium, linked here, states that "Tritium is produced in nuclear reactors by neutron activation of lithium-6. This is possible with neutrons of any energy..."

The Wikipedia entry also states: "High-energy neutrons irradiating boron-10 will also occasionally produce tritium." It also looks like tritium is produced "whenever a deuterium nucleus captures a neutron."

The entry declares further: "The release or recovery of tritium needs to be considered in the operation of nuclear reactors, especially in the reprocessing of nuclear fuels and in the storage of spent nuclear fuel. The production of tritium is not a goal, but rather a side-effect."

With all the so-called spent nuclear fuel and other waste products which were injected into the ground and aquifer system, has the production of tritium been a side-effect in the waters of the vast aquifer system? And, once again, there may be more to this tritium story.

Lithium Targets

A document, linked here, at the bottom-right of PDF page 23 of 120, declares the following:

"Tritium is another essential material in most nuclear weapons. It is a radioactive gas that is produced by bombarding lithium with neutrons in a reactor."

A document, linked here, on PDF page 4 of 6, speaks of a "Fusion Materials Irradiation Test Facility (FMIT)" at the Hanford site. The facility used "flowing liquid lithium targets" in at least one of its processes.

A document, linked here, is titled 'The Eight Major Processes of the Nuclear Weapons Complex.' On PDF page 20 of 90, the document declares: "Lithium enriched in the lighter lithium-6 isotope is irradiated in reactors to produce tritium, which is used in nuclear weapons."

In the above linked document, along the right-hand side of PDF page 7 of 90, are found the following words: "Hanford made Lithium Targets in 300 Area to be irradicated in "N" Reactor to produce Tritium, 1965-1967."

The above linked document, on PDF page 42 of 90, states: "Hanford made lithium-aluminum alloy targets between 1949 and 1952 as part of the P-10 tritium production project... From 1965 to 1967 the site again manufactured lithium aluminum target inserts, this time for the N Reactor."

The above linked document, on PDF page 51 of 90, declares further: "The Hanford B and H Reactors produced tritium between 1949 and 1952 as part of the P-10 project. Lithium-aluminum slugs were irradiated, with highly-enriched 'driver' fuel to sustain the chain reaction."

Regarding the P-10 tritium production project, the above document states: "The P-10 project ended when AEC transferred the tritium production mission from Hanford to the Savannah River Site in 1952." But, as indicated further above, from 1965 to 1967, Hanford was once again producing tritium in the N Reactor --- potentially under another program.

Now, it is time for a question. Is there a chance that some of this lithium ended up in the groundwater, or was injected directly into the aquifer beneath Hanford, along with all those other chelated radioactive materials and hazardous waste products?

Could this miscellaneous combination of chelated radioactive wastes and unknown other materials in the regional aquifer system be what is creating that rather large and excessive amount of tritium in at least a portion of this vast, regional aquifer system --- from which people draw drinking water and water for crop irrigation?

Is it any wonder there was so much secrecy about what was going on at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation? Was this secrecy partly used to help prevent legal action at a later date, because of resulting things like serious health problems and birth defects?

It does appear that under the cloak of secrecy, the eugenicists were having a heyday.

Lithium and
Birth Defects

A page, linked here, is titled 'Lithium-Associated Anencephaly." The page indicates that "higher doses [of lithium] have produced anencephaly, exencephaly, skeletal and craniofacial defects, and abnormalities of blood vessel development."

Once again, there is a high rate of birth defects, especially serious and deadly anencephaly, in that region surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. This brings up a question.

When Hanford was in operation, was lithium, in any form, included in any of the chelated or other forms of waste which were pumped/injected into the vast groundwater/aquifer system?

Looking further, is lithium used in any stage of the Pump and Treat Program, which is ongoing at Hanford?

Or, is the large-scale Pump and Treat Program possibly stirring up hazardous amounts of lithium or other radioactive and hazardous wastes in the aquifer system and causing them to remobilize and potentially move elsewhere?

