Mass  Murders  and

Other  Heinous  Crimes,

plus  Questions  which

Should  Be  Asked.

There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child...
By: President John F. Kennedy --- 1963 --- Roman Catholic and member of the militia of the pope.

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   23 Nov 2022, early AM
Copyright © 2022 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


In more recent times, mass murders and other heinous crimes have rapidly increased. This type of crime has, in more recent times, become almost like a pandemic. This increase of murders and heinous crimes is indicated within the pages linked below. Well, about this time, possibly at least some logical-thinking people should be asking some very important and key questions.

Are these mass murders and other heinous crimes just random acts which have been occurring? Or, on the other hand, especially when considering some important history, is there a chance that a well-organized effort is potentially in operation behind the scenes? Is there a chance that a large share of these heinous crimes are being intentionally done, with a specific goal in mind?

Is there a chance that these heinous crimes are being instigated, in order to sway public opinion? Is there a chance that these crimes are being instigated, in order to force a specific change in the United States? And, if something like this is potentially being done, who could possibly be instigating these types of things from behind the scenes? What does history appear to indicate?

NOTE:   This is just a mere Introduction and an effort to logically broach a subject which needs greater consideration in the United States. There is some important history, along with some key facts which should be presented to the genuine citizens of the authentic United States. It is time for any domestic enemies and guilty parties to be exposed, as best as possibly. Check back again for further information.

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