New  Vaccines:  A  Cure,
Or  A  Cause ?

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Partial document post: 26 Aug 2021
Additions posted: 27 Aug 2021
Copyright © 2021 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


The COVID-19 pandemic which is upon us appears to be somewhat hyped-up (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) by the manipulated and controlled media (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). There are now some things which U.S. citizens should possibly think about. This is especially true when it comes to the experimental drugs or so-called "vaccines" which they are working so hard to force upon the people.

Now, there are those many people who are having serious problems with, or even dying from, these experimental biological agents which they are now calling "vaccines." Then there are the so-called "break through" cases, where "vaccinated" people end up with COVID. Some of this is shown in the pages linked below.

Possibly about this time, U.S. citizens should be asking some very important and key questions. Why is this COVID situation really upon us? And, are those in control truly being honest with the general public about the actual number of deaths which can legitimately be attributed directly to COVID-19, or, are "the numbers" being manipulated or falsified by those in control? Then, there is more to think about. There is some important history to consider.

THE  U.N.,  BACK  IN  1947

It is time to consider just some of the eugenics history in the United States and in our world. Now, the elite which appeared to be in control of the eugenics movement had a desire to eliminate or exterminate a large percentage of the human population on this earth. Just a mere introduction to this matter is found within the book which is linked by the button below.

On page 32, the book linked below clearly declares: "In 1947 the first director-general of the children's world-wide organization, UNESCO, was Sir Julian Huxley. This man was a firm believer in eugenics; he wanted to see 90% of the World's population killed off through genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more."

Look closely at what is quoted above. It speaks about a key person who held an influential position in the United Nations in 1947. This key person wanted to see 90-percent of the world's population killed off. Yes, it sounds like this U.N. official was calling for mass-murder and world genocide, or Holocaust type activity, all the way back in 1947. Now, how did this U.N. official plan on accomplishing this mass extermination or the next Holocaust upon this earth?

Looking at what is quoted in the second paragraph of this section, it is very clear that this U.N. official named Julian Huxley, likely along with his cohorts, planned on using things like genetic tampering, to kill off lots of people on this earth. They planned on using experimental drugs which could help them in their efforts to intentionally kill off 90-percent of the world's population. And, among other things, they would put live cancer viruses in vaccines. Well, this appears to be a very nasty bunch of people in high-up positions. But, there is more to think about in this story.

How does this genocidal desire by the eugenicist elite, who seem to have hijacked our country and our world, apply to us today? How may it possibly apply to the COVID-19 caper, plus the strong push for vaccinating the general public with experimental drugs which are now being called "vaccines?" Now, back in 1947, Julian Huxley spoke about using experimental drugs to kill off people --- to kill off about 90-percent of the world's population. Well, isn't the COVID-19 vaccine basically just an experimental drug. Now, there is still more to this story.

Julian Huxley also spoke about putting harmful or even deadly, live cancer viruses into vaccines. Yes, it appears that the eugenics crowd contains a number of "very nice," possibly very deceptive people. Well, getting back to the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, or these unproven biological agents we are now dealing with in our world, we are just "trusting" the people who have created and administer these so-called "vaccines" that they are safe. Well, just some of the history of honesty in the pharmaceutical and medical industry is spoken about in the pages linked below.


Now, let's get back to that United Nations eugenicist named Julian Huxley, who "wanted to see 90% of the World's population killed off through genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more." And again, note the desire of Julian the Eugenicist to use genetic tampering and experimental drugs to eliminate humans.

Well, from some of the available information, it appears that genetic tampering and alteration can be accomplished by injecting things like CRISPR, into the human body. Just a mere introduction to what can actually be done is noted within the pages linked below. And yes, this can be some pretty dangerous stuff, especially in the hands of someone with a nefarious bent.

Yes, CRISPR injections and gene-editing could potentially appear to do some good, but unfortunately, that seems to be most of what the manipulated and controlled media wants to talk about. Yes, they mainly speak about the potentially good uses for gene editing. So, the writer had to hunt to find the information linked above. But, there is more to the complete story.