Yakima River Uranium

The writer's research leaves him with the impression that a much bigger mess and regional disaster is being dealt with, because of what has gone on over the years at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, than the DOE is openly admitting to the public. It appears, in many cases, that Hanford is simply being given the proverbial "white-wash" by the news media.

Looking further, the writer's research leads him to believe that the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is virtually hemorrhaging its load of chelated uranium and other radionuclides, plus hazardous chemical wastes, in various directions into the surrounding environment.

It appears that a large portion of this radioactive and chemical waste from central Hanford travels southward along the deeper portions of the May Junction Fault lineament, in the direction of the Yakima River. At this point, let us note once again that the central portion of the Hanford site, in the 200 Area, is about 177 feet higher than the Yakima River at Benton City.

Because the 200 Area in central Hanford is approximately 177 feet higher than the Yakima River at Benton City, the downward flow or even the inverted siphon principal within the geologic structure of the landmass comes into effect. This is especially true since chelated radioactive wastes are being dealt with, which chelated wastes tend to flow like water in the groundwater and aquifer system.

The basic concept of downhill flow is presented, to one degree or another, via the following images: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6).

And, since the Hanford region is located in the Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt, with various included fault systems, the following images may help in our visualization process, to one degree or another: (1)(2).

But, the general concept of inverted siphon action is best shown by man-made inverted siphons, for which information and visuals are presented at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11).

This Hanford waste possibly enters the Yakima River through various upwellings in the river bottom along that section of the river aligned generally north and south, in the water gap between Rattlesnake Mountain and Red Mountain. But, the possibility exists for the wastes to enter the Yakima River even further upstream.

Looking further, if any springs or seeps exist in the area on the outside (on the north side) of the bend where the Yakima River exits the water gap and turns to the east, these springs or seeps may potentially be contaminated with radioactive and chemical wastes from Hanford.

Likewise, if there are any springs or seeps on the outside (on the south side) of the bend where the Yakima River suddenly turns north to enter the water gap, these springs or seeps may contain chelated radionuclides and other hazardous materials from Hanford.

Now, there is one more thing to add to this discussion, especially when considering the concept of "inverted siphon" activity.

The writer opened Google Earth Pro and did some checking on elevations between the elevated central plateau of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation (where all those leaking underground tanks are located, plus from where they pumped radioactive wastes into the groundwater and regional aquifer system) and various locations along the Yakima River.

The following are his findings:

When moving the cursor over the central plateau at Hanford, let us say that a rough elevation (varies with location) average of about 710 feet is given in the area where the leaking underground tanks are located.

When moving the cursor over the sharp bend in the Yakima River, where Benton City is located, an elevation of approximately 466 feet is given.

Using the Google Earth Pro elevations, it appears that the Yakima River bend at Benton City is approximately 244 feet lower than the elevated central plateau at the Hanford site, where those tanks are leaking their radioactive contaminates.

The writer then moved the cursor in Google Earth Pro upstream on the Yakima River, from Benton City, Washington. The elevation of the Yakima River at Prosser, Washington is given as approximately 648 feet, which is still about 62 feet below the central plateau at the Hanford site. The inverted siphon principle in the structure of the earth could still be in operation at this location.

The writer then moved the cursor in Google Earth Pro even further upstream on the Yakima River. It was not until upstream of the Highway 223 bridge on the Yakima River, at the sharp bend in the river, located to the northwest of Granger, Washington, that the writer began seeing river elevations which were close or equal to the elevation at the central plateau in the Hanford site.

When considering these elevation differences, it appears that, when using the inverted siphon concept in the complex structure of the earth, that radioactive and chemical contaminates from the leaking tanks at the central plateau of the Hanford site could theoretically enter the Yakima River anywhere from Granger, Washington, downstream to the mouth of the Yakima River, where it exits into the Columbia River.

