The  JFK  Assassination,

Multiple  Shots  and

the  FBI/CIA  Cover-Up,

plus,  the  associated  Coup  D'Etat.

A Long-Standing Conspiracy against the United States & its Duped Citizens...

-------   and, yes, as part of the historic conspiracy   -------

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."
Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic & High-Level Knight of Columbus
Brutally Assassinated and Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963 (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   08 Feb 2023
Latest Additions Posted:   11 Feb 2023 --- PM
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


The page linked below begins by noting "the infamous and highly flawed, Warren Commission Report of 1964," which report blamed Lee Harvey Oswald for being the assassin of President John F. Kennedy. This supposedly "official" government report of 1964 appears to have been an intentional attempt to deceive the citizens of the United States about the true facts surrounding the brutal assassination of President Kennedy on Friday, November 22, 1963. And, within the dubious Warren Commission was embedded a number of highly questionable and apparently very deceptive being Allen Dulles, formerly of the CIA.

Looking further into the page linked below, it speaks about "the official, U.S. government conclusion regarding the assassination," which is actually speaking about the later, "official findings of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) on July 17, 1979, which formally overturned, invalidated, and replaced the bogus, Warren Commission findings." Yes, the evidence indicates that the Warren Commission Report of 1964 was totally bogus. It appears that it was meant to be that way, especially with people like Allen Dulles and certain others being members of the Commission.

Before going any deeper into this presentation, there is something important to note. The available evidence indicates that certain members of the FBI and the CIA were involved in the treasonous assassination of President John F. Kennedy. These certain FBI and CIA members also appear to have been involved in the highly criminal cover-up which then followed, which hid and covered-up most of the true facts about the assassination. And, these certain members of the FBI and the CIA, who were embedded in key positions, also appear to have had links to a certain foreign-based organization which has quite a history.

Now, the page linked above indicates that the highly questionable, manipulated and controlled news media in the United States "did everything possible to bury that story" about the later findings of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA). Why did the news media bury that story? Well, it appears that it was because the later findings of the HSCA proved that there was much more to the story of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. But, it appears that those in control of the U.S. media, from behind the scenes, wanted the public to continue to believe the earlier, "official" lie of the Warren Commission.

Looking into things further, the page linked above states: "The HSCA very clearly stated that, 'The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy (1)...organized crime...individual members may have been involved...four shots were fired...three gunmen fired.'" But then, the linked page goes on to speak about more shots being fired at Kennedy than the official HSCA report of 1979 spoke about.

The linked page indicates that there were possibly twelve (12) shots fired, some missing Kennedy and some connecting, during the assassination event in Dealey Plaza. Then, it speaks about seven "specimen" bullets which were found on or embedded in roofs in the surrounding area, or found lying around in Dealey Plaza. The page speaks about a .30-caliber M1 Carbine bullet, a .30-06 bullet, a rear bullet fragment, a rusted shell casing, an unfired .45 ACP pistol cartridge, and other bullets which were found. Then, it speaks about three totally different rifles which were found in the building from which Oswald allegedly fired some shots.

The three totally different rifles were a 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano, which was allegedly owned by Lee Harvey Oswald, and then there was a 7.65mm Mauser rifle and a British .303 Enfield rifle. The above-linked page speaks further about three empty .303 British Enfield cartridge cases which were found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository from which Oswald supposedly shot at Kennedy with his rather defective and inaccurate 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano. And now, let us begin to consider some very important pieces of information from some very knowledgeable professionals.


The page linked by the button below begins with a quote from Jesse Curry, who was the police chief (1) of Dallas, Texas, at the time of the President Kennedy assassination in that city on November 22, 1963. Now, all along, the "official," lying government claim about the Kennedy assassination is that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone-nut shooter who killed President Kennedy. But, as shown at the top of the page linked below, Jesse Curry declared: "We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did. Nobody's yet been able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand."

The linked page goes on to speak about Sherry Fiester, who wrote a book titled Enemy of the Truth: Myths, Forensics, and the Kennedy Assassination. The page states: "Fiester is a retired Certified Senior Crime Scene Investigator and law enforcement instructor who first began to apply her professional expertise to the Kennedy assassination in 1995. She has testified as a court certified expert in crime scene investigation, crime scene reconstruction, and blood spatter analysis, and is recognized as an instructor in her field at state and national levels; she has also written numerous articles for professional publications."

