True  Justice  for

Nasty  Child-Rapers...

...Russian  Style ?

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A  Consideration  of  all  those  Child-Abusing

and  Child-Raping  Priests  &  Nuns  and  their

Criminal  Facilitators  in  Government  Positions

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Document Preview Posted:   11 Nov 2022
Copyright © 2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


Well, check out the pages linked below and see how people in another part of the world get things done. It appears that some of those Russians may know how to get in there and really deal with things. Now, there is this Russian father named Vyacheslav Matrosov. He is married and has a couple of young daughters. At the time when the things discussed in this presentation happened, the younger daughter was 6 years old. Now, Vyacheslav was close to a man named Oleg Sviridov, who he considered as being his best friend.

It appears that Matrosov and Sviridov would, at least occasionally, get together and do a bit of drinking. Now, from what is said within a number of the pages linked below, it appears that on one of these drinking occasions, Sviridov went ahead and fell asleep. Well, it appears that a possibly now-bored Matrosov decided to check out his "friend's" mobile phone and see the types of things his "friend" liked to look at. As things would have it, Vyacheslav Matrosov was in for quite a major shock.

On Sviridov's phone was a video. It was not just "any old video." It was a video which it appears that Sviridov had taken, which showed Vyacheslav Matrosov's 6 year old daughter being forced to perform a sex act on the devious Oleg Sviridov, while Matrosov's daughter was pleading: "Oleg, that's enough, I can't take it anymore. I want to go home." Well, it appears that a reasonable Matrosov suddenly became reasonably "unglued." It appears that a fight between Matrosov and Sviridov then ensued.

The page linked here states: "There are claims Sviridov was given an ultimatum to go to the police and confess to sexually abusing the girl, or face the father's wrath." The page also states: "Oleg Sviridov, 32, was seen badly beaten in the village before his death and was found in the shallow grave a week later." And, about that shallow grave, the page states: "Child sex abuser Oleg Sviridov, 32, was forced to dig his own grave in a forest." And, "He died soon after from knife wounds following a fight with...Matrosov..."


The first page linked below, from January of 2022, states: "Vyacheslav 'Slava' Matrosov, 34, was suspected of stabbing Oleg Sviridov to death in a Russian forest after making him dig his own grave last year." The page goes on to state: "Matrosov originally faced a murder investigation, but sources close to the case say the charge has been dropped, in a landmark decision." It further states: "Instead he will now face prosecution for inciting Sviridov, 32, to take his own life, which carries a lesser sentence than murder."

The first page also states: "A source close to the case said that detailed forensic evidence showed that Matrosov had not stabbed Sviridov in a forest, where the dead man's body was found later in a makeshift grave." The second linked page states: "The researchers concluded that Sviridov [said] he would take his own life in battle in the woods where Matrosov explained his anger at sexual abuse." Now, a page linked here states: "Matrosov, a former rocket engine factory worker, could have been jailed for 15 years if he had been charged with murder." But, Matrosov ended up not being charged with murder.

The first linked page states: "There was a wave of public support in Samara region for Matrovov after he was linked to the killing of Sviridov, and the case gained attention around the world." It then states: "Locals in village Pribrezhnoye raised money for his initial legal fees and a petition demanding the defendant be fully acquitted was signed by 2,500 people." The Russian people stood up for Matrosov for "saving our children by ridding us of a child sex attacker." But unfortunately, the page states: "Two other children in the village are feared to have been abused by Sviridov."

The page linked below presents a lot of the same information found in the pages linked above. But, it is the comments made by other people which needs to be looked at. Included in the first comment is these words: "I don't see how anyone would give a damn that a pedophile is gone." When it came to getting rid of the pedophile, another stated: "Good! More people should do this!" About the father of the raped daughter, another declared: "He was able to rid the world of another pedo. He's a great human being. One that deserves to live a carefree life." Another stated: "He is an amazing father."

Looking further into the comments made by people in the page linked below, when it came to the father of the raped daughter, another declared: "Man deserves a medal far as I'm concerned. Maybe even a lucrative political career." And, another states: "He did a public service. He deserves a commendation and thanks. Potentially prevented a lot of children from being victimized." When it came to the pedo situation, another person declared: "That disgusting, vile POS also assaulted two other children as well as this man's daughter. He did Russia a public service by taking this evil man out of this world."