Burp and Belch

In the central portion of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation are 177 underground storage tanks which hold extremely dangerous nuclear waste. A May 2013 Scientific American article, linked here, is titled 'Hanford Nuclear Waste Cleanup Plant May Be Too Dangerous.'

The article states: "Overall, the tanks hold every element in the periodic table, including half a ton of plutonium, various uranium isotopes and at least 44 other radionuclides - containing a total of about 176 million curies of radioactivity."

Note closely what is being stated above. "Overall, the tanks hold every element in the periodic table."

To state things more plainly, these tanks hold virtually every radioactive element in the periodic table because of the elemental changes which were taking place within the nuclear fuel rods, as they were being irradiated in the nuclear reactors.

Looking a bit further, within the nuclear decay chains which occur as the materials in the tanks are decaying and slowly breaking down are found other elements which are created in this decay process.

The material in these many tanks is actually changing all the time, and in the process of reacting, various gases may be produced.

An Article

A 1997 article, linked here, is titled 'Radioactive waste from Hanford is seeping toward the Columbia.' It declares the following about the 177 underground waste tanks at Hanford:

"For several decades, more than a third of these huge tanks have burped, rumbled and leaked. Some belched hydrogen and ammonia gas; others are dangerously hot, causing cracks and bulges in the tank walls and floors."

The article states that "some have belched hydrogen gas with enough force to buckle their metal lids."

At this point, there are some things to think about. Again, some of those tanks "belched hydrogen gas with enough force to buckle their metal lids." And again, some of those tanks have cracks.

It does appear that when the tanks powerfully belch hydrogen gas, that a portion of the liquified and chelated radioactive wastes in the tanks could then be powerfully forced into the ground around or below these problematic waste tanks.

Each cycle of "belch and forced leakage" would pump even more radioactive waste out of the tank or tanks and into the ground. Each cycle of "belch and pressurized leakage" may also work to force the radioactive "waste column" deeper into the ground, groundwater and vast, regional aquifer system.

This continuing "belch and forced leakage" translates to more and more radioactive waste being forced into that important aquifer system, potentially at a rate which is much higher than the public is led to believe by the DOE or the project contractor(s).

This brings us to our next subject.

Waste Dumping

An article titled 'Hanford in hot water,' from page 7 of the May 1991 issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, is linked here.

The linked article states that "Hanford disposed of about 200 billion gallons of low-level wastes in a series of ponds, cribs, and ditches at the Hanford site."

This was bad enough. But there is more to this story of infamy.

Now, look closely at what comes next. The article declares: "Whenever tank space ran out, Hanford managers deliberately poured their contents into the soil as well." An estimate of "more than 100 million gallons" of high-level, radioactively hot, nuclear wastes were simply poured into the soil.

This deliberate dumping of wastes --- which were, once again, high-level, tank-grade, nuclear wastes --- is, as the article clearly declares, a "very serious issue."

This is a very serious issue, because the chelated radioactive wastes would have moved rather quickly down into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system. Because of being chelated, once these radionuclides entered the aquifer system, they would have traveled rather quickly, near the speed of water flow in the aquifer.

Keeping it Quiet

The article, linked here and above, notes further that this serious, dumping of high-level nuclear waste issue is one which the public has not been well-informed about. In other words, it appears that the DOE prefers to keep rather quiet about this one.

Possibly the DOE prefers that you never knew about this one, so that you don't realize what a really big and nasty, hazardous mess, that the Hanford site has actually created. They also may not want you to realize the irrepairable ecological and radiological disaster which exists in this region.

And, looking further, possibly they would prefer that you did not realize just how big of a disaster is residing in the groundwater and regional aquifer system beneath and surrounding the Hanford facility, from which people pump drinking water, plus water for irrigating crops.

It appears that the less the public knows about the radioactive mess, the less clean-up the DOE can potentially get away with, plus the less people will understand about just how much radioactive waste has actually gone into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system, plus into the Yakima and Columbia rivers.

