Mary  is  NOT  HOLY  &  is


the  Mother  of  God !

Mary was the mother of the physical Jesus, and, Jesus is not God (1).   He is the Son of God.

This presentation also identifies who the Holy Ghost is (1), as shown through the Holy Bible.

Exposing very major, Catholic & Jesuit FALLACIES.

... and yes, when it comes to the papal crowd, it is true that ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
Brutally Assassinated and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963. (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Initially Posted:   09 Aug 2023
Latest Additions Posted:   14 Aug 2023
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8



Before we look at the papal and Jesuit fallacy of Mary being holy and her being the mother of God, let us consider the diabolical plot of the papacy and its Jesuits and their pawns to despotically enslave the citizens of the United States, plus the people of the whole world. Some information which relates to the U.S. plot is found in a book titled Catholic Victory in 1960?, which book was written by a former Catholic priest and notable church historian named Peter J. Doeswyck. An electronic copy of the Catholic Victory book can be accessed using this link. Looking into the linked file, the book itself begins on page 4 of 122.

Now, there are some things to note on book pages 11 and 12 (file page 14 of 122), in the Catholic Victory book linked above. At the bottom of page 11 and onto page 12, it states that "the Pope instructs the Roman Catholics of Protestant countries (America) to run for public office. He explains that by doing so they do not publicly approve the democratic way of life, but by infiltration they will obtain the necessary power to 'change' the present system, to infuse Roman Catholic principles into American life and legislation, and to make America Roman Catholic." And then the persecution and killing of Protestants can begin again.

On book page 12 is found these words: "The Pope further explains that his Constitution and his laws have priority over our Constitutional laws, and that all Roman Catholics owe first and foremost allegiance and obedience to the bishops of their church. No one is allowed to lead the double life of pretending to be a Roman subject and an American citizen at the same time whenever the laws of Rome conflict with those of America." Note closely that Roman Catholics are not subject to the Constitution of the United States, but they are subject to the papacy within Rome. They are actually foreign agents with a treasonous job to do.

The treasonous job of the Roman subjects is to get into positions of power and turn the United States into a Catholic-controlled country so its citizens can be enslaved under papal domination. Now, there is much good information to consider in that 1959 book titled Catholic Victory in 1960?, which is again linked here. But, it may be somewhat hard to read that book in the format given in the linked page. So, for those who want their own copy of the book, scroll down to the DOWNLOAD OPTIONS section on the right side of the page. The PDF version, at 4.8 megabytes, has worked out well for the writer's reading purposed.

Now, let us consider some history and the job which the Jesuits and those they control have in making a lot of changes in the United States. About half way down in a page linked here is found the following quote: "During this Congress [of Verona, Italy in 1822], it was decided that America would be the target of Jesuit emissaries and that America was to be destroyed at all costs. Every principle of the [U.S.] Constitution was to be dissolved and new Jesuitical principles were to be put into place in order to exalt the Papacy to dominion in America." And, this destruction of the Constitution has been happening for some time now!

When it comes to the Jesuits' job in the United States, near the midpoint in the page linked above is found this quote: "One of the major purposes of the Jesuits was to destroy every trace of Protestantism and its principles, including religious freedom, republicanism, representative government, and an economy built around a strong middle class. Another purpose of the Jesuits was to greatly expand the power and control of the papacy throughout the entire world." And, it appears that the Jesuits are even using the homosexual movement as a "tool" to push against and destroy true Protestant principles in the United States.


When it comes to the historically enslaving papal and Jesuit crowd, there is something important which should be noted. In earlier times, this historically enslaving crowd pulled off a number of mass-murdering Crusades and their diabolical Inquisition. And, in their diabolical Inquisition, they seemed to get their orgiastic jollies while torturing and murdering those who did not agree with or fully submit to the Catholics. Then it appears that they would steal the goods and property of their victims and give those stolen goods to the Catholics who were in good standing. Yes, quite the ungodly and un-Christian crowd!

Now, it is commonly written in history books that the early, mass-murdering Catholic Crusades were about "Christians" retaking Jerusalem from the Moslems. Well, that appears to be a horrible corruption and false record of history. But, what should we expect from a crowd which has an extensive and documented (1)(2)(3)(4) history of lying, deceiving and forging many historical and legal documents. Now, in the page linked below, it notes that the first victims of the first Catholic Crusade in 1096 "were European Jews." And, the record of history indicates that Catholics have happily slaughtered Jews on a number of occasions.

Well, it is time for a bit of enlightenment when it comes to what was been behind the Catholic killing spree during the First Crusade. The page linked below states: "Times were hard in northern Europe when the crusaders began to gather in the spring of 1096. A disappointing harvest in 1095 had brought famine to the poor. As James Carroll observes in 'Constantine's Sword,' there is 'no doubt the crusading impulse rescued many serfs, but also landowners, from desperate economic straits.'" So, a famine in the Catholic region caused Catholics to go on the warpath so they could mass-murder and steal from others?

At this point, let us consider an example of the nature of the mass-murdering Catholic hordes and some of the philosophy behind their Crusades. In the city of Beziers, there lived a mixture of Catholics and authentic Christians. When the warriors of the Albigensian Crusade came to Beziers, it is reported that they asked their commander how they were to know the difference between Catholics and the others. Well, the demonic commander reportedly stated something along these lines: "Kill them all. For the Lord knows those that are His own," and "Kill them all; let God sort them out." This is noted in the pages linked below.

Now, it appears that many of the vile deeds which have been perpetrated by the Catholics over the years are missing from our common history books. Well, it appears that the Catholics have been quite skilled at hiding things and covering up for the horrors, diabolical things and mass-murders which their people have committed over the years...or over the centuries. Yes, it does appear that they are very skilled at "whitewashing" their image and keeping the people fooled. Regarding this type of activity, near the bottom of the page linked below are found the following words:

"The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful."

Looking again at the plot to enslave, it should be noted that the Jesuits (1)(2)(3)(4), Catholics (1)(2)(3)(4) and militia of the pope (1) raised up Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis during the World War Two era, who hijacked Protestant Germany and converted it into a dictatorship (1) and "the sword of the Catholic Church".(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Then, the Jesuit/Catholic crowd dominated the Germans and used them as their warring slaves to further the Vatican's desire for a New Order (1)(2). And, the Nazis' wars against other countries were the new Crusades (1)(2) and the Holocaust was the industrial-scale (1) Inquisition.

Well, in our day there is reason to suspect that the Vatican/Jesuit crowd is preparing for their new Crusades and Inquisition. That is possibly why the "tools" of this crowd in positions of influence or control are now working hard to get a large share of U.S. citizens disarmed. That way the "tools" of the Vatican/Jesuit crowd will have all the weapons, and authentic Protestants and Christians will be helpless when it comes to defending themselves against the tyranny and mass-murder to come. And, it appears that the history of Catholic and Jesuit tyranny and murder will again repeat itself...this time directly in the United States.


In the preceding section (1), it speaks about the Vatican instructing its agents to get into positions of power and control in governments and other organizations and agencies, so they can basically work to search out and destroy information which relates to the history of incredible crimes perpetrated by the papal crowd. Part of the job of the Vatican's agents is to also rewrite and revise history textbooks and encyclopedias, possibly in order to keep the public deceived about the true nature of this crowd, and what they could do again if given the chance. And, it appears that deceptions and big lies are used in their rewritten history.

The previous section (1) also notes that the Catholic crowd "has an extensive and documented history of lying, deceiving and forging many historical and legal documents." And, when it comes to this nature of thing, the page linked below states: "A big lie is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth primarily used as a political propaganda technique. The German expression was first used by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (1925) to describe how people could be induced to believe so colossal a lie because they would not believe that someone 'could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously'."

