The  Greatest  Earthquake  Ever  Felt

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The  Great  Humbling  of  Humanity

By  A3C5B9S1E1D8
First Created: 02 December 2018
Updated & Posted On This Site: 11 July 2022

This presentation simply contains the research findings of the writer.
It is the duty of the reader to check the accuracy of all things stated herein.



This presentation about The Greatest Earthquake Ever Felt, plus The Great Humbling of Humanity, may be a learning experience for at least certain readers. Other readers may have a hard time believing at least some of the things which are written. Now, things about earthquakes which the writer has learned from various sources over the years will be presented in as simple a manner as possible.

In this presentation, there may be a certain amount of repeating of important facts. This is done to help reinforce in our minds that which is really happening in specific situations. Without a certain amount of repeating and reinforcing of certain facts, it may be all too easy to simply fall back into certain ways of thinking about our world which have been programmed into us, but which may not necessarily be accurate.

To begin this discussion, there are first some rather dry and boring facts to get out of the way. These dry and boring facts are necessary in order to appreciate the things which are then spoken about later in this presentation. But, after the boring facts are out of the way, the writer will do their best to not disappoint. Further down, the pace should pick up a bit and things may get a bit more interesting. And now, let us take a look at some of those rather dry and boring facts.


The size of an earthquake is commonly considered using the Magnitude Scale or the Magnitude Class. Information about earthquake scales and energy release, plus how to determine the magnitude of an earlier earthquake, can be found in the pages linked below.

The Magnitude Scale commonly goes from those tiny earthquakes which are "usually not felt, but can be recorded by seismograph," to a "Great earthquake. Can totally destroy communities near the epicenter." Actually, great earthquakes can do more than simply destroy communities near the epicenter. The larger of the great quakes could potentially destroy large cities and whole regions, depending on the geologic makeup below the surface.

Then there are those largest earthquakes which can be associated with the potential rapid tearing apart of landmasses, like what may have happened when that which is now North America was ripped loose from that which is now Europe (1)(2). It appears that this ripping apart of the continents may have occurred in the days of Peleg (1)(2), who lived during the time of the Tower of Babel, when the earth was divided. Now, it appears that these ripping-apart type of events can be accomplished much easier than commonly believed, especially when there is a little help "from the outside."

In the pages linked by the buttons above, it can be seen that the Magnitude Scale commonly records earthquakes of 2.5 or less. The Magnitude Class for earthquakes commonly goes from Minor quakes with a magnitude of 3.0 to 3.9, to those Great earthquakes which have a magnitude of 8.0 or more. It can also be seen that there are six common Magnitude Classes for earthquakes. Quakes are typically labeled as being: Minor, Light, Moderate, Strong, Major, or Great. Then there is the megaquake, which has a separate definition of its own.


Before we talk about the fake news relating to megaquakes which is commonly being pumped out by the media, there is some information to consider. Starting back in the early 1950s, some elements of the CIA began manipulating and controlling the media via their infamous Operation Mockingbird (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), as they pumped out fake news. Then, there was that CIA director named William Casey who allegedly declared the following in a government meeting: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) Now, back to earthquakes.

When it comes to megaquakes, according to what is stated in a dictionary linked here, it appears that those in the Media like to hype things up and call any earthquake "of 7.0 or greater on the Richter scale" as being a megaquake. But, you know the common media of our day. It appears they may have a serious problem with distorting and exaggerating things. That is possibly why there is so much Fake News. A lot of it may have begun way back in the very early 1950s, as a result of that infamous Operation Mockingbird (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7). So, let us move onward and check out the more official definition of a megaquake or Mega-Quake.

In a page linked here, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) states that a Mega-Quake is "an earthquake of magnitude 10 or larger." But then, the USGS claims there is "no fault long enough to generate a magnitude 10 earthquake..."(1) This claim by the USGS is kind of like telling part of the truth about megaquakes, but not telling the whole truth. This partial truth can then work to give people an inaccurate picture and a false sense of security when it comes to what can really happen upon this earth. There may actually be much more involved with megaquakes than simply the length of a single fault line.


When it comes to earthquakes and their ultimate size, there is also another factor to consider, which is the nature of the motivating force which causes the landmass to move along a given fault line or along multiple lines in the first place. Then there is the factor of how much actual movement is caused along a given fault line or along a number of fault lines as a result of whatever the motivating force may be, plus how fast the motivating force causes things to move to the maximum magnitude.

Now, it appears that the scientists' theory of plate tectonics and their computerized earthquake models may be missing a number of very important pieces of information. That is possibly why the scientists have been horribly blindsided by the magnitude and nature of large earthquakes in relatively recent times, like the Sumatra event in 2004, Japan in 2011, and New Zealand in 2016, to name a few. Well, what can a person say in all of this? The computer is only as smart as the person programming it. So, if the programmer is biased or does not have all the facts, the computerized models will be flawed.


Looking at a page linked here, an authentic megaquake could be classed as something greater than just a Great earthquake, which Great earthquake is shown to have a magnitude of 8.0 to 9.9. According to the linked page, a true megaquake, with a magnitude of 10.0 or greater, can also be classed as an Epic earthquake. The linked page declares that the effects of an Epic earthquake have never been recorded. To this, the writer of this presentation must add the word "yet," plus the words, "or at least not yet in our day using modern instrumentation."

Stick along for the remainder of this presentation and you should clearly see where the writer is coming from, when they add the word "yet" and other words to the above statement about Epic earthquakes. About the time humanity says that something cannot happen upon this earth, humanity ends up with all kinds of "egg on their faces." This "living in denial" may be part of the reason why the scientists have been utterly blindsided by the nature and magnitude of large earthquake events in relatively recent times, again, like in 2004, 2011, and 2016, to name a few.


There is something which now needs to be considered, especially in this page about The Greatest Earthquake Ever Felt. There are certain factors which can affect the size of an earthquake, besides just the motivating force. A page linked here states: "Magnitude is based in part on the length of the geological fault—i.e., the longer the fault, the larger the earthquake." But then, as with many sources, the page goes on to state: "There are no known faults long enough to generate a magnitude-10 'mega-quake'." This seems to be the common thinking, when other extremely important factors are missing from the equation.

It is a commonly accepted belief that "Magnitude is based in part on the length of the geological fault—i.e., the longer the fault, the larger the earthquake." But the real truth is more like this. The longer the section of fault which is caused to rupture, plus how fast it is caused to rupture and how far is is caused to move by the motivating force, has a lot to do with the ultimate magnitude of the resulting earthquake. This will become more evident later in this presentation. But there is yet more which needs to be included in order to create a more realistic picture in our minds.

When it comes to the size of a potential earthquake, there is the vertical extent of the fault --- how deep into the earth the fault goes --- and the total area of the fault that is affected in the seismic event which needs to be considered. A page linked here is titled Revisiting the 1872 Owens Valley, California, Earthquake. On PDF page 18 of 42, it states: "Not all of these faults extend as deep as the inferred depth of the Owen's Valley fault: a more shallow seismogenic zone would of course reduce the maximum magnitude that a given fault could generate." There is now more to consider.

If "a more shallow seismogenic zone" reduces "the maximum magnitude [of earthquake] that a given fault could generate," then, the following opposite should also be true. A seismogenic zone (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) with a larger overall area because of a deeper vertical depth (basing things on both the vertical and horizontal extents affected) could potentially increase the magnitude of earthquake which a given length of fault can generate. At this point, there is something to quickly note. In the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, and also into Canada, the devastating Cascadia megaquake is expected in the not too distant future. So, let us for a moment take a look at certain faults and other things which are happening in this unique region.


A page linked here is titled Washington's Columbia Generating Station Is a Seismic Timebomb. About half way down, the page declares: "Contrary to long-held opinion, the 'shallow' faults beneath central Washington were found to extend more than 12 miles below the surface." One scientist quoted on the page declared: "The faults that formed the ridges are much more dangerous than anyone realized."

Yes, deeper extending faults, which can translate to larger seismogenic zones which can be affected, can potentially be associated with larger and more devastating earthquakes. When it comes to the coming Cascadia megaquake, we will just have to wait and see what happens in the Pacific Northwest region. But, there is possibly something else to consider when it comes to things which may affect the nature of the coming Cascadia megaquake and that earthquake which may greatly affect things even to the east of the Cascade Mountains, to an extent not commonly expected.

The Cascadia region has not been as geologically quiet as most people generally think. It appears that it has been having its periodic slow-slip events, which were initially called "silent-earthquakes." Now, these "silent-earthquake" events are called "eposodic tremor and slip (ETS)." Further information about these periodic slow-slip or ETS events is found at the pages linked below.