In the linked page, Cyril Wecht, MD, JD, is noted as stating that "Fiester's fascinating, extensively researched book presents a powerful and cogent basis for repudiation of the official findings." Because of the distortion of the truth about the assassination of President Kennedy, Sherry Fiester declared that "the historical narrative of our country is incorrect." Fiester declared further: "Many people still believe in a single shooter, regardless of the scientific facts that prove otherwise." But, she also stated: " The American people are convinced they have never been told the truth about the tragedy of November 22, 1963..."

The page goes on to state: "By utilizing the latest information concerning medical wound ballistic research, we can determine if the head shot came from the front, side, or rear of Kennedy. Subsequently, we can locate the shooter within Dealey Plaza. By following the currently recommended steps for reconstructing shooting trajectories, an angle of possible projectile paths for President Kennedy's fatal head wound can be identified." So, using the recommended steps for reconstructing shooting trajectories, where was the shooter located who did the fatal head shot on Kennedy?

The page states: "Utilizing those recommended and recognized trajectory reconstruction standards, the shooter is conclusively proven to be near the south end of the triple overpass or the parking lot adjacent to that portion of the overpass. The unprecedented application of those current forensic crime reconstruction techniques excludes the Grassy Knoll." So, what occurred at the Grassy Knoll on the north end of the triple overpass? Why has it been said that there was smoke at this location? Why did it sound like there was gun shots from this location? Why did people and police officers run toward the fence on the Grassy Knoll?

Now, there are some things to consider, when it comes to the Grassy Knoll. Is there a chance that some type of explosive device was detonated behind the picket fence on the knoll, which explosive device may have been remotely ignited? Could the explosives have been placed in the tailpipe of a car parked in the lot behind the fence? Could the "bang" and smoke behind the picket fence simply been meant to divert the attention of the public and the police away from the location of the actual shooter(s)? A diversion like this could have allowed the shooter(s) near the southern end of the triple overpass to then escape unnoticed.

Getting back to the page linked by the button above, when it comes to the kill shot to the head of President Kennedy, it speaks about fracturing patterns in his skull which "correspond with an entry wound located in the front of Kennedy's head." And, at the time of the frontal kill shot, Kennedy's head was turned toward the southern end of the triple overpass. Furthermore, the distribution of bullet fragments in Kennedy's head, plus the backspatter pattern of ejected blood seen in the Zapruder assassination film, all indicate a shot from the front...not one from the back, as the dubious Warren Commission Report was claiming.

At the close of the interview, Sherry Fiester stated that with the Kennedy homicide, "very few questions have been answered. We cannot identify the shooter's that injured and killed President Kennedy. We can guess, but we have no real proof. We do not know how many people were involved, not only in Dealey Plaza, but behind the scenes. The evidence has been compromised, and misinterpreted in many cases." And, it would seem that the compromising and misinterpreting of the evidence in this assassination should be a further indicator of a conspiracy, with multiple people involved.

Now, when it comes to the Kennedy assassination and the truth about what really happened in this situation, there is much controversy. At the close of the interview with Sherry Fiester, she stated: "The controversy lies in knowing there are two conspiracies. The first was to kill the president, and the second demonstrated by concealing what really happened in Dealey Plaza." And then, in the page from 2015 which is linked above, when it comes to the truth about the Kennedy assassination, Fiester proclaimed: "Although almost 50 years has passed without answers, it does not mean that answers are not available."


Once again, the section above ends with these words from the earlier 2000s, which words came from that professional crime scene investigator named Sherry Fiester: "Although almost 50 years has passed without answers, it does not mean that answers are not available." So, let us move onward in our search for more reasonable answers about what was going on during the President Kennedy assassination event in Dallas, Texas, in 1963. Now, in the preceding section, it mentions that people saw smoke and said they heard gunshots coming from behind the picket fence on the Grassy Knoll. So, let us look at this further.

The page linked below speaks about a man named S. M. Holland, who was a supervisor for the Union Terminal Railroad. As the Kennedy motorcade came into Dealey Plaza, Holland was standing on the triple overpass. He states that when Kennedy was shot, he "saw a puff of gunsmoke under the branches of a tree on the grassy knoll." The page also states: "Holland later gave evidence to the Warren Commission, who reported: 'According to S. M. Holland, there were four shots which sounded as though they came from the trees on the north side of Elm Street where he saw a puff of smoke... No one saw anyone with a rifle.'"

