Thoughts  For  Today

It's Time to come out of the daze and "Get Really Woke!"

POSTS designed to help educate U.S. citizens about history, plus their changing country and world.

"If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed."   Thomas Jefferson (1)

POST #34

The treacherous and treasonous (1)(2) Joe Biden is not securing the southern border. Now, the reader will quickly realize that the writer has no respect for treacherous Joe Biden. He appears to be a lying (1)(2), deceiving (1)(2), treasonous (1)(2) and foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) traitor (1) to the authentic United States and its citizens. And, it appears that Biden is Jesuit/Illuminati-aligned (1) and controlled (1). This appears to be more obvious, especially when it comes to allowing the southern border to be open for the Vatican's army of Catholic-bred invaders.

Looking further into things, the treacherous and treasonous (1)(2) Joe Biden is linked to --- and seems to be, along which his treasonously (1)(2) criminal cronies, which includes Kamala Harris (1) --- protecting the criminal activities of the priests and nuns of that infamous, international child-raping (1)(2) organization, which is based within Rome, Italy. Now, looking again directly at Joe Biden, the pages linked below provide just a mere introduction to some of his treachery...and again, the intentionally left open southern border is part of his treachery.

Looking even further at the treacherous activities of Joe Biden, the pages linked below indicate that he has a lot of blood on his hands. Well, should we expect anything different from a person linked to that historically abusive, child-raping (1)(2) organization which perpetrated the mass-murdering Crusades and the murderous Inquisition on humanity? Should we expect anything different from someone linked to that questionable organization which was behind that Catholic dictator, Adolf Hitler, plus his mass-murdering Nazis and their demonic the other Holocaust in Catholic-controlled Croatia? And now, derelict Biden is messing with the southern border.

Now, the pages linked below indicate that Joe Biden is causing some serious division in the United States. Well, let us see why Biden may be doing this treacherous thing. For starters, Joe Biden has strong Jesuit/Catholic links. And, it appears that he is a "tool" of the Jesuits and the members of the militia of the pope, in their treachery towards the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. Looking into things further, a page-paragraph linked here states that "the Vatican is enhancing its political power through generating domestic divisiveness." Well, because Biden is foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), that is likely why he is working to cause division in this country.

Let us now get back to the southern border. In the page linked below, the treasonous (1)(2) Joe Biden is brazenly claiming that he has done all he can do to secure the southern border. Well, that is a brazen lie. In the U.S. Constitution, Article 4, Section 4, it declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..."(1)(2) Yes, the derelict and treasonous Joe Biden is legally supposed to be doing whatever it takes, using whatever type of equipment or weaponry is necessary, in order to fully protect each and every state, including Texas, from invasion.

Well, since Joe Biden is Jesuit/Catholic-aligned and is a "tool" which is controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) by the foreign pope, plus controlled by members or agents of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, he is treasonously allowing the Vatican's army of Catholic-bred invaders to freely swarm into the United States along its southern border. And, Biden and his criminally treasonous (1)(2) cronies, using extorted and illegally-used tax dollars, is forcing genuine citizens of the authentic United States to financially support the illegal Catholic-bred invaders which are in this country illegally. So, what would it take to secure the southern border for Texas?

To keep a really good, 24-hour per day watch for any of the Vatican's army of Catholic-bred invaders, satellites equipped with various sensors can readily be used to observe the whole, southern U.S. border. The use of satellites for border control and immigration enforcement is spoken about in the pages linked below. And, it should be noted that this technology has actually been around for many decades...possibly longer than they are letting on. Well, it appears that this technology is not being properly used for border enforcement, because the traitorous Catholics in government are working to further the Vatican's invasion and takeover of the United States.

Next on the list is helicopters patrolling the southern border, along with land-based vehicles, with sonic weaponry. This type of weaponry is spoken about in the pages linked below. Now, the Catholic-bred invaders from south of the border could be warned that this weaponry will be used upon them if they attempt to illegally cross the U.S. border. That way, it is truly the invaders' fault if they end up getting blasted with this weaponry. And, of course, there will be those treasonous (1)(2) papal "tools" who will scream about the use of this weaponry, because they are working to further the Vatican's invasion of the United the enslavement of its genuine citizens.

Now, suppose that there are well-armed (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) invaders working to help breach the southern should they be dealt with? Well, there should be aerial gunships, along with fully armed ground forces, to "neutralize" these types of invaders. Once they have been warned, it is their fault if they attempt an illegal breach of the border and get blasted. But, at this point, the Catholic-bred invaders keep coming because they know that the treasonous (1)(2), foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Joe Biden and his criminal cronies are treacherously working to further the Vatican's invasion of the United States, plus the enslavement of its genuine citizens.

Well, if the United States did not have treasonous (1)(2) people in government positions, plus was really serious about putting a stop to the Vatican's illegal invasion of the United States using its Catholic-bred invaders from south of the border --- especially since Catholic-controlled Mexico is not really working to stop this invasion --- the United States could do something like plant the Rio Grande River with piranhas and electric eels. This might cause many wannabe Vatican-instigated invaders to be more willing to use the established border crossings and become part of the legal immigration process.

Up to this point, it appears that Governor Greg Abbott of Texas has tried to do his part to protect his state from the massive invasion by the Vatican's (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) army of illegal aliens. Now, Governor Abbott had all that razor wire strung along the southern border of Texas at various places. Well, he could actually go another step further with all of the razor wire. He could have it completely electrified. That might potentially help to jolt some of the Vatican's hordes of Catholic-bred invaders to their senses. But, if they want to illegally invade the United States for the papacy, they deserve any wallop they get from electrified razor wire.

Now, there is something very important to note. The pages linked below show that the highly treasonous (1)(2), foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and criminal Joe Biden crowd, along with their allies, have been treasonously working as the scumbag traitors that they are, to undermine and overthrow the sovereignty and security of the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. Well, there is reason to suspect that if the Founding Fathers of the United States could rise from their graves today and take complete control of this country, they would swiftly hang all these scoundrels for high treason against the authentic United States and its genuine citizens.

In closing, let us consider those illegal invaders, drug traffickers and terrorists who tunnel under the southern U.S. border so they can gain access to the United States and further their nefarious agendas. To locate the tunnels of these criminals, ground penetrating radar and other technologies could be used. Some of these technologies are noted in the pages linked below.

When tunnels are discovered deep under the southern border of the United States, how should these tunnels and the illegal invaders be dealt with? Well, one way may be to send powerful infrasonic sound waves into the ground, toward the location of the discovered tunnel. And, before the system goes into operation, a warning should go out to the countries of potential invaders which would warn about the potential demise of those attempting to illegally tunnel under the southern U.S. border.

Now, the use of powerful infrasonic beams could potentially "immobilize" any underground invaders. And, when using the proper procedures and systems, there is a chance that the stability of any tunnels under the southern border could be negatively affected. Potentially, using powerful infrasonic waves, tunnels could even be collapsed and sealed. The use of this system could potentially also eliminate the need for any burial costs for any illegal invaders, whether terrorists or otherwise.

POST #33

The Constitution of the United States is the Supreme Law of the Land. It establishes the structure of the legitimate government, plus what government officials can legally do. Anything other than what is clearly stated that government officials can do is an illegal or potentially treasonous act.

In Article 4, Section 4 (1), the U.S. Constitution mandates and guarantees to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government. This is the only legitimate form of government which can legally exist anywhere within the borders of the United States. Any other form of government which exists within the borders of the United States is a rogue, criminal and treasonous form of government.

Now, Joe Biden and his whole batch of treasonous (1) Democratic cronies (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) did take an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, but they were lying through their teeth when they took their Oath of Office (1)(2)(3). They were lying through their teeth, because the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Joe Biden and the rest of his treasonous cronies in the Democratic Party are not working for the authentic citizens of the true United States, but they are working for their foreign-controlled, Jesuit/Catholic "bosses" and their New World Order.

When it come to (the Jesuit/Catholic dictator?) Joe Biden, there is something which U.S. citizens need to know. They need to understand who Biden and his many cronies are working for. Now, a page-paragraph linked here contains the following information from a linked source. The pope and his organization has taught his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."

The information presented above does answer a question about why people in government brazenly lie, when they take their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. From what is stated above, it is very clear why Joe Biden and his many cronies, which are agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, generally ignore the Constitution of the United States, while it appears that they instead do what their Jesuit controllers tell them to do. Yes, it appears we are dealing with foreign-controlled traitors to this country, and, we haven't seen anything yet.

There is now something which needs to be looked at more closely. In recent days (September 2021), as seen in the pages linked below, there has been talk of a U.S. government shutdown. Well, the U.S. Constitution does not authorize any government officials to shut down the U.S. government. In shutting down the U.S. government, all of these officials in government are treasonously in violation of their Oath of Office. Rightfully, these treasonous ones should immediately be eliminated from office. In their place should be placed only those who will truly honor their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. If this is not done, this country is lost.

Speaking about this country being lost, that is what the foreign-controlled enemies of the Constitution of the United States, who have gotten themselves into government positions, are intentionally trying to do. Their job is to actually destroy the authentic United States and ultimately place this country, along with its now enslaved citizens, under the domination of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled, plus United Nations managed, New World Order. These things are spoken about in more detail in other pages in this site.

Well, there really is more to look at in this whole story. This rising New World Order, which we are now dealing with in our world, is basically the same thing as that New Order which that Jesuit-controlled, Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis were trying to raise up for the Vatican/Jesuit organization during the World War Two era. What Adolf Hitler and his Nazis were trying to do during the World War Two era is, once again, explained in much more detail in other pages in this site.

It is now time for some questions. If the treasonous Biden and his Jesuit/Catholic-controlled henchmen and henchwomen shut down the U.S. government, will the planned anarchy then begin in earnest? Will treacherous, potentially militia-of-the-pope-manipulated groups like Antifa start their Nazi-Brownshirt antics again, or will one of the other controlled groups do it? Is the intent of the Jesuits and militia of the pope to manipulate things, in order to get revolution going in the streets, plus fires going in the remote areas? Will things eventually spiral into chaos under the manipulation of the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled traitors to this country?

If there is Jesuit/militia-of-the-pope-instigated anarchy, using their many pawns, which is allowed to begin and then progress more and more, will the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled traitors to this country then "open the door" for the Jesuit/Catholic and militia-of-the-pope-controlled United Nations troops to come marching in, to then put authentic U.S. citizens under foreign-mandated martial law? Would authentic U.S. citizens then be completely disarmed, except for those traitors who are associated with the militia of the pope?

Will the United States and its now fully enslaved citizens then be forced into the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled, plus United Nations managed, New World Order? At that point, will the authentic citizens of that which had started out as the genuine United States have totally lost their country, never to regain their freedom again? Is this the type of scenario which the Jesuit/Catholic-aligned traitors to the authentic United States are now trying to pull off? And then, the "great tribulation" can begin --- the modern Crusades and Inquisition on steroids.

To Be Continued ...

POST #32

The page linked below speaks about the Nazi eugenics program in Germany, during the World War Two era. This eugenics program rapidly "blossomed" into large-scale genocide and the diabolical Holocaust, where multiple millions of people were abused, tortured and mass murdered. The page also speaks of a questionable group of people in the United States, who were producing books and other information on eugenics propaganda (1) and practices, and then sending copies of their work to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in that which was actually, at least from what the writer has found in their research, hijacked and Nazified Germany. Now, it must be noted that there is a lot more to this story than is commonly told on the Internet. The writer intends to provide, in this post, some key pieces of information which indicates who appears to have been the actual instigators of the Holocaust.

The page linked below states: "Eugenics was the racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings deemed 'unfit...'" And now, the writer will paraphrase things a bit, to better fit, even in our day, what has been happening in the United States and around the world. Let us start by looking back at the earlier 1900s, where eugenics was used to eliminate those who were deemed "unfit" by those in control. Those in control in the earlier 1900s --- or those who had illegally hijacked the government of the United States --- intended to criminally and treasonously eliminate those who did not fit into the diabolical plan which they and their masters had for this earth. That is the actual bottom line of things, and, it appears to be the same way today, just using more sly or subtle methods.

Now, when it comes to the un-Constitutional and murderous eugenics programs in the United States which existed in the earlier 1900s, this post will go into who the evidence tends to indicate was actually behind, or who it appears were the true instigators of that diabolical and treacherous and actually treasonous movement. And, in all of this, it appears that the state of California had a lot to do with this movement, or at least a certain group of people within the state of California did. And now, there is something very important to consider.

Note how those in the eugenics movement "faked and twisted data," in order to serve their diabolical aims. Note also the following: "In 1904, the Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples. From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated in the legislatures of America, as well as the nation's social service agencies and associations."

Yes, folks, this actually happened in the United States in the earlier 1900s. This is something which they do not commonly teach people in school, possibly to keep them ignorant to the types of things which can readily happen in this country when the people are not diligently watching and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And today, they do not need "millions of index cards on ordinary Americans" so this treacherous crowd can plot "the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples." Now, in our day, the selection process can be quickly done on computers, using information gathered by spying agencies like the National Security Agency (NSA), and then people are readily identified by things like their Social Security Number.

When it came to getting rid of the "undesirables" in the United States, the page linked above states: "The most commonly suggested method of eugenicide in America was a 'lethal chamber' or public locally operated gas chambers." Now, we know that in hijacked and Nazified Germany, during World War Two, they went the full route with numerous gas chambers for killing people. Then, they had the cremation ovens for disposing of a lot of the criminal evidence. And, looking at things further, the Nazis also had the cooperation of the medical community, and that led to the injection of all kinds of nasty things into their victims, before they ultimately killed them. Note in the page linked above that the eugenics elimination process also operated "through the destruction of the individual by some adverse feature of the environment, such as excessive cold, or bacteria, or by bodily deficiency."

Bacteria? Whoa! Let's stop and think about things for a bit, for there easily could be much more to this potentially disturbing story. How about virus, in the place of bacteria? How about the release of some type of substance which can cause dangerous or deadly blood clots in many people? How about the release of some substance into the environment which can create a blood clotting disorder which then mimics or masquerades as a respiratory illness?(1) How about the release of COVID-19 from some type of laboratory or even from some type of medical facility, using various agents or their pawns which may be associated with some type of a foreign organization or a foreign government?

Now, all of these types of harmful types of things, whether using bacteria or virus or some other type of agent, can work to the same end, which is, getting rid of a certain percent of the human population. From the record of history, this is possibly done at the orders of those who have illegally hijacked our country or our world. About this point, it should be noted that those with links to the Vatican/Jesuit organization, or to the members of its Jesuit-controlled militia, have voiced a desire to get rid of a large percentage of the population of this Earth, as indicated by some of the pages linked below.

Now, in the midst of all of this, there is something else to look at. The page linked below indicates that even those in control at the United Nations (UN) have wanted to kill off a large number of people on this earth, especially the elderly. To those who have done the necessary research, especially when knowing who is ultimately in control of the UN, this should not be surprising. Already back in the 1940s, there were those in positions of power in the UN which were pushing for this diabolical, mass-murdering eugenics type of thing, as we shall soon see.

Let us now look at the mass-murdering desire of at least some of those associated with the UN. A book linked here is titled Shipwreck: Sailing on a River of Lies in the USA. It which was written by Chet Morelli. On page 32, the book declares: "In 1947 the first director-general of the children's world-wide organization, UNESCO, was Sir Julian Huxley. This man was a firm believer in eugenics; he wanted to see 90% of the World's population killed off through genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more."

Yes, it is obvious that there have been plans since the 1940s, if not before, to use things like experimental drugs and vaccines, and even genetically modified foods, to kill off up to at least 90 percent of the people on this Earth. Well, it appears that the (intentional?) unleashing of the COVID-19 pandemic has provided these treacherous and treasonous people and their cohorts, which have mass-murder on their minds, with an "excellent" opportunity to do their horrendous dirty work upon this Earth, before they all go to their final and permanent reward in hell.

Now, before we exit this section, let us at least consider the information which is provided in the pages linked below. As found in the second linked page, the evidence shows that there has been a substantial increase in the number of vaccine deaths since they started using the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. Then, there is that third linked page. It provides information from a doctor who formerly lived in Russia, but now lives in the U.S. in the state of Wyoming, and is said to have a background in bio-weapons and Pandemic preparedness.

Looking further at the third page, it states that the Russian doctor "fully understands that the plan of depopulation and mandatory vaccinations will be at our doorstep very soon, and is shocked that the American people are so passive concerning this enemy takeover." Truly, when it comes to what is happening in the United States right now, the American people are not any different than were the Jews who passively went to the extermination camps in Nazified Germany. And, looking at things further, this takeover in the United States is more than just about communism.

To find out the truth about what is now going on in the United States and our world, when it comes to the "takeover" mentioned above, we must consider where modern communism came from. The Jesuits are noted for starting modern communism in their Reductions in South American (1)(2)(3) and then propagating communism around the world from there. It also appears that they were involved with training Karl Marx (1)(2), who then wrote the Communist Manifesto. It does appear that the takeover of the United States is being done by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, for their bosses in Rome.

By the way, it appears that those COVID vaccines that they are pushing, which potentially could even cause a person some serious long-term problems and from which it is shown on the Internet that people are dying, may actually make vaccinated people even more susceptible to other COVID variants. This is shown in the pages linked below. So, possibly it may be wise not to fall for the vaccine push by those associated with the Jesuit-controlled New World Order crowd, who it appears are now doing virtually everything they can to take over the world. Well, it appears they are making a last ditch effort to complete their agenda of world conquest, before their home base is utterly destroyed by "an act of God."(1)


Getting back to the World War Two era and its associated details about that Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis which had hijacked and Nazified that which had been Protestant Germany, the page linked here notes that "the intellectual outlines of the eugenics Hitler adopted in 1924 were made in America." At this point, let us begin to explore how criminal and murderous and genocidal eugenics appears to have initially been established in the United States, and then transported into hijacked and Nazified Germany.

The writer's research indicates that there is a lot more to this story than just the rich and powerful elite which got the eugenics movement going in the United States. There appears to have been a more subtle and sly group which appears to have been associated with, plus possibly greatly influencing some of the things which the "movers and shakers" of the rich and powerful elite crowd were into. And truly, it does appear that there has been a subtle war against the foundational principles of the United States by this certain group, plus a subtle type of war against the loyal citizens of the authentic United States for quite some time.

To Be Continued ...

POST #31

The following words are attributed to President John F. Kennedy, from the early 1960s: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Then, President Kennedy went on to declare: "Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot." And then, on November 22, of 1963, President John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated in public, while in Dallas, Texas (1). Now, why was Kennedy assassinated? Well, the evidence tends to indicate that Kennedy knew too much about the plot. And then, while a certain group of people expected Kennedy to fully go along with the devious plot, the evidence clearly indicates that Kennedy, even though he was a Roman Catholic and a high-level member of the Knights of Columbus, he did not "cooperate" with those involved in this very sly and very treasonous plot. The evidence (1) indicates that this is what actually got him killed.

Then, after President Kennedy was assassinated, there was the major cover-up. This cover-up appears to have involved the CIA, the FBI, and the Secret Service, plus other agencies. A page linked here, it titled Inconsistencies Haunt Official Record Of Kennedy's Death. The page speaks of Oliver Stone, who had done a lot of research into the Kennedy assassination. When it came to what was actually behind the assassination of President Kennedy, the page states that "Stone proposed a vast government conspiracy linked to the C.I.A." At this point, it should be noted that the CIA is also called "Catholics In Action."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) It appears that it began to get that nickname soon after the CIA was formed in 1947. Why? Possibly it has something to do with the following quote: "During the CIA's formative years, Protestants predominated... Somehow, however, Catholics wrested control of the CIA's covert-action section."(1)

Once the Catholics had wrested control of the CIA's covert-action section, then, "beginning in the 1940s, knighthood [in the Knights of Malta] was granted to countless CIA agents..."(1) These countless CIA agents who were granted knighthood in the Knights of Malta, being these knights, were then also members of the militia of the pope. Now, this militia of the pope is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. Possibly that is why former President Harry Truman felt "that the CIA was out of control."(1) Possibly that is why Truman felt that, "The CIA has become a government all of its own."(1) Possibly that is why President Truman "wanted to break up the CIA after it strayed from its mission, engaging in 'strange activities'."(1) Once a large segment of the CIA was under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome, it was no longer working for loyal U.S. citizens, or even for the authentic government of the United States.

There is bit more which should, at this time, be added to the story of the CIA, especially when it comes to those who are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. During World War Two and after, numerous Nazis for Germany were illegally, plus even treasonously, brought into the United States and places in positions of authority and control. Many of these Nazis, who were classed as enemy aliens, were illegally and treasonously embedded into the CIA, the FBI, the U.S. military, and many other agencies and organizations throughout the United States. Regarding these enemy alien Nazis who were illegally and treasonously brought into the United States, a paragraph linked here contains the following quote: "An abnormal number of Nazis and their supporters were members of the Knights of Malta." This means that these Nazis were under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome.

Once a large segment of the CIA was no longer really working for the loyal citizens of the United States, nor working for the authentic Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, then began in earnest all those illegal domestic activities or operations which were against the CIA's Charter. Then began illegal domestic activities or operations which also appear to have included acts of high treason by certain members of the CIA. Possibly that is why, from his research into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, Oliver Stone came to believe that there was "a vast government conspiracy linked to the C.I.A.," or should we say, linked to those "Catholics In Action" which appear to be under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome.

Once things really got rolling with the Nazified CIA and the Nazified U.S. military, which appear to have been influenced or controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome, the Nazi-type human experimentation appears to have then been transfered from hijacked and Nazified Germany into the United States, which was also being hijacked by agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, which appear to ultimately be under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. The Nazi-type of operations which appear to have included crimes against humanity and even high treason, included MK-Ultra, Operation Midnight Climax (in which the political landscape of San Francisco, California, appears to have been changed from Republican to Democrat, and has stayed that way ever since), and other similar types of illegal or treasonous programs. But, there is more to this story.

These members of the militia of the pope, which are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome, are in many key and controlling positions. They are scattered throughout the "fabric" of the U.S. government and its various agencies. They are also in key and controlling positions in the Pentagon and the U.S. military. Possibly that is why the page linked here, when it comes to the assassination of President Kennedy and the cover-up which followed, speaks of "a conspiracy that reached deep inside government itself." Or, would it possibly be more accurate to say, deep into the militia-of-the-pope-controlled segment of government, which militia of the pope is under the control of the Jesuits and ultimately the Jesuit General in Rome? And now, possibly we need to get back to that "plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child," which plot was spoken about by President Kennedy.


To clearly understand the "plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child," as apparently spoken about by President John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s, a person needs to look far enough back in history. Now, when it comes to the availability of the necessary history, or potentially the lack thereof, there is something important to note. Paragraphs accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) contain the following quote from a source: "The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

What is stated in the paragraph above is how it appears that the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus of its often treacherous and hijacking militia, gain control and stay in control in the countries of this world --- even in the United States. Throughout history, it appears that they have gained control and stayed in control by covering their treasonous tracks very well, often by destroying the incriminating evidence and, in the United States, by the treacherous use of the "CLASSIFIED" stamp. And then, it appears that the agents of the papal crowd are worldclass pros at rewriting and revising history. They then, along with their "parrots," seem to have a knack for convincing the gullible and unlearned and unwary people of this world that their falsified information is actually "the truth." It does appear that the documentation of this treacherous and evil type of activity by the noted organization could fill numerous volumes --- even rooms of volumes.

Now, it's time to begin examining some of that history behind the "plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Once again, the preceding words are attributed to President John F. Kennedy in the earlier 1960s. Now, President Kennedy was a Roman Catholic, plus he was a high-level, Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus, which means that he was a member of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. The father of President Kennedy, who was Joseph Kennedy, was a high level member of the Knights of Malta, who was specially picked by the pope to be a member of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. Once John F. Kennedy got to be the President of the United States, there is reason to suspect that special orders came to him through the chain of command in the papal organization and its militia. That is possibly how he came to understand about the plot to enslave.

The history of the plot "to enslave every man, woman and child" in the United States actually goes back to a time way before President John F. Kennedy ever lived. Looking at this matter further, within his First Inaugural Address on March 4, 1801 (1)(2)(3), President Thomas Jefferson alluded to some of this history when he spoke about "having banished from our land that religious intolerance under which mankind so long bled and suffered..." Jefferson was here referring to the bloody and murderous deeds of the papal organization and its agents and pawns during the Crusades and the Inquisition, when they were doing everything they could to take control of the world and enslave its citizens under the power and despotic control of the torturous and murderous agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. So, with this information in mind, we can now move to some history surrounding the birth of the United States and the "plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

To Be Continued ...

POST #30

It is time to look at that which appears to be a very serious problem with crimes against humanity (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11), which crimes are commonly being perpetrated on the children of this world by numerous Catholic and Jesuit priests (1)(2), plus by a number of those who appear to be their agents and pawns. As this post begins, there is something very important which should be noted. A group of victims of this "priestly" sexual abuse, because of the "holely" nature of this abuse, have pursued a case of crimes against humanity, against the pope and his cohorts, in the International Criminal Court. But, there is something further which really needs to be considered. That "Court," as indicated in the pages linked below, has declined to pursue a "crimes against humanity" case against the international Vatican/Jesuit organization. So, at this point, the writer must make a statement.

Once people understand that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is associated with the one-world-government, or with that which is commonly called the New World Order (NWO), which NWO is ultimately under the control of the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, then it makes much better sense why the ICC has refused to prosecute the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents for their serious crimes against humanity. Now, the New World Order is simply the recent version of that New Order which the Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Nazis were trying to raise up for the Vatican/Jesuit organization during the World War Two era (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). Well, it does not appear that the International Criminal Court is the only organization which appears to be under the spell or control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, as we shall soon see.

Back in 2018, the Attorney General for the State of Pennsylvania was pursuing a case against the Catholic Church and its more than 300 raping and sodomizing priests who had "done it" to more that 1,000 children over at least 70 years that they know of. Information about what was happening is found within the pages linked below. The grand-jury created a "roughly 900 page report, not including exhibits," about the "priestly" sex abuse which they were able to find out about, and, very likely, this could be the mere tip of the proverbial iceberg. One thing which was noted was that the coverup by the Catholic Church "was sophisticated." Yes, it appears that those in control of the Catholic Church and the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization are very polished at covering things up and hiding criminal evidence, as we shall soon see in this page. But, what else should we expect from something which appears to be a more than 2,000 year old, highly deceptive, predatory, worldclass crime organization.

There is one thing to note about the grand-jury report. The third linked page declares: "The report said there are likely thousands more victims whose records were lost or who were too afraid to come forward." The page speaks about this Catholic Church scandal which has reached to its highest ranks, apparently all the way to the Vatican. Now, when the report spoke about "victims whose records were lost," possibly a more accurate statement could be, "victims whose records were intentionally destroyed, in order to get rid of the incriminating evidence." More about this type of scenario later. Furthermore, the third linked page notes that the grand jury found that "the church showed a complete disdain for victims." That appears to be similar to that attitude which the Jesuit-supported Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Nazis showed toward their victims of the Holocaust, during the World War Two era.

Now, it's time to see what is being dealt with in Pennsylvania. The second page linked below declares: "About 25 percent of people throughout the state identify as Catholic, according to the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference." Then, the sixth linked page speaks of neighboring states to Pennsylvania which "have already passed laws that change the statute of limitations on child sex abuse, allowing victims to sue their abusers and the Catholic church in court." But, what has happened in Pennsylvania, where it appears that the foreign-controlled agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are controlling the government? The page states that "lobbyists for the insurance industry and Catholic church have spent millions to block similar legislation in Pennsylvania, keeping the bill stalled in committee, according to state campaign finance records." Well, the lobbyists appear to be intentionally working to obstruct justice. They should be charged!

It is time for a question. Regarding the things spoken about above, what else should we expect, when the citizens of the United States have been so asleep that they have let foreign agents and their pawns run the governments in the United States? It is way past time to ask when U.S. citizens will wake up and clean up this mess and get the foreign-controlled agents who are treasonously violating their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution out of our governments. The truth of the matter is, U.S. citizens, for the most part, will not wake up until they are fully enslaved by the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. Then, the Crusades and the Inquisition can get going again, using modern technology, biological weapons, and the medical community. Oh, wait! That sounds virtually like what happened in hijacked and Nazified Germany during the World War Two era.

Now, let's look at what just one of these deviant and apparently reprobate (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) "priests," or should we say one of those corrupt and perverted, sneaky and deceptive "profession pedophiles" which wears "priestly" clothes apparently to help fool the gullible and the ignorant, brazenly did to at least one child, if not to many more that we possibly may never know about. The page linked here declares: "Describing the 'weaponization of faith' to silence victims, Shapiro [the Pennsylvania Attorney General] cited several examples including one priest who allegedly told children 'how Mary had to lick Jesus clean after he was born' to groom them for oral sex. 'Children were taught that this abuse was not only normal but that it was holy,' Shapiro said." So, it appears that these types of Catholic/Jesuit priests call this type of deviant activity "holy," or should we say, "holely" sex.

Well, the particular "priest" spoken about above, for sure at least to those who have actually taken the necessary time to seriously read and diligently study the Holy Bible, does not sound anything like a genuine or honorable priest of the true God of heaven, nor does he sound anything even remotely close to being an authentic Christian. Instead, it does appear that he is actually one of those highly deceiving priests which is a loyal servant to Satan (1). At this point, it should be noted that even pope Francis, in a publicized display, called these raping and sodomizing priests "tools of Satan," as seen in the pages linked below. Well, Francis did actually get that one right, but he possibly said that in an effort to protect the image of his church, after things had already "blown wide open" in the popular media. Truly, there is actually a lot more to the story of what is going on here, than meets the untrained eye.

Later in this post, more will be considered about this nature of thing, about these authentic "tools of Satan." More will be considered, when it comes to clearly identifying whose actual priests these raping and sodomizing priests of the Vatican/Jesuit organization really are, without any question, at least according to what is clearly stated in the Holy Bible. Hang on tight, for this post may soon end up being a "wild emotional ride" for some people. Some of the information presented may be rough on certain people, especially when they are faced with information which indicates that they may have been lied to all their life, and they may therefore be believing a lie. The writer can understand the feeling, for, after they had read and studied the Holy Bible for themselves, they realized the church that they were raised in was not the authentic church of God, and it was very rough for a period of time.

When it comes to the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "branch offices" in the various countries of this world, including in the United States, and when it comes to this rather historically deceptive organization which harbors and facilitates child abusing and child raping "professional pedophiles," there is something which really should be said. Many people in this world hold the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its church in high esteem. They love its rituals which are so appealing to the human flesh and especially to carnally-minded people. But, again, there is something which really needs to be said. The following words from the Lord Jesus Christ, which are found in the Holy Bible, truly sum things up: "Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God."(1) But, there is more to this story.

When it comes to the Vatican/Jesuit organization which harbors and facilitates all those child abusing and child raping "professional pedophiles," and when it comes to those who have been snared by those associated with this historically deceptive organization, there are some further words from the Holy Bible which should be considered. In the Holy Bible, within a certain passage (1), it speaks about the "falling away." Yes, there has been a falling away, especially by those child abusing and raping Catholic and Jesuit priests and their facilitators, from the true way of God which leads to an eternity in heaven. The passage from the Holy Bible also speaks about the "man of sin," who is also called "the son of perdition." This "man of sin" and this "son of perdition" is the one who is in control of this child abusing and child raping and criminally facilitating organization. But, there is even more to this story.

The one in control of this foreign-based organization which harbors and facilitates child abusers and child rapers is the one spoken about in that passage from the Holy Bible, which is linked here. He is the one who has opposed and exalted himself above the One who truly is God. He is the one who has opposed and exalted himself above the true way of God. He is the one who sits in his idol-filled and somewhat gaudy temple and wants people to believe that he stands in the place of, or is a representative of the true God of heaven. Well, in that passage from the Holy Bible which is linked above, it speaks of that one "whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." Those that follow after the imposter in his somewhat gawdy temple shall perish, because they have not received a love for the real truth of God, that they might be saved. But, there is more to consider.

Because those who follow after the man of sin, after the son of perdition, give their support to his organization and do not have a love for the real truth of God, that they might be saved, God will not play games with them. In the passage from the Holy Bible which is linked in the paragraph above, it shows how God feels about this whole situation. It is written: "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." When it comes to this historically deceptive organization, that is why the message from heaven to those ensnare ones in that organization who have a desire to actually worship the true God of heaven is this: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."(1) Yes, come out from among those child abusing and child raping priests and their facilitators, and be not partakers of her sins by supporting that organization in any manner.


Now it is time to look at some suspect or questionable activities which have happened in relation to this rather sinister and sick, "holey, priestly" situation. From what is shown in the pages linked by the buttons below, it appears that about two months after the Pennsylvania grand jury report about "priestly" sexual abuse, sodomy and rape came out, plus after other states began investigating Catholic/Jesuit "priestly" sexual abuse activities, the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) decided to jump in there and do something. And, wouldn't your know it! The diocese said that it "sees itself as a partner with law enforcement" Could this have something to do with what is spoken about in a page linked here, which page is titled, Pennsylvania grand jury finds some police and district attorneys helped Catholic church cover up priest abuse. Well, what do you think ultimately happened with the DOJ investigation?

From what is clearly shown in the pages linked by the buttons below, it appears that about two years after the investigation of the Catholic Church and its raping and sodomizing priests began by the U.S. Department of Justice, the investigation "went quiet," or possibly fizzled out completely. Why? Are there possibly too many agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization who are in controlling positions in the U.S. Department of Justice? Could there possibly be a conflict of interest involved in this situation? Are there people in U.S. government positions who are blatantly violating their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, while they are protecting raping priests and are actually working for a foreign government or foreign-based organization?

In looking through the pages linked below, it appears that the finagling of that Roman Catholic named Joe Biden into the U.S. president's chair (plus that child-raping-priest-protector named Kamala Harris (1) getting in as vice president) may have had something to do with the Department of Justice stopping their investigation of the Catholic rapers and sodomizers. Well, from the available information, it appears that Biden's job is to do what the bishops of his church tell him to do (1)(2)(3), which possibly includes protecting his church even from criminal prosecution for the crimes which the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been committing. There is reason to suspect that Biden may also be doing what the Jesuits tell him to do (1)(2)(3)(4). Now, there is even more which should be considered in this situation, when it comes to what is happening in, or to, the United States.

In the United States, it appears that the Catholic Church and it agents and those associated with its militia have gained much more influence or possibly even control over politicians (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), the judiciary, many or most law enforcement agencies, along with the medical community, than the general public commonly realizes. At this point, let us consider just some of those things which take place yearly in the United States. These things which will be looked at next should possibly have the general public questioning if there is really, any longer, a separation of church and State in the United States.

For starters, let us consider the Red Mass, which is spoken about in pages, sections and paragraphs accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). This particular Catholic Mass is basically for, or directed toward, people like politicians, judges and lawyers. With politicians, judges and lawyers influenced by the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization or on their side, is that part of the reason why those numerous Catholic and Jesuit priests can feel rather free about criminally sodomizing and raping all those multiple thousands of children in various places across the United States?

Then, there is the Blue Mass, which is a yearly Mass by the Catholic Church for people who are in law enforcement or are emergency responders (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). Possibly this closeness between law enforcement, etc., and the Catholic Church and its priests is one of the reasons that police and districts attorneys have been known to protect or help cover up Catholic and Jesuit sexual abuse of children, plus possibly even join in on the abuse, as indicated within the pages linked below.

There is another Catholic mass to consider, which is the White Mass. The White Mass is for workers in the medical field. Now, the writer will make a comment about that genocidal Catholic dictator (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) named Adolf Hitler and his Jesuit-controlled Nazis in hijacked Germany during the World War Two era. They were working to raise up the New Order (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) for the Vatican/Jesuit organization. As many who have studied the history of that era know, the medical community in hijacked (1) and Nazified Germany was involved in a lot of that criminal medical experimentation on victims of those death camps during the Holocaust. A person could possibly say that during that time, there was also a medical Holocaust going on in hijacked Germany, just as we potentially will see, once again, in the days ahead, possibly even in the United States. Well, there may be a few more "color" Masses associated with the Catholic Church and the Vatican/Jesuit organization, but this should be enough for now.

At this point, there are some important and key questions for authentic, patriotic and loyal citizens of the United States to consider. Are there just way too many agents and pawns which are loyal to, or under the control of, the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or its militia and their agenda for the United States and its rather naive citizens, who are in key, controlling positions in the U.S. Department of Justice and in other agencies? Is there possibly conflict of interest involved in this situation? Are there people in U.S. government positions who are violating their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, while they are actually working for a foreign government or organization? With the preceding questions in mind, let us begin to look more closely at a major, fundamental reason why Catholic and Jesuit priests appear to commonly rape a large amount of children, virtually worldwide.


Now, there are some who claim that a major part of the reason that those many Catholic and Jesuit priests criminally sodomize and have raped those untold thousands, or tens or hundreds of thousands of children across the face of this earth (1)(2) is because of the so-called, mandatory "celibacy" of their "priestly" position. This is indicated within the pages linked below. Well, the writer believes that this claimed reason for priests raping children is just a mere excuse. This criminal sodomizing and raping children is just a mere symptom of the much deeper root cause, which root cause involves the very nature of the Vatican/Jesuit organization itself and what it appears that this organization, historically, is really about. Truly, there is a lot more involved with the story about why numerous Catholic and Jesuit priests criminally sodomize and rape multiple thousands of children virtually all over the world (1)(2), and virtually whenever and wherever they can get their hands on them.

In all of this, there is something which the people of this world really need to consider. It appears that we have one of those very sly, worldclass con artists in that former Pope Benedict XVI. Note in the pages linked by the cluster of buttons below that, it appears that this Mr. Ratzinger, who is one of those former Nazi Youths, is trying to brazenly deceive people by putting the blame for all of those numerous sodomizing and raping, Catholic and Jesuit priests (1)(2), on the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Well, Mr. Ratzinger, the historic record shows that priests from the highly questionable papal organization were raping children and virtually anyone else they could get their hands on, or their penises into, long before the sexual revolution of the 1960s, as we shall soon see.

As a bit of an aside, the writer's research indicates that the sexual revolution of the 1960s was possibly instigated by people who were associated with, or connected to, those of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or its militia. Possibly some of these people were even associated with the CIA, or with those potentially infamous or maybe even treasonous "Catholics In Action"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), who were running illegal and fundamentally destructive, domestic operations (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) within the United States. So, Mr. Ratzinger, there is a much deeper reason why papal priests rape children. It appears that it has something to do with your questionable "church" organization (which some people simply call a worldclass crime organization (1)) and a very serious and hell-fire-earning spiritual problem. Furthermore, Ratzinger, your blame for "priestly" sodomy and "holely" rape being the sexual revolution of the 1960s, really only fools those who do not take the time to actually study the necessary history.

Now, looking at things further, it appears there are those in the highly questionable hierarchy of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, who have a strong, unquenchable desire, to help the historically deceptive (1)(2)(3)(4) papal organization continue in its brazen deceiving of the people of this world. Note in the pages linked below that American bishops of the Catholic Church, instead of facing the real core, spiritual problem associated with why a whole lot of their priests criminally sodomize and rape children, they commissioned a very expensive study to be done. Now, as many wide-awake people already know, it appears that the final findings of many studies often declare simply that which the organization paying for the study wanted to be the outcome of the study. In other words, it does appear that all too often, studies are simply used for deceiving or manipulating a gullible or ignorant general public, or possibly even some duped Catholic parishioners.

Note in the pages linked below, that the study mainly paid for by the bishops of the American Catholic Church, or possibly actually by the money which was given or donated to them by their potentially duped parishioners, put the blame for the Catholic priest sex abuse scandal onto Rock Musicians like "Country Joe & the Fish,...Janis Joplin," plus things like "Woodstock," etc., etc. How lame of an excuse and how utterly deceptive! Oh, by the way, there is something else which is rather disturbing. The page linked here, which is also linked by the sixth button in the cluster below, notes that, "The National Institute of Justice, the research agency of the U.S. Department of Justice", also supplied money for this deceptive report which was meant to shield the Catholic Church. What this means is that, it appears that the Catholics or their agents or pawns in control of government agencies have basically forced U.S. taxpayers to help finance deceptive reports which are meant to shield the abusing agents of the Catholic Church.

Once again, that deceptive study put the blame for all this "holely" sex abuse on Rock and Roll, etc. By the way, wasn't a lot of the Rock and Roll scene, drugs and free love, in its early stages, associated with Laurel Canyon (1) in the Los Angeles area? Isn't Laurel Canyon where there was that somewhat hidden CIA facility, from which it appears that a number of those "Catholics In Action" potentially ran some illegal domestic operations, which some suspect got the hippie movement (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) and the sexual revolution (1) of the 1960s going like wildfire? Now, it appears that the CIA has links to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the militia of the pope. And, once again, as noted in the pages linked below, it appears that there are some highly deceptive bishops in the historically deceptive papal organization who do not want the people of this country to realize that papal priests have been sodomizing and raping children and others for many centuries before their 1960s sexual revolution.


Now, let's look at what the record of history actually shows, when it comes to "priestly" child rape and full blown sodomy. Looking at available information, it appears that rape of children by priests in the papal organization goes back almost 2,000 years. Now, the first page linked below indicates that child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church was occurring in the year 1629. Then, the second linked page indicates that "priestly" sodomy and "holely" sex in the Catholic Church was occurring in the year 1400. But, there is more to this story. The third linked page, though potentially "tweaked" in some of the image it is presenting, speaks of "widespread clerical sexual abuse and sexual misconduct" which was happening in the 11th-century. The page also indicates that "priestly" sexual abuse of boys and young men was happening as far back as the 4th-century. So, widespread "priestly" sexual abuse was not something new which just got going during the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Looking at this "priestly" and "holely" sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, the evidence which indicates a long train of abuse and cover up keeps coming. The page linked below speaks of "a North Carolina priest and two former monks who live in Southern California" who "scoured ancient Vatican records and forgotten Latin texts to show...that the church has recognized the problem of abuse by priests for at least 1,700 years and has failed to address it successfully." The page goes on to state: "'The contention that the present scandal is isolated to this era is completely debunked by the Roman Catholic Church's own documents,' concluded Father Thomas P. Doyle and former monks Richard Sipe and Patrick Wall in their 375-page report, 'Canonical History of Clerical Sexual Abuse.' The authors finished the report last month [in May 2004] and are looking for a publisher." The men noted above "say the documents prove that the Catholic Church has known for centuries about molesters in its ranks and has no excuse for failing to take the danger to children seriously until scandal engulfed the church in 2002."

Well, there truly is more to this story about "priestly" sexual abuse, brazen sodomy and criminal rape in the Roman Catholic Church. In the page linked below, the entry for the year 2006 declares: "In his book, 'Sex, Priests and Secret Codes,' Rev. Tom Doyle traces the history of clergy sexual abuse of children to A.D. 98, the same century the church was founded." So, there you have it folks! It appears that the Catholic Church has been an organization of predators, rapists and "holely" sodomizers from virtually its beginning. This is definitely not something, especially on such a widespread scale, which would be happening within an authentic Christian church. These boys (and sexually abusing gals/nuns, also (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)) definitely have not spiritually crucified the lusts of their flesh on the scriptural cross of Christ. Really, virtually everyone should seriously be questioning whether these guys (and gals) are authentic Christians or not. More about this later, as we look at what the Holy Bible actually declares.

By the time that this post is finished, the diligent reader and seeker of truth will possibly have a much better understanding of what the Holy Bible is talking about in the book of Revelation, when it declares: "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."(Revelation 18:2) The reader may possibly also obtain a better understanding of who the "man of sin" and "the son of perdition" are, who are also spoken about in the Holy Bible (1). Now, from just some of the available information, such as that already noted, it appears that "priestly" or criminal or "holely" sexual abuse and sodomy within the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its so-called "churches" goes back virtually to the beginning of that highly questionable organization. Again, this criminal sexual abuse, which appears to be commonly occurring within the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "churches," in not just something which started in recent decades.

Now, at this point, there is one very important point to make. There would be a lot more information available about the true magnitude of the criminal child rape and abuse in the Catholic Church, if it were not for one major problem, that being the large-scale covering up of their crimes within the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "branch offices" in the United States. This is clearly indicated in the pages linked below. Furthermore, there is that intimidation of "holely" sexual abuse victims so they won't speak out, and then, there is that brazen lying about what these priests (and nuns) have actually been doing over the centuries, and then, there has been the criminal destruction of much incriminating evidence. The information linked below provides just a mere introduction to just some of what has been going on within the highly questionable or criminal Vatican/Jesuit organization and its so-called "church" over the years...or over the decades...or even the centuries...or millenia.

When it comes to the criminal destruction of incriminating evidence by those which have links to the highly questionable, foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia, there is actually much more to consider in this story. A paragraph, linked here, contains the following quote: "The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful." Now, let us look at an example of this "erasing" of evidence by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, when it comes to things like criminal child rape.

A page section linked here is titled The Criminal Destruction of Evidence. The linked section speaks about the sex-crime files which the Catholic Church, or the Vatican/Jesuit organization, had in its possession. But, what did those in the hierarchy of this highly questionable organization do with a vast amount of this incriminating evidence? The linked section, which contains links to other sources of information, shows that those associated with the hierarchy of the criminal Vatican/Jesuit organization intentionally and criminally destroyed the incriminating sex-crime files. This criminal act of destroying incriminating evidence was made public by a guy named Cardinal Reinhard Marx. As noted in the linked section, Cardinal Marx declared: "This is abuse of power by the administration." Actually, this intentional destruction of incriminating sex-abuse files was much more than simply the abuse of power. It was actually a blatantly criminal act, as they worked to hide their large-scale crime.


At this time, let us begin to explore things more thoroughly, that we can come to a better understanding of why those many Catholic and Jesuit priests actually seem to have a horrible habit of criminally raping and sodomizing those untold numbers of children, virtually all over the world. First, let us consider some background information which can then be used to help guide us to a logical and more true answer as to why those many Catholic and Jesuit priests have such a serious problem with raping and sodomizing kids and others. To begin with, let us look at some things which Pope Francis has declared, for they are rather revealing, when it comes to the root cause for all of this raping and sodomizing of children, by Catholic and Jesuit priests.

