Should  We  Restrict  Guns...

...Or  Outlaw  A.M.A.  Doctors ?

Which  Is  the  Bigger  Cause  of  Death  in  the  U.S.A. ?

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Page Preview Posted:   7 Jun 2022
Latest Additions posted:   19 Jun 2023
Copyright © 2022-2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8



In this presentation, we shall consider the number of people who die per year because of mistakes or shenanigans in the medical field, compared to the number of people who die per year because of being shot by someone else with a gun. When it comes to gun deaths per year in the United States, it is common in the manipulated statistics to lump suicides in with things like brazen murders. This is clearly indicated in the pages linked below. Well, let's get real! If someone in intent on committing suicide, they will do it in one way or another, even without a gun.

Now, the first page linked below declares: "Homicides and mass shootings typically dominate the headlines. But the majority of these fatal shootings -- both nationally and in Utah -- were suicides, shows a new analysis out this week from Johns Hopkins University's Center for Gun Violence Solutions." The page also states: "Nationally, more than 26,000 people used guns to take their own lives in 2021. And in Utah, gun deaths are overwhelmingly suicides, accounting for 364 out of 450 fatal shootings in 2021, according to the report."

Well, it is time for us to get very realistic, plus very logical. It is time to also consider what has been going on in our world for quite some time. When it comes to the gun-grabber freaks, a number of them say that guns need to be taken away from the people, in order to even protect them from they cannot commit suicide. Well, when it comes to the gun-grabber freaks and New World Order crowd, they are not actually looking to protect people from themselves. The hijackers of our world really want the people disarmed so they can take over much easier.

At this point, let us look closer and what has been going on for quite some time. When it comes to the New World Order crowd, plus the Eco-Freaks and the diabolical euthanasia crowd which it appears that they control, they have been wanting to drastically reduce the population of this earth for quite some time. Some of this is shown in the pages linked below. And, in order to understand what is really going on with the perverted euthanasia and eugenics crowd, we really should consider who has been motivating them...even as far back as at least the 1800s.

So, based on the things stated in the pages linked above, it should be clear that those who are hijacking control of our world really do not want to save people from themselves. They just want despotic control over people, And, they actually want people to die, or commit suicide, or something along those lines. Now, it is time for some history, especially when it comes to the "kill the people" eugenics movement, New World Order crowd. This link goes to page 32 in a book titled Shipwreck: Sailing on a River of Lies in the USA, which book was written by Chet Morelli.

On page 32 of the book linked above are found these words: "In 1947 the first director-general of the children's world-wide organization, UNESCO, was Sir Julian Huxley. This man was a firm believer in eugenics; he wanted to see 90% of the World's population killed off through genetic tampering experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more." So, already in 1947, here was this influential person in the United Nations (UN), who wanted to kill off 90% of the world's population using devious means.

Now, let's get real. The majority of U.S. gun deaths are from suicides. Well, because the hijackers of our world, along with the Eco-Nazis which they appear to control, seem to want most people dead in one way or another, there is something which should be considered. When it comes to the number of people killed by guns each year, suicides by guns really should not be included with things like murder, in the manipulated tallies which the gun-grabber crowd use. Now, the gun deaths by things like mass-shootings and murders is actually a relatively small figure.

Looking further at the New-World-Order-associated eugenics crowd and those other groups which want a lot of people dead, there is even more to consider. This crowd, plus the controllers of it, have, for more than 100 year, tried various ways to get rid of a whole lot of people on this earth. They have even worked to kill off or murder people in the United States. So again, gun deaths by suicide really should not be included in the common tallies of the gun-grabber crowd, for the riddance of people is what the "elite" controllers seem to want. These bastards just don't want to face guns.


At this point, let us begin to consider some of the lesser-known history about the United States. Now, the page linked below speaks of the horrifying American roots of Nazi eugenics, but, there is something that needs to be made very clear. The record of history indicates that eugenics was not something which was "home-grown" in the United States. There is a foreign-controlled group which got the eugenics movement going in the United States, and then this diabolical foreign-controlled crowd exported their nefarious practices to Nazified Germany in the earlier 1900s.