Linked below is the legal, Voluntary Statement, which S. M. Holland made to the Sheriff's Department, County of Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963...which was the day of the Kennedy assassination. To avoid any confusion to readers, the structure which many pages on the Internet call "the triple overpass," which is on the west end of Dealey Plaza and which the Kennedy limousine was heading toward when he was shot multiple times, is call "the triple underpass" by those in the railroad trade who worked for the Union Terminal in Dallas, Texas.

S. M. Holland began his legal Statement with these words: "I am signal supervisor for the Union Terminal and I was inspecting signal and switches and stopped to watch the parade. I was standing on top of the triple underpass and the President's Car was coming down Elm Street and when they got just about to the Arcade I heard what I thought for the moment was a fire cracker and he slumped over and I looked over toward the arcade and trees and saw a puff of smoke come from the trees and I heard three more shots after the first shot but that was the only puff of smoke I saw."

In his legal Statement, Mr. Holland states further: "I immediately ran around to where I could see behind the arcade and did not see anyone running from there. But the puff of smoke I saw definitely came from behind the arcade through the trees. After the first shot the President slumped over and Mrs. Kennedy jumped up and tried to get over in the back seat to him and then the second shot rang out. After the first shot the secret service man raised up in the seat with a machine gun and then dropped back down in the seat. And they immediately sped off."

As he closed his signed, Voluntary Statement, Mr. Holland states: "Everything is spinning in my head and if I remember anything else later I will come back and tell Bill." It is reasonable to consider that Mr. Holland was severely shocked and stunned by what he had just seen. Just as a note, at the time of this legal Statement, Mr. Holland was 57 years old, so he was a person with many life experiences "under his belt." Furthermore, as a signal supervisor for the railroad, especially in the early 1960s, Mr. Holland was most likely a reliable and responsible person who was rather accurate with what he said.

Now, there are some key things to note in the Voluntary Statement of S. M. Holland. When he heard the first bang, and after he saw President Kennedy slump over, Mr. Holland looked over to the Arcade and trees and saw a puff of smoke coming from that area. Then he heard three more, what he thought were shots coming from that same area, which area is actually that which is behind the famous picket fence at the top of the Grassy Knoll. Again, note that there were four supposed gun shots from the area behind the picket fence, but there was only one puff of smoke, which puff occurred at the time of the first loud bang.

Since there was only one puff of smoke in the whole sequence of four supposed gunshots from the area behind the picket fence at the top of the famous Grassy Knoll, there is something to consider. There is reason to suspect that the puff of smoke was something which was preplanned by the conspirators involved in the assassination of President Kennedy. It appears that the puff of smoke, along with the loud bangs, was meant to draw the attention of the people in Dealey Plaza to the area of the picket fence and then fixate on that particular location.

With the attention of the people fixated on the area of the picket fence at the top of the Grassy Knoll, including the attention of police officers in this area, most of the people in Dealey Plaza may have been virtually oblivious to anything else which was going on in the surrounding area. As the people, including police officers, were fixated on the picket fence at the top of the Grassy Knoll, they would not have seen other gunman located at other points surrounding Dealey Plaza, as they quietly made their escapes.

Now, in the page linked below, note that even various police officers thought that shots came from behind the picket fence on the Grassy Knoll. Note that there is even a picture of a police officer running towards the Grassy Knoll. Without a question, the attention of the people in Dealey Plaza would likely have been drawn to the area of the picket fence on the Grassy Knoll. This was quite an effective diversion which the conspirators in the assassination had planned, so the actual gunmen could then slip away without being noticed or caught.


The first page linked below speaks about a ten-year-old (in 1963) girl named Rosemary Willis, who was in Dealey Plaza during the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Willis, in a white coat and red dress, was running westward along Elm Street in Dealey Plaza, parallel to the Kennedy limousine. Then she slows down and stops running. At that point, she turned her head to look at the Texas School Book Depository, where, as noted in the linked page, she had "heard a loud noise that attracted her attention." Then, she suddenly snapped her head westward toward what was happening in the Grassy Knoll area.

Rosemary Willis stated that she saw "the quick movement of a person on the grassy knoll who quickly dropped down behind a 'wall', out of her view." In the first linked page, Willis also states that "her father, military veteran Phillip Willis, became very upset when the Dallas policemen, sheriffs, and detectives ran away from the grassy knoll, after they had first quickly run onto the grassy knoll where he thought a shot had been fired from." So, at this point is should again be noted that at first, it appears that the attention of people and police officers in Dealey Plaza was directed to the area of the Grassy Knoll.

