Has Mayor of Oakland, Calif. Blatantly Broken the Law ?
(...Blatantly Broken the Supreme Law of the Land, while supporting Enemy Aliens ?)
Page created on: Friday, March 2, 2018 --- Latest addition on Saturday, March 9, 2019
By  Admin
This page does include information about methods which are being used for the final takedown and destruction of the authentic United States,
as part of the continuing Counter-Reformation by the New World Order crowd and their agents who freely operate within this country.
A convenient "Links To Sections" index, linkedhere, is located at bottom of this document.
Copies of this document can be made, as long as it stays in its complete and original form, including copyright notices at page bottom.
This document presents the basic observations and opinions of the Administrator of this site, which are the result of decades of research and checking out the facts. This document considers how the writer's findings over the years now relate to the actions and activities in recent times of the mayor of Oakland, California, plus the actions of questionable government officials throughout California and other areas across the United States. It also considers some of the deceptions which are being perpetrated on U.S. citizens, as they are being manipulated into giving up their unalienable rights. In the discussion which follows, the writer says it exactly as they see it. Some may be offended, and if you are one of those who are easily offended, simply leave this site immediately.
In the discussion which follows, virtually all "political correctness" is cast aside. Important facts and history, plus excerpts from the Constitution of the United States of America, are inserted where necessary. Throughout this discussion are found many links to sources of documentation and other applicable information. To some, this discussion may appear to "go all over the place." But in this case, it has to be this way. This allows for the much bigger picture to be clearly seen, so it is easier to understand what has happened to the United States. It also allows us to better see where we have been and should still be, plus where we are now swiftly heading, with the "help" of some questionable people in government and various organizations, even foreign-based organizations.
One of the major problems which the writer sees happening in the United States is that, many government officials and other questionable entities have taken their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, apparently, in many cases, as merely a formality. It appears that they have completely forgotten, or may have never learned, what the Constitutional Republic (1)(2)(3) and the Constitution of the United States are actually supposed to be about (4)(5). In the process, many of these officials and other government personnel are utterly trampling on the authentic rights of citizens and horribly failing to genuinely honor their oaths of office to the Constitution of the United States, plus to the true principles upon which this great nation and its Constitution are founded.
Because of this utter disregard for their oaths of office by government officials and other entities, these people end up working against and seriously undermining the authentic, Constitutional Republic of the United States and what this country is supposed to be about. This process of disregarding oaths of office to the Constitution of the United States, while seriously undermining the authentic form of government mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, has made quite a mess for authentic U.S. citizens to deal with. This utter disregard of oaths to the U.S. Constitution has ultimately worked to steadily enslave authentic U.S. citizens. So, what happened to the United States? What brought about this subtle, yet extremely major change in the nature of its government?
Research indicates that somewhere along the line, "pawns" or agents of a foreign government --- of a foreign government or foreign State which was totally hostile towards the legitimate government of the Constitutional Republic of the United States --- came into this country and began to subtly corrupt and undermine the legitimate government guaranteed by the Constitution, as documented later in this discussion. Then, over time, the agents and pawns of this foreign government virtually hijacked the government of the United States and brought it down a road this country was never supposed to be on. In the process, they steadily worked to enslave authentic U.S. citizens, so they could ultimately be brought under the complete and despotic power of this foreign government.
Clear back in the 1800s, various presidents and statesman began to see that something questionable was happening in the United States. Something appeared to be happening "behind the scenes" which was just not right. Some of these early presidents and statesman indicated that there was an "invisible government" in operation in the United States, as shall be documented later in this discussion. And then, there was President John F. Kennedy, whom they assassinated in November of 1963. It appears they had to get this man out of the way before he exposed too much of the truth to the public. Yes, the truth began to leak as President Kennedy spoke about a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. But then, BOOM, and Kennedy was gone.
Now, let us change the subject just a bit. There is something very important which now needs to be noted. The United States became a great nation when things were done legally, with immigration which followed set laws. But now, with the tsunami of illegal immigration, things have drastically changed in this country. The economy and various government programs, plus authentic U.S. citizens, have been harmed. Crime, drug abuse and illegal drug trafficking has become rampant. In the process, the United States has been deteriorating. But, there is more to this story. The illegal alien invasion of the United States does fit into the picture of that ongoing war against the authentic United States and its citizens, by that foreign government or State which is mentioned above.
The purpose for the illegal alien invasion and how these illegal aliens will be used in the times ahead by the deceptive and enslaving foreign government, plus information about the ongoing war against the Constitutional Republic of the United States and the unalienable rights of authentic U.S. citizens by a foreign State, is explained in this discussion. This discussion looks at warnings given to U.S. citizens by President John F. Kennedy, before it appears that agents of the foreign government brutally assassinated Kennedy in 1963. This discussion also considers how his warnings fit into this whole picture of what is now happening to the United States and its authentic, non-treasonous citizens.
This discussion also looks at an earlier attempt, a couple of hundred years ago, to create that which was called the "Empire of the World," which now, in its modified and expanded form, is called "the New World Order." It appears that this "New World Order" is simply the revival of that push, by a foreign government or State, to raise up a one world government which it can tyrannically rule. This discussion will note how the "New World Order" is simply a revival and expansion of the old Holy Roman Empire, just with a different label to fool the unlearned. All of these things are examined in this discussion. And then, there is that infamous mayor of Oakland, California to consider. What is happening in California is also part of that long-standing war against the authentic United States.
What is the actual purpose of government? If random people on the street were asked this question, there would possibly be as many different answers, as to the purpose of government, as there were people asked. But, is there a true answer to this question, especially for authentic citizens of the United States? Is there anything in official documents of the United States which gives a clear and true answer to this question?
The Declaration of Independence (1)(2)(3) does give a clear answer for the questions asked above. Within the Declaration are found the following words: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."
In the above words from the Declaration, there are some very important things to consider. First, men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights." Because these unalienable rights are given to men "by their Creator," and are unalienable in nature, these rights cannot be legitimately taken away from any individual by other humans, by the will or vote of the majority of people, or by governments.
It is extremely important to note from the Declaration of Independence that the true and legitimate purpose of government is "to secure" our individual, unalienable rights with which we have been endowed by whom? Yes, these unalienable rights with which we have been endowed by our Creator. Again, that is the legitimate purpose of government --- to secure or make sure we get all of our unalienable rights which have been given to each individual citizen by our Creator. And, to the good share of citizens at the founding of this nation, that Creator is God.
In the excerpt above from the Declaration, there is something else which is very important to note. We are endowed by our "Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." By the very wording of the Declaration, it is very clear that we have been endowed by our Creator with other unalienable rights than simply those three noted, which are "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." These three rights are just "among these" with which we have been endowed by our Creator.
The wording of the Declaration which clearly makes known that we are endowed by our Creator with other unalienable rights than simply "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," does go along with other information found in the U.S. Constitution. The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution declares: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." (1)(2)(3)
Yes, there is that which is part of the U.S. Constitution which is commonly called The Bill of Rights, which is the first ten Amendments to the Constitution. But, by the clear wording of the Ninth Amendment, we have more rights than just these ten. We have all of our unalienable rights which have been given to us by our Creator, and as proclaimed by the Declaration of Independence, it is the purpose of government to secure these many rights for each and every authentic citizen of that government. So, it is time for some questions and a little "food for thought."
Since, at least according to those who believe, our unalienable rights are given to us by our Creator, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, would those who claim that there is no God or no Creator, in essence, also be declaring that they are not endowed with unalienable rights? Are they basically saying that they legitimately have no rights? Are they basically saying that they are simply a slave to other people or to the government?
Is that why many of these types of people are working to undermine and overthrow any remaining parts of the authentic "Republican Form of Government" in the United States? Is that why this same group of people is working hard, often using manipulation and deception, to overthrow the unalienable rights of all authentic U.S. citizens and virtually enslave them? Why this group of people is working hard to enslave authentic U.S. citizens will be examined later in this discussion.
At this point, there is something else to note. The U.S. Constitution is for the authentic citizens of the United States. It is not a document which applies for the people in Iran, or Russia, or Mexico, or the people of any other country. It is only meant for U.S. citizens and for the protection of authentic U.S. citizens and their God-given, unalienable rights.
To make things clear on this issue, the Constitution of the United States begins with these words: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." (link) Note clearly that it is not "we the people in the United States," but rather, "We the People OF the United States." Yes, it is for authentic U.S. citizens.
With all of the above things clearly in mind, regarding our unalienable rights, the true and legitimate purpose of government, and of the U.S. Constitution, let us now continue. Things may possibly be presented in this discussion which you have never considered before. What will also be revealed in this discussion is a somewhat subtle, rather hidden, yet very destructive religious war which has been ongoing in the United States for many years. The outcome of this war will decide the future of every authentic U.S. citizen.
While we are looking at things, what is the most common, fundamental Oath of Office for governmental or military positions in the United States? Upon entering office, each of these people declare:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." (1)(2)(3)(4)
So, what is the very most important purpose for each and every one of these people in governmental and military positions, including even those in law enforcement and intelligence agencies? Yes, their most important job, first and foremost, is to faithfully "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..." Their highest job is to uphold the Constitution of the United States and its principles in every way possible, "without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion," as they do their various duties in a manner which is in line with the true intent and purpose of the Constitution of the United States and the founding principles of this country. With all of these things in mind, let us continue.
There is another thing which the writer has noted over time, especially when studying the history of this nation. Certain groups which do not have the best interests of the authentic United States at heart, or the best interests of authentic U.S. citizens and the protection of their God-given unalienable rights at heart, seem to push hard to get their people into government, into positions of power and control.
These groups of people now being spoken about, which seem to steadily get their people into government positions, may be tied to or associated with the criminal element or even to subversive, foreign-based organizations. And again, these people then work to steadily undermine and erode away that which the United States is really supposed to be about.
A good example of what we are now speaking about appears to be the State of California. The government of the State of California is extremely contrary to the U.S. Contitution in more ways than just being in violation of Federal immigration laws, while the State is admitting and harboring illegal and criminal aliens.
It appears that officials of and from this State of California who are Democrats have been in horrid violation of their Oaths of Office while they have been working, for a long time, to undermine and overthrow the legitimate government of the United States. So, is there undeniable evidence, from the clear wording of the U.S. Constitution, that the officials of the State of California are violating their Oaths of Office and are working to undermine and overthrow the legitimate U.S. government?
It is now time to look at the undeniable evidence of this truth, that officials in the State of California are horribly violating their Oaths of Office. It is time to see that they are steadily working to undermine and are actually at war against the legitimate form of government mandated and guaranteed for the United States. The U.S. Constitution, in Article 4, Section 4, clearly declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..." (1)(2)(3)
The U.S. Constitution, in very clear words which even a mere child should be able to understand, mandates and "guarantees" that "every state" in this Union shall have "a Republican Form of Government." But, California absolutely does not have "a Republican Form of Government." Therefore, California and its officials are in blatant violation of and at war against the Constitution of the United States.
In essence, because California does not have "a Republican Form of Government," it is a rogue and illegal State which has a rogue government. Furthermore, it is clear that officials in California are horribly violating their Oaths of Offices to the U.S. Constitution, while that State is at war with, and steadily working to undermine and overthrow the Constitution of the United States and what it has mandated and guaranteed for "every State in this Union."
By the time you have thoroughly read this document, you should realize that the State of California is apparently in a type of war against the authentic United States and against all its legitimate, non-treasonous citizens. This war that California appears to be perpetrating, apparently for a foreign government, is rather subtle. It is generally like a slow-moving, yet very effective, world-class "chess game." But, California is not doing this on its own.
California, along with governments and entities in other States, appears to be perpetrating this war of destruction, once again, for a foreign-based organization and government which has sworn to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States. It has sworn to destroy the Consitutional Republic of the United States from virtually its beginning. The documentation about this war is presented later in this discussion.
Not only will the acts of the infamous Libby Schaaf be examined in this discussion, but certain of the acts of the questionable California Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, will be considered. And then, we must also look at the very questionable, and what some may call "the very devious," governor of California, Jerry Brown. The acts of this so-called governor must be examined for any traitorous activities towards authentic U.S. citizens across the whole United States. In his activities, it appears that Jerry Brown has become a National Security Risk, which risk needs to be eliminated. But this can only happen if Oaths of Office to the U.S. Constitution are truly honored.
This document is essentially a warning to authentic U.S. citizens. It is a warning to those who really love the United States and what it truly is supposed to be about. It is for those who believe in the authentic principles upon which the nation and Constitution were founded. This document presents history which can guide us to a better understanding about what is actually happening to the State of California, plus to the whole United States at this very moment, and who is behind it. Many people will ignore this warning. Many, because of their ignorance, will then be totally taken by surprise, once things really cut loose at various places throughout the United States.
There is another thing to add at this point. It appears that the illegal immigration problem is much larger than simply foreigners crossing into the United States illegally along the southern border for jobs and the American way of life. It is more than just some "poor folks" looking for a better life in a country which provides them with many benefits, but, as we now find it, basically at other's expense --- for a reason.
Research indicates that we are actually dealing with a pre-planned and well-coordinated invasion of the United States by enemy aliens --- enemy aliens which are simply the "pawns" of an enemy foreign government --- an enemy foreign government which has sought the destruction of the legitimate Republic of the United States and the God-given, unalienable rights of its citizens.
It appears that these enemy aliens have plans to actually harm authentic U.S. citizens, as they work to subtly conquer (via Reconquista) the United States for the Catholic government of Mexico. But things go much deeper than simply Mexico or other Central or South American countries.
Ultimately, this Reconquista of the United States benefits yet another foreign State with questionable plans for the United States. It is all part of an ongoing, 200-plus-year-old war against the authentic United States and its citizens, plus against the God-given, unalienable rights of these citizens. All of this questionable activity is actually part of the continuing Counter-Reformation, perpetrated by the beast of Rome via the members of its many secret societies which freely operate within the United States. More about this issue later.
In its closing sections, this discussion presents corrective measures for dealing with the rebellious and treasonous State of California. The State of Jefferson movement is also examined, plus ways of dealing with any other State or officials in or from any State who desire to disregard their duty to the Constitution of the United States, or to the laws which have authentically been made "in persuance thereof, which does include the established Federal immigration laws.
Check back from time to time, because this document has generally been receiving updated and additional information at a reasonable pace, sometimes quite often. But, then again, sometimes new additions can take a bit of time. So, check back as you are able. And now, it is time to introduce the infamous mayor of Oakland.
Recently, as most of us know by now, the mayor of Oakland, California, Libby Schaaf, apparently "forgot" about her Oath of Office and her duty to the U.S. Constitution, plus to applicable Federal laws. As she had this apparent lapse in good judgement, she blatantly warned the illegal aliens, along with the criminal aliens and enemy aliens in Oakland that ICE agents would be arresting those in violation of immigration and criminal laws. For those not yet familiar with the exact nature of this situation, the articles linked below will help bring you up to speed.
In the pages linked above, it should be clearly noted that Ms Schaaf declares that the illegal aliens in her city are "law-abiding citizens." As you read through this document which is now before you, it should become rather obvious that Ms Schaaf is either extremely ignorant of her duty or she is potential telling a wilful and blatant lie. If that is so, especially on such a serious matter as undermining the United States, or working in a manner which will help to overthrow the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States, possibly she should not be in office.
In reality, the illegal aliens which Ms Schaaf is harboring, which includes both criminal and enemy aliens, are wilfully and brazenly breaking laws daily. In other words, they can in no way be considered as being anything even remotely close to "law-abiding citizens." It is now time to work toward exposing and exploding the rather dubious myths which it appears are being presented by the questionable Libby Schaaf of Oakland, California. It is also time to expose the deceptions of all "sanctuary" officials across the United States.
Pages accessed via the links below provide introductory information about sanctuary cities in general, plus about the state of California. From what is shown in Map 1, in the fifth link, it is clear that there are also numerous sanctuary cities, counties and States, within the United States and its jurisdiction.
The governing officials of "sanctuary" areas appear to be totally disregarding their oaths of office, while they are treasonously operating in blatant violation of legitimate Federal law and the U.S. Constitution. From what research indicates, they as virtually acting as "pawns" or agents for a foreign government --- for a foreign government which does not have the best interests of the authentic U.S. citizens at heart --- for a foreign government which has wanted to undermine and destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States from virtually its beginning.
The page linked below declares: "The United States sends election monitors around the world to help discourage fraudulent balloting. But, here at home, it has largely turned a blind eye to the possibility that fraudulent voting by noncitizens could influence the outcome of an election. Our voter registration system is susceptible to abuse by noncitizens." The page clearly notes that noncitizen or illegal alien voting is illegal, yet it makes known that this illegal voting occurs anyway. And when this occurs, it undermines the rule of law, plus makes the outcomes of our elections illegitimate.
The page declares that "noncitizens and illegal aliens are counted when apportioning congressional districts and when allocating state electors under the Electoral College. This means noncitizens play a role in determining how many congressional representatives a state has and exert an indirect influence on presidential elections." It states that "areas with large numbers of illegal alien residents gain additional representatives in Congress." And, which state has the largest number --- millions --- of illegal and criminal aliens? You guessed it... California!
The page clearly states that "there is evidence that both foreign nationals who are lawfully present in the United States and illegal aliens have voted in recent elections." It states that "ballots cast by noncitizen voters have the potential to improperly alter the outcome of elections." Considering the information presented so far, because of its millions of illegal and criminal aliens, it becomes rather obvious why California holds so much sway over the outcome of elections in the United States, plus why they are fighting so hard to protect their illegal and criminal aliens, and their fiefdom.
Another important piece of information from the page is this: "Due to the low risk of penalty, and the lack of effective controls, alien voting is easy. In states without ID requirements, the only check against noncitizens registering to vote is a box on the application form asking registrants to confirm they are U.S. citizens. Given the fact that this affirmation is rarely verified and few violators are ever prosecuted, it is a pointless exercise that does nothing to deter voter fraud."
The videos on the page linked below speak about illegal aliens voting. In one of the videos, the question was raised about "when our government says that illegal aliens don't vote --- and they tell us that all the time --- is that a lie?" The answer to that common declaration by government is: "...It's certainly not true..." So, it appears that our hijacked government may be simply a lie, which is doing its best to deceive authentic U.S. citizens. Check out the videos on the linked page and become informed.
The page linked below declares: "A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates." And, as usual, the leftists and the Democrats simply claim that illegal voting by noncitizens does not exist. But, what else can you expect from these leftists and Democrats --- these pawns of a soon-to-be-revealed foreign government?
The page linked below states: "The bottom line is that ObamaCare was passed against the American people's will by Al Franken, the deciding vote, who lost his election by 3,222 votes. Criminal voter fraud in Minnesota overturned the real result creating what Americans see as a disaster, ObamaCare. This helps explain why Democrats go out of their way to encourage illegal aliens to flood across the southern border and discourage measures that prevent voter fraud."
The page below states: "We hear from liberals that unlawful voting doesn't happen, and particularly that illegal aliens don't cast ballots. But the Public Interest Legal Foundation has investigated voting behavior in Virginia and found a different story, that in fact thousands of illegals voted there unlawfully." The page notes that one investigator "found that 18,000 illegal aliens were registered to vote in Kansas, where he is Secretary of State." In relation to the voting fraud in Virginia, the page states that "Democrat Governor McAuliffe went straight to coverup mode to hide the fraud."
The 2010 page linked below speaks about things which happened during the Obama Administration. It appears that Obama was strongly encouraging illegal aliens to vote in the elections. The page then states: "It's apparent that President Obama considers Americans, who want to enforce illegal immigration laws in America, to be the enemy. Even more revealing is the fact that with so much riding on the elections next week, Obama decided to take the time to speak to people who shouldn't be voting -- legal and illegal immigrants."
The page goes on to state: "But the dirty little secret is there exists an enormous amount of proof that illegal aliens are being registered to vote and they're being registered as Democrats. And our political leaders know it." Furthermore, "a study released by the conservative think-tank the Heritage Foundation provides proof that illegal aliens and immigrants with green cards are committing rampant voter fraud in the United States."
The page linked below says it like it is. The page first asks, "Why are Democrats so uniformly opposed to proof of citizenship in order to vote?" This title of the page gives the true answer. The page ends with this statement: "There is a huge problem with voter fraud. And, in my opinion, it is proven by the vehemence of the Democrats, the beneficiaries of the fraud, toward enforcement of our laws." If the authentic immigration and voting laws were strictly enforced, possibly the Democrats would no longer be getting into office quite so easily as they are now. Or could they? Just check out the information which comes next.
Before we leave this section on voter fraud, there is another important issue to consider. The page linked below indicates that voting machines can and have been hacked. Then the votes can be changed via remote control, without a trace of the activity. So, it appears that whoever has the most "criminally skilled" people in their party are possibly the ones who will most commonly get their people into office. And, the Democratic Party is already working to undermine and overthrow the authentic "Republican Form of Government" which is mandated and guaranteed "to every State in this Union" by the U.S. Constitution. So, what else could they possibly do?
At this point, let us look at how the questionable Democrats have been acting, regarding voter fraud --- especially that voter fraud which benefits the Democrats. In the August 2017 page linked below, Chuck Schumer, yes, a typical Democrat, "is calling on President Trump to close down his voter fraud commission in the aftermath of the violence in Charlottesville, Va., and instead said the government should work to 'end the assault on voting rights.'"
What kind of BS is this? What kind of con job is this? Who are the Democrats really working for? It is obvious that the Democrats are working to undermine and overthrow the legitimate voting laws of the United States, as they demand that non-citizens be allowed to vote on important issues which directly affect citizens of the United States. It is becoming clearer all the time that the Democrats are violating their Oaths of Office to the Constitution of the United States. This situation is examined in more detail, later in this discussion. And, it is very obvious that Democrats are working against authentic U.S. citizens, potentially for the benefit of a foreign government.
And now there is Trump, who formerly was a Democrat, but who suddenly became a Republican so he could eliminate all others and become President. And, the Democrat Schumer asked Trump to disband the voter fraud commission. So what does Mr. Trump do? The news from January 2018 shows that Trump disbanded the voter fraud commission (1)(2)(3). What is going on here? Who is Trump really working for? What are the Democrats getting away with? Is our government horrendously corrupt from the top to the very bottom, and covering up felonious activity? Who are they really doing this for? Well, this discussion should help answer these questions.
At this point, let us just go ahead and reveal a bit more about the rather strange situation which exists in the United States. After Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States, some unusual and revealing things happened. In the pages linked below, the Democrat, Bill Gates, is stating that "Trump has the opportunity to be like JFK." Was this actually done as something similar to a veiled threat to Trump, as to what could happen to him if he did not do as told by "the masters?" Well, isn't that kind of like what happened to JFK?
Is that why Trump has backed away from many things which he said he was going to do? Is it because he now has concerns about "becoming more like JFK," if he were to implement those things which would actually be for the good of authentic U.S. citizens, plus for the good of the Constitutional Republic of the United States? And, President John F. Kennedy did speak openly about and against those secret societies, plus about a plot in this country to enslave U.S. citizens, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963.
After decades of research about what has been happening in the United States, plus around the world, the writer tends to believe that Bill Gates' comments about Trump becoming like JFK is more than just about innovation. There are other people who have been innovative, without a hint of assassination appearing anywhere in the picture.
And yes, Bill Gates did say that Trump could help education. In the eyes of those connected to or associated with those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963, what better way to educate the people than for Trump not to "play the part" or follow the dictates of "the masters," while he does that which is right for authentic U.S. citizens and for the Constitutional Republic of the United States.
If Trump were to genuinely honor his Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States and do that which is truly for the authentic good of U.S. citizens and the Constitutional Republic of the United States, then, citizens would really get educated by seeing what happens to those who "step out of line" and are not obedient to every dictate of the foreign-based masters. Again, isn't that what happened to JFK? So, stick along for "the ride" and see what this discussion reveals.
The page linked below contains a video about voting by foreigners or illegal aliens. In the video, Tucker Carlson directly asks Chicago alderman Ameya Pawar about this illegal voting occurring in his region. And, true to form, Pawar denied it exists. But, from what Carlson's research shows, it appears that Pawar was blatantly lying. But, would you expect anything different from a Democrat? Once you have read this whole discussion, you may better understand what the Democrats are really all about and who is behind them.
The title on the link below should be self explanatory. Take a look at the top-left of the linked page. There you will find an image which represents the former president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.
There is something to declare at this time. If Abraham Lincoln were alive and President today, he would possibly have the officials of Chicago prosecuted for treasonous activity. And, looking at some of the history from Lincoln's day, these officials from Chicago, because of their blatant war against the U.S. Constitution and the legitimate laws of the land, would possibly be hung at the gallows for treason.
It appears that the State which claims to be the Land of Lincoln --- the place of Honest Abe --- is blatantly facilitating illegal and criminal activity. It appears it has ultimately become the Land of Corruption, Fraud, Dishonesty and Treasonous Activity --- at least in Chicago, the stronghold of Democrats. Yes, what a change time can make, and what a change Democrats can make. But, that is what happens when we utterly ignore the following line from the U.S. Constitution: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." There was a good reason why this particular line was wisely put in the Constitution.
It is becoming rather obvious that the unethical, illegal, criminal or treasonous activity of Democrats is steadily working to steal the United States away from the authentic and legitimate citizens of the United States. But, there is actually much more to this story. Later in this discussion will be revealed who is strongly manipulating the Democratic Party, like a "tool," and what their plans are for the United States and its authentic citizens.
There is one very important thing to note at this point about sanctuary cities and states, and the sanctuary movement in general. It appears that virtually all of, or at least a major portion of, this deceptive, subversive, rebellious and un-Constitutional activity is being instigated by, done by or led by members of the Democratic Party. There is a good reason for noting this at this time, especially when it comes to the legitimate form of government which is mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, plus what this country is actually supposed to be about.
And again, as noted earlier in this discussion, Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..." (1)(2)(3) When we do not abide by the Constitution and what it guarantees "to every State in this Union," very serious problems can arise. And because we have allowed something into government and into positions of power, something which is totally against the legitimate form of government in the United States, we now have some very major problems on our hands. These problems include the major illegal and criminal alien invasion, plus the mass shootings which we are now seeing.
When government and military personnel are passively negligent and have ignored or violated their Oaths of Office to the Constitution of the United States, rather than actively working to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies," all kinds of deceptive and subversive activity then begins to happen across the nation. The State of California is only one example of this detrimental type of activity. And, as noted above, members of the Democratic Party seem to be right in the middle of this traitorous or treasonous activity which is against all authentic, non-treasonous citizens of the United States. And yes, it seems that there are Republicans which have also become party to this type of highly questionable and damnable activity.
Later in this discussion, some important history of the Democratic Party will be examined. Illegal Democrat votes by illegal aliens will also be consider, along with the unwarranted influence of our election system by a foreign government or State --- a State which is not Russia. The discussion will also look at who is a great instigator of those questionable activities which are commonly performed by members of the Democratic Party, and it is not necessarily just George Soros with his 8 billion dollars with which it appears he virtually buys whatever he wants in government or in government policy. The evidence indicates that even George Soros and his allies may actually be working with or for another agency, possibly even a foreign agency or government.
It is this foreign agency or government which appears to have undue influence over mainly the Democratic Party, but also over the Republican and other more minor political parties, as shall be examined later in this discussion. It appears that this questionable foreign agency also has undue influence on both public and foreign policy decisions in the United States and abroad. It appears that this foreign agency or government may also be involved, to one degree or another, in the high degree of crime in the United States, plus in the mass shootings and school shootings, which we are now commonly seeing in our country. This foreign agency or government will be examined in more detail, at various times throughout this discussion.
The pages and videos linked below indicate that there is a lot of intentional manipulation of the public by various powerful organizations, among these being the Vatican, the Jesuits and the CIA --- which CIA, as we shall see later in this discussion, has gained the nickname Catholics In Action.
Right now, one of the hot topics is gun control and the disarming of authentic U.S. citizens. This latest hot topic is reflected in the information linked below. Yes, there is a hard push to disarm authentic U.S. citizens, for a reason. And, the true reason may be far different from that which is commonly being presented to the public.
It is time to look more closely at how the public is being manipulated, especially on this issue of gun control. Look at the information linked via the buttons below. What are the only true things which we can determine for sure about what happened in Texas. Yes, there was a school shooting at Santa Fe High, in Texas, where a number of students died. Yes, a man showed up (or course wearing sunglasses so he could not be positively identified) wearing a MAGA hat and a sidearm, while carrying an American flag, and was "interviewed" by the news media. But, what are things declared about this situation and impressions made, which may not be in the least bit true?
It is said that the man was a Trump supporter. Can this be proven. Absolutely not! The man was not identified! But, to produce a certain effect on the public, especially on the young, he was wearing a MAGA hat. It appears that the incident was staged to leave a certain impression. Was the man a Republican? There is good reason to believe he was not. Was the man a member of one of the Patriot organizations? That may be unlikely. Could the man have been a liberal or a Democrat or even a Marxist? There is reason to believe that such could possibly be the case.
Could the mysterious man highlighted in the news articles have been a Jesuit, or a Catholic priest, or a Knight of Malta, or a CIA agent, or one of their pawns? Well, the truth is, since the man was unidentified, he could truly be any of these. We just do not know for sure. The bottom line is, the public truly does not know for sure what was going on here. But one thing is fairly sure, and that is, public opinion was being manipulated here.
Later in this discussion will be considered a more logical reason why there is such a hard push to manipulate public opinion and disarm authentic U.S. citizens. Later will also be considered an organization which between the years 1555 and 1931 was "expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State." According to the records, "Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."
This same organization which is noted above, as documented later in this discussion, appears to have the motto of "the end justifies the means." In other words, anything goes, in order to attain your goal. Anything goes, in the process of getting authentic U.S. citizens disarmed and utterly vulnerable to what is coming next. And, what is coming next? Well, stick along for "the ride," and this discussion will possibly present you with enough information and facts to allow you to make a rather accurate "educated guess." Now, back to that organization.
The organization noted above, along with its agents and pawns, are freely operating today within the United States, apparently still doing those types of things which got them expelled from countries in the past. The agents of this organization have also worked at producing mind-controlled assassins out of unsuspecting, ordinary citizens. These things are introduced in the pages linked below, and will be looked at more closely later in this discussion. And now, let us consider an important piece of U.S. history, which can help guide us in those things which are happening today in the United States.
As documented later in this discussion, President Abraham Lincoln, prior to his assassination in 1865, spoke about an organization or foreign State whose emissaries that were coming into the United States were working "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." This same organization and its agents and pawns are still doing their "dirty work" within the United States today, even via their people which are embedded in key positions in government. This shall be shown more clearly as this discussion progresses.
The writer has reason to believe that this same foreign-based organization mentioned above, at least through its domestic agencies and associates, are behind a lot of the crime, drug trafficking and mass shootings which are happening in the United States today. The information linked below is just an introduction to at least some of these matters. Further research on the Internet and elsewhere may provide additional information on these issues.
This matter about manipulating public opinion, plus the issue of mind-controlled assassins and mass shooters, is considered in more detail later in this discussion. But right now, let us return to the issue of illegal and criminal aliens, plus what is happening to authentic U.S. citizens and what is left of the Constitutional Republic of the United States.
On top of simply the illegality and unconstitutionality of the illegal and criminal alien invasion which has been allowed to go on for decades within the United States, there are further things to consider. These illegal aliens which are streaming into the country are also illegally taking jobs and government benefits. They have illegally taken multiple millions of jobs, as noted in the pages linked below, plus illegally scarfed up government benefits which truly were supposed to be for authentic U.S. citizens. And still, there are other things which are very important to consider here.
With the multiple millions of illegal aliens, criminal aliens and even enemy aliens in the country, there are those forced and extorted costs directly to U.S. taxpayer's for all this illegal and criminal activity, as noted in the pages linked below. But, there is even more to this issue. It appears that the IRS is working for someone else or some other entity, rather than the United States and its authentic citizens. Note clearly how the IRS is wilfully aiding and abetting very serious felony-crime by encouraging illegal aliens to commit Identity Theft and then file tax returns using the stolen Social Security information, as noted in the pages linked below. But, the story is not finished here.
From what is noted in the information linked below, it appears that Congress, and even other government officials and judges, are wilfully ignoring the blatant felonies and identity thefts, plus other crimes, committed by illegal and criminal aliens. To some, it appears that the members of Congress and other officials are working for someone else or some other entity, rather than for the authentic citizens and authentic government of the United States.
In the pages linked below, just look at the crimes which the members of Congress blatantly allow criminal aliens to do against authentic U.S. citizens. Look at the crimes they allow these criminal aliens to freely get away with. It appears that in the eyes of Congress, authentic U.S. citizens are simply second rate citizens who do not count anymore. Why are the members of Congress and other officials acting this way toward authentic U.S. citizens? So, what is going on here? Who are these government officials really working for?
Yes, when examining the evidence, it does appear that members of Congress and other government officials are wilfully ignoring these blatant felonies committed by people who have truly invaded this country and are here illegally. And, if the members of Congress and other officials had actually been doing their job, these illegal aliens should not have ever been here in the first place. So, again, why are the members of Congress and other officials doing this? Why are they blatantly allowing this criminal activity to go on? Why are they allowing U.S. citizens to be harmed? And yes, there is something we do need to know. Who are they really working for?
Well, the proper research should help to make it clear enough to authentic U.S. citizens who the members of Congress and other questionable officials are actually working for. As this discussion progresses, the reader, with the information presented, should come to a clear understanding of who the members of Congress and these other officials are actually working for. And for those in government who have not completely "sold their soul" to a foreign entity or State, possibly they are dealing with another problem, as noted in a page linked here. This problem, or snare for government officials, appears to have been set in place by a foreign-based organization.
Now, again, we need to get to the heart of a certain matter. Why would members of Congress be acting in the questionable manner in which they have so often? Why would they aid and abet continued crime by foreign nationals? Why would the members of Congress allow foreign invaders to freely reside in this country and commit felonies against authentic U.S. citizens? Why would the members of Congress be this way toward the authentic U.S. citizens which they are legitimately supposed to protect --- especially toward those they are duty bound by the Constitution of the United States to protect from invasion?
Regarding the duty of Congress and the U.S. government, it is now time to directly examine what is plainly declared in the Constitution of the United States, which Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land (1). That which the Constitution declares is actually so plain and clear that even a mere child should be able to understand it. Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution clearly declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..." (1)(2)(3)
There is something very important to now consider. Every official in government has taken an Oath of Office to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States." It is their duty to uphold that which the Constitution has set forth. But, it is very obvious that in the case of illegal and criminal aliens, government officials are wilfully violating their Oath of Office. By their disregard of their duty to the U.S. Constitution, they are, in essence, passively at war against the Constitution of the United States. Why would they do such a thing? And, why are they allowing this invasion and virtual war against U.S. citizens to continue? Again, who are they actually working for?
For many decades, it appears that there has been something --- something of a questionable and even sinister nature --- which has been working behind the scenes in the United States. It appears that this "something" has a lot of power and control, plus undue influence in the United States. And, it appears that this "power" is something which actually is not right --- something which is virtually un-American. Yes, something appears to be horribly wrong. Something is not that which was intended by the Founding Fathers of this great nation.
Former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson appears to have "seen" evidence of this "something" --- this "something" which was not right in the United States. At one point, approximately 100 years ago, Woodrow Wilson addressed this particular issue with the following words:
"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." (1)(2)
What was this power that was so organized, plus so subtle and pervasive, and interlocked with everything, that "some of the biggest men in the United States" were utterly afraid of it? Is there any other information in the history of the United States which could help to enlighten us on this issue? Is there something which many government officials are actually working for --- possibly working for in total violation of their Oaths of Office to the Constitution of the United States --- rather than faithfully working in accordance with the best interests of authentic U.S. citizens?
Another former U.S. president (1901-1909), President Theodore Roosevelt, also saw something which was not quite right, which was going on within the United States. It appears that Roosevelt understood what was going on to a certain degree. You might say he understood "the first layer of the onion," but it appears that he did not understand what was "at the very core" of what was going on. It appears that he did not understand what was actually behind those questionable things which were happening in the United States or what was actually in control of these things. Nevertheless, let us consider the following words from President Roosevelt:
"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)
There is something to clearly note at this point, about that which is stated above. President Roosevelt spoke of the "ostensible government." The word "ostensible" means that it is "outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended," (link) while not necessarily being that which it appears to be. In other words, the ostensible government is actually a facade, which helps to hide something else, which is the "invisible government." This is that government of which the general public is basically unaware.
As Roosevelt declared, this invisible government, for which many people are working, is operating in such a manner as to show that it is "owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people." It totally disregards the best interest and security of authentic U.S. citizens. So, again, if government officials are not working in the best interests of authentic U.S. citizens, or honoring their oath of office to the U.S. Constitution, then, again, who are these people actually working for?
Well, one potential answer to the questions in the sections above may sound rather strange to a lot of people, especially to those who have not read a lot of that "off the beaten path" history --- that history which they do not commonly teach you in school. But, as the old saying goes, "Truth is stranger than fiction." In the case of Congress, it all revolves around where the priorities lie for many individuals. And for a number of those in Congress and in other positions in government, it appears they are involved with things which may have undue influence on them and actually compromise their duty to the authentic United States, its Constitution and its citizens.
In the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy openly spoke about secret societies. It appears that he was rather concerned about them, especially with the ones operating within the United States and what they were doing to the country and its citizens. It appears that Kennedy felt that these secret societies were somewhat un-American, with their "secret oaths" and "secret proceedings." (1)(2)(3)(4) And, by the wording which Kennedy used, it is very clear that he was speaking about something which was happening directly within the United States, for he started his statement with these words: "The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society..."
In the case of Congress, one potential and very likely answer for why its members are ignoring the blatant felonies of Catholic-bred illegal aliens from south of the border, plus why they are wilfully neglecting their sworn duty to the U.S. Constitution, is as follows. It appears that there are many members of certain foreign-based and foreign-controlled secret societies which are embedded in government and in taxing agencies, and are, because of their oaths and allegiances, therefore acting as agents for a foreign State --- that foreign state being the City-State of the Vatican. That appears to be why they have no allegiance or responsibility to authentic U.S. citizens.
Via the many oath-taking members of these various secret societies which are embedded in Federal and State governments, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization has been unduly influencing public and foreign policy decisions in the United States for a very long time. In regards to the historic oaths and allegiances of members of various Vatican and Jesuit controlled secret societies, consider the following words:
"His Holiness the Pope...hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments and they may be safely destroyed..." And again, consider these words: "I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers..." And then, "I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ." And again, "I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics..." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)
As noted in the excerpt from the Oath which is presented above, these people, even the ones in government positions in the United States, "will unhesitatingly obey each and every command." Yes, these individuals declare that I "will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ." This means that they will "unhesitatingly" do what the pope and the Jesuit General want them to do, rather than what U.S. law and the U.S. Constitution requires them to do. That means that these people are compromised and cannot truly work in the best interests of authentic U.S. citizens. And that is why things have been happening in the strange way in which they have, in the government of the United States, for quite a period of time.
These secret societies which are controlled by the Vatican and the Jesuit organizations include things like the Knights of Columbus (1)(2), the Knights of Malta (1)(2)(3) (which is the militia of the Pope)(1)(2)(3), Skull and Bones (1)(2)(3)(4), Bohemian Grove (1)(2), and Opus Dei (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7), plus quite a number of other affiliated, secretive Catholic organizations or societies. And, evidence indicates that this group of secret societies even now includes the Masons and the Rosicrucians. These various groups, like the tentacles of one master organization which is based in Rome, appear to be included in the secret societies which President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963.