There is something to note about slow earthquake events in a page linked here, which is about the San Andreas fault in California. The page states: "Previously, it was thought that slow earthquakes involve the slow and consistent movement of a fault like the San Andreas. The conclusion was that these smaller movements steadily released built up stress in a fault system and reduced the likelihood of a larger earthquake." But now, new evidence appears to indicate something different. The new line of thinking is noted in the titles of the pages linked below.

The page linked here speaks of the slow earthquake events as "the periodic and jerky movement along the fault [which] acts to compress 'stuck' areas along the fault, increasing stress and the likelihood of a large earthquake." So, maybe there are some things to learn here about what can potentially be expected in the Cascadia Region, especially in the area near Seattle, Washington, with those ETS events which commonly happen further to the west and even further to the south around Portland, Oregon, where things can also move with ETS events at times. These things are spoken about in the pages linked below.

A page linked here declares: "Fluid build-up after a slow quake raises the risk of massive rupture." The page states: "Seemingly mild slow-motion earthquakes can raise the risk of more dangerous quakes by shifting fluids along geological faults." And, when the Cascadia event finally happens, a July 2018 page linked here indicates that there could be some serious shaking in "the major population centers of Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Portland, Vancouver, B.C." From the writer's research over the years, they have reason to believe that the degree of shaking in the major population centers noted above may be much greater than the majority of people, including a number of the scientists, now believe.

The writer has reason to believe that something very different may be happening in this region, than what the common geologic and earthquake models show. The writer has reason to believe that the common geologic and earthquake models for the Cascadia region are flawed, possibly even highly flawed in certain cases. More about this issue later in this presentation. In relation to these things, a page linked here tends to bring out a somewhat different prospective on the Cascadia region and the coming earthquake event. Time will tell the real truth about all of these matters. All questions should be answered and all doubts should be utterly removed in the aftermath of the earthquake.

At this point, the words of a famous writer from former times should be considered. The writer is Ralph Waldo Emerson, who lived from 1803 to 1882 (1). Emerson declared: "We learn geology the morning after the earthquake, on ghastly diagrams of cloven mountains, upheaved plains, and the dry bed of the sea."(1)(2)(3) These words are just as true today and they were in the 1800s. This especially becomes evident when the scientists with their costly, time-consuming and flawed, computerized earthquake models are being blindsided virtually left and right, when it comes to the nature and magnitude of major earthquake events in relatively recent times.


There is truly more to consider in the earthquake story, especially when it comes to megaquakes. Again, the page linked here states: "There are no known faults long enough to generate a magnitude-10 'mega-quake.'" This issue will be considered to a much larger extent, later in this presentation. At this point, it should be stated that there is a lot more to this story about megaquakes and the giant quakes which it appears will be soon coming upon this earth. Furthermore, it should be noted that the scientists' predictions about what will happen in coming earthquake events appear to be missing some very important factors.

Again, in the sections above, the length of a given fault was considered and how length of rupture affects the size of earthquake produced by a given fault. Then, added to this, there is the vertical extent of a fault's seismogenic zone, which must be factored in. Generally speaking, the greater the area of the seismogenic zone, the greater can be the magnitude of the quake produced by a given fault. These two factors, the length of fault rupture and the vertical extent of the seismogenic zone involved in the rupture, have an affect on the size of earthquake produced by a given fault.

But, once again, in the common thought of our day, the true motivating force which causes a given fault to move and how much, plus how fast it is caused to move, appears to typically be left out of many or most of the equations --- especially when it comes to the possibility of it being an outside force which provides the serious motivation. It appears that the actual motivating forces behind certain earthquakes, in many cases, is something which the typical scientists do not necessarily understand. But, let us continue onward with the common thinking of our day, which is typically missing the actual nature of the motivating force which appears was possibly behind a number of major earthquake events from earlier times.

Let us now start this paragraph with these words. Because the computer models of the scientists are missing the true nature of the motivating force behind a number of those serious earthquakes from earlier times, plus a number of other important factors which can be associated with quake events, that is why scientists have commonly been blindsided with the nature and magnitude of large earthquakes in relatively recent times. When the equations used to produce earthquake models are missing some key and extremely important factors, the final model produced can end up being highly flawed. In such a case, the costly and time-consuming earthquake models may be somewhat worthless.

And again, in the minds of many people, "There are no known faults long enough to generate a magnitude-10 'mega-quake.'"(1) But, when the vertical or sloping extent of the affected seismogenic zone is factored in with the length of ruptured fault, plus the speed and distance which things move, the potential for experiencing an authentic megaquake on this earth suddenly becomes more of a possibility, especially with the right motivating force. Now, the pages linked below give other ideas about having a genuine megaquake. And, once again, there is yet more to factor into the equation, because of the actual cause of those really large quake events which are supposed to be coming upon this earth in the days ahead.

After years of research, the writer has come to the conclusion the there could potentially be earthquakes upon this earth which have a magnitude even much greater than just a mere 10.0. So, hang on tight and stick around for "the ride" and potentially learn things about this earth and what lies ahead, which you may have never heard about or considered before. Along the way, there is the potential that things may steadily build to the point where the reader can obtain a healthy dose of "Reality 901"(1), presented at a level which most people should be able to understand.



In this presentation about The Greatest Earthquake Ever Felt, there is more to consider than just simple fault lines. There are certain geologic features which have "parallel" fault lines associated with them. One of these major features is known as a graben. It appears that when grabens were being formed, there were major earthquakes involved in the process. In certain cases, there may have been even Great or Epic earthquakes involved.

Half grabens and full grabens (1) are examples of geologic features which have earthquakes associated with their formation. These geologic features are commonly associated with extensional rifting, where the landmass is actually being pulled apart. Besides just moving vertically along the fault lines, as the landmass pulls apart in the rift zone, there is also the potential for the independent pieces to move at an oblique angle in relation to one another. What now follows is a real life example of this type of movement.

A page linked here is titled 1872 Owens Valley earthquake. This same quake is also known as the 1872 Lone Pine earthquake. A page linked here declares that the "Owens Valley is a graben—a downdropped block of land between two vertical faults..." During the 1872 quake, things moved in an interesting way in this graben. The linked 1872 Owens Valley earthquake page declares: "The earthquake resulted from sudden vertical movement of 15-20 feet (4.6-6.1m) and right-lateral movement of 35 to 40 feet (11 to 12m) on the Lone Pine Fault and part of the Owens Valley Fault." Note clearly that the vertical down-drop of the block and the right-lateral movement in this graben is noted above as being "sudden."

Further information about the 1872 Owens Valley earthquake, the general geology of the region, plus some more recent seismic events, can be accessed using the large button links below. Concerning the 1872 quake, the document linked here, on PDF page 1 of 35, declares: "Although this fault system runs along the eastern side of the 3200-m eastern escarpment of the Sierra Nevada, movement was dominantly right-lateral, not vertical." There is now something else which is rather important to consider.

Many of the "professional" sources of information claim that the Owens Valley was created over millions of years, starting about three million years ago (1). Is this really true, or could there possibly be more to this story? Well, we shall soon see. It is time for some "food for thought." And, it should be noted that the scientists are not always right.


At this point, there is something to note about the Owens Valley. It appears that the Indians of the area became rather concerned about what was happening during the 1872 quake event. A transcribed news article from the period was formerly accessible using the link here. On the second page of that formerly accessible article was found the following words: "Indians in the vicinity [of Owens Valley] have all left, fearing a recurrence of a general convulsion of nature, which according to tradition, occurred there some hundred years ago, and created what is now known as Owen's River Valley, but what was before a chain of mountains."

With further search, the writer found more information in a news article from The Jeffersonian of Friday, Morning, April 5, 1872, which was published in Findlay, Hancock County, Ohio, and is linked here. Towards the middle of the linked page, about half-way down in the fourth column from the left edge of the page, is an article titled EARTHQUAKE IN CALIFORNIA. Near the bottom of the third paragraph below the title is found these words: "The Indians in that vicinity have all left fearing the recurrence of a general convulsion of nature, which, according to tradition occurred there some hundreds of years ago, and created what is now known as Owens River Valley, but what was before a chain of mountains."

Looking into the Northern Ohio Journal of Saturday, April 6, 1872, which is linked here, at the top of the sixth column from the left edge of the page, is found these words: "The Indians in that vicinity have all left, fearing the recurrence of a general convulsion of nature, which, according to tradition, occurred there some hundreds of years ago, and created what is now known as Owen's River Valley, but what was before a chain of mountains."