The page linked below shows that, in the early 1900s, the diabolical and murderous eugenics crowd brazenly planned on doing eugenicide in the United States. They had plans for setting up "lethal chambers" or "public locally operated gas chambers." Those citizens who didn't fit the criteria of the criminal and treasonous, foreign-controlled hijackers of the United States would be exterminated in the gas chambers. Yes, the rich and influential, criminal eugenicists would have made Adolf Hitler's Holocaust look like nothing, if they could have fully gotten their way.

When it comes to doctors, likely A.M.A. doctors and the medical facilities which they worked at, there are things to note in the linked page. It states: "Eugenic breeders believed American society was not ready to implement an organized lethal solution. But many mental institutions and doctors practiced improvised medical lethality and passive euthanasia on their own." From what is said in the linked page, it appears that one U.S. medical had an intentional 30 to 40 percent death rate...and again, this was apparently practiced by A.M.A. doctors.

There is something else to note in the page linked above. After what the mass-murdering Nazis did with eugenics during the World War Two era, there is something which happened in the United States. The page states: "After the war, eugenics was declared a crime against humanity--an act of genocide. " It appears that at that time, eugenics may have fell out of public favor in the United States. The page then shows that the eugenicists in the United States went underground "and renamed their crusade 'human genetics,'" and formed the American Society of Human Genetics.

Well, human genetics is something which we still have with us today. It is deeply embedded within the modern medical and scientific fields, along with things like "Nazi-inspired" human genetic engineering. These types of things are indicated in the pages linked below. Because of the direction which things are heading in our world, possibly the diabolical, Jesuit/Catholic supported Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis would be proud of what is happening in the United States and its citizens today, plus the citizens of virtually the whole world.

When considering past history, just some of which is included in this presentation, it appears that it would not take too much to once again end up with things like A.M.A.-affiliated medical kill facilities within the United States. And, the COVID-caper and the "Medical Injection Inquisition" could potentially be just a practice run for that which is coming in the days ahead. So, would A.M.A. doctors of today go along with the Nazi-type kill facilities? Well, with the preceeding question in mind, let us begin to examine just some of the questionable things going on in the medical field today.



So, how many people a year do doctors and others in the A.M.A. medical field end up killing? Well, the truth may shock you. But, there is one thing to note. Not all doctors or people in the medical field are bad. Unfortunately, there are just enough "bad apples" to make it almost like playing a nasty game of Russian Roulette, when it comes to the health care field. There may be a lot of lucky patients out there with good doctors, but then --- BLAM! --- there are the unluck ones who end up dying because of the bad "health care" which they are given.

Well, the pages linked below may give at least a starting point for checking if your doctor has a disciplinary record. But, this only works in your favor if they are one who has already been caught in their shenanigans. There is reason to suspect that the doctors with actual disciplinary records may only expose the very tip of the large iceberg. For every one that is caught in some shenanigans, there may be many more which have not yet been caught. As with many other things in life, possibly it may be a situation of "buyer beware". Yes, you have received your warning!


Now for the moment of truth. From what is stated in the pages linked below, it appears that it can be harder to find out the truth about bad doctors than people are often led to believe. It appears that even some serious problems with doctors can be kept rather secret. In some cases, it appears that those on state medical boards can be working to protect the reputations of their buddies. And then, there are those doctors who lie about their backgrounds to regulators. Yes, it can be like a medical jungle or a deadly mine field.

The third page linked below opens up another can of worms. It states: "Bad doctors, who lose their license in one state, are free to continue practicing medicine in another state if the new state grants a license, a KATU Investigation has found. Currently, there is no nationwide standard for doctor discipline -- meaning doctors with a revoked license are free to move and apply for a medical license in a new state." Well, this does present quite a problem for patients. It is a bit like the Catholic Church which moves those child-raping priests (1)(2) from one place to another.


In the earlier 1900s, the Rockefeller crowd hijacked the U.S. medical field. This is clearly indicated in the pages linked by the buttons below. Prior to the hijacking of the U.S. medical field, it was not uncommon for doctors to consider things like a patient's lifestyle and their diet, when it came to treating them. But, at this point in history when a patient goes in to see a typical A.M.A. doctor, it is almost like the patient's potentially sedentary lifestyle and poor diet is not an important factor, when it comes to treating their health issues...possibly because its Rockefeller Medicine.

