Francis  E.  Wilkinson  and

"Almost  Free"  Fuel ?

And, where are all of his important Research Papers ?

This presentation also includes information about the ILLEGAL PRECEDENT
which was earlier set with the missing research papers of Nikola Tesla,

plus, there are more things to think about...

Has there been some type of a nasty conspiracy by the foreign-controlled, enslaving hijackers of our country, against the common citizens of the United States, especially when it comes to U.S. citizens being able to obtain fuel for their various engines at a REASONABLE price?

Have U.S. citizens been intentionally entertained and kept in the dark, when it comes to the possibility for producing virtually unlimited quantities of reasonably priced, usable fuels for their engines and other needs, from low-cost, possibly even waste materials?

Well, check out the information found within this page and see what you think. It appears that, using a technology which had been proven in the past, it could be relatively easy for many citizens of the United States to become energy independent...and more un-enslaved.

By   David E. Sakrisson
Independent Researcher and Reporter
Initially Posted:   08 Jul 2023
Latest Additions Posted:   17 Jul 2023
Copyright © 2023 by  David E. Sakrisson


In the latter 1930s, in Glendale, California, there lived a man named Francis E. Wilkinson. Based on the information in the page linked below, it appears that Mr. Wilkinson was born on October 28, 1881. Then, he ultimately died on September 27, 1952, at the age of 70, and was buried in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale. Considering the things that this man did in his life, it is puzzling that there is hardly anything to be found about him via an Internet search. It is like "they" don't want people to know about him and his work.

To view an article about Francis E. Wilkinson, click on the link below, which brings the reader to page 49 in the March 1939 issue of Popular Science. Then, scroll down in the magazine to page 86. There, the reader will find an article titled Back-Yard Alchemist Creates New Substances with High-Frequency Electricity. Around the year 2010, this article could be accessed directly in Popular Science magazine through a Google search, but not now. Possibly "someone" does not want easy access to this type of information.

The article, accessed using the link, tells a number of important things about Francis Wilkinson. In earlier years, he was a student at London University, which is in England. Then, he later "came to the United States and settled in California, where for two decades he has worked as a consulting engineer and experimented in his crowded little laboratory." Wilkinson had "his crowded little laboratory" in the backyard of his home in Glendale, California. But, though very small, it was a very special laboratory, indeed!


The only page on the Internet which has done a good job preserving information about at least some of the things which Francis E. Wilkinson did in his life is accessed via the button-link below. That page is located on the Rex Research site (1). The page linked below includes the Popular Science article from March 1939. It also includes information about Wilkinson's Great Britain patent (GB686529) for Desulphurisation of Oils of Mineral Origin, which was finally published in 1953, which was after Wilkinson's death.

Further down in the linked page, there is information about Wilkinson's patent (GB697224) for treating hydrocarbons. And, it appears that this patent, also, was finally published after Wilkinson's death. Then, even further down in the page is Wilkinson's patent (GB697223) information about his process for treating mineral or vegetable oils, for the production of oils of lower boiling point. Yes, another 1953 published patent. And, there is still more to know about Francis Wilkinson. He was not just into research about oils.

Looking further into the linked page, there in information about Wilkinson's British patent (GB658638) from 1951. This patent is titled Process and Apparatus for the Extraction of Gold from its Ores. And, holding true to Wilkinson's field of expertise, this gold extraction process included the use of "a high frequency electromagnetic field." Then, there is information about Wilkinson's 1952 patent (GB680280) for "Improvements relating to Aerial Devices," which related to radio or television equipment.

At the bottom of the page linked above, it notes that Francis E. Wilkinson received a patent for his Method for Desulphurizing Mineral Oils, which was United States patent US2303970. Some preliminary information about that patent is linked here And then, a copy of the U.S. Patent of 1942 is linked here. By the way, Francis Wilkinson finding a way to desulphurize oil for the petroleum industry is spoken about in the Popular Science article from March 1939, which is found at the beginning of the page linked above.


Once again, at the beginning of the page linked here, there is found that Popular Science article from March of 1939, which is titled Back-Yard Alchemist Creates New Substances with High-Frequency Electricity. At the bottom of the Popular Science article, when it comes to Francis Wilkinson, it states: "This backyard experimenter labors without pay because he hates war, and hopes that his experiments may help provide enough raw materials for the world so that nations will cease going to war over them."

