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      Posted: Sept 27, 2018

63.3 Times Around the Earth, and into the Yakima River !!!   (Without making a "splash.")

Not too long ago, the U.S. Department Of Energy admitted that at least 440 billion gallons of radioactive waste intentionally went into the ground, groundwater and aquifer system at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, near the Tri-Cities area of Washington. This occurred during the plutonium production years at Hanford. Now, what would that 440 billion gallons of radioactive waste look like, in its physical size or volume?

If you took that 440 billion gallons of radioactive waste that was intentionally dumped into the ground, plus forcibly pumped into the groundwater and regional aquifer system at the 200 Areas of Hanford, and put all that radioactive waste into a pipe that was capped at both ends, so it could hold all this waste, and if that pipe had an inside diameter of 36 inches or 3 feet, the extended pipeline would go all the way around the earth many times. This special pipeline, to hold all that 440 billion gallons of radioactive waste, would have to wrap around the equator of the earth about 63.3 times.

Now, there is more to think about. Most of that 440 billion gallons of radioactive waste that the DOE has admitted went into the ground, groundwater and very important regional aquifer system had to go someplace. Why? It had to go someplace because it was put into the ground on the elevated central plateau at Hanford, in those 200 Areas. So, let us begin to look at the rest of the story.

⬤   Looking in a southerly direction from the 200 Areas at Hanford, those 200 Areas are about 245 feet higher than the surface of the Yakima River by Benton City, WA.

⬤   Again, looking southward, those elevated 200 Areas at Hanford are about 290 feet higher than the surface of the Yakima River about 10 miles downstream from Benton City at Horn Rapids.

⬤   Looking eastward, those elevated 200 Areas at Hanford are about 352 feet higher than the surface of the Columbia River at the old Hanford townsite, at the eastern margin of the nuclear reservation.

So, simple hydraulics would say that those 440 billion gallons of radioactive waste put into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system --- from which comes irrigation and drinking water --- absolutely would have had to go somewhere. Because of the elevation differences, it had and has to go someplace. Well, there truly is more to this story than is commonly told to the general public.

It appears that there is a giant "French Drain" beneath the Hanford site. It came "with the property." It appears that there is a network of geologic features that make up this gigantic "French Drain." The "French Drain" system appears to be made up of north-south aligned, high angle faults which do not show up on most maps of the Hanford area. Then, the "granddaddy" of them all is the buried, ancestral bed of the Columbia River, which passes under the Hanford site, while sloping southward.

It appears that the Hanford crowd lucked out big time with this built-in "French Drain" system at Hanford. It appears that this world-class "French Drain" rapidly whisks all that nasty radioactive contamination from the elevated 200 Areas at Hanford, plus potentially from most of the Hanford site, not eastward toward the Columbia River, but rather southward to the Yakima River and points beyond.

By the way, it appears there may be more to this story of radioactive waste hemorrhaging into the environment around Hanford than just those 440 billion gallons. That 440 billion gallons is just the amount which it appears the U.S. DOE has grudgingly admitted to --- that volume which intentionally went into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system, from which comes that all-important irrigation and drinking water. And, because it has been in the news at times over the years, you might know the history of coverup and deception from the DOE crowd. As usual, it appears there is always quite a bit more to the story.

There were all those "accidental" spills of radioactive wastes at Hanford, which should be added to the 440 billion gallons which has been admitted to by the DOE. Then there are at least those 177 underground tanks in the 200 Areas, many of them which are leaking an undisclosed amount of radioactive contamination into the ground, groundwater and regional aquifer system, from which comes that irrigation and drinking water. And then, there is all that radioactive waste which is buried around the Hanford site in who knows how many "unknown" places.

Because of these "unknown" burial sites scattered around the Hanford reservation, it appears that certain contractors at Hanford have had to use ground penetrating radar in order to see what is beneath them, especially in the areas where they are working. Why is this necessary? It is so they don't accidentally sink one of their pieces of heavy equipment into some "unknown" pool of radioactive waste. Sounds like someplace you would want to live, doesn't it? Oh, by the way, there are plans to put residential and business areas on the highly contaminated Hanford site. Yes, really! Get ready for more serious and deadly birth defects, and numerous health issues, plus a whole bunch of cancer cases. But, that's eugenics in action!

In the meantime, it appears that radioactive waste from Hanford is merrily flowing southward from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation into the Yakima River, via that world-class "French Drain." As you are floating down the Yakima River from points upstream, it appears that radioactive Hanford wastes may begin showing up in the Yakima River about 8 miles downstream from Prosser, WA. Then, it appears that at various points in the Yakima River further downstream, more radioactive waste is oozing or flooding into the Yakima River. There possibly are upwellings in the bottom of the river. And then, as the Grande Finale, all this radioactive waste goes screaming into the Columbia River at Richland, WA.

So, whenever you are in the area, make sure you get your locally-raised food products which appear to be getting their "healthy" dose of radionuclides from radioactive irrigation water. And, to help live it up, make sure to get your fair share of all that wine, which potentially was made from grapes irrigated with that radioactively contaminated water from that regional aquifer system. And, again, when you're in the area, make sure to stay plenty hydrated by drinking gallons of that radioactively contaminated water.

Oh, by the way, there is possibly something which you might want to know about this area. Because of radioactive wastes disposed of in the ground, that groundwater beneath at least one part of the Hanford site has 400 times the federal safe drinking water standard of radioactive tritium. Yes, that radioactive tritium is just the stuff you want to put in your body. Once you get it internalized, it can help zap your DNA. Oh well, you weren't planning on having any kids anyway, so possibly not so much to worry about in that area. But still, there is that cancer and those many other health issues to think about.

If you have read this far, possibly you might like to know a little more (or even a lot more) about the Hanford story. Possibly you might even want a little documentation for what is being said. You might even like to know a little about the eugenics leanings of key people who have been in control of Hanford -- you know, that eugenics crowd with the population reduction and "wipe out as many as you can" agenda.

⬤   For the most info and documentation about Hanford, check out a rather long page which is accessed via either of the following links: (1)(2).

Now, let's get down to just specific topics in that rather large page.

⬤   For a basic introduction to the Yakima River "escape route" for radioactive contamination, start reading downward from the section accessed by either of the following links: (1)(2).

⬤   For info about that world-class "French Drain" system under Hanford, start reading down from the section accessed via either of these links: (1)(2).

⬤   For more info about those 440 billion gallons of radioactive wastes which were intentionally dumped into the ground, plus forcibly pumped into the groundwater and regional aquifer system at Hanford, start reading down from the section accessed via either of these links: (1)(2).

⬤   To see what all is in that very large Hanford page, see the "index" which is accessed via either of these links: (1)(2).

You will get a lot of related history about Hanford scattered throughout the linked page. Somehow, even the very famous New World Order and its foreign controllers got intertwined into this whole thing. But, it just helps make a better (and more complete) story. The page also does a reasonable job of showing what has been going on at Hanford, plus some potential reasons for all the screw-ups. And then, it considers why things are taking so long at Hanford. Possibly trying to figure out how to pull off "the cover-up" is what is taking most of the time and money.

Copyright © 2018 by David E. Sakrisson. All rights reserved.