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For  Today

Is there a Conspiracy against the Citizens of the United States ?

Well, based on what has been going on, it sure appears to be true that...

"There's a plot (1) in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
Brutally Assassinated and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963. (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
First Posted:   22 Jan 2023
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8

Hijacking the United States & Final Enslavement of its citizens?

What is the criminal and treasonous Joe Biden, along with his criminal and treasonous cronies, doing to the United States? What is this treacherous crowd doing, as they are brazenly working to undermine and overthrow that particular form of liberty-providing government which is mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution? Are they treasonously working to corrupt and enslave U.S. citizens? Are they working to hijack the United States for their foreign masters?

Are these treasonous criminals, which include that Jesuit/Catholic-aligned "puppet" named Joe Biden, along with his nasty cronies and allies, working to force the citizens of the United States under the rule of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order? Is this treasonous crowd we are now dealing with working to bring into being the larger version of that New Order which Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis were working to bring into power for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, during the World War Two era?

Now, let us begin to see what Jesuit/Catholic-aligned Joe Biden (or Adolf Hitler II) --- whom some may say is a piece of political ordure (1) --- is now doing. Yes, it appears that he and his criminal cronies are working to treasonously hijack the United States government. They are working to hijack the U.S. government, just as, in the earlier 1900s, the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis hijacked and Nazified that which had been Protestant they could have their new Crusades and Holocaust.

Now, let us see what the traitorous and treasonous, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled, Joe Biden (Adolf Hitler II) crowd is now doing, by checking out the page and the 39:50-length video linked by the button below. In this video, the former Federal prosecutor, Kash Patel, states that an indictment, like that against Trump, "is not evidence of anything." It is only "a charging document." And, based on the video interview with Kash Patel, it appears that there may be something seriously wrong or flawed with the Trump indictment.

When it comes to the questionable indictment, it appears that the allies of the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled, or foreign-controlled Joe Biden were intending to use it as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Now, in the video, Kash Patel indicates that there is corruption in the FBI and DOJ. Well, those who have done their research should know that this serious and potentially treasonous corruption has been a longstanding problem in these agencies...possibly because of some links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope.

The video interview mentions the Presidential Records Act. It also notes that "a president has universal declassification authority, the sole arbiter...period." Then, to show the shenanigans which have been going on over time, the interview compares what is being done to Trump versus how things were handled with Hillary Clinton, Sandy Berger and General Petraeus, plus even Bill Clinton. It speaks about the un-American, two-tier system of justice which is now in operation within the United States.

Looking deeper into the Presidential Records Act, the former Federal prosecutor, Kash Patel, states that it went into effect during the Reagan administration, which was in the 1980s. In this Act, Congress declared that "when you are president and you leave, you can take whatever you want. And when you take it, whether it's classified or not, it's yours...person property." Patel states that Bush, Clinton and Obama have all done it. Then, Patel reveals what happened in the Bill Clinton tapes scenario.

Check out the whole video in the page linked above. It speaks about some of the highly questionable and/or criminal things, plus things like the unlawful application of the law, which have gone on within government and the judicial system. The video also speaks about the way the media has been responding to things. By the way, it appears that the CIA, or those "Catholics In Action", illegally gained control of the media in the early 1950s using Operation they could illegally manipulate public opinion.

Yes, it does appear that those under the control of the Jesuits and the militia of the pope are illegally and treasonously hijacking control of the United States, just as the Jesuit and militia-of-the-pope agents hijacked Germany in the earlier 1900s, so they could use that country as "the sword of the Catholic Church". Then they began to go on their new military Crusades against other countries, plus they began to exterminate those who did not go along with them. The "handwriting is on the wall" for the United States.

And now, it should be clearly noted that the Constitution of the United States of America, in Article 4, Section 4, clearly declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."(1) Then what is this democracy BS which we have today? Well, in the early 1930s, under the treasonous President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the enemies of the United States illegally changed this country over to a they could lead us down the road to communism and enslavement.

For further information which relates to the illegal democracy which the United States and its citizens have been under since the 1930s, check out the page linked by the large button below, plus a page-section linked here. The page section includes links to pages and a video about what the United States is legally supposed to be. Now, the page linked here speaks about many of the nasty things which the foreign-controlled, rather traitorous Jesuit/Catholic crowd has illegally been doing to the United States and our world.

Biden and his Treasonous Cronies trying to Crash the U.S. Economy?

