The  Treasonous  Kamala  Harris

Accuses  Abbott  and  DeSantis

of  "Dereliction  of  Duty."

Who  is  the  Criminal  and  Treasonous,

Child-Raping-Priest-Protector (1)(2)(2) named

Kamala  Harris  to  be  Accusing  Anyone

of  "Dereliction  of  Duty"?

Includes a look at the Illegal Alien Invasion, plus Who is Behind it and
Some of Their Diabolical Plans for the United States and its Citizens.

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Page Posted:   17 September 2022
Latest Additions Posted:   25 Sept 2022
Copyright © 2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


It's time to talk about "Dereliction of Duty," and possibly even about wilful treason by government officials, especially when it comes to that dispicable, child-raping-priest-protector and apparently treasonous "tool" of the foreign-controlled Jesuit/Catholics (1), whose name is sometimes said to be "spread-her-legs" Kamala Harris. Well, from the evidence, that appears to be how she got into a number of her various "government positions," as can be understood from the information provided using the links below.

Now, there is reason to suspect that the treacherous and potentially treasonous Kamala Harris may possibly be a bit like that highly questionable and unscrupulous Nina Jankowicz, who was Biden's choice for his criminal, un-Constitutional and treasonous Disinformation Governance Board. Yes, Jankowicz proudly belted out loud and clear: "Who do I f_ck, to be famous and powerful."(1)

When it comes to genuine and possibly wilful and treasonous "Dereliction of Duty," let us look a bit closer at the infamous Kamala Harris, who the treacherous and lying Biden has as his apparent "president of vice." As Harris was about to enter into her various "elected" positions over the years, she had to take an Oath of Office. That Oath of Office was actually to the Constitution of the United States.

The Oath of Office which Kamala Harris took a number of times already goes something like this: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."(1)

Was the infamous Kamala Harris a brazen and treasonous liar when she took her various Oaths of Office over the years, so she could finagle her way into various government positions? Was she treasonously lying when she solemnly swore (or affirmed) that she would "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion...?"

When it comes to her Oath of Office, has Kamala Harris treasonously shown "Dereliction of Duty?" Has she diligently supported and defended the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic...or, is she actually a treasonous, domestic enemy of the Constitution herself? Now, the intent of the Oath of Office is that Kamala Harris swore or affirmed that she would support and defend, and yes, honor and work to enforce, everything which is declared in the Constitution. But, it appears she has been a treasonous liar.

The Oath of Office which the derelict and potentially treasonous Kamala Harris has taken a number of times over the years, as she has finagled her way into various government positions, is effectively a contract with the citizens of the United States. But, instead of fulfilling the terms of the contract, it appears that the treacherous Kamala Harris has been a traitor to the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. When it comes to the crimes of Kamala Harris, it could be said that they have been wilful and premeditated.


The Constitution of the United States, in Article 4, Section 4, declares the only legitimate government which is to exist throughout the whole United States, with no exceptions. Furthermore, the Constitution of the United States is the foundation of this country, plus, as declared in Article 6, Clause 2, it is the supreme Law of the Land (1)(2)(3). Now, looking into Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution, it plainly mandates: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."(1)

The guarantee of a Republican Form of Government to every State in this Union is the only guarantee found anywhere within the U.S. Constitution. If this one and only guarantee is not fully honored and fully enforced, then we do no have the authentic United States. If we do not have a Republican Form of Government throughout the whole United States, then we simply have a rogue and illegal, criminal government. So, what is this treasonous democracy which the enemies of the United States have foisted on us? And, what is this criminal democracy which Kamala Harris has been supporting, in place of our legitimate government?

So, has Kamala Harris actually been a patriotic and loyal government official who is truly honoring her Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, or, on the other hand, could she actually be guilty of wilful negligence, extreme treason and blatant "Dereliction of Duty?" And again, has Kamala Harris actually been supporting and working diligently to enforce that authentic Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by the Constitution, or has she been wilfully and treasonously supporting an illegal and un-Constitutional democracy?

