Joe  Biden  and  his

Incredible  &  Treasonous,

Ballooning Bull-Shit

Part of a Jesuit/Catholic Conspiracy against the Citizens of the United States!

...and yes, it should be more than obvious by now that ...

"There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child."
Said by: President John F. Kennedy --- Roman Catholic and High-Level Knight of Columbus
Brutally Assassinated & Permanently Silenced on Friday, November 22, 1963 (1)

By  #A3C5B9S1E1D8
Preview Posted:   04 Feb 2023
Copyright © 2023 by  #A3C5B9S1E1D8


The Chinese balloon incident has made something extremely clear. There is something extremely important to note about the historically lying and criminal, rather treasonous Joe Biden, along with all of those in the criminal and treasonous Biden/Harris administration. There is also something extremely important to note about all of those criminal and treasonous officials in Congress and the U.S. military, plus in all too many of those other so-called "government" agencies, who have finagled their way into office.

All of these criminal and treasonous people in government positions have been seriously violating their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, while getting away with it for way too long. These criminals and treasonous people have completely failed the genuine citizens of the authentic United States. These criminal and treasonous people in government positions are actually traitors to the genuine citizens of the authentic United States. And, the citizens of the United States just sit there like dumbed-down cattle.

Now, the page linked below, from February 3, 2023, brings out a very important point. It called for the shooting down of the Chinese spy balloon. It states: "If we don't take action, we are sending a dangerous message to other rogue states." The page also notes that the Chinese spy balloon was allowed to maneuver directly "over a strategic slice of U.S. territory." Note that the BS'ers in government positions claim that the balloon was NOT shot down "out of fear that the debris may injure citizens or property on the ground."

Wait !   Hold on a moment here !   There is something extremely important which the dumbed-down citizens and sheeple of the hijacked United States need to clearly be made aware of. For starters, check out the maps which show the general flight path of the Chinese spy balloon, which maps are accessed using the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4). That Chinese spy balloon DID NOT just suddenly "pop" into U.S. airspace in Montana. It initially entered U.S. airspace in Alaska. It initially penetrated deeply into U.S. airspace over the remote Aleutian Islands, which islands are fully surrounded by wide-open ocean.

Why was not the Chinese spy balloon shot down by a plane or missile --- or by other means --- while it was over the wide-open ocean to the west of Alaska? The CIA and the U.S. military, along with all of those in the treasonous Biden administration, have completely failed the citizens of the United States. These derelicts and criminals in government positions have clearly shown that they cannot protect the citizens of the United States from a potential attack by a possibly belligerent foreign country. Suppose that the Chinese balloon was carrying a potent nuclear bomb! Suppose that it was carrying packets of biological weapons!

Not only has the criminal and treasonous Biden administration failed the genuine citizens of the authentic United States in this Chinese spy balloon incident, but the criminal and treasonous Biden administration has failed the citizens of the United States at the southern U.S. border. The Jesuit/Catholic-aligned Joe Biden has been leaving the southern border virtually wide open, so Catholic-bred illegal aliens can swarm into the United States. And along with these Catholic-bred illegal aliens come loads of drugs with which to drug U.S. citizens, in order to make them passive and easily manipulated, as they are being enslaved.

To be continued ...

This is just the mere PREVIEW and a basic Introduction for that which is coming in the days ahead.
There is a lot more which really needs to be said.   Check back later for additional information.

Copyright © 2023 by #A3C5B9S1E1D8 --- All Rights Reserved