There is something else to note about Rosemary Willis in the first linked page. It states: "Even though she was a very close assassination witness, Rosemary was never interviewed by any Warren Commission investigators." In the second linked page, it shows that Phillip Willis, the father of Rosemary, who had been an observation aircraft and fighter pilot during World War Two, testified before the Warren Commission. At the close of the second linked page, it should be noted that Rosemary Willis stated in a 1979 interview that Kennedy's "head blew up like a halo. The brains and matter went to the left and the rear."

There is something to note in the page linked immediately above. Phillip Willis only remembered hearing three shots. More about this in a bit. Now, linked by the button below is a copy of the official Testimony of Phillip L. Willis which, on July 22, 1964 (or 8 months after the Kennedy assassination), he gave to Wesley J. Liebeler. This Liebeler was an assistant counsel on the President's Commission [the Warren Commission]. In the lower part of PDF page 1 of 6 in the Testimony, Phillip Willis states that, on November 22, 1963, he was initially stationed at the corner of Main and Houston. This corner can be seen in a map linked here.

Looking at the map linked above, Phillip Willis and his family would have initially been stationed in Dealey Plaza, just to the west (to the left) of the tip of the pointer on the "Presidential motorcade route" label. Then, after the Kennedy limousine turned north on Houston Street and Willis got some pictures of the limousine from the rear, he ran north to Elm Street where he stationed himself, actually, in the Plaza (1)(2) directly across from the Texas School Book Depository. Pictures he took from that point are accessed by the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4), which pictures help to verify Willis' actual location.

Now, looking again into the Testimony of Phillip L. Willis which is linked below, in the upper part of PDF page 2 of 6, there is something very important to note. Phillip Willis, who had been in Texas politics (1), was "a personal friend of then Vice President Lyndon Johnson." At this point, there is a question which should be asked. Is there any chance that this personal friendship with Vice President Lyndon Johnson could have, in any way, affected the Phillip Willis testimony, especially when it comes to the number of shots which he remembered hearing, plus when it comes to where he remembered the shots coming from?

Moving onward, the page linked below states a lot of the same things which are stated in the Rosemary Willis, Wikipedia page which is linked further above. But, it adds something very important. It declares: "In 1978, Willis was interviewed by investigators for the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) and she stated that she heard, at least, four loud shots during the assassination. She also stated to the HSCA that while she was still facing the grassy knoll picket fence, she was attracted to view the quick movement of a person on the grassy knoll who quickly dropped down behind a "wall", out of her view."

There is something important to consider in what is stated in the paragraph above. The "four loud shots" which Willis declared that she heard does completely agree with the "four shots" which S. M. Holland states that he heard. And, S. M. Holland was that railroad supervisor who was on the triple overpass. He clearly declared in his legal, Voluntary Statement to the Sheriff's Department that he heard four shots (1). Now, it should be noted that Rosemary Willis' four shot story did not promote the lesser shot story which the fraudulent Warren Commission apparently was wanting to hear from witnesses.

Yes, Rosemary Willis would have been only about 11 years old at the time of the Warren Commission "investigation", as they were preparing things for the Commission's fraudulent report in 1964. So, her age may have factored into why the Warren Commission did not interview Rosemary. But, the later, apparently more honest House Select Committee on Assassinations did interview Rosemary Willis in 1978, when she was about 25 years old. And again, Rosemary Willis clearly "stated that she heard, at least, four loud shots during the assassination." This is something which the earlier Warren Commission did not want to hear.


Regarding the Kennedy assassination event, the public normally hears that only President John F. Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally were hit by bullets. But, there was one other person who was actually hit and injured by flying debris caused by one of the number of bullets which were fired in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. That other person was James Thomas Tague. Now, the pages linked below speak about James Tague and the minor injury which he received in his face during the Dealey Plaza assassination event. And, when considering all things, it appears that Tague was lucky that he did not lose an eye.

Looking into the first page linked below, when it comes to the injury which James Tague received, it states that the "detective told Tague that it appeared that a bullet had been fired from either the Texas School Book Depository or the Dal-Tex Building." If it was fired from the Dal-Tex Building, this could potentially indicate a second shooter from that easterly direction. Now, in his testimony to the Warren Commission on July 23, 1964, Tague remembered hearing three shots, which he said were coming from the Grassy Knoll. If there were shots coming from the Grassy Knoll, that could potentially indicate that there were more shooters.

