Nina  Jankowicz  registers

As  A  Foreign  Agent ...

Why  Not  Register  Those  Numerous  Other

Treasonous,  Foreign-Controlled  Agents  who

are  Illegally  in  Government  Positions ???

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Document Preview Posted:   28 Nov 2022, late PM
Copyright © 2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


Well... Check out the pages linked below to see the "Benedict Arnold" type of person which the potentially criminal or treasonous Joe Biden and his just as potentially criminal or treasonous cohorts tried to have bossing in a powerful, very un-Constitutional government agency. Well, there is something which should here be noted. The criminal organization which is behind Joe Biden, plus possibly also secretly backing Nina Jankowicz, is the very same criminal organization which was behind the raising up of Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis in hijacked Germany, during the World War Two era.

Now, before pervert (1)(2)(3) Biden tried to get Nina Jankowicz into a position where she could really screw over the genuine citizens of the authentic United States, she was singing her favorite tunes in bars. One of her possibly favorite tunes which she loudly blatted out contained these words: "Who do I f__k, to be famous and powerful."(1) Well, there is reason to suspect that "loosey goosey" Jankowicz just did not "do" Biden and his cronies quite good enough, because they did not fight quite hard enough (1) to keep her in the un-Constitutional and treasonous job which they had arranged for her.

Since this domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution, whose name is Nina Jankowicz, could not directly screw over genuine U.S. citizens directly from within this country, as she sat in an arranged U.S. government position, just check out the pages linked below to see what she has now done. Yes, it appears that she is now going to brazenly attack the freedom of speech for U.S. citizens by acting at a treacherous foreign agent. And again, there is reason to suspect that the crowd which is raising up and backing Nina Jankowicz is the same crowd which was behind the demonic Adolf Hitler and his mass-murdering Nazis.

When it comes to the credibility of this treacherous, discredited foreign agent, it should be noted that Nina Jankowicz was one of those who was pushing hard to spread that disinformation and fake news that the Hunter Biden laptop story was not true. This is seen in the information available in the pages linked below. It appears that Nina Jankowicz is just one of those who spreads lies and helps to protect other liars. And now, it appears that she is in a position where she can treasonously attack the authentic United States and its genuine citizens and their liberties and freedom as an "outside" agent.

The first page linked below brings out a very important point. The criminal Joe Biden administration "Disinformation Governance Board" is still a threat to the authentic United States and the free speech of its genuine citizens. At this point, it should be noted that with all of the public outcry over Biden's criminal and treasonous acts regarding the implementation of his "Disinformation Governance Board," the criminal and un-Constitutional Biden administration just said they would "pause" (1)(2)(3) their criminal Board. These devious and treasonous criminals are not about to stop their war against the rights of U.S. citizens.


Now, Nina Jankowicz is not the only treacherous, foreign-controlled agent which is treasonously influencing or manipulating the U.S. government. There is actually a large number of unregistered, foreign-controlled agents which are illegally operating within the government of the United States. Many of these foreign agents are actually embedden in key and powerful government positions. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi, plus many others, appear to be very treasonous foreign agents who are working to enslave the citizens of the United States for these traitors' foreign bosses.   To be continued...

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