Listen  to  the  Earth
Volume  One

The  Creation

By  David E. Sakrisson
Posted:   14 Mar 2024

All Pages/Files Associated with: Listen to the Earth -- Volume One -- The Creation
Copyright © 2000-2024 by  David E. Sakrisson


The 34-chapter book, Listen to the Earth -- Volume One -- The Creation, was researched and written by David E. Sakrisson over a period of six years...from 2000 to he often wrote both day and night. At this late date in 2024, it is time for this ebook to actually appear on the internet, where others can read it. It should be noted that in some of the included files, it mentions two more volumes which the writer, in the early 2000s, had plans of writing. Those volumes were never completed.

The book, The Creation, whose chapters are accessed using the button-links on this page, presents the nuclear creation of this earth...and yes, those powerful cosmic rays were definitely involved in the rather quick creation process. This books looks at the creation of this earth --- along with the landmasses, animals and people --- from a completely different point of view than that which is commonly taught in science...or the "Halls of Learning" of our day. It is definitely time for a fresh, new look at things.

The writer really has no problem with believing that this earth --- with its original sea and original landmass, along with the original animals, birds, fishes and first human --- could have been created by Almighty God and his Son (1)(2)(3) in just six days. And then the authentic God, who is the Great God of heaven --- who is actual a Spirit (1) --- and, yes, a very particular Spirit --- along with his Son, rested on the seventh day. May God and his Son be worshiped, as they truly should be.


The link below opens the first section for the book, Listen to the Earth -- Volume One -- The Creation. This particular page includes the cover-picture, with title, as used in the original book. Also included are the Preface, Foreword, and Introduction, along with other associated information. And, in the lower part of the linked page is found the TABLE OF CONTENTS, with the section-titles shown for each chapter.


Linked below are the 34 Chapters for the book, Listen to the Earth -- Volume One -- The Creation. If you have any comments or questions about the information presented, or have information which you feel the writer may be interested in, feel free to send them to the writer using the following email (which is the email for this site):    Hopefully this email is not being blocked or censored, so your communication can reach the intended person. The best to all, in the days ahead.

Listen to the Earth --- Volume One --- The Creation   [All Associated Pages/Files]
Copyright © 2000-2024 by David E. Sakrisson --- All Rights Reserved