By the way, according to what is said in a page linked here, it appears that there is likely a connection between the Jesuits and the Rockefellers. So, should we possibly say that it was the Jesuit-aligned or controlled Rockefeller Medicine crowd which actually hijacked the U.S. medical field in the earlier 1900s? And, the Jesuits were sent to the United States in 1815 for the purpose of bringing down and destroying the authentic United States, so its citizens could be brought under Jesuit/Catholic domination. Now, there is something to think about.

It appears that, for the most part, modern A.M.A. doctors are not that interested in the effects of a patient's sedentary lifestyle or their poor diet. It is like "the pill" or a number of bottles of pills are supposed to fix everything, or at least mask the patient's troubles and health issues. Well, when it comes to what it appears that a large share of doctors in the medical field have become, possibly a music video linked here would fit right in with the discussion. Yes, possibly a lot of doctors who have ruined people's lives with drugs shall be damned to the everlasting lake of fire.

Now, the pages linked below indicate that a number of doctors have become like brazen drug pushers for the pharmaceutical industry. The pages also indicate that A.M.A.-type doctors are major contributors to the opioid epidemic in the United States. It appears that a whole lot of these A.M.A. doctors are responsible for a lot of ruined lives in the United States, possibly because of the money and power drug pushing provides for these highly questionable doctors.


Looking at the pages linked below, it appears that even questionable and/or outright bad doctors with a record of problems can possibly get a job somewhere in the medical field. The first linked page speaks about doctors "with records of unprofessional behavior, including sexual misconduct, drug abuse and fraud" who can potentially get a job administering medical exams to immigrants. And, that is only the beginning of the story.

Other doctors who can no longer practice on patients in hospitals can potentially practice on prisoners in jails or other facilities. Possibly that is why at times in the United States, there was questionable human experimentation which has gone on in various U.S. facilities. Just a little of the human experimentation in U.S. facilities is spoken about in pages accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3). Now for the linked pages about problem doctors.

The pages linked below speak about doctors who have sexually assaulted vulnerable women and others, who are still allowed to practice medicine, plus potentially are still preying on other victims. Yes, it appears that there is a serious problem in the A.M.A. medical field. It is almost like those child-raping Jesuit/Catholic priests (1)(2) who get to keep "practicing" on numerous victims, whom they sexually assault and/or sodomize. Just "move 'em around and keep 'em working the crowd".

For a little more information about what has been going on in the A.M.A. medical field, just check out the pages linked below. Yes, it really is time for a public discussion on what has been going on.


The pages linked below speak about drug-addicted doctors and other health workers who are addicted to drugs. And we wonder why there are so many medical mistakes and so much medical malpractice which takes place in U.S. hospitals and other facilities. Check out the pages linked below and become informed about what is really going on. So yes, possibly the medical field in the United States is somewhat like a dangerous jungle, or may be like walking through a deadly mine field. A person never knows when they are going to get nailed.

With this introduction to just some of the things which patients should be aware of, let us see what all-too-commonly is happening in the medical field. Let us see what all-too-many doctors and others are doing when the all-too-trusting patients are not watching closely and making sure that things are done in their best interests...rather than in the best interests of the doctors' pocketbook or other agenda which the doctor may have. Why help a doctor purchase a new yacht or mansion, or finance their drug addiction, when there is no good reason for giving them money.



The 2013 page linked below speaks about a cardiologist who got one of his patients to have surgery for the installation of a pacemaker, when the patient did not need anything so drastic. The patient would have only needed some blood pressure medications to correct his medical problem. Well, the cardiologist was "investigated for performing unnecessary surgeries." In the end, the cardiologist was " convicted of billing Medicare for dozens of unnecessary heart procedures," and ended up in prison.

The page states further: "Tens of thousands of times each year, patients are wheeled into the nation's operating rooms for surgery that isn't necessary, a USA TODAY review of government records and medical databases finds." It speaks of the swindling type of doctors who are "predators who enrich themselves by bilking insurers for operations that are not medically justified." On the other hand, the page speaks of "doctors who simply lack the competence or training to recognize when a surgical procedure can be avoided, either because the medical facts don't warrant it or because there are non-surgical treatments that would better serve the patient."

