Arab/Muslim  Hatred  of

Jews,  plus  their  Horrid

Desire  to  Murder  and


... and  others !

... with  the  Help  of  their  "Solidarity Buddies"

"By the way, are all of you ready for World War III? Are you ready for the end of the world? Furthermore, are you properly prepared to meet the true God of heaven, face to face, for your final judgment? And, are you properly prepared for your eternity? These are things which you should seriously now consider."

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   15 Oct 2023
Latest Additions Posted:   22 Oct 2023
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


The page linked below speaks about Haj Amin al-Husseini. This man was the Mufti of Jerusalem (1). And, a Mufti is "an Islamic jurist...[who presents their]...opinion on a point of Islamic law."(1) In 1941, the Mufti of Jerusalem headed to Germany to speak with the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders. He had a special request for the Nazis. The linked page states that the Mufti "wanted to persuade them to extend the Nazis' anti-Jewish program to the Arab world."

It is rather clear that the Mufti wanted the Nazis to help the Arabs get the mass-murdering Holocaust going in the Middle East. It appears that the Mufti wanted to see the total extermination of all Jews. The linked page goes on to state: "On November 28, 1941, the Mufti met with Hitler, who told him the Jews were his foremost enemy." The Mufti told Hitler: "The Arabs were Germany's natural friends because they had the same enemies as had Germany, namely....the Jews...."

The page states further: "Two German historians say that Hitler had a plan to extend the Holocaust to the Middle East and had forged an alliance with Arab nationalists. This is perhaps why Hitler met with the Mufti and provided him a budget of 750,000 Reichsmark per month to foment a jihad in Palestine." So, that infamous Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler, gave the Muslim Mufti of Jerusalem hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of money each month to finance a murderous jihad in Palestine against the Jews.

Near the bottom of the page linked above is found these words: "In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his role in recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers for the SS, who participated in the killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary. He escaped from French detention in 1946, however, and continued his fight against the Jews from Cairo and later Beirut." And, we shall soon see what the murderous Muslims did in Croatia and elsewhere. Regarding Hungary...that is where George Soros lived during World War Two.

Now, there is more to know about this Mufti named Haj Amin al-Husseini. He was not just any old Mufti. The page linked below shows that he was a Palestinian Arab nationalist, plus he was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. He was basically the "top dog" and the "Muslim leader in Mandatory Palestine." And, he stirred up the Palestinian Arabs against the Jews. In 1937, in order to evade an arrest warrant, he fled from Palestine to Lebanon and to Iraq. From there he went to Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.

The pages show that, while collaborating with both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, the Mufti was "helping the Nazis recruit Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS." Regarding this Mufti, the page states further: "Upon the end of the war he came under French protection, and then sought refuge in Cairo to avoid prosecution for war crimes." And again, his war crimes were recruiting Muslims for the Nazis, which Muslims were then involved with "the killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary." And yes, the Muslim goal is to murder Jews.


The third page linked below states: "The doctrine of the unity of God and the revelation of the Prophet Muhammad's teachings are the basis of Islam." So, the teachings of Muhammad are actually a major foundation of the religion of Islam. Now, the pages linked below indicate that the religion of Islam, which the Muslims follow, is a religion of peace. So, is this really true? Is this true, especially seeing all the violence which is perpetrated in this world by those who are Muslims?

This presentation shall examine some teachings of Muhammad, so we can learn the truth about some core teachings of the religion of Islam. We shall also find out why many Muslims have a hatred for the Jews, plus even others. Let us see why Muslims have a horrid desire to murder Jews, generally in cold blood, plus why Muslims (who follow Islam and the teachings of Muhammad) have such a desire to see the Jews fully exterminated and completely removed from this earth. But first, a look at the war within Islam.


Well, it's time for people to wake up and take a closer look within that religion which commonly touts itself to the unsuspecting outsiders as being full of that peace, love, compassion, tolerance and non-violence. It is time that people took off any of those "blinders" or "rosy colored glasses" that they may be wearing and take a serious look at what the adherents of Islam have actually been doing, plus what has been happening within Islam for quite a long period of time...for about 1,400 years.

In the pages linked within this section, it is clearly seen that there has been sectarian violence, even extreme violence, among the Muslims...these supposed followers of Islam and all of its teachings of peace, love, compassion, tolerance and non-violence. Yes, there is infighting within Islam by those of different sects of these people. Many people have been seriously injured and maimed, plus murdered in cold blood over the years. An incredible amount of blood has been shed by the Islamic crowd.

