A  Crashing  U.S.  Economy

and  a  Short  History  of

Missing  Pentagon  Trillions

PLUS, the Jesuit Hegelian Dialectic and its Use by
Foreign-Controlled Agents in an Economic Conspiracy
against the Authentic Citizens of the United States

... and yes, unfortunately ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."

Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus ...
...and part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome,
Brutally Assassinated and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963. (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   24 May 2023
Latest Additions Posted:   07 Jun 2023
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8



The pages linked below begin with these words: "Hegelian dialectics is being used around the world as a tool to break down traditional beliefs with the objective of replacing them with something new." And, it appears that a form of Hegelian dialectics is being used against the citizens of the United States, apparently in an effort to continue the earlier Counter Reformation and replace wholesome, Biblical principles with diabolical Luciferian principles and associated homosexual practices. But, there is more to this story.

The page linked below, with a video, indicates that the Jesuits are using the Hegelian Dialectic as a tool to control the citizens of the United States and the world, in order to push them into "the Jesuit's One World Government." The Jesuits' One World Government is also known as the New World Order (1). It is basically the reviving Holy Roman Empire on steroids, using modern technology. Now, looking into the New Testament of the Holy Bible, the New World Order is that which is called "the beast."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)

Looking into the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, in chapter 7 (1) of the book of Daniel, it speaks about four beasts, which are four different kingdoms which shall be upon this earth at different times. Regarding the fourth beast, verse 23 states: "The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." The Jesuit-controlled New World Order, which we are now living under, is the fourth beast (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7).

Now, the first page linked below gives more details about the nature of the diabolical, Jesuit-controlled, fourth beast New World Order. The page states: "The Jesuits and the Catholic Church use the Hegelian dialectic to advance their goals of world government." The page indicates that the Jesuits are using Communism and Libertarianism as two different tools with which to ultimately create their Luciferian (1), fourth beast New World Order. And, there is more to the Jesuit-Communism story.

The second page linked below speaks about the Jesuits being the true authors of modern Socialism and Communism. And the Jesuits, along with their treasonous "puppets" who have finagled their way into government positions in the United States, are foisting socialism and communism (1)(2) upon the citizens of the United States. With these two tools of socialism and communism, it appears that the Jesuit/Catholics and their treacherous allies intend to fully enslave the all-too-often-clueless citizens of the United States.

The third page speaks about "the powers that hijacked our government." Regarding how the hijackers operate, the page states: "A pernicious cocktail of pathos, gaslighting and deception called the Hegelian Dialectic is fed to the public to win their support. It's weapons-grade bullshit, and it's been crucial to their success for decades." It states further: "The Hegelian Dialectic as we know it today is used to dupe citizens into surrendering their sovereignty in small chunks over time, while convincing them that they're actually empowering themselves."

At this point, let us begin to look closer at the Hegelian Dialectic. The page linked below states that "in the 21st century, Hegelian-Marxist thinking affects our entire social and political structure. The Hegelian dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution." It appears that the so-called "solution" is predetermined by the hijackers of our country and world, plus by their cunning, behind-the-scenes Jesuit masters.

The page linked below states: "The Hegelian dialectic is one of the more insidious tools the enemy uses to pervert and destroy moral civilization." The page also states: "Hegelian dialectic, usually presented in a threefold manner, was stated by Heinrich Moritz Chalybaus as comprising three dialectical stages of development: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction, an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis, and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis."

The page linked below speaks about the Hegelian Dialectic and the so-called "Order Out Of Chaos" method which is used upon the citizens, in order to guide things in this country in the direction of a predetermined goal...predetermined by the enemies of the authentic United States. The page also declares: "The trick of creating chaos and then seizing power under the pretense of putting things back in order is a tried and true method of deception and manipulation."

When it comes to the diabolical Hegelian Dialectic which is treacherously used upon the citizenry, rather than simply calling it Thesis -- Anti-Thesis -- Synthesis, the page states: "Others have described it as: PROBLEM -- REACTION -- SOLUTION in that firstly you create the problem; then secondly you fan the flames to get a reaction; then thirdly...you provide a solution. The solution is what you were wanting to achieve in the first place, but wouldn't have been able to achieve under normal circumstances."

And now, when it comes to the criminal and treasonous hijackers of the U.S. government, let us see how in recent times they were intentionally creating a massive PROBLEM, a massive economic problem, for the citizens of the United States. Then, we will also see how the criminal and treasonous hijackers, plus their manipulated and controlled news media, were fanning the flames to get a reaction from the public, which would then allow the criminals to slip in their "solution" that furthers their New World Order agenda.