There is also the "other side of the coin." It does appear that injectable CRISPR agents could potentially be used to modify people and turn them into something approaching controlled robots. This might fit very well within the Brave New World, or the New World Order scheme. Yes, many harmful and bad things could readily be done with injectable CRISPR agents, possibly even CRISPR and gene-editing agents in things like COVID-19 "vaccines."

Now, before we continue, let us consider some words which are attributed to President John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960s. Kennedy allegedly declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1) And then, Kennedy was assassinated (1) and sent home "in a box," before he could expose this plot. With this piece of history in mind, let us continue.

Getting back to Julian Huxley, the video linked below speaks about him and his family. Julian Huxley served both as vice president and president of the British Eugenics Society. It appears that the whole Huxley family, along with various relatives, were deep into eugenics. Julian's brother, Aldous Huxley, was the one who came out with the Brave New World in 1932. His book spoke about a technocratic future in which the populace, under despotic dictators, is pharmaceutically drugged into loving their servitude and being enslaved. And, here we are, well on the way today.

In the despotic Brave New World, which is actually the New World Order under the dictators, Aldous Huxley declared: "As the old saying goes, you can do everything with bayonets except sit on them. If you want to preserve your power indefinitely, you have to get consent of the ruled. And this they will do part by drugs, as I foresaw in Brave New World. Part by these new techniques of propaganda. They will do it by bypassing the rational side of man, and appealing to his subconscious, and his deeper emotion and his physiology even. And so making him actually love his slavery."

To bypass "the rational side of man," as spoken about in the quote above, so that the "controllers" can then appeal "to his subconscious," or work to control him through his subconscious, is basically what has been done using drugs and hypnosis. It appears that this is what those of the CIA, or those of the militia-of-the-pope-controlled "Catholics In Action,"(1) were working with and preparing for, under their diabolical and criminal Operation MK Ultra in the mid 1900s (1).


Note that, in the quote near the bottom of the section above, Aldous Huxley spoke about the use of bayonets in the Brave New World. They would use bayonets to make people do whatever it was that those in control of the hijacked world wanted the citizenry to do. This is kind of the way things were done under the regime of that Catholic dictator named Adolf Hitler and his Nazis in hijacked Germany during the World War Two era, plus under other despotic regimes. Now, there is something to seriously think about.

Now, let us consider the possibility of a dictatorship in the United States and the forcing of the citizenry to do whatever the controllers want. When it comes to this type of thing, is that part of the reason why, under the earlier Obama/Biden administration, that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other agencies began stockpiling billions of rounds of ammunition and guns (1)(2)(3)(4), plus other types of equipment which could be used to enforce a dictatorship? Is that why they began stockpiling enough ammunition to put about five (5) bullets in each U.S. citizen, or to run a 20+ year Iraqi-style hot war, right here within the United States?

At this point, let us return to the subject of vaccines. In earlier times, vaccines appear to have done a lot of good for humanity. But then, in more recent times, it appears that what was happening with vaccines began to change. Instead of a lot of good things happening, now, there are bad things happening with vaccines, even with the COVID-19 "vaccines." So, let us begin to examine what has been happening in more recent times.


And now, with the information presented in all the preceding sections clearly in mind, let us begin to see what has been happening in our world, in more recent times, with the use of "vaccines." As seen in the pages linked below, these supposed "vaccines" have been causing the disease which "the controllers" are claiming that their "vaccines" will prevent. Well, it appears that people are being lied to by those who have hijacked the control of our world.

The pages linked below mention eugenics, plus COVID-19 and intentionally caused virus outbreaks. From some of what is said, it appears that even the COVID-19 pandemic may potentially have been planned for years. And then, in all of this, there are those "rushed" COVID-19 vaccines, which are causing problems in many people, plus have resulted in the deaths of many others.

Were the problems and deaths related to the experimental COVID "vaccines" just an accident, or is there more to this story? The fourth page linked below, with its included videos, may help us to obtain a better understanding about what is going on in this situation. And even at that, there is reason to suspect that there is much more to this story, and it is not necessarily good.

To Be Continued and Expanded Upon ...

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