What now follows are words in a relatively recent page, linked here, which are like those found in the 1872 news articles. The following words are found about two-thirds of the way down in the linked page: "The Indians in that vicinity have all left, fearing a recurrence of the general convulsion of nature, which, according to tradition, occurred in that region some hundreds of years ago, and created what is known as Owens River valley, but which was before a chain of mountains." Now, let us think a bit about what is being said in the quotes above.

What the Indian tradition declares is that the Owens Valley was formerly part of a chain of mountains. The earth beneath this valley was formerly raised to a much higher elevation, as part of the noted chain of mountains. Then, during "a general convulsion of nature," this portion of the chain of mountains suddenly sank far into the earth and became a deep valley. This "general convulsion of nature" which resulted in the formation of the Owens Valley appears to have included massive earthquakes. This becomes more evident when it is understood that parallel fault lines on both sides of the valley were in great motion during this earlier event, when a block of the existing mountains quickly sank into the earth.

What would have been the magnitude of the earthquakes experienced by those living at this location in the mountain chain, when this large valley was suddenly created? Could the magnitude of earthquakes experienced by the earlier Indians during this "general convulsion of nature" have been close to, or potentially even greater than, a 10.0? It should be noted that the later 1872 quake included much smaller movements of the earth, virtually tiny movements of the earth in comparison to the earlier event spoken about by the Indians, yet it still produced a reasonable sized earthquake.

According to some sources, the 1872 quake possibly had a magnitude of only a 7.9, but it still "leveled almost all the buildings in Lone Pine and nearby settlements."(1) But the earlier quake, when Indian tradition says that the Owens Valley was initially created out of a chain of mountains, once again, had to include much greater movement along parallel fault planes. It had to have produced a much larger earthquake event, than just that mere M7.9 quake which was experienced in 1872.

LOOKING  CLOSER  AT  1871  TO  1872

There is more to now consider than just the Owens Valley earthquake of March 26, 1872. The news article linked by the button below shows that there was a lot of strong earthquake activity around the world, starting in late 1871 and continuing into 1872. In the third column of the article, it speaks of: "Terrible earthquakes in Persia," which started on December 23, 1871 and continued into January 6, 1872. In these Persian quakes, "30,000 persons [were] killed." Then, in January of 1872, there were, "Severe earthquakes in Australia. Regions afflicted by them which never before had been shaken since the country was settled."

The linked article goes on to note that on January 16, 1872, "Shamaka, at the southern base of the Caucasus, seventy-five miles west of the Caspian Sea, entirely destroyed, and over one hundred persons killed." On January 28th, there was a quake in Malaga. On February 6th, a quake at Winona, Minnesota. On February 8th, a quake at Cairo, Illinois. Then the page notes that on March 6th, there was a quake in central and eastern Germany, in which a large area was shaken, with the geologic disturbance lasting for over one hour. And, there is still more to the 1872 earthquake story.

The article notes that on March 11, 1872, Japan was hit by "destructive earthquakes" in which a town was destroyed and "five hundred persons killed." Then, on March 26, 1872 began the "series of earthquakes in California and Nevada." This series of earthquakes "continued for two months and over; [and was] especially severe at the eastern base of the Sierra Nevada in Owens Valley, where between twenty and thirty persons were killed." The article states: "This earthquake was felt over all of California, except its extreme northern end, and throughout nearly all of Nevada."

The article, in its third column, speaks of further earthquakes. The entry for April 3, 1872, notes: "Terrible earthquake at Antioch and vicinity; felt far to the east, and over a wide area of territory. The shocks continued for a week or more. Some 1,000 or 1,500 persons killed in the vicinity of Antioch." And then, on April 14th, "Earthquake at Accra, on the Gold Coast of Africa." For April 16, 17, 18, of 1872, the article notes: "Severe shocks in Iceland, partly destroying the town of Hasvick." The article also speaks about volcanic activity which occurred in the first half of 1872.

The linked article goes on to state: "From the above will be seen that the Winter and Spring of 1871-2 were a season of seismic disturbances; North America, Iceland, Europe, Africa, Asia, the Japanese, the Philippine, and the East India Islands, as well as Austrailia [sic], being all visited by severe shocks, which in many cases were highly destructive... This excited period lasted over four months." The rather long article, which takes up most of five columns, then continues with a lot of information relating to the massive Owens Valley earthquake.


There is now something about the Owens Valley and its earthquake events which needs to be considered further. It was noted earlier that many of the "professional" sources of information claim that the Owens Valley was created over millions of years, starting about three million years ago. But, once again, is this really true? Are the methods used by the all-too-often-blindsided scientists to date the age of things truly accurate? Is there anything from more recent times which could potentially add an element of doubt to the scientists' declared age of Owens Valley or to any statements which claim that the Owens Valley was created via many smaller earthquakes over millions of years?

For at least one answer to the above questions, let us consider something learned from the 2016 New Zealand quake event. A Cascadia earthquake page has a section titled Lessons and Things to Consider, which is linked here. Under that main section is a subsection titled Those Really Important Lessons, which is linked here. In the subsection are found these words: "If [the Kaikoura earthquake] had happened 1000 years ago ... if you were to look at it with current paleoseismic methods that are available you would see it as separate individual events. You would never consider it as a single rupture." The preceding information about the 2016 event also comes from other 2017 pages which are found at the following links: (1)(2)(3).

There is yet more to the New Zealand story. The information presented in the links above, about the 2016 quake event, actually begins with these words from one scientist: "We're starting to see these earthquakes that seem to defy what we thought." What? "Defy what we thought," as if the scientists think that they are some type of gods? Have certain scientists elevated themselves in their own minds to the level of thinking they are gods, and anything which does not go along with their flawed reasoning is simply defying them? It is beginning to appear that a certain group of people are having a hard time simply admitting that their line of reasoning, especially in certain areas, is utterly flawed.

From the information presented in the second paragraph of this section, it appears that the "current paleoseismic methods" are seriously flawed and highly inaccurate. From what was learned during the 2016 New Zealand earthquake event about the seriously flawed "paleoseismic methods," there is a very good reason to also seriously doubt the accuracy of information from the scientific world which declares that the Owens Valley was created over millions of years via many small quake events, beginning about three million years ago.

Possibly the Indian tradition, which indicates that the Owens Valley was created not that long ago during a "general convulsion of nature," when a portion of the chain of mountains suddenly sank into the earth, should be taken much more seriously. Why? Because there were Indians actually living in the region when this major event took place. That is where the oral traditions came from. What better information can we have than eyewitness accounts? But, it appears that a certain group of questionable scientists using highly flawed "paleoseismic methods" would rather act like they are gods and the Indians are simply liars. So much for at least a certain segment of our costly, wasteful and time consuming "modern science."

At this point, there is another thing to consider. If the "paleoseismic methods" used to build virtually all of those earthquake models about coming events are flawed, what does that mean for the coming Cascadia megaquake event? Could the "science-gods" be horribly underestimating things in their predictions for the coming earthquake event in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and into Canada? Are they going to be, once again, horribly blindsided and utterly surprised because they are missing or are ignoring some of those very important, key facts? Well, let us see how things appear to be commonly done in "the elite," scientific world.


In relation to the issues noted in the section above, about the flawed methods commonly used by at least a certain segment of the often-blindsided scientists, plus the apparent bad habit of a certain segment of scientists to reject important pieces of data, let us consider what happened in Japan in 2011, with that great earthquake and tsunami. A page linked here declares: "Many researchers before Tohoku had published the tsunami records, but earthquake modelers didn't believe the geological data because their models didn't replicate them." What? And, there is yet more to consider in this story of utter negligence.

An article linked here notes that there are hundreds of "tsunami stones" scattered along the coastal region of Japan. These stones have writing on them which warns people not to build their houses below the elevation of these stones, because of the height of earlier tsunamis. The article makes known that some of these stones are "more than six centuries old." But the modern, "computer-smart" scientists, as virtually total derelicts, completely rejected "the loud, screaming story" told by the tsunami stones. As a result of the scientists' possible criminal negligence, the people of the region were not properly warned and more than 15,000 people needlessly died.

There is potentially a very similar "ignoring of the obvious" which could be happening in the scientific community in the United States. It appears that the same potential exists when it comes to computer models which relate to the coming Cascadia megaquake event in the Pacific Northwest. Because of important pieces of information which appear to be missing from the computerized models of the scientists, it appears that the coming Cascadia megaquake could potentially be much worse than the public is commonly being told. With these "pleasant thoughts" in mind, let us now return to the matter of the Owens Valley.