In the page linked by the large button below, there are some things which really need to be considered. From what is shown in that page, plus in other pages like it which can be found on the Internet (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9), the pope does not want people to have a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Well, according to what is shown in the Holy Bible, true Christians are to have nothing else but a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In relation to having a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul wrote: "But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood: neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus."(1)

Note clearly in the words above from the Holy Bible, that God, which God is the true Father in heaven (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) and none other, revealed to the Apostle Paul that his Son, who is Jesus Christ in his spiritual form, was dwelling directly within Paul. What the Apostle Paul is speaking of is a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, without anything else in between. In authentic Christianity, there is no pope or any church, plus there is no band of sodomizing and child-raping priests or anyone else, situated between any authentic Christian and the Lord Jesus Christ (1). That is the way it always is and always has been with each and every authentic Christian. Each and every authentic Christian has a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and through Jesus Christ (1)(2), a relationship with God the Father in heaven. Note clearly that the Apostle Paul did not need to go see some type of pope, or some sodomizing or child-raping priest, before he could go out and preach the truth about Christ in us.

There is more to consider in a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ, and through Christ to God, who is the Father of heaven. There is something very important to understand, when it comes to an authentic Christian, which is one who is truly following Christ. The true Christ declared: "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."(1) Now, what is this cross about, of which Christ spoke? In regards to these things, it is written: "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world."(1) Those who have taken up the true cross of Christ are not chasing after the things of this world, nor are they controlled by the lusts of their flesh, but they have crucified these things on the cross of Christ. Now, in the Holy Bible, it is also written: "For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things."(1)

Now, looking at those criminal sodomizing and child-raping Catholic and Jesuit priests, it is obvious that they do not have a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is clear that the Spirit of God, or the Spirit of Christ, is not dwelling in them, nor are they being led by them. It is also rather clear that they are not taking up the cross of Christ daily, upon which they are to crucify the lusts of their flesh and their desire to sodomize and rape children and others. These sodomizing and raping priests, plus their facilitators, are the utter enemies of the cross of Christ, and yes, their end is destruction in the everlasting lake of fire and torment. Now, it is also written in the Holy Bible: "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time."(1) These sodomizing and raping priests and their facilitators, who are enemies of the cross of Christ, are actually antichrists. And, as we can see, there are many antichrists.

Looking at things further, in the Holy Bible it is clearly written: "So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."(1) Looking what has just been quoted from the Holy Bible, since those Catholic and Jesuit priests are sodomizing and raping children, it is obvious that the Spirit of God or the Spirit of Christ is not dwelling in them, therefore, they are not Christ's people --- they are not authentic Christians, but just deceivers.

Again, in the quote from the Holy Bible in the paragraph above, it clearly declares: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Yes, authentic Christians, which are the true sons of God, are led directly by the Spirit of God. Authentic Christians are not led by some pope, or by some band of sodomizing and child-raping priests or their facilitators. From the information presented so far, it is rather clear that if a person does not have a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then they are not an authentic Christian. Again, this appears to be a major part of the problem with those sodomizing and raping Catholic and Jesuit priests. They do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, so they are not true Christians. It appears that they are just faking that they are Christians, as they deceive many people and lead them on that way which leads to the everlasting lake of fire and torment. Because they are not Christ's true people, he is not able to help stop them from raping children.

Looking at things further, the Apostle Paul also has written that, "...I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God; even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus..."(1) Yes, it is "Christ in you, the hope of glory," and, every man is to be perfect in Christ Jesus. That means that Christians are to have a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That is the true way it is with authentic Christians. Again, it is a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, without any pope or band of sodomizing or child-raping priests or even their facilitators, in between.

Now, within the page linked by the large button below, it declares: "Pope Francis told a crowd of 33,000 in Rome that 'a personal relationship with Jesus Christ' must be avoided at all costs." In other words, it appears that Pope Francis was basically telling people that being an authentic Christian, which is one who actually has a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, plus the Spirit of God is dwelling in them and guiding them, is something which "must be avoided at all costs." And, it appears that pope Francis is the head antichrists of all those antichrist priests and their antichrist facilitators. Well, once again, no wonder those Catholic and Jesuit priests are commonly sodomizing and raping children and others, because they are antichrists which are not being led directly by Christ, and because of that, they are not being led by the true Spirit of God. So truly, no wonder they cannot seem to control themselves, virtually whenever they have the opportunity and are in the setting in which they can rape or sodomize some kids.

In the linked page, the pope also speaks about asking the Lord for something, "through the intercession of the Virgin Mary..." Well, when placed before the words of the Holy Bible, it appears that the antichrist pope is following some rather erroneous teachings. Now, the Holy Bible clearly declares: "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time."(1 Timothy 2:3-6) So, where does the "Virgin Mary intercessor belief" come into all this? Well, instead of coming from the Holy Bible, it appears to come from the teachings of that true source of the Roman Catholic Church, which source is not the authentic Lord Jesus Christ and his pure teachings at all.

Returning again to what the pope has been going around saying, and what it appears his antichrist hierarchy has possibly been going around "parroting" to the unlearned and gullible, the page linked below contains the following words from the pope: "There are those who believe they can maintain a personal, direct and immediate relationship with Jesus Christ outside the communion and the mediation of the Church. These are dangerous and harmful temptations." Yes, possibly these are dangerous and harmful temptations, when it comes to the pope and his hierarchy. Why? Well, once people realize the truth, through the pure teachings of the Holy Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ, that they don't need the pope or his hierarchy in order to have access to God the Father in heaven, there could suddenly go away all that vast amount of money which has been flowing into the papal coffers, plus the incredible profits from their gigantic, worldclass money-making "machine," which money-making-machine is commonly called "the church," could be greatly reduced.

Looking again at the pope's words above, there may possibly be another reason why the pope would want people to believe that they cannot have a relationship with Christ outside of his church. If the people came to the true teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and left the Catholic Church, the papal organization would suddenly lose that large supply of kids which a lot of those Catholic and Jesuit priests seem to like to sodomize and rape. They would not get to sodomized and rape children, which appears to take the place, at least for the moment, of human sacrifice in that Babylonian religion, as we shall soon see. Now, that would be dangerous and harmful to the lifestyle which it appears that those in the papal hierarchy so strongly lust after. Again, looking at the pope's words above. What is this about "the mediation of the Church?" Again, as very clearly noted a few paragraphs above, there truly is only "one mediator between God and men, [which is] the man Christ Jesus." Where does the pope fit into all this, when placed before the teachings of the Holy Bible? He doesn't! Where does his church fit? It doesn't!

Let us again return to those numerous, sodomizing and raping Catholic and Jesuit priests, who are perpetrating crimes against humanity as they are "doing" all those children, virtually all over the world. Why are they doing all these horrible things to children? Well, it is obvious that they do not have a personal relationship with Christ, nor are they following his pure teachings. Because of this, they are not authentic Christians, but it appears that they are merely fakers and deceivers. Furthermore, the spiritual eyes of these sodomizing and raping priests (which spiritual eyes, it appears that they are actually lacking) are not fixed on the authentic Christ, so he can then keep them from falling (1)(2)...especially keep them from falling into this diabolical sin of criminally sodomizing and raping virtually every child that they can get their hands on and their penises into, whenever the situation or their enablers allow for it.

At this point, the writer believes that the following words from the book of Revelation, in the Holy Bible, are once again very fitting, especially when it comes to this large-scale, Babylonian-style organization: "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."(Revelation 18:2) The following words from the Holy Bible are also very fitting, when considering those raping priests and what is going on in the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "churches": "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."(2 Peter 2:1-3)

Indeed, "their damnation slumbereth not," for the everlasting lake of fire and torment is set before these people, who appear to be using "feigned words" on their duped parishioners, so they can simply "make merchandise" of them, in order to keep all that large amount of money flowing into the coffers of their worldclass money-making "machine," which money-making machine, once again, is commonly called "the church." Furthermore, it appears that they are truly false teachers, who are bringing in "damnable heresies," which damnable heresies declare that people cannot have a "a personal, direct and immediate relationship with Jesus Christ outside the communion and the mediation of the Church." Now, from that which is clearly declared within the Holy Bible, it appears that this Babylonian-style church, with all those sodomizing and raping priests, is not the true church of God. Therefore, it does appear that it can do no one any lasting or everlasting good, but it will, according to what is declared in the Holy Bible, simply lead people to the lake of everlasting fire and torment, where the beast and the false prophet shall be (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).


A page-section linked here is titled Child Rape Equates to Human Sacrifice?. In the linked section are a number of links to pages where pope Francis compares child sexual abuse being done by those sodomizing and raping priests as being equivalent to human sacrifice. A few of those pages are linked via the buttons below. And then, after Francis made those statements, there is nothing apparent which truly indicates that those numerous, sodomizing and raping priests have slowed down a bit, but they may possibly still be "doing their thing" with many children. Now, there are some questions to ask. For starters, why would these numerous Catholic and Jesuit priests be sodomizing and raping all these children? And then, why would their head guy, pope Francis, state that this rape of children is equal to human sacrifice? That statement from Francis sounds rather strange. Or, is it so strange? At this point, let us begin to look at some early history associated with the papal organization.

To understand the statement about the child-rape by those numerous Catholic and Jesuit priests being equal to human sacrifice, and possibly why that type of statement was even made, both the Holy Bible and history will have to be looked at. Hopefully, after looking at both of them together, there are a number of things that may become rather clear to a number of people, when it comes to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its church, plus its militia. Let us start by looking at some things from the last book of the Holy Bible, which is the book of Revelation. In Revelation, chapter 17, verse 18, it states: "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."(1) Now, let's establish a point of reference. What great city was reining or ruling over the kings or heads of governments of this world, when the book of Revelation was first written? Well, for those who have truly taken the time to study history, the answer to this question should be easy enough.

The book of Revelation, which is now the last book of the Holy Bible, was originally written during the time of the Roman Empire. It was written by a person who was living within, and had knowledge of, the Roman Empire. That great and powerful city which was ruling over the heads of the governments of a lot of the commonly known world at that time was Rome, in Italy. Rome conquered and maintained its rule over the governments of the known world using its powerful military. At this point, it should be noted that, at the time when Jesus Christ walked on this earth in a human body, even Israel was under the rule of Rome. Now, various maps which show the commonly declared extents of the old Roman Empire are accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). When it comes to that great city Rome, which ruled over a vast amount of the known world at the time when the book of Revelation was initially written, there is more to be known from what the Holy Bible plainly declares.

A couple of paragraphs above, it can be seen in the quote from the Holy Bible that the city of Rome is referred to as being a woman. In the Holy Bible, the true church of God, or the authentic bride of Christ, is also referred to as being a woman. But, there is something to clearly note about the woman being spoken about in the quote further above, which speaks of Rome as being represented by a woman, or more clearly, by its religion or its church. To understand the true nature of how God sees the Roman church, we need to look earlier in chapter 17, of the book of Revelation. The first two verses of chapter 17 declare: "And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication."(1) The Revelation calls the city of Rome, with its religion, "the great whore." Why?

The true religion from God and Christ, is kept by the true church of God. The true church of God is called the bride of Christ. But, again, Rome and its religion is called "the great whore." Again, why? Well, looking further into chapter 17 of the book of Revelation, when speaking about "the great whore," it declares: "And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: and upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."(1) Now, looking at the Roman Catholic Church, its highest priests are often arrayed in purple and scarlet colored vestures. The church buildings and their trinkets or idols are commonly decked out in gold and precious stones and pearls. And then the priests, and the pope also, have that golden cup which they hold in their hands.

Note in the paragraph above, that the name on the forehead of this "woman" religion or church is "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." Why is this church at Rome called, "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT?" Well, this is where things begin to get very interesting, as we look into the necessary history. This post will explore the true source of that famous and powerful church of Rome. And, as we begin to look at things in this post, since Babylon is noted above, let us look at some of the things about ancient Babylon and its religion, plus the high priest of the mystery religion of Babylon, who was also the head ruler of the government of Babylon. Page-sections accessed via the following links --- (1)(2) --- go into more detail about certain things which relate to the mystery religion from Babylon, so this post will only include some of the more notable highlights from those sections, and then present some revealing history of how Rome became the new Babylon.

Before we get into the part of this discussion about the mystery religion of Babylon, plus its high priest and ruler of the government, let us once again consider that verse from the book of Revelation which is shown earlier in this post. The Revelation declares: "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."(Revelation 18:2) Yes, Rome, which has spiritually become the new Babylon, with its religion which it has inherited from elsewhere, has truly fallen (1). It has its people and its famous and powerful religious organization who have fallen away from the authentic way which leads to heaven, which way was given by the Most High God of heaven, plus the true way was clearly shown by the Lord Jesus Christ. Because they are fallen away from the true way, that is why the pope and his hierarchy do not want people to have a direct, personal relationship with Jesus Christ and with God, which God is the Father in heaven (1)(2).

Looking again at the quote in the paragraph above, this Babylonian-style organization which is fallen away from the true way of God and Christ, "is become the habitation of devils." And, it does appear that even the pope may have inadvertently alluded to this fact when he declared that the numerous sodomizing and raping priests in his organization are "tools of Satan."(1) And, from the longstanding, worldclass cover-up of all this "priestly" sodomizing and raping of children which has gone on virtually worldwide within the deceiving Vatican/Jesuit organization, there is reason to suspect that the large number of sodomizing and raping priests which are "doing" children, which has been made known in the media, is merely the tiny tip of the proverbial iceberg. And then, when the priests and others in the hierarchy are not "doing" children, it appears that they may be "doing" each other, as indicated in a page section linked here, which section is titled "Holy See" and the Drug-Fueled, Homosexual Orgy.

It does appear that the Church of Rome, which we shall see, is a Babylonian-style organization, is truly fallen away from the authentic way which leads to heaven and a life with God, which true way that leads to everlasting life was given by God the Father in heaven and was shown to us by his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. For those of the papal organization who are doing all this wickedness, there is no excuse for their errant ways, for the true way of God is clearly shown within the Holy Bible and may be found by those who diligently seek it. Now, with all of its numerous child-raping and sodomizing priests, plus with all those in the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, which it appears lie about what has really been going on behind the scenes and then help cover up the criminal evidence, it truly does appear that this worldwide organization "is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

When it comes to those associated with the hierarchy of this Babylonian-style organization which is based in the midst of Rome, which people associated with the hierarchy appear to be brazenly lying about things and covering up virtually all of that criminal activity which they can, especially when it comes to all of that "priestly" and "holely" and criminal rape and sodomizing and virtual enslavement of children, plus other diabolical crimes against humanity, the Revelation in the Holy Bible also declares that "all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone."(1) So, it is rather obvious where a large share of those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus even with its Jesuit-controlled militia, shall be spending their eternity. They shall partake of that second death, which appears to be a horrendous form of spiritual death (1)(2) and an eternal separation from the goodness which ultimately comes from God (1).

By the way, when it comes to all those many sodomizing priests (1)(2), these numerous "tools of Satan"(1) which seem to commonly be found within the Vatican/Jesuit organization, there is something which should be noted. From the things which are shown within the Holy Bible and in other sources, it does appear that there may be some form of a connection between sodomy and Baal worship (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). So, there is reason to suspect that these numerous sodomizing priests in the Vatican/Jesuit organization are actually secret Baal worshippers or, more clearly, it does appear that they may actually be the modern priests of Baal. It should also be noted that a form of Baal worship was practiced in the religion of Babylon, which religion was then transferred into Rome (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), as we shall soon see more clearly. Because of the hidden Baal worship, that is possibly why it appears that there has been child-rape and sodomy associated with the papal organization since virtually its beginning (1).

Now, let's look at some similarities between the Babylonian form of Baal worship and how things are in the Babylonish papal organization. In Babylon, they worshipped Marduk, who, it is said, was just another form of Baal (1)(2)(3). The head honcho, the head high priest in Babylonian Baal worship was called the Pontifex Maximus. This Pontifex Maximus was the high priest of the mystery religion, plus also the head of the country's government. Then, after the fall of the Babylonian Empire, the title Pontifex Maximus eventually made its way into Rome, to ultimately be held by the popes in the Vatican. About half way down in a page linked here, it states: "The title Pontifex Maximus is repeatedly found on inscriptions throughout the Vatican -- above the entry of St. Peter's, above the statue of Peter, in the dome, above the Holy Year Door which is opened only during a jubilee year, etc. The accompanying medal, struck by Pope Leo X just before the Reformation, illustrates one of the ways that the title "Pont. Max." has been used by the popes."

Later in this post, we will explore how the title "Pontifex Maximus," along with the Babylonian mystery religion, got from Babylon to the Vatican in Rome. Now, when it comes to this spiritually Babylonian-type religion and organization which resides in the midst of Rome, there is another thing to consider. Once again, further above, it declares: "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."(Revelation 18:2) And, with all those "tools of Satan" and what appears to be the modern sodomizing priests of Baal, what this fallen religious organization is should be obvious to all observant people. Now, concerning the city which is the seat of the fallen, spiritually Babylonish religion, the Revelation also declares: "How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow."(1) And, that is what has been happening within Rome.

The spiritually blinded ones of Rome believe their city will go on forever. They even call Rome "the Eternal City." But, the utter destruction of Rome, which will include the complete destruction of the Vatican which is contained therein, shall soon be upon it. This is indicated in a page linked here, which page is titled The Final Destruction of Rome. At this point, let us consider the following words from the Holy Bible: "For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth."(1) And, what happened to Pharaoh and Egypt? Yes, they were brought down quickly and powerful Egypt was destroyed (1). Now, Rome and the pope's organization have been raised up, so that God can show his mighty power on them, when God judges and utterly destroys them to the point where they are never found or inhabited again. And when these places are destroyed, what God has done shall be spoken about throughout this earth.

Because of the arrogance (as they foolishly call themselves the "Eternal City") and wickedness of a large share of the people of Rome, plus because of the great arrogance and extreme wickedness of those in control of the whorish (as indicated in the Holy Bible) Babylonish-style religion, and because those of the Babylonish whore religion refuse to truly humble themselves before the Most High God of heaven and genuinely repent of all the wickedness which they have done, which does include the sodomizing and raping of numerous children across the face of this earth, the Revelation in the Holy Bible continues with these words: "Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."(1) It is coming, and it is coming very fast. The writer believes that many, or possibly even most, of those alive today will get to see the complete and utter destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome, with their own eyes.

Concerning the errant city which now contains the seat of the Babylonian-style whore religion, and its coming destruction, the Revelation also declares: "And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived."(1) And, so it is (yes, the nations are deceived by its sorceries) and so shall it be (the complete destruction of Rome), in the fast approaching days ahead!

And then, after God has utterly destroyed the Vatican and surrounding Rome, the following command shall be given from heaven: "Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her."(1) Yes, the true people of the Most High God of heaven are commanded to rejoice, when the seat of the Babylonish papal organization and its militia is utterly destroyed by a mighty act of God. The Revelation also declares: "And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: for true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever."(1) And, as noted in the preceding paragraph, the utter destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome shall be to such an extent, that these places shall never be found or inhabited again.

To Be Continued ...

POST #29

Back in the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1) Then, a while later, "they" brutally assassinated President Kennedy (1). Now, President Kennedy was actually a high-level, Fourth Degree member of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret society called the Knights of Columbus (1). This means that Kennedy was also a member of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. But, there is more to this story, for President Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy, was part of another segment of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, for he was one of the powerful Knights of Malta (1), one who was specially chosen by the pope himself (1).

Because of who President John F. Kennedy was, not only as President of the United States, but also as a higher ranking member in one segment of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, there is reason to suspect that Kennedy was privy to information which caused him to make the statement: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." So, the words of President Kennedy do create a question in the mind of at least the writer. Could the words of Kennedy, about a plot to enslave U.S. citizens, in any way be related to those words from that former Catholic priest named Charles Chiniquy, who, already in the 1800s, "warned of plots by the Vatican to take control of the United States by importing Catholic immigrants from Ireland, Germany, and France."(1)(2)

Some of the information from Charles Chiniquy which shows the plan of the papal organization to take control of, and ultimately rule over or virtually enslave the people of the United States, is shown in the book by Chiniquy which is titled Fifty Years in the Church of Rome." A copy of that Chiniquy book is linked here. On page 249 of 426, in the linked book, begins Chapter 47. That page 249 provides an introduction to the papal plan to use Catholic "emigrants from Canada, France and Belgium" in a manner which would ultimately allow them to "rule everything" in the United States. And now in our day, the Vatican/Jesuit organization is using illegal immigrants from south of the border to illegally flood the country with their pawns, so they can illegally gain political power over non-Catholics.

When all the available evidence is considered, there is reason to suspect that President John F. Kennedy was very correct when he declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Now, there is actually a lot more to consider in this story about enslavement which has, and is occurring in the United States. The pages linked below clearly indicate that the papal hierarchy is still in the business of enslaving people, even sexually. But, there is something to clearly note in the linked pages. It appears that the Catholic or Jesuit priests are having a jolly time abusing, sodomizing and raping even Black children. This appears to simply be a continuation of their enslaving activities from the 1800s and earlier. And, there is more to be understood from the linked pages.

At this point in the United States, the Catholic or Jesuit priests are not allowed to have the Black people forcibly enslaved out in the fields on plantations, therefore, it appears that they are using some other, possibly more subtle and more hidden tactics for enslaving quite a number of Black people. From what is shown in the pages linked below, it appears that one of the more subtle methods which the "holey" Catholic or Jesuit priests use for the virtual enslavement of Black people is through the butt-hole or through the vagina, or possibly even through a round-shaped mouth or two (1)(2)(3). Now, it appears that the Catholics in government are using the COVID-19 caper in order to steer public attention away from the brazen activities of all those Catholic/Jesuit child-rapers.

Now, from the information linked below, there is something which really needs to be noted when it comes to true racial justice. From what is noted in the pages linked below, it is very obvious that there is some serious shortchanging going on with the Catholic hierarchy, when it comes to reparations to the Black people who they have been criminally abusing and sodomizing and raping for quite some time. It does appear that a criminal or satanic papal hierarchy considers the forced sex acts of Black children to be of less value, or of less quality, than the forced sex acts which they get out of White children. So, it appears that the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization is like a bunch of very racist, extremely bigoted, "holey" ripoff artists in their "reparations."

In the group of pages linked above, there is something which really needs to be looked at very closely, that we may learn what the Catholic Church, or that foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, is really like. Note how the hierarchy of the foreign-controlled, international crime organization (international crime organization, which seems to be clearly indicated by what is shown in the pages linked below, which international crime organization is slyly posing as a "church," and even more slyly calling itself "Christian,") paid their White victims of "priestly" or "holey" sexual abuse "at least $250,000 each" or even, in certain cases in certain regions, up to "an average of nearly $500,000 each."

On the other hand, the hierarchy of the international crime organization was seriously shortchanging and ripping off their Black victims of "holey" or "priestly" sexual abuse and sodomy, by paying their Black victims of criminal abuse only a mere pittance of "$15,000 each." And then, on top of that, to add insult to injury, the crooks running the crime organization had their Black victims sign Non-Disclosure Agreements so that they were basically "muzzled" and would not talk about the crimes which were done to them or talk about how badly they were ripped off in the so-called "reparations." Now, check out the pages linked below, to learn more about this crime organization.

In the criminal acts that those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization did, plus in looking at the low dollar value given to Black victims in their monetary "reparations," it does appear that the hierarchy of the international crime organization known as the Catholic Church was basically shouting out to Black people that they are only worth a mere one-sixteenth (1/16) to one-thirty-third (1/33) of what a White person is worth. In principle, that is like what the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization were doing in the 1800s, when they lined up Black slaves for public sale, at a cost which was much less than a White person would have been valued at. And then, the a-holes of this organization had the gall to "take a knee" at the Black Lives Matter protests (1)(2)(3)(4), in order to make people think they really care about Black lives. All the writer can say is, "What deceiving liars and hypocrites!" The evidence indicates that they seem to really like Black lives...on the end of "a pole."

Now, there is something else to look at. What are all the Catholic hypocrites and foreign-controlled agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which have finagled their way into government, doing about all this child abuse and sodomizing and raping of Black children which is being done by those "holey" Catholic or Jesuit priests in this country? Well, in all of this criminal sodomizing and raping and sexual enslaving of Black children and others, there is one thing which is becoming very apparent. Those hell-bound hypocrites like Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris, or Nancy Pelosi, or all those other hell-bound, foreign-controlled agents and pawns of the enslaving Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or its militia, which have gotten into and virtually hijacked the government of the United States and the States thereof, are sure not diligently working to quickly pass legislation which would truly protect the children of the United States from all these abusing, sodomizing, raping and enslaving Catholic or Jesuit priests (1)(2). It appears that these hypocrites in government do not want to offend their foreign masters.

At this point, there is something which needs to be made very clear, that U.S. citizens can understand who these traitorous criminals in government are really working for. A paragraph linked here contains some information from a book titled Catholic Victory in 1960?, which book was written by a former Catholic priest and church historian during the time when John F. Kennedy was running for U.S. President. The book notes that the pope has stated to his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America." That is why those foreign-controlled agents and pawns in government (1)(2)(3) are doing virtually nothing which would put a quick stop to all those raping priests.

There is something else which needs to be said. It appears that all of these people in government who are agents or pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or its militia, or those who are helping in any manner to protect that criminal organization or its criminal abusing and raping agents and pawns from full prosecution under the law, are themselves accessories to crime. Furthermore, there is reason to believe that anyone who is joined to that criminal organization which has a clear, public record of supporting and hiding criminal raping and sodomizing priests, or anyone who is giving their money or time or help to that organization, is themselves accessories to, or the supporters of, widespread, organized crime and child-rape. Now, really, what honorable person could have any respect for anyone who would be part of an organization which obviously supports, hides and protects a rather large group of child-rapers?

There is more to ask. What honorable and intelligent person could fully trust the judgement or integrity of anyone who is part of an organization which lies about, hides and protect child-rape and other crimes, especially when it comes to these people actually doing what is morally and legally correct? Furthermore, what intelligent person could truly trust anyone who is part of an organization which protects child-rapers, to know the true way to heaven? Who could really trust the judgement of these child-raper people in anything spiritual? Well, the writer definitely has something to say. Because Joe Biden is joined to that organization of child-rapers, plus possibly supports it with his money, he is not my president. And those other supports of this child-raping organization which are in government, they in no way represent the writer. It appears that they are simply treacherous hijackers of the U.S. government, which are treasonously working to, as President John F. Kennedy indicated in the early 1960s, "enslave every man, woman and child" in the United States, for their foreign bosses.


At this point in early 2021, there is talk by Catholics in government about reparations to the descendents of those who were slaves in the United States in earlier times. Now, we really should look closely at the history of the slavery issue, so we can come to a clear understanding about who should be the ones to actually owe reparations to the descendents of the slaves, plus how much is owed to them. Let us start by making an important statement. It appears that the same group of people which has been abusing and raping and enslaving the Black people in our day, is the same group of people which was enslaving the Blacks and others in earlier times. Now, let us begin to look at things more closely, so we may get a better understanding about what is really going on in the United States today, plus why it is going on.

A paragraph linked here tends to indicate that there are many puppets and pawns which are associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "church." It does appear that these puppets and pawns are almost like mindless robots which are being highly manipulated by the hierarchy of the organization they are enslaved by. And, these puppets and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization appear to have a serious lack of knowledge about the history of slavery, especially about the slavery associated with their organization. This lack of knowledge causes them to blindly follow whatever their foreign-controlled masters tell them. It appears that within this group of puppets and pawns, if their foreign-controlled masters tell them that black is actually white, they will blindly believe them. And, if they tell them that white is actually black, they will believe them.

Now, it is time to start getting down to business. The page linked below asks a very important question: "Should the federal government pay reparations to the descendants of slaves?" Well, it really is time for U.S. citizens to come out of any confusion and get things very straight in their minds. The federal government cannot actually pay for any reparations on its own, because it actually does not have any money of its own to give to anyone. The federal government is not a self supporting institution which produces a product of value, from which it can then make money, which money those who have hijacked the government could then give to whatever cause or causes which they desire. So, where do they get their money from? Well, its something like this. They fleece or rob Peter, in order to pay Paul. And, since they robbed Peter, Paul thinks they are great people because he got some money.

For quite a long time now, the treacherous agents and pawns which are associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization appear to have gotten themselves into government positions by lying through their teeth when they took their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. Once they have gotten themselves into government positions, then it appears that they have simply sucked money all the money they can get out of taxpayers. Then, all too often, in total violation of the General Welfare clause (1) in the U.S. Constitution, they have funneled the ill-gotten money to whatever special interests they can get away with. So, the real question should be this: "Should each and every U.S. taxpayer be despotically forced, by an illegal law made by the domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution, to pay the price for something which the U.S. citizens of today had no part in?"

In the pages linked below, it can be seen what is going on in the United States. So, at this point, it is time to get even a clearer picture of what is going on. Let us look at those important words which are attributed to former President John F. Kennedy, who "they" brutally assassinated on November 22, of 1963 (1). He allegedly declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). Kennedy also allegedly declared: "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Well, it appears that the plotters were not about to let President Kennedy reveal to the public what he knew about the diabolical plot to enslave U.S. citizens (1)(2), so they savagely "took him out of the way." Now, just for the record, there is more to the story about what really happened to President Kennedy and why, as shown in a page linked here.

Looking again at the pages linked below, it appears to be rather clear that the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled agent or pawn named Joe Biden and his treacherous crowd of domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution were making some behind-the-scenes deals with members of the Black community, possibly as a way of buying votes. So, from what is shown in the pages linked below, the Blacks are now basically telling Biden to ante up. But, what it appears that Biden and his group of domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution are actually doing is trying to make U.S. citizens think they are working for a noble cause, when actually it is the foreign-controlled agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, working to enslave the citizens of the United States, just like what President Kennedy had tried to warn about in the early 1960s.

Now, let's begin to look more closely at who should really be the ones who are forced to pay reparations to the Blacks, for all that enslaving activity which took place, even on U.S. soil in earlier times. Before we get to far into this post, it should be noted that the Democratic Party was the Party of slavery and segregation for many, many years. And now, for some enlightening history. A paragraph linked here contains the following quote: "...When viewed historically, the Democratic Party has been the Catholic Party and the Republican Party the Protestant Party." And, when looking at the history, it appears that the Catholics and the Jesuits were the ones who were the main "pushers" of slavery in the United States. So, why were the Catholics and the Jesuits such big "pushers" of slavery in the United States? Well, money was one reason, but there is actually more to the story.

Some paragraphs, linked here, contain information which comes from a page on a Jesuit site. That site notes that the Catholic Church has a history of being "the first and largest corporate slaveholder in the Americas." So, the Catholic Church was the organization which really got the lucrative slave trade going like wildfire in the Americas. And yes, the Catholic Church has a diabolical history of also enslaving people in other places around the world. So, again, why have the Catholics been the main perpetrators of the slave industry? Well, the page from the Jesuit site speaks about "Pope Nicholas V's 1452 papal bull 'Dum Diversas,' which authorized the European invasion of Africa, Asia and the Americas, and sanctioned perpetual enslavement." So, it appears that the Catholic Church has never changed, especially when considering that their agents are raping and virtually enslaving even Black children today.

Once again, note that it was the pope who "sanctioned perpetual enslavement." Now, the information presented above should make it very clear that the large-scale slave trade in the United States, goes right back to the Vatican and the pope and the papal crowd --- and yes, to the deceptive Democratic Party which they created in the United States. They created the Democratic Party in the United States, in order to treasonously take this country away from the authentic Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, which is a form of government that, in its true and intended form, does actually work to protect individual rights. But, the agents and manipulated pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are not about to allow an authentic Republican Form of Government exist in the United States, for, as President Kennedy declared in the early 1960s: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

When it comes to Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and those other agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization who are illegally in government --- illegally in government because they are seriously violating their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, while they are actually working to further the agenda of a foreign government --- there is something of which U.S. citizens should be aware. Linked here is a book from 1928 which is titled The 4th Degree Oath of the Knights of Columbus. Beginning on PDF page 34 of 52 is the section titled The Canon Law of Popery. Under section IV, it states (and this is what many Catholics believe, especially those who are tied in with the Jesuits and/or the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope): "The Pope has the right to give countries and nations which are non-Catholic to Catholic regents, who can reduce them to slavery." So, it appears that President John F. Kennedy was very accurate in the early 1960s, when he declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."


Once the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization gain enough power in a country where they can then utterly enslave all non-Catholics, it is time to let history guide us in an understanding of what they can really be like (1). The pages linked below speak of things which took place in an European country which was utterly taken over by the Catholics less than 100 years ago, during the World War Two era. The first linked page speaks about Roman Catholic priests running about one-half of the Nazi death camps in Croatia. That page speaks about what the Catholic priests and the Catholic-controlled Ustasha was doing to the people who came under their control in these death camps. The page states: "The Ustasha operations were carried out with incredible acts of sadism and torture. In some cases entire villages were axed to death, in others men and women were hanged, crucified, burned to death or buried alive, body parts mutilated, decapitated, infants impaled or hammered."

In regards to the Catholic-run extermination camps in Croatia during World War Two, the first page linked below states: "In addition to the horrendous conditions in the Jasenovac camps, the guards also cruelly tortured, terrorized, and murdered prisoners at will. Here the most varied forms of torture were used: finger and toe nails were pulled out with metal instruments, eyes were dug out with specially constructed hooks, people were blinded by having needles stuck in their eyes, flesh was cut and then salted." The page continues: "People were also flayed, had their noses, ears and tongues cut off with wire cutters, and had awls stuck in their hearts. Daughters were raped in front of their mothers, sons were tortured in front of their fathers." It also states: "The prisoners and all those who ended up in Jasenovac had their throats cut by the Ustasa with specially designed knives, or they were killed with axes, mallets and hammers; they were also shot, or they were hung from trees or light poles. Some were burned alive in hot furnaces, boiled in cauldrons, or drowned in the River Sava."

About two-thirds of the way down, the first linked page states: "The treatment of inmates was so horrific that on the night of August 29, 1942, bets were made among the prison guards as to who could liquidate the largest number of inmates. One of the guards, Petar Brzica reportedly cut the throats of 1,360 prisoners with a butcher knife. A gold watch, a silver service, a roasted suckling pig, and wine were among his rewards." The page then states: "The type of knife used for cutting prisoners' throats became known as srbosjek translated as the 'Serb-cutter'. Because of his expertise with the sbosjek, Petar Brzica was dubbed 'King of the Cut-throats'." In closing, the page states: "Yugoslav Army forces entered the Stara Gradiska camp on April 23, and Jasenovac on May 2, 1945. Before leaving the camp, the Ustasa killed the remaining prisoners, blasted and destroyed the buildings, guard-houses, torture rooms, the 'Picili Furnace' and the other structures. Upon entering the camp, the liberators found only ruins, soot, smoke, and dead bodies." The remaining linked pages give other details of what occurred in Catholic Croatia.

Now, there is a piece of history which we should really think about. What was going on in the Catholic-controlled death camps in Croatia, during the World War Two era, was the same nature of thing which President Abraham Lincoln spoke about in the mid 1800s, during the time of the Jesuit-instigated (1) American Civil War. The words of Abraham Lincoln, as written by his close friend named Charles Chiniquy and found at some point within the pages linked below, are these: "Till lately, I was in favour of the unlimited liberty of conscience as our constitution gives it to the Roman Catholics. But now, it seems to me that, sooner or later, the people will be forced to put a restriction to that clause towards the Papists. Is it not an act of folly to give absolute liberty of conscience to a set of men who are publicly sworn to cut our throats the very day they have their opportunity for doing it? Is it right to give the privilege of citizenship to men who are the sworn and public enemies of our constitution, our laws, our liberties, and our lives?"

At this point, let us return to what has been happening in the United States in more recent decades, starting in the mid 1900s. Once again, in the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy allegedly declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Well, are there any tidbits of information which could shed some light on what this enslaving plot could be about and who is associated with it? For starters, a paragraph linked here contains some information which came from the January 1940 issue of The Converted Catholic Magazine. It noted that the papal organization, via a plan which was "published under the auspices of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, and signed by 131 Catholic prelates and noted laymen...advocated a change in the United States' Constitution to permit the enactment of the recommendations of Pope Pius XI into American law." In other words, the Catholics were slyly working to change the fundamental operation of the United States, so that U.S. citizens would be enslaved under the papal system.

Now, there may be some who wonder about the things spoken about above, which happened in Catholic Croatia in the earlier 1900s, plus which happened in the United States when it comes to the papal agents trying to change the Constitution of the United States so that U.S. citizens would end up being enslaved under the worldwide government of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. The answer to why U.S. citizens have not commonly heard about these things may be found in a paragraph linked here, which paragraph contains the following quote: "The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

It is now time to consider some examples where those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization have treacherously or criminally destroyed incriminating evidence, as they worked to cover their criminal tracks, so they could then basically rewrite history and protect their potentially criminal, worldwide organization. Let us first look at what has been happening in the situation where those many Catholic/Jesuit priests and others associated with their organization have been criminally sodomizing and/or raping, plus virtually enslaving those numerous children (1)(2). A section linked here is titled The Criminal Destruction of Evidence. The section speaks about sex-crime files which the papal hierarchy had in their possession, but which they then intentionally destroyed in order to cover their tracks, so they could apparently lie about and deny as much of the crime as possible which has been happening for many years or decades. The section speaks about a Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who was the one who let it be known that the papal hierarchy was destroying incriminating evidence.

Well, there truly is more to this story about the activities of the papal crowd and their pawns. Let us now look at just one example of what those agents with ties to the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or its militia have been treacherously doing in the United States. A section linked here is titled The C.I.A. and the Destruction of Evidence. Now, let it once again be noted that the CIA is called "Catholics In Action" or the "Catholic Intelligence Agency"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) for a reason. It appears that the CIA is basically under the control of those who are associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or with the militia of the pope, which militia of the pope is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. Now, the linked section speaks about the controllers of the CIA destroying an incredible amount of potentially incriminating evidence back in 1973. The writer's research leads them to suspect that the destroyed evidence contained documentation about much criminal and even treasonous acts which those "Catholics In Action" had been commonly performing over the years.

And now, with Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and all of those many other agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, who appear to have hijacked the U.S. government and its agencies, apparently with the help of the CIA (1)(2), or those "Catholics In Action," and possibly even with help from the FBI (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), what changes --- especially unconstitutional or possibly treasonous changes --- may we be seeing in the laws of the United States under the treasonous (1)(2)(3) Biden/Harris/Pelosi regime? And, in all of this, it should be noted that it appears that Trump may also be a puppet (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or the militia of the pope. And, since these people appear to be simply playing "their part" and "gaming" U.S. citizens for their foreign bosses, it really is time that U.S. citizens woke up and "threw out the treasonous trash" and put into government only those who are truly honoring their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, plus only those who are working to secure the unalienable, God-given rights and liberties of authentic U.S. citizens.

To Be Continued ...

POST #28

The Second Ammendment to the U.S. Constitution declares: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Once again, clearly note that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." So, why cannot this right be legally infringed upon, in any manner, by those in government? It is because this right is absolutely "necessary to the security of a free State," or more clearly, this right for each citizen to keep and bear Arms is necessary so that the people of this country, when necessary, can make sure that their freedoms are secure and honored. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms is necessary so that there can actually be an authentic free State or an authentic free country, where the citizens are not enslaved under despotism. So now, let us begin to look into this matter about the personal right, plus the reason, for U.S. citizens to bear Arms, even military style arms.

Let us now consider some words which are attributed to President John F. Kennedy, who "they" (1) --- "they" being the domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution and the domestic enemies of the legitimate form of government which it guarantees to every State in this Union --- brutally assassinated on November 22, 1963. Kennedy allegedly declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." And, looking at things further, the following words are also attributed to Kennedy: "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom."(1) These words from Kennedy are very fitting, especially now in our day, since it appears that Joe Biden and his treacherous cronies or henchmen are working hard to illegally disarm U.S. citizens (1)(2)(3), so they can finish destroying anything which remains of the legitimate form of government which the Constitution guarantees to every State in this Union (1)(2). Then, U.S. citizens can be fully enslaved for Biden's true masters.

Looking into this matter about "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms," which right cannot legally be infringed upon, because it is against the U.S. Constitution to which those in government took an Oath of Office to support and defend, there is even more to consider. President John F. Kennedy also declared: "Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) Looking into this matter further, let us look to George Washington, who was the first President of the United States. The following words are attributed to him: "A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

Once again, note clearly in the words above, which words are attributed to former President George Washington, that the people of this country need to have "sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." These words from George Washington go right along with what is found in the Declaration of Independence, starting with these words: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..." Note clearly, in the preceding words, that governments are legitimately instituted for one main purpose --- to actually secure the God-given, unalienable Rights of each individual citizen.

So, what is supposed to happen when criminals form a "government gone rogue," which no longer works to secure the authentic, God-given, unalienable Rights of the citizens? What is supposed to happen when the government has been treacherously hijacked by something like, let's say, the sly agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia? What is supposed to happen when treasonous people have brazenly lied through their despicable teeth when they took their Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, so that they could get into positions of power where they can begin to illegally change the laws and enslave the authentic citizens of the United States for their foreign masters (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) and that pope in Rome? Well, the Declaration of Independence also declares: "But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

At this point, in regards to the things now being spoken about, there is an important piece from U.S. history which should be seriously considered. Back in the 1800s, President Abraham Lincoln declared: "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) And, we truly cannot have any discrimination in this matter. Since women are now in government and judicial and law enforcement and military positions, the same principle found in the words of President Abraham Lincoln would apply toward them. Now, authentic U.S. citizens do not want to throw off the Constitution, for, in order to remain free citizens, the Constitution must remain as is. And, looking into things further, the Constitution guarantees "to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."(1)

Yes, there are many treacherous and treasonous people who have gotten themselves into government positions who have utterly perverted the Constitution and what it is really all about. These treasonous ones are now claiming that the United States is a democracy, when the Constitution says things are to be otherwise. Now, when it comes to the Constitution guaranteeing a Republican Form of Government in the United States, there is something else from U.S. history to consider. In his First Inqugural Address, President Thomas Jefferson proclaimed: "We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists. If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it." And, in our Republic, all citizens have the right to bear arms. So, again, it is not the Constitution which is to be thrown off, but, as Abraham Lincoln declared, those who pervert or corrupt what the U.S. Constitution clearly declares are to be the ones who are overthrown.

Getting back to what is said in the Declaration of Independence, there are some things which need to be considered. The available evidence indicates that the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its sly and treacherous militia have treasonously hijacked the government of the United States, plus have hijacked even the U.S. military and the intelligence agencies, plus many or most law enforcement agencies in this country. Looking at what has been happening over time in the United States, it is rather clear that these treasonous agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are working to disarm U.S. citizens, for a reason. They want to reduce and enslave U.S. citizens under a system of absolute despotism and tyranny. So, according to what is stated in the Declaration of Independence, it is the right of U.S. citizens to throw off these treasonous hijackers who are actually foreign-controlled usurpers. They are not actually agents or representatives of our legitimate, Constitutional government.

Now, there is something for each authentic U.S. citizen who loves their country to consider. The Declaration of Independence not only makes it very clear that it is the right of U.S. citizens to throw off these foreign-controlled, enslaving agents and pawns who are working for a foreign government and/or its militia, but, the Declaration of Independence clearly shows that it is THE DUTY of U.S. citizens to throw off these criminals which have hijacked our government. This is why virtually everyone in a government or military position takes their Oath of Office, which goes something like this: "I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."(1)

Because of what the individuals in government and military positions have sworn in their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, it is their individual and collective duty to see that they do everything they can humanly do to guarantee that the one and only guarantee in the U.S. Constitution is honored. It is the duty of these people, as individuals and collectively, to guarantee that a Republican Form of Government exists throughout the whole United States. Why? Because Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution clearly declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."(1) And, that Constitution of the United States, plus that authentic Republican Form of Government (1)(2)(3), works to secure "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms," even military style arms. Then, according to what is written in the Declaration of Independence and in the U.S. Constitution, it is the duty of all true U.S. citizens to throw out of government, by any and all means possible, all enemies of the authentic Republican Form of Government which is to reign in this country.


Now, it does appear that one of the biggest lies ever told is when most people take their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution. It is often a huge lie when they take their Oath of Office, because taking the Oath is just a formality to them and they have no intent of honoring their Oath. Then, there are those dumb ones who really don't have a clue what the Constitution is really about, so they end up being derelict in their duty to the Constitution. So, when it comes to doing our true duty to the Constitution, how are U.S. citizens to throw off the foreign-controlled criminals who are working to enslave them? Well, it is rather clear that it cannot be, nor will it ever again be done at the ballot box, for it is becoming rather clear that the agents and pawns which are under the influence and control of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are the ones who have control of the ballot box and the outcome of elections in the United States (1). So, how are authentic U.S. citizens supposed to get rid of these treasonous traitors who have hijacked the U.S. government and military for their foreign masters?

Well, let us again look at those words which are attributed to President George Washington: "A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." These words from Washington are especially true when it comes to a rogue government which is hijacked and now under the control of the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia. Now, there is something else which should be noted. From the available information, it appears that the agents and pawns who are under the control the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its treacherous, Jesuit-controlled militia are the ones who have control over the chemical and biological and nuclear and military weapons of the United States, and one from this treasonous group of traitors has even threaten to use these nasty things on U.S. citizens (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10).

Oh! By the way, there is something which we really should look at. It does appear that those agents and pawns with links to the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or members of its Jesuit-controlled militia have already been using their wicked and nasty chemical and biological and nuclear weapons on U.S. citizens for quite some time --- since at least the 1940s. It just appears that the naive and rather gullible U.S. citizens did not realize what was actually happening to them and to their country, even when it was being done on such a blatant and large scale. Now, for those who actually give a damn about the authentic United States and would like to gain some knowledge from past history, some introductory information relating to the veiled war against U.S. citizens can be found in the pages, sections, and paragraphs which are accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15).

In all of this, when looking at just the CIA, or those "Catholics In Action"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) and what they have been doing behind the scenes, let us consider some words from some of their very own. Now, that former CIA boss named James Jesus Angleton, as he was dying, began to speak more freely about what the people in control of the CIA were really like. At one point, Angleton declared: "...If you were in a room with them, you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell."(1)(2) Why should these people deservedly end up in hell? Well, possibly some words from that devious and treasonous CIA operative named George Hunter White could help answer the preceding question. White proudly declared: "I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun." White went on to proudly proclaim: "Where else [but in the CIA] could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?"(1)(2)

Now, the second link immediately above, plus a paragraph linked here, may help to answer who this "All-Highest" was, at least in the eyes of that George Hunter White and possibly even in the eyes of James Jesus Angleton and many others in controlling positions in the CIA and other agencies, and especially in the eyes of those who are associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And, it appears that many of these people actually believe that they are serving God. Now, pages accessed by the following links --- (1)(2)(3) --- bring out what James Jesus Angleton realized, as he was dying. The pages state: "What he confessed was this. He had not been serving God, after all, when he followed Allen Dulles. He had been on a satanic quest." And, the satanic quest of numerous individuals associated with the militia of the pope has been working to undermine and overthrow the authentic U.S. form of government which is mandated and guaranteed in Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution.