Yes, that Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler was very skilled in using colossal lies because he, or those in control of him, knew that the public would not believe that someone, especially in a government position, could "distort the truth so infamously." Now, as indicated in the page linked below, the following words are attributed to Hitler's Propaganda Minister named Joseph Goebbels: "If you tell a lie big enough and repeat it often enough, people will eventually come to believe it." Well, this appears to be the case with the Catholic Church, for its people claim that it is a "Christian" church, when it is not an authentic Christian church.

Looking at things further, there are those deceivers which claim that the Nazi dictator named Adolf Hitler was not a Catholic. So, let us consider some words from the Catholic dictator of Spain, whose name was Francisco Franco. Upon the death of Adolf Hitler, Franco declared: "Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory."(1)(2)(3)(4)

Well, about this point, we should be asking what "god" is the Catholic crowd actually worshiping (1). Now, there is one thing that is very sure. Based on what is written in the Holy Bible, it is very clear that the "god" which the Catholic crowd is worshiping is absolutely not the God of heaven. Furthermore, they are not actually following the true Christ of the God of heaven. This should become rather clear, especially when it comes to all those Jesuit/Catholic priests who are butt-jamming each other and sodomizing boys (1)(2), plus raping girls. And yes, it appears that they have quite a history of causing ungodly chaos upon this earth.

When it comes to the historic and murderous nature of the Jesuit/Catholic crowd when given the chance, there are some words from the Marquis de Lafayette to consider. In the earlier 1800s, he declared: "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."(1)(2)(3) And now, let us see what they have been doing to the United States, as they have worked to wreck this country and enslave its citizens.


It appears that one of the big things which the Jesuit/Catholic crowd uses in their efforts to bring down and gain control over countries is to cause divisions and then friction and fighting between its people. This type of nefarious activity appears to go right along with that which is said in the historic "blood oath" ceremony for those Jesuits which are advancing to the position of command. In the historic ceremony, the Jesuit Superior allegedly declares the following to the advancing Jesuit:

"You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means."(1)(2)(3)

Because the United States, when it was "born" in 1776, what not under "the thumb" of the papacy, the pope put out that Edict of 1778 which called for the destruction of the United States. He and his hierarchy and militia possibly wanted to destroy the authentic United States because this country gave religious liberty and freedom to its citizens...even to those Protestants which had been persecuted in Catholic-controlled European countries. Then later, in 1815, the Jesuits were sent to the United States to undermine, cause division and gain control of this country. Ultimately, their efforts led to the first American Civil War.

As the Jesuits and their "tools" were brewing up some serious unrest within the United States, members of the Massachusetts and Pennsylvania state militia regiments were sent to the nation capitol in Washington D.C. to protect it. While enroute to Washington D.C., the militia regiments marched through the Catholic stronghold of Baltimore, Maryland [Mary-Land]. At that point, Roman Catholic Copperhead Democrats (who were actually Jesuit/Illuminati-based (1), as are all treasonous Democrats) and other Confederate sympathizers attacked the militia regiments.

From the records, it appears that about 5,000 of those Jesuit/Illuminati-based Copperhead Democrats and their treasonous allies attacked the members of the state militia regiments, which were now Federal troops. In this treasonous Jesuit/Catholic-inspired attack, there were a number of deaths. It appears that 21 soldiers and members of the attacking Catholics were killed. Plus, there were more than 100 injuries in this attack. So, at the Catholic stronghold of Baltimore, Maryland [Mary-Land] was shed the First Blood of the very deadly, Jesuit-instigated American Civil War. This is spoken about within a page-section linked here.

At the time when the first American Civil War began, Abraham Lincoln was president of the United States. So, let us see what he had to say about Jesuit and papal involvement in causing trouble and ultimately promoting the civil war. In the mid 1800s, President Lincoln spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

When it came to the first American Civil War, President Lincoln declared: "This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)

When it came to the first American Civil War and the Southern Confederacy, plus that which was actually behind and motivating them, President Lincoln likened things with the Confederacy to a steam locomotive. And, Lincoln spoke of what was going on using these words: "The common people see and hear the big, noisy wheels of the Southern Confederacy's cars; they call them Jeff Davis, Lee, Toombs, Beauregard, Semmes, etc., and they honestly think that they are the motive power, the first cause of our troubles. But this is a mistake. The true motive power is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome."(1)(2)(3)

President Lincoln also declared the following: "Till lately, I was in favour of the unlimited liberty of conscience as our constitution gives it to the Roman Catholics. But now, it seems to me that, sooner or later, the people will be forced to put a restriction to that clause towards the Papists. Is it not an act of folly to give absolute liberty of conscience to a set of men who are publicly sworn to cut our throats the very day they have their opportunity for doing it? Is it right to give the privilege of citizenship to men who are the sworn and public enemies of our constitution, our laws, our liberties, and our lives?"

Lincoln stated further: "I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to every one that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion."

And truly, the situation with the papists is not understood by the people of today. The citizens of the United States have utterly failed to learn the necessary lessons from history, and, they are not teaching the people the necessary history in the common schools of our day. They are not teaching people what the Jesuits and militia-of-the-pope-controlled, mass-murdering Nazis did in hijacked Germany during the World War Two era. They are not teaching the people what the Catholic-controlled, mass-murdering Ustasha did in Croatia during the same era. It appears that our schools have utterly failed us.

In our day, it appears that the Jesuits and members of the militia of the pope have been working behind the scenes to create as much discord and division and factions as possible in the United States. In all of this, there is reason to suspect that they are aiming to cause the second American Civil War, which they can then use as an excuse for treasonously taking control of and changing the United States. And, as they are making preparations for taking over the United States, they are also working to create conditions whereby they can disarm those who possibly would not submit to their rule in the future.

Once U.S. citizens are disarmed, the Jesuit/Catholics, their militia and the "puppets" which they control, will have an easier time enslaving the citizens of the United States. It appears that it will be like Nazi Germany and Ustasha-controlled Croatia all over again, but on steroids using modern technology and biological weapons. Once the Jesuit/Catholics have control, the Crusades and Inquisition can get going again. They will be able to complete their Counter-Reformation, with the killing and massacre of authentic Christians. And the Catholic-bred invaders from "south of the border" will be part of their murderous army.


It is time to consider something else which is not spoken about much, especially not in its true light. It is time to see what those under the control of the Jesuit/Illuminati-based (1), Catholic-controlled Democratic Party have done in the past...even directly within the United States. Now, what they did was bad enough, but what is even worse is that they completely got away with it, at least while they were upon this earth. And now, it appears that this crowd is getting away with things, even treasonously using their government positions and government tax dollars, as they are making their preparations for the coming events.

Now, looking back to the year 1898, the members of the Jesuit/Illuminati-based Democratic Party pulled off a coup d'etat in Wilmington, North Carolina. In this event, they had a jolly good time murdering Black people and burning their homes and businesses. Basically, the members of the Catholic-controlled Democratic Party pulled off a form of their Crusades and Inquisition directly within the United States...and they got away with it. And, as dumbed-down (1) as the general populace in the United States is getting to be, the wily Jesuit/Catholics will get away with things again, as they pull of their diabolical events in the days ahead.

Okay, so let's look at what happened in Wilmington, North Carolina, in 1898. The page linked below states: "A mob of white supremacists armed with rifles and pistols marched on City Hall in Wilmington, N.C., on Nov. 10 and overthrew the elected local government, forcing both black and white officials to resign and running many out of town. The coup was the culmination of a race riot in which whites torched the offices of a black newspaper and killed a number of black residents. No one is sure how many African-Americans died that day, but some estimates say as many as 90 were killed."

