Donald  Trump  &

Overturning  the

2020  Election ?

And then, there is that LONGSTANDING Jesuit/Catholic Conspiracy
against the authentic United States and its Genuine Citizens

... and, looking at things further, unfortunately, it is very true that ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
... and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
He was Brutally Assassinated and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963. (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   17 Aug 2023
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


As we consider what the media is doing about the Donald Trump situation, it should be noted that the media is basically completely manipulated, extremely controlled (1) and utterly biased in a harmful way. It appears that many or most of those in the media field are ignorant "pawns" or possibly are even willing, criminal and treasonous enemies of the authentic United States and its Constitution. It appears that brazen criminals in control of the media are truly using it as a "tool" to help undermine and overthrow the U.S. Constitution and the legitimate (1) government which is supposed to exist throughout the whole United States.

Note in the pages linked below that the media is making such an incredibly big deal about Donald Trump and his allies working to overturn the 2020 election. They appear to have been working to overturn the 2020 election in which that infamous, highly treasonous, foreign-controlled, Jesuit/Illuminati-based (1) Democrat named Joe Biden was "installed" in the president's chair using a form of coup. When the true facts are known, it appears that Trump and his allies were actually working to overturn an election which illegally installed that extremely dangerous enemy of the U.S. Constitution, Joe Biden, into the president's office.

Now, some pages linked below (1)(2) speak about officials and election workers being pressured by Trump associates to overturn the 2020 election results. Other pages (1)(2) speak about Trump wanting then Vice President Pence to overturn the 2020 election of Biden. Note that Trump indicated that Pence should have overturned the 2020 election results. He also indicated that it was the vice presidents right to overturn the 2020 election. Well, once the true facts are known, especially when it comes to what the U.S. Constitution guarantees, yes, then vice president Pence should have legally overturned the 2020 election results.

Any government official who was truly honoring their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States would have been working extremely hard, in every way they could, to legally overturn the 2020 election results. But, because there are so many traitorous and treasonous people in government positions who are utterly violating their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, that is why the 2020 election results were not they legally should have been. And, it appears that a potentially criminal and traitorous Mike Pence was not honoring his Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution.

Note in the page linked immediately above what the treasonous criminals in government positions are planning on doing. These enemies of the authentic United States are planning to use the timing of their "legal" chicanery against Donald Trump and his allies so that they can influence and manipulate public opinion. By doing this, it appears that the treasonous criminals in government positions are intentionally planning on manipulating the outcome of the 2024 elections in the United States. These people are domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States, plus they are deadly enemies of authentic U.S. citizens.


Because of the intentional DUMBING-DOWN (1) of U.S. citizens of all ages, which has been going on for quite some time, most U.S. citizens appear to have no clue about what is really happening to the United States and why. It appears that most U.S. citizens have no clue that the government of the United States has actually been hijacked by criminal and extremely treasonous domestic enemies of the Constitution of the United States, which domestic enemies of the Constitution are actually "tools" of a foreign power which has called for the destruction of the authentic United States and the enslavement of its citizens.

Now, there is something important to note. Agents of a foreign power --- whose agents hijacked and Nazified Germany in the earlier 1900s --- are at it again today, this time within the United States. And, it appears that Joe Biden and his Jesuit/Illuminati-based (1) Democratic allies are actually traitorous and treasonous tools of this historically dangerous foreign power. Well, there is reason to suspect that if the Founding Fathers of the United States could come alive today and take full control of this country, they would hang the whole Joe Biden crowd, plus those of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, for high treason.

While it appears that clueless citizens of the United States have been fully distracted and sidetracked by their addiction to frivolous things like sports and entertainment, the very treasonous domestic enemies of the authentic United States have been steadily working to take control of more and more things in this country. And, by the time clueless U.S. citizens may actually wake up to what is going on (if they ever wake up), they shall find out that they and their loved ones are fully enslaved and dominated by the agents of a historically despotic and very murderous foreign power. And, history shall once again repeat itself.

To be continued ...


This is a mere PREVIEW and Introduction for that which shall be included in this presentation.
There is more which needs to be said and exposed.  Check back later for additional information.
Now, those who have truly read and studied all the other pages on this site should understand
what is really happening in the United States, plus why it is happening and who is behind it.
The purpose of this presentation is to educate those who have not done the proper "homework".

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