Then, there is another commentor who stated: "This is how these 'things' were handled before. Hopefully the trend comes back, sends a clear message." Another stated: "And that's how society should respond to pedophiles. They are not going to change until they are permanently stopped." Another declared: "That's how we should deal [with] sexual predator[s], KILL THEM ALL!" And, in the midst of all of this, for many, many decades, there have been all those child-abusing and child-raping priests and nuns, across virtually the face of the whole earth (1)(2). What is being done about these numerous, "holely" priests and nuns?

Linked below is a video about this whole event. Be forwarned about some of the language and four-letter words used in this video. Now, at about the 00:38 mark in the video, the commentator states: "It's wierd watching places like Russia be more sane than this place [the United States]." At about the 1:49 mark in the video, the commentator notes the rampant criminality and the globalist monsters and elitists all working in one direction, which is toward supporting child-rapers. And truly, the Roman Catholic Church with its many child-raping priests and nuns appears to be connected to all of this pedo activity and push for pedo'ism.

And again, what is being done about the child-raping priests and nuns in the Catholic/Jesuit organization. Well, it appears that they pulled a fast one and "finagled" the Jesuit/Catholic-aligned Joe Biden into the president's chair. And then there is that "child-raping-priest-protector"(1) named Kamala Harris who "they" finagled things and put her in as the "president of vice." And, then there is that Jesuit/Catholic puppet named Nancy Pelosi "lording it" over Congress. And, all of these treasonous A-Holes are protecting those numerous, foreign-controlled, child-raping priests and nuns in the Jesuit/Catholic organization.


Now, check out the pages linked below. It appears that at least a segment of the Russians have a reasonable sense of justice. Vyacheslav Matrosov, the Russian father who had "his friend," Oleg Sviridov, dig his own grave and then kill himself after having raped Matrosov's 6 year old daughter was released from prison. He ended up only serving 6 months of an 18 month prison sentence. And, its like the guy in the video at the end of the previous section stated: "It's wierd watching places like Russia be more sane than this place [the United States]."

Well, it appears that Russia is much more sane, when it comes to justice in the type of situation being discussed in this presentation. Why is this? Well, it is because, right under the noses of clueless U.S. citizens, the United States has been treasonously hijacked by the agents of that foreign-based organization which is behind all of those demonic, devil-worshiping, child-raping priests and nuns (1)(2). This hijacking began to happen in earnest under the cover of World War Two, as noted at various places within the page linked here. But, what else should we expect from that organization which truly is not Christian at all?

Really, what else should we expect from that Rome-based organization which appears to actually be the transplanted, ancient Babylonian Mystery Religion?(1) And, that ancient Babylonian Mystery Religion included things like child-raped and human sacrifice, plus other things along that line. And, there is reason to suspect that the papal Crusades and the Inquisition had something to do with the human sacrifice part of that religion. And, it appears that the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis were also just doing some of that human sacrifice.

Well, it appears that things did not just stop with Adolf Hitler and his Nazis. The signs are indicating that those associated with the Jesuit/Catholic/militia-of-the-pope-crowd may be making preparations to do the same type of thing, right here in the United States. And now, let us get back to the pages linked below. The Russian father who forced his daughter's rapist to dig his own grave and then kill himself only ended up serving 6 months of an 18 month prison sentence. Looking at the linked pages, it appears that a lot of people are happy that the Russian was released early.

Now, it is time to consider all of the happiness which is shown in the various pages which are linked on this page, when it comes to "the elimination" of just that one child-rapist in Russia. And now, just think about how much joy there could possibly be across the face of virtually this whole world, if all of that child-rape and those perpetrators and their devious acts suddenly came to a permanent end. But, when it comes to those child-raping priests and nuns (1)(2), we are watching the coming one-world religion in action. And, we haven't really seen anything yet, compared to what will ultimately be happening.

NOTE:   This is just the PREVIEW for what is coming. More information is on the way. Check back again, from time to time, in order to not miss out on any updates or new information. There are a lot of things which need to be exposed and considered, when it comes to what is happening behind the scenes in our rapidly changing world.

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