Within the Popular Science article, it speaks about Wilkinson's interest in round-the-world airplane flights. In the year 1939, Wilkinson declared: "Since petroleum products are not easily available in all countries, the world must have a universal motor fuel, one easily manufactured anywhere." The article states that Wilkinson "went to work to find a motor fuel which could be created from fruits or vegetables." Those countries which did not have petroleum deposits could then supply their fuel needs from various crops.

The article states that Wilkinson "treated decayed fruit with electricity, [and] produced both alcohol and lubricants." Then, he added products from sour cottonseed oil to the alcohol and created "an efficient motor fuel." And in the midst of all of his experimental processes, he created crude rubber. It appears that from vegetable-type matter, he may have created a type of rubber which could have been used in a process for even making tires for vehicles.

In all of this, "motorists and airplane pilots need not depend upon oil wells for their fuel." They could be freed from the expensive oil and refinery bottlenecks of the rich hijackers of our country. And, Wilkinson was working to make engine fuels out of waste materials like old newspapers and dried potato peelings. In other words, it appears that with the Wilkinson processes, possibly free or inexpensive old waste materials could be easily converted into valuable fuels for our many engines and other devices.


Further above (link) in this presentation, it speaks about Francis Wilkinson's U.S. patent (US2303970) from 1942 for his Method for Desulphurizing Mineral Oils. Looking again into the Popular Science article from 1939, which is at the top of the page linked here, it speaks about "a hurry-up call from an oil company," which occurred while the writer of the article was visiting Wilkinson's laboratory. They wanted Wilkinson "to find some way of making a sulfur-laden crude fit for use."

With the use of high-frequency electricity, Wilkinson worked his "magic" on the sulfur-laden crude oil and in a relatively short time had perfected a process for separating the sulfur from the crude oil. The article declares: "In a half day he changed unusable crude into a lower-gravity oil which could be easily refined." It must have been quite something to watch Wilkinson perform his "magic" in that small and somewhat primitive laboratory in the backyard of his home.

The article declares: "Standing beside Wilkinson, you can see matter actually change under the electronic bombardment. It looks very simple, yet the process represents a lifetime of cut-and-try experiments. Two tall coils generate the high frequencies. The burned filaments in the discarded light bulbs which have been wound with small wire to create a magnetic field, serve as spark gaps. High-frequency currents from this apparatus pulse through the coils of the tubular vessels in which he treats his raw materials."


The Popular Science article (1) speaks about one of Francis Wilkinson's other experiments in which "he placed a copper electrode in a flask through which high-frequency current was conducted to a liquid. The liquid vaporized and passed through a second flask into a graduate, where it condensed. A quantity of metallic copper collected at the bottom. No heat had been generated, yet somehow the metal was transmuted through vapor and condensed again." Think of the industrial uses for this process.

Well, it appears that Francis Wilkinson was having all kinds of fun in this rustic backyard laboratory. Regarding one of his experiments, the article states: " On another occasion, he distilled and treated a quantity of carbon tetrachloride, which ordinarily will not burn. Yet after bombarding it with ultra-short waves, it became highly inflammable. Why? Wilkinson cannot say." Wilkinson could not explain how this actually happened. But, the important thing is that he had actually done it, and it worked.


What all types of things was Francis Wilkinson doing in his backyard laboratory? What types of fuels and other useful things was he creating out of waste materials and other things? Well, one thing is for sure. The general public has been left in the dark on this one. Other than the article from Popular Science in 1939, which is linked above in this presentation, plus the few patents listed in the Rex Research page, nothing else is found about the types of things he was working with.

Now, it appears that virtually every good experimenter and inventor keeps rather detailed notes about what they have been doing. That allows them to repeat an experiment if need be, plus it allows for planning "offshoot" experiments based on the original experiment. Well, Francis E. Wilkinson, "for two decades [had] worked as a consulting engineer and experimented in his crowded little laboratory." There is reason to suspect that he should have had a considerable amount of laboratory notes about many amazing things.