Well, from the looks of all the available evidence, it appears that Kamala Harris has been treasonously working to undermine and overthrow virtually anything which may still exist of the authentic Republican Form of Government in the United States. And, because she is so extemely derelict in her true duties to the authentic United States and its Constitution, plus to its genuine citizens, she truly is unfit to be in any government position. The writer would have to say that, in their opinion, Kamala Harris is a shame and a blight to this nation, plus she appears to be a brazen criminal.


Now, once again, Kamala Harris has been in a number of government position for which she has taken an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. But, since it appears that Kamala Harris has actually been a treasonous domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution, who has effectively been at war against the only legitimate government for the United States, there is something important within the Constitution which now, legally, needs to be applied in the case of Kamala Harris. In the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, in Section 3, it declares the following:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

Now, Kamala Harris has taken an Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, for both State and Federal positions. So, that which the Fourteenth Amendment declares does legally apply to Kamala. Well, from just the things spoken about so far in this presentation, it should be rather clear that Kamala Harris has been in blatant rebellion against the U.S. Constitution and against that Republican Form of Government which it mandates and guarantees to every State in this Union. Furthermore, Kamala Harris has given aid or comfort to the enemies of the U.S. Constitution and the enemies of the Republican Form of Government.

Since it appears that Kamala Harris has effectively been at war against the U.S. Constitution and against the Republican Form of Government which it mandates and guarantees, there is another thing which needs to be looked at in Kamala's situation. In Article 3, Section 3, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution, it declares: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort..."

From the looks of things, it appears that Kamala Harris is guilty of TREASON against the United States, because she has been working to undermine and overthrow the legitimate Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution. It appears she is guilty of even more TREASON because she has, for many years, been giving aid and comfort to other domestic enemies who have been working to undermine and overthrow that legitimate Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution.

Before we leave this section, there is another important thing which must be closely considered. Looking at Section 3, of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which is quoted in the second paragraph of this section, it speaks about those who cannot hold any Federal or State position, which would legally apply to Kamala Harris. And, at the end of the quoted portion of the Constitution, it states: "But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability." Well, herein lies an extremely major problem which needs to be considered.

In the United States, it appears that we do not have a legitimate Congress which can legally remove the disability, stated in the 14th Amendment, from Kamala. We do not have a legitimate Congress because it appears that more than two-thirds of them are not honoring their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution. It does not appear that even one-percent of them is working openly to support and defend and enforce that Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution. Both criminal Democrats and criminal Republicans are treasonously supporting and defending an illegal democracy.

Major "Dereliction of Duty" is a serious problem within the government of the United States, plus within the States thereof. And, it appears that Kamala Harris is a major part of that problem. It appears that Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and most others in government positions are also a major part of the seriously criminal and treasonous problem. Furthermore, it is a fact that the authentic, constitutional United States has not existed for quite some time...for about one-hundred years. Why? It is because the citizens have not been doing their duty to overthrow those who pervert the Constitution (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).


Note in the pages linked by the buttons below that the infamous and treasonous Kamala Harris is accusing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott of being "derelict of duty." The perverted Kamala Harris is upset because these two governors are actually working to protect their citizens from illegal invaders from other countries...invaders which appear to be political pawns of the criminal (home of child-raping priests (1)(2)) Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope.

Looking into things further, there is something else to consider. It appears that the derelict and possibly treasonous Kamala Harris is acting all upset because these two governors are working to fix or expose a problem. They are exposing a serious problem which the criminal and treasonous Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and their group of treacherous and treasonous, foreign-aligned bandits have intentionally created for the decent and honorable citizens of the authentic United States.

By the way, there is reason to suspect that if the Founding Fathers of this great nation were to rise from their graves and take complete control of the United States, they would hang Kamala Harris and her criminal cohorts and allies for high treason against the authentic United States, its Constitution and its genuine citizens. What Kamala Harris and her treasonous cohorts and allies are doing is completely against everything which the authentic United States is supposed to be about.