Further down, the page states: "Especially chilling was the fact that the insurgency had been carefully planned -- a conspiracy by powerful white Democrats." This coup and killing spree on Black people was done by white Democrats who it appears were white supremacist Catholics. It was members of the Jesuit/Illuminati-based (1), Catholic-controlled Democratic Party which did this diabolical and treasonous deed, at the instigation of their controllers. Based on what is said in the linked page, the Catholic-controlled Democrats treasonously overthrew "the biracial Republican Party" which was legally in power.

Looking at another source, the page linked below shows that the African Americans were being massacred in Wilmington, in 1898. They were actually being massacred by white supremicist, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Democrats. These Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Democrats "burned and killed their way to power in what's viewed as a flashpoint for the Jim Crow era of segregation and the only successful coup d'etat in American history." And then, once the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Democrats did their murderous and treasonous deed, the leader of the rampaging pack, Moore Waddell, "took over as mayor."

At this point, there is something important to again note. Earlier (1) in this presentation, a source states that the Vatican has instructed its agents to get into government positions, plus into various organizations and agencies. Using their positions, these agents are to eliminate as much documentation as possible about the papal crowd's ugly history of genocide and persecution, plus their nasty history of instigating wars and revolution, and of course, any documentation about their murderous deeds. Then they are to rewrite and revise history and educational books so the papal crowd comes out looking all "pearly white" and innocent.

Not only are the Vatican's agents to make the papal crowd look "pearly white", it appears that they are also to shift the blame for their ghastly deeds onto others. With these things in mind, consider what is written in the page linked below. It speaks about a "documentary" about "our nation's long history with issues of race." Well, the genuine citizens of the authentic United States are not the one creating the problems. The evidence indicates that it has been Jesuit/Catholic-controlled pawns which have been causing problems and creating the issues with when they did their massacre of Black people at Wilmington in 1898.

Now, based on the available documentation, it appears that no one really knows for sure how many Black people were murdered at Wilmington in 1898. No one knows for sure how many Black people the Jesuit/Illuminati-based, white supremacist and Catholic-controlled Democrats killed in cold blood. The estimates for the number of Black people murdered in cold blood range from 60 to 250, or possibly even more. Well, the stated number in the various sources about the number of Black people murdered could possibly depend on who is telling the story.

If the story is being told by historically deceptive and enslaving Catholics, the number of Black deaths could possibly be greatly understated. If the story is being told by historically more truthful, authentic Protestants or Bible-following Christians, a more realistic, higher number is likely given for the Black people murdered at Wilmington by the Jesuit/Illuminati-based (1), Catholic-controlled Democrats. So, what other nefarious or treasonous deeds have those Roman (1) subjects associated with the Jesuit/Catholic crowd been doing within the United States over the years?


When it comes to the enslaving crowd, it is time to explore some U.S. history which they likely did not teach you in school. They possibly did not teach it in order to protect the image of the guilty parties, plus in order to present a deceptive or rather false history about the United States and what has actually been happening over the years. Those who have hijacked most school systems possibly do not want the citizens of the United States to truly know about the enslaving and dictatorial activities which those associated with the Jesuit/Catholic crowd have been pursuing over the years...directly within the United States.

Now, in 1933 there was quite an effort by rich and elite people in the United States to pull off a coup d'etat and put in place an Adolf Hitler type of dictatorship in this country. This coup attempt has commonly been called the "Business Plot", the "Wall Street Putsch", and "The White House Putsch", as indicated in the pages linked below. The treasonous plot was planned in 1933 and exposed in 1934. Note in the pages linked below that various "rich boys" are indicated as being the "ringleader" of this plot, but, as we shall soon see, there was a lot more to this plot and who it appears was actually behind it and instigating it.

At this point, let us learn more about the "rich boys" and who it appears they were connected with, when it comes to the treasonous 1933 coup plot. This coup attempt was made about four years after the Stock Market Crash in 1929, which appears to have been intentional-caused. That brought on the harmful Great Depression. And, there is reason to suspect that all of these things were preplanned, as the "rich boys" were "flexing their muscles" as they began working together to take control of things in the United States. Now for a question. Were the "rich boys" doing these things ONLY for themselves, or for someone else?

Now for some history which they do not commonly teach in schools, for a reason. Prior to the occurrence of the nation-harming and devastating things spoken about above, there were some unusual things which happened. The pages linked below speak about the Knights of Malta [SMOM], which was an organization for the aristocracy. When it comes to the SMOM, the pages state: "It maintained its exclusivity by refusing to accept members from Europe and Latin America who were not of the nobility or heads of state." But, something special was done in order to gain control of the "rich boys" and the United States.

The United States did not have official nobility or heads of state. So, what did the controllers of the Knights of Malta [SMOM] do in order to gain control in the United States? Well, within the linked pages it states: "An exception was made for the United States because of its rising political, economic and military power, and in 1927 a branch of SMOM was established on the East Coast. Most of the founding members were tycoons of industry and finance..." These rich and elite were used as treasonous "tools" to bring on the 1929 Stock Market Crash (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). They were also the ones behind the treasonous coup plot of 1933.

Well, there actually is more to this story. The rich and elite who were connected with the Knights of Malta [SMOM] were also part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. And this militia of the pope is ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General in Rome. And, the members of the militia of the pope follow the orders of the Jesuit General in Rome. So, it appears that in all of the nefarious and treasonous things which the rich and elite were doing against the authentic United States and its genuine citizens, they were actually treasonously doing it for a foreign entity...the Jesuit General in Rome.

In the nefarious things which they were doing, it appears that the rich and elite were treasonously working to further the diabolical and enslaving Jesuit agenda for the United States and its all-too-often-clueless citizens. It appears that the rich and elite were treasonously selling out the United States and its citizens, so they could also gain more money and power for themselves. These rich and elite were gaining more money and power for themselves, as they treasonously worked for the Jesuits and the Jesuit General in Rome, and their agenda. And, rich and elite "Protestants" were also snared into this treasonous SMOM activity.

Yes, non-Catholics can be Knights of Malta [SMOM]. Toward the bottom of a page linked here is found these words: "Ironically, in recent years a belief in the Catholic faith has not been an essential prerequisite for potential members who have the right connections. Non-aristocratic parties can now be initiated by the 'Magistral Grace' of the Grand Master, although not in Britain, Germany and other European countries with a strong tradition of nobility. However, this has allowed many Americans to join, and an 'Order of Merit' is bestowed upon those who have outstandingly served the Knights or their works."

And, serving the diabolical and enslaving agenda of the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta, even the snared "Protestants" treasonously did. And, it appears that the rich and elite, even amongst the "Protestants", were treasonously serving the Jesuit General in Rome, as they worked to pull off the coup attempt in 1933. And, in accordance with what the Jesuits wanted, these people linked to the Knights of Malta were planning on treasonously establishing a Nazi-type, Jesuit/Catholic-controlled dictatorship in the United States...which included extermination-centers for eliminating "the undesirables"...or for eliminating genuine U.S. citizens.


The evidence indicates that the Jesuits worked to gain influence and control over the rich and elite in the United States even before the coup attempt in 1933, and even before the Stock Market Crash caper in 1929, plus even before they got the rich and elite into the Knights of Malta organization in 1927. Now, the link below goes to an article from the August 7, 1912 issue of The New York Times. It appears that already in 1912, the Jesuits worked to get rich and powerful people in the United States to join a Jesuit-controlled Order. Once in a Jesuit-controlled order, the Jesuits could influence and manipulate these people.