The page notes that "unnecessary surgeries might account for 10% to 20% of all operations in some specialties, including a wide range of cardiac procedures -- not only stents, but also angioplasty and pacemaker implants -- as well as many spinal surgeries. Knee replacements, hysterectomies, and cesarean sections are among the other surgical procedures performed more often than needed, according to a review of in-depth studies and data generated by both government and academic sources." Yes, there is much to look at in this page. Check it out!

The page also states: "The costs of unnecessary surgeries touch consumers and taxpayers in ways most never imagine. Medicare, Medicaid and their private insurance counterparts spend billions of dollars on operations that shouldn't be done, draining health care dollars that could go to far better use." And then, "About 10% of all spinal fusions paid for by Medicare in 2011 were not necessary, either because there was no medical basis for them or because doctors did not follow standards of care by exploring non-surgical treatments."

Now, the first page linked below states: "Strikingly, in the 21st century, we still have to come to terms with the absurd reality that it is significantly safer to board a commercial airplane, a spacecraft, or a nuclear submarine, than to be admitted to a U.S. hospital." Then there is the second linked page. It speaks about a very dishonest, Chesapeake obstetrician-gynecologist who did irreversible and unnecesary surgeries on women so he could defraud health insurance programs out of millions of dollars.

The first page linked below speaks about doctors performing tens of thousands of unnecessary procedures in 2020, while the second linked page speaks about 100,000 unnecessary surgeries which were performed in 2020. And then, the third linked page speaks about a billion-dollar back surgery scam. The fourth linked page states that "60% of all surgeries are medically unjustified." The page speaks about surgeons exploiting their patients (or their victims) in order to generate profits.

For those desiring further information about unnecessary surgeries, just check out the pages linked below. Read about hospitals covering up for unnecessary surgeries. Read about why many doctors are getting away with unnecessary surgeries. Read about doctors paying large settlements for unnecessary surgeries. And yes, read about a few of those doctors who end up going to prison for their seriously criminal activity. Unfortunately, not enough of these criminal doctors are going to prison for their activities which mess-up the lives of many of their victims.


The pages linked below are merely an introduction to the unnecessary medical care which it appears is commonly being performed at various facilities in the A.M.A. medical field. Check out these pages and become informed. Additional comments will be made about the information in the pages in a later update of this presentation.


The page linked below is just a mere introduction to what is going on with way too many of those cancer doctors. More pages will be linked in this section and more comments will be made in a later update of this presentation. In the meantime, check out the linked page and become informed.


In the pages linked below, check out the big mess which just one greedy cancer doctor can quickly make. And yes, it appears that this doctor ended up killing people because of his greed.


Well, there are more dangerous doctors and other fraudsters in the medical field than just that cancer doctor spoken about in the section above. Take the time to at least scan through the links below in order to get a better idea of what is going on in the medical field.



The pages linked below speak about cancer patients being killed by the treatment itself, rather than being killed by the cancer. It appears that this type of things is allowed to happen way too often.


Well, is chemo really good for people? In answer, check out the pages linked below. Yes, patients are having their organs and immune system damaged. Patients are ending up with heart problems. And then, some of the pages talk about chemo actually causing cancer to grow and spread, plus produce more advanced tumors. Check out the pages and become informed.


In our world, it is like there is a silent cancer pandemic. This silent cancer pandemic is spoken about in the page linked below. At the beginning of the page, as FIGURE 1, there is a graph which shows that heart disease is the largest natural killer in the United States. Then, the second biggest natural killer is cancer.

Note on the graph that the deaths caused by COVID-19 is about one-half the amount which is caused by cancer. Now, later in this presentation, it shall be shown that there is an incredible, non-natural killer which actually would come in third on this graph, falling between cancer and COVID-19. That "third place winner" for killing is doctors and others in the A.M.A. medical field.

The pages linked below are a mere introduction to the cancer epidemic in the Under-50 crowd. Note closely that it appears that a number of people may be helping to bring on their cancer by some of their sexual activities. Check out the pages and become informed.

The page linked below brings up something rather disturbing. It appears that the suppression of true cancer cures may be used as a mean for controlling population. The page notes that true cancer cures have been known even prior to 1969. But, it appears that rich and powerful people with links to the eugenics crowd have been working to help suppress true cancer cures. Check out the linked page and learn some of the important things in medical history which have been happening over quite a period of time.