Many people in government (1)(2)(3) are part of these secret societies which President Kennedy was concerned about, way back in the early 1960s. And, research indicates that these secret societies are actually foreign controlled by, yes, the Vatican and the Jesuit General in Rome. Because of the Oaths which members of these various secretive organizations take, they are effectively operating like foreign agents, or as the obedient militia of the pope. And, what should concern authentic U.S. citizens is this: these foreign agents of the Vatican are directly embedded within our government, plus in taxing agencies, and have a lot of control over them and what is done in this country. But, there is a whole lot more to this story, as will be seen as you continue reading.
Because of their oaths and their priorities, these people in Congress and other government positions are unduly influenced by the Vatican/Jesuit organization and are actually compromised (link). Because of this, these people, of which there are many, cannot honor their true duty to the Constitution of the United States and to authentic U.S. citizens. But once again, there is actually more to this story. These foreign agents and their affiliates are virtually controlling the U.S. government and the tax systems, plus the military. So, what has this got to do with the situation relating to illegal and criminal aliens, plus your tax dollars?
There is something which might be worth considering, once again, at this point. Before President John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated in November of 1963, he clearly warned the public about these secret societies. He actually spoke against these secret societies, their secret oaths and their secret proceedings, plus what they were doing to the United States. Yes, President Kennedy was a Catholic, but it appears that because of his patriotism, he was very concerned about what these Catholic-controlled secret societies were up to. Once again, from what Kennedy declared, it is almost as if he thought these secret societies were un-American (1)(2)(3)(4).
President Kennedy spoke about a plot to enslave U.S. citizens. He spoke about a ruthless conspiracy. Could part of this plot and ruthless conspiracy have anything to do with allowing Catholic-bred illegal and criminal aliens to flood into the country, with the help of those members of certain Catholic-controlled secret societies which are embedded in government? Could part of this enslavement of U.S. citizens and the conspiracy have anything to do with allowing Catholic-bred illegal aliens to boldly, go ahead and economically rape and enslave authentic U.S. citizens, as these U.S. citizens are forced, via the tax system, to pay "through the nose" for these illegal aliens?
But, it appears that the conspirators did not want the public to be "awakened" by President Kennedy's various warnings, so they savagely blew him away. Yes, they assassinated him in public. And because it appears that President Kennedy's brother, Bobby Kennedy, also knew too much about the plot and the conspiracy, they had him assassinated a while later. So anyway, take a look at the information linked below and see if any of this kind of activity could potentially fit into the description of a "plot to enslave U.S. citizens," or of a "conspiracy." And, later in this discussion, the Oaths of the mentioned secret societies will be examined, plus who they actually work for.
The pages linked below indicate that a very large percentage of the nation's illegal aliens live in California. The first linked page, from 2017, declares that just "three regions in Southern California," combined together, "make up the largest cluster of people living in the country illegally." So, you can see why California is pushing so hard to force the issue, and protect or supposedly "legitimize" illegal and criminal aliens. Because of their numbers, it appears that illegal and criminal aliens virtually run things in California. Later in this discussion, those things which are actually happening to California, plus what is planned for the times ahead, is examined more closely.
The second linked page declares: "California is home to more than two million undocumented immigrants." Notice the "more than" qualifier. The figures stated for illegal aliens are just given as "the best estimates which "suggest" that there are just that many illegal aliens in California. But, it appears that nobody really knows just how many illegal aliens are actually living in California. All that is really known for sure is that there are an incredible amount of people living illegally in the state of California, plus also in many other areas of the United States. It is almost like "a country within a country."
The third linked page includes a map which shows merely the estimate of illegal aliens, by State. California, by far, has the largest illegal and criminal alien population. Part of the reason for this large illegal and criminal alien population is because they commonly enter the United States via the rather "leaky," or intentionally leaky, southern border of that State.
As most people know by now, most of the illicit drugs flowing into the United States cross over the southern border, "thanks," in part, to the illegal aliens --- but "thanks" even more to those members of foreign-based organizations which are embedded in government and helping to instigate or facilitate the illegal, Catholic-bred foreign invasion. These agents of a foreign organization which are embedded in government actually work for a foreign government which, as we shall see later is this discussion, has sought from virtually the birth of this nation the utter destruction of the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States and its true citizens, along with the destruction of their intended liberties and freedoms.
And, as we are considering all the illicit drugs flowing into the United States over the southern border, "thanks" most of all should go to the millions of drug users in the United States. Your drug use and drug habit has fueled virtually all this illegal immigration into the United States, as indicated in a New York Times article linked here. The drugs you crave also have resulted in the deaths of many people in Mexico and elsewhere, as noted in the pages linked much further below. This situation will be shown even more clearly and starkly further down in this discussion. Yes, it appears that drug users have a whole lot of blood on their hands, plus they are ruining our economy and our country. This will be shown more clearly, with documentation, later in this discussion.
The page linked below declares: "A huge increase in the production and supply of drugs to the United States from Mexico is the cause of an explosion of violence in the North American country that has seen record levels of murders in the past year, according to both governments [of Mexico and the United States]."
What is helping to influence the huge increase in drug use in the United States? Let us look at one potential answer. It appears that numerous celebrities have a history of snorting cocaine, using heroin and doing other drugs, as noted in the pages linked below. Because of the strong influence of these celebrities, especially on the young, it appears that they are helping to cause a large explosion in drug use in the United States. It is almost like these celebrities are the promoters for the illicit drug industry.
So, it appears that celebrity drug use and their influence on others is helping to fuel this increase in drug production in Mexico, along with the "explosion of violence" in that country. It also appears that this celebrity use of drugs, along with their influence on others, is helping to fuel all this illegal immigration into the United States. But, there is more to this story, for there is a national security issue involved here. All of this drug use and the alien invasion has also helped to further the Reconquista movement, with its plans to undermine and overthrow what is left of the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States. And in the end, their plan is to pursue ethnic cleansing in the captured portions of the United States. This issue will be discussed in more detail later.
It is time to get real. Celebrity drug users, possibly it is time to truly take responsibility for your actions and what your influence has done. How many people throughout the United States and the world have possibly been "turned on" to drug use and addiction, because of your influence? Yes, it appears that your influenced has greatly increased the flow of drugs from places like Mexico, into the United States. But there is more to this story. How many people have died because of this drug use in our country and elsewhere, because of your influence?
The page linked below declares: "The United States remains the major market for illicit drugs that are trafficked through Mexico." The page states further: "Part of what we're seeing is simply the fact that Mexico lives next door to the largest drug consuming country in the world. One of the presidents of Mexico said living next to the United States is like living next to a crack house." Yes, and the major portion of these drugs enter into "the U.S. crack house" from Mexico. And again, all of this inflow of illicit drugs is helping to fuel the illegal alien invasion of the United States. So, it appears that drug users have become a major National Security Risk.
Regarding California, it appears that illicit drugs steadily flowing into California (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) helps to bring a lot of money into that State. This drug money could potentially help to fill the State coffers, plus potentially could even "line the pockets" of a number of politicians. And, as shown in pages linked below, drugs coming into California are distributed across the United States, to help bring in even more money. Possibly that could be part of the reason that the government of California is fighting so hard to allow illegal aliens and criminal aliens to freely flow into and live in that State, while being fully protected by what appears to be a treasonous government of the State of California.
According to what is shown in the pages linked below, in the internal drug trade in at least California, in some cases, it looks like pizza businesses are used as covers. Other businesses which front for the high-traffic illicit drug trade are things like auto repair shops and taco shops. Another thing which appears to work very well in the distribution of illicit drugs are those numerous food trucks which travel all over in the cities. Then there are the truckers who hauled illicit drugs across the U.S. from California, as noted in the pages linked below. And, these are just a few of the distribution methods used in California, and from there, across the country. And the truth of the matter is, there are innumerable methods used for distributing drugs.
In all of this, there is one important thing to note. It is often people originating from Catholic countries south of the border, in many cases being those who are illegal or criminal aliens, who are involved in this illicit drug trade. This becomes rather clear when reading the pages linked below. These Catholic-bred "southerners" may then recruit other nationalities to work for them, even American Indians and whites. Yes, big money and its temptations can buy many people. It has proven to be able to buy even many government officials and those associated with law enforcement.
The illicit drug trade helps organizations like the Mexican drug cartels and the Mexican Mafia to gain power throughout the United States, apparently using sanctuary cities as their bases of operation and distribution hubs for the illicit drug trade. There is a lot of money involved here. As noted in the first page linked below, "the notorious Mexican drug cartels are making billions of dollars because of drug trade in the United States." From the sanctuary cities, it appears that these Mexican organizations spread their "tentacles" of power and control throughout the surrounding countryside, using illicit drugs as a powerful tool for entrapment and control.
The heavy drug flow and use throughout the United States means there is a lot of money in drug trafficking for the Mexican cartels, and money often buys power and control. Possibly a major part of the reason that the officials of sanctuary cities are working so hard to protect their illegal and criminal aliens is potentially because they are bought off or enthralled with drug money (link), or could potentially even be "users" themselves, to one degree or another. That has clearly happened in Mexico and elsewhere. And, is human nature that much different in the United States?
In a specific situation in Colorado, a page linked here and above notes that illicit drugs are moved "from Mexico to California before ending up in suburban Denver." Once in Denver, the drugs in "an extensive Colorado meth operation" were sold from places like "a Denver-area taco truck that made the drug available as a side dish." Yes, the page states that "customers could literally walk up to a food truck and order a side of meth with their taco."
There is one thing to be very sure about. These illicit drugs, including meth, cocaine and heroin, which move from Mexico to California, then do continue onward to places like Denver, Colorado, plus other places all across the United States. This is clearly shown in the pages linked above. It appears these California drugs are also shipped northward into Canada.
Once again, lest we forget, throughout the United States, it appears that sanctuary cities are used as the drug hubs and bases of operation. From the sanctuary cities, the illicit drugs spread out into the surrounding regions. Yes, it appears the Reconquista movement is using drugs as a powerful tool in the early stages of the war aimed at taking over the United States --- one city, or even multiple cities, at a time.
There is one very important thing to note in a page linked here and above. This Newsweek article is titled, 'Mexican Drug Cartels May Use Legal Marijuana to Increase Their Presence in Northern California.' The page speaks about "Mexican drug cartels" setting up illegal marijuana farms "all across Northern California," in the back country and even in a National Forest. So, it appears that the Mexican drug cartels and the Mexican Mafia already has a good "foothold" in the State of California. And, looking at what has been happening in the State of California, it appear that the Mexican drug cartels and the Mexican Mafia have much, much more than simply a "foothold" in that State.
For additional information on the Mexican drug cartel operations directly in northern California, plus elsewhere in the United States and the Americas, simply access the pages linked below. Regarding the state of California and drug cartels, the first page linked below declares that "a cartel 'owns' every national forest, national park, state park, and wildlife refuge in the state." And, with these illegal cartel operations, there are always guns involved. These cartels definitely intent to protect their investment, so they are protecting themselves with at least assault rifles. Yes, they use military-style weaponry like AK-47's (link). And, if guns are outlawed and confiscated from authentic U.S. citizens, the cartels will always have their guns and any other weaponry they desire.
Looking further, the first linked page declares: "California has the most cartel-run illegal pot gardens, but they've been found in 20 other states and 67 national forests." Possibly this may help to better understand what is actually "fueling" the treasonous activity by the State of California, plus even the Calexit movement, and why the State of California is pushing so hard to protect illegal and criminal aliens, in defiance of all Federal laws. If California were to succeed in exiting the Union, they possibly figure they could survive by supplying illicit drugs to all the other States in the Union, to help take them down. So, at this point, we possibly should ask a question. Who really owns California?
It is truly time for authentic U.S. citizens to wake up and do what needs to be done, for it appears that we are losing the authentic United States. We are losing it to Catholic-bred illegal aliens and criminals from south of the border, apparently with help from many Vatican/Jesuit allies and agents in U.S. and State government positions. These agents are those numerous members of those Catholic-controlled secret societies which are in government positions. These secret societies are those which President John F. Kennedy warned us about and spoke against, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963.
It is time for authentic U.S. citizens to really wake up, for we do not want the United States to turn into one of those "s___hole" countries which President Trump talked about. The Catholic-bred members of the cartels have already started what amounts to be an authentic war against U.S. citizens, apparently with the help of certain government agencies. It is a true invasion which is, in essence, no different than a military invasion. It is for the purpose of taking over, plus people are dying because of the drugs involved. That is very clear... And what could potentially be instigating these activities?
It is time to consider a historic oath. The foreign-controlled agent declares: "I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth... That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet." These are excerpts from the historic Oath of the Catholic-based Jesuits, who are seeking world control, via the New World Order. These words are also found in the Oaths of various "secret societies" and organizations which they control (1)(2)(3).
At this point, there is one important thing to note. In the pages linked above, plus elsewhere in this discussion, it should clearly be noted that the drug cartels and their allies which are operating within the United States are heavily armed. Yes, they have military-style assault rifles, like AK-47's and M-16's, plus other heavy duty weaponry. And, if assault rifles are banned, you can guarantee that the drug cartels will still have all the weaponry they want, and it can readily be used on U.S. citizens.
Then, in the midst of this obvious war against U.S. citizens, various government officials and other agencies are working extremely hard to disarm authenic U.S. citizens. So, what is really going on here? Who is actually behind this and what will be the ultimate outcome of all this? Well, by the time you have read this whole discuss, hopefully you should have a rather clear understanding of the true answers to these important questions.
So, it appears there is a "very good reason" why California wants to protect the illegal and criminal aliens, plus even enemy aliens. It appears that California, as a major drug hub for illicit Mexican "goods" on the drug freeway, is possibly "raking in" a whole lot of money. And, as has happened in Mexico and elsewhere, a certain portion of that drug money can be used to buy off and pay off government officials and members of police agencies, which may also then become involved in the drug trade. Some examples of this are noted in the pages linked below.
The page linked below declares: "News articles and reports on police corruption in the US, particularly related to drug enforcement, have sadly become ubiquitous." For those not familiar with the word, "ubiquitous" (1)(2)(3) means that police corruption in the US, especially when it comes to drugs, is very present, is widespread and existing everywhere. Possibly various members of police agencies may even be acting as protectors or enforcers of the illicit drug trade.
The linked page declares: "The wealth and power of some drug trafficking organizations can exceed that of local governments, allowing them to buy protection from law enforcement agents, criminal justice institutions, politicians and the business sector. In doing so, they further reinforce corruption. The rule of law is both an immediate victim and, if it is already weak, an underlying factor that feeds this cycle." California may be a good example of this.
The page states further: "This kind of activity is often called high-level corruption. It involves a small number of senior officials in the government, police, customs or the justice system being targeted in a business transaction with bribes in exchange for either passive or active support facilitating illegal activities. In several cases high-level corruption has posed a threat to the State." Yes, it truly does present a National Security Risk. But, there is more to this story.
The page states: "Organized criminal groups have attempted to influence the outcome of democratic processes; for example, by funding election campaigns in favour of specific candidates or political parties through 'vote buying', intimidation or corrupting participants in the political process."
So, could this be what is happening in California? Could this be why they are rebelling against the U.S. Constitution and legitimate immigration laws? Could this be what is "fueling" the Calexit movement? Are the drug cartels which are operating in California having undue influence on public policy or the outcome of elections in this State?
At this point, there is something else which needs to be noted. Under the heading of 'US Border Agents Arrested or Indicted for Corruption,' the page linked above declares: "From fiscal years 2005 through 2012, a total of 144 employees were arrested or indicted for corruption-related activities, including the smuggling of aliens or drugs, and 125 have been convicted. About 65 percent (93 of 144 arrests) were employees stationed along the southwest border." And yes, that "southwest border" does include California. Check out that page linked above. It is quite an "eye opener."
The page linked above notes that in at least one case, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officer "provided drug traffickers with his work schedule and lane assignments, which they used to coordinate their smuggling efforts through his inspection lane." So, just what all is really going on at the southern border? Yes, there are some agents that get caught, but just how many are there which do not get caught? Yes, there is possibly a very "good" reason why the State of California is being so rebellious against enforcement of Federal immigration laws.
Let us look at just a few examples of corruption in government agencies. In certain cases in California and elsewhere, the "lower downs" who got caught with the drugs or the selling of drugs, may have had leverage over the "higher ups" who were possibly "knowledgeable about" or maybe even involved with, to one degree or another, the drug trade. This leverage of the "lower downs" over the "higher ups" may have helped get "leniency" for at least some of those who were caught with or selling drugs.
In all of this, there is something very important to consider. It does appear that we have a serious national problem in this area of corruption and drugs. In the end, it appears that this corruption and drugs will lead to the total downfall of the authentic United States. We will have lost the Constitutional Republic of the United States. This scenario will lead to brutality, anarchy and bloodshed. This is a situation where really no one wins, except for the Vatican and their despotic New World Order, which is simply the old Holy Roman Empire with a new label.
Now that the questionable and illicit drug trade in California and across the nation has been considered, at least to a degree, it is time to look directly at that which appears to be a glaring case of utter hypocrisy. This is a glaring case of widespread, utter hypocrisy which is happening right here within the United States. It is a glaring case of hypocrisy which does appear to exist at least among celebrities in the entertainment industry, and possibly even in the sports arena.
What will now be examined is actually an extremely glaring case of horrendous hypocrisy of the worst kind. And, it appears that a rather large number of people throughout the United States are involved with this blatant case of serious hypocrisy. It appears that this case of hypocrisy may be even extremely prevalent, especially among those who are of the so-called "human rights" groups, or of the leftists or "bleeding heart" and "wet hanky" crowds. This is that very glaring case of "Blood Diamonds" versus "Blood Drugs."
For those who do not fully understand what the "blood diamonds" issue is all about, the pages linked below should help get you "up to speed." Regarding these so-called blood diamonds, the attitude which appears to be displayed by various celebrities in the entertainment and sports industries, along with that displayed by certain of the elite and possibly even some of those in "royalty," may be something along the following line:
"Ew! How utterly disgusting. I can't touch those things. Get them away from me. If you have blood diamonds, I will highly and openly condemn you for it. Now get out of here and take those things with you!" Slam! "Oh, how terrible!" Ring, ring. "Hey, can you believe what so and so just did! Yuck! I used to think highly of them, but not anymore! How disgusting!" Click. "Wow! This has been a rough and trying day. It definitely is time to snort another line or maybe do something else."
Silly people! Or is it very shallow, mindless fools? While they are making such a big "stink" about blood diamonds, it appears that they do not realize or do not care that their horrid hyprocrisy is showing to at least those with virtually any amount of thinking and reasoning capabilities. Yes, their utter hypocrisy, because of their use of "blood drugs," is showing very badly.
In one of the pages linked below, look at how these leftists and possibly "twisted minds" are so condemning of the supermodel, Naomi Campbell. Yes, they are highly condemning of Naomi Campbell over the potential issue of her alleged association with "blood diamonds," while at the same time, possibly a large share of these same people are, without a care about what they are doing, habitually indulging in the use of "blood drugs."
Let us now consider the fact of "blood drugs," for it --- at least to many thinking people --- may cause the issue of "blood diamonds" to utterly pale in comparison. The pages linked below should help get you "up to speed" on the truth about "blood drugs." The linked pages should help you understand that there are massive amounts of human rights violations, human suffering, torture and bloodshed associated with a large portion of these "blood drugs," whether they be heroin, cocaine, meth or otherwise.
With especially those huge amounts of "blood drugs" coming via Mexico, there is a massive amount of associated torture, human dismemberment and violent murder of men, women and children. But those of the leftist and notorious "wet hanky" crowds, because of their personal addictions, tend to overlook this and look the other way. They are condemning "blood diamonds," while they are so freely doing their fashionable "blood drugs." Take a look at the pages linked below. Look at the human rights violations, torture and bloodshed involved with "blood drugs."
The linked pages speak of kidnappings. They speak of decapitated bodies. They speak of legs and bodies being dismembered. They speak of mass graves. And, on top of all that, they speak of the high demand for illicit and destructive drugs in the United States, which helps to fuel all this brutality and bloodshed. Yes, to all you users: Your drug use is causing all this violence, human suffering, and bloodshed! By proxy, all this blood is on your hands! Forget about "blood diamonds!" Look at what you are causing by the use of your "blood drugs!"
The second linked page declares: "Mexico's conflict is more intense than many civil wars and insurgencies around the world." It notes that the death toll commonly stated "may actually under-count, since many bodies are hidden in mass graves that may have never been found." Is speaks of drug cartels which "rule through sheer brutality."
To each and every drug user, even to all you recreational users and celebrity users, "Do you appreciate what your drug use is causing?" Hey, quite complaining about those blood diamonds! You possibly have much more blood on your hands, by using "blood drugs!" As you enjoy your "blood drugs," check out the pages linked below.
There is something which the writer finds uniquely interesting, yet somewhat disturbing. There are so many of the celebrities and of the young or leftists that are against war. They openly condemn the violence and bloodshed associated with war. Yet they support, in a huge and direct way with their drug use, all the violence and bloodshed which is going on in the Catholic countries south of the U.S. border.
And no, we absolutely DO NOT need to legalize all this crap here. It appears that those who encourage it here have not learned any of the necessary lessons which are to be learned from the history of the Opium Wars in China in earlier years, and what they were really all about. People who encourage the legalization and widespread use of drugs here, obviously have not learned from that history which shows the degradation of countries in the past, whose citizens were heavily into drug use.
One of the pages linked in the section above, plus here also, speaks about a "driver of the escalating violence in Mexico [which] is the rising taste in the United States for opiates, such as heroin, and the subsequent increase in opium poppy cultivation in Mexico." The same page declares: "During their recent visit to Mexico, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly went to great lengths to emphasize that U.S. demand for drugs lies at the heart of Mexico's violence problems." So, it is now time to get very real.
Is the U.S. steadily turning in the direction of being one of those "s___hole" countries which President Trump spoke about? Look at the general attitude of an ever-increasing, large segment of the people! Look at all the crime! Look at the rising brutality and anarchy! Look at those who riot in the streets, break windows, damage vehicles and set things on fire! Need the writer say more?
If you are doing drugs, there is a good chance that your hand, by proxy, is the one holding that machete which is dismembering and hacking up men, women and children in Mexico. If you are doing drugs, there is a good chance that your hand, by proxy, is the one holding that tool which is gouging out the eyes of those people. If you are doing drugs, there is a good chance that your hand, by proxy, is the one holding that gun to the heads of those people, and then pulling the trigger. If you are doing drugs, there is a good chance that by proxy, you are the one forcing those people into that barrel of acid, so they can painfully dissolve away.
If you are going to a concert by those who are using "blood drugs," then it appears that, because of your support, by proxy, you are party to brutality and bloodshed in Mexico and other countries. If you are buying music videos or other recordings done by those who use "blood drugs," then you, by proxy, are supporting the violence and bloodshed in Mexico and other places.
If you are going to movies associated with actors or directors, etc., who are using "blood drugs" or who are snorting that fashionable "blood cocaine," again, it appears that by proxy, you are party to brutality and bloodshed in those Catholic countries south of the U.S. border. Yes, by supporting these or any other drug users, you are supporting just another violent and bloody war on humanity.
The brutality noted in the pages linked further above reminds the writer of some of those things which happened during the Catholic Crusades and Inquisitions in earlier times (1)(2), plus even some of their activities in more recent times (1)(2). Granted, they did not have guns and bombs back in those earlier Crusades and Inquisitions, but they still did have the "tools" necessary for commonly mutilating people, even on a large scale --- something similar to what in now happening in Mexico and other places.
Possibly some of this brutality and bloodshed in the Catholic countries south of the U.S. border is just a continuation of some of those earlier, very brutal activities. Research tends to indicate that the same foreign organization which was associated with the brutality in earlier times, may have a connection to the brutality which is happening now. Possibly what we are now seeing is simply the beginning of the modern day version of it all. And, it appears that, in places, it is beginning to bleed across the border into the United States. And, what possibly could have instigated all this? Well, let us now consider just one possibility.
It is time to look again at that historic ceremony of the advancing Jesuit. It is recorded that the advancing Jesuit is told the following by his Superior: "You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace." And, that is just one excerpt from the historic Jesuit Oath ceremony (1)(2)(3).
What now follows is part of the historic Oath taken by the advancing Jesuit and other members of those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies. Once again, let it be noted that President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against secret societies and what they were doing, plus the plot to enslave authentic U.S. citizens, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963. And now, just one part of that Oath:
"I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race.
That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus."
The preceding information is just an excerpt from the historic Jesuit Oath, Oath of the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, and others (1)(2). For additional information about the Jesuit organization, simply click on the following links: (1)(2).
Let us now consider the excerpts for the historic Oath, presented in the preceding section. In place of the "poisonous cup," noted above in the Oath, could drugs facilitate the same end result? What about all those drug deaths in the United States, caused by overdose or other associated reasons? Could these drug-related deaths, which occur in various types of situations, fulfil the same ultimate end as would "the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet?" Really, no matter what method is used, people end up dead.
The first page linked below declares: "Drug overdoses are a leading cause of injury death in the United States, resulting in approximately 52,000 deaths in 2015" The second linked page declares: "Opioid addiction in the United States has reached epidemic proportions, threatening not only public health but economic output and national security." Yes, this drug use is threatening "economic output and national security." This is some very serious stuff. This is money wasted which could be used for much better purposes.
The second page also declares: "The United States is grappling with one of its worst-ever drug crises. More than eight hundred people a week die from opioid-related overdoses, and some experts say the death toll may not peak for years. Meanwhile, millions more Americans suffer from opioid addiction."
Yes, all of this drug use and costs to our legitimate economy is harming and destructive to our nation. The costs associated with the drug crises is harming the legitimate economy of the United States and that of the individual States. And, it is certain that the drug cartels with their cocaine, heroin and other drugs, even designer drugs, plus the illegal alien "tsunami," are not helping our country at all. It is truly a war against our nation and against authentic U.S. citizens, using illegal invaders and drugs.
Regarding the use of drugs as a replacement for the "poisonous cup" and other deadly methods, let us look a bit further on this issue of drug overdoses and death.
The page linked below declares: "The latest government numbers reported find that drug overdose deaths in 2016 continued to climb despite ongoing efforts to stem the the overdose epidemic." The August 8, 2017 page states further: "Just last week, President Trump's commission on the opioid epidemic issued a report calling on the President to declare the drug overdose crisis a national emergency."
And many of these drugs are flooding into the United States from those Catholic countries south of our border, along with illegal aliens which potentially can "help in the business." Keep this fact in mind, as we continue with this discussion --- especially in relation to certain things presented further down in this discussion (link).
A couple sections above included part of the historic Jesuit Oath. This historic Oath spoke about making and waging "relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics..." It appears that part of the "relentless war" is of an economic nature. It appears that there is intent to destroy what is left of the Constitutional Republic of the United States via the weapon of economic burden.
Not only is the drug crises taking its toll on human lives, it is also taking its toll on the legitimate economy of the United States. What follows next is just a few facts and figures about only the opioid epidemic. Then there are all those other drugs, including cocaine, and the economic problems which they cause.
The 2018 page linked below declares that "the opioid epidemic is costing the U.S. more than $500 billion per year." As just a rough portrayal of the situation, that would be like each one of the 50 States losing $10 billion PER YEAR. This is all money (yes, taxpayer dollars) which could have been spent for much better purposes.
The U.S. Government page linked below, on PDF page 2 of 14, states that in 2015, "over 33,000 Americans died of a drug overdose involving opioids." The same page declares: "CEA [Council of Economic Advisers] estimates that in 2015, the economic cost of the opioid crisis was $504.0 billion, or 2.8 percent of the GDP [gross domestic product] that year. This is over six times larger than the most recently estimated economic cost of the epidemic."
In this, we have only looked at the problem created by opioids. Then there are the economic costs relating to problems created because of cocaine usage and other street drugs, including those designer drugs. The use of these drugs would create an additional cost to society on top of that noted above.
The preceding section noted that "the opioid epidemic is costing the U.S. more than $500 billion per year." Let us begin to put this situation --- considering only the opioid problem --- into a real life perspective. Let us compare the costs of the opioid epidemic to something physical which most people should more easily relate to. And again, in this we are not looking at the additional costs relating to "blood drugs" like cocaine and other street drugs.
A 2017 page linked below speaks about the construction costs of the Golden Gate Bridge, at San Francisco, California. Regarding the cost of building the bridge, the page declares: "It cost about US$37 million at the time [1933-1937]; building the same structure today would cost about a billion dollars." So, let us consider how this relates to our discussion, using the figures just stated.
At a billion dollars each, the opioid epidemic is costing the United States approximately 500 Golden Gate Bridges per year. Putting things another way, and splitting the costs evenly between each of the 50 States, that means that just the opioid epidemic is costing each State an average of 10 very large bridges per year. Again, that is PER YEAR, and that is not figuring in cocaine and other street drugs. No wonder things are not going that great, economically, in our country. No wonder our infrastruction is just left to deteriorate.
So now, let us branch off from the figures used above and consider another situation. Figuring from the average cost noted above for just the opioid epidemic, the amount of loss per State per year would average out to be roughly 10 billion dollars. Now, two States have a project which they would like to accomplish, those States being Oregon and Washington. They have wanted to build the new Columbia River Crossing for the Interstate-5 freeway.
A government page, linked here, indicates that the Columbia River Crossing Project will cost approximately $3.5 billion. Now, when combined together, Oregon and Washington are, because of just the opioid epidemic, losing the average of $20 billion per year. Putting this another way, Oregon and Washington are losing, because of just the opioid epidemic, the equivalent of almost six (6) Columbia River Crossings PER YEAR. Just think about how many additional bridges those two States could put across the Columbia River, if it wasn't for those costs associated with just the opioid epidemic which are cutting into their available funds.
It is time to look at another situation. The page linked below speaks of the $4 billion Tappan Zee Bridge replacement project in New York State. State officials are wondering how they are going to pay for this project. Where is the money going to come from? Using the figures above, because of just the opioid epidemic, New York is losing the average of $10 billion dollars PER YEAR. So, putting things into true perspective, because of just the opioid epidemic, and not including the additional costs relating to things like cocaine and other street drugs, New York is losing the equivalent of 2-1/2 Tappen Zee Bridge replacements PER YEAR.
The writer believes that enough examples have been shown, so far, to establish in the minds of thinking people the magnitude of just the opioid problem we are dealing with. Then there are all those additional costs relating to things like cocaine and other street drugs.
Now, the United States has a lot of "crumbling" infrastructure and people are wondering how in the world we are ever going to come up with the additional money to fix all this stuff. Well, could the exorbitant costs of at least the opioid epidemic have anything to do with why the money is not available to fix our "crumbling" infrastructure? Think about that for a while.
Now, do you feel like taking some more opioids or snorting a line of that "blood cocaine" or possibly another illicit "blood drug" of choice? Are you proud of the United States being considered the "crack house" of the world, with the help of Catholic countries from south of the U.S. border? Do you still want open borders with all those additional "blood drugs" flowing into the nation? Would it possibly be wise to do whatever it takes to drastically reduce or eliminate all illicit drug flow into the United States? Isn't it about time we woke up, grew up and got the nation weaned off all these drugs? Isn't it about time we put an end to this war against the United States?
Heroin is an opioid drug made from morphine, which comes from the seed pod of various opium poppy plants (link). At this point, let us look at just the heroin part of the opioid epidemic. The page linked below mentions incarceration and crime. It notes chronic infectious diseases, like HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Tuberculosis. It notes lost productivity, plus death by heroin overdose. Then it goes into the dollar costs to society.
The page states: "Using literature-based estimates to populate the model, the cost of heroin use disorder was estimated to be $51.2 billion in 2015 US dollars ($50,799 per heroin user). One-way sensitivity analyses showed that overall cost estimates were sensitive to the number of heroin users, cost of HCV treatment, and cost of incarcerating heroin users."
The pages linked below present additional information on the heroin problem in the United States. Looking back a bit, the information presented in the previous section equated the dollar value to society for the opioid epidemic. This dollar value for the opioid epidemic was compared to the cost of major bridge projects. Now, when considering just the heroin portion of the opioid epidemic in the United States, it can equate to the dollar value of approximately six (6) major bridge projects per year.
On top of the costs relating to heroin usage in the United States, there are the costs incurred because of the "fashionable blood drug" called cocaine. There are also the rising costs to society because of drugs like fentanyl and those various designer drugs. Yes, the United States has an incredibly huge drug problem. As the one president of Mexico said, "Living next to the United States is like living next to a crack house." (link)
Because of the high costs to the United States which result from drug use and abuse by citizens, it only makes sense to do everything possible to reduce or eliminate this financial burden in the United States. Furthermore, as a result of drug use, there is that lost productivity, plus the crime factor to consider. And, these drugs are creating a National Security problem. The bottom line is, the United States needs secure borders to help reduce the inflow of these drugs as much as possible. It definitely makes economic sense!
President Donald Trump appears to be taking his job seriously. It appears that he is trying to do his best to protect authentic U.S. citizens from the invading hoards which are swarming in from south of the U.S. border, along with all the illicit drugs which seem to be coming in with them. President Trump desires to have a secure border. This is only reasonable. But, it appears that "environmentalists" are nefariously doing everything they can to prevent Trump from working to protect authentic U.S. citizens. Why could this be? Is there a reason why these people do not want a secure southern border or protected U.S. citizens?
Note also, in the pages linked below, that the so-called "immigration rights" groups are doing all they can to confound President Trump and prevent him from doing his legitimate job. The un-Constitutional practices of the various "environmental" and "immigration rights" groups can clearly be seen in the pages linked below, especially once combined with the information included in the discussion which follows the links. So, why are these people acting this way? What is going on here? What is the true reason for their actions? Could the true reason be much different than the one which they commonly claim?
As another note, if the reader so desires, they can do further research on the Internet about this matter relating to the border wall. They will see that these various groups which are fighting Trump are utterly going crazy over the issue of Trump wanting to build a secure border. They are virtually going crazy and presenting a whole menagerie of questionable reasons why the border wall should not be built. Again, why are they acting this way? Why are they virtually going hysterical over all of this? Well, it is now time to put forward one potential answer.
In all the years that the writer has observed people from these types of groups which are now fighting so hard against the border wall, the writer has noted one thing in common with members of these various groups. From what the writer has seen over the years, a "good" share of these people are drug users. Some which the writer has observed were more or less "recreational users." And then there are the hardcore users. Yes, drugs and the use of drugs is possibly the real reason that these people are fighting against the border wall. It appears they are afraid their drug supply could become somewhat restricted. Therefore, the thought of it is driving them nuts.
It is now time to turn our attention away from what appears to be "fruitcakes" and the leftists and the details of the utter crazy and foolish things which they have been doing. It is time to turn our attention away from these particular ones who appear to be manipulated and controlled by a foreign-based organization. It is time for us to get back to taking a closer look at the seriousness of the situation which we are dealing with at the southern border. It is time to also take a serious look at what the U.S. Constitution has to say about things.
To begin this part of the discussion, let it be clearly noted that the Constitution of the United States is the Supreme Law of the Land (link). And, only those laws which have been made in authentic pursuance of the U.S. Constitution and its founding principles and intent, can become part of the Supreme Law of the Land.
Now, it does not appear that the so-called "environmental" laws have actually been made in authentic pursuance of the U.S. Constitution, in its true intent and in accordance with those important principles upon which this great nation was founded. Therefore, it appears that a good share of the so-called "environmental" laws are simply questionable "laws" which are operating under "the color of law."
Let us now get to the very core of this matter. The Supreme Law of the Land, which is the U.S. Constitution, in Article 4, Section 4, declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..." (1)(2)(3) So, very clearly and beyond any doubt, the Supreme Law of the Land declares that the United States shall protect every State in this Union against invasion, with no "ifs," "ands," or "buts."
It is now time for a bit of reality. Nothing is supposed to frivolously get in the way of the U.S. government when it is doing the job required of it by the U.S. Constitution. Anything which frivolously gets in the way of the U.S. government when it is attempting to do the job legitimately required of it by the Constitution is actually fighting against or at war with the Constitution of the United States. And, in doing so, they are wilfully at war with the authentic United States. These people who are fighting against Trump and a secured southern border are simply domestic enemies of the United States, of the U.S. Constitution, and of authentic U.S. citizens.
It appears that these people which are fighting against President Trump and the secure border wall which he is attempting to build, are actually supporting or aiding and abetting the foreign drug cartels in their war against the citizens of the United States. It appears that these people who are fighting against a secure border are working to give aid and comfort to those who are working to harm U.S. citizens. Therefore, it appears that these people who are working against a secure southern border are actually performing acts of treason, as will be made clearer by information presented later in this discussion.
So, what should be done about these treasonous people who are working against the security and sovereignty of the United States? What is the historic punishment for treason? And, why should we waste money acquired via the taxes of authentic U.S. citizens, by supporting these treasonous ones in prison? So, again, what should be done with these treasonous ones?
It is beginning to appear that a major portion of the resistance to a secure southern border for the United States is coming from those controlled or manipulated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, or those involved in the illicit drug trade. The Mexican Catholic hierarchy is expecially fighting hard to undermine President Trump in his effort to build a border wall. The titles on the pages linked below should be rather self explanatory.
Seeing the reaction of the Mexican Catholic archdiocese against the Trump border wall should be a total giveaway to most thinking people, as to who is really behind the Catholic-bred invasion of the United States. It appears that what they are really saying is that, because Mexico is a Catholic country under the control of the Vatican, anyone who works on the Trump border wall is committing "treason" against the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its intended goal for conquering (Reconquista) the United States and also the whole world.
To get a better idea of what is being dealt with at the southern U.S. border, plus to get a better idea of why the Mexican authorities are handling (or mishandling) things the way that they are, it is time to look at a portion of the historic Oath of the Jesuits and the Oath of the various secret societies which they control. In these historic Oaths, as recorded (1)(2)(3), the advancing agent of the Vatican/Jesuit organization declares:
"I, (name), now...declare and swear that His Holiness the Pope, is Christ's vice regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given His Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and they may be safely destroyed." But, there is something else to consider in this Oath.
After the advancing Vatican/Jesuit agent has made many vows in their Oath about what they will do for the organization, then it is recorded that they confirm their Oath with the following words:
"In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all my corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever!"
It appears that those under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization do not want to "cross it" in any way. So, let us now get back to the Trump border wall. Once again, by that which was presented in the previous section, it appears that, according to the Catholics, anyone who works on the Trump border wall is impeding the planned Vatican/Jesuit invasion and takeover of the United States, plus the full implementation of the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order, and is therefore declared as being treasonous. What do you think of that? Now you may also better understand why the Mexican government does not help prevent invading Catholic-bred aliens from making their way through Mexico to the U.S. border for invasion purposes.
If the Mexican government were to help impede or hamper, in any way, the Catholic-bred invasion of the United States, or the full implementation of the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order, it would be considered as "treason" against the pope in the Vatican. It would be considered as "treason" if the Catholic government of Mexico were to interfere in the planned Vatican/Jesuit invasion and ultimate overthrow of whatever is left of the Constitutional Republic of the United States. It would be considered as "treason," if they did not help to destroy the "sanctuary" created by the Constitutional Republic, where Protestant worship is protected in the United States. Yes, we are now speaking about a subtle form of "holy war." It is simply the continuing Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3).
At this point, let us consider those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against, because of what they were doing to the United States and its authentic citizens, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963. According to what Kennedy declared, it appears that there is a plot to enslave every authentic U.S. citizen. Kennedy spoke of a "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy." He spoke about and against secret oaths and secret procedings. It appears that he was speaking about the Vatican/Jesuit agents which are even embedded in the U.S. government, and are working to facilitate the Vatican takeover of the United States. And, it appears that because he was beginning to expose these things, Kennedy paid with his life.