Now, the page linked below states that this is happening with, "most commonly Shias and Sunnis, although the fighting extends to smaller, more specific branches within these sects, as well as Sufism." The page states that this fighting and bloodshed within Islam "has been documented as having gone on from Islam's beginnings up until contemporary times." Yes, it appears that there is a lot of hatred within Islam, even extreme hatred. Well, the Holy Bible clearly states that "by their fruits ye shall know them."(1)

Regarding all of this fighting and bloodshed within Islam, the page linked below states: "The Sunni-Shia split is rooted in the question of who should succeed Muhammad in leading Muslims after his death in 632." Well, based on this statement, there is something to clearly note. These people are simply followers of some man, rather than being connected to and actual followers of God. The authentic children of God are led by God and his Spirit, not by some man or some woman.

There is something else important to note in the page linked below. The Muslims, those followers of Islam, believe "that Muhammad was the last of the prophets, a central tenet of Islam." Well, looking into the Holy Bible and to that great prophet of the LORD God named Moses, he plainly declared: "Would God that all the LORD's people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his spirit upon them!"(1) Since Islam states that Muhammad was the last prophet, it appears that these people may not be linked to the true Spirit of God.

As a note to those who believe in the Holy Bible and are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and are part of the body of Christ, plus have the true Spirit of God, it is written: "Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues."(1) If the Islamists have not had any prophets since Muhammad, it appears that something is seriously wrong.

Now, the pages linked below speak of the serious and deadly hatred within the Islamic crowd, which many people are drowning in. The first linked page speaks of deadly and destructive mortars being fired back and forth between the towns of the Muslims. And, they cheer each other's deaths. The page states: "Those cheers are just one sign of how much venom has seeped into Sunni-Shi'ite relations..." The page states further: "The bloodlust is no longer limited to extremists on both sides. Hatred has gone mainstream..."

The second linked page shows that there is not just a two-way split within Islam, between the Sunnis and the Shiites, but there is actually a three-way split, which includes the Kurds. Yes, what a mess within Islam when the true Spirit of God is not dwelling within these people! When the true Spirit of God is not dwelling within at least a certain segment of them, we can clearly see the results. As the third linked page shows, it has produced the most deadly religious war of our time.

The pages linked below provide additional information about the conflicts and hatred which exists within Islam...that religion which claims to unsuspecting outsiders to be full of peace, love, compassion, tolerance and non-violence. Now the title of the third linked page notes that there is actually a vicious schism between the various factions within Islam. And, this violence and bloodshed by Muslims has been going on for around 1,400 years...and it has been getting worse. Well, the true Spirit of God is not found here!

Well, go tell it to all of those murdered Muslims --- that have been murdered over many years by those who are fellow Islamists --- that their religion is full of peace, love, compassion, tolerance and non-violence. If they were able to rise from their graves today, they would possibly have a far different story to tell about Islam. And, from its very beginning, the religion of Islam was not full of peace, love, compassion, tolerance and we shall see next.


Let us seriously consider what is said in the page linked below...especially when it comes to Islam being a religion of peace. The page notes this myth behind Islam: "Muhammad was a peaceful man who taught his followers to be the same. Muslims lived peacefully for centuries, fighting only in self-defense, and only when it was necessary. True Muslims would never act aggressively." And then, the page goes on to show the real truth about Muhammad and Islam, plus what the Muslims are really about.

The linked page states that in the Quran, in Sura 9 and elsewhere, it shows that the true believer in Islam "strives and fights with their wealth and person". Based on the Quran, the page indicates that those who are not genuine Islamists "'sit at home,' refusing to join the jihad against unbelievers in foreign lands." Then, the page goes on to speak about Muhammad, whose teachings (as shown in the preceding section (1)) are actually the foundation of the religion of Islam.

The page speaks about the reality of Muhammad and what he actually did. And, this is the man which Muslims are supposed to emulate. Muhammad "organized 65 military campaigns in the last ten years of his life and personally led 27 of them." As Muhammad grew in power, "he was attacking tribes merely because they were not yet part of his growing empire." So, there is a question to ask. Was Muhammad --- upon whose teachings Islam is based --- really a man of peace?

When people state that Islam is a religion of peace, it appears that they have spelled the word wrong. Based on the example set by Muhammad and his followers, it appears that if a person or a group of people were not part of Muhammad's crowd, then his true religion began to show. In that case, it appears that his true "religion" was: "It's a slashed-up PIECE of you here and another slashed-up PIECE of you there, until all 'infidels' are brutally mass-murdered and the Muslims own the goods and land of their victims."