So, the Jesuits have had connections with, plus have been influencing the rich and elite Americans, even before 1912. Now, based on what is stated in the page linked below, the Jesuits clearly had contact and influence with John D. Rockefeller prior to 1882. This is indicated because the Standard Oil Trust was modeled after the Jesuit Order, after the Rockefeller people had contact with Mexican Jesuits. So, in 1882, Rockefeller was being influenced by the Jesuits. Then in 1912, the Jesuits wanted Rockefeller and other rich men to join a Jesuit-controlled order. Well, there is more to this story of John D. Rockefeller.

The page linked below notes that John D. Rockefeller has been called "America's first billionaire" (1). But, there are those who state that Henry Ford was actually the first billionaire in America. Whatever the true case, the page linked below indicates that Rockefeller's fortune peaked in 1913. This was the next year after the Jesuits invited Rockefeller and other "rich boys" to join a Jesuit-controlled Order. The linked page notes that Rockefeller had ruthless business tactics, which gained him the nickname of being the "most hated man in America." But, that is not surprising for one who may have been a ruthless Jesuit "tool".

Now, let us consider John D. Rockefeller a bit further, as he was potentially being used as a ruthless "tool" of the Jesuits. Yes, an apparently greedy Rockefeller was out for his own personal gain, whatever it took. It is clear from the record of history that he was greedily working to take over and take control of as much as possible in the United States. Well, since he may have been an instigated "tool" of the Jesuits, possibly we should consider the way the Jesuits have a history of operating, as they work through their manipulated "tools" and "pawns" in their efforts to take over nations and enslave the peoples of this world.

In the earlier 1800s, there was that military leader and emperor of the French people whose name was Napoleon Bonaparte. He knew the Jesuits and their nature well, for they had "used" Napoleon to further their agenda. Now, Napoleon stated the following about the Jesuits: "The General of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may... Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)


The page linked by the button below states: "In the lead-up to WWII, a powerful organization of American Catholics worked to support Hitler and Nazi Germany." Now, there is something important to note. This powerful movement of American Catholics erroneously and rather deceptively called themselves the "Christian Front". Well, there was absolutely nothing authentically biblically Christian about this very treasonous organization. Looking further into the linked page, it states: "Priests provided political cover, theological leadership, and ecclesiastic approval for the far-right Christian Front movement."

Now, there is more to know about this so-called "Christian Front" movement. The page states: "Coughlin, the most famous priest of the 1930s, was the spiritual leader of the front, but he did not work alone. Fathers Edward Lodge Curran of Brooklyn and Edward F. Brophy of Queens both dedicated their energies to building up the Christian Front in New York and Boston from 1938 to 1945. The Jesuit Michael Ahern of Boston played a key role in preserving the front when it was under threat." So, the Jesuits were definitely involved with this treasonous thing they deceptively called the "Christian Front".

Well, there is more to know about what the Jesuit/Catholic crowd and those of the so-called "Christian Front" were doing in those days when the Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his diabolical Nazis were gaining power and control in hijacked and Nazified Germany. The linked page speaks of "the 1940 sedition trial of John Cassidy and a small group of his New York fronters, who attempted to incite a revolution. Their goal was to install in the United States a temporary dictatorship that would eliminate Communists and Jews." Yes, the Catholics were hoping to brazenly exterminate Jews in the United States.

There is more to what the treasonous and enslaving Jesuits and Catholics were doing to the United States and its citizens in the latter 1930s and early 1940s. At the bottom of page 31 of 108 in the book linked below, information from the January 1940 issue of The Coverted Catholic Magazine stated that "attention was directed to the plan as published under the auspices of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, and signed by 131 Catholic prelates and noted laymen. It advocated a change in the United States' Constitution to permit the enactment of the recommendations of Pope Pius XI into American law."

Well, before they assassinated him in November of 1963, President John F. Kennedy declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Based on the information quoted in the paragraph above, around 1940, the treasonous and enslaving Catholics were trying to change the U.S. Constitution so that the mere recommendations of the pope would become U.S. law. In other words, the United States would be controlled by the Vatican and U.S. citizens would be fully dominated and controlled by the enslaving and despotic Jesuit/Catholic crowd. And then they could kill Jews and Protestants.

The Catholic crowd never gave up on their efforts to put the United States under despotic Catholic control and under a form of Catholic dictatorship. On PDF page 3 of 22, in the downloadable page linked here is information from the July 1947 issue of The Churchman. That publication stated: "The Protestant voter in this country faces a serious political situation. A skillful offensive by the Roman hierarchy is undermining the Protestant position in American public life. Rome has built powerful political positions in both major parties." By controlling both major U.S. political parties, the papacy gained control of this country.

With the Roman hierarchy controlling both major political parties in the United States, so that the Protestant position in U.S. public life could be undermined, it should be obvious that the Counter-Reformation has still been in operation. And, as noted earlier (1) in this presentation: "One of the major purposes of the Jesuits was to destroy every trace of Protestantism and its principles, including religious freedom, republicanism, representative government, and an economy built around a strong middle class. Another purpose of the Jesuits was to greatly expand the power and control of the papacy throughout the entire world."

By now, any thinking U.S. citizen who has not been seriously brainwashed and dumbed-down should be able to better understand why the treasonous traitors in government positions are not honoring their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States of America. Now is should be much easier to understand why the United States no longer has that authentic Republican Form of Government which is mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution. The United States has treasonously been under a Jesuit/Catholic-controlled democracy (1)(2) instead, for many years now.


In the early 1800s, there lived that famous military leader and emperor of the French people whose name was Napoleon Bonaparte. Because of his interaction with the Jesuits, plus because he was horrendously "used" by the Jesuits, Napoleon understood their nature and goal very well. And, when it came to the Jesuits --- as quoted in the page linked here --- Napoleon declared:

"The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power -- power in its most despotic exercise -- absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses." Yes, the Jesuits are a military organization, which is ruled by the Jesuit General in Rome.

When it came to the goal of the Jesuits and the way they operate, as noted earlier (1), Napoleon had the following to say, which is quoted in page-paragraphs accessed by the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4): "The General of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may... Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general."

When it came to the Jesuits, the famous Russian writer of the 1800s, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, had the following to say: "The Jesuits...are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for emperor...that's their ideal. ...It is simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination -- something like a universal serfdom with them [i.e., the Jesuits] as masters -- that's all they stand for. They don't even believe in God perhaps."(1)(2)(3)

Based on what has been happening in our world, it does appear that the Jesuits and those they control want a universal serfdom, with them ruling over the enslaved citizens...even the enslaved citizens of the United States. And, there is something to note. The writer quoted in the paragraph above felt that the Jesuits don't even believe in God. But, they do have a appears to be Satan, the Devil or Lucifer (1)(2). And, it appears that they want to enslave everyone under a Luciferian, communistic despotism (1).

Besides wanting to enslave everyone under a Luciferian, communistic despotism, the Jesuits and their cohorts appear to be fully into a pagan form of "Mary worship", as indicated in the pages linked below. And, once the Jesuits and their allies get full control of the United States, there is reason to suspect that they will force people to go along with or submit to Catholicism and pagan "Mary worship", possibly under pain of serious persecution or possibly even under pain of torture and death, as has happened before.

When the Jesuits and their allies get enough power and control in the days ahead, even within the United States, there is reason to suspect that the torturous and murderous Inquisition will once again be activated...for doing a form of pagan human sacrifice. And now, let us begin to examine what the Jesuits and Catholics are doing, when it comes to their pagan worship of Mary.