Now, it appears that this Catholic-bred invasion from Catholic countries south of the border is just another, more subtle form of a Catholic Crusade. It is the "Trojan Horse" which gets into the enemy camp. Once again, it truly is an invasion and is also a subtle form of maneuver in that ongoing "holy war" to ultimately destroy authentic Protestantism from the face of this earth. But, it appears that this Catholic Crusade will ultimately revert to the bloodshed of earlier Crusades and Inquisitions, once their people are fully in place. It appears that this will occur in the latter stages of the Reconquista movement, when the planned ethnic cleansing begins. More will be presented about this particular issue later in this discussion.
At this point, let us begin to look at that which appears to be another Catholic agent or pawn of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which agent or pawn is embedded directly within the United States. Let us begin to look at one who may be seriously aiding and abetting the Catholic-bred invasion of the United States. Let us begin to look at one who possibly does so, in order to prevent committing "treason" against the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Let us look at one who strongly appears to be aiding and abetting the Reconquista of the United States, as the pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization steadily work to steal away California, and then other parts of the United States.
This apparent agent or pawn of the Vatican/Jesuit organization may have totally "sold his soul" to the Vatican organization and is simply, with his whole heart and mind, willingly doing things to further "the cause." On the other hand, he may actually be afraid to commit "treason" against the Vatican organization for a reason. In the confirmation of the Oath, as noted in the section above, if the agent were to commit "treason" against the Vatican organization, other Vatican/Jesuit agents would possibly be coming after them for their life. That appears to be what happened to President John F. Kennedy, when he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963.
Now, it is rather obvious that the apparent agent or pawn to be discussed next is freely allowing the Catholic-bred illegal and criminal alien invasion to occur in his state. Initially it appears that the alien invasion and Reconquista movement is for the purpose of taking over sections of the United States for the Vatican/Jesuit controlled Mexico. But ultimately, this invasion is meant for putting the U.S. and its authentic citizens under the full control of the Vatican's despotic New World Order. This thing they are calling the "New World Order" is simply the old Holy Roman Empire from earlier times, just with a different label. Now, for a look at that apparent agent or pawn.
Governor "Jerry" Brown, whose real name is Edmund Gerald Brown Jr. (link), will now be considered. As a note, those with allegiances to the pope or the Jesuits in Rome, over and above any trace of allegiance to the authentic government of the United States, its Constitution and its authentic citizens, have already been noted further above in this discussion. So, it is time to examine if California Governor, Jerry Brown, could potentially be among these foreign agents or "puppets" of the Vatican, or of that crowd which appears to be undermining the authentic government of the United States and steadily eroding away the true intent and purpose of the U.S. Constitution.
The first page linked below, regarding Jerry Brown being a Catholic, declares: "Brown's acquaintances, including his wife, will tell you that he is. But the fourth-term governor, as a rule, does not like to discuss his religious practices." The first linked page notes that Jerry Brown grew up "in the Catholic faith, the Catholic religion" and that he "once studied to become a Jesuit priest." The second linked page declares that the Democrat Jerry Brown is "a lifelong Catholic and former Jesuit seminarian." So, there is possibly a very good reason, because of his background, why Jerry Brown is allowing Catholic-bred illegal invaders to freely swarm into the United States, via California. Think "Reconquista."
The page linked below is more "straight forward" about the California Governor, Jerry Brown. The page declares: "The state of California is a living example of the Jesuit end-game." It declares that California "has the largest population of Roman Catholic Hispanic illegal immigrants, welcomed in endless streams of higher and higher promises of benefits courtesy of the American taxpayer with current Governor Jerry Brown now making it even easier for illegals to receive taxpayer-funded healthcare." The page also speaks of illegal aliens "who have voted California into the ultimate example of Catholic Communism."
When it comes to securing the southern border of the United States against illegal invaders, it appears that Governor Jerry Brown is playing a "twisted" game. As noted in the pages linked below, Jerry Brown will take Federal money and call up National Guard troops, but, "they won't be used for 'enforcing federal immigration laws.'" In other words, it appears that Jerry Brown is just making a mockery of securing the southern border, plus also is making a mockery of National security. Most likely, Brown's troops will be aiding and abetting the invasion of the United States, rather than upholding their Oaths of Office to the Constitution of the United States.
Yes, as noted in the pages linked below, the questionable Jerry Brown "will accept federal funding to add approximately 400 Guard members statewide to supplement the staffing of its ongoing program to combat transnational crime." By the very wording used in Brown's letter, it appears that few, or none, of the Guard members in California will be sent to the southern U.S. border. As it often appears, California seems to be just finding another way to "suck off the Federal tit," without doing their sworn duty to the Constitution of the United States or to authentic U.S. citizens. Brown's letter clearly declares that "the California National Guard will not be enforcing federal immigration laws."
The questionable Governor Jerry Brown has stated in the letter included in the pages linked above, his "reason" for not enforcing Federal immigration laws. Brown states: "Here are the facts: there is no massive wave of migrants pouring into California. Overall immigrant apprehensions on the border last year were as low as they've been in nearly 50 years (and 85 percent of the apprehensions occurred outside of California)." It is now time to consider what appears to be the wilful and blatant con of that questionable Jerry Brown.
Brown is stating that apprehensions on the border last year were low. Well, that stands to reason if those in the State of California are not doing their sworn duty to the Constitution of the United States. It appears to be something like this in the State of California: "If I turn my back and don't see you, the illegal invasion isn't happening." Mr. Brown, those who have truly done their research do not fall for what appears to be your blatant con job. Basically, it appears that all you have shown is that you are not doing your sworn duty to the Constitution of the United States, and for this reason, it appears that you have wilfully become a security risk to the whole United States.
Let us examine the "game" of Jerry Brown a bit further. Again, questionable Brown is sucking the Federal tit, to get government money, or more realistically, to get the tax dollars of U.S. citizens from across the country. Then the regime of Jerry Brown is giving Driver's Licenses to illegal aliens, as shown in the pages linked below, so they can drive to anywhere they want within the United States. Yes, it appears that Brown is simply "thumbing his nose" at his sworn duty to the Constitution of the United States, plus at the security of the whole nation. Yes, the writer believes that Governor Jerry Brown is a brazen National Security Risk and a supporter of "Reconquista."
Note in the page linked here and above, that in the first year of California giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens, that around half of the driver's licenses in all of California went to illegal aliens. That "nearly half" indicates the true size of the illegal and criminal alien population in California. It potentially also is some indication of the true size of the illegal alien voting population in California, which works to seriously skew and taint the outcomes of National elections, plus potentially other elections across the whole United States. So, yes, it appears that California Governor Jerry Brown is a major National Security Risk, plus a traitor to all authentic U.S. citizens.
There is more to consider in this driver's license situation. A page linked here and above makes it clear that more states than just California are giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens and doing things which aid and abet the Reconquista movement and the illicit drug trade. Yes, there are many in government positions who are working hard as "foreign agents" to facilitate the illegal takeover of the United States for the Vatican, via Reconquista. And, those who have illegally been coming into the United States from south of the border are simply the "pawns" of the invading army, as should be clearly understood by the information presented later in this discussion.
Let us now look even further at the infamous State of California and other things that are happening in this highly un-Constitutional (against the intents and purpose of the Constitution of the United States), Democrat and illegal alien stronghold. Let us look at what is happening in this major hub of illicit drug activity. It appears that things may not be as good in California as that State would lead people to believe.
Being that California harbors so many illegal aliens and their allies, plus appears to be working extremely hard in treasonous support of the Reconquista movement and its goals (1)(2)(3)(4), which includes the Calexit movement, is it any wonder that this particular State has so many problems? Just a few of California's problems are noted in the pages linked below.
Let the State of California be an example to the rest of us. Let it tell the truth on what illegal aliens, plus criminal aliens and enemy aliens, can do for your State, especially when leftists and liberals are in control of things. This is especially true when it is leftists and liberals who are utterly at war with the U.S. Constitution and the legitimate Federal government, while they hate the very principles upon which this great nation was founded.
The page linked immediately above declares that most Californians do not want sanctuary cities, or even a sanctuary State. But those who appear to have hijacked the government of California, possibly with the help of numerous illegal and criminal alien votes, apparently are brazenly acting like dictators. Later in this discussion, we will find out why it appears that this is happening.
It appears that those who have hijacked California, via the votes of illegal aliens, are holding many U.S. citizens hostage and using them as money-slaves and producer-slaves for the dictators' agendas. Yes, it does appear that they are operating just like criminals would commonly do, and possibly there is more to this issue than commonly meets the eye. These apparent dictators look like they are milking U.S. citizens for money --- yes, they are milking money from taxpayers all across the United States, via Federal funding --- to support the dictators' treasonous, illegal and criminal alien paradise. But, there is possibly a lot more to this story.
Illicit drugs flowing into California, for distribution across the United States, was noted further above. Let us now consider this issue a little more, while looking at an interesting piece of history. The pages linked below speak about a certain warehouse in Hayward, California. It should clearly be noted that one Federal government "star" was directly connected to this California warehouse. And, what was in this warehouse to which this questionable Federal "star" was connected? The first page linked below declares:
"In 1991, the DEA made a billion-dollar heroin bust at a Hayward, Calif. warehouse in the Bay Area. Local newspaper Veritas USA chronicled [the federal administrator of HUD's Region 9 in San Francisco, Robert] DeMonte's involvement in the importation of drugs, which forced him to leave office. They added, 'Nancy Pelosi and other prominent names were investors in the Hayward warehouse.'"
From what that first page states, it appears that the family of Nancy Pelosi possibly has a history which is tied to the illicit drug trade. This apparent association with the illicit drug trade appears to have started with her father in the Catholic stronghold of Baltimore, Maryland. The page also states: "Her father, Thomas, is known by some as the most corrupt mayor in Baltimore's history." The remaining linked pages provide additional information.
This is that Nancy Pelosi, the one who has sometimes been called "Dictator Nancy," who, as Speaker of the House in 2008, rudely turned out the lights and killed the microphones, plus adjourned the House, while the Republicans were still speaking (1)(2)(3). This appears to be just some of the Nazi Gestapo and thug-like tactics displayed by various Democrats and leftists, who appear to have no respect for the Constitution of the United States and how things are really supposed to be done in this country.
This same leftist and un-American type of tactic and attitude is now being displayed by the Democrat-controlled State of California, as it appears to be treasonously at war against the Constitution of the United States and the laws which have authentically been made "in pursuance thereof." Possibly all of this is a very good reason why the U.S. Constitution makes clear that a Republican Form of Government is the only legitimate form of government in the United States. Let in un-Constitutional Democrats and...
Well, it appears that this is another area in which numerous people in government are blatantly violating their Oaths of Office to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."(1)(2)(3)
For some reason, the writer cannot find the word "Democrat" or the word "democracy" anywhere in the Constitution of the United States. Maybe the writer is missing something, but he can only find that clause about the guarantee of a Republican Form of Government in the United States. What is going on here? Something is not matching up! Is there a chance we may be dealing with a bunch of rogue and treasonous individuals? Now you know why many of these questionable people are working hard to get significant changes made to the existing U.S. Constitution, or they are pushing to have a totally different constitution.
Before we leave this section, there is another very important thing to note about Nancy Pelosi. According to a page linked here, Nancy Pelosi has Full Membership in the Democratic Socialists of America. And, according to the Communist Vladimir Lenin, "Democracy is indispensable to socialism... The goal of socialism is communism..." (1)(2)(3) Now you may better understand where this is all headed in California, plus in the United States in general. And now, let us see what else is happening.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) "came into force on January 1, 1994." (link) That means that NAFTA came into force when Bill Clinton was president of the United States (link). The pages linked below indicate very clearly that NAFTA and "free trade" greatly benefitted the illicit Mexican drug trade and the flood of illicit drugs into the United States and onto the streets of America, but did little good for the common Mexican folk. It is very clear that NAFTA helped put many of the common folk in Mexico out of business.
NAFTA also helped the Mexican drug cartels to get a foothold in the United States, plus allowed these drug cartels to readily set up a distribution network for their drugs, which network extended all the way across the United States and into Canada. Furthermore, NAFTA helped in the smuggling of millions of illegal aliens from south of the border into the United States --- many which could then work in these illegal drug networks. All of these things worked together to strengthen and really get the sanctuary city movement working to a much higher degree.
The writer considered the fact that NAFTA came into force during the Clinton Administration. The writer also considered that as a result of "free trade" and NAFTA, the drugs really began to flood into the United States and into the bodies and veins of U.S. citizens.
At this point, other, earlier history of Bill Clinton began to flood into the writer's mind. The pages linked below present information it appears "they" would possibly rather have "buried." Included is information about the drug trafficking and other things which occurred in Arkansas, when Bill Clinton was governor. Some information is also included as to how Clinton responded to drugs while he was president.
The pages linked above just present a mere introduction to some Clinton history. Possibly there is a "good reason" why drug trafficking into the United States greatly began to increase during the Clinton Administration and in the years which followed under NAFTA. Yes, we do live in quite a country, don't we. It does not appear to be quite what the Founding Fathers of this great nation had in mind, when this country was established.
All across the country, legitimate U.S. citizens are being financially raped, or actually stolen from by force --- by force, because of this illegal and destructive activity to which government has been a party for so long. As a hijacked government --- hijacked by agents and pawns of a foreign State --- is being used as a tool which is blatantly aiding and abetting crime, they are taxing and forcing U.S. citizens to help bring on their own, ultimate downfall and enslavement, mainly using swarms of Catholic-bred illegal aliens as their willing "pawns" and "tools." And, as we will see later in this discussion, there is a reason for the "Catholic" part of the equation.
If the Vatican-controlled foreign agents embedded in U.S. and State governments --- which agents are often members of those secret societies spoken about and against by President John F. Kennedy, before he was so brutally assassinated in November of 1963 --- were not brazenly aiding and abetting all this crime by Catholic-bred illegal aliens, a much larger share of U.S. citizens would be doing much better, especially financially. If foreign agents embedded in government were not using the government as a "tool" and causing it to act as a party to crime, possibly there would also be fewer U.S. citizens who were out of work or homeless on the streets.
And, in the midst of all this, it appears that there are questionable Republicans in government who are preparing to treasonously sell out the authentic U.S. citizens, which dubious activities are noted in the pages linked below. It appears that a number of questionable Republicans are also rejecting their oaths of office, which require them to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But, it does appear as if they are treasonously working, yes, for a foreign State. Possibly it is because many of them are associated with those Vatican/Jesuit-based secret societies (more about this issue later).
The page linked below speaks about corporations and businesses. It speaks about both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. It speaks about the elites in the government of Mexico. The page speaks about the Catholic Church. It also speaks about Labor Unions.
What the linked page is stating is basically this. All of these mentioned groups are supporting illegal immigration for one reason, and that is for their own selfish agendas. Bottom line: illegal immigration makes them money, plus helps to increase their power, yes, at the expense of authentic U.S. citizens. Illegal immigration helps to further the enslavement of authentic U.S. citizens, which ultimately furthers the agenda of the Catholic Church, which agenda is examined later in this discussion.
When it comes to illegal and criminal aliens and how the government is helping them along, there is actually a whole lot more to the story. As one example, consider the information presented in the page linked below. It appears that certain entities in government positions are conspiring with whomever they can get to go along with them to support illegal aliens in this country, plus they will pay you to do it.
It appears that those in certain segments of government will pay you to become an accessory to un-Constitutional and illegal criminal activity. It appears that they will pay you to treasonously work against authentic U.S. citizens, as you help to support the "Reconquista" of the United States, along with the "ethnic cleansing" which follows. More about the Reconquista issue and the ethnic cleansing later in this discussion. It also appears that they will pay you to help in their work to undermine the established laws of the Constitutional Republic of the United States.
The first page linked below begins with these words: "A California man whose son died at the hands of an illegal immigrant blasted his state's attorney general Thursday over hardcore 'sanctuary' policies." Yes, this California man is disgusted because his state's officials are brazenly aiding and abetting crime. But it is much more than that.
These questionable officials, because they are harboring and protecting illegal aliens, plus even violent enemy aliens, are even aiding and abetting the killing of legitimate and law abiding U.S. citizens. And, yes, California has a lot of gangs, even murderous gangs, as noted in some of the pages linked below. But, unfortunately, this gang problem, which in many cases originated in California, has spread to other places in the United States.
Yes, because of how it has been operating for decades, especially under the liberals and leftists, California seems to be a breeding ground for gangs. As noted in the pages linked above, the violent gang MS-13 includes a lot of illegal aliens from Central American and other areas south of the border. But, it appears that there is a reason why certain government officials are wilfully aiding and abetting this killing of U.S. citizens.
Part of the reason has to do with associations of many government officials with a foreign State and its secret societies, as these officials become party to the goals which this foreign State has for the United States and its authentic citizens. Another part has to do with the Reconquista movement, which is examined later in this discussion, and which also appears to be under the control of this foreign State which has been mentioned. And then, this killing of U.S. citizens appears to be part of the "ethnic cleansing" associated with "Reconquista."
It should clearly be noted that the questionable and possibly illegal and unconstitutional policies of the Obama Administration worked to greatly aggravate the serious gang problem in the United States. At this point we should all remember that the Obama Administration --- which appeared to be a puppet Administration working more for that foreign State --- also prevented Arizona from enforcing immigration laws and their southern border, as noted in the pages linked below.
It is becoming obvious that the Obama Administration was clearly aiding and abetting crime, plus the increase in crime, in the whole United States. In essence, because of murders done by illegal aliens, Obama was helping to kill U.S. citizens. Yes, it appears that Obama has a lot of blood on his hands. This is what liberals and leftists have done to the United States, for quite a period of time. Getting back to serious gangs in the liberal and leftist California breeding ground, the linked pages indicate that the murderous MS-13 gang started in Los Angeles.
Because of the way California has operated, it obviously has helped cause a very serious problem for the whole nation. Because California has not been strict on helping to enforce Federal immigration laws and clean up its crime, a lot of money from U.S. taxpayer's across the whole nation is having to be spent to combat the problems created by these illegal alien gangs. This waste of taxpayer money from across the nation could have largely been avoided, had California and the liberals and Marxists been doing the proper job all along.
The page linked below declares: "While there is no evidence that the 9/11 terrorists entered over the Mexican border, the trial in El Paso of an Iraqi smuggler produced evidence that he alone brought more than 1,000 Middle East illegals into the United States via that route, charging his clients $10,000 to $15,000 each. Border Patrol agents have confirmed the increase in illegal aliens coming from the Middle East across our southern border and the fact that Arabs pay up to $50,000 each for a 'coyote' to smuggle them into the United States."
The page also states: "In Chicago on July 27, 1997, then Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo told the National Council of LaRaza, 'I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders.'" The page states further: "Some Mexicans use the term 'reconquista,' which is Spanish for reconquest, to describe their desire to see California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas acquired by Mexico and named the new country of Aztlan. They are teaching their youth that the United States 'stole' those areas from Mexico and that they should be 'returned.'"
The page declares: "Mexicans obviously have no thought of invading the Southwest with troops, so their hope is reconquista by migration, both legal and illegal. According to Mario Obledo, founder of the Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund, 'California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn't like it should leave.'"
The page linked below speaks about the invasion of the United States, via the southern border. It speaks about reconquering seven states for Mexico. These states are: "California, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, plus parts of Colorado, Nevada and Utah." The success of this Reconquista operation "is based on infiltration (illegal aliens from Mexico)." The page declares: "Chicano Studies programs in many colleges advance the cause by indoctrinating young Chicano students to hate white America and to participate in driving them from the Southwestern U.S., all paid for by the American taxpayer."
Now, let's get back to that Oakland mayor, Libby Schaaf. The page linked here speaks about Libby Schaaf and also another questionable area of California. Ms Schaaf, the Mayor of Oakland, California, has declared: "It is Oakland's legal right to be a sanctuary city and we have not broken any laws."(1)(2)(3)(4)
To the writer, it is beginning to appear that Ms Schaaf may be rather ignorant, or possibly even highly ignorant, of the REAL applicable laws. The page linked below gives an introduction to just some of the laws which Libby Schaaf has wilfully broken.
On the other hand, instead of mere ignorance, there is a possibility that Libby Schaaf may be a wilful traitor to the United States and its citizens, as she is at war against the U.S. government and the Constitution of the United States. There is also a likely possibility that Ms Schaaf is operating as an agent of a foreign entity or State, as will be discussed herein. Whatever the case, as you read through this document, it should become obvious that Libby Schaaf is an enemy of the Constitution of the United States of America and is in violation of her Oath of Office.
Ms Schaaf took an Oath of Office, as she became the mayor of Oakland, California. The following is the oath which she is supposed to have taken:
"I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of California, and the Charter of the City of Oakland, and will truly and to the best of my ability perform the duties of the office of mayor for the city of Oakland."
Let us now begin to examine where it appears that mayor Libby Schaaf has seriously broken the law. Let us consider where she may even be wilfully at war against the United States and the U.S. Constitution, as she supports those who seek to overthrow the U.S. government and take over the United States, for a foreign entity.
Once again, in her Oath of Office as she became mayor of Oakland, Ms Schaaf declared that, "I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of California, and the Charter of the City of Oakland..." Now, Ms Schaaf swore to support three different things. So, if there is a disagreement between two or more of those three things, which one holds precedence?
Since the Constitution of the United States is declared first, let us see what it has to say about the situation. Looking at the U.S. Constitution, Article 6, Clause 2, we find the following:
"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."(link)
From what the U.S. Constitution clearly declares, it is "the supreme law of the land,"(link) as are any laws which are made in authentic "pursuance thereof." The U.S. Constitution, plus laws made in authentic "pursuance thereof," hold precedence over any other laws found anywhere else within the United States, or the States thereof. It therefore appears that "anything in the Constitution or laws of any State" which is contrary to the U.S. Constitution is truly null and void. If it is a contrary law (contrary to the U.S. Constitution and legitimate Federal law) within a State, it appears that it would have to be classed as an illegal law, or a non-law which is simply operating "under the color of law."
As a perfect example of one who appears to simply be operating "under the color of law," (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) check out a page linked here. Scroll down the page a bit and you will see where the questionable California Attorney General, Xavier Becerra, is declaring: "State law is state law. It's my job to enforce state law and I will do so." As noted in the linked page, Mr. Becerra wants to take action against officials and sheriffs who will not help him fight against the U.S. Constitution and operate alongside of him "under the color of law", in the fiefdom or quasi-dictatorship which it appears he is working to or helping to create.
The questionable California Attorney General, the said Xavier Becerra, has himself taken an Oath of Office, as he became the California Attorney General. A page linked here shows the Oath of Office which it appears the questionable Xavier Becerra took. It is as follows:
"I, _________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter."
Now, from what is happening in California at this time, it appears that the questionable Xavier Becerra brazenly lied when he took his Oath of Office. It appears he just said anything which could get him into office and get that cushy job which made him a lot of money, which also allowed him to then turn and work to undermine and overthrow the U.S. government and the Constitution of the United States.
The said Xavier Becerra swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, which U.S. Constitution holds precedence over anything in the laws of the State of California. But, it appears that the said Xavier Becerra has decided that it is time to become a treasonous rebel against the U.S. Constitution and the Federal immigration laws which have authentically been "made in pursuance of" the U.S. Constitution, which Constitution, once again, the said Xavier Becerra swore to support and defend.
So, it is time for a question. What has historically been the punishment for treason? If the questionable Xavier Becerra desires to be a treasonous anarchist at war against the Constitution of the United States, is there any logical reason why he should be "cut any slack." I mean, it appears he is an infamous attorney. He should know better than what he is doing. So, since it appears he is doing treasonous activities with intent, I believe he should pay the full price for his actions. What do you say, President Donald Trump and Mr. Sessions?
There are some important things to note about this questionable Xavier Becerra. According to a page linked here, Xavier Becerra is a Hispanic. It is also very important to note, because of the issues at hand, that Xavier is also a Roman Catholic. And, what does it appear that the Roman Catholic organization has been planning for the United States, for a long time, using groups like the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones from Yale University and other affiliated groups? Is it something like integration of the tattered pieces of the fallen Constitutional Republic of the United States into the Vatican/Jesuit controlled New World Order?
There is another very important thing to note about Xavier Becerra. According to a page linked here, he has Full Membership in the Democratic Socialists of America. And, according to the Communist Vladimir Lenin, "Democracy is indispensable to socialism... The goal of socialism is communism..." (1)(2)(3) Now you may better understand where this is all headed in the United States. And now, let us get back to what the infamous Vatican/Jesuit controlled New World Order has planned for the citizens of the United States.
The pages linked below give at least an introduction to just some of what has been in the works for quite some time, by the Roman Catholic organization and its hierarchy, in their quest for utter control of the United States. In connection with all of this, there are things like the La Raza organization and the Reconquista movement, which organization and movement wants to take over the United States. Actually, it appears, that they are being used as pawns and tools for the Vatican. This situation is noted in more detail later in this discussion.
With the above information and thoughts kept firmly in mind, let us get back to what that faithful governing document --- the Constitution of the United States --- so clearly declares in regards to what is actually supposed to be done within the boundaries of the United States, which includes all the States thereof. That includes even the State of California.
The U.S. Constitution, in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1, declares the following: "The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person."
So, in accordance with what is intended by the clear wording above from the U.S. Constitution, AFTER the year 1808, the U.S. Congress CAN prohibit migration or importation of persons into the States. Therefore, as allowed under the Constitution of the United States of America, certain immigration laws have been put in place in order to protect the integrity of the United States, plus to keep out enemy aliens who seek to undermine or overthrow the legitimate government of the United States, or to wreak havoc with the populace. Once again, ALL of this is clearly in accordance with the U.S. Constitution --- which is the Supreme Law of the Land.
The pages linked below address the issue of the unconstitutionality of allowing illegal aliens to reside in this country. But, unfortunately government officials are blatantly violating their oaths of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, "foreign and domestic," as they allow illegal and criminal aliens to freely flow into and reside in cities and States within the United States.
By the acts which these officials are doing against the Constitution and the laws which have been made "in pursuance thereof," it appears that these government officials are wilfully performing acts of treason, as they are essentially at war with the governing document of the United States of America.
It appears that various government entities prefer treason over rightful duty to the U.S. Constitution and to the legitimate citizens of this country. And, for others, its simply "pass the buck," so they can look like they were doing something right or useful, when, in all reality, the Constitution is still being horribly trampled upon. That is what domestic enemies of the Constitution look like and how they consistently operate. It does appear that the general populace of the United States is being played for fools.
Now, since Ms Schaaf, the mayor of Oakland, California has freely taken an oath to "support the Constitution of the United States," it appears that she has truly created a very serious problem for herself. To some, especially to the uniformed, what Libby Schaaf has done may seem like a rather minor thing. But in all reality, it is a very major thing which she has done, as have all the other mayors of the so-called sanctuary cities, plus other government officials who are supporting them. This is not a matter to take lightly, so let us now look at this situation closer.
It appears that, in all essence, because Libby Schaaf is helping to harbor illegal aliens in Oakland, California, plus criminal aliens and even enemy aliens who are seeking to be destructive to the United States, she is blatantly in violation of immigration laws. She is also helping others to do the same, which amounts to conspiracy. She has placed herself in violation of the U.S. Constitution (which is the Supreme Law of the Land) and Federal laws which have authentically been made "in pursuance thereof." She has essentially placed herself in a position of war against the Constitution of the United States of America and the U.S. government. So, what needs to be looked at next?
Let us once again look to that great and faithful document, the Constitution of the United States, for a clear answer of what we are actually dealing with.
Article 3, Section 3, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution clearly declares: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."(link)
Note once again, in the clear words of the U.S. Constitution, that "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Note clearly the use of the word "ONLY" in the preceding sentence. Yes, it is that simple to be guilty of treason, which is a very serious matter.
In other words, all a person has to be doing in order to be committing treason against the United States, in the eyes of the Supreme Law of the Land, is those simple acts which are noted above. All they have to be doing is "adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." And, is Ms Schaaf giving aid and comfort to those who are seeking to undermine or who are at war against the U.S. Constitution, which Constitution is the very foundation of our legitimate government?
Well, is Ms Schaaf, according to the U.S. Constitution, guilty of treason? Is she adhering to known criminals and enemies of the United States and its authentic citizens, while giving these known enemies aid and comfort? The writer believes she is. This giving aid and comfort to known enemies of the United States and its authentic citizens should become more obvious with the information which soon follows.
Libby Schaaf, the mayor of Oakland, California is, in essence, helping to and levying war against the U.S. government and the U.S Constitution. She appears to be aiding and giving comfort to those illegal aliens, especially criminal illegal aliens and enemy aliens, who are clearly at war against the Supreme Law of the Land, plus the government of the United States, while apparently working for a foreign entity.
Libby Schaaf, the mayor of Oakland, California is aiding and abetting those who are, in essence, working to undermine and overthrow the legitimate government of the United States, plus the Supreme Law of the Land, as they work to take over the United States and bring about the destruction of and enslavement of legitimate U.S. citizens. What is planned by the enemies of legitimate U.S. citizens and of the United States is noted in the pages linked below.
Concerning the La Raza movement, along with its affiliated organizations, the page linked here, from Police Magazine, declares: "MEChA and other Raza movements teach that Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah and parts of Washington state are part of an area that was called by the Aztecs Aztlan before the arrival of European settlers. They believe that La Raza, the descendants of the Aztecs, are heirs to this land and La Raza should re-conquer Aztlan by any means necessary." Note again, clearly, the use of the words, "by any means necessary."
The page linked above declares that the Reconquista (or re-conquer) movement is "content to re-conquer Aztlan through illegal immigration if need be, building their numbers until they have complete power without firing a shot." The linked page further declares: "Once Aztlan is established, ethnic cleansing would commence -- non-Chicanos would have to be expelled -- opposition groups would be quashed because you have to keep power."
And, as the page linked above makes known, all this nefarious activity, including the "ethnic cleansing," is being prepared with your extorted tax dollars --- extorted by agencies controlled by agents of the Vatican. Yes, agents of the Vatican do control the whole money and tax system. And, it appears you are being played for a fool, as you pay for your own destruction, plus the destruction of the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States.
A page linked here declares: "La Raza, which literally translates as 'the race,' is an extremist Mexican race hate group which firmly believes in exploiting illegal immigration to bring about 'La Reconquista', a violent overthrow of the southern U.S. states that would be absorbed into Greater Mexico." Note clearly the use of the words, "a violent overthrow of the southern U.S. states." A violent overthrow usually means a considerable amount of bloodshed and death. This would indicate something like the American version of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution.
There is something else which definitely needs to be considered closely. The page linked above notes that La Raza "receives financial backing from some of America's largest banks and corporations." (Conspiracy and treason?) And, La Raza has a "network of hundreds of affiliates in 41 states that works to shape American government and society to suit its own ideological and cultural interests."
So, it appears that La Raza has quite the control, already, in the United States. And note clearly, as stated above, that the "extremist Mexican hate group" called La Raza is working to bring about "a violent overthrow of the southern U.S. states that would be absorbed into Greater Mexico." And, in all of this, the treasonous La Raza organization which freely exploits illegal immigration, as it prepares for violent overthrow in the United States, "receives financial backing from some of America's largest banks and corporations." So, who are "some of America's largest banks and corporations" which are funding La Raza and the Reconquista movement?
Well, for starters, a Wikipedia page on UnidosUS, linked here, shows that "the Ford Foundation, the National Council of Churches, and the United Auto Workers" have financially supported La Raza. As a quick note, it is said that Henry Ford supported, even financially, the Catholic-backed Nazi dictator, Adolf Hitler, and his Nazi party during the World War Two era (1)(2)(3). And, according to information found in the following linked pages --- (1)(2)(3) --- the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches were founded by, and are funded to a certain degree by the Jesuit Order, and, Jesuits are also on the staff of those organizations.
At this point, there is something to consider. The churches, Catholic or Protestant, who are members of the National Council of Churches (NCC) or the World Council of Churches (WCC), whether they realize it or not, are helping the Jesuits in their goals of Reconquista and the overthrow of the Constitutional Republic of the United States. All these churches, whether they realize it or not, appear to be helping to put the United States under the dominating rule of the Vatican and the Jesuits, in their New World Order --- which is simply the old Holy Roman Empire with the pope at the head.
Because the NCC and WCC appear to be Jesuit organizations, now it makes much more sense why churches --- Catholic, Protestant or otherwise --- which are members of, or associated with these organizations, are giving their support for the sanctuary movement and are helping to protect illegal aliens in the United States. But, there are more supporters of La Raza and its goals, than simply those which have already been mentioned.
A page linked here is by the Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). The page is titled 'La Raza Supporters.' The page states: "The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) recognizes those corporations that have invested in NCLR's long-term strategic efforts with multiyear, multimillion-dollar commitments, including NCLR's Empowering An American Community Campaign." The following is the list of Institutional Corporate Partners of La Raza and its goals for Reconquista, which have made "multiyear, multimillion-dollar commitments" to La Raza and its agenda:
"The Allstate Corporation, Bank of America, The Coca-Cola Company, Citigroup, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corporation, MBNA Corporation, PepsiCo Foundation, The PMI Group, Inc.; State Farm Insurance Companies, UPS, Univision, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc." It strongly appears that these corporations are all helping La Raza in their plans for overthrowing the United States and bringing the country under the rule of the Vatican and the Jesuits. And then after that, the "ethnic cleansing" begins. Sounds like the new Crusades and Inquisitions. But, there is more.
The page linked above lists the following under the Corporate Partners Program, which are helping out La Raza in their goals:
Yes, it appears there are many who are selling out authentic U.S. citizens and working for the ultimate overthrow of the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States, plus the destruction of many of its citizens. Check out the page linked here and above to see all the U.S. corporations which are listed as Corporate Programmatic Supporters. Under this heading, the following are listed:
"American Express Company, American Honda Finance Corporation, Bank of America, Belrex Inc., Chase Home Finance, Chevron Corporation, Countrywide Home Loans, Inc.; Eli Lilly and Company, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Fannie Mae, Ford Motor Company, Freddie Mac, GEICO. JPMorgan Chase & Co., Lockheed Martin, Lucent Technologies Foundation, Marathon Oil Corporation, Marriott International, Inc.; MBNA Corporation, Metropolitan Life, Microsoft Corporation, Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation, Novo Nordisk, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals, PepsiCo Foundation, Rockwell Automation, Sallie Mae, Sodexho, Inc.; Sprint Nextel Corporation, State Farm Insurance Companies, The Allstate Corporation, The Home Depot, Inc.; The UPS Foundation, Toyota Motor Corporation, Verizon Communications, Inc.; Wells Fargo & Company, Washington Mutual, Inc.; WFS Financial Inc." And then, to top things off, the "U.S. Marine Corps" is listed.
It appears that authentic U.S. citizens are really being sold out horribly by many big-name organizations within the United States. It even appears that the U.S. Marine Corps is in on all this. For a list which does include some other supporting institutions which are not mentioned above, just click on the following link: (1). Note that "AARP" and "The State Bar of California" are found on that list, along with numerous other organizations.
Now, The State Bar of the leftist and "out of control" State of California being on a list of supporters for those who are working to overthrow the United States, even violently, possibly is not so surprising. That part almost seems like a natural fit. But the AARP... The writer thought by "that age," these people would be a bit smarter.
Yes, President John F. Kennedy, before he was savagely assassinated in November of 1963, did speak about a plot to enslave U.S. citizens, as noted and documented elsewhere in this discussion. President Kennedy also spoke about a "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy." So, let us now get back to the Reconquista movement and the planned overthrow and destruction of the authentic United States.
Regarding the Reconquista movement (which includes La Raza and others), a page linked here declares: "Those involved in this movement at various levels have even claimed the entire continent itself and have clearly stated in their manifesto their intent of 'ethnic cleansing' of Whites, Blacks, Asians, Orientals and all others whom they consider NOT originally native to this continent." Once again, note that they want the entire continent, and then the ethnic cleansing begins.
A page linked here speaks about the MEChA and the La Raza movements, plus Reconquista and the plan to take over at least the Western United States. The page then declares: "But it won't end with territorial occupation and secession. The final plan for the La Raza movement includes the ethnic cleansing of Americans of European, African, and Asian descent out of 'Aztlan.'" Again, there is that ethnic cleansing.
Certain pages linked below also include statements about the plan for ethnic cleansing of all non-Hispanic people from U.S. lands conquered by the illegal, Catholic-bred invaders from south of the border. Some of the pages also show where Hispanic gangs are doing ethnic cleansing even at this time, in southern California where they are working to drive non-Hispanics out of various areas.
Are you still asleep? So, you think everything is okay, because it is not at your front door, yet? Are you still saying, "This is good ol' America and it can't happen here?" While you are thinking that way, it is happening right before your very eyes. It appears to be happening so blatantly and openly, right in your face, that you cannot see it. But, there is a lot more to this story.
In the preceding section on American Institutions Supporting La Raza, just look at all the big name companies which are behind this foreign takeover of the United States. Look at the U.S. Marine Corps which is on the list. And you are even paying for all this to happen, via your tax dollars and the companies you support. And, as noted a few sections above, these enemies of the authentic United States are claiming "the entire continent" for their invading army. And then they plan on doing 'ethnic cleansing.'
California has been talking about exiting the United States via their Calexit program. At this point, it should be noted that Calexit appears to be closely associated with the Hispanic Reconquista movement. Its intent is to take over the United States, one State at a time, and put it under the domination of Catholic-bred illegal aliens and the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Yes, they want to turn what's left of the Constitutional Republic of the United States into a Catholic country, one State at a time, as it is then inducted into the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order.
Because of the way things are going in California, the middle class is leaving that State in droves. A Calexit leader interviewed for the article below has his views on this mass exodus of the middle class. The page declares: "The Calexit proponent also said it is a 'good thing' that the middle class is fleeing the state because it will make room for the 'new wave' of immigrants." And that is what the pawns and agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are doing to the United States, one State at a time.
As long as authentic U.S. citizens just sit back and allow this kind of activity to go on, they will lose their own country and simply, in the best case scenario, be an utter slave under a despotic system. This appears to be the enslavement which President John F. Kennedy had spoken about and against, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963. If authentic U.S. citizens to not truly stand up and fight for what is rightfully theirs, it will, guaranteed, be taken away. And that is why the Vatican/Jesuit agent in govenment want to disarm authentic U.S. citizens: so they will be helpless before the onslaught.
In the midst of all these illegal things which have been happening with illegal aliens and Reconquista, the Federal government (which includes many embedded foreign agents, like members of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, plus other affiliate organizations) has intentionally allowed open borders for decades. Furthermore, many in government, both at the Federal and State levels, have illegally and uncontitutionally been steadily working, as foreign agents against the Constitution of the United States, to disarm legitimate U.S. citizens. This is clearly shown in the pages linked below.
At this point, there is something to note. As authentic U.S. citizens are being disarmed, groups supporting the illegal alien invasion, plus groups like La Raza and those connected with the Reconquista movement, will always have their military-style weapons available. Furthermore, the drug dealers and those associated with the drug cartels, which are operating within the United State, will, again, always have their military-style weapons available. Don't "kid yourself" on this one, if you think otherwise. Yes, they want authentic U.S. citizens disarmed, for a reason --- possibly for a reason much different than what they are telling the public.