What happened to Wilkinson's laboratory notes? Were they hidden away from public view, after Wilkinson died in 1952? Did the foreign-controlled, enslaving hijackers of our country hide Wilkinson's laboratory notes behind the often misused CLASSIFIED stamp? Would the notes about the processes which Wilkinson was using have been hidden away so that members of the public could not repeat his experiments and then build systems which could help free them from the domination of the enslaving hijackers?


There are some who may feel that it is outrageous to suspect that some shenanigans were involved with the disappearance of the many laboratory notes which should have existed from Francis Wilkinson's research and experiments over the years. There are possibly those who may think that it is just some conspiratorial craziness to suspect that those associated with some rich or elite people, or with some government agency, would hide away the important and educational information from Francis Wilkinson's experiments.

Well, it is time to consider a precedent which was set almost a decade before Francis E. Wilkinson died on September 27, 1952. Let us note that famous (1) electrical and mechanical (1) genius (1)(2)(3), experimenter and inventor (1)(2)(3)(4) named Nikola Tesla, who died on January 7, 1943 (1). The pages linked below show that after he died, government agents seized and hid the papers and files from his decades of incredible scientific work. And though there have been releases of his files over the years, some are still missing.

Now, there is something to note at the beginning of the second page linked below. It states: "In January 2017, President Obama declassified CIA files, including those relating to scientist and inventor, Nikola Tesla. Their existence had been denied for decades." These are important and revealing words about what goes on with certain people embedded in government positions. The linked page is stating that the CIA had Nikola Tesla files, yet the CIA had been denying for decades the existence of these files.

When it comes to agencies like the CIA hiding things and denying that they ever existed, there is something which should be noted. It is documented that near the beginning of the Reagan administration, there was a staff meeting which was held in February of 1981. At some point in that meeting, the CIA Director named Bill Casey allegedly stated: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)

It appears that the number one lesson which can be learned from all of this is that there are brazen liars in government positions. And, especially when considering the nature of the experiments which Nikola Tesla was doing, it appears that brazenly lying people in government positions are hiding very important pieces of information from the citizens of the United States, apparently so the people cannot learn things which could possibly then help them to make their lives better and a bit easier, so they are not so enslaved.

The words, "So they are not so enslaved", should be considered further. Common U.S. citizens appear to be manipulated and virtually enslaved by the "elite", which "elite" actually appear to be foreign-controlled. And, their foreign controllers have a nasty agenda for the United States and its citizens. In relation to something like this, in the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy stated something along this line: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."(1) And then, he was brutally assassinated (1).

Let us now consider the particular government agency which is said to have been involved with the confiscation of Tesla's research papers and other property, after his death. The page linked here states: "After Nikola Tesla was found dead in January 1943 in his hotel room in New York City, representatives of the U.S. government's Office of Alien Property seized many documents relating to the brilliant and prolific 86-year-old inventor's work." What? The Office of Alien Property? Nikola Tesla was not an alien!

At this point, let us consider the ILLEGAL PRECEDENT which was set by questionable people embedded in government positions, when it comes to the case of Nikola Tesla and his belongings and scientific papers. Tesla was a Serbian who was "Born and raised in the Austrian Empire."(1) Then, "In 1884 he emigrated to the United States, where he became a naturalized citizen."(1) Nikola Tesla became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1891. Then, from 1891 to 1943, or for a period of about 52 years, Tesla was a U.S. citizen.

Looking into the page linked here, it states: "What causes additional controversy is the fact that Tesla was a US citizen and it is incomprehensible why the Department of Justice's Alien Asset Custody Office could even be authorized to take over Tesla's assets and have jurisdiction at that time." And, the head of the FBI in those days, the highly questionable (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) J. Edgar Hoover, claimed that "they had no knowledge that the papers had been photographed or that his men had done such a thing."

In this whole strange situation, there are some other things to note. Earlier in this section (1), it is noted that the CIA had Tesla files, which they had denied having for decades. Then, in the page linked here, it states: "After years of fielding questions about possible cover-ups, the FBI finally declassified some 250 pages of Tesla-related documents under the Freedom of Information Act in 2016." Now, there is more to the FBI story. They did not "come clean" with the Tesla documents they had in 2016.