Well, it sure appears that a treasonous Joe Biden and his apparently just as criminal and treasonous cronies were working hard to crash the economy of the United States. Now, a treasonous Biden and his cronies have been giving all that money and expensive war materials to Ukraine, while the U.S. economy is steadily "going down the tube". It almost appears that the Jesuit/Catholic aligned or controlled crowd is intentionally working to crash the economy, so they can rip-off and enslave the citizens of the United States.

What is happening with the U.S. economy in our day appears to be a bit like what the Jesuit/Catholic-aligned crowd, plus those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, appear to have done in order to bring about the Stock Market Crash of 1929, plus the virtually worldwide Great Depression which followed. And yes, it truly does appear that the Stock Market Crash of 1929 was intentionally instigated, just like what is happening now is intentionally instigated. It is a form of warfare against genuine U.S. citizens.

During the 1929 Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression which followed, it appears that those aligned with the behind-the-scenes controllers of the Jesuit/Catholic crowd came out like "Fat Cats", while the genuine citizens of the authentic United States were economically raped, with many of them losing their businesses, homes and/or properties. In many cases, those aligned with the Jesuit/Catholic controllers were able to buy up these lost things for pennies on the dollar.

When it comes to that which actually appears to have been the intentional Stock Market Crash of 1929, it is spoken about --- at various points: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) --- within the large and extensive page linked below. Besides using the links above, scroll through the page and check out other applicable sections. Within the linked page there is also much information about various questionable, enslaving and potentially treasonous things which have been going on behind the scenes for many decades.


Now, a treasonous Joe Biden and his criminal cronies, who took an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United State, as domestic enemies have been treasonously working to undermine and overthrow that very particular form of government (1) which is clearly mandated and guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4 (1)(2), of the U.S. Constitution. And, in order to help smash into the debt ceiling and work to make a mess for U.S. citizens much more quickly, a treasonous Joe Biden and his criminal cronies have freely been giving all that money and expensive military weapons and material to Ukraine.

After the treasonous Joe Biden and his criminal cronies intentionally created the massive economic problem for the citizens of the United States, let us begin to see how they, along with their manipulated and controlled allies in the media, were fanning the flames in order to scare and get a reaction out of the public. Then, once the public was afraid of what could happen and reacted, the treasonous criminals in government positions then slipped their predetermined "solution" into place. And, their "solution" --- raising the debt ceiling --- actually worked to further, economically enslave the citizens of the United States.

Now, in an apparently diabolical "screw you" and "give 'em the middle finger" war against the citizens of the United States, a treasonous Joe Biden and his criminal cronies appeared to have been working to cut off social security and Veteran's benefits, as indicated by the pages linked below. That is how the apparently treasonous, foreign-controlled, Jesuit/Catholic-aligned Joe Biden and his treasonous cronies can bring about a situation where seniors and veterans may possibly be losing their homes and possibly may even end up on the street as a new wave of homeless people...while Jesuit/Catholic cronies buy up the homes.

Well, the things spoken about in the pages linked below is what happens when fools and other people put very treasonous, domestic enemies, criminals, and utter enemies of the U.S. Constitution in government positions. Now, what we see happening today in the United States has been over two hundred years in the making (1)(2). This has happened because most U.S. citizens did not study (1) the proper history in order to recognize what was going on over the years. And yes, as indicated in the title section of this page, President Kennedy declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."


Meanwhile, as the apparently criminal and treasonous Joe Biden and his criminal and treasonous cronies were threatening to destroy the lives of senior citizens, veterans and others, it appears that --- as seen in the pages linked below --- other domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution were yelling about wanting trillions of dollars in reparations. Well, it appears that these "reparations" people are simply being used as manipulated "tools" by the Jesuit/Catholics and members of the foreign-controlled militia of the pope, as they work to create chaos and possibly a form of war within the United States.

Now for some facts for the "woke" crowd. The record of history appears to clearly show that the Catholics and Jesuits were behind the slave trade in earlier times, as seen within the pages linked below. So, it appears that Black people should actually be vehemently demanding all the property of the Jesuits and Catholics within the United States, plus all the money that they can get out of these historically sneaky bastards. Oh, and before we forget, it appears that the Jesuit/Catholic-controlled Democrats were behind the Wilmington Massacre (1) of Black people in Wilmington, North Carolina, in 1898.

Now for some additional facts for the "woke" crowd. Not only did the Catholics and Jesuits enslave Black people in earlier times, it appears that the Jesuits and Catholics are still doing it today, in another way. It appears that Jesuit/Catholics are diabolically abusing, raping and basically sexually enslaving numerous children (1)(2), even Black children (1). This is still happening directly within the United States, even today. So, Black people, it is truly time that you really woke up to the real facts and go after, with all of your strength, that diabolical crowd which has historically been behind your enslavement and mistreatment.