As a warning to all authentic U.S. citizens, there is something to clearly keep in mind. Groups associated with the Reconquista movement plan for ethnic cleansing --- or a widespread bloodbath --- to occur in the United States. This will occur with the help of those embedded agents or pawns of the Vatican --- those who are violating their Oaths of Office to the Constitution of the United States --- who are in government positions. It appears that authentic U.S. citizens are being "set up" for the fall, by these foreign agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization which are embedded in Federal government positions, plus in government positions in the States thereof.
To some people, it appears that things in government are being set up to facilitate the Reconquista event and the downfall of the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States. Some have voiced concerns that even the NSA, with its un-Constitutional spying, is just a facilitating agency. It may help to identify those opposed to the Vatican/Jesuit-instigated Reconquista program and the ushering in of the New World Order. To some, it appears that the NSA is simply a form of the Catholic confessional, taken to a much higher level. It appears to be a vehicle to facilitate information gathering, potentially for manipulation and control purposes, plus a lot more.
It appears that the unconstitutional foreign agents in government positions --- again, those who are horribly violating their Oaths of Office to the Constitution of the United States --- want to make U.S. citizens utterly powerless and vulnerable to that which is coming in the times ahead. That way, the "Vatican army" will meet much less resistance as they take over and put the U.S under despotic control.
In all of this, questionable government officials, plus even a questionable news media, appear to be utterly lying about the ban on guns not being a violation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which bans are also noted in the pages linked below. It appears that this is all being done for the benefit of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and their questionable plans for the authentic citizens of the United States.
These government officials, which appear to be blatantly lying about a ban on assault weapons not being a violation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, reminds the writer of an old word. Possibly all this apparent lying and deception about weapons bans not being a violation of the Second Amendment is simply "a signature" as to who is actually behind all of this questionable activity occurring in government. The word that comes to mind is "Jesuitism." This particular word may better help us to understand what we are actually dealing with in the United States at this very moment.
Long before the Jesuits had quite so much control over the United States, and long before they brought in their "political correctness" so they could do what they wanted to the country and people could no longer say things as they really were, the dictionaries generally had a more accurate definition for words.
Looking to the 1828 Webster's dictionary (1), the word "Jesuitism" is defined as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." That word "prevarication" is defined as: "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie."(2)
An informative book about Jesuitism, accessed via the links below, is from 1851. It was written by a man who was "formerly a Romish priest." It appears he had a relatively good understanding of the Jesuits and their Jesuitism, plus what they have commonly done to countries. This book speaks about the "aim of the Jesuits in the United States." It speaks of their purpose, "to cast down Protestantism," even if they have to destroy the authentic United States to do it. On the title page of the book is found the following words: "Jesuitism is a monstrous machine of distruction, which, its spring being in Rome, its wheels everywhere, moves the world."
Scan through the Table of Contents for the book. It speaks of problems the Jesuits have caused in various countries. It speaks of their crimes, intrigue and plots. It speaks of their hostility to religion and to society, unless of course, it is the Romish church and those under its control. It speaks of their involvement in the massacre of those who do not bow to the pope and the Catholic Church. It speaks of their involvement in the murder and attempted murder of government officials and leaders. And, as an example of how they operate, the book speaks of the Jesuits causing a civil and religious war in Switzerland, plus their potential for doing the same in the United States.
At this point, there is something important to consider about the Jesuits. Further below is a section titled Expelled from Countries and States(link). In that section is found the following words:
"Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] were expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."
Possibly, about this time, we should also consider the words of President Abraham Lincoln, which he spoke in the mid 1800s. He spoke about the "emissaries of the Pope" who were working "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." (1)(2)(3)
Yes, that is what the Jesuits and the other emissaries of the pope --- which includes the members of those various secret societies --- have historically done to all who want to be free from the influence and domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It is all part of the continuing Counter-Reformation and the relentless war against Protestantism. It is all part of that war to bring the whole world under the domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its "Beast" government, which is now called "the New World Order," whose "face" is actually the United Nations.
Now, there is something which we should possibly be asking ourselves. Is there a chance that the word "Jesuitism" could better explain what has been happening in the United States over the years, and especially that which is happening right now? Could "Jesuitism" be behind that war against the God-given, unalienable rights of citizens, plus against authentic Protestantism in the United States?
And, in all of this, let us note that the Jesuits control all those Catholic secret societies in the United States, like the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, and a variety of other secretive organizations or secret societies. And, evidence indicates that the Jesuits even control the Masons and the Rosicrucians. When looked at closely, it appears that they are all working together to undermine or destroy authentic Protestantism, plus bring on the New World Order of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.
So, it appears that the Jesuits, through their many 'pawns' or minions, have a lot of control over what happens within the government of the United States, plus in the military and many other agencies. Possibly that is part of the reason that President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against what the secret societies were doing to the United States and its authentic citizens, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963.
Clear back in the early 1800s, the French statesman and military general who served under George Washington during the American Revolutionary War, the Marquis de Lafayette, gave the following warning:
"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe." These words from the Marquis de Lafayette are found within the pages and books which are linked below. Scroll down through the pages and you will find them.
A study of the proper history is necessary, in order to clearly understand that part of the God-given unalienable rights and liberties of this country includes the right to bear arms. Why is this? It is so individuals can protect themselves when things go wrong in this country, like when the Vatican/Jesuit organization does its war of Reconquista on the citizens of the United States. This right to bear arms was declared, so people like authentic Protestants can protect themselves during things like the brutal ethnic cleansing phase of Reconquista. This planned ethnic cleansing and Reconquista was spoken about earlier in this discussion (1)(2).
Our authentic rights, which includes the right to bear arms --- which rights were reconfirmed by the founders of this great nation --- was meant to include the right to have any type of armament which the government has. Yes, there was a very important reason for this. It was in case an enemy organization took control of the government or used it as a vehicle to enslave the people. But now, the Vatican/Jesuit-manipulated agents and pawns which are embedded in government are illegally working hard to disarm authentic U.S. citizens --- apparently in preparation for that which is planned in the times ahead by the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.
It does appear that "they" want authentic U.S. citizens utterly helpless, in the face of Reconquista and the Catholic Crusade, plus continuing Counter-Reformation, which is intended for the United States. It does appear that this Reconquista, or modern Crusade, possibly will be accomplished, at least in part, using the Catholic-bred, illegal and criminal aliens from Catholic countries south of the U.S. border. But, there is no doubt that the army of invaders will be aided and abetted by the Vatican/Jesuit agents and pawns --- those members and associates of the secret societies --- which are already embedded in government and military positions in the United States.
As all of those things which are noted above have been going on, it should also be noted that under the Obama Administration and the Democrats, that which is said to be the Jesuit-instigated and controlled (1)(2)(3)(4) Department of Homeland Security (DHS), along with other "non-military" government agencies, have, together, ordered billions of rounds of ammunition and other specialized equipment, which includes numerous armored vehicles for use on the streets of the United States.
These very large purchases of deadly ammunition have been happening in relatively recent times, as noted in the pages linked below. So, it is time to ask some important questions, especially when looking at the big picture and the information available. What is really going on here? In what manner are they planning on using all this deadly ammunition? Who is actually behind or instigating the purchase of this incredibly large amount of ammunition?
Again, who is all this ammunition going to be used on, especially all that hollow-point ammunition? Who is all this ammunition going to be used on, especially considering it is enough ammunition to put about 5 bullets into each U.S. citizen? Who is all this ammunition going to be used on, especially when considering the information linked above, which notes that this 2-billion-plus rounds of ammunition is enough to pull off a full-fledged, 20-plus year Iraqi-style "hot war," right here in the United States?
Well, a page on a Catholic site, linked here, is titled 'Why is Homeland Security arming itself with 2 BILLION rounds of ammunition?.' The page gives one notable possibility. It states: "Another possible conclusion is that the bullets are intended to coerce and if need be, kill us." So, possibly we need to ask a question.
Is there a remote possibility that the Vatican/Jesuit agents or pawns embedded in government --- the members of those secret societies which President Kennedy spoke about and against, before they assassinated him in the early 1960s --- could be planning to aid and abet the Catholic-backed Reconquista movement within the United States, especially with their planned program of ethnic cleansing? And yes, it does appear there could easily be even more to this story. There appears to be more parts to this continuing phase of the Counter-Reformation.
Let us consider things further. Looking at the big picture, at some point, possibly under Democrats, will the intended Trump border wall be used for a purpose other than its original stated one? Instead of being used to keep illegal aliens out, is there a chance that it could be used to trap U.S. citizens inside, especially non-Catholics, Constitutionalists and Bible-believing Christians? Will these people be trapped, once the "turkey shoot" begins with those billions of rounds of ammunition, which includes hollow-point and sniper ammunition, which began to be stockpiled under the Obama Administration and the Democrats?
Really, after considering a bit of history, especially the history given in more detail later in this discussion, the above questions should not seem to be even remotely out of line. Truly, it shouldn't take a full-fledged "rocket scientist" to figure things out here. Yes, the "clear signs" are popping-up all around us. It appears that they have been so "in our face" in relatively recent years that we could not even see them, or "connect the dots." Yes, these things have been "in the making" for many years.
In all of this, it should be noted that the general public has been rather forgetful. Something noteworthy can happen which hits the news media, and not too long afterwards, it seems that many people have already forgotten about the noteworthy event. So, when looking at what we are dealing with in our country, all that has to happen is for a step to be taken, and then give a little time for the public to forget. Then another step is taken, and more time is given to facilitate the general forgetfulness. That is how the process advances, step by step, and because of forgetfulness and the addiction to entertainment, the general public does not even begin to "connect the dots."
Prior to and during the Obama Administration, Barack Obama did things, plus made a number of statements, which caused concern in many citizens. One example is the following words from July 2, 2008, which were spoken by Obama while he was campaigning to be president. These words are found in the pages and video linked below:
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." All this was said, yet Obama left the southern border unsecure and open. So, what were these "national security objectives" all about and who are they really for?
During Obama's time as president, most of the general public did not see the signs which pointed to the creation of his National Civilian Security Force. But other people at the time became concerned and began calling Obama's Security Force things like "Obama's private army," as noted in the links below.
Though a large portion of the general populace did not realize it at the time, during the Obama Administration, once again, as has been noted in the preceding section, various agencies began buying up immense amounts of ammunition. These billions of rounds of ammunition are enough to supply a 20-plus year, Iraqi-style "hot war," but one happening right here in the United States.
This army which Obama was subtly preparing, also was purchasing armoured vehicles and check-point stations, along with other equipment which could easily be used in a "takeover situtation" in the United States. For now, the writer will simply call this the preparation of a "sleeper" army. And, in the midst of all this, the southern U.S. border was left unsecured and the Catholic-bred invading army continued to flow into the United States.
At this point, the writer will note something which is in the historic Oaths of those secret societies controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization --- those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy warned us about, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963. Let us consider if there may be any value in this information, when considering what has been happen right here, in the United States.
It is recorded that the inductees to the higher levels of these secret societies, which secret societies include things like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc., swear: "That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) Could Reconquista and ethnic cleansing fit in here?
Again, remember those billions of rounds of ammunition, which is enough to put about 5 deadly bullets in each and every U.S. citizen. And yes, it does appear to the writer that this large amount of ammunition may be intended for an army which is not obvious to the common citizenry at this time, but yet is. It appears to be something like a "sleeper" army which has been forming among us and is just waiting for "the call."
Before we leave this section, there is another thing to consider. During the Obama Administration, a number of strange things happened. Yes, Obama promised change, and did we ever get it --- to the further undermining of the way things are really supposed to be in the United States.
In 2013, Obama began a purge of the U.S. military. He began gutting it of its experienced Generals. Anyone who did not agree with or go along with Obama's dictates and questionable activities was eliminated. Then Obama began bringing other people into the military --- people who previously or legally could not be in it. And then, it appears that Obama began forming and arming an illegal immigrant segment in the military.
At this point, there is something very important to note. Under Title 18 USC 922 (d)(5a) (1)(2), it is illegal to arm an illegal immigrant. Yet, Obama, in total violation of his Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States, plus in violation of the laws of the land, did it anyway. It appears that the rogue Obama Administration was clearly forming an illegal, Catholic-bred, foreign segment in the U.S. military for use in the times ahead. Obama created something like an illegal Catholic-bred foreign military within the U.S. military. This is something which is considered to a further degree in a page linked here. But, there is more to this story about arming illegal aliens.
Check out the pages linked below. According to the information presented in the linked pages from August 2015, it appears that we may now be dealing with at least one treasonous judge who is working more to further the cause of the Jesuits and the pope in the Vatican, rather than diligently working for the security of the true United States and it authentic citizens. According to the linked pages, this judge is claiming that illegal aliens have Second Amendment rights.
If the wise Founding Fathers of this great nation were in control today, at least this judge and their allies, possibly after a very short trial, might hang for treason, or at least be disbarred, never to "practice" law again. It appears that at least this judge or their allies may be associated, one way or another, with Catholic organizations and are helping to prepare the way for the Reconquista of the United States and the ethnic cleansing of its citizens, for the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It is all part of that continuing war against what is left of the Constitutional Republic of the United States, plus is part that thing called the Counter-Reformation --- which is a "holy" war.
Let us return again to the questionable "reign" of Obama. It appears that a lot of people were not "connecting the dots" during the Obama Administration, nor even in the years prior to Obama. During Obama's presidency, as already noted above, this "hidden" military force was being prepared with its supply of equipment and ammunition. But, who was to be their enemy?
All of this domestic militarization obviously did not have anything to do with stopping illegal aliens from flooding into the country or Mexican drug cartels from operating within the United States. This is made obvious because the questionable Obama virtually forced the border to remain wide open.
As just one example of this, Arizona wanted to enforce their southern border, but Obama prevented them from doing so. This is noted in the pages linked below. So, what is really going on here? Truly, what is all this domestic militarization all about and who is all this "hardware" intended to be used on?
By the time you are finished thoroughly reading this lengthy discussion, you may have a reasonable idea as to who all this military "hardware" and ammunition is intended to be used on. The history presented within this discussion should also help to guide the Reader to a rather accurate conclusion on this matter.
It appears some people believe that many of the policies which Obama came up with, plus many of the questionable things which he did, he came up with on his own. The young and less learned seem to "love" Obama because he was getting away with so many illegal and un-Constitutional things. This made Obama somewhat of a hero in the eyes of this more rebellious crowd. But, there is actually a lot more to this story. The evidence indicates that Obama was simply a puppet. It appears that others were "pulling the strings," and Obama simply "danced" when he was supposed to. Sorry to pop your bubble folks, but it appears that is the simple truth.
It appears that Obama possibly did not come up with the idea of creating that "civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the U.S. military, on his own. He possibly had "help" on this idea. It appears that Obama did not allow the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other government agencies to questionably buy up all those billions of rounds of ammunition, including devastating hollow-point ammunition, by his own thinking. It appears that Obama may have had "help" in this area also.
It appears that Obama's "Open Door" policy for the southern border, which allowed a "tsunami" of Catholic-bred illegal aliens to swarm into this country, along with his illegal arming of illegal aliens, were not simply his own ideas. Once again, it appears he had "help" in these areas also. It appears that Obama was being a puppet for more than just George Soros. It is now time to begin exploring a bit deeper into the truth about Obama's "decision making."
A page from 2008, linked here, it titled Obama Announces Catholic Advisors. The article calls this "Obama's Catholic Kitchen Cabinet," and then names quite a number of Catholics, yes, a long list of Catholics, who had a great influence on those things which happened in the Obama Administration. So, yes, those things which you thought were Obama's ideas, very likely came from those many Roman Catholics which surrounded him. And, as noted in books and pages found at the following links --- (1)(2)(3) --- "The supreme duty of Catholics is to obey the Pope, and seek in every way, and especially by means of the ballot, to render the Catholic policy effective in this country."
It appears that Obama had his Catholic (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) "controller," Vice President Joe Biden. And then there was the Obama Administration and the pope. A page linked here declares: "In 2015 it was Joe Biden who was a main organizer of the Pope addressing Congress, something the Founding Fathers would never have allowed, especially as many of them were Protestants, Quakers and Huguenots who had escaped persecution from the Roman Catholic Church in Europe where even to this day, Germans are obliged to pay taxes to the Roman Catholic Church, whether they are Roman Catholics or not."
Further information about the German "church tax" is found at the following links: (1)(2)(3). There are allegations that, at least roundaboutly, something which could resemble a church tax is happening in the United States or at least the Vatican/Jesuit organization is said to be getting a certain portion of your tax dollars. This is shown at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4). Possibly these allegations could warrant further, very careful research.
For those who may have forgotten about the pope coming to the United States and addressing Congress in 2015, the pages linked below should help refresh your memory. By the way, note the title of the first link. The pope wants to "Make America Great Again." So, possibly Trump did not come up with that campaign line on his own. And, looking a bit further, it should be noted that Trump was schooled by the Jesuits (1)(2), and they do want to turn this into a Catholic-controlled country, under the domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.
There is one thing which is interesting to note at this point. When the pope addressed Congress, almost no one was crying out or demonstating in the street about separation of church and State. Had some authentic Protestant minister been allowed to address Congress in the same manner, there very likely would have been demonstrations and a huge outcry from at least a certain segment of the population. So, why was everthing rather "quiet" when the pope addressed Congress?
Possibly the large degree of silence on the issue of separation of church and State, when the pope addressed Congress, can tell many things about who or what is now, virtually in complete control in the United States and its people. Possibly it may show how the agents and pawns of the Vatican, which are now in key positions of power, influence and control in the United States, plus within the media and educational arenas, have such control over the younger generation that they can keep them totally passive, when it best suits their interests.
With a casual glance, or with a shallow understanding, the term "Make America Great Again" may truly sound like something which we highly desire in the United States. It may sound like one of the most patriotic things which could be said and hoped for in our nation. But, there is actually more to consider here. The use of the term "Make America Great Again" can actually depend on who is saying it and what they truly mean by it. It is now time to begin thinking a bit deeper.
If "Make America Great Again" were being said by people with an understanding along the lines of the Founding Fathers of this great nation, who fully understood the purpose for, and why we needed to have, an authentic "Republican Form of Government," then yes, "full speed ahead," let us "Make America Great Again." But now, there is something else to consider.
For those who are utter enemies of self government and enemies of an authentic "Republican Form of Government," plus who are fighting against the God-given, unalienable rights for citizens, their use of the term "Make America Great Again," can have a whole different meaning and signify a whole different outcome. So we must be sure what we are actually going to get from those who declare: "Make America Great Again."
It is time for a little review. Before he was savagely assassinated in November of 1963, President John F. Kennedy began to see that something diabolic was going on in the United States. Something absolutely was not right and appeared to be of a rather sinister nature. At times, Kennedy began to speak openly about this something which he was seeing. What he spoke about appeared to be something relating to secret societies --- something which had made inroads and was happening directly within this country. An excerpt of his words now follows:
"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings..." (1)(2)(3) Very clearly, Kennedy was making known that these secret societies which are operating within the United States, with their secret oaths and secret proceedings were actually something which was totally against or contrary to what this country and our people are really supposed to be about. But, Kennedy had more to say on this matter.
In the early 1960s, in the same speech which included the excerpt above, President Kennedy clearly declared: "Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe... no war ever posed a greater threat to our security." (1)(2)(3) Even back in the early 1960s, it was very clear to Kennedy that "our way of life is under attack." Someone, or some powerful organization, was working to destroy what the United States was really supposed to be about, with its religious freedom and God-given unalienable rights for citizens. Someone, or some organization, was steadily working to destroy the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States.
Note clearly that Kennedy spoke about "those who make themselves our enemy..." The word "make" is very important here. It was not that the United States or its people had actually done anything wrong against some other people or some organization. U.S. citizens were just living their lives and enjoying their freedom and God-given unalienable rights, while moving forward with a normal life. But, the problem was this. There were other people or an organization which had decided that they were going to be our enemy and work to destroy us and take us over, as they closed in on us from every side around the globe. They wanted Americans under their despotic power.
Kennedy spoke about a plot to enslave the citizens of the United States. He spoke about a ruthless conspiracy. Once again, if Kennedy had been speaking about something which was simply happening outside of the country, or in another country, he most likely would not have been assassinated. But, Kennedy was speaking about something which had made inroads and was happening directly within the United States. And because Kennedy knew too much and spoke out, they had to get rid of him. And, because his brother Robert Kennedy also knew too much and was opposed to what was going on, they had to assassinate him also, in order to get him out of the way.
What is about to be brought out may be somewhat uncomfortable for some people to consider. To some, the information may even appear as being offensive or highly controversial, and that is understandable. When people find that what they have be associated with for years is not exactly what they have been led to believe it is, it can be kind of rough. The writer fully understands, for they have been in that position in the past. With these thoughts in mind, let us now move onward. But, if you are one who tends to get offended, it is time to leave this site NOW!
The writer will now speak a bit about things relating to a certain religion. Over the years, the writer has known many decent Catholics, even as neighbors and coworkers. And, from what the writer has seen over the years, it appears that many of these Catholics are looking to do that which is right, but do not realize what the hierarchy of their organization is all about and what is happening at the higher levels. I mean, as just one example, look at all the raping of little boys and young men which has gone on for many decades, possibly even for centuries, but has only come to light in more recent years. Some of this activity is noted in the pages linked below.
As in many somewhat secretive organizations in our day and age, it appears that members in the lower levels do not really understand what is happening at the higher levels. Those in the lower levels are not knowledgeable of the exact plans of the higher-ups. And so it appears to be for those in the lower levels of the many secretive Catholic societies. It appears that those of the lower levels have no clue about the true aims of the higher-ups of these organizations. Those in the lower levels simply do what they are told. As an example of this, observe what the following excerpt from one of the historic Oaths of certain Catholic secret societies declares:
"I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ." (1)(2)(3) From what is declared, it appears that these people in the various lower levels are not really in on the thinking and decision-making of the organization. They are only told what others want them to know or believe. For most of them, they just "unhesitatingly obey each and every command."
So, once again, we must realize that there may be many good people who happen to be Catholics. But, what we often see is that the true motives and intents of the hierarchy of that organization are what really needs to be questioned. This is especially true when it comes to the hierarchy's true motives and intents toward what remains of the Constitutional Republic of the United States. We must also question their intentions toward the God-given, unalienable rights and religious freedoms of authentic U.S. citizens.
We must also question the hierarchy of the Catholic organization, along with the hierarchy of their many secret societies, in their true motives and intents in what it appears they are doing to degrade the authentic liberties and God-given unalienable rights which the people of this country are supposed to have, especially in regards to the rights of conscience for Protestants. With these things in mind, let us now move onward.
In this discussion so far, we have looked at the questionable mayor of Oakland, California and the illegality of sanctuary cities. We have looked at the economic rape and enslavement of U.S. citizens. We have looked at government which is effectively aiding and abetting the alien invasion, plus the killing of U.S. citizens. We have looked at oaths of office. We have looked at government agencies stockpiling large amounts of hollow-point ammunition, for questionable purposes. We have also looked at illegal immigration and the purpose for it. Plus, we have even looked at the Reconquista movement and what their aims are. And now...
Let us now move along to other connected things. The pages linked below note that the pope in Rome, who is legally the head of a foreign State (in other words, he would be in a political position which is similar to the head of Russia, or the head of France, or the head of England), is a rather strong supporter of the Catholic-bred illegal aliens flooding into the United States from Catholic countries south of the border. Why would this be?
From what is known, it appears to be because the illegal aliens are mostly Catholic. Some consider it to be the Catholic invasion of the United States, with the intent of eventually taking over the country for the Vatican --- yes, for that foreign State or foreign government --- using the Reconquista movement. There are some who feel that what is happening is just the beginning of a more subtle, modern form of the old Catholic Crusades and Inquisitions from earlier times. This is especially obvious when factoring in the planned ethnic cleansing by the "invading army" of the Catholic-backed Reconquista movement.
Now, for an introduction to the pope, that head of a foreign State or foreign government, along with an introduction to his loyal minions or pawns. These loyal minions or foreign agents which are embedded in government, include members of those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy warned the public about, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963. These Vatican and Jesuit-controlled secret societies include the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, plus many other organizations.
At this point, there is something to clearly note. The allegiance of members of these Catholic secret societies, often by an oath, is to the pope and the Jesuit General and their Superiors. Their allegiance to the pope and the Jesuit General, along with their allegiance to what they are told to do by their Superiors, comes first and foremost above any allegiance to the Constitutional Republic of the United States, or to their duty to the U.S. Constitution. Their allegiance to the Vatican/Jesuit organization is far above any allegiance or responsibility toward authentic citizens of the United States.
Let us now consider just some of the plans which the pope and his organization have for the United States and what they are supporting and working to subtly force on the United States and its authentic citizens. The pope's obedient minions and agents embedded in government are steadily working to force the will of the pope and Jesuits on the American people. And, what is the ultimate will of the pope and the Jesuits?
These papal agents are steadily working to further the pope's and the Jesuits' agenda, for their own benefit and for the benefit of their organization. Check out what the few pages linked below are showing. And then, there is the so-called New World Order, which is a One World Government with the pope at the head. Yes, it appears that the New World Order is just the old Holy Roman Empire from earlier times, but with a different label to fool the ignorant. And now for those linked pages which show just some of what the Catholics are doing to the United States and its authentic citizens.
It is said that the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents, especially those in the secret societies who are embedded in government, have undue influence over policy making in the United States. The page linked below introduces the subject of Vatican influence. And, in all of this, let it be noted that the Catholic organization is pushing hard for the U.S. to open its border wide to Catholic-bred illegal aliens from south of the border.
Regarding Catholic-bred illegal aliens which flood toward the southern border of the United States, there is something to note. The Catholic government of Mexico fully facilitated this alien army in the caravan which was passing through their country in April of 2018, while on its way to potentially invade the United States. But, there is something even more interesting to note.
The usually very aggressive, brutal and bloody, plus heavily armed drug cartels in Mexico did not molest this Catholic army of invaders in any way. Why is this? Is there a chance that the Catholic hierarchy has an amazing control over these drug cartels? Could there be more of a connection between the Vatican/Jesuit organization and the drug cartels than people commonly realize? Could there be anything to the information presented in the following links:
The two pages linked immediately above provide identical information. Starting with the thirteenth paragraph in each, they speak about the Jesuits, which were created in "reponse to the Protestant Reformation." The pages declare: "The Jesuits were tasked with implementing covert strategies to wage a Counter-Reformation." (1)(2)(3) The pages then speak about China and the Opium Wars of years gone by. They state that the Jesuits "flooded China with opium to make the population docile and submissive." The Jesuits are the Catholic force whose purpose is to put an end to the Protestant movement by whatever means possible.
The pages linked above declare: "The Opium Wars transformed China and caused the end of the pro-Protestant Qing Dynasty." And further, "The Jesuits implemented similar strategies around the world." They state: "Opioids and other drugs have flooded into Western and Protestant majority nations following the same pattern as in China. The Jesuits established the secret fraternity of the Triads in China to manage the transportation and financial recovery of the drug trade. This strategy was also duplicated in the West with the creation of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang." So, it is again time for a question.
Are those who are behind or who have instigated the Catholic-bred caravan of invaders from Central America, which headed northward toward the United States, plus those who are behind the Mexican drug cartels...are they just one and the same? Again, is that why the Catholic alien invasion in that large caravan was not molested or interfered with by the drug cartels, as they passed through Mexico?
So, what is really going on here? Why is the pope and his agents pushing so hard for illegal aliens, especially illegal Catholic aliens, to be allowed to freely flood into the United States? What does the pope have planned for the United States, especially when considering that Reconquista movement and the ethnic cleansing they have planned? For a potential and realistic answer, possibly we need to take a moment to look back in history to a time only about 70 years ago, plus even to some earlier times, while we ask ourselves the following questions:
Have the Jesuits put an utter end to their plans and attempts to put an end to authentic Protestantism? Has the Vatican/Jesuit organization decided to stop their subtle war again the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States? Then, looking at other things, has human nature drastically changed in recent times and are we getting better and better, plus much more civilized and much further removed from savage beasts? Has society actually gotten much less violent in more recent times? Has crime dropped drastically to a point where we can be very proud of ourselves and pat ourselves on the back?
In answer, let is be said that in society, it appears that crime, violence, brutality and murder is on the rise, as it seems to be openly glorified in the entertainment industry of our day. Look at the video games. Listen to some of the music. Look at the movies, for just a start. As the old sayings go, "Garbage in, garbage out," and, "You are what you eat," and, bringing things to another level, "You become whatever spirit you indulge," especially once society begins to break down. Need I say more on this subject? And yes, all this glorification of crime and brutality is molding minds. It is being done to prepare the people for something --- something which is coming in the days ahead.
As we prepare to look at that history of only about 70 years ago, plus some even earlier history which helps to establish the traits of a particular group over time, there are some things to consider. Let us look at how fragile civilization really can be, plus how utterly savage humans can become at virtually "the drop of a hat," especially when it comes to ethnic cleansing. When organizations like La Raza and those associated with the Reconquista movement talk about "ethnic cleansing" of "Whites, Blacks, Asians, Orientals and all others whom they consider NOT originally native to this continent," let us look back in that history of yesteryear and see what this can potentially look like.
It is time to look at that history which they intentionally did not teach you in school. It appears that they want you to be very ignorant of these types of things. This is history, which in its raw form, is absolutely not for those who are overly squeamish, or for the young. But, the extreme brutality, murder and bloodshed gives an excellent example of Catholic-driven ethnic cleansing and what it can look like. This savage ethnic cleansing occurred in the Catholic controlled country of Croatia, during the World War Two era. At that time, those in control decided to cleanse their country of non-Catholics and those who would not join with them, virtually at "the drop of a hat."
Information about this brutal and savage ethnic or "religious" cleansing in Croatia, which included the destruction of mainly non-Catholic Serbs, is found at the two links below.
A very basic introduction to information about brutality and savagery displayed during earlier periods of "religious cleansing" of a similar nature, performed by that infamous Roman organization, is found at the links below.
A thorough study of history could potentially leave a person with the impression that the Vatican/Jesuit organization is one of the most deceptive, despotic, brutal, bloody and mass-murdering organizations which this earth has ever seen --- all of this behind the facade of being the true church of God.
Returning to what happened in Croatia and the slaughter of those not bowing to the Catholic Church, the pages linked below suggest the Vatican's direct involvement in the Serbian Genocide. A link below also speaks of the Vatican's direct support of the brutal fascist government in Italy and its persecution of Jews. The third link contains an bit of information which should be noted closely. It states that "the pope would in fact say that the one true totalitarian organization is not the fascist state or the fascist party, it's the Roman Catholic Church."
The pages linked below present additional information about the Catholic attrocities in Croatia, during the World War Two era, as they systematically slaughtered helpless Orthodox Christians.
The writer will not, herein, discuss this particular issue further of the Vatican's history of the brutal genocide of peoples. You can do your own research on the gruesome history of this particular "religious" organization, as they used their swarms of minions and agents to "crush" the people. To the writer, the brutality of ISIS looks very tame in comparison.
While we are on the subject of what appears to be Vatican-endorsed extermination, there is a rather mysterious monument in the United States. This monument is located in the state of Georgia and it potentially could fit into this whole picture of a planned genocide upon this earth. This monument is called the Georgia Guidestones. And, it appears that they are doing their best to keep it a secret as to who, or what group, is actually behind the construction of this expensive and questionable monument.
An introduction to the Georgia Guidestones is found in the links below. Some believe that these Guidestones are linked to a plan for "eradicating God's people from this planet," something along the line of the continuing, Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation, but "on steroids." This tends to sound a bit like the Catholic-run Crusades and Inquisitions, plus those things which occurred in Croatia and Nazi Germany during the World War Two era, but on a much larger scale.
Regarding what is declared by the Georgia Guidestones, the pages linked below present information which supports these words: "Many have taken it to be a license to cull the human population down to the specified number, and critics of the stones have called for them to be destroyed. Some conspiracy theorists even believe they may have been designed by a 'Luciferian secret society' calling for a new world order."
Let it once again be noted that the pages linked above mention a claimed association between the Georgia Guidestones and a
"Luciferian secret society." So, there may once again be something to consider. President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against the secret societies and what they were doing in the United States, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963.
Kennedy also spoke of a "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy," plus a plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States. And, regarding a Luciferian secret society, the following links --- (1)(2) --- indicate that the secretive Jesuits may worship Lucifer. And, as noted at other places in this discussion, it is said that the Vatican/Jesuit organization controls the secret societies in the United States and the world.
In the pages linked below, note clearly that those associated with the Vatican are calling for removing 6 billion people from this earth. So, it appears that the Vatican agents are working to fulfil those things which are declared on the Georgia Guidestones.
Let us now begin to see if any of that which is said on the Georgia Guidestones --- especially the part indicating a drastic reduction in world population --- could match up to the longstanding desire by the Vatican/Jesuit organization to exterminate all those whom they class as being "heretics."
As part of our examination, let us do some simple math. The World Population Meter, linked here, indicates that there are more than 7.6 billion people on this earth. Looking further, the pages linked below indicate that there are somewhere around 1.2 billion Roman Catholics upon this earth.
If 1.2 billion Roman Catholics are subtracted from the 7.6 billion world population, that would leave roughly 6.4 billion people to be exterminated. This figure of more than 6 billion exterminated would equate somewhat closely to what the Georgia Guidestones and the Vatican/Jesuit organization are calling for.
Is there a possibly that the Vatican and its agents are figuring that once the extreme brutality and mass murder kicks into "high gear," many people will, out of fear, simply convert to Catholicism? As a result, could the Vatican/Jesuit organization be figuring that they and their pawns will only have to mass-murder or liquidate around 6 billion people?
Let us once again, for a moment, return to things connected to the Nazi dictator, Adolph Hitler, of the World War Two era. Let us consider the Vatican's holocaust, via the Nazis and their associates, a bit further. Those of the Eugenics Movement in the United States helped to instigate and support Adolph Hitler and the Nazis in their extermination of humanity during the World War Two era, as noted in the pages linked below.
From the evidence documented later in this discussion (link), it appears that the Nazis were on a type of "holy war" for the Vatican and the Jesuits. So, let us consider what was going on with the Eugenics Movement in the United States --- that organization which appears to have had connections with the Nazis and the Vatican, in the days preceding World War Two.
In the page linked below, scroll down to PDF page 3 of 8, to the section titled Eugenicide and Public Gas Chambers. Yes, in the earlier 1900s, they wanted to create "a master race" right here in the United States, just like what Adolph Hitler and the Nazis were working toward in Germany, in later years. And yes, the Progressives of the Eugenics Movement talked about using "the lethal chamber," right here in the United States to eliminate "the undesirables," just like the Nazis did in Germany in later years.
The page linked below, in its closing paragraphs declares: "One 1911 Carnegie-supported report called for euthanasia -- outright killing of people considered 'unfit'. It was rejected by the American Breeder's Association which believed it was 'too early' to implement such a plan in the states."
Note that the eugenicists simply thought that it was "too early" to do outright killing of the "undesirables," here in the United States. It appears they may have been concerned that the public might rise up against them, if they did things "too early." To them, there was no wrong in the outright killing of people. It was just considered as being "too early." So yes, in the early 1900s, the United States was already on the "slippery slope" to doing exactly what Adolph Hilter and the Nazis appeared to be doing for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, later in the 1900s.
The page linked below speaks about "Progressivism." Progressivism was tied to the Eugenics Movement. The page speaks, once again, about that 1911 study funded by the Carnegie Institute. That study considered the use of things like euthenasia using the "lethal chamber," also known as the "public locally operated gas chamber."
The page declares: "Local gas chambers enjoyed the support of many liberals." And, who are the liberals? And, who are they connected with? Who is really behind the Democrats and those of their ilk? Well, just keep reading through this discussion and you should find virtually all the answers you need.
Just a bit further down in this discussion, the plans which the Vatican has had for the destruction of the Constitutional Republic of the United States, since virtually its beginning, are considered. The Vatican Edict, spoken about further down in this discuss, requires the destruction of the Constitutional Republic of the United States by any means necessary. That includes bloodshed. And, looking at the history of the Vatican and those it controls, assassinations or mass killings are nothing. It has happened over and over again.
Yes, it appears there is a reason why they want U.S. citizens dumbed-down and disarmed, as they plan for Reconquista and other questionable events. One other thing should be noted at this point. According to the historic Oaths of Vatican/Jesuit controlled secret societies which are in operation in the United States, "the end justifies the means."
The principle of "the end justifies the means" could mean that using mind-controlled or drug-controlled assassins to pull off mass-shootings and school-shootings, in order to get U.S. citizens disarmed, is fully acceptable to these Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies. Let us also note that President John F. Kennedy warned us about these secret societies, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963.
About this point, when considering the information presented at the beginning of the section above, there is something which really needs to be said. We have the Vatican, the governor of California and many other "elite" people declaring that 6 billion people need to be eliminated or removed from this earth. Well, if they really believe that there is this serious and dire problem upon this earth, why are not they the very first in line to help reduce this problem?
Because the Vatican is crying out for the need to remove 6 billion people from this earth, if the pope is a true leader, shouldn't he and his officials be the first to "help the cause" by jumping over the edge of that high cliff onto the sharp rocks below, or by jumping off the top of that tall building, or by pulling the trigger of that cold piece of steel which they themselves are willingly holding against their own heads? Isn't it about time for these people calling for a drastic reduction in world population to "man up" and "put their money where their mouth is?"
The truth is, it appears that this whole thing about a drastic need for population reduction is part of the Vatican/Jesuit deception being perpetrated upon humanity. It appears to be just part of the Vatican/Jesuit desire for diabolic eugenics which is once again "rearing" its ugly head in the United States and our world.
This whole thing about a need for drastic population reduction is no different in principle than what the Catholic/Jesuit-inspired Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were during the World War Two era. In the end, it is just another form of the diabolic practice of human sacrifice from ancient times. Since these practices of the Roman Catholic Church go all the way back to ancient Babylon, possibly that is the reason that the Vatican organization has historically been known as Mystery, Babylon the Great, as noted in the pages linked below.
This whole thing about needing to eliminate 6 billion people from this earth appears to be no different than the thinking behind the Roman Catholic Crusades and Inquisitions, when they wanted to kill all those who were not like them. After years of research, it does appear to the writer that this call for getting rid of around 6 billion people does have the "fingerprint" of the Jesuit/Vatican organization all over it.
And, lest we have possibly forgotten, if 6 billion people were eliminated from this earth, the remaining number would approximately equal the current membership of the Roman Catholic Church, worldwide. So, this fact should help to make things a bit more obvious as to what is going on here and who is most likely behind it, plus for what purpose. Yes, it appears we may be dealing with a very subtle and deceptive "religious" war which is being perpetrated on humanity by that infamous organization which has a history of blood and death.
At this point, possibly we should look at a part of that which is said to be included in the historic ceremony for the advancing Jesuit. According to information at the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12) --- the Superior tells the advancing Jesuit the following:
"You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but you have not yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for 'without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.' Therefore, to fit yourself for your work and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your order and allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me..."
Note closely these words which are excerpted from the historic Jesuit ceremony and noted above: "...for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for 'without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.'" The people of this organization appear to believe that they cannot attain salvation unless they shed the blood of those that the hierarchy of their organization class as being heretics. That sounds rather diabolic.
Regarding the shedding of the innocent blood of people(s) who could be classed by some as being a form of "heretic," or the selective extermination of people(s) by those in control, which selective extermination generally accomplishes the same thing as the shedding of blood, the first page linked below declares: "In 1904, the Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples."
The second linked page states: "In 1904, the Carnegie Institute formed a laboratory in Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island. In 1911, they issued the "Report on the Best Practical Means for Cutting Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the Human Population" -- which turned out to be euthanasia. The most commonly suggested method to achieve it? The gas chamber."