There are some things which need to be looked at rather closely. Those associated with the Roman Catholic Church go around claiming they and their organization are "Christian". Well, people are only authentic Christians if they are being obedient to those things which are clearly written in the authentic Holy Bible. People are only authentic Christians if they have crucified the carnal lusts of their flesh on the spiritual cross of Christ (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), so they can then, without the flesh and its lusts hampering them, truly be free to follow in the genuine way of the true Christ which is shown in the authentic Holy Bible.

Now, those reprobate (1) Jesuit/Catholic priests who are butt-jamming each other, sodomizing boys, raping girls and others (1), plus even animals, as shown in the introductory pages linked below, have definitely not crucified the evil lusts of their flesh. And, those nuns who are raping girls with crucifixes most certainly are following their demonic nature, rather than the true Christ shown in the authentic Holy Bible. No matter how much the papal crowd may lie about it, they are not anywhere close to being genuine Christians. Now, those who truly want to worship God are called to come out of this apparently spiritually fallen organization (1).

At this point, let us begin to consider the subject of Mary in the Catholic Church. Note in the pages linked below that the Jesuit/Catholic crowd is claiming that Mary is the mother of God. Well, based on the things which are clearly written in the Holy Bible, it is rather clear that the Jesuit/Catholic crowd --- which is actually on the road to the everlasting lake of fire and torment --- has absolutely no clue who the real God of heaven is, nor who the true Lord Jesus Christ is. So, the hierarchy and the duped parishioners blindly stagger along, while worshiping false gods (1) which will do them no good at all in the day of judgment.

Now, based on their titles, a couple of the erroneous pages (1)(2) linked below indicate that the Bible says that Mary is the Mother of God. Well, this appears to go right along with the well-documented (1)(2)(3)(4), rather extensive Jesuit and Catholic history of propagating deceptions and lies, for nowhere does the authentic Holy Bible call Mary the mother of God. And, to add to their brazen rebellion against the God of heaven and against his true Christ, the Jesuit/Catholic crowd is going around calling Mary the "holy mother" and the "most holy mother", plus the "mother of the church". Wow! How messed up can you get!

At this point, we should really be asking exactly what "god" the Jesuit and Catholic crowd worships (1). We should be asking this question for they are definitely not worshiping the God of heaven which is shown in the authentic Holy Bible. Now, looking into the first page linked below, it notes that, "The words 'Mother of God' are nowhere to be found in the Bible." The page goes on to show that the Catholic Trinity "is not found in Scripture verbatim as well. And we could go on." It should be very clear to any authentic Christians that virtually the whole Catholic religion goes contrary to that true way which the Holy Bible clearly declares.

By what is said in the pages linked below, is should be clear to authentic Christians that Catholics are very sly and very clever with words. It reminds the writer of the way that the serpent used sly and cunning words to deceive Eve (1) in the Garden of Eden. But, what else should we expect from those in an organization with an extensive, documented (1) history of lies and deceptions, along with forging many historic and legal documents. And, from what is written in the authentic Holy Bible, it is clear that no liars shall be in heaven, but they shall be relegated to the everlasting lake of fire and torment (1). That is their eternal reward!

Whether Catholics or Jesuits will admit it or not, it does appear that Mary is actually a pagan "goddess" which, in rebellion to the true God of heaven, is worshiped by the Jesuit and Catholic crowd. This Catholic/Jesuit worshiping of a pagan goddess is spoken about in the pages linked below. The second linked page begins with these words: "The Catholic Church has elevated Mary to the level of mediator, advocate, and co-redeemer of humanity, in direct contradiction of the Scriptures. In 1854, Pope Pius IX declared Mary 'immaculate,' or sinless, thus giving her the position of mediator."

The second linked page also declares: "Mary takes the place of Jesus in Catholic teaching. Instead of the faithful looking to Jesus as the Author and Finisher of their faith, they look to Mary. In Mary they find access to God. In her the Church is all holy and can learn obedience to God." What the Catholics are teaching is completely contrary to the true way which God and his Christ have declared. And, because they are the utter enemies of the true God of heaven and the enemies of his Christ, none of the Catholic hierarchy shall be found in heaven. Based on what the Holy Bible says, they shall all be in the lake of fire and torment.

Now, the second page linked below brings up an important historic point. It states: "The pagan system of sun worship had three main aspects: the father, mother, and the son. In ancient Chaldean times, these were the god Bel or Merodach, Ninus the son who was also worshiped as Tammuz, and the female goddess Rhea who was also worshiped as Ishtar, Astarte, or Beltis. She was also referred to as the 'queen of heaven,' and the 'wrath subduer.' Mary has received these same names in Catholicism." So, is Catholicism possibly the old Baal(im) and Ashtaroth (1)(2) worship of the ancient pagans, just in a "new wrapper"?

The third page linked below declares: "The adorning crowd looks on in reverenced awe, as they partake in the sin of idolatry and goddess worship, otherwise known as 'venerating Mary.'" It states further: "The Roman Catholic Church frequently holds commencements to pray to, bow down to, and kiss the Virgin Mary. Is this practice of 'Mary worship' biblical? The answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT." And, it states: "The false teachings of the Catholic church -- babylonia -- is not only based on the doctrines of devils, it is persistent in its methodology of idol worship, pagan rituals and satanic symbolism."

The first page linked below shows how paganism merged with Romanism, when the pagan priests of Babylon fled the city when the Medes and Persians took over. These pagan priests fled to Pergamos. Now, the linked page notes that the chief priest of the pagan Babylonian religion was called the Pontifex Maximus. And, about 300 years after the pagan priests from Babylon set themselves up in Pergamos, they were moved to Rome. Then, in 381 A.D., the pope in Rome took over as the head of the Babylonian Mystery Religion. And, the pagan female goddess was then regenerated under the name of Mary.

The second linked page states: "This is a short story of how the ancient Babylonian pagan religion came to the church, corrupted the church, and made Mary the mother of Jesus into just another of the pagan goddesses and an idol." The page also makes known that after the priests from Babylon migrated to the Etruscan plain in Italy, "Rome became the headquarters of Babylonianism." Looking into things further, because the papacy has spread the pagan Babylonian religion around the world to a much greater extent than the Babylonians ever did, Rome, with its Vatican, biblically became Babylon the Great (1)(2).

Considering what the Holy Bible states, the page linked below notes that "nothing indicates that [Mary] is worthy of worship, let alone being an intercessor between Jesus Christ and His followers, a Co-Redemptrix, sinless for her entire life, or given any other honor aside from being God's chosen vessel for the purpose of the Son of God being made flesh and blood." But, it appears that the very un-Christian and very un-biblical Catholics don't care what the Holy Bible says. They are going to twist words like the serpent did with Eve in the Garden of Eden, as they push forward with their pagan-based (as we shall soon see) religion.

Based on what is written in the Holy Bible, the linked page rightly declares "that Mary-worship is indeed idolatry, because only God the Father and Jesus Christ are worthy of our worship." This fact about God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ being the only ones who are to be worshiped will be looked at closer, later in this presentation. The Holy Bible is extremely clear on who is to be worshiped, plus the only true manner in which they can be worshiped. And, once the true manner of worship is understood, then it becomes very obvious that the churches --- especially the Catholic churches --- are filled with antichrists (1).

The linked page also declares: "One of the repeated patterns of the Roman church is syncretism, bringing pagan beliefs and practices into the church to keep certain groups happy." Based on their extensive history, it should be clear to authentic Bible-believing Christians, especially when considering those butt-jamming, sodomizing and raping Jesuit/Catholic priests (1)(2) and raping nuns and others, that the blasphemous and hell-bound Roman church seems to want to please humans (1) and their fleshly desires and lusts, rather than having a genuine desire to actually please the true God of heaven and walk in the true way of Christ.

