Considering  the  Suppressed

"Fish  Carburetor"

It's  time  for  the  Real  Truth  to  Come  Out

about  this  Amazing  Carburetor  for  Engines

and  What  Happened  in  this  Situation !

This Amazing Carburetor allowed Engines to provide

Better Fuel Mileage, More Power, with Less Emissions,

Plus allowed Engines to operate well on Multiple Fuels.

And then, it Was Suppressed !

By   David E. Sakrisson
Independent Researcher and Reporter
Preview Posted:   1 Oct 2022
Additions posted:   3 Oct 2022, later PM
Copyright © 2022 by  David E. Sakrisson


A page linked here declares: "Fish carburetors were not 'super' carbs, but they were enough of an improvement that they were attacked, suppressed, and the business driven out of the country!" The page states further: "From 1947 to 1959 the Fish Carburetor Company of Daytona Beach, Florida manufactured over 125,000 high-mileage carburetors. The Fish carburetor averaged 20 percent better gas mileage and 30% more horsepower." In other words, the Fish Carburetor allowed for better fuel mileage in vehicles and the production of more power from engines than did the standard carburetors of its day.

The page linked above also declares: "The 'Fish' was seen as a very serious threat to the 'Original Equipment' establishment and could not be tolerated. J.R. suffered years of dirty tricks and persecution in an attempt to put him and his carburetor out of business. He even had his mail stopped on trumped up charges which were entirely UNTRUE and the case never went to court. It was simply a deliberate time wasting exercise to stop his cash flow and ruin him." And, John Fish was forced to move his operation from the northeastern United States to Florida, just to be able to stay in least for awhile.

The amazing performance which the Fish Carburetor allowed to be provided from automotive engines was proven in Stock Car racing and in Commercial fishing boats. The page linked by the button below states the following about the Fish Carburetor: "Its metering works on pressure differential, as opposed to air velocity. Which means it self-adjusts its fuel to air ratio in order to accommodate any change in weather or altitude (barometric pressure). Also important to note, instead of a single main fuel discharge the Fish has multiple fuel discharge points (from six to ten). That pays big dividends in superior atomization."

The page linked below states that "the Fish Carburetor was simple in design, inexpensive to build and saved fuel." The page states that "the invention was not eagerly received by the establishment." It notes that the Fish carburetor was "a suppressed invention." The inventor and manufacturer "endured many dirty tricks in the attempt to squash his carburetor business." It states further about John Fish: "In 1954 his mail was stopped by the U.S. Government." Now, mail order was commonly used in the 1950s, but the Postal Service was fraudulently stamping "FRAUDULENT" on customer's orders and returning their mail to them.

From the things spoken about above, it appears that a certain group was criminally using the U.S. Postal Service as a "tool" for putting John Robert Fish out of business. So, who were the powerful people who were criminally using the U.S. Postal Service against John Fish? Well, this presentation shall bring out some history and facts which should help to "point the finger" where it really needs to be. Now, even before the 1950s and the time of John Fish, there were some nefarious and harmful forces in operation in the United States, which were spoken about even by U.S. presidents. More about this in a bit.

Looking again into the page linked by the button above, it states: "There's a needle valve adjustment at the top of the fuel pick-up arm. Similar to those found on old farm tractors, needle valve adjustment allows transitioning from gasoline to alcohol in about 90 seconds. A Fish also meters nitro methane, paint thinner, parts cleaner and kerosene." The page also states: "The Fish carburetor competes well with electronic fuel injection because it automatically compensates for altitude and easily adjusts to burn alternative fuels." Yes, the Fish carburetor "easily adjusts to burn alternative fuels."

It appears that the very simple and inexpensive, all-mechanical Fish carburetor can be relatively easily adjusted to operate common engine types on quite a number of alternative fuels. This is something which the very complex and expensive computer-controlled electronic fuel injection systems used on production cars and trucks cannot even begin to do. In these times when fuel supply issues could become a problem in our world, this multi-fuel capability is something which is extremely important. And, there is something else which is very important to know about the Fish carburetor, when it comes to fuel flexibility.


The page linked below states: "When Brown, his mechanics and distributors first completed their research on this [crude oil operation] discovery about the Fish carburetor's multi-fuel capacity, one Kentucky dealer told Channel 18 television in Lexington about it." The television people said, 'Prove it.' Using a 350 Chevy, the mechanic used crude, kerosene, Diesel fuel and even dry cleaning solvent, as the news cameras recorded it. 'It took only 7 seconds for the mechanic to adjust the Fish carburetor when switching from one fuel to the next,' Brown said." Yes, the Fish carburetor even allowed a Chevy 350 to operate on crude oil.