And now, since it appears that the Jesuit/Catholic-aligned crowd and those who they manipulate and control are working to crash the economy of the United States, apparently so they can again economically rape the citizens of the United States, let us see where a large sum of taxpayer dollars has been disappearing from. Let us see where a lot of taxpayer dollars may potentially even be flooding into who knows whose waiting pockets, and for who knows what type of potentially diabolical use. And in all of this, it should be noted that members of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope are in key and controlling positions in the military.



In PART TWO, this presentation shall consider the incredible amount of money that seems to be missing from Pentagon funds, plus, as seen in some of the sections, even from the funds of other "government" agencies. At this point, it should be noted that this is not government money which is missing. It is tax dollars which possibly have even been extorted from a large number of potentially economically raped U.S. citizens. Again, it is the money from U.S. citizens which appears to be missing and/or unaccounted for.

Within PART TWO, information about missing trillions of dollars from the Pentagon, plus from at least one other agency, is provided for that which has come to the attention of the writer, thus far in their research. Seeing just the history of known missing money at government agencies, there is reason to suspect that only the very tip of the proverbial iceberg has been exposed at this time. In this section, the earliest history for missing Pentagon money goes back to 2003, but, it likely goes back much further.

Now, in the latter part of World War Two, it appears that segments of the U.S. military and other agencies began to seriously be hijacked by those associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. It appears that this militia of the pope, plus its activities, are ultimately under the control of the Jesuit General who is based within Rome, Italy. This hijacking of key parts of the U.S. military, plus even key parts of U.S. intelligence agencies, shall be considered further in PART THREE of this presentation.

At this point, there is something extremely important for authentic U.S. citizens to consider. This militia of the pope and its members, which are freely and potentially treasonously operating within the U.S. military and other agencies, is actually a foreign-controlled entity, again, controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome. The members of this militia of the pope do not appear to work in the best interests of the genuine United States, nor does this militia work in the best interests of authentic U.S. citizens.

So now, let us begin to consider those trillions of missing Pentagon dollars, especially in the light of an outrageous "national debt". Let us consider this missing money in the light of the so-called "debt ceiling" which it appears that the enemies of the authentic United States are using as an excuse to possibly crash the U.S. economy. And then, it appears that the United States shall be ruined and its citizen enslaved by treasonous persons in government positions who are working as foreign-controlled agents.


At this point in their research, the writer finds that $1 trillion dollars was missing from, or unaccounted for in the very inept, possibly intentionally inept, Pentagon accounting system as early as 2003. Once again it should be noted that money missing from the Pentagon funds and/or the funds of other government agencies likely goes bac much further, possibly even into the mid to early 1900s. Now, as a mere introduction to missing Pentagon money, just check out the page from 2003, which is linked below.


At this point, there are gaps in the writer's research. Hopefully these gaps can be eliminated as research continues and more information is linked in this presentation. Now, the section above provided introductory information from 2003. In this section, the writer's research information jumps to the year 2011. Yes, at that point in time, there was a lot of money which was flown to Iraq on military transports...$12-billion dollars worth. Well, it appears that $6.6 billion went missing during the shenanigans in Iraq.

Now, the page linked below declares: "For the first time, federal auditors are suggesting that some or all of the cash may have been stolen, not just mislaid in an accounting error. Stuart Bowen, special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, an office created by Congress, said the missing $6.6 billion may be 'the largest theft of funds in national history.'" Prior to the disappearance of these billions of dollars, Congress had already sent "$61 billions of U.S. taxpayer money" to Iraq.


The 2012 page linked below states: "The Pentagon doesn't know what happened to more than $100 million in cash held at Saddam Hussein's palace in Baghdad during the Iraq war, according to a new report by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction." Then it goes on to state: "What's more, the Pentagon can't find documents to explain what it spent as much as $1.7 billion on from funds held on behalf of the Iraqi government by the New York Federal Reserve, the report says."

Well, who may possibly have been "putting their hands into the till". Is there a chance that it may have possibly been some of those treasonous ones who have links to that foreign-controlled organization whose members have been working for years to undermine and overthrow the Constitutional government of the United States...that particular government which is mandated and guaranteed by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States?


Now, let us jump to the year 2014. The page linked below includes a lengthy video from the Corbett Report series, which video has a length of 1:03:10. Check it out, in order to get a better understanding about what those in the Pentagon and elsewhere have been doing to the economically raped and horribly misused citizens of the United States.