The page linked below starts with these words: "Those who buy into the idea that Catholicism has changed and no longer qualifies as an unbiblical cult should consider some of the pagan rituals that continue to be practiced. Just before Christmas, Catholics around the world celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary." And, at that time, the pope prays to the pagan-based idol of his Mary-goddess. In the linked page, it notes that Catholics and their pope believe and preach that "Mary was free from any stain of sin." Well, the Catholics truly reject what the authentic Holy Bible declares.

The authentic Holy Bible speaks about "the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God..."(1) And, it sure doesn't say that all have sinned, except for Mary. So yes, it appears that the Catholics are staying true to their extensive (1) history of deception, lies and forgery, etc. And the biggest deception of all is their claim of being a "Christian" organization, especially when considering all those butt-jamming, sodomizing and child raping Jesuit/Catholic priests (1)(2) and others in this ungodly and lost crowd.


Not only do those in the Catholic and Jesuit crowd call Mary "holy mother" and the "most holy mother" (1) and the "mother of the church", but they have really gone all out with their made up and totally unbiblical story and are actually calling their Mary goddess the "Queen of Heaven". This is clearly shown in the pages linked below, which pages come from Catholic sources. And, supposedly this calling of Mary the "Queen of Heaven" dates back to "at least the fourth century." Well, there is a question which needs to be asked. Why was not Mary called the "Queen of Heaven" prior to the fourth century? ...Because its un-biblical?

Looking into what is said in the pages linked below, it appears that the Catholics have their own "special" logic --- possibly as they are led by the spirit of deceptive Satan, rather than by the authentic Spirit of the genuine God of heaven --- which allows them to believe and try to convince others that it is reasonable to call Mary the "Queen of Heaven". Now, the title "queen of heaven" is only found within two chapters in the authentic Holy Bible, and in both of these cases they are speaking about worshiping other, truly false or pagan gods and a false goddess, rather than the true God of heaven.

The first place in the authentic Holy Bible where is speaks about the "queen of heaven" is in Jeremiah chapter 7, verse 18. In this place, the LORD declares the following through his prophet: "The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger."(1) So, the women were making cakes to the queen of heaven. They were giving these cakes in worship to the queen of heaven. And they were pouring out drink offerings to other false, pagan gods.

Looking at Jeremiah chapter 44, verse 17, it states: "But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil."(1) And then, the remaining verses in that chapter, up to verse 30, speak about what the now-fallen children of Israel were doing towards the queen of heaven, plus what the God of heaven did to them because of their pagan worship.

So, take some time to scan through the pages linked below. Based on what is said in the pages, it is very clear that the spiritually-fallen Catholics have never learned from the serious mistakes of the children of Israel --- as the children of Israel rebelled against the God of heaven --- when they worshiped pagan gods and the Assyrian/Babylonian (1)(2) queen of heaven. Not only do the pagan Catholics brazenly call Mary the "Queen of Heaven", but, as seen in some of the page titles below, it appears that they also blasphemously (in blasphemy against God and his true way) call her the "Queen of Heaven and Earth".

Looking at the Catholic's totally unbiblical teachings, the second linked page declares: "For centuries Mary has been invoked as the Queen of Heaven; in the fifth glorious mystery of the rosary we contemplate the crowning of Mary, in the Litany of Loreto she is implored as Queen of Angels, of Patriarchs, of Prophets, of Apostles, of Martyrs, of Confessors, of Virgins, of all the Saints and of Families." Yes, the Catholics are rebelling against the true way of the God of heaven. But, as a "reward" to the capital of the Catholics, God shall utterly destroy the Vatican and surrounding Rome in the fast-approaching days ahead (1).

The third page linked below, from 2020, states: "This year on August 22, we celebrate the Memorial of the Queenship of Mary, honoring Mary's queenship over heaven and earth. Here at the Basilica, Mary is portrayed as Queen of the Universe, Queen of Missions, Queen of Ireland, Queen of All Hearts, Queen of Peace, and more throughout our sacred art and architecture." That page also states: "The Memorial of the Queenship of Mary was first instituted in 1954 by Pope Pius XII." So, it appears that as they go along, the Catholics just make things up, as they keep adding to their un-biblical collection of fables and sins.

Now, the pages linked by the buttons below say things as they really are. The first page states: "What Catholics don't realize (or care to realize) is that the Queen of Heaven originated from pagan Babylonian goddess worship." And, when it comes to what the Catholics are doing, the page states: "The whole family is involved in idolatry. Everything that Catholics do for the Queen of Heaven is sinful idolatry." Well, it does appear that possibly naive Catholics have been hoodwinked into serious idolatry by those many priests who butt-jam each other (1), plus sodomize boys and rape girls (1)(2).

The second linked page declares: "The idea that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the queen of heaven has no scriptural basis whatsoever. Instead, the idea of Mary as the queen of heaven stems from proclamations of priests and popes of the Roman Catholic Church." It states further: "To offer worship, reverence, or veneration to anyone but God is nothing short of idolatry." And now, in the authentic Holy Bible it is written: "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images."(1) And, those Mary statues are just some of the graven images or idols of the pagan Catholics.

Based on what is written throughout the authentic Holy Bible, it is clear that Catholics are unbelievers, especially when it comes to the true way of God and his Christ. With all those reprobate (1) priests and others in the Catholic organization which are butt-jamming each other (1), plus sodomizing boys (1)(2) and raping girls, it should be rather clear that the Catholic organization is utterly drowning in unrighteousness. And, because of all the wickedness going on in this organization, it appears that they are the children of Belial (1)(2). Regarding this type of organization, the authentic Holy Bible declares:

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." Yes, be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers and the wicked and the unrighteous, or with those idol worshipers.

When it comes to organizations like the Catholic church, which are utterly drowning in unrighteousness, the authentic Holy Bible goes on to declare: "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."(1) And, it is also written: "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."(1)

Getting back to the spiritually-fallen Catholic organization, the first page linked below declares: "The Queen of Heaven in the bible is a Babylonian goddess whom people worshiped. She has been incarnated to Roman Catholicism under the name 'Mary', Mary, Queen of Heaven. Many Catholics would deny that Mary worship is part of Catholicism but unfortunately this is not true as she holds a special place in the hearts of many." The page also states: "All over the world, Catholics have one celebration after the next dedicated to Mary, the Queen of Heaven."

The second linked page states a truth. With this Mary "Queen of Heaven" blasphemy, paganism has truly been hidden under the mask of so-called "Christianity", or what is called "Catholic Christianity", which is not authentic Christianity at all. Rather, it is one of the major roads to the everlasting lake of fire and torment. In their worship of Mary and those Mary idols, the page notes that Catholics are worshiping "a pagan goddess." And, as noted above (1), the command of the authentic Holy Bible to those who truly want to be God's genuine people is to come out from among these wicked people and be separated from them.


Let us consider organizations which like to go around calling themselves "Christian", or those various organizations which want to have people believe that they are Christian. In these cases, there is something which needs to be seriously looked least by the general public. If an organization is truly Christian, in the specific manner which is clearly shown in the authentic Holy Bible, then they will definitely be following those things which the Lord Jesus Christ declared. They will be walking in that particular way which was clearly shown by the Lord Jesus Christ...the Christ which truly is the Son of God.

When it comes to praying, the Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed: "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him."(1) But, what do Catholics do? Well, it appears that they simply "thumb their noses" at what the Lord Jesus Christ declared. They use rosaries for their heathen-type vain repetitions to their pagan Mary goddess. And then, many reprobate (1) priests have a jolly time butt-jamming (1) each other, plus sodomizing and raping (1)(2) children.