Getting back to those nasty chemical and biological and nuclear weapons which have been slyly used on various U.S. citizens for quite some time, since at least the 1940s, there is some CIA (or "Catholics In Action") weaponry, plus some of their sinister activities to know about. Back in the 1970s, if not earlier, the CIA, or those "Catholics In Action," had their "heart attack gun." This sinister heart attack gun was spoken about and displayed in testimony before a U.S. Senate committee, as noted in pages linked by the buttons below. The deadly projectile of frozen poison, which the heart attack gun shot, is said to have been only about one-quarter inch long and about the diameter of a human hair, and was accurate to a range of about 100 meters. It is also said that by the use of the heart attack gun, the victim could be killed before they even realized they had been hit, and then, there would be no clue left behind which would indicate what really killed the victim.

It is said that the tiny, poisonous projectile which the heart attack gun shot, upon entering the human body and its bloodstream, after completing its deadly mission, would then quickly "denature" so that the poison would not be detected in an autopsy. Well, there are now some things to consider. It does appear that since the 1970s, those associated with at least the CIA (or with those "Catholics In Action," or with that same crowd which brought this Earth the mass-murdering Crusades and the satanic Inquisition) have been feverishly working on other poisons and biological weapons which they could use for slyly or even boldly killing people, or potentially even use in mass-murdering or genocidal situations. Now, especially since the foreign-controlled militia-of-the-pope appears to be strongly involved in all of these things, there are some key, introductory questions which intelligent and thinking U.S. citizens should really be asking at this time --- which questions start after the buttons below.

Now for some questions. Is there a chance that this crowd associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its sly and potentially treasonous militia may now have something like COVID-19 ammo for a "spin off" of their earlier, sneaky murder or assassination weapon which is spoken about within the pages linked above? Could a weapon shooting COVID-19 ammo potentially be called "The Pandemic Gun?" And now, there is more to consider in this "pandemic" situation. The pages linked by the cluster of buttons below show that blood clots are associated with this COVID "pandemic." So, this brings us to another important question.

Could there now be weapons in use which may be called, instead of the "The Heart Attack Gun," something like "The Blood Clot Gun," which shoots a projectile which may also include a blood-clotting agent? That should have been simple enough for these guys (1) who appear to be associated with those "Catholics In Action"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and potentially with members of the hijacking, Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope to have developed over the years, especially with the use of facilities like Fort Detrick in Maryland (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) and Plum Island in New York (1)(2)(3)(4), where they illegally or possibly even treasonously (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) had their Nazi brethren (1)(2)(3)(4) from Germany working for them (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7).

In the paragraph preceding the buttons above, Fort Detrick in Maryland was mentioned. There is something historical to note about Fort Detrick and the biological warfare facility which has operated there. It appears that these facilities have largely been under the control of those who, in one way or another, are associated with members or pawns of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. Now, back in 1953, a CIA scientist who worked on biological weapons at Fort Detrick, who at times even ended up working in collaboration with Nazi scientists who were illegally or potentially even treasonously brought into the United States by those associated with the militia of the pope, ended up under mysterious circumstances, going out the 10th floor window of Room 1018A at the Statler Hotel in New York City. Further information which relates to the mysterious death of that CIA biological warfare scientist named Frank Olson is accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10).

Within the page linked here, it indicates that this CIA biological warfare scientist, Frank Olson, had witnessed "terminal experiments" (additional info found within these pages: (1)(2)(3)) which were conducted by the CIA (or by those "Catholics In Action"), using substances or biological agents which Olson had created at Fort Detrick (1)(2). In other words, the evidence indicates that a now Nazified CIA was conducting Nazi-type human experimentation projects. Well, it appears that Frank Olson was disturbed by what he saw and then wanted out. Frank Olson wanted to quit his job in biological warfare and have nothing to do with this Nazi-type stuff with which the Nazified CIA was involved. But, it appears that the controllers of the CIA (or the controllers of those "Catholics In Action") were not about to let Olson out alive...and the rest is history, as seen in the pages linked at the end of the paragraph above. So now, let us return to the matter of gun control and the Jesuits, plus what it appears this is all about.


Yes, there is a rather obvious reason why the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its hijacking militia, especially those foreign-controlled agents who have finagled their way into U.S. government positions, have been working so hard to get things set up so they can disarm as many authentic citizens of the United States as they can. Possibly they are doing this because they, or possibly because the hierarchy of their foreign-based organization which harbors all those child-raping and child-sodomizing priests (1)(2) and then seems to lie about what they are doing behind the scenes, may be concerned that it is about SHTF-time for them. Yes, it could be SHTF-time for them, as a number of U.S. citizens begin to wake up from their daze and realize the nefarious and diabolical and potentially treasonous things which the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia apparently have been brazenly doing behind the backs of U.S. citizens, as they cover their deeds with the "CLASSIFIED" stamp.

Well, there are possibly some who are offended by what is being said. They are possibly saying, "Well, the CIA and these other people in government are our people...they are working for us." Well, the writer hates to pop so many "bubbles," but people need to look at the words of that former CIA boss named James Jesus Angleton. This man had been high up in the CIA. As he was coming to his senses as he was dying, he declared: "Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted... Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power."(1) But, there is more. A source which interviewed Angleton as he was dying and then wrote a book about him, declared: "In the end, he had come to realize that they were never really interested in American ideals of 'freedom' and 'democracy.' They really only wanted 'absolute power."(1)

The evidence indicates that the things stated in the paragraph above, appear to hold true for virtually all agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, which are in government and military and intelligence positions. In Part 2 of this post, plus in other posts on this page, this matter about these people working for their bosses in Rome, rather than for the authentic citizens of the genuine United States, will be discussed further. The evidence indicates that the goal of these people who are ultimately working for the Jesuits and their bosses in Rome is to do whatever it takes to disarm and ultimately enslave U.S. citizens (1). This is just part of the job of those who are associated with the militia of the pope. And, it appears that these treacherous and treasonous people will even instigate or manufacture shootings (1), even mass shootings and other like events, so they can use these events to "justify" disarming U.S. they can then be enslaved.

Now, considering the historic nature of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Jesuit-controlled, sneaky, "Crusader-mentality" militia, let us now speculate on a potential weapon which they could potentially now have, considering modern technology. Now, since that "Heart Attack Gun" was made in the late 1960s and early 1970s, there has been a big push for miniturization. So, instead of the COVID-19 weapon being built into a Colt 1911 pistol frame, let's say the modern weapon is built into a cell phone frame. The barrel for the projectile would be aligned with the longest dimension of the phone frame. On the top end of the frame would be where the projectile would exit. In the top end of the frame would also be a tiny camera and distance measuring equipment. The screen of the cell phone, when switched to the proper program, would now be used for sighting the COVID-19 weapon, with cross-hairs for point of impact, plus distance and trajectory plots all showing on the screen.

There is now more to consider in this purely hypothetical situation. Let us say that those in control of the militia of the pope, or those associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, would ultimately decide which people on this earth are to be infected or set to be knocked off using the COVID-19 or blood-clotting ammo, in what may be a modern form of the Inquisition. Now, in many or most cases, they may obtain the cellphone information for their targeted victim. Then, using the cellphone records for each of these targeted individuals, they could track them via their phone and GPS location, to see when they are out in the open. Then, in this purely hypothetical and speculative situation, the hitperson for "the organization" would, by the use of the GPS location of their target, be guided within shooting range of their victim. At that point, it's simply "push the button" and move on to their next, pre-selected victim. And, as they may say, "It's all just part of a day's work." Now, how would victims be chosen?

Well, in this hypothetical situation, there is the militia of the pope, which militia is under the control of the Jesuits and ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. Now, let's say that those associated with the militia of the pope or its members are the ones who are in influential or controlling positions in agencies like the NSA. Now, agencies like the NSA are doing all that un-Constitutional and therefore illegal spying on at least U.S. citizens, plus on other people in this world. They are checking Internet traffic and cellphone conversations and messages. Well, it is easy enough for people involved with this un-Constitutional spying to, let's say, select people for "recommendation" to their bosses. Then, let's say the information travels via the militia of the pope network, all the way to those who make the final decisions for those to eliminate. Could something like this actually happen in real life? Well, possibly we need to let history guide us in the answer to this question.

Moving onward in this somewhat disturbing, but yet very realistic discussion, in the page linked below, it can be seen that those associated with the CIA, or with those "Catholics In Action" (which seem to be under the control of those associated with members of the militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome), appear to have no problem vilely using at least their sneaky chemical weapons, even destructive and life-ruining chemical weapons, on U.S. citizens. The evidence which the writer has found over years of research strongly indicates that those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope have virtually no qualms about using even biological and nuclear weapons of destruction on U.S. citizens, as indicated elsewhere on this page, plus at various points within the Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated? page, which is linked here.

Same crowd which was behind Crusades and Inquistion. Was behind Adolf Hitler and the Nazis and the Holocaust. Was behind the Ustasha in Croatia.

At this point, let us again consider the frozen-poison, needle-like ammo, plus that Heart Attack Gun which those "Catholics In Action" had created decades ago, which was noted earlier. Let us also consider the possibility that they now have COVID-19 or blood-clotting ammo for their weapons. Let us now carry this line of thought a bit further, especially since it appears we are dealing with those of an organization which is commonly known for harboring those who abuse, sodomize, rape and virtually enslave children (1)(2), and then use them in almost any way they please. Let us now consider a purely hypothetical scenario. Suppose that the "Catholics In Action" of the CIA created a COVID-19 gun or blood-clotting weapon built within something which, from the outside, simply looks like a child's colorful toy squirt-gun, something like those seen in pictures accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3).

Okay, let us now "paint" a hypothetical scenario for the weapon noted above. Suppose those associated with the foreign-controlled militia of the pope, or those associated with the CIA or with their agents, or those possibly associated with some other organization, would go out for walks around town with their children. Now, let us suppose that at least one of the children in the group is trained to point their "squirt-gun" at people, likely from behind, and pull the trigger when they are signalled to do so by an adult in the group. Well, there goes another COVID or blood-clot victim walking merrily down the road, with no clue what happened to them. In all of this, there is something to consider. If the intended victim were to turn around and see the child pointing a "squirt-gun" at them, they may possibly just think that the child was being cute and would brush the incident out of their mind.

Well, so much for the hypothetical scenario. Let us now get back to real life and look at something we definitely know that the Nazified, potentially Jesuit-controlled CIA was doing, when it comes to at least things like nasty and deadly poisons. The page linked by the button below speaks about things which happened during the "Cold War" in the mid to latter 1900s, which Cold War existed between the United States and the Soviet Union. The linked page speaks about the downing of a U-2 spyplane, plus a suicide capsule which the pilot or "driver" was supposed to bite into and swallow in case they were shot down over Russia, so they would die quickly.

Now, from information found within the Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated? page (1), it appears to be rather clear that the Cold War was instigated by the treacherous and potentially treasonous, highly deceptive agents and pawns which are associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or with its Jesuit-controlled militia (1)(2). It appears that the Cold War, and the virtually unsatiable Catholic desire to nuke the Soviets (1)(2)(3), apparently came about because of some hidden and little-known shennanigans between the Vatican and the Soviets. These shennanigans appear to have started in the earlier 1900s and apparently involved some sort of double-cross on the part of the Soviets (1). So, it appears that the militia of the pope basically hijacked the U.S. military and was going to use it to pound the Soviets, even if the U.S. and its citizens got pounded and devastated in return.

Now, there is something which really needs to be closely considered. It especially needs to be considered by those who are loyal U.S. citizens which believe in honoring, upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution, plus the authentic United States and their personal liberty and freedom, and also the liberty and freedom of those they care about or love. A page linked here speaks about a 45-minute documentary about some of the CIA's (or those "Catholics In Action's") diabolical activities and some of their "special" weaponry. The linked page states: "In this riveting expose, five former CIA agents describe how their initial pride and enthusiasm at serving their nation turned to anguish and remorse, as they realized that they were actually subverting democracy and killing innocent civilians all in the name 'national security' and promoting foreign policy agendas." And, that testimony was from 1975. And now, there truly is reason to believe that the infamous and treasonous things which are going on behind the scenes have advanced way beyond what was happening in those earlier days of the 1970s.

Once again, according to what is found within the Declaration of Independence, it is THE DUTY of every authentic U.S. citizen to throw off the treacherous and treasonous agents and pawns who are ultimately working in the interest of the hijacking Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, rather than in the best interest of all authentic U.S. citizens and their true liberty and freedom. These foreign-controlled agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its treacherous militia are working to abuse (as is obvious, at the very least, by all those young people which they have been abusing, sodomizing, and raping (1)(2)), plus are working to enslave U.S. citizens and strip them of their God-given, unalienable rights. They are also working to force authentic U.S. citizens under the absolute despotism of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. And, the foreign-controlled agents are now using a hijacked U.S. government and a hijacked military and the hijacked, unconstitutionally spying intelligence agencies as their "tools" to take control over, disarm and enslave the authentic citizens of the United States.


When it comes to gun control and the Jesuits, plus why the treacherous and treasonous agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are now pushing so hard for gun control and the disarming of many U.S. citizens, there are some important pieces of history which should be considered. This history can help us to have a better understanding of what is actually happening at this time to the United States and its manipulated and controlled and rather dazed and naive citizens. There is some information that is very relevant to this discussion which is found in the page titled Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated?, which page is linked here. For starters, there was that Vatican Edict of 1778 which called for the destruction of the authentic United States by any means possible (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), because the United States was not "under the thumb" of the papacy. And, the Catholic monarchs of Europe were going to help the papal organization destroy the authentic United States.

So, who were the Vatican-controlled European Catholics going to use to destroy the authentic United States? Well, a paragraph linked here contains the following quote: "[American Secretary of the Navy R.W.] Thompson pinpointed exactly who would be the agents used by the monarchs of Europe to destroy the republic of America, namely, the Jesuits of Rome! Since 1815 there has been a continual assault on America by the Jesuits to try to destroy the constitutional rights of this great nation." Yes, from the early days of the United States, the Jesuits have worked to destroy the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens. Looking at things further, a paragraph linked here contains the following words from the Marquis de LaFayette, which were spoken during his 1824-1825 visit to the United States: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country --- the United States of America --- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe."

Now, let's look at some history. After the Jesuits failed to destroy the United States with the American Civil War in the mid 1800s (1)(2)(3), it appears that they began to build their militia-of-the-pope in the United States for use as their covert "tools of instigation and destruction." The members of the militia of the pope (which are members of organizations like the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, etc.) are now found in influential and controlling positions in agencies such as the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and other segments of government. Now, when it comes to the Jesuits working to destroy the constitutional rights of the citizens of this great nation, there are some things to note, especially when it comes to getting gun control measures in place. Let us start by considering the Catholic gangsters in the United States in the earlier 1900s, whose criminal activities caused the first un-Constitutional, restrictive gun control measures to be set in place, as indicated in the page linked below.

Prior to all the gangsters and their allies which appeared to have Catholic or Jesuit ties going around and shooting up things and robbing banks and murdering people in the United States during the time of Prohibition and the Great Depression in the 1920s and 1930s, virtually any U.S. citizen with the necessary money could own things like "Tommy Guns"(1) or machine guns, or guns with silencers, virtually without restrictions and without needing any special registration or license (1)(2)(3). Prior to the time when those which appeared to have links to the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization started their crime spree in the United States, it appears that this country really did not have a serious problem with guns. Now, some of the Catholic or Jesuit-affiliated gangsters whose criminal activities helped to get in place the first round of restrictive gun control measures in the United States were people along the lines of that Catholic gangster named Al Capone (1)(2).

Looking at the matter of a connection between major crime and Catholicism a bit further, in the lower part of a page linked here is found the following quote: "American gangsterism during Prohibition days was largely a Roman Catholic monopoly... From these days into our time emerges the Mafia, totally Roman Catholic in fact and in origin." Other pages with information showing a connection between Catholicism and high-profile, murderous criminals, even in more recent times, are accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). Now, when it comes to information about the Catholic/Jesuit connection to a lot of questionable or criminal activity, there is something to consider. A paragraph linked here contains the following quote:

"The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful." And, it appears that the agents and pawns of the highly questionable Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have been immensely successful, especially at highly deceiving a rather naive and gullible public in the United States, especially when it comes to their treacherous or treasonous activities behind the scenes.

Well, the deceptive and possible lying nature and the destruction of incriminating evidence and the rewriting and revising of history by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia does not seem to extent to just things like their instigating of genocide and revolutions and wars and the torturing and assassinating people, or to just the hiding the real truth about their mass-murdering Crusades and the satanic Inquisition. The evidence tends to indicate, at least to the writer, that they have worked to hide their connection to a lot of the gun violence and mass-murders which has occurred in the United States because of those associated, in one way or another, with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or members of its militia. And then, on top of everything else, there are those many priests which have been criminally abusing and sodomizing and raping all those boys and girls and others (1)(2), and then covering things up and lying about it.

This lying about what they have been doing just seems to be the nature of the diabolical beast, when it comes to this crowd. When it comes to what the Catholic/Jesuit aligned gangsters and criminals have been doing to the United States over time, there is something which needs to be said. What they have been doing to the authentic citizens of the United States appears to simply be a scaled version of what the people of their organization were doing during the Crusades and the Inquisition. Now, the heirarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization want the people of the world to believe that they were on a righteous mission to protect the Holy Land from the Muslims, but, it appears that the true story could be much different. A few paragraphs linked here speak of a bad crop harvest in 1095 and famine in northern Europe. So, it appears that to save themselves from economic straits, the Catholics simply went on their murderous Crusades in order to take from others whatever they wanted.

It appears that the principle behind what the people of this highly questionable or deceptive (1)(2)(3) organization have been doing to the authentic citizens of the United States is basically the same principle which was in operation during the time of the Crusades and Inquisition. If you want something, just go out and take it from someone, even by the use of weapons if need be, and if they resist or do not go along with your criminal activity, possibly just send some of them, or send a lot of them, "home in a box." And to make sure that the rest of the populace cannot resist the efforts to put them under absolute despotism, simply disarm them --- and that is where unconstitutional gun control laws come in, especially in our day. And, like during the Prohibition years, the Catholic bootleggers were working to get all the alcohol they could into the people, so that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization could get as many people as possible on their side. This all worked to keep the people under their control, while the nation was going to hell, as it is being hijacked by the agents of a foreign power.

And now, in our day, they are trying to get as many people as they can addicted to drugs, so they can get them on their side and keep them under control, so that the treasonous, foreign-controlled hijackers can keep themselves in power. And, when it comes to the flooding of drugs into the United States, the fools of this country have definitely not learned the lessons of history. They have not learned how China was kept under the diabolical power of foreigners by the use of opium. Then, when the Chinese officials finally got smart and saw what was going on, they tried to put a stop to the opium flowing into their country. Well, the despotic and diabolical foreign powers were not about to allow that to happen, so they went to war with China, in order to beat them into submission. That is what the Opium Wars were about. And yes, those in the United States who were working for the diabolical Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia were also in on this forcing of opium on the Chinese people.

Today, it appears that the agents and pawns with links to the diabolical Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are the ones who are behind the heavy drug flow into the United States. It appears that they are the ones who are working to get as many U.S. citizens as possible onto drugs, so they can be more easily controlled and kept under the power of the foreign-controlled hijackers of this country. And, in what is going on today, history will ultimately show what is really behind all the gun control and disarmament efforts by those aligned with the deceiving (1)(2)(3) Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia. And then, when all is said and done in the fast-approaching days ahead, the people aligned with this diabolical, foreign-controlled organization and its militia, just as that CIA boss named James Jesus Angleton declared as he was dying, shall all get to go to the lake of fire and torment (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

So, once again, exactly what did that CIA boss named James Jesus Angleton have to say about just the CIA, or about those highly questionable "Catholics In Action?"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Well, for starters, he declared: "Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted... Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power."(1) Now, the evidence tends to indicate that they desire this absolute power, so they can use it to further the diabolical agenda which their bosses in the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have for the naive citizens of the United States. And, regarding what Angleton realized about those in control of the CIA, the following was written: "In the end, he had come to realize that they were never really interested in American ideals of 'freedom' and 'democracy.' They really only wanted 'absolute power."(1)

This nature displayed by the CIA, or by those Catholics In Action," of having no real interest, especially in the American ideal of freedom, and then doing whatever it takes to get "absolute power," helps to discern who is actually their real boss (1)(2). The real boss of the CIA becomes more obvious once it is realize that the CIA is basically under the control of those agents and pawns who have some type of link to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. Now, in the earlier 1800s, in regards to the Jesuits, the Emperor of the French and that famous military leader named Napoleon Bonaparte declared the following: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."(1)

In the preceding quote from Napoleon Bonaparte, there is found that word "Jesuitism," which word needs to be looked at further, so we can more easily discern who the real boss of the CIA is, especially when it comes to all that lying and deception which appears to be commonly perpetrated by those in control of the CIA. Further down on this page (1) is given the original definition of the word "Jesuitism," which definition comes from the 1828 Webster Dictionary. Jesuitism is defined as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication (1); deceptive practices to effect a purpose." Further down on this page (1) there is also found the following quote from the mid 1800s: "Hitherto, we have seen the Jesuits lying; slandering...stirring up insurrections in the cities and province; arming...nations against nations..." Wow! What was stated about the Jesuits appears to be exactly what the CIA, or those "Catholics In Action," are doing with the United States and around the world!

When it comes to the brazen lying and deception of the controlling Jesuits, plus those who are associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope who have been, or are in key positions in the CIA and other agencies, there is some history to consider. In a section linked here, there is found the following, disturbing statement from 1981 which is attributed to the then-CIA Director named William Casey:"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." And, to help perpetrate their lies, those sly "Catholics In Action" have had their infamous "Wurlitzer"(1) which they used to control the media in the United States (1)(2) and in other countries. And, with this control over the media, the CIA, or those treacherous or potentially treasonous "Catholics In Action," can falsify things and lie about the outcomes of elections in the United States and in other countries.


About this time, it would be good to consider a bit more of the history and nature of the Jesuits, especially since it appears that they and their cohorts may potentially be doing some very unsavory things to the United States and its rather uninformed or naive citizens --- like trying to disarm them so they can be completely enslaved under Vatican/Jesuit-controlled despotism. Some paragraphs accessed by these links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) --- contain this quote: "Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] were expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection." Well, that just seems to be the history of the Jesuits. Possibly it is their history, even today, right within the United States.

Yes, the Jesuits have a history of "political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection." Now, it appears that the officials of various other countries were much smarter than the people of the United States and they began to have a relatively good understanding of what the sly and treacherous Jesuits were really all about, so they kicked the Jesuits out. Well, it appears that the Jesuits realized that they were going to have to be much more sly about their treasonous activities, so they didn't keep getting kicked out of countries. It appears that their boss, the Jesuit General in Rome, realized that they needed that factor of "plausible deniability" on their side, so the Jesuits built some insulating layers around their organization, which insulating layers could then help protect them from blame, especially if any of their sinister operations went wrong or were exposed.

The insulating layers which the Jesuits built around their organization were the various levels of membership in those organizations which are part of the militia of the pope. Now, those people which are associated with the Jesuits and the militia of the pope and their schemes appear to include the members of secretive organizations or societies such as the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones organization (1)(2) from Yale University, Rhodes Scholars (1)(2)(3)(4), and apparently even the higher levels of the Masons (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), plus the members of a number of other organizations (1). Some of this, at least for the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, and Rhodes Scholars, is indicated in the said Oaths which are found within the book and pages accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12). The members of these organizations could be the Jesuits' "grunt workers" or "boots in the field" to do whatever the Jesuits wanted done, including world conquest.

To Be Continued ...

POST #27

Now, what is a Totalitarian Dictatorship? Well, an Online Dictionary, linked here, indicates that "totalitarianism" is related to "Totalitarian dictatorship." So, what does this "totalitarian" stuff look like? Well, when it comes to the word "totalitarian," the linked dictionary page gives the following definition: " Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed." And, in relation to the preceding definition, the following quote is given: "'A totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul' (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.)." Now, part way down the page on "totalitarianism" is found a picture of that infamous Catholic dictator (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) named Adolf Hitler. Beside Hitler's picture is also listed "Stalinism."

Before we get too far into this post, there are some important words which should be considered. These important words are attributed to President John F. Kennedy. Now, President Kennedy is the one who "they" (1) brutally assassinated on November 22, 1963, apparently because he would not go along with the enslaving agenda which a foreign-based organization has for the United States and its rather naive and unsuspecting citizens who lack a good understanding of history. Kennedy declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Now, President Kennedy was a Roman Catholic, so, possibly we should look at some other words which relate to that organization --- that organization which has all those abusing and enslaving, child-raping priests (1)(2). In paragraphs accessed by the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) --- is found the following quote:

"The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful." Yes, it appears that "they" did quite a job of "erasing" the truth about what happened in the assassination of President Kennedy (1). It appears that "they" rewrote and revised the history of that event, just like "they" have distorted the history of their totalitarian, enslaving and mass-murdering Crusades, satanic Inquisition and genocidal Holocausts.

Moving right along, as we explore the issue of Joe Biden and Totalitarian Dictatorship, a page linked here is titled Totalitarianism -- Case Study: Stalinist Russia. It notes how Stalin, in communist Russian in the earlier 1900s, "shrewdly moved his followers into strategic government offices." Now, looking at what is currently happening (February 2021) in the United States, it appears that the treasonous Biden administration (treasonous, because it is working to undermine and overthrow the authentic Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution) is basically working to do something along the same lines of what that very treacherous and mass-murdering (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Stalin did in earlier times in Russia. So, do not be surprised at anything which you will see happening in the days ahead under the treasonous and enslaving Biden administration.

Now, there is something which should be looked at rather closely, at least by those who have any type of care for what the authentic United States is really supposed to be about and how things are really supposed to be done. In the pages linked below, note that Biden's treasonous administration has actually gone ahead and formally asked for the resignations of U.S. attorneys appointed by President Trump. What is being done appears to be something along the lines of coerced resignations. This appears to be rather obvious, at least to the writer, from the pages linked below. It does appear that Biden's treacherous and treasonous cohorts are doing this, so they can completely "stack the deck" in the "legal system," so things will then be in favor of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled hijackers of the United States.

Now, from the available evidence, it does appear that Biden and his cronies are the domestic enemies of the Republican Form of Government which is supposed to legally be in the United States. The evidence also indicates that Biden and his cronies are domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution and are also enemies of the authentic United States --- or, to put things more clearly, they are enemies of the legitimate State. Furthermore, it appears that Biden and his cronies are working to enslave U.S. citizens, which type of activity goes right along with what President John F. Kennedy said in the early 1960s, before "they" brutally assassinated him (1). Again, the following words are attributed to President Kennedy: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." And, from what has been happening in the U.S. since the days of Kennedy, proves the validity of these words.

Oh! Before we get too much further into this post, there is something which may be of interest to at least a few people --- possibly of interest to at least those who are genuine U.S. citizens and especially to those who are authentic Protestants and true Bible-believing Christians. The information which will be presented helps to give further meaning to, plus may help to truly clarify those words which were noted above from President Kennedy, that "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." A paragraph linked here makes known that, around the year 1940, the treacherous agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its government, the Vatican State (which are embedded within "the fabric" of the United States, even in positions of power) were treasonously working to make a fundamental change in the United States.

The paragraph linked above shows that around the year 1940, there was a plan which was "published under the auspices of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, and signed by 131 Catholic prelates and noted laymen...advocated a change in the United States' Constitution to permit the enactment of the recommendations of Pope Pius XI into American law." This change in the United States, which the treacherous agents and pawns of a foreign power where trying to make, would have destroyed the authentic United States and its true form of government. The end result of this change would have been the enslavement of "every man, woman and child" in the United States. What the treacherous agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization were trying to do was end the sovereignty of the United States so they could usher in totalitarianism. This is something which they have been trying to do, over and over again.

Now we have Joe Biden and his cronies (who are domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution, plus enemies of the authentic Republican Form of Government which the Constitution guarantees to every State in this Union in Article 4, Section 4) who have taken control of the U.S. government. Now, the evidence tends to indicate that these people are agents and pawns and "puppets" of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its government, the Vatican State. It appears that these people are basically aligned with the Jesuits and the militia of the pope, and are working for the Vatican/Jesuit agenda for the United States, rather than working in the best interests of the authentic citizens of the United States.

To Be Continued ...

POST #26

Back in the earlier 1900s, the government and military of Germany was hijacked by those which were actually being manipulated by a foreign power. Once the foreign-controlled agents got into positions of power within the government and military of Germany, it appears that they would only let those people advance who were aligned with them and their plans or scheme for Germany. Those who were not of a type which would readily go along with the diabolical plans of the foreign-controlled agents and hijackers would be held back from advancement. Those who were already in positions of influence or control in the government and the military of Germany, but were not of a type which would go along with the schemes of the foreign controlled agents, were eliminated from their influential or controlling positions in the government and military of Germany as quickly as possible.

What happened to hijacked and Nazified Germany in the earlier 1900s should be both a lesson and a warning to U.S. citizens. It should be a lesson and a warning, for virtually the very same thing, which is now being instigated by and under the control of the same nature of people as hijacked and Nazified Germany, is happening today to the government and military of the United States. Now, for those with "eyes" to "see," the warning signs have been "popping up" all over the place for decades. But, unfortunately, the larger share of U.S. citizens are too distracted by things like sports and entertainment to give an authentic damn about what is happening to their country and their future. They will not give an authentic damn until it is much too late, and they find that they are totally enslaved and completely stripped of their God-given, unalienable rights (1)(2)(3) by a foreign-controlled power.

Now, when it comes to what the United States is supposed to be, plus when it comes to what type of government it is supposed to have, there is only one guarantee found anywhere within the Constitution of the United States. In Article 4, Section 4, the Constitution clearly declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." Well, roughly 200 years ago, the agents of that same foreign power which hijacked and Nazified Germany in the earlier 1900s, began working to hijack the United States. And, once again, the U.S. Constitution declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." But, the foreign-controlled agents and their bosses had another plan for the United States. They formed the Democratic Party which could be used as a tool (1) to take the United States away from its Republican Form of Government.

For more than 200 years, the agents of a foreign power have been brazenly lying through their despicable teeth (1) whenever they have been able to finagle their way into a government or military position in the United States, and when they have taken their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. Now, in their Oath of Office, these agents of the foreign power have basically declared something along the following line: "I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."(1) Well, it appears that these people all lied, as they are brazenly dishonoring their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution.

Now, when it comes to what is happening in the United States, there are some words which can be taken from a U.S. Air Force document about the Oath of Office. On the left side of a page linked here, there is a section titled Examining the Oath. That section tries to give some meaning to the words of the Oath. The words which need to be excerpted from that document, the underlined words being from the Oath, are these: "That I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States: You are not swearing to support the President, the Country, the flag or a particular service, but rather the Constitution..." That is right, folks! These people in the military are truly supposed to be swearing to support ONLY the U.S. Constitution and what it declares, plus the principles upon which the U.S. Constitution is based. And again, the U.S. Constitution clearly states: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." Well, it appears that we have a very serious problem here!

These people in the government and the military of the United States were lying through their teeth when they took their Oath of Office, or they are utterly derelict of duty, for they, as individuals, are not doing everything within their power to guarantee that there is an authentic Republican Form of Government in existence within every State of this Union. And, because U.S. citizens, as individuals, have not been doing their job to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution, the agents and pawns of a foreign power have walked right in and hijacked the government of the United States. Now, for some years, these people have been working to build the U.S. military into something which will support ONLY the agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. These are not loyal U.S. citizens in the government and military, but they are foreign controlled agents and pawns.

Under the administration of that domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution, who is also a domestic enemy of the Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed by the Constitution, that treacherous foreign-controlled agent named Barack Obama and his sidekick (or was it the other way around) named Joe Biden went about doing a purge of the U.S. military. This purge is spoken about in a page linked here, which page is titled A Foreign Military on American Soil. Obama and his foreign-controlled sidekick began gutting the U.S. military and removing a number of Generals. As noted in the first paragraph of the linked page, "anyone in the ranks who disagrees [disagrees with the foreign-controlled domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution and those treasonous hijackers of our country] or speaks out is being purged." So, it appears that those who would truly honor their Oath to the U.S. Constitution would be purged.

And now, it appears that the domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution named Joe Biden, and his treacherous and treasonous crowd, is going to finish the job started by the infamous and traitorous "puppet" named Obama. The pages linked below (which appear to be produced by those who are domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution, plus enemies of the authentic Republican Form of Government which the Constitution guarantees to every State in this Union) are putting a deceptive spin on what is now being done with the U.S. military. Actually, it appears that something similar to what happened to hijacked and Nazified Germany in the earlier 1900s, which Germany was hijacked by those controlled by the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), is now happening to the United States and to its citizens (1). So, "the handwriting" is truly "on the wall" for the United States.


At this point, it should be noted that already back in early 2011, as seen in the pages linked by the cluster of large buttons further below, the legendary investigative reporter named Seymour Hersh realized at least some of what has been happening to, and with, the U.S. military. Hersh indicated that the U.S. military is basically under the influence or control of members and pawns or supporters of the Knights of Malta (1) and Opus Dei (1)(2). Well, It appears that the members of the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei are connected with the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope (1)(2)(3), which militia is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. Unfortunately, it appears that Seymour Hersh only understood what was happening in the "here and now" of 2011.

It appears that Hersh did not have the time to research far enough back in U.S. history, so he could get a good understanding of the fullness of the treachery and treason by the embedded agents of a foreign power, that foreign power being the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the Vatican State, which treachery and treason has been going on behind the scenes in the United States for about 200 years or more. The diligent seeker of truth who has read the full series of posts on this page, plus who has also read and carefully studied the Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated? page, which is linked here and which goes much more indepth about many things, should have a better understanding of the treachery and treason which has been going on behind the scenes in the United States and in the U.S. military, than did Seymour Hersh in 2011.

If Hersh had seen and been able to read that book titled Catholic Victory in 1960? (1), which was written by a former Catholic priest and notable church historian during the time when John F. Kennedy was running for U.S. President, Hersh would have clearly understood that, with the sly agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia influencing or controlling things in government, the government could readily be manipulated or "forced to declare war on certain nations, thus forcing American boys to fight the wars of the Vatican." That means that American boys, even Protestant or Jewish or atheist American boys, or American boys of any other religion or those with no religion at all, would end up fighting and dying in wars which actually furthered the Vatican's agenda for world conquest. And, that appears to be what has been happening with many of the wars and "police actions" in which the U.S. military has been involved for quite some time.

What is being spoken about above amounts to a very subtle and veiled form of a modern papal Crusade, which is treasonously being perpetrated on other countries for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, at the expense of, and with the tax dollars of, authentic and loyal U.S. citizens. It appears to be a veiled form of a modern Crusade, in which the agents and pawns of that foreign-based organization and its militia, who are embedded in key and controlling government and military positions, are slyly and treasonously manipulating and using the U.S. government and the U.S. military as their "tools" for furthering their agenda of world conquest. It appears that they are brazenly using the U.S. military to help raise up the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order (1)(2)(3), which is simply the modern form of that New Order which Adolf Hitler and his Nazis were trying to raise up for the Vatican/Jesuit organization during the World War Two era (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

At this point, there is something to note, which may help U.S. citizens to better understand what has treacherously and treasonously been happening with "their" government and with "their" military. The researcher and historian named Annie Jacobsen wrote a book about the highly questionable or illegal or potentially treasonous Operation Paperclip, which operation and others like it (1)(2) occurred during the World War Two era and after. With what was done using Operation Paperclip as the "tool" or the cover, Jacobsen "notes that the process of decision-making was taken away from elected officials and were [was] now managed in the privacy of the American intelligence network. She stated, 'The subversion of our political system was achieved in large part through the ability to "classify" documents and to rely on compliant media to distort the historical truth, which was buried in unprecedented governmental bureaucratic secrecy and obfuscation..."(1)

When it comes to the "compliant media" which distorts things, there is something to consider. Already many decades ago, it appears that there no longer existed a "free press" which told the truth about things in the United States. Pages accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) --- speak of "the preeminent New York journalist" named John Swinton, who, at banquet given in his honor "by the leaders of his craft," made a bold and possibly very honest statement. When a toast was offered to the independent press, Swinton declared: "There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job."

John Swinton went on to declare: "If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell the country for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." Yes, it appears that the business of the controlled and manipulated media is to destroy the truth about what is really going on behind the scenes, especially when it comes to things like the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia hijacking the U.S. government and the U.S. military. It appears that the perverting and "compliant media" helps to "distort the historical truth," while selling out the authentic United States and its citizens.

And again, let us consider the information further above about what the researcher Annie Jacobsen wrote, "that the process of decision-making was taken away from elected officials and were [was] now managed in the privacy of the American intelligence network." When looking at the American intelligence network, let it be noted that the CIA has been nicknamed "Catholics In Action," as shown further below. It appears that the CIA is basically under the control of agents and pawns with ties to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or to its militia. So, it is people like these foreign-controlled agents and pawns who are now controlling decision-making, plus even foreign policy for the United States and its military (1). Really, there is a lot to this story about a foreign-controlled U.S. government and U.S. military. For those who want to know more about this situation, check out the page titled Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated?, which is linked here.

Now that we have had at least a rudimentary introduction to who it appears is actually controlling the U.S. government and its military, let us get back to the issue of Seymour Hersh. When it comes to Seymour Hersh and those who are working to smear him and turn the public away from the things which he has revealed, there is something "interesting" to note in the second page linked below. There was a certain group of people who were complaining to the writer of the original article (1) about Hersh, that the writer "hadn't rebutted Hersh's arguments." Well, it appears that the agents and pawns of the hijacking, foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, naturally did not like being exposed in what it appears that they are treacherously and treasonously doing to the United States and its rather naive and unsuspecting and highly manipulated and gullible citizens.

In the second linked page, the writer notes that he did not rebut what Seymour Hersh had declared, but just called Hersh's speech a "rambling, conspiracy-laden diatribe." Now, there is something to note about this terming of things as being conspiracy diatribe or conspiracy theory (1)(2)(3). A page linked here indicates that "The Term 'Conspiracy Theory' Was Invented by the CIA In Order To Prevent Disbelief of Official Government Stories." And, those who have been reading this series of posts, or those who have read the page titled Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated?(1), should know that the CIA is commonly called "Catholics In Action"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9), for a reason. It appears to be largely controlled by those with ties to the Jesuit-controlled, militia of the pope. Yes, the CIA appears to be largely controlled by those who are helping to hijack the United States for their foreign bosses (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6).

Now, when it comes to the media (or possibly more accurately, the wolf pack and those of its mentality) ganging up on and smearing people like Seymour Hersh, there is something which needs to be said. The media in the United States is extremely controlled. It is controlled by a rather small handful of people or companies (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), with many of them apparently having links to the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia. It appears that many in the very controlled and manipulated media are working to further the treasonous Vatican/Jesuit New World Order agenda for the United States and its rather naive and unsuspecting citizens. So, there is possibly a specific reason why the highly controlled media is not about to tell the truth about what is really going on behind the scenes. When it comes to telling the truth, they may be about as useless as tits on a boar (1)(2)(3).

And then, when it comes to those who have been tampering with and controlling the media, there is the CIA, which CIA is commonly called "Catholics In Action." It appears that the CIA, or those Catholics In Action" began manipulating the media (1)(2)(3) and doing illegal domestic operations at least as far back as the 1950s, and, it does appear that they are still manipulating and controlling the media today (1). It does appear that they are manipulating and controlling the media, especially when they want people to blindly fawn over one of their favored Vatican/Jesuit agents or pawns. It appears that they may also be tampering with the media when they want to manipulate and turn the public away from listening to the verifiable truth from people like Seymour Hersh. That just seems to be the typical method of operation and the general history of those associated with "the beast,"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) which "beast" controls things mainly from behind the scenes, at least at this time.


Let us now look at what appears to really be going on behind the scenes. It appears that ultimately, the U.S. military and the government, plus virtually all the other agencies within the United States, will be under the full control of those who are aligned with the the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia (1) and their New World Order agenda (1) --- yes, just like what happened when the diabolical, Jesuit-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), Catholic (1)(2) dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Catholic (1) and militia-of-the-pope-controlled (1)(2) Nazis hijacked and Nazified Germany in the earlier 1900s, and then turned Germany and its military into "the sword of the Catholic Church."(1)(2)(3) And, this time around, especially in the United States, it appears that the modern form of the Crusades and Inquisition can get going again, using the medical community and modern technology, just as happened in Nazified Germany. Now, there is something which really needs to be considered.

The treacherous and treasonous, domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution which are now in numerous government positions --- those treacherous and treasonous, domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution and of the Republican Form of Government which it guarantees to every State in this Union, who lied through their despicable teeth when they took their Oath of Office to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic --- are now horribly twisting the real truth so they can manipulate things in this country. They want to prevent members of so-called "extremist groups" from joining the military, plus they want people kicked out of the military who have ties to ideologies which do not agree with those of the treasonous, foreign-controlled hijackers of the United States. Now, we need to consider what these treacherous hijackers and their pawns are calling dangerous extremists.

The pages linked below give some indication about what is going on in this country. It appears that what we are dealing with is actually part of the continuing Counter Reformation. It is being perpetrated by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia. We are dealing with that war which the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and all those child-raping priests (1)(2) and their facilitators have against all true Biblical principles, which are some of the basic principles upon which this great nation was generally founded. Note also in the second page linked below that the U.S. Department of Justice --- under the treacherous or treasonous Obama/Biden administration --- listed those who truly believe in supporting and defending the U.S. Constitution as being extremists. Wow! Talk about domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution in government positions, who lied through their despicable teeth when they took their Oath of Office to the Constitution!

Well, are you awake yet? Do you realize what is rapidly happening to the United States and its rather distracted, manipulated and controlled, plus rather naive citizens? Do you realize what is happening, as the foreign-controlled agents and pawns of the historically dangerous (mass-murdering with Crusades and Inquisitions and genocidal Holocausts) Vatican/Jesuit organization and its treacherous militia and its New World Order crowd steadily take control of everything in the United States, including taking full control of the domestically spying intelligence agencies and the U.S. military? Well, there is reason to suspect that one day the citizens of the United States will "wake up" and find that they are living under something like that hijacked and Nazified Germany, or under something like that hijacked and purged (using mass-murder (1)) Russia, which hijacked and purged Russia also appears to have been under the guidance or control of those aligned with the Vatican/Jesuit organization (1)(2)(3)(4).

There is now something to consider. It appears that there are various peoples around the world who virtually hate the citizens of the United States. It appears that they hate U.S. citizens because of what various "government" agencies (1)(2) and the military has done to their country or their friends. Well, there are some things which the peoples of this world really need to understand. It is like President John F. Kennedy declared in the early 1960s, when he stated, "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Now, it does appear that Kennedy was correct in what he stated. So, the peoples of this world should not hate the citizens of the United States, but should rather feel sorry for them, for it appears that the United States has been hijacked and its true citizens are being held hostage by the foreign-controlled agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia.

Now, let us get back to what the foreign controlled, domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution are doing to this country and its authentic citizens. From the looks of things, the treasonous hijackers of the United States do not want anyone in a government or military position who would dare to actually honor their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. These vile, foreign-controlled hijackers do not want anyone in the government or in the military who would possibly "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." If those in the military really did honor their Oath of Office to the Constitution, they possibly would have to forcibly eject virtually every one of those foreign-controlled criminals out of the government positions which so many of them now have.

Well, the treacherous and treasonous criminals in government are not about to let themselves be ejected out of the government positions for which they had to lie through their despicable teeth to get when they took their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. So, to ensure that they and their criminal and treasonous cohorts retain their ill-gotten government positions, they are going to have their purge of the U.S. military. But, there is more to this story. As seen in the title of a button further above, they also intend to have their purge of law enforcement agencies. Then, only agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia (those who are members or pawns of organizations like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) will ultimately be the ones in control -- a la hijacked and Nazified Germany, 1933-1945.

To Be Continued ...

POST #25

There can be no respect for the traitorous enemies of the authentic United States, especially for those who are treacherously working to enslave its citizens for a foreign power. Well the very deceptive "Nasty Nancy" Pelosi is at it again. This very cunning and treacherous, domestic enemy of the Constitution of the United States, who obviously lied through her teeth when she took her Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic --- lied through her despicable teeth, so she could get into office and brazenly do her dirty work against the authentic United States and its true citizens --- is now calling much more honorable Americans than she, as being "domestic enemies" and "enemies of the state." This is clearly shown in the pages linked by the buttons below. Well, it is time to set the record straight.

It is time to see who is the actual, treacherous and treasonous enemy within this country --- who is the enemy of the authentic United States. It is also time to see who are those who are actually trying to do their best, under the circumstances which they are dealing with (like having to operate in the midst of the reigning treasonous criminals in government), as they try to work for the best interests of a sovereign nation, the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America and its authentic citizens. On the other hand, we must clearly identify who is a "domestic enemy" and the true "enemy of the state" which is traitorously selling out the authentic citizens of the United States, while treasonously working in the best interests of, and for the destructive and enslaving agenda of, a foreign-based organization and its foreign government.

Again, "Nasty Nancy" Pelosi took an Oath of Office to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. She did this, in order to get into an influential government position. But, once again, is she truly honoring her Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution? Is she working in the best interests of the authentic citizens of the United States? From the looks of her track record, she has been treasonously working to undermine and overthrow anything which may still exist of the authentic Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States (1). That is the only guarantee in the whole Constitution. Yes, "Nasty Nancy" Pelosi is an utter enemy of, plus is in a covert type of war against, the only legitimate government which is to be found anywhere within the United States.

At this point, there is a very important question which needs to be asked. Why is Pelosi brazenly in a covert form of warfare against the Constitution of the United States? Why is she in a covert form of warfare against the authentic Republican Form of Government in the United States? And now, it is time for an answer. First, it must be noted that Nancy Pelosi is a pope-kissing Roman Catholic (1). So, what does this have to do with the United States? Well, a paragraph linked here notes that the pope has instructed his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."