From the looks of things, it appears that Kamala Harris is actually treasonously working in the best interests of, and for the agenda of, a foreign organization and its government, rather than in the best interest of the genuine citizens of the authentic United States. This appears to be clear, since, as we shall soon see, Kamala was criminally and treasonously protecting all those child-raping priests in at least California, which child-raping priests are agents of a foreign government. Now, there is more to consider in the Kamala story.

Since Kamala treasonously protected all those criminal, child-raping priests of the foreign-controlled Vatican/Jesuit organization, it appears that they did her "a big favor." There is reason to suspect that the treacherous and treasonous agents of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope (which agents hold key and controlling positions in the government, the CIA, the FBI and other agencies, which agencies appear to be practiced in the "fine" art of coup d'etat) went ahead and treasonously finagled things in the elections to get Kamala in as the "president of vice."


Well, it is time to begin looking closer at a domestic enemy of the authentic United States. It is time to look closer at one who appears to be a treasonous criminal who has worked to protect the criminal acts of agents of a foreign organization and its government, as the foreign-controlled criminals have performed brazen crimes against citizens of the United States...especially extreme crimes against children (1)(2). It is time to consider the utter "Dereliction of Duty" by the infamous, "spread-her-legs" Kamala Harris.

Yes, it is time to see why the treacherous agents of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its highly questionable members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope apparently may have illegally and treasonously finagled things to get Kamala Harris in as the infamous "president of vice." Unfortunately, these foreign-aligned, Jesuit-controlled members of the militia of the pope are embedded in key and powerful government and military positions. They are a "Trojan Horse" within the United States.

Okay, so let's get back to the criminally derelict Kamala Harris. The pages linked by the buttons below show what Kamala Harris was doing while she was in "Poop and Drug Needles," San Francisco, California. That's right, folks! It appears that Kamala Harris was aiding and abetting crime by foreign-controlled agents. In other words, it appears that Kamala Harris is operating as a treasonous agent, who is a domestic enemy of the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. What should be her punishment?

Well, the pages linked above appear to present only the "mere tip of the iceberg," when it comes to blatant and criminal "Dereliction of Duty" by "spread-her-legs" Kamala Harris. Also note within the pages linked above, that, as the political whore which it appears she may be, Kamala Harris went ahead and took cash from Catholic church officials and church lawyers, and refused to prosecute criminal priests.

Now, these criminal, child-raping (1)(2) priests are the agents of a foreign organization and its government, so it appears that Kamala Harris, in her aiding and abetting of criminal, foreign-controlled agents, was effectively performing acts of treason against the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. It appears that Kamala Harris was effectively at war against the authentic United States and its citizens.


Well, it appears that a bunch of treasonous, foreign-controlled or aligned criminals have now hijacked control of the United States. These criminals, who have worked to undermine and overthrow the authentic Republican Form of Government in the United States, are actually working for the same foreign-based organization which raised up Adolf Hitler and his Nazis, who then hijacked Germany in the lead-up to World War Two. Then they converted Germany into the mass-murdering "sword of the Catholic Church."

Now, there is something which genuine U.S. citizens should really think about. If these criminal, child-raping priests which Kamala Harris has been protecting have no problem with forcibly sodomizing and raping children, they would also have no problem exterminating U.S. citizens who got in their way of hijacking the nation, once "their people" gain enough power and control in the United States. That type of thing is just the nasty repeat history of that which the Holy Bible calls "the beast."

At this point, let us take time to consider some important history which relates to that entity which the Holy Bible calls "the beast." This information is about acts which "the beasts" agents were doing in the 1900s. In Croatia during World War Two, it is said that Catholic priests ran about half of the Nazi extermination camps. This is spoken about in the pages linked below. Well, it appears that the proverbial "handwriting is on the wall" for the United States and its clueless citizens, especially with how things are now set up.