In the pages linked in this section is a short history for the year 2016, about the trillions of dollars which appear to go missing from or unaccounted for, in the Pentagon. At this point, there is something important to once again note. It appears that many of those in key and controlling positions in the Pentagon have links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is foreign controlled and is not working in the best interests of the authentic United States or its genuine citizens.

Now, the 2016 pages linked below begin with these words: "A new Department of Defense Inspector General's report, released last week, has left Americans stunned at the jaw-dropping lack of accountability and oversight. The glaring report revealed the Pentagon couldn't account for $6.5 trillion dollars worth of Army general fund transactions and data, according to a report by the Fiscal Times."

The pages also state: "Beginning in 1996 all federal agencies were mandated by law to conduct regular financial audits. However, the Pentagon has NEVER complied with that federal law. In 20 years, it has never accounted for the trillions of dollars in taxpayer funds it has spent, in part because 'fudging' the numbers has become standard operating procedure at the Department of Defense, as revealed in a 2013 Reuters investigation by Scot Paltrow."

The page linked below states: "A relatively obscure audit report from the Office of Inspector General of the United States Department of Defense suddenly is getting a lot of attention for what it apparently reveals: The Pentagon can't account for $6.5 trillion." The page states further: "At ArmstrongEconomics, the blog reported, 'Once again, the office of inspector general has come up with a huge hole in the Department of Defense with a missing $6.5 trillion.'"

The page linked below declares: "The Pentagon failed to account for $6.5 trillion in its financial statement, a recently-recovered Inspector General's report on the 2015 fiscal year said. It reveals the audit of the Department of Defense was 'materially misstated.'" The page also states: "The US military made $2.8 trillion in wrongful adjustments in one quarter alone in 2015, and $6.5 trillion for the year, but could not provide anything that would detail what it spent the money on."

For more information from 2016 about trillions of dollars of "unaccounted" or missing funds from the U.S. military budget, just check out the pages linked below. Now, can you imagine what would happen if common U.S. citizens were this "sloppy" in their accounting on their IRS tax forms? Yes, heads would roll and people would possibly be in jail!


In the sections which remain in this presentation, only some of the highlights may be addressed. Now, knowing the nature of the foreign-controlled group which has been working to hijack control of the United States, so its citizens can be enslaved, there is reason to suspect that the title on the page linked below may possibly be saying things exactly as they are.

The page linked below, which may have a typing error in the title, begins with these words: "Earlier this year, a Michigan State University economist, working with graduate students and a former government official, found $21 trillion in unauthorized spending in the departments of Defense and Housing and Urban Development for the years 1998-2015."

More issues will be addressed later in the sections of this presentation. What you are now viewing is just a preliminary installation of this presentation. Now, for more information from 2017 about missing or questionably spent government (or U.S. taxpayer provided in possibly economically raped) funds, just check out the pages linked below. And, more pages will be added in later updates.


Once again, this is just a preliminary installation of this presentation. More information and linked pages shall be added to this section in later updates. But, for an introduction to information from 2018 about missing government money, just check out the pages and video linked below.


And again, this is just a mere preliminary installation of this presentation. More information and linked pages shall be added to this section in later updates. But, for an introduction to information from 2019 about missing government money, just check out the pages linked below.


Yes, as indicated in earlier sections, this is still just a preliminary installation of this presentation. More information and linked pages shall be added to this section in later updates. But, for a mere introduction to information from 2020 about missing government money, just check out the pages linked below.


You are still moving right along in the preliminary form of this presentation. More information and linked pages shall be added to this section in later updates. But, for an introduction to information from 2020 about missing government money, just check out the pages linked below.


In this preliminary installation of this presentation, there are a number of pages of information from 2022, which are linked below. And, over time, additional information and linked pages shall hopefully be included to this section in later updates. In the meantime, check out the pages linked below and become informed about what has been going on when the public has not been closely watching and keeping track of those in positions of public trust...or which should be positions of public trust.


This preliminary installation of this presentation would not be complete without looking at where things stand in 2023. And yes, there are already some pages to check out, which are linked below. Once again, more information and linked pages will be added as this presentation is updated and expanded. And yes, things are happening very fast in the United States at this point in history. It appears that the total enslavement of U.S. citizens is not that far off.

Well, not only is the potentially derelict Pentagon bad at keeping track of money, it appears that they are also bad at keeping track of spare parts for military aircraft. This is indicated by the page linked below. This whole story about what is happening in the Pentagon is beginning to be somewhat scary. And, these people have all taken an Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States and claim that they are actually working for this country. Well, citizens possibly need really big shovels and thick chest waders, for use when this crowd tells us that they are actually working in the best interests of the United States.