What is the Jesuit/Catholic-aligned Joseph Biden and his treacherous or treasonous cronies trying to do to the United States and its genuine citizens? Are they trying to crash the U.S. economy just like it appears that the Jesuit/Catholic-aligned "pawns" did during the 1929 Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression which followed? Yes, at that time, it appears that they "raped" the citizens of the United States big time, and it looks like they are working to do it again.

It should be obvious to all thinking Americans, at least to those who are not brain dead, that Joseph Biden and his treasonous cronies should not have been giving all of that money and expensive war materials to Ukraine, while the United States is economically going down the tube. Now, in the U.S. Constitution, it speaks about the government doing things for the General Welfare of the citizens of the United States. Well, giving all that money and war materials to Ukraine is not helping authentic U.S. citizens in any way.

The war in Ukraine, or should we say the NATO war with Russia, is a war which the Jesuits and Catholics have wanted with Russia since the earlier 1900s. It appears that what we are now seeing with this war is just another repeat of Jesuit/Catholic history. And, what was Hunter Biden really doing over there in Ukraine, just before this whole war broke out? Hunter Biden, along with the infamous Joe Biden, really should be fully investigated, prosecuted, and possibly tried for high treason against the genuine United States.

Biden Screwing Over the United States in the Oil Arena?
[updated: 4/8/2023]

Well, check out the page linked below. The things which Biden has been doing are no accident. It appears that he has been working to screw over the genuine citizens of the authentic United States. Note that the con artists are now apparently making excuses for why Biden seriously messed up. And once again, this is no accident. It appears that Biden is intent on making a shambles of the United States, and in the end, the citizens of the United States shall find that they are horribly enslaved, both economically and in other ways.

The page linked below states: "Last year the Biden Administration said it intended to halt its historic emergency sales of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and it would start refilling the 180 million barrels when prices fell to the lower $70s. Yet even as oil fell into the $60s recently, the administration refused to move." Well, it appears that Dictator Biden did not refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) because he has another agenda which he is ramming down the throats of U.S. citizens.

The page linked above states that Biden supposedly got surprised by OPEC raising the price of crude oil. Now, there is a problem when it comes to refilling the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which Biden so foolishly bled down and then missed his refill opportunity. This should never have happened. But, a treacherous Biden and his possibly treasonous (1) allies are making sure that the United States cannot be energy independent (1). That has created a massive problem for U.S. citizens.

In the page linked below, we find that a treacherous Joe Biden cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office. That pipeline could have brought oil from Canada to the United States at a reasonable price. And, in the process, Biden purposely destroyed a lot of high-paying jobs which could have otherwise opened up, even for many U.S. citizens. So, it appears that Biden and his treasonous (1) Democrats have created a big problem for the citizens of the United States. OPEC is not to blame for U.S. oil problems.

Well, the story does not end there. A treacherous Biden cancelled the Alaska oil and gas lease sales, as shown in the pages linked below. And, this worked to prevent the United States from becoming energy independent, plus also destroyed potential jobs. And now, Biden cannot refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) at a reasonable price, which he so foolishly drained down and then so thoroughly mismanaged things that he completely missed his opportunity to refill the SPR at a reasonable cost.

Now, it appears that some jackass, so-called president is playing some nasty and potentially treasonous games with the United States and its citizens, which it appears he and his treasonous (1) cronies are working to, one way or another, thoroughly enslave. It appears that these extremely treasonous (1) people are doing virtually everything they can to run the cost of living up, so things will be much harder for the citizens of the United States. Yes, they are treasonously working to destroy the authenic United States.

At this point, there is another thing to note. Biden stupidly drew the Stategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) way down, rather than letting the oil companies do whatever it would take to bring in more oil. Now, with the way things are, it appears that it will take who knows how many years to refill the SPR, especially with screwed up and treasonous (1) Democrats in office, which treasonous (1) Democrats appear to be working hard to make things tough for the average U.S. citizen, plus run the cost of living up as high as they can.

There is now something else important which authentic U.S. citizens should know about, especially the younger generation which was not taught much important history. The U.S. oil consumption could have been drastically reduced, starting about a hundred years ago, had not some treacherous or possibly treasonous idiots been manipulating things in the United States. And, on top of that, the emissions from internal combustion engines could have also been majorly reduced a long time ago.

Let us begin this part of the discussion by looking at the Fish Carburetor, which is spoken about in the page linked by the button below. The Fish Carburetor did not allow a vehicle to obtain extremely high fuel mileage, but it was just enough of an improvement over the common carburetors of its day that those criminals which are operating behind the scenes on our country, which are harming our country, made sure that production of the Fish Carburetor was hampered or blocked in virtually every way that they could.