When it comes to the real teachings of Muhammad, the page linked above states: "Muhammad left his men with instructions to take the battle to Christians, Persians, Jews and polytheists (which came to include millions of unfortunate Hindus). For the next four centuries, Muslim armies steamrolled unsuspecting neighbors, plundering them of loot and slaves, and forcing the survivors to either convert or pay tribute at the point of a sword." And, there is more for the thinking person to consider.

The page states: "Some companions of Muhammad lived to see Islam declare war on every major religion in the world in just the first few decades following his death -- pressing the Jihad against Hindus, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and Buddhists. There is no record of these Companions objecting to any of this." And, based on the observable evidence, it appears that the murderous Jihad still continues today...especially against the unfortunate Jews, and especially against those in Israel.

Looking further into the linked page, it states: "In our day, there is no other religion in the world that consistently produces terrorism in the name of God as does Islam. The most dangerous Muslims are nearly always those who interpret the Quran most transparently. They are the fundamentalists or purists of the faith, and believe in Muhammad's mandate to spread Islamic rule by the sword, putting to death those who will not submit." And now, let us see what someone else has to say about Islam.


The page linked below notes that there were "18,000 deadly terror attacks committed explicitly in the name of Islam in just the last ten years." It states: "Muhammad said in many places that he has been 'ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger.'" It states: "After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other." And again, they claim that this is the religion of peace, love and tolerance.

The linked page states: "Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them into submission to Islam." And then, after Muhammad's death, the page notes: "Muslims continued their Jihad against other religions for 1400 years, checked only by the ability of non-Muslims to defend themselves. To this day, not a week goes by that Islamic fundamentalists do not attempt to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists explicitly in the name of Allah." And yes, they have definitely been murdering Jews!

When it comes to the desire of the Muslim leadership to murder Jews, let us see what the page linked below, from 2018, has to say. At the top of the page is found these words: "A Muslim imam who quoted Mohammad to call for the killing of Jews in Europe has been indicted under new Danish laws that ban the quoting of religious texts calling for bloodshed." And, once again, the Muslim crowd and their allies have been claiming that Islam is the religion of peace, love and tolerance.

Regarding what happened in Denmark, the page states: "Mundhir Abdallah is the first person to be indicted for breaking Denmark's new so-called imam law, however according to the Copenhagen-based imam, Muslims should be allowed to quote holy scripture calling for the slaughter of Jews." Well, it appears that the Muslims have not changed since those days in the 1940s, when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem linked up with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, so the Muslims could help mass-murder Jews (1).

So, what was the Muslim imam quoting from their so-called holy scripture, which called for the killing of Jews? Well, the imam proclaimed to his Muslim listeners the following: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews so that the Muslims kill them, and the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." And, note in the linked page that the imam declared: "We are proud of our faith."

Other pages (1) which contain the Muhammad and Islamic Muslim quote --- "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews so that the Muslims kill them, and the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him," --- or a variation of it at some point within them, are linked below. If you need to, use your browser search feature to find the quoted words, especially in the longer pages.

There is something to note in the page linked here. It speaks about a Lebanese TV preacher of Islam. This Islamic preacher stated to his listeners that "Allah promised that [Islam] will prevail over all other religions, principles, and laws, until it rules the entire Earth according to the law of Allah, which was introduced by the Prophet Muhammad." Besides killing Jews and establishing Sharia law worldwide, the page linked here notes that "Canadian imams...recite prayers to Allah to annihilate disbelievers [and] enemies of Islam."


The page linked below states things as they are. It begins with these words: "Father Boulad said that 'Islam is an open-ended declaration of war against non-Muslims' and those who carry out violent jihad are true Muslims who are applying exactly what their creed demands." But then, there is that questionable pope Francis. The page states: "Pope Francis has declared that Muslim terrorism does not exist." Well, even partially sane persons with their eyes open know that Islamic Muslim terrorism exists (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).

Looking again into the page linked below, it shows that there are Catholic leaders which claim that "Islamic jihad attacks against Middle Eastern Christians were a 'Zionist conspiracy against Islam'." The page then goes on to state: "Given such dreary realities, Henri Boulad represents an astonishing return to the truth: jihadists routinely quote from Islamic texts and have announced repeatedly that their war is a religious one against 'disbelievers.'"

The page notes the "Hungarian leader Viktor Orban's restrictive immigration policy of keeping out Muslim migrants to protect his country from jihad attacks and the skyrocketing crime that other European nations have been plagued with due to vast Muslim migration." The page also states: "Islamic extremists who carry out acts of terror are simply applying what their faith requires of them, according to Jesuit Father Henri Boulad, an Islamic scholar of the Egyptian Greek Melkite rite."