The "handwriting is on the wall," especially with the Jesuit-aligned (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) Joe Biden in the president's chair and that child-raping-priest-protector Kamala Harris in as the "president of vice." And then there is that pope-kissing (1) Nancy Pelosi who is lording it over Congress. And, let us not forget about that Jesuit "tool" (1)(2)(3)(4) in Congress named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her close group of cohorts. They are all domestic enemies of the Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed to every State by the U.S. Constitution, to which they swore allegiance in their Oath of Office...but they lied.

Looking into things further, "the handwriting is on the wall" for the United States, especially with all those members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope in key and powerful positions in government agencies like the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, in law enforcement agencies, etc., plus in key positions in the U.S. military. And again, it should be noted that in the 1900s, the Jesuits raised up Adolf Hitler and the Jesuit/Catholics were in control of the Nazis. Then the Nazified-German Crusades against other countries began, along with that diabolical, industrial-scale Inquisition, which has commonly been called the Holocaust.

Well, in the days ahead, there is reason to suspect that clueless U.S. citizens will find out the real purpose of that substandard "Vitrification Plant" which they have been building at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation site (1). The construction of this special "Vitrification Plant" appears to have been under the control of those with links to the treacherous, Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. Well, the Jesuit-affiliated Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazi henchmen and bandits are possibly smiling in their graves, as they consider what has been set up now in the United States by their Jesuit/Catholic comrades.

Thanks Kamala Harris, for all your "Dereliction of Duty." Thanks to Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, plus all of their cohorts and allies, for all of their treasonous activity against the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. Well, President John F. Kennedy did try to warn us in the early 1960s, when he declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." And once that is all accomplished, they can rapidly get the mass-murdering Crusades and the diabolical Inquisition going again...this time, directly within the United States.


In a brazen and treasonous show of "Dereliction of Duty," the domestic enemy, Kamala Harris, appears to have openly lied about the southern border being secured. This is clearly shown in the pages linked by the buttons below. Now, there is something to consider. Possibly we should consider what the treasonous Kamala Harris actually means, when she has declared that the border is "secured." Possibly we should be asking in what way, or in what position is it secured.

As a domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution and of the authentic United States, Kamala Harris may truly mean that under the criminal Biden/Harris regime, the border is "secured" in a wide open position. As long as Biden and Harris are alive, the border will remain wide open for the Catholic-bred, invading army of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears that the treasonous traitor, Kamala Harris, is intentionally aiding and abetting a Jesuit/Catholic-controlled, foreign invasion...something they have wanted for many decades.

Using history as a guide, plus seeing the way things are being set up in the United States right now under the treasonous Biden/Harris administration, even when it comes to the tsunami of Catholic-bred illegal aliens, there is something to consider. It appears that the Jesuit/Catholics, plus those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, are arranging things for the Second American Civil War. And, they are working hard to disarm U.S. citizens, so they can be readily enslaved under Jesuit/Catholic domination.


If you think the things stated above are far-fetched or in no way can be true, then the information which is coming may help to shake you awake. If you have not been too brainwashed and dumbed-down by those "controlled tools" in the questionable halls of learning, then the information which is coming may be of benefit in your preparations for what citizens will soon be experiencing directly within the United States. And, at this point, there is something extremely important to note.

The evidence indicates that those with links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope or their allies are the ones in control of the chemical, biological and nuclear weapons of the United States. It appears that this crowd also has too much control over many law enforcement agencies (1)(2), plus the military. As noted within certain other pages on this site, it appears that those with links to this crowd have been criminally and treasonously "experimenting" on the citizens of the United States with the noted weapons, since at least the 1940s (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

In the information which is coming, the huge arms and ammunition purchases by non-military governmental agencies under the criminal and treasonous Obama/Biden administration will be considered. The army of illegal aliens which the Obama/Biden administration was illegally and treasonously arming and training for war-type activities directly within the U.S. will be noted. We will also examine the Jesuit/Catholic-inspired "Reconquista Movement," and the plans to exterminate non-Hispanics and non-Catholics in this country.


