Stealing  Money  from

the  Social  Security  Fund,

in  order  to  fund

the  War  in  Ukraine ?

A Criminal Conspiracy against the Elderly Citizens of the United States ?

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   28 Dec 2022
Copyright © 2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


The page linked below states: "The mishandling of Social Security funds has been going on since the mid-1980s." It states further: "Some members of Congress were outraged by the practice [of mishandling or stealing] and tried to nip this misuse of Social Security revenue in the bud. On October 13, 1989, Senator Ernest Hollings of SC expressed his outrage during a speech on the Senate floor."

Senator Hollings declared that what was going on in government was "the most reprehensible fraud in this great jambalaya of frauds is the systematic and total ransacking of the Social Security trust fund." Now for the real truth about what has been going on with Social Security funds. Senator Hollings declared: "The Treasury is siphoning off every dollar of the Social Security surplus to meet current operating expenses of the government."

Then there was old Harry Reid. He asked: "Are we as a country violating a trust by spending Social Security trust fund moneys for some purpose other than for which they were intended?" Reid then made it clear that those in government "have been stealing money from the Social Security recipients of this country." The page shows that during the "Bush years," "$211.7 billion in Social Security surplus revenue flowed into the U.S. Treasury."

When it comes to what the traitors and treasonous criminals in government were doing with the Social Security surplus revenue, the page states: "Every penny of it was spent for general government expenditures, and none of it was saved and invested for the payment of future Social Security benefits, as is commonly believed." And then it states: "This practice has continued until this day."


When it comes to what the apparently treasonous criminals and thiefs in government have been doing with the Social Security funds which are supposed to be preserved and used for seniors, the page linked below states that, "the government took YOUR hard-earned money and spent it on its bloated staff and military adventures." You read that correctly, folks! The page indicates that those thiefs in government positions "took YOUR hard-earned money and spent it on...military adventures."

The page linked below is from 2013. It states: "The Social Security Amendments of 1983 laid the foundation for 30-years of federal embezzlement of Social Security money in order to use the money to pay for wars, tax cuts and other government programs." Once again, you read that correctly, folks! Now, there is reason to suspect that at this later date, for 40 years, treasonous criminals in government positions have been embezzling from the Social Security funds, "in order to use the money to pay for wars" and other things.

Now, the page linked below speaks a bit more about what has been going on over the years. Yes, it also speaks about wars which have been going on. It states: "The cost of these wars is enormous." The page then states: "The U.S. media, being good servants for the government, only reports the out-of-pocket or current cost of the wars, which is only about one-third of the real cost." That is correct, folks! It appears that the U.S. media is in on the scam and is helping to horribly deceive the citizens of the United States.

When it comes to the criminal pilfering of Social Security funds to pay for possibly illegal wars, and then when considering the U.S. budget deficit, the page states that "nothing can be done about the U.S. budget deficit except to renege on obligations to the elderly, confiscate private assets, or print enough money to inflate away all debts." And, when it comes to these treasonous criminals in government positions, it is very clear that they are planning on reneging "on obligations to the elderly."

The page linked below states: "The bought-and-paid-for Congress had no qualms about unlimited funding for war, but used the resulting “debt crisis” to refuse help to American citizens who were out of work and out of their homes. The obvious conclusion is that 'our' government does not represent us." And, on top of everything else, the linked page also makes it known that --- while clarifying things by adding a few very important words --- the treasonous criminals in government positions have been "destroying American manufacturing and the tax bases of cities, states, and the federal government."

The real truth appears to be that a bunch of treasonous criminals have hijacked the government of the United States and have financially enslaved its citizens. And then, they have been using the monies which they extort from citizens to fund wars around the world which do not in any way help authentic U.S. citizens. It appears that these wars for which they are stealing funds from U.S. citizens are actually wars which help further the sinister and diabolical agenda of the New World Order crowd (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10).

Now, the treasonous Democratic clowns in government like to blame the treasonous Republican clowns in government for stealing or embezzling from the Social Security fund and spending it for wrongful purposes. And then, the treasonous Republican clowns in government like to blame the treasonous Democratic clowns in government for stealing or embezzling from the Social Security fund and spending it for wrongful purposes...and "the circus" goes back and forth. Well, all of them appear to be low-life, robbing criminals.

By the way, where is that AARP (1)(2) organization in all of this? Aren't they supposed to be fighting for the rights of the retired persons, here in the United States? Why aren't those in control of the famous AARP organization "screaming their heads off" about this criminal robbing and embezzling from the Social Security fund? Is the AARP organization really working in the best interests of retired persons, or are they effectively working in a way which keeps the elderly distracted and igorant to the economic rape which is commonly being done to them? Yah... Just give those old folks updates on the latest entertainment!


At this point, there are some important questions which should be asked. How many billions of dollars is the treasonous, foreign-controlled Joe Biden and his cronies stealing from the Social Security fund, so they can "flood" Ukraine with money and war materials (and maybe even pocket a little)? And, when it comes to this war in Ukraine, what was Hunter Biden REALLY doing over there, before this whole war broke lose?

Now, it appears that Biden and his cronies are treasonously working for the Jesuit/Vatican organization and its New World Order agenda, rather than diligently working in the best interests of the genuine citizens of the authentic United States. So, it appears that it would be reasonable to suspect that the Biden crime organization is freely robbing money out of the Social Security fund, to give to Ukraine (and themselves?).


Check out the pages linked by the buttons below. Look at all of the possibly intentionally deceptive statements which are intended for public consumption, which are calling Russia's invasion of Ukraine "unprovoked." Well, a page linked here is titled Calling Russia's Attack 'Unprovoked' Lets US Off the Hook. The page notes that the word "unprovoked" "has been echoed repeatedly across the media ecosystem." Now, it is time to start considering the real truth of what got Russia to attack Ukraine.