The page linked above states: "Those who fail to recognize the real threat posed by Islam are naive and ignorant of history, he [Jesuit Father Henri Boulad] said, and unfortunately many in the Church fall into this category." Regarding this Jesuit, Henri Boulad, the page states: "Christians in the West and in the East, he wrote the Pope, 'are expecting something from you other than vague and harmless declarations that may obscure reality.'"

In his letter to Francis, Boulad continued: "It is high time to emerge from a shameful and embarrassed silence in the face of this Islamism that attacks the West and the rest of the world. A systematically conciliatory attitude is interpreted by the majority of Muslims as a sign of fear and weakness." Well, once the true history is known, there is reason to suspect that this "conciliatory attitude" of pope Francis toward even the murderous Muslims may actually be the sign of a subtle and very cunning snake...with a plan.

Now, quotes from the Koran: "'Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them' (Koran 2:191), 'Make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood' (Koran 9:123), 'When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them' (Koran 9:5), 'Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam' (Koran 5:33), 'Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies' (Koran 22:19), and 'Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an' Koran 8:12."


The pages linked below show that the pope wants solidarity between Muslims and Catholics. It appears that this will ultimately be for a specific purpose, which purpose shall be spoken about in more detail later in this presentation. The pope wants solidarity with Muslims, even though there has been that fighting, bloodshed and murder which has been happening within the Islamic crowd. The pope wants solidarity with Muslims, even though Islam has "an open-ended declaration of war against non-Muslims."(1)

And again, from the Koran (1): "'Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them' (Koran 2:191), 'Make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood' (Koran 9:123), 'When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them' (Koran 9:5), 'Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam' (Koran 5:33), 'Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies' (Koran 22:19), and 'Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an' Koran 8:12."

Well, the leaders of the Catholic Church have been working toward forming a union between Catholics and Muslims for quite some time. The pages linked below speak about pope John Paul II, who in 1999, in a meeting with Muslim leaders, "in a show of humility, bowed when he received the Quran and then kissed the Islamic holy book." Well, there is a lot more to the history of a Catholic-Muslim union. And, the outcome of that union created a deadly mess for those who were not Catholics or Islamists. More about this later.

Now, there is reason to suspect that pope Francis and his allies, plus even those in government positions, are preparing the world for a repeat of history. They are preparing the world for the Catholic/Muslim union, plus that which will happen, worldwide, because of this union. And, there is something to note in the pages linked below. Israel wants the pope to unequivocally (1) condemn Hamas for its terrorist acts against Israel. Well, that's not going to genuinely happen, for a reason. It is because of that Catholic/Muslim solidarity.


Yes, the Islamists are very proud (1) of their particular faith...which calls for the killing and extermination of Jews. Note in the pages linked below that Iran was brazenly celebrating the October 2023 slaughter of Jews in Israel, which was done by those Islamic extremists and terrorists from Gaza. Even Iran's leader crowed: "We kiss the hands of those who planned" the murder of Jews in Israel. And this happened because of their damned religion (1). And yes, the true God of heaven shall ultimately damn them and their allies to hell!

In the pages linked below, Iran's Khamenei tells the world that Iran was not behind the savage and barbaric attack which Hamas did on Israel. Well, knowing what this presentation has shown about Islam and the teachings of Muhammad, it is obvious that the religion of Islam, especially with those murderous teachings of Muhammad (1), are what was actually behind the savage and brutal attack on Israel. And, when it comes to the Muslims extreme desire to exterminate the Jews, there is more for thinking people to consider.

The page linked below declares: "Iranian regime officials, headed by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, along with the commanders of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and Armed Forces and regime mouthpieces, hastened to congratulate the 'Palestinian resistance organization' Hamas -- which belongs to Iran's Islamic resistance axis -- for its massive October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, as well as to express pride in the organization and exhort it to continue."

Further down, the linked page states: "Celebrating the massacre and the victory of the Islamic resistance via the Palestinians, Iranian officials rejoiced in how it surprised Israel and humiliated its army and political leadership, justified the scope of the destruction, and predicted that the aim of Iran's revolutionary regime -- the destruction of Israel -- was near at hand." And again, what Iran is calling for --- the complete destruction of Israel --- appears to go directly along with those murderous teachings of Muhammad and Islam (1)(2).

And again, a deceptive Iran is claiming that it was not behind the brutal and savage attack on Israel by its proxy Hamas. But it is clearly calling for the complete destruction of Israel and the elimination of accordance with the murderous teachings of Muhammad and Islam. Yes, Iran is making it extremely clear that it wants Israel utterly destroyed. And now, looking into the page linked below, Iran declares that its hands "are already on the trigger". They are ready for the final destruction of Israel...using their proxies.