The Owens Valley, in California, is part of a geologic feature known as the Walker Lane (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). A document linked here is titled Large Dextral Offset Across Owens Valley, California from 148 MA to 1872 A.D. On PDF page 1 or 35 are these words: "Eastern California is caught up in the wide deformation boundary between the Pacific and North American plates." It speaks of this area to the east of the Sierra Nevada, "which is referred to variously as the Walker Lane or the eastern California shear zone." In just this one geologic trough known as the Walker Lane, "about 20-25% of relative plate motion" takes place between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. This movement in the Walker Lane is also noted on PDF page 3 of 54 in a document linked here.

The last document linked above, which is titled Siting of Large Volcanic Centers at Releasing Fault Stepovers, Walker Lane Rift, on PDF page 5 of 54, declares that the Walker Lane Belt "has the structure that is the most similar to Gulf of California transtensional rift basins..." Why is this? Because, as we shall possibly find out in the days ahead, the Walker Lane appears to be the actual northern extension of the oceanic rift system which lies in the bottom of the Gulf of California. The San Andreas Fault is a whole different story about something else which is happening. But the oceanic rift which is now buried deep under the landmass, in the northerly track of this formerly oceanic rift, appears to follow the Walker Lane on the east side of the Sierra Nevada.

On PDF page 11 of 54, in the document linked here and above, begins the section titled Geologic Signals of Transtensional Continental Rifting. It notes the "development of very large volcanic centers at transtensional fault stepovers along eastern margin of Sierra Nevada microplate." On PDF page 17 of 54, the document speaks about the "extreme effusive eruptions along fault-controlled fissures, including intermediate-composition fissure eruptions of 'flood lava'," which again, is on the east side of the Sierra Nevada. On PDF page 35 of 54, the document begins to speak about the "accumulation of unusually large-volume, widespread landslide deposits in pull-apart basins," which, once again, is happening on the east side of the Sierra Nevada.

On PDF page 37 of 54, the document linked above begins to speak about the "abrupt derangement of ancient E-W drainage systems of the 'Nevadaplano', by development of north-south grabens that acted as funnels for lavas and fluvial channels." So, where is all this leading? As the title of the above document indicates, the Walker Lane is a rift zone. The document notes that the large volcanic centers are situated at the fault stepovers. This is exactly what is happening along the oceanic rift that is in the bottom of the Gulf of California. The truth of the matter is, the Walker Lane is actually the northern extension of the rift zone which created the Gulf of California. And again, the San Andreas is something a bit different. It is not following the buried oceanic rift.


When the next massive earthquake events are triggered by movement of the Pacific Plate along the former oceanic rift which is now buried beneath eastern California, there are some things which could happen. Liquefaction could occur in the "sedimentary dam" which is located between the northern end of the Gulf of California and the Imperial Valley. This "sedimentary dam" was formed by a large amount of sediments which came down the Colorado River in earlier times.

Liquefaction in the "sedimentary dam," along with the northerly movement of the Pacific Plate and the landmass to the west of the rift system, could "tear" and breach the broad "dam." This breaching and failure of the "sedimentary dam" could allow the eroding flood to rapidly fill places which are below sea level, like that area shown with a lighter color on the map linked here. If things are torn enough along the buried rift, potentially places like Death Valley and any other accessible areas below sea level could also be flooded.

When the things noted above occur, as a result of the "pull" of the northerly moving Pacific Plate, the Gulf of California will be extended much further north. Associated with this geologic activity will be earthquakes of a magnitude which the scientists have never experienced before. They will be quakes of a magnitude which their flawed models cannot predict. And, as the scientist quoted a couple of sections above declared: "We're starting to see these earthquakes that seem to defy what we thought."

As California begins to separate further from the United States, along the general line of the Walker Lane and the eastern California shear zone, the resulting earthquakes shall be utterly devastating throughout the region. But even this event shall be rather minor in comparison to those other seismic events which appear to lie ahead for the people of this earth, possibly within the lifetime of many alive today.

What will happen with California, when things really break loose, is just a relatively minor part of the very beginning of that great humbling of errant humanity. Yes, it appears that there shall be earthquakes of a magnitude far above anything which the scientists have commonly thought as being possible. It appears that there may even be some extremely large, worldwide events.



It is time to summarize some of the important points mentioned in the first two Parts of this presentation. In recent times, the scientists have been utterly blindsided by the nature and magnitude of large earthquake events. It appears that their theories and costly and time-consuming, computerized earthquake models can be flawed and virtually worthless, because their thinking and calculations appear to be missing some extremely important factors.

Again, it is not just the length of a fault which decides the magnitude of earthquake that a given fault can generate. It is the total seismogenic zone (which is basically calculated from the length of fault affected, times the vertical or sloping extents of the fault affected) which is one of the great deciders on what magnitude of quake a given fault or number of faults can generate. And, it is how fast the motivating force moves things in the overall seismogenic zone which can have a very great impact on the size or magnitude of earthquake generated. And, along the western coastal region of North America, there is even more to add to our summary.

It is declared in one of the sections further above (1): "Fluid build-up after a slow quake raises the risk of massive rupture." It is also noted in the sections further above that in the Cascadia region of British Columbia, Canada, and in the U.S. states of Washington and Oregon, plus potentially even further south into California than is now commonly realized (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), there has been a "chain" of small earthquakes and periodic slow-quake or ETS events happening for many years. Potentially, things are building for a very massive earthquake in this region. But, there is now more to consider.

Half grabens and full grabens were noted further above. The full grabens generally have major fault systems running along each side of this geologic feature. Now, it is commonly claimed that there is no single fault line which is long enough to produce a magnitude 10.0 or larger earthquake. But, in the case of a full graben, there are two major fault lines, along with the possibility for some incredible movement along these two fault lines. This translates to potentially a much larger seismogenic zone associated with this type of geologic feature.

A page linked here and near the end of Part One is titled Magnitude 10 temblor could happen: study. At least some of the better and more informed scientists are beginning to realize "that the world could see a quake with a magnitude of around 10." One example given for what it would take for this size of earthquake to occur would be for "the combined 3,000 km of faults from the Japan Trench to the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench [to] move by 60 meters." And, in all of this, it is noted that "a magnitude 10 quake would likely cause ground motions for up to an hour." But, there is still more to consider.

In Part Two, some of the important lessons from the 2016 New Zealand earthquake event are noted. One of the major pieces of information is this: "If [the Kaikoura earthquake] had happened 1000 years ago ... if you were to look at it with current paleoseismic methods that are available you would see it as separate individual events. You would never consider it as a single rupture." And, how could this all relate to the earthquake models for the Cascadia region of North America? Yes, it does appear that the "current paleoseismic methods" could be highly flawed and inaccurate, therefore, it possibly is time to reassess things in the western coastal states and provinces of North America.


A document linked here, from the Western Oregon University site, is titled Oregon Geology. It provides information about the Cascade Mountains. On PDF page 3 of 32, it speaks about the "High Cascade trough or graben, which extends most of the length of the state [of Oregon]." It speaks of this graben and faults which represents "crustal failure on a grand scale." The page also notes "crustal extension." On PDF page 9 of 32, the document notes that Mount Jefferson sits in "a deep graben." On PDF pages 13-14 of 32, it speaks further about the Cascade graben.

The pages noted above speak of the Cascade graben "opening like a zipper from the south..." It indicates that the landmass within this graben subsided "as deep as two miles in the south to less than a mile in the center." Then it states: "Lavas, emerging with the rifting, closely resemble mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB)." So, there is rifting happening which caused the High Cascades Graben to form, and the lavas coming out of this rifting "closely resemble mid-ocean ridge basalts." Why is this? Is this graben associated with some deeper geologic feature, possibly a feature which was formerly associated with the oceanic rift system, which is now buried deeply beneath the continental landmass?

Let us look at further information about the Cascade graben. A document linked here is from the USGS. The document title is Field-Trip Guide to Mafic Volcanism of the Cascade Range in Central Oregon—A Volcanic, Tectonic, Hydrologic, and Geomorphic Journey. In the bottom-right area of PDF page 16 of 110, it notes that "the young...High Cascades occupy a structural graben formed by a northward-propagating rift..." So, there was rifting which started in the south, but then moved northward. This rifting which moves from the south to the north is something to keep in mind during the remainder of this presentation.

Let us consider that which is noted further above, about rifting associated with the Cascade graben. With continuing crustal extension in the Pacific Northwest, could the High Cascade graben suddenly experience an increase in size, as land in the graben between the north-trending faults sinks deeper into the earth? In other words, could something happen which is similar to that Indian tradition which speaks about the Owens Valley in California being created in "what was before a chain of mountains" during "a general convulsion of nature?"(1) If this were to happen, what could be the magnitude and duration of the associated earthquake event?