Once again, the Fish carburetor, with just a minor adjustment, allowed a Chevy 350 V-8 engine to operate just fine on virtually straight crude oil. Possibly they took the crude oil out of the ground and then simply filtered any grit and water out of it and put it to use fueling the Chevy 350. Think about the implications of this for just a moment. For vehicles using the rather simple Fish carburetor, those costly and "problematic" oil refineries would be unnecessary. Wow! Can you just hear the elite hijackers of our nation and the enslavers of our people raising a ruckus about this one! There just went some of their big profits...LOL.

The linked page declares further: "On addition, the carburetor consistently proved its ability to brig [bring] emission levels down lower than any carburetion system to come out of Detroit..." That indicates that the rather simple and inexpensive Fish carburetor could even provide for lower emission levels than those expensive and complex, computer-controlled carburetor systems which were used on production cars for a number of years. Further down, the linked page notes that, compared to factory-type carburetors, the Fish carburetor had "vastly superior atomization and therefore much improved vaporization."

When it comes to the Fish carburetor with its "vastly superior atomization and therefore much improved vaporization," there is something to note. That "much improved vaporization" translates to a better and more complete fuel-burn within the engine cylinder. This means that more power can be produced from a given amount of fuel going into the engine. And, it means much lower carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbon (HC) emissions would be going out the exhaust pipe of the vehicle. What is better is this: all of the reduced emissions can be accomplished without any complex and expensive computer systems.

Now, when it comes to reduced emissions when using the Fish carburetor, there is something further to note. The Fish carburetor was able to provide for reduced emissions, even greatly reduced emissions from the standard automotive engine, without the use of any of those "band-aid and cover-up," rather expensive catalytic converters which thieves seem to like to steal in our day. Now, looking again into the page linked above, it states that the Fish carburetor can "give you more miles to the gallon, and yet it can be set to register zero emissions." Well, folks, it sounds like you cannot get much better than that!

Looking again into the page linked above, when it comes to the capabilities of the Fish carburetor, it states: "If you care to sacrifice a little fuel economy, it will deliver up to 30% more horsepower. And, that's not all. The Fish is the only multi-fuel carburetor in existence. You can run gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, and even crude oil, or Diesel fuel with a Fish on your gasoline engine." And, there is something else to consider. There could be a system built into a Fish-type carburetor which would provide for high fuel economy for most of the driving time, but would richen the fuel mixture for more horsepower only when you need it.

And again, looking into the page linked about, it states that "with the Fish carburetor, you can run crude in a gasoline-type engine --- fairly efficiently if the compression ratio is high --- and there is not more pollution than with refined gasolines." So again, for engines equipped with Fish carburetore, it appears that there would be absolutely no need for the large and complex oil refineries which we have today. There would be no need for the oil refineries which can be a "bottleneck" in the fuel supply chain, plus they can be "skilfully" used to help manipulate and escalate the price of fuels.

Now, there is something even further to consider. In order to help a Fish-carburetted engine operate more efficiently on crude oil, plus to help reduce emissions even further in these engines, things like steam or water injection could be incorporated into the induction system. As a bit of a diversion, a fuel system for gasoline-type engines which allowed them to operate on kerosene was found on the earlier Rumely Oil Pull tractors used in farming. The Rumely Oil Pull tractor, which was started on gasoline and then switched over to a kerosene/water mixture, is spoken about in the pages linked below.

For those who would like a little more information about the special gasoline and kerosene/water carburetor which was used in the Rumely Oil Pull tractors, just check out the page linked below. The page states that the Secor system "does not involve specially designed engines as any motor intended for operation on gasoline can be used successfully with kerosene if fitted with a Secor-Higgins carburetor." And, getting back to the Fish carburetor on gasoline-type engines, the use of steam or water injection should help the crude-oil-fueled engines to produce even more power, with a further reduction in emissions.

Now, as the information about the Fish carburetor is examined, it appears that the elite hijackers of our nation have greatly "screwed over" the general public in the United States, and yes, the peoples of virtually the whole world. Who these "nation-screwers" appear to be associated with shall be examined later in this presentation. And, it appears that the hijackers of our nation and the enslavers of our people are now working hard to get people's focus on electric cars and away from fueled cars, so most of the gullible or ignorant people will not so readily realize how badly they have been getting screwed, over and over again.