Now, the linked page contains a video where media people are discussing the situation with that war between Israel and Hamas, plus what Iran is stating and what preparations it is making with its allies in the region. And, there is reason to believe that the war in the Middle East could escalate, plus "Iran could get directly involved." In the midst of all this, Iran has threatened America and says that "if this war [with Israel] does expand, significant damages would occur on the U.S."


So, how could the Iranian mastermind and "puppet master" cause significant damages to occur on the United States? Well, it appears that the treasonous (1)(2)(3) "solidarity crowd" in government positions (which includes Catholics, Muslims and members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, plus those which they control in one way or another) have, for years, intentionally and treasonously caused the southern U.S. border to remain virtually wide open, so almost anyone can "sneak" into the country.

For Iran-controlled Islamic terrorists to cause "significant damages" to happen to the United States and its citizens, it only takes one or two, or a small group of terrorists to sneak across the intentionally "very leaky" southern U.S. border, in order to present a major danger to the United States and its citizens. All they need is some of those "suitcase" nuclear devices --- spoken about in the pages linked below --- in order to cause "significant damages", or even utterly stunning damages, within cities of the United States.

On the other hand, the Iran-controlled terrorists could release sinister biological or chemical weapons within cities of the United States. This kind of silent and diabolical weaponry could be smuggled more easily across the intentionally "leaky" southern U.S. border, than could suitcase nuclear devices. And, there is reason to suspect that this type of threat has been established within the United States, with the help of the extremely treasonous (1)(2)(3) "solidarity crowd" (1)(2) and their intentionally "leaky" southern border.

Now, the pages linked below speak about the danger of biological or chemical terrorism...which may be the thing which the Muslim or Palestinian terrorists, plus certain other Islamic followers of the warring (1)(2)(3) Muhammad, would love to unleash on the "infidels" (1) of the United States. And again, all of this problem has been made possible because of those numerous, treasonous (1)(2)(3) traitors in government positions who have been seriously betraying the citizens of the United States for many decades.

And, lest anyone forget...the serious threat to the citizens of the United States, by terrorists potentially unleashing chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons, has been made possible because of at least the "leaky" and virtually wide open southern border. And, the serious threat has been greatly facilitated by those treasonous (1)(2)(3) criminals and traitors in government positions, which are part of the infamous "solidarity crowd" (1)(2), who are violating their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States.

Now, the U.S. Constitution, to which these treasonous bastards (1) have taken an Oath of Office, in Article 4, Section 4 (1), clearly states: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..." Well, the treasonous and criminal "government" bastards (1) have allowed the invasion of the United States via at least the southern border, for many decades. And yes, these criminals have intentionally betrayed the citizens of the United States.

By the way, if you are not awake yet, just read the pages linked below. People from Uzbekistan were smuggled into the United States over the southern border, by an ISIS-affiliated smuggler. Now, the main religion in Uzbekistan is Islam (1), therefore, these illegal aliens were likely Muslims. And, there are many Islamic terrorists (1) which have come out of Uzbekistan. So yes, when it comes to the southern border, U.S. citizens have been horribly betrayed by the treasonous (1)(2)(3) bastards (1) in government positions.

Now, considering all which is said in the pages linked above, there is reason to suspect that Iran and its terrorist allies were planning ahead, especially when it comes to potential terrorists being smuggled into the United States, over the open southern border, by a smuggler linked to the terrorist organization ISIS. And now, Iran has warned that their hands "are already on the trigger", and have stated that they will cause "significant damages" to occur to the United States, if the war with Israel expands.

Well, Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution clearly mandates that those in the U.S. government are required to protect each of the U.S. States against invasion. So, the treasonous (1)(2)(3) bastards (1) in government are in extreme violation of their Oath of Office to the Constitution, since they have not fully secured the southern U.S. border. By willingly leaving the southern border unsecure, these bastards have treasonous aided (1) and made it comfortable for the enemies of the United States to enter this country.

Considering everything, there is reason to suspect that if the Founding Fathers of the United States were to come alive today and take full control of this country, they would hang these bastards (1) in government for extreme treason. Because of the nefarious and un-Constitutional things which these bastards (1) have done to the United States and its genuine citizens, there is reason to suspect that these treasonous bastards in government are worthy of death. NO WONDER THEY HAVE BEEN TRYING TO DISARM U.S. CITIZENS!


To better understand some of what is behind that which is going on in the Middle East, with all of those Muslim countries against Israel and wanting to utterly destroy it and the Jews, there is some earlier history which is helpful to understand. Now, the Palestinians are basically Arabs (1). Within the Arab world is contained the Middle East and North Africa (1). In ancient times, looking back to the beginnings of the Arabs, there was a man named Ishmael, who has been called the King of the Arabs (1).