After President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Friday, November 22, 1963, apparently because he did not go along with the diabolical Jesuit/Catholic plans for the United States (1) and its often clueless citizens, the illegal alien invasion really got going. And, at this point, there is something important to consider. Before "they" had Kennedy brutally assassinated in public, he had allegedly declared something along this line to one of his assistants: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)

Now, it is also said that President John F. Kennedy had declared something like this: "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom."(1) And, that now appears to be the purpose of the Jesuit-linked Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (AKA: "Pervert Joe"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)) at this time in U.S. history, as he and his treasonous cohorts are criminally working to disarm U.S. citizens, in violation to their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, while these traitorous and treasonous criminals in government positions are working to facilitate the invasion by Catholic-bred illegal aliens.

Okay, now back to things which followed after "they" assassinated President John F. Kennedy, especially when it comes to presidents working to destroy things for authentic U.S. citizens. After Kennedy was assassinated, the highly questionable Lyndon B. Johnson got into the president's chair. It appears that one of Johnson's major favors which he did for the Vatican/Jesuit organization was overturning the Immigration Act of 1924. In place of the 1924 Act then came the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965. Now, it is time to consider what Johnson's signing of the 1965 Act did to the United States and its genuine citizens.

The full title of the first page linked below is Unintended Consequences of US Immigration Policy: Explaining the Post-1965 Surge from Latin America. In their titles, the other pages linked below use the words "Inadvertently" and "unintended." But, the use of these possibly deceptive words is something which should be seriously questioned. Now, it should be noted that the earlier President Franklin E. Roosevelt is said to have declared something along this line: "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."(1)

When it comes to things happening in a certain way in government or its various agencies, there are the treacherous or treasonous acts of those connected with the foreign-controlled "invisible government"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17) to consider. The evidence indicates that those with links to the foreign-controlled "invisible government" are the ones who have been treasonously working to facilitate the invasion of the United States by Catholic-bred, illegal aliens. And, the illegal aliens are pawns which the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled "invisible government" will use to enslave U.S. citizens, in the days ahead.

Well, not that long after "they" had President John F. Kennedy brutally assassinated and gotten out of the way on Friday, November 22, 1963, it appears that the invasion of the United States by Catholic-bred aliens began in earnest. In all of this, it should be obvious to thinking and "not-too-dumbed-down" U.S. citizens that multiple millions of Catholic-bred illegal aliens have illegally entered into the United States across its southern border, while the large share of those treasonous criminals in government positions do virtually nothing to slow or stop this serious, nation-harming problem.

There is now something to consider. When it comes to the large share of those treasonous criminals in government positions who are doing virtually nothing to stop the illegal alien invasion of the United States, it appears that a large share of these derelict and treasonous government criminals have links, one way or another, to the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization or to its Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And, this militia of the pope is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome, whose agenda appears to include the taking over of the United States and the enslavement of its citizens.

Looking further at the illegal invasion of the United States by Catholic-bred aliens, it appears that these illegal aliens are part of the Vatican's invading army, which they will use to Catholicize the United States, in preparation for crushing under and enslaving its non-Catholic citizens. What those connected with the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization are trying to do to the United States and its genuine citizens is spoken about in the pages linked below. It does appear that all of this is associated with the continuing, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Counter Reformation, which is part of their war against the true God of heaven.

Well, it appears that there is a specific reason why those criminals and treasonous ones in government positions are doing virtually nothing to stop the very large, illegal invasion by Catholic-bred aliens and their allies from "south of the border," plus from other countries. So, at this point, let us look into a book from 1959 which was written by Peter J. Doeswyck, D.D. This man was a former Catholic priest and a notable church historian who understood very well what was going on in the United States, especially when it comes to the Vatican/Jesuit organization. The book, linked here, is titled Catholic Victory in 1960?.

On the right side of PDF page 8 of 62, in the book linked above, and at the bottom of that page and onto the next, it notes that the pope and his hierarchy "instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic." And, the invasion of Catholic-bred illegal aliens is helping these criminals to make America Roman Catholic for their sly and cunning bosses within Rome, Italy.