The page linked in the paragraph above states: "The “unprovoked” descriptor obscures a long history of provocative behavior from the United States in regards to Ukraine. This history is important to understanding how we got here, and what degree of responsibility the US bears for the current attack on Ukraine." And again, keep in mind that Hunter Biden was over there messing around in Ukraine, doing what appears to be some highly questionable things, in the period before the war broke out.

So, once again, look at the titles on the pages linked by the cluster of buttons below. Clearly note again the very "liberal" use of that word "unprovoked." Then, after scanning the pages linked below, let us look at some real truth. It appears that the pope even has had some understanding on, or insight into, what was really behind that "sucking" Putin into attacking Ukraine. So, just ignore any deceivers and liars who may be in government positions, and let us get on to learning abut the truth.

It appears that the liars and deceivers and robbers in government positions are banking on the short attention span and dumbed-down nature of all too many citizens. It appears they are hoping that the dumbed down U.S. citizens just go back to their sports and entertainment, and then just totally ignore what has really been going on...for quite some time. So, let us see if Russia's war in Ukraine was really as unprovoked as the deceivers in government and the media have been making things out to be.


In the pages linked below, note how even Pope Francis voices his opinion that the war in Ukraine was "perhaps somehow provoked." Now, Pope Francis possibly has a good idea of what has really been going on behind the scenes, for he is a Jesuit. Well, it should be known that the Jesuits have quite a lengthy history of working behind the scenes and instigating and provoking wars and revolutions, while trying to look all innocent the whole time they are brazenly doing it. And now, there is even more to consider.

In all of this, we should possibly be looking further at things, for a very important reason. It appears that both Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are willing and knowing "tools" or "pawns" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its enslaving New World Order agenda. And, it is reasonable to suspect that Biden and his cronies would have no problem stealing from the Social Security fund, in order to pay for their intentionally provoked war in Ukraine. Anyway, check out the pages linked below and see what the pope has said.

That's correct, folks! Even the pope can see that the Russian war in Ukraine was basically provoked by the NATO crowd. And, there is reason to suspect that it was intentionally provoked! And, once again, we really should be asking what Hunter Biden was REALLY doing over there in Ukraine, before this whole war broke out. And, we should possibly also be asking how much money is being criminally or treasonously robbed out of the Social Security fund, to then give it to at least Ukraine.


When it comes to how the Russian war in Ukraine was really provoked, the page linked below declares: "The story starts at the end of the Cold War, when the US was the only global hegemon. As part of the deal that finalized the reunification of Germany, the US promised Russia that NATO would not expand 'one inch eastward.' Despite this, it wasn't long before talk of expansion began to circulate among policy makers." So, it appears that those who have hijacked control of the United States and NATO brazenly lied to Russia.

The page goes on to state: "In 1997, dozens of foreign policy veterans (including former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and former CIA Director Stansfield Turner) sent a joint letter to then-President Bill Clinton calling 'the current US-led effort to expand NATO...a policy error of historic proportions.'" But, it appears that the demonic fools who have hijacked control of the government of the United States and then enslaved its citizens, just went ahead and brazenly pushed for NATO expansion. They just "stirred the hornets nest!"

At this point, there is reason to suspect that the highly questionable Hunter Biden dealings in Ukraine may have been associated with NATO expansion into Ukraine. And then, there were all of those bodies in mass graves which the Russians found when they invaded. Furthermore, it is said that many of these bodies were missing their organs. Is there a chance that Hunter Biden was into criminal organ trafficking in Ukraine? Would "they" have been killing and organ-harvesting from those who had connections with Russia?

Looking further into the page linked above, it shows that despite the US promise to Russia "that NATO would not expand 'one inch eastward,'" and despite the major warnings from foreign policy veterans, "Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic were added to NATO in 1999, with Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia following in 2004."

Well, it should be rather obvious to any truly thinking US citizen that the Russians were brazenly and likely intentionally lied to. So, it appears that the treasonous deceivers who have hijacked control of the US government are really the ones to blame for sucking Russian into this war in Ukraine. And, it appears that a criminal Joe Biden and a criminal Barack Obama are both very guilty! And now for some additional information.

For those who have really done their research, there is reason to suspect that those in the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, who are in key and controlling positions in the US government and its military, plus in the CIA and other agencies, are definitely to blame for sucking Russia into this very destructive war in Ukraine. Plus, it should further be noted that the Catholics have wanted to seriously nuke Russia since the mid 1900s (1). And, the history of that diabolical desire to destroy Russia does go back to the early 1900s.


So, once again, how much money could a potentially treasonous Joe Biden and his possibly criminal or treasonous cronies be brazenly embezzling or stealing out of the Social Security fund, to then give the money to the Catholic (?) war effort in Ukraine? And, as part of his apparently very sly deception, is that why the Biden administration recently went ahead and gave senior citizens an increase in their Social Security payments, starting in 2023?

Could the recent increase in Social Security payments possibly keep senior citizens distracted and looking elsewhere to other things? Would the increase in Social Security payments possibly cause seniors to think that everything is okay with Social Security, so they would not suspect what a potentially treasonous Joe Biden and his cronies are really doing behind the scenes? And, how come the media and the AARP are not openly and loudly screaming about these things?

This is just the mere Introduction and Preview... To be continued...
Much more is on its way.   Check back later for additional information.

It is time to expose the very treasonous, foreign-controlled criminals
who it appears have hijacked control of our country and our world.

Copyright © 2022 by #A3C5B9S1E1D8 --- All Rights Reserved