When it comes to the suppression of cancer cures which have been known for quite some time, plus which cancer cures appear to have a history of actually helping to fight cancer in patients, there is something which should be considered. We need to consider the diabolical eugenics crowd which appears to be under the instigation and control of a foreign-based organization which has quite a history of torture and mass murder...which organization appears to be hiding behind and manipulating even the United Nations (UN), plus the medical community, in our day.

Those in the eugenics movement have been doing, plus proposing quite some sinister things over the years. The history of this diabolical crowd appears to go back more than one hundred years. There is a book titled Shipwreck: Sailing on a River of Lies in the USA. This book, published in 2008, was written by Chet Morelli. On page 32 (1) of that book is found the following, rather shocking words about one of the heads of the UN section called UNESCO...which is the acronym for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization:

"In 1947 the first director-general of the children's world-wide organization, UNESCO, was Sir Julian Huxley. This man was a firm believer in eugenics; he wanted to see 90% of the World's population killed off through genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more."

Yes, Sir Julian Huxley, with his diabolical views, appeared to want to use even many more sneaky and sinister methods for killing off people, than just those few methods which were noted in the paragraph above. It appears that the desire of this eugenicist named Sir Julian Huxley was to even kill off 90% of the people in this world. At this point, it should be noted that the controllers of the eugenics movement were the instigation behind Adolf Hitler and his diabolical Nazis, plus their mass-murdering Holocaust, during the World War Two era.


Under Adolf Hitler and the foreign-controlled Nazis, even the medical community in hijacked Germany joined in with the intentional killing spree. This is clearly indicated in the pages linked by the buttons below. And, prior to the killing spree of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, the manipulators and controllers of the murderous eugenics movement had earlier been causing numerous deaths to occur in medical facilities across the United States. And unfortunately, history can easily repeat itself, even on a much larger and more damnable scale...right here in the United States.



The page linked below is from 2013. When it comes to how many patients die in U.S. hospitals because of things like medical mistakes, the page states: "An updated estimate says it could be at least 210,000 patients a year, more than twice the number in a frequently quoted Institute of Medicine report." The page goes on to state: "It seems that every time researchers estimate how often a medical mistake contributes to a hospital patient's death, the numbers come out worse."

Within the 2013 page are also found these disturbing words: "Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher [in] 2014[,] between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death, the study says... The new estimates were developed by John T. James, a toxicologist at NASA's space center in Houston..." And, there truly is more to think about in this whole story.

The linked page states: "An estimate of 440,000 deaths from care in hospitals 'is roughly one-sixth of all deaths that occur in the United States each year,' James wrote in his study. He also cited other research that's shown hospital reporting systems and peer-review capture only a fraction of patient harm or negligent care." Again, "hospital reporting systems and peer-review capture only a fraction of patient harm or negligent care." What a mess, and, welcome to "Death by Doctor" in the United States.

The 2014 page, linked below, indicates that the prescription drugs which the doctors are providing for their patients are a big factor in the medical killing spree. When it comes to patient deaths and what is going on in the medical drug field, the page speaks of "impotent drug regulation, widespread crime that includes corruption of the scientific evidence about drugs and bribery of doctors, and lies in drug marketing, which is as harmful as tobacco marketing and, therefore, should be banned." Yes, there is a big, deadly mess in the A.M.A. medical field.

The 2017 page linked below says it just like it is: "Your health care may kill you." Yes, medical errors can be very deadly. Some may say that dealing with the A.M.A. medical community may be somewhat like playing that often deadly game of Russian Roulette. Now, when it comes to medical errors, the linked page states: "Error rates are significantly higher in the U.S. than in other developed countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and the United Kingdom (U.K). At the same time less than 10 percent of medical errors are reported."

Now, let us look further at the number of people who die per year in the United States because of things like medical errors and malpractice, plus other things along that line. The page linked below, which is from 2022, indicates that "at least 250,000 Americans die each year due to some sort of medical error." Yes, AT LEAST that many die per year from medical error. Then the page goes on to state: "But, depending on what is considered a medical mistake, that number could be as high as 440,000." And again, welcome to "Death by Doctor".