The Fish Carburetor had actually been created and made fully operational by July 31, 1933. But, it was not until September 10, 1940 that the U.S. Patent Office finally issued Fish's first patent. Now, this special carburetor could allow an engine to produce "an average of 20 percent better gas mileage and[/or] 30% more horsepower." John Fish first began to produce his carburetor in Massachusetts, but was basically chased out of that area. Then he moved his operation to Florida.

In Daytona Beach, Florida, John Fish produced over 125,000 of his special carburetors between 1947 and 1959. His carburetors were used on some of the cars which raced at Daytona Beach, Florida, and proved that they were better than the typical carburetors which were commonly used in those days. And, a lot of Fish Carburetors were used on ocean-going commercial fishing boats, where they allowed the boats to travel further on a given amount of fuel and get there faster than boats equipped with other carburetors.

In the end, the Fish Carburetor, with its improvements in fuel mileage, horsepower and overall performance, were just enough of a threat to the companies that produced the "Original Equipment" carburetors which were used by car manufacturers, that certain groups began working to put him out of business. He even had his mail stopped at one point by the U.S. Postal Service, so people could not get their carburetor via mail order, which mail order was commonly done in those days.

Well, if that corrupt and treasonous crowd which is working to enslave the people of the United States in every way they can would work to prevent the Fish Carburetor from being produced in those earlier days, which carburetor allowed for slightly improved fuel mileage and horsepower increase, just think of what they would do in the case of any of those special engines or fuel systems which could produce an incredible improvement in fuel mileage. And now, let us look at a special engine from the earlier days.

The page linked below speaks about the unique Harry H. Elmer engine of 1922. The available information indicates that this very special engine design could allow for extreme fuel efficiency and extreme fuel mileage, something which any of the greedy oil companies possibly did not appreciate. As a note, there were other higher fuel mileage systems in the early 1900s. And then, the Elmer engine was also multi-fuel. It could operate on crude oil, plus also operate using mineral, animal and vegetable oils.

Now, there is something very important to note about the Elmer-type engine. Again, it could operate on crude oil. Just pump a relatively small amount of oil out of the ground, filter it to remove any debris, put it in the vehicle fuel tank and away you go. So, what is the advantage of this? Well, there is absolutely no need for any oil refineries when using an Elmer-type engine. These oil refineries have commonly been a bottleneck for the nation's energy needs. So, why not just eliminate the need for them altogether?

By the way, there is another interesting, higher fuel mileage system from the earlier 1900s which should be mentioned. That was the Pogue fuel system, noted in the page linked below, which could allow a standard automotive engine to obtain much higher fuel mileage. And with a well-designed system, engine emissions could be greatly reduced. It would be a win-win situation for the consumer and the environment. The only ones who would not appreciate it would be any greedy oil companies and their buddies in government.

By the way, back in the latter 1930s, engineers in the petroleum industry found there there is enough energy locked in the molecules of gasoline, that if things are done right and that energy potential is unlocked, one gallon of gasoline could run a lightweight car for 480 miles on a level road (1). It should be noted that standard cars were very heavy in those day and a lightweight car to them would be something like some of our smaller cars of today.

Chaos, a Foreign Takeover & the New World Order

What has been going on in recent times in our world? Why is there all of the chaos and craziness happening all over the world, like nothing that anyone born after World War Two has ever seen before? There's the COVID-19 and its variants which burst into our world, which some say came from a lab in China which organizations linked to Dr. Anthony Fauci were helping to finance. Then, there was the craziness and riots during the summer of 2020, along with the many forest fires in the western US. Again, what is going on?

Well, sometimes things from history can help us to understand what is going on in our world. Now, we see that the New World Order Crowd is trying to take control of many things. We see Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum and the Davos crowd with some pretty ugly and despotic plans for our world. One of their plans is for those "15-minute cities"(1) in which to enslave the peoples of this world. Then, there is the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) which seems to be right in the middle of all the chaos. But, is there a chance that there is something behind the scenes controlling all of these?

Looking back in history for answers, there is the Catholic crowd working to take control of the world with their mass-murdering Crusades and their diabolical, torturous and murderous Inquisition. Then, there are those Jesuits, who ended up basically controlling the European monarchs, as these monarchs and their armies warred and did their conquests for the papal organization. Well, in our day, is there any chance that the Jesuits and members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope are behind any of the chaos?