At this point, let us consider some history surrounding the treasonous group of elite which have been working to crush under and enslave the citizens of the United States. Before "they" savagely assassinated President John F. Kennedy on Friday, November 22, 1963 (1), it is alledged that he stated something like the following to one of his advisors: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)(3)(4) Well, the nefarious and treasonous activity actually "got rolling" in the United States long before President John F. Kennedy.

In the very early 1900s, President Theodore Roosevelt declared: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today."(1) Those who are part of the "invisible government" have no allegiance or responsibility to the authentic citizens of the true United States. They have worked to crush people like John Fish and their inventions which could help free the people of the United States.

As shall be shown later in this presentation, the people associated with the "invisible government" appear to be treasonously under the control of a foreign power. These people are treasonously under the control of a foreign power which has worked to undermine and destroy the authentic United States for quite some time, so its citizens can be crushed under and enslaved. And, for those whose "eyes are wide open," it should be obvious that this is exactly what is happening in our day, directly within the United States. What is happening and why, is explained more fully in other pages on this site.

And now, looking further at the situation which existed already in the earlier 1900s in the United States, let us look at some words from President Woodrow Wilson. In the early 1900s, he declared: "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."(1)

Based on the evidence shown in other pages in this site, there is reason to suspect that President Theodore Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson, in the early 1900s, were speaking about the same dark force. The criminal and treasonous "invisible government" and that behind-the-scenes, organized power which was making some big men in commerce and manufacturing afraid, appear to be part of one and the same thing, which thing appears to be ultimately controlled by the same group of people. And, this group of people has been working to take things over in this country, or hijack it and enslave its people.

When it comes to just one of the powerful families which has way too much control over the petroleum and refining industry, plus other things in the United States, let us consider some words which came from David Rockefeller. He declared: "Some even believe [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as 'internationalists' conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I'm proud of it."(1)

Based on the quote above by David Rockefeller, it appears that he was proud to be a treasonous traitor who was working against the best interests of the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. It appears that he was conspiring with others to raise up the foreign-controlled, one world government, which is that diabolical thing which the Holy Bible calls "the beast."(1)(2)(3)(4) And, it appears that those working to raise up "the beast" will also crush under anyone who will get in the way of their plans for total domination and the enslaving of U.S. citizens. That is possibly why John Fish and his carburetor were crushed under.


Before looking at what has been said about carburetors and combustion efficiency in engines, there is some other information to consider. This information is important to consider, especially when it comes to the fuel mileage and performance potentials from a standard gasoline-type engine, when using a special fueling system like the Fish carburetor. A while back, one of the Directors of the CIA declared: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."(1) Yes, it's much easier to enslave people, when you keep them filled with false information and really stupid.

Now, the page linked below mocks higher-fuel-mileage carburetion systems and the thought of "dark forces" which are manipulating things to keep higher-fuel-mileage systems from entering the marketplace. The page goes on to state: "Almost all the gasoline that's fed into a cylinder does, in fact, ignite." The page then states: "MIT mechanical engineering professor John Heywood points out that modern carburetors deliver a fuel-combustion rate of higher than 97 percent. The inefficiency of the internal combustion engine is because much of the energy created by the exploding gasoline is lost through heat."

Well, at this point some questions should be asked. When it states above that: "Almost all the gasoline that's fed into a cylinder does, in fact, ignite,"...where does it ignite? Does virtually all of the gasoline fed into the cylinder ignite in the cylinder and produce useable power, or does all too much of it pass out of the cylinder, via the exhaust port? Is this wasted fuel then burned when additional air is injected into the superheated, cracked exhaust gases, using the air injection system? And then, is a lot of the wasted fuel gases consumed in an excess-air, relatively cool-combustion process in the catalytic converter?

Let us next consider those words above which are from that MIT mechanical engineering professor named John Heywood. He has stated "that modern carburetors deliver a fuel-combustion rate of higher than 97 percent." Now, is that fuel combustion rate of "higher than 97 percent" measured directly at the exhaust port of the engine, or is it measured at the tailpipe of the vehicle? Is it measured after wasted, superheated and "cracked" fuel gases have been burned outside of the engine cylinder in the exhaust system, with the help of the infamous "band-aid and cover-up" air injection system and the catalytic converter?


With all of the disinformation floating around on the Internet and in the halls of learning about the "high" efficiency of our modern engines and their fuel systems, which have all of those expensive "band-aid" contraptions bolted onto them, it is time to examine the real situation which exists. Let us begin to consider the energy which is really available in just one gallon of gasoline. Now, it appears that in the earlier 1900s, the engineers in the United States were possibly a much more honest breed who would tell the public how things really were. This is indicated by the information which now follows.