Now, the second linked page declares: "The fact that Mr. Tague was wounded by a shot that missed its target effected the outcome of the conclusions reached in the Warren Commission Report in no less than dramatic fashion. Because the FBI had already determined that the maximum number of shots that could have possibly been fired -- by one man from a Mannlicher Carcano bolt action rifle within the time allotted -- was no more that three (3), it became necessary for the authors of the official story to contrive an extraordinarily implausible 'theory' in order to explain all of the wounds without conceding the possibility of more than one shooter." So, it is clear that the Commission had a certain agenda which they were pushing.

The second page then states: "Since one bullet accounted for the fatal head-shot to JFK, and one bullet accounted for the wound to Mr. Tague, that left only one bullet to account for the remaining wounds, seven (7) in all, to both President Kennedy and Governor John Connally. According to the Warren Report, the remaining wounds consisted of an entrance wound to JFK's back ('neck' in the report), an exit wound from JFK's throat, an entrance wound into Connally's back, an exit wound out of Connally's right chest (after its having broken two ribs), an entrance wound into Connally's right wrist, shattering his dense radius bone on impact, an exit wound out of Connally's wrist, and a final entrance wound into Connally's left thigh."

There is something else which is important to note in the page linked above. At the bottom of the page are two comments. The second comment provides some information from James Tague's book titled LBJ and the Kennedy Killing. It shows that Tague had not originally been called to testify to the Warren Commission, plus there had been no mention by the Commission of a missed shot. Then Tague talked to a reporter from the Dallas Times Herald and his story ended up on the news wire services. At that point, the Warren Commission and the FBI became involved, as they worked to discredit the Tague story and his injury.

The information from Tague's book then states: "The attempt to discredit me by the FBI was short-lived when two United State Assistant Attorney Generals assigned to the Dallas U. S. Attorney General's office stepped forward with evidence of the missed shot and sent the evidence to J. Lee Rankin, Chief Counsel for the Warren Commission. I was then called to testify before the Warren Commission on July 23, 1964." Based on the available evidence, it appears that the FBI worked to discredit James Tague because a missed shot and his injury was messing up the fraudulent narrative which the FBI and the Commission was pushing.

Now, the page linked below speaks further about James Tague and his experience in Dealey Plaza, during the brutal Kennedy assassination. The page also speaks of a man in the Plaza who was sobbing, and stating that Kennedy's "head exploded." This, which the man was stating, would totally agree with what the girl, Rosemary Willis, had seen (1). The page also notes that because of the missed shot which caused the wound to James Tague, the fictitious "magic bullet" theory was created by the Warren Commission. By the way, the deceptive Allen Dulles, formerly of the CIA, was a major player on that Commission.

There are other things to note in the page linked above. James Tague, after being injured in Dealey Plaza, ended up doing more that thirty (30) years of research about the Kennedy assassination. Based on his research, Tague came to the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent, and was not the shooter of President Kennedy. Tague came to believe that then-Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was involved in the assassination conspiracy. James Tague also stated: "Kennedy's assassination was not a conspiracy, it was a coup." And, in this presentation, information shall be included about the coup and who was behind it.


When it comes to the story about the wounding of James Tague in Dealey Plaza during the Kennedy assassination, the first page linked below states: "Declassified files show that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover personally ordered his agents to try to discredit Tague as an attention seeker who wanted to make money off his story." So, it appears that the FBI had a special agenda which they were pushing. Well, there is enough evidence to indicate that a certain group of people in the FBI were involved in the assassination conspiracy, plus in the criminal cover-up which then followed.

Now, as a "heads up", the second page linked below is written by one of those persistent, "single shooter, Oswald did it" type of people. So, at this point, it should once again be noted what that retired Certified Senior Crime Scene Investigator and law enforcement instructor named Sherry Fiester (1) had stated. Again, Fiester had plainly declared: "Many people still believe in a single shooter, regardless of the scientific facts that prove otherwise."(1) So, what can you say? People will believe whatever they want to believe, even if the authentic scientific facts are totally against what they believe. Really, there is no cure for stupid!

In the second linked page, it notes that Tague stated in his Testimony to the Warren Commission that the first shot in the Kennedy assassination "certainly didn't sound like a rifle shot. It was a loud cannon-type sound." Well, there is reason to suspect that this first loud bang or "loud cannon-type sound" may have been from some type of exploding device which then created all of that smoke from behind the fence and under the trees at the top of the Grassy Knoll, which smoke S. M. Holland saw from the triple overpass (1). The cannon-type bang and smoke may have been a signal for the shooters to "get to work" on Kennedy.