Now for something else to consider. Is the Eastern California Shear Zone, the Walker Lane in California, and the High Cascades Graben in Oregon all associated with the rifting of western North America? Is all of this rifting partly caused by the northerly moving Pacific Plate, which uses the "captured" Baja California and western California as its "battering ram?" And, does the oceanic rift system which lies in the bottom of the Gulf of California actually continue under the continental landmass, following the troughs and grabens and volcanic features associated with the eastern California shear zone, the Walker Lane on the east side of the Sierra Nevada and the High Cascades Graben in Oregon?

With the above thoughts in mind, it is time to return to the document linked in the first paragraph of this section. At the bottom of PDF page 14 of 32 is "a cross section of the Western and High Cascades." Look closely at the cross section and see what is supposedly in the bottom of the graben. Yes, it shows the "Early High Cacades volcanoes" sunk down, with the "Late High Cascades platform" covering over them. Then, the volcanic mountains which we see today in the Cascades are built on top of the earlier volcanoes and the later platform. So potentially, with more spreading and the associated earthquakes, the volcanoes which we see today could also sink into the earth and new ones then formed on top of them.

If there is further spreading of the landmass and the volcanoes we see today in the Cascades were to sink, as did the former chain of mountains which became the Owens Valley in California, there would likely be some incredibly strong earthquakes associated with the event. This would especially be true since it appears that we would be dealing with a full graben, with fault lines along both sides. And, how strong could the earthquakes be in the region if such a thing were to occur?

There will always be those who say it cannot happen here. But, once again, about the time humanity says that something cannot happen upon this earth, humanity ends up with all kinds of "egg on their faces." Again, that is possibly part of the reason why a certain segment of the scientists have been blindsided over and over again with the nature and magnitude of large earthquake events in more recent times. And, there is still more to this story.


In sections further above in the presentation, it is noted that the USGS and other sources proclaim that there is "no fault long enough to generate a magnitude 10 earthquake..." But, there is another scenario which, in the right setting, could potentially work to produce a magnitude 10 or larger earthquake. That would be an earthquake event in which two or more major faults became seismically active at about the same time. Can such a thing actually happen? Well, let's take a look and see what has happened in the past. Let us consider a situation where earthquakes occurred on a number of different faults during the same quake event.

A page linked here speaks about "multiple faults [which] appear to have slipped almost simultaneously, creating a composite earthquake." When multiple faults slip at virtually the same time, a larger quake event occurs than could be produced by just one of the faults by itself. Looking at another example, a page linked here speaks of the 2016 New Zealand earthquake. The page states: "The earthquake ruptured at least 12 major crustal faults plus another nine lesser faults and there was also evidence of slip along southern end of the Hikurangi subduction zone plate boundary..."


There is now something else to consider. A Wikipedia entry about the Cascadia earthquake in the year 1700 is linked here. The page states: "Previous earthquakes are estimated to have been in 1310 AD, 810 AD, 400 AD, 170 BC and 600 BC." A page linked here declares: "There is geologic evidence of at least 13 events at intervals from about 300 to 900 years." Now it is time to consider this information further, in the light of that new realization acquired from the 2016 New Zealand earthquake.

A few sections above, there are found these words about the 2016 New Zealand earthquake: "If [the Kaikoura earthquake] had happened 1000 years ago ... if you were to look at it with current paleoseismic methods that are available you would see it as separate individual events. You would never consider it as a single rupture." At this point, a very serious question needs to be asked. Could the same thing be happening in the Cascadia region? Could the multiple earthquake events declared for the Cascadia region, actually have all been part of a single, massive earthquake event?



The largest recorded earthquake in the 1900s occurred in 1960 in Chile. This quake had a magnitude of 9.5. Information about this quake is found in the pages linked below. The first linked page declares: "Other earthquakes in recorded history may have been larger; however, this is the largest earthquake that has occurred since accurate estimates of magnitude became possible in the early 1900s."

Though not the largest in magnitude, some very large quakes were extremely deadly. Number one on most lists is the Shensi, China earthquake of January 23, 1556. Though the magnitude was only about an 8.0, this quake killed about 830,000 people. A number of other large quakes have killed close to one-quarter of a million people in single events, as shown at the pages linked below.


A page from the USGS, titled 20 Largest Earthquakes in the World, is linked here. All of the earthquakes on the list have a magnitude 8.4 or greater, therefore they are officially classed as Great earthquakes. Throughout the 1900s, there were a total of 20 earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.4 or greater. At this point (7/10/2022) in the 2000s, there have already been 7 earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.4 or greater.

We are a bit over one-fifth of the way into the 2000s, and we are already nearing the total of 8.4 or greater earthquakes which were experienced throughout the whole 1900s. Yes, things have been more mellow and somewhat quiet since 2012, with just an 8.1 quake in 2017 (1), but the earth could be just resting as things could now be in a more "locked" mode, with the stresses building. Then, when we least expect it, the next round of Great earthquakes could begin.

As of this update (7/10/2022), we are approaching the "1/4 point" for the 2000s, yes, almost one-quarter of the way through the century. In the approximately two-and-one-half years remaining until the "1/4 point," potentially, there may be more Great earthquakes for humanity to experience. The bottom line is this: it appears that in the 2000s, Great earthquakes are coming at a rate which is much faster than in the 1900s.

Looking at official Great earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.0 or greater, a 2014 page linked here declares: "The last ten years have been a remarkable time for great earthquakes. Since December 2004 there have been no less than 18 quakes of Mw8.0 or greater - a rate of more than twice that seen from 1900 to mid-2004." Truly, it does appear that Great earthquakes are possibly coming at more than twice the rate experienced in the 1900s.

Another 2014 page, linked here, is titled Worldwide Surge in 'Great' Earthquakes Seen in Past 10 years. The page declares: "The annual number of 'great' earthquakes nearly tripled over the last decade, providing a reminder to Americans that unruptured faults like those in the northwest United States might be due for a Big One." The page declares further: "Between 2004 and 2014, 18 earthquakes with magnitudes of 8.0 or more rattled subduction zones around the globe. That's an increase of 265 percent over the average rate of the previous century..." Other pages which speak about the increase in Great earthquakes in more recent times are accessed using the links below.

In all of this, we will just have to wait and see what happens throughout the remaining 3/4 of this century, if things do actually last that long. Will the high rate of Great earthquakes continue, after a brief lull, or is there the potential that things could escalate into something even greater? Is there a chance that many people alive today may see the true effects of an Epic, 10.0+ monster earthquake?

Well, for most people, only time will tell the truth on this monster earthquake issue. But, there could be some further information to consider in this whole story. A somewhat "unusual" page from 2001, which is linked here, speaks about some of those earlier "seers" which spoke about great earthquakes. And now, for those who truly have "an ear to hear," there are some biblical prophecies which could be of interest.



Over 2,000 years ago, a question was asked about when the end of the world would come. A question was also asked about the signs which would indicate that the end of the world was need. The following answer by the Lord Jesus Christ was given for the "signs" preceding the end: "Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven."(1)

During the 1900s, nations definitely rose against nations, even on a rather large scale with World War One and World War Two. And then, there have been many other wars since those days at various places around the world. And now, at the time of this writing (7-10-2022), there is the serious "slug-it-out" war between Russia and Ukraine, plus talk about a devastating World War Three. And, a third world war could potentially go full nuclear, plus could potentially even include the full use of biological weapons.

This presentation already spoke about great earthquakes happening at various places around the world. We are also seeing famines and pestilences around the world. Now, the mere introductory pages linked below speak about at least part of the "fearful sights...from heaven," that is spoken about above. And, if these space rocks, or even larger space rocks, begin to commonly explode above the surface of the earth, or actually begin to commonly penetrate into the earth, that could change our whole perspective on things.

Now, when it comes to "fearful sights...from heaven," the pages linked below may possibly provide some "food for thought." Yes, they are concerned about an asteroid which could potentially hit the earth in 2029. And yes, people are concerned about being killed by a devastating space rock which comes slamming into the earth. And then, there is speculation that the biblical city of Sodom was destroyed by an exploding meteor. Well, since this earth and its populace is becoming like a large Sodom and Gomorrah on steroids, possibly we will soon be seeing some earth-shattering events in the days ahead.

The following signs were also declared by the Lord Jesus Christ, which apply to the period leading up to the end of the world: "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory."(1)

What is being spoken about above are certain signs which were prophesied to occur in the period leading up to that which is commonly called the end of the world. So, are there any other related prophecies which can potentially enlighten us about things which shall be happening upon this earth, in that period leading up to the end of the world? Possibly we should at least consider the things which will be presented next, for the events which are spoken about definitely will include some massive, virtually worldwide earthquakes.