Again, looking back in history, there was the famous Napoleon Bonaparte, who was the Emperor of the French people, plus was a military leader. Well, Napoleon had the following to say about the Jesuits: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."(1)

Well, Napoleon had even more to say about the Jesuits. He also stated: "The General of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may... Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general."(1) Wow! Based on what Napoleon said, it almost appears that virtually "ANYTHING GOES," when it comes to what the Jesuits or their agents or "controlled-puppets" could potentially do, in order to gain control over peoples, nations, and the world.

Based on what Napoleon declared, is there a chance that the Jesuits, or members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, could potentially instigate things like school-shootings and mass-shootings, maybe even using mind-controlled expendable "slaves", in order to get laws changed so they can largely disarm the general public and more easily enslave the citizens of the United States? Is there any chance that the Jesuits or those they control could have been behind or instigated things like the 9/11 World Trade Center attack, so their buddies could then bring in the restrictive, so-called Patriot Act?

Looking back in U.S. history, there was the Marquis de Lafayette from France, who fought on the side of the forming United States in the American Revolutionary War. In 1824, the Marquis made a return visit to the United States. During the time of his 1824-1825 visit, the Marquis had the following to say: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty."(1) And, it appears that they and their agents and controlled "puppets" are still at it today.

Now, it appears that the New World Order crowd is largely under the control of the Jesuits and members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And, the militia of the pope and its activities are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome, which Jesuit General is also known as the Black Pope. Then, it appears that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) was Jesuit-trained and appears to be just another "tool" or "puppet" of the Jesuits. It appears that Schwab is helping them to further their agenda for despotic and diabolical world control. And then, the population-reduction (1)(2) exterminations may begin...

The CIA, Hypnosis, Manchurian Candidates & Shootings

The pages linked below speak about a highly skilled hypnotist who was deeply involved with hypnotic mind control. From the 1940s through the 1960s, this hypnotist, George Hoben Estabrooks, did a lot of experimental hynotic mind control work for the CIA, FBI, and the intelligence community in the United States. As noted in the pages linked below, Estabrooks openly boasted: "I can hypnotize a man, without his knowledge or consent, into committing treason against the United States."

Basically, it appears that the CIA/FBI/Intelligence hypnotist named George Estabrooks was saying that he could potentially walk up to someone on the street, or victimize someone in a cafe, and take them over using hypnosis. Then, he could cause this rather innocent person to then commit treason against the United States. Note in the linked pages that Estabrooks was already doing this in the 1940s. Note also that Estabrooks "acknowledged building Manchurian Candidates," or those mind-controlled killers.

If the things noted above were already being done by the CIA, FBI, and the intelligence community back in the 1940s and after, what could they, with advanced skills, be doing today...especially with the history which some of these agencies seem to have? Now, is there a chance that using advanced hypnosis and mind control, someone in these agencies could be involved in creating candidates for things like mass-shootings and school shootings? Could this be associated with treasonous efforts to get U.S. citizens disarmed?

COMMENTS  &  QUESTIONS  FOR:  2/20/2023 -- late PM
Jesuit/Catholic War Against Russia & the Destruction of the U.S.
[updated: 2/22/2023 -- PM]

So, check out the page linked by the button below. What is going on here? So, the irresponsible criminals in government were spending money so heavily that they smashed into the debt ceiling. Why has this been allowed to happen? Well, knowing the history of some of what has been going on behind the scenes over time, it appears that this is actually showing is intentional, treasonous mishandling of government money.

It appears that "they" were planning on an economic event which would have a similar effect to the Stock Market Crash of 1928 and the Great Depression which followed. Yes, a different scenario has been used at this time. Rather than just crashing the Stock Market, they have slyly done things another way using the Russia/Ukraine war. And ultimately, there will be the same outcome for the citizens of the United States.

Now, Biden and his treasonous cronies knew all along that there was this debt ceiling, yet they were flooding money and war materials over to Ukraine...which is a foreign country. Well, Biden and a number of his cronies in government appear to be pawns of the Jesuits and the militia of the pope, as shown in other pages on this site. So, there is reason to suspect that there is a whole lot more to consider in this story.

The Vatican/Jesuit organization has wanted to take over Russia, in any way they could, since at least the early 1900s...using Germany. When Kaiser Wilhelm II would not do the job for them, he was moved out of the way. Then "they" raised up Adolf Hitler and his Nazi to play the Russians for fools and then go after them in World War II. Well, the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Nazis failed to take Russia, using World War II.

After Germany began falling in the latter part of World War II, the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis were illegally and treasonously brought into the United States...near the end of World War II and after. Then they were illegally and treasonously put into key positions in the military and intelligence agencies, plus elsewhere in this country, as shown in other pages on this site.