On page 53 of the April 1940 issue of Popular Science(1) is found an article titled Super-Gasoline for Your Car. That article proclaims: "When the service-station pump rings up a gallon of gas, you are getting enough fuel, engineers say, to run a light car on a level road for 480 miles, if every heat unit could be harnessed by an automobile engine! But the very shape of ordinary gasoline molecules, experts have found, precludes getting much of their fuel value out of them. So laboratory workers are taking the molecules apart and putting them back together in new and better forms."

Now, take a few moments to consider the quote above. The engineers in 1940 were basically saying that enough potential energy is contained within one gallon of gasoline to run a light car 480 miles on level ground. Now, in 1940 the cars which were produced were rather heavy. They had a lot of thick steel in them in those days. Even the car bodies had much thicker steel in them, than do the car bodies of our day. So, a lightweight car to the people in 1940 would possibly be the weight of some of the smaller cars which are coming out of the factories today. And none of them get extremely good fuel mileage. Why is this?


In a typical car with the engine idling at 550 to 750 rpm (1), the piston is going in an up-and-down cycle in the cylinder about 9 times per second to over 12 times per second. That's right, folks, you did read that correctly! The piston makes those up-and-down cycles that fast per second! And then there are cars with engine idle speeds of 600 to 1000 RPMs. In these engines, the piston is making these up-and-down cycles at a rate of 10 times to over 16 times per second. And this is just at idle. As the engine speed goes faster and faster, these piston cycles per second can greatly increase.

Now, let us say that you are driving a car with a manual transmission, where you are shifting gears in the 2000 to 2500 RPM range (1). In this case, the piston in the engine cylinder is doing those up-and-down cycles at the rate of 33 times PER SECOND to over 41 times PER SECOND. And then, there is the redline or suggested maximum rpm's for typical gasoline car engines. The redlines for typical car engines can be from 5500 to 7000 RPMs (1). In this situation, the piston is making those up-and-down cycles at a rate of 91 to over 116 times PER SECOND. And then, there are those engines which are used in racing to consider.

A page linked here speaks about a 12,000-RPM V-8 engine which is used in racing. In this case, the piston is making those up-and-down cycles in the engine cylinder at a rate of 200 TIMES PER SECOND. Can your mind fully "wrap around" and grasp that incredible piston cycling rate PER SECOND? Now, to see what just a mere 10,000 RPM sounds like in a V-8 engine, just click here to see and hear a video of a racing engine being run up to 10,000 RPM. And, at this point, can you understand why it is so important for the fuel to be atomized or vaporized as best as possible before the rather short combustion cycle in the engine?

At the rate that the piston is doing those very rapid up-and-down cycles PER SECOND in the typical automotive engine cylinder, there is not much time for combustion to take place. There is not much time for combustion to take place, before what remains of the fuel/air charge is then swiftly rammed out the exhaust of the engine. So yes, the better the fuel/air mixture is prepared for combustion before it ever enters the engine cylinder, the better and more complete will be the combustion process in the engine cylinder. And, there is more to consider here.

The better and more complete combustion of the fuel/air charge in the engine cylinder translates to better fuel economy and more miles-per-gallon, plus more power out of the engine, with less of those harmful emissions going out in the exhaust system. And, because of the unique design of the suppressed and blackballed Fish carburetor, it provided for superior atomization and vaporization of the fuel being supplied to the engine cylinder, which then provided for extremely low, near-zero emission of harmful pollutants in the exhaust stream. And, on top of all this, the Fish carburetor had multi-fuel capabilities.

Oh, by the way, are you possibly amazed that automotive engines hold together at all, without blowing up and scattering pieces all over the place, when considering the information above about how fast a piston is doing those up-and-down cycles PER SECOND in the engine cylinder? Well, the automotive engine is truly a very amazing thing. And, we have barely scratched the surface of its true potential and capabilities, especially its environmentally-friendly capabilities when using the proper type of simple, fuel-preparation device upstream of the engine cylinder. Yes, there are many things to still talk about in this presentation.

This is still only the start for what is coming. There is much important background history to present, plus information about what has been happening for many years to the United States and its highly distracted citizens. This information should help the reader to better understand why certain things have been happening the way they have in the United States, over the years. It should also help citizens to better understand why it appears that citizens are being steadily "forced into the corner" and enslaved more and more by those who have treasonously hijacked our country, as they work for a foreign power.

Copyright © 2022 by David E. Sakrisson --- All Rights Reserved