It is written: "And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: and they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled."(1)

These martyred ones were crying out for their blood to be avenged upon those that dwell upon the earth. So, what then happens? Again, it is written: "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."(1)

Now, when the stars of heaven (or asteroids and meteors) come slamming into the earth in a mighty torrent, and every mountain and island are moved out of their places, do you think there will be earthquakes involved? Will these be just small earthquakes, or will they be mighty, Great earthquakes? When every mountain and island are moved out of their places, is there a chance that this earth could actually experience authentic, Epic earthquakes? With everything moving around, is there a chance that this earth could be experiencing an earthquake event far in excess of just a mere 10.0 magnitude?

So, what will the people commonly be doing when all these things begin to happen upon this earth? In relation to these things, it is written: "And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"(1)

It is also written, so that we may even understand things better, when it comes to those days which are rapidly approaching: "And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments."(1)


In the section above, it speaks of the sun becoming black and the moon becoming as blood, or becoming a reddish color. It also speaks of the stars (which biblically includes what we call meteors and asteroids) falling from heaven to the earth. It speaks further about all the rulers and great men, plus many others, running for cover when they begin to see the face of the one who is really sitting on the throne of heaven. They are also in fear because of "the wrath of the Lamb." So, are there any other words of prophecy which appear to be of a similar nature, about the signs happening in the heavens and in the earth?

In answer, it is written: "And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come."(1) Again, it is written: "And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come..."(1)

It is also written: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."(1)

Again, it is written: "And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction..."(1) So, the preceding passage speaks about the Lord Jesus "taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." And, a couple of paragraphs above, it speaks about "the wrath of the Lamb."

There is something in the paragraph above to consider just a bit further. Why were the people of God troubled? Could it be that they were being persecuted? Could it be that they were having to watch wickedness rapidly taking over the earth? Could it be that they were being forced to become party to things which were totally against the true ways of God? Could it be that they were forced, via the use of a corrupt tax system, to pay for things like abortion and the murder of babies, the shedding of innocent blood, plus other ungodly programs associated with things like the eugenics movement and their allies?

Why will God bring an incredible judgment upon this earth? Is it because the human race has thoroughly corrupted itself? Is it because the large share of humanity worships the creature more than the Creator? It is because lusting humans worship the bodies of other humans, rather than worshiping God? Is it because, like savages, they worship and glorify violence and bloodshed in their publications, in their music, in their sports, plus in their movies, videos and games? Is it because they have utterly turned away from the true way of God, and turned themselves unto evil? And then, many will turn and say, "Let God bless us and our country." But what does God say?

It is written as an example to us: "And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood."(1) It is also written: "Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness."(1)

The written word of God plainly declares: "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."(1) It is also written: "Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth."(1) Yes, God only hears the prayers of those who genuinely worship God! And how do we worship God? We worship God by being obedient to him and by doing his will! So what god are the people praying to, when they think they are asking God to bless that which has become evil? What does the true God have to say about all these things which are happening?

Again, it is written: "Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it. For the indignation of the LORD is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter.
        "Their slain also shall be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcases, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood. And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree."

The same story is told in many places in the Holy Bible, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Because of the utter rebellion of humanity and their horrid wickedness against God, there is a mighty judgment which will soon be coming upon this earth and its wicked inhabitants. Yes, "in flaming fire" it shall be coming, as the host of heaven, which includes asteroids and meteors, comes falling to the earth in a mighty barrage. And, as noted in the passage from the Holy Bible which is found earlier in this presentation, "every mountain and island" shall be "moved out of their places" in the mighty barrage. Do you think there will be massive earthquakes associated with this earth-shattering activity?


Near the beginning of the section above, it is noted that there will be a tribulation just before the stars fall from heaven and every mountain and island are moved out of their places. During this tribulation, as history and the Holy Bible indicate, they will be getting rid of, or "eliminating," as many as possible of those who speak the real truth or who follow the true way of God. This tribulation could potentially be instigated by that organization which has slaughtered so many authentic Christians in the past, via its Crusades and Inquisitions, plus the numerous wars which it appears it has helped to instigate upon this earth.

It appears that once they have slaughtered as many people as possible, plus eliminated those who openly speak the real truth, they will think that all is great now that they can have peace, while they pursue their evil endeavors. But, especially for the organization which appears to be the main instigator, there is the judgment which is on its way. Some of this judgment on the instigator is noted in a page linked here. And, the whole world will get to see this judgment on the instigator. But not long after that, the general judgment will happen to the rest of the worldly people, who may be feeling that they are safe.

In regards to all these things, it is written: "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."(1)

And again, it is clearly written: "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
        "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed."

At this point, there are some things to make very clear. In the days of Noe, or in the days of Noah, the people had utterly corrupted themselves and the earth was filled with violence by these corrupted people (1). Well, that is exactly how things are today, virtually worldwide. Even in their music and videos, plus their other forms of entertainment, the worldly and wicked people glorify violence. They love violence because their minds are utterly corrupted and the Spirit of God does not dwell in them, because they have given themselves to Satan.

Now, the quote from the Holy Bible, which is found a couple of paragraphs above, also speaks about the days of Lot. So, what was it like in the days of that man named Lot? Well, in the days of Lot, the people of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were heavily into homosexuality and were wicked exceedingly in the eyes of the LORD God (1)(2)(3)(4)(5). There is reason to believe that they were also into beastility or raping animals. And what do we see today? Homosexuality is rampant and openly glorified, plus utter wickedness is spreading like wildfire, as we approach the end of the world.

So, the two important signs which were clearly declared by the Lord Jesus Christ about two thousand years ago, which two signs are, as it was in the days of Noah and as it was in the days of Lot, which signal that the coming destruction of the world is near, are blatantly "in our face" today. And at the same time, the evidence clearly shows that there has been an increase in great earthquakes in diverse places around this world, especially since the beginning of the 1900s. And yes, there have been wars and rumors of wars, plus famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and signs in the heavens.

Virtually all of the signs of the rapidly approaching end of the world, which the Lord Jesus Christ clearly spoke about roughly two thousand years ago, are all happening in our day! With all that is happening, what more obvious signs do we need? Or, are people so spiritually blind and spiritually dead that they cannot discern the obvious signs of the times? Or, on the other hand, have people simply given themselves so totally over to Satan and are so caught up in their fleshly lusts and desires, that they do not even care any more that their end is coming, along with their torment and anguish in the everlasting lake of fire?

In all of this, there is a truth which most people do not understand. This earth was designed for judgment. Even for us of today, it is as it was commanded to the children of Israel: "Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.
        "Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;) That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you."

Because this earth is designed for judgment and can virtually spew out or eliminate or destroy its wicked inhabitants, there is absolutely no way that wicked and devil-possessed humanity can protect themselves from the judgment of Almighty God, once the cup of his wrath has been filled all the way to the brim. When the judgment begins, virtually all of nature will be coming against wicked humanity. Even the stars of heaven (biblically, asteroids and meteors, possibly along with comets) shall be slamming violently into virtually the whole face of the earth. And yes, there will be earthquakes. But, there is more to this story.

The prophecy declares: "And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great."(1) Yes, even the birds shall be called to "the supper of the great God," which shall be provided for them. And yes, they will be eating a whole lot of dead bodies of the enemies of God.

And again, it is written: "And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground."(1) It is indicated at various places in the Holy Bible that the birds, along with the beasts, shall be "cleaning up" a considerable amount of "the mess" in the aftermath. They shall be eating human bodies and that is how errant humanity shall become dung upon the ground. Yes, they will be pooped out!

So again, what will it be like in the days before the end, when the sun is darkened and the moon shall not give its light? What will it be like in those days when numerous stars shall be falling from the heavens in a might barrage, and every mountain and island are moved out of their places during this major event? Again, is there a chance that at least "a little" seismic activity could be associated with this major event, or should it be a large-scale, Epic earthquake event which the world should be expecting in the days ahead?



Things have been foretold for thousands of years by the Lord Jesus Christ and by the true prophets of God, yet many, especially in our day, refuse to listen. Why? Because they do not believe in God. The people are into vain things which entertain them, plus they are consumed with the lusts of their carnal flesh. In their "spiritual blindness," they think that the genuine Holy Bible is just a book of fairy tales. But, even for people who reject the Holy Bible, when frightening things begin to happen all over, they may suddenly realize, but likely much too late to do them any good, that possibly they have been extremely wrong all along.

So, what could it potentially be like in the days ahead? What could it be like for the haters of God and for those who do not want to walk in that true way which was clearly shown by the Lord Jesuit Christ? Well, the following passage could possibly give at least some kind of indication:

"Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every man's heart shall melt: and they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames.
      "Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.
      "And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir. Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger."