Is the DOE running under the misguided "assumption" that what you don't know won't hurt you? WRONG!

It appears that we are dealing with things which can be internalized. This internalization allows the radioactive materials to irradiate the insides of human bodies 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

This internal irradiation can cause all kinds of serious health problems and cancers, plus it can work to produce birth defects in offspring. And, this could potentially get worse and worse, with each passing generation, as DNA is further damaged.

100 Million Gallons

When speaking about all that high-level, radioactively hot, tank-grade, nuclear wastes which were deliberately dumped into the soil for disposal at Hanford, when tank space ran out, the article linked here and above states:

"These were not tank leaks, but deliberate releases. These are extremely hot materials that were pumped directly into the soil." And again, there were more than 100 million gallons of this extremely radioactive mess which was diliberately pumped directly into the soil.

And, in case we have forgotten, these more than 100 million gallons of waste likely included chelated radionuclides, which chelation made these wastes much more mobile which would allow them to travel rather quickly through the ground, groundwater and into the vast, regional aquifer system, from which is pumped water for drinking purposes and for the irrigation of crops.

But, lest we forget something else which is very important, there is more to this story than simply 100 million gallons of high-level nuclear waste which was intentionally pumped into the ground, groundwater and aquifer system.

As noted earlier, the article also spoke about the disposal "of about 200 billion gallons of low-level wastes in a series of ponds, cribs, and ditches at the Hanford site." From there, these 200 billion gallons of nuclear waste materials could readily work their way downward through the ground, groundwater, and into the aquifer system.

At this point, let us put some perspective on this scenario. Everybody seems to be talking about the 177 underground nuclear waste storage tanks in the tank farms in the central portion of Hanford. These tanks, which everyone is fussing about, altogether are said to hold only about "53 million gallons of radioactive and chemical waste," or up to about "56 million gallons of highly radioactive waste," depending on what source of information is used. (1)(2)(3)

So, let us say that there are around 53 million gallons of highly radioactive wastes in those 177 tanks. Yet, in earlier times, it is said that the people in control of Hanford allowed 200 billion (yes, with a "b") gallons of radioactive wastes to be deliberately dumped into the ground. Now for some simple math. Roughly 3,773 times more radioactive wastes were deliberately dumped into the ground, than are in all of those 177 underground storage tanks which everyone is fussing about.

Now for "the rest of the story." A U.S. DOE page, linked here, indicates that "an estimated 450 billion gallons of liquids" was dumped into the soil. So, no matter how you look at things, an immense amount of Hanford wastes have gone into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system.

To make things worse, a certain portion of this radioactive waste was chelated when it went into the ground, groundwater and aquifer system. This chelation could potential have an effect on virtually all of the radioactive materials in the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system.

Once again, this chelation allows these radionuclides to be much more mobile, so they can rapidly be carried for potentially great distances, in a rather short period of time. Once the chelation products have gotten into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system, there is no turning back. The damage is there and done, virtually for as long as we are going to be on this earth and possibly longer.

So, it appears that an immense, radioactive mess is actually being dealt with --- or possibly not really being dealt with, at least not properly --- in the region of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. As usual, it appears that the DOE and others in control are not telling the public the true situation.

Those Nasty Factors

The article, linked here and above, declares that wastes dumped into the ground "included tons of sodium, nitrates, sulfates, cyanide, phosphates, and fluorides, as well as radioactive materials --- cesium 137, technetium 99, plutonium 239 and 240, strontium 90, and cobalt 60."

The linked article, from 1991, is more than 26 years old. Twenty-six years ago, there was already "a massive underground plume containing nitrates and radioactive tritium...[which was]...entering the Columbia River on Hanford's eastern border."

So, what is, at this time, the volume of radioactive materials, especially chelated radioactive materials, which is pouring into the Columbia River, plus also pouring into the Yakima River?

What is the true volume of hazardous wastes which are getting into these rivers via the contaminated groundwater and upwellings in the bottom of these rivers from the contaminated regional aquifer system?