Looking into things about Ishmael from another direction, a page linked here states that "Ishmael was a son of Abraham, born of Sarah's maidservant Hagar." After being exiled because of his bad attitude (1), Ishmael then went on to have twelve sons (1) born unto him...which, with their descendants, then became a very large nation. The page linked here states: "The descendants of Ishmael became known as Arabs, which basically means 'nomads'." And, there is more to know about Ishmael and his descendants.

The page linked in the preceding paragraph states: "From the beginning, the descendants of Ishmael were a warlike people, as 'they lived in hostility toward all the tribes related to them'." And, that hostility of Ishmael's descendants has even been toward the children of Israel, which were descendants of Abraham. Regarding Ismael, the Holy Bible states: "And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren."(1)

Now, looking once again at Muhammad, he "was an Arab religious, social, and political leader and the founder of Islam."(1) Now, a page linked here states: "Historical records signify Muhammad's Hebraic lineal descent tracing back to Ishmael, the son of Patriarch Abraham and his second wife Hagar, as unique and distinct." Other pages which mention Ishmael as an ancestor to Muhammad are linked below. And regarding Muhammad, his hand, like Ishmael's, was against those around he warred (1) against them.

At this point it should be made very clear, based on the record of history that Muhammad, a said descendant of Ishmael, was not at all a man of genuine peace. He was very warlike during his life, as indicated by the 65 military campaigns which he organized "in the last ten years of his life and personally led 27 of them."(1) It appears that he "lived by the sword". And, as noted earlier (1), Muhammad "was attacking tribes merely because they were not yet part of his growing empire." And, he was the founder of Islam, which is associated with the Muslims.

Looking at the facts, it appears that "the sign of Ishmael" is upon quite a number of Muslims who are associated with Islam. The page linked below notes that "four Islamic extremist groups (Islamic State, Boko Haram, the Taliban, and al-Qaeda) were responsible for 74% of all deaths from terrorism in 2015." The page states further: "Since at least the 1990s, these terrorist incidents have occurred on a global scale, affecting not only Muslim-majority countries in Africa and Asia, but also Russia, Australia, Canada, Israel, India, the United States, China, the Philippines, Thailand, and countries within Europe."

At this point in time, there appears to be an extreme hatred for the Jewish decendants of Abraham, by those associated with the Islamic religion of Muhammad, which Muhammad is said to be a descendant from the children of Ishmael. It appears that this hatred of the Jewish line of decendants of Abraham, by those who are the descendants of Ishmael, possibly goes back even into Old Testament times. And now, those associated with the religion of Islam, because of an utter hatred of the Jews, want to destroy (1) Israel.

At this point, there is an old prophecy which may be worth considering. It is written: "And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the LORD in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto the LORD, and perform it. And the LORD shall smite Egypt: he shall smite and heal it: and they shall return even to the LORD, and he shall be intreated of them, and shall heal them."(1) But, the prophecy does not just end there.

The prophecy continues with these words: "In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land: whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance."(1)


Now, there is something extremely important to note from some of those murderous Islamic teachings of Muhammad. Further above (1) is found the following instructions to Muslims: "Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them into submission to Islam." And, even further above (1) is found these words: "Muhammad left his men with instructions to take the battle to Christians, Persians, Jews and polytheists (which came to include millions of unfortunate Hindus)."

So, the murderous Muslims have not just killed Jews. The page linked below shows that they have also mass-murdered Serbian people, which are mainly Orthodox Christians (1), not Jews. Now, Croatia wraps around (map) the north and west sides of Bosnia and Herzegovina. And, these countries are located across the Adriatic Sea from Italy (map). Looking closer at Bosnia and Herzegovina, the area of Herzegovina is the smaller, southern portion of that country (1). Now, keep Croatia (1) in mind, for a reason.

The linked page notes that Muslims were part of the Ustasha. Later, it will be shown who was ultimately in control of the Ustasha, plus in control of the mass-murdering Muslims. Now, looking into the linked page, it speaks of "the gruesome crime that Muslim Ustashe committed against Serbs from Southeast Herzegovina in June 1941." This murderous crime "was conducted by the orders of Hodza (Muslim religious teacher) Muharem Glavnić and under command of Ustashe representative Herman Togonal."

In the 1941 event, the Muslim Ustasha murdered "at least 134 Serbs in just several hours, although postwar research found out that 180 skulls were discovered in this pit." These Serbs were "prominent and rich Serbs, and Orthodox priests." The Serbs were arrested and driven in a truck to a large pit. There, members of the Muslim Ustasha brutally murdered the Serbs "with guns, mauls, gunstocks, axes, knives, and threw them into the pit." There were around seven truckloads of Serbs murdered by the Ustasha at this pit.