When it comes to what the FBI did, the page linked in the paragraph above goes on to state: "The bureau followed up with two additional releases, the latest in March 2018. But even with the publication of these documents, many questions still remain unanswered -- and some of Tesla's files are still missing." Note also in the linked page that the electrical engineer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), whose name was Dr. John G. Trump, is said to have evaluated Tesla's papers.

After evaluating the research papers of Nikola Tesla, Dr. John G. Trump stated that the Tesla papers did "not include new sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results." Well, seeing the deception and serious shenanigans which the CIA and the FBI played with the Tesla files, how do we truly know whether or not this Dr. John G. Trump was being anywhere near honest with what was actually in the Tesla papers which he "evaluated"? Well, the true answer is that we don't know for sure.

There is reason to suspect that information and specific details about the important and very educational, lesser known things which Nikola Tesla was doing over the years is among the Tesla papers which are currently missing. There is reason to suspect that these Tesla papers contain extremely important pieces of information which the foreign-controlled, New World Order hijackers of our country and world want to keep hidden from the general public, so they can keep the people dumbed down and more easily enslaved (1).


Well, there truly is a reason for "the Dumbing Down of American".(1) There truly is a reason why those in control would want U.S. citizens to be highly distracted with frivolous things like sports and entertainment. There is a reason why they would want citizens distracted with things similar to the "bread and circuses" which were used to manipulate and control citizens in Roman times, which use of "bread and circuses" is spoken about in the pages linked below. Yes, this type of history is repeating itself the USA.

With all too many people today it is almost like they are trying to say, "Hey, don't bother me with those all too serious and really boring facts. Just give me my sports or entertainment fix. I need my fix. I need it in order to soothe my addiction." It is like they don't care what is happening to the United States, especially to the authentic United States and its genuine citizens. It is like, for way too many people, the country can go to hell (1)(2) in a handbasket, as long as they can get their sports and entertainment fix, and make money.

Now, the pages linked below appear to say things as they largely are in our the United States. the first page linked below states: "America is making some of the same mistakes today that Rome made centuries ago. In many ways, the American Welfare State parallels the Roman Welfare State. We have our legions of beneficiaries, our confiscatory taxation, our burdensome regulation, and of course, our inflation." And then, we have all those oblivious people who are addicted to their "bread and circuses".

To make matters worse, the second linked page indicates that "we are witnessing the loss of our republican form of government, as politicians increasingly represent those who fund their campaigns, rather than our citizens." So, it appears that the "privileged and rich class" is possibly actually controlling this country, for their own benefit, not for the benefit of the citizens at large. Then, corrupt politicians are using their political position as a vehicle to gain wealth, rather than using their position to truly serve the citizens at large.

The second linked page speaks about continuous war being used as a tool to distract the public attention away from the domestic challenges which are not being met. Is that something like Biden getting involved with the Ukraine/Russia war, by giving all that money and war materials to Ukraine, while the citizens of the United States are hurting in many ways, including financially? Then, the third linked page speaks about "our decadent and overly self-indulgent society" in America, which is on the brink of collapse.

Then, to make matters worse, with the Dumbing Down of America and the people addicted to more frivolous things like "Bread and Circuses", it does not seem to be at all popular with the masses for there to be people like Francis E. Wilkinson, or Nikola Tesla, who appear to have been doing their best to improve things for their fellow humans. People nowdays, for the most part, seem to just want their sports and entertainment, the future of the nation be damned...and their enslavement awaits them.


This page has been written to provide some "food for thought". It has been written to wake some people up and point them in a direction which needs further exploration. And really, why should people simply submit to the enslaving and very expensive technologies which the hijackers of our world are foisting on us? Why should we allow ourselves to be dumbed-down and enslaved? Francis Wilkinson was doing amazing things in his laboratory with the use of very simple and inexpensive equipment. It can readily be done again!

As noted earlier (1) in this presentation, Francis Wilkinson hated war. He hated mass-murdering and destructive wars over raw materials and fuels. But after Wilkinson died in 1952, it appears that the enslaving hijackers and New World Order (NWO) warmongers hid away his rather inexpensive, yet special technology, so they could continue to have wars over things like raw materials and petroleum. Now, the rich and elite will not work to free us. We must get off our butts and free ourselves from any enslavement to them.

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