The  "Invisible  Hand"

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The  Covert,  Behind-the-Scenes,

Jesuit / Catholic,


War  Against  Russia

And, it's also Part of the Criminal and Treasonous Conspiracy
and War against the Authentic United States & Its Citizens.

... and yes, most unfortunately, it is very true that ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."
Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome,
Brutally Assassinated and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963. (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   08 Mar 2023
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


The first page linked below declares: "The Ukraine crisis seems to be driven by an invisible hand pushing for the protraction and escalation of the conflict, according to China's Foreign Minister Qin Gang." The page states further: "The 'invisible hand' is 'using the Ukraine crisis to serve certain geopolitical agendas', Qin said at a press conference on the sidelines of the country's annual parliamentary meeting in Beijing, without specifying who he was referring to." The remaining linked pages state similar things.


In the page linked below, it appears that China's Foreign Minister, Qin Gang, is being very realistic when he states that the Ukraine war may "get out of control." It truly may get out of control, as the foreign-controlled, Jesuit/Catholic/militia-of-the-pope crowd, which has hijacked control of the United States (which hijacking is spoken about at certain points within a number of other pages on this site), along with those that they manipulate and control, are pushing "for the protraction and escalation of the Ukraine war."

The page linked below also states: "'There is an 'invisible hand' pushing the conflict towards escalation and trying to use the Ukrainian crisis to serve a certain geopolitical agenda,' the Chinese Foreign Minister said." And, the particular crowd which has quite a sordid history of operating covertly behind-the-scenes, as they pull off various unsavory, plus possibly even treasonous exploits directly within the United States and around the world, definitely falls into the category of being "The Invisible Hand".


That which the page linked below states appears to be very accurate. It appears that the "invisible hand" crowd --- or, for those who have done the proper research --- the Jesuit/Catholic/militia-of-the-pope crowd, plus those they control in the government, various agencies and the military of the United States, is definitely stoking the bitter war in Ukraine. Yes, it appears that they are intentionally stoking the Ukraine war for a particular reason...a specific historical reason that goes back hundreds of years.

Note in the linked page that the Chinese foreign minister, Qin Gang, "has suggested there is an unknown force working behind the scenes to escalate the war in Ukraine following Russia's invasion of the country in the past year." So, Qin Gang is calling the "hidden hand" an "unknown force." Well, as the reader many see by now, the writer of this presentation in not into holding anything back. Based on their years of research, they will lay out what their findings show about who is actually the "hidden hand" and the "unknown force".

And again, as do other pages in this presentation, the page linked below notes that Qin Gang suggested that the "unkown force" "is using the crisis in Ukraine to serve its own geopolitical goals." This is definitely true. It appears that Russia was suckered into the Ukraine war, but the war is not really over Ukraine. The war is about taking down and taking over Russia. And, there is also a hundreds-of-years-old "war" which appears to be involved with this present conflict between Russia and "proxy" Ukraine.


Based on the writer's years of research, it appears that there is actually a religious war involved in the Russian/Ukraine conflict. This old war, which goes back hundreds of years, is between the Vatican and the Russian Orthodox Church. This war is noted at various points within other pages on this site. And yes, it is a proxy war by the Jesuit/Catholic/militia-of-the-pope crowd which has hijacked control of the United States and its military, plus which crowd also appears to be in control of the European Union and NATO.

When looking at the Ukraine "proxy war" as being partly a religious war which is being perpetrated, pushed along and escalated by the Jesuit/Catholic/militia-of-the-pope crowd, it is fully understandable why the treasonous and traitorous, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Joe Biden and his just as treasonous cronies are pushing hard to escalate the Ukraine war by giving all those tax dollars from now-enslaved U.S. citizens, along with all that military weaponry, to Ukraine in order to further the agenda of this "proxy war".

Now, before anyone "goes off the rails", the writer should explain why they label Joe Biden and his cronies as being treasonous and traitorous. Every one of these treasonous traitors has taken an Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Well, Joe Biden and his cronies are the brazen enemies of the U.S. Constitution. "In what way," you may say. Well, it has to do with the only guarantee which is found within the Constitution.

In Article 4, Section 4, the Constitution mandates and guarantees a Republican Form of Government to every State in this Union. But, Joe Biden and his cronies have been treasonously ignoring this guarantee, which guarantee is the foundation for what is said in the rest of the Constitution. Instead of upholding and enforcing the U.S. Constitution, the historically lying Joe Biden and his treasonous cronies, as apparent foreign-controlled criminals, have been working to undermine and overthrow the U.S. Constitution.

"Why are these Jesuit/Catholic-controlled criminals doing this?," you may ask. Well, a page-paragraph linked here notes that the pope's hierarchy instructs Catholics "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church." And, that is why Joe Biden is treasonously violating his Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution. He is actually a foreign agent...a "Trojan Horse" in the U.S. government.

So, why is Joe Biden and his cronies going so "hog wild" over flooding Ukraine with tax dollars which have been extorted from enslaved U.S. citizens? Why are they flooding Ukraine with all of those war materials which have been paid for by extorted tax dollars from "raped" citizens? Well, looking at a page-paragraph linked here, it notes that a Catholic president could be controlled by the Vatican and potentially "forced to declare war on certain nations, thus forcing American boys to fight the wars of the Vatican."

Now, the quote above comes from a book which was written in 1959, as the Vietnam war was getting going. And yes, a lot of American boys ended up fighting and dying in that war for the Vatican, as indicated in a book linked here. The linked book is titled Vietnam: Why did we go?. It was written by the notable Avro Manhattan, and, the book speaks about the religious beginnings of an unholy war...yes, a most diabolical Vatican war. And, that appears to be similar to what may be happening with the Russia/Ukraine war.

In the case of the possibly intentionally instigated (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Russian/Ukraine war, the criminal and treasonous Joe Biden and his cronies have not yet forced American boys to fight Russian in the Ukraine "proxy" war, though some have gone on their own (1)(2), plus some have even died in Ukraine. Possibly the Jesuits and associates of the Jesuit-controlled militia-of-the-pope decided to just rape U.S. taxpayers and harm the U.S. economy by sending a lot of money and war materials to this time.

To be continued ...

This is a mere PREVIEW and Introduction for that which shall be included in this presentation.
There is more which needs to be said and exposed.  Check back later for additional information.

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