The remaining linked books and pages provide information which is similar to the things presented above. The third linked page adds ObamaCare into the equation. Check out the information accessed via all the links below and become informed about the questionable and beastly things which have been happening in the United States for many decades --- things which are totally against what this nation is really supposed to be about.
As the information linked above is examined, let it once again be noted that in the early 1900s, millions of index cards were used to identify the families, bloodlines and whole peoples which were to be intentionally eliminated from the human gene pool. We are now looking at a genocidal program, which has freely operated right within the United States, which is not much different in principal than the mass extermination programs which Adolph Hitler and the Nazis had during the World War Two era. But, in more recent times, things have progressed beyond those primitive Nazi days.
Today, it appears that these types of eugenic or genocidal decisions are not made using a rather slow process which includes clumsy index cards. Instead, it appears that this whole process has been streamlined and can be done rather quickly. These types of eugenic and genocidal decisions can now be rapidly accomplished using information attached to the Social Security Numbers of U.S. citizens, which is stored in computer databases. But it does appear that there is more to this story.
It appears that Social Security numbers and the information linked to them in the databases can be used to decided what type or level of "treatment" or "service" (medical or otherwise) each individual will get at any point during their lifetime. It also appears that what may happen to them eugenically, appears to be decided by the information which is linked to their Social Security number in the databases. But, it appears there is even more to consider in this whole scenario.
It appears that the massive program of un-Constitutional and illegal spying on authentic U.S. citizens, which is steadily being done by at least the National Security Agency (NSA), is also part of the eugenic or genocidal system. It appears that they may be collecting information for use in that which appears to be the coming "Inquisition" in the United States. It appears that the information which the NSA is gathering may ultimately be used in the process which decides who lives and who dies in the times ahead. And all this data may be tied to Social Security numbers, which then guides the medical establishment in "their work" on each unique individual.
So, how are individual people or whole bloodlines to be subtly exterminated, without these people truly figuring out or realizing what is happening to them or the people around them? Let us now look at one potential source of information, which might provide at least a part of the answer.
A page in a book linked here declares: "In 1947 the first director-general of the children's world-wide organization, UNESCO, was Sir Julian Huxley. This man was a firm believer in eugenics; he wanted to see 90% of the Worlds population killed off through genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more." Regarding the killing off of the world's population via "genetic tampering" and "live cancer viruses in vaccines," it appears that the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment will be fully involved in this genocide. And, that is like things were in Nazi Germany during the World War Two era.
The information above indicates that a number of different methods can be used or are being used to subtly exterminate people. The writer's research leads them to believe that it is a combination of things which is being used to eliminate people. If it was just one particular substance or process which was being used to kill off citizens, people might quickly figure out what was happening and then rise up and do something about it. But if a combination of things are used, with none of the parts being lethal by themselves, most citizens would not have a clue what was causing people to die. Only those who "connect the dots" may figure out what is happening.
To fulfill the 1947 desire of the director-general of UNESCO for 90% of the world's population to be killed off, it appears that genetically modified foods and companies like the infamous, Roman-Catholic, Knight-of-Malta-founded, plus Nazi-associated, Monsanto Company (company name to be changed(link)) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) are just one part of the equation. It appears that fluoride in the water and other products used internally by citizens may work together with things like Monsanto GMOs to prepare people for the deadly effect produced when one or two other factors are entered into the equation, possibly via injections or shots, to make things "more personal."
With the cancer epidemic which is now occurring in the United States and the world, as noted in the pages linked below, research indicates to the writer that the cancer epidemic may just be one of the ultimate "tools" of the modern, genocidal eugenicists --- that group which appears to have a connection to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and their diabolic New World Order.
In all of that which is being done to the people which produces cancer in them, it appears that ionizing radiation is commonly a factor, as noted in the pages linked below. This ionizing radiation gets into the surrounding or regional environment from nuclear bomb testing, from the use of depleted uranium weaponry, and from virtually every nuclear facility or nuclear reactor. Possibly it is for eugenics purposes that the "one worlders" want more nuclear plants, more nuclear bombs and more depleted uranium weaponry, plus more war.
Ionizing radiation, being something which cannot be discerned via our normal senses of smell, taste, sight, hearing, or feel makes it the perfect population control weapon for use against the general public, expecially when combined with GMOs and poisons in the food and water, plus in the air we breath. Yes, the people can attempt to run away from it, but they cannot hide from it. Generally, it will ultimately get them. And then there are those experimental drugs, plus the genetic tampering and potentially even those much-talked-about chemtrails.
Once again, let us note something important in the information near the beginning of the section above, which is titled The Use Of Combinations(link). That section notes that clear back in 1947, the desires of the director-general of UNESCO, Sir Julian Huxley, was to kill off 90% of the world's population using things like "poisons in the food and water," plus also using a number of other methods.
The information linked below speaks about poisons in the food and water, which poisons get there because of the components in those chemtrails which are intentionally released by aircraft. One of the results of this diabolic activity appears to be cancer, along with a number of other health issues.
Yes, it appears that we are dealing with an intentional, silent and subtle genocide which is being perpetrated by the diabolic controllers of the New World Order! At this point, it does appear that the controllers of the New World Order may be getting concerned that at least a certain portion of the populace may be "waking up" to the reality of the diabolic things which are intentionally being done to them.
Possibly the diabolic controllers are concerned about how the general public might respond, once they "wake up" and realize what is intentionally being done to them. Or, on the other hand, possibly the controllers are simply preparing for the final, despotic takeover of the United States and its citizens. So, with these thoughts in mind, let us see what else the controllers of the New World Order have been steadily doing to U.S. citizens.
Pope Francis has a history of wanting to disarm U.S. citizens. He has been at it for years, as shown via the pages linked below. Yet, the organization that this man represents, including the Jesuit side of things, once its complete history has been examined, has a horrid history of supporting extreme brutality and mass murder. It also has a history of supporting or instigating the shedding of more blood upon this earth than any other organization which the writer has come across in all their years of research.
It should be noted that the pope is advocating strongly for disarming U.S. citizens, while the illegal aliens from Catholic countries south of the border, which Pope Francis strongly supports, are preparing for doing Reconquista within the United States. Part of the Reconquista includes some very serious brutality and ethnic cleansing. And, you can bet your bottom dollar that the ethnic cleansing minions of Pope Francis will have access to assault rifles and virtually any other weapons of slaughter which they desire. As long as its for the pope, its okay. NOT!
At this point, there is one important thing to note. The pope in the Vatican keeps his own arsenal. This arsenal is for use by the Pontifical Swiss Guard, which is the military force protecting the pope and the independent country of Vatican City. Information about the pope and his arsenal is found in the pages linked below.
It is time to consider some history relating to the head of the foreign city-state of the Vatican. About ten paragraphs down, in a page linked here, are found the following words:
"The facts for this article start with the action taken by the Vatican in the year 1778. Two years after the American colonists posted the Declaration of Independence, the Vatican declared an Edict that condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means possible." The page then states: "The 1778 Vatican Edict has never been withdrawn, apologized for or modified."
A book titled 'The Universal Church of Man...,' linked here, declares: "What most people do not realize is that the Vatican absolutely detests the United States of America! In 1778, after American [sic] gained her independence, the Vatican issued the Vatican Edict which condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means necessary. They condemned the Declaration of Independence as 'wickedness' and called the Constitution of the United States a 'satanic document!" The book then asks this question: "Why?"
In answer to the above question of why, the linked book declares: "Because the Constitution of the United States affords every human being with freedom and liberty of conscience that is declared by all the popes and councils of Rome as, 'a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost.'" Other sources of information relating to the intents of the Jesuits and the Vatican are found at the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4). There is now one very important thing to note.
The Constitutional Republic, with its freedom and liberty of conscience, allowed Protestants to worship freely, without fear of persecution or potential death via the agents of Rome. That is why the Vatican/Jesuit organization, in its continuing Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3), is doing its best to undermine and overthrow the Constitutional Republic of the United States. The Vatican/Jesuit organization wants to wipe authentic Protestantism and Bible-believing Christians clear off the face of this earth. And, if they must destroy the authentic United States to do it, they will --- for to them, "the end justifies the means."
A little more than one-third of the way down a page linked here are found the following words: "Since 1815 there has been a continual assault on America by the Jesuits to try to destroy the constitutional rights of this great nation." A couple of paragraphs lower are these words: "One of the major purposes of the Jesuits was to destroy every trace of Protestantism and its principles, including religious freedom, republicanism, representative government, and an economy built around a strong middle class. Another purpose of the Jesuits was to greatly expand the power and control of the papacy throughout the entire world."
The page linked in the paragraph above also declares: "During this Congress [of Verona, Italy in 1822], it was decided that America would be the target of Jesuit emissaries and that America was to be destroyed at all costs. Every principle of the [U.S.] Constitution was to be dissolved and new Jesuitical principles were to be put into place in order to exalt the Papacy to dominion in America." And, in our day, we have been watching this steadily happen, right before our eyes. But, unfortunately, most U.S. citizens are clueless to what is actually happening to them and to their country.
A page, linked here and in the section above, speaks about the Congress which met at Verona, Italy in 1822. This Congress was part of the "Holy Alliance" which was or is connected with the papacy. Further information relating to the papacy and the infamous "Holy Alliance," and their plan to destroy the republic of the United States and set up the "Empire of the World," is found in the page linked via the button below.
It appears that the papacy and its cohorts keep changing the name of their diabolic "program" for world domination in order to keep the general populace deceived and off guard. Today, this "Empire of the World" which is noted above, is simply known as "The New World Order." This New World Order is a one world government, with the pope at the head. The New World Order is simply the old Holy Roman Empire, "dressed" in a new name. The legislative body of the "Empire of the World," which is also known as the New World Order, is located in New York City. It is commonly called the United Nations.
There is something important to note about the philosophy and aims of this New World Order organization. A book, which is once again linked here, is titled Shipwreck: Sailing on a River of Lies in the USA. The link should take you to page 32, where the following words are found:
"In 1947 the first director-general of the children's world-wide organization, UNESCO, was Sir Julian Huxley. This man was a firm believer in eugenics; he wanted to see 90% of the Worlds population killed off through genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more."
Well, that "90% of the Worlds population killed off" does match up with that population reduction which is indicated on the Georgia Guidestones, plus that population reduction which the Vatican and its agents are now calling for.
Yes, those behind the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order want to kill off 90% of the world's population. How? Through "genetic tampering, experimental drugs, genetically modified foods, poisons in the food and water, live cancer viruses in vaccines, and many more." Does any of this sound like that which is now happening within the United States and other places in the world? When is comes to "genetically modified foods" and "poisons in the food and water," what about companies like the Knight-of-Malta-founded (1)(2)(3) Monsanto and all its GMO's and deadly poisons?
Killing off 90% of the world's population, once again, lest we forget, appears to go along with the final target-population written on the Georgia Guidestones, as noted in the section further above titled The Vatican, the Nazis, and Eugenics(link). It also goes along with the depopulation agenda of the Vatican, which is also called for by the Catholic Governor of California, as noted in the same section.
The "genetic tampering" which is mentioned does go along with the thinking associated with the Human Genome Project. The findings of the Project could readily be used for subtly exterminating selected individuals or groups of people. Information relating to the Human Genome Project and its applications is accessed via the buttons below.
Note that the United Nations, which is the governing body for the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order, has given its approval for the "Gene Drive." It should be noted that this Gene Drive can readily be used for exterminating people or certain groups of people. Welcome to the New World Order, with the pope and the Jesuits in control! Welcome to the New Age of Eugenics and genocide on steroids.
Considering the potential which now exists for eugenics and mass genocide on steroids, it possibly is time to consider a couple of old prophecies. One of these old prophecies speaks about "men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth..." (link) The other prophecy states: "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
Yes, there most definitely will be great tribulation on this earth. It will occur because humanity is intentionally being led the wrong way and into things which they should not really be doing. And, if these days were not cut short, "no flesh [would] be saved." In other words, if these days are not cut short at a certain point, because of the intervention of a much greater power, humanity would exterminate itself.
Mass extermination is where the New World Order, with things like its philosophy and its approved Gene Drives, is leading humanity. It does appear that the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its New World Order is leading humanity and "civilization" on the road to utter destruction.
There may actually be more to a love of death by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, than people commonly realize. A study of history could potentially lead a person to believe that the Vatican/Jesuit organization is like a death cult which tends to celebrate the macabre. The pages and videos accessed via the links below should help the Reader to understand what the writer is talking about.
After considering the pictures, videos and information that is linked above, there are some things which come to mind. It is written: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness." (link) And again, it is written: "...all they that hate me love death." (link) And again: "I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living." (link)
The page linked below is from the BBC and contains a piece of information which may be of note, when it comes to the source of bones for the Czech Republic's "Bone Church." The common story is that these are the bones of "plague victims." But the BBC page has the following to add:
"The Hussite Wars -- a 1419 to 1434 series of Roman Catholic crusades against Bohemian reformers -- also brought destruction to Sedlec and the nearby city of Kutna Hora; attacks left 10,000 more dead, all buried in the Sedlec cemetery." And then, as the common story goes, in 1870, "a local woodcarver was hired to make something of beauty from the piles of bones below."
Is there a remote chance that the bones in this church are actually those of the Hussite reformers --- the bones of these early Protestants --- set us as a type of celebratory shrine by the Catholic Church or Vatican, as to what they have done to those who do not bow to "the organization" in all its teachings? There is a reason for asking this question.
Looking at another bones church in Czermna, Poland, a page linked via the button below declares: "The skulls and leg bones of over 3,000 victims of wars and plagues cover the walls and ceiling, and a crypt below, accessible through a trapdoor, houses over 21,000 additional remains. Between 1776 and 1804, the local priest, Vaclav Tomasek, painstakingly gathered, cleaned and carefully arranged skeletons recovered from numerous, shallow mass graves left by the Thirty Years' War, Silesian Wars and cholera outbreaks." So, looking beyond the common story, what war victims from "shallow mass graves" could potentially be included here?
A Wikipedia entry on the Northern Crusades is linked here. As the story goes: "The Northern Crusades or Baltic Crusades were religious wars undertaken by Catholic...military orders and kingdoms, primarily against the pagan Baltic, Finnic and West Slavic peoples around the southern and eastern shores of the Baltic Sea, and to a lesser extent also against Orthodox Christian Slavs." Again, might these "bones churches" be shrines celebrating the Catholic Crusades, when they mass murdered those they like to class as "heretics?"
A Wikipedia entry on Anti-Protestantism, linked here, declares: "Anti-protestantism dates back to before the Protestant Reformation itself, as various pre-Protestant groups such as Arnoldists, Waldensians, Hussites and Lollards were persecuted in Roman Catholic Europe." Yes, they were persecuted and mass murdered by the Vatican agents and their pawns.
Now, it is time to consider an important and revealing quote from the Jesuits. The third General of the Jesuits declared: "We came in like lambs, and will rule like wolves." (1)(2)(3 - delete the pop-up and read the info) Yes, at the beginning, as they infiltrate regions and countries in preparation for takeover, they look so innocent in their pursuits, just like lambs. But, invariably it appears, they work toward one thing, to rule --- to totally dominate.
The history of the Jesuits and their minions shows that once they have enough power, they appear to rule like despotic wolves. And, historically, their rule can often be associated with a major bloodbath --- especially the shedding of Protestant blood.
So, with the Jesuits and all those agents of the secret societies which they control, operating freely within the United States, with many of their agents embedded in key positions of power and influence in government and the military, what does that mean for this country?
Let us once again note that, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963, President John F. Kennedy spoke about a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy. He spoke about and against the secret societies in the United States and what they were doing. He spoke about a plot to enslave U.S. citizens. So, truly, what lies ahead for this country?
The page linked below states: "The foreign government that the Jesuits' serve has been successful in secretly attacking and infiltrating America...because it was done under the facade of being a church." Take a look again at what was just said. "The foreign government that the Jesuits' serve has been successful...because [they are operating] under the facade of being a church." It is a government "dressed" as a church. It is hiding behind the facade of being a church, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, to keep the people deceived and ignorant of its true nature and intent. That way, the people can more easily be sucked under its power without truly realizing what is happening to them and to their country.
The page linked above declares that "the foreign government that the Jesuits' serve has been successful in secretly attacking and infiltrating America." So, exactly how are they doing this? There is actually more to this story of how they have been successful at secretly attacking and infiltrating America. It is via those numerous agents and pawns in U.S. and State governments which are members of, or associated with, all those secret societies which the Jesuits control within the United States. Let us note that President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against these secret societies and what they were doing, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963.
Let us now return to what was happening to the United States in earlier years. A page linked here contains a lengthy quote from President Abraham Lincoln, which was made during the time of the American Civil War (1861-1865). Lincoln spoke about Professor Morse, who had overheard plots in the city of Rome "to destroy this Republic." This planned destruction of the authentic Republic of the United States is all part of the continuing Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3). It is all part of the Vatican/Jesuit plan to wipe Protestantism off the face of this earth, so they can then, unhindered, set up their "Empire of the World" which will be ruled from the Vatican.
A book from 1872, titled 'Popery: The Foe of the Church and of the Republic,' is linked here. On page 11, the book declares that "the Papacy is by necessity bitterly hostile to the true Church and to Republicanism..." And, the U.S. Constitution declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,"(1)(2)(3)(4) which is just the thing which the Vatican and its allies have shown that they despise. So, in order for their war to undermine and destroy the authentic Republic of the United States to succeed, the Vatican and its allies had to start, very subtly, moving the United States away from an authentic "Republican Form of Government."
To facilitate moving the United States away from an authentic "Republican Form of Government," the Jesuits and the Vatican needed to subtly form an innocent looking, yet effective and subversive organization in the United States. They needed an organization which could then be used as their vehicle for change --- change which could steadily undermine and ultimately destroy what the United States was actually supposed to be about.
To slowly but steadily move the United States away from an authentic "Republican Form of Government" --- away from that form of government which allowed unmolested freedom of conscience and freedom of worship for authentic Protestants and all others who did not want to be under the domination of the Roman church --- a democratic party would work just fine for the agents of Rome.
The page linked below declares: "...When viewed historically, the Democratic Party has been the Catholic Party and the Republican Party the Protestant Party." The page continues: "There have always been plenty of Protestants in the Democratic Party, especially in the South and in rural areas of the lower Midwest. But in the real growth areas in the country over the last century, the Democratic Party has been run largely by Catholics."
The linked page declares: "From the 1840s, when Democratic ward-heelers greeted the first great waves of Catholic immigrants on the wharves of New York City, Boston, Philadelphia and other East Coast cities, Catholics found a congenial home in the Democratic Party, one which permitted them at first a seat at the table of a great national party and finally a chance to preside over it, divvying out the patronage and the power throughout much of the North."
As a quick side note to put into our memories, let us clearly note that the "great waves of Catholic immigrants" began flooding into the United States in the mid 1840s --- around the year 1845 (link). This great influx of Catholics occurred not that long before the American Civil War started.
The American Civil War started in 1861 and finally ended in 1865 (link). So, according to the records, the Catholics began flooding into the United States roughly 16 years prior to the start of the American Civil War. With the great influx of Catholics, it appears that the "pawns" or agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization were now in place. This appears to be similar to what is happening now, with the use of Catholic-bred illegal aliens from Catholic countries south of the U.S. border. So, just be ready for what is coming in the future.
Let us now continue. The page linked below states: "Members of the Catholic Church have been active in the elections of the United States since the mid 19th century. Indeed, the Irish came to dominate the Democratic Party in many cities." The page also states: "From the mid-19th century down to 1964 Catholics were solidly Democratic, sometimes at the 80-90% level."
Let us consider important words from former President Abraham Lincoln, for they potentially are very fitting in our present situation. Lincoln spoke of the "emissaries of the Pope" who were working "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." (1)(2)(3)
So, in the mid 1850s, with a Democratic Party in the United States which was loaded with immigrant Catholics from European countries --- immigrants who were in submission to the pope in Rome --- the Vatican and the Jesuits now had their powerful vehicle. With this powerful vehicle full of "agents" under the spell of the Vatican and doing its bidding, they now had their tool which could be wielded like a Fifth Column (1)(2)(3) in the war against the authentic "Republican Form of Government" in the United States. It appears that all of this Vatican/Jesuit inspired activity may have also had something to do with the American Civil War, which began shortly thereafter in 1861.
This powerful Fifth Column vehicle --- which is manipulated or controlled by a foreign government, the government of the Vatican City State --- has steadily been used to move the United States away from the legitimate "Republican Form of Government," which is guaranteed to every state in the Union by the Constitution of the United States. It appears that this Fifth Column vehicle has often been used to create strife and trouble in the United States. This foreign manipulated or controlled Fifth Column vehicle has also been used to steadily undermine and take away the authentic rights of U.S. citizens, apparently in preparation for the final thrust to take control of America.
About 60 years ago, it appears that the Fifth Column vehicle, which is under the control of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, branched out in order to become more effective in its war against the authentic "Republican Form of Government" and most definitely against the God-given, unalienable rights of genuine citizens in the United States, especially against the authentic rights of Protestants. A Wikipedia page, linked here, declares: "Since the election of a Catholic President in 1960 [which was President John F. Kennedy], Catholics have split about 50-50 between the two major parties in national elections."
Since roughly 1960, with agents of the Vatican now in the Republican Party also, along with members and associates of those many secret societies --- those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy spoke against, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963 --- the Republican Party has not been seriously defending our authentic, God-given unalienable rights either, nor defending the Constitution of the United States, in its true intent. That is why even the Republican Party does not seem to accomplish any good for the authentic citizens of the United States. That is also why the Republican party is now saying that we are a democracy, rather than standing up for an authentic "Republican Form of Government."
It appears that with agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization influencing or controlling both major Parties in the United States, virtually no one (with few exceptions) in government is authentically working to honor their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. Furthermore, virtually no one in government is standing up and demanding that other government officials honor their first and foremost job, which is to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion," with all other duties then falling in line.
Now you may better understand why, with Republicans in control of the government, very little good really gets done. But with the Democrats in control, a lot may get done, but in the direction of sliding this country more and more in the direction of socialism and Marxism, plus in the direction of taking away more and more of our authentic God-given, unalienable rights. And, the young who have been bred or brainwashed in the schools of our day to be socialists and Marxists just love it when the Democrats move us further and further away from that authentic "Republican Form of Government" guaranteed to every State in this Union by the U.S. Constitution.
At this point, let us once again consider those words spoken by President Abraham Lincoln, before, he too, was brutally assassinated by an agent influenced by the Vatican. President Lincoln spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which steadily work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." (1)(2)(3)
And, that "reign of anarchy" spoken about by President Lincoln in the paragraph above is what we are watching happen in our day. That is why we have seen the young marching and rioting in the streets, breaking windows, damaging vehicles and setting things on fire. It is almost like we are watching the early stages of the American version of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution. And yes, all of this is under the control of a foreign organization.
A couple of sections above, it was noted that around the year 1845, "great waves of Catholic immigrants" began flooding into the United States. It was noted that this great influx of Catholics occurred not that long before the start of the American Civil War, which war began in the year 1861. And, these Catholics were filling the ranks of the Democratic Party, which has historically been known as the Catholic Party --- that powerful tool controlled by the Vatican-Jesuit organization. So, let us now look at the beginning --- at the "first blood" spilled at the start of the American Civil War. Note also the words above by President Lincoln, about "the emissaries of the Pope."
Once again, President Abraham Lincoln clearly spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which steadily work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." Let us now begin to examine how "the emissaries of the Pope" were set in place in the Democratic Party, beginning in about the year 1845 in the United States, to prepare for their unruly "reign of anarchy," which ultimately sparked the "first blood" of the American Civil War in 1861.
It is time to ask some questions. What led up to the American Civil War? What was its cause? Yes, there were differences of opinion between the South and the North, one of the major differences being on the issue of slavery. At this point, let us consider a passage from the ceremony of the Extreme Oath of Induction for the advancing Jesuit, that member of the military religious order of the Roman Catholic organization. In this historic ceremony, the advancing agent of the Vatican is told the following by his Superior:
"You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace." (1)(2)(3)
In relation to the above, let us now consider the following words from President Abraham Lincoln, which he spoke during the Civil War. "This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us." (1)(2)(3)
Yes, there were differences of opinion between the South and the North, which it appears that the Jesuits exploited in their ongoing, subversive war against the Constitutional Republic of the United States. This exploitation led to unrest and ultimately the outbreak of the American Civil War. As a result of this unrest between the South and the North, plus the initial stages at the outbreak of war, State militias were sent to the capital of the United States --- to Washington DC. But, enroute to the U.S. capital, the State militias met with a problem in the Roman Catholic and Democratic stronghold of Maryland (link), in the city of Baltimore.
At this point, just a quick side note. It should be noted that "in 1789 the Archdiocese of Baltimore was the first diocese established in the newly formed United States." (link) So, Baltimore, Maryland, via its Archdiocese, was definitely under the heavy influence of the Vatican and the Jesuits. So then, what happened here in the Vatican's war against the Constitutional Republic of the United States?
Again, as "members of the primarily Massachusetts and some Pennsylvania state militia regiments" were heading through Baltimore, Maryland, on their way "to the national capital at Washington," they were met by "Copperhead Democrats...and other Southern/Confederate sympathizers," which were organized into a force called the "National Volunteers." (1)(2) A page, linked here, notes that "American Catholics were prominent in the ranks of the 'Copperheads,' a term applied to the Democratic critics of the Lincoln administration during the American Civil War." These Copperhead Catholics, these members of the Democratic Party, were composed primarily of "Irish-Americans and German-American Catholics."
This force of Roman Catholics were waiting and confronted the "members of the primarily Massachusetts and some Pennsylvania state militia regiments," as they were headed to Washington DC. At that point, a big, violent riot occurred. As a result, in the stonghold of the Catholics in Baltimore, "then was shed the first blood in a conflict between North and South," which was the "first blood" of the American Civil War (link). The first blood of the American Civil War occurred because the "pawns" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization were in open resistance against the authentic "Republican Form of Government" in the United States. Instead, they wanted Democracy, which is simply mob rule.
In this "first blood" of the American Civil War, which occurred in the Catholic stronghold of Baltimore, Maryland, the book linked here and above, declares that "an estimated 5,000 Baltimoreans took part in the attacks on Federal troops, which resulted in the deaths of 21 soldiers and civilians and more than 100 injuries." Once again, so it is very clear in our minds what actually happened here, "an estimated 5,000 Baltimoreans [mainly Roman Catholic 'Copperhead Democrats'] took part in the attacks on Federal troops."
Note very clearly who was at fault here, in this deadly riot in Baltimore. The Roman Catholic Copperhead Democrats attacked the Federal troops. Yes, the Roman Catholics were the attacking party. And, true to their name, it appears that they were like a very poisonous snake --- apparently a Vatican/Jesuit controlled poisonous snake --- which was doing its best to "bite" the authentic government of the United States.
This deadly riot in Baltimore appears to have been a result of that 1778 Vatican Edict, which Vatican Edict was noted a few sections earlier in this discussion. This Vatican Edict basically declared that the "United States Constitutional Republic...must be destroyed by any means possible." According to the Vatican edict, "every good Catholic must abhor and destroy [the United States Constitutional Republic] at any cost."
In the last section, it is noted that the American Catholics of the Democratic Copperheads were the attacking party in Baltimore. At this point, there is something very important to note. The "Copperhead" Democrats were supposed to be "anti-war." (link) Supposedly, they were against the American Civil War, plus were "Southern sympathizers." Though supposedly anti-war and against violent conflict, when the opportunity arose, these Catholic Copperheads attacked the Federalized troops with "bricks, paving stones, and pistols."
The writer's research leads them to believe that the Copperhead Catholics were simply the tool of the conniving Vatican/Jesuit organization, in all of this. Their main purpose appears to have been to confound the authentic U.S. government in any way they could. It appears they were "hiding behind a cloak" or a facade of "peace," yet the attack on the Federalized troops showed their true colors, when opportunity presented itself. Now, what was really going on here? What is the much bigger picture and how does it relate to the conflict between the North and the South? At this point, let us return to that historic ceremony of the advancing Jesuit.
As noted in the preceding section, the advancing Jesuit is told by their Superior: "You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace." But, there is more to what the Superior declares to the advancing Jesuit. What is declared next in the historic ceremony is as follows:
The advancing Jesuit is told that they are, "to take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means." (1)(2)(3)
In the historic ceremony, the advancing Jesuit, plus even those in the secret societies which they control, by an oath declare: "I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do..." And that is what happened in Baltimore, Mary-land. Opportunity presented itself, so the Catholic Copperheads attacked the troops of the Constitutional Republic of the United States with "bricks, paving stones, and pistols." And, in our day, it appears that the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are once again waiting for opportunity to present itself, and then...Reconquista.
In their historic oaths, the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization also declare that "the Pope is Christ's Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed." (1)(2)(3)
In its ongoing war against the United States Constitutional Republic --- in its war against that sanctuary which was set up to protect Protestant worship against the brutality of papal agents --- the Vatican/Jesuit organization was manipulating both sides in the conflict. As they worked to destroy the authentic United States, it appears that the Catholic hierarchy had their people who were feigning to be for peace, and the other side which was ready for war. And, when the opportunity presented itself, we see what happened. So started the bloody American Civil War.
And, as recorded in the Oaths linked above, to the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, "the end justifies the means." To them, what is a whole bunch of collateral damage, as long as you get what you want? So, it appears that virtually anything goes, even the most horrendous deception and atrocious deeds, in this war against the Constitutional Republic of the United States and the God-given, unalienable rights of citizens. As an example of what is claimed or has been attempted or actually done in the past, consider that which is contained in the information linked below.
The book linked immediately above was published in 1851. It was warning the citizens of the United States about what the Jesuits and their pawns were capable of doing to a country. And, just 10 years after the book was published, the first blood of the American Civil War was shed in the Catholic stronghold of Baltimore, Maryland.
During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln began to realize what was actually happening to that which had been the United States. He realized who had subtly agitated and instigated, or "pulled the puppet strings," until the American Civil War broke out. It appears that Lincoln understood who was "fanning the flames" of war. In regards to these things, Lincoln is recorded as stating:
"It is with the Southern leaders of this civil war as with the big and small wheels of our railroad cars. Those who ignore the laws of mechanics are apt to think that the large, strong, and noisy wheels they see are the motive power, but they are mistaken. The real motive power is not seen; it is noiseless and well concealed in the dark, behind its iron walls. The motive power are the few well-concealed pails of water heated into steam, which is itself directed by the noiseless, small but unerring engineer's finger." (link)
Lincoln declared further: "The common people see and hear the big, noisy wheels of the Southern Confederacy's cars; they call they Jeff Davis, Lee, Toombs, Beauregard, Semmes, ect., and they honestly think that they are the motive power, the first cause of our troubles. But this is a mistake. The true motive power is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Jesuits, the convents of the nuns, and the confessional boxes of Rome." (link)
President Abraham Lincoln also declared: "Unfortunately, I feel more and more every day that it is not against the Americans of the South, alone, I am fighting. It is more against the Pope of Rome, his perfidious Jesuits and their blind and blood-thirsty slaves... There are only very few of the Southern leaders who are not more or less under the influence of the Jesuits, through their wives, family relations, and their friends. Several members of the family of Jeff Davis belong to the Church of Rome. Even the Protestant ministers are under the influence of the Jesuits, without suspecting it... Rome is doing here what she has done in Mexico, and all the South American Republics; she is paralysing, by civil war, the arms of the soldiers of liberty. She divides our nation in order to weaken, subdue and rule it." (1)(2)
As President Lincoln considered the instigator and cause of the American Civil War, as he considered what the Vatican/Jesuit organization was doing to the United States at that time, he looked to history for its lessons and a possible solution. He looked at what it took to put an end to the French Revolution and Reign of Terror. And then he declared:
"I understand, now, why the patriots of France, who determined to see the colors of Liberty floating over their great and beautiful country, were forced to hang or shoot almost all the priests and the monks as the irreconcilable enemies of Liberty. For it is a fact, which is now evident to me, that, with very few exceptions, every priest and every true Roman Catholic is a determined enemy of Liberty. Their extermination, in France, was one of those terrible necessities which no human wisdom could avoid; it looks to me now as an order from heaven to save France." (1)(2)
By now, with the information presented so far in this discussion, the Reader may have a better understanding of what is actually happening in our country today, and who potentially is behind it --- even behind the illegal alien invasion. And then, consider the young out in the streets in recent times, rioting and breaking windows and damaging cars, plus assaulting people.
The roots of the Democratic Party and its un-American activities should become more obvious as the information presented in this discussion is examined closely. It appears that the purpose of the Democratic Party is to confound, undermine, and ultimately take down what is left of the Constitutional Republic of the United States, and then to bring U.S. citizens under horrendous socialism or Marxism. And then, the real blood-letting will occur.
Before we leave this section, the writer presents to the Reader links to the full text of "Abraham Lincoln's vow against the Catholic Church." After Lincoln had seen and realized what the Vatican/Jesuit organization had done to the United States, it appears he was very displeased with the Catholic Church. And now, those links:
At this point, let us consider, once again, that powerful and effective "tool" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, as they steadily work to undermine and ultimately destroy the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States.
The information linked below, along with their history over time and what has been observed in recent times, indicates that the Democratic Party has simply become "the party of resistance, obstruction, trash and burn, plus anarchy." As indicated earlier, it appears that the Democratic Party is a form of Fifth Column in the United States. It appears to be working to hold back and prevent the success of a "Republican Form of Government in the United States. In doing so, they are in direct war against the Constitution of the United States, plus at war against our legitimate government.
In 2017, and possibly at other times, the mentality of those associated with the Democratic Party has become very obvious. We have seen those associated with this Party out rioting, plus damaging and destroying the property of others and even assaulting people who they do not like. This activity would fit very well within the description of a Fifth Column or thug organization.
In our day, especially after the election of Donald Trump as president, the Democratic Party has shown its true colors. Yes, it is obviously at resistance to and working to destroy any remaining pieces of a "Republican Form of Government" in the United States. A page at the following link --- (1) --- seems to tell the story very well. Like the old saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words." In their illustration, the leftists of the Democratic Party have made clear what they want to do to the United States.
With the hateful look on the face of the illustrated Elizabeth Warren, plus the gesture she is making, it appears that she is utterly against, and in total resistance to, the fundamental principles upon which the United States was founded and is supposed to be about. From her actions over the years, it does appear that she is at war with the Constitution of the United States. It also appears that she is utterly at war against "a Republican Form of Government" in the United States. As such, it appears that Elizabeth Warren would be in total violation of her Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States.
From what she has been doing over the years, it does appear that Elizabeth Warren should be guilty of treason, because of her war against the authentic form of government guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. But, unless authentic U.S. citizens stand up and do their duty to the Constitution of the United States, the leftist "snowflakes," by hook or by crook, will likely put someone like Elizabeth Warren in as the next president of the United States. In doing such a thing, they would most likely have George Soros behind them. And that will put "the last nail in the coffin" of the great Republic of the United States. The choice is yours. What are you going to do about it?
What type of government are we legitimately supposed to have in the United States? Are we supposed to be a democracy, as many are claiming, or are we actually supposed to be an authentic republic? It is time to look at things more closely. The Constitution of the United States, in Article 4, Section 4, in very clear words, declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government..."
Notice that this statement about a "Republican Form of Government" is a guarantee. It is not just a mere suggestion. Since it is a guarantee that is made by the Supreme Law of the Land, which is the U.S. Constitution, anything other than the mandatory and guaranteed "Republican Form of Government" is an illegitimate or rouge government. So, what exactly is "a Republican Form of Government?" What is the difference between "a Republican Form of Government" and a democracy? It is now time to search out the real truth --- a truth is appears that they have, in more recent times, hidden from the public as best as they can.
There is one thing to make extremely clear at this point. Once the true nature and purpose of an authentic "Republican Form of Government" is accurately understood, it should become very clear that even that which today calls itself the Republican Party is not in any manner supporting or upholding the authentic "Republican Form of Government" which is mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. It should also become clear that the Republican Party is not diligently working to secure the God-given, unalienable rights of authentic U.S. citizens, as they are supposed to be doing, according to the Declaration of Independence (1)(2). Why is this?
Why is that which calls itself the Republican Party not supporting and upholding the "Republican Form of Government" which is clearly mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution? Why is that which calls itself the Republican Party not diligently working to secure the God-given rights of each and every authentic U.S. citizen? Why does it appear that the Republican Party has become an utter traitor to authentic U.S. citizens and to the authentic United States, just as it appears that the Democratic Party has been, since virtually its beginning in the mid 1800s?
In a section further above, titled The "Trojan Horse" of a "Fifth Column" (link), it is found that in about 1960, the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization "split about 50-50 between the two major parties in national elections." Formerly, as noted further above in the section titled The Democratic Party(link), the Democratic Party was know as "the Catholic Party and the Republican Party the Protestant Party." Prior to 1960, there generally was not the high degree of intermixing and corruption of the parties which we see today. Prior to 1960, the Republic Party was generally supporting the Republic of the United States, while the Democratic Party was steadily pushing for a democracy.
Once again, before the Republican Party became corrupted with Vatican/Jesuit agents and pawns in about 1960, it was more supportive of an authentic "Republican Form of Government" in the United States. But now, with all the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization embedded in it, even the Republican Party has "sold out" the country and its authentic citizens and is now calling for a democracy. So, it is rather clear that even Republicans are not necessarily honoring their Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States.
Yes, to some, it appears that the Republican Party is now highly confused. But more realistically, because of the dilution of the Republican Party with Vatican/Jesuit agents and pawns, they have simply become more deceptive. And, for the most part, it appears that they have now become utter enemies of that which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, just like the Democratic Party. Part of the reason the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization may have gained so much control over those which were formerly authentic Republicans may become rather clear after examining a document linked here.
Because the so-called Republican Party is not supporting or upholding the authentic "Republican Form of Government" which is mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, nor are they diligently securing the God-given, unalienable rights of citizens, some people may call the Republican Party a rather deceptive, sham Party. Why is this? Well, it calls itself Republican, but is not in any way even remotely working to bring the nation around to that authentic "Republican Form of Government" which is mandated and guaranteed to U.S. citizens by the U.S. Constitution.
At this point, there is an extremely important question to ask. Truly, what is an authentic " Republican Form of Government" and what is it actually about? What is its true nature and how is it supposed to be toward authentic U.S. citizens?
The page linked below may be a good place to start in a search for the truth, for it presents one person's search for the true meaning of "a Republican Form of Government." From what is stated in the page, it appears that those in control may not really want the citizens of the United States to know what a true "Republican Form of Government" actually is. Its like those in control do not want especially authentic U.S. citizens to know what a "Republican Form of Government" actually is, so they do not rise up and demand to have that form of government which is mandated and guaranteed to them by the U.S. Constitution. The writer of the linked page proclaimed:
"I simply couldn't believe the Founders wasted quill and ink on Article 4 Section 4 of the Federal Constitution to simply mandate that the government allow the people to have representatives. A "Republican form of Government" had to mean much more. Further, the mysterious failure to concisely define a concept as fundamental and mandatory as "Republican Form of Government" implied that the meaning might be so important that it was intentionally obscured."
In their search for the true meaning of "a Republican Form of Government," the writer of the page linked above notes the "U.S. Government Training Manual No. 2000-25," which was published by the U.S. War Department on November 30, 1928. This particular Training Manual gives the official definitions of a Democracy and that of a Republic, as it was recorded in 1928. But, there is a very important piece of history to know about this particular Training Manual and what actually happened to it and because of whom.