What is the volume of contamination getting into the rivers from the central portion of Hanford, because of fault lines, which may act as conduits for radioactive and chemical wastes?

We will never know the true answers to the above questions. Once again, from the writer's research, it appears that Hanford is virtually hemorrhaging its chelated radioactive and chemical wastes into the surrounding environment and rivers, especially into the Yakima River via the May Junction Fault lineament.

Now, let's go back to what was known in 1996, or at least what was being told the public. A document, linked here, is titled 'Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel from the K Basins at Hanford Site, Columbia River County, Richland County, Benton County: Environmental Impact Statement.'

All that radioactive waste that was dumped into the ground at Hanford appeared to move into the groundwater rather quickly. It has created a very serious problem. Already in 1993, "tritium, cobalt-60, strontium-90, technetium-99, and uranium were detected in springs and seeps along the Columbia River along the 100 Areas."

In the unconfined aquifer beneath Hanford, back in the early 1990s, in that vast, regional aquifer system from which drinking and irrigation water is pumped, there was found "tritium, iodine-129, nitrate, technetium-99, strontium-90 and plutonium-239/240."

A 2013 document, linked here, on the right-hand side of PDF page 4 of 6, shows that contaminated groundwater plumes are entering the Columbia River via upwelling.

A page, linked here, is titled 'Remedial Investigation of Hanford Site Releases to the Columbia River - 10559." At the bottom of PDF page 3 of 15 are found the following words: "Some of these contaminated groundwater plumes have reached the Columbia River, discharging as springs along the shoreline and upwelling through the river bottom."

So, at this point, it appears that this is the best picture which the writer can give you.

Yes, it appears that a large volume of radioactive and chemical contamination is getting into the Yakima and Columbia rivers. But as for the actual volume, that is something which may never truly be known by the general public.

That Deception

The page from 1990, linked below, begins with these words:

"Never have so many human beings been exposed to so much radiation over so long a time - while so few knew about it. Now, more than 40 years after it began, we are just beginning to learn what the U.S. government's Hanford nuclear weapons plant in Washington state has done to thousands of citizens who unwittingly drank radioactively contaminated water, breathed radioactively contaminated air, and fed milk laced with radioactive iodine to their children."

The page speaks about the irradiation of children, which "was a Government secret, concealed in the name of 'national security.'" It declares that the DOE and "its predecessor agencies and their contractors generated two decades of lies that denied the risk" presented by Hanford.

The page states: "The Government knowingly risked the health of thousands of innocent civilians and then lied to them..." This is the history of Hanford and the DOE. And, it appears, this may be the ongoing history of Hanford and the DOE.

The pages linked below speak about at least some of this history of deception and lies which it appears the DOE and other agencies are foisting on the general public.

At this point, the writer will make a clear statement. At various locations in this report is spoken about all those eugenicist Nazis which were illegally brought into the United States and placed in key positions associated with government agencies, including the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the DOE, plus the military. It is now time to say things as they appear.

Once again, Adolph Hitler and the Nazis had a Concordat with the Vatican, which basically legitimized the Nazis. These Nazis appeared to be perpetrating a type of "holy war" for the Vatican. In this war, it was declared that the Nazi SS were modeled after the Jesuit organization.

Because of the DOE association with Nazis and potentially those of the Nazi SS, which Nazi SS was modeled after the Jesuits, let us consider this history of deceptive practices a bit further in the next section.

Word Association

What the DOE has been doing over time --- especially with that extended history of blatant deception and things along those lines --- brings to mind an old word. Since it is a rather old word, we need to go back to old documents which do give the original and true meaning for the word, rather than the "politically correct," and not accurate, whitewashed definitions which are often found in the new books of re-written or altered meanings. The work which comes to mind is "Jesuitism."

Looking to the 1828 Webster's dictionary (1), the word "Jesuitism" is defined as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." That word "prevarication" is defined as: "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie (2)."