Since quite a number of those reprobate (1) Jesuit/Catholic priests seem to be into doing pagan or heathen activities like butt-jamming (1) each other, plus sodomizing and raping (1)(2) children, let us consider some of the rosaries which it appears are used in pagan or heathen religious activities. Now, pages accessed using the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) --- speak about rosaries which are used and their pagan origin. And then, it appears that some of the hell-bound "daughters" (1) of the great whore are also into pagan (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) practices and forms of "worship".

Because the "daughters" of the great whore are into pagan practices, there is reason to suspect that there could be some behind-the-scenes Jesuit influence going on here. Why could this be? Well, in the historic Jesuit Oath ceremony for those Jesuits which are advancing to the level of command --- which is spoken about in the pages linked below --- the Jesuit Superior tells the advancing Jesuit: "My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler...[and among Protestants to generally] a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits..."

Considering the historic Oath ceremony for the advancing Jesuits --- which is spoken about in the pages linked above --- there is a potential that Jesuits could even be in the pulpits of at least some of the churches of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. And, when it comes to the female goddess worshiping Evangelical Lutheran Church spoken about in pages accessed by the following links --- (1)(2)(3) --- there is reason to suspect that Jesuits themselves may not be in the pulpit of this church, but, there is reason to suspect that one of their "tools" may be influencing the woman minister of that church.

Now, in the pagan-type rosaries used by the Catholics, there are sections of ten beads. There is a section of ten beads, and then there is a single, different bead to act as a separation, before moving into another section of ten beads. This arrangement continues all the way around the Catholic rosaries. The Catholics then say ten of their "Hail Marys" in the ten bead sections, and then for the single bead separator between ten-bead sections, they say one "Our Father". Well, looking at the way they do things, it appears that to the pagan Catholics, their Mary goddess is ten times more important than God the Father in heaven.

So, let us consider the Catholic rosaries which aid these people in their idolatry and pagan worship. The page linked below begins with these words: "The Rosary is a string of beads that Roman Catholics use to pray with vain repetitions in direct defiance of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who clearly condemned such pagan rituals (Matt 6:7-8). The full Rosary, including the luminous mysteries invented by Pope John Paul II, consists of nearly 270 memorized prayers with over 200 of those being to Mary. Rosary beads come in all colors and sizes, and Pope John Paul II loved to promote it."

When it comes to rosaries, the linked page also states: "The beads were brought from paganism (you know our Lord and the apostles never used them). The Mary prayers were brought from pagan prayers to the Queen of Heaven (you know our Lord and the apostles did not consider Mary above any other believer)." When it comes to the prayers which are said using the rosaries and their beads, the page states further: "The rest of the prayers and the mysteries are merely more inventions of the Roman Catholic Church, which is the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth (Rev 17:1-5)."


When people do not have a genuine love for the real truth, plus when they do not want to diligently search the Holy Bible for the real truth which it reveals, these people are often prone to be swayed by others and simply follow the crowd. And in doing so, it appears that many people are sucked into a lot of different, very unscriptural doctrines and beliefs. That appears to be the case with those who believe that Mary --- that one who was the mother of physical Jesus --- was in any way holy or was the mother of God.

Now, there is something important to consider when it comes to those many people who have been duped into following the deceptions and fallacies of the Wicked one. The writer is speaking about that wicked and deceptive one "whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved."(1)

Based on the things which are spoken about in the genuine Holy Bible, it appears that the authentic God of heaven does not mess around for long with those who just want to play games in religion. When it comes to those who have been willingly deceived in their beliefs so they can then be religious gamers and live in unrighteousness, it appears that they are this way because they have not received a genuine love of the truth so that they can actually be saved.

When it comes to those people who are deceived into being religious gamers and who are just having their fun while they are "playing church", and when it comes to those who are following the Wicked one in his deceptions and lies, the authentic Holy Bible goes on to state:"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."(1)

Based on the things stated above which are quoted from the Holy Bible, it is clear that God shall send a strong delusion to those who do not have a genuine love of the real truth. If they do not have a genuine love of the truth, the deceived people shall end up believing a lie, so they will then be damned. And, it appears that this is the case for those who have been deceived into believing that Mary is in any way holy or that she is the mother of God. So, let us now begin to explore the true situation with Mary and Jesus.



In the authentic Holy Bible, the following is recorded about Jesus: "While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him. Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee. But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? And who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother."(1)

Based on what Jesus stated above, it is rather clear that Jesus did not hold Mary in any type of elevated position above the other people who were with him. And now, looking to another place in the Holy Bible, the following is recorded: "Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come at him for the press. And it was told him by certain which said, Thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to see thee. And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it."(1) Wow! Some might say that Jesus snubbed Mary, BIG TIME!

The following is also recorded in the authentic Holy Bible: "And it came to pass, as he [Jesus] spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it."(1) That woman in the company around Jesus tried to set Mary up as something special. But Jesus clearly indicated that Mary was no one to be esteemed. It is only those who hear the genuine word of God and keep and do those things which is declares, that are recognized by Christ.

The things recorded above are about the only things found in the authentic Holy Bible which would indicate how Jesus viewed the position of Mary. And, there is one thing for sure. Jesus in no way indicated to his true disciples that Mary was to hold some elevated position or some "holy" position above them. It appears that the Catholics, with the subtilty of the serpent, are deceiving people to raise Mary to a pagan goddess position. But, the Mary teaching of the Catholics is truly unscriptural. And, because of their many (1) lies and deceptions, that is why they are all on the road to the everlasting lake of fire and torment (1).


When the angel Gabriel was sent from God to speak unto Mary, the angel declared to Mary that she would have a son and that he was to be called Jesus (1). The angel Gabriel told Mary that her son "shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David..."(1) Yes, Jesus was called the Son of the Highest. He is the Son of God (1). But he was never, nor will he ever be, God. So, at this point it should be noted that it is the historically deceived or deceiving Catholics that say that Jesus is God and that Mary is the mother of God. And, in the day of judgment, God shall show them to be liars (1).

Let us now look closer at the truth of God, and then the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many fables going around about Jesus and God, especially from the Catholic crowd. Now, in the authentic Holy Bible it is written: "For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) but to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him."(1) To the true people of the God of heaven, there is only one God, and that one God is the Father. And there is one true Lord, and that is Jesus Christ.

Looking further in the authentic Holy Bible, it is written: "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time."(1) Yes, there is only one God, and that is the Father in heaven. And, there is only one mediator or intercessor between God and men, and that one and only mediator is Christ Jesus. So, what is this Catholic nonsense about Mary being a mediator or intercessor between God and men? Well, in the final day of judgment, once again, God shall show that the Catholics are liars, as he sends them to the lake of fire and torment (1)(2)(3).

At this point, it should be noted that Jesus Christ defined what God really is. When Jesus spoke to the woman at the well, he clearly told her: "Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."(1) Yes, God the Father is a Spirit. He is the Holy Spirit. And those that truly worship him can only worship him in the proper spirit and in genuine truth.

When it comes to the true way which gives access to God the Father and his true way of life, the Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed: "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."(1) Yes, few there be that have found the true way which leads to life eternal. And, there is one thing guaranteed. Those reprobate (1), butt-jamming (1), sodomizing and child-raping (1)(2) Jesuit/Catholic priests sure don't know the true way to eternal life.

Let us again consider how things have been with the one true God, which is the Father in heaven, and with Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. In the true Holy Bible, it states that "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself..."(1) The true Spirit of God was dwelling within Jesus Christ and, through Jesus Christ, was working to call humanity to repentence so that they could be reconciled to God. And, if they truly repented of their evil deeds and turned to then walk in the true way of Christ, they could truly have the chance to be saved...if they continued in the true way of God and his Christ for the rest of their days.