A few sections earlier, it is noted that the authentic United States Constitutional Republic was hated by the head of a foreign State, that foreign State being the Vatican city-state. The Vatican/Jesuit organization, via the 1778 Vatican Edict, declared that the "United States Constitutional Republic...must be destroyed by any means possible." And, as noted earlier, as a tool for working to destroy the authentic "Republican form of Government" in the United States, the Vatican/Jesuit organization used their "tool," the Democratic Party. So, let us see how the Democratic Party was used to destroy or eliminate the truth which was in "U.S. Government Training Manual No. 2000-25."
Regarding the above Training Manual, the writer has come across a source which spoke about the 1928 Manual which existed "before the Destroyers took power, revoked it, and forever changed our government and way of life." So, who exactly were the Destroyers? And, exactly what happened?
It appears that because of reasons unknown, near the beginning of the Great Depression in the early 1930s, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt "issued orders that all copies of Training Manual 2000-25 be withdrawn from the Government Printing Office and the Army posts, and that they be suppressed and destroyed without explanation."(1) There is now something to make clear.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was a member of the Democratic Party. As such, it appears that he was a member of that powerful "tool" of change and subversion which was controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, as they worked to undermine and overthrow the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States. There is something to note about FDR. It appears that under Roosevelt, the Democratic Party virtually hijacked the U.S. government, for FDR "won a record four presidential elections and became a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century(2). FDR was in office from March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945, at which time he "collapsed and died as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage."(3)
As "the Destroyers took power," the Democratic Party, which had hijacked the government during the "reign" of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, then revoked and destroyed all copies they could find of "U.S. Government Training Manual No. 2000-25," which Manual gave the official definition of a Democracy and of a Republic. This Training Manual also made very clear that this country is to be a Republic, not a democracy. But, the Destroyer Democrats, the tool of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, wanted the truth ripped away from the public and hidden as best as possible. Then they "forever changed our government and way of life."
What treason! During the "reign" of the Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Vatican/Jesuit organization, via their Democratic "tool," illegally and unconstitutionally succeeded in ripping the United States away from its authentic "Republican Form of Government." And then they hid the truth about what an authentic "Republican Form of Government" was actually all about. What criminals! What vile people! But again, it appears that they were simply the agents of the Vatican which were working to destroy "the United States Constitutional Republic," and bring the United States and its authentic citizens under the utter domination of the Vatican/Jesuit organization.
When considering the suppression and destruction of U.S. Government Training Manual No. 2000-25, plus the hiding of the truth about an authentic "Republican Form of Government," apparently done by the pawns and agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization which were in the Democratic Party, there is one thing to consider. The members of those secret societies controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization have taken secret oaths. These appear to be those secret societies and secret oaths which President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963.
When it came to destroying U.S. Government Training Manual No. 2000-25, plus hiding the truth about the true nature of a "Republican Form of Government," let us look at how the pawns or agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization actually operate. In their historic Oaths, as recorded at the following links --- (1)(2)(3) --- the agent declares: "I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ." When they destroyed the Training Manual and hid the truth about a "Republican Form of Government," it appears they were simply, "unhesitatingly" following orders from above.
Now that we know the truth about what happened during the Democratic "reign of destruction" in the 1930s to 1940s, there is something very important which we need to know. What is the truth about a Democracy and the truth about a Republic? What did "U.S. Government Training Manual No. 2000-25" have to say on these things? What was so important that the Democrats wanted it destroyed? The definitions for a Democracy and a Republic, from a scan of the Training Manual, now follow.
From the scan, at the bottom of page 91: "DEMOCRACY: A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of 'direct' expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic -- negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demogogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy."
Note clearly that a democracy is mob rule. It ultimately leads to anarchy. That would be like people rioting in the streets, threatening and assaulting people, breaking windows, damaging cars and other vehicles, plus acting like arsonists, while setting things on fire. This anarchy could also include people and officials blatantly ignoring established immigration laws, as they work as pawns or agents of a foreign power.
Now back to the definitions in the Training Manual. From the scan, at the top of page 92: "REPUBLIC: Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights, and a sensible economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress."
This authentic statesmanship, liberty and progress, noted above, which results from an authentic Republic, is something which the pawns and agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have steadily been working to confound and rip away from citizens of the United States. Since they now control both political Parties, they have done this with their "entertaining and base puppet shows" in government, which shows no evidence of true statesmanship, plus they have done it with their numerous "illegal" laws which they have put in place to confound the progress of U.S. citizens in general, as they work to enslave them.
At this point, let us note those words from former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt, which were recorded earlier in this discussion in the section titled Words from Former Presidents(link). Roosevelt declared: "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people..." Then, before he was assassinated in 1963, President John F. Kennedy spoke about a "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy." Kennedy also spoke about a plot to enslave every U.S. citizen.
With the above information in mind, let us now return to other important information recorded in that U.S. Government Training Manual No. 2000-25, which was published by the U.S. War Department on November 30, 1928.
The scan of the Training Manual, at the bottom of page 92, declares: "Our Constitutional fathers, familiar with the strength and weakness of both autocracy and democracy, with fixed principles definitely in mind, defined a representative republican form of government. They made a very marked distinction between a republic and a democracy *** and said repeatedly and emphatically that they had founded a republic."
The scan of the Training Manual, at the bottom of page 92, also declares: "Madison, in the Federalist, emphasized the fact that this government was a republic and not a democracy, the Constitution makers having considered both an autocracy and a democracy as undesirable forms of government while a republic *** promises the cure for which we are seeking."
For a moment, let us do a slight "shift" and move into another area. Let us consider a democracy, which is an illegal and un-Constitutional form of government for the United States. Regarding a democracy, pages at the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4) --- present a couple of quotes from a Russian communist revolutionary, who served as the head of Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union. This communist revolutionary was none other than the infamous Vladimir Lenin. He clearly declared: "Democracy is indispensable to socialism... The goal of socialism is communism..."
When considering the quotes in the paragraph above, by the communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, hopefully, the Reader can better understand why the tool of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, the Democratic Party with its rapidly changing faces, has forced a socialist democracy on the citizens of the United States. This forced democracy has divested --- yes, totally ripped away from --- the citizens of the United States that authentic "Republican Form of Government" mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.
And now, while we are at it, there is something else to put into our minds. According to a page linked here, among some of the better known members of the "Democratic Socialists of America" in politics within the United States are: Bernard "Bernie" Sanders, Peter DeFazio, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Xavier Becerra, George E. Brown, Jesse Jackson, Jim McGovern, Barney Frank, John Conyers, along with many others. The list is long --- way too long to be allowed in the Constitutional Republic of the United States!
For additional information or history about the subversive Democratic Socialists of America, which is working to undermine and overthrow the legitimate and Constitutional government of the United States, check out the pages linked via the buttons below. Yes, the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been hard at work to undermine and overthrow the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States, while authentic U.S. citizens have been utterly sleeping and steadily losing their God-given unalienable rights, while they are being enslaved.
At this point, let us once again consider those important words from former President Abraham Lincoln, for they potentially are very fitting in our present situation. Lincoln spoke of the "emissaries of the Pope" who were working "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." (1)(2)(3)
This is what has happened because people in government and military positions have not been diligently honoring their Oath of Office to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." Instead, it appears that people have been asleep. They have not been diligent in the fight to keep the Constitutional Republic of the United States and the freedoms, liberties and rights which it was meant to protect.
Now moving onward, a source from 2010 states the following about Training Manual No. TM 2000-25: "Shortly after the 'bank holiday' in 1933, orders from the FDR White House suddenly demanded without explanation that all copies of this book be withdrawn from the Government Printing Office and the Army posts, to be suppressed and destroyed. So began the demagogic descent of the United States and the subversion of the Constitution into Americanized National Socialism, bankruptcy and the continued state of national emergency that we have experienced as a nation for the past 77 years."(1)
Again, the information above was from 2010, and we are now some years later and things have rapidly advanced that much further in the direction the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its minions in those secret societies have been taking us --- away from that authentic "Republican Form of Government."
Once again, during the "reign" of the Democrat, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the "tool" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, the Democratic Party, destroyed documentation about what the government of the United States was really and legally supposed to be. Then, as noted in the first paragraph in the section above, "So began the demagogic descent of the United States and the subversion of the Constitution into Americanized National Socialism."
Yes, we are faced with a very bad situation, which is aided and abetted by members of those secret societies which President Kennedy spoke about, which are embedded in government positions --- those pawns and agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization which are hellbent on destroying the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States, while also destroying the God-given unalienable rights of authentic U.S. citizens. But all is not totally lost quite yet. There is still a tiny bit of "wiggle room" before the horrendous "crash." Let us now begin to "go on a ride" through history, to find the truth about what our country is really supposed to be about.
As noted further above under the definition of a "REPUBLIC," the "Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual rights..." Yes, individual rights, which not even government can transgress upon, are a big part of a genuine Republic. And, an authentic "Republican Form of Government" results in "statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress."
The things noted about about an authentic "Republican Form of Government" is something which is far different from what we have been experiencing in more recent times. It is something far different from what we have been experiencing with the agents of the Vatican, since at least the year 1960, operating in both major political parties in the United States. It is something far different than what we have been experiencing, as the Vatican pawns and agents work steadily to corrupt our country and suppress our legitimate "Republican Form of Government," while they work hard to rip from us our God-given, unalienable rights.
There are now some questions which need to be asked. What in an authentic "Republican Form of Government" really supposed to be about? What is its nature really like? What is it like when living in an authentic "Republican Form of Government?" These are extremely important questions, which do require an answer. So, for our better answer, we must go even further back in history.
To get a better idea of what things are like under an authentic "Republican Form of Government," like that form of government which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, let us consider some words from President Thomas Jefferson. These words were spoken in his First Inaugural Address, on March 4, 1801. Within his address are found the following words:
"All too will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression." (1)(2)(3) Yes, this is an important "sacred principle" of an authentic "Republican Form of Government."
An authentic "Republican Form of Government" was actually set in place, via the Constitution of the United States, to prevent oppression of individuals or even to prevent the oppression of a minority of one U.S. citizen. When the mobocracy of democracy crashes towards the unalienable rights of the individual, the authentic "Republican Form of Government" was meant to shield the individual from the crush or persecution of the mob. But, there is another important part to an authentic "Republican Form of Government."
An authentic "Republican Form of Government" protects the individual or the minority from the inherent weakness of a direct democracy. According to a Wikipedia entry, linked here, in a direct democracy, the "tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses)" can exist. This tyranny of the majority "results in oppression of minority groups comparable to that of a tyrant or despot."
A page linked here speaks about a trip which President Bush made to Russia in 2005. It is interesting to see the observation of Putin of Russia, when he declared that a "democracy" is a "dictatorship of the majority," but a "republic" is something "in which the majority cannot vote away the rights of the individual."
Well, at least some people, even if in the case above it is a foreigner, understand what an authentic "Republican Form of Government" is supposed to be about. And, an authentic "Republican Form of Government" is what is mandated and guaranteed for the entire United States by the U.S. Constitution.
Under the authentic "Republican Form of Government," the majority cannot vote away the rights of the individual. The Declaration of Independence declares that among our God-given unalienable rights (yes, AMONG, for these are not all of our God-given unalienable rights), are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. And, as stated in the Declaration, "that to secure these rights, governments are instituted amoung men..." (1)(2)
These things about the true nature and purpose of an authentic "Republican Form of Government" are very important for us to understand. For a bit more information relating to this matter about our unalienable rights, check out the pages linked below.
The authentic "Republican Form of Government" was truly meant to protect the individual in their God-given, unalienable rights --- those unalienable rights which are mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, plus even other rights which are not mentioned directly in the Declaration of Independence, like the right to defend oneself and the right to bear the necessary arms to properly defend oneself.
The authentic "Republican Form of Government" was also meant to prevent the persecution or harm of any Protestant or Bible-believing Christian by any type of agent or minion, who is directly or indirectly associated with the Vatican/Jesuit organization or any other organization of a similar nature.This is made clear from a study of history, connected with other words found in Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, which complete address is found at the following links --- (1)(2)(3) --- plus in links further below.
In his address, Jefferson declared: "And let us reflect that, having banished from our land that religious intolerance under which mankind so long bled and suffered, we have yet gained little if we countenance a political intolerance as despotic, as wicked, and capable of as bitter and bloody persecutions."
When Jefferson spoke about "that religious intolerance under which mankind so long bled and suffered," he was speaking about the religious intolerance which the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its pawns and agents have commonly displayed, over and over again, whenever they had the chance and the power, toward those who would not bow to the pope or church dogma. This intolerance, suffering and bloodshed perpetrated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its agents, is introduced in the pages linked below.
There is another thing to add at this point. In the early 1800s, the French statesman and military general who served under George Washington during the American Revolutionary War, the Marquis de Lafayette, declared the following:
"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe." (1)(2)(3)
If you want to know who instigates most of the wars, misery and bloodshed upon this earth, plus the un-Constitutional and therefore illegal spying on U.S. citizens by organizations like the NSA, etc., you may possibly now know where to look.
President Thomas Jefferson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence (1), clearly understand what the United States is supposed to be about. Once again, linked below, is the full text of his First Inaugural Address. It is well worth reading through.
Note the following words in Jefferson's address: "We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists. If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it."
So, clearly note that in 1801, the citizens of the United States were "all Republicans" and "all Federalists." The country was not divided up into a "political civil war" at that time, as it is now, since the Vatican/Jesuit pawns and agents have been hard at work corrupting things.
In the early days of the United States, the people were working together, as Republicans and Federalists, in support of those principles upon which the Constitution of the United States and this country were founded. A study of history indicates that it was the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization which worked to undermine and destroy that which had originally been set up in the United States.
There is other information on the Internet which can help guide us to a better understanding about what this country is really supposed to be about. The links below access information which is relevant to an authentic "Republican Form of Government," and also to the purpose of a Republic.
When looking at what has been happening in the United States in relatively recent times (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), let us now consider things from the perspective of the Catholic/Jesuit organization and its continuing Counter-Reformation against Protestants and their beliefs. This Catholic/Jesuit Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3) and the persecution, torture and killing of Protestants, plus other related information, is introduced in the pages linked below.
About half way down in a section further above (link), it is noted that since about 1960, the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been a force in both major political Parties in the United States. The agents and pawns of Rome, which are now in both major political parties in the United States, plus in the judiciary, have been very successful over the years in moving the country further and further away from those protections to Protestants which were intended under a "Republican Form of Government" and facilitated by the U.S. Constitution.
This protection for authentic Protestants and their beliefs did exist when government officials actually supported and defended the U.S. Constitution and its founding principals "against all enemies, foreign and domestic," and when they actually did "bear true faith and allegiance to the same." In more recent times, it appears that the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization have been rather successful in crushing-under Protestants who attempt to be true to their beliefs, as noted in the pages linked via the buttons below. This appears to be the process for steadily crushing and enslaving Protestants under the domination of Rome.
This thug-type of crushing-under of Protestants and their beliefs is totally against what the United States is supposed to be about. This appears to have the "fingerprint" of a homosexual Jesuit/Catholic priest organization, as noted in the pages linked below, plus the "fingerprint" of those associated with them.
Once again, it should be noted that this Jesuit/Vatican organization controls those many Vatican agents which are in government positions in the United States, including those who may be in the judiciary. They also control the many members of those secret societies which President John F. Kennedy spoke against, and the plot he spoke about, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963.
The homosexual agenda appears to be an escalating part of the Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3), which is being spurred on by the Jesuits and their agents and minions. This appears to be part of the Jesuits' worldwide program for psychologically and physically, dominating and controlling people.
This type of activity will be common in the coming New World Order, which is simply the old Holy Roman Empire rising again. This New World Order is controlled by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, with the pope at the head. The pages linked below are just a small sample of available information, but should give some idea of what the Jesuit/Vatican organization is about. Yes, welcome to the New World Order.
There is a very good reason why the United States, with its Constitution and "Republican Form of Government" was set up. There was a reason why our specific type of government was raised up, and a major part of that was to protect the God-given, unalienable rights of citizens.
This purpose of government is made clear in the Declaration of Independence(1)(2), when it states that "all men...are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."
Our people and our country needed to be properly protected from the effects of the Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3) and against the historical abuses of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, their Jesuits, their secret societies and their other agents. But, unfortunately, it appears we have allowed the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization to infiltrate our government, get into positions of power and control, and then take over our country. Because of this, we are now letting everything slip away, including our rights and freedoms, which the Founding Father had so carefully protected for us by the institution of that authentic "Republican Form of Government."
A page, linked here and further above, states: "The Vatican conclave concluded that one way to counter the Constitutional Republic was to infiltrate and influence all other countries in North, Central and South America." Once the Vatican had its faithful "pawns" in place in Mexico, Central American and South America, the Vatican/Jesuit organization was ready to begin the main thrust in its battle to utterly invade and overthrow that sanctuary for authentic Protestant worship, the Constitutional Republic of the United States.
It is becoming obvious that the Vatican/Jesuit organization, in their continuing Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3), intends to undermine and overthrow the legitimate United States, its sovereignty and its Constitutional government using their pawns of the "Fifth Column," which are all those many Catholic-bred, illegal invaders from south of the border. The Catholic-bred illegal aliens are invading the United States with the help of all those willing, Catholic/Jesuit-controlled agents and pawns embedded in both Federal and State governments.
At this point, let us remember something that happened clear back in the early 1960s, when President John F. Kennedy spoke of the plot to enslave U.S. citizens. Kennedy spoke about a "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy." He also spoke against those secret societies in the United States, whose members appear to be agents and pawns which are under Vatican/Jesuit control. President Kennedy warned us about these things, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963. The writer's research leads them to believe that President Kennedy knew about the intended takeover of the United States by the Vatican/Jesuit organization.
Not only has there been a steady flow of Catholic-bred Mexican invaders illegally coming into the United States over the southern border, but there have been Catholic-bred illegal invaders from other countries in Central and South America, as noted in the pages linked below. It appears that this massive invasion of the United States by Catholic-bred pawns is in preparation for the utter overthrow of the Constitutional Republic of the United States, that protected sanctuary for Protestant worship. This Catholic-bred invasion appears to have been instigated by the Vatican/Jesuit organization, with the help of Catholic Mexico and other Catholic countries.
There is one thing to note, which was mentioned earlier in this discussion. There were "great waves of Catholic immigrants," just before the start of the American Civil War (link). Prior to the start of the American Civil War, the Vatican/Jesuit organization generally used legal immigrants to the United States as their "tools" to help foment a civil war. But now, with so many Vatican and Jesuit controlled agents and pawns in government, they can boldly and openly flood the United States with their illegal invaders, which illegal invaders are noted in the links below, as they prepare for what lies ahead. Yes, Reconquista, and then ethnic cleansing.
With the information presented thus far in this discussion, the diligent Reader may better understand what is happening in the United States. They may understand why the Vatican and its allies, including their agents embedded directly in government, are pushing so hard to allow illegal aliens from south of the border to freely flood into the United States. They should better understand why certain government officials are working hard to disarm authentic U.S. citizens. Yes, it appears the Vatican agents have "opened the door wide" for their "fifth column," which can then be use in the "Reconquista" of the United States for the Vatican.
In the process of illegal aliens flooding into the United States, with the help of Vatican agents in government positions, they are economically raping and enslaving U.S. citizens via the tax system and all the government "freebies" which are liberally "showered" upon these illegal and criminal, invading aliens. And these freebies, once again, are paid for with what? Yes, with your many tax dollars, which are taken from you and given to them.
What we have been speaking about is definitely called the enslaving of U.S. citizens, to facilitate the vision of the pope and the Jesuits for the undermining, takedown and Reconquista of the United States. And then comes that planned ethnic cleansing --- that getting rid of everyone who is not of Hispanic origin. All of this together, as best as he understood it at the time, appears to be that which President John F. Kennedy did his best to warn us about, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963.
With the information now available, you may also better understand why the militia of the pope --- which includes embedded members of organizations like the Knights of Malta and their affiliates --- have actually done very little or nothing to stem the flow of Catholic-bred illegal invaders. Nothing will actually be done until it is much too late to salvage the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States and its legitimate citizens.
All of the feigned "efforts" by government officials have simply worked to trap and enslave U.S. citizens further. To some, that appears to be part of the reason for the intended southern border wall --- to keep citizens in, for when the American Crusades and Inquisitions eventually begin. And, because of their planned Crusades and Inquisitions (as part of Reconquista), that appears to be why they are working so hard to disarm authentic U.S. citizens.
With the modern technology which we have at our disposal, the southern border could readily be enforced --- yes, it could be sealed tight and fully enforced --- without any form of a wall. There is a truth to now consider. The border truly could have been completely secured a long time ago. It is only those in government, and possibly it is those which are embedded foreign agents or pawns of the Vatican in government positions, which are actually preventing the job from being properly done with the technology already at our disposal. And, it appears that the Catholic-bred, foreign invasion --- the use of these "pawns" --- has been intended all along, obviously for decades.
From virtually the beginning of the United States, the Vatican/Jesuit organization has wanted to overthrow the authentic United States and its "Republican Form of Government," so it can, with as little resistance as possible, complete its Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3) effort. It has always wanted total domination over the United States, so it can stamp out any religion or peoples, which would generally mean "authentic Protestants," which do not utterly "bow" to the pope in Rome. Their goal is the revival of the old Holy Roman Empire, under the name of the New World Order. And, right before our eyes, things are now happening very quickly in and to the United States.
To keep the authentic citizens of the United States from grasping what is happening to them and their country, it appears that they are provided with many forms of addictive entertainment. This helps keep their attention totally diverted toward frivolous things. The Vatican organization fully understands the use of entertainment, for that is what was used in the old Roman Empire to divert the public's attention from those important things which were happening in and to their country, as noted in the pages linked below. And, that appears to be part of the reason for the "soap opera" and strange "entertainment" now occurring in the U.S., even in government.
It appears that "Trump and Stormy Daniels," etc., is just being used as a "side show" right now, to keep people looking the other way. Some say that Trump is simply a Vatican or Jesuit puppet, possibly being controlled by their agents or handlers (1)(2)(3). Though claiming to be a Protestant, Trump was trained at a couple of Jesuit-affiliated universities (1)(2)(3). Trump appears to simply be doing what his Jesuit and Knights of Malta (etc.) handlers want him to do (1)(2)(3). From what we have been steadily seeing, it does appear that his purpose at this time is to bring on a whole lot of controlled chaos or controlled conflict (1)(2). But, why?
It appears that Trump is being used by his masters to create as much chaos, division and unrest in this country and world as possible (link). This may all be intended to create uprising, open rebellion, and ultimately civil war. Possibly this may allow the Jesuit-controlled Department of Homeland Security and their allied agencies to use all of those billions of rounds of hollow-point ammunition on the American people. There is the potential that we are heading for something like the U.S. version of the "St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre" of 1572.
The agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization need people "looking the other way," while they rapidly work to disarm authentic U.S. citizens, especially Bible-believing Protestants and those who believe in the true Constitution of the United States. Disarming of citizens is just one stage in the "Reconquista" effort. This disarming of U.S. citizens must first take place, before the Vatican and its agents can fully dominate the United States and its authentic citizens. It appears that this disarming of citizens must happen first, before the "ethnic cleansing" or massacre stage of Reconquista begins.
It is time to note just a few people in government and other important positions who have or have had a connection to the Vatican/Jesuit organization. This connection to the Vatican/Jesuit organization may or may not have an influence on the important decisions which they now make, or have made, which affect U.S. citizens and their God-given, unalienable rights.
According to the first page linked below, just some of those who have had ties to the Jesuits include: Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Tim Kaine and even President Donald Trump. The page states: "The reality that Donald Trump attended Fordham for two years is not something that is often talked about in the circles of Jesuit higher education." But, it appears that some have still gone so far as to call Trump a Jesuit agent or puppet (1)(2)(3). Well, while you think on these things, the remaining links below present additional information about Trump's connection with the Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus that same connection which others have.
The Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, has clearly had a connection to the Vatican/Jesuit organization, as noted in the pages linked below. Vice President Pence also declares that "Catholics have an ally in Trump." It should be noted that Pence was formerly an ardent Catholic Democrat, but changed over to the Republican Party.
Then, there is the new president of the National Rifle Association, Oliver North --- formerly known as Lt. Col. Oliver North, of Iran-Contra fame in the latter 1980s. Oliver North was raised a Catholic. He was even an alter boy. It is said that later he "became a born-again Christian." These things are noted in the page linked below.
At this point, there is one potentially important thing to note for the record. In the ceremony for the Jesuit Extreme Oath, the advancing agent is allegedly told by their Superior that "among...Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope...that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope." (1)(2)(3) And, that is just a small part of that which is allegedly declared in the ceremony. With these things in mind, let us continue.
As noted earlier in this discussion, the "chameleon" Jesuits contol those secret societies which freely operate in the United States, plus those people who are associated with them. Many of these people are embedded in key positions of the government and military of the United States. These secret societies and their members are included in those secret societies which President Kennedy warned citizens about in the early 1960s, before he was brutally assassinated. So, it definitely is time for a question.
Do we really know who someone is and what they really stand for, plus who they are actually working for or what they are working toward? So, the bottom line is this... All authentic U.S. citizens should never be lulled "to sleep," thinking everything will be okay with those representing them. Just keep those eyes wide open and make sure those who are supposedly representing you are truly working in your favor, and are actually working to fully uphold your God-given, unalienable rights. In other words, "Trust, but verify."
Possibly it is time for Americans to "get smart" and let at least history be their guide. What has the Vatican/Jesuit organization been doing over and over again throughout history? What is their ultimate goal? Possibly the page linked below can help answer these questions.
About one-third of the way down, the linked page speaks about the Jesuit agenda, which is "the dethronement of every other power, and the extinction of every other interest but their own. The ultimate goal was (and still is) the destruction of religious liberty and freethinking and the reduction of mankind into abject slavery, presided over by a pope of their own making."
Sometimes, we may have to look at European sources to get a better understanding about what is going on in our world. About one-third of the way down the page linked below is a section titles Does the Church Honour Religious Liberty? The first question asked is, "What does the Catholic Church say about religious liberty?" From "The Rambler," a Catholic publlication, comes the following answer:
"Religious liberty, in the sense of liberty possessed by every man to choose his religion, is one of the most wicked delusions ever foisted upon this age by the father of all deceit. The very name of liberty - except in the sense permission to do certain definite acts - ought to be banished from the domain or religion. It is neither more or less than falsehood. No man has a right to choose his religion [how can you then convert to Catholicism!]... Shall I hold out hopes to my erring protestant brother that I will not meddle with his creed if he will not meddle with mine?... No: Catholicism is the most intolerant of creeds. It is intolerance itself."
The page below states further: "The Church tolerates heretics where she is obliged to do so, but she hates them mortally, and employs all her forces to secure their annihilation. When the Catholics shall be in possession of a considerable majority - which will certainly be the case by and by - then religious liberty will have come to an end in the United States." The page also states: "Religious liberty is merely endured until the opposite can be carried into effect without peril to the Catholic Church." The page declares: "History reveals that the Catholic Church does not respect religious freedom."
Looking further, the linked page states: "Those who rule the world, are in the process of eliminating the power of self-government from the independent nations and removing the rights of the individual. Every system and each person has to submit to the international laws, whether in politics, economics, religion or the military." Yes, welcome to the New World Order! Welcome to the goals presented by Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, which come from the Vatican/Jesuit organization's United Nations!
The page linked below carries the following subtitle: "The Jesuits are urged to increase their effort and zeal in carrying out the original purposes and goals of the order." The page also speaks about some of the methods used by the Catholic Church, and declares: "It has been said about the Catholic Church that when it is in minority, it is as meek as a lamb. When it is an equal, it is as shrewd as a fox. When it is in majority, it is as ferocious as a tiger." An apparent example of this "ferocious as a tiger" might be Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, or the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.
The page declares: "The fact is that the Protestant and independent nations are entitled to have their Protestant freedom, but it looks like the Jesuits now are in the process of getting their own men and women into governing positions worldwide, and that their goals little by little are being fulfilled; actually to destroy the Protestant and independent nations."
In the third paragraph of a section further above titled Hated by a Foreign State, which is linked here, there is something which needs to be considered further. It was noted that in 1778, "the Vatican issued the Vatican Edict which condemned the United States Constitutional Republic as an abomination, wickedness and sin that must be destroyed by any means necessary. They condemned the Declaration of Independence as 'wickedness' and called the Constitution of the United States a 'satanic document!" Let us now see what the Vatican and its minions are doing in this regards in our day.
The page linked below declares: "Pope Francis will directly challenge the 'American idea' of God-given rights in the Declaration of Independence, says Jeffrey Sachs, a top advisor to the Vatican. Sachs is also a special advisor to the United Nations and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University." So, the Vatican, which has wanted to destroy the great Constitutional Republic of the United States since its beginning, is still steadily "chipping away" and working to undermine, in the minds of the people, the very principles upon which this nation was founded.
Let us consider what else the page reveals about the Vatican work of undermining the founding principles of the United States of America. The page states: "He [Jeffrey Sachs] ridiculed the United States as 'a society in thrall' to the outmoded idea of unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." So, the Vatican agent, Sachs, is ridiculing the United States and its authentic citizens who believe like the Founding Fathers in God-given, "unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." And our politicians and government officials remain silent, while Sachs mocks the founding principles of the United States. Now, let us consider this whole situation further.
At this point, let us consider important words from former President Abraham Lincoln. He spoke about "the emissaries of the Pope" which steadily work "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." (1)(2)(3)
What President Abraham Lincoln declared is exactly what the Vatican advisor, Jeffrey Sachs, is attempting to do in our day, with his words which are noted above. The Vatican, through its agent, is working to turn U.S. citizens away from the founding principles of this nation, and cause them to give up their rights. And, the Vatican/Jesuit controlled agents and pawns in government, who are violating their Oaths of Office to the U.S. Constitution and the principles upon which the United States was founded, remain silence. They simply let an enemy of what the United States is really supposed to be about, spew his venom, right here in the United States.
The page linked above states: "Sachs knows that the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution stands in the way of what globalists want to achieve..." And what is it that Rome's globalists want to achieve? Yes, they are working hard to create the world-wide New World Order, which is under the control of the Vatican and the Jesuits, plus managed by their faithful minions and pawns. And, at the head of the New World Order will be the pope. It is just the old Holy Roman Empire all over again, but labeled with another name, to fool the ignorant. And, the name change will fool and "take in" those who have not truly studied the necessary history.
The pages linked below access addition articles which speak about this present Vatican war on the Declaration of Independence, and the war against the God-given, unalienable rights of individuals, which we most assuredly do have (link). It shows the Vatican's subtleness and deceptiveness, plus the conniving of a serpent, as it considers its prey. Instead of authentic responsible liberty and freedom, plus a true republic, the Vatican/Jesuit organization wants to give us something totally different, as noted in the pages linked below.
Look at the title of the page immediately above. Yes, instead of authentic liberty and freedom, the "Pope offers the masses the opium of Marxism." The pages linked via the buttons below speak of the popes socialist, communist and Marxist leanings. And yes, it appears that the pope and his minions are working hard to destroy the sovereignty of the United States, via open borders. They are also steadily working to undermine and destroy the authentic foundation of this country, every so subtly, but yet, right in your face.
It appears that the pope and his minions are working hard to deceive the people of the United States, so they will, even willingly, cast away the authentic foundation of the great Constitutional Republic of the United States. Then he and his minions can force a form of despotic communism on our people, whose ultimate end shall be more bitter than death. It does appear that communism is the basis of the coming international socialist order, commonly called the New World Order. The New World Order, once again, is simply the old Holy Roman Empire, labeled with a new name to fool the ignorant.
Now, there is something which needs to be addressed. Pope Francis has declared that he is not a Marxist or a Communist. But, who is Pope Francis? Yes, he is a Jesuit. So, let us once again consider that old word "Jesuitism." Looking again to the 1828 Webster's dictionary (1), the word "Jesuitism" is defined as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." That word "prevarication" is defined as: "to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie."(2)
As documented elsewhere in this discussion, the Jesuits have a saying: "The End Justifies the Means." (1)(2)(3) Yes, Francis may say he is not a Marxist, but... According to what is written, it appears that a Jesuit may say anything in order to get what they want (link), and then...
Note the title of the last page linked above. The pope declares: "It is the Communists who think like Christians." The writer will have to say that it appears that the pope, because of the words used above, is greatly deceiving people and horrendously perverting things. If he believes that Communists think like Christians, then it is obvious that the pope has no clue about what an authentic Christian even is, and it appears that his god is radically different (link) from the authentic God shown in the Holy Bible. Enough said on this matter at this time.
So, where did the form of communism come from, which we are dealing with today and which is now being steadily brought upon citizens of the United States? In other words, where did this type of communism originate?
What follows is a summary of the information contained in the pages linked below. These pages include information about the Jesuit Reductions in South America, in the region surrounding what is now Paraguay, from the year 1609 to 1767. The pages make known that these Jesuit Reductions where run under a communistic system, which meant that there was basically the ruling Jesuits and the slaves who where all enslaved equally, who then served the Jesuits.
Under the communistic system perfected by the Jesuits in South America, there were no individual rights and there was no private property. The Jesuits controlled everything and the people were their slaves. This appears to be the system which, step by step, is being brought upon citizens of the United States. Yes, we are steadily losing those God-given, unalienable rights which had been recognized from the beginning of this country. We are giving up our unalienable rights because of the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, which are embedded in positions of power and control in the United States.
The slaves of the Jesuit Reductions appear to have been natives who were programmed by the Jesuits to simply follow orders. This would be similar to that which is stated in the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction and the Oaths of the secret societies which they control. The following comes from these historic Oaths:
"I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ." (1)(2)
It appears that these natives of South America associated with the Reductions had been reduced under such servitude and despotism, that when the Jesuits were finally driven from the region, these natives no longer possessed the capability for self-government. These natives had been turned into such "robots" that they could no longer even organize their own functioning government. It appears that they did not think for themselves, but simply did what they were told or were conned into doing.
From the information presented above, it is clear that the form of Communism which we are dealing with today is basically a creation of the Jesuits. In this section, let us continue onward to see how the Communist creation of the Jesuits is all part of the scarlet colored beast, spoken of in the 17th Chapter of the book of Revelation (1)(2)(3). In Bible prophecy, it is commonly understood that a "beast" represents a great world power, or a powerful government or kingdom. And, as has been noted in this discussion, the Jesuits have been pushing for their one world government, commonly called the New World Order.
Up until recent times, the Communists were commonly called "the Reds." There was Red China, which meant Communist-controlled China (link). There was the Soviet Red Army, whose allegiance was to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (link). A Wikipedia entry on Communist symbolism(link) declares: "The five-pointed red star is a symbol of communism as well as broader socialism in general. The red star was a revolutionary symbol after the October Revolution and following civil war in Russia."
The Wikipedia entry on Communist symbolism also declares: "The red flag is often seen in combination with other communist symbols and party names. The flag is used at various communist and socialist rallies like May Day, or used in a red bloc." The entry also declares: "The red flag gained its modern association with communism in the 1871 French Revolution." Looking about one-third of the way down a page linked here is a section titled The French Revolution. This section declares: "The French Revolution and the spread of the antiChristian Cult of Reason were the result of Jesuit, Masonic, and Illuminati influence." So, it appears that the red flag possibly came via the instigation of the Jesuits and their communism.
Unfortunately, it appears that in their ongoing war against the Constitutional Republic of the United States, the Jesuits and their agents have been working hard to confuse the unlearned with their "Red State, Blue State" ploy. It is all part of their "dumbing down of America" program.
The Jesuits and their minions have now labeled the Republicans as the "reds" and the Democrats as the "blues." Yes, the Jesuits and their minions are very sly and cunning. That is why the word Jesuitism was included in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary, as noted further above in this discussion (link). And, once again, the word "Jesuitism" is defined as: "Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose." (link)
Let us now return to the "scarlet colored beast," or the one-world government of the Jesuits, which is commonly called the New World Order. Let us especially look at this, because, as this is written, a Jesuit is the pope in the Vatican. Let us return to the Socialist or Communist government which the Jesuits and the Vatican is now pushing on the world. The pages linked below speak about the Vatican and its basically Red communistic goals. The titles on the buttons should be self-explanatory.
Let us now return to the scarlet colored beast and the the woman, or great whore, which rides upon it. A page linked here provides some important history. About five paragraphs down is found the following words: "The greed and corruption of the Roman Curia has been common knowledge since the days of Dante and Luther, when the Vatican earned its name the 'Whore of Babylon.'" This "Whore of Babylon" (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) is the one spoken about in the Holy Bible, in Chapter 17 of the book of Revelation, which rides on the scarlet beast.
When looking at the pages linked via the buttons above, it should become rather obvious that the Catholic Church will ride to world power on the back of the Jesuit-inspired Socialism/Communism. This Socialism/Communism is why the beast, or the world government --- the New World Order --- is portayed in a scarlet color. The Vatican may claim at times that it is against Marxism and Communism, but, we must once again remember that word "Jesuitism." (link)
It is time for some history about the Jesuits and those associated with them. The pages and books linked below have at least one piece of information in common. This commonality is found in the following words, or in words very similar:
"Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] were expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."
When speaking about the Jesuits, the book linked below goes a bit further with things, using the following words: "They are overlords of chaos. In a nut shell the Jesuits are Warlords, Assassins, Teachers, Infiltrators, Tyrants. They tried their hand at global domination with the 'League of Nations' but it failed, now they are trying again, under a new name...The United Nations, and it's about to work!"
Yes, the steady "dumbing down of America" has helped the Jesuits in their goal for taking over the United States and forcing it and its citizens into the despotic New World Order, which is simply the old Holy Roman Empire "upgraded" and given a new name.
The "overlords of chaos" is what we are seeing in operation, right now, in the United States. Look at the leftists and the Democrats, with their war against President Trump. This is all part of "the game of chaos," as they work to take down what is left of our "Republican Form of Government," which is mandated and guaranteed "to every State in this Union" by the U.S. Constitution.
Part of the reason that the Jesuits are getting away with their political intrigue and subversive plots against the Constitutional Republic of the United States and its authentic citizens is that the Jesuits are using the members of their many secret societies to do their "dirty work" for them.
These secret societies which are under the control of the Jesuits, once again, include the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones (from Yale University), and many other organizations. The pages linked below provide information about the Jesuits and those secret societies which they control. It should also be noted that they have a lot of control over the general public and what happens in the United States via the subtilty and power exerted through the entertainment industry and Hollywood.
Unfortunately, the people of the United States are being steadily dumbed down. They are so enslaved by entertainment and the pursuit of trivial things, that there appears to be not much hope for them. Because of this, they will never expel the Jesuits and those secret societies which work to destroy what little is left of the Constitutional Republic of the United States. They will do nothing to stop those who are working to strip them of those God-given unalienable rights which are supposed to be secured by this government.
All of that which is noted in the section above titled The Jesuit Reductions of South America(link) appears to be what the embedded agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are working toward, right here, in the United States. That appears to be part of the reason for the "dumbing down" of Americans. That also appears to be why they can so easily get the kids to riot in the streets and break windows and burn things.
It appears that these kids in the United States are not thinking rationally, but appear to have become just brainwashed robots and puppets, which the emissaries of the Vatican have turned against those things upon which this nation was founded. It is very clear that the agents of the Vatican have been very successful in the United States.
At this point, let us once again consider those important and revealing words from former President Abraham Lincoln, which he spoke in the mid 1800s. Because of what he had been observing, Lincoln spoke of the "emissaries of the Pope" which are working "to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free." In our day, these emissaries of the Pope include not only the Jesuits, but members of all the secret societies which they control.
