The  Legitimate  Use  of

The  14th  Amendment

Exposing the Treasonous Deceivers who are Hijacking the United States

-------  and, yes  -------

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."
By: President John F. Kennedy --- Assassinated:  November 22, 1963

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   29 Dec 2022
Additions Posted:   29 Dec 2022 -- PM++
Copyright © 2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8

"He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him."(1)


It is time to begin exposing the criminal and treasonous, foreign-controlled "TRAITORS" which are illegally infesting the government of the United States. Now, the true criminals and deceivers in government are trying to wrongly use the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States in an illegal and criminal effort to prevent Donald Trump from being in government, especially in the position of the president of the United States. This is shown in the pages linked below, many which appear to be written by ignoramuses.

Now, the foreign-controlled criminals and TRAITORS and complete "gamers" which are currently infesting the government of the United States --- plus, unfortunately, the governments of the States thereof --- appear to be banking on the majority of U.S. citizens being dumbed-down enough, to the point where they are totally ignorant to the true meaning of the Constitution of the United States, plus the true meaning and use of the Amendments to said Constitution --- especially the 14th Amendment.

Okay, before this discussion really gets going, the writer wants to make something very clear. They are in no way endorsing Trump to be the president of the United States, for reasons which will be explained later in this presentation. Be forewarned that the writer has reason to suspect that even Trump may be connected to the foreign-controlled organization which is working to hijack the United States and enslave its genuine citizens --- and he's just playing his "puppet" part for the "puppetmasters," as are many others.

The foreign-controlled organization which is being spoken about is not based in Russia. The manipulator or controller of U.S. "puppets" in government is not Putin, nor is the controller based in any other commonly suspected country. But, the foreign-controlled organization which houses the "puppetmasters" is actually "homebase" for all of those child-raping priests (1)(2) and nuns --- which it appears that none of the treasonous traitors and "puppets" in government are wanting to actually do anything about.

Now, why are the criminals and traitors and "gamers" in government positions not wanting to actually do anything to seriously put a stop to the crimes of all of those many child-raping priests (1)(2) and nuns, plus their treacherous facilitators? Well, it is because these criminals and traitors in government positions are actually foreign-controlled agents, or they are those who are the manipulated or blackmailed pawns thereof. And now, there is something rather important to consider.

There is reason to suspect that if the Founding Fathers of this great nation (those ones who wrote and/or signed the U.S. Constitution) were to come alive today and take full control of the United States, they would hang every last Democrat in government for high treason against the authentic United States. Furthermore, there is also reason to suspect that these same Founding Fathers would likely hang about 99.9-percent of the so-called Republicans for high treason against the legitimate government of the United States.

In this presentation, prepare to explore who should legally be "booted out" of government under the 14th Amendment, and then prevented from ever holding any office within the United States. It is also time to explore what the true government of the United States really is, plus who are those in government positions which are covertly and/or overtly, brazenly and treasonously aiding and abetting the true enemies which are working to undermine and overthrow the only legitimate government of the United States.


Now, the pages linked below about this apparently belligerent "Watchdog Group" called CREW were also linked in the buttons in the preceding section. But, there is something in the pages which was just too "over the top" to not make a comment about. This so-called "Watchdog Group" appears to be a very deceptive and lying group. They are stating that if Donald Trump runs for office in 2024, "we and others loyal to the Constitution will defend it." Well now, those are quite some words from what appears to be a bunch of arrogant deceivers and domestic enemies of the authentic United States and its Constitution.

Well, what should we expect from possibly a group of "blowhards" who may be English challenged, for it appears to be rather clear that they are like a bunch of spoiled brats who are just going around "spouting off," but have not actually read the Constitution of the United States very well in order to see what it really says. It is also rather clear that those in this CREW group do not actually understand what the U.S. Constitution is really all about or the type of government which it established and mandates. On the other hand, maybe they do know, but are willfully working to undermine and overthrow the Constitution.

Based on the information which shall be provide in this presentation, it should become obvious that the CREW "Watchdog Group" appears to be like a pack of domestic enemies of the Constitution which are, with both covert and overt acts, working to undermine and overthrow said Constitution, along with the only legitimate form of government for the United States. Now, this CREW group is such a farce and deceptive group when they claim: "We are ready, willing, and able to take action to make sure the Constitution is upheld..." Wow! Are they ever full of a whole lot of BS, as we shall soon see in this presentation!

Now there is something important to note. In the first page linked above, it states: "In his letter to Trump, Bookbinder wrote that 'CREW is resolved to restore the fundamental expectation that sustains our democracy--that the American people elect their leaders and that government leaders accept those results.'" Whoops! There just went up a big red flag! The CREW boss possibly should go back to being a real bookbinder, something which he may be more qualified for, because he, as a domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution and what it actually mandates and guarantees, is fighting for a democracy.

Now, take the time to become familiar with the video and page linked below. The information was produced by a former FBI agent and well-informed person. It is especially time for all brainwashed and dumbed-down people who were taught in the schools of "disinformation, anarchy and rebellion" which appear to be common today, to learn the real truth...that the United States is legally supposed to be a Republic, with a Republican Form of Government, not a treasonous and enslaving democracy. So, time to wake up CREW boss and quit being a domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution and of the authentic United States.