The page linked below speaks of hospital deaths for the years 2000-2002. At that point, an average of 195,000 people were dying per year at the hands of the medical establishment. Oh, by the way, it appears that the death rate shown in the linked page is only for "Medicare hospital admissions nationwide from 2000 to 2002." So, it appears that the deaths of non-Medicare patients would have to be counted as extras. Anyway, whatever the true number of medical deaths per year, the page states that all these deaths "should be considered a national epidemic."

Within the linked page is found these words: "The equivalent of 390 jumbo jets full of people are dying each year due to likely preventable, in-hospital medical errors, making this one of the leading killers in the U.S." This would be like almost eight (8) jumbo jets full of people crashing each year in each one of the 50 U.S. states, and killing all people on board. Think about that for a moment! Why is there no public outcry over this incredible attrocity? Why are not those apparently incompetent A.M.A. medical people being severely restricted or totally outlawed in the United States?


Now, the pages linked below indicate that doctors and medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, BAR NONE! Well, considering all the information found in this section, it appears that only the epidemic of heart disease, which is the largest killer in the United States, and the epidemic of cancer, which is the second leading killer, end up killing more people than do those doctors and others the A.M.A. medical field.



Once again, it appears that the A.M.A. medical community causes somewhere between 210,000 and 440,000 patient deaths per year. Whether this is fully by accident or partly by intent is up for anyone's guess, especially when considering the history of the diabolical eugenics crowd in the United States. So, at this point, let us begin to consider how many deaths per year involve a gun in the United States.

The page linked below declares: "In 2021, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 48,830 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S., according to the CDC. That figure includes gun murders and gun suicides, along with three less common types of gun-related deaths tracked by the CDC: those that were accidental, those that involved law enforcement and those whose circumstances could not be determined."

Well, it appears that the medical community kills between four (4) and nine (9) times the people that guns do in the United States. But, the majority of gun deaths are by suicides. And, it appears that the Jesuit-associated New World Order and eugenics crowds want about 90 percent of the population killed off, so suicides with guns should be eliminated from the equation. When it comes to killing other people, that would then mean that the A.M.A. medical community possibly kills somewhere between eight (8) and eighteen (18) times the people that guns do.

Now, the page linked below shows that there were 20,138 firearm deaths in 2022. This particular number excludes those firearm deaths which resulted from suicides. This is the more realistic number to use when comparing gun deaths to deaths caused by doctors and the A.M.A. medical community. Using 20,138 as the figure for firearm deaths, that would mean that doctors and the A.M.A. medical community end up killing between 10 and 21 times more people in the United States per year, than do guns. We need a National Discussion about outlawing "Death by Doctor".

Well, the page linked below provides another view on gun violence in the United States. It notes that "1200% more people [have been] killed by police than [by] mass shooters since 2015." Now, once the treasonous, foreign-controlled hijackers of the United States take complete control of this country, the type of gun violence spoken about in the linked page will only escalate, possibly exponentially. That which happened in hijacked and Nazified Germany during the World War Two era can happen right here in the United States...and, the same crowd is behind it.


The page linked below was (as of 6/19/2023) last updated on March 31, 2023. Within the page is found these words: "In 2017, there was estimated to be near 400 million guns in the United States between police, the military, and American civilians. Over 393 Million (Over 98%) of those guns are in civilian hands, the equivalent of 120 firearms per 100 citizens." The page states further: "The average gun owning American has 5 firearms, while nearly 22% of gun owners only have a single firearm."

Within the first page linked below, from April 2021, is found these words: "There were 9.8 million workers employed as health care technicians and practitioners, including physicians, surgeons, and registered nurses." The second linked page was (as of 6/19/2023) last updated on September 9, 2022. It states: "There are over 16,721 doctors currently employed in the United States." So, with these numbers in mind, it is time to look closer at the issue of guns and doctors, and who is the biggest killer.

Once again, in the section above titled Gun Deaths in the United States, it shows that there were 20,138 firearm deaths in 2022. This number basically shows those who were killed by being shot by others, like in a murder. Suicides are not counted in this number, because they are intentionally self inflicted, similar to someone jumping off a bridge. At this point, it should be noted that doctors who commit suicide are not counted in the statistics for people who are killed by doctors. So, let us keep things equal in the use of statistics.