Once the Jesuit-controlled agents in the military had a number of nuclear bombs at their disposal, then, in the 1950s and early 1960s, they tried to force the United States into a devastating, first-strike (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) nuclear war of all-out aggression against Russia and even China, as shown within other pages on this site. It should be noted that people like the Catholics (1)(2), Jesuits and those associated with the militia of the pope (1) were the ones really pushing hard for this first-strike nuclear war of mutual annihilation.

Then, when it comes to what was happening in 1950 in the United States, there is a page-paragraph linked here which states: "The arch-Catholic Secretary of the U.S. Navy, the spokesman of certain forces in the States and in the Vatican, called upon the U.S. to launch an attack upon Soviet Russia in order to make the American people 'the first aggressors for peace.' 'As the initiators of a war of aggression' he added, 'it would win for us a proud and popular title: we would become the first aggressors for peace.'"

And now, there is this nasty, apparently provoked (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) war going on between Russian and Ukraine, with the Jesuit-linked Joe Biden (1)(2) right in the middle of things. It should also be noted that this Russia/Ukraine war lit off after Hunter Biden was over there doing apparently very questionable things which they seem to want the public in the United States kept very ignorant about. There are some who question if, among other things, he may have been involved in criminal, human organ trafficking.

Well, in what is going on in our day, it appears that Joe Biden and his treasonous cronies, as pawns of the foreign-controlled Jesuits and the militia of the pope, may figure that they can "kill two birds with one stone" with this war in Ukraine. They, as puppets of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization, are hoping to beat or destroy Russia with the provoked (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Ukraine war. Then, the Vatican/Jesuit organization can take over Russia, using their agents.

In all of this, because of what Biden is doing in this country, the economy of the United States will be crashed and its citizens enslaved under the domination of papal agents and under the domination of those associated with the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. And then, the mass-murdering modern Crusades and Inquisition can get going again. That is what the Vatican/Jesuit crowd has wanted since the United States was first born. And, the Vatican Edict of 1778, as shown in other pages on this site, called for the destruction of the authentic United States. Well, it appears that treasonous Biden is doing it for them.

COMMENTS  &  QUESTIONS  FOR:  2/20/2023 -- PM
Why Are They Violating Their Oath of Office?

Why are there so many people in government positions who are brazenly and possibly criminally violating their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States? Why are there so many people in government positions who appear to be working very hard to illegally change laws in an un-Constitutional manner, as they appear to be treasonously working to take away the rights of U.S. citizens, so apparently they can be enslaved? Is there a chance that at least some of these people, or possibly even most of them, are actually treasonously working for a foreign power?

In answer to the above questions, let us look into a book published in 1959, which is titled Catholic Victory in 1960?, a copy of which is linked here. This book was written by a former Roman Catholic Priest named Peter J. Doeswyck, who, as shown in the page at the front of the book about the author, "specialized in the studies of the Fathers, the Middle Ages and the History of the Church." It also states that Doeswyck "read every available book [on Church history] written from the time of Christ till the Reformation." A short note on the subject matter of the book is spoken about in an early advertising flyer linked here.

Now, let us begin to consider why a lot of people in government positions are violating their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, while working to illegally strip U.S. citizens of their rights. At the bottom of page 12 of 118, in the Catholic Victory book (1), it states: "Though forbidding Roman Catholic layment to meddle in the politics of Roman Catholic countries, the Pope instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic."

What is quoted above is just the start. At the top of page 13 of 118 in the Catholic Victory" book (1), it states: "The Pope further explains that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Constitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America." So, when it come to Catholics, or Jesuits, or members of the militia of the pope who are in government positions, it appears that we are actually dealing with treasonous foreign agents who brazenly violate their Oath to the U.S. Constitution.

Now, a number of Catholics in government positions appear to really be fooling the citizens of the United States. Take Joe Biden, for example. He is pushing for abortion and other things which are against orthodox Catholic teaching. For this reason, many people may think that he is not working for the Catholics or the pope in Rome. Well, it appears that Biden and many other Catholics in government are actually working for the Jesuits (which the pope is) and the Jesuit agenda for the United States and its naive citizens, which agenda allows for a number of demonic things which are spoken about in other pages on this site.