When considering these many secret societies, let us not forget that which was noted earlier in this discussion. In the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy was highly concerned about these secret societies and what they were doing to this country and its citizens. It appears that Kennedy felt that the members of these secret societies were rather un-American in their activities, with their "secret oaths" and "secret proceedings." (1)(2)(3)(4) Kennedy also spoke about a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, plus a plot to enslave every U.S. citizen. And after Kennedy had spoken about these things, then BOOM, they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963.
It is time to look at some of the lessons which can be learned from history. It is time to consider a historic, ongoing war against the United States and what certain enemies of this country have been up to over time. Let us first consider the matter of authentic liberty for true U.S. citizens.
The pages linked below contain words from the Marquis de LaFayette, who was a "French statesman and general who served under the command of General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War." The following are just some of his words:
"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country -- the United States of America -- are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."
The pages linked at the bottom of this section contain important words from President Abraham Lincoln. On the night of April 14, 1865, Lincoln was shot by the Roman Catholic assassin (1)(2)(3)(4), John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln then died the next morning, on April 15, 1865 (1)(2)(3). Regarding the American Civil War, prior to his death, Lincoln had declared:
"This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us."
Lincoln stated: "I feel more and more every day that it is not against the Americans of the South, alone, I am fighting. It is more against the Pope of Rome, his Jesuits and their slaves. There are only vary [sic] few of the Southern leaders who are not more or less under the influence of the Jesuits, through their wives, family relations, and their friends. Several members of the family of Jeff Davis are under the influence of the Jesuits. Even the Protestant ministers are under the influence of the Jesuits, without suspecting it... Rome is doing here what she has done in Mexico, and all the South American Republics; she is paralysing, by civil war... She divides our nation in order to weaken, subdue and rule it."
Lincoln declared further: "I pity the priests, the bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides."
Regarding the war of extermination, Lincoln proclaimed: "The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free."
There are some things to note in the above words of Abraham Lincoln. He spoke of the Jesuits and the priests, plus the nuns and the monks, and how their work included the destruction of the Republic of the United States. They were all the emissaries of the Pope, who worked at undermining our institutions, while alienating the hearts of our people from our Constitution and our laws. And, they worked at destroying our schools. In what way could this be?
They have clearly hijacked our schools and now use them as weapons to brainwash the young and turn them against the United States (link). They alienate their hearts from the Constitution of the United States and our laws, plus have alienated their hearts from that legitimate "Republican Form of Government" which is mandated and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. It appears that they then prepare them for a reign of anarchy, or possibly even the next civil war or revolution in the United States. That appears to be part of the reason why they are working so hard to disarm authentic U.S. citizens, so they will be helpless in the face of what is coming.
When it comes to the Catholic/Jesuit organization, President Lincoln also declared: "Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity!"
And, as verification of the above words which Abraham Lincoln spoke, consider the following words from the historic oaths of the Jesuits and of the many secret societies which they control, which freely operate within the United States. The advancing Vatican agent, who may even be embedded in government, declares:
"I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition..." And, "when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons...as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus." (1)(2)(3)
Now, let us get back to what is happening in the State of California, plus elsewhere in our country. In all of this, history should be our guide. Let us keep in mind the information which is linked here (1)(2)(3) and above, for it shows the repeating history of a certain foreign-based organization or government. Let us also consider where blatant violation of the Supreme Law of the Land --- the blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution and its intended purpose --- can ultimately lead.
It appears that California with its Sanctuary Cities for the aiding and abetting of illegal aliens, criminal aliens and enemy aliens is being used as a base of operations for the undermining, downfall, dismemberment and destruction of the legitimate United States of America, plus the end of its sovereignty, along with the destruction of many of its legitimate citizens.
Let us now consider a particular affiliation of the Jewish mayor of Oakland, California, the said Libby Schaaf. Ms Schaaf was educated at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, California (1)(2)(3). Loyola Law School is a Jesuit school (1)(2)(3). There is something more to consider in all this, especially when looking to history as one of our important guides.
One of the main purposes of the Jesuits and the organizations and people which they control (like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Rhodes Scholars, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, plus their many affiliated organizations) is to further the Counter-Reformation for the Vatican (1)(2)(3) and take down Protestants and their countries, even if it means going contrary to the established laws of those countries. This is noted in the Oaths of the organizations over which the Jesuits have control, which Oaths are linked further below.
Additional information relating to the Jesuits and how they operate is found in the links immediately below. The information shows what they have been up to over time, plus just some of their intents for the United States, using their many subordinate organizations. Once again, these subordinate organizations include secretive groups like the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones, and a number of other organizations. Members of these secret societies, which effectively operate like foreign agents, are embedded in the government of the United States, plus also in State governments, and in the taxing agencies.
The historically Oaths of the Jesuits, plus just some of the secret societies which they control, are linked here --- (1)(2)(3) --- and further below. These Oaths are proven to be fundamentally accurate by the record of history. In these Oaths of the agents of the Vatican are found the following words: "I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers."
What the above words mean and how they play out in real life is as follows. People who are members of these Vatican-based secret societies can take an Oath of Office to support the Constitution of the United States. And then, as the foreign agents which they actually are, they can blatantly disregard their duty to the Constitution and to the authentic citizens of the United States. Instead, they will do what the pope in Rome and the Jesuit General want them to do, for the furtherance of the Vatican's power and control over the United States and its citizens.
Once again, lest we have not grasped it yet, members of the secretive, Vatican and Jesuit controlled societies, which members are embedded in positions of power or influence in the United States, appear to have a history of doing what benefits the pope and the Jesuit General, or the church in Rome. Members do what benefits the pope and the Jesuit General, rather than doing what benefits the general populace of authentic U.S. citizens. This fits into the illegal and unconstitutional sanctuary city schemes, plus why illegal Catholic-bred illegal aliens have been allowed to stream into the United States, via the southern border, for many decades.
Some examples of these secretive papal and Jesuit-controlled organizations to be considered, along with some of their goals, plus examples of alleged members and associates of these secret societies, are noted in the pages linked below. These are the types of secret societies which President John F. Kennedy was warning the public about, before he was savagely assassinated in November of 1963. Certain people who helped further the cause of the Vatican, or were lauded by the secret society network, are also noted in the linked pages.
If you have wondered why things are going the way they are in the United States, plus why this country really has not been following the U.S. Constitution for many decades, possibly some of these memberships and associations may help to better explain what is actually going on, plus who is behind it. And again, President John F. Kennedy began to speak about these secret societies and what they were up to, before he was assassinated. And a bit later, his brother Robert Kennedy also had to be assassinated, because it appears he knew too much.
Are their many people in positions of power and influence in the United States who are simply pliable pawns which are doing the bidding of the Vatican and the Jesuit General? Well, the answer to this question is found in the next section. And, what are they actually going to do with the United States and its authentic citizens? Only time will tell the full extent of the truth on this issue. And, the time of obvious truth may not be that far off, especially when it comes to the purpose of sanctuary cities and illegal aliens. But, sometimes, the widespread exposure of these groups and their plans has tended to slow them down a bit --- especially if the general public fully "wakes up," before they are disarmed.
Under the sanctuary city schemes, it appears that authentic U.S. citizens are being horribly played for fools, as the secretive and deceptive organizations under the control of the Vatican and the Jesuits steadily work to take over the United States for the Vatican and for the Jesuit General. And, it appears that authentic U.S. citizens are rather clueless as to what is actually happening to them and to the United States, at this very moment, because of the "help" of various government officials in key positions who are actually operating as embedded foreign agents for the Vatican.
Looking further, in the historic Oaths linked here --- (1)(2)(3) --- and further below are found these words: "I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ."
Looking at the words above, it does appear that the members of these secret societies --- secret societies which President Kennedy spoke against before he was savagely assassinated in November of 1963 --- are simply deceptive and dangerous forms of foreign agents. Look very closely at the wording used above. It is very clear that these people are like mindless, robotic foreign agents for the Vatican and the Jesuit General, which simply follow their orders. What makes these people so dangerous to authentic liberty and security is that people with this mentality hold positions of power in the government, the military and the taxing agencies of the United States, plus in the various States.
The Vatican and the Jesuit General have much more sway over our elections and what goes on in this country, than does any other organization or country, including Russia. In the United States, the unlawful illegal alien vote (the vote of those "pawns" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization) works strongly to affect the outcome of elections. It works to sway the outcome of elections in the direction which benefits the ultimate goals of the Church of Rome.
It is actually for the furtherance of the Vatican and Jesuit objectives, that there has been such a hard push to let the Catholic-bred illegal aliens vote. It is just Rome working to increase its power via its Catholic "voting block," so the Vatican and the Jesuits, along with their minions in government positions, can subtily work even more effectively at dominating the United States and turning it into just another, potentially despotic Catholic country, fully under the power of Rome. All of this is just part of the New World Order, with the Vatican/Jesuit organization at the head. And again, it is simply a version of the old Holy Roman Empire, with another name.
The page linked below, from 2017, notes that "illegals had cast three million votes last year [in the 2016 election]." The page notes that all these illegal alien votes was "enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes and congressional elections." Yes, this is what the Vatican and its "pawns" are doing to the United States and its authentic citizens. As Trump let it be known, "In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally." "Thank you," Vatican/Jesuit organization, for messing with our elections, via the illegal aliens which you have instigated to invade and take over the United States.
In the linked page, there is another thing for all authentic U.S. citizens to consider. It declares: "Noncitizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress." So, it appears the treasonous criminals have been hard at work. Let it be noted that these illegal votes mainly came from illegals from Catholic countries south of the border. Because of these illegal votes, it appears that, even from this angle, plus from many other angles, the Obama health care reform is illegal, as are many of the other things done by the Obama administration.
The page linked below declares: "The United States sends election monitors around the world to help discourage fraudulent balloting. But, here at home, it has largely turned a blind eye to the possibility that fraudulent voting by noncitizens could influence the outcome of an election. Our voter registration system is susceptible to abuse by noncitizens."
And, it appears that the Vatican is strongly using its Catholic-bred illegal aliens from south of the border to fully exploit this weakness in the U.S. voter registration system, in order to further the ultimate goals of the Vatican. These Vatican goals include its Reconquista takeover of the United States, using illegal aliens which have been trained to hate authentic U.S. citizens. It does appear that these people are worse than any Internet hacker, in the methods they use and in what they are brazenly doing.
The linked page states further: "In addition, noncitizens and illegal aliens are counted when apportioning congressional districts and when allocating state electors under the Electoral College. This means noncitizens play a role in determining how many congressional representatives a state has and exert an indirect influence on presidential elections." Now you know why the questionable, and potentially the treasonous State of California is protecting their numerous illegal aliens. It appears that California, in principle, is no different than the criminal pirate strongholds of years gone by.
The page linked below, under a section titled 'Noncitizen Voting Is Illegal,' declares: "Elections in the United States are governed by a complicated mix of federal, state, and municipal election laws. As a rule, noncitizens are prohibited from voting and are subject to criminal penalties if they do." But, it appears that this does not apply in the apparent pirate stronghold of California. It appears that in that treasonous State, illegal voting is strongly encouraged. Possibly, officials in the treasonous State of California need to be tried for treason, and pay their debt to society because of the mess they have made for authentic U.S. citizens.
The pages linked below contain further information on illegal voting by illegal and criminal aliens who are illegally in the United States. And, their illegal activities are being protected by what appears to be the treasonous agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, who are horrendously violating their Oaths of Office to the Constitution of the United States. They are also disregarding any allegiance to authentic U.S. citizens.
Yes, it does appear that the Catholic-bred minions and "pawns" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are working hard to influence and control the outcome of elections in the United States, as they work to take over the country and steer it in the direction of the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order.
In the sections further above, a few things from certain oaths of the Vatican and Jesuit controlled secret societies were presented and considered. But, there is a lot more in these oaths. As another example of what it appears that we are dealing with in our country and around the world, consider the following words which are found in the historic Oaths:
"I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition..." And, "when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons...as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus."
To accomplish the intent of that part of the Oath noted above, there are the murders of U.S. citizens by the Catholic-bred aliens from south of the border, using sanctuary cities as their bases of operation. And to help poison U.S. citizens, plus bring them under the control and domination of the agents of Rome, there is all the illicit drugs flowing into the United States from Catholic countries south of the border. And, it appears that this drug flow into the United States can be helped along by the CIA, which agency has also gained the alternate name of "Catholics In Action."
The pages linked below present just some of the available information about the CIA and drug trafficking, along with information about some of their associates in the business. The information accessed below is just a mere introduction to this subject. Individual research on the Internet or elsewhere can turn up much more information about what has been happening and who is involved, at least who some of the more major players are. Further research can also help reveal for what purposes these more major players are involved, plus who is behind or manipulating them.
Do the things noted above, which come from the historic Oaths of the agents of Rome, seem far-fetched? Do you think the writer is just "blowing smoke" in all these things which have been written? If so, then you possibly missed the information about those historic events which are linked here --- (1)(2)(3) --- and further above. You possibly also do not understand why President John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated back in November of 1963, after he openly spoke against the secret societies --- those secret societies which, according to research, are controlled from the Vatican and the Jesuit offices in Rome.
It appears that President John F. Kennedy was the last President, and possibly even the last government official, who actually attempted to legitimately honor his Oath of Office to the U.S. Constitution and to the authentic citizens of the United States. As President Kennedy attempted to honor his Oath of Office, the following words are attributed to him: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."(1)(2)
As already noted above, President Kennedy spoke very openly about --- and yes, openly against --- the secret societies (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) in the United States and what they were doing behind a "wall" of secrecy. Even though Kennedy was a Catholic president, he openly spoke about "a plot," and "a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy."(1)(2)(3) Please note very clearly, once again, that President Kennedy openly spoke about a "monolithic and ruthless CONSPIRACY." Yes, he very clearly used the word "CONSPIRACY." And then, BOOM, they blew President Kennedy away! Kennedy was obviously "on to" something, and they had to get rid of him to shut him up.
Looking at "a plot in this country" and "a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy," how may the following words from the historic Jesuit Oath of Extreme Induction fit in? The pages linked below declare that the advancing Jesuit it told the following by his Superior: "You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace."
The linked pages also declare that the advancing Jesuit is instructed, "To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means." Look at those words again, "That the Church might be the gainer in the end...the end justifies the means."
What do the words, "the end justifies the means," look like in real life? These words could mean that a Vatican agent or agents could sink a large ship or ships full of people, if it would advance the cause of the Vatican for increased world power. These words could mean that a Vatican agent or agents can crash airliners into things, if it could help to change the laws in a country and advance the cause of the Vatican for increased world power.
The words, "the end justifies the means," could mean that a Vatican agent or agents could cause the collapse of large buildings and kill numerous people in the process, if it would help to change laws and advance the cause of the Vatican for increased world power. These words also could mean that a Vatican agent or agents could instigate, by one means or another, the mass shooting of innocent citizens, if it would help to disarm the citizens and advance the cause of the Vatican for increased power over a country which it was intent to take over.
And, the words, "the end justifies the means," could mean that a Vatican agent or agents could do unconstitutional acts and blatantly break the laws of the land, if that would further the cause of the church. As agents in government, they could also help to flood the country with Roman-Catholic-bred illegal aliens, if, in the end, these illegal aliens could help to sway the outcome of votes in order to take over the country and bring it under the domination of Rome. These same words could mean that a Vatican agent or agents could prepare these illegal aliens as soldiers for the Crusades and Inquisitions which are planned for a country, in the days ahead.
History does not lie. But corrupt people associated with certain organizations and secret societies continually deceive and lie against and rewrite history. And, as the old saying goes, "History repeats itself." We are actually on track for finding this out the hard way, in the not too distant future. President Kennedy, before they savagely assassinated him in November of 1963, spoke about the plot and the conspiracy. Its total fruition appears to be pretty much here. What is happening in California is one good example.
Now, for a look at the historic Oaths of the embedded foreign agents within the United States and elsewhere, which are linked below.
Regarding the historic Oaths of the embedded foreign agents of the Vatican in positions of power and influence in the United States, there are many, especially in the Catholic arena, who claim that the above-linked Oaths are not true. At this point, the writer will present a statement which Henry Ford made in 1921, about a controversial book called 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,' which is also called 'The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion.'
As people were puzzling over the true authorship of 'The Protocols,' Henry Ford declared: "The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW."(1)(2)(3)(4) Regarding the authorship of 'The Protocols,' research indicates to the writer that it was actually written by the Jesuits or their minions, and then blamed on the Jews.
Now back to the Oaths which are linked above. Whatever the truth above the Oaths, the writer can only make this declaration. What is stated in the Oaths fit the history of actions by certain Catholic organizations, from the Crusades and Inquisitions, to the French Revolution and Reign of Terror, to the happenings in Catholic Croatia and with the Nazis, and onward to the present day. Let history be our true guide in these matters.
At this point, there is something to look at more closely. How does the Vatican/Jesuit organization go about gaining more and more control over the United States and its military? Let us first look at how each and every member of those many Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies can have a sure effect on things. But, before we start, let us once again note that President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against secret societies and their secret oaths and secret proceedings occurring here in the United States, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963. It appears they did not want to be exposed or for people to begin prying into their secrets.
Now, back to that matter of how the Vatican/Jesuit organization steadily gains more and more control over the United States and its military, plus control over the agencies of each State, as each and every member of those secret societies does one of their most basis duties for the organization.
In the Oaths which are linked here --- (1)(2)(3)(4) --- and throughout this discussion, the following is declared by the advancing member of certain of the secret societies: "That I will in voting always vote for K. of C [Knight of Columbus], in preference to a Protestant, especially a Mason, and that I will leave my party so to do; that if two Catholics are on the ticket I will satisfy myself which is the better supporter of Mother Church and vote accordingly."
There is actually more to this story about increasing Vatican control within the United States than simply the way that members of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies vote. Let us now look at the duty of all Catholics. Within the pages and books accessed via the following links --- (1)(2)(3) --- are found these words: "The supreme duty of Catholics is to obey the Pope, and seek in every way, and especially by means of the ballot, to render the Catholic policy effective in this country."
Talk about a sure influence over elections in the United States and the States thereof, by a foreign State --- by the Vatican City State. Talk about manipulating U.S. elections, for the benefit of the Vatican! Talk about steadily taking more and more control over each segment of the United States and the States thereof, for the Vatican/Jesuit organization in its centuries-old war to utterly destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States and its authentic "Republican Form of Government," while enslaving more and more, each and every U.S. citizen under its historically despotic power. Yes, we are steadily being ensnared by "The Beast."
When it come to that ongoing war to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States, it is time to once again remind ourselves of that which was presented earlier in this discussion. The section titled Hated by a Foreign State(link) spoke about the 1778 Vatican Edict. According to the sources, this Vatican Edict declared that the Republic of the United States "must be destroyed by any means possible." And why did it need to be destroyed? Because it "affords every human being with freedom and liberty of conscience that is declared by all the popes and councils of Rome as, 'a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost.'"
From the information presented so far in this discussion, it becomes rather clear why the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization are steadily working to help increase the Vatican control over the United States. Yes, it is for the purpose of destroying the authentic United States and stripping its citizens of their God-given, unalienable rights (link). Further above in this discussion, in the section titled The Democratic Party(link), it was noted that the Democratic Party was one of the main "tools" which the Vatican/Jesuit organization created for use in helping to gain more and more control, in their war to destroy the authentic United States. But, there is more.
About half way down in a section further above which is titled The "Trojan Horse" of a "Fifth Column"(link), it was noted that with the election of a Catholic president in the United States --- with the election of President John F. Kennedy in 1960 --- the pawns and agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization branched out heavily into the Republican Party also. It appears that the election of a Catholic president in 1960 signalled the further increase in power and takeover by the Vatican and the Jesuits, as they moved their people, split roughly 50-50, between the two major political parties in the United States. This move greatly increased the power and control of the Vatican over the United States.
The page linked below speaks about the Catholicizing of the Republican Party. It speaks about well-known Catholics in that Party, plus on the U.S. Supreme Court. Yes, the Vatican control runs deep in the United States. The 2014 page states: "The GOP is undergoing a quiet process of Catholicization."
Then, in the page linked below, there was the so-called Protestant president, George W. Bush, who "sees 'God' in the Pope's eyes." It appears that Bush revealed the man who was his true master. Is that why he went on his "Crusade" in Iraq? That is what he called it! And, was it ulimately for the Vatican? It appears that there is much more to this story, which is best left for another time, for the writer must work to remain on the subject at hand.
Let us now get back to simply the increasing Vatican control over the United States and what happens here. So, what is all this about Trump getting in as president, because of Russian influence? Do Vatican agents have U.S. citizens looking the other way --- at Russia --- while the Vatican is doing ten times worse in manipulating the media, our people and our elections? And then, what about all those Catholic illegal aliens who are illegally allowed to vote, to further manipulate our elections?
And, as seen via the pages linked below, the Catholic hierarchy and their minions are very supportive (plus even rather instigative) of the sanctuary city movement. They do this, while aiding and abetting their illegal Catholic invaders. But, they do not do this for free. Yes, they do get a lot of government money (yes, your tax dollars) for doing this.
In the process of aiding and abetting the illegal invasion of the United States, the Catholic organization is steadily giving their invaders the time to multiply in numbers, as things lead up to the final thrust in the takeover and control of the United States. During this time, violent gangs of Catholic-bred invaders can steadily increase in numbers and power --- yes, gangs like MS-13 and others. It appears they might be part of the "enforcers" for "the organization." At this point, the writer must comment on something.
It is said that the illegal aliens and invaders are moving into the United States to escape civil conflicts and drug wars in their own countries. Research has caused the writer to realize that if the Vatican and Jesuit instigators did not exist, there most likely would not be these civil conflicts and drug wars in the more southern countries.
If the Jesuit-controlled CIA (controlled via the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) was not into drug trafficking and other questionable activities in the more southern countries, there most likely would not be the drug wars and civil unrest in these Catholic countries which we see today, which unrest is said to be driving aliens northwards.
If is was not for the Jesuit-controlled CIA, which brought a lot of illicit drugs into the United States (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) for sale via its distribution network, it appears that there would not be the serious drug problems on the streets of the United States which we see today. If it was not for the serious demand in the U.S. which now exists for illicit drugs, there most likely would not be the demand placed on the drug industry in the southern Catholic countries, plus the resulting drug wars and civil unrest, which we see today.
With all of the above information in mind, plus all the information presented so far in this discussion, let us now look at the Catholic organization and their sanctuary city movements, via the information linked below.
Considering all the information presented so far in this discussion, let us, for the moment, look at things potentially in the following manner:
Step One: The Vatican and Jesuit controlled agencies instigate drug production in southern Catholic countries for use in the United States. With the apparent help of a Jesuit-controlled CIA, many U.S. citizens get hooked on drugs and the demand for drugs escalates.
Step Two: The escalating demand for illicit drugs in the United States ends up causing greed and power struggles within the drug trade in southern Catholic countries. Unrest and drug wars flare up, with many people dying. This causes swarms of Catholic aliens to move northwards towards and into the United States.
Step Three: Catholic organizations in the U.S. get lots of government money for helping the swarms of illegal aliens which have come into the United States. The desire for even more government money creates a huge demand by the Catholic hierarchy for the allowance of even more illegal aliens into the United States. This "vicious cycle" creates a drain on government money, which steadily harms the United States and its authentic citizens.
Step Four: U.S. citizens are steadily disarmed, using deceptive tactics, before they realize what is really going on. This makes them totally vulnerable to what is coming next in that centuries-old Vatican/Jesuit war against the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States and its legitimate "Republican Form of Government" --- in its war against that "sanctuary" which was meant to protect authentic Protestants and Bible-believing Christians in their worship of God, as they see fit.
Step Five: The swarms of illegal aliens help the Vatican and Jesuits to perpetrate the Reconquista of the vulnerable United States. The Reconquista movement steadily helps to bring the United States under total Vatican and Jesuit control. As a result, U.S. citizens lose their God-given, unalienable rights more and more, and are eventually totally enslaved. Ultimately, the authentic United States no longer exists and then the brutal "ethnic cleansing" or religious cleansing begins.
It appears that there is more to the story about how the Vatican/Jesuit organization has been steadily gaining more and more control over the government and military of the United States. It appears to be more involved than just using people that are members of their various secret societies. It appears that they may use members of their secret societies to influence and gain even further control over others who are not direct members of these secret societies. So, hypothetically, how do you go about getting control over others? Hypothetically, how do you rather quickly get control over others before they realize what is even happening to them?
Well, hypothetically, there are a few ways that a politician or other person could potentially be gotten control of by someone from a questionable organization. Let us quickly look at how just one person quickly gained power or control over people. A page, linked here, speaks about a Roman Catholic priest called Father Gassner. It appears this man "holds the record for inducing the hypnotic state in the shortest possible time - seven seconds." And that is not putting just one person into a deep hypnotic trance in seven seconds. This man apparently put his whole congregation "into a deep somnambulistic trance," in just those seven seconds.
Well, it appears you really have to hand it to those Catholic priests. It appears they really know how to take control of people quickly, when they want to. It is almost like they have it down to a science. It must take a lot of practice, over years, to do things like this. And then there is their group called the CIA, which has sometimes been nicknamed Catholics In Action, because of all the Catholics involved with the rather secretive organization. The Jesuit affiliated CIA worked for years with hypnosis and mind control, as it "experimented" with ways to make unsuspecting citizens into things similar to robotic assassins and other like things. This is presented in more detail, further down in this discussion (link).
Now, let us get back a little more on track. Hypothetically, how could politicians and others be brought under the control of members of a certain organization --- an organization which appears to have had a centuries-old desire to destroy your authentic government, the Constitutional Republic of the United States? And, is there a chance that this organization could have a lot of control over people? Well, let us look back a few hundred years in history at one potential example, to see if there may be any connection to the matter at hand.
There was a man who was a Jesuit General, or Black Pope, and the following is written about him in the fourth paragraph of a page linked here: "In 1720, Michael Angelo Tamburini, then General of the Jesuits, said to the Duke of Brancas, 'See, my lord, from this room -- from this room I govern not only Paris, but China: not only China, but the whole world, without any one knowing how 'tis managed.'"
One source for the above quote attributed to Tamburini is an old book from 1848, which is titled History of the Jesuits, Volume 1, by Andrew Steinmetz. A copy of the book may be accessed here. Scroll down to the bottom of PDF page 180 of 523, and the top of PDF page 181 of 523, which are actual book pages 168-169, to see the words quoted above.
But, again, how could they hypothetically get control of politicians and other important or useful people, and virtually "rule the world?" Well, the proper setting may be somewhere "out of the office" and in a social setting, yes, where people are milling around, with drinks in hand. Possibly some "substance" ends up in someone's drink or food and they are then placed in a more "receptive" state of mind for a hypnotic induction technique to be used. Then, given post-hypnotic suggestions, with amnesia, things may be set for further use, to do those things which "need to be done," like vote this way or that way. But, there are other ways to accomplish similar things.
Let us take the social situation noted above. Now, the "target" is plied with excessive drinks and is getting very jovial. Now they are led into a compromising situation. There are witnesses and pictures are taken. When the "target" is out of their jovial or drunken state, they are shown the pictures. Oops! Well, possibly they may now be "encouraged" to vote a certain way or do a certain deed, which may get them even further entrenched to do even "greater deeds" for the "organization." Now, is there any chance that Michael Angelo Tamburini, back in 1720, could have been doing any of these types of things to gain control over people, in order to govern the world?
Anyway, thinking persons should possibly be able to figure the rest out from here. There is also a page, linked here, which provides further information on things along this line. There is a chance that some of this information may help certain people to formulate a potentially realistic, hypothetical situation. If things don't seem to be working like they possibly should in government, maybe there is a reason for it. The rest is now up to the Reader to think about.
It is now time to look at some rather interesting situations, in light of that which has been discussed in the preceding section. These situations involve two different U.S. Presidents. Let us start with the first to be considered. The 28th President of the United States, from 1913 to 1921, was Woodrow Wilson. There was a very unusual situation surrounding this president. There way a guy called Colonel House, whose actual name was Edward Mandell House. This Mr. House seemed to have a lot of control over President Wilson.
According to President Woodrow Wilson, Edward House was his "alter ego." (link) Wilson also declared: "Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one." To the writer, after years of research, it almost sounds like President Wilson may have been placed into a hypnotic state by someone. Yes, it appears that those destined to be Presidents may have to be careful about who they associate with.
It appears there could be more to the story about "Colonel" Edward Mandell House --- this man who seemed to have almost a hypnotic control over President Wilson. It is claimed by some sources that this puzzling and mysterious Edward Mandell House was a Jesuit. (1)(2)(3)(4 - see PDF page 11 of 15)(5)(6 - see PDF page 4 of 21) Yes, there may be more to how the Jesuit's Counter-Reformation (1)(2)(3) and the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order actually works, than most people realize.
Okay, let us look at one other situation. The last paragraph of a section further above (link) speaks about former president, George W. Bush. Now, Mr. Bush had his time with the pope. That last paragraph includes a link to a page in which Mr. Bush claims that he "sees 'God' in the Pope's eyes." And then Mr. Bush had his "Crusade" in Iraq. Again, Bush sees "God" in the pope's eyes and then goes on a "Crusade." Is there a chance that the pope had something different than a "heavenly" power over President Bush? And, in the end, people were saying that the supposedly Protestant Mr. Bush is more Catholic than Kennedy (link).
There is something important to once again note. The Roman Catholic who became President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, appears to have had a sort of "awakening" in the early 1960s. He spoke openly about and against secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings, plus "a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" and the plot to enslave U.S. citizens, before they savagely assassinated him in November of 1963. So, let us look further at the conspiracy occurring within the United States, which it appears the President was seeing. Let us look at what domestic enemies of genuine liberty of conscience (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and of the U.S. Constitution appear to be doing.
It is time to consider part of the purpose for illegal aliens, criminal aliens and enemy aliens, in the United States. The following words are found in the historic Oaths (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7) said to be taken by the embedded foreign agents of the Vatican, who are in positions of power and influence in the United States. They declare: "That I will not deal with or employ a Protestant if [it is] in my power to deal with or employ a Catholic." And, the Catholic-bred illegal aliens gives these agents of the Vatican in the United States a large labor pool to draw from, so they can avoid dealing with or employing a Protestant.
So, now you may better understand why so many Catholic-raised illegal aliens are illegally getting the jobs and even government positions within the United States, as shown in the pages linked below. As these Catholic-bred illegal aliens are getting the jobs and even government positions, there are many potentially qualified, legitimate U.S. citizens who are out of work or even homeless on the streets. Yes, we should definitely be asking a question. What is going on here?
Let us now get more "on track" with our discussion. While the agents and pawns of the Jesuits work to corrupt and overthrow Protestant and non-Catholic countries and bring them under the rule of Rome, historically, they have raised up persecution of Protestants and others who will not go along with their schemes of corruption. And, in countries which are already Catholic-controlled, those who become Protestants can experience hurtful persecution, as noted in the pages linked below. Is this what we have to look forward to in the United States, especially when Reconquista gets into "high gear" and the "ethnic cleansing" becomes widespread?
The writer has been looking at California and the Reconquista movement, which appears to be perpetrated by those from south of the border. But, it is becoming clear that there is much more to the story than simply this. Remember that the pope from the Vatican went to the southern border when he was here in 2016. He urged the illegal aliens onward in their illegal invasion of the United States. Now, let us see how this whole "conspiracy" works, especially with the embedded Vatican agents which are already in government positions in the United States and the States thereof, which are treasonously selling out authentic U.S. citizens for the Vatican.
Now, California is continually cranking up the taxes on authentic U.S. citizens within its borders, while continually placing many restrictions upon them. On the other hand, a whole lot of the money from these exorbitant taxes on U.S. citizens is transferred to the illegal and criminal aliens, through all the government freebies and other benefits which they get. That whole part of the scheme, via the tax system, is simply an illegal transfer of money, by the Vatican agents embedded in government, from authentic U.S. citizens to Catholic-bred illegal and criminal aliens from invading Catholic countries located south of the border. But, there is more to the story.
The rising, high taxes and other problems in California has now caused a tsunami of authentic U.S. citizens to leave California and move to other states, one popular destination being Texas. This results in the percentage of the population in California made up of aliens from south of the border to progressively keep increasing. This appears to all be part of the pre-planned Reconquista invasion, perpetrated for the benefit of Rome, which is aided and abetted by treasonous Vatican agents which are already embedded in government. After the authentic U.S. citizens are economically raped and driven out, the Catholics will simply take over California, yes, for the Vatican.
But, things do not stop with California. The "heat" is being "turned up" all over the United States. Authentic U.S. citizens are being squeezed more and more all the time, while the illegal and criminal aliens "ride the speeding gravy train." And then, the treasonous officials in government who are not honoring their Oaths of Office to the Constitution of the United States and to the authentic principles upon which it was founded, are working harder all the time to undermine and overthrow the U.S. Constitution. And, all this treasonous activity includes the hard push to disarm authentic U.S. citizens, so the Catholic invasion and takeover can progress much more smoothly.
In all of this, do not forget about those billions of rounds of ammunition, including hollow point ammunition, which is being stockpiled by the Jesuit-instigated Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies supposedly for "target practice" (turkey shoot?) and other questionable uses. Are you awake yet? Have you been taking things seriously? Have you been studying the proper history --- that particular history which helps guide you to a better understanding of what is really happening in the United States at this time, plus what appears to be coming in the times ahead? If not, then stop reading right now and just go back to sleep. Enjoy your future.
If you are a non-Catholic, and especially if you are an authentic Protestant or Bible-believing Christian, the writer hopes you are taking things seriously. Things are changing and they are changing fast. A lot of this change really got going at a much faster pace with "the puppet" and Vatican pawn, Obama. And there was a lot more to this change which he proclaimed than simply a black man in the White House.
Let us consider "the weapon of rising taxes" and "the weapon of the rising cost of living," and how those in support of the Reconquista movement are using these weapons. In the section above, it is noted how the rising taxes are used as a vehicle to transfer large amounts of money from the more-well-off to the illegal alien class and such like. In the process, the more-well-off, especially in the middle class, is becoming less and less well-off. Many of the former "middle class," especially those who are retired and which may now live on a fixed income, because of the high cost of living are now drifting toward becoming much less well-off. The squeeze is really being put on them.
In regards to the "money-transfer" tax system, there is one thing to note. It is often found that the rich and ultra-rich usually find ways of avoiding taxes much better than does the middle class. Yes, it appears the system is simply rigged that way. But, in the information linked below, it appears that there are even rich people who are fleeing the insanity of California.
Again, looking at the rich and ultra-rich, they usually find ways to "write things off," or they find some other loophole, so they can often be much less affected by the questionable "money-transfer" system. Now, let us look at how the weapons of rising taxes and rising cost of living are working to the benefit of the Reconquista movement, as it drives people out of California and into other states. Let us also, in the near future, consider the domino effect which all of this is having on these other states which receive Californians.
Because of the steadily increasing taxes and cost of living in California, once again, people are steadily moving out of that state. Yes, it appears that they are virtually fleeing for their lives from the out-of-control State of California and the craziness of the leftists and the Democratic "Fifth Column." And, the incoming illegal aliens simply step in to fill the void left by those authentic U.S. citizens who have departed.
As long as there are still the rich and ultra-rich in California to keep funding the State system, the illegal alien invaders, bent on Reconquista, will do just fine. As long as the State of California can vacuum in Federal dollars (your tax dollars), the illegal aliens and Reconquista will, again, do just fine in California. And, to show what is happening, a page linked here is titled 'La Raza's Growing Influence: Gaining clout and tax dollars in all branches of government." Check it out and become informed. But, there actually is much more to this story.
In the section further above titled 'La Raza, MEChA, and Reconquista,' (link) it is noted that La Raza, which is tied in with the Reconquista movement, "receives financial backing from some of America's largest banks and corporations." Numerous American institutions are listed which support La Raza and its activities. It looks like La Raza receives multiple-millions of dollars from these sources. So, the illegal aliens will do just fine in California, plus across the whole nation, as they work to conquer the United States for Mexico, plus for the pope and the Jesuits in Rome.
For additional information relating to La Raza and the Reconquista movement, plus supporters and where all this is leading, and even things which have been happening along the way, just click on the links below. There is one word of warning about the links below. The writer believes that it is important at this particular time to make room for various views and styles of presentation. Sometimes, even a presentation that many people might turn away from, can contain a "gold nugget" or two.
It is time to get back to considering the situation with the infamous mayor of Oakland, California --- the questionable Libby Schaaf. Because of her law school training, it appears there is a potential reason why the Jesuit educated Libby Schaaf is protecting Catholic-bred illegal aliens and criminal aliens in her city. Possibly she is simply being used as a "pawn" or "tool" in helping to prepare for something not good which is planned for the United States and its authentic citizens --- planned by members and agents of a foreign State.
It appears that the mayor of Oakland, California, Libby Schaaf, is actually aiding and abetting the ultimate overthrow of the legitimate United States of America and, once again, the end of its sovereignty, plus the ultimate end of many of its legitimate citizens. It also appears that she is at war with the authentic "Republican Form of Government" which has been mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. And in all of this, it appears to be rather clear that Libby Schaaf is wilfully in rebellion to, or at war with, the Constitution of the United States of America --- which is the Supreme Law of the Land.
So, regarding the blatant and open rebellion of Ms Schaaf, plus others like her, against the Constitution of the United States and the laws which have authentically been made in pursuance thereof, what does that great and reliable document, the U.S. Constitution, which is the Supreme Law of the Land, have to say further on this matter, besides any apparent treason which is happening?
Amendment 14, to the U.S. Constitution, in Section 3, declares: "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."(link)
What do we have to say to the words from the U.S. Constitution, which are noted in the section above? Really, what should we say to the words above?
Well, according to the clear words of the U.S. Constitution, which words even a mere child may be able to understand, it appears that Ms Schaaf is fighting against, or is in rebellion against, or is at war with, the U.S. Constitution and the authentic government of the United States. It also appears that she is giving aid or comfort to those who are enemies of the U.S. Constitution and who are steadily working to undermine it in its authentic intent, so they can ultimately overthrow it completely.
Since Ms Schaaf has taken an oath to support the U.S. Constitution, as she became an executive officer within the State of California, there is only one thing that can be said. From what the U.S. Constitution has so clearly declared, as noted above, it appears that she cannot legally "hold any office" within the United States or in any State, civil or military, any more. The same appears to be true for any Democrat or Socialist or Marxist or Nazi or anyone else who is not working to support and defend an authentic "Republican Form of Government," along with the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States.
So, it is time for a question. Legitimately, should President Donald Trump have Ms Schaaf arrested and should she be put in prison? Should the same happen to others like her, in government positions across the nation, who are not honoring their Oaths of Office to the U.S. Constitution?
Well, the truth of the matter is this. President Donald Trump also has taken an Oath of Office. He has sworn that he "will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Now, it appears that in order to honor his Oath of Office, President Trump needs to send in law officers or the military, so they can also, each and every one of them, honor their oaths of office, which oaths are along the line of that which follows:
"I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."(1)(2)(3) Note closely that the Oaths of Office speak of enemies, foreign AND domestic.
So, President Donald Trump, we, as legitimate citizens of the United States, are looking to you and asking that you will now truly honor YOUR Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United States. If you truly honor your Oath of Office to the Constitution of the United State, that will greatly help toward making America great again. But, there is more to this whole thing of honoring your Oath of Office.