From what is quoted above, there is reason to suspect that Nancy Pelosi is not working in the best interests of the citizens of the United States. There is clearly reason to suspect that Pelosi, instead of working for the citizens of the United States and for the Constitutional Republic of the United States, is actually treasonously working as a foreign agent for the pope and his enslaving agenda for the United States. And, the pope is the head of a foreign government called the Vatican State. Now, the Vatican/Jesuit organization intends to rule the world through the New World Order, one-world government which they are raising up. Now, from the looks of it, "Nasty Nancy" Pelosi is working to enslave the citizens of the United States under the government of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

Since "Nasty Nancy" Pelosi is one of those foreign-controlled agents who are treasonously working to undermine and overthrow the authentic Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed to every State in this Union by the U.S. Constitution, things should be very clear. "Nasty Nancy" is clearly one of those brazen, treacherous and treasonous domestic enemies who is operating within this country. She is one of those enemies of the authentic United States, who, historically, is worthy of death by hanging. Again, "Nasty Nancy" and her foreign-controlled, hijacking cohorts are clearly enemies of the state, because they are working to undermine and overthrow the authentic Republican Form of Government which legally is supposed to be in the United States.

Well, from what is indicated a few paragraphs above, Nancy Pelosi is actually a "Roman subject" whose "first and foremost allegiance and obedience [is] to the bishops of [her] church" and their foreign-controlled agenda. And, part of this foreign-controlled agenda appears to include the diabolical sodomizing and raping of numerous boys and girls by numerous priests (1)(2) and potentially even by bishops. So, in fact, it appears that the treacherous Nancy Pelosi is actually an agent which is working for a foreign government and its raping priests, rather than for the United States and it authentic citizens. And now, there is clearly more which needs to be considered in this story about foreign agents and brazen treachery and treason which is running rampant in the United States.

Within paragraphs accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3) ---, it notes that the pope and his organization "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic." And that is exactly what "Nasty Nancy" Pelosi and those other "domestic enemies" of the U.S. Constitution and brazen "enemies of the State" are doing to the United States and its authentic citizens. Now, there is something else which needs to be made very clear.

Once these foreign agents and domestic enemies of the authentic United States get enough power, history clearly shows that the mass-murdering Crusades and Inquisition will start again. That is why Nancy Pelosi and those other treacherous foreign agents in government are historically worthy of death by hanging. Once these people get enough power, this time around, it appears that billions of people on this earth will died. These treacherous foreign agents need to be "nipped in the bud." Now, from the available information, it appears that Adolf Hitler and his Catholic-controlled Nazis and their mass-murdering Holocaust will look something like a Boy Scout picnic on a sunny day, in comparison to what is soon coming. What the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are setting up this time around is that which the Holy Bible calls the great tribulation --- a time of unfathomable death.

Now, it is the patriotic duty of every authentic U.S. citizen to do everything within their power to put an end to "The Reign of the Foreign-Controlled, Treacherous and Treasonous Criminals in Government." It is time to get the true "domestic enemies" and those domestic enemies of the authentic United States completely out of the government, including out of those position in the NSA, the CIA, law enforcement agencies, or anywhere else in government or military positions where they may be found. Though these people take an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, they are actually agents of a foreign government which is working to enslave the citizens of the United States. Let there be no more of skanky "Nasty Nancy" or her criminal cohorts in government.

POST #24

There is a large amount of extremely important history which it seems that we no longer have ready access to. We may find bits and pieces of history which indicate that they are pieces of a very big picture, but, unfortunately, it appears that most of the pieces are missing, or have been hidden very well. Now, why do things like this happen? Well, at least part of the answer may be found in a quote which is found in a paragraph linked here. The quote declares: "The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

With the things which are stated above clearly in our minds, let us look at one important piece of a picture, which piece shows a small part of what allegedly occurs in the historic Oath ceremony for the Jesuit who is advancing to the position of command. That which will be quoted is also include in the said Oath ceremony for the various Knights organizations and secret societies which are under the control of the Jesuits, as can be seen in the pages accessed by the links following the quote. In their Oath ceremony, all of these people are said to "declare and swear, that the holiness the Pope is Christ's Viceregent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

Look again at what is quoted above. The Jesuits and members of the militia of the pope believe that the pope "hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed." This quote goes along with that found in the book Americans Warned of Jesuitism - or - The Jesuits Unveiled   [By John Claudius Pitrat, 1851], which book is linked here. The supporting information for the above quote, that the Jesuits and militia of the pope believe they can depose and destroy papal-denounced kings and governments, is found in the linked book on PDF page 134 of 273, under Section XIV. -- Regicide, and at the bottom of PDF page 145 of 273 under Section XX. -- Intolerance. It appears that these beliefs were in play during the brutal assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, of 1963 (1), because Kennedy would not go along with the diabolical Vatican/Jesuit agenda for the United States and its unsuspecting or naive citizens.

Now, the book Americans Warned of Jesuitism - or - The Jesuits Unveiled   [By John Claudius Pitrat, 1851] (1) contains a lot of important history about the Jesuits and exposes to the world quite a number of the Jesuits' very vile and ungodly deeds. It speaks of their history of intentionally stirring up rebellions, plus the kings they have murdered and other like atrocities, giving names and years. What is declared in the book can be readily verified by a diligent search of history. The Jesuits may appear to many unlearned or naive people as being a bunch of nice guys, but the record of history shows an extremely dark and satanic side to this group. And again, it must be noted that the Jesuits built up the militia of the pope, so they now have more "tools" or more "boots in the field" to covertly help them perpetrate their dirty work. The militia of the pope includes members of secretive organizations like the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Columbus, plus a number of other secretive and often covertly operating groups.

At the bottom of PDF page 188 of 273 in the Americans Warned of Jesuitism book, it presents these words from those in earlier France: "Hitherto, we have seen the Jesuits lying; slandering...stirring up insurrections in the cities and province; arming...nations against nations... We have seen the Jesuits abusing the ignorance and credulity of the Catholics, in order to steal from them innumerable sums of money..." It speaks of the Jesuits "changing the education and instruction of youth, the sacred desk, the confessional, in short, the religion of Christ into a matter of trade." And in our day, we have seen much evidence, even in the media (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), of the Jesuits and their allies criminally sodomizing and raping and virtually enslaving innumerable numbers of young people (1)(2)(3). And it appears that because the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization virtually control the judicial system and the government in the United States, they are largely getting away with their crimes against children and their horrendous crimes against humanity.

Possibly we should take a moment to look at just one example amongst untold thousands or hundreds of thousands of young people across the world that these wicked "priests" have been sexually abusing. The example shown in the page linked below may be from the United Kingdom, but, from just some of the information which is readily available (1)(2), there is reason to suspect that this same type of thing has been experienced by untold numbers of young people even in the United States. Now, the sadistic and vile priest, this son of satan (1) shown in the linked page, would whip his victims with a strap or hit them with a cane until they would submit to his satanic sexual abuse. What anguish and torment the boy shown in the linked page went through. Well, in the United States and elsewhere, it appears that the Jesuit/Catholic priests may also be using other "tools" to prepare and control their victims, like the diabolical use of hypnosis. This is indicated within the section linked here.

Now, there is something in the Holy Bible which would directly apply to these Jesuits and their allies, plus their facilitators, when it comes to all this criminal sodomizing and raping and virtually enslaving all these young people. The Jesuits like to deceptively call themselves "the Society of Jesus," but the true Jesus, the very Son of God, declared: "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."(Matthew 18:6) Well, since it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "priests" have connections to the Mafia, possibly we should rephrase the words of Jesus into something they may understand better. Truly, it would be better to make each of these raping priests some "cement shoes"(1) and drown them in the depth of the sea, than to have them sodomizing and raping all those young people. But then, the lake of fire and torment is the everlasting destination of these vile priests (1).

By the way, there is reason to suspect that the Jesuit/Catholic priests, and possibly members of their militia and their allies, were the ones which virtually got the homosexual movement going in the United States and in our world. It appears to be part of their continuing Counter Reformation and may be associated with their desire to destroy the honoring of all Biblical principles in the United States and around the world. The creation of the homosexual movement appears to be just part of the Jesuit/Catholic Babylonian-type (1)(2)(3) hierarchy's war against the Most High God of heaven. That is part of the reason why the lake of everlasting fire and torment is the eternal destination of these truly God-hating and child-raping (1)(2) priests and their allies. Now, since the Catholic Church likes to call itself "Christian" and the child-raping Jesuit priests like to call themselves "the Society of Jesus," there are further words from Christ and the Biblical Jesus which need to be said to these "priests."

Once again, when it comes to these "priests" or professional child-molesters who are tormenting and raping all those untold numbers of young people, the following words from the Lord Jesus Christ would apply: "And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea."(Mark 9:42) But, there is more to the truth which Jesus Christ taught. When it comes to those who cannot seem to "control themselves," he added the following words to those above: "And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire: where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."(Mark 9:43-48)

Now, there is something which needs to be said to these child-raping, Babylonian-style "priests." If they actually believed in the things of the Most High God of heaven and if they were his true priests, and if they truly believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and his words and actually had some type of connection to him, there is something which, looking at the above words of Jesus Christ, they would most assuredly be doing. Since it is more than obvious that these so-called "priests" cannot "control themselves" on their own, and since it is obvious that their actions are leading them to the lake of everlasting fire and torment, they should, each of them of their own accord, cut off those filthy "shortcomings" which are hanging between their legs. They would do this, rather than let those filthy "shortcomings" draw them into the everlasting lake of fire and torment. And now, before we get too far off on a tangent, let us return to the Jesuits and the militia of the pope, and their lustful desire to gain control of the whole world (1)(2)(3), apparently using any means at their disposal, including biological warfare, as we shall soon see.

In relation to what is quoted further above (1) from the historic Oath ceremony of the advancing Jesuits and members of the militia of the pope in the various Knights organizations, plus from what is stated in the book linked above, which book it titled Americans Warned of Jesuitism - or - The Jesuits Unveiled   [By John Claudius Pitrat, 1851], the page linked below begins with these words: "This is an excellent excerpt from one of the premier historians of the Roman Catholic Empire, Avro Manhattan in his book, 'the Vatican Billions'. In it, he chronicles how the Roman Catholic Church has claimed rights over all kingdoms and all lands since the days of the 'Donation of Constantine.'" So, using faked and forged documents like the Donation of Constantine (1), plus by using a lot of brazen lies, wickedness and deceptions (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), the corrupt and deceiving Vatican/Jesuit organization appears to want people to just "roll over," go along with them, and believe that the pope and his crowd have ownership of the whole world.

Now, there is something to consider. What is stated above, about a belief among various segments of the papal crowd and their militia, that their group has ownership of the whole world, is what it appears that the Jesuits and the militia of the pope are working to pull off today, using their New World Order agenda. Now, this New World Order that the Jesuits and the militia of the pope, plus those which are associated with them, are trying to raise up, is simply the "modern" rendition of that New Order which the Jesuit-pawn named Adolf Hitler and his Nazis were trying to raise up for the Vatican/Jesuit organization during the World War Two era (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). Hitler and his Jesuit-influenced or controlled Nazis hijacked and Nazified Germany. Then they began to use Germany and its powerful military as "the sword of the Catholic Church,"(1)(2)(3)(4) as they went on their modern military "crusades" against other countries. And, they had their Holocaust, which was basically an industrial-scale Inquisition (1).

As we move further into this discussion, there is something to note. Those who have followed this series of posts, or those who have read the complete Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated? page (1), know that the somewhat reserved Jesuit General in Rome is over, or is in control of the Jesuits. Then, the Jesuits, in turn, are over, or are in control of the militia of the pope. The arrangement is basically the main or core power structure of the covert and very effective military of the foreign-based papal organization and of its government, the Vatican State. The numerous members of the militia of the pope are like the "tools" or "boots in the field" which the Jesuits can use for taking over and hijacking countries. Now, the organizations which are associated with, or included in, the militia of the pope are secretive societies like the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, plus apparently a number of other more secretive types of organizations, some of which are noted in a document linked here.


At this point, before we get into any discussion about the COVID-19 pandemic and a possible cause of it, we should at least look at some important history about the Jesuits. We should look at their historic method of operation which they have commonly used when they are taking over peoples or possibly even nations. Let us consider what the Jesuits were commonly doing, in the time before they began majorly building up the militia of the pope in the United States in 1882 and after with organizations like the Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta, apparently for use in destroying the Constitutional Republic of the United States, while taking over this country so they can ultimately enslave its true citizens under the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order.

When it comes to the papal crowd taking over and hijacking and enslaving peoples, let us start by looking into a book titled Hidden No Longer: Genocide in Canada, Past and Present, which is linked here. On PDF page 12 of 393, the linked book has an entry for the year 1859. It speaks about "Oblate Bishop Paul Durieu, who with Jesuit helps craft a plan to exterminate non-Christian Indian chiefs and replace them with Catholic-controlled leaders." So, just a couple of years before the Jesuit-instigated Civil War in the United States, the agents of the treacherous and enslaving Vatican/Jesuit organization were working on a sinister plan to exterminate or murder the leaders of the Indian tribes in Canada who would not go along with the hijacking papal crowd. So, as noted in the quote above, this diabolical bishop guy turns to the Jesuits to come up with a subtle way to exterminate the Indian chiefs. Now, there is a reason why the Jesuits have been called "The Vatican Assassins." It appears that they are the sly murderers for that organization.

When it comes to the Jesuits, or the so-called "Society of Jesus" being the sly and sinister assassins or murderers for the Vatican organization, it should be noted that there is an 1833 page PDF book titled Vatican Assassins, which is linked here. This book gives "The Perfidious and Diabolical History Of The Society of Jesus." And now, looking into these types of things a bit further, on PDF page 37 of 393, the book linked here speaks about the "Jesuits in New France (now Quebec) in 1611 [which] declared open warfare on the Indian nations... The Jesuit 'black robe' missionaries spread smallpox, firearms, and alcohol among the Algonquins of eastern Canada so effectively that over three quarters of them were wiped out within a generation." Look again at what was just quoted. The Jesuits were using biological warfare on the Indian nations, as they were intentionally spreading smallpox as they were working to take over and religiously enslave these people. And now, in our day, the militia of the pope is there to help the Jesuits take over peoples and countries.

There is more to look at in this continuing story of biological warfare being used on peoples by the genocidal Jesuits and their conniving agents, so they can take over and enslave peoples and despotically force them under the Vatican/Jesuit "religious" system. A page titled Jesuit missionaries give Huron smallpox blankets is linked here. The page speaks about things happening in the period 1633 to 1635. It states: "French Jesuit missionaries tell the Huron that if they are baptized and convert to Christianity they will be spared the disease. Among those who refuse, they provide smallpox-laden blankets (Nies, 1996). More than 10,000 Huron Indians die from smallpox." This appears to be the type of history which is associated with the highly questionable Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus even with its crafty and scheming militia, as we shall soon see --- which Vatican/Jesuit organization is home to those numerous priests who are criminally sodomizing, raping and virtually enslaving those untold numbers of boys and girls (1)(2).

Moving onward, another page, linked here, speaks about the Jesuit treachery, using these words: "The Society of Jesus was involved with the genocide of Native Americans. One example was the Jesuit priest Pierre-Jean De Smet who infiltrated the Iroquois. He requested 'Black Robes' for the natives which were carrying diseases as a form of biological warfare. He provided intelligence on them which was used in massacres all while pretending to be their ally." So, this appears to be at least a small "snapshot" or introduction to the typical history of the Jesuits and how they operate when they want to take over and control a people or a nation. And in our day, they and members of their militia, are pushing to implement the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order, which is their one-world government system with which they hope to enslave and rule the whole world. The record of history tends to indicate that the Jesuits will do almost anything, including mass murder and genocide, in order to gain more and more control over the peoples of this world.

At this point, there are some things which seriously need to be said. The Jesuits like to go around deceiving the people by putting a false picture in peoples' minds, by calling themselves the Society of Jesus. And then, the papal organization likes to go around deceptively calling itself "Christian," but, there are some things which need to be asked. What "Jesus" are the Jesuits actually following? Is it the Lord Jesus Christ shown in the Holy Bible, or is it some imposter they are calling "Jesus?" And, what "christ" is the papal organization and its hierarchy actually the servant of, especially since their agents and militia have been going around killing those who would not bow to their religious system, plus their diabolical priests have been going around sodomizing and raping all those kids?(1)(2) Well, it is time to look at things closely to see who the Jesuits and the papal organization are following, so we can see who their actual god really is. Let the Holy Bible be our guide in this matter.

Now, when it comes to the Jesuits or to the militia of the pope torturing or killing, or even perpetrating genocide on those who will not bow to them or submit to their "religious" system, there is something in the Holy Bible which needs to be looked at. It is written: "And it came to pass, when the time was come that he [Jesus] should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, and sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem."
          "And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village."
(KJV - Luke 9:51-56)

Notice in the passage of Scripture quoted above, that the people in this certain Samaritan village would not receive Jesus Christ. At that point, two disciples thought that they should call fire down from heaven and consume or destroy these people who would not receive Christ. What then happened? The Lord Jesus Christ rebuked these disciples using the following words: "Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of." These disciples did not realize what spirit they were following, when they wanted to destroy these people and their lives, because these people in the village would not turn and submit to the indicated desire of Christ. Jesus declared further: "For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." And then, Jesus and the disciples simply turned away from that village, without doing anything bad or nasty, and went to another village. Now, there are some things to think about.

When the Jesuits or other agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are murdering, exterminating, poisoning or using biological weapons, or any type of thing against those who will not bow to them or convert to their "religious" system, then, what "god" are they following? What spirit are they a part of? Well, let's look to the Holy Bible for some further, revealing words from the Lord Jesus Christ. The following words would also be very fitting for the Jesuits and the members of the militia of the pope, and those who are working to subtly or openly kill people who will not be part of their "religious" system. The Lord Jesus Christ declared: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (KJV - John 8:44)


In the earlier 1800s, the generally well-known to historians, the famous military leader and Emperor of the French, Napoleon Bonaparte, appeared to have a rather clear and accurate understanding of what the Jesuits were really all about, plus their incredible lust for worldly power and for ruling the whole world. At one point, he declared: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."(1) So, let us look at this a bit further.

The Jesuits want to despotically rule the whole world. They want the whole world to be under their despotic control. This strong desire or all-consuming lust to control things with their "beast" government, now includes controlling even the United States and its rather unsuspecting and somewhat naive citizens. And, the Jesuits and the militia of the pope are using all those agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization which are in the government of the United States (like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, plus a slew of other foreign-controlled agents and pawns) to change the laws, as they help the Jesuits and their militia-of-the-pope to take over this country. This time around (since they failed earlier with the Holy Roman Empire and then again later with Adolf Hitler and his Nazis and their New Order agenda for the Vatican/Jesuit organization), the Jesuits and their militia of the pope, plus their numerous cohorts in business and finance, are using the New World Order agenda as their cover and treacherous snare.

Now, we need to look at a little piece of history. As can be seen in the 273-page book linked by the large button further below, all the way back in 1851, the United States was warned about the treachery and plans of the Jesuits, plus their desire to bring to destruction our true freedoms and the authentic United States. Now, as they steadily take over this country, the deceptive agents and pawns of the infiltrating, foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization will likely leave in place the title, "the United States," in order to deceive the unlearned and the unsuspecting which are among us. Now, the book linked below, on PDF page 29 of 273, declares: "Americans, the Jesuits, who fill the Roman Catholic Churches, invade your colleges and educate your children..." But, there is more which can be added to this story, especially from those knowledgeable ones with wisdom in the mid 1800s.

In regards to what was happening in the schools, even way back in the mid 1800s, President Abraham Lincoln spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) These agents of the papal organization work to turn our young against that which this country is really supposed to be about, and, as they work to do this, it can be seen that they are "dumbing down" the young, for they do not teach them the necessary history which would allow them to understand what the enemies of this country are really doing to them and their future. Because of this, they are now like blind and manipulated "cattle" which are being led to the slaughter.

On PDF page 127 of 273, the book linked by the large button below proclaims: "Advice to all governments! Advice to you Americans! Since the Jesuits and the priests are not bound in conscience to obey your laws, since they are only subjects of the Pope, they will be allowed to rebel and to preach rebellion according to his will..." Now, the book shows much history of the Jesuits raising rebellions in countries. And that appears to be what the Jesuits covertly are doing, even today, behind the scenes, especially with the young which they teach in their institutions or even those with which they communicate on the streets. And then, in our day, there is the militia of the pope which the Jesuits control. The members of this militia are found in organizations like the Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta, plus other secretive organizations. It appears that these are the "boots in the field" which can help the Jesuits preach rebellion even to the people on the streets. And, the militia of the pope is found in agencies like the CIA.

On PDF page 37 of 273, in the book linked below, it asks the following question: "And what is Papacy?" The book then gives the following answer: "Witness history: it is the greatest foe of Christ, or his religion, of God, and of mankind." The book speaks about the Jesuits being tools in the hands of the pope. It speaks about the Jesuits as being "the strongest support and pillar of his anti-Christian, anti-social, and anti-human tyranny." On PDF page 38 of 273, the linked book states: "The Jesuits, who for several centuries have dreamed and secretly endeavored to get for the Pope the 'universal monarchy,' hate kings and constitutional governments." And, the authentic Constitution Republic of the United States is one of those governments which the Jesuits and their agents and pawns, plus the members of their militia, utterly hate, along with hating the liberties and God-given, unalienable rights of the true citizens of the authentic United States.

On PDF page 84 or 273, the linked book, in speaking of the Jesuits, states: "You believe they love your Republic -- how much you are mistaken! Really is it possible, that men holding such principles about obedience, can like your political institutions, and are fitted to raise your Republican youths, or fit to inculcate into them the love of their country, of the wise freedom, for the conquest of which their ancestors have shed their blood, and which they have bequeathed to their posterity? O! certainly not." It is truly like that stated above by President Abraham Lincoln, that the emissaries of the pope work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws..." They do this so they can manipulate and ultimately enslave the people of this country, just as their agents in government positions are doing right now. And, to complete their work, they work to disarm citizens who will not go along with their treasonous agenda.

Once again, let us note that the Jesuit General is over the Jesuits, and the Jesuits, in turn, are over the militia of the pope, which militia includes those many members of organizations like the Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta, among others. Now, the book linked below, plus the Oath of the Jesuits and the Oath of those in the militia of the pope (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9), speak about the blind obedience of these people connected with the Jesuits. At the bottom of PDF page 85 of 273, the linked book notes that "the Superiors of the Jesuits will never order a crime without exhibiting reasons which will justify it, and will change it into a virtuous deed..." On PDF page 86 of 273, it notes that this group of people "must examine neither what you are ordered, nor why you are commanded; but apply plainly yourselves to accomplish faithfully and submissively what you are ordered to execute." The people of this crowd are to be like mindless, foreign-controlled robots. They are truly the hijacking militia of a foreign government.

What is stated in the paragraph above, about the Jesuits and those of their militia following orders without asking questions, would even apply to an order for mass-murder or genocide, or even biological warfare. And now, looking at the book linked above, on PDF page 111, it speaks thusly of the Jesuits: "In feigning republicanism, you invaded the Republics, fomented disunion hatred, and kindled civil war, to dissolve them -- to reach by these means your pretentious and criminal aim, viz., to conquer for the Pope the 'universal monarchy,' which through him you would possess." And that is the purpose of the Jesuits, to destroy Republics like what the United States is supposed to be. Then they can force the citizens of the United States under the "universal monarchy" of the papal organization, which in our day is the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. It is the later edition of that New Order which the Jesuit-controlled Adolf Hitler and his Catholic-controlled Nazis were trying to raise up during the World War Two era (1)(2).

And, looking at things more closely, in our day, it does appear that the treacherous and treasonous papal agents and pawns (like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and a slew of other Vatican/Jesuit-controlled agents and pawns) who have gotten themselves into influential or controlling government positions in the United States are wilily working, step by step, to enslave U.S. citizens, so they can ultimately force them under the despotic control of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled, one-world, New World Order, "beast" government. And, there is reason to suspect that the COVID-19 pandemic does fit into this overall picture of world conquest and takeover by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia. It does appear that the COVID-19 pandemic has a purpose in their "grand" scheme of gaining despotic control of the peoples and governments of this world.


Regarding COVID-19, it should be noted that from the beginning, there were people blaming China for causing the pandemic. They stated that China has a biological warfare facility in the area where the COVID-19 outbreak started. Then, people in certain higher-up positions were blaming COVID-19 on a manmade source (1)(2). It was being said that COVID-19 came from a military-type, biological weapons facility, either in China or in the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). On top of everything, it should be noted that the U.S. was funding "experiments" at the accused Chinese biological facility (1), which funding was approved by the Jesuit-trained (1)(2)(3) Dr. Anthony Fauci in 2015 (1). And, a person who seems to have a bit of knowledge in this area, who looks to be a retired American "spook" now living in China, is leaning heavily toward the opinion that the COVID-19 pandemic may be a U.S. operation (1). If it was/is a U.S. operation, we must identify who would actually be in control of a such a thing.

In the retired "spook's" page linked here, it notes important things which have not commonly been reported in the U.S. media. The page states: "In August 2020, the Chinese government made an official statement to the UN...[in which they]...blamed the USA for designing, developing, and releasing the COVID-19 in China during 2020 CNY." The page then states: "What's more, they had documentation to support all their accusations." Looking at things not commonly reported in the U.S. media, the page states that "the complete collapse of the pig farm industry in China in 2019 was propagated by drones... 'Criminal elements' were using drones to spray the pigs with flu to devastate the pork industry." The page speaks about China being "hit with unusually dangerous and lethal germs, viral agents, and illnesses that has attacked livestock and people," in recent times. And, looking at the United States, it appears that important things about the COVID-19 pandemic are being "CLASSIFIED" and hidden from the public by certain U.S. government agencies. Why?

About one-quarter of the way down the "spook's" page linked here, there is a section titled January 2020 -- CIA Propagandizes that it is a Chinese Bio-weapon. Regarding COVID-19, the first entry in that section declares: "The first mention of this being a biological weapon comes from Radio Free Asia. This is an American government propaganda outlet. Formerly CIA. Now operates 'independently' under the leadership of CIA management." So, a radio station with links to the CIA, or to those foreign-controlled "Catholics In Action,"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) was the first to start broadcasting a story about COVID-19 being a biological weapon. But then, later, media outlets began telling the public that COVID-19 was a natural phenomena, rather than manmade.

So again, those with links to the CIA (or to that highly questionable) were the first to proclaim COVID-19 as a biological weapon. Then, as the rhetoric escalated, the talk of war began, even a nuclear war of assured mutual destruction (1)(2), between the U.S. and China. And talk of nuclear war continues, even with the Vatican/Jesuit agent or pawn named Joe Biden as U.S. president (1)(2). So, it is possibly time to look at a bit of history, especially when we are dealing with that crowd which does want to kill off a lot of the earth's population, plus since we are dealing with a situation where decisions for war are made by the defense and intelligence communities, rather than by Congress, in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.

When it comes to the United States potentially getting into a devastating nuclear war of mutual destruction with some other country, it's time to consider the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union in the mid 1900s. A paragraph linked here contains the following quote: "America's Cold War with the Soviet Union was inspired by the Jesuit Order." So, how could the Jesuits have inspired the Cold War? Well, once again, it must be noted that the Jesuits are over the militia of the pope, which militia is like their "tools" or "boots in the field." This militia includes those in secretive organizations like the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Columbus, plus in a number of other secretive organizations. And, as noted elsewhere on this page, the Jesuit General in Rome is the head honcho over the militia of the pope and the Jesuits. Now, it appears that the escalation of the Cold War in the mid 1900s, to a large degree, was based on intentional lies or deceptive information about the Soviet Union which was mainly provided by those associated with the CIA who were part of the militia of the pope (1)(2)(3).

And now, back to the U.S. media. When it comes to important things which happen in this world not being reported by the U.S. media, it should be noted that the very manipulated media in the United States appears to largely be controlled by the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), which agents and pawns, at least those in government positions, are treasonously violating their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, while it appears that they are working to bring this country and its citizens under the despotic power of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. So, at this point, there is something which needs to be investigated. To begin this investigation, there is a question which needs to be answered. When it comes to things like COVID-19, who or what type of group or organization, appears to ultimately be in control of the biological research and biological weapons of our world, and especially that of the United States?

Research tends to indicate that those who are influenced or controlled by those with links to the militia of the pope, which militia is under the control of the Jesuits and ultimately the Jesuit General in Rome, are the ones who are ultimately in control of the biological, chemical and nuclear weapons in the United States (1)(2)(3)(5)(6)(7). Those with links to the militia of the pope and ultimately to the Jesuits, appear to have had control of these types of weapons since at least the 1940s (1), after those associated with the militia of the pope began to illegally and treasonously bring their buddies, the Nazi "holy warriors" and enemy aliens (1) from hijacked Germany, into the United States (1). Then they illegally and treasonously embedded the Nazis and "holy warriors" into things like the CIA (1) and the U.S. military (1), in even weapons-type and biological-type programs. The Nazi "holy warriors" were also illegally embedded in other institutions in the United States, mainly in influencial or controlling positions.

Now, concerning these Nazis which, starting in the 1940s, were illegally and treasonously embedded in agencies like the CIA and the U.S. military with the help of their treacherous or treason American Knights of Malta brethren, it must be noted that, "An abnormal number of Nazis and their supporters were members of the Knights of Malta."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) This means that these Nazis were basically "holy warriors" which were part of the militia of the pope. And, the militia of the pope, once again, is under the control of the Jesuits and ultimately the control of their head honcho, who is that rather secretive Jesuit General in Rome. Now, looking back in history, the infamous Catholic dictator (1)(2)(3) named Adolf Hitler and his Catholic-controlled (1) Nazis hijacked and then rapidly Nazified that which had initially been Protestant Germany. Then, they quickly went about conquering other countries with their Jesuit/Catholic-controlled "crusades," after they had converted Germany into "the sword of the Catholic Church."

Oh! Before we travel too far into "other territory" and the writer forgets about it, there is something else to note which could relate to the COVID-19 pandemic, which information could be of some importance. Part way down in the "spook's" page linked here, there is a section titled 2018 American Coronavirus Patent Granted. Prior to this section, there is information about a lot of strange stuff, like unexplained sicknesses and death, which was occurring in the United States. Now, in the section noted, it states that "after approximately 15 years of development, this particular virus was patented [in 2018] in the United States. A U.S. Patent For 'An Attenuated Coronavirus' Was Filed In 2015 And Granted In 2018." Then the page gets into some details. The 2018 U.S. Coronavirus Patent declares: "The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation in one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16." Okay, that is interesting. Now what?

Well, the retired "spook's" page, linked in the paragraph above, then goes on to state the following about the 2018 coronavirus patent: "It is an identical description of the current coronavirus [COVID-19], '...a mutation in one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16." The page then states: "Let that sink in..." And now, especially when it comes to the unsuspecting or rather naive citizens of the United States, let the following sink in and fill your mind. Once again, it appears that the biological and chemical and nuclear weapons of the United States are under the control of those who are associated with, or who are pawns of, the militia of the pope. And, as noted further above, the militia of the pope is under the control of the Jesuits and all of them are ultimately under the control of their head honcho, who is the Jesuit General in Rome --- which Jesuit General is a worldclass "puppet master."

The Jesuit General, as a worldclass "puppet master," is able to readily manipulate the nations of this world using the members of the militia of the pope who are in key and controlling positions in governments and militaries. Now, further above in this post, it was noted that the COVID-19 pandemic was being used to start talk of war, even devastating nuclear war, between the United States and China. Now, there is some history which needs to be understood by U.S. citizens. Since the time of President John F. Kennedy, who "they" brutally assassinated on November 22, of 1963 (1), those in the government and military and intelligence agencies of the United States who are associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia, have tried a number of times, using various deceptive and "clever" ploys, to get the United States into a nuclear war of mutual annihilation with Russian and/or China, and it appears that they are still up to their "dirty tricks" today, possibly even with the use of COVID-19 (1).


In the latter part of World War Two, as the hijacked and Nazified Germany was falling to the Allied forces, the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia began pulling a dirty move on the authentic United States. It appears that agents of the militia of the pope, notably those associated with members of the American branch of the Knights of Malta, began illegally and treasonously bringing Nazi "holy warriors" and war criminals into the United States. To make matters much worse, it appears that the American members of the Knights of Malta helped to place the Nazi "holy warriors" and those associated with "the sword of the Catholic Church" into key, influential and controlling positions in the CIA and in the U.S. military. And then, it did not take very long until they were trying to get the United States into an all-out nuclear war with Russian and even China. This plan to get the U.S. into a devastating, "first strike" nuclear war with Russia and China is noted in the pages linked below.

Now, initially, it appears that the Nazified CIA and Nazified military, which had members of the militia of the pope in key or controlling positions, were trying to force President John F. Kennedy into an all-out nuclear war with Russia. When those in control presented Kennedy with the CIA and military plan for nuking Russian, plus told him the number of casualties in just Russian and Europe, Kennedy became very upset. He walked out of the meeting while stating: "And, we call ourselves the human race?"(1)(2)(3) President Kennedy also made another statement about a devastating nuclear war with Russia. When it came to the United States and its citizens, he declared: "All we have built, all we have worked for, would be destroyed in the first 24 hours."(1)(2) And now, possibly we should be asking who was really pushing for this devastating war, besides the Nazified and militia-of-the-pope-contolled CIA and military.

A paragraph linked here contains the following quote: "American warmongers, led by prominent Catholics, were meanwhile feverishly preparing for an atomic showdown with Russia. Top Catholics in the most responsible positions were talking of nothing else." The following quote is also in the linked paragraph: "The new Catholic Secretary of the U.S. Navy, strangely enough, soon afterwards began unusually active contacts with other prominent American Catholics. Among these, Father Walsh, Jesuit Vice-President of Georgetown University; Cardinal Spellman, the head of the American Legion; the leaders of the Catholic War Veterans and with Senator McCarthy, the arch-criminal senator, who upon the advice of a Catholic priest, was just beginning his infamous campaign which was to half paralyze the U.S. for some years to come." But, there is still more to this story and it shows the sick or demented mentality of a certain group of people.

The paragraph which follows the one linked above, speaks about "a speech delivered in Boston on August 25, 1950 by Mr. F. Matthews. The arch-Catholic Secretary of the U.S. Navy, the spokesman of certain forces in the States and in the Vatican, called upon the U.S. to launch an attack upon Soviet Russia in order to make the American people 'the first aggressors for peace.' 'As the initiators of a war of aggression' he added, 'it would win for us a proud and popular title: we would become the first aggressors for peace.'" What? The first aggressors for peace? In whose book? In the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order playbook and in the militia of the pope playbook? Well, there truly is more to this story. A paragraph linked here speaks about a book titled Catholic Victory in 1960?, which was written by a former Catholic priest and church historian. The book notes that a Catholic President in the United States could be manipulated by the Vatican and "forced to declare war on certain nations, thus forcing American boys to fight the wars of the Vatican."

Now, what is stated above is some pretty "heavy" stuff, that with a Catholic in the White House, the United States could end up being manipulated or forced into fighting wars, and American military personnel could end up dying in wars, which really were only for the benefit of the Vatican/Jesuit crowd --- that Vatican/Jesuit crowd with the New World Order agenda and the desire to enslave and rule the whole world. This is especially some very "heavy" stuff, considering that the Vatican/Jesuit agent or pawn named Joe Biden is sitting in the U.S. president's chair and that the raping-priest-protecting (1) pawn named Kamala Harris is sitting in the vice president's chair, and that there is that Vatican/Jesuit agent or pawn named Nancy Pelosi who is doing everything she can get away with to control and "reign" over Congress, and this, to name a few, is just for starters. And now, why would the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization want an all-out nuclear war of mutual annihilation with someone like Russia?

The answer may possibly be found in the fourth paragraph of a section titled That Strong Desire to Nuke the Russians, which section is linked here. The fourth paragraph contains the following quote from a page: "Between 1917 and 1924 the Vatican entered into secret agreements with Lenin, which assured the communists Vatican support if the communists would suppress the Russian Orthodox Church and make Roman Catholicism the Official religion of Russia. The immense wealth and land holdings of the Orthodox church were to be turned over to the Roman Catholic Church lock stock and barrel. In the end, however, Lenin and his successors double-crossed the Vatican, they took the Vatican money but sided with the Orthodox Church. This made the Russian communists the enemies of the Vatican. The Vatican sought revenge by using the Nazis to invade Russia during World War II." Then, the page goes on to state: "The Vatican failed in World War II." So, when they failed using hijacked and Nazified Germany, what did the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia then do?

That's right folks! When the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia failed in their plans to smash and take over Russia, using hijacked and Nazified Germany which had been turned into "the sword of the Catholic Church," then the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia appear to have gone to "Plan B." They started moving their "valuable" Nazis and war criminals and German members of the militia of the pope, with all of their diabolical "know how," into the United States. Then they, along with the American members and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, began to hijack the intelligence agencies and the military of the United States, along with the government itself, so they could then start using the United States as their new warhammer to create their New World Order. Now you should understand the reason behind the Russia/U.S. Cold War in the 1900s.

At this point, there is possibly another thing which we need to understand, and that it the mentality of those in control of the Nazified, militia-of-the-pope-controlled Department of Defense. When it comes to an all-out nuclear war, a paragraph linked here contains the following quote: "A general in the Pentagon said that even if there was only one American left standing, but no Russians, then we win." Then, the paragraph below the one linked above contains this quote: "'At the end of the war, if there are two Americans and one Russian, we win,' Air Force General Thomas Power said at the time." Truly, the people with this mentality do not care about the authentic United States or its citizens. It appears that they only want death and destruction. They are possibly this way because they may be working for the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, its militia, and its New World Order agenda, rather than in the best interests of the authentic citizens of the United States.

It appears that in the minds of many of those associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, the authentic United States must be completely destroyed and its citizens utterly enslaved, before the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order, that one-world, satanic, "beast" government spoken about in the Holy Bible, can fully reign. But, there is something to note. According to the Holy Bible, this Vatican/Jesuit New World Order crowd will get to have their "beast" government, along with the "mark of the beast" which they will force on the peoples of this world. They will also get to have their mass-murdering great tribulation. It will be the biggest Holocaustic Inquisition this earth has ever seen, but, it shall only last for a relatively short period of time, for somewhere around three and one-half years. Then, the Vatican and surrounding Rome shall be utterly destroyed, never to be found or inhabited again (1) --- and the world will get to watch it happen.

Regarding the utter destruction of the seat of the Babylonish papal organization, which has all those abusing and child-raping priests, along with the destruction of surrounding Rome, it is written: "How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
          "And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
          "And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: the merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, and cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men."
(Revelation 18:7-13)

There is yet more to the story about the destruction of the Babylonish whore --- the destruction of that thing with all those abusing and child-raping priests --- for the Holy Bible follows with these words: "And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all. The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, and saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! For in one hour so great riches is come to nought.
          "And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate."
(Revelation 18:14-19) Yes, justice shall ultimately be done upon this earth!


From the information presented thus far in this post, the reader may better understand why the United States has been in so many wars and "police actions" around the world since the mid 1900s. Now the reader may better understand why the CIA has been working to overthrow governments around the world. To state things very clearly, the many wars appear to mainly be wars which help to further the New World Order agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its rather questionable government, the Vatican State. The actions of the CIA (or those "Catholics In Action" (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)), with their overthrowing of governments, appears to be for the purpose of helping to raise up the diabolical New World Order for the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Once again, the agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are using the hijacked United States as a warhammer, so they can take over the world and ultimately rule it using their extremely despotic "beast" government, which despotic "beast" government, again, was foretold and is spoken about in that old book called the Holy Bible.

At this point, there is something which needs to be made extremely clear. It is not the legitimate, Constitutional government of the United States which has been getting our country into all these wars and doing horrible things around the world with agencies like the CIA. Virtually all of these things have been happening because the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have hijacked the United States and taken it far, far away from the U.S. Constitution. They have hijacked the United States and its military and intelligence agencies, just as surely as the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia hijacked that which had been Protestant Germany in the early 1900s, and then they rapidly Nazified that country and turned it into the crusading "sword of the Catholic Church." And yes, in hijacked and Nazified Germany, the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization also had their industrial-scale Inquisition, which is commonly called the Holocaust.

Now, there are some other things which need to be made very clear. The agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have hijacked the government and agencies of the United States and changed things to such a degree, that what we now have is no longer the authentic or legitimate Constitutional government of the United States. What the hijacking agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have created is a rogue form of government. It is actually that invisible government which was spoken about by President Theodore Roosevelt in the early 1900s, which has grown like a cancer and has now taken over and completely hijacked things and become the government which we now see. It is because of the treacherous agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia that our government appears to be so broken and disfunctional, and has been for quite some time. And into this whole picture, the COVID-19 pandemic fits very "nicely."

To Be Continued ...

POST #23

In this post, some of the similarities between Joe Biden and Adolf Hitler will be considered. For starters, the evidence strongly indicates that Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, during the World War Two era, were basically associated with and working for the Jesuits and the Vatican (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). In our day, in the United States, we find that Joe Biden is associated with and working to further the aims of the Jesuits. To begin with, Biden had an inaugural Mass performed by a questionable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Jesuit priest. Joe Biden, before he actually became president, gave the Jesuits his word that he would open the doors of the United States to the refugees which the Jesuits wanted to bring into the United States (1)(2)(3). Now, these are likely refugees who have been groomed to some degree by the Jesuits, for their agenda for the United States and its rather blind and asleep citizens.

Now, let us look at another thing which Joe Biden and that Roman Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler have in common, for it is possibly a symbolic type of thing. Adolf Hitler's favorite dogs were German Shepherds (1)(2)(3)(4). Then there is Joe Biden, who chose German Shepherds to be the presidential dogs. Well, Joe Biden's German Shepherd seems to like to bite people (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) and even crap in the Whitehouse (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). Then, once again, there is that infamous Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, who really did "bite" the people of Germany, plus the people of many other countries. Then, ultimately, in a manner of speaking, they crapped on the people of Germany and ruined their country, apparently for their masters in the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

Looking a bit further at similarities between the Joe Biden crowd and the Adolf Hitler crowd, about one-third of the way down a page linked here are found the following words: "The elite of Hitler's military and law enforcing personnel was the SS. Their name identified their duties. Schutzstaffel or protection squad. Several sub units, such as the Leibstandarte consisted of meticulously selected loyal soldiers..." Yes, again, note closely that Adolf Hitler had his special Leibstandarte, which Leibstandarte consisted of "meticulously selected loyal soldiers." And, when it came to the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler, it should be noted that this Third Reich was basically under the control of a Roman Catholic Leadership (1).

Well, looking through the information accessed by the buttons below, it does appear that the people of the Biden crowd (those people who definitely appear to be agents or pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or its treacherous or treasonous Jesuit-controlled militia) have slyly worked to form their own version of the Leibstandarte, or their own type of political soldiers (1)(2)(3)(4) which they can use against any opposition. Now, with this short introduction to just some of those similarities between the Joe Biden crowd and the Adolf Hitler crowd, plus knowing that they both appear to have been influenced or controlled by the Jesuits, let us now, after a look at the pages linked below, begin to get down to the real business which needs to be looked at.

There is one thing which needs to be made very clear. The President, Vice President, everyone in Congress and the judiciary, plus those in law enforcement and the military, plus virtually all of those people which are in other agencies which are directly connected to government, all take an Oath of Office. In the Oath of Office, most people swear to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The President swears to uphold the Constitution to the best of his abilities. Now, that Constitution of the United States declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."(1) Now, that guarantee in the Constitution really does not give Joe Biden any wiggle room. Either he has to honor that guarantee to every State in this Union, and enforce it, or else, legally, based on the foundational principles of this country, as a domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution, he needs to get his treacherous or treasonous hiny out of government.

Now, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, plus a slew of other foreign-controlled, Vatican/Jesuit agents and pawns which have finagled their way into government, and not just meaning those in the Democratic Party, but also many of those so-called Republicans, are steadily working to undermine and overthrow the true, authentic Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution to every State in this Union, so they can enslave its true citizens (1). It's just like President John F. Kennedy declared in the early 1960s: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." When these people are sworn into their government positions, when they take their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, it appears they are simply lying through their despicable teeth, since it appears that they have no intent of actually ever honoring their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, nor ensuring that an authentic Republican Form of Government exists everywhere within the United States.

So, why are they doing this? Well, in the case of many of these people, because they are basically foreign agents or their pawns, it appears that they are working to hijack the United States and enslave its citizens for their true masters which are in Rome --- for their masters like the pope and for the Jesuit General --- for the "white pope" and for the "black pope." It appears that these treacherous or traitorous people commonly disregard their Oath of Office, because their foreign masters have instructed them to do this. The paragraph linked here notes that the pope has instructed his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America." So, there is no doubt about it folks...we're dealing with foreign agents in control of our government.

Well, it appears that Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and the pawn named Kamala Harris, plus a slew of others who have gotten into government, are just foreign agents or their pawns, with a special job to do to the United States for their foreign masters. Within paragraphs accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3), it notes that the pope and his organization "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic." Once they turn the United States into a Catholic country, especially knowing the history of that organization with all of its child-raping priests (1)(2), it appears that the murderous Crusades and satanic Inquisition can get going again, in one form or another. Well, this time around, it may be in the form of a medical-based Inquisition.

Now, it is time to start looking at things as it appears that they really are. What is happening to the United States is something along the lines of that which the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled, Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Nazis (an abnormal number of which were members of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta and therefore were members of the militia of the pope) did to that which initially was Protestant Germany in the earlier 1900s (1). Now, this usurping bastard named Joe Biden (a bastard, because he is not a true son of the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States, nor is he a true son of the genuine Republican Form of Government which its Constitution guarantees) has been working with the Democratic Party so they can hijack the United States for their true controller, which appears to be the Jesuit General in Rome. Now, the evidence clearly indicates that the Jesuits are pushing for highly despotic, socialism and communism in the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10), and, that is where we are definitely headed folks, with the hijacking, ultimately Jesuit-controlled Democrats (1)(2)(3) sitting in government positions.