The page linked below speaks about just some of the Ustasha crimes which occurred during the Croatian Holocaust, which occurred during the World War Two era. It speaks about "the notorious Croatian concentration camp of Jasenovac." At just this one facility, an incredible number "of Serbs, Jews, Roma, and anti-fascist Croatians [were] murdered." And again, take note! It was not just Jews who were being mass-murdered at just this "one-of-many" Ustasha extermination facilities.

At the "notorious Croatian concentration camp of Jasenovac" (1), members of the diabolical Ustasha were also mass-murdering Serbs, and the Roma (1) people, plus anyone else who was against the despotic and murderous, Fascist/Muslim control in Croatia. And, when it comes to the murderous Muslim segment of the Ustasha, in the section above (1), it notes a Muslim religious teacher which ordered his Muslim followers to partake in the mass-murder of those who were even non-Jews. This is how the Muslim crowd operates.

For those who can stomach it, the pages linked below are just a mere introduction to what happened at the Jasenovac extermination camp. The pages come nowhere close to doing justice, for they do not show the depth of the incredible depravity which was done to the victims at this facility. A lot of the history about this place has been "whitewashed", for a reason. Most do not want to face reality and what their country, and organizations connected with it, will do to fellow humans when they have the chance and the motivation.

As a note, "the Ustasha" is also spelled as "the Ustase". Now, the page linked below states: "The Ustase brutalized and massacred upwards of 300,000 Serbians, 30,000 Jews, and 29,000 Romani people throughout their four-year reign of terror in Croatia." And, these words come from the Ustase founder and leader in Croatia, Ante Pavelic: "The knife, revolver, machine gun and time bomb: these are the idols, these are bells that will announce the dawning and THE RESURRECTION OF THE INDEPENDENT STATE OF CROATIA."

The linked page states: "For four violent years, the Ustase wrote pages of Croatian history in blood. Their actions were so violent that to even their Nazi collaborators protested them." The page notes that the Ustasha crowd "had no qualms about using genocide and terror to reach its ultimate goal of creating an independent and purely Croatian state free from Yugoslavian influence." This is REAL life, folks! This is true history which is being spoken about, and, history seems to have a nasty way of repeating itself.

Moving onward, the page linked below speaks about another Ustasha mass-murder operation, or massacre in Ostrozin-Kordum, in 1941. The page speaks about "the bestiality and insanity of Ustashas and their ideology based on extreme hatred nourished by clerical fascism." As a note: Later in this presentation, the issue of "clerical fascism" in operation, which drove the murderous Ustasha to do extremely vile deeds, shall be considered in more detail. As a "heads up", more than just Muslim clerics were involved.

The linked page provides history about what was happening before the rise of the monstrous Ustasha. About one-third of the way down, the page speaks about the crime in which "around 530 men from Veljun and surrounding places were caught or lured into the gendarme barrack and the school in Blagaj, where they were brutally massacred with cold weapons, except for one group that was shot." Further down, the page notes another 670 Serbs which were murdered, "including 100 children younger than 12."

The page then states: "Together with the villages of Prkos, Kirin, and Sjeničak, the total number of victims massacred in the monstrous ways -- with hammers, knives, spades, buried and burnt alive -- was estimated to 1,446 including 360 children under the age of 15." Again, folks, we are speaking about real life! And then, the page states: "The abomination and monstrosity of the crime is reflected in the rape of almost all women in front of their cousins..." And, this is just a mere introduction to what the monstrous Ustasha did!


It is time to consider another diabolical and Satan-inspired deed performed by the Ustasha, which Ustasha organization did include a lot of those cruel and murderous Muslims who are connected with that religion which is supposedly full of peace, love, compassion, tolerance and non-violence. Now, the page linked below speaks about a forgotten genocide which occurred during World War Two. It happened in a region which was allied with that Catholic dictator, Adolf Hitler, and his mass-murdering Nazis in Germany.

The linked page notes: "In just one day, Croatian Nazi allies killed more than 2,300 Serb civilians in three villages and a mine, without firing a shot." And, these Croatian Nazi allies were actually associated with the brutal and murderous Ustasha. The page shows that the dastardly deed "was the single biggest slaughter of civilians in their homes in a single day, in such a small rural area -- not just in the Second World War, but in the entire history of humanity." Yes, it was a "genocidal rampage" which lasted for about ten hours.

