Dirty,  Nasty  Politics,

Wild  Public  Groping,

and  Lauren  Boebert,

plus,  C.I.A.-type  HYPNOSIS

Well, there is LIKELY more to the REAL story than people realize.

We should possibly consider what the CIA, the militia-of-the-pope and their
allies have been doing, as they work to gain full (1) control of the United States.

... and yes, it is true that ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
Brutally Assassinated and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963. (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   22 Sep 2023
Latest Additions Posted:   24 Sep 2023
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


Well, based on what is reported in the pages linked below, Lauren Boebert and her "Democrat friend" may have had quite a wild night. Seeing what appears to have happened in public in that Colorado theater, it is reasonable to question what else may have gone on behind the scenes, that the very controlled (1) media is not reporting about. Yes, that grabbing of somewhat "pliable things" in public could have been associated with hypnosis and the earlier playing with "swelled" and "more rigid things" behind closed doors.

So, check out the pages linked below and see the fun the leftists are having with this one. And, this type of activity brings back memories of that oral sex which former "president" Bill Clinton was getting (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) from Monika Lewinsky in the Oval Office of the White House, plus possibly elsewhere. And, it does appear that modern U.S. politics has become a rather dirty and nasty business...especially when there are any of those sly and/or treasonous (1)(2) Democrats (1)(2)(3) and maybe their CIA allies (1)(2) involved.

By the way, in case you may have missed checking out the links at the end of the paragraph which is above the preceding cluster of buttons, those two linked resources are repeated below, plus a few more revealing links are added...for the convenience of fast readers or mere scanners. Yes, it appears that Joe Biden and the treasonous (1)(2) Democrats have a love affair with the CIA. And, because of this Democrat "tilt" toward the CIA, we had better be checking out what the questionable CIA has been doing over the years.

Since members of the CIA have been getting into government positions as Democrats, there are some important things which need to be explored. Later in this presentation will be included some CIA history. Now, it appears that the CIA crowd (with which Joe Biden and the Democrats have a love affair) has a history of illegal and potentially highly treasonous activities. And, at this point, it should be noted that the sinister and criminal use of hypnosis appears to be a well-polished specialty of the CIA.


Note in the page linked below that the questionable Howard Stern has openly stated that Lauren Boebert is "a disgrace to this country". Well, it is time to get very real! Who is Howard Stern to be pointing fingers at anyone and declaring them to be a disgrace to this country? It should be noted that Howard Stern appears to be an extremely treasonous domestic enemy of that specific form of government which is mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by the Constitution of the United States (1)(2).

Then, there is another apparent domestic enemy of that government which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution (1)(2), to now consider. Check out the pages linked below to see what "Morning Joe" has been saying about the Colorado theater incident. Yes, "Morning Joe" has especially been mocking Lauren Boebert. Possibly as a sexist, "Joe" has been mocking Lauren Boebert much more than her very "handsy" male date. And, "Joe" says that they were "explicitly groping each other repeatedly."


Well, the things noted in the pages linked below must really have the political enemies of Lauren Boebert ecstatically clapping their hands and jumping for joy. It appears that they now have Boebert right where they want her. Note that not only are the leftists attacking and making a spectacle of Lauren Boebert, but even the conservative crowd it backing away from her. Well, let us not be so quick to jump to any final conclusions on this one, for there may be more to THE REAL STORY than people realize.

By the way, with what it appears has potentially been done to Lauren Boebert, DO NOT at all be surprised if she suddenly flips from being a Republican, to being one of those Democrats. If something like this were to happen, there is a chance that the Republican Party would be totally shaken. And then the treasonous (1)(2) and apparently foreign-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4) Democrats could work to complete their hijacking and gaining full control of the U.S. government...as they work to complete the enslavement of U.S. citizens.


There is something to note in the pages linked below. Lauren Boebert initially denied that she was vaping at the theater production in Colorado, because, as she states, it appears that she genuinely did not remember ever doing such a thing. So, what was really going on here? Was Boebert knowingly lying about what she was doing in the theater, or could there truly have been more "in operation" here? Could there possibly be more...even much more to the real story about what was actually going on here?


Since Lauren Boebert was acting so "out of character" on her date in Denver, Colorado, possibly we should be asking some very important questions. Why was Lauren Boebert acting so out of character? Why does it appear she had no memory of what had happened in the theater? Was she drunk, or had she been drugged in some way? Well, since this all happened in Denver, Colorado, let us see what else has happened in that area, when it comes to women and dating.

The page linked below states that a Denver, Colorado, judge "ordered cardiologist Stephen Matthews to stand trial on dozens of criminal counts saying there was "substantial evidence something was administered" to 13 women who claimed the 35-year-old drugged them during dates, with some of the women saying after they were incapacitated, the doctor sexually assaulted them." Well, in Lauren Boebert's case, her date, Quinn Gallagher, appears to have initiated things by groping Boebert's breast(s).

Is there a chance that Quinn Gallagher, or someone else, had earlier put some type of drug in Boebert's food or drink, as she was being prepared for some "strange or unusual activity"? And, as we can all see, the "strange activity" was documented for later use against Boebert by her political enemies. Now, from the available videos, it appears that Gallagher was aggressively groping Boebert's breast. In all of this, it is almost like Boebert is not fully comprehending that she is in the middle of a large crowd of people. Why?