Let us now look at things a bit closer. The Vatican proclaimed destruction on the authentic United States by the Vatican Edict of 1778. Then, in the earlier 1800s, it appears that the Jesuits helped to create the Democratic Party in the United States, which party could be a "tool" that they could use for the purpose of moving the United States away (1)(2) from the Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed to every State in this Union by the U.S. Constitution. And now, the Democratic Party is pushing for a Jesuit variety of socialism and communism, as these tools of the Jesuits are finishing their hijacking of the United States and the enslavement of its somewhat clueless citizens. Well, the Jesuit pawn named Adolf Hitler and his Nazis raised up the National Socialist German Workers' Party (yes, it appears that they were truly Socialists (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), it's just that they were another form of Jesuit created Socialists) within that Protestant Germany which they were hijacking for their bosses in the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

There is another similarity between Joe Biden and his Democrats, and then, Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, besides them having a link to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia. When the Nazis hijacked Germany, there was the Reichstag fire. This was an event which helped to sweep Adolf Hitler and the Nazis into despotic power in Germany. In the United States, the summer of 2020 had all those western forest fires in the United States, which fires, for the most part, were not caused by lightning or similar forces of nature. Now, these numerous forest fires were used as a "tool" by which the Democrats openly badmouthed the Republicans so they could quickly position themselves for the illegal takeover (illegal, because they are treasonous enemies of the authentic Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed to every State in this Union by the U.S. Constitution) of government positions in the United States. And, in all of this, there is reason to suspect that those who were starting the fires may have had some type of a connection to, or may have been influenced by, those associated with the militia of the pope.

Looking at things further, Adolf Hitler and his Nazis had their violent and destructive and terrorizing Brownshirts who were working to stop free speech. Well, it appears that Joe Biden and the Democrats have their American version of the Nazi Brownshirts, which violent and destructive and terrorizing group is commonly called Antifa. Antifa also is working to stifle free speech in the United States. Well, it has commonly been said that if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then, it must be a duck. Antifa likes to claim that they are anti-Fascists, but to those who have studied the necessary history, when judging by the traits, it is extremely hard to tell those in the Antifa crowd, from the Jesuit and militia-of-the-pope-controlled Brownshirts in hijacked and Nazified Germany. Now, there is reason to suspect that Antifa is under the control of the treacherous Jesuits and the militia of the pope, plus, ultimately, under the control of their high boss, the Jesuit General in Rome.

There is one other type of group or faction which there is reason to suspect that it may potentially be influenced by those associated with the militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. Knowing their history of illegal domestic operations, there is also reason to suspect that the type of group or faction about to be mentioned may even be under the influence or control of those associated with the militia of the pope which are part of the CIA, which CIA is also called "Catholics In Action."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Now, a section linked here is titled Divisively Creating and Using Factions. It notes that "the Vatican crowd is enhancing its political power through generating domestic divisiveness." In regards to this, the pages linked below speak about the armed Black militia which challenged white citizens to an armed battle.

The pages linked below note that there were about 1,000 heavily armed Black militia members in a march which took place in Stone Mountain, GA. Now, the writer has reason to suspect that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, possibly those associated with the Jesuits or with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, have some type of a connection to the instigation, raising up, arming and training of this type of a threatening Black militia. There is also reason to suspect that this armed Black militia has ties to various controlling members in the Democratic Party. Now, seeing what the Democratic Party and the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization are doing to the United States, especially since they are enemies of the U.S. Constitution and enemies of the authentic Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed to every State in this Union by the Constitution, let us get back to that comparison between Joe Biden and Adolf Hitler.

The Vatican/Jesuit agent or pawn named Adolf Hitler was the undisputed dictator of hijacked and Nazified Germany. He basically did what he wanted and made the laws that he wanted, or more realistically, put into place the laws that his Vatican/Jesuit masters told him to put into place. Well, in the United States we have this agent or pawn of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization named Joe Biden. Now, this usurping bastard named Joe Biden (a bastard, because he is not a true son of the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States, nor is he a true son of the genuine Republican Form of Government which its Constitution guarantees) is hard at work, honing his dictator skills with a flurry of Executive Orders by which he plans on making and changing laws. Well, Joe Biden appears to have been brazenly lying through his teeth when he took his Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, for Joe Biden's dictatorial way of ruling is not the way which the U.S. Constitution shows things are to be done in this country. So, "Heil, Biden!" Adolf Hitler must be smiling big in his grave.

Now, Adolf Hitler and his Catholic/militia-of-the-pope-controlled Nazis (1)(2)(3) would likely have not come to power in Germany, plus the Holocausts in Germany and Croatia would not have happened, had it not been for the help of the Jesuits and the Catholics. A paragraph linked here contains the following quote: "The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum, only five years before, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in 'Mein Kampf were already realised; this book, an insolent challenge to the western democracies, was written by the Jesuit Father Staempfle and signed by Hitler. For -- as so many ignore the fact -- it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it." And, in the United States, we have the usurping bastard named Joe Biden and his Democrats (etc.), which domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution are most definitely hijacking this country so they can treasonously destroy anything which may remain of the authentic United States.

At this point, the writer will make a comment, in case anyone is offended or thinks it not proper to use the word "bastard" when speaking about Joe Biden. Now, there is something to be aware of. Even the Holy Bible (KJV) uses the word "bastard" in a few places (1)(2)(3) when describing certain things or certain situations or certain people. And, when considering Joe Biden and the situation surrounding him, the writer believes that the use of the word "bastard" is very fitting when speaking about Joe Biden. Now, there is more to consider this story about this usurping bastard named Joe Biden, especially when it comes to a comparison between the Vatican/Jesuit agent or pawn named Joe Biden and his hijacking Democrats, and then, the Jesuit influenced or controlled Adolf Hitler and his Catholic (1) and militia-of-the-pope-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Nazis, who hijacked that which had been Protestant Germany and then converted it into "the sword of the Catholic Church."(1)(2)(3)

As Adolf Hitler and the Nazis got into power in Germany with the help of the Catholics and possibly some highly questionable shenanigans, so it appears that Joe Biden and his cronies have gotten into power in the United States with the help of the Catholics and possibly even some horrendous, highly questionable shenanigans. Now, the page linked by the button below shows that there is a type of twisted love affair between Joe Biden and the CIA, or between Joe Biden and those many "Catholics In Action"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) which seem to have quite a history of doing illegal or criminal or possibly even treasonous activities directly within the United States, apparently for their ultimate boss, who appears to be the Jesuit General in Rome. Looking at things further, the page linked by the button below shows that Joe Biden greatly helped the corrupt William Casey in his rise to power in the CIA.

Now, the corrupt William Casey was a member of the foreign-controlled Knights of Malta (1)(2)(3) and was therefore part of the foreign-based, Jesuit-General-controlled militia of the pope, which militia appears to be the secretive and covertly invading and hijacking military of the Vatican State. Moving onward, the page linked below declares: "In a classified memo sent to intelligence staff in the early '80s, Casey praised Biden for giving the most serious threat to the CIA's unchecked power --the Justice Department -- a good thrashing." The page also indicates that Biden's actions helped to recover the CIA's image, which had been "tarnished from decades of....domestic maleficence." Well, as the Jesuits and the Catholics helped put Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in power in Germany, there is reason to suspect that the CIA, or those highly questionable "Catholics In Action," may have been doing some of their "domestic maleficence," even when it comes to the questionable election of Joe Biden and his domestic-enemy cronies.

There is something which could almost be considered laughable, at least to some, in the page linked above. In 1981, Joe Biden was acting like he was concerned about "the danger that unchecked 'KGB' style surveillance [by the CIA] posed to civil liberties and freedoms." But, now that the domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution and its guaranteed Republican Form of Government has finagled his way into the president's chair, the usurping bastard named Joe Biden has ordered law enforcement agencies and intelligence officials to get in there and review or investigate that which Joe Biden and his foreign-controlled hijackers call the "U.S. domestic extremist threat."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) Well, from the looks of it, this so-called "threat" is simply authentic U.S. citizens who do not appreciate their country being illegally and criminally hijacked (1) by the treacherous and treasonous agents and pawns of a foreign power and its militia, who commonly violate their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution (1).

At this point, there is something which seriously needs to be considered. During the year 2020, the violent leftist and criminal anarchists and insurrectionists were commonly tearing up the United States for months on end. They were setting numerous fires, defacing government property, breaking windows in even private businesses and vehicles, and were brazenly tearing down historic monuments. Now, Joe Biden and the other domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution and the domestic enemies of that authentic Republican Form of Government which it guarantees to every State in this Union, just sat back in the government positions which they had finagled their way into and just "let it all happen." They acted like it was a good thing. But now that "the shoe is on the other foot," look at what these domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution are doing.

Now that some true U.S. citizens have risen up and have started to do something about the vast amount of criminal and treasonous activity which has been happening by those in government positions, suddenly the domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution are yelling that it is insurrection and domestic terror. Now, they are trying to silence and put down any opposition to their blatant treason and their hijacking of the United States. But, what else should we expect from the deceiving agents and hijacking pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia --- that organization which is home to all those numerous priests which are raping and enslaving thousands upon thousands of kids and have been doing so for literally centuries (1)(2). And, that's the crowd, along with their militia, which is supporting the hijacking Biden swarm in the United States.

Now that it appears that Biden has gotten himself into power, possibly by the use of questionable means and possibly with the questionable help and "special talents" of those "Catholics In Action"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) in the CIA, it appears that he is now more than willing to put his "KGB" to work in order to guarantee the full hijacking of the United States, plus the enslavement of its true citizens, is able to take place without any hinderance or opposition. So again, "Heil, Biden!" Adolf Hitler must be smiling big in his grave. And, looking again at the page linked by the button above, note that at an earlier time, it appears that Biden was declaring that the average America does not care about the CIA running illegal domestic operations and spying on U.S. citizens. Well, what planet did Joe Biden come from? So, as things move ahead with Biden's agenda for the United States, there is reason to suspect that hijacked and Nazified Germany may end up looking like a mere "Boy Scout picnic" in comparison.


It is time to consider why Joe Biden, plus virtually all those other agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, would brazenly lie through their despicable and traitorous teeth, when they took their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. As we continue in this examination, the writer feels that it will become rather obvious that this is simply just the nature of those associated with that which the Holy Bible calls "the beast" --- the eventual perpetrator of the "mark of the beast." Now, if you were a foreign government which was sending in its covert type of military, or its rather secretive militia, to hijack or take over a country, do you think that these people would honestly tell the people of the targeted country that they are hijacking and taking over, what they are actually doing to them? Well, now you should understand why these people deceive the public and brazenly lie, especially when they take their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States.

When these agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia lie and deceive when they take their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, so they can get into government and do their "dirty work" against the United States and its authentic citizens for their bosses in Rome, it is a little like what all those many Vatican/Jesuit priests seem to be doing, when they have been horribly abusing and raping and virtually enslaving all those numerous kids (1)(2), and then lie about what they have been doing. In a way, this is like what the CIA, or those "Catholics In Action" which appear to be under the control of those associated with the militia of the pope, did in 1973 (1)(2)(3)(4), when the Vatican/Jesuit associated CIA controllers destroyed an incredible amount of records (1) in order to prevent the public from finding out the extent of their criminal or treasonous activities (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), even against the citizens of the United States (1), which they were hiding behind the criminally-used "CLASSIFIED" stamp.

Now, when it comes to the CIA and those "Catholics In Action"(1), or when it comes to those who it appears are associated with the Jesuits and/or the militia of the pope, which people appear to be running this questionable agency, there are some things to consider. When it comes to the brazen lying and deceiving which those in control of the CIA have been doing over many years, and when it is considered that the controllers of the questionable CIA are associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its government, the Vatican State, there is something to look at more closedly. When it comes to this questionable organization lying to, plus deceiving U.S. citizens, it appears that this lying and deceiving trait helps to reveal who their true masters are. Now, to better understand, looking at the displayed traits, who it appears it actually in control of these treacherous or possibly treasonous "Catholics In Action," we must look back in history to a certain word, which has a very clear definition.

In the 1828 Webster Dictionary, there is found the word "Jesuitism."(1)(2)(3) The 1828 Webster Dictionary begins to define Jesuitism as: "The arts, principles and practices of the Jesuits." Now we must ask ourselves a very key question. "What were those arts, principles and practices of the Jesuits?" As definition number one, in the 1828 Webster Dictionary, it states: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." Yes, "deceptive practices to effect a purpose." That is the true nature of "the beast" and the nature of those which are joined to "the beast." Yes, they lie, cheat, deceive, or whatever it takes to get what they want, or to accomplish their agenda against a people, or as they take over or hijack a country, including a country like the United States with its authentic citizens. At this point, it should be noted that we are dealing with "the end justifies the means" crowd, as can be seen within the said Oath ceremony (1)(2)(3)(4) for the Jesuits which are advancing to the position of command.

When it comes to things about Joe Biden and his cronies, which things can remind a person of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, besides all of them having links to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, plus links to those numerous, raping and enslaving priests (1)(2), there are some additional things to consider. Besides Joe Biden and the Democrats, plus those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, hijacking the United States, just as Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, plus those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, hijacking that which had been Protestant Germany in the earlier 1900s, there is another rather clear similarity to consider between Joe Biden and his cronies, and then, Adolf Hitler and his Nazis. Adolf Hitler and his Nazis went about disarming (1), or taking the guns away from, the people they were going to enslave, brutalize and mass-murder in their Holocaust, which Holocaust appears to have been an industrial-scale Inquisition (1) for the Vatican/Jesuit organization.

In the United States, it appears that Joe Biden and his band of domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States plan to disarm citizens (1)(2)(3), especially those which could be a hinderance to the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia (1), as they take control of and hijack the United States to the point where its authentic citizens are enslaved. At this point, let us again note that in the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy allegedly declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Well, Kennedy should have had some idea of what was going on behind the scenes, for he was a Roman Catholic, and a high-level, Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus, plus was part of the militia of the pope. And, because he would not go along with the treasonous plotters and their diabolical agenda for the United States and its rather clueless citizens, the plotters "took him out" and "sent him home in a box," as noted in a page linked here.

When it comes to what the plotters did to President John F. Kennedy, because he would not go along with their diabolical schemes against the United States and its citizens, because he, even though a Catholic, believed in the separation of church and State, it appears that the plotters did quite a job of hiding the evidence of their evil deeds. But, that goes along with the following quote found in a paragraph linked here, which comes from another linked source: "The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

Let us look further at those associated with the deceiving Vatican/Jesuit organization and their "carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history" of some rather diabolical and criminal and even genocidal activities. Now, about six paragraphs above, it notes how the Jesuit and militia-of-the-pope-controlled heads of the CIA destroyed an incredible amount of incriminating evidence in 1973. But, there is more to this story about the destruction of evidence by the Gestapo crowd (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). At a time after the 1973 destruction of incriminating evidence event, a paragraph linked here speaks about the retirement of the CIA boss named James Jesus Angleton. It states: "When Angleton's successors cracked open his legendary safes and vaults, out spilled the sordid secrets of a lifetime of service to Allen Dulles... The safecracking team was also horrified to find files relating to both Kennedy assassinations and stomach-turning photos taken of Robert Kennedy's autopsy, which were promptly burned." Well, well!

Instead of saving the large amount of files which were found in Angleton's safes and vaults for evidence to be investigated or made public, those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA, or that CIA which former President Harry Truman had called the American Gestapo, (which the Jesuits control using those who are manipulated by or controlled by members of the militia of the pope) did something else. They did the criminal act of destroying the incriminating evidence. Why? Possibly because it revealed the CIA's involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy, which brothers were possibly assassinated by those with ties to the militia of the pope. This situation is clearly indicated in a page linked here. Now, when it comes to those associated with the highly questionable Vatican/Jesuit organization destroying the incriminating evidence of their wrongdoing or treason, it appears that they simply take their cue from their questionable priests or mafia-dons.

Now, a section linked here, which is titled The Criminal Destruction of Evidence, speaks about the worldwide problem of "an incredible amount of child sexual abuse, enslavement and the destruction of lives by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization." The linked section includes a number of button-links to other pages which provide information about what has been going on in this highly questionable organization. One paragraph states: "Within the linked pages is found information from a Cardinal Reinhard Marx. When it came to the destruction of the sex abuse files, it was done in an attempt to keep the world from finding out what has really been going on. They apparently did not want the world to know the depths of criminal activity in which those associated with the international Vatican/Jesuit crime family had fallen." Now, there are some things to consider about this proven, deceptive (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) and rather highly questionable crime family or international criminal organization (which is clearly indicated in the information accessed via the buttons below).

This international crime organization is the same one which is behind Joe Biden and his cronies, which are hijacking the United States so they can enslave its authentic citizens for their bosses in Rome. This is also the very same crime family and international criminal organization which was behind Adolf Hitler and those diabolical Nazis which hijacked that which had been Protestant Germany in the earlier 1900s, which they then converted into the crusading and mass-murdering "sword of the Catholic Church."(1) And, in our day, Joe Biden and his hijacking cronies, and notably Kamala Harris (1), have been doing virtually everything they can to protect those raping priests and this international criminal organization which is, as "the beast" that it truly is, steadily hijacking and taking control of the United States and its many agencies.
The highly questionable or criminal foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization is taking control of the United States by the use of its numerous agents and pawns, which include domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and a slew of its other agents and pawns in government positions which are working to undermine and utterly overthrow any remains of that authentic Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution. This hijacking criminal organization which is behind Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, plus a slew of other domestic enemies in government, has mass-murdered untold millions of people over the centuries with their diabolical Crusades and satanic Inquisition. And now they are, via their agents and pawns, working to disarm U.S. citizens (1)(2).


In their diabolical scheme to take over the United States and enslave its citizens for their masters in Rome, as the foreign-controlled agents and pawns work to be bring in the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order (1)(2) and force the United States to become just another vassal state (1) of that satanic "beast" government, it appears that they are using various "dirty tricks." It appears that those under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are using blatantly criminal-type operations in order to pull things off and eliminate as much resistance to their treasonous takeover as possible. As already noted in an earlier post (1) in this series, agencies like the militia-of-the-pope influenced or controlled FBI are manufacturing terror plots within the United States, in order to hoodwink the general populace in the United States and get them to go along with the agenda of the treasonous, foreign-controlled hijackers of this country. And now, it appears that there is even more to this story.

Since the early 1960s, if not before, those associated with the Nazified CIA and U.S. military, which entities are largely under the control of those linked to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, have planned terrorist types of attacks on U.S. citizens and their cities (1)(2)(3). The treacherous and treasonous foreign-controlled agents and pawns planned on doing these things so they could horribly deceive the general public in the United States, so the duped public would go along with the rather destructive agenda which the treasonous, Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope was working to pull off. Operation Northwoods (1)(2), in the early 1960s, during the time of President John F. Kennedy, was one example of a major, militia-of-the-pope planned terrorist attack which was intended to take place within the United States. Yes, U.S. citizens would likely have died over this one. But, why should these people care if U.S. citizens die? That is just who they are! They are part of the Jesuit-controlled, "the end justifies the means" crowd (1).

Now, as many or most of those in government are manipulated or controlled by the priests and bishops associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, and while they are manipulated or controlled (1)(2)(3) by the Jesuits and/or the members of the militia-of-the-pope which the Jesuits control, as they work diligently to disarm the citizens of the United States and make them vulnerable to enslavement, there is something to consider. There is reason to suspect that a number of the domestic shootings, possibly even the mass shootings and school shootings, may, in one way or another, be linked to the Jesuits or to certain members of the militia of the pope which are in certain government positions (1), possibly even in the CIA. There is a question about at least some of the shooters being mind-controlled assassins (1), as indicated by what is said in the pages linked below.

When it comes to the Jesuit-controlled CIA (controlled by all those "Catholics In Action" and members of the militia of the pope in key positions of influence and control, which are also controlled by the bishops of their church (1)) and the use of hypnosis, let us next consider that elite hypnotist who worked for the CIA, whose name was Dr. George H. Estabrooks. This elite hypnotist clearly and proudly declared: "I can hypnotize a man without his knowledge or consent into committing treason against the United States." Estabrooks also declared that "the entire U.S. Army could be taken over" by a relatively small team of skilled hypnotists (1).

Now, what has actually been commonly told to the public over the years about what went on in the CIA (or with those Jesuit-controlled and militia-of-the-pope-controlled and bishops-of-their-church-controlled (1) "Catholics In Action") and their very treacherous and potentially treasonous MK-Ultra mind control program, plus other associated programs, is very little, compared to what was actually going on in that sinister, Nazi-type series of programs. But, what is known through diligent research is that they were horribly brutalizing and even torturing people, including children, and it appears that they were committing some very serious Nazi-type crimes against humanity, including brutally splitting even children's personalities for use in various highly questionable or even potentially treasonous operations. And when it comes to Nazi-type programs in the CIA, it should be noted that Nazi war criminals were illegally brought from Nazified Germany and then embedded in the CIA.

Regarding the highly questionable CIA (Catholics In Action) MK-Ultra program, a page linked here contains the following quote from a Wikipedia page, before that page appears to have been "sanitized" and the wording changed: "Project MKUltra is the code name of an illegal U.S. government human research operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans through the CIA's Scientific Intelligence Division." Now, the "sanitized" version of the Wikipedia page speaks of the MK-Ultra programs, "some of which were illegal." Yes, some of this program was extremely illegal for it involved Nazi-type crimes against humanity, plus from the information available, it appears that at least a portion of it was straying into pure, unadulterated treason by those "Catholics In Action" who it appears are ultimately under the influence or control of the Jesuits and the militia of the pope, with possibly a few bishops included.

When considering just one of their highly questionable or treasonous activities which involved children, they were turning children into mind-controlled child sex slaves, which they could then use in ensnaring and blackmailing and controlling government officials. Now, from the information which is actually available, it does appear that the sexually ensnared and blackmailed government officials included an untold number of even U.S. government officials. And now, we wonder why our government is so broken, while the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are taking over and hijacking the government of the United States and its various agencies, while they blatantly dishonor their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States (1).

Now, when it comes to mind-controlled victims, let us consider what it appears that those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been doing with hypnosis for actually quite a long time, even to parishioners, some of which is shown in sections accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). Let us also begin to see what they have been doing with mind-controlled victims even in more recent times. As just a minor example of what it appears that they have been doing, possibly with the use of hypnosis, the pages linked below speak about a Catholic priest who was running around with his pants off in a mall area, with his "things" swinging in the breeze, as he was chasing a woman and yelling that he wanted to rape her. When the police showed up, the priest even told an officer that he wanted to rape the woman. Now, let's look at this situation a bit closer.

This Catholic priest was supposed to meet this woman parishioner at a bakery in a mall area. While in this bakery, in this very public place, the priests behavior suddenly became erratic. Possibly this was the result of the priest dropping into trance, because of a post hypnotic suggestion. Then the priest tells the woman whom he was with that he wants to yank on himself and starts taking off his pants, again, in this very public place. Needless to say, the woman ran away, heading for her car, with the somewhat naked priest in hot pursuit. The woman jumps in her car and locks the door, while the priest is pounding on the car window and yelling that he wants to rape her. Soon, the totally shaken woman starts her car and drives away. After a bit, a police officer finds the naked priest in a nearby mall and the priest tells the officer that he wanted to rape the woman. But, there is more to this story.

The information which now follows will help us to better understand what is going on in this country, and basically, who is appears is really in control in this country --- even in control of the police and the courts (1)(2). How, this naked priest tells the police officer that arrives at the scene that he wants to rape even them (the officer) and proceeds to rip off the officer's name tag, plus the priest punched the officer. In other words, this naked priest plainly assaults a police officer. Then afterwards, it appears that the police filed a falsified report about the incident, because the report didn't even mention the woman or the comments by the priest about wanting to rape the woman. Then, according to the articles, the local Catholic diocese brazenly issues a statement saying the public "scrutiny was unfortunate and unnecessary" because "there is nothing newsworthy to report" about this incident.

After everything which happened, the public nakedness, the threatened rape, the assault of a police officer, the priest was only charged with disorderly conduct and barely given a slap on the hand, and then given "informal probation," which should really translate to no probation at all. Later, all records relating to the naked, wanna-be rapist priest conveniently disappeared from the online courthouse records and it appears that a very efficient cover-up or "sanitization" took place. The articles linked below note that the Associated Press only discovered information about this incident when they were digging for information about the abuse of 50 boys by a priest in the same Catholic diocese where the naked, wanna-be rapist priest incident took place.

Well, once all of the evidence is examined, there is reason to suspect that "the boys" in the fancy or frilly robes were "having a bit of dangerous and immoral fun" with their possibly unsuspecting brother priest, as they turned him into a mind-controlled (via the use of hypnosis and post-hypnotic suggestion), "very loose sexual cannon." There is reason to suspect that some of those in this dangerous crowd were just showing how they could take over a person and make them do things which they normally would not do, especially openly in public and even in the presence of a police officer. And then, there is reason to suspect that the judges and the police were possibly agents or pawns (1)(2) of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, so they let the wanna-be rapist priest off the hook --- something which they definitely would not do for the rest of us enslaved citizens.

So, after considering all of the information available so far in this post, is there a chance that those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization could take control of a person or persons, using things like hypnosis and drugs, and then get their victim(s) to do things which they normally would not do? Is their a chance that they could possibly even, with the required programming, turn a person into a murderer or a mass-shooter? Is there a chance that they could do something like this, in order to allow their agents and pawns in government to illegally put in place laws which would disarm citizens of the United States, so they can more easily be enslaved under the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order?

Well, there is reason to suspect that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris (1), Nancy Pelosi, and a slew of other foreign agents and their brainwashed or blackmailed pawns which are in government positions, are more than ready to utterly violate (1) their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, as they traitorously turn to help the treacherous foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia with their diabolical and enslaving agenda for the United States and its somewhat clueless citizens. And in all of this, yes, there is a reason why they did not teach you the necessary history in school which could have helped prevent all this treachery and treason from taking place in the United States.


Near the beginning of Part 1 of this post, it speaks about Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, plus a slew of other foreign-controlled, Vatican/Jesuit agents and pawns which have finagled their way into government. And then, that paragraph clarifies things about the foreign-controlled, Vatican/Jesuit agents and pawns which have finagled their way into government, using these words: "and not just meaning those in the Democratic Party, but also many of those so-called Republicans." Yes, even many so-called Republicans are horribly violating their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, while they "are steadily working to undermine and overthrow the true, authentic Republican Form of Government which is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution to every State in this Union, so they can enslave its true citizens" for the bosses which they are actually working for in Rome. The writer would have to say that a prime example of this kind of treacherous and treasonous activity, though claiming to be a Protestant, is former president George Bush.

At this point, it should be stated that a person does not have to be a proclaiming Catholic in order to be a member of the Knights of Malta, which is part of the militia of the pope. In relation to this, a paragraph linked here notes that certain members of the secretive Knights of Malta could potentially also be non-Catholics and even those who are deceptive posing as historically-authentic "Protestants." If a president of the United States who is claiming to be a "Protestant" can be of use to the Vatican/Jesuit organization in their agenda for taking control of the United States and enslaving its citizens, sure, it does appears that they would even let that so-called "Protestant" president become a member of their Knights of Malta and part of the militia of the pope. And again, the writer has reason to believe that a good example of this type of thing is that guy named George Bush.

Now, let us begin to look at some of the things relating to the highly questionable George Bush, plus even possibly look at the highly questionable "Daddy" Bush. A page linked here indicates that former president George "daddy" Bush was an honorary initiate to the Knights of Malta (SMOM), to which secret society and segment of the militia of the pope an abnormal number of the Nazis in Germany were members. And then, it is extremely clear that George "Daddy" Bush was a "missionary" for the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order (1)(2)(3)(4), which is basically connected to and is just a later version of that New Order which Adolf Hitler and his Nazis were trying to raise up for the Vatican/Jesuit organization during the World War Two era. And then, there is the historically-fake, so-called "Protestant" named George "Kid" Bush, who they called "The Secret Catholic"(1). Of "Kid" Bush, it is also said that he was "much more Catholic than Kennedy."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) And, there is much more to this story.

George "Kid" Bush declared that when he looked into the eyes of Pope Benedict XVI, he saw "God."(1) Or, since hypnosis appears to commonly be used in the papal crowd, as noted in Part 3 of this post, possibly "Kid" Bush was hypnotized and made to believe that he saw God. Then there was that 9/11, Twin Towers caper. In the midst of the different things which were happening, "Kid" Bush declares that "God told me to" make war on Iraq (1)(2)(3). Well, from the information available, it would possibly be more accurate to state that the pope or his emissaries told "Kid" Bush to go to war with Iraq. Then, "Kid" Bush, the historically-fake "Protestant" and secret Catholic, whose "Daddy" was working to raise up the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order, got to have his "Crusade" (1)(2) in Iraq. And in the midst of everything, "Kid" Bush puts in place the Jesuit-lackey-concocted (1)(2) and highly un-Constitutional Patriot Act, which has been used to illegally or criminally infringe upon or forcibly strip U.S. citizens of many of their important, God-given, unalienable rights.

To Be Continued ...

POST #22

On July 4, 1776, the thirteen independent "States of America," in a united effort, presented to the despotic British government their Declaration of Independence. In this act, the thirteen "States of America" declared to the world that they were going to be a free people which retained all of their God-given, unalienable rights. And with this act, the United States we see today was on its way to being born. Now, there was something very special about this forming United States, especially when considering that the papal organization had its despotic and murderous Inquisition going on in Europe and in North America, down south in Mexico. The forming United States provided for religious freedom. The citizens of the forming United States were not going to be under the despotic thumb of anyone, not even the papal organization.

Well, it was bad enough that the thirteen "States of America" had smacked the powerful British Empire a good one with their Declaration of Independence, but there was another war soon to be brewing. In 1777, the Articles of Confederation were sent out to the thirteen "States of America" for ratification (1). The Articles of Confederation declared, in black and white, that the States would work together to ensure religious freedom to their populace. Yes, the forming United States provided religious freedom, even for Protestants. Well, this did not go over well with the pope and the papal hierarchy, so that crowd published the Vatican Edict of 1778 which basically declared the destruction of the forming United States by any means possible and at virtually any cost (1). From that point on, the Vatican crowd did whatever it could to bring about the destruction of the authentic United States.

Once the Vatican Edict of 1778 was sent out, the countries on the European continent which were under the thumb of the papal organization diligently looked for ways to impede or destroy the forming United States. Then, in 1814, the militant Jesuit organization which had earlier been disbanded and banned by the pope was once again reinstated. Then, it appears that the Jesuits quickly went to work with efforts to bring down the authentic United States. Looking at things further, a paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a source: "Since 1815 there has been a continual assault on America by the Jesuits to try to destroy the constitutional rights of this great nation." Then, the linked paragraph speaks about the Congress of Verona, Italy, which took place in 1822.

This 1822 Congress of Verona was basically a get together by the powerful Catholics, where they could make a joint decision about what they were going to do, as a united force, about things which were happening in this world. And then, the paragraph linked here contains this quote: "During this Congress [of Verona, Italy in 1822], it was decided that America would be the target of Jesuit emissaries and that America was to be destroyed at all costs. Every principle of the [U.S.] Constitution was to be dissolved and new Jesuitical principles were to be put into place in order to exalt the Papacy to dominion in America." And again, this was all happening in 1822 --- as it still is today.

Not that long after the diabolical Congress of Verona took place in Italy, during the period of August 1824 to September 1925, the Marquis de Lafayette of France made a visit to America (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). The Marquise de Lafayette was the French military general who fought under General George Washington in the American Revolutionary War against the British. During this visit, Lafayette made the following declaration: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Well, it seems to be rather obvious that in the earlier 1800s, the wiser people of those days understood rather clearly what the devious Jesuits were planning on doing to the United States and its citizens.

Not that many years after the Marquis de Lafayette's visit to the United States, in the mid 1800s, the first American Civil War occurred. This was during the time of President Abraham Lincoln, who it appears the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization eventually assassinated. As President Lincoln considered things which were happening in the United States, using the best information which he had available, he declared: "This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons."(1) It does appear that the sinister Jesuits were working covertly behind the scenes, in order to stir up trouble within the United States which eventually resulted in the first American Civil War.

It appears that this stirring up of trouble goes along with what the Superior allegedly declares in the ceremony where a Jesuit is advancing to the level of command. What now follows is the said words of that ceremony, which the Superior allegedly declares to the advancing Jesuit: "You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

At this point, there is something important which should be noted. The Jesuits and the Catholics were pretty big into slavery, and yes, they were buying and selling even Black slaves. The evidence appears to indicate that the Jesuits and those with links to the Catholic organization were the ones who really got slavery going in the United States (1). Therefore, when all things are considered, by rights, those of the Vatican/Jesuit organization should be the ONLY ones who are forced to make reparations to the Blacks. By rights, all the property of the Vatican/Jesuit organization in the United States should be confiscated and sold, in order to make reparations to the Blacks. Then, as "icing on the cake," all those raping priests and bishops, along with their facilitators, should be forced to become permanent, humbled servants or slaves to the Blacks. It is time for true justice in the United States, rather than what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, plus a whole gang of apparent criminals are trying to do.

Okay, back on track. Well, the Jesuits did not successfully destroy the United States with the Civil War which it appears they had covertly instigated, so, they had to begin taking additional steps in order to bring down the authentic United States. The Jesuits began building the militia of the pope in the United States, apparently so they could have many more "boots in the field" which could covertly help them in their diabolical, behind the scenes agenda for the United States and its unsuspecting citizens. So, about 17 years after the end of their first American Civil War, in 1882, the Jesuits appear to have helped found the Jesuit-controlled secret society called the Knights of Columbus. And, the members of the Knights of Malta are part of the hijacking militia of the pope, which works behind the scenes to further the diabolical agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit organization for the United States.

After the Knights of Columbus were established in 1882, they got very big in the insurance industry (1), which insurance industry has a lot of impact on business and industry in the United States, plus has a lot of control over the lives of virtually all the citizens of the United States. This insurance industry even has an impact on things in government. Moving right along, in the period 1901 to 1909, Theodore Roosevelt was President of the United States. After observing what was happening to the United States, Roosevelt declared: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today."(1)(2)(3)(4)

In his day, in the early 1900s, President Theodore Roosevelt only understood the problem of this invisible, behind the scenes, covert and illegal, second type of powerful and controlling government as being "the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics." These corrupt people in business, along with the corrupt politicians, from the information which is now available, appear to have been influenced or controlled by those who were associated with the militia of the pope. Now, this militia of the pope is actually under the control of the Jesuits, and, ultimately, this militia is under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. By this point, it should start to get rather obvious that the Jesuit General in Rome, using his Jesuits which are in control of the militia of the pope, was using the invisible government which they were building to gain control of and hijack the United States.

Again, moving right along, let us look at Woodrow Wilson, who was the very manipulated president of the United States from 1913 to 1921. Wilson declared: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."(1) What Woodrow Wilson and these powerful people in the field of commerce and manufacture were observing was the Jesuit and militia-of-the-pope-controlled, invisible "beast" government in action. This was the same Jesuit and militia-of-the-pope-controlled invisible government which was noted by the earlier president, Theodore Roosevelt. And all along, the invisible "beast" government was steadily growing like a horrible cancer throughout the "fabric" of the United States.


As noted a few paragraphs above, the Jesuit-controlled, Knights-of-Malta segment of the militia-of-the-pope was established in the United States in 1882. The Knights of Malta quickly became powerful and influential in the insurance industry, as the Jesuits were slyly and covertly building the invisible "beast" government which could ultimately be used for hijacking the United States and enslaving its true citizens. Well, from the looks of things, it appears that the Jesuits and the Jesuit General in Rome needed even more powerful "boots in the field" in order to bring about that utter destruction of the authentic United States which they so desparately desired. Yes, they would leave the "shell" of the United States in place as a label to deceive the ignorant, but this shell would be utterly gutted of the true and complete, God-given unalienable rights and protections that the citizens of the United States were truly supposed to have.

In order to have more powerful "boots in the field," as the Jesuits built up the growing militia of the pope, plus the dangerous and treasonous invisible "beast" government in the United States, the Jesuits established a branch of the "heavy hitter" Knights of Malta (SMOM) on the East Coast of the United States in 1927. Now, there are some things to note about this East Coast branch of the Knights of Malta. Normally, members of the Knights of Malta needed to be nobility or heads of state. But, since the United States does not legally have any nobility, the crafty and treacherous Jesuits decided to do something else in order to establish the Knights of Malta in the United States and really get their illegal, invisible "beast" government going strong. A paragraph linked here contains the following quote: "An exception was made for the United States because of its rising political, economic and military power, and in 1927 a branch of SMOM was established on the East Coast. Most of the founding members were tycoons of industry and finance..."

At this point, there is something which should be looked at rather closely. The writer does not believe that the Jesuits started the East Coast branch of the Knights of Malta and then went around inviting "tycoons of industry and finance" to come join their "funzy little organization." Far be it from that. There is reason to believe that the Jesuits, possibly using the members of the Knights of Columbus which had many contacts with the rich and powerful because of their stategic position in the insurance industry, had been working on and grooming those "tycoons of industry and finance" for possibly many years. And then, after becoming well groomed and more pliable, these "tycoons of industry and finance," possibly a number of them posing as "Protestants," ultimately became the founding members of the East Coast branch of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta, plus part of the militia of the pope.

There is now something about the Knights of Malta to consider, that some people may not realize. There are many who may think that since the Knights of Malta is basically a Jesuit-controlled, Catholic secret society whose members are part of the militia of the pope, then all of the members of the Knights of Malta must be Catholics. Well, this is not really true. A paragraph linked here contains links to information which notes that non-Catholics, plus even those who may be claiming to be "Protestants," but who are not the historically authentic type of Protestants, may become members of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta. So, you could have those who are claiming to be "Protestants," who are now actually part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. It appears that, potentially, even certain Moslems or Jews could become part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. It all depends on what "value" the Jesuits see in a specific individual and how they could fit into the agenda of the Jesuits for this world, which agenda is the bringing in of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order.

Now, the Jesuits, plus even the various secret societies associated with the militia of the pope, do not freely publish a true and complete membership list for public consumption. In order to have their diabolical plans and agenda of treachery work out for them, as they use their militia-of-the-pope and their invisible government to hijack the United States and enslave its citizens for their "bosses" in Rome, the Jesuits (etc.) need to keep the membership in the militia of the pope as secret as possible. It should clearly be noted that the militia of the pope is part of that treacherous and treasonous "Trojan Horse" which has been established directly within the United States, which "Trojan Horse" is now growing like a deadly cancer. At this point, one thing we do know for certain is that "tycoons of industry and finance," which can be Catholics or "Protestants" or other, are major "players" in the Knights of Malta and in that illegal and treasonous, invisible "beast" government which operates within the United States.

There are some things to make very clear, so people can better understand what has been going on in the United States over the years. In the earlier 1900s, those "tycoons of industry and finance" in the United States, which "tycoons of industry and finance" appeared to be under the control of the Jesuits, were financing the rise of that Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Catholic-controlled Nazis in Germany. The "tycoons of industry and finance" in the United States, which were now part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, were financing the hijacking of Protestant Germany by the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization so that which had been Protestant Germany could then be converted into "the sword of the Catholic Church." In the process of this financing of the rise and exploits of the Nazified "sword of the Catholic Church," it appears that especially the tycoons of finance were possibly stealing money, even out of the Stock Market, to give to their militia-of-the-pope brethren in Nazified Germany.

Ultimately, the U.S. Stock Market crashed, likely because of the acts of those treacherous and treasonous agents and pawns with ties to the foreign-controlled militia-of-the-pope and to the Jesuits (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), who manipulated the Stock Market and then pulled their money out at a very critical point. Yes, there is reason to believe that the crash of the U.S. Stock Market was all preplanned, possibly by the Jesuit General and his crowd in Rome. Now, when it comes to the American tycoons of industry, who were very likely under the influence or control of the Jesuits and the Jesuit General in Rome, plus possibly under the influence or control of the militia of the pope in the United States when the Stock Market crashed, there is reason to believe that this group of people can readily be identified by noting those "tycoons of industry and finance" who were supporting the Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Catholic-controlled Nazis during the World War Two era.

At this point, there is something important to note. Those "tycoons of industry and finance" who were illegally and treasonously supporting the Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Catholic-controlled Nazis during the World War Two era, were actually killing American military personnel by proxy. Those who were killing American military personnel by proxy, for personal gain, plus were supporting the mass-murdering of millions of people in the Holocaust, include those who were the owners of powerful American companies like Ford Motor Company, General Motors, International Business Machines (IBM), International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT), Kodak, Random House publishing, Coca-Cola, Alcoa, Dow Chemical, DuPont, General Electric, MGM Studios, Brown Brothers Harriman, Chase Manhattan Bank and Standard Oil (a Rockefeller company) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). These were all treasonously supporting the Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Catholic-controlled Nazis during the World War Two era, plus they were facilitating the Holocaust and the mass-murder of millions.

Now, it is time to ferret out at least one well-known person who there is reason to believe, very likely had some rather intimate connections to the militia of the pope, plus was likely under the influence or control of the Jesuits and ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. This person appears to be one of those so-called or fake "Protestants" who may have even been a member of the Knights of Malta. The name of the so-called or fake "Protestant" which the writer will put forth is David Rockefeller. First, there are possibly those who would wonder why the writer would chose David Rockefeller as being a candidate who possibly had ties to the Jesuits and the militia of the pope? Well, there is reason to believe that the infamous David Rockefeller was one of those who was treasonously selling out, or was a despicable traitor to, the authentic United States and its true citizens, virtually all for personal gain and sick glory. Now, why would the writer state something like this?

It is time to let the very words of the infamous David Rockefeller condemn him. This treacherous David Rockefeller boastfully declared: "Some even believe we [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as 'internationalists' conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I'm proud of it."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) These words come straight from David Rockefeller: Memoirs, which was written by David Rockefeller and published in 2002, so no one can rightfully say that this is just some half-cocked conspiracy theory or that somebody just misinterpreted things. Again, note clearly what David Rockefeller declared. He was "conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will." That "one world" thing which these conspirators are working to bring into being is the global, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. It is the modern version of the New Order which Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were trying to raise up.

As declared in David Rockfeller's Memoirs, he obviously was, and others "are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States," and, there is reason to believe that the secret cabal is associated with the Jesuits and the militia of the pope. From what he boldly declared, it is obvious that David Rockefeller was, and others are, treasonous traitors to the authentic United States and its true citizens. These treacherous people are helping the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia to hijack and now take complete control of the United States, while they enslave its citizens in virtually any way that they can. Note clearly that the infamous David Rockefeller, for one, was very proud of being a treasonous traitor. But, there is actually more to this story, for these treasonous traitors are not doing this just for themselves or by themselves. They are actually working in conjunction with the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, in order to pull this whole thing off.

The evidence tends to indicate that the elite "tycoons of industry and finance," which possibly now may include people like George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and many others, are, even today, ultimately working for the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, rather than for the authentic citizens of the United States, as these potentially treacherous traitors work to bring in the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. These possible traitors may be doing this, because the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have possibly assured them of a very special position in the New World Order. And, as noted elsewhere on this page, the New World Order which the "tycoons of industry and finance" are working to bring into being is virtually that same New Order which Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were trying to raise up for the Vatican/Jesuit organization during the World War Two era (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), as they were going on their "crusades" against other countries and operating as "the sword of the Catholic Church."(1)(2)


Let us begin with some words which are attributed to John F. Kennedy, who was the U.S. President that "they" savagely assassinated on November 22, of 1963 (1). President Kennedy allegedly declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) And then, because the treacherous plotters did not want their plot to be exposed, they blew Kennedy away and "sent him home in a box." Now, there is reason to suspect that President Kennedy, because of who he was and because of his position in life, knew about the Vatican/Jesuit plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States, for President Kennedy was, himself, a high level, Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) and was therefore part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. But, it appears that he had a change of heart and did not go along with them in their diabolical plans for the United States and its rather naive and unsuspecting citizens.

At this point, let us again look at those words from President Woodrow Wilson which were quoted at the end of Part 1 in this post. In the earlier 1900s, President Wilson came to understand that something very nefarious was going on behind the scenes in the United States. In regards to this situation, Wilson declared: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."(1) What Woodrow Wilson and these powerful people in the field of commerce and manufacture were observing was the Jesuits, plus the militia of the pope which they control, in covert operation, as they were working to steadily gain control and hijack the United States, so they can enslave its authentic citizens.

Now, in this situation which does exist in the United States, with the Vatican/Jesuit-aligned "tycoons of industry and finance" (which can even be non-Catholics, including fake "Protestants") taking control of things, it appears that the Jesuit General in Rome, via his subordinate Jesuits and the various members associated with the militia of the pope, is able to manipulate industry and finance in the United States. It appears that this is especially possible, when the Jesuit General can readily use the services of those rich and powerful, American "tycoons of industry and finance." Via this situation which does appear to exist, those with connections to the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia can use their nationwide and worldwide network to block out any competition which is not associated with their band of treacherous or treasonous people. In other words, they can prevent any true competition from being raised up by any normal U.S. citizens, who are not working for the clique's foreign masters.

Because those aligned with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are able to work as a worldwide network in order to prevent any true competition from normal U.S. citizens, those who are working for this "beast" organization (one potential example being Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame) end up getting richer and more powerful, which the common U.S. citizens end up getting poorer and less powerful. In that way, the authentic U.S. citizens are steadily being enslaved, while the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are becoming their masters. And again, from what is being said, those who are associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia even have the potential of preventing any product from being widely marketed in the United States, or virtually anywhere else in the world, which would help lessen their burden or free the common people from slavery to those who are associated with the foreign-controlled Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "beast" government.

At this point, let us begin to consider at least one type of example where there is reason to suspect that those associated with the foreign-controlled "beast" government have prevented the widespread marketing of products which could help free the common citizens from the despotic control of those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia. This type of diabolical activity has had a seriously negative effect on the majority of U.S. citizens, plus on the country in general. Now, in the earlier 1900s, before things like environmental pollution were really raised up to become such a public issue, there were some innovative and advanced fueling systems for automotive and industrial use which were created. These fueling systems often increased the fuel mileage and the performance of normal automotive and industrial engines, plus also allowed for a respectable reduction in engine or exhaust emissions. But, there was a major problem in all of this.

Well, when some of the first very innovative fueling systems for automotive or industial use were created, it appears that the family of John D. Rockefeller had virtual control over the oil industry. And, at this point, it should be noted that David Rockefeller, in his Memoirs, as noted further above (1), indicated that his family was/is "part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States." The Rockefellers, which controlled the oil industry, were working to advance the "one world" global system. They were working to advance the "global political and economic structure" which is actually the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. And again, this New World Order is virtually the same thing as that New Order which Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were trying to establish for the Vatican/Jesuit organization during the World War Two era (1). But, there is more to note in this story.

Not only were those which were in control of the oil industry working for the Jesuit-controlled New World Order agenda, but even the major controllers of the automotive industry also appeared to be under the control of, or were supporters of, the New World Order agenda of the Jesuits and the militia of the pope. Further above in this post (1), it is noted that both Ford Motor Company (FMC) and General Motors (GM) were supporters of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, which Adolf Hitler and his Nazis were trying to raise up the New Order for the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Well, not only were FMC and GM supporting the agenda of the Jesuits and the militia of the pope, but, it appears that even Chrysler Corporation was involved in some of this treachery (1)(2), whereby American military personnel were getting killed by proxy. So, it appears that the Big Three automakers in the United States were effectively working for or supporting the agenda of the Jesuits and their militia.