At this point, there is an important question which should be asked. When the world is punished for their evil, why will a man suddenly become more precious than fine gold, even more precious than the golden wedge of Ophir? Well, the Holy Bible does not leave us without an example and some type of an answer on this one. When it comes to the fiery judgment, along with the many asteroids suddenly slamming into this earth, plus the mighty earthquakes which will be happening virtually worldwide, consider the following words which are found in the Holy Bible:

"Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.
          The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken this word. The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left."

Now, from what is quoted above, it should be relatively easy to understand why a man will become more precious than gold. Yes, in the incredible fiery judgment from God which shall come upon the wicked of this world, the inhabitants of the earth shall be burned. Further above in this presentation, it was shown that the birds and the beasts shall be called to "the supper of the great God." Possibly it may be something like barbequed bodies that the birds and beast shall be eating. It might be something like when bears and birds and other animals are eating scrap food out of garbage dumpsters, but just on a worldwide scale. And then, only a few men will remain after this mighty judgment from God.

According to the things presented so far, it appears that there are going to be some very great earthquakes in the times ahead. Possibly this will be happening when the numerous "stars" are falling from heaven and slamming mightily into the earth, when every mountain and island are moved out of their places. Could all of this be part of the reason why "...the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"(1)


In the sections above, it speaks about the rulers, the rich men, the mighty men, plus others, trying to hide themselves in the dens and rocks of the mountains, in an attempt to hide themselves from the wrath of that one which is called the Lamb. Now, are there any other words of prophecy which are speaking of things of a similar nature?

Possibly the following word from the Holy Bible could relate to this discussion. It is written: "Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty. The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low..."(1)

When it says that "the lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down," does that sound like humanity is going to be at least somewhat humbled by God in that day? And, could there also be at least some seismic activity involved with this immense humbling of humanity? For our answer, let us look further into the prophecy begun above.

It is further written: "And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. And the idols he shall utterly abolish. And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.
        "In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats; to go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?"

Note clearly what is being spoken about in the quote above. Errant humanity shall be utterly terrified and they will be looking for places to hide themselves, in an attempt to survive the mighty judgment from God. And, they shall be utterly humbled when the true God arises to "shake terribly the earth." Errant humanity, in their last moments, shall be in utter terror while God alone is exalted, as he is greatly shaking and devastating the works of mankind upon this earth. During this time, the works of errant humanity shall be utterly destroyed.

Now, there is something to again consider, especially when it comes to that seismic activity which shall be associated with the mighty barrage of stars (which biblically includes asteroids and meteors, plus possibly comets) which shall be slamming violently into the earth. Again, in this mighty barrage, every mountain and island shall be moved out of their places. So, is there a chance that the associated seismic activity could be in the Epic earthquake class? Is there also the potential that wicked humanity could actually be wishing, in their final moments, that they were only having to deal with a mere 10.0 magnitude earthquake event?

Again, it is written: "Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth. And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake. The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again."(1)

Throughout the genuine Holy Bible, when looking through both the Old Testament and the New Testiment, virtually the same story is being told. There is a judgment which shall be coming upon this earth in the rapidly approaching days ahead. It shall be an extremely severe and devastating judgment, because of the extreme wickedness of humanity. They have gone the way of Cain! They have gone the way of Sodom and Gomorrah! But there is even more to consider in all of this. What does the Holy Bible say further about these rapidly approaching days, which many or most alive today may possibly see with their own eyes?


When the foundations of the earth are shaking, when the earth is utterly broken down, there will be seismic activity beyond anything humanity has experienced before. And, when the earth "is clean dissolved," that means things will be melting from the intense heat associated with this incredible event. In relation to this, it is written: "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up."(1)

And again, it is written: "The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left."(1) Yes, the wicked inhabitants shall be burned.

Today, there are many brazen mockers of God. There are many who are effectively "thumbing their noses" at God and at the Lord Jesus Christ. But the following is written as fair warning to all of humanity: "Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth."(1) Yes, you have been given fair warning. Now is the acceptable time to truly repent to God and turn from all of your wickedness, and then turn to walk in the true way of God and Christ, as that true way is shown within the Holy Bible.



There is now something further to consider. Could there be some very intense heat generated on this earth, as the numerous stars are slamming into the earth and the mountains and islands are being moved out of their places? Will things be getting very hot, as the magma is gushing out of the punctured and broken earth and burning everything in its path? And, will the light of the moon be turned to a reddish color, because of all the smoke and ash in the atmosphere, just as the prophecies further above tend to indicate? Is there more definition which is available about this coming time?

In answer, it is written: "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
        "And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
        "And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great."

The information above is speaking about "a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great." Are we speaking about a true 10.0+ megaquake here? It also declares that "the cities of the nations fell." This does not sound like just a localized thing, with just a few nearby cities affected, but rather a worldwide event, especially when it states that "every island fled away, and the mountains were not found." And then, to add to everything else, there is this "exceeding great" hail of stones out of heaven. It sounds almost like there will be a celestial "shotgun barrage."


Further above in this presentation, the following words were written: "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."(1)

Now, it is time for a couple of rather important questions to be asked, for we should truly clarify the things which are being spoken about, so we know what will be happening in the days ahead. What are these "stars of heaven" which shall be falling and slamming violently into the earth in the times ahead? What is the actual nature of these "stars of heaven" which shall be falling in large clusters or in a mighty barrage across the face of the earth, which is pictured in the quote above as being like a fig tree loaded with fruit, when it "is shaken of a mighty wind?"

For an answer to the above question, let us turn to the plain and simple word of God. Let us turn to the plain and simple word of God which is written at a level which even a mere child should be able to understand. As a note, it seems to be corrupted adults which like to complicate things to such a degree that they can no longer understand the plain and simple word of God, or what it is even speaking about. Let us now move onward, that we may come to a true understanding about the stars of heaven which are being spoken about, which shall fall to the earth in that mighty barrage in the fast approaching days ahead.


Concerning the early part of Creation, the authentic written word of God declares: "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also."(1) So, we clearly see in the above words the mention of the sun and the moon. And then, there were the stars. Anything which was not the sun or the moon appears to have been simply classed as a star. This kept things nice and simple --- so simple that even a mere child can understand the things being spoken about.

Then along came some adult which declared that there were "wandering stars." Eventually, these wandering stars were called planets by yet other adults. But, the corrupting adults were not done yet. Certain bright objects in the sky were called comets. But, there is more. The adults began to rapidly complicate things even further. Numerous other star-like objects found in the night sky began to be called "asteroids." And, what is the meaning of the word "asteroid?" It means something in the night sky which looks like a star. This information is found within the following linked pages: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8).

Most people looking up into the night sky with the naked eye could not tell the difference between an asteroid and virtually any other object called a "star." That is why the Holy Bible simply labeled everything in the night sky, other than the sun and moon, as being "stars." Even comets, when using the early biblical definitions, would fall under the category of a star. But, the corrupting adults really went all out. They began calling our sun a "star."

Now, there is an important question which really needs to be asked. Why, in the more recent times in human history, did the scientists begin to widely declare and teach in virtually all of the schools that the sun is just another star? Well, it appears that it may possibly have something to do with a war against God and his Word, where the agents of Satan are working to turn people away from the Word of God. It appears that it also may have something to do with the continuing Counter Reformation.

As part of our answer to what it appears is really going on in the scientific community, when it comes to the renaming of the sun as being a "star," let us look at something from the third section of Part One of this presentation which may have some application at this point, especially since they are pushing things so hard in our day and just ramming things down the throats of those in the so-called halls of learning. In the third section, it shows that the CIA basically took control over the media in the early 1950s. Then, there was the infamous and diabolical CIA Director named William Casey who is said to have declared: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

What the infamous CIA Director named William Casey was speaking about in the quote above is related to the big push, even in the schools of our day, for the "Dumbing Down of America." Oh, by the way, there are some things which we should possibly know about William Casey. He was a Knight of Malta. This means that he was part of the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which militia is ultimately controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome. Basically, William Casey was a foreign agent who was working to further the Jesuit agenda for the United States and its largely naive citizens.

Now, in the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy is said to have declared something along this line: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." Well, what better way to enslave the whole American public than to dumb them down by pumping them full of information and "science" which is false? As has been said in the past, "True knowledge is power." But to weaken the people, they have to feed them full of false information and dumb them down. And, to weaken the United States, the enemies of this country had to turn the people away from God and away from the Holy Bible.