If Laurel Boebert had been in her normal state of mind in that Denver theater, you would think that she would have realized that the activities which she was indulging in would totally "blow away" her political career (1). Well, there is reason to suspect that Lauren Boebert was not in her normal state of mind in that theater and that something had been done to her, prior to her ever having entered that theater in Denver, Colorado. So, was it some type of drug involved here, or was it something else altogether?


The page and audio/video linked below speak about Lauren Boebert possibly being set up by her Democrat date to that Denver, Colorado, theater performance. The page and video indicate that there is speculation that this Democrat was possibly paid by someone else to set Boebert up to basically look like a hypocrite, bimbo and "brainless" fool. And yes, it truly does appear that things were very slyly and masterfully set up by someone, in such a way as to completely destroy Lauren Boebert's credibility and political career.

Within the linked page and audio/video, Boebert, once again, states that "I genuinely did not recall vaping that evening..." She also states: "Regardless of my belief [about how things were in the theater], it's clear now that was not accurate; it was not my or my campaign's intention to mislead, but we do understand the nature of how this looks." After seeing the videos from the Colorado theater, even though she did not remember doing the questionable things, she had to admit that it was her in the videos.

So, at this point, we might as well look at what some of the leftists and their allies are saying about Lauren Boebert. The page linked below so cutely states: "Lauren Boebert's vaping denial goes up in smoke with new video." Yes, even if a person does not remember doing something, what can they say when there is video proof? Well, at least after the video was publically produced, Lauren Boebert DID NOT try to deny that it was her in the video by stating that it was not her, but someone who closely resembled her.

Now, the page linked below brings up an important question. It asks: "Why does it take video for politicians to come clean?" Yes, truly, why did it take video evidence in order for Lauren Boebert to finally admit that she was vaping, fondling and being fondled, plus doing other unruly and crass things in that popular theater performance in Denver, Colorado? Why did she not seem to remember doing certain things in that theater, like vaping? What was really happening here? What was possibly in operation here?

The pages linked below also show that Lauren Boebert initially denied vaping at the 'Beetlejuice' show in Colorado. And, the pages note that surveillance video shows Boebert vaping in that theater. So, was there something which was done to her in order to render her unaware of what she was doing in that theater? Now, is there any chance that some of that CIA-type of mind-control activity (which did include the use of mind-altering hypnosis) could have been earlier used on Boebert, after she had initially been drugged?


The page linked below speaks about antisocial behavior being facilitated with hypnosis. It states: "For years we've been told that hypnosis abuse is impossible, despite the fact that there have been many historical legal precedents that absolutely say otherwise. Apparently no one ever bothered to look, take note or keep track, until now." The page goes on to list cases where, using hypnosis, women were raped "without their knowledge." Again, note the Lauren Boebert did not remember vaping in the Colorado theater.

The linked page also states: "Society as a whole has been kept in the dark for far too long on the real power of hypnosis, along with its inherent perils. The end result of this long-term duplicity has cultured a mass ignorance regarding hypnosis, the worst of it being the incorrect premise that hypnosis abuse is not possible. This has in turn created an extremely dangerous environment where people think they're safe, yet they're not." And, did Lauren Boebert think she was safe with her Democrat date, when she wasn't?

There is more to consider in the linked page. It states that the field of hypnosis "would eventually be taken to new lows in the 1950's by the CIA, through its nefarious MKULTRA (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) mind control program and its ensuing, heinous experimental programs, all of which focused specifically on the darker science of psychologically programming humans." Under MKULTRA, the CIA made people do things which they did not remember later. Now, did Boebert have hypnotic amnesia (1) about vaping in the theater?

At this point, let us consider a scenario for what potential could have happened to Lauren Boebert, at some point prior to her very "wild and wooly" performance in the Colorado theater. Let us say that some type of drug was put into her food or drink, by her Democrat date or someone else, to put her under and prepare her for what comes next. By the way, let us here note that this type of activity is one which has been very well-polished by certain members of the highly questionable CIA.

Now, let us say that once drugged, Lauren Bobert is wildly raped by her Democrat date or by someone else...or even gang raped. Then, she is hypnotised, given a "slutty" dress and programmed to do the acts which were displayed in the Colorado theater. Then, because she is acting-out under a hypnotic trance in the theater, she does not afterwards remember the vaping incident. Well, since a number of questionable CIA entities are in the Democratic Party, it is time to begin exploring some important CIA history.


In the earlier 1950s, the un-Constitutional (1) CIA (or, that criminal (1)(2)(3)(4) and hijacking "Catholics In Action" crowd (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)) officially launched a particular program which few Americans really understand. Those in controlling positions in the CIA launched a rather sinister and highly questionable, plus potentially very illegal and even treasonously-used, mind control program (1). Using this program and others like it, a certain segment in the CIA and their allies began to hijack control of the United States.

To be continued ...

This is just the mere beginning for that which shall ultimately be included in this presentation.
There is much more which needs to be exposed. Check back later for additional information.

Copyright © 2023 by #A3C5B9S1E1D8 --- All Rights Reserved