Does the original meaning of this old word seem to fit the description of what it appears the DOE has been doing over time --- for quite a long time?

Could this apparent deception of the DOE have anything to do with the integration of Nazis and Nazi ideologies? Could it have anything to do with the integration of Nazi SS and Jesuit ideologies?

For those desiring a little more definition to the word "Jesuitism" and what it appears may lie ahead for the United States, simply check out a book from 1851, which is linked here. In all of this, it appears that the Knights of Malta and their affiliates may have a connection to what is happening in the United States, since they have a history of being much more than just a benevolent organization.

Let us be honest about what has been going on in our country. Those who have taken the time to do their research have found that the Knights of Malta and their affiliates do seem to control a lot of what is happening in the United States, and, their allegiance heads in the direction of Rome, rather than the United States. This issue is discussed in more detail, elsewhere in this report.

For those desiring more insight, just check out the Oath of the Knights of Malta, in its full form as it is found on the Internet. After examining that oath, a person may begin to realize who all these people are working for and what their agenda really is, especially as it relates to the United States and its people. It may also help to "open the eyes" even further to the DOE and how that agency fits into the picture, especially when it comes to radiation in the environment.

Now, before we leave this section, there is a question which will be asked right up front. Keep it in mind, as this report is read. Who do you think the DOE has really been working for, especially when it comes to nuclear messes and the environment, plus danger to citizens --- especially when considering what they have scattered across the country at many different sites? For the United States, it is not just Hanford which is being dealt with or causing a problem. There are many sites.

There is actually a whole lot more to this story about the DOE, deception, the Nazis and Jesuitism than can properly be presented in this short section. For those who desire to understand better those things which are affecting our world and our lives, some serious research on the Internet may be beneficial.

Things of Concern

Once again, radioactive wastes were, in the earlier stages of Hanford, injected direction into the regional aquifer system via injection wells (also called reverse wells). The flow of the aquifer could then move these radioactive wastes, especially the chelated radioactive wastes, wherever it desired.

Could these radioactive waste materials potentially congregate or be concentrated into something which could start mini reactions underground in the groundwater or aquifer system, especially if a neutron producing material like aluminum, boron, beryllium, lithium or fluorine got mixed up in the "nuclear soup?"

The decay of uranium and other radioactive materials can produce alpha, beta or gamma radiation (link). Could this radiation then react with neutron producing materials to produce a shower of neutrons?(link)

Could a shower of neutrons in the concentrated "radioactive mix" virtually keep an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction going for a certain period of time? What could be the result of such an event, especially over time?

Does all that excess tritium in the groundwater and aquifer system tell the true story about what is happening in the ground beneath the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, plus potentially in the aquifer beneath the surrounding region?

Are these waters, because of ongoing nuclear reactions, steadily getting more radioactively contaminated and potentially more poisoned, as time passes? And those earthquake swarms... Are they also telling part of the story?

Truly, what is being dealt with in the Hanford region?

Aqueous Reactor

We commonly think of nuclear reactors as having regular fuel rods. But there is another type of reactor which has no fuel rods. It is called the aqueous homogeneous reactor.

The Wikipedia page, linked here, declares: "Aqueous homogeneous reactors (AHR) are a type of nuclear reactor in which soluble nuclear salts (usually uranium sulfate or uranium nitrate) are dissolved in water."

Let us now consider one fact.

There was a lot of uranium and other radioactive elements which were injected into the regional aquifer system beneath Hanford in earlier times.

Is there any possibility that these materials, if congregated by Nature or otherwise, could produce a type of uncontrolled aqueous homogeneous reactor beneath Hanford?

Does this mean that people in the region around Hanford are basically drawing their domestic and agricultural waters directly out of a hidden form of nuclear reactor?

Nature's Reactor

An article, linked here, from back in 2004, declares:

"To operate a nuclear power plant like Three Mile Island, hundreds of highly trained employees must work in concert to generate power from safe fission, all the while containing dangerous nuclear wastes."