A little further down on the second linked page, a quote from James Tague states: "Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy to the shooting, but not completely innocent of involvement. There was at least 3 shooters, probably 4 shooters, and maybe as many as 5 shooters. Two shooters are known, Malcolm Wallace and Loy Factor, a third shooter was seen by Ed Hoffman behind the fence, and the forth [sic] shooter was probably the third man on the sixth floor. There is eyewitness and finger print evidence on Wallace and a confession by Loy Factor to three reputable men."

The link below accesses a copy of the actual Testimony of 27-year-old James Thomas Tague, which he gave to Mr. Wesley J. Liebeler, who was that assistant counsel of the President's Commission, also known as the Warren Commission. This Testimony was given on July 23, 1964, which was about eight (8) months after the actual assassination of President Kennedy. Now, when it came to what Tague heard and did, after he got out of his stopped car and was standing by the the triple underpass, he declared:

"About this time I heard what sounded like a firecracker. Well, a very loud firecracker. It certainly didn't sound like a rifleshot. It was more of a loud cannon-type sound. I looked around to see who was throwing firecrackers or what was going on and I turned my head away from the motorcade and, of course, two more shots. And I ducked behind the post when I realized somebody was shooting after the third shot." Note clearly, once again, that the first "firecracker" type of noise which Tague heard, "certainly didn't sound like a rifleshot. It was more of a loud cannon-type sound."

Now, James Tague had been a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force (1). There is reason to suspect that Tague possibly heard the sound of rifle fire when he was in his basic training for the Air Force. There is even the chance that Tague had shot guns himself and knew what genuine gunfire sounded like. In his Testimony, Tague continued with these words: "After the third shot, I ducked behind the bridge abutment and was there for a second, and I glanced out and just as I looked out, the car following the President's car, the one with the Secret Service men, was just flying past at that time."

On the second page of Tague's Testimony, he speaks about a motorcycle policeman who had stopped and had drawn his gun and was running up the embankment toward the railroad tracks. Tague then states: "A crowd of people; several people, were starting to come down into that area where he was running, and the people pointing, and excitement up there and so on." So, there was definitely some attention being focused on the area around the top of the Grassy Knoll. Now, one other thing to note in Tague's Testimony is that he did not actually looking at President Kennedy at those moments when he was hit by bullets.

The page linked below is one of those that also speaks about the experiences of James Tague, while he was present in November of 1963 in Dealey Plaza during that time when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Now, about halfway down the page, it speaks about a book which Tague wrote which was titled LBJ and The Kennedy Killing. The page states: "A series of uncanny circumstances provided Tague with what he says is proof that Kennedy's Vice President, the man who would become President, Lyndon Johnson, was behind Kennedy's assassination."

The page continues: "Tague says this information first came to him on an airplane when he sat next to a passenger named Madeleine Duncan Brown, Johnson's alleged mistress for 21 years. She told Tague that Johnson had revealed everything to her, including the real killer's name, on New Year's Eve 1964." As a side note, other information from this Madeleine Duncan Brown is found in a book titled Secrets Shared by LBJ's Mistress: There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child...I intend to expose this plot. Some information about this book is linked here.

Now, based on their years of research, the writer of this current presentation has no reason to believe that Lyndon Johnson was the one behind the Kennedy assassination. There is reason to suspect that Johnson had prior knowledge of the assassination and some of its plans, but he was not the one who was in charge of things. Yes, Johnson did greatly benefit from the Kennedy assassination, but it appears that he was just the pawn of others. Who, or what group of people appears to have actually been behind the Kennedy assassination is something which shall be exposed later in this presentation.

The remainder of the things which James Tague states in the page linked above appear to be valid, especially his information about Lee Harvey Oswald not being the one who was shooting at President Kennedy. As James Tague stated, Oswald was in the lunchroom eating his lunch before and during, plus even after the Kennedy assassination. Oswald was seen in the lunchroom before the assassination. There were people on the stairs that Oswald would have had to use to get to the sixth floor to do the shooting and then to go back down to the lunchroom. None of those people ever saw Oswald on the stairs.

As also noted in the page linked above, Oswald was seen by two witnesses in the lunchroom immediately after the Kennedy shooting, and one of those two witnesses was a policeman. The evidence appears to show that the Warren Commission Report of 1964 was a totally fraudulent document, especially when it claims that Oswald ran up the stairs to the sixth floor, shot President Kennedy out of the sixth floor window, and then ran back down the stairs to the lunchroom. Well, witnesses saw Oswald calm, cool and collected in the lunchroom, where he did not appear to be breathing heavy. Yes, Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy.