It appears that those abusing, sodomizing and child-raping Jesuit/Catholic priests (1)(2) and nuns have been working to build up the homosexual movement in the United States and around the world. This appears to all be part of the continuing Counter Reformation. And, when it comes to socialism/communism, that comes from the Jesuits (1). And, when it comes to what they are doing to the U.S. Constitution and our rights, a page-paragraph linked here states: "Every principle of the [U.S.] Constitution was to be dissolved and new Jesuitical principles were to be put into place..." That is where Biden and his treasonous cronies come into the picture. They are stripping citizens of their rights for the criminals' foreign-based masters in Rome.

COMMENTS  &  QUESTIONS  FOR:  2/20/2023 -- Early AM
Democrats: Treasonous Liars and Traitors to the Authentic United States?

How hard is it to prove that all Democrats in government positions are just treasonous liars and traitors to the United States? How hard is it to prove that they really cannot be trusted by genuine citizens of the authentic United States? Well, it appears that as soon as any one of these bastards (1)(2)(3)(4) take their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, so they can finagle their way into a powerful government position, they have proven themselves to be treasonous liars. Why is this?

In the post for 2/12/2023 (1), it shows that the U.S. Constitution, to which all of these people in government have sworn in their Oath of Office to support and defend, mandates and guarantees a Republican Form of Government throughout the whole United States. Well, each and every Democrat brazenly lied when they took their Oath of Office, because it appears that they are working to undermine and overthrow virtually anything which may still remain of the authentic Republican Form of Government in the United States.

Because Democrats appear to be extreme, treasonous liars, nobody should really listen to them when they point their fingers at anyone else from any other party and call them a liar. By the way, since it appears that Democrats are treasonous liars and virtual criminals in government, any Resolution, bill or law they pass, by rights, should be non-binding on U.S. citizens and not honored. Because ignorant people have been bowing so long to these treasonous criminals, that is why the United States is so messed up.

Democrats, Internment Camps, & the Trail of Tears

Check out the page linked below. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is loudly declaring that the internment of Japanese Americans during World War Two was "one of the most shameful periods in American history." Well, possibly we should look into what was actually happening here. So, for starters, who was the one who actually signed the order to put all of these Japanese people in internment camps?

The page linked below declares: "On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, initiating a controversial World War II policy with lasting consequences for Japanese Americans. The document ordered the forced removal of resident "enemy aliens" from parts of the West vaguely identified as military areas."

Now, President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) was a Democrat...with a rather questionable history. Well, from the looks of things, it appears that Jesuit/Illuminati-linked (1) Democrats have quite a history of doing nasty, very shameful, un-Constitutional, and possibly even some highly treasonous things with those Executive Orders. That is why we really need to keep a closer eye on Democrats like Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

By the way, when it comes to Democrats creating shameful history for the United States, check out entry #1 in the page linked below. It states: "The Trail of Tears (1838): The first Democrat President, Andrew Jackson and his successor Martin Van Buren, herded Indians into camps, tormented them, burned and pillaged their homes and forced them to relocate with minimal supplies. Thousands died along the way."

Guaranteed Republican Form Of Government

Now, Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States mandates and guarantees to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government. And, virtually every person in a government position has, or should have, taken an Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Yet the Democrats, Socialists, Communists, etc., who lied when they took their Oath of Office so they could finagle their way into government positions, have been treasonously working to undermine and/or overthrow the genuine Republican Form of Government in the United States.

By rights, shouldn't all of these Democrats, Socialists, Communists, etc., who have finagled their way into government positions so they can work to undermine and/or overthrow what may still remain of a genuine Republican Form of Government in the United States, be arrested and tried for treason? And, if they have been working to undermine and overthrow the legitimate form of government in the United States, shouldn't they pay the price for treason, which price is historically hanging? It is because of these treasonous criminals in government positions, that the United States is in such a mess!

As a heads-up to all of the uneducated and ignorant and history-challenged people who may exist within the United States, a Republican Form of Government, like the U.S. Constitution mandates and guarantees, is not the same as the Republican Party. There is reason to suspect that if the Founding Fathers of this great nation were to rise from their graves today and take complete control of this country, they would possibly hang 99.9 percent of the Republicans for violating their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, since they are not working diligently to enforce a genuine Republican Form of Government in the United States.

Biden Bleeding U.S. Dry?

Now, they claim that the U.S. government has hit the debt ceiling. But then, there is the apparently treasonous Joe Biden and his criminal cronies, who appear to have no true care for the needs of the United States and its genuine citizens, as the Biden crime organization is sending all of that money, along with war materials, over to Ukraine.

What is going on here? Are Biden and his criminal cronies intentionally trying to bleed the United States dry, so they can crash and trash it? Are they intentionally trying to crash and trash and destroy it, so they can then treasonously put it under the despotic, Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order?   R.I.P.  USA.