At this point, let us begin to consider some very needful products which were blocked from widespread marketing in the United States, plus elsewhere in this world. It appears that these products were blocked from widespread marketing because they were created by ordinary citizens and the products may have helped to free the general populace, thereby interfering with the profits and control of those who were associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or with its militia and their New World Order agenda. Now, some of the real innovative designs in automotive or industrial fueling systems began showing up in the latter 1920s. Later, some of the other innovative designs which provided a definite improvement in fuel mileage and performance, over and above that available from widely available automotive and industrial type of fueling systems, were created and some even went into limited production. But, in virtually all of the cases, the innovative or advanced sytem was eventually blocked.

It wasn't that these special fueling systems which were created by ordinary citizens were not good. One of the special fueling systems was used to horribly beat the competition on the racecourse at even places like Daytona Beach, Florida, in the mid 1900s. And, while outrunning the competition, the car with the special fueling system was getting exceptional fuel mileage for a racecar. Instead, the real problem in these situations appeared to be that the inventions or ordinary citizens bumped up against the profits of those connected with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia, and their New World Order agenda and its "pecking order." In all of this, it should be noted that the New World Order agenda basically intends to enslave authentic U.S. citizens and divest them of their God-given unalienable rights. And again, as President John F. Kennedy declared in the early 1960s: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."


In the 1930s and into the 1950s, there was a special fueling system which was created which could be used on cars and trucks, plus even on commercial fishing boats. This special fueling system was commonly called the Fish Carburetor. The marine application of this exceptional carburetor is featured in a page linked here, which is titled The Fish Carburetor for Marine Engines. Besides cars and trucks and fishing boats, the Fish Carburetor could also be used on industrial engines to improve their overall performance. This carburetor was able to give the average vehicle about 20 percent better gas mileage, plus up to 30 percent more horsepower. What this means is that this special carburetor allowed engines to burn their fuel better, which would also translate to less of those harmful emissions out of the exhaust pipe of the car. This was a win-win situation for the consumer and the environment.

Now, concerning the marine use of the special Fish Carburetor, the page linked here indicates that engines using this carburetor had "miserly fuel consumption [while] burning either gasoline or alcohol fuels." So, this was actually a dual fuel carburetor, but as we shall soon see, it was actually a multi-fuel carburetor, for it could use a variety of fuels with just some minor adjustments. Well, because this carburetor allows for the use of a number of convenient fuels, rather than just gasoline and alcohol, this is something which the "enslaving crowd," which is aligned with the Jesuit and militia-of-the-pope agenda, would not want the general public to have, because it could harm the profits and control of those which were in submission to the Jesuits.

Now, there are some things to note in the page linked above. The Fish Carburetor "was simple in design, inexpensive to build and saved fuel." The page then states: "No big surprise, the invention was not eagerly received by the establishment." Since it appears that the Fish Carburetor would have harmed the profits of that group of people which were aligned with the Jesuits and the militia of the pope, dirty tricks began to be played on the manufacturer, J. R. Fish, in an attempt to confound his marketing and sales. Regarding what was happening to Mr. Fish, the page declares: "In 1954 his mail was stopped by the U.S. Government." Well, is there a chance that people influenced by or under the control of the militia of the pope may have been involved in this mail stoppage? Is there a chance that it was people associated with that "invisible government," which was spoken about earlier in this post? (1)

A page linked here contains a series of articles, with the first titled John R. FISH -- Carburetor. The page begins with the following quote: "The big automakers, GM, Ford and so forth, have long had the know-how to build better performing, more fuel efficient cars, but it would defeat their marketing schedule to give us these advantages all at once." The page contains the following quote from an "Industrial Arts and Power Technology professor at San Diego State University (SDSU)": "The technology has been around for several years which could provide a car owner with 100% better mileage." Of course, as we all possibly know, those who are in control of the petroleum industry, who appear to be those who are linked to the Jesuits and the militia of the pope, plus linked to their agenda for the United States, possibly do not appreciate the thought of the public doubling their fuel mileage, for that would seriously cut into their profits.

The second article on the page linked above is titled American Consumers Victims of Oil-carburetor Conspiracy. Well, once we truly understand what has been going on behind the scenes with that growing invisible government which President Theodore Roosevelt spoke about in the early 1900s, which appears to be under the control of the Jesuits and the militia of the pope, the above article title seems very proper. The second article on the page states the following about the higher efficiency carburetor built by John Robert Fish: "But his thoroughly tested and proven invention was not happily received by eager automakers, as you might expect. Instead, the inventor met with suppression and harassment." The page asks why Detroit acted the way they did about "this easier-to-manufacture carburetor that would have saved millions in production costs even back then?" It would have saved millions in manufacturing costs, because the Fish Carburetor had way fewer parts than standard carburetors, to do the same or even much better job.

In answer to the question above, about why Detroit rejected the Fish Carburetor, let us once again consider those words from President John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s, who a certain crowd appeared to have assassinated and gotten out of the way (1), because he would not go along with "the agenda." Again, Kennedy declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." And, from the information available, it does appear that the enslavers are a segment of those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia. This is what they have done for centuries. And even now, their priests are raping and enslaving numerous kids (1)(2), because abusing and enslaving people and doing even very diabolical things just seems to be the nature of "The Beast," as the Jesuits and the militia which they control work to take over the world and put humanity into bondage (1)(2).

Now, let's get back to the Fish Carburetor, which could have economically helped the citizens of the United States, plus even helped the environment, had it not been blocked. Looking again at the second article on the page linked here, it states: "You can run gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, and even crude oil, or Diesel fuel with a Fish on your gasoline engine." And again, note clearly that the gasoline-type engine with a Fish Carburetor could run on straight crude oil. It did not need things like refined gasoline or any type of refined fuel. But, as the article also states, "the oil-auto industry built its multi-billion dollar business by requiring multi-billion dollar refinery capacities in order to break crude oil down into gasoline with an octane rating." Well, they didn't want to lose their control over the public, and, as noted earlier in this post, those in control of the petroleum industry and automotive manufacturing appear to have ties to the Jesuits and the militia of the pope, plus their agenda for the United States, which includes the enslaving of its citizens.

About one-third of the way down in a page linked here, in the section titled Proved It, it speaks about the multi-fuel capability of the Fish Carburetor. The section notes that one Fish Carburetor dealer in Kentucky "told Channel 18 television in Lexington about" the multi-fuel capabilities of this fantastic carburetor. Well, as can be expected, the people at Channel 18 were sceptical. They told the dealer to "Prove it." So a test was set up, which the news cameras recorded. A common 350 Chevy engine was used in the recorded test. The mechanic for the dealer "used crude, kerosene, Diesel fuel and even dry cleaning solvent" to fuel the engine. The page states: "It took only 7 seconds for the mechanic to adjust the Fish carburetor when switching from one fuel to the next." Furthermore, as the page states, the Fish Carburetor " consistently proved its ability to bri[n]g emission levels down lower than any carburetion system to come out of Detroit." So, what was really going on here? Why was the Fish Carburetor blocked? There is one logical answer.

Pages accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) --- provide further information about the Fish Carburetor and also about its use in racing. The fifth linked page provides a rather detailed history about this carburetor. It is written by one of the people who was majorly involved with the manufacture and marketing of the carburetor, plus, he had a very good understanding of the principles associated with this carburetor. Read it and learn what the Fish Carburetor was really all about. Now, when it came to racing at places like Daytona Beach, the other cars with factory "Original Equipment" carburetors were being beaten by "this guy" with an out-of-date car with a Fish Carburetor. This is especially noted in the first page linked above. And then, as shown on the page linked here, in the 1955 Daytona 500, the Fish Carburetor car "beat three Chrysler supercharged 300s by a mile and a half." Because of this, it appears that the factory guys, especially Chrysler, were not too happy with the Fish Carburetor team.

There is now something to look at very closely. The page linked here states that "from 1947 to 1959, the Fish Carburetor Company of Daytona, Florida manufactured more than 125,000 carburetors." And then, near the bottom of the page linked here, there is a picture of the production line for the Fish Carburetor, loaded with carburetors. Then note that the U.S. Post Office was claiming that "there were no carburetors actually being produced," when the picture indicates otherwise. And, "the U.S. Post Office was returning all Fish carburetor orders to the senders with the word FRAUDULENT boldly stamped across the front of the envelope." So, who caused them to make this claim? And, let it again be noted that the Fish Carburetor could allow a vehicle to obtain about 20 percent better gas mileage, plus allow it to gain up to 30 percent more horsepower. This could definitely help the economy of "the little guys" across the United States.

While all of the above information is still firmly in our minds, let us again consider those words which are attributed to President John F. Kennedy, who "they" brutally assassinated on November 22, of 1963 (1). Kennedy declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Now, once again, the Fish Carburetor could allow a vehicle to obtain about 20 percent better gas mileage. So, if the Fish Carburetor had been allowed to be widely used in the United States, that 20 percent increase in gas mileage on vehicles would have been greatly felt in "the pocketbooks" of those in control of the petroleum industry. Now, it is noted further above in this post that those in control of the petroleum industry appear to be influenced or basically controlled by those in the militia of the pope, which milita is under the control of the Jesuits with their enslaving New World Order agenda. And ultimately, they are all under the control of the head "puppetmaster," who is the Jesuit General in Rome.

Looking at things further, the "Original Equipment" carburetor manufacturers have been locked into the major car manufacturers, who appear to have been connected to the Jesuits via the militia of the pope, for quite some time. Well, if the Fish Carburetor had gotten into widespread use, especially since it could allow a vehicle to obtain about 20 percent better gas mileage, plus allow it to gain up to 30 percent more horsepower than a vehicle equipped with the "Original Equipment" carburetor, then why would the general public have wanted those "Original Equipment" carburetors made by companies like Holley and Carter and Rochester and Stromberg, which already were "tight" with the controllers of the major car manufacturers? So, a stop had to be put to the Fish Carburetor, so it would not "upset the applecart" of those who were connected with the growing "invisible government" which President Theodore Roosevelt had spoken about in the early 1900s.


In the latter 1950s, there were the major "gas wars" in the United States (1)(2)(3). During these "gas wars" the price of gasoline at the filling station pump dropped drastically. It does appear that one reason for these "gas wars" and the drastic reduction in fuel costs was to get the general public to buy more cars and also to get the public used to driving a lot more, because the fuel was now much cheaper. Then came the 1970s and the Oil Embargo and the long lines at gas stations and even the rationing of gasoline. There is a lot more to the story about what was really going on in the 1970s, when it comes to those who are in control of the petroleum industry. And again, we possibly should once again look at those words from President John F. Kennedy, which are noted further above. And, we should possibly also consider who is really "pulling the strings" behind the scenes.

When the Oil Embargo and the gasoline rationing was happening in the United States in the 1970s, there is something which it appears the general public did not know. Since the early 1900s, those in control of the oil industry had been buying up oil shale lands. These oil shale lands have been known about since the 1850s (1). Now, let us begin to find out what has really been known about oil shale in the petroleum industry. Let us look to the September 1922 issue of Popular Science magazine, which is linked here. On pages 56 to 58, there is an article titled Rocks to Give Oil when Wells Run Dry. It should clearly be noted that since at least 1922, it has been known that there were enormous deposits of oil shale in the United States and that those deposits contain enormous amounts of oil, from which can readily be made into gasoline or diesel fuel, or possibly even used without any major refining in one of the vehicles equipped with one of the Fish Carburetors, which was spoken about further above.

Now, with what has been know about the great deposits of oil shale in the United States, since the early 1900s and before, there truly was no reason for there ever to have been fuel rationing during the 1970s. It appears that this fuel rationing and the major problems which it created for the general public, plus even for industry in the United States, was done for a particular reason. And again, we should possibly look to those words from President John F. Kennedy, who "they" brutally assassinated on November 22, of 1963. Kennedy declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Well, it does appear that President Kennedy intended to expose that plot, so the plotters simply "blew him away" and "send him home in a box."(1) And in all of this, we must consider those "tycoons of industry and finance" who are in control of even the oil industry, and their connections to the Knights of Malta and to the militia of the pope and to the Jesuits, and ultimately to the Jesuit General in Rome.

It does appear that during the Oil Embargo of the 1970s, the general public in the United States was being horribly "played" by those in control of the oil industry. Well, about this time their may be a "greenie" yelling about them tearing up the surface of the earth to get the oil out of that shale. So, at this point, let us look to the June 1923 issue of Popular Science magazine, which is linked here. At the top of page 49, there is an article titled Oil from Shale Mined by Steam. So, back in 1923, they had a way of getting the oil out of the in-ground shale. Possibly with the information available in the 1970s, they could have gotten this oil in even a better way. And, with the technology of today, they should be able to do it easier yet, possibly even without severe underground blasting. Anyway, just a look at how it appears they were "playing" the general public in the 1970s.

Now, let's get back to those "tycoons of industry and finance" and that "invisible government" which appears to be controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome, using his Jesuits in the United States and the militia of the pope which they control. There are some other components of this "invisible government" which should be considered. The page linked by the button below speaks about a type of "efficient machine" which had been created which has "hurtled the richest 1 percent into the stratosphere." The page then states: "The origins of this machine, interestingly enough, can be traced back to the CIA." And, the CIA has acquired the nickname of "Catholics In Action," because it appears to largely be controlled by Catholics. But, further research indicates that the CIA is basically under the control of those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome.

In the page linked below, it is interesting to note that it states that the Rockefeller family was among the principle creators of the CIA. And, as we know from information found further above in this post, the Rockefeller family has been one of the major players in the oil industry. The page linked below notes that it was "inevitable that the CIA and Corporate America would become allies." Well, that stands to reason, especially when considering that they are virtually all part of that "invisible government," or government within a government, which is basically controlled by the Jesuits and the militia of the pope which they control, with all of it ultimately being controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome. The page further states: "The CIA also gives businesses a certain amount of protection and privacy from the media and government watchdogs, under the guise of "national security."The CIA also gives businesses a certain amount of protection and privacy from the media and government watchdogs, under the guise of 'national security.'"

That which is stated above is how the CIA and the "elite" businesses which are based in the United States, which generally are owned or headed by those "tycoons of industry and finance" which are under the influence or control of the Jesuits and the militia of the pope, and are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome, are able to hide their questionable or illegal activities from the general public in the United States, plus even from government officials. Now, these "tycoons of industry and finance" are those who are working for the Jesuit agenda of raising up the New World Order, which is "the beast" government, or more specifically, the "fourth beast" government, which is spoken about in the Holy Bible. The linked page below goes on to state: "Finally, the CIA helps American corporations remain dominant in foreign markets, by overthrowing governments hostile to unregulated capitalism and installing puppet regimes whose policies favor American corporations at the expense of their people."

Now, there is more that needs to be added to the quote above, in order to make things more accurate and really crystal clear. It appears that the CIA overthrows governments in foreign countries, not just for anybody. It appears that the CIA overthrows foreign governments and then installs "favorable" puppet governments ONLY for those American corporations which are associated with those "tycoons of industry and finance" which are associated with or working for the Jesuits and ultimately for the Jesuit General in Rome. It appears that this is none other than the Jesuit/Catholic/militia-of-the-pope takeover of the world (1)(2)(3), as they finish setting up their reviving, but now worldwide, Holy Roman Empire, which is now labeled as the New World Order in a rather successful attempt to deceive the ignorant. This is the present version of that New Order which Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were working to raise up for the Vatican/Jesuit organization during the World War Two era.

The page linked above declares: "The CIA's alliance with the elite turned out to be an unholy one. Each enabled the other to rise above the law. Indeed, a review of the CIA's history is one of such crime and atrocity that no one can reasonably defend it, even in the name of anticommunism." Well, the CIA and those "tycoons of industry and finance" which rose above the law were able to do that because it appears that they were actually working to help raise up the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. Now, when it comes to these people raising themselves above the law, that goes along with what the papal organization has been teaching its people, especially those associated with its militia, for a very long time. When it comes to the Constitution and laws of the United States, the pope wants his agents and militia, and their pawns, to believe "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

When looking through the page linked by the large button above, it appears that when the CIA has overthrown the governments of other countries, they generally seem to have a habit of then installing "brutal dictatorships or juntas" in those countries. It appears that they have installed dictators which are basically favorable to the Jesuits or at least to the Jesuit General in Rome, in that agenda for world conquest (1)(2)(3). In what they are doing, they are working to raise up the new order or New World Order which is based "on Catholic-Fascist lines."(1) They are working to raise up the Fascist corporative state, which is favored by the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, with the help of those American "tycoons of industry and finance" which, in many cases, are associated with the militia of the pope. And now, it appears that they are turning to take complete control of the United States, with the help of highly questionable or treacherous people like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and a slew of other pliable agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. It may "get ugly" in the days ahead.

In the page linked via the large button above, it can be seen that the CIA, or those "Catholics In Action," has commonly raised up dictator-type people in countries who have, many times, ended up murdering people in those countries. As one of the "attributes" of the CIA, the linked page states: "Created, trained and supported death squads and secret police forces that tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians, leftists and political opponents..." Let this be a warning to U.S. citizens, especially since the agents and pawn of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization are taking control of the U.S. government, while those Vatican/Jesuit-aligned "tycoons of industry and finance" are taking over many other things. There is reason to suspect that we could soon be seeing the revival of the Crusades and Inquisition, in one form or another. Possibly this time around, it could be a medical Inquisition, using injections.

The page linked above also gives the CIA, or those "Catholics In Action," this attribute: "Conducted economic sabotage, including ruining crops, disrupting industry...and creating food shortages." Could this type of thing be connected to the COVID-19 pandemic? This pandemic has caused economic sabotage and the ruining or plowing under of crops and the destruction of dairy goods. The pandemic has disrupted business and industry. At times, it has also caused various types of food shortages. And, it appears that those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia are using the pandemic to now make new laws, restrict the rights of citizens, and basically take over the world. In all of this, there is reason to suspect that those associated with the militia of the pope are the ones who unleashed this pandemic on the world. As a note, it appears that those associated with the militia of the pope are basically in control of the biological, chemical and nuclear weapons of the United States.

Looking at the militia of the pope, which includes the Knights of Malta (SMOM), the page linked by the button above declares: "SMOM is one of the oldest and most elite religious orders in the Catholic Church. Until recently, it limited its membership to Italians and foreign heads of state. In 1927, however, an exception was made for the United States, given its emerging status as a world power. SMOM opened an American branch, awarding knighthood or damehood to several American Catholic business tycoons." Yes, knighthood and damehood in the Knights of Malta was truly granted "to several American Catholic business tycoons." But, there is more to this story. Elite non-Catholics and even fake "Protestants" can join the Knights of Malta and the militia of the pope, so, it appears that even some of these were included in those "tycoons of industry and finance" which are being used to take over things in even the United States.


From the information presented so far in this post, it should be rather clear that the oil industry and the automobile manufacturing industry are largely under the control of those "tycoons of industry and finance" which all too often seem to have a connection to the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta or to the militia of the pope, which militia is, once again, ultimately controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome. From the looks of it, the auto/oil industry is fairly well "locked up" by a tight-knit group of controllers who appear to ultimately be working for the agenda of a foreign master who intends to rule the whole world, while enslaving humanity. From the information presented so far in this post, it should be evident why President John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960s, would have declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Let us now move onward to look at another special fueling system which seems to be very controversial among at least certain automotive enthusiasts. This is the carburetor produced by Charles N. Pogue in the 1930s, which appeared to receive some strong resistance from those in the established automotive industry. Some claim that exceptionally high fuel mileage was obtained by vehicles which were using the carburetor created by Pogue. Now, when all the available information about the Pogue carburetor is considered, there is reason to suspect that there was a drastic drop in harmful exhaust emissions when using this special system. Furthermore, when using the Pogue fueling system, there is reason to believe that there would have been a drastic drop in the amount of fuel which a vehicle used per mile. So, right away, we can understand why there would have been some type of resistance to the widespread use of this fueling system by those in control of the oil industry.

For those who have really not heard much about the Pogue carburetor from the 1930s, a page linked here, which is titled What Was Charles Pogue Doing?, does a fairly good job of explaining why the Pogue carburetor could have worked very well, plus produced some phenomenal fuel mileage in vehicles using this system. But, unfortunately, in appears that the clique in control of the auto/oil industry blocked this fueling system which could have done humanity, plus the environment, an incredible amount of good. Now, after President Kennedy was "knocked off" (1) and gotten out of the way, then the agenda of those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia appears to have "kicked into high gear," as they went about working to hijack the United States and enslave its citizens for their bosses in Rome. Well, it should be "interesting" with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and that crowd running the show. The writer wishes you all the best in the days ahead.

POST #21

The pages linked by the buttons further below show that Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley had been away from Washington D.C. on a trip to his home state of Missouri. In the dark of night, while Senator Hawley was away, the "Antifa scumbags" used illegal scare tactics against his wife and newborn baby daughter, who remained behind at their D.C. area home. Hawley states that the Antifa scumbags "screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door." In response, the terrorizing, very questionable and deceptive "Antifa scumbags" state that they were simply holding a candlelight vigil. In response to that statement, Hawley declared that "now 'vigil' means screaming threats through bullhorns, vandalizing property, pounding on the doors of homes and terrorizing innocent people and children."

Note clearly, in the second linked page, that the "Antifa scumbags" are claiming that they are anti-fascists, but, at this point, there is something extremely important to consider. People and organizations are not always what they claim to be. In a page linked here, it speaks about articles which have been written in more recent times in the Jesuit magazine America, which articles have even been "glorifying the far-left thugs of the antifa movement." Now, there is something to make very clear. From research over the years, it appears to the writer that there is a connection between the dangerous (1)(2) Antifa crowd and the Catholic/Jesuits and various members of the Jesuit-controlled militia-of-the-pope which is treacherously operating largely behind the scenes within the United States, like a treacherous "Trojan Horse." Now, let things be stated in a rather clear manner, while letting history be our guide.

Once again, the Antifa crowd claims that they are anti-fascists, but they are sure using the tactics of the Vatican/Jesuit-backed Nazis (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and their violent Brownshirts of the World War Two era. Now, in relation to what has just been stated, there is something of interest which should be noted. In a page linked here, it speaks about a book titled Hitler's Priests: Catholic Clergy and National Socialism, which was written by Kevin P. Spicer. The book notes that the Hitler-and-Nazi-supporting Catholic priests were called "brown priests." They were called "brown priests" because of an association with "the brown shirts worn by the Nazi SA (storm troopers)." Now, from the evidence, it appears that the Nazi Brownshirts of the World War Two era and the Antifa "Brownshirts" operating in the United States today have all been products of the Jesuit/Catholic crowd and its militia. The Antifa uprisings in the United States appear to actually be Catholic or militia-of-the-pope or Jesuit instigated uprisings.

At this point, let us look at some of the traits of the Catholic-priest-associated Nazi Brownshirts of the World War Two era, so we can more readily identify what the Antifa crowd is really all about. Let us look at how the Vatican/Jesuit-raised-up and backed Adolf Hitler and his Nazis did things. A page linked here states: "Hitler also relied on terror to achieve his goals. Lured by the wages, a feeling of comradeship, and the striking uniforms, tens of thousands of young jobless men put on the brown shirts and high leather boots of the Nazi Storm Troopers (Sturmabteilungen). Called the SA, these auxiliary policemen took to the streets to beat up and kill some opponents of the Nazi regime. Mere fear of the SA pressured into silence other Germans who did not support the Nazis." Well, the Antifa "Brownshirts" have beat up a number of people (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) and even murdered some (1)(2), and, it appears that these Antifa "Brownshirts" are just "warming up" for the times ahead. And, as we shall soon see, this is true democracy in action.

Looking at things further, when it comes to Catholic or Jesuit or militia-of-the-pope instigated uprisings in more recent times in the United States, we should look at what is stated at the beginning of the page linked here, which page is titled The Nazi Terror Begins. Read carefully the first paragraph in the linked page. Then compare that which is stated in the first paragraph of the linked page, with that which has been happening to the United States and its citizens in more recent times. Yes, during the World War Two era, the Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Catholic-controlled Nazis (1) declared a state of emergency. They suspended individual freedoms, "including freedom of press, speech, and assembly. Individuals lost the right to privacy, which meant that officials could read people's mail, listen in on telephone conversations, and search private homes without a warrant." Hmmm. Un-Constitutional NSA spying? Illegal CIA domestic operations? COVID-19 emergency and sudden restrictions...etc., etc.? Again, hmmm.

Now, getting back to the "Antifa scumbags" and their questionable actions at Senator Hawley's house, there is another rather important thing to note in the second page linked by the buttons below. When it came to what the "Antifa scumbags" were doing in the dark of night at Senator Hawley's house, as they terrorized his wife and baby daughter with bullhorns, pounded on the door, etc., the "Antifa scumbags" proudly proclaimed that they were chanting "show me what democracy looks like, this is what democracy looks like." Yes, that is exactly what despotic and oppressive and diabolical democracy really does look like, which is why the wise founding fathers of this great nation utterly rejected and condemned treacherous democracy. And, when it comes to democracy and what it really is, let us next, after the information linked below, begin to look at things a bit further to see what the treacherous and treasonous Democrats (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) have really been doing over time.

In 1928, the U.S. War Department published Training Manual TM-2000-25, which was the Soldier's Citizenship Manual (1), which Citizenship Manual the treasonous Democrats had destroyed in the 1930s, under the reign of their "tool," president Franklin D. Roosevelt (1). Now, why would the Democrats have had all the copies that they could find of this Citizenship Training Manual destroyed? Well, that Training Manual "calls democracy a 'mobocracy.' It also talks about how democracy was REJECTED by our Founders." And, those "Antifa scumbags," in the dark of night at Senator Hawley's house, sure showed that they were into oppressive and terrorizing mobocracy. Now, at this point, let us look a bit further into that which the 1928 Training Manual TM-2000-25 had to say about Democracy, and then what is says about the Republic which legally is supposed to be in this country.

Training Manual No. 2000-25, regarding Citizenship (1), at the bottom of Manual page 91 (which is PDF page 92 of 158), gives the official definition of a Democracy, using these words: "A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of 'direct' expression. Results, in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic -- negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy." Wow! That sounds exactly what those "Antifa scumbags" and terrorizing thugs have been doing all along, plus what their treacherous and treasonous Democratic supporters have been doing.

Now, let us look at what is really supposed to be in the United States, which, according to the U.S. Constitution, is legally supposed to be a Republic with a Republican Form of Government (1), not a treacherous democracy. Looking again at Training Manual No. 2000-25, at the top of Manual page 92 (which is PDF page 93 of 158), it gives the official definition of a Republic, using these words: "Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights, and a sensible economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences."

Wow! The things noted above are things which the "Antifa scumbag" mobsters, plus their treasonous Democrat supporters, have generally been ignoring, especially when it comes to "Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights." In regards to this, the fourth page linked below shows that these "Antifa scumbags" at Hawley's house were "violating local picketing laws." Note also, in the fourth linked page, that the "Antifa scumbags" made sure that in their posted video, the actions of their mobsters at Hawley's door "aren't visible." And now, looking again at that Training Manual No. 2000-25, it continues in its official definition of a Republic, using these words: "Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress."

At this point, there are some things to very seriously consider in all of this. Of course, as seen in the pages linked above, the "Antifa scumbags" and the police (which police very possibly have ties to the Vatican/Jesuit organization (1)(2) and its Jesuit-controlled secret society called the Knights of Columbus and are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is treasonously working to hijack the United States and enslave its citizens for the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order crowd) downplayed everything which happened. The "Antifa scumbags" have stated that they simply "lit candles and delivered a copy of the US Constitution to Hawley's door." These questionable "Antifa scumbags" and deceptive terrorizers are claiming that Hawley's actions, in his intent to "challenge the results of the Electoral College during Wednesday's Congressional vote" are "undemocratic and unacceptable."


By their act of noisily delivering a copy of the U.S. Constitution to the door of Senator Josh Hawley's residence in the Washington D.C. area, in the dark of night, the potentially Jesuit or militia-of-the-pope-backed "Antifa scumbags" are truly just feigning that they believe in, plus feigning that they fully support, the Constitution of the United States and what it says. Their actions are just a publicity stunt intended to deceive the highly ignorant segment of the U.S. population. But, the "Antifa scumbags," as the horrendously treacherous and treasonous deceivers that they are, utterly despise the U.S. Constitution and what this nation is really supposed to be about. So, it's time to get down to some serious business and look at a few things about the Constitution of the United States.

In the whole of the Constitution of the United States --- from the beginning of it, to the end of it --- there is only one sure guarantee which is written down in black and white. If that one explicitly written guarantee is not fully honored and fully implemented by those in government within the United States, then, nothing else in the Constitution is any longer valid when it comes to things like voting, or to any Electoral College decision, or to virtually anything else in the United States. If that one and only, explicitly written guarantee in the U.S. Constitution is not fully honored, then we have a rogue government with nothing but treasonous criminals in positions of power.

There are possibly those who are wondering what the only guarantee is, which is found when searching through the whole U.S. Constitution, so here it is. Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States clearly proclaims: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." There is no other guarantee found anywhere within the U.S. Constitution, and, looking at things further, the Constitution is the supreme Law of the Land. Everything else in the laws and government of this country comes in second or third place (or even in a lower position), after that clear guarantee for a Republican Form of Government. That clear guarantee is both the necessary pinnacle and the very foundation of the authentic United States. So, at this point, there are some things to seriously consider.

If the ostensible government, with those many embedded, treacherous and treasonous, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled "puppets" and traitors which we see, has become a rogue government which is controlled by the domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States, then, things can no longer be fixed or settled through the ballot box. Because the United States has been hijacked by treasonous foreign-controlled agents and pawns, who use divisive factions to create problems in the United States (1)(2), it is beginning to appear that the only way left for authentic U.S. citizens to regain their liberty and freedom, plus their God-given unalienable rights, is to settle things in this country through the Second American Civil War or through the Second Revolutionary War. Now, when it comes to these thoughts, there is something which needs to be said in order to perfectly clarify things in people's minds.

It appears that this situation which we now face in the history of the United States has been forced upon us by the treachous foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization (which has all those criminal sodomizers and rapers of kids in positions of authority) and the treacherous and treasonous members of its militia who have gotten themselves into key and controlling positions in the United States. Now, it appears that those associated with the militia of the pope who are in the CIA (which is also known as "Catholics In Action" and "Catholic Intelligence Agency") have been practicing the overthrow of governments in other countries. But now, it appears that the time has come for them to help hijack the United States for their true bosses in the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization.

Now, we have all probably heard about "fake news" for many years. Well, it appears that the "fake news" really kicked into high gear after those "Catholics In Action" and members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which are in the CIA, began to do illegal domestic operations. It appears that they were doing this in order to manipulate the U.S. public, plus even manipulate elections, and "soften up the beachhead" in preparation for the final assault and takeover of the United States by the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. Much of the history and information which goes along with what has just been stated may be found in a large document titled Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated?, which document is linked here.

The writer wishes you all the best, as the domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution, plus the enemies of our authentic God-given rights and liberty, now take over and finish their total hijacking and the United States, plus the despotic enslavement of authentic U.S. citizens. The foreign-controlled agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been working on the destruction or takeover of the United States since the First American Civil War, if not before. Then, they really got going on their more covert assault on this country during the World War Two era and after. Now, with them illegally taking control, with Biden and Harris and Pelosi and gang, there is a great possibility that they will change this country into something which could potentially have some semblance to that extremely despotic, Vatican/Jesuit-backed and controlled (1), Nazified Germany of the World War Two era.

Now, there are some things which should be noted. For starters notice how "der fuhrer" named Joe Biden --- that agent and pawn of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization (1)(2) and its militia, which organization and its militia had control over Adolf Hitler and the Nazis of the World War Two era --- feigned condemnation, but did not vehemently condemn the insurrection and destruction to property in the United States which was being done by those "Antifa scumbags" and violent thugs which appear to have connections to the Jesuits or members of the militia of the pope. Notice also that the infamous "sodomizing and raping priest protector" (1) and domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution named Kamala Harris feigned comdemnation, but never did vehemently condemn the actions of those many "Antifa scumbags" and violent thugs. Well, that is the so-called "president" and "vice president" for you. But, there is more.

Notice that the infamous and potentially treasonous Vatican/Jesuit agent or pawn named Nancy Pelosi only appears to have feigned things, but did not vehemently condemn the violent and destructive actions of the "Antifa scumbags" and thugs. Looking at things further, notice that those other treasonous Democrats and agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, which have finagled their way into government, did not vehemently condemn the actions of the "Antifa scumbags" and thugs. And then, in the page linked here, notice how that domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution, and the domestic enemy of the founding principles of this country, Rep. Maxine Waters by name, "told her supporters to confront those who align themselves with Trump." And, there is more to this story about the infamous Maxine Waters.

The page linked in the paragraph above contains the following words from that treasonous Democrat and domestic enemy of the authentic United States, whose name is Maxine Waters: "Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere." It appears that the infamous Maxine Waters is a supporter of intimidation and mobocracy --- not what this country is supposed to be about. And, they allow these treasonous ones into government. And again, all these treacherous and treasonous Democrats kept themselves relatively quiet, rather than vehemently condemning the violence and insurrection perpetrated by the "Antifa scumbags" and terroristic thugs who truly do have ties to the treasonous Democrats. Why did these treasonous Democrats remain relatively quiet? Well, its time to consider some important history.

The members and pawns of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope brazenly hijacked Protestant Germany in the earlier 1900s. Then they rapidly converted it into Nazified Germany, which then became "the sword of the Catholic Church,"(1) as the Nazis went on their crusades against other countries, plus destroyed citizens within their own country with their diabolical Holocaust, which was just an industrial-scale form of the Inquisition. Well, it appears that the "Antifa scumbags" and terroristic thugs are the "Brownshirts" for the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled hijackers of the United States, so naturally, none of these treasonous people would want to openly offend the "Brownshirts" which are going to keep them in office by intimidating and smashing any resistance. And, there is reason to suspect that all the violence and destruction which we saw in 2020 is merely a "practice run" for what lies ahead.

There is reason to suspect that the treacherous Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer crowd, along with all those other agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, will work hard to change things and set the stage in ways which will ultimately usher in the next diabolical, Vatican/Jesuit instigated Holocaust --- but this time around, that which it appears will be the American Holocaust. It will simply be the history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, once again, repeating itself. And now, let us look a bit at the true coup d'etat which has been happening in the United States, which it appears is being perpetrated by the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its government, the Vatican State. Let us also consider just some of the treacherous enemies of the authentic United States.


This had been a long-term, slow moving coup d'etat by the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, which started a number of decades ago. This is explained in more detail at various points within a page linked here, which page is titled Why Was President Kennedy Assassinated?. Now, since the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization virtually control all communications and the news media in the United States, beginning with their Operation Mockingbird program in the mid 1900s and after, they can twist and spin things however they want in order to readily manipulate the rather ignorant and gullible general public, which general public has been distracted by "more important things" than their country being hijacked --- yes, way more important things like sports and entertainment, which has largely been provided for them by the agents and pawns associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization.

And now, with the true hijackers of the United States and the true enslavers of its citizens in virtual control of communications and the media in the United States, the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are loudly proclaiming that anyone who is trying to stop the complete hijacking and despotic takeover of the United States, plus the enslavement of U.S. citizens for the agent's masters in the Vatican/Jesuit organization and in the New World Order crowd, are the ones who are guilty of trying to pull off a coup. These guys, with their Jesuit-controlled (via the members of the militia of the pope in key positions) CIA, plus with their members in other agencies (DHS, NSA, FBI, etc.), are quite the pros at this type of thing, for they have been practicing on other countries for decades, as they have apparently been preparing to "do it" to the United States and its authentic citizens.

There is another thing which can be noted in the recent news. There are a number of those European nations which are condemning the U.S. citizens who have risen up against the true hijackers of the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), but, there is something which needs to be said about why these questionable European nations are condemning patriotic U.S. citizens. The European nations are possibly condemning the American patriots because these European countries are already under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order crowd, especially with their Vatican/Jesuit-rooted European Union. This Vatican/Jesuit/European Union connection can be seen in the pages accessed via the buttons below.

Now, there is something to note very carefully. Even an article in the Jesuit magazine America (accessed via the first button below) notes the Catholic roots of the European Union. And, to those who have taken the time to do the necessary historic research, the European Union appears to be just another part of the reviving, but now much larger version of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Holy Roman Empire, which has now, for worldwide consumption and universal control, been relabeled as the New World Order. It is basically that more localized, European, New Order which Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were trying to get going and raise up for the Vatican/Jesuit organization during the World War Two era (1)(2), but they failed in their diabolical efforts at that point in history.

Speaking of the Jesuits and Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, plus the New Order and now the New World Order, there is more to consider. Let us look back to some words of wisdom from the earlier 1800s, which words came from that famous military leader and Emperor of the French people, who was named Napoleon Bonaparte. This powerful person, who, from available information, it appears was supported by and was a "mere tool" of the Jesuits (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), declared: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."(1) Further information about the Jesuits and their lust for despotic, worldly power is accessed via the following link: (1).

Looking at things more closely, the New World Order is actually none other than "the beast"(1)(2)(3), or more specifically "the fourth beast"(1)(2)(3), which is clearly spoken about in the Holy Bible. And, knowing the nature and goal of those in control of this fourth beast government, there is reason to suspect that those associated with the militia of the pope, because they or those under their influence or control appear to be in control of a large share of the very nasty biological weapons in this world, may have some ties to the unleashing of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is reason to suspect that this may have been done in order to help the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order crowd gain even more control over the peoples and nations of this world, plus may allow them to also bring in that which the Holy Bible calls the mark of the beast. Now, there is something very important to note.

Those who willingly go along with the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled beast government, which is now called the New World Order, and accept its mark in order that they can buy or sell, shall, according to the Holy Bible, spend eternity in the lake of fire and torment (1)(2)(3). Now, let's take another look at those European nations and what they have been doing. When it comes to these European nations and their condemnation of those U.S. citizens who are making a stand for their liberty and freedom, against the hijacking and deceiving and enslaving agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization (which agents and pawns include people like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and a slew of other treacherous ones in government), there is another thing which should be noted.

A number of the European powers, for a very long time, have covertly been working in conjunction with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents and its militia in a plot to take over and destroy the authentic United States, plus despotically enslave its citizens. This has been going on, behind the scenes, since the earlier 1800s. This is noted in the paragraph which is linked here. So naturally, the treacherous and conspiratorial leaders of the European nations would loudly condemn anyone who would rise up against the diabolical plans which the Vatican/Jesuit organization (which has all those criminal priests who are sodomizing and raping and virtually enslaving untold numbers of kids) and which the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order crowd have for the rather unsuspecting or highly distracted and rather manipulated people of the United States.

Now, when it comes to the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its government (agents and pawns like Joe Biden, raping priest protector Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, plus a slew of other agents and pawns in government), who have treacherously finagled their way into our government, there are some things to consider. The agents and people of the pope are taught "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."(1)

Now, the pope wants the people of the United States disarmed, so they can be enslaved. It's just like President John F. Kennedy said in the early 1960s, before "they" assassinated him: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Well, Joe Biden and his band of treasonous criminals are Un-Constitutionally working to disarm the people of the United States, to facilitate the enslaving plans of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and the New World Order crowd which is under its control. Now, those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the New World Order crowd want to eliminate about 90 percent of the population of this earth. The evidence seems to indicate that these criminals are heading things toward another diabolical Holocaust, which Holocaust is simply an industrial-scale Inquisition. Now, there is something to consider.

In the earlier 1900s, the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia hijacked that which was Protestant Germany. Then they rapidly converted that country into Nazified Germany and "the sword of the Catholic Church," and the Holocaust soon followed. Now, what allowed the Holocaust to occur? Well, there where those "brown priests" which were spoken about near the beginning of this post, which were connected to the Vatican/Jesuit organization. These "brown priests" were also connected to the violent Nazi Brownshirts, which Brownshirts went about beating and killing opponents of the hijacking agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. So now, we really have something to think about.

If the people of hijacked Germany, as patriotic citizens, would have taken things into their own hands and risen up quickly enough against the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled hijackers of their country, plus executed as many members of the violent and murderous, Catholic-controlled Nazi Brownshirts as they could get their hands on, by possibly hanging them from a tall tree by a short rope or by other comparable means, the Jesuit-controlled Adolf Hitler's plans for Germany may never have come to fruition and the Holocaust may never have happened. If a relatively few thousand Nazi Brownshirts would have suddenly been found "swinging from trees" all across Germany, it may have saved the lives of multiple millions of people who died in the Holocaust and in World War Two, plus prevented much destruction and hardship upon this earth. But instead, what happened?

Well, the people of Germany cowered before the violent Nazis and the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled hijackers of their country, and the rest is horrid history. The people of Germany failed to do their due service to humanity, which could have prevented the horrid deaths of multiple millions. And in our day, the hijacking agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are taking over the United States, and the citizens of the United States are sitting their like dumb cattle and letting it all happen. Oh, I forgot! Sports and entertainment are more important than some potential Holocaust or industrial scale Inquisition on the horizon, when this time around, possibly billions will die. But, hey, let's dance the night away and put our heads in the sand and enjoy things while we can, before everyone ends up going to hell!


Now, it's time to look at a little more history. When it came to the first American Civil War, which was instigated by the enemies of the U.S. Constitution, let us look to some important words from Abraham Lincoln, who was President of the United States in those days. Lincoln begin to clearly understand what was going on in those days and who was behind it. Lincoln spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

In preparing for their reign of anarchy here in the United States, it appears that the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia (which are helping to protect all those criminal priests that are brutally sodomizing and raping all those kids) will use groups or factions like the terrorizing and violent Antifa crowd. And once again, it appears that the terrorizing and violent Antifa crowd is the devious Vatican/Jesuit organization's, plus their militia's, modern day "Brownshirt" puppets and pawns. It appears that the papal controllers will use their modern "Brownshirts" to intimidate and control the highly manipulated and cowering people of the United States, which people are fed "fake news" and disinformation so they can be controlled via the very controlled media.

And, in all of this, there is evidence which tends to indicate that those priests and Jesuits, even the criminal priests and Jesuits which are raping all those kids, are in control of the treacherous militia of the pope, which militia appears to be in control of the "Brownshirts." Now, if the criminal priests would brutally rape those virtually defenseless kids, and those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia do everything they can to protect these criminal priests, what would they then do to the citizens of the United States, once they get their chance? Well, it does appear that we are about to find out with that Vatican/Jesuit puppet named Joe Biden as the so-called "president" and the rapist-priest-protector named Kamala Harris as the so-called vice president, and that domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution named Nancy Pelosi and her crowd in virtual control of Congress.

Well, will we soon see the next series of Crusades and the large-scale Inquisition, which the Holy Bible calls the great tribulation, in which the majority of the people on this earth will perish? Now, we must remember that those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its New World Order crowd want to eliminate about 90 percent of the earth's population, or about 6 billion people. It appears to be part of the "elites" desire to once again be able to do human sacrifice upon this earth (1)(2)(3)(4), with billions of victims at their disposal this time around. And, in all of this, are we soon going to find out what that highly questionable facility is really all about, that those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have been building right under our noses for years, on the old Hanford Nuclear Reservation site in Washington state?

Now, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization (with all those many criminal priests and Jesuits, which seem to get their jollies by being brutal sodomizers and rapers and enslavers of children) is behind a lot of the highly questionable activity which has been going on in the United States for a very long time. And, these seem to be the type of people which agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia --- agents and pawns like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and a slew of other treacherous people who have finagled their way into government --- seem to be working to protect. So, when it comes to human sacrifice, possibly we should consider what is allegedly said by the Superior in that infamous ceremony where a Jesuit is being elevated to the position of command.

In all of this, it should be noted that the Jesuits are over or basically in control of the militia of the pope, with the Jesuit General in Rome as head over all of this. Now, the militia of the pope includes those many members of the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc., which are found in the government, the judiciary, Congress, the U.S. military and most or all of the key agencies of the United States. They are found in the spying NSA, in the CIA or those notorious Catholics In Action which have a history of doing illegal domestic operations within the United States. They are also found in the FBI and in many key positions in the law enforcement agencies within the United States. And now, let us return to those Jesuits and what they seem to be about, besides raping kids.

In the ceremony where the Jesuit is advancing to the position of command, their Superior allegedly declares to them: "You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but you have not yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for 'without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.'"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) And, that appears to be what the Holocaust in Germany was about. It appears to be what the Holocaust in Croatia was about. It also appears to be what the Holocaust in the United States will eventually be about. Yes, it's about human sacrifice upon this earth, and a belief that this is their way to salvation.

By the way, about seven paragraphs above, there are found some words from President Abraham Lincoln, who was in office during the first American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln realized many things during the Civil War, especially about the Vatican/Jesuit crowd and what they were doing to the United States, and as he observed what what happening, he declared the following about the true instigators of the Civil War: "The true motive power [for the Civil War] is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome."(1) When it came to the first American Civil War, President Lincoln also declared: "This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons."(1)

As President Abraham Lincoln considered things during the first American Civil War, he came to a very firm conclusion about the agents and emissaries of the raping and conniving papal organization, and then he declared: "I understand, now, why the patriots of France, who determined to see the colors of Liberty floating over their great and beautiful country, were forced to hang or shoot almost all the priests and the monks as the irreconcilable enemies of Liberty. For it is a fact, which is now evident to me, that, with very few exceptions, every priest and every true Roman Cathoic is a determined enemy of Liberty. Their extermination, in France, was one of those terrible necessities which no human wisdom could avoid; it looks to me now as an order from heaven to save France."(1) Now, there are things which should be noted and people should be fully aware of, especially when it comes to the situation which now exists in the hijacked and changing United States.

First, a word to patriotic U.S. citizens. Be very wise and do not act foolishly or out of impulse, especially in the days ahead. Think things out very carefully and very well, before you do anything. The hijacking agents and their pawns which are associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have been preparing for a long time now, for you to make your move, so they can annihilate you and then easily take over and enslave the people which remain. The Vatican/Jesuit organization, via its members in the militia of the pope who are in key and controlling positions, appears to be in control of agencies like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the National Security Agency (NSA) which is spying on all your communications, the CIA or those Catholics In Action which have a history of doing illegal domestic operations against U.S. citizens, plus they control many or most of the law enforcement agencies in this country.