Now, the pages linked below provide more information about James Tague and the stunning experience which he had in Dealey Plaza, when President John F. Kennedy was savagely assassinated in an apparent conspiracy. Some of the pages provide personal thoughts and ideas of their writers, some thoughts and ideas being more plausible and/or accurate than others. Now, the first linked page states: "Over the years, Tague became a bit of a haunted man, like others who witnessed this crime, many of whom could not fathom why their country was covering up evidence instead of swiftly moving forward to seek justice."

Well, based on their years of research, the writer of this current presentation has reason to suspect that there truly was a coup d'etat involved with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Unfortunately, those foreign-controlled people involved with the coup d'etat had already gained too much power and were in too many key positions in the United States. They had enough power to control any investigation into the Kennedy assassination, plus control what was printed by the news media. The evidence truly does indicate that there was a large conspiracy connected with the cold-blooded murder of President Kennedy.

The third link below goes to a video of an interview with James Tague on November 21, 2013. The interview was for the Danish Television and was done during the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination. The total video time is 5:23. The fifth linked page brings out an important point. The wounding of James Tague appears to indicate that there was at least a second gunman in the JFK assassination event. But, it should be noted that there is reason to suspect that there were more than just two gunmen involved in this assassination. More about this issue at a later time. So now, check out the pages linked below.

Unfortunately, James Tague is no longer with us, so we cannot ask him for any further details about what really happened in Dealey Plaza on that fateful day in November of 1963, nor can we ask him about any of his other thoughts which he had along the way, as he did his many years of research about the Kennedy assassination. Now, the pages linked below show that James Tague passed away at the age of 77, in 2014.

And yes, as stated on his gravestone, James Tague did fight for the truth. And may his witness and example inspire others to actually do their own research and then, don't back down or be silenced, but fight valiantly for the real truth...not only when it comes to things about the Kennedy assassination, but also when it comes to the other questionable things which are happening in our country.


And again, that former Certified Senior Crime Scene Investigator and law enforcement instructor named Sherry Fiester (1) stated: "Many people still believe in a single shooter, regardless of the scientific facts that prove otherwise."(1) So, at this time, check out the pages linked below. The first two pages show what a forensic pathologist has declared about the official story of the Kennedy assassination. And, it should be noted that the apparently very wise pathologist does not trust the government, at least not the brazen pack of liars and deceivers which are embedded within the hijacked government.

In February 2022 pages which are linked below, the forensic pathologist named Dr. Cyril Wecht declares: "Young people are still being taught that the 35th president was murdered by a lone gunman, and that is simply bulls–t." Wecht indicates that the order to kill President Kennedy came from higher up, possibly in the CIA. Then there was the possibly disgruntled Allen Dulles, who had been fired from the position of Director of the CIA by President Kennedy, who appears to have been involved in the criminal cover-up of the Kennedy assassination. And, as noted earlier in this presentation, Dulles was on the Warren Commission.

The page linked below speaks about meetings which Dr. Cyril Wecht had with Lee Harvey Oswald's widow, Marina, "who, although [having been] unhappily married to Oswald, validated her [then dead] husband's claim that he was 'just a patsy.'" The page also speaks of a certain CIA-connected man named George de Mohrenschildt, who, before he committed suicide in 1977, "corroborated Marina's assessment of Oswald as a fall guy." It should also be noted that Dr. Wecht, before the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), "testified in favor of a second gunman," for reasons shown in the page.

Regarding the second gunman, in the second linked page, Dr. Wecht "insists a second gunman must have been positioned behind a picket fence on a nearby grassy knoll and maintains that argument today." The second page speaks of Dr. Wecht examining "the US National Archives' materials on the JFK killing in 1972 and, as a result of what he found there, also alleges malpractice surrounding the autopsy on the president's body." Furthermore, the damaged brain of President Kennedy "had been removed [from the National Archives] -- to prevent further scrutiny."

Based on the research which the writer of this current presentation has done over the years, it appears that the brain of John F. Kennedy has completely disappeared. It appears that those who have hijacked the government of the United States, in that coup d'etat of 1963, do not want people finding out the number of bullets which slammed into Kennedy's head and from which directions they came. Now, when it comes to where the mutilated brain of John F. Kennedy went, there is reason to suspect that it was in his original casket which they flew out into the Atlantic Ocean and dropped into 9,000 feet deep water in 1965 (1).