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This presentation provides some history associated to the Vatican/Jesuit plot or conspiracy against the generally unsuspecting citizens of the United States, plus against the U.S. the Vatican/Jesuit crowd works to undermine and destroy it, in order to enslave U.S. citizens. Links to other pages are included within the text, which pages or page-sections will give more detail about the things which are spoken about in this presentation.

The evidence indicates that President John F. Kennedy, especially since he was a high-level, Fourth Degree (1) member of the Knights of Columbus (1) and was part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope (1), likely knew about a plot or conspiracy (1) against the United States and its unsuspecting citizens. To begin with, President Kennedy was a Roman Catholic. He knew the history of that organization and its desire to rule the whole world.

President Kennedy would likely have known the earlier history of the mass-murdering Crusades and the diabolic Inquisition, which were perpetrated on the peoples of this world by the Catholics. The Crusades and Inquisition were used to force the people under despotic Catholic domination and truly into diabolical enslavement. But, there is more to this story about those connected with the papal organization wanting to rule the world. There is the Jesuits to consider.

Napoleon Bonaparte, the Emperor of the French and a military leader, understood the Jesuits very well. He declared the following: "The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms -- and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses."(1)(2)

Napoleon Bonaparte also declare the following about the Jesuits: "The General of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may... Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general."(1) And, when it comes to the atrocious crimes and "meritorious works", there is more to consider.

In more recent times, there is reason to suspect that, as the Jesuits and their pawns work to take over the United States, the atrocious crimes could possibly even include things like instigating the 9/11 Twin Towers caper in 2001. They may also instigate things like mass-shootings and school shootings, as the Jesuit and their pawns work to get laws changed in the United States, so that U.S. citizens can be disarmed and made more vulnerable, so they can be more easily enslaved.


Now, it is time to look back in history. There is some important history which most U.S. citizens possibly do not know about. Down south in Mexico, the Inquisition (1)(2), where it appears that Mexican people were being brutally tortured by the Catholics and were losing their lives, or were being murdered by the Catholics for not agreeing with them, began in the year 1571 and lasted until the year 1820 (1), or for a period of about 249 years.

It is of interest to note that another source (1) gives indications that the Mexican Inquisition may have begun already in the year 1536. That would mean that the total length of the diabolical Mexican Inquisition may have been about 284 years. With this backdrop in mind, of the diabolical and satanic Mexican Inquisition in full force in Mexico from possibly 1536 to 1820, let us now turn to history which relates to the United States.


While the Mexican Inquisition was going strong, it was in the year 1607 that the first permanent English or British colony was established in America (1). This colony was established at Jamestown, Virginia. Over the years which followed, more British colonies were establish until there were finally 13 colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America (1).

Now, it appears that Britain may have become tyrannical (1)(2)(3) toward its American colonies. The first bit of oppression began with the Stamp Act of 1765 (1), which was the first tax directly against the American colonies. The next oppressive tax came with the Tea Act of 1773 (1). This placed a tax on tea which was shipped to the American colonies. Well, the American colonies did not appreciate oppressive taxation. The tea tax led to the Boston Tea Party, in 1773 (1).

Something else which may have led to the British oppression of its American colonies may have been a result of King George III of Britain being on the path to insanity, which insanity became openly obvious in 1778 (1). So, because of the oppression against the American colonies, in the year 1765 (1) the American colonies began their struggle against the British Empire.


The struggle of the American colonies against the now tyrannical British Empire led to the American Revolutionary War, which began in 1775 and lasted until 1783 (1). At that point, in 1775, King George III of Britain issued a document called the Proclamation of Rebellion, which had the official title of A Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition (1). Well, by that time, the citizens of the 13 colonies were determined not to live under tyranny.


While the American Revolutionary War was in full swing, the citizens of the 13 colonies decided that they had put up with oppressive and despotic British Rule for long enough. At that point, the colonies, in a united effort, produced the Declaration of Independence (1)(2)(3). The Declaration of Independence included a list of grievances (1)(2)(3), which grievance led up to the separation of the thirteen united States of America from British rule.


As the bloody and murderous American Revolutionary War --- which is also known as the American War of Independence (1) --- was raging, people of the 13 States of America decided that they needed to band together and form some type of uniting compact. At that point, the document called the Articles of Confederation was produced (1). This document is also called the first Constitution of the United States (1).