Now for an important piece of information. Starting under the treacherous or potentially treasonous Obama/Biden administration, those in the DHS and other agencies who appear to be associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia, began heavily arming themselves and stockpiling an incredible amount of ammunition, all paid for by the U.S. taxpayers. It appears that they were doing this in preparation for the final battle in their complete hijacking of the United States. This highly questionable arming at taxpayers' expense can be seen in a page linked here. This highly questionable arming at taxpayers' expense goes right along with that which is sworn to in the said Oath ceremony for the elite in the militia of the pope, where they swear: "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope."(1) The writer wishes patriotic citizens well, in the days ahead.

There is some information which the writer would like to leave with the reader. In the Holy Bible, in the prophecy in the book of Daniel, it speaks about the fourth beast, or fourth major, human government or power which shall be upon this earth. Of this fourth and last beast government, which those who have done the necessary research understand as being the New World Order, it is written: "Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet..."(1) This fourth and last beast government is of a different nature than the major "world" governments of the past. It will be a very destructive type of government. It will not create real progress upon this earth, but instead shall be a very despotic type of government which shall devour and break things in pieces and crush things, especially people and their God-given, unalienable rights, under "its feet."

This diabolical monstrosity of a government which is now coming upon us shall be "diverse from all the others" before it, because this government is actually a so-called "church" --- a "church" which seems to be packed with diabolical and criminal sodomizing and raping and enslaving priests, who get their jollies by "doing" little kids --- which so-called "church" (or international man/boy sex club (1)(2)(3)) is hiding behind and in control of this diabolical and destructive government. Regarding this fourth and last beast government, the prophecy also declares: "Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces."(1) Yes, this very despotic and destructive government "shall devour the whole earth." It is none other than the worldwide, New World Order which the Vatican/Jesuit organization has been working to raise up, and many are falling for it, to their own eternal destruction in the everlasting lake of fire and torment (1)(2)(3).

Now, when it comes to the diabolical "fourth beast," Vatican/Jesuit-controlled world government, or the rising New World Order which appears to be controlled by the international man/boy sex club, there is still more to consider. The Holy Bible shows that the thrones associated with the New World Order shall be cast down (1), when the judgment of the true God of heaven comes upon this diabolical Vatican/Jesuit creation. And then at that time, it is shown that "the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame."(1) After all of those decades and decades of work at getting the fourth-beast worldwide-government going, and after spending all that time hijacking the governments of this world, the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order shall be utterly destroyed.

Before the utter destruction of this fourth beast, New World Order government, it is shown that it "made war with the [true, living] saints [of God], and prevailed against them,"(1) but only for a relatively short period of time --- "until the Ancient of days came."(1) So, how long will the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents and militia rule over the peoples and nations of this world? Well, the Holy Bible shows that the diabolical head of this Vatican/Jesuit-controlled creation "shall speak great words against the most High [God of heaven], and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."(1) So, after all those decades and decades of work preparing for things, the diabolical Vatican/Jesuit organization shall have control over the earth only during that period labeled as "a time and times and the dividing of time." They will only have despotic control over this earth for about 3-1/2 years, and then their whole thing shall be utterly destroyed.

The story about what will happen in the rapidly approaching days ahead upon this earth, when it comes to the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled beast government, begins to close with these words: "But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him."(1) And, the false prophet (the pope) and the beast (those associated with the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled beast government) shall be relegated to the everlasting lake of fire and torment, along with their buddy the Devil (1)(2)(3).

So, true Bible-believing and Bible-following Christians (which are the only authentic Christians upon this earth and the true saints of God) and those which the Vatican/Jesuit beast is working to crush under and enslave and destroy, and to those true, loyal, patriotic citizens of the authentic United States, take comfort in the following words. It may get to be hell on earth for a period of time, possibly during the time of the hijacking Joe Biden / Kamala Harris / Nancy Pelosi administration, but that hijacking, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled "beast government" shall be utterly destroyed, and then, as shown in the Holy Bible, that which is truly good shall reign upon this earth. And, there won't be any more of those diabolical sodomizing and raping and abusing and enslaving and money-hungry priests. They will then, along with their facilitators, get to have things really hot, indeed --- for all eternity!

POST #20

There are some very important bits and pieces which will be looked at in this Post. Then, you, the reader, will have to decide something about the things being noted and the timelines involved. Is the timeline associated with the various, more major rape disclosures relating to Catholic or Jesuit insitutions and then the somewhat parallel timeline associated with the questionable arming of various government agencies just a coincidence, or, is there possibly more to this story? Is there a chance that there is actually a connection between the two timelines and the associated events?

In all of this, the reader will have to decide if the things noted in this Post, which are associated with the rather parallel timelines, may indicate where things are now headed in the United States. The reader will also have to decide what it appears is potentially coming in the days ahead, especially under a Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi administration, seeing that they are all agents or pawns of the highly questionable, foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or its militia which is related, in one way or another, with those raping priests. Now, the citizens of the United States may have quite a time figuring out how many of these sly or treacherous agents and pawns are criminally protecting the abusing, raping and enslaving Catholic and Jesuit priests.

When it comes to protecting those raping and enslaving Catholic and Jesuit priests, there is one thing which it appears that there is really no question about. There are many people in government, that Kamala Harris being just one very obvious example (1), which it appears have done their best to protect those abusive and raping and enslaving Catholic and Jesuit priests. And, there appears to be a bit more to this story. These infamous Catholic and Jesuit priests seem to also have quite a lengthy history of raping even black kids (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) and then horrendously shortchanging them, especially when it comes to any monetary reparations. And then, after all that raping and ripping off the Blacks, the priests of this highly questionable, foreign-controlled organization put on a straight face and go out and "take a knee" at the Black Lives Matter protests (1)(2)(3).

Now, when it comes to Kamala Harris protecting those raping and enslaving and potentially deceiving Catholic and Jesuit priests, there seems to be quite a bit of information available on the Internet, a mere introduction which is found at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13). And then, looking at things further, beginning at the paragraph linked here, the associated page notes that the infamous Kamala Harris "helped shield the criminally sodomizing and raping priests and agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its government, the Vatican State, from prosecution for their crimes against humanity, when she was the highly questionable District Attorney for San Francisco." Well, is that throwing all political correctness aside and saying things exactly like it is, or what?

Considering all things, possibly we should not just be looking at Kamala Harris. Possibly we should not be JUST looking at Kamala Harris, because it appears that there are many more of those highly questionable people who are domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States, plus enemies of the fundamental principles of this country, who have finagled their way into government positions. It appears that there are MANY in government positions, and not just in places like California or Pennsylvania, who it appears are horribly violating their Oath of Office to the Constitution, as they are working rather hard to protect those abusing, raping and enslaving Catholic and Jesuit priests (1)(2).

It appears that a number of those who have finagled their way into government are working hard to protect the image of the Catholic Church, while they work "to prevent unfavorable publicity" toward the American segments of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization because of those numerous, raping Catholic and Jesuit priests. Those highly questionable ones who have finagled their way into government positions are working hard to protect the image of a potentially criminal, foreign-based organization and its government, the Vatican State, rather than diligently working to do justice for U.S. citizens where it appears that heinous crimes are being regularly committed on a large scale. These things can be seen at some point within the pages linked below.

There is now something else to take a serious look at in this whole situation. In all of the pages accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27) --- note clearly that much virtually "rubber stamped," whoop-de-do publicity is being spread far and wide, especially in the many outlets of the highly manipulated and controlled media, about the Vatican hierarchy supposedly telling bishops to report sex abuse to police. But, in the pages linked below, it can be seen that the police are all too often involved in the treasonous conspiracy to support the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, over the rights of authentic U.S. citizens, by helping to cover up all this brazenly abusive and very criminal activity.

Well, possibly a lot of this criminal and conspiratorial activity which is being allowed has something to do with all those police officers and their superiors who are part of the Jesuit-controlled secret society called the Knights of Columbus, whose members are part of the militia of the pope and get to have their yearly Blue Mass (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) with their real "bosses," which appear to be generally found in the Catholic Church. There is reason to suspect that the citizens of the United States, plus the rape victim,s are getting "played" really big time, as utter fools, on this one, by those sly and sneaky ones associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization.

At this point, research by the writer does raise a question about at least a certain percentage of these raped, groomed and enslaved children. The question involves these "groomed" children then being passed along to become child sex slaves by those which are associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, which includes those "Catholics In Action" in the CIA crowd. And, it does appear that those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have a lot of control over the child sex slave trade, so they can use these child sex slaves as "tools" with which to blackmail and gain control over government officials.

Now, when it comes to the treacherous blackmailing and treasonous controlling of various government officials, especially directly within the United States, it appears that some of this blackmailing and controlling is being done in order to prevent politicians from working to enact laws that would put a true end to this Catholic or Jesuit raping and enslaving of numerous kids (1)(2)(3), even Black kids (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) within the United States, plus who knows how many other unfortunate victims, even adult victims (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), plus even murdered adult victims, as show in the pages linked below, which are possibly scattered who knows where across the country.

It's time to know a bit more about these Catholic or Jesuit priests and what they can really be like, especially when their parishioners are hoodwinked and are not keeping a close enough eye on them. Check out the pages linked below and see what these so-called, possibly very wrongly called, "men of God" are really doing when the public is not watching, but then again, wildly doing even at times when the public is watching and getting an eye full. Well, what "god" are these reprobate (1)(2) "priests" worshiping? And now, they may look like they are getting away with their diabolical activity at this point, but from hell they came and to the lake of fire shall they go, to be tormented forever with wailing and gnashing of teeth, along with all those who facilitate them (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

We are here considering an international organization, which some consider as being just a highly deceptive criminal organization; something like a mafia. This highly questionable, foreign-based organization seems to have a certain type of serious problem all over the world. It has a hierarchy which includes many abusers and rapers, so possibly we should seriously consider that which is presented in the pages linked below.

Some who live in a fairytale world of denial, especially those who are supporting and facilitating these highly questionable priests, may say, "But, that was in Germany. That does not happen in the United States." Well, the evidence seems to show that there is a certain type of consistency in this foreign-based, possibly extremely criminal organization --- this organization which has historically perpetrated things like mass-murdering Crusades and their satanic Inquisition, whenever they get the chance.

When it comes to the papal organization and its worldwide "beast" government, plus all those sodomizing and raping and abusing priests and others, plus their form of "worship" and their fancy buildings with all their ornaments and even dressed up and bejeweled carcases (1)(2)(3)(4), the words of the very Son of God come to mind, when he declared: "Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God."(1) And when it comes to those dressed up and bejeweled carcases and other things which seem to be associated with that organization, the Holy Bible (KJV) does speak about those who have "worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator."(1)

Getting back to those days when Christ walked upon this earth, he was shown the magnificent buildings of the temple. As Christ looked upon them, he proclaimed: "See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down."(1) The same can be said for the Babylonish, Vatican and the fancy papal buildings, in the rapidly approaching days ahead. From the evidence, it appears that the Vatican and surrounding Rome shall be utterly destroyed somewhere around the year 2048, if not before. This is shown in a page linked here. Well, so much for the so-called "Eternal City." But there are more details available in this story, when it comes to the papal organization and its buildings and surrounding Rome, for the true God of heaven will show his great displeasure on this Babylonish and unholy crowd in the most awe-inspiring way.

Of the papal organization, that great Babylonish whore spoken about in the Scriptures (1), it is written: "How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."(1) About that rapidly approaching day, it is also written: "And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all."(1) Yes, "with violence" shall the Babylonish-style whore be destroyed. And when the Most High God of heaven is done which his judgment upon that place, the home base of the Vatican/Jesuit organization "shall be found no more at all." Poof! All gone!

Now, concerning the Babylonish whore, that woman spoken about in the Scriptures in the book of Revelation, it is written: "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."(1) That city which reigns over the kings or rulers of this earth is Rome with its Vatican, which controls the governments of this world through its bishops and even through those numerous child-raping priests (1)(2), and also by the use of those numerous members of its Jesuit-controlled secret societies and the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And, these people are all working together to do that which President John F. Kennedy declared, before "they" brutally assassinated him in November of 1963. He declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Yes, these people are working to enslave every man, woman and child...for their true bosses in Rome.

When it comes to the United States, those who are agents or pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are in many key and controlling positions in the government and military of the United States. These agents and pawns associated with the hijacking militia of the pope who are found in the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, and in many other rather secretive organizations. Many of these agents and their pawns are found in key or controlling positions in the CIA, the NSA, the DHS, the FBI, in Congress, in the judiciary and in many or most law enforcement agencies throughout the United States. The agents and pawns of the foreign-based organization include people like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi. It is through these types of people that the sly and very cunning foreign-based organization controls the United States.

Now, let us continue with the story which started a couple of paragraphs above. The story about the destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome in the rapidly approaching days ahead, apparently somewhere around the year 2048, continues with these words: "And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived."(1) And, there is yet more to this story.

It is further written: "And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: for true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever."(1) Yes, the smoke of the burning of the Babylonish whore in the midst of Rome shall rise into the sky forever and ever. It will become quite a symbol to those which remain upon this earth. And, as noted in the paragraph above, no one shall ever again be living in that area now filled with the Vatican and Rome. As it says further above, it "shall be found no more at all."

Because of the extreme vileness and horrendous deception of the Babylonish whore in the sight of the true God of heaven, and because of the extreme vileness of all those abusing and sodomizing and raping and enslaving priests, the rapidly approaching destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome shall be even more severe than the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (1)(2). The smoke of the Vatican/Rome cataclysmic destruction and burning shall go up forever and ever. The burning of the wrath of God upon the region where the headquarters of this vile institution now sits, shall never cease. And, there is reason to suspect that many alive today shall get to see this awe-inspiring, utter destruction of the Vatican and surrounding Rome. It is coming, and it is coming fast.


Let us start this part of the discussion by noting some excerpts for the said historic Oath for at least certain members of those Jesuit-controlled secret societies, whose members are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. The advancing member allegedly declares: "I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers."(1)(2)(3)(4) And then: "I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ."(1)(2)(3)(4) And now, there is something even more important to consider.

In their alleged Oath, it is said that the advancing member of the militia of the pope swears to the following: "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope."(1)(2)(3)(4) At this point, it is time to begin examining the two parallel timelines which were spoken about earlier in this post, which timelines actually appear to form just a single timeline on which all of the events, which appear to be related, can readily be placed.

A page linked here states: "The issue of child sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests was first publicized in 1985 when a Louisiana priest pleaded guilty to 11 counts of molestation of boys. It was again brought to national attention when a number of books on the topic were published in the 1990s, and again in 2002 following a series of publications by The Boston Globe." The page then states: "As it became clear that there was truth to many of the allegations and that there was a pattern of cover-ups in a number of large dioceses across the United States, the issue became a nationwide scandal, creating a crisis for the Catholic Church in the United States."

From the writer's research, it appears that priests in the fallen Catholic Church (1) have been sodomizing and raping kids since at least the 4th century. By the 11th century, it appears there was widespread sexual abuse going on in the fallen Catholic Church (1), which likes to call itself "Christian," but is not truly Christian at all, for authentic Christians do not go around sodomizing and raping kids or anyone else. Furthermore, they are commonly called "men of God," but they absolutely have no connection to the true God of heaven, since they are doing these types of heinous things, for their type of activity is condemned by the God of heaven.

Now, let's get back to that child raping that has been going on in the Catholic Church. Now, the evidence indicates that for many centuries, child sodomy and rape have commonly been going on in the fallen Catholic Church (1), with this demonic activity mostly kept behind the scenes where the truth was not leaking out to any large degree to the parishioners or to the general public. Then, things began to change in 1985 in the United States, as the real truth about demonic activities in the fallen Catholic Church (1) began to leak and ultimately gush out to the general public.

As the first, widespread public revelation about child rape in the Catholic Church came about in 1985, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization was able to keep things under control by just doing some "damage control." But then, as noted a couple of paragraphs above, things about child rape in the fallen Catholic Church were "again brought to national attention when a number of books on the topic were published in the 1990s." By the latter 1990s, the Vatican/Jesuit organization was possibly very concerned about the widespread publicity about the diabolical child raping going on in that organization. Then, in 2002, the Vatican/Jesuit organization was "hit" again when the Spotlight team for the Boston Globe ran their series about child abuse and rape in the Catholic Church (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6).

Then, in 2015, the Spotlight movie hit the scene (1) and was shown internationally (1). The movie was based on the Spotlight investigative team for the Boston Globe, which team, in the early 2000s, dug very deeply "into cases of widespread and systemic child sex abuse in the Boston area by numerous Roman Catholic priests."

To Be Continued ...

POST #19

It is time to look at some very important pieces of U.S. history. It is unlikely that they taught you any of this history in school, possibly for a reason. It might have something to do with that "dumbing down of America"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) which we sometimes hear about. So, in this post, not only will you have the opportunity to learn about this important piece of U.S. history, but you also have the opportunity to learn about what, or who it appears was actually behind or instigating the planned or attempted coup d'etat in 1933, or the planned overthrow of the legitimate, Constitutional Form of Government and also personal Liberty in the United States.

As we look further into this attempted coup d'etat in 1933 (1) and the planned overthrow of the legitimate, Constitutional government and the end of authentic Liberty for citizens in the United States, plus the planned installation of a despotic, fascist, Nazi-type of government with killing centers and all (1), let us consider the following words which are attributed to former President John F. Kennedy: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) And then, it appears that "they" --- meaning the plotters and their pawns --- had President Kennedy brutally assassinated in public on November 22 of 1963, as made rather clear in the evidence presented within a page linked here.

And now, there is something important to note about the treasonous coup d'etat activities which were happening in the United States in 1933 and the cold-blooded murder of President John F. Kennedy in November of 1963. From the evidence presented within the page linked here, it is evident that, associated with the brutal assassination of President Kennedy, was also another part of a veiled coup d'etat in the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20). From the information presented within the page linked here, it does appear that the veiled, more slow-moving coup d'etat at the time of the assassination of President Kennedy was possibly linked to the same basic group which attempted the 1933 coup.

A page-section linked here is titled The Planned Coup D'etat of 1933. The linked section provides quite a bit of history, plus links to additional information about this planned coup d'etat, therefore, in this post, only a few things will be highlighted. This planned coup d'etat in the United States was scheduled to occur in the same year that the Vatican/Jesuit-backed (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) Adolf Hitler and his Nazi "holy warriors" hijacked and Nazified that which had been Protestant Germany (1). From the available information, it is rather clear that there was a connection or a coordinated, worldwide effort (1) in this planned 1933 coup d'etat in the United States and that 1933 hijacking of Protestant Germany by the Vatican/Jesuit-backed Adolf Hitler and his Nazi "holy warriors," which "holy warriors" were then successful in converting Germany into "the sword of the Catholic Church"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12), as they worked to raise up the New Order (1)(2)(3)(4) on this earth.

This planned coup d'etat in the United States, in 1933, has commonly been called "The Business Plot," because it appears that many of the rich and elite U.S. businessmen of that day (1) were behind this unsavory and treasonous plot which would have, had it succeeded, forcibly stripped every man, woman and child in this country of their true Liberty and then enslaved them under a diabolical, fascist form of government. Now, in all of this, there is something extremely important to note. Back in 1933, the plotters were trying to get the famous Major General named Smedly Butler to be their "tool" to pull off the coup d'etat for them (1). But luckily, Smedley Butler had enough of a conscience and was loyal enough to his Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, that he did not go along with the plotters, even though they had offered him an elite position if he did their dirty work.

There is now something else which it is very important for everyone to consider. This one man, Smedley Butler, in 1933, actually prevented the takeover of the United States by the enemies of the U.S. Constitution. Because this one man stood up against the planned overthrow of the legitimate United States, the legitimate United States was spared from complete change and destruction at that point in history. So, there is an important question which needs to be asked. How many today would stand up and truly honor their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, if they were offered great rewards if they would go along with the agenda of the traitors and enemies of the authentic United States? Well, it appears that an incredible amount of people are traitors to the authentic United States and its Constitution, for much less than the honorable Smedley Butler was offered.

Now, there was something important which was also connected to the planned overthrow of the authentic U.S. government in 1933. Those rich and elite businessmen involved with the 1933 plot appear to have been associated with a certain clique. They were associated with a secretive clique which was established in the United States in 1927. But, those actually in control of this clique have a history which goes back much further. Now, in 1927, a branch of the Knights of Malta, which is part of the militia of the pope, was established on the East Coast of the United States. "Most of the founding members [of this branch of the Knights of Malta in the United States] were tycoons of industry and finance..."(1) These "tycoons of industry and finance," as part of the militia of the pope, were under the influence, manipulation and control of the Jesuits and ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome.


To better understand what has been happening to the United States for a very long time, plus what led up to that attempted coup d'etat in in 1933, especially when considering those words from former President John F. Kennedy about "a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child,"(1) there is some very important history which needs to be examined. Back in 1607, the first British Colony was established in the eastern part of the land which is now the United States (1)(2)(3). At that point in history, the Vatican's despotic and deadly Inquisition was in full operation down south in Mexico (1). Then, over the next 169 years, a total of thirteen British Colonies were established and put into full operation in the eastern part of what is now the United States.

During the 169 year period spoken about above, the British became more and more despotic toward the people in the thirteen British colonies which had been forming into States. At some point, the people in the thirteen forming States decided that they wanted to be a free, rather than an enslaved people. So, in 1776, the people of the thirteen independent "States of America" decided to separate themselves from the despotic and enslaving rule of the British. At that point, the thirteen States issued their united, Declaration of Independence (1). Then in 1777, the document called the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) was sent out to the thirteen States for ratification, so they could form a more sturdy union for their mutual benefit and protection.

At this point, there is something very important to note. The Articles of Confederation bound the thirteen States together, so they would "assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretense whatever." Look closely at what was just quoted, for again, it is very important. The Articles of Confederation established the freedom of religion in the thirteen States which were forming into the United States of America. Well, it appears that the Vatican crowd, which is famous for its murderous Crusades and its diabolical Inquisition, was not about to allow a country in the Americas to have freedom of religion, where the free people would not be under the thumb of the pope and his despotic minions.

The next year after the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were sent out to the thirteen original States of America for ratification, to counter this forming country of religious freedom, the Vatican produced its despotic Edict of 1778. The Vatican Edict "condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). The Vatican declared that what was being set up in the forming United States --- in this land of religious freedom --- was "a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) And from that point onward, it appears that the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization (especially those in government) have worked hard to destroy the authentic United States and divest its citizens of their true liberties and rights and freedom.

To bring about the destruction of the authentic United States, information access via this link indicates that the Jesuits were chosen for the dirty deed. So, from 1815 and onward, it appears that the Jesuits have worked very hard, yet rather secretly, to succeed in their destructive efforts. Moving onward, a paragraph linked here provides some information about the historic ceremony in which a Jesuit is advancing to the level of command. From the available information, it appears that a major activity of the Jesuits (or now, of the members of the militia of the pope which they control and use as their "tools") is to go about stirring up discontent, jealousy, hatred and other types of trouble behind the scenes, which can then "blossom" and be used "to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace." And, that appears to be what has happened to the United States.

In the mid 1800s, during the time of the First American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln declared: "This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons."(1) When it came to the true source and instigation for the First American Civil War, President Lincoln declared: "The true motive power is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome."(1) Now, at the time of the First American Civil War, it appears that the Jesuits had to do most of the instigation themselves, but after that, it appears that the Jesuits began to build the militia of the pope in the United States. This militia could then help them in their efforts of destroying the authentic United States and the true liberty and freedom of its citizens.

About 17 years after the end of the Jesuit-instigated First American Civil War, in the year 1882, the Jesuit-controlled secretive society called the Knights of Columbus was established in the United States (1). This gave the Jesuits more "boots in the field," when it came to their diabolical and destructive plans for the United States. It appears that quite a number of the Knights of Columbus members soon became entrenched in the insurance industry in the United States (1). It appears that this allowed the members of the Knights of Columbus to bleed a lot of money out of the citizens of the United States, which gave the militia of the pope a lot more money to operate on, which also helped to finance their various covert schemes. But, it appears that there may actually be much more to this story.

At this point let us once again consider some important words which are attributed to President John F. Kennedy, who "they" brutally assassinated in November of 1963. Now, it appears that President Kennedy was a rather smart man. He was also a high-level, Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Malta and was part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, therefore, he possibly had some idea of what he was talking about when he declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." As things are considered further, there is reason to suspect that those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia were the ones who instigated and pushed for mandatory insurance in the United States. Now, it appears that mandatory insurance in the United States has helped to enrich the militia of the pope even further, while financially enslaving the citizens of the United States.


It appears that once the militia of the pope had a steady flow of income from the Knights of Columbus in the insurance industry, which income they were obtaining from the citizens of the United States, the Jesuits then proceeded to build the militia of the pope into even a more powerful force within the United States. In 1927, the "heavy hitter" segment of the militia of the pope as established on the East Coast of the United States. The "heavy hitter" members of the militia of the pope were those "tycoons of industry and finance" who were now members of the Knights of Malta. Step by step, it appears that the Jesuits were building a force which could readily be used to tear down and utterly demolish the authentic United States (1) and enslave its rather unsuspecting or naive citizens. And, this destructive force was freely operating, like a "Trojan Horse," from directly within the country.

With the militia of the pope being expanded and turned into a powerful, mostly behind-the-scenes or covert force in the United States, it appears that the Jesuits and their militia were now ready for their next major assault (after the Jesuit-instigated First American Civil War) on the United States and its unsuspecting or rather naive citizens. From the available information, there is reason to suspect that the Jesuits and the militia of the pope were behind the 1929 Stock Market Crash in the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), which Crash then spawned the Great Depression (1)(2) which then spread to many other places around the world. This Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression which followed caused a considerable amount of harm to the United States and its loyal citizens, plus to many other peoples around the world, while enrichening the elite members of the militia of the pope.

As the United States and its citizens were in the throes of the Great Depression and the attention of most citizens was focused on their basic survival, it appears that the Jesuits and the militia of the pope were planning their next major assault on the United States and its citizens. At this point, the story returns to that attempted coup d'etat of 1933 and the planned overthrow of the authentic United States and its constitutionally mandated and guaranteed Republican Form of Government (1). In place of the legitimate government of the authentic United States which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, the treasonous conspirators who appear to have been associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, were going to install a very enslaving, despotic, eugenicist, Nazi-type of government in what was left of the United States (1).

At this point, when it comes to Nazi-type fascism, there is something very important to note. A paragraph linked here contains the following quote from a 1942 book: "We can go even so far as to state that Nazi-Fascism had its origin in the Society of Jesus..." The paragraph also contains the following quote from the 1942 book: "The Jesuit Fathers Pachder and Muckermann proclaimed the Fascist doctrines of Nazism before Hitler was heard of. Father Muckermann wrote prolifically in favor of racial eugenics and sterilization, and continued to do so even in spite of the condemnation of sterilization in the encyclical Casti Connubii of Pope Pius XI in 1929." So, possibly the Jesuits are really running "the show" and the pope just plays his part, which helps to keep many of his followers confused. This is possibly done, so the duped pawns will keep feeding their money into the coffers of "the organization." Should we possibly say, "What a racket?"(1)(2)

Well, there really is more to this evolving story. A paragraph linked here provides information from a book which speaks about the Catholic Church being in favor of a Fascist corporative state. The book speaks about the "new order" which the papal crowd desires, which "new order" is based "on Catholic-Fascist lines." This is what Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were trying to raise up during the World War Two era --- the "New Order" which was simply the reviving Holy Roman Empire, which in our day has been relabeled as the New World Order. Now, when it comes to the Catholic Church and the desire for a Fascist corporative state which is set up on Catholic-Fascist lines, let it be noted that the Jesuits and the papal organization seems to have a cozy relationship with dictators around the world. A mere introduction to this subject is found in the pages linked below.

And now in our day, the uneducated or duped ones are, possibly along with the use of some voter fraud, putting those Vatican/Jesuit agents and pawns like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and a slew of other Catholics and Vatican/Jesuit puppets into control of the United States --- in control of its government, its judiciary, its many agencies (like the CIA, the NSA, the DHS, etc.), its military, and many of its law enforcement agencies. And, at the same time, the Vatican/Jesuit agents and pawns which have gotten themselves into government have an agenda to disarm the loyal and true citizens of the authentic United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15), possibly so they can more readily "enslave every man, woman and child." And, it appears that enslavement under the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization is coming faster than we realize.

Well, letting history be our guide, it does appear that the "handwriting is on the wall" for the United States and its possibly unsuspecting or naive citizens. It appears that history is about to repeat itself, maybe even in a very ugly way, with the brazen help of the many agents and pawns and traitorous domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution which appear to be associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia. Possibly we will soon find out what the Crusades and Inquisition are really all about, especially when they are "on steroids" this time around, with the use of modern technology, modern "medicine," modern techniques and all those DARPA "toys"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), which "toys" could readily be used for keeping an enslaved citizenry under the despotic control of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order.

From the direction it appears that things are now headed in the United States and our world, with the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia in numerous key positions and taking control over the United States, while working to take away the rights of U.S. citizens and disarm them as much as possible, there is something to consider, especially since history seems to have a way of repeating itself. There is reason to suspect that we may soon find that the Vatican/Jesuit-backed (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13), despotic Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis of the World War Two era may yet end up looking like just a bunch of mere amateurs. With these things in mind, let us now return to the issue of the plotters of that 1933 coup d'etat attempt in the United States.


Well, the subtle plotters did not give up with their failed coup d'etat attempt in 1933, but this secretive bunch, and those who are ultimately behind or in control of them, continued onward with their treasonous plans within the United States. But, this time around, it appears that they were using even more covert and secretive methods. Possibly that is why President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against secret societies with secret oaths and secret procedings which were operating directly within the United States (1). And when it comes to the plotters and this plot, possibly that is why President Kennedy, in the early 1960s, also declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

The plotters behind the 1933 coup d'etat attempt were still, in the days of President Kennedy, subtly doing their dirty and treasonous work covertly behind the scenes. And again, let it be noted that the evidence indicates that a coup d'etat, potentially instigated by the Jesuits and those with ties to the militia of the pope, may have been associate with the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 (1)(2). Now getting back to those associated with the failed 1933 coup d'etat attempt, it appears that they soon began preparing for their next major assault on the United States and its rather unsuspecting or naive citizens.

World War Two opened the door which then allowed the plotters to begin preparing, in a very big way, for their next major, widespread and very brazen, extended assault on the United States and its unsuspecting or rather naive citizens. In the latter part of World War Two, the American members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope began to, illegally and treasonously, bring their Nazi militia-of-pope brethren and war criminals and enemy aliens directly into the United States, apparently for use in the longstanding assault against the United States and its unsuspecting citizens, which was being staged from directly within the country. These Nazi "holy warriors" (who were associated with "the sword of the Catholic Church") and war criminals and enemy aliens (1) which had ties to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, were illegally and treasonously put into key and influential positions within the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6).

The Nazis and war criminals and enemy aliens were illegally and treasonously placed in agencies like the CIA and the FBI (1)(2)(3), plus into the U.S. military and into universities (1) and into the military industrial complex. It appears that the Nazis and enemy aliens were also put into the medical field in the United States, possibly even into the, then, newly established, so-called Center for Disease Control (CDC) (1)(2). Now, when it comes to the infamous plotters in the United States, it initially appeared to be a relatively small segment of those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia. But over time, it appears that the group associated with the plot against the authentic United States and its true citizens began to grow in size like an out-of-control cancer, to include even various non-Catholics in their ranks.

Looking to the early 1960s and the situation which faced President John F. Kennedy, it appears the Nazified CIA and military, which were now basically under the heavy influence or virtual control of those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, were trying to do a form of coup. They were trying to do a subtle coup, where they were now the major decision makers for the country (1). It appears that those which were influenced by or under the contol of the militia of the pope were now trying to force their way and make the foreign policy decisions for the United States.

The growing group of plotters, which appear to have been largely associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its Jesuit-controlled militia, were also doing virtually everything that they could to take control of things and get the United States to start an unprovoked, extremely devastating, first-strike nuclear war of mutual annihilation (yes, loads of U.S. citizens and their property would be wiped out, also) with the Soviet Union (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). As President John F. Kennedy declared at that time, "All we have built, all we have worked for, would be destroyed in the first 24 hours."(1) In response to the diabolical plan which was being presented to him, even though he was a high-level, Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus and part of the militia of the pope, himself, Kennedy stormed out of the meeting with the plotters in disgust, while declaring: "And we call ourselves the human race."(1)

Now, why were those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, along with those who were part of "the sword of the Catholic Church," trying to do this horrific thing? Why was this treacherous or treasonous crowd associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization trying to get the United States into a first-strike, all-out nuclear war of mutual annihilation with the Soviet Union? Well, it appears to have something to do with a specific historical situation which occurred in the earlier 1900s, which was tied to the highly questionable Vatican/Jesuit organization and its so-called "church."(1)(2) It appears that in the earlier 1900s, the Vatican had secretly given a sizeable amount of money to support Lenin and the communists in Russia. And in return for its financial support, the Vatican expected Lenin and the communists to "make Roman Catholicism the Official religion of Russia."(1)

According to the information linked at the end of the paragraph above, it appears that in a secret Vatican agreement with Lenin of Russia, in exchange for that sizeable amount of the Vatican's money, Lenin and the communists were supposed to "suppress the Russian Orthodox Church." And, "the immense wealth and land holdings of the Orthodox church were to be turned over to the Roman Catholic Church, lock stock and barrel." So, what ultimately happened in this situation? Well, the information linked above contains the following quote: "In the end, however, Lenin and his successors double-crossed the Vatican, they took the Vatican money but sided with the Orthodox Church. This made the Russian communists the enemies of the Vatican. The Vatican sought revenge by using the Nazis to invade Russia during World War II."

Well, the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Nazi "holy warriors" failed to destroy Russia during World War Two, using the hijacked and Nazified Germany, which was being used as "the sword of the Catholic Church." So, as Germany was falling in the latter part of World War Two, the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia began transferring their Nazi "holy warriors" and members of the militia of the pope into the United States, where they basically, along with the rest of those Americans which were associated with the militia of the pope, took control of the CIA and other agencies, plus the U.S. military. And then, those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia began trying to force the United States into that diabolical and satanic, first-strike, all-out nuclear war of mutual annihilation with the Soviet Union. But, there is a bit more to possibly consider in this story.

It appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization also had "an axe to grind" with the United States. In the Vatican Edict of 1778, it swore to destroy the United States. But, there is even more to consider in this story. Under the fifth President of the United States, which was James Monroe, the Monroe Doctrine came into being. Well, the Monroe Doctrine appears to have put an end to the Vatican's despotic and murderous and highly satanic Inquisition, or that thing which is akin to human sacrifice, which was happening in Mexico. Furthermore, it appears that the Monroe Doctrine may have also helped to ultimately put an end to the murderous and satanic Inquisition in other places on this earth. So, possibly the hierarchy of the Vatican/Jesuit crowd had their own reasons for being doubly vindictive toward the United States and its unsuspecting and rather naive citizens.

In the nuclear war which those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia were trying to stir up between the United States and the Soviet Union, it appears that the plotters were also looking for a way to destroy as much of the United States and its citizens as possible. And now, it appears that in more recent times, the plotters and agitators associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have once again been working behind the scenes, apparently with hopes of getting the U.S. into a nuclear war with China or Russia, which nuclear war would devastate much of the United States and its rather naive citizens. And then, when all is said and done, the plotters and their bosses, who had hidden away in those underground bunkers, would then come out and be the ones ruling over the remains of civilization.

In all of this, there are some things to consider. The planned coup d'etat for the United States in 1933, plus the coup d'etat in 1963 when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, appear to both have been connected in one way or another with the Jesuits and the militia of the pope. Possibly a nuclear war of mutual annihilation with China or Russia, which would completely devastate the United States and its citizens, would be just another way of accomplishing the same thing as would a coup d'etat, just in a messier and more devastating fashion. But then again, when it comes to making a devastating mess of things in the United States and around the world, those aligned with the agenda of the Vatican/Jesuit organization do appear to have a hope for eliminating about 90 percent of the earth's population, apparently as quickly as possible (1). And then, there's COVID-19... (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)


Now, let's look at the somewhat subtle coup d'etat activity and the hijacking of the United States, which includes the "plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child," from yet another angle. Once again, it appears that the plotters of the 1933 coup attempt were possibly under the influence or control of the Jesuits or those who were associated with the militia of the pope. And again, it appears that the Jesuits were instrumental in causing the First American Civil War. Then, after the First American Civil War, in which it appears that the Jesuits did not fully attain their goal for the destruction of the authentic United States, they began to build up the militia of the pope in this country.

When it came to building up the militia of the pope in the United States, first, there was the founding of the Knights of Columbus in 1882. Then, the U.S. branch of the "heavier hitting" Knights of Malta was established on the East Coast in 1927, which was made up of those powerful and very-well-connected "tycoons of industry and finance." Then, it appears that to add more clout to the militia of the pope, that member of the Knights of Malta and the Golden Militia of the pope, Bill Donovan by name, badgered President Harry S. Truman until the CIA was established in 1947. And then, note this piece of information: "During the CIA's formative years, Protestants predominated... Somehow, however, Catholics wrested control of the CIA's covert-action section."(1)

In agreement with what is stated above, about half way down in the page linked by the button below, under the heading The Roman Catholic Church, it states the following: "Although the CIA began as a mostly Protestant organization, Roman Catholics quickly came to dominate the new covert-action wing in 1948... Just a few of the many Catholic operatives included future CIA directors William Colby, William Casey, and John McCone." Now, the CIA was formed on September 18, 1947 (1), and quickly, in 1948, Roman Catholics dominated "the new covert-action wing." The covert-action wing is also known as the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) (1). The OPC "was preceded by the Special Procedures Group (SPG)," which had been created in March of 1948 (1). So, Catholics quickly took over the CIA, to the point where it gained the nicknames "Catholics In Action," and the "Catholic Intelligence Agency."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)

There is a logical reason which the writer sees, for why and how the CIA was quickly taken over by the many agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia. There is a very logical reason for why Catholics and members of the foreign-controlled militia-of-the-pope ended up in so many key and controlling positions in at least the CIA. In the said Oaths of various members of those Jesuit-controlled, Roman Catholic secret societies (like in the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.), which members of these secret societies are part of the militia of the pope, are found the following words to which the member swears: "That I will not deal with or employ a Protestant if in my power to deal with or employ a Catholic."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) And, that is how they have taken over the CIA and many other agencies in the United States. It also appears that this is what has happened even in the U.S. military and in various law enforcement agencies within the United States.

By the way, there is something to quickly note. The agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and the members of its Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope have taken control over so many things in the United States. There are so many of these foreign influenced or controlled ones in key positions in Congress and the judiciary, plus in the military and the intelligence community and in various law enforcement agencies throughout virtually the whole United States. Because the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization has so much control over what happens in the United States, via its numerous agents and pawns in key positions, that is possibly why all those priests, etc., (which priests, etc., are actually agents of the man of sin (1) and his government, which is headquartered in the Vatican State) can virtually get away with all that brutal and criminal sodomizing, raping and virtually enslaving of all those boys and girls (1)(2), plus others, even within the United States.

Now, back on track. Once the Catholics "wrested control of the CIA's covert-action section," then rather quickly, "beginning in the 1940s, knighthood [in the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta] was granted to countless CIA agents, and the organization has become a front for intelligence operations."(1)(2) Once again, the members of the Knights of Malta are part of the militia of the pope, which militia is basically under the control of the Jesuits and ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome, which Jesuit General is a true military General (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). And, when it comes to the CIA, consider the following: "The CIA serves as an agency through which secret 'assistance' to the Holy Mother Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders: In the meantime, the Vatican is enhancing its political power through generating domestic divisiveness." It appears this also applies to within the United States.

From what is stated in Post #15, in this series, it does appear that the CIA and the militia of the pope quickly began doing illegal operations within the United States, even against U.S. citizens and the authentic government of the United States. This is completely in violation of the Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, to which most of these people swore an allegiance. Now, from the information available, it appears that the CIA helped to build up and enrich those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia even further. From what is quoted in a paragraph linked here, it appears that the CIA worked to greatly enrich and empower those business-persons in the New World Order crowd who were also associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia. This has allowed for a veiled form of coup d'etat to take place in the United States, as it is hijacked by foreign agents.

Looking again at the original Knights of Malta branch which was established on the East Coast of the United States, once again, it was made up of those rich and powerful "tycoons of industry and finance." Now, there is something to make very clear. Some people are under the impression that members of the Knights of Malta must be Catholic. But, that is not necessarily true. Non-Catholics and even those who are deceptively posing as "Protestants" can be members of the Knights of Malta, as shown in a paragraph linked here. So, when it comes to the rather subtle and more slow-moving coup d'etat in the United States and the hijacking of this country, plus the enslavement of its authentic citizens, there is more to consider.

To aid in the hijacking of the United States by those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or its militia, there has been that rather steady invasion of Catholic-bred illegal aliens from south of the border. And, we can clearly see that those who are possibly un-Constitutionally in government in the United States, because they are possibly working in the best interests of a foreign power, are illegally allowing this invasion of the United States from south of the border to continue. It appears that the treasonous agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are possibly allowing these illegal aliens to even illegally vote. This is possibly done, in order to make sure that the hijackers of the United States, plus the enslavers of authentic U.S. citizens, remain in power.

Now, let's look into the subtle coup d'etat and the hijacking of the United States even further. It appears that those Catholic-bred illegal aliens from south of the border, many who also appear to be communists, plan on taking over the United States via their Reconquista movement. Along with their intended takeover of the United States, apparently for their Vatican/Jesuit bosses, it appears that they have some heavy-duty plans for ethnic cleansing (1), something like Adolf Hitler and the Nazis did in hijacked Germany in the earlier 1900s. But, there is much more to consider in this story. Looking back in history, the Jesuits got the rich and powerful "tycoons of industry and finance" to help them in their hijacking of the United States and the enslavement of its authentic citizens. Well, it appears that history is again repeating itself, on a very large scale.

Associated with the Reconquista movement and the hijacking of the United States, is a group for Hispanic or Latino people which was formerly called La Raza, but has now been renamed as UnidosUS. This hijacking organization called UnidosUS "receives financial backing from some of America's largest banks and corporations."(1) A paragraph linked here notes that "the Ford Foundation, the National Council of Churches, and the United Auto workers have all financially supported La Raza (now called UnidosUS)." But, there is much more to this story about ongoing treachery and treason. The paragraph linked here notes that "the following organizations have been giving multiyear, multimillion-dollar commitments to La Raza (now called UnidosUS) and its treasonous agenda: 'The Allstate Corporation, Bank of America, The Coca-Cola Company, Citigroup, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corporation, MBNA Corporation, PepsiCo Foundation, The PMI Group, Inc.; State Farm Insurance Companies, UPS, Univision, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.'"

Well, the things which were spoken about and listed above looked bad enough, but, there is more to this story about treachery and treason directly within the United States. A paragraph linked here speaks about the Corporate Partners Program. It "notes that the following organizations are helping out La Raza (now called UnidosUS) in their treasonous plans for the United States: 'Amerada Hess Corporation, American Airlines, Anheuser-Busch Companies, AstraZeneca International, AT&T, Azteca Foods, Inc.; Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund, Caterpillar Foundation, Chevron Corporation, ConAgra Foods, Inc.; Coors Brewing Company, The Cummins Foundation, DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund, Eastman Kodak Company, ExxonMobil Corporation, Greenberg Traurig, LLP; Guaranty Bank, Hallmark Cards, Inc.; Johnson & Johnson, The Kroger Co., McDonald's Corporation, MetLife Foundation, Mortgage Insurance Company, Sallie Mae, Schneider National, Inc.; Sears, Roebuck and Co., Sodexho, Starbucks Corporation, Time Warner, Washington Mutual, Inc.; Wilmer Cutler Pickering, LLP; Xerox Corporation.'"

When you possibly thought, or hoped, that things could not get any worse, it appears there is even more to this story about widespread treachery and treason in the United States. A paragraph linked here speaks about the "'Corporate Programmatic Supporters' of La Raza (now called UnidosUS) and its Vatican/Jesuit-backed agenda for the United States." The following organization are then listed:

"American Express Company, American Honda Finance Corporation, Bank of America, Belrex Inc., Chase Home Finance, Chevron Corporation, Countrywide Home Loans, Inc.; Eli Lilly and Company, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Fannie Mae, Ford Motor Company, Freddie Mac, GEICO. JPMorgan Chase & Co., Lockheed Martin, Lucent Technologies Foundation, Marathon Oil Corporation, Marriott International, Inc.; MBNA Corporation, Metropolitan Life, Microsoft Corporation, Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation, Novo Nordisk, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals, PepsiCo Foundation, Rockwell Automation, Sallie Mae, Sodexho, Inc.; Sprint Nextel Corporation, State Farm Insurance Companies, The Allstate Corporation, The Home Depot, Inc.; The UPS Foundation, Toyota Motor Corporation, Verizon Communications, Inc.; Wells Fargo & Company, Washington Mutual, Inc.; WFS Financial Inc." And again, as you were possibly hoping things couldn't get any worse, there is more to note.

In a page linked here, the "U.S. Marine Corps" is also listed as a supporter of the National Council of La Raza, which is now called UnidosUS. So, it does appear that your tax dollars are possibly very hard at work --- in support of the overthrow of the authentic United States which is supposed to have, according to the U.S. Constitution, a Republican Form of Government in each and every State of this Union. It appears that your tax dollars are also hard at work in that plot which is ensuring the enslavement of, as President John F. Kennedy noted in the early 1960s, "every man, woman and child" in the United States. And, there is still more to this story.

A page linked here provides quite a list, plus a few more supporters of these highly questionable things which are going on behind the scenes. Among the supporters listed is the infamous Soros Foundation. The State Bar of California is also listed, as is McDonald's Corp and the senior group called AARP. Check out the list on the linked page and become informed as to what is happening in the United States. It appears that the United States which was intended by the founding fathers of this great nation is rapidly slipping away. And soon, possibly under a Biden/Harris administration, the citizens of the United States shall be stripped of even more of their rights, so they can be more easily enslaved.

POST #18

When it comes to a foreign-controlled militia hijacking the United States, let us consider those important words which are attributed to former President John F. Kennedy, who "they" brutally assassinated on November 22, 1963. It is alleged by various sources that at some point, President Kennedy declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) And then, the weight of the evidence indicates that the plotters or their pawns savagely assassinated President Kennedy in cold blood (1), as U.S. citizens watched in horror. The plotters did this, so Kennedy could not expose the plot to enslave the authentic citizens of the United States, plus so Kennedy could not expose the plotters behind the diabolical plot. So, let us now begin to see who it appears is behind this plot.