So, when did a certain segment of those in the Pentagon, the military and other agencies start ripping of the citizens of the United States in earnest? Well, there is reason to suspect that this began to happen on a larger scale during World War Two. At that time, it appears that those with links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope began to treasonously bring Nazis and enemy aliens into the United States (1) and place these people in key and controlling positions in the U.S. military and other agencies.

It appears that those with links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope began doing their dirty work of bringing Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens into the United States under things like Operation Sunrise, Operation Blowback, Operation Paperclip and other associated operations (1)(2)(3). So, why would those with links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope want to treasonously bring Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens into the United States?

In answer to the question about why those in U.S. agencies, which people have links to the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, would treasonously bring Nazi war criminals and enemy aliens into the United States and place them in key and controlling positions in the U.S. military and other agencies, there appears to be only one logical answer. In the following linked page-paragraphs --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9) --- it states: "An abnormal number of Nazis and their supporters were members of the Knights of Malta."

At this point, it should be noted that one of the escape routes for the Nazis, during the latter part of World War Two and for a period of time after, passed through the Vatican. Now, why would the Catholic hierarchy have allow a route for escaping Nazi criminals to pass right through the Vatican itself? Well, the real answer appears to be that the Vatican/Jesuit hierarchy was taking care of their own. They were taking care of those who, in hijacked and Nazified Germany, had become part of "the sword of the Catholic Church".

It appears that the wars of Nazified Germany against other countries were simply the modern form of the Catholic/Jesuit Crusades, which mass-murdering Crusades had taken place in earlier times. And then, there is the mass-murdering Holocaust which was perpetrated by the Nazi crowd, which appears to have been largely under the control of the Jesuits and Catholics. The Holocaust appears to have simply been an industrial-scale version of the earlier Inquisition.

Once again, the Jesuit/Catholic/militia-of-the-pope affiliated Nazis were treasonously brought into the United States and many were placed in key and controlling positions in the U.S. military and other agencies. The Nazis, along with their American militia-of-the-pope brethren, began to gain a lot of control within the U.S. military. There is reason to suspect that it is those with links to the militia of the pope, along with the "outsiders" which they control, which are associated with the trillions of dollars which appear to be missing from U.S. military funds, plus missing from other agencies.


At this point in history, and for quite some time already, it appears that the United States and its military have actually been used as a "warhammer" against other countries, in order to further the agenda of the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization. Now, the page linked below does bring up a good point, not that Jeffrey Sachs is correct in everything which he has stated over time. But, what he has to say in the page shall be considered. At the top of the page, it states: "To surmount the debt crisis, America needs to stop feeding the Military-Industrial Complex, the most powerful lobby in Washington."

Actually, the authentic citizens of the genuine United States need to "stand up and be counted". They need to, in possibly any way that it takes, stop feeding the Jesuit/Catholic linked and used Military-Industrial Complex which is perpetrating all those expensive and wasteful wars around the world. U.S. citizens really need to stop being used as the moneybags and financiers of the wars for the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Only when genuine U.S. citizens take back their country from the treasonous, foreign-controlled agents and warmongers, will the hemorrhage of trillions of dollars rather quickly come to a stop.

In the page linked below, Jeffrey Sachs states that "since the year 2000, the debt that the U.S. government owes to the public has gone from about 35% of our national income to nearly 100% of our national income, or GDP. That has been dramatic because we have been engaged in nonstop wars literally since the start of this new century -- Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and now Ukraine. And we have spent a fortune. But no president has said to us, 'These wars are so important that we should pay taxes.' They've just put it on the borrowing." Yes, the criminals just borrowed money to increase the so-called "national debt".

Now, within the pages of this site, it is shown that the United States has virtually been hijacked by those who are utter enemies of the U.S. Constitution and that particular form of government which is mandated and guaranteed to every State in this Union by Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution of the United States. When these people in government positions took their Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution, it appears that they were just brazenly lying, because they simply violate their Oath of Office over and over again. They are treasonous enemies of the authentic United States and traitorous enemies of genuine U.S. citizens.

Well, there is more to consider in the page linked below. When it comes to the budget cuts which the treasonous criminals residing in government positions are considering, so they can continue with the financing of their diabolical warmongering, Jeffrey Sachs declares: "They're talking about cutting help for the poorest people in this country and to continue the warmongering and feeding the military-industrial complex." Yes, the criminals want to mess with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP, in order to keep financing their un-Constitutional and criminal warmongering.

To be continued ...

This is just the beginning of this presentation.
There is much more which needs to be exposed.
Check back later for additional information.

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