"On the other hand, it's been known for 30 years that Mother Nature once did nuclear chain reactions by her lonesome." This occurred in what is now Gabon, West Africa.

The article states that Nature's nuclear reactor "worked on a 30-minute reaction cycle, accompanied by a two-and-a-half hour dormant period, or cool down."

The links below present information about Nature's nuclear reactor and the process involved. In the first link are found the following words:

"The conditions under which a natural nuclear reactor could exist had been predicted in 1956 by Paul Kazuo Kuroda. The conditions found [in 1972 at the Oklo, Gabon natural nuclear fission reactor] were very similar to what was predicted."

The first link also states: "Oklo is the only known location for this in the world and consists of 16 sites at which self-sustaining nuclear fission reactions took place..."

Yes, Oklo is "the only known location for this in the world." But this does not mean that this nuclear phenomenon has not happened at other locations. It is just that this is the only known location.

It should be noted that humans can potentially, by accident or by planning, duplicate the conditions which would allow this type of nuclear reaction to take place, even today.

Using water --- even water in an aquifer --- to act as a neutron moderator, could potentially allow the nuclear chain reaction to take place, with the right materials present, in the right concentration. Possibly that is, to one degree or another, what is occurring in the aquifer beneath Hanford.

One thing should be noted. In the Gabon natural nuclear reactor, the heat from the nuclear fission would boil away the intruding groundwater, "which slowed or stopped the reaction."

At Hanford, with the radioactive materials completely submerged in a large regional aquifer system, potentially the reaction could be continuous. But, possibly at other times, the reaction may get a bit "out of hand" and become stronger and turn more violent. Could a situation like that cause the ground to shake a bit?

Once again, does the abnormally large amount of tritium in the groundwater tell the true story? But, there is now another question to ask.

Is the Pump and Treat Program used for more than just a world-class tritium mining project, for use in the making and maintaining of nuclear bombs and other nuclear weaponry?

Is there a potential that the Pump and Treat Program is also being used to recover tritium and other radionuclides, in an attempt to reduce the concentration of these materials in the aquifer system, in order to keep this "natural" reactor under control or even to shut it down completely?

Just throwing out some things to think about, because we know that the DOE will never tell us what is really going on, if even they know.

There are really many unknowns about what is actually happening with all that radioactive waste which was pumped into the regional aquifer system.

For more information about Nature's nuclear reactor, simply click on the buttons below.

The Lithium Factor

It appears that there could potentially be lithium included in any nuclear reaction which was occurring in the aquifer beneath Hanford. With all the radioactive materials present in the nuclear reaction, it appears that the presence of lithium could more readily allow for the creation of all that extra tritium. And yes, lithium was used at Hanford.

Looking at the potential underground aqueous reactor, there is another question which comes to mind. Could steam produced during such an underground nuclear reaction cause some form of "fracking" of the surrounding rock structure? Could this fracking produce low-intensity earthquake swarms, like they have experienced in the Hanford area in recent decades?

Hanford Quakes

The page, linked here, presents information about earthquakes and earthquake swarms at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Once again, could there be any connection between all the hydraulically transported nuclear waste which was pumped deep into the aquifers via reverse or injection wells, and those earthquake swarms?

Could those chelated radioactive wastes which were dumped or pumped into the ground have also gotten into "the mix," and helped to strengthen any reactions?

Could radioactive fuels potentially become concentrated and lodged in certain confined spaces within the complex aquifer system, producing periodic reactions, ground shaking and earthquake swarms?

With these thoughts in mind, there are also other things to think about. It appears there is more to the Hanford region than simply nuclear reactions going on in the groundwater and aquifer system.

Oil and Gas

The article linked below is from 1987. It states: "Major oil companies believe there may be a huge reserve of oil and natural gas under the Hanford Nuclear Reservation..."