On April 27, 1961, President John F. Kennedy gave a speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Within this speech, President Kennedy stated some rather unusual things. He stated: "The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings."(1)(2)(3) Note closely that, in this speech, Kennedy was apparently making known that there was something wrong with secret societies, plus potentially even something wrong with what was going on within the United States, which was supposed to be a free and open society. Kennedy made known that, historically, the people of the free and open society in the United States were "opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings," yes, possibly for a very good reason.

In that same speech in 1961, President Kennedy also declared: "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence -- on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." And again, note clearly that in all of this, President John F. Kennedy openly spoke about "a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy." Yes, President Kennedy clearly used the word "conspiracy." Then, he went on to proclaim, and again, very clearly, that, "Our way of life is under attack." There is now something to seriously think about.

For our very way of life to be under attack, it would tend to indicate that something rather unsavory or nefarious was happening directly within the United States (1). If Kennedy was simply speaking about something nefarious which was happening only to some other country, it would have been their way of life which was under attack, not our way of life. In his speech, Kennedy made known that those associated with the "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" tended to use "covert means for expanding [their] sphere of influence." Those who are associated with the "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" tend to use things like "infiltration" and "subversion" in order to further their conspiratorial agenda, which agenda included attacking the very way of life which was originally established in the United States. Well, at this point, there are some important questions which really should be asked.

Was this "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy," which President John F. Kennedy openly spoke about in 1961, in any way associated with that "plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child," which Kennedy also spoke about at another time, especially when considering that in his 1961 speech in New York City, Kennedy clearly declared that "our way of life is under attack?" Was this conspiracy and the plot to enslave every person and citizen in the United States in any way associated with those secret societies and secret oaths and secret proceedings which Kennedy appeared to be speaking about and against in that same speech in 1961? And, when it came to President John F. Kennedy, who was from a powerful Roman Catholic family, what would he even know about secret societies and secret oaths and secret proceedings?

Well, President John F. Kennedy was actually a member of one of those questionable secret societies which had secret oaths (1)(2)(3) and secret proceedings, so Kennedy did know what he was talking about. President Kennedy was a high level, Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus. Because Kennedy was a member of this secret society, he was also part of the militia of the pope, which militia is basically under the influence or control of the Jesuits and ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. And then, President Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy, was also a member of one of those secret societies which had secret oaths and secret proceedings. Joseph Kennedy was a high level member of the Knights of Malta who was specifically picked by the pope (1) for his work in the United States. Joseph Kennedy, also, was part of the militia of the pope which is under the influence or control of the Jesuits (1) and ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome.

Now, when President Kennedy spoke about those associated with the "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy," he indicated that they used "infiltration" and "subversion" in order to further their conspiratorial agenda. Now, is there anything about these secret societies, or the organization which they are associated with, which may indicate that they use "infiltration" and "subversion" in order to further some type of a conspiratorial agenda which potentially included the destruction of the originally established way of life in the United States? Well, the pope "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Well, if that were to happen, if the United States were put under the control of Roman Catholics, it would most certainly put an utter end to the authentic American way of life and our genuine liberty (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and our true freedom!

At this point, let us consider further those that are enemies of authentic Liberty and that true way of life which was originally established in the United States. When it came to the First American Civil War in the mid 1800s, which war was ripping the United States apart, there was Abraham Lincoln, who was the President of the United States at that time. When it came to who was behind or who was instigating the First American Civil War, Lincoln declared: "The true motive power [for the war] is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome."(1) President Abraham Lincoln also declared: "This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons."(1) President Lincoln declared further: "For it is a fact, which is now evident to me, that, with very few exceptions, every priest and every true Roman Catholic is a determined enemy of Liberty."(1) They are working to enslave everyone under the historically despotic rule of Rome.


So, there is a reason why all those Roman Catholics, like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a slew of other Catholics and their pawns in Congress and in the judiciary and in many other agencies, have infiltrated (1) and taken control of the government of the United States and the governments of the States thereof. Just by looking at the questionable or un-Constitutional laws which these people have been working to put in place, it is rather obvious that they are part of "a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" whose intended goal is "to enslave every man, woman and child" in the United States. They are working to enslave authentic U.S. citizens under despotic Catholic or Jesuit agents (1) or their pawns, plus the agencies they control (1)(2), which agents are ultimately under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization in Rome and are working to, whether they realize it or not, further the papal organization's agenda for the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9).

There is another reason why all those agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have been infiltrating and taking over the government of the United States and the governments of the States thereof. Near the bottom of a page linked here is found the following words: "The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

Well, not only is the thing quoted above that which it appears that those treacherous ones in regular government positions could potentially be doing, but there is reason to suspect that those treacherous or possibly treasonous agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia who are in "auxiliary" agencies like the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the National Security Agency (NSA), and many other agencies, are also potentially doing a very similar thing. As just one example of what the treacherous or treasonous agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have done over time, let us note the Jesuit-controlled CIA (which is controlled via those agents and pawns which are associated with the militia of the pope (1)(2)(3)(4) and are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome) and the criminal destruction of an incredible amount of incriminating files and other evidence of potentially even highly treasonous activity, which blatant destruction of evidence occurred in 1973 (1).

There is now more to consider in all of this highly questionable or potentially treasonous activity which has been going on behind the scenes in the United States. These agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, which have gotten themselves into government positions, are part of that "invisible government" which was spoken about by former President Theodore Roosevelt in the very early 1900s (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). Roosevelt spoke about this "invisible government" using the following words: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today." Unfortunately, the majority of so-called "statesman" or highly questionable people in government in our day, who are not truly honoring their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution are part of, or under the control of, the invisible government in our country which is ultimately controlled out of Rome.

Now, there is even more to consider in this situation. Post #9 (link) in this series is titled The Hijacking of Germany. That post notes that, in the earlier 1900s, that which had been Protestant Germany was hijacked by those agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, which is the militia of the pope. Then, Germany was rapidly Nazified and turned into "the sword of the Catholic Church."(1) Once Germany was Nazified and turned into "the sword of the Catholic Church,"(1) then the enslaved Germans (both Catholics and so-called Protestants) were used in a form of papal crusade, whose purpose was to conquer and enslave other countries under the domination of the Jesuits and the papacy. Well, the very same type of thing, hijacking (1)(2)(3) and all, is being done to the United States and its rather naive citizens (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). So, there is more which should be considered in this story.

Once again, it is rather evident that the United States is steadily being hijacked and its authentic citizens are being enslaved by those associated with, or influenced by, the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia. And, at this point in U.S. history, once again, we have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi and a slew of other agents and pawns who are associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or its militia who are taking full control over the U.S. government and its many agencies, like the CIA, the FBI, the DHS, the NSA, plus the U.S. military and various law enforcement agencies. They are doing this so they can ultimately, completely enslave the authentic citizens of the United States and put them under the domination of their bosses in Rome and their very despotic, New World Order government. And now, there is something more, which is something very important, which needs to be added to this picture.

When it comes to those in government or military positions, when it comes also to agencies like the CIA, the FBI, the DHS, the NSA, along with law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, there is a very important issue to bring up. Everyone in all of these government or military positions have taken an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. So, there is something which needs to be looked at. A U.S. Air Force publication linked here speaks about the Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution. The publication states that when you swear to support and defend the U.S. Constitution, "You are not swearing to support the President, the Country, the flag or a particular service, but rather the Constitution..." Unfortunately, that U.S. Air Force publication then gets "very murky." It finishes the above quote in the following manner: "...but rather the Constitution which symbolizes all of these things." Well, there really is more to the story. So, at this time, there is something very important which needs to be said.

The U.S. Constitution does not symbolize a president who is a domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution does not symbolize a President or anyone in Congress or in any other agency in government or in the military who is a member of the Democratic "Party of Treason" which is working to undermine or overthrow that authentic "Republican Form of Government" which is guaranteed "to every State in this Union" by Aricle 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States (1). The U.S. Constitution does not symbolize a rogue Country which no longer has the authentic "Republican Form of Government" in "every State in this Union," as is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Now, the writer of that Air Force publication has things kind of backwards. Actually, the President and the whole country is to be a living symbol or true representation of the U.S. Constitution. So, there is a decision which people who have taken an Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution really need to make.

Is a person who has taken an Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, as an individual, really going to honor their Oath? Are they going to truly support and defend, or fight for the U.S. Constitution against all domestic enemies of it, wherever they may be found? Or, on the other hand, are they going to simply operate as those who are like a "robot" in the militia of the pope, who "will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope?"(1) The truth is, each individual who has taken an Oath to the U.S. Constitution is personally responsible for their duty to the U.S. Constitution. If a member of the government or the military is ever given an un-Constitutional order by an enemy of the U.S. Constitution, or by an enemy of the authentic Republican Form of Government which the Constitution mandates and guarantees to every State in this Union, it is their duty, as a patriotic citizen, to disobey that order and do whatever it takes to truly honor their Oath to the U.S. Constitution.

The reason the United States is in such a mess is because those who have taken an Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution do not really understand what the Constitution and the authentic Form of Government for the United States is really all about. Therefore, they, as individuals, end up not truly honoring their Oath to the Constitution. They are not doing whatever needs to be done in order to put a rapid end to the open operation of the domestic enemies of the Constitution, who are literally "steamrolling" over this country, as they are hijacking it and working to utterly enslave the authentic citizens of the United States. The only reason the enemies of the U.S. Constitution and of the authentic United States are able to get away with hijacking and destroying this country is because the "lower-downs" in the command chain are, like dumb cattle or like total derelicts, just letting it all happen.

If those in the lower-down positions in the military or in law enforcement agencies or in things like the CIA, the DHS, and the NSA, no longer supported or followed the un-Constitutional orders of those above them, especially the orders of those who are working to undermine and overthrow the authentic United States and the authentic Republican Form of Government which it is supposed to have (which may be different than the Republican Party and what it now represents), but rather did whatever needed to be done to put a stop to the treasonous activity of the domestic enemies of the authentic United States and its Constitution, only then could the authentic United States be restored and become truly great again. Only then could the real "Swamp of Treason" ever be truly drained. And now, let us return to that which is happening to the teetering and crumbling United States.

It should be noted that Joe Biden appears to be diligently working to fill important positions in government with Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholics, or with those who are associated with the militia of the pope, or with those who are their supporters, or with pawns who it appears that they have fully under their control. With this type of thing going on, this is no longer a representative type of government in the United States, for it truly does not represent a large share of the people in the United States who are non-Catholics and especially those who are authentic Protestants. This is simply the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization horribly "playing" the citizens of the United States "big time," as they are take control and hijack the United States and enslave its citizens. It's like President Kennedy said in the early 1960s, "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Well, at this point, there is something else we need to at least take an introductory look at. We should look at how the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have historically gone about hijacking a country. It is the method which was used when the treacherous agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its sly militia hijacked Protestant Germany (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) in the earlier 1900s and then converted it into that horrendous, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled, Nazified Germany, which was that mass murdering and genocidal entity which we can read about in true history. So, with this thought in mind, let us look into a section titled Hijacking a Country, which is linked here, which section is part of a very large page.

In the process of hijacking a country, as shown in the section linked above, the members of the papal crowd and its militia work hard to get their buddies and themselves advanced as far as possible into positions of control in governments. Once they have themselves or one of their buddies locked into an advanced position of control, then they quickly work to get all of their other buddies moved upwards into advanced positions so they can, almost like a cancer, take even more control of the country and people they are hijacking and working to enslave. And, there is actually more to this story about how they gain control and hijack a country. Once the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia get into advanced positions or those of control, then they become like "gate keepers" to information and to the advancement of people.

As "gate keepers," the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia may only let their own type, or those they have under their control, advance to key positions. Once they are in "gate keeper" positions, they can also prevent others, even those who are fully qualified for advancement, from readily advancing because they may be of a type which would not go along with the hijacking of the country by the papal crowd. This bunch appears to be quite the slick and polished operators, but then again, they have the Jesuits and the Jesuit General in Rome as their guides, which Jesuit organization has hundreds of years of practice in taking over and hijacking countries, plus also getting kicked out of many countries (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), once the people of those countries got wise to the Jesuits and discovered the treacherous and treasonous acts of the Jesuits and their pawns.


Now, further above in this post, it is found that President John F. Kennedy spoke about, and apparently against, secret societies which were operating in the United States. There was something which members of these secret societies were doing which just did not seem to be right, especially in a country like the United States, when considering what this country is really supposed to be about. So, to better understand some of these secret societies which President Kennedy was speaking about, let us look into what is stated in some of their said historic secret Oaths, said copies of which are accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3). As we look at some excerpts from the said Oaths, let us keep in mind that "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" which President Kennedy spoke about in that speech at that meeting for the American Newspaper Publishers Association in 1961.

In the said Oaths which are linked above, the secret society member, who is part of the militia of the pope, swears that the pope "hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments and they may be safely destroyed." Well, it looks like this could potentially be quite a treasonous bunch. This very same thing, about the potential for treason by this bunch, also appears to be indicated in a book linked here. Moving onward, the secret society member also allegedly declares: "I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers." Well, so much for the validity of their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States for any of these types of people who may finagle their way into any government position in the United States or in any of the States thereof.

Moving onward, in the said Oath of the secret society members which is linked a couple of paragraphs above, they allegedly declare: "I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ." So, it appears that the numerous members of these Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies are to "unhesitatingly obey each and every command" which they are given by those above them in their organization, no matter what the command is or what they are told to do. Also, in accordance with the said Oath of the secret society member, the member allegedly swears, "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope."

At this point, there is something rather important which should be considered. When it comes to the numerous members of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies providing themselves with arms and ammunition, there is something which needs to be looked at a bit further. Now, many of these secret society members have finagled their way into key positions of power and control in the United States. So, could this part about providing themselves "with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed" have something to do with all those questionable, rather large-scale arms and ammunition purchases which have been made by the somewhat un-Constitutional Department of Homeland (DHS) and other agencies in more recent times(1), which agencies appear to be under the influence or control of those who are associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia? So, keep this information in mind, for we will consider it further, in just a bit.

Well, from the things which have been quoted in the paragraphs above, it should be rather clear that these people which are under the influence or control of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia, including the ones who have finagled their way into upper government and military positions, likely would not be working in the best interests of the general citizens of the United States. It is also likely that they would NOT truly be honoring their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. Furthermore, it is likely that, when push comes to shove, they would not be supporting the principles upon which this country was founded. And, it appears that those who have finagled their way into government or military positions, in the end, would actually be working for their "masters" in the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and their agenda for the United States. So, it appears that it would be very easy for them to be utter traitors to the authentic citizens of the United States.

Now, there is one more thing to consider in the said Oath which is linked further above. The member of the secret society allegedly swears: "That I will in voting always vote for K. of C [Knight of Columbus], in preference to a Protestant, especially a Mason, and that I will leave my party so to do; that if two Catholics are on the ticket I will satisfy myself which is the better supporter of Mother Church and vote accordingly." And then, this: "That I will not deal with or employ a Protestant if in my power to deal with or employ a Catholic." So, with Joe Biden packing his administration with supporters and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, it does appear that the hijacked United States is well on the way to potentially becoming something along the lines of that Vatican/Jesuit-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), hijacked and Nazified Germany from the World War Two era, but on steroids this time around. Now, there is another thing to consider. Biden claims that he is going to unify America (1)(2)(3). Well, what method will he be using to "unify" America?


Will Joe Biden and his cronies in the Democratic "Party of Treason"(1)(2)(3)(4) use a similar method as that which the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled agent or pawn (1)(2)(3)(4) named Adolf Hitler used to forcibly "unify" the people in hijacked and Nazified Germany in the earlier 1900s? Or, will he possibly send his modern "Brownshirts" (Antifa?) to terrorize or destroy any dissenters? Or, because the Democrats are steadily becoming extreme leftists, will Biden and his cronies possibly use a method which is similar to what Joseph Stalin used to forcibly "unify" the people in the Soviet Union under the Bolsheviks in the 1900s? Under a Biden administration, will they ultimately imprison or forcibly reprogram or "out" anyone who does not "roll over" and go along with the "accepted" party line of the Democratic "Party of Treason?" Oh, and there is one more thing. To unify "America," will Biden and his cronies do away with or open U.S. borders and destroy the sovereignty of the United States, while enslaving its true citizens?

There is another "role model" which Biden could potentially use for "unifying" the people in the United States. That would be the example set by Catholic Croatia, during the World War Two era. From what is stated in some of the pages linked below, it appears that Catholic priests ran half of the death camps in Croatia, plus also helped in the grisly mass-murder of victims, which included the cold-blooded slitting of numerous throats. Yes, it appears that these people, in whom the true Spirit of God does not dwell, when given the chance can revert to large scale human sacrifice to the god which they actually worship. Notice also that the Catholics were slaughtering children in Croatia. That type of activity stems from that same spirit which all those reprobate priests, even those in the United States, are displaying when they are brutally sodomizing and raping all those kids (1)(2).

Now, when it comes to the "role model" which was clearly set by Catholic Croatia, which that Vatican/Jesuit puppet named Joe Biden could possibly use for "unifying" the people of the United States, let us look a bit further at how those wily Catholic Croatians did it. As noted is some of the pages linked below, the Catholics of Croatia basically told the non-Catholics to convert to Catholicism or die. Well, since the Catholics and the Jesuits and the militia-of-the-pope and their allies have basically hijacked the United States, and since they and their puppets are in most of the key positions of control, could the very same thing happen in the United States? Could it happen, especially since it appears that those in government positions are no longer truly following the Supreme Law of the Land, which is the Constitution of the United States? Yes, since it appears that they have treasonously gone rogue, virtually anything could happen.

The page linked above shows that Catholic Croatia is brazenly rewriting their history and working to deceive the people of this world. Well, all of this goes right along with the following, which was quoted near the beginning of Part 2 in this post: "The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful." When you see this type of thing happening, you can pretty much be assured that it is being done by those who are under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia.

There truly is a lot to consider in this story, especially since the numerous agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization have taken control of the U.S. government, which includes the judiciary and agencies like the CIA, the FBI, the NSA and the DHS, plus the U.S. military and various law enforcement agencies and many other facets of government. From all of the available information, plus from all the "signs" associated with a number of questionable things which have been happening in more recent times in the United States, it does appear that, as it happened in Germany in the earlier 1900s, those who will not go along with the hijacking agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, will ultimately be "institutionalized," diabolically experimented on (1)(2)(3)(4), or used as slave labor, or exterminated, or all of the above in possibly that order.

For those who are living under the extremely blinding delusion that it cannot happen that way in the United States, just stop for a moment and look at what has happened in the past. Look at the murderous and diabolical history of the Eugenics Movement in the United States, some of which is accessed via the buttons below. This movement was instigated in this country by those who are the enemies of the authentic United States. It should be clearly noted that this diabolical movement appears to be connected to the Jesuits and the militia of the pope (1)(2)(3). And again, for those who are still living under the delusion that it cannot happen in the United States, at least not at this late date in history while you still have your sports, entertainment and Reality TV, all the writer can say is, "Just wait a bit longer and keep your eyes open. You will see things happening which you never dreamed were possible in the United States."

Change is happening in the United States and it is happening fast. Under a Biden/Harris administration --- under those agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia --- things could possibly change so fast that your head will be spinning. And then, when things "go south," possibly we may find out exactly what that complex, very special facility is really all about (1)(2)(3), which those with links to the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and/or to the Jesuit-controlled militia-of-the-pope have been building at the old Hanford Nuclear Reservation site in the state of Washington.

There is now something else to think about. It appears that those in control of the questionable project at the old Hanford Nuclear Reservation site in the state of Washington have been having a jolly good time horrendously "milking things," plus stalling on the start-up of this very questionable facility at Hanford (1). It should also be noted that this facility at Hanford is way over the original budget, plus is now many years past due. It should also be noted that the facility which they are building at Hanford appears to be substandard and not able to stand up to the job for which it is supposedly being built. So, what is REALLY going on here? What are they REALLY building?

In all of this, there are some other "signs of the times" to consider or add to this forming picture. The pages accessed via the links below speak of a desire by a certain group of the "elite" to drastically reduce the population of this earth. It appears that this thinking has connections to the Vatican crowd, possibly because there is now a Jesuit as pope. Again, let it be noted that the Jesuits appear to have been behind Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during the World War Two era, plus behind the diabolical Eugenics Movement. Yes, it appears that they want to kill off or sacrifice about 6 billion people. And then, in all of this, those agents or pawns with links to the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its militia are working hard to get the citizens of the United States disarmed.

Well, there is more to add to the forming, rather disturbing picture. There is another telling "sign" which truly is worth considering. The Jesuit-controlled (via those with links to the militia of the pope) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other agencies have been making questionable, large-scale guns and ammunition buys in recent times (1)(2)(3). Now, is all of the guns and ammo, plus other equipment which they have been buying for use within the United States, something which can be used in the times ahead for rounding up those who will not go along with the foreign-controlled hijackers of the United States? Will the guns and ammo, especially all that hollow-point ammo, be used for "herd control" at the incinerators or gasifiers? Hey, this is a logical question. It would just be history repeating itself --- same organization, just in a different setting.


Is there a chance that history could once again repeat itself, but on a very nasty, worldclass scale this time around? And again, is there a chance that we may suddenly find our world, even in the United States, turning into something along the lines of that Vatican/Jesuit-affiliated (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), hijacked and Nazified Germany? Now, when it comes to the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, it appears that it likes to deceive people (1) by calling itself "Christian," but it is absolutely not an authentic Christian organization (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). That Vatican/Jesuit organization has a horrendous history of major lies (1)(2), deception (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), brutality (1)(2), and large-scale child raping (1)(2) by those numerous reprobate priests (1)(2).

The Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia and its pawns have quite a history of doing things like those many murderous Crusades and the vile sacrificing of human lives, using that deceptive or subtle form of diabolical human sacrifice (1)(2) which was performed during the Inquisition (1)(2). So, there is now something to consider. If those reprobate priests would brutally sodomize and rape all those kids (1)(2), there is reason to believe that these same types of priests and their mind-controlled minions would have no problem torturing and massacring as many people as they can, once they are again given the chance in the days ahead. It would just be a repeat of what the priests and their followers did in Nazified Germany and in Catholic Croatia during the World War Two era.

Now, especially since the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its pawns have quite the murderous history and an apparent lust for blood and destruction (1)(2), plus quite the history of even documented deception, there is a very important question which should again be asked. Has the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, using various agents and pawns which are associated with its secret societies or its wily militia-of-the-pope, "pulled a fast one" on the naive or very distracted citizens of the United States with that thing its agents and pawns have been associated with or been building at the old Hanford Nuclear site in the state of Washington? You would have thought that U.S. citizens should have caught on a long time ago as to what it appears is possibly going on here.

Well, in the meantime, until the Hanford facility is fully up and running and able to "cook" or gasify things, possibly a certain segment of those with ties to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia will simply have to settle on doing things like those rather questionable medical injections (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12), this time using COVID-19 as the excuse for another round of highly questionable injections (1). And, when it comes to medical injections and vaccines and other things, it should be noted that in hijacked and Vatican/Jesuit-affiliated Nazified Germany, the so-called "professional" medical community was right "in the thick" of the diabolical activity and fiendish human experimentation and the sacrifice of human lives, along with other crimes against humanity. This type of "medical activity" is noted in the pages accessed via the buttons below.

There is another thing which is happening in the United States which has "shades" of militia-of-the-pope hijacked and Nazified Germany all over it. That is the CDC plan to take people out of their homes "because of COVID" and then put them into so-called "Green Zones" or camps where there may be no outside communication. This situation is spoken about in POST #16, in the paragraph linked here. Once the people or victims are cut off from their families and friends, the medical experimentation, torture and other diabolic things, including the sacrifice of humans, could easily begin, with no information getting out to alert those on the outside.

Now, when it comes to the CDC which has plans for isolating people and putting them in camps, there is a bit of history to consider. There is a question about the true nature and makeup of those in control of the CDC. Looking back a bit in history to the World War Two era, within a page-section linked here, it speaks about the Nazis and their abnormal number of members who were part of the Knights of Malta (which is part of the militia of the pope and part of "the sword of the Catholic Church") who were illegally brought into the United States during the latter part of World War Two.

Well, these numerous Nazi "holy warriors" who were part of "the sword of the Catholic Church" were illegally and treasonously put into influential and key positions in the U.S. military, the CIA, the FBI, various universities and elsewhere within the United States by their very treacherous American militia-of-the-pope brethren. From the available information, there is reason to suspect that Nazi doctors and others associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the militia of the pope were those "distinguished scientists" who filled the laboratories of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 1946. And now, it appears that those associated with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and the militia of the pope want to again isolate people and put them in camps.

When it comes to manipulating the populace during a COVID-19 caper (1)(2), the militia-of-the-pope segment in the CIA and in various other agencies has quite a history of social engineering and manipulation of the public using even major deception. This is indicated in a page-section linked here. And, history does seem to have a strange way of repeating itself. So, with the numerous agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia taking control of things in the hijacked United States, once again, is there a chance that something very similar to that which happened in hijacked and Nazified Germany could readily happen in this country? Seeing the direction which things appear to be heading in the United States, this is a very legitimate question. Yes, what will it truly be like in the United States in the days ahead?

Well, in the midst of all that has been happening, there is something which may be worth considering. The Holy Bible (KJV) speaks about "men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth..." And, in another place it declares: "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved..." (Matthew 24:21-22 KJV) During this great tribulation, humanity will come very close to exterminating itself, apparently at the guidance of the agents and hierarchy of "the beast" and its militia (1)(2).

Well, those associated with or manipulated by the papal crowd have been talking about getting the diabolical and murderous Inquisition going again (1)(2)(3)(4). So, what will it really be like, once the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia are able to get the brutal and bloody Crusades and Inquisition going again?(1)(2)(3)(4) Now, the Inquisition in the Americas was put to an end largely because of the United States and its Monroe Doctrine (1)(2). So, what will it be like, when the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization who have hijacked the United States have free reign, so they can get the Inquisition going again, in one form or another, but this time around with the use of modern methods and technology? Will it be the Inquisition "on steroids," this time around?

POST #17

There are some words which are attributed to the brutally assassinated President John F. Kennedy, which words should possibly be looked at more closely. Now, President Kennedy was a Roman Catholic. He was also a high level, Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus (1)(2)(3), and as such, President Kennedy was a member of the militia of the pope. Now, this militia of the pope is basically under the control of the Jesuits, and ultimately, it appears that it is under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. Looking at things further, President Kennedy's father, Joseph Kennedy, was also part of the militia of the pope, for he was a high level member of the Knights of Malta (1) who was specifically picked by the pope (1).

Now, there is one more piece of information to add. Check out what is stated in the said Oath of the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta and Rhodes Scholars, which is said to be "based upon the Oath of the Jesuits."(1)(2)(3)(4) Note in the Oaths, that those of the militia of the pope believe that the pope "hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments and they may be safely destroyed." And, this is part of the purpose of the militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. In the said Oath, the member of the militia of the pope also declares: "I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers."

Before we look at the very important words which are attributed to the assassinated President John F. Kennedy, there is another important piece of information which needs to be added to this discussion. When Kennedy was running for U.S. president in the late 1950s, there was a book written which was titled Catholic Victory in 1960? A copy of that book is linked here. This book was written and published in 1959 by Peter J. Doeswyck. This man was a former Catholic priest and a notable church historian. As a note, links to five other books written by Peter Doeswyck are found in a page linked here.

Now, in the upper-left side of PDF page 9 of 62, in the Catholic Victory book linked above, the former Catholic priest and church historian notes that the pope (or the papal hierarchy) states to his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America." These same words apply to Joe Biden, who intends to sit in the president's chair. The preceding words also go hand-in-hand with that which is found in the Oath of those who are part of the militia of the pope, excerpts of which are found two paragraphs above.

Well, there is still another very important piece of information which really should be added into this discussion, before we look at those very important and revealing words which are commonly attributed to President John F. Kennedy, who "they" brutally assassinated on November 22, 1963 (1). Now, from the information which is available, it does appear that President Kennedy was brutally assassinated by "them" because he believed in the separation of church and State (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). Kennedy believed in the separation of church and State enough that he would not go along with the papal and Jesuit and militia-of-the-pope agenda for the United States and its rather unsuspecting and uninformed citizens, which citizens, for the most part, fail to learn the lessons of history. And now, let us look at that other important and revealing piece of information.

Looking again to that Catholic Victory book which is linked a few paragraphs above, on the right side of PDF page 8 of 62 and at the bottom of that page and onto the next, it notes that the pope "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic." And, that appears to be the real reason why Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and a slew of other Catholics have gotten themselves into public office in the United States and in the States thereof, plus into key positions in the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the DHS and in other agencies.

Now, it's time to look at those very important words which are attributed to President John F. Kennedy, who they assassinated in November of 1963. Kennedy allegedly declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Well, "they" could not allow Kennedy to expose "their" plot, so "they" sent him home in a box (1) and then lied about what really happened, in that massive coverup which then followed. And now, when it comes to the coverup which followed the savage assassination of President Kennedy, plus the disappearance of evidence associated with the assassination and various words which Kennedy and others had earlier spoken or written, there is more to consider.

Near the bottom of a page linked here is found the following words: "The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful." And, research tends to indicate that this is part of the purpose of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) and the NSA (which appears to "take care of things" or helps to possibly clip links and censor things on the Internet, plus may also hack things on the Internet).

It does appear that this crowd associated with the papal organization has been working very hard together to cover up any of their criminal or treasonous tracks, as they manipulate and control the government of the United States, often from behind the scenes. One thing which may potentially fall under the heading of criminal or treasonous is that which it appears the CIA (otherwise known as "Catholics In Action"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)) seems to have a history of doing. On PDF page 319 of 393, in a document linked here, it states: "A top US intelligence source told WMR (Wayne Madsen Reports) that the CIA's involvement in procuring children in Thailand for the purpose of engaging in sexual trysts with visiting VIPs from the United States, including members of Congress and high administration officials, began in earnest in 1978." And now, it is time for the rest of the story about widespread treachery or treason.

On PDF page 319 of 393, in the document linked above, it then states: "In fact, WMR has been told, the operations at one point in time were run out of the CIA station in Bangkok and were directed by the deputy chief of station. The CIA station cooperated with American 'procurers' who were working in Thailand to arrange for the encounters between children and the VIPs. The CIA's motivation was simple: the VIPs were later subject to blackmail if they failed to support the incumbent administration's policies." There is more to the story about the "Catholics In Action" (CIA), which appears to be a Vatican/Jesuit-controlled agency. In pages accessed by the following links: (1)(2), it is stated that, "beginning in the 1940s, knighthood [in the Knights of Malta] was granted to countless CIA agents." These CIA agents are therefore part of the militia of the pope.

It does appear that these "countless CIA agents" in the "Catholics In Action" agency are ultimately under the control of the Jesuits and the Jesuit General in Rome. And, it does appear that these "countless CIA agents" who are ultimately under the control of the papal organization and the Jesuit General in Rome have a history of treacherously and treasonously blackmailing, through the use of child sex or other highly questionable or criminal means, "VIPs from the United States, including members of Congress and high administration officials," and then manipulating and controlling them, even in their votes. This appears to be how the papal organization, along with the Jesuits, control what happens in the government of the United States and possibly even in the governments of the States thereof. Is it any wonder that the government seems so dysfunctional and so broken and not really working in the best interests of the authentic citizens of the United States?

And again, as noted further above, the pope and his hierarchy instructs his people, including those which are found in the government in either of the two major political parties, plus in the CIA, the military, and other agencies, "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church." The members of the papal crowd, which are found in key positions of the U.S. government and agencies like the CIA, the FBI and the NSA, plus in law enforcement agencies, are instructed that they "owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church," which bishops appear to be protecting all those priests who are raping and enslaving all those kids (1)(2), and which bishops, there is reason to suspect, are possibly also raping and enslaving kids, for a reason.

From the available information, there is reason to suspect that a virtual army of sodomized and raped and groomed and enslaved child sex slaves (1)(2), which basically appear to be under the forced control of those associated with the highly questionable, foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia, are being used as "tools," even directly within the United States. It appears that they are being used as "tools" by priests, plus by members of the militia of the pope which are freely operating in agencies like the CIA (which is also, once again, known as "Catholics In Action"). These child sex slaves are being criminally and treasonously used for the purpose of snaring and blackmailing and controlling government officials --- apparently those from virtually any political party. This type of thing is indicated in a page linked here, which page is titled The CIA's Child Sex Slaves.

When it comes to snaring and entrapping government officials and others who are in important or key positions, and ultimately blackmailing them so they can be controlled, there is something from the Holy Bible (KJV) which comes to the writer's mind. The one who seems to have ultimate control over the Vatican/Jesuit organization is the Jesuit General in Rome, who is also known as the Black Pope. Some may, in their minds, equate the Black Pope to being as black as sin. Now, in the Holy Bible (KJV), it states "that the day of Christ is at hand." This day of Christ is when the destruction of the wicked takes place. The Holy Bible then states: "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."(2 Thessalonians 2:2-4)

Well, there has been a "falling away" from the real truth which is shown in the Holy Bible (KJV). And this one who traps people, including government officials, is using sin as his "tool." He is snaring people and controlling them using sin. That is why he is called the man of sin, in the Holy Bible. He is also called the son of perdition. Well, there is only one other person in the Holy Bible who was called the son of perdition, and that was Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ. And that is what the pope has done, for he opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped. The pope also sits in what they call the temple of God and effectively has people believing that he is the one in place of God on this earth. The bottom line is, there is absolutely "No Hope For The Pope." There is no hope for this major head of the antichrists (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and all those sodomizers and child rapers (1)(2). The lake of fire is his eternal destiny, as shown at some point within sections accessed via the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). The writer is not the one doing the judging. The Word of God has already judged.

And again, it definitely does appear that those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, whose "first and foremost allegiance and obedience [is] to the bishops of their church," plus also, in many cases, to the Jesuit General in Rome, are using child sex slaves and other wicked and vile means in order to take control of government officials and others in key positions. They are doing this, as the papal agents work, like a horrendous malignant cancer, to hijack and take full control of things in the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9), while they also use, abuse and enslave its authentic citizens (1)(2)(3). They are hijacking the United States, just as surely as the agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization hijacked Protestant Germany in the earlier 1900s (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and then despotically enslaved its citizens as they converted that country into "the sword of the Catholic Church,"(1)(2)(3)(4) which was that despotic, mass murdering, genocidal Nazified Germany which we can read about in recorded history.

Now, there is a very important piece of history to add to this discussion. A book linked here is titled Behind the Dicators: A Factual Analysis of the Relationship of Nazi-Fascism and Roman Catholicism. On PDF page 31 of 108, the book speaks about some information which came from page 6 of the January 1940 issue of The Converted Catholic Magazine. It states that the papal organization, via a plan which was "published under the auspices of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, and signed by 131 Catholic prelates and noted laymen...advocated a change in the United States' Constitution to permit the enactment of the recommendations of Pope Pius XI into American law." WHAT?!!? The sly and treacherous and treasonous agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization were trying to get an illegal change made to the U.S. Constitution, so that the mere recommendations of the pope could be enacted into U.S. law!

Could that which the sly agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization were trying to do around the year 1940 --- to get a change made to the U.S. Constitution so the mere recommendations of the pope could be turned into U.S. law --- in any way relate to the words which were declared by President John F. Kennedy before "they" assassinated him, which words were noted further above? And again, let us consider those words which are attributed to President Kennedy: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot." This plot to enslave U.S. citizens is associated with the hijacking of the United States by the papal agents and the militia of the pope. And, there is another thing which occurred in the 1940s which should be considered, especially since earlier in this post it speaks about the militia of the pope and the Knights of Malta.

At the bottom of PDF page 2 of 4, in a document linked here, it states: "Officially, the Knights of Malta are a global charity organization. But beginning in the 1940s, knighthood was granted to countless CIA agents, and the organization has become a front for intelligence operations." Looking at things further, at the top of PDF page 2 of 2 in a page linked here, it states: "The activities of the CIA go far beyond intelligence gathering of an international nature. The CIA serves as an agency through which secret 'assistance' to the Holy Mother Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders: In the meantime, the Vatican is enhancing its political power through generating domestic divisiveness." And, what may be some of the things associated with these divisive activities? What is the purpose of the members of the Knights of Malta and other members of the militia of the pope which are in the CIA and other U.S. agencies?


The following linked pages --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) --- provide information about the agenda of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta and the militia of the pope, in their plans for the United States and its unsuspecting and somewhat uninformed citizens. The things listed in the paragraph below are what the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta and the treacherous and treasonous members of the militia of the pope (which are found in the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the U.S. military and various law enforcement agencies, plus in the U.S. Congress and the judicial system) are working toward doing to the United States and its citizens, plus to the rest of the world. They are doing this, as they work to enslave the citizens and bring in the New World Order (NWO). Now, the NWO is just the updated version of the New Order which Adolf Hitler and his Nazi henchmen were trying to bring in for the Vatican/Jesuit organization during the World War Two era (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

Now, the following is what "they" (Jesuits, Knights of Malta, and other members of the militia of the pope) are treacherously trying to do to the United States and its unsuspecting citizens: "(#1) End of sovereignty for the United States and other countries. (#2) End of absolute property rights. (#3) End of all gun rights. (#4) The new International Economic Order (world government). (#5) The redistribution of wealth and jobs. (#6) Calls for nations to trust the United Nations. (#7) Total disarmament. (#8) Promote the United Nations as the hope for peace. (#9) Promoted UNESCO, the deadly educational and cultural arm of the United Nations. (#10) Promote interdependence. (#11) Support sanctions honoring Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin -- the New Age Humanist Priest. (#12) Support the belief that the economic principle of traditional Christian or Catholic social doctrine is the economic principle of communism (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). (#13) Promote the Pope as the acting go-between for the United States and the Soviet Union."

A number of the things listed above seem to be exactly what Joe Biden (1)(2) and Nancy Pelosi and a number of their other treacherous Democratic cronies (1)(2) and hencemen (plus hencewomen) have been wanting for many years. Now, "The CIA serves as an agency through which secret 'assistance' to the Holy Mother Church can be provided by secret American society members..." So, is there a chance that they could have some kind of a connection to those various mass shootings (1)(2)(3), which could then help their other cohorts in government to pass laws which would end citizen's gun rights? Then, with gun rights eliminated, they could readily put an end to the property rights of citizens. Once they disarm the citizens and take away their property rights, then they can readily force on "every man, woman and child" everything else which is listed in the paragraph above. And then, the citizens of the United States could end up being fully under the despotic rule of the agents and pawns of the papal organization.

Now, there are some important questions which need to be asked. What is a Joe Biden presidency really going to be like? Will he truly be honoring his Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution and be diligently working in the best interests of the genuine citizens of the authentic United States and their true liberty, or will he possibly be working for someone else? Does Joe Biden follow the teachings of the papal organization and its government, the Vatican State, where the pope instructs his people "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church?" And then, this leads us to some other very important questions which really should be asked.

Will Joe Biden and Kamala Harris (1) and Nancy Pelosi, plus all those other agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, simply use their positions in U.S. government to help complete the hijacking of the United States and the enslavement of its citizens, while they protect all those raping, abusing and enslaving Catholic and Jesuit priests?(1)(2) Will Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi, plus all those other agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, criminally and treasonously use their positions in government to protect those Catholic and Jesuit priests, who appear to be producing their "army" of child sex slaves which then can be used to ensnare, blackmail and control even more government officials?

Is there a chance that Joe Biden and his cronies could actually be slyly working against authentic U.S. citizens, as Biden and his cronies work to further the diabolical and enslaving agenda of a foreign organization? Could they actually be working to further the agenda of a foreign power or a foreign government, which is the Vatican State? Are they working to help the papal organization in its desperate desire to enslave even U.S. citizens, so the papal organization can revive the old Holy Roman Empire and, this time around, rule the whole world using modern technology and modern biological weapons? And, this time around, are they working to put everyone, including U.S. citizens, under a world government which is now rebranded under the name of The New World Order?

Oh, by the way, there is one additional thing to note in all of this. In the things listed in red, about five paragraphs above, it speaks about promoting the United Nations and UNESCO as being something good, that we need to place ourselves under. Well, there is a little more to look at here. A book linked here is titled Shipwreck: Sailing on a River of Lies in the USA. It was written by Chet Morelli. On page 32 of the linked book, it states: "In 1947 the first director-general of the children's world-wide organization, UNESCO, was Sir Julian Huxley. This man was a firm believer in eugenics; he wanted to see 90% of the World's population killed off through genetic tampering experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more." Yes, on top of all the other nasty things, live cancer viruses in vaccines and genetic tampering drugs! So, you'll run out there and get that COVID-19 vaccine!

Now, when it comes to those COVID-19 vaccines, there are some things to consider. Certain government officials, especially those with some history with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, get big publicity when they get their "vaccine" shot. But, from what has happened over the years, it appears that these people in government may have a history of lying and deceiving the common citizens of the United States. So, are you going to trust this crowd this time around? Can you positively be sure that the "vaccine" being given to these government officials really is the same thing which will end up being given to at least a select group of the common citizens? Really, this whole thing is based on faith and trust, and it does not appear that they have really given us any reason to trust them. Much the opposite, in many cases. And, as shall be seen by the information presented in this post, it appears that they possibly just want to get rid of a lot of people (1). Now, let's get back to the infamous United Nations.

Well, the writer's research indicates that the United Nations (UN) was "the child" of the Jesuits and is ultimately under the influence or control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents. So, seeing what is stated a couple of paragraphs above, about what the UN has wanted for a very long time, like killing off 90% of the population, there is now a question which should be asked. Where did the COVID-19 virus really come from (1), and for what purpose?(1) Was it unleashed on the peoples of this world to cause fear and, in the case of the United States, allow for placing un-Constitutional and therefore illegal restrictions on especially U.S. citizens, as the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia finish hijacking this country and enslavings its citizens, so they can be forced under the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order? (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)

It is now time for some serious questions. What will things really be like under a Biden administration, with Kamala Harris as v.p. and the papal pawn named Nancy Pelosi running things near the top, along with those Knights of Columbus, who are part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, who are also being protected in government positions?(1)(2) How will things end up, since this crowd is working to disarm U.S. citizens, especially those who may resist a full takeover by the agents and pawns of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization? Will there end up being a despotic rule by the pope's agents and pawns during a Biden administration, or even under virtually any administration in the days ahead? Could things end up being somewhat like they were in hijacked and Nazified Germany during the World War Two era, where the citizens were truly trapped and enslaved under the extreme despotism of the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization?(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

And now, it is time for some very serious questions, especially since history seems to have a way of repeating itself and, unfortunately, all too often in very nasty ways, especially since people generally seem to fail to learn those important lessons of history. Could something like the Crusades, and especially the Inquisition and the Holocausts, such as those noted in the pages linked below, eventually start again?(1)(2)(2)(3) This time around, could the next Inquistion and Holocaust happen on U.S. soil and be directed against authentic U.S. citizens? Could the demonic human experimentation and medical experiments and mass exterminations, like what has happened in the past, as noted in some of the pages linked below, happen again? And again, could the next Inquisition and Holocaust happen directly on U.S. soil (1)(2)(3)(4), especially since it appears that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have successfully hijacked the United States?

Now, when it comes to the truth about the horrors and atrocities which seem to historically be associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization and with "The Beast"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) which is associated with it, there is something to once again note. Near the bottom of the page linked here, it states:

"The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

Well, it does appear that those with ties, one way or another to the Vatican/Jesuit organization, have especially been successful at deceiving the public in the United States because of the dumbing down of Americans (1)(2)(3) and because of all the "fake news" which they commonly seem to feed to the general public via the mainstream media and other sources which they control. Introductory information about control over the media and the entertainment industry, plus deception by those associated with the "Catholics In Action" (CIA) or their allies, is spoken about in sections accessed via the following links: (1)(2), which sections are part of a large page.


Now, it is time to look at some important history, that hopefully we can learn from it. In Quebec, Canada, in the first half of the 1900s, those diabolical ones who were associated with the Catholic Church used weaponized psychiatry to snare their victims, as indicated in a section linked here. Even though their victims may have been normal, the unethical psychiatrists in Catholic Quebec "falsely declared them mentally ill or severely retarded and warehoused them in psychiatric hospitals, enabling the Quebec government under former Premier Maurice Duplessis to receive a bounty of federal funding for their care."

And of course, once the diabolical segment of the Catholic hierarchy had their numerous victims illegally locked away in facilities, using highly deceptive means, then they commonly used them for Nazi-type, demonic human experimentation (1). In the end, the Catholics killed, or possibly more accurately, sacrificed many. Now, for more details about what was happening at Catholic facilities in Canada in the first half of the 1900s, plus at other places in our world at various times, check out the sections accessed via the buttons below. These sections are part of a large page. Now, there is something to really think about. All of this diabolical activity with the orphans was happening not all that long ago. It was happening just next door to the United States, directly within Canada.

There are still some things to look at, when it comes to the Catholic hierarchy and the human experimentation and the killing and apparent sacrifice of humans in those Catholic facilities in Canada in the 1900s. Note in the pages linked via the buttons below that psychiatry was used to obtain the victims for the human experimentation which went on here. Clearly note that the criminals associated with the Catholic Church intentionally gave a false diagnosis in order to obtain their victims. And, it does appear in many cases, that what was actually going on here was just another form of human sacrifice.

Note in the fourth page linked below that the Catholics in Quebec were staying true to form regarding the Duplessis Orphans and the criminals which seem to have a lot of control in the Catholic Church. The page states: "Hospital files and church records were destroyed to prevent criminal charges from being filed against the Quebec government, the Quebec College of Physicians, the Catholic Church and the monks and nuns accused of committing unspeakable serial abuse." So, once again, let us repeat that information which was noted further above in this post. The page linked further above declares:

"The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

The criminal element associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization seems to have quite a history of doing everything they can to destroy incriminating evidence and hide and cover up their criminal and even treasonous acts, plus their brazen crimes against humanity. And then, they like to try to look all innocent and "holy" to the people of this world, possibly so the ignorant and gullible of this world will think that they are good people. Well, it does appear that the true God of heaven will finally have enough of their BS and lies. In the coming days, it does appear that the Great Whore and the seat of The Beast shall be utterly destroyed, never to be found or inhabited again, as indicated in a page linked here.