The page linked below mentions that the Secret Service agents manhandled Dr. Earl Rose at "at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas where JFK received treatment and died." Now, Dr. Earl Rose was "the chief medical examiner for the Dallas Coroner's office." But, Secret Service members were not about to allow Dr. Rose to conduct a legitimate autopsy on the Kennedy body. They basically hijacked the Kennedy body and the supposedly "official" autopsy "was done by two physicians, neither of whom was board certified in forensic pathology, and neither of whom 'had ever done a gunshot wound autopsy in their entire careers.'"

Now, the pages linked below speak about the flawed "lone gunmen theory" which the corrupted Warren Commission foisted on the citizens of the United States. One of the pages notes that Allen Dulles, who was that CIA Director which President John F. Kennedy had fired, was the originator of the lone gunman theory. Based on the research of the writer of this current presentation, a potentially criminal or treasonous Allen Dulles had a lot to hide. So, take a bit of time and check out what the linked pages have to say.


The page linked below states something very important, when it comes to the Kennedy assassination and the supposed assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. It states that "Lee Harvey Oswald tested negative when given a paraffin test on his cheeks. When someone fires a Mannlicher-Carcano, the rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository that day, residue emits from the chamber onto the cheek of the individual. We know this because all of the FBI marksmen that tested the very same Mannlicher-Carcano tested positive for residue when given a paraffin test."

Regarding the Warren Commission and their "official" 1964 report about the Kennedy assassination, the page mentions a bullet "entry wound at the president's third thoracic vertebrae." The page then states: "Conversely, the Warren Commission moved that entry wound from the third thoracic vertebrae 5 to 6 inches up to the base of the neck. This was necessary for the Warren Commission to account for a bullet that exited through the throat and caused further damage in the front seat to Texas Gov. John Connally." So, as part of the conspiracy, the infamous Warren Commission was altering and falsifying the evidence.

Looking further into the page linked below, it speaks about that bullet wound in Kennedy's throat. Instead of being an exit wound, it was an entry wound, as declared by the doctors at the Parkland Hospital where Kennedy was brought while still alive. Then, there was Dr. Robert N. McClelland who was stationed behind President Kennedy in the hospital trauma room. He declared to the other doctors in the room that there was AN EXIT WOUND at the back of Kennedy's head. This completely contradicts the things which were said in the supposedly "official" Warren Commission Report of 1964.

The page goes on to speak about a bullet entry wound in Kennedy's head, near his temple. It mentions the entry wound in Kennedy's throat. It then states: "Neither of those [bullet entry wounds] could have been caused by a shooter in the Texas School Book Depository. More than one shooter defines that a conspiracy took place." And, to prevent an honest autopsy on the body of Kennedy, criminal members of the Secret Service illegally hijacked his body from the Parkland Hospital (1)(2)(3). Then, they brought the Kennedy body somewhere else, where a questionable or fraudulent autopsy was performed for the "official" report.

The page linked above ends by speaking about the famous "magic bullet" which was, very mysteriously, found in the Parkland Hospital after the fact. It was found later, just conveniently lying there in plain sight on a hospital gurney. Regarding the "magic bullet," the page states: "The bullet, Commission Evidence 399, is a pristine bullet that was found after the fact in Parkland and eventually used by the Warren Commission to explain how a single missile could take multiple twists and turns to not only kill the president but to wound the governor multiple times." Yes, it was "pristine," because it was not used in the assassination.

Based on the available evidence, it appears that a rather large pack of brazen and potentially treasonous, foreign-controlled criminals was embedded in key positions within the government and agencies of the United States. It appears that these brazen, foreign-controlled criminals were conspiring together, as they worked to convince a rather ignorant or gullible general public about this very special, one-of-a-kind, extremely "magic bullet." If it was used in the actual assassination, it would have been traveling at a very high rate of speed, while supposedly magically making fancy twists and turns, in close quarters. NOT!

The page linked above closes with these words: "The commission itself proved its pristine bullet impossible when it tested the same type of bullets by firing into human cadavers and dead animals. The result is that the test bullets were so deformed that Commission Evidence 399 could not have possibly done the damage discussed." And then, these words: "Was there a conspiracy? Multiple shots from multiple directions prove this fact." And truly, the evidence shows that it was a very large international conspiracy, with an associated coup d'etat and a major cover-up by criminals embedded in U.S. government agencies.

To be continued ...

This is just the INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION for that which is coming in the days ahead.
There is a lot more which needs to be exposed.  Check back later for additional information.

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