The article declares: "Evidence of oil or natural gas at Hanford would disqualify the federal reservation from consideration as the nation's first high-level nuclear waste site," under "The Nuclear Waste Policy Act."

Interesting enough, it appears that the U.S. DOE is doing everything possible to prevent oil companies from exploring anywhere on the Hanford site.

The article states: "From 1978 to 1986, the Energy Department refused 135 requests for oil and gas leases on the reservation."

Is the DOE afraid that exploratory drilling for oil and gas might also turn up a considerably larger amount of mobile radioactive contamination than is currently known --- at least known by the general public?

On the other hand, possibly the DOE is concerned about the radiation hazard which may be presented to a drilling crew who unknowingly bored into underground nuclear wastes which had earlier been injected into the ground, groundwater or aquifer system.

Possibly it is just easier for the DOE to refuse drilling permits at Hanford, rather than letting the public know that there is a much greater radiation and waste problem beneath Hanford, plus beneath the surrounding region, than that agency has been telling the public all along.

On the other hand, possibly the DOE does not want the oil companies or the general public to figure out that there is actual a very subtle, very large scale, type of nuclear reactor and world-class tritium mining operation being run out of the vast aquifer system --- out of that vast aquifer system from which people pump drinking water and water for irrigating crops.

Missing Things

It is time to turn our eyes from Hanford, for at least a moment, and take a look at other things which are happening around the nation and our world, especially when it comes to sensitive and dangerous things.

Just read through the information linked below to see the questionable things which are happening in the United States and abroad, especially things relating to nuclear materials, plus also murder because of nuclear materials.

Do you think reading this kind of stuff helps you to sleep better at night, just knowing that the government is taking care of everything for you? Or are they?

Possibly we should once again be asking a question. What is really going on in our country and our world?

Molten Salt Reactors

As a result of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami, there was a meltdown of nuclear reactors at the Fukushima facility. Since that time, there has been an ongoing attempt to clean up and shut down this facility. This whole, extended scenario has shown to the world the very real dangers in the design of nuclear reactors which are currently in operation.

On the other hand, there appears to be a type of nuclear reactor which may be more immune to meltdowns --- some might say, almost foolproof. This type of nuclear reactor is said to be extremely safe. This better type of nuclear reactor is known as the molten salt reactor (MSR), which is now gaining a following.

MSR units can be made much smaller than the conventional reactors which are now in use, to accomplish the same job. The 2017 page linked below lists four different companies in North America which are working on MSR systems.

It appears that China, France, Japan and Russia are also interested in MSR technology. It also appears that MSRs can be built at a much lower cost than conventional nuclear reactors.

The page linked above notes that molten salt reactors "can be made cheaply because they are simple compared to conventional reactors that have large pressurized containment domes and many engineered (and not inherent) and redundant safety systems. Having far few parts than conventional reactors, MSRs are inherently cheaper."

Out of Canada

The November 10, 2017 article linked below indicates that things are moving along in the molten salt reactor field, in Canada. The company, Terrestrial Energy Inc. (TEI) has completed "the first phase of the...pre-licensing vendor design review" for their new system.

So now, it appears that things are getting down to serious business.

The article states that the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission will "assess the design and determine whether any obvious issues exist that would stop the licensing process and that could be resolved before the licensing process actually started."

Success in this first phase of the design review has placed TEI "as an early leader in a fast-growing technology sector."

If things progress as intended for this company, possibly their system may be "on line" and producing usable power in the next ten years.

The particular design of reactor, in the article above, does use uranium as its fuel. But in this case, the uranium is dissolved in a molten salt. This is said to make things much safer.

This reactor will operate at a much lower pressure than nuclear reactors which are currently in operation. This is a major safety feature in itself.

Another important feature of this design is that the overall power plant "can be sized from small to large." This makes this type of system very versatile. It is also a rather simple system.

Keep and eye on this system, as it potentially goes from design stage to the commercial unit.