By the way, there is more to understand why the treasonous criminals in government positions are doing virtually nothing to stop the invasion by Catholic-bred illegal aliens. It appears that the pope and his hierarchy instructs Roman Catholics, especially those connected with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, "that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Contitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America."

Based on what is spoken about above, there is reason to suspect that treasonous foreign-controlled agents have hijacked the government of the United States. Not only are these foreign agents in political and judicial positions, but they are also in key and controlling positions in the U.S. military, the CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS, and even in many or most law enforcement agencies across the United States. And, once they have enough power in the United States, there is reason to suspect that the mass-murdering Crusades and the diabolical Inquisition will get rolling again...possibly even as a deadly, "medical injection Inquisition."


The pages linked by the cluster of buttons below give some history of the financial burder which has been forced on genuine U.S. citizens by the criminal, Catholic-bred illegal alien invasion of the United States. Now, it should be further noted that members of the highly questionable CIA (or those Jesuit-controlled "Catholics In Action") appear to have a history of being involved in some of the drug trafficking and possibly even in the creation of those violent conditions which now exist in countries south of our border, which helps to move the illegal, Catholic-bred immigrant "pawns" northwards.

As the reader looks through the pages linked below, once again, it may be good to keep in mind the following words from President John F. Kennedy, who "they" brutally assassinated in 1963 (1): "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." From the looks of things, it appears that duped U.S. citizens are dealing with a Catholic-controlled economic war against the citizens of the United States. They are using the highly questionable, apparently Jesuit/Catholic-controlled tax system, to economically rape U.S. citizens and force them to support the papacy's invading army and the hijacking of the USA.

The economic enslavement, plus the disarmament of genuine U.S. citizens (so they can be fully enslaved under Jesuit/Catholic-controlled "masters") is being furthered along by that Jesuit-aligned, potentially treasonous Joe Biden and his "child-raping-priest-protector," Kamala Harris. And then, there is that highly questionable, pope-kissing Nancy Pelosi who is lording it over Congress, along with the Jesuit-aligned Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which are treasonously working to undermine and overthrow the legitimate government which is mandated and guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution.


The pages linked below indicate that the criminal and treasonous Catholic crowd has been facilitating the invasion of the United States by Catholic-bred illegal aliens. Once again, it should be obvious that the treasonous Catholic crowd is economically raping the citizens of the United States, in order to finance their alien invasion and the hijacking of the United States, plus the enslavement of genuine U.S. citizens and non-Catholics. By the way, Catholics are already enslaved by the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, but for some reason they just don't seem to realize it. Possibly its the brainwashing and hypnosis that does it.

Based on the information linked below, it appears that during the treasonous Obama/Biden administration, federal tax dollars were illegally being used to help force the illegal invasion by Catholic-bred aliens. The treasonous Catholic immigration activists were doing virtually everything they could to further the Jesuit plans for the invasion and takeover of the United States, so its citizens can be enslaved. Then, there is those treacherous Catholic bishops who are pushing for the illegal mass immigration. And dumbed-down U.S. citizens just sit there, as their country is being taken away from them and given to a foreign power.

Then, there are those so-called Catholic charities. What a cover for use in facilitating the criminal takeover of the United States. But, what else should we expect from a highly deceptive, foreign-based organization which facilitates and protects all those child-raping and child-enslaving "holey" priests (1)(2). And yes, they also facilitate and protect all those child-raping nuns (1)(2). And then there are the drug-fueled homosexual orgies in the papal facilities (1)(2). Yes, what else should we expect from those of that organization which was behind the raising up of the diabolical Adolf Hitler and his Nazis during the World War Two era?

Possibly it is time for U.S. citizens to wake up and see that Joe Biden and his treasonous Catholic-aligned cronies are largely behind the criminal invasion of the United States by Catholic-bred illegal aliens from south of the border. It is time for genuine U.S. citizens to understand that Catholics like the treasonous Gavin Newsom, who is the infamous governor of "poop and drug needles" California, are treacherously selling out the citizens of the United States, while they help facilitate the criminal invasion and takeover of the United States by the Catholic-bred army of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization.