Now, let us take those 393 million guns which are in civilian hands in the United States, and divide that number by the 16,721 doctors which are currently employed in the United States. The simple math shows that there are about 23,503 guns in private hands for every doctor employed in the United States, yet doctors are the biggest killer by far. As noted in the preceding section, doctors and the A.M.A. medical community end up killing between 10 and 21 times more people in the United States per year, than do guns.

Doctors and the A.M.A. medical crowd appear to kill 10 times more people than guns per year, if the "death by doctor" is based on only the 210,000 figure for patient deaths per year. If the death by doctor is based on the 440,000 patients per year which die at the hands of the medical community (and this does not include those people who have died from the COVID "kill-shot"), then the doctor/medical crowd kills around 21 times more people per year than do guns. And again, there are about 23,503 guns in private hands for every doctor currently employed in the United States.

So, based on the numbers, which is safer...guns or doctors? And, how much of that "death by doctor" is possibly intentional, as a result of the longstanding eugenics agenda? How much of that "death by doctor" is a result of the intentional depopulation (1) agenda of the Jesuit/Vatican-aligned New World Order crowd? It is time that U.S. citizens woke up and realized what is going on in our world, before they are fully enslaved under despotism. And, there is a good reason why the Founding Fathers of this great nation enshrined the right to bear arms in the U.S. Constitution.


To be continued... More is on its way!

A Preview for that More which is Coming

There are those mass shootings and other highly-publicized murders which now happen. In relation to these things, we need to consider the treacherous, foreign-controlled, mind-control experts which have been operating behind the scenes within the United States for quite a period of time, since at least the latter 1940s. The evidence indicates that these mind-control agents have been working to help hijack control of the United States for their foreign-based bosses. Part of the foreign-controlled agents' job is to get the citizens of the United States disarmed and vulnerable.

The evidence indicates that these mind-control experts have been working behind the scenes since at least the 1940s and are pros, especially when it comes to taking over and programming unsuspecting U.S. citizens and turning them into mind-controlled killers...especially killers with guns. And then, in the earlier 1970s, when these foreign-controlled agents became concerned that they were possibly going to be investigated and exposed, they destroyed an incredible amount of incriminating evidence in order to protect themselves from criminal charges or potentially even charges of treason.

In all of this, let us not forget those alleged words of President John F. Kennedy from the earlier 1960s, before "they" brutally assassinated and silenced him. His words are these: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Well, the enslaving plot did not end after the assassination of President Kennedy, for it still continues today. The evidence indicates that the mass shootings and other public murders may potentially be connected to the plot. And, we should consider what the CIA and the FBI have been doing, when it comes to the more recent spree of murderous activity.

The plotters and their mind-control experts appear to be working to create situations which will scare or terrify a large number of U.S. citizens and cause many of them to willingly give up their rights to freely bear arms. Then, the foreign-controlled plotters will illegally and treasonously disarm as many other U.S. citizens as they can. This will allow the plotters to have a much easier time, when it comes to finishing their hijacking of the control over the United States, plus when it comes to setting up their dictatorship and despotically enslaving U.S. citizens under a mass-murdering form of government.

Before you turn away in disgust and consider that all of this is just some form of crazy fiction flowing out of the mind of the writer, it should be noted that the earlier plotters tried to bring a mass-murdering, Adolf Hitler, Nazi form of government and its associated dictatorship into the United States in 1933. But, at that time, it is fortunate for all U.S. citizens that this treasonous plot was publically exposed. Unfortunately, because the plotters were rich and powerful people, the whole treasonous plot was "swept under the carpet" and nothing was done about the group of foreign-controlled plotters.

Then, around the year 1940, the foreign-controlled plotters tried to, once again, treasonously bring the United States and its unsuspecting citizens under a brutal and murderous dictatorship. And now, it appears that the foreign-controlled plotters are making another big push to create conditions whereby they can more readily disarm U.S. citizens, so the plotters will have a much easier time treasonously taking over the United States and then brutally enslaving all U.S. citizens. The long-running plot is now unfolding much faster than highly distracted U.S. citizens realize! Thanks Joe Biden and cohorts!

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