In this diabolic massacre of innocent, non-warring people, the page states that more than 2,300 victims were murdered "using only axes and mining tools." The page states: "Without a single bullet being fired... Every single victim met their murderer face to face, on their own doorstep, before being slaughtered in cold blood." Think about it folks! The diabolical ones do not need guns and bombs to kill a lot of people. History shows that they can commit mass-murder using just simple tools. That is why people need their guns.

Regarding this diabolical massacre, the page linked above states: "The villagers were killed solely because they were Orthodox Christian Serbs. In the Independent State of Croatia -- a militantly Catholic client state allied with the Rome-Berlin Axis -- that was grounds enough to be killed, expelled, or forcibly converted, in a genocidal campaign that served as the opening chapter of the Holocaust." When it comes to the massacre, the page notes that the killers "were accompanied by a priest"...who was soon called "Friar Satan."

When it comes to mass-murder during World War Two, the page linked above states that the "earliest total genocide to be attempted during World War II" was actually against those Orthodox Christian Serbs. The page declares: "The first recorded mass murder of Serbs was recorded in Bjelovar, a city some 50 miles north of Zagreb, on April 27-28, 1941, when about 180 unarmed civilians of all ages were shot. Soon, however, the Ustasha began saving bullets and favoring cold steel -- knives, hammers, axes and even improvised implements -- to butcher their victims."

The linked page also mentions "the notorious Wannsee Conference, the gathering of high-ranking Nazis at which they decided that the 'final solution of the Jewish question' would be genocide." It states: "By that time, however, Hitler's Croatian allies had already been killing Serbs and Jews for months." Croatia was under Ustasha control and the Ustasha included Muslims. Yes, there was that Grand Mufti of Jerusalem which recruited Muslims for the Nazis, for the "killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary."(1)


Let us continue onward from those things which were initially spoken about in the first section (1) of this presentation. Let us consider those Muslims who willingly helped the diabolical, mass-murdering Nazis and their allies. These were Muslims who helped the Nazis to murder Jews and also a number of other peoples. And, history shows that Muslims were part of the Ustasha. So, in some of the sections ahead, let us find out who was ultimately in control of the Muslims in the Ustasha...yes, those who were in union with them.

Now, the pages linked below speak about Hitler's Muslim legions. The first linked page speaks about "the extraordinary and little-known story of how tens of thousands of Muslims volunteered to fight for Hitler in the Second World War." Beneath the picture in the page, pick on the "Show more" link. The info which then appears states: "It was after Germany's invasion of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union in 1941 that Hitler's attention was first drawn to the potential for Muslim recruits to swell his ranks."

The linked information speaks of "a major recruitment drive amongst Bosnian Muslims [which] led to tens of thousands signing up for the Waffen-SS. Formed into exclusive Muslim units, these men fought in some of the most brutal campaigns of the entire war." Now, it should be noted that Adolf Hitler --- the leader of the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled (1) Nazis --- was raised up and put into power in hijacked Germany by the Jesuits and the Catholics (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). So, under the Catholic Adolf Hitler, there was a Catholic-Muslim union.

The page linked below mentions Adolf Hitler's admiration for Islam. It also speaks of the senior Muslim clerics which were involved in the mass-murdering Holocaust, in which roughly 6-million Jews were murdered. This murdering of Jews by Muslims goes right along with that which was spoken by the founder of Islam, Muhammad. He declared to his followers: "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews so that the Muslims kill them, and the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."(1)

The page linked below notes those who distort history (the "distorians"), who "never discuss factual evidence of how the Nazi regime allied with Muslim groups." Adolf Hitler's close associate wrote in his memoir that Hitler "didn't just admire Islam, he wished that ancient Germans had converted to Islam instead of Christianity." In a page linked here, it notes that Hitler felt that "Islam is the religion for world conquest." He did not ignorantly look at Islam as a religion of peace. By the way, the preceding linked page states: "Globalists see Islam as a tool that can help break down national borders and advance their agenda."

Looking again into the page linked below, it gives quite a bit of history about the Nazi and Muslim union during World War Two. And again, the Nazis were a "tool" of the Jesuit/Catholics. The page notes "the deep links between the Third Reich and Arab groups." It states: "As early as 1941, the Wehrmacht distributed the military handbook 'Islam' to train its soldiers to behave well towards Muslim populations." The page states: "On the eastern Front, the Nazi occupiers ordered the rebuilding of mosques, prayer halls, and madrasas -- previously destroyed by Moscow." Yes, the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Nazis loved their Muslims.


On its way ...   To be continued ...

This is just the start for that which shall ultimately be included in this growing presentation.
There is a lot more which needs to be exposed. Check back later for additional information.

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