When looking at the available information, it appears that the hierarchy of the historically treacherous papal organization are raising up a major part of the resistance against a secure southern border for the United States. This can be seen in the pages linked by the cluster of buttons below. It should be clear that this is an international effort by the hierarchy of the Catholic organization to facilitate the invasion and takeover of the United States by Catholic-bred illegal aliens and their treacherous and treasonous Catholic-aligned allies in government positions.

At this point, there is something to note about the misguided papal organization. They are calling those who would have helped to build the Trump border wall as being "traitors." But, those child-raping priests and nuns who have sold themselves to do the work of Satan are not really being spoken against. The miguided and damned papal organization just covers things up and hides and facilitates these traitors to God and his authentic Christ. That is part of the reason they will all be in the lake of fire and utter torment for all eternity, along with their buddy the Devil who will also be in anguish and torment with them.

Now, it is time to make things very clear. The conniving Vatican/Jesuit organization is calling those who would have worked on the Trump border wall as being "traitors." But why? What would they be traitors of? Well, from the study of documents relating to some of the lesser-known U.S./papal history, it appears that those who would have helped build the Trump wall would have been helping to confound the diabolical plans which the Vatican/Jesuit organization has for its people to take control of the United States, so that genuine U.S. citizens can then be fully enslaved and the extermination can begin.


Now for a history lesson into what has been going on for a long time in the United States, plus why it has been going on. While the satanic and murderous Catholic Inquisition raged in Mexico (1), plus during the American Revolutionary War, the United States was "born." In the midst of the Revolutionary War, in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed to the world. Then, in 1777, the Articles of Confederation were sent out to the thirteen original states for ratification. Now, the Articles provided for religious freedom and Mary-land was Catholic and did not believe in religious freedom, especially for Protestants.

Well, the papacy quickly found out about this proclamation of religious freedom in the forming United States and would have nothing of it. So, in 1778, the Vatican Edict went out which called for the destruction of the authentic United States. The 1778 Vatican Edict proclaimed that the United States was "a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost,"(1)(2) because the United States was not "under the despotic thumb" of the papal organization. That Vatican Edict also declared that the authentic United States "must be destroyed by any means possible."(1)(2)

Now, judging by what the Vatican Edict of 1778 proclaimed, it should not be hard to figure out why "they" have placed the Jesuit-aligned Joe Biden in the president's chair, and the child-raping-priest-protector named Kamala Harris in as the "president of vice," with the pope-kissing Nancy Pelosi and her treasonous allies into Congress. And, with all of these treasonous criminals in government positions, we can see that the authentic United States is being rapidly destroyed, while genuine U.S. citizens are being virtually enslaved under papal agents and their manipulated oppressors.

Looking back to the early 1800s, the European papal crowd sent the Jesuits to the United States in 1815, for the purpose of undermining (1)(2)(3) and bringing about the destruction of the authentic United States. A page-paragraph linked here contains the following quote: "One of the major purposes of the Jesuits was to destroy every trace of Protestantism and its principles, including religious freedom, republicanism, representative government, and an economy built around a strong middle class. Another purpose of the Jesuits was to greatly expand the power and control of the papacy throughout the entire world."

To be continued... The purpose will also be shown for the continuing invasion of the United States by large swarms of Catholic-bred, illegal aliens. We truly are in the midst of the foreign-controlled Catholic takeover of the United States and the enslavement of its genuine citizens. And, the Crusades and Inquisition may soon get going again, in one form or another. There is reason to suspect that it may even be in the form of a murderous "Medical Injection Inquisition," to selectively kill off those who may get in their way.

This page is just getting started.
More is coming, in the days ahead.
It is time for the whole story to be told.
What is coming shall stun most citizens.
And, the information is all documented.

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