In the authentic Holy Bible it is written: "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (for the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ."(1) So, where is Mary in all of this? She isn't! Sorry, erring and unscriptural Catholics.

The following is recorded in the authentic Holy Bible: "These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: as thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."(1) Yes, this is life eternal, that people might know God the Father, who is the only true God, and then Jesus Christ whom God sent. So, there is Mary in this "life eternal" equation? She isn't! We have no need of her!

In his prayer to his Father in heaven, Jesus also stated the following about his disciples: "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me."(1)

In the words above which Jesus spoke, how does Mary fit into this picture? She absolutely DOES NOT fit into this picture! We have no need of Mary for anything. It is only the pagan Catholics and Jesuits that need their Mary goddess to waste their prayers on. And in the end, it's into the everlasting lake of fire and torment for them, for their false gods and Mary will do them absolutely no good at all in the final day of judgment. By the way, when Jesus spoke above about himself in his people, and God in Christ, and being made perfect in one...that is the ONLY true three-in-one in the Holy Bible. There is no pagan Catholic trinity in God.


The Vatican/Jesuit crowd --- plus any so-called "Protestant" groups who are actually part of the extremely confused and spiritually blinded "daughters" of "the great whore" --- speak about a "Trinity" or that which is actually a Triad of gods. They often speak about some Triune God which they worship who is supposedly "God the Father", "God the Son", and "God the Holy Spirit" or sometimes even "God the Holy Ghost". Their apparently triple-headed "thing" or Triad of gods which they worship is spoken about in the pages linked below. And yes, the "Trinity people" are polytheistic and actually worship multiple (1) gods.

The page linked below speaks about where the Trinity came from, which so-called "Christian" churches worship. The linked page notes that originally a number of religions, including the Jewish faith, spoke of only one God. The page also states: "Christianity has digressed from the concept of the Oneness of God, however, into a vague and mysterious doctrine that was formulated during the fourth century. This doctrine, which continues to be a source of controversy both within and without the Christian religion, is known as the Doctrine of the Trinity." Well, the pagan Catholics, in the fourth century, brought in the pagan Trinity.

Now, it should be noted that true Christianity never did gullibly turn to worship some Trinity or Triad of Gods. It is only the Catholic church, which is not authentic Christian, and the daughters of the great whore, which are also not truly Christian, which worship the Triad of Gods. Regarding this Triad of Gods, the linked page declares: "Simply put, the Christian doctrine of the Trinity states that God is the union of three divine persons -- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit -- in one divine being. " The page also speaks of "the flowery language" which the Triad worshipers use to make their pagan form of worship sound biblical.


The real truth about God the Father in heaven, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the real Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit, is not confusing or mysterious at all, for all of these things are clearly explained through the authentic Holy Bible. Now, earlier in this presentation (1), the identity of the Holy Spirit is shown. Jesus told the woman at the well that "God is a Spirit." God the Father in heaven is a particular Spirit. Yes, he is the Holy Spirit. And, earlier (1) in this presentation it is also noted that true Christians only believe in one God, and that one God is the Father in heaven. There is no Trinity or Triad of Gods in authentic Christianity.

Now, let us continue onward to actually find out from those things declared in the authentic Holy Bible, who the Holy Ghost truly is. And yes, the Holy Ghost is clearly identified in the Holy Bible. But first a very serious warning to anyone who shall come to know the true identity of the Holy Ghost. When it comes to the Holy Ghost, the Lord Jesus Christ declared: "Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation."(1)

In the authentic Holy Bible, the following words of the Lord Jesus Christ are also recorded: "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven."(1) Those that blaspheme against the Holy Ghost shall never be forgiven...not ever, according to that which is clearly stated in the authentic Holy Bible. But, those that blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, as quoted in the preceding paragraph, are "in danger of eternal damnation." And, that judgment was declared by the very Son of God.

The following words of the Lord Jesus Christ are also recorded in the authentic Holy Bible: "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."(1) With this warning firmly in mind, let us learn the truth about the Holy Ghost.

These very important words are found in the authentic Holy Bible: "In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)"(1) While Jesus Christ was on earth in his body of flesh, the people were able to receive the Spirit, but at that point, they could not receive the Holy Ghost. Why was it this way?

For the true answer to the question above, look again at the words from the Lord Jesus Christ which are quoted above. At that point when Jesus was speaking to the people through his body of flesh, he had not yet been glorified by God the Father. Jesus had not yet died on the cross. He had not yet been buried. And, he had not yet risen from the dead. Finally, he had not yet been received back into heaven so he could be glorified by the Father. After Jesus had died, been buried and had risen from the dead, plus was received into heaven to be with God the Father, then Jesus was glorified. Then, the Holy Ghost could be received.

At this point, let us look at some words from the authentic Holy Bible which possibly most people have never seen, for one reason or another. To the true ministers of God, the following is written in the book of Acts: "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood."(1) The Holy Ghost has made God's true ministers to be overseers of the true church of God. But, look closely at what is actually written in the preceding quote.

Again, the Holy Ghost made God's true ministers overseers of the true church of God, which church of God the Holy Ghost purchased with his own blood. What! Is the Lord Jesus Christ, in his risen and glorified, spiritual form, actually the Holy Ghost? Well, at this point, we had better be looking very closely at what is actually said in the authentic Holy Bible. While he was in his body on earth, the Lord Jesus Christ declared: "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."(1)

Look again at what is actually quoted above. The Lord Jesus Christ clearly proclaimed that the Comforter is the Holy Ghost. These two things are just two names for the same thing. And, God the Father in heaven sends the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, to his authentic people. Furthermore, from what the Lord Jesus Christ declared, it is clear that God the Father sends the Holy Ghost to his true people in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, is the risen and glorified Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost one and the same thing...especially since the Holy Ghost purchased the church of God (1) with his own blood?

Now, there is more to consider. Prior to the words quoted a couple of paragraphs above (1), the Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed: "If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."(1) Yes, Jesus is speaking about the Comforter, and this Comforter is also the Holy Ghost, plus, it is the Spirit of truth.

And again, look at the words of the Lord Jesus Christ which are quoted in the paragraph above. Those who love the Lord Jesus Christ will keep or follow or do what his commandments declare. To these people, the Comforter shall be sent and shall dwell in them. Now, look at those very important and revealing words from the Lord Jesus Christ. He plainly stated: "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." So, the Comforter, which is also called the Holy Ghost and the Spirit of truth, shall be sent to dwell within God's true people. And that Comforter is the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, which dwells in his people.

So, based on what is stated in the authentic Holy Bible, the glorified Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are the same thing, or are two names for the same thing. And again, the glorified Lord Jesus Christ (the Holy Ghost) dwells within his true people. Now, looking further at this issue, consider the following words from the Apostle Paul: "But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen..."(1) With the biblical understanding that the glorified Jesus and the Holy Ghost are the same thing, there is more to consider.

Since the risen and glorified Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are the same thing, and the Holy Ghost dwells within God's true people, then some other words from the Holy Bible begin to make more sense. It is written: "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."(1) That is correct! The true Christian's body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which Holy Ghost is actually the risen and glorified Lord Jesus Christ.

In relation to these things, the Apostle Paul wrote about being "a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God; even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory..."(1) Yes, once again, it is the risen and glorified Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Holy Ghost, which is in God's true people. The Holy Ghost is not some faceless entity, for it is the glorified Lord Jesus Christ.

To be continued ...

This is the start and introduction for that which shall be included in this presentation.
There is more which really needs to be said. Check back later for additional information.

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