Well, because of their rebellion against God and his Christ, the mighty celestial barrage shall be coming in the days ahead. And, the largest earthquakes ever felt by humanity shall occur upon this earth. And, based on the information included in this presentation, it appears that what will most likely be falling from the heavens to the earth in a mighty barrage in the days ahead will be a mighty barrage of asteroids and meteors, plus possibly also comets. These celestial bodies shall be violently slamming into the earth. And during this mighty barrage, every mountain and island shall be moved out of their places.

Once it is understood that there will be this mighty barrage of celestial bodies falling from the heavens and slamming violently into virtually the whole face of the earth, it becomes much more obvious why God shall create new heavens and a new earth. With the current heavens being possibly largely emptied of their asteroids and many other important bodies in the immense barrage, there will possibly be a real need for new heavens, along with a new earth.


The pages linked below indicate that there can be large-scale firestorms, plus hot, flowing lava, involved with asteroid and comet impacts upon this earth. Regarding the hot, flowing lava, possibly it could be something like when the Columbia River Flood Basalts came gushing out of the earth in what is now the Pacific Northwest of the United States (1)(2)(3), or like that which occurred when the Deccan Traps in India were formed (1)(2). Only, in this case, because of the asteroids and/or comets slamming into virtually the whole face of the earth, these types of flows may be happening all over the earth at the same time (1)(2)(3)(4).

So, what could it potentially be like on the face of this earth during a mighty barrage of asteroids and/or comets which are violently slamming into this earth? What will things be like, when there are many airbursts, plus impact craters are rapidly forming over virtually the whole face of the earth? What will it be like in just the atmosphere, when all of these things are happening? Read the pages linked below and think deeply about the implications.

And, as an example of what could happen to the earth and its atmosphere, consider the information linked below and what happened when the comet fragments of Shoemaker-Levy 9 slammed into the atmosphere of Jupiter in July of 1994. It is said that there was at least one fireball which was larger than our earth. It is said that a peak temperature of about 24,000 degrees K, or almost 43,000 degrees Fahrenheit, was created in at least one impact zone during this event. It is time for a little reality. Temperatures like that should be enough to destroy most known forms of life upon this earth.

With a large barrage of fiery space objects crashing through the atmosphere and slamming violently into the earth, a large portion or virtually all of the necessary oxygen in our air supply could be used up in the fireballs. The human or animal life which is not incinerated, vaporized, or crushed, will most likely end up dying because of things related to suffocation or carbon monoxide poisoning (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6). Only those protected by God shall survive the incredible carnage. And yes, the earth will be shaking violently, while all this devastation is happening. It will be the greatest earthquake ever felt.



It is time to consider some of the foolishness of those who refuse to believe in God and the Holy Bible. In relation to this situation, it is written: "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."(1) Looking at what has been happening in recent times, as indicated in the pages linked below, it appears that a certain segment of humanity has "big," bold plans for defending the earth against an asteroid or comet impact. Yes, it appears that a certain segment of humanity thinks they are big enough at this time, as they are lifted up in their own vain minds against God and his power. But, there is something to now seriously consider.

It appears that the so-called "great ones"(1) of our day may be immensely "puffed up" in their minds about their capabilities, but they are not thinking quite big enough. It is time for a bit of that "Reality 901." All the defensive weaponry of humanity, including all its nuclear devices combined, will be as nothing, once the mighty barrage of asteroids, plus possibly comets included, begins. The supposedly "mighty weapons" of humanity will be the equivalent of bringing a toy "pop gun"(1) or a toy "squirt gun"(1) to a full-on machine gun and rocket-propelled grenade fight (1)(2)(3).

No matter how big and powerful at least a certain segment of errant humanity thinks they are at this time, they shall be utterly humbled in the days ahead. They shall find out that they are horrendously "outgunned" by the large volume and "firepower" of the "celestial weaponry" which God has available, once the cup of his wrath is filled to the brim and that mighty judgment begins in earnest. Humanity will also be utterly humbled during the massive, worldwide earthquakes which shall be associated with the "celestial barrage." And, just so you know, it's all been foretold. You can believe it now or believe it then, the choice is yours.

Regarding this rapidly approaching day, once again, the written word of God clearly proclaims: "And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand""(1) When they see it coming, the learned ones will have no questions about what is happening and what will be coming next. They cannot fight it, so all they will do is run.

Yes, they will run for all they are worth, in utter terror, but it will all be in vain. They will not be successful in hiding from the mighty judgment which God shall bring upon them. And, potentially, a great volume of fiery magma will also be gushing out across the surface of the earth from those numerous "puncture wounds" which are created in the earth by the deeply penetrating asteroids. About that time, humanity may better understand the true meaning of "the lake of fire," as they watch things being burned and buried in the swiftly advancing wall of molten magma, as it is rapidly moving to engulf even them.

There is another thing to consider at this point. Of God, it is written: "Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end."(1)

When it comes to the earth, it shall wax old like a garment. As a vesture shall it be changed. A vesture is the outer covering. As the flood of molten magma burns and buries all the works of humanity, a new outer covering will be created for this earth. This is something like what happened with the rapid emplacement of the Columbia River Flood Basalts and the Deccan Traps. There is only one hope when all of these things happen. That hope is found within the authentic written Word of God.


Now it is time to show some of the basic truth about NASA. Some of the pages linked in the preceding section indicate that those in NASA are working on a plan to stop a devastating asteroid from slamming into the earth. Well, the writer has reason to suspect that the sly and sneaky ones associated with NASA have quite a worldclass scam going. In this worldclass scam, those in control of NASA have very cushy jobs and the piles of money just keep flowing in from the economically enslaved general public of the United States. But, there is more that we should know about this whole scam.

In the pages linked below, it is clearly shown that NASA does not have the capability of even stopping just one asteroid. But it the mighty barrage of asteroids which God sends crashing violently into the earth during the judgment of wilfully wicked humanity, there will be literally hundreds or thousands of asteroids slamming into the earth in the same barrage. When the barrage begins to happen, even those in control of NASA will be running in search of a place to hide. And it will all be in vain. The lake of everlasting fire and torment awaits them all.

By the way, there is reason to suspect that those in control of NASA and the media are now lying to the general public of the United States in what they are claiming about some asteroid which they are calling Bennu. Note in the pages linked below that they are claiming that the surface region of Bennu is like a big pit of plastic balls, as they say, Like a Chuck E Cheese ball pit for spacecrafts.

Now, isn't it about time that the general public came out of their brain-dead stupor and called BS on NASA and their cohorts? In the rapidly approaching day of the Lord, we shall truly find out what these asteroids are really made of, when they move every mountain and island out of their places. Yes, we shall find out that the incoming asteroids really are made of solid material.

Now, there is something to consider when it comes to all this apparent BS which is coming out of NASA and the news media. To get people prepared for feeding them full of BS, as the enemies of the authentic United States hijacked this country and enslaved its citizens, the enemies first had to take control of the media. As shown in the third section of Part One in this presentation, the CIA had to take control of the U.S. media so they could start feeding the public fake news, so they could be controlled and manipulated. This was done using Operation Mockingbird.

In order to accomplish the agenda of the true bosses of the CIA, once the media was under the control of the CIA, their cohorts had to start the Dumbing Down of America (1)(2), to prepare the up and coming generation to naively believe the big scam. This was where the schools came in (1)(2), to brainwash and prepare the up and coming generations to naively believe the big scam. And truly, from the looks of things, the general public is gullibly believing the big scam.

Well, the judgment of the wicked of this earth is rapidly approaching. There is reason to suspect that many or most alive today will get to see the massive bombardment of this earth by the celestial barrage, when every mountain and island are moved out of their places. And, there is reason to suspect that the massive celestial barrage will be the driving force behind the massive earthquakes which will occur across virtually the whole face of this earth in the days ahead, when the earth "shall reel to and fro like a drunkard."


Some may ask, "When shall all these things will take place upon this earth?" Well, all the signs, including humanity's rapidly increasing wickedness, violence and open rebellion against God, indicates that these major events will probably begin to happen not that far in the future. All of these things most likely shall occur sooner, rather than later.

After a considerable amount of research, it would surprise the writer if it was much more than 30 years in the future, when these things begin to happen. Once again, there is a chance that many people living today may see it all happen with their own eyes. Yes, they may see that which is called "the end of the world." And then comes the everlasting lake of fire and torment for those who have not properly prepared themselves, that they are found walking in the true way of God.

And yes, especially to the disbelieving ones in the USGS and its associated agencies (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), it appears that true megaquakes, with a magnitude of 10.0 or greater, can actually happen upon this earth. It all depends on the driving force behind the earthquake event. These are just some of the things which are currently missing from your flawed, computerized earthquake models.

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The Greatest Earthquake Ever Felt

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