At this point, there is something very important to note. In Article 3 of the Articles of Confederation, it declares: "The said states hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defence, the security of their Liberties and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretence whatever."(1)

In Article 3, which is quoted above, note closely that the 13 States of America were bound together "to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretence whatever." Now, the part about protecting even religion is important. Note in the page linked below that it appears there was quite the religious diversity in the 13 States of America.


About halfway down the page linked below, it indicates that originally Catholics in the colony of Maryland had religious freedom. But then it appears that "intolerant rulers came to power in England." Then, the page claims: "Catholics were barred from voting, practicing law and holding public office. They were forbidden to worship in churches or to make converts. Catholic landowners were required to pay double taxes."

Now, the page linked below states: "In order to achieve the objectives of the Roman Pontiff, the Jesuits aided by their Illuminated-Masonic vassals in America, instigated the American War of Independence. Leading Masonic authors openly claim that Freemasonry had a preponderant role in the movement for independence. The 'Masonic Review' of 1893 goes as far as to state that Freemasonry was the driving force in the formation of the American Union in 1776, claiming that at least fifty-two out of the filthy-six of the 'signers of the Declaration of Independence as members' of the Lodge."

So, it appears that the Jesuits may have been the main instigators of the American Revolutionary War, especially through the use of the members of the Jesuit-linked Illuminated-Masonic lodges which were in the 13 States of America. They possibly instigated the American Revolutionary War in hopes that the Catholics in Maryland could end up being able to openly worship, plus so they could vote, practice law and hold public office. The Jesuits possibly instigated the American Revolutionary War so, in the hoped-for outcome, Catholics in Maryland could also get out from under heavy taxation.


As the American Revolutionary War raged, on November 15, 1777, the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union (1) were completed and sent out to the thirteen States of America for ratification. Again, the Articles of Confederation assured religious protection (1) to all peoples and religions. At this point, there is something else important to keep in mind. Down south in Mexico, the Catholics had their murderous Inquisition (1) going, which was used to keep people enslaved under Catholicism.

The Articles were originally meant to be ratified by the States by March 10, 1778 (1). By that date, only nine states had ratified the Articles. These states were: Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia (1). North Carolina finally ratified the Articles on April 5, 1778. New Jersey ratified on November 19, 1778. Then Delaware ratified on February 1, 1779. Then the last holdout, Maryland, ratified on February 2, 1781.

Now, what is a potential reason why the Catholics in Maryland would hold off for so long on ratifying the Articles of Confederation? Why did they wait for about 3 years and 3 months to get the Articles ratified? Well, it appears that the plot and conspiracy against the United States really got going about that time. With the Inquisition happening down in Mexico, it appears that the Catholics absolutely did not genuinely agree with freedom of religion, which was assured by the Articles of Confederation.

Well, there is another reason why the Catholics of Maryland possibly did not want to ratify the Articles of Confederation. A page-paragraph linked here states: "Two years after the American colonists posted the Declaration of Independence, the Vatican declared an Edict that condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible."(1) That Edict went out in 1778. Now, why did the pope feel this way?

Most citizens in the forming United States believed in liberty of conscience and religious freedom, plus the greater share were Protestants. That is what the pope wanted to totally crush, especially with his Inquisition going on down south in Mexico. Now, when it comes to Vatican teachings, "liberty of conscience is declared by all the popes and councils of Rome, a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost."(1)(2)(3)(4)

Based on the things stated in the paragraphs above, it was likely because of the Vatican Edict of 1778 and church teaching, why the Catholics of Maryland did not really want to ratify the Articles of Confederate soon after it went out to the States. So, the plot and conspiracy against the forming United States really got going with the Vatican Edict of 1778, plus was inflamed by teachings of the church in those days. Now, it should be noted that Maryland did not ratify the Articles willingly.

It appears that the Catholics of Maryland possibly ratified the Articles grudgingly and possibly even somewhat feignedly. As Maryland was stalling on ratifying the Articles, something happened to them. As the American Revolutionary War was in full swing, the British began directly attacking Maryland. Regarding this situation and then what happened, a page linked here declares:

"Meanwhile, in 1780, British forces began to conduct raids on Maryland communities in the Chesapeake Bay. Alarmed, the state government wrote to the French minister Anne-Cesar De la Luzerne asking for French naval assistance. Luzerne wrote back, urging the government of Maryland to ratify the Articles of Confederation. Marylanders were given further incentive to ratify when Virginia agreed to relinquish its western land claims, and so the Maryland legislature ratified the Articles of Confederation on March 1, 1781."

This is just the mere INTRODUCTION to this section.
There is a whole lot more to this history of the PLOT.

To Be Continued...

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