Before we get too much deeper into this presentation and since the Democrats and those of their ilk are shouting about the use of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, we had better be looking closely at that Amendment and see what it really says. It is very important to do this, because it appears that the vast majority of people in the United States don't even know what the 14th Amendment really states. It appears that most of them are just brainlessly going along with "their buddies," whether they are right or wrong.

It appears that, for the most part, the large portion of the dumbed-down people who are residing within this country are just being horribly manipulated. They are brainlessly being "dragged along" by those sly and cunning ones who are out there shouting to use the 14th Amendment, Section 3, against Trump. And for the most part, these noisy "shouters" may not even have a clue what they are talking about. Unfortunately, that seems to be the way it is in the vast majority of cases.

Now, let us look at that very important Section 3, of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That is the particular Section of the 14th Amendment which the criminal or treasonous Democrats, plus those of their corrupting ilk, are screaming about using against Donald Trump, in order to play their criminal "game" of keeping him out of government. Well, in the case of the Democrats and Donald Trump, it kind of looks like a case where "the pot" is calling "the kettle" black. And now, the noted Section 3 plainly declares:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."(1)(2)

Let us now look at what is actually being said in the 14th Amendment, Section 3. First of all, Section 3 makes it very clear that absolutely "no person" shall hold "any office" under, or in the United States or any of the States thereof, if they, after having taken an oath to support the U.S. Constitution, shall then turn and do the noted misdeeds. If any person, after taking an oath to support the Constitution, then is "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against" the Constitution, or has "given aid or comfort to the enemies" of the Constitution, they cannot hold any civil or military office "under the United States, or under any State."

At this point, let us consider things which would actually appear to relate to 14th Amendment, Section 3. Let us look at a particular example. If a person, or even a group of people who have taken an oath to support the U.S. Constitution, shall then rise up in acts of insurrection or rebellion against those who are not truly honoring their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, then that person or that group of people who have done these acts of insurrection or rebellion are in no way prevented from holding office under the United States or any of the States thereof. Why? Because they, by their acts, are actually honoring their oath to support the U.S. Constitution.

Now, when a person takes an oath to support the Constitution, they are not taking an oath to support any oath-violating criminals who may have finagled their way into any government positions, no matter what the titles of those positions may be. The oath is to support the Constitution above any other thing which relates to government or the country. In relation to this, a U.S. Air Force document, linked here, states that when a person swears or affirms "That I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States," it means that: "You are not swearing to support the President, the Country, the flag or a particular service, but rather the Constitution..." Yes, the Constitution only, because those in government positions (etc.) are all too often NOT the living representation of the Constitution which they are legally supposed to be.

Looking at things further, when a person takes their oath to support the Constitution of the United States, they are not swearing to support or go along with any oath-violating criminals in Congress or the Judiciary, or any criminals who may be lurking in any other sector of government who are violating their oath to support the Constitution. Furthermore, the Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States does not call a person to just support the Constitution, but, the Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution also legally obligates the person, even as an individual, to truly defend the Constitution. And, it does not limit what it takes to defend the U.S. Constitution.

There is something else to make clear. Once again, the 14th Amendment, Section 3, is speaking about those who are doing things against the Constitution of the United States. Those who are performing acts of insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution, which acts could possibly be manifest in either covert or overt acts, are the ones being spoken against and restricted by the said Amendment and Section. And, those who, by either covert or overt acts, are giving aid or comfort to the enemies of the U.S. Constitution, are the ones being spoken against and restricted by the noted Amendment and Section.

So, at this point, let us work toward identifying those who are the treasonous enemies of the Constitution of the United States. It must also be shown who are those ones who are, by covert or overt acts, engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the U.S. Constitution. Now, people in government cannot legally pick or choose what portions of the Constitution they will honor. The Constitution is the whole document. A person has to honor all of it, or they really are not honoring it at all. So, in order to identify who is an enemy at war with the Constitution, or who is aiding or abetting the enemies of the Constitution, we must see what the Constitution is actually about.


When it comes to the legitimate government of the United States, there is a particular reason why it was established. The Declaration of Independence makes it clear, with these words: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."(1) And, the legitimate U.S. government was set up to protect an individual's Creator-given or God-given rights.

Now, the writer sees that there is a particular foundation noted within the Constitution of the United States, upon which the remainder of the Constitution is "framed" or built upon. That particular foundation is that one and only guarantee which is found within the U.S. Constitution. So, in order for a person to truly be honoring their Oath of Office to the Constitution, they must be truly supporting and defending, plus upholding and enforcing by whatever means it takes, that foundational guarantee. It truly is their duty, once they have taken that Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States.

So, what is that one and only foundational guarantee within the U.S. Constitution, upon which everything else in the Constitution is actually built and depends upon for the continuation of the authentic United States? Once this foundational guarantee is understood, then it is easier to identify any treasonous criminals in government positions who are brazenly violating their Oath of Office. Once the true foundation of the Constitution is known, then it is easier to identify the enemies of the Constitution, plus those who are, either covertly or overtly, aiding or abetting the enemies of the U.S. Constitution.   To be continued...

This is just the introductory material.
Check back later for additional information.

It is time to fully expose, as best as possible,
the very treasonous, foreign-controlled criminals
who it appears have hijacked control of our country
and our world, as they are working to enslave us.

Copyright © 2022 by #A3C5B9S1E1D8 --- All Rights Reserved