Authentic U.S. citizens are asking that you will send to Oakland, California those who can then honor THEIR oaths of office, as they put an end to the rebellion against the Constitution of the United States and the Constitutional Republic of the United States, which does exist there, plus that which also exists elsewhere in leftist and Marxist, plus highly rebellious, State of California. Possibly members of the military can then honor their oaths of office even further, as they continue onward and put an end to rebellion against the Constitution in sanctuary cities across the nation. Only in that way can America truly ever become great again.
The U.S. Constitution was established many years ago, and, when it was more closely followed, it helped to make the United States a very great nation. Then there came those who worked to corrupt and undermine the true intent and purpose of the U.S. Constitution. These agents or pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization also worked to corrupt and undermine the great nation, the Constitutional Republic of the United States, which the Constitution had helped to establish.
Now, in our day, there are those misguided souls who claim that the Constitution of the United States has failed. The truth is, the U.S. Constitution has not failed at all. It is a very workable and a very good governing document, but only as long as it is not ignored or disregarded. And, the Constitution is still the Supreme Law of the Land, whether people like it or not. So, let us now consider the real truth of what has happened and is still happening.
It is only people in government positions, like in Oakland, California and other places like it, who are ignoring the U.S. Constitution and horribly violating their oaths of office to support and uphold the Constitution, that have truly failed us. These derelicts are the ones who have, in essence, become utter outlaws and enemies of, plus traitors to, the U.S. Constitution and the authentic United States, plus its legitimate citizens. These are the ones who appear to have wilfully failed in their true duty. Yes, they have horribly failed our country and its legitimate citizens, as it appears they treasonously work for a foreign-based entity or organization.
These types of people who are noted above have clearly, plus apparently wilfully, failed in their duty to support the U.S. Constitution, because it appears they have another agenda. It appears that many of them are members or associates of the secret societies which President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963.
It appears that these people who are members or associates of these secret societies have an illegal and criminal agenda, as they steadily work to undermine and utter "sell out" the United States, plus enslave its authentic citizens, for their masters in Rome. They are working to destroy the sovereignty of the United States, while they work to force it and its citizens into the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled New World Order. As the big picture is considered, that is a major part of the reason we are having so many serious problems in the United States.
In this discussion, in has been noted that the pope in the Vatican has been subtly working to disarm authentic U.S. citizens. The page linked below speaks of a Justice for the U.S. Supreme Court who believes that "judges should be bound by their religious faith, not the law." The page speaks about this Justice who believes that "judges can and should put their personal beliefs ahead of the law and Constitution when carrying out their duties." And, what does the pope want this Justice to do, along with all the other Catholic Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, when it comes to disarming U.S. citizens? By the way, most of the Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are Catholics.
The first page linked below declares that "it's notable that court has gone from all-Protestant origins to now mostly-Catholic, with one third of the bench Jewish." And, when looking at history, it seems like the Catholics have often found some way or another to keep the Jews at bay or hold sway over them. Possibly that may be part of what we are dealing with in the judiciary system. And, it appears that none of it truly works in favor of Protestants, as we have rather clearly seen in recent times. Concerning Justice Neil Gorsuch, who is noted in the pages linked below, he was raised a Roman Catholic and was educated by Jesuits (1)(2)(3).
At this point, there may be one thing to note when considering Justice Neil Gorsuch. In the historic Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction, as recorded (1)(2)(3), they basically tell their people to play the part of a chameleon. They are told that among Protestants, "generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope...that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope." Knowing this, it really is hard to know who someone actually is and whose side they are truly on, or what they really stand for.
It is now time to begin looking at what the judiciary has been doing in the United States, especially when it comes to issues in which the Catholic Church is very involved. Since the Catholic Church is in favor of illegal immigration, in the pages linked below, note that Federal judges, apparently against the U.S. Constitution and established immigration law, plus possibly in violation of their Oath of Office, have declared that the Trump administration "must accept new DACA applications."
It appears that these judges may be working to further the Vatican/Jesuit cause, plus the illegal invasion and Reconquista movement, along with the ultimate takeover of the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States, for the Vatican/Jesuit organization. And then, along with Reconquista, it appears that there is supposed to be ethnic cleansing of non-Hispanics which follows in the days ahead.
It appears that certain U.S. judges are "doing their best" to aid and abet the illegal invasion of the United States by Catholic-bred invaders from Catholic countries south of the border. It appears that these particular judges are working to undermine and destroy that "sanctuary" which was created here in the United States for those who escaped from European countries in order to get out from under the despotism of Vatican/Jesuit rule.
It also appears that certain judges are twisting what is really supposed to be in the United States, while it appears they are un-Constitutionally working to disarm authentic U.S. citizens. It appears they are working to disarm authentic U.S. citizens in order to facilitate the Reconquista movement and the ethnic cleansing which follows. Why is this being allowed to happen in the United States? Who are they really working for?
So, what is a "Red Mass?" What is it all about? How does it relate to the things which have been presented in this discussion? Well, the Wikipedia entry linked below declares: "A Red Mass is a Mass celebrated annually in the Catholic Church for judges, lawyers, law school professors, law students, and government officials. The Mass requests guidance from the Holy Spirit for all who seek justice, and offers the opportunity to reflect on what Catholics believe is the God-given power and responsibility of all in the legal profession." Sounds "innocent" enough, but is it?
The pages linked below provide futher information on the Red Mass, which is performed in the Catholic Church. From what is noted within the information linked below, it appears that the Roman Catholic Church has undue influence over the judicial system and the government of the United States. From the information presented below, it appears that the writer is not the only one with concerns in this area.
The fifth page linked below, on the History of the Red Mass, declares: "The Red Mass also has been traditionally identified with opening of the Sacred Roman Rota, the supreme judicial body of the Catholic Church." So, according to the Roman Catholics, the Red Mass "has been traditionally identified with opening of the Sacred Roman Rota, the supreme judicial body of the Catholic Church." It does appear that the Vatican organization has too much influence and control over things in the United States. It does appear that they are doing their best to influence officials and hijack the country. Or, have they already done it?
Yes, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization is doing everything it can to increase its undue influence on officials and judicial officers of the United States, plus on those of the various States (1). This is especially true when it comes to the issue of allowing illegal and criminal aliens to swarm into the United States, plus then allowing them to illegally vote and alter the very "fabric" and nature of our country.
It appears that this undue influence is also true regarding the issue of illegally and un-Constitutionally disarming authentic U.S. citizens (1), apparently in preparation of the coming and potentially bloody Reconquista of the United States. It appears that this Reconquista is being planned for the benefit of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, to help bring in their New World Order, with the pope at the head. And, once again, this New World Order is simply the old Holy Roman Empire with a new label which can more easily fool the unlearned. This New World Order includes the destruction of the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of its authentic citizens.
Yes, President John F. Kennedy saw what was going on and DID speak about that "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy," plus the plot to enslave each and every U.S. citizen, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963. And, it appears that Kennedy's brother, Robert, knew to much about the conspiracy and plot, for it appears that he was assassinated by their pawn about 5 years later, in June of 1968, while he was running of the presidency of the United States (link).
The pages linked below present some information about the Roman Catholic "Blue Mass." This is just some preliminary and introductory information about the "Blue Mass." After this short introduction, it is then time to consider things further when it comes to the "Blue Mass" and where this might all be leading. Now, for those introductory sources.
The page linked below indicates that members of the Knights of Columbus (K of C) who are in the police force will be used for the "coming Vatican inquisition in the United States." Would they really do this in the United States? Concerning members of the Knights of Columbus, the page states that "They are fraternally pledged to the ideal of bringing America under papal rule," and "they are committed to make America Catholic." Could there be anything to what this page is stating?
The linked page declares that "the Catholic Church/Vatican have proven themselves to be the entity behind fascism. And the K of C are considered the right arm of the Catholic Church in America. Therefore the K of C is the right arm of fascism in America and we can see this by the actions of the police force."
As noted above, "the Catholic Church/Vatican have proven themselves to be the entity behind fascism." With a diligent search through past history, we find that the Catholic Church, the Vatican, and the Jesuits, plus those secret societies which the control, have commonly been behind fascist governments. They were behind the murderous Ustasha in Croatia, plus they were behind the brutally exterminating Nazis in Germany, during the World War Two era.
From a diligent search of history, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization was also behind the other Axis allies of the World War Two era. And, looking further, they have generally been behind fascist governments, even in our day. The writer can only say, "Seriously read history and become educated on this truth about the Vatican/Jesuit organization and what they support."
Considering the information presented in the page linked above, there may be something to think about. When things really start happening in the United States --- when the Vatican/Jesuit organization "fully springs their trap" in the United States --- could "those in blue" be used within this country as "those in blue" were used in Catholic Croatia during the World War Two era? Could "those in blue" be used to confiscate the material possessions of and slaughter authentic Christians or anyone else who does not bow to the Vatican/Jesuit New Word Order?
The video and page linked below present additional information about the Roman Catholic "Blue Mass." It truly does appear that the Vatican/Jesuit foreign government has been gaining too much control within the United States, via the numerous members of their many "Knights" organizations (1)(2) and their secret societies.
Remember once again that President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against what these secret societies were doing and planning, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963. Kennedy spoke about a "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy." He also spoke about a diabolic plot to enslave authentic citizens of the real United States.
The pages linked below show various areas where the Vatican/Jesuit foreign government is steadily and subtly working to gain more and more influence and control within the United States.
As noted earlier in this discussion, the foreign government of the Roman-based organization has been successful at infiltrating, attacking and working to gain dominate or despotic control of things in the United States because it is operating under the facade or guise of a church (link).
Since it appears that the steady-hard-push for the final takeover of the United States is now in full operation, when looking at the "blue" side of things, we now see more people being shot and brutalized by police. Possibly this is occurring via members or associates of those Jesuit-controlled secret societies. Now it is time for a few serious questions.
Is there any chance that the killings by "those in Blue," which we have been commonly seeing in more recent times, is preparing things for the "final thrust" on the United States by the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization?
Are we now seeing "the lead-in" to things which may eventually resemble the Crusades and Inquistions? Are we now seeing "the lead-in" to things like the brutality and mass-murder which occurred even using the police in places like Catholic Croatia and Nazi Germany, during the World War Two era? Are we now seeing "the lead-in" to similar things which have happened in other places, virtually throughout the history of the Vatican/Jesuit organization?
At this point, we must consider the anarchist and outlaw nature of the sanctuary city and sanctuary State movements. We must also consider the anarchist and outlaw nature of those who are going contrary to the intents of the Constitution of the United States, plus the intent of those legitimate immigration laws which have authentically been "made in pursuance thereof." We must also consider the anarchist and outlaw nature of these people who are supporting or active in the illegal immigration movement, which especially holds true for the Roman Catholic Church and those associated with it.
Let us now look to the very clear words of Louis D. Brandeis. Now, for a little information about this man. Louis D. Brandis was "an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States from 1916 to 1939." So, let us see what this man had to say. As found in the pages linked below, Justice Brandeis declared:
"Decency, security, and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy."
As the mayor of Oakland, California, the said Libby Schaaf, along with all the other officials of the so-called sanctuary cities, counties and States within the United States are considered, one thing becomes very clear. It definitely appears that these government officials have blatantly failed to scrupulously observe the law.
Yes, it is apparent that these government officials have, even intentionally and willingly, become very blatant and brazen lawbreakers and anarchists. It does appear that they are obvious breakers of the Supreme Law of the Land, plus are breakers of legitimate immigration laws. But, there is more to consider in this matter.
These ones who appear to be brazenly outlaw government officials are not only anarchists themselves, but it strongly appears that they are breeders of anarchy in the United States. It appears that they are working together with others (conspiracy) to undermine and overthrow the Constitution of the United States and the legitimate U.S. government. Yes, it appears that they are steadily working to undermine and overthrow the Constitutional Republic of the United States and its authentic "Republican Form of Government," for a foreign State. So, what needs to be done?
What is claimed in the first page linked below would be a good starting point. Yes, sanctuary city officials should be arrested. And, the civil rights groups and officials in California and elsewhere who are twisting and corrupting the true intent of the Constitution and Federal laws, and who are pushing against the potential for these arrests, should all be rounded up as domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution and enemies of the laws which have authentically been made "in pursuance thereof."
It is time for members of Congress to quit wasting time and money, while playing games with the public. It is time for them to cut the BS and actually get in there and honor their Oaths of Office to the Constitution of the United States. It is about time for them to actually do their true duty for the authentic citizens of the United States. It is time for them to do more that just vain talking. Yes, it is time to get in there and do the job that is supposed to be done. That means actively going after those domestic enemies who are at war with the Constitution of the United States and the legitimate laws which have been made in pursuance thereof.
It is truly time to thoroughly "drain the massive swamp" It is time to utterly clean house in all areas of government! It is time to completely rid ourselves and our country of the enemies of the U.S. Constitution, and those who are traitors to the authentic citizens of the United States. It is time to forever eliminate from among us those who have been conspiring together to confound, bind and enslave authentic U.S. citizens, while they work to strip authentic citizens of their God-given, unalienable rights.
So, President Trump, once again, it is time to say a few words. Because such blatant and brazen rebellion against the U.S. Constitution and the laws created in authentic "pursuance thereof" exists in at least the State of California, plus elsewhere in the United States, possibly it is time to truly honor your Oath of Office and deal with those who are at war with the United States and with the U.S. Constitution. And, truly, it appears to be time to deal with those many domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution.
Looking further, possibly it it time for Congress to truly honor their Oaths of Office to the U.S. Constitution, and do that which is stated in said Constitution, in Article 1, Section 8.
According to the noted portion of the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the power "To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions."(link) According to the preceding link, "The act of February 28, 1795, which delegated to the President the power to call out the militia, was held constitutional."
Looking further, a page linked here declares that "statutory exceptions include the legislation that allows the President to use military force to suppress insurrection or to enforce federal authority, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331-335."
A document linked here, on PDF page 2 of 26, speaks about Title 10, United States Code (USC), sections 332, 333, and 334. It declares the following in footnote 2, regarding section 332:
"Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State or Territory by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion." This information, plus related material, is also found within the following links: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5).
Note very clearly what is being declared in the paragraph above. The first word in the paragraph is "whenever." That means, "anytime" the President considers (yes, simply when the President considers) that the laws of the United States cannot be properly enforced through judicial proceedings, he may call in the militia of ANY State. But things can go further than that. The President can call in the armed forces to help enforce Federal law, "or to suppress the rebellion."
By the wording of Title 10, USC, section 332, if the President sees that the courts or judges get in the way of, or obstruct the enforcement of "the laws of the United States in any State or Territory," the President has the authority to simply ignore the obstructionist courts or judges and simply call in the troops "to suppress the rebellion." In other words, the President is supposed to just get in there and get the job done, when it comes to enforcing the U.S. Constitution and legitimate Federal laws...the obstructionist courts and justices be damned.
Now, let us consider, once again, what has been happening on the socialistic and communistic Left Coast. A Federal judge in the treasonous State of California has declared that President Trump cannot cut off Federal funding to sanctuary cities in California, as noted in the pages linked below. Let us consider this situation a bit further.
According to the wording of Title 10, USC, section 332, it appears that President Trump can disregard the ruling of this errant Federal judge and cut off Federal funding to California, while bringing in the troops as necessary to quell any rebellion. Possibly Trump should also have the Federal judge arrested for violating their oath of office to the U.S. Constitution, while it appears this Federal judge is conspiring with the State of California to treasonously aid and abet the invasion of Catholic-bred illegal, criminal, and enemy aliens --- as they prepare for the Reconquista of the United States, plus the brutal "ethnic cleansing" which follows.
There is a lot to consider about the actions of this Federal judge in California. In all of this, it appears that this Federal judge in California is helping illegal and criminal aliens to economically rape and steal from U.S. taxpayers all across the whole United States. It also appears that this Federal judge is aiding and abetting the killing and murder of authentic U.S. citizens, because of all the killings which illegal and criminal aliens are doing across the United States. The acts of this Federal judge in California are beginning to "smell" a bit like treason.
The document linked here and above, on PDF page 2 of 26, regarding Title 10, United States Code, section 333, declares: "The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it...opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws."
Look at the preceding paragraph again. To put an end to insurrection or conspiracy, the President can use "the militia or the armed forces, or both." And, the President may use "any other means" which "he considers necessary to suppress...any insurrection...or conspiracy..." In the case of California, the President could, once again, cut off all Federal funds to the State of California, until that rebellious State comes into full compliance with Federal law, especially in the case of immigration.
Looking at the wording of the information presented above, the President could send in the troops and put Oakland under martial law. This martial law could exist until an end is put to the rebellion against the Constitution of the United States and the laws made in pursuance thereof. And, once again, since the State government of California wants to fight against legitimate Federal laws and the U.S. Constitution, the whole State could be put under strict martial law, while an end is put to their blatant rebellion.
Considering the wording used above, the President "shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection...or conspiracy." In accordance to things which are stated in the U.S. Constitution, if the officials in the State of California persist in their war against the U.S. Constitution and legitimate Federal laws, these officials could potentially stand trial for treason, plus possibly even be executed. So, President Trump, we believe it is time for you to firmly and boldly "take the bull by the horns" and do your full and legitimate duty to the U.S. Constitution.
Considering the information presented herein, possibly it is time for the President and the full Congress to actually honor their Oaths of Office and do the job they are supposed to be doing. Possibly they should send in the troops and put an end to this rebellion and war against the Constitution of the United States, plus against the laws which have authentically been made "in pursuance thereof." This rebellion is blatantly happening in Oakland, California and throughout that State, plus virtually throughout the whole United States. It is also time to put an end to this illegal invasion of the United States by foreigners, which appears to be instigated by and for the Vatican City-State.
If at least one or more mayor, governor, official or supporter of this illegal and un-Constitutional activity must hang for treason in order to begin the recovery process and preserve the authentic Constitutional Republic of the United States and its "Republican Form of Government," which is mandated and guaranteed "to every State in this Union" by the U.S. Constitution, that is a small price to pay. If other government officials must pay the due price for their war against the legitimate United States and its Constitution, plus against its authentic citizens, that is something which must also be considered.
In all of this, it is time for each and every U.S. citizen to rise up and do whatever it takes to actually start honoring their Oaths of Office to the U.S. Constitution. It is time for each and every authentic U.S. citizen to do what needs to be done in order to put this country fully on the road to recovery, so we can truly "Make America Great Again" in that manner meant for it by its wise Founding Fathers. It is time to begin restoring the broken down Constitutional Republic of the United States and its authentic "Republican Form of Government " --- that government which, once again, is clearly mandated and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.
It is time for all genuine U.S. citizens --- which are those who love the authentic United States and what it is supposed to be about --- to stand up and applaud the State of Texas and its governor, Greg Abbott. In recent times, it appears that Texas began to work at doing what is right --- that which is right according to the U.S. Constitution and the laws which have authentically been made "in pursuance thereof." The State of Texas began to ban the unconstitutional and illegal sanctuary cities, plus the criminals which they contain, as noted in the pages linked below.
In the articles linked below, there is one thing which we should note. Observe how the leftist "wet handkerchief" crowd would like us to feel sorry for the criminals who are illegally in our country, rather than feeling sorry that the United States and its Constitution are being violated and destroyed --- yes, being destroyed for the furtherance of the goals of a foreign power. The leftists are also not feeling sorry that authentic U.S. citizens all across the nation are being economically raped and enslaved by the illegal and criminal aliens, as the Catholic-bred illegal aliens are being aided and abetted by agents and pawns of the Vatican, which are in government positions.
In all reality, these leftist members of the "wet handkerchief" crowd would fall under the category of domestic enemies of the authentic United States and its Constitution. They are also enemies of what this nation is truly supposed to be about. The same would hold true for those who are Vatican agents which are embedded in government and military positions.
In all of this, there is something very important to note. Look closely at the pages linked below. Note how the media leftists twist and corrupt the truth about how things are really supposed to be in the United States, as they appear to be treasonously working for a foreign State --- the Vatican City State --- with its Jesuits, and their goal for taking over the United States and enslaving authentic U.S. citizens, especially all authentic Protestants and Bible-believing Christians.
Remember President John F. Kennedy, who was a Catholic, as it appears he began to be "enlightened" and have a change of heart clear back in the early 1960s. He began to speak about the "plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." He spoke about "a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy." And then, because their plot and conspiracy was starting to be exposed, they BLEW KENNEDY AWAY. Yes, Kennedy was a martyr for liberty! He was a martyr for all authentic U.S. citizens. And, it appears the plot of the conspirators just continues. But, it appears that Texas is now working to do their patriotic duty to the U.S. Constitution, as noted in the pages linked below.
It is time to consider this matter further. As noted in some of the pages linked above, the law in Texas "threatens officials with jail time for not cooperating with federal immigration authorities." And that is the way it should be, for if they are not operating in accordance with those things established by the U.S. Constitution, they are violating their Oaths of Office. Furthermore, they are ripping off taxpayers, via their salaries and other perks, while not providing the service which they are meant to provide. So, if they are wilfully neglecting their duty and are not standing up for the Constitution, they are utterly against it or at war with it. There is no middle ground here. And yes, if they are at war against the U.S. Constitution, it appears they should be guilty of treason and should go to jail.
There is something which the writer has noted. As Texas began to pass and uphold laws to ban sanctuary cities, the bombings began. The bombings are noted in the pages linked below. Are these bombings just a coincidence, or, is there an actual link to criminal aliens or their treasonous allies --- which could even be white allies associated with secret societies or organizations? Let it be noted that there was a good reason why Federal immigration laws were put in place. These laws are meant to help protect authentic citizens of the United States.
At this point (3/21/2018), there appears to be a suspect in the Texas bombings. The suspect, Mark Conditt, appears to have lived in Pflugerville, Texas with roommates. A page linked here notes that Conditt had attended Austin Community College and had majored in business administration. For some reason, Conditt "did not graduate," but "left in good academic standing." Why was there this major and somewhat puzzling change in the life of Conditt?
From what is indicated in pages at the following links --- (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) --- it appears that the house in which Conditt lived with roommates was "a weird house with a lot of people coming and going." The house was also "a bit rundown." So, it is time for some logical questions.
Who were all these many people which were "coming and going" at the "weird house" at which Mark Conditt apparently lived with roommates? What negative influences may one or more of these many "coming and going" people have had upon Mr. Conditt?
Is there any chance that the alleged bombings by Mark Conditt were actually instigated by another party, a group or an organization? Had any unethical "programming," such as that noted in the largest patch of links in the section below, been done to Mark Conditt? Could this same type of unethical or criminal "programming" have been done to other mass shooters, bombers or assassins around the United States, in more recent times?
In January of 2017, there was a lot of commotion because President Donald Trump compared the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to the Nazis in Germany, as noted in the pages linked below. But, could there be more to the CIA/Nazi connection in real life than most people realize, especially most U.S. citizens? After looking through the links immediately below, then hang on and get ready for a ride through history. By the time this ride is done, you might appreciate President Trump and his CIA statement just a bit more.
The pages accessed via links in the section further below, which is titled "Catholics In Action" (CIA) --- Mind Control and Assassins(link), present some history which many U.S. citizens know nothing about. It should be noted that this type of activity --- this unethical, drug, trauma and hypnotically induced, mind control activity and hypnotic creation of "robotic" assassins --- within the United States really got going after the World War Two era. It should also be noted that all this type of activity began at a high rate after numerous Nazis and war criminals were illegally integrated into the CIA, the U.S. military and other government agencies. This questionable activity in the United States appears to just be an extension of that which had been going on in Nazi Germany, during the World War Two era.
For those not familiar with the fact that numerous Nazis and war criminals (around 1,600 or possibly even many more --- we will never know the full truth here) were illegally integrated into the CIA and other key government agencies in the closing years of World War Two and for many years thereafter, there are a couple of books which can help "bring you up to speed" in this area. One book which "lays a good foundation" is titled 'Project Paperclip: German Scientists and the Cold War,' by Clarence G. Lasby (1)(2). Another very informative and well-researched book is titled 'Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990,' by Linda Hunt (1)(2)(3). There are also other books on this subject which are available.
There is something very important, which is found in the book noted above by Clarence G. Lasby, regarding all the Nazis and war criminals which were illegally brought into the United States by certain members of the military and intelligence agencies. In Chapter 6 is found the following words: "Since the United States had not signed a peace treaty with Germany, the scientists were still legally classified as enemy aliens." So, in total violation of U.S. laws, members of the military and intelligence agencies basically "went rogue" and brought enemy aliens into the United States and integrated them into key positions in government, the military, and other key agencies and organizations.
These Nazis and war criminals were not illegally integrated into just the CIA and U.S. military, plus other Federal agencies. Chapter 6 of the Lasby book declares: "By 1949 the [Commerce] department had placed [Nazi] specialists at three educational institutions -- Cornell University, Pennsylvania State University, and North Carolina State College; and at numerous companies -- R.C.A., Bausch & Lomb, AVCO Manufacturing, Graflex, Heintz Manufacturing, Hydrocarbon Research, North American Aviation, Blaw-Knox, Prym Manufacturing, and Dow Chemical." But, there is more to this story.
Chapter 7 of the Lasby book declares: "Nineteen fifty-two [1952] was a year when such confidence and optimism were rife among the veteran Paperclip scientists. The McCarran-Walter Act had virtually assured their citizenship, and thereby freed them to seek new opportunities. Throughout the decade they dispersed to such universities as Yale, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Oregon State, Minnesota, M.I.T., Louisville, Kansas, Washington, Chicago, and Ohio State. And they entered the corporations -- Boeing, AVCO, Lockheed, Dow Chemical, Raytheon, Convair, General Electric, Bell, Northrop, RAND, Math & Metrik, Curtiss-Wright, Dresser Dynamics, Ramo-Wooldridge, Martin, Westinghouse, R.C.A., and Fairchild -- frequently in executive positions."
The Lasby book, in Chapter 7, states further about these Nazis and war criminals: "Conditions were also better for those who remained in military employment. The Joint Chiefs of Staff arranged their transfer to Civil Service status, and the comparatively massive infusion of research and development funds opened new projects."
Yes, it appears that the many Vatican/Jesuit-controlled agents and pawns in the CIA, in the military, and in other government agencies, plus in those many Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies, were wanting to make their Nazi and "holy warrior brothers" feel right at home...the authentic U.S. citizens and the Constitutitional Republic of the United States be damned. They were going to do what they wanted, no matter what anyone said, as they worked to further the goals of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its ongoing war against the authentic United States and its citizens --- especially against the Protestants.
As noted elsewhere in this discussion, the Vatican/Jesuit organization was involved in helping get Nazi war criminals into the United States, for a reason. Furthermore, a number of the key people in government, the intelligence communities and the military, who were involved with bringing these "Vatican holy war" Nazis and war criminals into the United States, while embedding them into key positions, were, once again, members of those Jesuit controlled secret societies.
Again, lest we forget, it should be noted that President John F. Kennedy spoke about and against these secret societies and what they were doing to the United States and its citizens, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963.
Regarding the illegal Operation Paperclip and other similar operations, which resulted in the integration of Nazis and war criminals into the CIA (also known as Catholics In Action(1)(2), and even Catholic Intelligence Agency(1)(2), because of all the Catholics in key positions (1)(2)(3)(4)), plus integration into other key government agencies, there are a number of pages on the Internet which can start to enlighten citizens about this Operation.
Available information in the Internet, plus from other sources, can also help to educate citizens on what has happened to the United States, and how it was changed from the inside out --- yes, the very "fabric" of the nation what changed --- by those domestic enemies of the U.S. Constitution, who were also enemies of other important Federal laws. Just a small selection of the informative Internet pages are linked below.
So, there is something to clearly establish in our minds. Numerous ardent Nazis, even "holy warrior" Nazis and war criminals "enjoyed" that Concordat with the Vatican and appeared to be operating for the benefit of the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears that they were operating for the benefit of the Vatican/Jesuit organization in its hopes for world conquest and world domination. It appears that they were working for the revival of the expanded, more modern version of the old Holy Roman Empire, in a form which is now called the New World Order. It appears that they were being helped in these endevours by the secret society "brothers" in the CIA and U.S. military.
It appears that this highly illegal integration of ardent Nazis and war criminals into key positions in the United States, because of their un-American and "holy war" ideologies, did, once again, wrongly change the very "fabric" and nature of the United States, and not necessarily in a good way. After all these illegal things were done against the United States and its authentic citizens, by people who appear to have been associated with those many Jesuit-controlled secret societies, the country has never been the same since. Yes, the authentic United States was hijacked and converted into "a whole different animal."
Some may call this highly illegal activity "the Nazi transformation of the United States." Others may more accurately call it "the Vatican/Jesuit transformation." It appears that these illegal activities were just part of the ongoing, hundreds year old, Vatican/Jesuit war against the Constitutional Republic of the United States and its authentic citizens. This transformation was facilitated, once again, by those in government who appear to have been associated with those secret societies which President Kennedy spoke about and against, before he was assassinated.
Because of the Nazis' Concordat with the Vatican, this subtle, yet major transformation in the United States was basically the integration of Vatican/Jesuit "holy warriors" into key, influential positions in the government and military of the United States, plus in educational facilities. For those with an interest, you can read about a large portion of this criminal activity --- this illegal importing of Nazi "holy warriors" and enemy aliens into the United States --- in a well-researched book which is titled Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945-1990, by Linda Hunt. (1)(2)
As an introduction to this subject of Nazi integration into key and influential, controlling positions in the United States, check out the pages linked below. A thorough reading of the available information should reveal that there may be some important truth in the words which President Trump spoke, when he compared things in the CIA to the Nazis. Possibly things are this way in the CIA because there ARE Nazis and those who hold their ideologies, which are embedded within the CIA, even in controlling positions. Once again, the CIA has definitely acquired the nickname of "Catholics In Action."
The link below accesses an article from the February 23, 1984 issue of the New York Times. The article, titled Study Reported Shelved, appeared on page A-8 of that newspaper. The article speaks of a 1947 report by a State Department investigator named Vincent La Vista. According to the article, the report "said the Vatican had assisted in the escape of Nazis [and the investigator] may have unwittingly stumbled onto American intelligence operations that were making use of the very people he was investigating."
It appears that the 1947 report may have been somewhat like the proverbial "hot potato," for it was "ultimately shelved," without things being properly investigated. The report called the Vatican "the largest single organization involved in the illegal movement of emigrants." Well, how could that statement from 1947 fit into the illegal invasion of the United States today by Catholic-bred illegal immigrants from south of the border, apparently at the instigation of the Vatican, to further the "Reconquista" of the United States?
The article linked above states that "the Vatican had brought pressure on Latin American countries to take in Nazis and that 'the justification of the Vatican for its participation in this illegal traffic is simply propagation of the faith.'" Whoa! What is going on here? Helping Nazi war criminal escape justice is simply an act of propagating the faith? Faith in what? Faith in the propagation of the Vatican/Jesuit New World Order and its diabolic goals and brutal methods of operation? But, there is more to the linked article.
A "former member [named John Loftus] of the Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations dealing with war criminals, declared that 'he had no doubt that the La Vista report was shelved to preserve the secrecy of intelligence links.'" That appears to be the repeating history of that government agency which has acquired the nickname of "Catholics In Action." Looking further on these matters, Mr. Loftus stated that, "according to documents he had seen, American intelligence had gone to the Vatican for help in arranging the escape of Nazis working for the Americans."
Yes, look at that sentence above very closely. "American intelligence had gone to the Vatican for help in arranging the escape of Nazis working for the Americans." It does appear there is a real good reason why the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is also called "Catholics In Action." Looking a bit further, a page linked here shows another connection between the CIA and the Vatican, via the CIA's black money and its deposits of black money into the Vatican Bank. A close examination of available information could potentially lead a person to believe that the CIA is just another "arm" of the Vatican, in its ongoing war against the Constitutional Republic of the United States.
The pages linked via the buttons below indicate that the Vatican, along with the Red Cross, helped Nazi war criminals and their allies to escape justice at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials. It appears that the Vatican helped in providing false documentation and an escape route for these Nazi "holy warriors" so they could get to South America, and even to North America. Now, why would the Vatican have helped these murderous and diabolic Nazis to escape --- especially those which were into hideous human experimentation and diabolic human modification?
Now we know that if the Catholic Church were authentically Christian, it would be following the laws given by God to his true people. They would be following the law of that God who has declared: "For I am the LORD, I change not..." (link) It is also written about God "with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
Regarding murderers, this same God spoken about above has clearly declared that "the murderer shall surely be put to death." (link) The Bible also speaks of "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." (link) God's true ways do not change. So, who in the world was the Vatican and the Catholic Church following anyway, when they were helping diabolic mass murderers to escape justice? What God are they following (link)? And, why were they doing these vile things? Why did they make themselves a party to brutality and mass murder?
As we look for an answer to the above questions, let us remember that Adolph Hitler and the Nazis had a Concordat with the Vatican. With this Concordat, the Vatican basically legitimized the Nazis and became like a partner with them in the vile things which were being done. It appears that the Vatican was a willing accessory to the Holocaust. Why did they do this?
Our answer can possibly be found in the following words of the Spanish dictator, Francisco Franco, when after Hitler's death, he declared: "Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
Once again, it does appear that the Nazis were on a type of "holy war" for the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears that the Nazis were the "henchmen" who were performing a type of modern Inquisition and Crusade for the Vatican/Jesuit organization, as they brutally slaughtered people in cold blood. So, it appears that because the Nazis were doing the work of "the Church," these Nazi war criminals were rewarded with an escape from justice and given a new lease on life, so they could continue working on their diabolic projects for "the organization."
In the process of helping Nazi war criminals to escape to the United States and to obtain key positions in the CIA, the military, and in other agencies, it appears that the Vatican/Jesuit organization was positioning itself for the final takedown of the Constitutional Republic of the United States. These Nazis, along with their Knight of Malta cohorts in the U.S. government and military, plus those members of all the other Jesuit-controlled secret societies, could now all work together to undermine and overthrow the "Republican Form of Government" in the United States, plus enslave its citizens --- in preparation for bringing U.S. citizens into the despotic New World Order.
With their agents in place in the U.S. government, plus in the military and other agencies, now the Vatican/Jesuit organization just needed to build its strength and numbers in the United States. It appears that this is being done via the illegal alien invasion, along with the drug trafficking, from Catholic countries south of the U.S. border.
A page linked here and above declares: "With the blessing of US and British government officials, the Vatican helped some 60,000 war criminals escape to Argentina to seek refuge." And, from Argentina, the Nazi war criminals were often imported into the United States by questionable Vatican/Jesuit agents in U.S. government positions.
Argentina and other Nazi havens in South America were like a "reservoir" of Nazi "talent," from which questionable U.S. government officials could readily draw when desired. Bringing the Nazi war criminals into the United States from Argentina and other places south of the U.S. border also helped to hide the fact that these people were actually Nazis from Germany.
In the pages linked above, it is noted that the Red Cross, along with the Vatican, helped Nazi war criminals to escape justice. At this point, there is something important to note. The Red Cross is a Rockefeller organization (1)(2). The Rockefellers were generally into eugenics, as were the Nazis who had a Concordat with the Vatican. The Rockefellers, who control the Red Cross, even helped fund German eugenics programs (1)(2). So, it does not come as a surprise that the Vatican and the Red Cross worked together in helping Nazi war criminals to escape justice. It appears that a "cozy little group" of like-minded people were simply all working together.
The page linked below declares: "While Vatican City and its many extraterritorial buildings in Rome turned into the protective semi-official refuge for hundreds of war criminals, the USA's State Department became busy integrating many of them within its multi-varied branched subterranean machinery, operating outside official officialdom." Yes, they had "gone rogue" and were "operating outside official officialdom." They were "swimming in the deep, dark waters" of criminality and treason.
There may actually be more to this story of the Vatican involvement with the Nazis. The pages linked below speak about "a secret plot by ex-Nazis, the Vatican, Spain, and even some in the United States to form a post-World War II military force." The claim is made that the reason for wanting to raise up this Vatican Army was "to challenge Communist Russia's feared expansion into West Germany." Yes, the Vatican has been claiming to have a fear of Communism, but, as noted further above in this discussion (link), the Communism which we deal with in our world was created by the Jesuits in their Reductions in South America, and, these Jesuits are part of the Catholic/Vatican organization.
It appears that the people of this world are just being "played" by the Vatican/Jesuit organization. It appears that they have a history of raising up and manipulating entities to create two sides for a conflict or war. It appears that they do this in order to keep the countries in turmoil and fighting, so they are ultimately in a weakened state, rather than progressing in a positive direction. This weakened state and the turmoil of the countries makes them easier for the Vatican/Jesuit organization to keep control over them, as they set up their one-world government. In relation to this, let us now consider a part of the historic induction ceremony for the advancing Jesuit.
In the historic ceremony, it is said that the advancing Jesuit is told the following by their Superior: "You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means." (1)(2)(3)
The page linked below contains the following words: "The Vatican and their military arm, the 'Jesuits', have typically backed any
dictator which might further Papal ambitions of world domination." After some earlier papal setbacks in their program for world domination, the page states that "the Papacy has schemed and plotted to assert itself back into the seat of global authority and once again control the nations." And, as noted in the paragraph above regarding the historic induction ceremony for the advancing Jesuit, "the end justifies the means." It appears that virtually anything or any act, potentially no matter how diabolic, is "on the table," as long as "the Church might be the gainer in the end."
When speaking of the Jesuits, the page below declares: "They are the most divisive pack of ravening wolves who ever shadowed civilization: devoting their time to infiltrating Protestantism, overthrowing governments, assassinating rulers and playing off
one country against the other when it serves the interest of the Roman Catholic Church."
The truth of the preceding italicized words may be judged by that which is shown in the sections which now follow. At this time, one important thing needs to be noted. The Jesuits are not doing all those things noted in the preceding words by themselves. They manipulate and work through all those members of the many secret societies which they control in the United States, plus around the world. And, as already noted in this discussion, these members of the many secret societies which the Jesuit organization controls are embedded in key positions in the government and military of the United States, and it appears there is getting to be more of them all the time.
The Jesuits are like the "puppet masters" of all those secret societies, and they "pull the strings" so members of these secret societies will perform acts which will help further the cause of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and their desire for world domination and global authority. And, as noted further above, "the end justifies the means." Members of those Catholic and Jesuit controlled secret societies are said to simply do as they are told by those above them, as noted in the excerpt from the historic Oaths which now follows.
In their historic ceremony, the advancing member of the secret society is said to declare: "I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) No wonder President John F. Kennedy, who was a Roman Catholic who should have had some understanding of these organizations, spoke about and against secret societies and what they were doing, before they brutally assassinated him in November of 1963.
Once the Nazis and war criminals --- which included numerous enemy aliens --- were illegally integrated into U.S. agencies under programs like Operation Paperclip, it appears that the unethical experimentation on unsuspecting U.S. citizens "kicked into high gear." The CIA, which now had integrated an army of Nazis into its ranks, began to sent out agents into bus depots, train stations, subways and airports. These agents were carrying luggage in which were chemicals, drugs or biologicals which they then sprayed on the unsuspecting public. The military, which appeared to also include Nazis, was doing similar unethical "testing" on unsuspecting U.S. citizens.
After the time when Nazis were integrated into the CIA and military positions, things got a bit crazy. The pages linked below are just an introducton to some of these unethical and criminal things which the CIA and the military began doing to unsuspecting U.S. citizens, once the Nazis and war criminals were "on board." The pages speak of LSD which was sprayed in the New York City subway, or LSD gotten into people by other means, without their knowledge or consent. The pages also speak of bioweapons and other things used on unsuspecting citizens.